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Acid Sulphate Soils

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East Trinity Acid Sulfate Soils

Part 1: Environmental Hazards

W.S. Hicks, G.M. Bowman and R.W. Fitzpatrick

CSIRO Land and Water

Technical Report 14/99, April 1999


East Trinity Acid Sulfate Soils
Part 1: Environmental Hazards

W.S. Hicks, G.M. Bowman and R.W. Fitzpatrick

CSIRO Land and Water

Technical Report 14/99, April 1999

Contents 1
Disclaimer 2
Summary 3
Introduction 4
Acid sulfate soils
Formation and Occurrence
Oxidation of Sulfidic Compounds 5
Site 6
East Trinity Site a Prime Study Area
Climate 7
Method of Investigation 8
Site Selection and Description
Period of Investigation 10
Soil Sampling and Description
Field Measurement and Sample Collection
Sample Analysis
Findings and Discussion 11
Description and Classification of soils
Extent of Acid Sulfate Soils
Soil Profiles 15
Soil Hydraulic Properties
Production of Acid ASS by East Trinity ASS 16
Iron 18
Sulfur 20
Arsenic and Zinc
Water 23
Methodology and Detection Limits
Acidity Hazard
Aluminium 26
Trace Metals-Arsenic and Zinc 28
Other Findings 31
Continuing ASS Oxidation
Seasonal Flooding 33
Conclusions 34
Acid Production
Carbon Emissions
Iron Particulates
Water Quality
Rehabilitation 35
Basic Principles
Acknowledgements 37
References 38

APPENDIX 1 Properties and Classification of Acid Sulfate Soils 39
APPENDIX 1.1 Identification and Classification of Actual Acid Sulphate Soil 43
and Potential Acid Sulphate Soil
APPENDIX 1.2 Field Description Information 46
APPENDIX 1.3 Simple Field Estimate of Mechanical Properties as 48
Related to Soil Moisture or Wetness: n-Values
APPENDIX 1.4 Estimation and Kinds of Organic Soil Material 49
APPENDIX 1.5 Salinity 51

Plate 1 Colour Photograph of TC3 Actual Acid Sulfate Soil 60

APPENDIX 2 Site Installations 63

Monitoring & Sampling Equipment
Piezometer Clusters
Soil Solution Samplers
Undrained soils and neutral horizons
Acid horizons
Platinum Electrodes
APPENDIX 3 Measurement, Sampling and Analysis 65
Water levels in piezometers and surface water
Redox potential
Sampling and Analysis
Soil 66
APPENDIX 4 Soil Data 67
APPENDIX 5 Water Data 71

List of Tables and Figures 76

1. CSIRO gives no warranty and makes no representation whether express or
implied that this report is error free.
2. CSIRO gives no warranty and makes no representation whether express or
implied that this report will be suitable for any purpose other than the assessment
of soil conditions at the East Trinity Site near Cairns.
3. CSIRO will accept no responsibility for any interpretation, opinion or conclusion
that any person may form as a result of examining this report.
4. CSIRO accepts no liability to any person in respect of anything contained in this
report whether negligent or otherwise in respect of anything and/or the
consequences of anything done or omitted to be done by any such person in
reliance whether partly or wholly on the contents of this report or part thereof.

CSIRO studies at East Trinity, Queensland, have identified remaining acid sulfate and
potential acid sulfate soils, ongoing pyrite oxidation and off-site export of leachate. A
QDPI soil survey mapped the extent of these soils in the southern part of the site.
Aluminium, arsenic, iron and zinc concentrations in water on the site exceed the
ANZECC guidelines for the protection of aquatic ecosystems.

Prior to drainage these elements where immobilised in the soils and sediments. The
initial and continuing oxidation of pyrite and acidification of the soils, has led to the
formation of dissolved ferrous iron and soil mineral acid hydrolysis products in the
soil leachate. The leachate collects in the drainage channels and moves off-site
through tide gates. The highest concentrations of these elements occur in water at the
site of production. Processes of dilution, precipitation and adsorption onto ferric
hydroxy precipitates decrease the concentrations of these elements in the water as it
moves from the soil into drains and then into the main site drainage channels.
Although substantially lower, concentrations of iron and aluminium still exceed the
ANZECC guidelines and discharge through tide gates into Trinity inlet. Water bodies
on-site regularly have pH’s of 3.5 or less and have extensive iron precipitates. These
iron precipitates are likely to have elements such as aluminium, arsenic and zinc
adsorbed onto them and form a highly mobile reservoir capable of being flushed into
Trinity Inlet as particulate matter. Natural processes in the sediments of the inlet will
chemically reduce the iron in the particulate material from its ferric to ferrous state.
This will release the adsorbed elements into the surrounding pore waters where they
are mobile and likely to be taken up by benthic and bottom feeding organisms.

Our studies of a section of the site naturally re-flooded for long periods during the wet
season, indicate that rehabilitation by simple re-flooding would not be successful as
reductive processes are inhibited by site conditions. It is likely that viable
management strategies are available for rehabilitation, including re-flooding, however
these would require further research to determine the exact requirements of the East
Trinity site.

Acid sulfate soils
Formation and Occurrence

Acid sulfate soils (ASS) form in coastal estuarine and mangrove swamp environments
because these waterlogged or highly reducing conditions are ideal for the build-up of
the mineral iron pyrite (FeS2). However, ASS are environmentally unfriendly soils if
exposed to air by disturbance or over-drainage because they become strongly acidic
(pH <3.5) and acid drainage water is produced. They are widely distributed around
the eastern, northern and northwestern Australian coastline. ASS underlie coastal
estuaries, embayments and floodplains on or near which the majority of the Australian
population and urban development is located. They also underlie significant fish
nursery areas and coastal agricultural industries such as sugar cane, dairying and tea
tree oil.
Left undisturbed ASS are benign, but disturbance exposes sulfidic compounds in the
soil to air, resulting in the formation of damaging levels of sulfuric acid. Further
deleterious effects come from the action of the acid on the soil, producing high
concentrations of toxic metals especially aluminium and iron which end up in
waterways. Nationally, there is an estimated 30,000 km2 of ASS. (National Working
Party on Acid Sulfate Soils, June 1998).
Acid runoff from these areas causes adverse impacts to the environment, coastal
development, fishing and agricultural industries. Costs to local and regional
communities are:
1. Poor water quality with attendant loss of amenity, damage to estuarine
environments and reduction of wetland biodiversity;
2. Rehabilitation of disturbed areas to improve water quality and minimise impacts;
3. Loss of fisheries and agricultural production;
4. Maintenance of community infrastructure, particularly where affected by acid
Major environmental impacts include fish and oyster kills, fish disease, destruction of
fish nursery habitat as well as loss of aquatic biodiversity.
Economic impacts are broad and substantial. Coastal development, driven by the high
value of waterfront investment, and associated infrastructure worth over $10 billion,
is threatened by ASS impacts. Costs of treating and rehabilitating ASS associated
with urban development and infrastructure projects total many millions of dollars.
Consequently, many projects have stalled and some have been abandoned. Millions
of dollars worth of infrastructure corroded by acid water has had to be replaced.
Millions of dollars of oysters, prawns and fish have been destroyed, nursery areas
have been decimated and land has been degraded by poor ASS management. Acid
drainage and poor water quality also pose considerable threats to coastal tourism and
communities reliant on good quality estuarine water to attract visitors.

Oxidation of Sulfidic Compounds

The predominant sulfidic compound in undisturbed ASS is the mineral iron pyrite.
The overall equation for pyrite oxidation is:

FeS2(s) + 15/4 O2(g,aq) + 7/2 H2O £ Fe(OH)3 + 4H+(aq) + 2SO42-(aq) …1

with each mole of pyrite yielding 4 moles of acidity. Actual pyrite oxidation proceeds
in stages. The first stage results in the formation of ferrous iron, sulfate and acid
according to the equation:

FeS2(s)+7/2O2(aq,g)+H2O £ Fe2+(aq)+2SO42-(aq)+2H+(aq) …2

The acid can be neutralised by reacting with soil carbonates (such as shell fragments)
or by displacing exchangeable cations. Excess acidity then reacts with soil minerals
releasing major constituents such as potassium, magnesium, aluminium and silicon, as
well as trace elements such as arsenic, copper, cadmium, chromium, nickel and zinc.
Remaining acidity is exported off-site. The ferrous iron produced in reaction can be
exported off-site and produce a further two moles of acid (equation 5) and lower the
dissolved oxygen concentration. When the pH drops below 4 the rate of pyrite
oxidation is increased by the catalytic oxidation of ferrous iron by the bacterium
Thiobacillus ferroxidans to ferric iron which acts as a pyrite oxidant (equation 4) with
regeneration of ferrous iron. This reaction is fast compared with equation 2 (van
Mensvoort and Dent, 1997).

Fe2+(aq)+1/4O2(g,aq)+H+ T. ferrooxidans£ Fe3+(aq)+1/2H2O …3

FeS2(s)+14Fe3+(aq)+8H2O £ 15Fe2+(aq)+16H+(aq)+2SO42- …4

Fe2+(aq)+1/4O2(g,aq)+ 3/2H2OFeO.OH(s)+2H+(aq) …5

Aluminium released from the soil matrix can also hydrolyse to release acidity. The
reactions proceed stepwise to release an overall 3 moles of acidity.

Al3+(aq) +H2O £Al(OH)2+(aq) + H+(aq) …6

Al(OH)2+(aq) +H2O £Al(OH)2+(aq) + H+(aq) …7

Al(OH)2+(aq) +H2O £Al(OH)3(aq)+ H+(aq) …8

Figure 1 shows the overall sequence of mineral reactions important in aqueous pyrite

O2 or Fe3+


direct contact
evaporation FeSO4.7H2O
FeS2 Fe2+ + SO42- + H+ efflorescence

inorganic (free-floating)
oxidation Rozenite FeSO4.4H2O
Szomolnokite FeSO4.H2O
dissolution &
Fe 7IHUUR[LGDQV Oxidation
(T. ferroxidans?)

low dissolution FeIIFeIII4(SO4)6(OH)2.20H2O
dehydration dehydration
Fe(OH)3 FeOOH Fe2O3
Ferric hydroxide Goethite Hematite


Figure 1 The overall sequence of mineral reactions for pyrite oxidation showing
relationships between oxidising agents, catalysts and mineral products. (After
Nordstrom, 1982)

East Trinity Site a Prime Study Area
Production, export and fate of leachate from Australian ASS are poorly understood,
especially in tropical Australia. Consequently, in 1995, CSIRO in collaboration with
State and local authorities undertook research into the formation and degradation
processes operating in Australian ASS to:
• obtain better and more quantitative information;
• relate the soil and water processes to environmental controls;
• provide more accurate environmental hazard assessment in order to develop
improved methods of rehabilitation.

East Trinity, adjacent to Cairns City and within the World Heritage listed Great
Barrier Reef Marine Park, provided a unique site for research. The study site is a
tropical estuarine wetland drained for sugar cane production some 20 years ago by the
construction of a bund wall and tidal floodgates (Hollingsworth Dames and Moore,
1993). Acidification and the production of acid leachates have severely degraded the

land within the drained area. Outside the drained area, undrained soils were present in
their original condition immediately adjacent to their drained counterpart. These
formed a baseline for the measurement of change. The severe and ongoing
environmental hazard posed by this site was identified from our detailed on-site
geochemical monitoring and laboratory research data collected over a period of three

The southern corner of the bunded area, around Firewood and Magazine Creeks is the
most severely affected part of the site. Here the undrained intertidal soils are rich in
organic carbon and pyritic material. Occupying about 110 ha, this section contains
the most severely acidified soils. More than 20 years after drainage the creeks and
drainage lines in the area remain consistently acidic. Hills Creek, the major stream in
the area, has an extremely low pH of <4 during late dry season periods of low flow.
Cairns has a tropical monsoonal climate with summer dominant rainfall. Evaporation
(pan) exceeds rainfall from May to December, with a net yearly rainfall deficit of
63.1mm. Average daily maximum temperatures remain above 25 °C and average
daily minimum temperatures remain above 17 °C. This compares with northern NSW
where most research data on Australian ASS has been collected, with 18 and 9 °C as
the comparative temperature values and a net excess of rainfall over evaporation of
286 mm with evaporation exceeding rainfall from August to January. (Cairns Airport
Meteorological Office and Alstonville Tropical Fruit Research Station, Australian
Bureau of Meteorology Data)

Table 1 Monthly Average Climate Data for Cairns

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Ann
Mean Daily Max. 31.5 31.1 30.5 29.2 27.5 25.8 25.6 26.5 27.8 29.4 30.6 31.4 28.9
Temp (°C)
Mean Daily Min. 23.6 23.7 23 21.5 19.9 17.6 17 17.5 18.6 20.5 22.2 23.3 20.7
Temp (°C)
Mean Rainfall 405.4 434.2 424.3 197.9 99.9 49.1 30 27.4 35.3 38.3 89.4 175.6 2007
Mean Monthly 220.1 170.8 179.8 159 145.7 138 155 173.6 204 235.6 234 238.7 2254.3

Method of Investigation
Site Selection and Description
A range of potential and actual acid sulfate soil environments are present, from
intertidal mangroves to supra-tidal saltflats. These environments represent stages in
the geomorphic development of the estuarine system with elevations (outside the
bund) from 0.87 to 1.23 m Australian Height Datum (AHD).
We selected three sites representing stages in the geomorphic development of the
mangrove system. At each site, installations, measurements and samples were paired
across the bund. Using this design, we were able to compare conditions before and
after drainage. Sites and installations were levelled to AHD. Table 2 describes the
sites and their position is shown in Figure 2. The sites were numbered 1 to 3, from
south to north.

Table 2 Three paired monitoring sites at East Trinity

Site Undrained Vegetation Tidal ASS International Australian System Elevation

No. or influence or System: Soil Isbell (1996): m AHD
Drained PASS Taxonomy

TM1 Undrained Mangroves Intertidal: PASS Typic Sapric Histic-sulfidic 0.87

mid tides Sulfihemist Intertidal Hydrosol
TC1 Drained Cleared No tidal ASS Hydraquentic Sulfuric, Extratidal, -0.39
with inundation Sulfaquept Hydrosol
Melaleuca or Sulfuric, Redoxic
forest Hydrosol

TM2 Undrained Mangroves Intertidal: PASS Typic Sapric Histic-sulfidic 1.13

high and Sulfihemist Intertidal Hydrosol
spring tides
TC2 Drained Cleared No tidal ASS Hydraquentic Sulfuric Extratidal 0.84
with inundation Sulfaquept. Hydrosol
Imperata or Sulfuric Redoxic
cylindrica Hydrosol

TS3 Undrained Saltflat: Intertidal:, PASS Salidic Sulfuric Extratidal 1.23

bare spring tides Sulfaquept Hydrosol
or Sulfuric, Salic
TC3 Drained Cleared No tidal ASS Hydraquentic Sulfuric Extratidal 1.21
saline flat inundation. Sulfaquept Hydrosol
with salt or Sulfuric Redoxic
couch Hydrosol
Where: PASS = Potential Acid Sulfate Soils; ASS = Actual Acid Sulfate Soils (see
Appendix 1.1)

C oral
S ea
E llie
P oint
C a irn s
A irp o rt
E xtensive
U rba n Bund w all
D evelopm ent (D yke)
0 1 2 km
Undrained Drained
sites sites
Hills C
La n dfill re ek

A d m ira lty

Is lan d
In le

Inte rtid al m ang rove

m u d a nd sa ltflats
S ub tid a l m u dflats
D rain ed rec la im ed
a re a


Queen sland
Bedrock Tropic of
Caprico rn

Figure 2 East Trinity Location Map

Period of Investigation
Field measurements of water levels and redox potentials commenced in January 1996
and water sampling and analysis began in November 1996. Sampling and field
measurement ceased in April 1998.

We installed at each site, a piezometer cluster to measure depth to water table at
different depths below ground level, Platinum electrodes to measure soil redox
potential, soil solution samplers and a rain gauge. Details of site installations are
given in Appendix 2.

Soil Sampling and Description

We described and sampled representative soil profiles at each site. Soil samples were
taken with a gouge auger and immediately transferred to an air tight jar, stored in
insulated container and frozen within 6 h of collection. Samples were stored frozen
until freeze dried using a Dynavac Model FD12S Freeze Drier.

Field Measurement and Sample Collection

We established a fortnightly monitoring program that measured water levels and soil
redox potential. Samples of soil-water and surface water were collected fortnightly
for chemical analysis.

Sample Analysis
We analysed soil samples for the following parameters:

total actual acidity, total potential acidity, total carbon, total sulfur and acid
extractable: aluminium; arsenic; boron; calcium; cadmium; chromium; copper; iron;
potassium; magnesium; manganese; sodium; nickel; lead; zinc and bulk density;

and water samples for:

electrical conductivity, pH, redox potential, arsenic, total organic carbon, chloride,
ammonia nitrogen, nitrate + nitrite nitrogen, aluminium, reactive silica, magnesium,
boron, calcium, copper, total and ferrous iron, potassium, manganese, sodium,
phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, titratable acidity and titratable alkalinity.

Sampling, preparation and analysis details are provided in Appendix 3.

Findings and Discussion
Description and Classification of soils

Profile descriptions of the profiles are presented in Appendix 1,Table 1. Soil horizons
were demarcated and described as shown in Appendix 1,Table 1. Results of some
chemical analyses for selected horizons are given in Appendix 1,Table 2. A key is
presented in Appendix 1 to assist with identifying and classifying the soils into the
following two categories: Actual Acid Sulfate Soils or Potential Acid Sulfate Soils.
The soils were also classified using the international system called Soil Taxonomy
(Soil Survey Staff, 1996) and as well as the new Australian system Isbell (1996)
(Appendix 1, Tables 1 and 3).

The soils (TM1 and TM2) currently forming in the mangrove swamps, where there is
active tidal influence, still contain high amounts of "sulfidic material". The sulfidic
material oxidises when exposed to air and the pH levels drop to below 4 (i.e. after
aging for 7 weeks: Appendix 1, Table 2). These two soils contain fine grained pyrite,
which oxidises rapidly to form sulfuric acid when exposed to air. They also contain
high amounts of organic carbon (generally > 20%) mainly in the form of either hemic
or sapric materials (i.e Appendix 1.4). Consequently, these Potential Acid Sulfate
Soils classify as Typic Sulfihemists or Typic Sulfisaprists (Soil Survey Staff, 1996).

In those areas where mangrove swamps have been cut off from the sea 20 years ago
(bunded) the Potential Acid Sulfate Soils have transformed to Actual Acid Sulphate
Soils (TC1 and TS3). These soils generally classify as Hydraquentic Sulfaquepts or
Salidic Sulfaquepts (Soil Survey Staff, 1996).

Extent of Acid Sulfate Soils

The Queensland Department of Primary Industries (QDPI) undertook a soil survey in

1995 (QDPI, 1995). A series of transects from the bund wall were made south from
Hills Creek. The longest transects were in the southern part of the bunded area,
extending up to 600m from the wall. The survey mapped the extent of the acid soils
by measuring soil pH, actual and potential acidity according to the method of Dent
and Bowman (1996).

The results of the survey show that south of Magazine Creek, average soil pH’s are
less than or equal to 5 from 0.1 to 0.9m below ground level (bgl). Surface pH’s are
higher probably due to leaching of acid from the top few centimetres of soil. The
most consistently acidified part of the profile was at 0.5 m with a range in pH over 13
samples of 3.1 to 3.7 with an average of 3.4. Acidification was found as deep as 1.8
m bgl where a minimum pH of 3.5 was recorded.

North of Magazine Creek, the average pH remains above 5 throughout the profile,
although pH’s of less than 7 above 1m bgl indicate some acidification with in-situ
neutralisation. This is consistent with the occurrence of shell fragments in the soil

Measurements of actual soil acidity (total actual acidity or TAA) showed oxidation of
pyrite to at least 1.1m bgl and substantial remaining potential acidity below 0.7m.
Figure 3 shows the profile distribution of actual and potential acidity and the range in
values at each depth. Using the survey data, we estimate the severely acidified area to
be about 110 Ha corresponding to the area around Firewood and Magazine Creeks
and their former distributaries.

The data from the QDPI soil survey are summarised in Table 3 and Table 4.

Table 3 Summary of QDPI Soil Survey pH Data

Depth pHNaCl
cm N of cases Min. Max. Median Mean Standard
bgl Dev

North of Magazine Ck.

10 1 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9
20 2 5.9 8.0 6.9 6.9 1.5
30 3 4.2 8.5 5.1 5.9 2.3
40 1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1
50 1 8.9 8.9 8.9 8.9
70 3 5.3 7.3 6.3 6.3 1.0
80 1 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
90 1 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6
100 2 4.1 8.3 6.2 6.2 3.0
140 2 8.2 8.3 8.3 8.3 0.1
150 2 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 0.0
160 1 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
180 1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1
South of Magazine Ck.
0 2 3.8 7.3 5.5 5.5 2.5
5 1 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8
10 31 3.2 7.9 4.3 4.6 1.1
20 19 3.0 6.3 3.7 3.8 0.7
25 1 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7
30 13 3.2 7.2 3.6 4.2 1.2
40 9 3.0 5.1 3.5 3.7 0.6
45 2 3.6 4.0 3.8 3.8 0.3
50 13 3.1 3.7 3.4 3.4 0.2
60 9 3.3 7.5 3.7 5.0 1.9
70 10 3.2 7.4 3.7 4.5 1.6
80 31 3.1 8.4 3.8 4.7 1.7
90 18 3.0 7.6 3.7 4.4 1.5
100 5 3.4 7.9 4.8 5.4 2.1
110 5 3.3 7.9 4.3 5.1 1.9
120 2 7.0 7.2 7.1 7.1 0.2
130 4 4.2 8.3 7.1 6.7 1.7
140 5 3.3 8.0 7.6 6.0 2.4
150 11 4.1 8.4 7.5 6.9 1.4
160 14 5.8 8.3 7.6 7.5 0.7
170 9 4.7 8.2 7.5 7.1 1.0
180 23 3.5 8.8 7.6 7.2 1.5
190 9 4.8 8.8 7.2 7.0 1.2

Table 4 Summary of QDPI Soil Survey Potential and Actual Acidity Data
Depth TPA moles H+ m-3 TAA moles H+ m-3
N of cases N of Min. Max. Median Mean Standard Min. Max. Median Mean Standard
cases Dev Dev

North of Magazine Ck.

10 1 1 -62 -62 -62 -62 -5 -5 -5 -5
20 2 2 -85 -48 -67 -67 26 -34 -1 -18 -18 23
30 3 3 -80 -9 -19 -36 38 -20 68 9 19 45
40 1 1 -62 -62 -62 -62 -4 -4 -4 -4
50 1 1 -71 -71 -71 -71 -17 -17 -17 -17
70 3 3 -65 618 510 354 367 -25 5 -3 -8 15
80 1 1 -67 -67 -67 -67 -22 -22 -22 -22
90 1 1 1206 1206 1206 1206 -1 -1 -1 -1
100 2 1 825 825 825 825 -17 45 14 14 44
140 2 2 -89 -65 -77 -77 17 -30 -18 -24 -24 8
150 2 2 -65 -62 -63 -63 2 -23 -22 -22 -22 0
160 1 1 -65 -65 -65 -65 -31 -31 -31 -31
170 1 1 -65 -65 -65 -65 -26 -26 -26 -26
180 1 1 -102 -102 -102 -102 -23 -23 -23 -23
South of Magazine Ck.
0 2 2 -83 57 -13 -13 99 -4 65 31 31 48
5 1 1 -61 -61 -61 -61 -9 -9 -9 -9
10 31 31 -89 763 42 78 153 -23 118 17 39 43
20 19 19 -47 255 87 97 68 -7 230 73 83 48
25 1 1 407 407 407 407 89 89 89 89
30 13 13 -61 156 108 85 76 -6 149 91 71 51
40 10 10 -17 928 123 194 264 4 133 107 94 38
45 2 2 93 120 107 107 19 65 77 71 71 8
50 13 13 28 732 116 147 184 69 139 115 111 22
60 9 9 -512 913 142 209 438 -41 127 86 48 67
70 10 10 -82 859 123 159 267 -37 118 74 58 55
80 31 31 -107 1093 181 213 288 -42 185 56 62 66
90 17 18 -58 1003 295 353 271 -19 217 99 81 67
100 5 5 -77 358 -6 92 184 -40 115 20 36 69
110 5 5 -63 1174 662 586 523 -31 137 56 45 65
120 2 2 -63 -33 -48 -48 21 -15 -11 -13 -13 3
130 3 4 72 721 506 451 274 -10 23 -4 3 17
140 5 5 -68 623 135 190 291 -25 143 -3 36 74
150 11 11 -119 1168 307 378 459 -67 34 -10 -10 24
160 14 14 -105 1396 757 570 527 -35 -2 -6 -14 13
170 9 9 -82 1062 279 372 436 -55 13 -9 -16 20
180 23 23 -116 1510 387 438 497 -69 118 -17 -12 48
190 9 9 -118 1415 259 534 562 -76 17 -8 -12 26
Note: negative values indicate neutralising capacity

Actual Acidity

Depth cm



-500 0 500 1000 1500 2000
moles H+ m-3

Potential Acidity

Depth cm



-500 0 500 1000 1500 2000
moles H+ m-3

Figure 3 Box Plots of Actual and Potential Acidity South of Magazine Ck.
See below for explanation of symbols.

min Outliers *
1st quartile 3rd quartile

Soil Profiles

We analysed soil profiles sampled either side of the bund for a range chemical
elements and physical parameters. Drainage has resulted in the loss of material from
the drained soil and some consolidation between the surface and 0.1m and between
0.6 to 0.7m below the surface. At our study site 1, the surface elevation has fallen
from 0.869 m AHD before drainage to the current (1997) elevation of –0.389 m AHD.
Soil profile characteristics indicate, that by –2.3 m AHD the drained profile is
unchanged. We have therefore chosen this elevation as the reference level for all
calculations. Using this level, we have calculated the soil profile store above for
elements of interest in the drained and undrained soil profiles. The difference, gives
an estimate of the release into the environment of the chemical elements measured.

Soil Hydraulic Properties

Soil hydraulic properties were measured from undisturbed cores in the laboratory and
pumping down the piezometers, using methods described in Youngs, E.A. (1991).
Results were consistent with profile descriptions. Saturated hydraulic conductivities
(Ksat) ranged from ~10-4 m s-1 where there was surface cracking, through to10-7 to 10-8
m s-1 in muds with extensive biological activity. The surface of the saltflat had a Ksat
of 10-5 m s-1 consistent with shallow surface cracking observed at the site, this
compares with 10-3 m s-1 in the equivalent drained soil where extensive deep cracking
is evident. In mangrove soils with reduced biological activity, Ksat was significantly
reduced, dropping to 10-10m s-1 at 0.3m bgl and further to 10-12 m s-1 below 3m. In the
drained soils extremely low Ksat values from 10-11 to 10-12 m s-1were measured below
0.75m. Hydraulic conductivities of 10-12 m s-1 (0.1 mm per year) below 0.8 m in the
drained soils limit the downward movement of water and solutes. Therefore, any
transport of oxidation products has been above this level, through the horizontal
movement of water and solutes when the soil is saturated during the wet season.
Measured hydraulic conductivities are listed in Table 5.

Table 5 Measured Hydraulic Conductivity

Site TypeDepth Ksat

m bgl m s-1
TC1 Drained 0.05 7x10-5
0.15 5x10-4
0.76 5x10-12
3.82 3x10-11
TM1 Mangrove 0.28 5x10-8
0.80 1x10-7
3.70 4x10-8
TC2 Drained 0.79 2x10-11
3.69 1x10-11
TM2 Mangrove 0.33 1x10-10
0.82 3x10-10
3.71 1x10-11
TC3 Drained 0.05 2x10-3
0.34 2x10-11
0.82 3x10-11
2.75 8x10-12
TS3 Saltflat 0.05 1x10-5
0.28 2x10-9
0.84 2x10-10
3.86 8x10-12

Production of Acid ASS by East Trinity ASS

The method of Dent and Bowman (1996) was used to analyse profile samples for total
potential acidity (TPA). The profile store of TPA for both drained and undrained
profiles was calculated from a baseline level of -2.3m AHD. Prior to drainage, the soil
stored potential acidity of 2.6x107 moles H+ ha-1 (equivalent of 0.69 Megalitres or
1270 tonnes of sulfuric acid). Drainage and oxidation of pyrite has resulted in this
being reduced to 1.3x107 moles H+ ha-1 (0.35 ML or 620 t). By difference, we
estimate that from drainage until 1995, 1.3x107 moles H+ ha-1 (0.35 ML or 650 t) has
been released into the environment for every hectare of affected land. This equates to
an annual rate of 7.0x105 moles H+ha-1y-1 (19 kL or 34 t). Applying this rate to the
severely acidified area of 110 ha, we estimate the site has produced since drainage,
1.5x109 moles H+ (39 ML or 72 000 t), at an average annual rate of 7.7x107 moles H+
(2.1 ML or 3800 t).

This has resulted in the severe acidification of the site as demonstrated by the QDPI
soil survey. Water analyses show soil water pH’s of 3.2 and surface water pH’s
which average 3.4 in drainage channels and Magazine Creek and 4.4 in Firewood.
Creek. Figure 4 shows the soil profile acidity stores.

White et al., (1997) estimate the rate of acid production from sub-tropical ASS to be
300 kg H2SO4 ha-1y-1. Their estimate is based on pH and water volumes. We
demonstrate later in the report, that pH alone underestimates acidity. Our data
indicates much higher rates from tropical ASS. The comparative rate calculated for
East Trinity is 34 000 kg H2SO4 ha-1y -1some 110 times higher. Actual in-situ acid

production is higher than this, as the method used to determine the acidity measures
net acid produced after any neutralisation by the soil.

Elevation m AHD



-3 Drained
0 1000 2000 3000
+ -3
moles H m

Figure 4 Soil Profile Acidity

Carbon Loss

In their undisturbed state, these soils are natural accumulators of carbon. In the
southern corner of the East Trinity site, carbon accumulated in a sapric peat layer that
extends from about 0.2 to 0.8 m bgl. In this layer carbon content exceeds 15%. We
made calculations of the profile carbon store for the drained and undrained profiles as
for acidity. Carbon profiles are shown in Figure 5. Our results show that 45% (0.07
Mt) of carbon in the profile has been lost as a result of oxidation and the acid
dissolution of carbonates. The average oxidation (emission) rate since drainage is
33 t C ha-1y-1. Both these processes result in the emission of the greenhouse gas, carbon
dioxide. The estimated total area of ASS in Australia is 30 000 km2 (National
Working Party on Acid Sulfate Soils, 1998). No estimate of the total area affected by
drainage is available, however if we assume 10% and apply the rate calculated for
Trinity, carbon emissions from Australian ASS may be as high as 10 Mt C y-1
compared with the current estimate of 16 Mt C y-1 for carbon emissions due to land
use change (primary land clearing).


Elevation m AHD



-3 Drained
0 5 10 15 20

Figure 5 Carbon Profile


Conditions such as pH, redox status and drainage, determine the fate of the ferrous
iron produced by the oxidation of pyritic sulfur. The iron may be oxidised in-situ to
Fe3+, or be transported distances of many kilometres before it is finally oxidised (Van
Mensvoort and Dent, 1998). At East Trinity we found most of the iron remained in
the soil profile, with slight gain (13%) for the drained site, probably through
collection of runoff water as this site is a local low point. Iron previously in the top
1.6 m of the undrained profile is now concentrated in the top 40 cm of the drained
profile (Figure 6). This is the result of oxidation, precipitation as iron oxides and
concentration in the top of the profile where hydraulic conductivities are high.
Further evidence of this process is found in the concentrations of dissolved ferrous
iron in the soil water of the oxidising layer (>1000 mgL-1) and a rapid decrease away
from the site of production as illustrated in Figure 7.

The data in Table 6 shows that trace elements concentrate at the top of the soil
profiles where elements are preferentially being adsorbed onto the surfaces of the
poorly crystalline iron oxyhydroxides, which we have identified as currently
precipitating. For example, the mineral ferrihydrite (≈ Fe5HO8.4H2O) is a poorly
ordered Fe oxide that is common to the surface environments where waters rich in
Fe(II) are exposed to rapid oxidation in the presence of compounds such as organic
matter that block crystal growth. Ferrihydrite occurring in these soils has a rusty,
reddish-brown color with Munsell hues in the 5 YR to 7.5 YR range and Munsell
values < 6 (see Appendix 1, Plate 1 and Table 1). This mineral has a high specific

surface area in the range of 200 to 600 m2/g. These trace elements can also be
incorporated into the structures of the iron oxyhydroxides identified (see Part 2 report
for more details).

Elevation m AHD



-3 Drained
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Figure 6 Iron Profile


Fe mg L-1

Soilwater 1.0 m bgl
Soilwater 0.5 m bgl
Firewood Marine (1km)
Firewood Bunded(1km)
Drain (5m)

Source -> Drainage -> Receiving

Figure 7 Box plots of Iron in surface and soil water.


Sulfur accumulates in the soil profile as sulfide, predominantly as iron pyrite. On

drainage sulfide oxidises to sulfate (Equation 2). Sulfate can then leach from the
profile, adsorb onto ferric hydroxide surfaces or remain in the soil profile as
precipitates of calcium iron and aluminium minerals. These precipitates control the
concentration of calcium, iron and aluminium in the soil solution. Minerals such as
gypsum (Ca SO4.2(H2O) and jarosite (KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6) have been identified and the
minerals jurbanite (AlOHSO4) predicted by our thermodynamic equilibrium
calculations. In the profiles examined at East Trinity 53% of the sulfur is lost from
the drained profile. Oxidation of sulfur is responsible for half the acidity generated on
the oxidation of pyrite (equation 2). As expected the loss of sulfur from the soil
profile closely matches the 51% loss of acidity.

Elevation m AHD



-3 Drained
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 8 Soil Sulfur Profile

Arsenic and Zinc

The drained profile has lost 29% of the zinc originally present and arsenic has been
concentrated in the top 0.4 m of the profile. Both elements are enriched in the top 1
metre (Table 6, Figure 9, Figure 10). This has occurred through the dissolution of
these elements from soil minerals and their re-precipitation and adsorption onto iron
Iron oxyhydroxides, have the strong ability to immobilise contaminants such as As
because of their high surface reactivity (e.g.. Cornell and Schwertmann, 1996 p478).
We have also recently identified a sulfur-containing iron mineral called
schwertmannite (Fe8O8(OH)6SO4) these soils. It is likely that As is incorporated
into the structure of this mineral.

Although remaining in the soil profile, these elements are no longer present in their
biologically inactive natural form and could be released into the biota if conditions
changed, for example through re-flooding or transport off-site.

Table 6 Arsenic and zinc concentrations (mg kg-1) in undrained and drained soil
Elevation Zn As Elevation Zn As
m AHD mg kg-1 mg kg-1 m AHD mg kg-1 mg kg-1

Undrained Drained
0.819 55.3 10 -0.439 105.5 39
0.719 52.9 12 -0.539 45.3 33
0.619 42.1 11 -0.639 48.9 36
0.519 26.3 8 -0.739 45.6 33
0.419 27.1 17 -0.839 35.7 23
0.319 30.8 26 -0.939 36.0 22
0.219 29.8 29 -1.039 34.7 20
0.119 30.1 29 -1.139 32.9 20
0.019 29.9 22 -1.239 95.0 31
-0.081 33.3 23 -1.339 43.4 22
-0.181 33.4 22 -1.439 120.5 23
-0.281 37.1 22 -1.539 65.3 19
-0.381 45.6 23 -1.639 70.0 19
-0.481 65.4 25 -1.739 53.3 18
-0.581 47.4 23 -1.839 45.1 13
-0.681 49.6 27 -1.939 48.4 15
-0.781 46.4 21 -2.039 52.4 16
-0.881 45.2 20 -2.139 55.9 12
-0.981 52.7 17 -2.239 59.2 15
-1.081 47.2 22 -2.339 58.3 17
-1.281 37.7 23
-1.581 46.7 21
-1.881 45.3 19
-2.181 46.5 18

Elevation m AHD 1



-3 Drained
0 10 20 30 40

Figure 9 Soil Arsenic Profile

Elevation m AHD



-3 Drained
0 50 100 150
mg kg

Figure 10 Soil Zinc Profile.

Methodology and Detection Limits

We sampled and analysed soil solution and surface water collected from drainage
lines, tidal pools and creeks. Prior to analysis all water samples were filtered through
0.2 micrometre membrane filters thus reported values represent the concentration of
the dissolved fraction of each analyte. The sampling and analysis program was
designed to gather data for research into process studies rather than environmental
monitoring. Therefore, detection limits reflect the analytical method chosen to meet
the objectives of the study, rather than the lowest available. Many samples were
hyper-saline and required extra dilution prior to analysis, resulting in higher detection
limits for those samples. Samples were routinely diluted 1:9 prior to analysis.
Detection limits are given in Table 7

Table 7 Detection Limits

As Al Fe Zn
µgL-1 µgL-1 µgL-1 µgL-1
Method Detection Limit
(* depends on dilution 2 * 100 * 100 * 50
required by ICP technique)

Acidity Hazard

ASS water monitoring commonly uses pH to assess the acidity hazard. In ASS
related water pH is a poor predictor of acidity hazard. Figure 11 shows that no
relationship exists between pH and the actual acidity. pH only measures acidity due
to hydrogen ion activity (approximately equal to concentration). In ASS discharge
water there are other reduced or hydrolysable metal ions which contribute to acidity
through oxidation of ferrous iron (equation 5) and the hydrolysis of aluminium
(equations 7 through 9). Such cations can dominate the acidity of water samples from
ASS affected sites (Figure 12) but are not considered when pH is used as the criteria
of acidity hazard. The standard titration method for acidity (including the oxidation
step), (APHA,1995) is a better measure of the hazard. Results obtained using this
method were well correlated (R2=0.949) with the sum of measured acidic cations,
hydrogen, aluminium and iron at the East Trinity site ( Figure 13). In ASS related
water, titratable acidity is the best measure of acidity hazard.

pH vs Titratable Acidity



mmoles H+ L-1





2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 11 Plot of pH versus Titratable Acidity for East Trinity Waters

Drainage Water

mmoles H L

0 Al
30/10/96 22/1/97 16/4/97 11/6/97

Discharge Water
mmoles H L

0 Al
30/10/96 22/1/97 16/4/97 11/6/97

Figure 12 Acidic Species in Water Samples from East Trinity

y = 1.0594x
Σ Acidic Cations mmoles L

R = 0.9492



0 20 40 60 80
Titratable Acidity mmoles L

Figure 13 Relationship between titratable acidity and the sum of acidic cations (H+,
Al3+ & Fe2+) for East Trinity water samples.


During the wet season, aluminium concentrations in waters inside the bunded area
routinely exceed the Australia and New Zealand Environment and Conservation
Council (ANZECC) Guideline for the protection of aquatic ecosystems (0.005 mg L-1
for pH<6.5) (ANZECC, 1992). The maximum concentration found in discharge
waters was 31 mg L-1 in Magazine Ck on 1/12/97. Concentrations ranged from <0.1
to the maximum value of 31 mg L-1 and are consistent with values of 0.4 to 54 mg L-1
found by van Breemen in ASS from Thailand (Dent 1986). Seasonal variation in
aluminium concentration is shown in Figure 14 and a statistical summary of data is
given in Table 9. Magazine Ck. was sampled from October 1997 to April 1998 and
concentrations consistently exceed ANZECC guidelines with a mean concentration of
13.6 mg L-1. Firewood Creek was sampled from January 1997 to April 1998 and
shows more variation, however concentrations consistently exceeded ANZECC
Guidelines during the wet season. During the dry season when water levels were low
the Firewood Creek sampling site was affected by leakage of seawater back through
the floodgates. This is shown in the data as an increase in pH and in concentrations of
sodium and chloride from June to November 1997 (Table 11).

Geochemical modelling using the chemical equilibrium program MINEQL+ (Westall

et al.,1976) indicated that in open waters, the aluminium in solution was present as
free monomeric Al3+ and aluminium sulfates (Al(SO4)+ and Al(SO4)2-) without any
solid phase regulating its concentration. In the actively oxidising pyritic material the
concentration of aluminium was controlled by jurbanite (AlOHSO4). These findings
are consistent with those of van Breeman (1993). In the presence of ferric iron and
high silica concentrations, equilibrium calculations predict aluminium concentration
in solution is regulated by a dioctahedral smectite mineral possibly Ca-nontronite with
the overall formula Ca0.2Al0.3FeIII2(Si(OH)4)3.7.

Aluminium in Trinity Surface Waters

(ANZECC guidelines:<5µgL-1 at pH <6.5, <100µgL-1 at pH >6.5)


Firewood Ck. Bunded
Conc. µgL-1

Firewood Ck. Marine
Magazine Ck. Bunded

1 Drainage Channels











Figure 14 Concentration of dissolved Al (µgL-1) in surface waters over the

measurement period.


Ferrous iron is released into the solution by the oxidation of pyrite (equation 2). In
the presence of organic matter and low pH, ferrous iron may migrate several

kilometres before finally generating acidity (equation 5) under more oxidising
conditions (van Mensvoort and Dent, 1998). Unwanted effects include depletion of
oxygen in the water, acidification, clogging of fish gills and the blockage of drains.
At East Trinity, substantial concentrations of soluble iron are present in discharge
waters hundreds of metres to about a kilometre from their source. However
concentrations are reduced from the very high (>1000 mg L-1) concentrations found in
soil solutions of pyritic horizons, to hundreds and tens of mg L-1 within a few metres.
(Figure 7). These findings are consistent with measurements of total iron in the soil
of the drained profile. Here the top 0.6 m is enriched in iron (with concentrations of
up to 8%) with the iron released by oxidation of pyrite remaining in the profile.
Precipitating ferric hydroxide will adsorb other trace metals such as arsenic
and zinc released from soil minerals by the oxidation and acidification and result
in their enrichment in the now unstable and highly mobile iron precipitates.
The ferrous iron present in discharge waters exceeds the ANZECC Guidelines of 0.5
mg L-1. Geochemical predictions indicate ferrous iron is present as free Fe2+, plus
chloride and sulfate complexes. Seasonal variation in ferrous iron concentration is
shown in Figure 15 and a statistical summary of data is given in Table 9.
Significant concentrations of ferric iron were present only in drainage water and in an
oxidising pyritic horizon at higher pH. Table 8 compares total and ferrous iron
concentrations for a range of sites.

Table 8 Comparison of Total Iron and Ferrous Iron concentrations for samples
collected on the 19/4/98.

Site Total Fe FeII

mgL-1 mgL-1
Firewood Ck. Bunded 2.6 2.7
Firewood Ck. Marine 0.8 1.1
Drain 5.9 2.9
Soil water TC 1 - 0.2 m 88.0 100
Soil water TC 1 - 0.5 m 410 415
Soil water TC 1 - 1.0 m 1500 1560
Soil water TC 1 - 1.5 m 61.0 41.2
Soil water TC 1 - 2.0 m 1.6 2.7
Soil water TC 1 - 3.0 m 0.5 0.1
Magazine Ck. 25.0 24.9
Soil water TC 2 - 0.2 m 0.5 0.9
Soil water TC 2 - 0.5 m 0.5 1.2
Soil water TC 2 - 1.0 m 20.0 19.2
Soil water TC 2 - 1.5 m 0.5 0.1
Soil water TC 3 - 0.5 m 120 157
Soil water TC 3 - 1.0 m 40.0 49.7

Total Iron in Trinity Surface Waters
(ANZECC guidelines: FeII<500µgL-1)


Firewood Ck. Cutoff
Conc. µgL-1

Firewood Ck. Marine
1000 Drainage Channels
100 Magazine Ck. Cutoff












Figure 15 Concentration of ferrous iron (µgL-1) in East Trinity surface waters over
the measurement period.

Trace Metals-Arsenic and Zinc

Arsenic concentrations are only significant compared with the ANZECC Guideline
value of 50 µg L-1 close to the site of pyrite oxidation, with ranges of 63 to 170 µg L-1
in soil water at 1 m bgl 2 to 280 µg L-1 at 0.5 m bgl and 2 to 130 µg L-1 in drainage
water. Concentrations of arsenic in discharge waters are close to the detection limit of
2 µg L-1. Arsenic is strongly adsorbed onto ferric hydroxide surfaces and any arsenic
in solution would be removed from solution by precipitating ferric hydroxide. Thus
arsenic concentration follows a similar pattern to that of ferrous iron. Although no
longer in solution the arsenic in now readily available to biota when the conditions
change. For example ferric hydroxides suspended in the water are discharged into
Trinity Inlet where conditions in the sediment will reduce the iron to its ferrous state,
releasing adsorbed heavy metals such as arsenic, which will then enter the food chain.

Zinc concentrations are similarly higher in the soil water close to where it is released
by the acid hydrolysis of soil minerals. The highest concentrations occur at 1 m bgl
where concentrations vary from 1.2 to 2.4 mg L-1. Concentrations of zinc remain
above the ANZECC guideline value of 0.05 mg L-1 in discharge waters. Figure 16
shows the seasonal variation in zinc concentration and a summary of data is given in
Table 9.

Total Zinc in Trinity Surface Waters
(ANZECC guidelines: <50µ gL-1)

Conc. g L-1

Firewood Ck. Cutoff

100 Firewood Ck. Marine
Drainage Channels
Magazine Ck. cutoff











Figure 16 Concentration of Total Zinc (µgL-1) in East Trinity surface waters over the
measurement period.

Table 9 Summary of Selected Parameters in East Trinity Surface Water

Statistic pH pe- As Si Al Fe Mn Zn
ug/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L
ANZEEC Guideline 50 0.005 0.500 0.050
# if
Drain N of cases 24 6 8 24 24 24 24 24
Minimum 2.8 6.6 2 4.0 0.1 0.9 0.4 0.05
Maximum 5.1 11.7 130 63.6 38.0 329.1 4.9 0.79
Median 3.2 8.8 2 37.7 9.7 46.8 1.7 0.20
Mean 3.3 9.0 20 36.6 11.1 119.0 1.7 0.29
Standard Dev 0.6 2.2 45 18.8 9.8 114.8 1.1 0.21
Soilwater 0.5 m N of cases 36 38 16 35 35 35 35 35
Minimum 3.0 -2.6 2 0.9 0.1 0.7 0.3 0.15
Maximum 4.3 13.6 280 67.0 39.0 410.0 3.9 1.10
Median 3.5 4.0 5 54.2 4.6 150.0 1.1 0.20
Mean 3.5 6.3 74 51.9 8.7 151.8 1.4 0.30
Standard Dev 0.4 4.2 104 13.3 10.0 137.2 0.9 0.19
Soilwater 1.0 m N of cases 12 12 8 12 12 12 12 12
Minimum 2.7 -2.6 63 46.0 110.0 670 16.3 1.20
Maximum 3.7 4.0 170 110.0 270.0 1500 21.0 2.40
Median 3.0 3.7 82 110.0 185.0 1200 19.5 2.30
Mean 3.1 3.1 93 97.6 189.2 1186 19.2 2.04
Standard Dev 0.3 1.8 34 21.8 44.0 256 1.3 0.48
Magazine Ck. N of cases 12 6 8 12 12 12 12 12.00
Minimum 2.6 5.2 2 8.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.16
Maximum 6.2 11.6 3 26.9 31.0 25.0 4.7 0.35
Median 2.9 7.5 2 19.0 5.1 15.5 3.5 0.20
Mean 3.4 8.4 2 18.7 9.3 13.6 3.5 0.24
Standard Dev 1.0 2.5 0 5.6 9.5 8.1 1.0 0.06
Firewood Ck. Bunded N of cases 27 6 8 27 27 27 27 27
Minimum 2.4 5.9 2 0.4 0.100 0.1 0.10 0.02
Maximum 7.3 11.1 2 24.2 15.000 20.4 1.80 0.66
Median 3.6 8.6 2 12.0 1.000 1.6 0.50 0.19
Mean 4.4 8.6 2 11.3 2.595 3.1 0.57 0.20
Standard Dev 1.5 2.3 0 6.5 3.999 4.5 0.44 0.17
Firewood Ck. Marine N of cases 27 6 8 27 27 27 27 27
Minimum 3.1 1.3 2 0.7 0.100 0.1 0.05 0.02
Maximum 6.9 6.8 3 13.0 5.500 6.4 0.87 0.62
Median 6.4 4.0 2 2.8 0.100 0.5 0.14 0.14
Mean 6.1 4.0 2 4.1 0.511 0.8 0.30 0.19
Standard Dev 0.9 2.2 0 3.6 1.037 1.4 0.24 0.16

Other Findings
Continuing ASS Oxidation

In the southern corner of the East Trinity site results show ongoing oxidation of pyrite
to a depth of at least 2 m bgl.

Below 1 m bgl, the soil water pH remains above 5.9 indicating that the neutralising
capacity of the soil has not yet been exceeded. However, soil pH in molar sodium
chloride shows a drop in from 6.2 deeper in the profile and in the undrained profile to
4.9. This is probably due to the displacement of protons from the soil cation
exchange sites.

The mole ratio of chloride to sulfur in water of marine origin is 19.2. As pyrite
oxidises the relative amount of sulfur (sulfate) in solution increases and the mole ratio
decreases. Results for site 1in the southern corner of the East Trinity site show the
chloride to sulfur ratio is 10.7 at 2 m bgl, indicating a doubling of the sulfate
concentration relative to chloride. The extremely low hydraulic conductivity of the
soil (Ksat~10-12 ms-1) means that the increase in sulfate concentration could not have
come from downward leaching of sulfate and the increase in sulfate concentration
must be from oxidising pyrite.

This evidence means that active oxidation is continuing and acidic discharges from
the site are not from relict oxidation processes.

0 10 20 30



Depth m bgl

2.0 Drained

2.5 Undrained





Figure 17 Mole ratio of chloride to sulfur in the East Trinity soil water. Ratio for
seawater is 19.2

0.0 5.0 10.0
Elevation m AHD


Figure 18 Soil pH profile for drained and undrained soil

2 4 6 8



Depth m bgl

2.0 Drained

2.5 Undrained





Figure 19 East trinity Soil water pH for Drained and Undrained profiles.

Seasonal Flooding

Study site TC1 was seasonally flooded and provided an opportunity to monitor the
changes that would occur if the entire area were re-flooded. Once the soil above the
electrode was flooded, there was an immediate drop in the redox potential and an
increase in pH of about 1 unit. However the pH quickly returned to its original level
and did not increase despite more than 100 days of inundation. This result is
consistent with the observations of White et al 1997. van Breeman (1995) explained
the failure of ‘old’ ASS to reach the theoretically predicted values of between 5.5 to
6.5 to either slow reduction or reduction in the absence of FeIII oxides. In the case of
Trinity the latter does not apply and slow reduction due to either a low content of
metabolizable organic matter and/or to adverse affects of low pH, high dissolved Al
and poor nutrient status on the activity of anaerobes is the likely reason.

These results demonstrate that re-flooding of the site would fail to stop pyrite
oxidation or decrease acidity.


0 Eh V
-1 Water level m
Ground level m
-2 Electrode
100 200 300 400 500 600 position

Figure 20 Change in pH and redox potential following flooding.

Acid Production
Acid production from the site is continuing, approximately one third of the original
potential acidity remains. Results demonstrate continued oxidation of the remaining
pyrite at around 1 to 2 metres below ground level. When the pyrite is finally
exhausted, the accumulated acidity will continue to leach into the environment.
Overseas examples indicate that the hazard could remain for decades.

Our results show that up to 1995 the site produced an estimated 1.5x109 moles H+
(72 000 t of sulfuric acid) an average annual rate of 7.0x105 moles H+ha-1y-1
(34 t ha-1y-1). This rate is 110 times the rate calculated for sub-tropical Australian
ASS. It is not possible to estimate exactly how much of this acidity has been released
into Trinity Inlet, however there has been severe acidification of the site and water
released at the floodgates has an average pH of 3.4. Quantification of acid and other
contaminant export would require flow measurements to be made at the floodgates.

Carbon Emissions
Carbon emissions from drained ASS are likely to have made a significant contribution
to Australia’s carbon emissions over the past 20 to 30 years and have been

Iron Particulates
Although we did not measure the concentration of suspended matter in the water
column, suspended iron oxides can be readily seen in discharge water. This
suspended material is almost certainly contains elevated concentrations of arsenic and
zinc, with concentrations based on measurements made in soil profiles of 300 to 700
mg kg-1 of arsenic and from 100 to 500 mg kg-1of zinc. Once this material is
deposited in marine sediments adsorbed elements will be released into the marine
environment. They can then be taken up by benthic and bottom feeding organisms
and enter the food chain of animals within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.
The top 0.6 m of the soil profile inside the bunded area contains high concentrations
of precipitated iron oxides (up to 8% iron) containing elevated concentrations of
arsenic. Feral pigs feeding on the site may ingest sufficient quantities of arsenic to
create a human health problem when they are hunted and consumed for food by
indigenous Australians in the area.

Water Quality
Concentrations of aluminium, iron and zinc in discharge waters regularly exceed the
relevant ANZECC Guidelines for the protection of aquatic ecosystems. Maximum
concentrations occur during the wet season when oxidation products that have built up
in the soil profile leach into the surface water. Water discharged into Trinity Inlet
contains dissolved aluminium between 6000 and 120 times the ANZECC Guidelines.
Patterns related to environmental factors are apparent in the composition of the

discharge water, however further analysis of the data is required before the processes
and factors can be quantified.

Basic Principles
The basic principles of rehabilitation are to curtail pyrite oxidation and to neutralise or
leach existing acidity.

Pyrite oxidation can only be stopped by removing the oxygen supply. This can be
done by re-flooding or capping. After the removal of the oxygen supply, oxidation of
pyrite by FeIII may continue for some time. Pyrite oxidation can be slowed by
decreasing the rate of FeIII production. Bactericides that inhibit Thiobacilli or
amendments that complex or precipitate the iron are ways to do this. However, this is
only a temporary solution more suited to short term requirements such as stockpiling
during engineering works.

Neutralisation can be achieved by the addition of lime (or other alkaline substances)
and by the reduction of FeIII oxides which consumes protons.

Leaching is only possible using a water management system that discharges acidic
surface water. This is usually done at times of high flow to reduce the environmental
impact. Most successful ASS rehabilitation schemes in S-E Asia rely on a
combination of leaching through sophisticated water management and amendments to
the leached soil. Management that relies on the discharge of acidic surface water
containing toxic elements, may not be an acceptable option for Australian ASS.


Prior to capping the existing acidity would need to be neutralised. Capping has the
advantage that only the existing acidity needs to be neutralised. However
incorporating the lime to at least 1.5m bgl is required. Banding of lime is unlikely to
be successful due to the low hydraulic conductivity of the soil and the precipitation of
iron, which would block water movement and coat the lime surface stoping its
neutralising action.


We estimated the remaining acidity to –2.3 m AHD to be 1.2x107 moles H+ ha-1.

Currently oxidation is occurring at –2 m AHD so neutralisation would be required to
about the same level. This would require 600 tonnes of lime per hectare, incorporated
to 1.5 m below the current ground level to neutralise the current acidity and remaining
potential acidity.

The neutralisation of leachate with lime drains would require costly maintenance as
iron precipitates clog drains and coat the surface of the lime making it inactive.


Re-flooding has not been successful in reducing the production of acid or halting the
continued oxidation of pyrite in Australian ASS. This is in contrast with the situation

in S-E Asia where re-flooding of rice paddies is a successful management tool.
Re-flooding as a management tool relies on establishing conditions where the
reduction of the Fe, Mn, S and N can take place. The reduction of these elements
consumes protons and is responsible for the increase in pH commonly observed in
acid soils after waterlogging.

Evidence from elsewhere in Australia and the response of our study site to seasonal
flooding indicate that simple re-flooding of the East Trinity site would not establish
the reducing conditions necessary for neutralisation of acid or acidic by products. It is
likely that a number of factors are involved in inhibiting reduction and no simple
solution exists. If the conditions could be managed to establish reducing conditions,
other problems would need to be overcome before environmentally acceptable
rehabilitation plan could be devised. The increase in pH is favourable for the
decrease in dissolved aluminium concentrations, however other changes such as the
production of potentially toxic substances such as Fe2+, organic acids and H2S are not.
In addition the reduction of FeIII oxides would result in the release of adsorbed
elements such as arsenic and zinc.

It should be noted that removal and redistribution of soil materials during drainage
works and post-drainage subsidence in the southern corner of the East Trinity site will
complicate any re-flooding and a return to pre-drainage hydrology is impossible.

The authors wish to thank Norm and Edna Whitney. The project would have been
impossible without their dedicated work in providing able and resourceful on-site
technical assistance.

We also wish to thank the Queensland Department of Primary Industries in particular

Doug Smith, for assistance in setting up the site and for making their soil survey data
available for our use.

We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Phil Davies and Damian Mowat for
assisting us in the field with the installation of equipment and sampling of the soil

ANZECC 1992. National Water Quality Management Strategy – Australian Water
Quality Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Waters. Australian and New Zealand
Environment and Conservation Council, Canberra.
APHA. 1995. Standard methods for the examination of water and waste water. 19th
ed. pp 2-23 to 2-25. APHA-AWWA-WEF, Washington.
Bartlett, R.J. 1986. Soil Redox Behavior. In: Sparks, D.L. (ed) Soil Physical
Chemistry, p200. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Cornell, R.M., and U. Schwertmann. 1996. The Iron Oxides: Structure Properties,
Reactions, Occurrence and Uses. Verlag Chemie, Weinheim.
Dent, D.L. 1986. Acid sulphate soils:a baseline for research and development. I.R.I.
Pub. No. 39. pp31-32. Internat. Instit. For Land Reclam. and Imp.
Dent, D.L. and Bowman, G.M. 1996. Quick Quantitative assessment of acid sulfate
hazard. CSIRO Division of Soils, Divisional Report 128
Hollingsworth Dames and Moore (1993). Royal Reef Project: Assessment of the
distribution of acid sulfate soils. Report No. 28/92.
National Working Party on Acid Sulfate Soils. June 1998. Draft
National Strategy for the Management of Coastal Acid Sulfate
Soils. NSW Agriculture, Wollongbar Agricultural Institute,
Wollongbar NSW.
Nordstrom, D.K. 1982. Aqueous pyrite oxidation and consequent formation of
secondary iron minerals. In: Kittrick, J.A., Fanning, D.S. and Hossner, L.R.
(eds), Acid Sulfate Weathering. SSSA Special Pub. No. 10, p52. Soil Science
Society of America, Madison.
Queensland Department of Primary Industries. 1995. Unpublished
van Breeman, N. 1993. Environmental aspects of acid sulphate soils. In: Dent, D.L.
and van Mensvoort, M.E.F. (eds), Selected Papers of the Ho Chi Minh City
Symposium on Acid Sulphate Soils, Mar. 1992, I.R.I. Pub. No. 53. pp. 391-
402. Internat. Instit. For Land Reclam. and Imp. Wageningen.
van Mensvoort, M.E.F. and Dent, D.L. 1998. Acid Sulfate Soils. In: Lal, R., Blum,
W.H., Valentine, C. and Stewart, B.A. (eds), Methods for assessment of soil
degradation. Advances in Soil Science, pp301-335. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Westall, J.C., Zachary, J.L. and Morel, F.M.M. 1976. MINEQL, A Computer
Program for the Calculation of Chemical Equilibrium Composition of
Aqueous Systems. Tech Note. 18, Dept. of Civil Eng., Mass. Inst. Technology,
Cambridge, MA.
White, I., Melville, M.D., Wilson, B.P. and Sammut, J. 1997. Reducing acidic
discharges from coastal wetlands in eastern Australia. Wetlands Ecology and
Management 5:55-72.
Youngs, E.A. (1991) Hydraulic conductivity of saturated soils. In: K.A. Smith and
C.E. Mullins (eds), Soil Analysis Physical Methods, M Dekker, New York,



1 Acid Sulfate Soils
2 Current National issues about Acid Sulfate Soils
3 Field Methods
4 Wet Chemical and mineralogical Methods of Analysis










1 Acid Sulfate Soils

Acid sulphate materials are saline soils or sediments containing pyrites, which
once drained (as part of land management or development measures), become acidic
and release large amounts of acidity and other contaminants into the ecosystem with
consequent adverse effects on plant growth and animal life. These soils are
widespread around coastal Australia (especially when associated with mangrove
swamps) and occur to an unknown extent in inland areas.

The source of acid sulfate problems is pyrite, FeS2, which when oxidised generates
sulfuric acid that brings the pH below 4, sometimes even below 3 (see Appendix 1.1
for sequence of reactions involved). Sulfuric acid may leak into drainage and
floodwaters, corrode steel and concrete, and attack clay, liberating soluble aluminium
and which kills vegetation and aquatic life. The off-site environmental implications
means that more attention should be paid to these soils following soil drainage or
excavation through areas where these soil conditions exist.

Acid sulfate soils are extensively developed around the Australian coastline, although
they have only recently come to prominence in land use planning as a result of the
detrimental environmental consequences that can arise from disturbing them. The
recognition of acid sulfate sediments and soils in Australia and research into their
behaviour has been limited. Hence, none of the published major Australian soil or
geological classification systems has satisfactorily provided for such materials.
However, an International Soil Classification System known as Soil Taxonomy (Soil

Survey Staff, 1996) does provide methods for describing, identifying and classifying
acid sulphate and potential acid sulphate producing materials (i.e. sulfuric horizon and
sulfidic materials).

Although a plethora of complex terminology and standards have evolved in the

literature in relation to acid sulfate soils, in this report these have been simplified to
the following two concepts as outlined in the flow-diagram in Appendix 1:
• Actual Acid Sulfate Soil (i.e. sulfuric horizon) are coastal sedimentary materials
that once contained pyrites and may still contain some, but which have been
exposed to the atmosphere by drainage or disturbance so that the pyrite has
oxidised to form sulfuric acid, thereby decreasing the pH to less than 3.5. These
materials are also characterised by bright yellow or straw coloured mottles of the
mineral jarosite and often contain dark reddish coloured streaks.

• Potential Acid Sulfate Soil (i.e. sulfidic material) are coastal sedimentary
materials that contain iron pyrites that has not been oxidised. Consequently, the
pH is usually near neutral (approximately 7.0).
The hazards presented by acid sulfate soils are magnified by their location and
specific properties. For example, the depth to the actual acid sulfate (i.e. sulfuric
horizon) or potential acid sulfate (i.e. sulfidic materials) materials as well as the
concentration of salts or minerals (e.g. sodium chloride, jarosite or pyrite) are critical.

2 Current National Issues about Acid Sulfate Soils

The Australia wide distribution of Acid Sulfate soils unknown at any scale.
There is no consistent standard for mapping their extent or severity. It is difficult to
frame a national strategy for dealing with them without knowing where they are and
how extensive (an estimate of 2 million ha). Acid Sulfate soils are not all the same
and nearly all characterisation has been in northern NSW and SE Queensland. For
regulation and management, the range of soils likely to be encountered and the way
they function must be known. For example, Acid Sulfate soils under a 10m tidal
range in tropical NW Australia will be in a very different situation from one in SE
Australia with a 2m tidal range. Consequently, there is an urgent need for more
pedological, chemical, mineralogical, physical and microbiological information about
Acid Sulfate soils and degradation processes especially in southern Australia.

3 Field Methods
A simplified technical soil classification system is outlined in the flow-
diagram in Appendix 1.1. The international soil classification system known as Soil
Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 1996) is commonly used as a basis to provide the
methods for describing, identifying and classifying acid sulfate soil (sulfuric horizon)
and potential acid sulfate producing soils (sulfidic materials) (Appendices 1.1 to 1.5).

Soil pits should be excavated using a backhoe across the site to be investigated or
surveyed. The first step of the procedure is to identify distinct horizons in each
profile, photograph the profile and describe the following characteristics for each
separate horizon: Horizon thickness, matrix colour, mottle colour, mottle type
(abundance, size contrast), texture, structure, coarse fragments (type, abundance,
size), reaction or fizz to HCl (McDonald et al. 1990); n-Value (Appendix 1.3),
organic matter type (Appendix 1.4).

After completing the profile description each soil horizon or layer is sampled for
chemical and mineralogical analyses. The simplified soil classification key is used to
identify and classify the soils into the following two categories: Actual Acid Sulfate
Soils and Potential Acid Sulfate Soils (Appendix 1.1). The process simply uses pH
data and recognising specific visual soil features (soil colour). Methods and
procedures used to classify these materials are simple and cost effective. Finally, it is
possible to use this information to construct a simple soil map of the survey area with

4 Wet Chemical and mineralogical Methods of Analysis

The moisture content was calculated from the measured weight loss on drying
a weighed, representative sub-sample of the as-received soil sample at 105°C.
Electrical conductivity and pH
A 4 g sub-sample was placed in a screw cap container, 8 mL water added and
the suspension shaken for one hour (1:1 soil:water ratio). Similarly, a 4 g sub-sample
was extracted with 40 mL water (1:5 soil:water ratio). The electrical conductivity was
measured after calibrating the conductivity meter using 0.1M KCl (12.9 dSm -1).
Then the pH meter was calibrated using pH 4.00 and pH 9.00 buffers before
measuring the pH of the sample extracts. Method 2B1, Rayment and Higginson
Aged pH
A separate sub-sample was set aside and kept moist (field capacity) as a layer
1 cm thick while maintaining contact with the air at room temperature. After two
weeks, a 4g sub-sample was extracted with 20 mL water and the pH determined as
above. This was repeated after 2, 4, 7 and 9 weeks (see Appendix 1.1 below).
Air-dried pH
A sub-sample was dried at 35°C then ground and sieved through a 2 mm sieve
to prepare an air-dry, <2 mm sample for further analysis. The pH was measured by
extracting a 4g sub-sample of air-dry soil with 20 mL water for one hour and
measuring the pH as above. Method 4A1, Rayment and Higginson (1992).
Carbonate content Air
An air-dry sub-sample was weighed into a polypropylene cup, placed in the
reaction vessel of a Collins Calcimeter and reacted with 2M HCl. The volume of
CO2 given off was measured to determine the carbonate content calculated as calcium
Organic carbon
An air-dry sub-sample was weighed and then combusted in an atmosphere of
oxygen in a Leco CR-12 carbon analyser at 1200°C. The quantity of CO2 produced
was measured by the I.R. detector and the total carbon content calculated
automatically by the instrument. Method 6B3, Rayment and Higginson (1992). The
organic carbon content was calculated by subtracting the inorganic (carbonate) carbon
from the total carbon.
Soluble sulfur
A 10 g air-dry sub-sample was extracted with 50 mL of deionised water.
Sulfur was measured by Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry on the centrifuged
supernatant. Method 10 B3, Rayment and Higginson (1992).
Total sulfur
An air-dry sub-sample was weighed, mixed with vanadium pentoxide and then
combusted in an atmosphere of oxygen in a Leco CR-132 sulfur analyser at 1370°C.
The quantity of SO2 produced was measured by the I.R. detector and the total sulfur
content calculated automatically by the instrument.

Extractable salts and trace elements (including heavy metals)

A 4 g sub-sample was placed in a screw cap container, 20 mL deionised water
added and the suspension shaken for one hour (1:5 soil:water ratio). The extract was
analysed using Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectroscopy (ICPS).

Mineralogical Methods
Selected samples were ground to a fine powder using an agate mortar and

X-ray diffraction (XRD)

X-ray diffraction patterns were obtained on the fine powder fraction of ground
soil samples packed into aluminium holders. XRD data was also obtained for small
subsamples of surface precipitates and other components of soil horizons (e.g. bright
yellow mottles). The XRD instruments were Philips PW1710 and PW1800
microprocessor-controlled diffractometers with Co radiation, automatic-divergence
slits and graphite monochromators. XRD patterns were collected as digital data and
logged to permanent data files using instrument control programs developed by Self
(1988, 1989). Analysis of the data was carried out using the program XPLOT
(Raven, 1990).

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

Scanning electron microscope (SEM) studies of either small flakes of the air-
dried sample mounted on aluminium stubs and sputter-coated with gold or carbon-
coated were made using a Cambridge Stereoscan 250 Mark 3 instrument fitted with a
Be-windowed, Link energy-dispersive x-ray spectrometer (EDS). An attached Link
EDS was used to provide elemental analyses of elements with atomic number greater
than 9.


Acid sulphate materials are saline soils or sediments containing pyrites, which once
drained (as part of remedial land management measures, or as part of coastal
development), become acidic releasing large amounts of acidity into the ecosystem
with consequent adverse effects on plant growth, animal life etc. These soils are
widespread around coastal Australia (especially when associated with mangrove
swamps) and occur to an unknown extent in inland areas.



Is pH 3.5 or less?
(1:1 by weight in water, or in a YES Actual Acid Sulphate Soil
minimum of water to permit Î (Sulfuric horizon)
measurement) OR
Are bright yellow jarosite
mottles present?
Is pH 4 or less on aging for 8
weeks? YES Potential Acid Sulphate Soil (highly
(i.e. pH shows a drop of more than Î reactive)
0.5 pH unit to pH of 4 of less in 1:1 (Sulfidic material)
by weight in water, or in a
minimum of water to permit
Is pH between 4-6 on aging for 8
weeks? (i.e. pH shows a drop of
more than 1 pH unit to pH of 4-6 in YES Potential Acid Sulphate Soil
1:1 by weight in water, or in a Î (moderately reactive)
minimum of water to permit
measurement). AND
Is n-value >1?
Is total S > 2%?
No acid sulphate or Potential
acid sulphate Soil is present

Soil Survey Staff (1996) method to identify a Sulfuric Horizon or Acid Sulphate
• 15 cm or more thick.
• Samples are identified as having sulfuric horizons (or acid sulphate properties) if
the pH is 3.5 or less (1:1 by weight in water, or in a minimum of water to
permit measurement) and shows evidence that the low pH is caused by
sulfuric acid.

The evidence is one or more of the following:

• Jarosite concentrations, or
• Directly underlying sulfidic materials (defined above), or
• 0.05 % or more water-soluble sulfate.

Soil Survey Staff (1996) method to identify: Sulfidic Material or Potential Acid
Sulphate material
(pH decrease after ageing in laboratory)

• Sample kept moist (field capacity) as a layer 1 cm thick while maintaining contact
with the air at room temperature.
• After two weeks, a 4g sub-sample is extracted with 4 mL water and the pH
determined (i.e. 1:1 by weight in water, or in a minimum of water to permit
• This is repeated after 4, 6 and 8 weeks.
• Samples are identified as having sulfidic materials (or potentially acid sulphate
properties) if the pH on aging for 8 weeks shows a drop more than 0.5 pH unit
or more to a pH value of 4.0 or less.
• Thus if these soils were drained, or otherwise exposed to aerobic conditions (e.g. by
earthwork excavations) the sulfides in these materials will oxidise to form
some reactive sulfuric acid Fe2+ will undergo hydrolysis, as follows:
FeS2 + 7/2 O2 + H2O → Fe2+ + 2SO42- + 2H+ .........[1]
FeS2 + 15/4 O2 + 7/2 H2O → Fe(OH)3 + 2SO42- + 4H+ ...[2]
However, these reactions greatly simplify the description of pyrite oxidation which
includes several redox reactions, hydrolysis and complex ion formation, solubility
controls, as well as kinetic effects.
The initial oxidant of pyrite is O2 and elemental sulfur is produced:
FeS2 + 3/4 O2 + 3/2 H2O → Fe(OH)3 + SO2 .......[3]

the oxidation of elemental sulfur produces acidity:

S2 + 3O2 + 2H2O → 2SO42- + 4H+ .......[4]

As the pH decreases to below 3.5, which allows Fe3+ to remain in solution, Fe3+
becomes the dominant oxidant:
FeS2 + 14Fe3+ + 8H2O → 15Fe2+ + 2SO42- + 16H+ ......[5]

This reaction is biologically mediated by some thiobacilli such as Thiobacillus

ferroxidans which functions well under highly acidic conditions to oxidize most
reduced forms of sulfur, including sulfides (Trudinger 1979). Thiobacillus
ferroxidans can also grow by oxidation of Fe2+. The activity of such organisms
results in an acceleration of the rate of pyrite oxidation (van Breemen, 1982). In
addition, it is possible that the supply of Fe3+ had to build up to a certain level before
the bacteria became active.


Colour: Soil: Description of soil colour has been standardised through the use of
Munsell notations (colour charts produced for use with soils are available from
Munsell Color Company, Inc., Baltimore 18, Md., USA). Accordingly, colour is
usually given for moist soil in a descriptive term (eg. yellowish brown) and as a
notation (eg. 10YR 5/4), the latter being compounded from charts for hue (10YR)
and notations for value (5) and chroma (4).
Mottled: having, blotches of soil with a different colour.
Texture: HC = Heavy clay; MC = Medium Clay; LC = Light Clay; SCL = Sandy
Clay Loam; L = Loam; S = Sand. (McDonald et al. 1990).
Behaviour of moist bolus (ball) for some common heavy soils.

Soil texture behaviour of moist bolus

Sand (S) Coherence nil to very slight, cannot be moulded; Clay is < 5%
Loam (L) Bolus coherent and rather spongy; smooth feel when manipulated
but with no obvious sandiness; may be greasy to touch if organic
matter is present; will form ribbon of about 2.5 cm. Clay is about
Sandy clay loam Strongly coherent bolus, sandy to touch; medium size sands
(SCL) grains visible in finer matrix; will form ribbon of 2.5 - 4.0 cm.
Clay is about 30% - 35%.
Clay loam (CL) Coherent plastic bolus; smooth to manipulate; will form ribbon of
4 - 5 cm. Clay is about 20% - 30%.
Light clay (LC) Plastic bolus; smooth to touch; slight to shearing between thumb
and forefinger; will form ribbon of 5 - 7.5 cm. Clay is about 35%
- 40%.
Medium clay (MC) Smooth plastic bolus, handles like plasticine and can be moulded
into rods without fracture; has some resistance to ribboning shear;
will form ribbon of 7.5 cm or more Clay is about 45% - 55%.
Heavy clay (HC) Smooth plastic bolus: handles like stiff plasticine; can be
moulded into rods without fracture; has firm resistance to
ribboning shear; will form ribbon of 7.5 cm or more. Clay is
about >55%.

Cracks will not be evident within a wet cracking clay soil. However peds will still be
able to be removed by prising them from the core. What would have been a
crack-line when the soil was dry will now be a line of weakness that will break to
enable the clod to be removed. Once the ped is removed, examine the newly
exposed face of the pit and ped. Small angular shiny faces show good ped
structure (eg prismatic). However if the soil has a very dull, finely-grained
appearance it indicates that the lump has been removed by tearing through the
fabric of the soil rather than by breaking it along natural lines. This is a sign that
the natural soil peds or clods are large or massive (M).

Usually present as shell or coral fossils. Remove these nodules and place them in dish
of acid (eg. HCl). If the material causes the liquid to bubble it indicates that the
nodule is composed of lime (calcium carbonate). If bubbling does not occur the
deposit may be gypsum especially if there are clear, needle shaped, crystalline
formations which turn white when crushed.


n-Value (mechanical properties related to soil moisture or wetness)

The n-value (sometimes referred to as ``index of squishiness") concept was
developed by Pons and Zonneveld (1965) to simply define the degree of physical
ripening of soft sediments (i.e "pelagic ooze" materials, sulfidic materials and sulfuric
horizons) as they dewater. It is a measure of the physical bearing capacity of a soil
material. The following definition has been modified from Fanning and Fanning
(1989) and Soil Survey Staff (1992):

n= <0.7: Ripe material is firm, not particularly sticky, and cannot be squeezed
between fingers.
n= 0.7 to 1.0: Nearly Ripe Material is fairly firm; it tends to stick to the hands, and
can be kneaded but not squeezed between fingers. Its water content is
between 55 and 65%. It is not churned up, it will support by weight of stock
and ordinary vehicles;
n= 1.0 - 1.4: Half Ripe Mud is fairly soft; sticky; and can be squeezed between
fingers. Its water content is between 65 and 75% and its mechanical strength
when disturbed is low. A man will sink ankle to knee deep unless supported
by vegetation.
n= 1.4 - 2.0: Practically Unripe Mud is very soft; sticks fast to everything, and can
be squeezed between fingers by very gentle pressure. Its water content is
between 70 and 80%. A man will sink to his thighs unless supported by
n= > 2.0: Totally Unripe Mud is fluid; it flows between fingers. In predominantly
mineral sediments the water content is >80% by mass.

It is mathematically defined for Soil Taxonomy for soil materials that are not
thixotropic as follows:
A=% water in soil in field condition, calculated on a dry-soil basis;
R=% silt + sand;
L=% clay (<2 µm);
H=% organic matter (organic carbon x 1.724).
An n-value of 0.7 of more is used in Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey, 1992) to
define certain classes considered to have a low bearing capacity. Sandy materials are
considered to be physically ripe regardless of their water content.

(from Soil Survey Staff, 1996).

Organic soil material either:

1. Is saturated with water for long periods (or artificially drained) and, excluding live
roots, has an organic-carbon content (by weight) of:

a. 18 percent or more if the mineral fraction contains 60 percent or more clay;


b. 12 percent or more if the mineral fraction contains no clay;


c. 12+ (clay percentage multiplied by 0.1) percent or more if the mineral

fraction contains less than 60 percent clay; or

2. Is never saturated with water for more than a few days and contains 20 percent or
more (by weight) organic carbon.

Item 1 in this definition covers materials that have been called peat and muck. Item 2
is intended to include what has been called litter or an O horizon.


Three different kinds or organic soil materials are distinguished in Soil Taxonomy,
based on the degree of decomposition of the plant materials from which they are
derived. The three kinds (defined below) are: (1) fibric, (2) hemic, and (3) sapric.
Because of the importance of fiber content in the definitions of these materials, fibers
are defined before the kinds of organic soil materials, as follows.


Fibers, in the terminology of this taxonomy, are pieces of plant tissue in organic soil
materials (excluding live roots) which:

1. Are large enough to be retained on a 100-mesh sieve (openings 0.15 mm in

diameter) when the materials are screened after dispersion in sodium
hexametaphosphate; and

2. Show evidence of the cellular structure of the plants from which they are derived;

3. Are either 2 cm or less in their smallest dimension, or are undecomposed that they
cannot be crushed and shredded with the fingers, such as large branches, logs, and
stumps, are not considered to be fibers but coarse fragments (comparable to gravel,
stones, and boulders in mineral soils).

Fibric soil materials (L. fibra, fiber)

1. Contain 75 percent or more (by volume) fibers after rubbing, excluding coarse
fragments; or
2. Contain 40 percent or more (by volume) fibers after rubbing, excluding coarse
fragments; and yield color values and chromas of 7/1, 7/2, 8/1, 8/2 or 8/3 (Munsell
designations) on white chromatographic or filter paper that is inserted into a paste
made of the soil materials in a saturated sodium pyrophosphate solution.

Hemic soil materials (Gr. hemi, half; implying intermediate decomposition)

Hemic soil materials are intermediate in their degree of decomposition between the
less decomposed fibric and more decomposed sapric materials. Their morphological
features give intermediate values for fiber content, bulk density, and water content.
They are partly altered both physically and biochemically.

Sapric soil materials (Gr. sapros, rotten)

These are the most highly decomposed of the three kinds of organic soil materials.
They have the smallest amount of plant fiber, the highest bulk density, and the lowest
water content on a dry-weight basis at saturation. Sapric soil materials are commonly
very dark grey to black. They are relatively stable, i.e., they change very little
physically and chemically with time in comparison to other organic soil materials.

Sapric materials have the following characteristics:

1. Their fiber content, after rubbing, is less than 16 percent (by volume), excluding
coarse fragments; and

2. Their sodium-pyrophosphate-extract colour on white chromatographic or filter

paper is below or to the right of a line drawn to exclude blocks 5/1, 6/2 and 7/3
(Munsell designations). If few or no fibers can be detected and the colour or the
pyrophosphate extract is to the left or above this line, the possibility that the material
is limnic must be considered.


Scale of salt severity in soils (from electrical conductivity measurements: 1:5

OR 1:1 soil: water extract)

Electrical conductivity
This measurement will give an indication of the salinity of the soil or sediment.

Electrical conductivity readings received from the laboratory will either be in dS/m or
mS/cm. (these units are equivalent). The measurement refers to the extract
obtained from 1 part soil to 5 parts water (ECl 5). The texture of the soil will
influence the level of salinity that can be tolerated.

Mildly saline: <0.6 dS/m

-reduced vigour or stunting in pasture of crop species.

Moderately saline: 0.6-2 dS/m

- white salt stains are visible when soil surface is dry.
- small bare areas up to 1 square metre are present.

Highly saline (Hypersalic; Isbell, 1996): >2 dS/m

- only highly salt tolerant plants are present - e.g samphire and mangrove swamps
- large areas of bare ground often with a salt crust.
- trees dead or dying.

Severely saline (Suprasalic): >30dS/m OR

Salic horizon (Soil Survey Staff, 1994) (measurement from an extract obtained from
1 part soil to 1 parts water (ECl 1).

A salic horizon is 15cm or more thick and has for 90 consecutive days of more per
year, in 6 or more years of 10:
(i) An electrical conductivity (EC)* equal to or greater than 30 dS/m in an extract
obtained from 1 part soil to 1 part water (ECl 1)*; AND
(ii) The product of the EC in dS/m and thickness in cm equal to 900 or more.

- *Alternatively an EC equal to or greater than 8 dS/m in an extract obtained from 1

part soil to 5 parts water (EC1:5).
- only very highly salt tolerant plants are present - e.g samphire
- large areas of bare ground often with a thick salt crust.

Fanning, D.S. and Fanning, M.C.B. (1989). Soil: Morphology, genesis, and
classification. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
Isbell R.F. (1996) The Australian Soil Classification. Australian Soil and Land Survey
Handbook volume 4. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne.
McDonald, R.C., Isbell, R.F., Speight, J.G., Walker, J. and Hopkins, M.S., (1990).
Australian Soil and Land Survey Field Handbook, 2nd Edition, Inkata Press,
Melbourne. pp. 87 - 183.
Pons J.L. and Zonneveld, I.S. (1965). Soil ripening and soil classification. Initial soil
formation in alluvial deposits and classification of the resulting soils. Inst. Land
Reclam. and Impr. Pub. 13. Wageningen, The Netherlands. 128pp.
Raven, M.D. (1990). XPLOT version 3.2 user manual. Manipulation of X-ray
powder diffraction data. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Report No. 24/1990.
Rayment, G. E. and Higginson, F.R. (1992). Australian Laboratory Handbook of Soil
and Water Chemical Methods. Inkata Press. Melbourne.
Self, P.G. (1988). PC-PW1710 - user manual. PC based system for the control of a
Philips PW1710 X-ray diffraction system. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical
Memorandum No. 41/1988. 32pp.
Self, P.G. (1989). PC-PW1800 - user manual. PC based system for the control of a
Philips PW1800 X-ray diffraction system. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical
Memorandum No. 1/1989. 29pp.
Soil Survey Staff (1996). Keys to Soil Taxonomy, Seventh edition. United States
Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, USA.
Trudinger, P.A. (1979). The biological sulfur cycle. In: P.A. Trudinger and D.J.
Swaine (Eds.) Biogeochemical Cycling of Mineral Forming Elements. Ch 6.1, pp
293-313. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Van Breemen, N. (1982). Genesis, morphology and classification of acid sulfate soils
in coastal plains. In: Acid Sulfate Weathering. pp 95-108, Soil Science Society
of America. Special Publication No. 10. Madison, Wisconsin.

Table 1. Profile descriptions and classification of soil profiles at the East Trinity monitoring sites

Site No.: TM1 Potential Acid Sulfate Soil.

Site Description: Inter-tidal mangrove forest inundated at mid tide
Elevation AHD (m): 0.869
Date described: 20/5/1995.
Soil Taxonomy: Typic Sulfihemist.
Isbell (1996): Sapric Histic-sulfidic Intertidal Hydrosol.
Depth/ Horizon Matrix Primary Mottles: Tex- Structure shells n-value Segre- Reac Roots Boun
thickness colour ture gations - No. -dary
(cm) (moist) (Secondary Mottles) tion 1002
Colour (moist) % Size (mm) Contrast mm
0-5 Ag1 10YR 2/1 5YR 4/4 2 1 D ZCL V 0 1- 0 N 4 G
5-10 Ag2 10YR 3/2 10YR 3/2 1 1 F ZCL V 0 1- 0 N 4 G
10-30 Bg1 10YR 3/2 10YR 3/2 2 2 F LC V 0 1- 0 N 3 G
30-50 Bg2 2.5 Y 5/4 10YR 3/1 2 2 F LC V 0 1- 0 N 2 D/S
50-100 Bg3 5Y 4/1 10YR 3/1 2 2 F MC V 0 1.4- 0 N 1 D/S
100- Bg4 5Y.4/1 10YR 3/1 2 2 F MC V 0 1.4- 0 N 1 D/S
150 2
200- 2Cg1 15Y.4/1 10YR 4/2 1 2 F MC V 5% 1.4- 0 N 1 D/S
240 2
300- 2Cg2 15Y.4/1 10YR 4/2 1 2 F MC V 10% 1.4- 0 S N D/S
400 2
Clayey sulfidic material

Site No.: TC1 Actual Acid Sulfate Soil
Site Description: Drained low lying Melaleuca sp. forest protected from tidal inundation.
Elevation AHD (m): -0.389
Date described: 20/5/1995.
Soil Taxonomy: Hydraquentic Sulfaquept.
Isbell (1996): Sulfuric Extratidal Hydrosol or Sulfuric Redoxic Hydrosol.
Depth/ Horizon Matrix Primary Mottles: Tex- Structure Shells n- Segre- Reac- Roots Boun
thickness colour ture value gations tion No. -dary
(cm) (moist) (Secondary Mottles) HCl 1002
Colour (moist) % Size (mm) Contrast mm

0-5 Ap1 7.5YR 3/1 7.5YR 4/6 4 2 P/S ZCL GR 0 <0.7 0 H 3

5-10 Ap1 7.5YR 3/1 7.5YR 4/6 4 2 P/S ZCL GR 0 <0.7 0 N 3 C/S
10-15 Ap2 7.5YR 3/2 7.5YR 5/6 4 2 P/S ZCL GR 0 <0.7 0 N 2 G/S
15-20 B2w1 7.5YR 3/2 7.5YR 5/6 3 2 P/S ZCL GR 0 <0.7 0 N 2 G/S
20-30 B2w2 7.5YR 3/2 7.5YR 5/6 3 2 P/S ZLC GR 0 <0.7 0 N 1 G/S
30-40 Bg3 7.5YR 3/2 7.5YR 5/6 3 2 P/S ZLC V 0 <0.7 0 N 1 G/S
40-60 Bgyz4 10YR 4/2 2.5Y 8/6 3 2 P/S ZLC V 0 0.7-1 0 N 1 C/S
60-70 Bgyz5 10YR 4/2 2.5Y 8/6 3 2 P/S MC V 0 0.7-1 0 N 1 G/S
70-80 Bgy6 7.5YR 3/2 2.5Y 8/6 3 1 P/S MC V 0 1-1.2 0 N 1 G/S
80-100 Bgy7 10 YR 3/2 2.5Y 8/6 2 1 P/S MC V 0 1-1.2 0 N 1 G/S
100-200 Bg8 10 YR 4/1 10YR 3/1 2 1 P/S MC V 2 1-1.2 0 N N G/S
200-300 Bg9 10 YR 3/1 10YR 3/2 2 1 P/S MC V 3 1-1.2 0 S N G/S
300-400 Bg10 10YR 3/1 10YR 4/1 1 1 P/S MC V 3 1-1.2 N S N C/S
Sulfuric horizon.
Clayey sulfidic material.

Site No.: TM2 Potential Acid Sulfate Soil
Site Description: Inter-tidal mangrove forest only inundated at spring high tides.
Elevation AHD (m): 1.125
Date described: 20/5/1995;
Soil Taxonomy: Typic Sulfihemist.
Isbell (1996): Sapric Histic-sulfidic Intertidal Hydrosol.
Depth/ Horizon Matrix Primary Mottles: Tex- Structure Shells n- Segre- Reac- Roots Boun
thickness colour ture value gations tion No. -dary
(cm) (moist) (Secondary Mottles) HCl 1002
Colour (moist) % Size (mm) Contrast mm

5-10 Ag2 7.5YR 4/2 7.5YR 5/6 2 1 D ZCL V 0 1-1.4 0 N 3

10-40 Bg1 7.5YR 4/2 7.5YR 5/6 2 2 F ZCL V 0 1-1.4 0 N 2 C/S
40-115 Bg2 5 Y5/1 5Y4/2 1 2 F MC V 0 1-1.4 0 1 C/S
115-250 Bg3 5Y 5/1 5Y4/2 1 2 F MC V 1 1.4-2 0 N 1 G/S
250-370 Bg4 5Y4/1 2.5Y4/3 1 2 F MC V 1 1.4-2 0 N 1 G/S
Clayey sulfidic material.

Site No.: TC2 Actual Acid Sulfate Soil
Site Description: Grassland (Imperata cylindrica) protected from tidal inundation.
Elevation AHD (m): 0.835
Date described: 20/5/1995;
Soil Taxonomy: Hydraquentic Sulfaquept.
Isbell (1996): Sulfuric Extratidal Hydrosol or Sulfuric Redoxic Hydrosol.
Horizon Matrix Primary Mottles: Tex- Structure Shells n- Reac- Roots Boun
Depth/ colour ture value tion No. -dary
thickness (moist) (Secondary Mottles) HCl 1002
Colour (moist) % Size (mm) mm
0-5 Ap 7.5YR 5/2 5YR 5/4 3 2 P/ ZCL GR 0 <0.7 N 3
5-10 Ap 7.5YR 5/2 5YR 4/4 2 2 P/ ZCL GR 0 <0.7 N 3 C/S
10-30 Bg 7.5YR 4/2 2.5Y 8/6 3 2 D/ ZCL SB 0 <0.7 N 2 C/S
30-100 Bg 7.5YR 4/2 2.5Y 8/6 2 2 D/ MC SB 0 0.7-1 N 2 C/S
100-170 Bg 7.5YR 4/2 7.5YR 4/4 1 2 F/ MC V 0 0.7-1 N 1 C/S
170-230 Bg 7.5YR 4/2 7.5YR 4/4 1 2 F/ MC V 0 0.7-1 N 1 G/S
230-400 Bg 7.5YR 4/2 7.5YR 4/4 1 2 F/ MC V 1 0.7-1 N 1 G/S
Sulfuric horizon.

Site No.: TS3 Potential Acid Sulfate Soil
Site Description: Bare inter-tidal saltflat only inundated at spring tides.
Elevation AHD (m): 1.232
Date described: 20/5/1995.
Actual Acid Sulfate Soil
Soil Taxonomy: Salidic Sulfaquept
Isbell (1996): Sulfuric Extratidal Hydrosol or Sulfuric Salic Hydrosol.
Depth/ Horizon Matrix Primary Mottles: Tex- Structure Shells n- Reac- Roots Boun
thickness colour ture value tion No. -dary
(cm) (moist) (Secondary Mottles) HCl 1002
Colour (moist) % Size (mm) Contrast mm

0-5 A11 2.5Y 5/3 ZCL PL 0 1-1.4 N Q/Sc/ C/

5-10 A12 2.5Y 5/3 ZCL PL 0 1-1.4 N
10-20 E 2.5Y 5/2 7.5 YR 4/6 2 2 P/S ZCL PR 0 1-1.4 N
20-35 E 2.5Y 5/2 7.5 YR 4/6 2 1 P/S ZCL PR 0 1-1.4 N
35-60 2Btg1 5Y 6/1 7.5 YR 5/6 3 1 P/S LC V 0 1.4-2 N
60-100 2Btg2 5YR 4/1 LC V 2 1.4-2 N
100-180 2Btg3 5Y 3.5/1 MC V 3 1.4-2 S
180-200 2Btg4 5Y 3.5/1 MC V 4 1.4-2 S
200-300 2Btg5 5Y 3.5/1 MC V 4 1.4-2 S
300-400 2Btg6 5Y 3.5/1 MC V 4 1.4-2 S

Site No.: TC3 Actual Acid Sulfate Soil
Site Description: Saline flat with salt couch grassland protected from tidal inundation.
Elevation AHD (m): 1.209
Date described: 20/5/1995.
Soil Taxonomy: Hydraquentic Sulfaquept.
Isbell (1996): Sulfuric Extratidal Hydrosol or Sulfuric Redoxic Hydrosol.

Depth/ Horizon Matrix Primary Mottles: Tex- Structure Shells n- Reac- Roots Boun
thickness colour ture value tion No. -dary
(cm) (moist) (Secondary Mottles) HCl 1002
Colour (moist) % Size (mm) Contrast mm

0-5 A11 2.5Y 5/2 ZLC PR 0 0.7-1 N 2

5-10 A12 2.5Y 5/3 ZLC PR 0 0.7-1 N 2 C/S
10-35 E 2.5Y 5/2 7.5YR 4/6 3 2 P/S ZLC PR 0 0.7-1 N 1 C/S
35-57 Btg1 6N 7.5YR 5/2 2 1 P/S MC V 0 1-1.4 N 1 C/S
5Y 6/1 2.5Y 8/6
57-75 2Btg2 2.5Y 5/2 10YR 5/4 2 2 P/S MC V 0 1-1.4 NN 0 G/S
2.5Y 8/6
75-150 2Btg3 2.5Y 5/2 MC V 4 1-1.4 S 0 C/S
150-300 2Btg3 2.5Y 5/2 MC V 4 >2 M 0 G/S
300-400 2Btg4 2.5Y 5/2 MC V 4 >2 M 0 G/S
Sulfuric horizon
Clayey sulfidic material.

Mottles: ABUNDANCE (%): 0=None; 1=Very few(<2); 2=Few(2-10); 3=Common(10-20); 4=Many(20-50).
SIZE (mm): 1=Fine(<5); 2=Medium(5-15); 3=Coarse(15-30); 4=Very Coarse(>30). CONTRAST: F=Faint, D=Distinct, P=Prominent. / S=Sharp, C=Clear, D=Diffuse.
Texture: S=Sand, LS=Loamy Sand, CS=Clayey Sand, SL=Sandy Loam, L=Loam, ZL=Silty loam, SCL=Sandy Clay Loam, ZCL =Silty Clay Loam, LC=Light Clay, MC=Medium Clay, HC=Heavy
Structure: Apedal (G= Single grain; V=Massive); PL=Platy; PR=Prismatic; CO=Columnar; AB=Angular blocky; SB=Subangular blocky; PO=Polyhedral; LE=Lenticular; GR=Granular; A=Cast.
Pedal (W=weak; M=moderate; S=strong). Size (mm): 1(<2); 2(2-5); 3(5-10); 4(10-20); 5(20-50); 6(50-100); 7(100-200); 8(200-500); 9(>500).
Consistency (dry/force/strength): 0=Loose; 1=Very Weak; 2=Weak; 3=Firm; 4=Very Firm; 5=Strong; 6=very strong; 7=Rigid.
Cutans: TYPES: Z=Zero, U=Unspecified, C=Clay skins, M=Mangans, S=Stress cutans, K=Slikensides, O=Other cutans. ABUNDANCE (%): 0=None, 1=few(<10), 2=Common(10-50),
3=Many(>50). DISTINCTNESS: F=Faint, D=Distinct, P=Prominent.
Voids: CRACKS (mm): 1=Fine (<5), 2=Medium (5-10), 3=Coarse (10-20), 4=Very Coarse (20-50), 5=Extremely Coarse (>50). / MACROPORES of DIAMETER (mm): 1= Very fine(<1),
2=Fine(1-2), 3=Medium(2-5) & 4==Coarse(>5) / ABUNDANCE (per 10x10mm) of Very fine (<1) & Fine (1-2) macropores: 0=None, 1=few, (<1), 2=Common (1-5), 3=Many(>5); OR
ABUNDANCE (per 10x10cm) of Medium (2-5) & Coarse (>5) macropores: 0=None, 1=Few (<1), 2=Common(1-5), 3=Many(>5).
Segregations: C=Concretions, N=Nodules, F=Fragments, X=Crystals, K= Lime, Y=Gypsum, Q=Quartz, F=Iron, M=Manganese, Sl=Shells.
SIZE (mm): 1=Fine(<2); 2=Medium(2-6); 3= Coarse(6-20); 4=Very Coarse(20-60); 5=Extremely Coarse(>60).
STRENGTH: 1=Weak, 2=Strong. ABUNDANCE (%): 0=None, 1=Very few(<2), 2=Few(2-10), 3=Common(10-20), 4=Many(20-50), 5=Very many(>50).
Reaction or fizz to HCl/calcareous: N=Non- calcareous; S=slightly; M=moderately; H=highly; V=very highly.
Coarse Fragments: SIZE (mm): 1=Fine gravelly (2-6), 2=Medium gr(6-20), 3= Coarse(20-60), 4=Cobbly(60-200), 5=Stony(200-600), 6=Bouldery(600-2m), 7=Large boulders(>2m)./
TEXTURE: F=Fragmental, X=Crystalline (non-porphYRitic), P=PorphYRitic, A=Amorphous / STRUCTURE: V=Massive, S=Vesicular, C=Concretionary, P=Platy,
R=Vermicular, B=Bedded, F=Fissile, L=Foliated / POROSITY: 0=Non porous; dense, 1=Slightly porous, 3=Porous / MINERAL COMPOSITION: Q=Quartz, F=Feldspar,
M=Mica, D=Dark minerals, L=Clays (argillaceous), K=Carbonates, S=Sesquioxides, G=Glauconite, C=Carbonaceous material, Y=Gypsum / STRENGTH: see table 24, p. 156. /
SHAPE: see p.99.
Roots: (No./100x100mm): 0=No roots; 1=Few (1-10); 2=Common(10-25); 3=Many(25-200); 4=Abundant(>200).
Boundary: (mm): S=Sharp (<5), A=abrupt(5-20), C=Clear (20-50), G=Gradual (50-100), D=Diffuse (>100). / S=Smooth, W=Wavy, I=Irregular, T=Tongued, B=Broken

Plate 1 Colour photograph of TC3 (Actual Acid Sulfa te Soil ) showing the br ight
yellow coloured jarosite-rich mottles in the sulfuric horizon between 35 cm and 45 cm
over lying the darker sulfidic mater ial

Table 2. Chemical data (pH, EC and chloride) for samples aged moist for 7

Site Horizon pH EC Cl
depth/ thickness Air 0 wks 3 wks 5 wks 7 wks (dS/m)
(cm) dried moist moist moist moist
TC1 0-5 3.72 7.41 3.10 3.25 3.26 0.28 94.8
TC1 5 - 10 3.64 3.41 3.05 3.20 3.24 0.36 138.8
TC1 10 - 15 3.61 3.24 3.00 3.20 3.25 0.45 193.5
TC1 15 - 20 3.64 3.28 3.02 3.23 3.28 0.56 340
TC1 20 - 30 3.63 3.32 3.00 3.21 3.29 0.7 516.8
TC1 30 - 40 3.62 3.29 2.95 3.19 3.25 0.9 759.3
TC1 40 - 50 3.71 3.27 2.94 3.17 3.27 1.26 1294.7
TC1 50 - 60 3.85 3.35 2.97 3.19 3.28 1.51 1565.8
TC1 60 - 70 3.8 3.34 2.98 3.20 3.26 1.5 1552.4
TC1 70 - 80 3.75 3.33 2.94 3.16 3.21 1.63 1643.7
TC1 80 - 90 3.45 3.08 2.70 2.95 2.98 2.56 2398.5
TC1 100 - 200 4.67 5.44 3.38 3.16 2.88 6.4 6936.8
TC1 200 - 300 5.19 6.04 4.40 3.57 3.28 7.4 10247.3
TC1 300 - 400 5.16 5.51 3.95 3.55 3.20 7.3 10145.7

TM1 0-5 6.22 6.19 4.1 6429.7

TM1 0-5
TM1 5 - 10
TM1 10 - 0.3 5.33 6.29 11.8 18620.8
TM1 30 - 50 5.73 6.44 4.80 4.41 4.26 10.1 15489.2
TM1 50 - 100 5.11 6.38 4.50 3.87 3.44 11.4 17660.1
TM1 100 - 150 5.15 6.04 3.99 3.55 3.30 10.9 16854.5
TM1 200 - 240 5.24 6.26 4.28 3.72 3.49 9.6 13955.9
TM1 300 - 400 5.37 6.19 4.70 4.36 3.73 9.9 15019.6

TC2 0-5 6.15 5.79 5.63 5.72 5.56 0.08 19.8

TC2 5 - 10 5.73 5.22 4.87 5.12 4.95 0.08 12.9
TC2 10 - 30 4.68 4.30 4.06 4.31 4.15 0.13 53.8
TC2 30 - 100 3.79 3.32 2.92 3.11 2.94 1.3 1621.55
TC2 100 - 170 8.19 6.85 6.94 7.00 6.98 9.1 15165.3
TC2 170 - 230 8.28 6.94 7.17 7.10 7.03 11.9 20026.9
TC2 230 - 400 8.52 7.22 7.26 7.19 7.14 14.9 27807
TM2 0-5 7.12 6.71 6.60 6.47 6.48 9.4 16884.7
TM2 5 - 10 6.95 6.63 6.26 6.39 6.26 8.5 14636.9
TM2 10 - 40 6.56 6.45 6.76 6.85 6.59 12.3 21700.1
TM2 40 - 115 5.13 6.30 4.74 4.95 4.09 20.4 32949.7
TM2 115 - 250 8.17 6.94 7.21 7.08 7.02 14.7 26627.3
TM2 250 - 370 8.48 7.16 7.31 7.21 7.12 14.7 27384

Table 2 continued
Site Horizon pH EC Cl
depth/ thickness Air 0 wks 3 wks 5 wks 7 wks (dS/m)
(cm) dried moist moist moist moist
TC3 0-5 7.85 7.13 7.32 7.58 7.59 0.76 822.1
TC3 5 - 10 8.34 7.58 7.92 7.92 7.93 0.99 1168.8
TC3 10 - 35 8.13 7.43 7.84 7.78 7.72 2.38 3433.2
TC3 35 - 57 7.28 6.73 6.34 6.51 6.65 6.5 10546.2
TC3 57 - 75 3.82 3.43 3.43 3.43 3.43 12.3 19850.1
TC3 75 - 150 7.84 6.79 7.17 7.09 7.04 23.4 37675.2
TC3 150 - 300 8.35 6.90 7.25 7.12 7.13 16.4 31981.9
TC3 300 - 400 8.42 7.07 7.19 7.16 7.13 18.4 31725.8

TS3 0-5 8.13 7.42 7.84 7.81 7.83 6.1 10481.5

TS3 5 - 10 8.23 7.30 7.64 7.68 7.65 7.1 12869.7
TS3 10 - 20 8.16 7.26 7.48 7.42 7.29 10.0 17788.9
TS3 20 - 30 8.15 7.17 14.7 28306.9
TS3 30 - 60 8.16 7.52 7.26 7.22 7.18 130 23841.1
TS3 60 - 100 7.24 6.84 6.80 6.90 6.89 25.1 40033
TS3 100 - 180 8.01 6.82 7.02 7.08 7.00 25.2 43017.1
TS3 180 - 200 8.14 6.73 19.5 33526.7
TS3 200 - 300 8.38 7.11 7.18 7.27 7.09 12.2 22520.6
TS3 300 - 400 8.4 7.12 7.27 7.24 7.14 12.6 22473.5



Monitoring & Sampling Equipment

Piezometer Clusters
Piezometers were manufactured from 25mm UPVC pipe with 200mm of slots and a
100mm sump at the end. Slots were covered with drainage sock.
Soil Solution Samplers
Undrained soils an d neutral horizons
Soil solution samplers were manufactured from 40mm ceramic tips (Coinda
Ceramics) and 40mm electrical conduit (Figure 21).
Acid horizons
Soil solution samplers were Prenart Super Quartz, quartz impregnated teflon supplied
by Prenart.
Platinum Electrodes
Platinum electrodes were manufactured from platinum thermocouple wire soldered to
single core copper wire and sealed in 100 microlitre pipette tips with epoxy resin.
Individual electrodes were cleaned with a 1:1 hydrochloric acid/liquid detergent
solution followed by 10% hydrogen peroxide and the potential checked against a
suspension of quinhydrone in a 0.1M potassium acid phthalate buffer at pH 4
according to Bartlett ,1986

50 mm PVC pipe

2mm od s/s tubing

Red rubber bu ng

40 mm conduit joiner

1.6mm transmission tubing

Ceramic tip

Borosilicat e glass weight


Figure 1 Ceramic soil solution samplers.



Water levels in piezometers and surface water

Water levels were measured using a tape and ‘water whistle’ against a surveyed
reference point.

Rainfall was recorded fortnightly at each site using Nylex Raingauge 1000 gauges.
Redox potential

Redox potential was measured using permanently installed Pt electrodes using a

millivoltmeter and silver/silver chloride reference electrode with a potential equal to
that of a saturated calomel electrode (0.244 V vs SHE)

Sampling and Analysis


Soil solution samples were obtained using either teflon (Prenart Super Quartz,
installation = 'T' ) or ceramic (Cooinda Ceramics, installation = 'C') soil solution
samplers. Before collecting the sample, samplers were emptied and then placed under
vacuum (-60kPa) for 24h to obtain a soil water sample.

Surface water samples from drains and creeks were grab samples taken just below the

Immediately on collection, a 10mL sub-samples were filtered through a 0.2mm PVDF

syringe filters (Millipore). Samples were acidified with 40mL of BDH analytical
reagent grade Nitric acid. Unfiltered samples were stored in a 100mL LDPE bottles
filled to overflowing. Samples were refrigerated and then packed in insulated boxes
prior to dispatch to the laboratory by overnight airfreight. Samples were refrigerated
immediately on receipt. Based on expected conductivity, samples for segmented flow
analysis and ICP-OES analysis were diluted 1:9 or 1:99 prior to analysis.

pH and Eh were measured in the field using an Activon field pH meter and Tandy
digital multimeter.

EC and alkalinity or acidity were determined on unfiltered samples using a

Radiometer CDM83 conductivity meter and TitraLab 900 titrator respectively
according to APHA standard methods 2310 and 2510.

Chloride and molybdate reactive silica were determined by segmented flow analysis
using an Alpkem Flow Solution 3000 Analyser according to USEPA methods.

TOC was determined using a Dorhman DC180 TOC analyser.

Al, B, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, S & Zn were determined by ICP-OES (Spectro
modula Simaltaneous OES)

Arsenic was determined by hydride generation using a GBC Scientific Model 906
Atomic Absorption Spectrometer and Vapour Generation Assembly.

Ferrous iron was determined using a HACH DR2000 spectrometer according to a

modified APHA standard method 3500-Fe D .


Samples were collected using a gouge auger and transferred to screw top PVC jars
filled to the top with sample and sealed. Samples were then cooled in an insulated
container and frozen within 6 h of collection.

Soil samples were stored frozen until freeze dried. They were then crushed using a
mortar and pestle and sieved to pass through a 2mm mesh sieve. Sample for acid
digestion were ground to <50µm using a Labtechnics ring and puck mill.

Samples for ICP-OES analysis were digested using microwave assisted digestion
according to US-EPA method 3051.

Samples for the analysis of total carbon and sulfur were analysed on a LECO
CNS2000 Carbon, Nitrogen and Sulfur analyser using standard LECO methods.

Samples for TAA and TPA analysis according to the method of Dent and Bowman,
1996 were titrated using a Radiometer TitraLab 900 titrator.

APPENDIX 4 Soil Data
Table 10 Complete listing of analytical data for soil samples.
Sample Total Total
Depth Actual Potential Total Acid Digestable
cm BGL Elevation Bulk Acidity Acidity Total Total mg kg-1
Upper Lower Mid m AHD Density moles H+ t-1 C S Al As B Ca Cd Cr Cu Fe K Mg Mn Na Ni Pb S Zn
Mid t m-3 % %
TM1 0 10 5 0.82 0.47 -18 702 8.85 1.90 46100 10 61 3810 1 41 15 23100 7310 6450 154 15800 26 <10 18200 55
TM1 10 20 15 0.72 0.47 -21 929 8.75 1.98 45100 12 63 3870 <1 39 15 22600 7150 6380 134 14700 25 <10 19400 53
TM1 20 30 25 0.62 0.47 -21 929 12.8 1.90 37000 11 79 4030 2 30 12 17600 5820 5800 117 12900 20 <10 17600 42
TM1 30 40 35 0.52 0.47 -23 527 9.15 1.70 21200 8 66 2780 2 22 9 12500 3630 4060 87 9500 15 <10 14600 26
TM1 40 50 45 0.42 0.47 -23 1454 19.1 3.34 18200 17 122 3280 2 22 7 19100 3420 4640 78 13800 17 <10 27200 27
TM1 50 60 55 0.32 0.40 -23 2257 15.7 4.00 21300 26 114 3060 2 24 9 27100 4020 4510 92 11700 21 11 36400 31
TM1 60 70 65 0.22 0.40 -23 2549 15.2 4.76 22100 29 118 3240 <1 24 9 31800 4280 4870 93 13200 19 <10 43100 30
TM1 70 80 75 0.12 0.40 -23 2652 18.9 5.44 22500 29 145 3960 2 26 10 35300 4500 5930 112 18900 22 <10 50800 30
TM1 80 90 85 0.02 0.40 -23 2772 15.3 4.52 22500 22 115 3200 2 25 10 34000 4310 5120 106 15100 20 <10 46000 30
TM1 90 100 95 -0.08 0.40 -23 1939 10.0 4.06 26700 23 74 2820 1 27 11 30800 4760 4730 118 11200 20 <10 37100 33
TM1 100 110 105 -0.18 0.63 2325 10.0 4.48 28100 22 71 2750 <1 29 11 34200 5070 4830 135 11400 21 10 40900 33
TM1 110 120 115 -0.28 0.63 1625 9.00 3.30 32100 22 69 2860 1 33 11 29500 5840 5220 141 11700 23 <10 32700 37
TM1 120 130 125 -0.38 0.63 1547 8.30 3.38 35400 23 65 2880 <1 36 16 30200 6270 5430 164 11500 24 <10 31900 46
TM1 130 140 135 -0.48 0.63 1532 7.70 3.34 38500 25 68 2750 <1 38 48 31200 6770 5650 182 11800 24 10 31000 65
TM1 140 150 145 -0.58 0.63 1427 7.80 3.24 41400 23 73 2820 1 41 14 31000 7330 5890 210 11100 26 <10 29800 47
TM1 150 160 155 -0.68 0.63 1216 6.50 3.38 44800 27 70 2730 2 44 15 35600 7860 6050 267 10400 28 <10 33700 50
TM1 160 170 165 -0.78 0.63 1216 5.65 2.36 40600 21 66 2420 <1 41 15 28000 7040 5520 294 9300 26 21 23700 46
TM1 170 180 175 -0.88 0.63 1216 5.05 2.54 42400 20 62 2190 1 42 15 28000 7140 5410 342 8000 23 14 24500 45
TM1 180 190 185 -0.98 0.63 1216 5.55 2.64 51100 17 74 2520 <1 48 16 31100 8440 6430 310 10500 28 16 25900 53
TM1 190 200 195 -1.08 0.63 1216 5.60 2.98 43400 22 64 2340 <1 42 14 30600 7160 5760 230 10600 27 12 27800 47
TM1 200 230 215 -1.28 0.63 1216 8.65 3.02 34000 23 72 2580 3 35 12 27300 6080 5150 189 11000 22 13 28700 38
TM1 230 260 245 -1.58 0.68 1216 7.05 3.08 41000 21 70 2750 <1 41 14 31000 7210 5860 212 11400 26 10 30100 47
TM1 260 290 275 -1.88 0.68 1229 5.45 2.46 45300 19 66 2170 2 42 15 27100 7480 5560 283 9500 25 <10 22900 45
TM1 290 320 305 -2.18 0.68 1229 5.00 2.54 49500 18 68 1930 <1 44 14 28700 7880 5470 277 9700 26 15 24100 47
TM1 320 350 335 -2.48 0.71 1229 7.35 2.76 50000 16 83 2210 2 44 15 28900 7890 5820 269 11300 26 12 25700 50
TM1 200 240 220 -1.33 0.71 -19 1216
TM1 300 400 350 -2.63 0.71 -13 1229
TM2 0 10 5 1.08 0.83 -25 -220 3.24 0.20 36200 12 51 3890 1 42 13 20200 6120 4960 191 9100 18 12 2100 48
TM2 10 20 15 0.98 0.80 -15 -20 2.58 0.15 37300 12 49 3670 <1 45 13 20300 6860 4990 191 9900 20 10 1400 45
TM2 20 30 25 0.88 0.80 -7 3.08 0.23 34400 14 50 3630 1 45 12 20500 6750 5170 178 13000 18 <10 2300 43

Sample Total Total
Depth Actual Potential Total Acid Digestable
cm BGL Elevation Bulk Acidity Acidity Total Total mg kg-1
Upper Lower Mid m AHD Density moles H+ t-1 C S Al As B Ca Cd Cr Cu Fe K Mg Mn Na Ni Pb S Zn
Mid t m-3 % %
TM2 30 40 35 0.78 0.80 230 3.66 0.95 33600 10 55 3760 <1 45 14 20300 6790 5530 179 15200 22 11 9300 42
TM2 40 50 45 0.68 0.83 565 4.14 1.68 31800 19 58 3990 <1 44 12 23400 6930 5600 173 17000 24 13 15700 42
TM2 50 60 55 0.58 0.83 940 4.18 2.48 35300 24 64 3770 <1 45 10 30300 7530 6130 263 17900 27 11 25100 49
TM2 60 70 65 0.48 0.83 1027 3.78 2.50 37900 22 66 3790 <1 48 10 32400 8070 6480 325 18600 26 <10 26700 52
TM2 70 80 75 0.38 0.83 958 3.42 2.24 37700 19 60 3310 1 46 10 29300 7470 6460 373 18500 26 13 23400 50
TM2 80 90 85 0.28 0.83 882 3.08 2.28 41800 18 62 3540 <1 52 12 31700 8220 6860 409 17900 31 15 24000 58
TM2 90 100 95 0.18 0.83 1029 3.56 2.40 38800 16 67 3540 1 47 10 31400 7960 6890 381 21200 25 12 26000 54
TM2 100 110 105 0.08 0.86 593 2.10 1.86 41600 15 57 5110 <1 50 11 29000 8070 6890 405 17200 26 13 19700 54
TM2 110 120 115 -0.02 0.86 -563 489 2.32 1.74 42000 12 58 10640 <1 52 11 27700 8200 7190 396 18300 26 17 17900 53
TM2 120 130 125 -0.13 0.86 -563 82 2.66 1.78 40700 12 58 21990 <1 48 11 27400 8050 7040 383 18100 25 12 18700 50
TM2 130 140 135 -0.23 0.86 -563 -293 2.64 1.48 32300 10 47 37500 <1 40 9 22700 6450 6120 374 14800 21 11 15500 42
TM2 140 150 145 -0.33 0.86 -563 -6 2.70 1.86 38400 15 56 28450 <1 46 10 27100 7850 7230 370 19100 25 10 19400 49
TM2 150 160 155 -0.43 0.86 -563 -492 2.72 1.64 36500 11 53 37820 <1 44 10 25500 7480 7590 363 18400 23 19 17300 49
TM2 160 170 165 -0.53 0.86 -563 -820 3.26 1.64 31500 14 49 49750 <1 40 9 23800 6590 7180 384 16100 21 12 17500 44
TM2 170 180 175 -0.63 0.86 -563 -458 3.76 2.06 33600 19 56 48630 <1 43 10 26700 6990 7600 392 17400 22 11 21100 45
TM2 180 190 185 -0.73 0.86 -563 -266 3.56 1.90 32900 19 54 51720 <1 41 10 25800 6800 7500 386 18000 22 11 20000 47
TM2 190 200 195 -0.83 0.86 -563 -298 3.36 1.88 35000 16 55 42820 <1 43 10 26300 7080 7930 416 18100 23 10 19400 53
TM2 200 230 215 -1.03 0.86 -563 -480 3.16 1.80 34200 15 54 42220 <1 43 9 25200 7070 7370 389 16500 24 14 18300 45
TM2 230 260 245 -1.33 0.86 -563 -206 2.66 1.38 30100 12 45 35900 <1 35 8 21400 6010 6600 333 14400 21 13 14700 38
TM2 260 290 275 -1.63 0.86 -966 -382 2.36 1.40 38600 10 53 31950 <1 42 10 24900 7610 8530 387 16100 22 9 14500 47
TM2 290 320 305 -1.93 0.86 -966 -488 2.32 1.44 45500 11 59 32050 <1 48 11 28600 9050 10030 420 18200 27 11 15500 54
TM2 320 350 335 -2.23 0.86 -966 -592 2.50 1.32 36700 11 50 37820 <1 41 13 24500 7470 8450 399 14800 23 13 14200 81
TS3 0 10 5 1.18 1.21 -41 -47 0.59 0.15 48500 12 72 2820 1 54 13 29400 10520 12310 585 15600 28 17 1400 59
TS3 10 20 15 1.08 1.18 -30 -15 0.33 0.15 46200 13 65 2740 <1 52 13 30400 10260 10200 935 18300 27 18 1400 62
TS3 20 30 25 0.98 1.18 -51 -41 0.50 0.14 47900 14 72 2900 <1 54 13 30700 10490 11410 503 16900 23 12 1400 100
TS3 30 40 35 0.88 1.04 -28 -24 0.36 0.12 47600 16 69 2610 1 54 13 31000 10490 10550 756 15400 24 12 1300 62
TS3 40 50 45 0.78 1.04 -28 -7 0.58 0.19 46000 16 66 2580 <1 51 13 31300 10080 9370 1061 16500 27 14 2300 71
TS3 50 60 55 0.68 1.04 -28 179 1.18 0.64 41200 26 59 2500 1 47 12 33000 9210 7970 493 20400 22 18 7300 50
TS3 60 70 65 0.58 0.74 -36 440 2.50 1.16 27400 17 46 2720 2 33 10 23300 5930 5910 231 20100 15 <10 13000 35
TS3 70 80 75 0.48 0.74 -36 192 2.58 0.92 26600 12 46 6430 <1 34 10 17500 5710 5750 202 20300 14 <10 10000 32
TS3 80 90 85 0.38 0.74 -36 251 3.22 1.36 19400 14 38 9910 <1 25 8 15600 4370 4880 211 19700 13 <10 14500 26
TS3 90 100 95 0.28 0.74 -36 80 3.36 1.30 17900 13 37 14990 1 24 10 14100 4190 5160 267 22200 11 <10 13300 40
TS3 100 110 105 0.18 0.74 -36 2.78 1.40 18100 15 33 16010 1 25 9 13900 4210 5460 246 25600 11 <10 13700 30
TS3 110 120 115 0.08 0.74 -480 88 2.92 1.22 18700 12 36 17800 <1 26 10 14900 4430 5570 252 25400 14 11 14700 49
TS3 120 130 125 -0.02 0.74 -480 88 3.88 1.72 19800 15 39 15080 1 27 9 17100 4550 6040 250 28700 13 10 18300 43

Sample Total Total
Depth Actual Potential Total Acid Digestable
cm BGL Elevation Bulk Acidity Acidity Total Total mg kg-1
Upper Lower Mid m AHD Density moles H+ t-1 C S Al As B Ca Cd Cr Cu Fe K Mg Mn Na Ni Pb S Zn
Mid t m-3 % %
TS3 130 140 135 -0.12 0.74 -480 88 2.64 1.34 19500 14 34 20450 <1 28 8 15600 4380 5380 285 23100 14 <10 14500 26
TS3 140 150 145 -0.22 0.74 -480 88 2.22 1.02 15200 11 27 25070 1 20 7 12200 3450 4700 236 21100 12 <10 10700 29
TS3 150 160 155 -0.32 1.19 -480 88 3.04 1.44 24200 15 42 26890 <1 30 10 18000 5250 6600 339 27200 15 <10 15700 32
TS3 160 170 165 -0.42 1.19 -480 88 2.68 1.22 20300 11 34 31440 <1 26 8 15900 4440 5860 319 22500 13 11 12600 31
TS3 170 180 175 -0.52 1.19 -480 88 3.54 1.36 21900 12 39 42190 <1 30 10 17400 4860 6180 325 22200 14 11 14600 65
TS3 180 200 190 -0.67 1.19 -480 88 3.08 1.36 22100 14 39 34700 <1 28 8 17000 4880 6000 307 22600 14 <10 14300 34
TS3 200 230 215 -0.92 1.19 -746 -24 3.08 1.60 27700 14 40 30860 <1 35 9 20600 5650 6610 369 22400 19 <10 16700 51
TS3 230 260 245 -1.22 1.19 -746 -24 2.84 1.32 24600 13 37 35180 1 31 9 18500 5020 6140 356 18200 17 11 13900 32
TS3 260 290 275 -1.52 1.19 -746 -24 2.54 1.32 29600 11 40 35630 <1 34 9 21100 5910 7180 353 17700 18 <10 13300 37
TS3 290 320 305 -1.82 1.19 -746 -24 2.40 1.20 23900 12 35 34340 <1 27 8 18700 4680 6070 332 15300 16 <10 12400 40
TS3 320 350 335 -2.12 0.99 2.22 1.20 24900 12 35 32880 <1 29 8 19900 4730 6260 404 13500 15 10 12700 45
TS3 60 100 80 0.43 0.74 -36 852
TS3 100 180 140 -0.17 1.19 -480 88
TS3 180 200 190 -0.67 1.19 -263 -11
TS3 200 300 250 -1.27 1.19 -746 -24
TS3 300 400 350 -2.27 0.99 -846 -31
TC1 0 10 5 -0.44 0.89 134 164 7.50 0.53 49800 39 42 970 <0.5 51 15 75500 7630 3420 117 700 19 16 5700 105
TC1 10 20 15 -0.54 0.89 140 181 4.94 0.55 56400 33 43 940 <0.5 59 15 65600 9380 3870 131 800 25 21 6000 45
TC1 20 30 25 -0.64 0.94 142 165 4.72 0.48 59600 36 43 1050 <1 64 14 53100 9820 4010 135 1000 27 19 5300 49
TC1 30 40 35 -0.74 1.01 111 163 4.08 0.46 56800 33 41 1090 1 60 11 42900 9560 3730 131 1000 28 13 5300 46
TC1 40 50 45 -0.84 0.54 146 291 4.62 0.37 49200 23 35 990 1 56 12 28500 7720 2940 105 1000 22 <10 4200 36
TC1 50 60 55 -0.94 0.82 109 365 4.80 0.38 49600 22 35 1050 <1 53 11 25000 7300 2990 107 1200 22 14 4400 36
TC1 60 70 65 -1.04 0.80 118 473 4.16 0.52 47100 20 36 1030 <1 51 11 21900 6900 2850 117 1400 23 14 6100 35
TC1 70 80 75 -1.14 0.79 146 627 5.00 0.83 44400 20 41 1030 <1 43 9 19900 6360 2800 118 2700 19 10 9200 33
TC1 80 90 85 -1.24 0.95 151 597 4.56 1.70 44200 31 44 1060 1 42 19 31000 8250 3020 206 3500 25 16 17500 95
TC1 90 100 95 -1.34 0.95 597 4.38 2.02 48700 22 48 1190 <1 46 9 29400 7190 3620 235 3700 29 13 21100 43
TC1 100 110 105 -1.44 0.83 33 1007 4.98 1.08 54000 23 42 1210 1 54 10 27700 7830 3740 173 2700 26 10 12100 120
TC1 110 120 115 -1.54 0.83 33 1007 4.86 1.98 56900 19 50 1430 1 52 9 34400 8100 4640 259 4700 32 13 20700 65
TC1 120 130 125 -1.64 0.83 33 1348 4.74 2.62 54300 19 52 1550 <1 47 9 31300 7490 4830 283 5800 31 14 25300 70
TC1 130 140 135 -1.74 0.83 33 1313 5.40 2.90 55800 18 69 2360 <1 49 10 34700 8340 5850 383 7600 28 11 29600 53
TC1 140 150 145 -1.84 0.83 33 1204 5.50 2.58 49200 13 70 2330 3 43 8 30100 7290 5480 351 7900 24 11 27300 45
TC1 150 160 155 -1.94 0.83 33 1204 5.50 2.46 50600 15 69 2220 <1 44 9 28500 7480 5550 357 7900 25 10 24500 48
TC1 160 170 165 -2.04 0.83 33 1223 5.80 2.80 58700 16 90 2440 1 50 10 33100 9190 6430 392 10200 30 20 28500 52
TC1 170 180 175 -2.14 0.83 33 947 5.25 2.20 52100 12 73 2190 1 45 9 28200 7960 5760 307 9400 26 11 23600 56
TC1 180 190 185 -2.24 0.83 33 1191 7.45 2.66 54000 15 82 2570 1 48 9 29400 8830 6270 276 11800 25 17 27000 59

Sample Total Total
Depth Actual Potential Total Acid Digestable
cm BGL Elevation Bulk Acidity Acidity Total Total mg kg-1
Upper Lower Mid m AHD Density moles H+ t-1 C S Al As B Ca Cd Cr Cu Fe K Mg Mn Na Ni Pb S Zn
Mid t m-3 % %
TC1 190 200 195 -2.34 0.83 33 1060 5.35 2.58 64200 17 79 2340 2 56 12 33400 10320 6810 347 11800 32 17 26100 58
TC2 0 5 2.5 0.81 0.96 1 142 3.94 <0.01 30800 13 21 5130 1 40 9 21300 5640 3580 444 600 19 12 400 60
TC2 5 10 7.5 0.76 0.94 14 142 2.82 0.01 35500 13 24 4040 1 44 11 24800 5870 3800 251 600 18 10 400 47
TC2 10 30 20 0.64 1.09 64 136 1.98 0.03 38200 15 28 3010 1 47 9 24600 6160 3570 183 600 17 <10 500 65
TC2 30 100 65 0.19 0.75 109 241 1.96 0.54 42600 21 34 2320 1 52 12 28000 8750 3390 141 2100 18 17 6200 37
TC2 100 170 135 -0.52 0.73 -508 18 2.66 1.70 41800 15 53 28480 1 48 13 29600 7720 6890 444 11200 26 15 17900 56
TC2 170 230 200 -1.17 0.73 -750 -7 2.74 1.32 31400 12 46 37570 <1 38 10 22400 6260 6480 346 12700 20 12 14300 42
TC2 230 400 315 -2.32 0.80 -678 3 2.62 1.54 49900 11 64 36500 <1 53 13 31100 10030 10980 474 19600 30 10 16300 58
TC3 0 5 2.5 1.18 1.04 -31 -88 4.44 0.03 55000 10 60 2970 1 59 14 32400 11260 12540 488 2300 30 18 1000 70
TC3 5 10 7.5 1.13 1.27 -24 -69 0.57 0.02 54500 11 66 2400 1 59 13 33400 10660 15640 553 2300 31 14 400 69
TC3 10 35 23 0.98 1.01 -34 -56 0.44 0.05 54700 14 65 2430 <1 59 12 34600 10480 14670 975 4800 32 17 700 78
TC3 35 57 46 0.75 1.01 3 94 0.49 0.14 47300 29 56 2370 1 53 12 40900 9040 8020 484 10100 29 25 1700 68
TC3 57 75 66 0.55 1.01 63 713
TC3 75 150 113 0.08 0.66 -184 82 3.34 1.44 19600 10 38 20650 3 26 10 15500 4160 5510 242 20700 18 <10 15100 32
TC3 150 300 225 -1.04 1.01 -414 33 3.22 1.62 23200 24 36 39590 1 30 13 20200 4800 6410 329 20000 19 12 17100 45
TC3 300 400 350 -2.29 1.06 -395 5 3.18 1.40 25500 19 41 41430 <1 32 14 20500 5300 7140 396 19900 20 <10 15000 48

Table 11 Complete listing of analytical data for surface waters.
Date EC pH Eh As TOC Cl NH4 NO3 Si Al B Ca Cu Fe K Mg Mn Na P S Zn Acidity Alkal
dS/m V ug/L N N mmoles mmoles
H+ L-1 HCO3-L-1
Firewood Ck Bunded
19/01/97 2.1 3.7 nd nd nd 436 nd nd 12 6.2 0.3 62 <0.02 2.6 17 46 0.84 280 0.20 120 0.10 nd nd
2/02/97 2.9 2.4 nd nd nd 630 nd nd 18 6.5 0.4 67 0.02 5.4 24 61 1.1 430 0.28 150 0.18 nd nd
17/02/97 1.4 3.6 nd nd nd 240 nd nd 12 1.9 <0.1 31 0.05 1.6 9 25 0.48 180 <0.1 69 0.64 0.50 0.00
8/03/97 3.5 nd nd nd 630 nd nd 24 4.0 0.3 52 0.08 20 20 53 1.2 410 0.22 150 0.66 nd 0.00
6/04/97 1.6 3.5 nd nd nd 371 nd nd 14 1.0 0.2 27 <0.02 7.2 12 30 0.40 240 0.10 66 0.08 0.66 0.00
20/04/97 1.9 3.4 nd nd nd 426 nd nd 13 1.0 0.2 32 <0.02 5.2 13 32 0.40 260 0.14 68 0.07 0.79 0.00
13/05/97 1.4 3.4 nd nd nd 315 nd nd 12 <0.1 0.2 28 <0.05 0.8 11 24 0.30 210 0.03 61 0.07 0.61 0.00
25/05/97 2.7 3.6 nd nd nd 704 nd nd 14 11.6 0.3 36 <0.02 3.4 20 54 0.50 480 0.19 86 0.09 0.93 0.00
8/06/97 32.8 6.2 nd nd nd 14800 nd nd 3.2 <0.1 3.6 350 <0.02 0.3 320 980 0.15 8450 1.3 710 0.09 0.00 1.73
23/06/97 15.6 3.7 nd nd nd 14800 nd nd 3.2 <0.1 3.6 350 <0.02 0.3 320 980 0.15 8450 1.3 710 0.09 0.00 0.00
7/07/97 32.5 6.9 nd nd nd 18200 nd nd 0.9 <1 4.1 402 <0.5 <1 456 1189 <0.5 10580 <1 810 0.50 0.00 0.00
21/07/97 43.0 7.3 nd nd nd 19300 nd nd 16 <1 4.1 412 <0.5 <1 432 1212 <0.5 10650 <1 825 0.50 0.00 2.35
9/08/97 25.6 6.2 nd nd nd 10000 nd nd 4.8 <0.1 2.4 210 <0.02 0.1 200 620 0.36 5400 0.30 480 0.08 0.00 0.39
24/08/97 29.6 6.7 nd nd nd 12000 nd nd 1.8 <0.1 2.7 240 <0.02 <0.1 250 740 0.13 6600 1.1 540 0.02 0.00 0.58
7/09/97 12.1 5.9 nd nd nd 4200 nd nd 7.3 <0.1 1.0 96 <0.05 0.2 110 260 0.27 2400 0.31 220 0.11 0.00 0.31
13/10/97 nd 6.5 nd nd nd 10400 nd nd 5.0 <0.1 2.4 220 <0.05 <0.1 210 630 0.33 5600 0.37 480 0.08 0.00 0.00
17/11/97 nd 6.8 nd nd nd 14300 nd nd 0.4 <0.1 3.4 320 <0.05 <0.1 340 900 <0.1 7800 0.50 670 0.12 nd nd
1/12/97 6.6 3.4 nd nd nd 2000 nd nd 24 15 0.6 120 <0.05 2.6 53 150 1.8 1200 0.10 240 0.19 nd nd
15/12/97 nd 3.9 nd nd nd 6300 nd nd 22 11 1.5 200 <0.05 1.5 140 390 1.8 3200 <0.1 390 0.20 nd nd
7/01/98 nd 4.0 nd 2 7 330 0.17 0.15 11 1.2 <0.5 40 <0.2 <0.5 12 28 <0.5 190 <0.5 63 0.20 nd nd
26/01/98 1.3 3.2 nd <2 13 490 nd nd 16 2.4 <0.5 48 <0.2 14.0 17 41 0.70 290 <0.5 100 0.20 0.85 0.00
9/02/98 1.3 3.0 0.66 <2 8 540 nd nd 15 1.2 <0.5 38 <0.2 3.2 19 45 <0.5 320 <0.5 78 0.20 0.59 0.00
23/02/98 0.8 3.4 0.35 <2 6 440 0.17 0.05 10 0.9 <0.5 24 <0.2 2.8 11 32 <0.5 250 <0.5 54 0.20 0.29 0.00
9/03/98 0.4 3.5 0.61 2 8 350 0.10 0.06 12 1.3 <0.5 33 <0.2 2.6 9 30 <0.5 210 <0.5 66 0.20 0.16 0.00
23/03/98 nd 3.3 0.63 <2 7 310 0.08 0.07 9.8 <0.5 <0.5 23 <0.2 1.6 10 24 <0.5 180 <0.5 48 0.20 nd nd
8/04/98 2.3 3.3 0.41 <2 6 500 0.17 0.06 12 1.0 <0.5 36 <0.2 2.8 16 40 <0.5 290 <0.5 72 0.20 0.88 nd
19/04/98 1.7 3.3 0.40 <2 3 340 0.25 0.1 12 0.6 <0.5 28 <0.2 2.6 12 28 <0.5 200 <0.5 58 0.20 0.70 0.00

Date EC pH Eh As TOC Cl NH4 NO3 Si Al B Ca Cu Fe K Mg Mn Na P S Zn Acidity Alkal
dS/m V ug/L N N mmoles mmoles
H+ L-1 HCO3-L-1
Firewood Ck Marine
19/01/97 6.6 3.8 nd nd nd 1640 nd nd 13 5.5 0.6 87 <0.02 1.5 47 123 0.87 950 0.30 178 0.14 nd nd
2/02/97 30.3 6.0 nd nd nd 13200 nd nd 2.8 <0.1 2.8 280 <0.02 <0.1 300 890 0.14 7300 1.1 670 0.09 nd nd
17/02/97 5.5 4.7 nd nd nd 1500 nd nd 9.9 0.8 0.3 51 0.07 0.9 35 100 0.38 920 0.29 110 0.62 0.20 0.00
8/03/97 3.0 3.1 nd nd nd 8040 nd nd 12 <0.1 1.9 170 0.07 6.4 170 480 0.61 4510 0.75 410 0.56 0.00 0.51
6/04/97 32.5 6.8 nd nd nd 14000 nd nd 2.6 <0.1 3.0 310 <0.02 <0.1 330 890 0.05 8400 1.3 650 0.08 0.00 2.1
20/04/97 13.8 5.5 nd nd nd 5100 nd nd 9.5 <0.1 1.0 110 <0.02 0.8 91 275 0.14 2640 0.43 240 0.08 0.00 0.42
13/05/97 38.6 6.9 nd nd nd 18700 nd nd 1.2 <0.1 3.6 395 <0.05 <0.1 399 1065 <0.1 9510 1.4 776 0.14 0.00 2.3
25/05/97 38.1 6.3 nd nd nd 16200 nd nd 2.0 <0.1 3.6 390 <0.02 <0.1 420 970 0.05 9100 1.4 720 0.08 0.00 2.3
8/06/97 35.4 6.4 nd nd nd 17100 nd nd 1.2 <0.1 4.0 400 <0.02 <0.1 370 1100 0.05 9680 1.5 810 0.08 0.00 2.4
23/06/97 35.5 6.2 nd nd nd 17100 nd nd 1.2 <0.1 4.0 400 <0.02 <0.1 370 1100 0.05 9680 1.5 810 0.08 0.00 2.2
7/07/97 30.7 6.3 nd nd nd 18500 nd nd 1.6 <1 3.9 400 <0.5 2.1 435 1177 <0.5 10350 <1 800 0.50 0.00 0.00
21/07/97 42.7 6.4 nd nd nd 18900 nd nd 4.9 <1 3.9 410 <0.5 4.1 412 1207 <0.5 10470 <1 827 0.50 0.00 2.2
9/08/97 44.0 6.5 nd nd nd 18900 nd nd 0.7 <0.1 4.3 350 <0.02 <0.1 370 1200 <0.1 10400 0.89 840 0.07 0.00 2.4
24/08/97 42.9 6.7 nd nd nd 18500 nd nd 0.7 <0.1 4.2 360 <0.02 <0.1 410 1200 <0.1 10700 1.6 810 0.02 0.00 2.3
7/09/97 38.7 6.3 nd nd nd 22500 nd nd 0.9 <0.1 3.4 360 <0.05 <0.1 440 1200 <0.1 9800 1.1 820 0.09 0.00 2.3
13/10/97 nd 6.7 nd nd nd 19100 nd nd 1.3 <0.1 4.5 380 <0.05 <0.1 410 1200 <0.1 10700 0.85 850 0.09 0.00 0.00
17/11/97 nd 6.6 nd nd nd 19600 nd nd 1.1 <0.1 4.7 420 <0.05 <0.1 490 1200 <0.1 10800 0.80 880 0.15 nd nd
1/12/97 nd 6.6 nd nd nd 15500 nd nd 4.1 <0.1 3.9 360 <0.05 <0.1 350 1000 0.1 8600 0.10 710 0.13 nd nd
15/12/97 nd 6.5 nd nd nd 18900 nd nd 3.0 <0.1 4.4 410 <0.05 0.1 410 1200 <0.1 10500 0.10 810 0.13 nd nd
7/01/98 31.4 5.9 3 10 11300 0.08 0.1 3.8 <0.5 2.7 240 <0.2 <0.5 240 710 <0.5 6200 <0.5 490 0.20 nd 1.7
26/01/98 37.2 6.6 <2 14 13300 nd nd 3.5 <0.5 3.2 290 <0.2 <0.5 280 850 <0.5 7300 <0.5 600 0.20 0.00 1.7
9/02/98 27.7 6.5 0.41 <2 10 14400 nd nd 3.6 <0.5 3.4 300 <0.2 <0.5 270 860 <0.5 7700 <0.5 630 0.20 0.00 1.2
23/02/98 26.9 6.8 0.16 <2 10 10400 <0.05 <0.05 2.4 <0.5 2.6 200 <0.2 <0.5 190 600 <0.5 5600 <0.5 430 0.20 0.00 1.3
9/03/98 33.2 6.8 0.32 <2 12 12500 0.19 <0.5 3.2 <0.5 2.9 260 <0.2 <0.5 260 800 <0.5 6900 <0.5 540 0.20 0.00 0.92
23/03/98 11.0 5.3 0.34 <2 8 3400 0.08 0.05 8.2 <0.5 0.9 76 <0.2 <0.5 78 210 <0.5 1800 <0.5 160 0.20 0.00 0.17
8/04/98 6.7 0.08 <2 12 11200 <0.05 <0.05 2.6 <0.5 2.6 220 <0.2 <0.5 230 670 <0.5 6100 <0.5 460 0.20 nd nd
19/04/98 12.2 5.9 0.14 <2 5 3700 0.13 0.05 9.1 <0.5 1.0 95 <0.2 0.8 85 230 <0.5 2100 <0.5 200 0.20 0.00 0.15

Date EC pH Eh As TOC Cl NH4 NO3 Si Al B Ca Cu Fe K Mg Mn Na P S Zn Acidity Alkal
dS/m V ug/L N N mmoles mmoles
H+ L-1 HCO3-L-1
Drainage water site 1
19/01/97 2.7 3.3 nd nd nd 570 nd nd 19 11 0.4 67 <0.02 8.4 21 60 1.4 360 0.30 156 0.16 nd nd
2/02/97 3.1 2.8 nd nd nd 560 nd nd 29 15 0.5 61 <0.02 42 23 64 1.7 420 0.40 210 0.20 nd nd
17/02/97 3.7 2.9 nd nd nd 710 nd nd 38 17 0.4 74 0.09 47 22 69 2.6 500 0.34 230 0.79 5.1 0.00
8/03/97 6.6 3.6 nd nd nd 1600 nd nd 64 16 1.1 110 0.07 203 49 130 2.8 1060 0.76 390 0.74 nd 0.00
6/04/97 6.6 3.5 nd nd nd 1710 nd nd 61 10 1.0 110 <0.02 200 51 130 1.9 1200 0.80 360 0.22 2.6 0.00
20/04/97 5.7 3.5 nd nd nd 1390 nd nd 51 8.2 0.9 91 <0.02 180 44 110 1.6 900 0.62 320 0.20 2.3 0.00
13/05/97 1.3 3.3 nd nd nd 234 nd nd 15 <0.1 0.2 30 <0.05 2.5 11 22 0.44 174 0.04 73 0.05 1.2 0.00
25/05/97 4.5 3.3 nd nd nd 1100 nd nd 49 12 0.9 120 <0.02 155 45 95 1.9 720 0.68 330 0.21 3.1 0.00
8/06/97 6.1 5.1 nd nd nd 1560 nd nd 47 1.7 1.0 50 <0.02 310 67 110 0.90 960 0.64 330 0.13 9.7 0.00
23/06/97 6.4 4.4 nd nd nd 1560 nd nd 47 1.7 1.0 50 <0.02 310 67 110 0.90 960 0.64 330 0.13 10 0.00
7/07/97 7.1 4.4 nd nd nd 2190 nd nd 51 9.1 1.2 98 <0.1 212 79 161 2.0 1270 <0.5 340 0.28 0.00 0.00
21/07/97 10.0 3.7 nd nd nd 2650 nd nd 4.0 15 1.4 114 <0.1 329 72 194 3.0 1440 0.50 442 0.35 13 0.00
7/09/97 1.3 3.5 nd nd nd 410 nd nd 12 2.0 0.2 17 <0.05 0.9 20 23 0.36 200 <0.1 43 0.08 0.50 0.00
1/12/97 3.5 3.2 nd nd nd 970 nd nd 43 23 0.5 72 <0.05 47 33 89 1.7 520 <0.1 230 0.24 nd nd
15/12/97 nd 3.0 nd nd nd 2700 nd nd 60 30 1.2 97 <0.05 190 81 210 2.9 1600 <0.1 420 0.37 nd nd
7/01/98 nd 3.0 nd 2 7 410 0.15 0.09 21 6.8 <0.5 41 <0.2 4.5 16 34 0.80 230 <0.5 89 0.20 nd nd
26/01/98 6.2 3.0 nd 20 29 1200 nd nd 61 38 1.1 97 <0.2 260 43 140 4.9 790 <0.5 470 0.50 14.7 0.00
9/02/98 4.5 3.0 0.61 130 39 1700 nd nd 63 17 1.0 100 <0.2 210 53 130 2.7 980 <0.5 370 0.30 5.8 0.00
23/02/98 1.1 3.2 0.39 4 9 140 0.44 <0.05 23 1.7 <0.5 14 <0.2 12 8 16 <0.5 110 <0.5 55 0.20 1.3 0.00
9/03/98 3.1 3.0 0.65 <2 14 470 0.33 <0.5 27 6.8 <0.5 40 <0.2 37 15 41 1.1 300 <0.5 110 0.20 2.6 0.00
23/03/98 3.2 0.69 <2 9 110 0.07 0.24 14 1.0 <0.5 12 <0.2 4.9 8 11 <0.5 85 <0.5 42 0.20 nd nd
8/04/98 1.0 3.0 0.43 <2 7 130 0.19 0.10 17 1.0 <0.5 9 <0.2 3.9 11 11 <0.5 84 <0.5 34 0.20 1.1 0.00
19/04/98 1.1 2.9 0.44 <2 4 140 0.07 <0.05 15 1.3 <0.5 17 <0.2 5.9 10 15 <0.5 110 <0.5 53 0.20 1.2 0.00

Date EC pH Eh As TOC Cl NH4 NO3 Si Al B Ca Cu Fe K Mg Mn Na P S Zn Acidity Alkal
dS/m V ug/L N N mmoles mmoles
H+ L-1 HCO3-L-1
Magazine Ck Bunded
13/10/97 19.8 2.9 nd nd nd 6600 nd nd 13 5.7 2.1 450 <0.05 22 220 500 3.3 3800 1.1 830 0.16 3.5 0.00
17/11/97 22.2 2.9 nd nd nd 8000 nd nd 14 9.4 2.6 550 <0.05 18 250 600 3.8 4400 1.2 980 0.27 nd nd
1/12/97 15.1 3.2 nd nd nd 5300 nd nd 25 31 1.3 420 <0.05 6.8 160 410 3.6 2900 0.10 780 0.35 nd nd
15/12/97 nd 3.0 nd nd nd 7700 nd nd 27 25 2.0 530 <0.05 13 210 570 4.3 4000 0.20 940 0.33 nd nd
7/01/98 4.4 6.2 nd 2 19 1100 0.37 0.09 8.0 <0.5 <0.5 190 <0.2 <0.5 36 93 1.0 600 <0.5 220 0.20 nd 12
26/01/98 13.3 3.7 nd <2 20 3300 nd nd 17 3.2 1.3 430 <0.2 4.7 100 300 3.6 1900 <0.5 630 0.30 0.63 0.00
9/02/98 7.4 2.9 0.68 <2 14 4800 nd nd 26 12 1.8 470 <0.2 20 150 420 4.7 2800 <0.5 820 0.20 1.2 0.00
23/02/98 15.6 2.8 0.43 <2 14 4500 2.7 <0.05 20 11 1.5 430 <0.2 21 120 370 4.6 2600 <0.5 760 0.30 3.8 0.00
9/03/98 12.1 4.4 0.31 3 23 2600 0.68 <0.5 16 2.4 1.1 340 <0.2 4.1 87 230 2.8 1600 <0.5 500 0.20 0.17 0.00
23/03/98 nd 2.9 0.67 <2 15 3000 0.71 <0.05 20 4.5 1.4 350 <0.2 11 92 260 3.4 1700 <0.5 580 0.20 nd nd
8/04/98 10.7 2.9 0.45 <2 15 2800 0.64 <0.05 20 4.3 1.3 330 <0.2 18 88 240 3.0 1700 <0.5 560 0.20 2.9 nd
19/04/98 10.9 2.6 0.45 <2 10 2800 0.65 <0.05 18 2.8 1.3 340 <0.2 25 87 240 3.3 1700 <0.5 570 0.20 3.1 0.00

Date EC pH Eh As TOC Cl NH4 NO3 Si Al B Ca Cu Fe K Mg Mn Na P S Zn Acidity Alkal
dS/m V ug/L N N mmoles mmoles
H+ L-1 HCO3-L-1
Tidal Pools Site 1
19/01/97 17.7 6.4 nd nd nd 6990 nd nd 2.2 <0.1 1.9 120 <0.02 <0.1 159 380 0.11 3960 0.60 295 0.08 nd nd
2/02/97 25.0 5.9 nd nd nd 10900 nd nd 2.2 <0.1 2.8 220 <0.02 0.2 260 700 0.15 6100 0.86 530 0.08 nd nd
17/02/97 14.2 6.7 nd nd nd 5150 nd nd 1.7 <0.1 1.4 81 0.06 <0.1 110 260 0.08 2790 0.26 190 0.47 0.00 1.8
8/03/97 31.6 6.8 nd nd nd 11800 nd nd 2.2 <0.1 2.8 250 0.05 <0.1 280 790 0.06 7320 1.1 580 0.43 0.00 2.1
6/04/97 32.5 6.5 nd nd nd 12900 nd nd 2.6 <0.1 2.8 310 <0.02 <0.1 300 830 0.10 7700 1.2 600 0.08 0.00 1.9
20/04/97 28.2 6.5 nd nd nd 11400 nd nd 2.3 <0.1 2.3 230 <0.02 <0.1 210 640 0.15 6300 1.0 470 0.06 0.00 3.0
13/05/97 32.8 6.6 nd nd nd 13500 nd nd 2.7 <0.1 2.8 328 <0.05 2.7 315 874 0.13 7450 1.1 625 0.12 0.00 3.5
25/05/97 34.3 6.8 nd nd nd 14500 nd nd 2.1 <0.1 3.2 300 <0.02 <0.1 360 910 0.15 8300 1.3 660 0.08 0.00 2.8
8/06/97 32.9 6.5 nd nd nd 15300 nd nd 1.6 <0.1 3.4 370 <0.02 1.0 330 1100 0.15 8770 1.4 750 0.09 0.00 2.6
23/06/97 33.5 6.6 nd nd nd 15300 nd nd 1.6 <0.1 3.4 370 <0.02 1.0 330 1100 0.15 8770 1.4 750 0.09 0.00 2.3
7/07/97 28.2 6.6 nd nd nd 16800 nd nd 2.0 <1 3.3 380 <0.5 <1 404 1118 <0.5 9590 <1 754 0.50 0.00 0.00
21/07/97 40.8 6.3 nd nd nd 18100 nd nd 0.9 <1 3.5 404 <0.5 1.8 382 1185 <0.5 10040 <1 810 0.50 0.00 2.1
24/08/97 41.0 6.4 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.00 2.5
7/09/97 38.2 6.7 nd nd nd 21700 nd nd 2.1 <0.1 3.1 370 <0.05 0.2 420 1200 0.17 9600 1.1 780 0.08 0.00 3.4
13/10/97 nd 6.5 nd nd nd 19300 nd nd 1.9 <0.1 4.3 390 <0.05 <0.1 400 1200 0.13 10600 0.91 870 0.11 0.00 21
17/11/97 nd 6.3 nd nd nd 19700 nd nd 2.4 <0.1 4.7 450 <0.05 0.9 500 1300 0.20 11000 0.80 930 0.14 nd nd
1/12/97 nd 6.4 nd nd nd 15600 nd nd 4.0 <0.1 2.9 370 <0.05 0.2 350 1000 0.10 8600 0.10 710 0.13 nd nd
15/12/97 nd 6.5 nd nd nd 18600 nd nd 3.6 <0.1 4.4 420 <0.05 0.2 400 1200 0.20 10300 <0.1 830 0.14 nd nd
7/01/98 27.1 6.5 nd 4 14 9400 0.19 0.06 3.4 <0.5 2.6 210 <0.2 1.1 210 570 <0.5 5300 <0.5 380 0.20 nd 2.4
26/01/98 32.2 6.7 nd <2 12 11500 nd nd 3.9 <0.5 2.8 240 <0.2 <0.5 230 730 <0.5 6200 <0.5 520 0.20 0.00 1.7
9/02/98 25.5 6.5 0.38 <2 11 13200 nd nd 3.6 <0.5 3.2 280 <0.2 <0.5 250 790 <0.5 7000 <0.5 580 0.20 0.00 1.2
23/02/98 14.9 6.6 0.08 <2 11 5700 <0.05 <0.05 2.3 <0.5 1.7 100 <0.2 <0.5 100 300 <0.5 3100 <0.5 220 0.20 0.00 1.0
9/03/98 33.5 6.8 0.33 <2 11 10400 0.15 <0.5 3.6 <0.5 2.6 220 <0.2 <0.5 220 670 <0.5 5700 <0.5 460 0.20 0.00 1.0
23/03/98 27.6 6.4 0.30 <2 14 9700 <0.05 <0.05 3.6 <0.5 2.6 200 <0.2 <0.5 200 600 <0.5 5300 <0.5 410 0.20 0.00 2.1
8/04/98 nd 6.6 0.06 <2 14 6300 <0.05 <0.05 2.3 <0.5 1.7 110 <0.2 <0.5 140 360 <0.5 3500 <0.5 240 0.20 nd nd
19/04/98 24.0 6.9 0.08 <2 15 8100 0.07 <0.05 2.8 <0.5 2.2 150 <0.2 <0.5 170 460 <0.5 4500 <0.5 310 0.20 0.00 1.9

List of Figures and Tables
List of Figures
Figure 1 The overall sequence of mineral reactions for pyrite oxidation showing relationships between oxidising agents, catalysts and mineral
products. (After Nordstrom, 1982) .............................................................................................................................................................6
Figure 2 East Trinity Location Map............................................................................................................................................................................9
Figure 3 Box Plots of Actual and Potential Acidity South of Magazine Ck.............................................................................................................14
Figure 4 Soil Profile Acidity .....................................................................................................................................................................................17
Figure 5 Carbon Profile.............................................................................................................................................................................................18
Figure 6 Iron Profile..................................................................................................................................................................................................19
Figure 7 Box plots of Iron in surface and soil water.................................................................................................................................................19
Figure 8 Soil Sulfur Profile .......................................................................................................................................................................................20
Figure 9 Soil Arsenic Profile.....................................................................................................................................................................................22
Figure 10 Soil Zinc Profile........................................................................................................................................................................................22
Figure 11 Plot of pH versus Titratable Acidity for East Trinity Waters ...................................................................................................................24
Figure 12 Acidic Species in Water Samples from East Trinity ................................................................................................................................25
Figure 13 Relationship between titratable acidity and the sum of acidic cations (H+, Al3+ & Fe2+) for East Trinity water samples. ......................25
Figure 14 Concentration of dissolved Al (µgL-1) in surface waters over the measurement period. .........................................................................26
Figure 15 Concentration of ferrous iron (µgL-1) in East Trinity surface waters over the measurement period. ......................................................28
Figure 16 Concentration of Total Zinc (µgL-1) in East Trinity surface waters over the measurement period. .......................................................29
Figure 17 Mole ratio of chloride to sulfur in the East Trinity soil water. Ratio for seawater is 19.2 ......................................................................31
Figure 18 Soil pH profile for drained and undrained soil ..........................................................................................................................................32
Figure 19 East trinity Soil water pH for Drained and Undrained profiles. ...............................................................................................................32
Figure 20 Change in pH and redox potential following flooding. ...........................................................................................................................33
Figure 21 Ceramic soil solution samplers. .................................................................................................................................................................64
List of Tables
Table 1 Monthly Average Climate Data for Cairns .....................................................................................................................................................7
Table 2 East Trinity Monitoring Sites..........................................................................................................................................................................8
Table 3 Summary of QDPI Soil Survey pH Data ......................................................................................................................................................12
Table 4 Summary of QDPI Soil Survey Potential and Actual Acidity Data.............................................................................................................13
Table 5 Measured Hydraulic Conductivity ...............................................................................................................................................................16

Table 6 Arsenic and zinc concentrations (mg kg-1) in undrained and drained soil profiles......................................................................................21
Table 7 Detection Limits...........................................................................................................................................................................................23
Table 8 Comparison of Total Iron and Ferrous Iron concentrations for samples collected on the 19/4/98.............................................................27
Table 9 Summary of Selected Parameters in East Trinity Surface Water ................................................................................................................30
Table 10 Complete listing of analytical data for soil samples. ................................................................................................................................67
Table 11 Complete listing of analytical data for surface waters. ..............................................................................................................................71


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