Band Structure
Band Structure
Band Structure
December 2018
1. Introduction
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27th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'18) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1206 (2019) 012005 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1206/1/012005
In 1928, Strutt [21] solved the Schrödinger wave equation for an electron moving in a
periodic, cosine potential. He gave the solutions for two and three dimensional lattices
as well. Later several authors applied similar models to investigate the band structure
of electrons in crystals [22, 23, 24, 25, 26]. Note that this potential has the appealing
27th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'18) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1206 (2019) 012005 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1206/1/012005
property that around each minimum, it can be expanded into power series representing
a harmonic oscillator for small amplitudes. Thus the wave functions of tightly-bound
states will be like the solutions of the oscillator problem and can be written in terms
of Hermite functions. On the other hand, the higher lying energy levels of the problem
are similar to plane waves.
In the following we give a brief overview of Strutt’s calculation. Let’s consider the
following one-dimensional potential: V (x) = U0 cos(kx), where the spatial amplitude
U0 and the wave number k are parameters. The corresponding single-particle, time
independent Schrödinger equation reads:
− ϕ (x) + U0 cos(kx)ϕ(x) = ϕ(x), (1)
where the prime denotes ∂/∂x. Using the notations a = h̄8m 2 2 and q =
k h̄2 k2
, the solutions
to Eq. (1) can be written in a closed form as
−μ kx kx μ kx −kx
ϕ(x) = Ae 2 Φ + Be 2 Φ , (2)
2 2
where A, B are the integration constants, Φ kx 2
is a periodic function and μ, the
characteristic exponent, is usually a complex number. It is woth mentioning here, that
since k is real, if Re(μ) = 0 then the solution above diverges as x → ±∞. For bounded
solutions, μ, which is not arbitrary, should be purely imaginary. For given parameters,
the values of μ can be evaluated using the equation
2 1 √
cosh(πμ) = 1 − 2Δ(0) sin π a , (3)
. . .
−2 1 γ−2
Δ(iμ) = γ0 1 γ 0
γ2 1 γ2
. . .
with γ2r = q/[(2r − iμ)2 − a] bearing the dependence on a = h̄8m
2 2 and q =
k h̄2 k2
. Using
a different notation, the solutions are the so-called Mathieu C and S functions
kx kx
ϕ(x) = c1 C a, q, + c2 S a, q, . (4)
2 2
Figure 1 shows the stability chart of the Mathieu differential equation of Eq. (1). In
the black regions, μ is imaginary and ϕ(x) is stable, while in the white regions μ is real,
ϕ(x) is unstable and Φ(x) has a period of 2π according to [27]. Let us note the detailed
properties of the Mathieu functions can be found in the monographs [27, 28, 29, 30].
27th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'18) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1206 (2019) 012005 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1206/1/012005
Figure 1. a) The stability chart of the Mathieu equation, where all the parameters
are set to unity.
The black regions represents stable and the white regions unstable solutions. According
to [28, 30] there are series expansions available for the limiting stable solutions now
called as b2 − a2 and b3 − a3 . We will investigate the dynamics of the band gaps b2 − a2
and b3 − a3 in an external field at the point q0 = 4 which is marked by the black
vertical line.
showed that if the potential Eq. (1) is supplemented with it’s first harmonic, cos(2kx),
the solution is also available in a closed form and can be expressed in terms of the Heun
C functions. However, the detailed analysis of this two-color excitation is beyond the
scope of the present study.
Power series expansion formulae are available for the limiting curves of the stability
regions of Eq. (1) for small and large arguments [28, 30]. In Fig. 1., four such curves,
27th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'18) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1206 (2019) 012005 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1206/1/012005
a2 , a3 , b2 , b3 , are present for small arguments which means x < 10. The corresponding
polynomials are the following:
Let us now consider the external field in dipole approximation, i.e., by neglecting its
spatial variance. We assume E = E0 sin(ωt), where E0 is the maximal field strength
and ω is the angular frequency of the applied field. Using the Kramers-Henneberger
[19, 20] co-moving frame the interaction can be reformulated as follows
external field wavelength λ and the lattice constant Λ = 2π/k in the following way:
kα0 = μ Λλ .
At this point we should mention that for metals in general (like gold or silver) in
an 800 nm wavelength Ti:sapphire laser field, the factor Λλ is around 2000, which is the
ratio we use in the following calculations. If μ is smaller than unity, the non-relativistic
description in dipole approximation is valid. (For 800 nm laser wavelength this means
a critical intensity of I = 2.13 · 1018 W/cm2 for electrons.)
Applying the trigonometric addition formula we get
cos[kx + kα0 sin(ω0 t)] = cos(kx) cos[kα0 sin(ω0 t)] − sin(kx) sin[kα0 sin(ω0 t)]. (7)
27th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'18) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1206 (2019) 012005 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1206/1/012005
ikα0 sin(ωt)
sin[kα0 sin(ω0 t)] = [e ]= Jn (kα0 ) sin(nωt) =
J0 (kα0 ) + [1 + (−1) ]Jn (kα0 ) sin(nωt) = 2 Jn (kα0 ) sin(nωt), (9)
n=1 n=1,3,...
Note that this averaging procedure is valid provided all other relevant processes
are considerable slower than the oscillation of the laser field. For narrow-bandgap
semiconductor crystals, the optical resonance corresponds to the far infrared regime,
which means a time scale which is at least a factor of ten longer than the optical period
of the applied laser field. Additionally, since we assumed monochromatic excitation,
sub-cycle effects play no role, similarly to [17].
The solution of the Schödinger equation is now modified as
kx kx
ϕ̃(x) = c1 C a, q̃, + c2 S a, q̃, , (11)
2 2
where the new potential depth parameter is the following q̃ = q · J0 μ Λλ . Note that the
solutions remain the same, however the stability regions are scaled by√the zeroth√order
√ Bessel function. For the sake of transparency, we define μ̃( I) = Λ μ( I) =
C × I as the scaled dimensionless intensity parameter as a natural unit. For λ = 800
nm and Λλ = 2000, the scaling constant has the value of C = 1.368 × 10−6 . Figure 2
presents the band gaps (b2 − a2) and (b3 − a3) at the original potential depth parameter
q0 = 4 (which is marked by the black vertical line in Fig. 1. ) as the function of
the external field intensity. Note that the first three zeros are at 5.78, 30.48, 74.8, in
accordance with the behavior of the Bessel functions. At these intensities the system
becomes completely conductive.
This effect is called laser induced insulator-metal transition which has already been
experimentally observed in various condensed matter systems, like doped manganites
[40], thin films of C60 [41] or in vanadium sesquioxide V2 O3 [42]. These are special cases
of the more general metal-to-nonmetal transitions which were intensively studied in the
last decades [43].
4. Summary
27th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'18) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1206 (2019) 012005 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1206/1/012005
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
C Intensity
Bandgap b3 a3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
C Intensity
Figure 2. a) The width of the (b2 − a2 ) band gap at the original potential depth
parameter q0 = 4 as a function of the field intensity. The upper line is for a2 and the
lower one is for b2 . b) The same for the next band gap (b3 − a3 ).
of our approach, let us note that a similar procedure can be followed for the description
of the vibrations of diatomic molecules [39].
5. Acknowledgment
6. References
27th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'18) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1206 (2019) 012005 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1206/1/012005
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