Geomorphological Origin
Geomorphological Origin
Geomorphological Origin
1029/2010GL045415, 2010
[1] We identify a previously undetected link between the 2. Active Drainage Network and the Source
river network morphology and key recession curves Function
properties through a conceptual‐physical model of the
drainage process of the riparian unconfined aquifer. We [4] We assume that the recession hydrograph at an outlet
show that the power‐law exponent, a, of −dQ/dt vs. Q is dominated by drainage of the unconfined aquifer by the
curves is related to the power‐law exponent of N(l) vs. channel network instantaneously intersecting it, the Active
G(l) curves (which we show to be connected to Hack’s Drainage Network (ADN). ADN geometry varies over time
law), where l is the downstream distance from the because drainage of the aquifer produces the progressive
channel heads, N(l) is the number of channel reaches ‘desaturation’ of the ephemeral low‐order streams (see
exactly located at a distance l from their channel head, Figure 1).
and G(l) is the total length of the network located at a [5] Within this conceptual framework we make the fol-
distance greater or equal to l from channel heads. Using lowing assumptions:
Digital Terrain Models and daily discharge observations [6] 1. The recession flow varies slowly in time and can be
from 67 US basins we find that geomorphologic a described through a succession of steady states. The total
estimates match well the values obtained from recession discharge at the outlet, Q(t), is thus equal to the total
curves analyses. Finally, we argue that the link between drainage discharge delivered by the aquifer to the network
recession flows and network morphology points to an (i.e., propagation effects along the network are negligible):
important role of low‐flow discharges in shaping the Qðt Þ ¼ q GðtÞ ð1Þ
channel network. Citation: Biswal, B., and M. Marani
(2010), Geomorphological origin of recession curves, Geophys. where G(t) is the total length of the ADN and q is the dis-
Res. Lett., 37, L24403, doi:10.1029/2010GL045415. charge per unit length drained by the ADN;
[7] 2. q is spatially constant.
1. Introduction [8] 3. The rate at which source links recede, c = dl/dt, is
constant in space and time (a source link is defined as a
[2] River networks exhibit remarkable morphological and saturated link with no upstream saturated links).
structural similarities, which can be expressed quantitatively [9] Under these assumptions one finds:
through traditional and fractal geometry [Horton, 1945;
Hack, 1957; Marani et al., 1994; Rodríguez‐Iturbe and dQ dG dq dq
¼q þ Gðt Þ ¼ qc N ðtÞ þ GðtÞ; ð2Þ
Rinaldo, 1997]. One intriguing and important question is dt dt dt dt
how the spatial organization of river networks is reflected in
the hydrologic response to rainfall inputs. The geomorpho- where N(t) is the number of channel sources in the ADN
logical theory of the hydrologic response [Kirkby, 1976; configuration at time t (see Figure 1). The last equality in
Rodríguez‐Iturbe and Valdés, 1979; Rinaldo and equation (2) recognizes that the rate of change of the total
Rodríguez‐Iturbe, 1996] links the geomorphological prop- ADN length, dG/dt, is equal to the rate at which individual
erties of the hillslope‐network system and its responses [e. saturated source links recede, multiplied by the number of
g., Rinaldo et al., 2006a, 2006b], but requires the complete source links in the current ADN configuration. dQ/dt in the
specification of travel times for the local groundwater flows recession phase thus depends both on N(t), controlled by
in order to deal with recession hydrographs. In fact, to our the desaturation of channel reaches, and on dq/dt, con-
knowledge, few contributions have attempted to connect trolled by aquifer depletion. One can now envision two
recession hydrographs and the morphological features of the end‐member cases. In the first case dQ/dt is dominated by
drainage network producing it [Marani et al., 2001; Vivoni the rate of change of the ADN length (likely to occur in
et al., 2008], even though recession curves have long been sloping basins). In the second case dQ/dt is dominated by
studied [e.g., Brutsaert and Nieber, 1977]. the rate of change of q (more likely to happen in relatively
[3] Through a simple model of the drainage process and flat basins). Brutsaert and Nieber [1977] focus their
discharge observations from 67 US basins we provide here attention on this latter case, and study the time dependence
evidence that key properties of low‐flow regimes are of dq/dt in a non‐sloping channel. Here we focus on the
determined by the time‐varying geometry of saturated time dynamics of the ADN and make the following
channelled sites. assumption:
[10] There exists a regime in the recession phase in which
the geometry of the ADN varies quickly, such that the term
Dipartimento IMAGE and International Centre for Hydrology in dq/dt can be neglected and equation (2) becomes:
“Dino Tonini,” Università di Padova, Padua, Italy.
dQ=dt ¼ qc N ðtÞ ð3Þ
Copyright 2010 by the American Geophysical Union.
L24403 1 of 5
5. Conclusions
[15] Recession curves in sloping basins bear the signature
of the geomorphic structure of the channel network which
produces them. Such a signature can be identified through a
simple model of the ADN dynamics under the following
assumptions: i) Q is proportional to the total length, G(l), of
the ADN, ii) the discharge per unit length of the ADN, q, is
constant in space, iii) the rate, c, at which the ADN contracts
Figure 4. ag vs. ao. Black circles refer to sloping basins is constant in space and time, and iv) the rate of change of
and show a good agreement between geomorphic and reces- the total length of the active drainage network dominates
sion curve exponents. Gray, smaller, circles refer to flat over the rate of change of q, such that dQ/dt is proportional
basins, which exhibit a lack of correlation between ag and to the number, N(l), of the terminal links of the ADN.
ao, likely because dQ/dt is in this case dominated by dq/dt [16] N(l) is likely to become small during prolonged
rather than by changes in the ADN length. The inset shows drought periods, even in sloping basins. In this regime the
the frequency distribution of the residuals, ao − ag, between ADN is limited to the main and most stably saturated links
hydrograph‐derived recession curve scaling exponents and of the channel network, such that the term containing dq/dt
their geomorphic estimates for the sloping basins. in the expression for dQ/dt (2) can no longer be neglected.
In the case of prolonged recession periods one must thus
good agreement between the exponent obtained from also account for the term dq/dt, as in Brutsaert and Nieber
recession curves and its geomorphic estimates. [1977]. The theoretical interpretation developed here, how-
ever, does capture the properties of observed recession
curves for the large number of sloping basins considered,
4. Universal Properties of Recession Curves: suggesting that indeed q · dG/dt dq/dt · G(t) in a rela-
Hack’s Exponent tively frequent dynamical regime. In fact, the power‐law
exponents obtained from observational −dQ/dt vs. Q curves
[14] The geomorphic power‐law relation (6) can be linked agree well with the exponents obtained from the corre-
to Hack’s law, expressing the distance from the outlet to the sponding N(l) vs. G(l) curves when basins are relatively
divide as a function of the basin area: l / Ah. h is Hack’s steep. This result provides a valuable conceptual interpre-
exponent [Rigon et al., 1996]). The total length of the ADN, tation of recession hydrographs and possibly a way to infer
G(l), for a given configuration indexed by a value l, can be their characteristics solely from DTM’s.
expressed as the total length of the stream network at full [17] Our analyses show that the power‐law form of −dQ/
saturation, L = G(0), multiplied by the probability, P(L > l), dt vs. Q curves does not stem from a one‐to‐one relationship
that a site chosen at random within the network exhibit a between Q(t) and the volume of water stored within the
distance to the divide, L, larger than l: basin, but rather from the underlying morphological struc-
Qðlðt ÞÞ / Gðl Þ ¼ L PðL > l Þ ð7Þ ture of the channel network. We also show that, in order to
avoid a severe underestimation of the scaling exponent,
The probability distribution P(L > l) is known to be power‐ recession analysis should be performed separately for each
law over a large range of scales, where P(L > l) / l −g [e.g., single event, rather than by binning all recession data
Rigon et al., 1996]. Therefore, Q / l −g and, because l = c(t − together.
t0), −dQ −(g+1) [18] Finally, our results identify some general connections
dt / l , such that −dQ
dt / Q . Comparing this latter
between recession curves and Hack’s law, which char-
relationship with equation (5) yields:
acterizes the organizational structure of channel networks.
þ1 Values of Hack’s exponent retrieved from observed reces-
¼ ð8Þ sion curves and from N(l) vs. G(l) curves are in good general
agreement with those obtained from traditional DTM anal-
Rigon et al. [1996] show that g = b/h, where: yses, in further support of the geomorphic roots of recession
curves properties.
P½ A > a / a ð9Þ [19] In closing, it is interesting to note that the good
agreement between the predictions from the model of ADN
P[A > a] is the probability that the contributing area A at a dynamics and the observed exponents of −dQ/dt vs. Q
point in a drainage network exceed an arbitrary value a. curves is a confirmation that the hypotheses of the model
Finally, considering that h + b = 1 [Maritan et al., 1996], we indeed hold for the large set of sloping basins and events
find: considered. In particular, the specific discharge q appears to
be approximately spatially constant. One is thus led to argue
1 that the incision of the channel network may be due, to a
¼ ð10Þ
1h significant degree, to subsurface flow, in such a way as to
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