Ear Fluid and Newborn Hearing Screening: Patient Information On
Ear Fluid and Newborn Hearing Screening: Patient Information On
Ear Fluid and Newborn Hearing Screening: Patient Information On
How many babies who fail their Only a very small number of babies who fail will have permanent hearing loss;
newborn hearing screen will really overall, only about 2 or 3 of every 1,000 children in the United States are born
deaf or hard of hearing.
have hearing loss?
How common is middle ear fluid in Middle ear fluid is a very common cause of a failed newborn hearing screen
children who fail a hearing screen? and is found in about 6 out of every 10 children who fail. The fluid will often go
away on its own in the first few months of life, but if it does not, it may require
help from a doctor to remove it.
Can I assume that middle ear fluid No. The newborn hearing screen cannot determine the cause of hearing loss.
is the reason for the failed test? About 90% of the time, hearing loss goes away when the fluid does, but 10%
of children may still have a hearing loss that need further medical attention.
For this reason, it is very important to retest your child’s hearing after fluid is
If my child gets ear tubes, how For about 70% of children, hearing loss caused by fluid will go away right after
long will it take before the fluid’s the tubes are in place; however, for about 30% of children, it could take up to
several months before hearing improves. So if your child still has some hearing
effect on hearing goes away? loss after getting tubes, keep in mind that hearing could still improve over time.
Are some babies more likely to Middle ear fluid is more common in children with an abnormal roof of their
have problems with middle ear mouth (called “cleft palate”), those with atypical face shape or skull bones, or
with those who have certain inherited (genetic) problems.
fluid than others?
If my baby seems to hear normally, Parent assessment of child hearing is not always accurate, so it is important
can the tests be wrong? to have the child’s hearing professionally tested. Just because a baby reacts to
sounds does not mean the child has full range of hearing; a baby may hear cer-
tain sounds but not others. Only a professional hearing test that checks each
ear separately can accurately tell how your child hears.
surgery through education, researach, and lifelong learning. The organization’s vision: “Empowering otolaryn-
gology–head and neck surgeons to deliver the best patient care.”