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DipTESOL Past Paper

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The key takeaways are that this document outlines the instructions and content for an LTCL Diploma TESOL examination. It is divided into three sections assessing language, teaching methodology, and professional development. Candidates must answer questions from each section and meet certain grade thresholds to pass.

To pass the examination overall, candidates need an aggregate mark of at least 50% and also need to pass Section 1 with at least 20/40 marks as well as either Section 2 or Section 3 with at least 15/30 marks.

The three sections are: Section 1 assesses language through short answer questions, Section 2 assesses learning and teaching through essay questions, and Section 3 assesses professional development topics through essay questions.


(2005 Assessment)
Unit 1 — examination
November 2010


1. The time allowed for answering this paper is five minutes’ reading time followed by three hours’
writing time.
2. During the five minutes’ reading time NO writing of any kind is permitted.
3. Fill in your name and the registration number printed on your appointment slip in the appropriate
space on the front of the answer booklet.
5. Read each question carefully before answering it.
6. Your answers must be written in ink in the answer booklet provided.
7. You are reminded that you are bound by the regulations for written examinations displayed at the
centre. In particular, you are reminded that you are not allowed to bring books or papers into the
examination room. Bags must be left at the back of the room under the supervision of the invigilator.
8. If you leave the examination room for any reason other than a permitted short break, accompanied
by an invigilator, you will not be allowed to return.
9. At the end of the examination, fix together all your work — including rough work — using the
tag provided.
10. Please note that in order to obtain a pass grade for this examination paper you need an overall
aggregate mark of 50% or more, and in order to obtain a distinction grade you need an overall
aggregate mark of 80% or more. In addition, you need to pass Section 1 with at least 20 out of
40 marks and EITHER Section 2 OR Section 3 with at least 15 out of 30 marks.

November 2010


(2005 Assessment)
Unit 1 — examination

Time allowed: 5 minutes’ reading time and 3 hours’ writing time.

Answer FOUR out of FIVE questions from Section 1. Total marks available = 40

Answer ONE question from Section 2. Total marks available = 30
Answer ONE question from Section 3. Total marks available = 30
Special note: candidates are strongly advised to refer to their reading and to discuss the practical
application of their theoretical knowledge wherever appropriate.

Section 1
Language — short answer section
Candidates must answer FOUR out of FIVE questions in this section. Please note that in order to pass
the examination as a whole you need to pass this section with at least 20 out of 40 marks, and EITHER
Section 2 OR Section 3 with at least 15 out of 30 marks. In addition you need an overall aggregate mark
of 50% or more.

1. i) Give example sentences with adverbs of frequency for the following:

a) Mid position only (provide one example)
b) Initial, mid and final position (use the same adverb in each of three examples)
c) Initial and final position only (use the same adverb in each of two examples)
ii) How do the different positions in your example sentences for b) and c) affect meaning if at all?
iii) How would you explain the rules for the positions of adverbs of frequency to a group of low-level learners?

2. i) What are the non-modal auxiliary verbs in English?

ii) How are the non-modal auxiliaries used to express:
a) Aspect
b) Emphasis
c) Passivity
For each of a), b) and c), give two examples in different verb tenses.
iii) What problems do learners have with using non-modal auxiliary verbs? Refer to a particular L1 group.

3. Look at the following example sentences with ‘that’:

a) She said that she would be on time
b) Whose is that?
c) This is the house that I grew up in
d) He’s not that great really
e) The fact that he’s tall has nothing to do with it

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LTCL Diploma TESOL (2005 Assessment) November 2010

i) For each example, state the function of ‘that’.

ii) In each of the above examples can ‘that’ be omitted? If so what effect does the omission have on
register and/or meaning?
iii) In what order would you teach the above functions of ‘that’? Justify your choices.

4. i) Define the term ‘paragraph’.

ii) What do you understand by the following:
a) Topic sentences
b) Signposting
c) Coherence
d) Intratextual referencing
iii) How do you help your learners with two of the above in part ii)? Refer to a specific text-type in
your answer.

5. i) For each of the following words, give two examples of common set phrases that incorporate them:
a) Sort
b) Make
c) Stop
ii) What is the difference between a fixed and semi-fixed expression? Give one example of each type.
iii) How would you develop learners’ passive awareness of fixed and semi-fixed expressions?

Section 2
Learning and Teaching — essay answer section
Candidates must answer ONE question in this section. Please note that in order to pass the examination as a
whole you need to pass Section 1 with at least 20 out of 40 marks and EITHER this section OR Section 3 with
at least 15 out of 30 marks. In addition you need an overall aggregate mark of 50% or more.

1. i) What do you understand by bottom-up and top-down approaches to developing learners’ reading skills?
ii) Learners at advanced level are sometimes required to read works of literature. Describe activities
which use both bottom-up and top-down approaches to help them do this.
iii) What are the pros and cons of using works of literature as a means of developing your learners’
reading skills? Refer to a class of a level and type of your choice.

2. i) Define the following briefly:

a) Diagnostic tests
b) Formative and summative achievement tests
c) Proficiency tests
ii) How can you ensure when constructing formative and summative achievement tests that they are
valid and reliable?
iii) How can you use the results of formative and summative achievement tests to inform your teaching?

3. i) What do you understand by the PPP teaching model?

ii) Argue for or against its retention as a teaching model
iii) Choose one other teaching model and describe how you have used it and for what purposes.

Please turn over

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November 2010

Section 3
Professional development — essay answer section
Candidates must answer ONE question in this section. Please note that in order to pass the examination as a
whole you need to pass Section 1 with at least 20 out of 40 marks and EITHER this section OR Section 2 with
at least 15 out of 30 marks. In addition you need an overall aggregate mark of 50% or more.

1. i) What do you understand are the differences between lesson plan aims and objectives? Give
relevant examples.
ii) You are the Director of Studies of a language school. What would you require from your teachers
in terms of lesson planning for the following:
a) Schemes of work for the term or year
b) Day-to-day unobserved teaching
c) Lessons that will be observed
iii) What advice would you give newly qualified teachers on using the lesson plans provided in the
teacher’s edition of their course book?

2. You have been asked to lead a half-day workshop on using drama and story-telling techniques with
classes of 8 to 11 year olds.
i) Outline the content and timetable for the workshop. Justify your choices.
ii) What resources would you need to put in place in your teaching institution in order to ensure that
the ideas presented in the workshop can be successfully implemented?
iii) What problems do you envisage some teachers might have with implementing your ideas and how
would you support them?

3. ‘My school bought some interactive whiteboards a year ago and didn’t even show us how to use
them — it was just a marketing gimmick.’
i) What can a teacher do with an interactive whiteboard relative to a traditional chalkboard?
ii) Justify the expense of interactive whiteboards in marketing terms.
iii) What training do teachers need before using an interactive whiteboard in class for the first time?

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