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Numerical Calculation of Effective Density and Compressibility Tensors in Periodic Porous Media: A Multi-Scale Asymptotic Method

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Excerpt from the Proceedings of the COMSOL Conference 2008 Boston

Numerical Calculation of Effective Density and Compressibility

Tensors in Periodic Porous Media: A Multi-Scale Asymptotic
Chang-Yong Lee1, Michael J. Leamy*,1, and Jason H. Nadler2
School of Mechanical Engineering1, Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI)2,
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332
Michael J. Leamy: GWW School of Mechanical Engineering, 771 Ferst Drive N.W., Atlanta, GA 30332

Abstract: A major issue in predicting and attention in the past three decades1-13. Although
controlling (via design) absorption properties of the formulations in the cited works are given in
rigid porous media is the determination of the an explicit analytical form, they can only be
frequency-dependent effective density and evaluated in cases of very simple pore
compressibility tensors. Unlike previous research geometries assuming isotropic material
efforts which employ in-house and, oftentimes, properties, such as flow in a uniform cylinder.
multiple numerical procedures for determining More recently, several numerical methods have
these two essential tensors, we formulate their been suggested in the literature14-21, which offer
solution in terms of a set of micro-scale the possibility of extending the evaluation to
governing equations (and associated boundary general geometries and materials using desktop-
conditions) resulting from a multi-scale based workstations. However, most of these
asymptotic analysis. The form of these equations analysis techniques require the use of (multiple)
is ideally suited for incorporation into the finite in-house codes and complicated numerical
element analysis package, COMSOL® procedures. Furthermore, many of the cited
Multiphysics. Incorporating the equations numerical treatments are still not suitable for
directly into COMSOL® allows for arbitrary both arbitrary pore geometry and materials.
three-dimensional model generation, unit cell Therefore, a need exists for a general
meshing, and ultimate analysis using a single computational approach for predicting the
software package. We demonstrate the validity acoustic properties of periodic, porous materials
of this approach by comparing our numerical which, ideally, can be cast in a form suitable for
results with those published in the literature – analysis using a commercial package, such as
specifically, we analyze porous media composed COMSOL® Multiphysics.
of rigid, face centered cubic (FCC) packed
spheres. In this paper, we present a multi-scale
numerical approach for determining the effective
Keywords: porous media, effective density, density and compressibility tensors for periodic
effective compressibility, acoustic absorption. porous media with arbitrary 3-D unit cells. To
the authors’ knowledge, the approach presented
1. Introduction is the first posed in a consistent and general
manner such that the resulting micro-scale
Noise reduction is currently a major issue in equations can be implemented in a single
the automobile, aeronautical, and building commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) simulation
industries. One promising way to reduce noise is code.
through the design and optimization of porous
structures, which demonstrate favorable acoustic We begin by reviewing a mathematical
absorption properties due to fluid losses procedure suitable for analyzing acoustic porous
associated with large wetted areas. The important medium: the multi-scale asymptotic method
measurement parameters characterizing and (MAM)3,4,11,13. MAM enables one to determine
predicting acoustic absorption performance of the macroscopic material description from
these structures are their effective density and knowledge of the physics and geometry at the
compressibility tensors. For this reason, research microscopic level. We use this method to derive
attention devoted to the theoretical formulation a set of frequency-domain partial differential
of these two tensors has received considerable equations, and boundary conditions, for coupled
dynamic and thermal response. COMSOL® MAM is a multi-scale approach based on an
Multiphysics is then employed with periodic asymptotic analysis of the governing equations
boundary conditions on a unit fluid cell (UFC) to (1-4). It is used to further derive a set of well-
determine the effective density and posed micro-scale equations necessary for
compressibility tensors, which ultimately computing effective macro-scale variables, via
determine the acoustic absorption properties of averaging. The asymptotic approach begins by
the porous material. For a porous material introducing two space variables: x for the
composed of FCC packed spheres, comparisons macro-variations and y = ε −1 x for the micro-
of results generated in this study with those variations. Here the small parameter
found in the literature15,17,18 demonstrate very ε = O ( l L ) << 1 is a scale ratio of a characteristic
good agreement.
unit cell length l and frequency-dependent
2. Multi-Scale Asymptotic Method wavelength L . As such, the small parameter
denotes a ratio of a micro-scale characteristic
In order to describe the linear acoustics length to a macro-scale characteristic length. The
phenomenon created in rigid porous medium, solution variables sought and the differential
one has to solve the following set of harmonic operators are next split into their macroscopic
viscothermal governing equations and associated and microscopic components via power series
boundary conditions for harmonic waves of involving ε ,
frequency ( f ): u = u 0 ( x, y ) + ε u1 ( x, y ) + ε 2u 2 ( x, y ) + "
p = p 0 ( x, y ) + ε p1 ( x, y ) + ε 2 p 2 ( x, y ) + " (5)
• In the viscothermal fluid flow, τ = τ 0 ( x, y ) + ετ 1 ( x, y ) + ε 2τ 2 ( x, y ) + "
p ρ τ
= + (1) The gradient ( ∇ ) and Laplacian ( Δ ) operators
P0 ρ 0 T0
take the forms,
ρ0iωu = −∇p + ( λ + μ ) ∇ ( ∇ ⋅ u ) + μΔu 1 2 1
(2a,b) ∇ = ∇ x + ∇ y and Δ = Δ x + Δ xy + 2 Δ y . (6)
ρ ε ε ε
iω = −∇ ⋅ u
ρ0 Moreover, because one can consider the
ρ0iωC pτ = iω p + K Δτ (3) viscothermal effects to occur at the micro-scale,
it is necessary to rescale the viscosity and
• On the fluid-solid interface, conductivity coefficients appearing in the
u = 0 and τ = 0 (4) momentum balance (2a) and energy equations
(3) by ε 2 11
Eqs. (1-4) represent the equation of state,
momentum balance, mass balance, and energy ρ 0iωu = −∇p + ε 2 ⎣⎡( λ + μ ) ∇ ( ∇ ⋅ u ) + μΔu ⎦⎤ (7)
balance. P0 , ρ 0 , and T0 denote the pressure, ρ0iωC pτ = iω p + ε 2 [ K Δτ ] (8)
density, and temperature of the air at rest, while With this rescaling, MAM allows for orderly
u , p , ρ , and τ the fluid velocity, pressure solution of the seeking variables.
variation, density variation, and temperature We start with the mass balance equation (2b),
variation. In addition, the angular frequency, combined with the state equation (1). Updated
shear and bulk viscosities, specific heat at using the expansions (5-6), a single multi-scaled
constant pressure, and heat conductivity are relationship results,
denoted, respectively, by ω (= 2π f ), μ , λ , C p , ⎡ ( p 0 + ε p1 + ") (τ 0 + ετ 1 + ") ⎤
iω ⎢ − ⎥
and K . As has been noted by several authors, ⎢⎣ P0 T0 ⎥⎦
any problem of linear acoustics involving porous (9)
⎛ 1 ⎞
medium can be dealt with using this formalism. = − ⎜ ∇ x + ∇ y ⎟ ⋅ ( u 0 + ε u1 + ")
However, because the equations presented above ⎝ ε ⎠
are based on interdependent macroscopic Separating scales, the corresponding equation at
variables, they cannot take into account the highest order ε −1 implies that the fluid
explicitly the micro-scale physics and geometry velocity can be considered as locally
of the porous media at the microscopic level. incompressible,
∇ y ⋅ u0 = 0 , (10)
while at order ε 0 , and (16) yields the following decoupled set of
⎡p τ ⎤ 0 0 partial differential equations suitable for
iω ⎢ − ⎥ = −∇ x ⋅ u 0 . (11) incorporation into COMSOL® Multiphysics:
⎣ P0 T0 ⎦
A similar procedure carried-out on the • Momentum equation with no-slip boundaries
momentum balance equation (7) yields: ρ0
⎛ 1 ⎞ iω k j ⋅ e − ∇α ⋅ e − Δk j ⋅ e = e
ρ0iω ( u 0 + ε u1 + ") = − ⎜ ∇ x + ∇ y ⎟ ( p 0 + ε p1 + ") μ
⎝ ε ⎠
∇ ⋅ k j ⋅ e = 0 in Ω f (19)
⎧ ⎛ 2 1 ⎞
+ε 2 ⎨ μ ⎜ Δ x + Δ xy + 2 Δ y ⎟ ( u 0 + ε u1 + ") k j = 0 on Γ , k j & α : Ω − periodic
⎩ ⎝ ε ε ⎠
where e denotes any of three unit vectors
⎛ 1 ⎞⎛ ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎞ ⎫⎪
+ ( λ + μ ) ⎜ ∇ x + ∇ y ⎟ ⎜ ⎜ ∇ x + ∇ y ⎟ ⋅ ( u 0 + ε u1 + ") ⎟ ⎬ directed along a global coordinate system.
⎝ ε ⎠⎝ ⎝ ε ⎠ ⎠ ⎪⎭ • Energy equation with isothermal boundaries
(12) ρ0 Pr
iωρ 0 k ′ − Δk ′ = −1 in Ω f (20)
Separating orders, order ε −1 yields the μ
relationship, k ′ = 0 on Γ , k ′ : Ω − periodic ,
∇ y p 0 = 0 ⇒ p 0 ( x, y ) = p 0 ( x ) (13) where Pr = μC p K denotes the Prandtl
which implies that the macro-scale pressure is number.
constant at the micro-scale. At order ε 0 , Here Ω , Ω f and Γ represent the UFC volume,
ρ0iωu 0 = −∇ y p1 − ∇ x p 0 + μΔ y u 0 . (14)
the fluid-filled pore volume, and the fluid-solid
For the energy equation (8), the procedure results interface, respectively. Taking the volume
in the multi-scale equation, average of Eqs. (11), (17) and (18) over the UFC
ρ0iωC p (τ 0 + ετ 1 + ") = iω ( p 0 + ε p1 + ") and using the relationship between the effective
(15) ( χ eff ) and dynamic ( β ) compressibilities,
⎡ ⎛ 2 1 ⎞ ⎤
+ε 2 ⎢ K ⎜ Δ x + Δ xy + 2 Δ y ⎟ (τ 0 + ετ 1 + ") ⎥ β (ω ) β (ω )
⎣ ⎝ ε ε ⎠ ⎦ iω p 0 = −∇ x ⋅ u 0 , with χ eff = (21)
The highest order identified is ε 0 and thus a γ P0 γ P0
single relationship is obtained (macro-scale), ,which is defined by Lafarge9, yields two
ρ0iωC pτ 0 = iω p 0 + K Δ yτ 0 . (16) macroscopic equations as follows:
ρeff j iω u 0 = −∇ x p 0 ,
Following the methodology introduced by
Lafarge et al10, we assume, at a given frequency, χ eff iω p 0 = −∇ x ⋅ u 0 , (22)
the appropriate solution forms of the macro-scale
velocity ( u 0 ) and micro-scale pressure ( p1 )
μφ ˆ
distributions as linear relationships with ∇ x p 0 , ρeff j = kj

while the macro-scale temperature ( τ 0 ) β (ω ) 1 ⎡ ρ0 Pr iω kˆ′ ⎤
distribution as linearly-related to iω p 0 , as χ eff = = ⎢γ − ( γ − 1) ⎥ (23)
γ P0 γ P0 ⎢⎣ μ φ ⎥⎦
k ( y,ω ) with γ as the specific heat ratio, • = ∫ •d Ω ,
u 0 ( x, y ) = − j ∇ x p 0 ( x ) , j = 1, 2,3 Ωf Ω
p1 ( x, y ) = α ( y, ω ) ⋅ ∇ x p 0 ( x ) + pˆ 1 ( x ) (17) φ= , kˆ j = φ k j , and k̂ ′ = φ k ′ . Here, ρeff j
and χ eff are identified as the effective density
k ′ ( y, ω )
τ 0
( x, y ) = iω p ( x )
(18) and compressibility tensors, which ultimately
dictate the medium's acoustic absorption
Note that k j and k ′ denote the dynamic viscous
and thermal permeability, and also note that the
pressure ( p1 ) can be expressed in terms of its 3. Numerical Implementation in
deviatoric part ( p̂1 ) and zero mean value ( α ) on COMSOL
the UFC. Substituting (17-18) into (10), (14),
To assess the validity of the described MAM sphere contact point, where the solder radius
process and numerical implementation, we used is 150 μm.
calculated effective tensors for the FCC
geometry17,18 depicted in Fig. 1 subject to mirror 4. Results and Discussion
symmetry (y- and z-directions) and translational
periodicity (x-direction) boundary conditions. For a given frequency, using COMSOL®
This figure depicts an irreducible unit cell Multiphysics we obtain numerical results for the
consisting of a fluid-filled interstitial space macro-scale velocity and temperature
between FCC packed spheres. distributions within an irreducible UFC. We
present results where we restrict the unit vector
a. e to the x-axis. Fig. 2 provides an example
dynamic and thermal permeability distribution at
500 Hz in a y-z plane.


Figure 1 (a) original FCC structure (b) corresponding

meshed FCC UFC in COMSOL multiphysics.

Using COMSOL® Multiphysics, the numerical

solutions of the dynamic viscous and heat
equations are calculated from Eqs. (19) and (20).
Table 1 provides the coefficients used to arrive at Figure 2 Magnitude of dynamic (top) and heat
the numerical solutions. (bottom) permeability distributions at 500 Hz.

Table 1 Coefficients for a FCC stacking of beads. We then employ a COMSOL® script to
ρ0 T0 P0 μ Pr γ iteratively compute the effective density and
1.293 300 105 1.7210-5 compressibility tensors (23) in a frequency range
0.715 1.4 of interest (here, from 10 to 10,000 Hz). The
[kgm-3] [K] [Pa] [kg(ms) -1]
results are presented in Fig. 3. For validation
To directly compare our numerical results with purposes, numerical points provided in the
those presented in the literature17,18, the radius of literature18 are also plotted. As can be seen in the
the sphere is chosen as 1 mm. As in the cited subfigures, the frequency-dependent effective
studies, we also include a soldering neck at each tensors obtained from our approach are in very
good agreement with those provided by Ref. 18 presence of soldering necks. Also, the static viscous
over the entire range of frequencies considered. tortuosity is 14 % lower than the value obtained in this
Moreover, as additional outcomes of the study. A possible explanation for this disagreement is
the use of a different definition used to calculate the
numerical procedure, the porosity ( φ ), the static
value – values obtained from Refs. 17 and 18 were
viscous permeability and tortuosity ( k0 , α 0 ), the indirectly calculated using a very low frequency
tortuosity ( α ∞ ), the static thermal permeability ( 10−3 Hz), whereas our approach was directly
and tortuosity ( k0′ , α 0′ ), and the viscous and estimated according to Ref. 20,
thermal characteristic lengths ( Λ , Λ′ ) are α 0 = k 02 j k0 j . (23)
automatically computed. These parameters
provide an alternative, analytic-based means to Table 2 Computations of the acoustic properties of a
calculate the effective density and FCC sphere stacking versus those available in the
compressibility tensors19,20,21. The results are literature.
gathered in Table 2 for comparison with those
available in the literature15,17,18. Ref. 15 Refs. 17, 18 COMSOL
5 φ 0.26 0.26 0.26
COMSOL's results
k0 6.95 ⋅10−10 6.83 ⋅10−10 6.73 ⋅10−10
Real effective density [kg/m ]

S.Gasser et al. (Ref. 18)


3.5 α0 NA 2.63 2.24


1.61 1.66 1.65
2 k0′ NA 0.274 ⋅10 −10
0.272 ⋅10−10

α 0′ NA 1.85 1.87
−3 −3
Λ 0.124 ⋅10 0.164 ⋅10 0.173 ⋅10−3
0 1 2 3 4

Λ′ NA 0.249 ⋅10−3 0.247 ⋅10−3

10 10 10 10
Frequency [Hz] (log)
Imaginary effective density [kg/m ] (log)


5. Conclusions

1 In conclusion, we present a consistent and
general approach for numerically computing
COMSOL's results
frequency-dependent effective density and
S.Gasser et al. (Ref. 18) compressibility tensors for periodic porous
1 2
Frequency [Hz] (log)
3 4
10 materials. These tensors ultimately characterize
the acoustic absorption behavior of the material.
The formulation is cast in a form suitable for
Effective compressibility [x10-5 Pa-1]

Real (COMSOL's results)


1.2 c.
-Imaginary (COMSOL's results)
Real (S.Gasser et al. (Ref. 18)) incorporation into COMSOL® Multiphysics, and
-Imaginary (S.Gasser et al. (Ref. 18))
as such, avoids the complication of working with
and coupling multiple in-house codes, as done in
previous investigations. Comparisons of results
generated in this study with published numerical
0.2 data demonstrate very good agreement over all
0 1
10 10
3 4
frequencies considered.
Frequency [Hz] (log)

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