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Plastic Part Design

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Plastic Part Design

Steven cheng


A reasonable and optimal molded part

structure design can not only simplify plastic
injection mold manufacture, reduce the cost
of the mold, but also to simplify its molding
process to improve the good quality rate of
Before the design of plastic parts, a designer
should learn about the function,
environmental conditions and loading
conditions (including dynamic and static
load), understand relations between
different parts and the effect of the
assembly. Plastic parts function should be It should be noted that materials with poor
accurate and as detailed as possible, the elongation qualities are highly susceptible to
more comprehensive the plastic parts cracking under external and internal forces-
design are, the better the design of the for instance, a boss where a screen expands
plastic parts can meet the requirements. its outer diameter during assembly.
It is also necessary to specify radii on
⚫ Radii exterior corners of certain parts where a
There are two main causes of plastic part square-cornered shaft will need to fit into a
failure: molded-in notches, and sharp plastic part. Examples of these parts include
internal corners. These are largely caused by pulleys and gears. Putting radii on external
designers failing to provide the part with a corners has many benefits, from sink and
sufficient internal radius to avoid the issue. stress reduction, to assisting with the
When radii are noted on drawings, they are material glow. Put simply, the larger the
often inadequately small, and their radius, the more impact load that section
importance in high-stress areas is neglected. will be able to absorb.

In reality, inner corners require a carefully

specified radius, to help cut down on stress
concentrations at these essential areas. If the
corner is too sharp, then the force factors at
this point can be tripled or even quadrupled.
For that reason, it is recommended that a
fillet or radius of 0.5-0.6 times the wall
thickness is incorporated at these points.
Such parts will allow one to reduce stress on
radiused corners compared to sharp,
nonradiused sections.
For instance, some designs will require a
sharp, 90-degree corner. If the part is
subjected to impact, then radii are essential
to absorb the energy at the corners, and
reinforce the ribs of the part. However, radii


can have a negative impact on the loads or impacts.

appearance of parts, as well as their ease of In the case of short or long glass-reinforced
packaging. If the radii become too big for resins,this rule often comes under question
these factors, then the designer may wish to when datasheet values are examined. In
solve the problem by opting for an impact- these cases, the data would seem to suggest
modified material in the manufacturing that more highly reinforced resins have an
process. increased impact value. In truth, though, this
Under test conditions, when the radius is is down to the effect of the glass fiber/resin
increased, parts are able to absorb more matrix strength at the notch; it does not
energy before failing, and in many cases, reflect the absorbing value of the base resin
failure is averted entirely. Impact tests to itself. With a higher glass loading, a greater
external corners show that energy radius is needed to make the part tougher.
absorption can be increased up to five times
by incorporating larger, more rounded ⚫ Nonuniform Part Thickness
corners- and at the top of the part, this After insufficient radii, the next leading
increase can be as much as ten times. On cause of plastic part failure is nonuniform
the other hand, if ribs are added to make the wall thickness. This can cause wider
part stiffer, they can have a negative impact tolerances, warpage, voids and sinks, a poor
on the part’s ability to absorb energy, since fill due to pressure drops, and stresses which
the walls cannot deflect. are molded-in. All of these issues are down
If the rib section is properly designed, to bad part design, which stops the resin
though, and an impact-modified resin is from being able to pack out during the
used, then even a part which was otherwise molding process fully. If uniform sections are
problematic may work well in practice. For used, then these can all be avoided.
instance, polycarbonate is extremely good Molded-in part stresses are often caused by
at absorbing energy, and when coupled with a combination of thick and thin sections.
a larger radius, means the part will be able When the part cools, this leads to different
to absorb a lot more energy before failing. shrinkages. Since the thicker section holds
To gain a better understanding of why more heat, this can lead to all manner of
thermoplastic materials behave the way they issues such as sinks, voids, and warpage.
do, and why some are naturally stronger
than others, it is necessary to understand
how they behave under standardized ASTM
testing of physical properties. All plastics
demonstrate a similar stress/strain curve,
where the failure occurs at or close to the
top of the curve (although this will vary
depending on filler and reinforcements).
Filled or reinforced resins come with a lower
elongation- some 10% or under- meaning
they are less able to absorb or deflect
energy upon impact. This means they need
a larger radius to cut down stress
concentrations when they are faced with It can also lead to flow problems around


corners since it encourages pressure drops better designs. Multiple smaller ribs, or a
and dead pressure flow areas. If nonuniform single large yet thin rib, are more effective
section thickness is used, and thin part than one large, thick rib. This can be
sections feed thicker sections, the pressure demonstrated by calculating the stiffening
will drop in the thicker section. That may effects of each option. In the case of thinner
mean that the part is not sufficiently filled. rib sections, molding and part problems are
On top of this, the thin section could cut, and the part gains additional impact
become over-packed when trying to fill the resistance because molded-in stresses in
thicker section. these areas are lowered.
Designers will, therefore, need to transition
and core out thick sections, to make the part
thickness as uniform as it can be. Not only
does this reduce these internal sinks and
voids, but it also makes the part stronger,
and saves on wasted materials.

Designers should, therefore, use the

moment of inertia calculations to come up
with a rib design that reduces the risk of part
problems whilst simultaneously
strengthening the part. An effective design
Uniform wall thickness should, therefore, a will use the plastic material in the optimum
key part of design, and parts should be proportions to maximize the results. Proper
gated into the thickest section to ensure an rib design also sidesteps molding problems,
even packout. Since material waste costs and therefore gives a faster molding cycle
money, this should be the aim of all with less quality control issues.
manufacturers, and it also cuts down on
quality issues further down the line. Plastic
parts will need to be cored out to the
maximum to utilize material better, as well
as minimizing the risk of part stress and
warpage. If extra strength or rigidity are
needed, then ribs are to be used.

⚫ Ribs for Strength and Quality

Where added part strength and rigidity are
necessary, then thinner rib sections make for


It is also important to note that color

variation will occur in thick and thin sections.
With a thicker section, the color will appear
more vibrant and intense. This is especially Shifting the gate location, or working to
noticeable when using translucent colors, minimize the weld-line effect at these
and with certain types of resins depending obstructions are both valid options. Another
on the section thickness. option is multiple gating, which will naturally
change the point at which the melt fronts
⚫ Weld-Line Considerations meet, and the weld-line is formed.
Wherever the material is required to flow One way to strengthen weld-lines at the
around an obstacle, hole, boss, or cutout, a very edge of a part is to use flow tabs, which
weld-line will be formed, at the point that will be removed later in the process. These
multiple melt flows meet. If this weld-line tabs are typically used at the points where
forms at a high stress point, then this may weld-lines form, to help the melt fronts to
present a big problem to the integrity of the flow together smoothly. To use them,
part. though, the mold cavity at this point needs
Designers will need to make a note of high- to be suitably vented, or the air in the cavity
stress areas on the part, allowing the mold will prevent a smooth meeting.
designer to select the best gate location for Excess air could slow down the melt fronts,
the part carefully. The issue is often only and cause bubbles to form. Should the air
noticed when part failure occurs, but not be vented fast enough, then it could well
through careful planning of cavity layout cool the melt fronts so that they don’t bond
and gate location, it can usually be averted. properly, creating a significantly weakened
So long as potential weld-line issues are melt-front. To solve this issue, extra
known in advance, then there are several localized heating is often used on weld-lines
ways that those issues can be minimized. to ensure the melt fronts come together
Weld-lines should be avoided in parts that
require holes, and there are a range of
methods to do this- especially if the lines
occur at high-stress points. The holes may


be marked for drilling later in a secondary good idea to situate bosses behind the
operation. If countersunk bind holes are nonvisible surface of a part. Should bosses
needed, lA of the section thickness should or ribs not be designed correctly, then this
be retained. This will allow the material flow can lead to weld-line, void, and sink
to minimize the weld-line formation problems in the parts. Whether the boss is
opposite the hole. Where blind holes are open or blind, they will still require radii, and
concerned, the minimum thickness of the need to have a uniform wall thickness
bottom should be at least ]/6 diameter. With throughout. To ensure this, without
reinforced materials, the part’s weld-line compromising on strength, the boss may be
strength can be calculated by using the strengthened and supported through
parent resin,s strength. additional ribs.
The reason for this is that reinforcements
such as glass fibers will not flow over the
weld-line to link with the opposing melt
front. Even when using an external flow tab,
reinforcement interflow is unlikely until the
fronts are suitably far away from any
obstruction. In the case of some part
designs, the weld-lines may well be highly
visible. For instance, using colors or
reinforced materials means noticeable
surface variations will occur as the knit line.
To increase weld-line strength, the melt
temperature of the resin may be raised, or
the mold itself heated. There are usually The final dimensions of the boss will largely
more issues with weld-line strength when be determined by the type of fastener used
using amorphous resins since they have a within it. Material suppliers will be able to
lower softening temperature and higher recommend the optimum boss design for
melt viscosity. Crystalline resins,which have their own respective material. This design is
a sharper melting point , may cool and based around the insert or screw type
freeze off faster, leading to a weak weld-line required for the attachment, as well as its
joint. Using flow tabs with sufficient venting, necessary holding strength.
increased melt temperature, localized cavity There are, however, other methods of boss
heating, and hotter mold temperatures can design. These require through holes in order
limit these weld-line effects, and thereby to cut surface effects, while also increasing
improve joint strength. the strength of the boss and weld-line. This
technique is quite similar to the one used for
⚫ Bosses blind holes, allowing the material to flow
Bosses act as the assembly point for mating around and through the bottom section of
parts. As such, they will need to be designed the boss. The base of the boss can then be
with a good strength of attachment in mind, drilled out in an additional operation, which
but at the same time, not cause any will complete the part’s requirements. That
problems with the part’s surface or being said, it is essential that part designers
appearance. To help prevent the latter, it’s a keep the molding, assembly function, and


appearance in mind when they design these


If blind holes are to be molded in a part,

then the core pins which make up these
holes require rigid support. This is
particularly important with core pins where
the length-to-diameter ratio is more than On the other hand, internal threads will
five. Core pins have to be tough and stiff in require an unscrewing device or collapsing
order to not shift or bend under the high core. They can be stripped from the mold,
injection pressure and speed at the point but only when the threads are well-rounded,
where polymer is injected. Should the given and their depth and number of undercuts
pin length-to-diameter be exceeded, then it are kept to a minimum. Should one choose
may be necessary to use a stepped core pin the unscrewing approach, then the
design. Cooling will also need to be factored individual part in the mold should be
in, since these types of core pins become indexed, so that it doesn’t rotate within the
incredibly hot during the molding process. cavity while the core is removed.
With holes in a side wall, retractable core To strip threaded parts, the thread will need
pins may be used, or alternatively a split tool to be formed with adequate radii. Should
(but only if the side wall can be tapered or sharp thread forms be used, then they could
sloped to allow for this). well split upon stripping or become
impossible to remove from the core.
⚫ Threads With parts that need to be stripped (such as
Either external or internal configurations in an internally threaded boss), then the
may be used to create threaded plastic parts. cavity steel will first need to be removed
Usually, the external thread will be created from the external diameter of the boss.
by finding the parting line on the center line That way, the boss can expand when the
of the thread. Where this is impossible, or if core is stripped. Both boss and part will need
the threaded part is in the mold operation to be adequately supported throughout the
direction, then an unscrewing, thread- stripping action, to prevent the part from
forming device, or cam-operated side cores, warping. The boss must be stiff and strong
will need to be used for the mold. enough to avoid collapsing or fracturing.
Threaded parts which have a diameter-to-


wall thickness ratio of at least 20:1 must be ⚫ Undercuts

ejectable should the resin have the Undercuts are a vital feature for plastic parts.
necessary elongation to be ejected off the They are mostly used to form attachment
core pin. and assembly features, which will cut down
on part costs and assembly hardware time.
Parts which feature external and internal
undercuts may be formed in three basic
ways- either collapsible and pulling cores,
split cavity molds, or being stripped from the
mold in the same way as screw threads.
Depending on the required degree of the
undercut, as well as the return angle which
forms beneath it, the majority of parts-
including reinforced materials in many
cases- may be stripped from a mold. It is
only when the return angle nears 0.5
degrees that an undercut is no longer
strippable. This sort of internal undercut can
be created through the use of two separate
core pins. Depending on the length-to-
diameter ratio of the pins, one end can nest
inside the mating pin to give additional
stability, or they can slot tightly together to
It is also possible to strip some glass prevent any flashing at the pins’ meeting
reinforced resins from a mold, but only point.
where the part temperature is high enough,
and the per cent strain isn’t exceeded.
During the election cycle, hotter parts have
a greater amount of allowable material
strain. For instance, a 33% glass reinforced
nylon may be stripped from a 100-degree F
mold only if the strain is below 1% or a 200-
degree F mold below 2% strain. The material
supplier should be consulted to ensure the
right design is used for optimum ejection.
Molded-in threads must be terminated at a
minimum of 0.1 inches from their ends. This
is to cut down on material and part fretting There are other nonstrippable undercuts
due to repeated assembly and disassembly, which use through-the-wall cores, or
and also stops compound sharp corners at alternatively an offset ejector pin system.
the ends of threads. Due to the bending strength of the steel, this
undercut depth is limited to the thickness of
the plate or pin used to form it. What’s more,
the undercut also needs to be assisted by


additional knock-out ejector systems. A

taper of at least 2 degrees needs to be
present on the undercut to ensure proper
release during operation, particularly when
molding resins that are highly shrinkable.
This will cut down on the bending stress on
the sliding core, as well as on the wear to the
core where it comes into contact with
mating metal parts.
It is also possible to strip undercuts in glass-
reinforced resins, but only if the design
doesn’t exceed the material’s elongation.
The allowable undercut percentage is about
1-2% for most materials. Using generous Inserts often cost a lot of money, and
radii and release angles will aid in a smooth depending on the part in question and how
release, and cut stress concentrations during they can installed, they can be either helpful
the ejection. or harmful. As with bosses and ribs, they
When stripping undercuts, most of the parts should therefore only be used when
used are round. This is because rectangular necessary. There are cheaper and easier
and closed-wall shapes are unstrippable. alternatives, such as molded-in snap and
Should a full-lipped undercut be used, then press fits and screws, which may be a
the container would likely bow, and hence superior alternative. There are four main
lock up the part at its corners. This process reasons why inserts are used:
would usually destroy the part, or at least 1. For threads which will be under a
stick in the cavity or on the core. For constant load or stress, or where
undercuts at the center wall sections to parts will be frequently
remain strippable, they will need to be kept disassembled.
short, and the supporting cavity steel 2. To give a close tolerance on male or
removed first. This will allow the side wall of female threads.
the part to deflect upon ejection. The 3. For permanently attaching two parts
undercut section of the stripped part will which are highly loaded- for
therefore need to be capable of deflection instance, a gear shaft and a pulley.
in order to be ejectable. 4. To allow an electrical current to flow
between the two parts.
If it has been determined that inserts are
⚫ Inserts required, then the next thing to think about
Assembling parts use threaded inserts. is whether one will use inserts which are
These will either be molded in to the part, or molded-in, or add them in a secondary
attached on in a later operation- either as a operation. For parts made up of high-
press fit, or inserted ultrasonically. Primarily, shrinkage material, where the exact
they are used to greaten the assembly dimensional location must be very precise,
holding force of parts, cut down on material or if there is a risk of boss stress fractures,
creep at assembly points, and to enable then ultrasonic insertion is the preferred
access to areas that will need to be serviced. approach. This is because it allows an exact


insert location, and cuts down dramatically 0.6 inches into the mold cavity to
on the stress on the boss. give a superior seal off and prevent
On the other hand, the reasons for using resin contamination to threads.
molded-in inserts are a bit more 3. Below the insert, the thickness
complicated. While they are cheaper and should be at least 1/6 of the insert
have the advantage of being permanent, diameter to add weld-line strength.
there are still factors which need to be 4. Toughened grades of materials,
considered before they are chosen. The with higher elongations, will lower
following problems may occur when using the risk of boss stress cracking.
molded-in inserts: 5. Inserts must be clean and free of oil
1. Loading the inserts by hand will or grease.
necessarily disrupt the molding 6. With high-shrinkage resins, the
cycle. While the use of robots will inserts should be preheated to
prolong the cycle, it will at least even lower part shrinkage and improve
it out. weld-line strength.
2. Inserts can become unattached or 7. A thorough end-use test should be
float, which will damage the mold. carried out, it could test the part
3. Degreasing and preheating is through temperature ranges and
required to cut down on boss stress. stress and vibration loading, to
4. Salvaging rejected parts with inserts check for any problems with the
is much more expensive. selected assembly method.
5. In order to avoid flash in the
threaded areas, a tight shutoff is ⚫ Tolerances:
needed at the insert mold face. A high degree of accuracy in molded parts
The weld-line strength around the inserts is is expensive to achieve. On small tolerances
also something that needs to be considered. as close as -0.002 in. On large pieces,
Boss inserts for molding should be designed tolerances of about 土 0.001 to 0.002 in. per
around the existing criteria for keeping in. are obtainable. Tolerances closer than
weld-line formation to a minimum and actually mandatory should not be specified;
avoiding lines that are too visible. When as specified accuracy increases, cost
using reinforced resins, the weld-line increases disproportionately.
strength might only be 60% of the
unreinforced resin due to a weak bonding ⚫ General principle
along the knit line. However, the boss
strength at the mold line can be boosted by Though it is difficult to generalize about
putting a rib at the weld-line junction. By design factors for injection, compression
using multiple ribs, one can add additional and transfer moldings, the following design
rigidity and strength. The following factors rules should be considered:
should also be considered when using 1. Use sufficient draft on long thin
inserts: shapes to permit their withdrawal
1. Avoid sharp corners, and include an from the mold.
undercut to increase pullout 2. Minimize coring. When cores are
strength. used they should be easy to
2. The insert should protrude at least withdraw.


3. Avoid internal and external

undercuts; they make removal of
parts difficult and require
considerably more expensive
4. Provide ample fillets on inside
comers, and avoid sharp external
edges and comers except at the
parting line of the die.
5. Avoid large flat areas. Dappling or
otherwise breaking up the surface
is recommended.
6. Keep tolerances as liberal as
possible. Excessively close
tolerances add to cost because of
increased die costs and high
rejection rate.
7. Avoid abrupt changes in wall
8. Locate parting lines so that flash
can be removed easily without
marring surrounding areas.
9. Locate holes for easy coring.
10. Use ribs to achieve desired
strength and stiffness. Ribs permit
materials savings by reducing
section thickness.
11. Use inserts for threaded holes
where high stresses are
anticipated or where considerable
wear is to be encountered. Round
inserts are preferred.


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