Mathematical Theory of Nonlinear Single-Phase Poroelasticity
Mathematical Theory of Nonlinear Single-Phase Poroelasticity
Mathematical Theory of Nonlinear Single-Phase Poroelasticity
Received: 28 October 2020 / Accepted: 11 February 2023 / Published online: 10 March 2023
© The Author(s) 2023
In this paper, we study the equations of nonlinear poroelasticity derived from mixture
theory. They describe the quasi-static mechanical behavior of a fluid saturated porous
medium. The nonlinearity arises from the compressibility of the fluid and from the
dependence of porosity and permeability on the divergence of the displacement. We
point some limitations of the model. In our approach, we discretize the quasi-static
formulation in time and first consider the corresponding incremental problem. For this,
we prove existence of a solution using Brézis’ theory of pseudo-monotone operators.
Generalizing Biot’s free energy to the nonlinear setting, we construct a Lyapunov
functional, yielding global stability. This allows us to construct bounds that are uniform
with respect to the time step. In the case when dissipative interface effects between
the fluid and the solid are taken into account, we consider the continuous time case in
the limit when the time step tends to zero. This yields existence of a weak free energy
A.M. was partially supported by Darcy Center Eindhoven-Utrecht, the Netherlands, by the project
UPGEO ANR-19-CU05-032 of the French National Research Agency (ANR) and by the LABEX
MILYON (ANR-10-LABX-0070) of Université de Lyon, within the program “Investissements d’Avenir”
(ANR-11-IDEX-0007) operated by the French National Research Agency (ANR).
B C. J. van Duijn
Andro Mikelić
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1 Introduction
The elastic quasi-static deformation of a fluid saturated porous medium received much
attention in the civil engineering literature because of its relevance to many problems
of practical interest. In the framework of consolidation in soil mechanics, these prob-
lems relate to the physical loading of soil layers or the effect of soil subsidence due
to groundwater withdrawal for drinking water supply or industrial and agricultural
purposes. Examples and underlying theories are given in the well-known works of
Coussy (2004), Lewis and Schrefler (1998) and Verruijt (2015). They build on the
classical theory of Terzaghi (1951) and the pioneering approach of Biot (1962) and
Tolstoy (1992).
Recently, other examples of elastic deformation of porous media arise in the context
of industrial and biomedical applications, such as paper printing (Bosco et al. 2015),
bone regeneration (Cowin 1999; Cardoso et al. 2013), blood flow (Prosi et al. 2005;
Čanić et al. 2006) and car filters (Marciniak-Czochra and Mikelić 2015; Mikelić and
Tambača 2016).
In its simplest form, assuming both the fluid and the porous material (grains) to
be incompressible and assuming the porous medium to be homogeneous and linearly
elastic with small strains, the mathematical formulation reads (see Bear and Bachmat
1990; Verruijt 2015 or van Duijn et al. 2019):
div ∂t u + div (ρ f g − ∇ p) = q (1)
− div σ = F, (2)
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stress parameter. Finally, μ [Pa] and λ [Pa] are Lamé’s parameters. Using for G the
specific form (4), i.e., Hooke’s law, assumes that the skeleton is mechanically isotropic.
The linear quasi-static Biot system, as well as its dynamical analog, was also derived
by means of a multiscale approach, where the starting point is the linear fluid–structure
interaction at the pore level. We refer to the monographs Sanchez-Palencia (1980) and
Mei and Vernescu (2010) for derivations using two-scale expansions and to Mikelić and
Wheeler (2012) for a rigorous mathematical derivation by means of homogenization.
The derivations using multiscale analysis confirm Biot’s models in the linear setting.
Hence, from different points of view system (1)–(4) is well accepted.
In the engineering literature, one writes α = 1 − K /K g , where K is the drained
bulk modulus of the porous skeleton and K g the bulk modulus of the grains. Since it
is assumed that K g = +∞, we will set α = 1 in (3).
From a mathematical perspective, Eqs. (1)–(4) received much attention. Here, we
mention the pioneering paper by Auriault and Sanchez-Palencia (1977) and the work
of Ženíšek (1984), who were the first to demonstrate existence and uniqueness. More
recent studies include Showalter (2000), Owczarek (2010) and Marciniak-Czochra
and Mikelić (2015). Later, Cao et al. (2013) considered a nonlinear extension of (1),
by replacing the permeability tensor K by the product Kk(div u). The function k(·) is
a relative permeability depending on the volumetric strain div u. From (1), we notice
that the overall mixture of two incompressible phases is not incompressible itself.
Though system (1)–(4) is linear, its mathematical complexity lies in the fact that it
is of quasi-static nature. In particular (2)–(4) allow to control the size of the volumetric
strain only through the size of the data. Some authors circumvent this by introducing
a time dependence in (2)–(4) as well. For instance, Bociu et al. (2016) replace u in (3)
by u + δ∂t u, where δ ≥ 0 is a visco-elastic parameter. Their study allows δ = 0, hence
it includes the true quasi-static case as well. A different regularization was proposed
by Murad and Cushman (1996) who replaced (3) and (4) by
with λ∗ > 0. This form arises in the non-equilibrium theory, where the fluid pressure
and the solid pressure differ by λ∗ div ∂t u.
In this paper, we propose to study the quasi-static formulation in which we replace
Eq. (1) by the nonlinear fluid phase mass balance based on the mixture theory of
Bedford and Drumheller (1978) and Bedford and Drumheller (1983), see, e.g., Rutqvist
et al. (2001) and Lewis and Schrefler (1998):
j= (ρg − ∇ p). (7)
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In Eqs. (6)–(7), the porosity n is a given function of the volumetric strain: i.e.,
An explicit expression for (8) is derived from the Lagrangian solid mass balance
equation. This is shown in Sect. 2. Through (8), the relative permeability depends on
div u.
Since n is the volume fraction of voids in the porous medium, it should satisfy the
natural bounds
However, in Sect. 2 we show by means of a counter example that the porosity can
attain negative—and thus physically unrealistic—values. Therefore, the bounds in (9)
are a major concern in the mathematical model.
To close system (2)–(4), (6)–(7), we introduce a constitutive relation for the fluid
density in terms of the pressure. Assuming weak compressibility, we write
ρ = ρ( p) = ρ0 (1 + β( p − p0 )). (10)
Further, we propose an explicit expression for the relative permeability in terms of the
k = k(n). (11)
In (10), ρ0 and p0 are reference values for, respectively, density and pressure and
β [Pa−1 ] is the fluid compressibility coefficient. The relative permeability in (11)
k ∈ C 1 [0, 1],
k(0) > 0 and k > 0 in ([0, 1).
A well-known example is the Kozeny–Carman formula, see for instance Bear and
Bachmat (1990),
k(n) = k0 (k0 > 0), (13)
(1 − n)2
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for appropriately chosen 0 < n ∗ < n ∗ < 1, gives a relative permeability satisfying
(13) in the interval [n ∗ , n ∗ ].
We notice that Eq. (6), coupled with (2) and (4), is nonlinear due to the relation
k = k(n) and the products involving time derivatives. Assuming constant fluid phase
density in the poroelastic mixture is therefore an important simplification. This is
studied in Cao et al. (2013) and Bociu et al. (2016).
In studying system (2)–(4), (6)–(11), a crucial role is played by its free energy.
The idea is to generalize Biot’s free energy (Biot 1962), which is quadratic in strain
and fluid density, to the nonlinear poroelastic setting. This free energy serves as a
Lyapunov functional. This approach is linked to general entropy methods for PDEs.
For a detailed survey covering various fields of applications, we refer to Evans (2004)
and to the recent book by Jüngel (2016). An interesting application of the entropy
method is discussed in Mikelić (2010), Cao and Pop (2016) and Milišić (2018), where
the authors consider dynamic capillary pressure effects in two-phase porous media
This paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we present details of the model
formulation. The starting point is the mass balance for the fluid and the solid phase.
The latter implies an explicit expression for (8). Introducing a lower bound for the
porosity, we modify the fluid mass balance so that a Lyapunov functional can be
constructed for the modified system. This modification is such that the fluid equation
reduces to its original form in the physical range of the fluid density ρ and solid
volumetric strain E. Section 2 is concluded by a weak formulation of the modified
In Sect. 3, we consider, for the relaxation parameter λ∗ ≥ 0, the incremental version
of the modified system. Using Brézis’ theory of pseudo-monotone operators, existence
is demonstrated. Applying the Lyapunov functional yields global (in time) estimates.
Next, in Sect. 4, we use these estimates to solve the time-continuous problem when
λ∗ > 0. In both Sects. 3 and 4, we borrow ideas from Roubiček (2005). Finally, in
Sect. 5 we present a discussion and conclusions.
2 Problem Formulation
In a number of steps, we construct in this section the equations that serve as starting
point for the analysis. The general setting of the problem is as follows:
Let Ω ⊂ Rm (m=2,3) denote a smooth bounded domain, occupied by a linear
elastic skeleton. The skeleton material (grains) is assumed incompressible: i.e., the
bulk modulus of the grains is infinitely large. The voids in the porous structure are
completely filled with a slightly compressible fluid, in the sense that the fluid pressure
p and density ρ are related by (10).
For given ξ ∈ Ω, let x(ξ, t) denote the location of a solid particle at time t > 0, that
started at x(ξ, 0) = ξ,. Then the skeleton velocity vs is given by vs = ∂t x|ξ .
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div vs = ∂t div u.
∂t (1 − n) + (1 − n)div ∂t u = 0. (18)
Here, U0 is the initial displacement and n 0 the initial porosity. With n 0 ∈ (0, 1) in Ω,
expression (19) ensures
n = n 0 + (1 − n 0 )div (u − U0 ). (21)
Remark 1 Frequently, the linear form (21) is used for values of div u in a neighborhood
of div U0 : i.e., in practical circumstances (21) is applied when E∗ < div (u−U0 ) < E ∗ ,
where E∗ < 0 < E ∗ are appropriately chosen.
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u := u − U0 , (22)
we obtain for the fluid pressure p and the skeleton displacement u the system:
n∂t ρ + ρ div ∂t u + div (ρg − ∇ p) = Q, (24)
− div (Ge(u) − pI) = F, (25)
ρ = ρ( p) = ρ0 (1 + β( p − p0 )), (26)
n = n(div u) = 1 − (1 − n )e−div u
0 (27)
≈ n 0 + (1 − n 0 )div u (small strains). (28)
Remark 2 Concerning the initial displacement U0 , we note that only div U0 , the initial
volumetric strain, is used. However, when discussing the free energy, one needs in
addition that U0 is such that the corresponding elastic energy is finite. For simplicity,
we suppose U0 ∈ H 2 (Ω)m .
In the next sections, we will develop the mathematical theory for system (24)–(28).
The issue of negative porosity in (27) (or, for that matter, a porosity exceeding one
in approximation (28)), is discussed next.
We consider a simplified version of the linear problem (1)–(4) and show that div u can
attain values for which the porosity from (27)–(28) becomes negative.
For simplicity, we give the construction in R2 .
Let Ω = (0, L)2 for some L > 0. We suppose, as in the rest of this paper, that div
u|t=0 = 0. Further we set F = 0 in (25). Using (4) in (25) gives
Proceeding as in Verruijt (2015), when he discusses the Mandel problem, we take the
divergence of (29) to obtain
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Fig. 1 Sketch of level set of porosity n at some t > 0. The region where n > 0 shrinks with increasing time
and disappears after a finite time T p > 0
H = (2μ + λ)div u − p
is harmonic in Ω.
The idea is to prescribe boundary conditions for Eqs. (24) and (25) so that H |∂Ω is
given. For instance, if we set along the four edges, see Fig. 1,
⎪ {x1 = 0} : u 2 = 0, σ11 = Σ 1,0 and p = 0;
{x1 = L} : u 2 = 0, σ11 = Σ 1,L and p = 0;
⎪ {x = 0} : u 1 = 0, σ22 = Σ 2,0 and p = 0;
⎩ 2
{x2 = L} : u 1 = 0, σ22 = Σ 2,L and p = 0,
and use
∂u 1
σ11 = 2μ + λdiv u − p,
∂ x1
we have
∂u 1
Σ 1,0 = (2μ + λ) at {x1 = 0},
∂ x1
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H |∂Ω = Σ b ,
Proof Note that the sign of Σ b implies compression of the medium. Restricting our-
selves to the linear case (1) in a homogeneous and isotropic porous medium in which
sources/sinks and gravity are absent, we have
∂t div u − Δp = 0 in Ω, t > 0. (33)
Δp = (2μ + λ)Δ(div u)
Σb Σ
div u|∂Ω = ≤− ,
2μ + λ 2μ + λ
By the strong maximum principle, E < E in Ω and for t > 0, where E is the solution
of problem (34) with E = −Σ/(2μ + λ) on ∂Ω. Writing E as a Fourier series, one
observes that
E(x, t) → − as t → +∞,
2μ + λ
uniformly in x ∈ Ω.
Thus, if
(1 − n 0 )eΣ/(2μ+λ) > 1,
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Σ > (2μ + λ) ln ,
1 − n0
This example shows that there is a problem with the model. A modification is
needed to prevent the porosity (27), or (28), to become negative. Of course, one could
argue that this is outside the scope of the model or outside the range of practical
applications, since linear elasticity and small strains are supposed. However, since it
is not clear how to ensure that indeed small displacements/strains are guaranteed, one
needs to impose a porosity modification to prevent negative values.
Here, E∗ and E ∗ are practical values chosen such that −n 0 /(1 − n 0 ) < E∗ < 0 <
E ∗ < 1 and δ0 = n(E∗ )/2, see Fig. 2for a sketch.
This construction ensures that the modified porosity n(E) remains in the physical
range (0, 1) and coincides with the linear approximation in the interval (E∗ , E ∗ ).
Realistic porosity measurements are always done away from the bounds n = 0 and
n = 1, see, e.g., Bear and Bachmat (1990).
We choose to study Eq. (24) with the fluid density as primary unknown. Hence, we
need to express the pressure p in terms of ρ. Using (26), we have explicitly
ρ − ρ0
p = p(ρ) := p0 + . (36)
When considering (24), one clearly has in mind that ρ takes values near the reference
ρ0 . However, the mathematical nature of the equations does not guarantee this behavior.
Hence, a second modification is needed, now for ρ in the second and third term of
the left-hand side of (24). Disregarding gravity, we replace (24) by the modified fluid
mass balance equation
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Fig. 2 Sketch of porosity cutoff n(E), with n 0 = 0.5, E∗ = −0.5, E ∗ = 0.5 and δ0 = 0.125
where n(E) is given by (35) and k(E) = k(n(E)). Further, d, D : R → R are chosen
such that
d(ρ) = ρ, ⎬
ρ for |ρ − ρ0 | ≤ ρ0 − ρ∗ , (38)
D(ρ) = ,
η f βρ0 ⎭
where ρ∗ ∈ (0, ρ0 ) is a small constant. Outside this range we take for d and D
extensions that suit the mathematical analysis. We clarify this at a later point in this
Remark 3 The composite function k(E) = k(n(E)) satisfies: k ∈ C 1 (R) ∩ L ∞ (R) and
k > k(δ0 ) > 0, k > 0 in R.
The balance of forces (25) is modified by adding the regularizing term λ∗ ∂t E, as in
expression (5). This gives
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where ρ 0 : Ω → (0, +∞) is taken near the reference value ρ0 . Along the boundary,
we prescribe
In this section, we derive an expression for the free energy which acts as a Lyapunov
functional for system (37), (39). This generalizes the free energy introduced originally
by Biot (1962).
Let {u, ρ} be a smooth solution of Eqs. (37), (39) that satisfies conditions (40) and
(41). Further, let g : R → R be a smooth, strictly increasing and globally Lipschitz
function satisfying g(ρ0 ) = 0.
We first multiply equation (39) by ∂t u and integrate the result in Ω. This gives
1 d d
Ge(u) : e(u) dx + λ∗ (∂t E)2 dx − F · u dx
2 dt dt Ω
Next, we multiply (37) by g(ρ) and integrate the result in Ω. This results in
n(E)g(ρ)∂t ρ dx + d(ρ)g(ρ)∂t E dx − k(E)D(ρ)g (ρ)K∇ρ · ∇ρ dx
= Qg(ρ) dx. (43)
G(ρ) = g(z) dz, (44)
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+ d(ρ)g(ρ) − n (E)G(ρ) − p(ρ) ∂t E dx = Qg(ρ) dx − ∂t F · u dx.
Before considering the general nonlinear case described by this expression, we first
show its implication for the simplified linear setting where we have
n(E) = n 0 , d(ρ) = ρ0 , k(E) = 1 and D = .
d(ρ)g(ρ) − n (E)G(ρ) − p(ρ) ∂t E dx (47)
∂t E dx = 0,
This gives
ρ − ρ0
g(ρ) =
(ρ − ρ0 )2
G(ρ) = .
44 Page 14 of 41 Journal of Nonlinear Science (2023) 33:44
1 n0
L(u, ρ) = Ge(u) : e(u) + (ρ − ρ0 ) − F · u dx
Ω 2 2βρ02
acts as a Lyapunov functional for the linear form of system (37), (39). The first term
denotes the elastic energy of the skeleton, the second term the compression energy of
the fluid, and the third term the work done by the force F.
Expression (50) coincides with Biot’s original free energy expression from Biot
Next, we return to the nonlinear case (46). As a first step, we restrict ourselves to
the physical range of the porosity. Then, integral (47) becomes
d(ρ)g(ρ) − (1 − n 0 )G(ρ) − p(ρ) ∂t E dx. (51)
Differentiating the expression yields a first-order equation for g. Thus for (51) to
vanish, g should satisfy the initial value problem
⎨ 1
d(ρ)g (ρ) + (d (ρ) − (1 − n 0 ))g = , for ρ ∈ R;
ρ0 β (53)
⎩ g(ρ ) = 0.
We first consider this problem in the interval |ρ −ρ0 | < ρ := ρ0 −ρ∗ where d(ρ) = ρ.
Then, (53) reduces to
⎨ 1
ρg + n 0 g = ,
βρ0 (54)
⎩ g(ρ ) = 0.
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Fig. 3 Sketch of the free energy βG(ρ/ρ0 ). The linear case is in blue. The nonlinear case, see (56) and
(59) with n 0 = 1/3 and ρ∗ /ρ0 = 0.01, is in black
When |ρ − ρ0 | > ρ, the function d(ρ) has not yet been defined. We do this by first
extending g(ρ) for |ρ − ρ0 | > ρ and then by solving d(ρ) from (52): i.e.,
(1 − n 0 )G(ρ) + p(ρ) − p0
d(ρ) = . (57)
Clearly, (55) cannot be used for ρ ≤ 0. Instead, we extend (55) in a linear C 1 -manner
for |ρ − ρ0 | > ρ. With ρ̃ = ρ0 + ρ = 2ρ0 − ρ∗ , we set
⎧ n 0
⎪1 ρ0 ρ − ρ∗ ρ0 n 0
⎨ 1− + for ρ < ρ∗ ,
βn 0 ρ0 ρ ρ∗ ρ
g(ρ) = ∗ n 0 ∗n 0 (58)
⎪ 1 ρ0 ρ − ρ̃ ρ0
⎩ 1− + for ρ > ρ̃,
βn 0 ρ0 ρ̃ ρ̃ ρ̃
⎧ n 0
⎪ ρ − ρ∗ ρ0 ρ − ρ∗ ρ0 n 0
⎨ G(ρ∗ ) + 1− + for ρ < ρ∗ ;
βn 0 ρ0 ρ∗ 2ρ∗ ρ∗
G(ρ) = (59)
⎪ ρ − ρ̃ ρ0 n 0 ρ − ρ̃ ρ0 n 0
⎩ G(ρ̃) + 1− + for ρ > ρ̃.
βn 0 ρ0 ρ̃ 2ρ̃ ρ̃
Substituting expressions (58) and (59) in (57) yields the desired extension for d(ρ)
when |ρ − ρ0 | > ρ. Thus,
ρ for |ρ − ρ0 | ≤ ρ,
d(ρ) = (60)
(57)with g and G given by(58)and(59) for |ρ − ρ0 | > ρ.
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Hence, the triple {g(ρ), G(ρ), d(ρ)} constructed above satisfies (52). For this choice,
the integral (51) drops from expression (46). So far, we considered for the porosity
the linear approximation n(E) = n 0 + (1 − n 0 )E. To deal with the full cutoff (35), we
introduce a second modification. The starting point is (47). This integral vanishes if
Keeping g as in (55), (58) and G as in (56), (59), we now modify d(ρ), calling it
D(ρ, E), such that
n (E) p(ρ) − p0
D(ρ, E) = G(ρ) + . (62)
g(ρ) g(ρ)
D(ρ, E) = d(ρ) + (n (E) − (1 − n 0 )) . (63)
D(ρ, E) = ρ.
Finally, we use in the Darcy mass flux term j from Eq. (37)
ρ̃, for ρ ≥ ρ̃;
1 ⎨
D(ρ) = ρ, for ρ∗ < ρ < ρ̃; (64)
η f ρ0 β ⎩ ρ , for ρ ≤ ρ .
∗ ∗
Thus, in the end we consider the “second” modified fluid mass balance equation
System (39), (65) serves as starting point of the analysis. The function D(ρ, E) in (65)
generalizes the fluid density. It is chosen so that
J (u, ρ) = Ge(u) : e(u) dx + n(div u)G(ρ) dx − F · u dx (66)
2 Ω Ω Ω
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The problem describing the nonlinear poroelastic behavior of a fluid saturated porous
medium is to find the displacement u : Q T → Rm and the fluid density ρ : Q T → R
(i) the balance equations
in Q T = (0, T ) × Ω and
(ii) the initial-boundary conditions (40)–(41).
The coefficients in Eqs. (67)–(68) were introduced in this section. Specifically,
n(E) and k(E) satisfy (35) and Remark 3,
D(ρ, E), D(ρ) and p(ρ) are given by (62), (64) and (36),
and λ∗ ≥ 0.
We recast this classical formulation in the following weak form.
E = div u;
Ge(u) : e(ξ) dx + λ ∂t E div ξ dx − p(ρ)div ξ dx
= F · ξ dx, ∀ξ ∈ H01 (Ω)3 and for almost all t ∈ (0, T ]; (70)
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E|t=0 = 0 in Ω. (71)
where g(ρ) and G(ρ) are given, respectively, by (55), (58) and (56), (59).
Here, ρ 0 ∈ L 2 (Ω), Q ∈ C([0, T ]; L 2 (Ω)) and F ∈ H 1 (0, T ; L 2 (Ω)m ).
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Further, since
ρ(z) z
G(ρ(z)) = g(ξ ) dξ = ζρ (ζ ) dζ, z ∈ R, (75)
ρ0 0
g ⎫
G(g) := ζρ (ζ ) dζ ⎪
and, from (62), (76)
n (E ) p(g) − p0 ⎪⎪
D(g, E ) = G(g) + . ⎭
g g
Note that the first term in D(g, E) is bounded with respect to E and grows linearly in
g for large |g|. The second (pressure) term is bounded with respect to g since
ρ(g) − ρ0
p(g) − p0 = p(ρ(g)) − p0 = .
in Q T .
Next, we turn to the time discretized form of Eqs. (77) and (78).
Let τ ∈ (0, 1) denote the time discretization step and N ∈ N a large integer such that
N τ = T . At each discrete time t j = jτ , with j = 0, 1, . . . , N , we set
Let u j−1 and g j−1 denote, respectively, the displacement and transformed density at
t j−1 for some j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , N }: i.e.,
Then, u and g at time t j are obtained as solutions of the incremental problem (writing
U = u j−1 , Ξ = g j−1 and V = H01 (Ω)m × H 1 (Ω)):
Problem (PD): Given (U, Ξ ) ∈ V , find (u, g) ∈ V such that
n(div U) u−U
(ρ(g) − ρ(Ξ ))ψ dx + Dτ (g, div u, div U) div ψ dx
Ω τ Ω τ
+ k(div u)D(g)K∇g · ∇ψ dx = Q j ψ dx, ∀ψ ∈ H 1 (Ω); (79)
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Ge(u) : e(ξ) dx + div (u − U) div ξ dx − p(g)div ξ dx
Ω τ Ω Ω
= F j · ξ dx, ∀ξ ∈ H01 (Ω)m . (80)
This expression results from D(g, E) in (76), when the derivative n (E) is replaced
n( div u) − n( div U)
by the finite difference . The specific choice of (81) appears
div u − div U
convenient in the estimates concerning the time-discrete Lyapunov functional.
Using the weak topology of the space H01 (Ω)m × H 1 (Ω), serious difficulties arise
with the coefficients n, Dτ and k depending on div u. To remedy this, we introduce
a mollifier Υε , where ε is a small positive parameter (see, e.g., Roubiček 2005, page
203), and replace div u in the nonlinearities by the convolution div uΥε = u∇Υε .
Using this substitution one can treat nonlinear coefficients containing div u as lower
order terms in the equations. This allows us to use the theory of pseudo-monotone
Applying this convolution, the regularized form of Problem (PD) reads:
Problem (PD)ε : Given (U, Ξ ) ∈ V , find (uε , gε ) ∈ V such that, with Eε = uε ∇Υε ,
n(div U) n(Eε ) − n(div U) p(gε ) − p0
(ρ(gε ) − ρ(Ξ ))ψ dx + G(gε ) +
Ω τ Ω τ gε τ gε
div (uε − U)ψ dx
+ k(Eε )D(gε )K∇gε · ∇ψ dx = Q j ψ dx, ∀ψ ∈ H 1 (Ω), (82)
Ge(uε ) : e(ξ) dx + div (uε − U) div ξ dx − p(gε )div ξ dx
Ω τ Ω Ω
= F j · ξ dx, ∀ξ ∈ H01 (Ω)m . (83)
Note that the denominator τ gε in (82) originates from the time step τ in the discretiza-
tion and the term g in the denominator of (76). We have the following existence result
A(u, g) = b, (84)
Journal of Nonlinear Science (2023) 33:44 Page 21 of 41 44
1 λ∗
A(u, g), (ξ, ψ) := G e(u) : e(ξ) dx + 2 div (u − U) div ξ dx
τ Ω τ Ω
− div ξ dx + k(u∇Υε )D(g)K∇g · ∇ψ dx
n(div U)
+ (ρ(g) − ρ(Ξ ))ψ dx
Ω τ
n(u∇Υε ) − n(div U) p(g) − p0
+ G(g) + div (u − U)ψ dx, ∀(ξ, ψ) ∈ V .
Ω τg τg
b, (ξ, ψ) := F · ξ dx +
Q j ψ dx, ∀(ξ, ψ) ∈ V . (86)
∀(v, h) ∈ V ,
{ur , gr }{u, g} weakly in V ,
lim supA(ur , gr ), (ur , gr ) − (u, g) ≤ 0, ⇒ A(u, g), (u, g) − (v, h) ≤
r →+∞ lim inf A(ur , gr ), (ur , gr ) − (v, h),
r →+∞
We observe that B (u, g), (u, g) = A(u, g). The introduction of B is useful because
it reflects the monotonicity of the principal part of A(u, g). This is a direct consequence
44 Page 22 of 41 Journal of Nonlinear Science (2023) 33:44
The sequence (ur , gr ) is bounded in V and there exists a subsequence which strongly
converges in L 5 (Ω)m and (a.e.) in Ω, to (u, g). Hence, it suffices to pass to the limit
along this subsequence. In (91), the terms containing the operator B are fixed with
respect to the gradients. Hence,
for any (ξ, ψ) ∈ V . With these results, we are in a position to pass to the limit
r → +∞ in inequality (91). It yields
δ lim inf A(ur , gr ), (u, g) − (v, h) ≥ − lim supA(ur , gr ), (ur , gr ) − (u, g)
r →+∞ r →+∞
+δB (u, g), (uδ , gδ ) , (u, g) − (v, h). (94)
lim inf A(ur , gr ), (u, g) − (v, h) ≥ B (u, g), (u, g) , (u, g) − (v, h)
r →+∞
= A(u, g), (u, g) − (v, h), ∀(v, h) ∈ V . (95)
Journal of Nonlinear Science (2023) 33:44 Page 23 of 41 44
Taking ξ = u − U and ψ = g in (85), the cross terms involving the product p(g)
div (u − U) cancel and the term p0 div (u − U)/τ drops out after integration. What
remains is
The third and fourth terms in the right-hand side need special attention.
Since ρ = ρ(g) is a C 1 monotonically increasing function, we have the elementary
x(ρ(x) − ρ(y)) ≥ ζρ (ζ ) dζ, ∀x, y ∈ R. (97)
Using this inequality and the expression for G (see (76)) in these terms gives
n(div U)(ρ(g) − ρ(Ξ ))g + (n(u∇Υε ) − n(div U)) ζρ (ζ ) dζ
g Ξ
≥ n(u∇Υε ) ζρ (ζ ) dζ − n(div U) ζρ (ζ ) dζ. (98)
0 0
44 Page 24 of 41 Journal of Nonlinear Science (2023) 33:44
Applying Korn’s inequality, see Theorem 1.33 from Roubiček (2005), and inserting
inequality (98) into equality (96) yields
A(u, g), (u − U, g) ≥ ||u||2H 1 (Ω)m + C2 ||∇g||2L 2 (Ω)m
τ 0
C3 C4
− + ( ζρ (ζ ) dζ ) dx , (99)
τ τ Ω 0
≈Cg 2 for large |g|
Journal of Nonlinear Science (2023) 33:44 Page 25 of 41 44
In Problem (PD), where the discrete time step τ enters as parameter, one find
after one step (u1 , g 1 ) from the initial values (div u, ρ)|t=0 = (0, ρ 0 ). The idea is to
repeat this procedure for an arbitrary number of steps. If M ∈ N, M ≤ N = T /τ ,
then (u M , g M ) denotes the time discretized approximation of the original quasi-static
equation, at t = t M = Mτ .
The corresponding Lyapunov functional at t = t M reads
JM = Ge(u M ) : e(u M ) − F M · u M + n(div u M )G(g M ) dx. (106)
Ω 2
It satisfies
Theorem 2 For each M ∈ N, M ≤ N = T /τ, we have
div (u j − u j−1 )
+τ λ∗
j=1 Ω
F j − F j−1
+ · u j−1 + k(div u j )D(g j )K∇g j · ∇g j − Q j g j dx ≤ J 0 .
J 0 = n0 G(g 0 ) dx, g 0 = g(ρ 0 ).
Note that in Eq. (109) we have used explicitly the form of Dτ from (81). Next, we
take ξ = (u j − u j−1 )/τ in (108) and ψ = g j in (109). The resulting two equalities
are added and summed up with respect to j up from j = 1 to j = M. Using the
(i) cross terms containing pressure cancel;
44 Page 26 of 41 Journal of Nonlinear Science (2023) 33:44
Ge(u j ) : e(u j − u j−1 ) ≥ Ge(u M ) : e(u M ) − Ge(u0 ) : e(u0 ) ;
n(div u j−1 )g j (ρ(g j ) − ρ(g j−1 )) + (n(div u j ) − n(div u j−1 ))G(g j )
F · (u − u
j j j−1
)=F M
·u M
−F ·u −
0 0
(F j+1 − F j ) · u j ,
j=1 j=0
one finds inequality (107). The reduced expression for J 0 results from u|t=0 = 0.
Having established existence for the discrete Problem (PD) in Theorem 1 and a
Lyapunov estimate in Theorem 2, we are now in a position to obtain estimates that are
uniform in the time step τ .
Proof Combining expression (106) for J M and inequality (107) yields for any 1 ≤
Ge(u M ) : e(u M ) dx + n(div u M )G(g M ) dx
2 Ω Ω
≤ F M · u M dx + J 0 + τ Q j g j dx
Ω j=1
Journal of Nonlinear Science (2023) 33:44 Page 27 of 41 44
F j − F j−1 δ 1
+τ · u j−1 dx ≤ ||u M ||2L 2 (Ω)m + ||F M ||2L 2 (Ω)m + J 0
τ 2 2δ
j=1 Ω
τ j 2 τ j−1 2
+ ||g || L 2 (Ω) + ||u || L 2 (Ω)m
2 2
j=1 j=1
τ F j − F j−1 2
+ ||Q j ||2L 2 (Ω) + || || L 2 (Ω)m .
2 2 τ
j=1 j=1
By the assumptions on Q and F, the last two terms are uniformly bounded with respect
to τ and M. We estimate the left-hand side from below by applying Korn’s inequality
to the first term and the quadratic growth of G to the second term. Then for δ and τ
sufficiently small, we obtain for the combination
the inequality
U M ≤ C1 + C2 τ Uj,
where C1 and C2 do not dependent on τ and M. Next, we apply the discrete Gronwall
inequality1 , see footnote, to find
τ ||ϕE j ||2H 1 (Ω) + max ||ϕE M ||2H 1 (Ω) ≤ C. (112)
2μ + λ 1≤M≤N
Proof Let
div (u j − u j−1 )
L j = (2μ + λ)E j − p(g j ) + λ∗ , j = 1, . . . M. (113)
1 Discrete version of Gronwall’s lemma: Let {U } and {w } be nonnegative sequences satisfying U ≤
n n n
A + M−1 M−1
j=0 U j w j . Then for all n, Un ≤ A exp{ j=0 w j }.
44 Page 28 of 41 Journal of Nonlinear Science (2023) 33:44
τ ||u || H 1 (Ω)m + ||g || L 2 (Ω) ≤ τ MC ≤ T C.
j 2 j 2
τ ||L j ||2L 2 (Ω) ≤ C. (114)
As in the counterexample for negative porosity, we take the divergence of the time-
discrete momentum equation. This yields
− ΔL j = div F j in Ω. (115)
Taking ζ = ϕ L j results in
|∇(ϕ L )| dx = −
j 2
F · ∇(ϕ L )ϕ dx −
F j · ∇ϕϕ L j dx
+ (L j )2 ϕΔϕ dx − 2L j ∇ϕ · ∇(ϕ L j ) dx.
||ϕ L j ||2H 1 (Ω) ≤ C ||F j ||2L 2 (Ω) + ||L j ||2L 2 (Ω) , (117)
τ ||ϕ L j ||2H 1 (Ω) ≤ C(τ ||F j ||2L 2 (Ω)m + 1) ≤ C. (118)
j=1 j=1
Journal of Nonlinear Science (2023) 33:44 Page 29 of 41 44
(2μ + λ) ||ϕE j ||2H 1 (Ω) + λ∗ (ϕ(E j − E j−1 ), ϕE j ) H 1 (Ω)
≤ ||ϕ(L j + p(g j ))||2H 1 (Ω) . (119)
2(2μ + λ)
(a M )2 (a 0 )2 1 j
a (a − a
j j j−1
)= − + (a − a j−1 )2 ,
2 2 2
j=1 j=1
τ ||ϕE j ||2H 1 (Ω) + ||ϕE M ||2H 1 (Ω)
2μ + λ
≤+ ||ϕ(L j + p(g j ))||2H 1 (Ω) .
(2μ + λ)2
Combining this inequality with (111) and (118), results in the estimate of the lemma.
We conclude this section with an estimate for (ρ(g j )−ρ(g j−1 ))/τ . However, since
in Eqs. (67) or (69) the (discrete) time derivative is multiplied by n(E), we look for an
estimate for
With the results of Proposition 3 and Lemma 1, the space-time compactness of N will
imply the same property of g.
We summarize our findings in the next proposition
Proposition 4 For given τ > 0 and j = 1, . . . , N , let (uτ (t j ), gτ (t j )) ∈ V denote a
solution of Problem (PD). Then, we have
44 Page 30 of 41 Journal of Nonlinear Science (2023) 33:44
div (uτ (t j ) − uτ (t j−1 )) 2
τ λ∗ + |∇gτ (t j )|2 dx ≤ C, (122)
Ω τ
τ ||ϕ div uτ (t j )||2H 1 (Ω) + λ∗ max ||ϕ div uτ (t j )||2H 1 (Ω) ≤ C(ϕ), (123)
1≤ j≤N
N j − N j−1 2
τ || || H −2 (Ω) + ||ϕN j ||2H 1 (Ω) ≤ C(ϕ), (124)
N j = n(div uτ (t j ))ρ(gτ (t j ))
Proof We only need to prove estimate (124). Rewriting Eq. (79), we have
N j − N j−1 n(E j−1 )(ρ(g j ) − ρ(g j−1 ))
ψ dx = ψ dx
Ω τ Ω τ
(n(E j ) − n(E j−1 ))ρ(g j )
+ ψdx
Ω τ
n(E j ) − n(E j−1 )
= ρ(g j ) − G(g j ) ψdx
Ω τ
(E j − E j−1 )( p(g j ) − p0 )
− ψ dx
Ω τgj
+ Q j ψ dx − k(E j )D(g j )K∇g j ∇ψ dx, for ψ ∈ H02 (Ω).
N j − N j−1 2
|| || H −2 (Ω)
(E j − E j−1 ) 2
≤ C || || L 2 (Ω) ||g j ||2L 2 (Ω) + ||Q j ||2L 2 (Ω) + ||∇g j ||2L 2 (Ω)m
and the full estimate reads
N j − N j−1 2
τ || || H −2 (Ω)
E j − E j−1 ) 2
≤C max ||g j ||2L 2 (Ω) τ || || L 2 (Ω) + 1 + τ ||∇g j ||2L 2 (Ω)m ≤ C
1≤ j≤N τ
j=1 j=1
Journal of Nonlinear Science (2023) 33:44 Page 31 of 41 44
τ ||∇(ϕN j )||2L 3/2 (Ω)
≤ C ( max ||∇(ϕE j )||2L 2 (Ω) )τ ||g j ||2L 6 (Ω) + C + τ ||∇g j ||2L 2 (Ω)m ≤ C.
1≤ j≤N
j=1 j=1
The second is the Rothe interpolant, which is the piecewise linear time-continuous
t t
(ũτ (t), g̃τ (t)) = j + 1 −(uτ (t j ), gτ (t j )) + − j (uτ (t j+1 ), gτ (t j+1 )),
τ τ
for jτ ≤ t ≤ ( j + 1)τ. (128)
44 Page 32 of 41 Journal of Nonlinear Science (2023) 33:44
where Eτ = div uτ , N τ = n(E τ )ρ(g τ ) and Ñτ (t) = ( j +1−t/τ )N j +(t/τ − j)N j+1 .
Further, we have
N j+1 − N j E j+1 − E j
∂t Ñτ = and ∂t Ẽτ = ,
τ τ
for t j ≤ t ≤ t j+1 and j = 0, . . . , N − 1.
Hence, by (122)
λ∗ |∂t Ẽτ (t)|2 dxdt ≤ C (134)
0 Ω
||∂t Ñτ (t)||2H −2 (Ω) dt ≤ C. (135)
In what follows, we rely heavily on the material and theory collected in Roubiček
(2005, Chapters 7 and 8). Since the piecewise constant approximation (uτ (t), g τ (t))
is discontinuous in time, its time derivative is only a measure. To deal with this, we
introduce the space M(0, T ; L 2 (Ω)) of regular Borel measures in [0, T ] with values
in L 2 (Ω), which is the dual space of C([0, T ]; L 2 (Ω)). With δ(t j ) denoting the Dirac
measure concentrated in t j , we have
||∂t E τ ||M(0,T ;L 2 (Ω)) = || (E j − E j−1 )δ(t j )||M(0,T ;L 2 (Ω))
E j − E j−1
=τ || || L 2 (Ω) = ||∂t Ẽτ || L 1 (0,T ;L 2 (Ω))
≤ T ||∂t Ẽτ || L 2 (0,T ;L 2 (Ω)) ≤ C. (136)
Journal of Nonlinear Science (2023) 33:44 Page 33 of 41 44
W 1,2,M (0, T ; H 1 (ω), L 2 (ω)) = {z ∈ L 2 (0, T ; H 1 (ω)) | ∈ M(0, T ; L 2 (ω))}
exists (u, g, , E, N ) such that along a subsequence τ 0 one has the same conver-
gence as in (138)–(140) and (142). The convergence in (141) and (143) is now replaced
by weak−∗ convergence in M(0, T ; L 2 (Ω)) for ∂t E τ and in M(0, T ; H −2 (Ω)) for
∂t N τ .
Furthermore, the estimates allow us to conclude
As a consequence,
Nτ N
ρ(g τ ) = → (146)
n(E τ ) n(E)
Nτ N
g τ = ρ −1 → ρ −1 = g. (147)
n(E τ ) n(E)
ρ(g τ ) → ρ(g) strongly in L 2 ((0, T ) × ω) and (a.e) on (0, T ) × ω;
D(g τ ) → D(g) strongly in L 2 ((0, T ) × ω) and (a.e) on (0, T ) × ω.
44 Page 34 of 41 Journal of Nonlinear Science (2023) 33:44
As in (Roubiček 2005, pages 224–226), one shows that ũ = u and g̃ = g. Then, (149)
implies that E = Ẽ. Alternatively, this follows from estimate (134) which gives
N −1
T τ3
||E τ (t) − Ẽτ (t)||2L 2 (Ω) dt = ||E j − E j+1 ||2L 2 (Ω)
0 2
||N τ (t) − Ñτ (t)||2H −2 (Ω) dt = Cτ 2 , (151)
which yields N = Ñ .
From this point on, we denote the limit, as τ 0, by the quadruple (u, g, E, N ),
We are now in a position to prove the main existence result for a weak solution of the
time-continuous case.
Theorem 3 Let λ∗ > 0. Then, there exists at least one weak free energy solution
(u, E, ρ) satisfying Definition 1.
Proof In the proof, we use approximations (127) and (128), and their convergence
Let τ > 0, sufficiently small, and let t ∈ (τ, T ). Then, t j ≤ t < t j+1 for some
j ∈ {1, . . . , N − 1} and uτ (t) = u j and g τ (t) = g j .
We first consider the momentum balance Eq. (80).
The starting point is Problem (PD). Using Eq. (108), we have for any ξ ∈ H01 (Ω)m
Ge(uτ ) : e(ξ) dx = Ge(u j ) : e(ξ) dx
=− (E j − E j−1 ) div ξ dx + p(g j )div ξ dx + F j · ξ dx
τ Ω
= −λ ∂t Ẽτ (t − τ ) div ξ dx + p(g τ )div ξ dx + Fτ · ξ dx. (152)
Here, we introduced
Multiplying Eq. (152) by α ∈ C0∞ (0, T ) and integrating the result over (τ, T ), yields
{ Ge(uτ ) : e(ξ) dx}α(t) dt + λ∗ { ∂t Ẽτ (t − τ ) div ξ dx}α(t) dt
τ Ω τ Ω
Journal of Nonlinear Science (2023) 33:44 Page 35 of 41 44
+ { p(g τ )div ξ dx}α(t) dt = { Fτ · ξ dx}α(t) dt. (153)
τ Ω τ Ω
and apply the discretization of Problem (PD). Similarly to (153) this gives for any
ψ ∈ C0∞ (Ω) and α ∈ C ∞ [0, T ]
T G(g τ ) p(g τ ) − p0
∂t Ñτ (t − τ ) − ∂t ν̃τ (t − τ ) ρ(g τ ) − + ∂t Ẽτ (t − τ )
τ Ω gτ gτ
ψ(x)α(t) dxdt +
k(E τ )D(g τ )K∇g τ · ∇ψ(x)α(t) dxdt = Q τ ψ(x)α(t) dxdt,
τ Ω τ Ω
t t
ν̃τ (t) = j +1− n(E j ) + − j n(E j+1 ),
τ τ
Q τ (t) = Q(t j ) = Q j
for jτ ≤ t < ( j + 1)τ. (155)
44 Page 36 of 41 Journal of Nonlinear Science (2023) 33:44
∂t n(E)ρ(g) − ∂t n(E)ρ(g) + D(ρ, E)∂t E − div k(E)D(g)K∇g
It remains to check the initial and boundary conditions and the energy inequality (72).
First, we notice that (140)–(141) imply
Journal of Nonlinear Science (2023) 33:44 Page 37 of 41 44
− Ñτ (x, 0)ψ(x)α(τ ) dx → − Ñ (x, t)ψ(x) α(t) dxdt
Ω Ω dt
and since the strong convergence (144)–(145), together with the weak convergence
(140) and (142), implies the same for Ω, we may pass to the limit τ 0 and conclude
− ρ(g)n(E)∂t Φ(x, t) dxdt − n(0)ρ 0 (x)Φ(x, 0) dx
0 Ω Ω
+ ∂t E D(ρ(g), E)
0 Ω
−ρ(g)n (E) Φ(x, t) dxdt + k(E)D(g)K∇g · ∇x Φ(x, t) dxdt
0 Ω
= QΦ(x, t) dxdt, ∀Φ ∈ H 1 (Ω × (0, T )), with Φ|t=T = 0.
0 Ω
To show inequality (72), we follow again (Roubiček 2005, pp. 223–226). Starting
point is inequality (107), which we write for any K ∈ N, K ≤ N − 1, and for any
time step τ as
K +1
E − EK 2
J K +1− +τ
JK λ∗ + k(E K +1 )D(g K +1 )K∇g K +1 · ∇g K +1
Ω τ
F K +1 − F K K +1 +1
+ ·u − Q K g K dx ≤ 0.
With the notation from (127) and (128), we rewrite inequality (165):
d ˜
λ∗ ∂t Ẽτ (t) + k E τ (t + τ ) D ḡτ (t + τ ) K∇ ḡτ (t + τ ) · ∇ ḡτ (t + τ )
Jτ (t) +
dt Ω
+ ∂t F̃τ (t) · u(t) − Q τ (t + τ )ḡτ (t + τ ) dx ≤ 0,
In this paper, we study a model that describes the quasi-static mechanical behavior
of a fluid saturated porous medium. In it simplest (linear) form, it is described by
44 Page 38 of 41 Journal of Nonlinear Science (2023) 33:44
Eqs. (1)–(4), where (1) results from the fluid phase mass balance in the case that the
fluid is incompressible.
We follow Rutqvist et al. (2001) and Lewis and Schrefler (1998) and propose a fluid
mass balance that is based on the mixture theory of Bedford and Drumheller (1978)
and Bedford and Drumheller (1983). This yields Eq. (6) and the resulting nonlinear
system is given by (2)–(4) and (6). Note that the time derivative of the fluid density ρ
appears in (6), since the fluid is assumed weakly compressible, see expression (10).
Models where the fluid density is constant (see Bociu et al. 2016; Cao et al. 2013)
do not contain this source term. Moreover, the porosity n and the deformation of the
medium are related through (8). An expression for this relation is derived from the
solid phase mass balance. It is given by (19) or, when the deformation is small, by
approximation (21).
It is shown by means of a counterexample that the porosity may admit non-physical,
i.e., negative, values. This is made precise in Proposition 1. To obtain a well-posed
mathematical problem, the porosity is modified according to cutoff (35). This cutoff
is chosen such that it reduces to the correct expression in the physical range. Outside
this range, it remains positive. Likewise, a cutoff for the density is introduced through
expressions (60) and (64).
The momentum balance Eq. (2)–(4) is modified as well. Following Murad and
Cushman (1996), we add the term
to the expression for the total stress. This results in expression (5). Murad and Cushman
give a thermodynamically based derivation of the equation in which (166) appears as
the difference between the fluid and solid pressures. Having λ∗ > 0, (166) acts as a
time regularization of the volumetric stress for our quasi-static problem.
An important role in the analysis of the equations is played by the free energy of
the system. This free energy acts as a Lyapunov functional. It is given by (66), which
generalizes Biot’s original expression developed for the linear case (Biot 1962). In the
case that the deformation and fluid density are in the physical range, the free energy
simplifies to, see also (56),
J (u, ρ) = Ge(u) : e(u) − F · u
Ω 2
n(div u)
+ (1 − n 0 )ρ − ρ0n 0 ρ 1−n 0 + n 0 ρ0 dx. (167)
β0 n 0 (1 − n 0 )ρ0
Journal of Nonlinear Science (2023) 33:44 Page 39 of 41 44
The quasi-static case with λ∗ = 0 fails to have the time estimate from inequality (111).
Therefore, we are not able to extend the results to the quasi-static case. Furthermore,
the convergence results are based on compactness arguments. Hence, also uniqueness
remains an open problem. Clearly, we have existence (globally in time) for the time-
discrete quasi-static case, which is relevant for numerical purposes.
We note that only in the proof of the local H 1 (Ω)− estimates for div u, we use the
fact that the Gassmann tensor has the specific form of Hooke’s law (4). In the incremen-
tal problem we could have replaced G by a general rank-4, symmetric, positive-definite
Gassmann tensor.
Some particular cases of system (24)–(25) were studied before. An interesting
example is the consolidation with an irrotational composite flow rate, when the system
reduces to a scalar pseudo-parabolic PDE. For details see Holland and Showalter
We notice also that the model studied in this paper was extensively used by Schrefler
et al., see Schrefler et al. (1990) and Lewis and Schrefler (1998) and references therein.
It is broadly accepted in the computational poromechanics community. A review of
different numerical methods and software is given in Rutqvist et al. (2001) and Minkoff
et al. (2003).
Acknowledgements The first author expresses his gratitude to Tea Mikelić for retrieving the missing files
from her father’s computer. Further, he wants to thank the colleagues from Hasselt University, Sorin Pop
and Koondanibha Mitra, for their assistance with the revision.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which
permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give
appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence,
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in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If
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