Research Edited RRL
Research Edited RRL
Research Edited RRL
build opinions and have points of view on things in life. And it is not just about
giving people the facts, it is also about teaching skills to enable young people to use
and knowledge at hand. Youth deserve the right to have access to information and
knowledge about making healthy and responsible decisions about their sexuality.
common people. Sex education imparts the knowledge and attitude of the
educational process like the word itself sex and education which is to inform or
educate us about sex education. There are several suggestions as to what should be
sexual activity. She also indicated that abstinence-only programs increased “the risk
rapid growth and development in population with that, sex education should be an
mistakenly believe sex education refers only to sexual behavior and not the full array
of topics that compromise sexuality. These includes the information and concerns
about body image, contraception, gender, human growth and development, human
health, as well as sexual orientation. With all these related impacts of sex education,
it will create awareness for us to engage with this kind of business. Some people
especially parents and students misconceptions or wrong belief that the program or
topic sex education encourage teens to have sex, and sex an adult topic.
We will conduct this kind of topic for our research because sex education is a
relevant issue for the students of Notre Dame University Senior High School and it is
because most of the students are over conservative when we are talking about
sexuality. Hence, it is possible that different ideas and strands regarding these
having lack of clear knowledge about sex education will leads them into different
interpretation about approaches, moral, and awareness. Furthermore, there was also
be misconceptions students may have about contraceptives does not respect and will
Sex education — one of the most debated topics in India where the word sex it
itself considered a taboo. Adolescence is a very tentative age where the adolescents try to
experience every new thing they come across; there is a rage of hormones. During this
personality changes which demands to be guided at the correct time. Incorrect or half-
baked knowledge about anything can be dangerous and as far as sex is concerned it
becomes even more problematic. Here, Sex Education comes into play. Sex education
percent of the respondents answered that sex education does encourage them to do it, and
the remaining eighty-three percent strongly disagreed. Sex education does not teach
students to have sex , or to have sex at an early age , it helps them to know about the
physical , emotional and biological changes taking place in their bodies and how to cope
up with them. It helps the students know the consequences and truth of sex.
There is no use of sex education: Now, this is to be made very clear to the people
who think that sex education is of no use. A comprehensive sex education can help the
present generation to live a secured life. According to me, India will be most benefited if
sex education is introduced in the curriculum because it will help the country to fight the
raising spread of AIDS and many other sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Since, people
do not have a very clear idea of how to protect themselves from HIV-AIDS, they tend to
Notre Dame University Senior High School
ignore it and therefore get infected. Statistics show that 26% of the Indians are infected
with AIDS. This can elucidate that sex education is the need of the hour. Another use of
sex education is that it can also help in controlling the population growth too, since it also
Sex is not a topic to be discussed by children: How well are we aware of teenage
pregnancies? India’s rate of teenage pregnancy, 62 out of every 1000 pregnant women,
which makes us amongst the countries with highest teenage pregnancy cases along with
US and UK. It is also to emphasize that teenage pregnancy is not a western import; it is an
measures, birth control, etc. And furthermore, to elude from such situations, some people
in rural areas try to get their girls married at a very early and tender age.
avoided. Through sex education, students will be able to learn about sex, correctly and it
will help them in the long run. Many issues surround the topic of sexual education
programs in the schools. These questions can range from what will be taught to how
frequently it should be taught. Today’s teenagers reach puberty at an earlier age, but marry
at a later age. These statistics are alarming because youth who start having sex before the
age of 14 are more likely to have multiple partners throughout their lifetime. According to
Campos (2002), condoms tend to have a 31% failure rate. Condoms also offer little
protection from chlamydia and human papilloma virus (HPV). According to Somers &
Paulson, 2000, p. 630 “Adolescents themselves appear to hold values and attitudes
consistent with responsible sexual conduct, but sexually experienced teens usually indicate
that the best age for first intercourse is older than they were when they began having sex”.
sexual identity, attitudes and beliefs toward sex, and intimate relationships. Not only is it
about acquiring knowledge but it is also informing students about positive choices
regarding safe sex and consequences that can affect their behavior both physically and
emotionally. Fortunately, it is students’ right to sex education because it can benefit them
from future problems and challenges, and improve their health. Supporters say that sex
around the nation teach different approaches to sexual education, which means there is
not one proven correct way to teach these programs. Some would debate that students
should have information about the physical and emotional changes their bodies will be
going through with puberty and if they decide to become sexually active. Others may
debate that students should be taught to just not have sex at all. Numerous programs are
available commercially today; however, schools have created their own curriculum to
meet the needs of their youth in the community. According to Mabray and Labauve (2002,
p. 36), “comprehensive sexual education programs are rare in the USA, but they address
the needs of the adolescent in a more complete manner.” According to Campos (2002, p.
9) It is also said that comprehensive sexual education programs teach gender identity,
skills and “assists in the exploration of values and goal setting” to achieve a lifetime of
sexual health. According to Van Dorn (2000) “teaching abstinence is a part of preventing
pregnancy just saying no may not be effective with sexually active teens. Schools in New
Mexico now lead the country in teen pregnancies. According to the Washington
Independent (2011, n.p.) “New Mexico students are also behind their national peers in
“Comprehensive sexual education is one of the strategies that work to reduce teen
pregnancies and STIs”. Other goals for a comprehensive sexual education program include
supporting the abstinence from sex as the best choice for youth; however, the goals are not
must acquire a positive and comfortable attitude 12 towards sex. Among the topics that are
This study would like to find out the misconceptions of the students in Notre Dame
Conceptual Framework
Senior High School. It further shows the relationship and between the independent and
This study involves the DepEd for it is educationally-related. It will help them to
lessen the misconceptions of the citizens about sex education and to promote sex
education that will inspire them to conduct conferences, seminars and activities for the
The Youth
This study will benefit the youth to avoid negative health consequences, to widen
their perspective and lessen the misconceptions, and also to learn to communicate about
The Parents
The result of the study will give them knowledge about their childhood
misconceptions on sex education. And they can properly evaluate their child on this
The Teachers
This study will enlighten the teachers of the university on how the students
understand the sex education. It will encourage them to incorporate the curriculum in our
The study only focuses on the misconceptions of the students when they hear the
topic, sex education. The study was conducted only in Notre Dame University Senior
Notre Dame University Senior High School
High School because of the accessibility. The researchers are only allowed to conduct the
study inside the premises of Notre Dame University Senior High School. The researchers
included all of the strands because the topics concern is fir general. The researchers
would like to know if there is any correlation between the misconceptions of male and
female. The study is only limited to the students of Notre Dame University Senior High
Definition of Terms
Students -
Sex Education - is a broad term used to describe education about human sexual
anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual intercourse, and other aspects of human sexual
This chapter presents mainly the discussion on the methods and procedures,
which will be used by the researchers in gathering, processing, computing, analyzing, and
interpreting the data in this study. Specifically, this includes the research design,
respondent of the study, research instruments, setting of the study, sampling techniques,
Research Design
research method, in which a researcher measures two variables, understands and assesses
the statistical relationship between them with no influence from any extraneous variable.
This research design as utilized in the study, aim to know the relationship of sex
School. The data is gathered using a prepared questionnaire which covered the question
The study takes place within the parameter of Notre Dame University Senior High
The respondents are the selected students who are enrolled at Notre Dame
University Senior High School department. The respondents are form different strands
This study correlates the misconceptions about sex education among male and
female. The researchers use 200 respondents from the total population, as suggested in
the heuristic method. 119 for the female and 81 for male. The researchers divided the
subgroups, male and female through the use of stratified random technique. This is used
Research Instrument
In order to gather the information from the respondents, the researchers used
survey questionnaire. It is composed into two categories. The first category was the
profile of the respondent and the second category was the set of questions regarding the
misconceptions of the students about sex education. The survey questionnaire was based
Data Gathering
Notre Dame University Senior High School
The gathered data from the respondents was one of the main aspects in
conducting the study. To gather the data needed for this research, the researchers were
asked permission first the research teacher. After identifying the respondents for this
study from all strands in the Notre Dame University-Senior High school, the researchers
were introduced their study to the respondents to have a smooth flow of data gathering.
After giving their instructions, the survey questionnaires were then is distributed to the
respondents. After answering the survey questionnaire, the researchers were collecting it