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Joining Methods

Molding one part vs. separate components

A major advantage of molding plastics parts is that you can now mold what were previously
several parts into one part. These include many of the functional components and many of
the fasteners needed to assemble the molded part to other parts. However, due to the
limitations of the mold and the process, functional requirements, and/or economic
considerations, it is still sometimes necessary to mold various components separately and
then assemble them together.

Tolerances: fit between parts

Punched and machined parts can be made to tighter tolerances than molded parts because
the large shrinkage from the melt to the solid state make sizing less predictable. In many
cases, the solidification is not isotropic, so that a single value of mold shrinkage does not
adequately describe the final dimensions of the parts.

Fit between plastics parts

• If the two plastics parts are made of the same material, refer to the tolerance
capability chart supplied by the material supplier.
• If the two parts are of different material families or from different suppliers, add
0.001 mm/ mm of length to the tolerances from the supplier's tolerance capability
• If the flow orientations are strong, the isotropic shrinkages will require adding
0.001 mm/ mm length to the overall tolerances of the parts.
• Add steps, off-sets, or ribs at the joint line of the two parts to act as interrupted
tongue-and-groove elements to provide alignment of the two parts and ease the
tolerance problem on long dimensions (see Figure 1).
FIGURE 1. Matching half-tongue and groove align the two parts edges, within normal tolerances.

Fit between plastics parts and metal parts

Make sure that the joint between the plastic and metal allows the plastic part to expand
without regard to the expansion of the metal part.

FIGURE 2. Design the joint between plastic and metal to allow for greater thermal expansion and
contraction of the plastic. This includes use of shouldered fasteners and clearance between the
fastener and the plastic.

Press-fit joints
Simple interference fits can be used to hold parts together. The most common press-fit
joint is a metal shaft pressed into a plastics hub. A design chart recommended by the
resin suppliers or interference formula can be used to design a press-fit joint at a desirable
stress, so the parts will not crack because of excessive stress or loosen because of stress

Interference chart
Figure 3 plots the maximum interference limits as a percentage of the insert shaft
diameter. Note that this chart is material specific and the maximum interference limit
depends on the shaft material and the diameter ratio of the hub and insert. The
recommended minimum length of interference is twice the insert diameter.
FIGURE 3. Maximum interference limits, pressing a metal shaft into a plastics hub. These curves
are specific to the material. The max. interference limit (d - d1) as a percentage of the insert
diameter, d, depends on the shaft material and the diameter ratio of the hub and insert (D/d). The
recommended minimum length of interference is twice the insert diameter, 2d.

Interference formula
If the relevant design chart is not available, the allowable interference (difference
between the diameter of the insert shaft, d, and the inner diameter of the hub, d1, see
Figure 3) can be calculated with the following formula.


I= diametrel interference (d - d1), mm

Sd = design stress, MPA
D= outside diameter of hub, mm
d= diameter of insert shaft, mm
Eh = tensile modulus of elasticity of hub, MPa
Es = modulus of elasticity of shaft, MPa
h= Poisson's ratio of hub material
s= Poisson's ratio of shaft material
W= geometry factor
Check that tolerance build-up does not cause over-stress during and after assembly and
that the fit is still adequate after assembly.

Mating metal and plastic parts

Do not design taper fits between metal and plastics parts, because stress cracking will
occur from over-tightening.

Snap-fit joints
Snap-fit joints rely on the ability of a plastics part to be deformed, within the proportional
limit, and returned to its original shape when assembly is complete. As the engagement of
the parts continues, an undercut relieves the interference. At full engagement, there is no
stress on either half of the joint. The maximum interference during assembly should not
exceed the proportional limit. After assembly, the load on the components should only be
sufficient to maintain the engagement of the parts.

Snap-fit joint designs include:

• Annular snap-fit joints

• Cantilever snap joints
• Torsion snap-fit joints

Annular snap-fit joints

This is a convenient form of joint for axis-symmetrical parts. You can design the joint to
be either detachable, difficult to disassemble, or inseparable, depending on the dimension
of the insert and the return angle.

FIGURE 4. Typical annular snap-fit joint. The assembly force, w, strongly depends on the lead
angle, , and the undercut, y, half of which is on each side of the shaft. The diameter and
thickness of the hub are d and t, respectively.
Hoop stress
Figure 5 demonstrates that the outer member (assumed to be plastic) must expand to
allow the rigid (usually metal) shaft to be inserted. The design should not cause the hoop
stress, , to exceed the proportional limit of the material.

FIGURE 5. Stress distribution during the joining process.

Permissible deformation (undercut)

The permissible deformation (or permissible undercut, y, shown in Figure 4) should not
be exceeded during the ejection of the part from the mold or during the joining operation.

Maximum permissible strain

The maximum permissible deformation is limited by the maximum permissible strain,
pm and the hub diameter, d. The formula below is based on the assumption that one of the
mating parts is rigid. If both components are equally flexible, the strain is half, i.e., the
undercut can be twice as large.

y = cpm x d
Interference ring
If the interference rings are formed on the mold core, the undercuts must have smooth
radii and shallow lead angles to allow ejection without destroying the interference rings.
The stress on the interference rings (see the equation above) during ejection must be
within the proportional limit of the material at the ejection temperature. The strength at
the elevated temperature expected at ejection should be used.

Cantilever snap joints

This is the most widely used type of snap-fit joint. Typically, a hook is deflected as it is
inserted into a hole or past a latch plate. As the hook passes the edge of the hole, the
cantilever beam returns to its original shape. The beam should be tapered from the tip to
the base, to more evenly distribute the stress along the length of the beam.
FIGURE 6. Typical cantilever snap-fit joint. The interference between the hole and the hook, y,
represents the deflection of the beam as the hook is inserted into the hole.

Proportional limit
Assembly stress should not exceed the proportional limit of the material.

Designing the hook

Either the width or thickness can be tapered (see Figure 6). Try reducing the thickness
linearly from the base to the tip; the thickness at the hook end can be half the thickness at
its base. Core pins through the base can be used to form the inside face of the hook. This
will leave a hole in the base, but tooling will be simpler and engagement of the hook will
be more positive

Designing the base

Include a generous radius on all sides of the base to prevent stress concentration.

FIGURE 7. Design the snap-fit features for ejection.

Torsion snap-fit joints

In these joints, the deflection is not the result of a flexural load as with cantilever snaps,
but is due to a torsional deformation of the fulcrum. The torsion bar (see Figure 8) is
subject to shear loads. This type of fastener is good for frequent assembly and

Design formula
The following relationship exists between the total angle of twist and the deflections y1
or y2:


= angle of twist
y1 and y2 = deflections
l1 and l2 = lengths of lever arms (see Figure 8)

The maximum permissible angle pm is limited by the permissible shear strain pm :


pm = permissible total angle of twist in degrees

pm = permissible shear strain
l= length of torsion bar
r= radius of torsion bar

The maximum permissible shear strain pm for plastics is approximately equal to:


pm = permissible shear strain

pm = permissible strain
= Poisson's ratio (approx. 0.35 for plastics)

FIGURE 8. Torsional snap-fitting arm with torsional bar. Symbols defined in text above.

Screws and rivets, the traditional methods of fastening metal parts, can also be used with
plastics. Several important concerns are:

• Over-tightening the screw or rivet could result in induced stress.

• Threads might form or be cut as the screw is inserted.
• Burrs on the screw head or nut or on the head of the rivet could act as stress risers
and cause early failure.

Screws and rivets

Use smooth pan-head screws with generous pads for the head. Washers under the screw
or rivet head should be burr-free or the punch-face should be against the plastic (die-face
will have burrs from the stamping process). Figure 9 provides recommendations for the
diameter of clearance holes for various screw sizes.

FIGURE 9. Recommendations for clearance between the machine screw and hole in the plastic.
The pan-head style of the screw is recommended.
Use If
Thread-forming screws: ASA The modulus of the plastics is less than 200,000 psi
Type BF
Thread-cutting screws: ASA The modulus is greater than 200,000 psi, since thread-
Type T, (Type 23) or Type BT forming screws can cause stress cracking in this case
(Type 25).
A metal, threaded cap with The screw is to be removed and replaced many times.
one screw thread on the boss. This will assure that later insertions do not cut or form a
new thread, and destroy the old one.
Counter-bore hole with pan- The screw head must be below the surface of the part.
head screw
Rivets to join plastic parts for The design prevents over-tightening of the joint or
a permanent assembly washers are used to prevent the head from cutting into
the plastic.

Do not use Since

Countersunk screw They are easily over-tightened and cause stress-cracking.
Pipe threads The tapered nature of this thread style can allow the joint to be
easily over-tightened and over-stressed. Stress-cracking will result

Molded threads
Molding threads into the plastic component avoids having to use separate fasteners such
as screws and rivets. If the threads are molded, tool-making will be easier if you provide
a lead-in diameter slightly larger than the main diameter and about one screw flight long.
Figure 10 shows how to design an unthreaded lead-in.
FIGURE 10. Recommended design for molded threads.

Below are some guidelines to designing molded threads:

Thread size
Threads should be strong enough to meet the expected loads. Threads that are too small,
especially if they're mated with metal threads, tend to become deformed and lose their
holding power.

Inside radius of the thread

The thread design should avoid sharp inside radii. The corollary is that the peak of the
thread should also be rounded to ease tool making.

Orienting threads to the parting line

If the axis of the thread is parallel to the mold parting line, half of the diameter can be
molded in each mold half. You can reduce the effects of the parting line mismatch by
partially flattening the threads at that point. Retractable mold components must be used if
the axis of the threads is not parallel to the parting line.

Demolding the threads

Internal threads usually require un-screwing the mold component from the part, either
manually or by action of the mold. Large internal threads can be formed on collapsing
mold components.

An insert is a part that is inserted into the cavity and molded into the plastic. The insert
can be any material that will not melt when the plastic is introduced into the cavity. Metal
inserts are used for electrical conductivity, to reinforce the plastic, and to provide metal
threads for assembly. Plastics inserts can provide a different color or different properties
to the combinations.

Balancing melt flow

Place the gate so that equal melt flow forces are placed on opposing sides of the insert.
This will keep the insert from moving or deforming during mold filling. Design adequate
flow paths so that the melt front proceeds at the same rate on either side of the insert.

Support posts
Design support posts into the mold (these will be holes in the part) to support the insert.

Shrinkage and weld lines

Allow for shrinkage stress and for the weld line that will typically form on one side of the
boss around the insert.

Welding processes
Ultrasonic welding uses high-frequency sound vibrations to cause two plastics parts to
slide against each other. The high-speed, short-stroke sliding between the two surfaces
causes melting at the interface. When the vibrations are stopped, the melted interface
cools, bonding the two surfaces. Other welding processes are generally not reliable or
involve considerable hand work.

Design rules for welding

• The two materials must be melt compatible.

• The design of the ultrasonic horn that transfers energy to one of the plastics parts
is important to success.
• Design axis-symmetrical parts with an interference at the joint. This is melted and
the parts are forced together.
• The design of the contact surfaces is critical to success. You'll need to design an
energy director, a small triangular raised bead, on one of the faces to be welded.

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