f90 For Beginners
f90 For Beginners
f90 For Beginners
Maurice H. Stans, Secretary
National Bureau of Standards, Lewis M. Branscomb, Director
Conference Proceedings
Edited by
R. Bullough
Theoretical Physics Division, A.E.R.E.
Harwell, Didcot, England
Volume II of 2 Volumes
Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Spec. Publ. 317, Vol. II, 624 pages (Dec. 1570)
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. ("Tovernment Frintin};; Office. Washinfiton. \).(]. 20402 - (Order by
SD Catalog No. C 13.10:.il7) Price S8.2.'i per set of 2 volumes (sold in sets only)
"«iiu««L mmm OF
JUL 4 197!
Foreword iii
Preface v
Frontispiece , viii
Contributors xi
A. K. Head 5
Discussion on Papers by
A. K. Head, K. Mai.en, and D. Kuhlmann-Wilsdorf and
T. R. Duncan 83
Discussion on Papers by
J. A. Simmons and R. Bullough, and D. M. Barnett 173
Discussion on Paper by
Localized Vibration Modes Associated With Screw Dislocations
A. A. Maradudin 205
Discussion on Papers by
A. A. Maradudin, and J. W. Flocken and J. R. Hardy 247
H. Suzuki 253
Point Defects and Dislocations in Copper
A. Englert, H. Tompa, and R. BuLLOUGH 273
R. Chang 299
Discussion on Papers by
H. Suzuki, A. Holzler and R. Siems, R. Chang, and P. C.
Gehlen et al 309
Discussion on Papers by
P. Gruner and P. G. Klemens 395
Discussion on Papers by
A. Seeger and H. Engelke, and J. H. Weiner 415
Dislocation Resonance
Disclocation Radiation
R. O. Schwenker and A. V. Granato 423
Discussion on Papers by
J. A. Garber and A. V. Granato, R. O. Schwenker and
A. V. Granato, and W. P. Mason 459
Disclinations in Surfaces
F. R. N. Nabarro 593
HiRSCH 681
Introduction to the Panel Discussion
J. P. HiRTH 683
Discussion on Papers by
C. Teodosiu, and C. S. Hartley and M. A. Eisenberg
Including Two Written Contributions by S. I. Ben- ABRAHAM.. 963
Discussion on Paper by
S. I. Ben-Abraham 1021
N. Fox 1041
Discussion on Papers by
A. C. Eringen and W. D. Claus, Jr., and N. Fox 1053
Discussion on Papers by
W. Frank and U. F. Kocks 1107
On theMechanism of Cross-Slip of Dislocations at Particles
Discussion on Paper by
M. S. DuESBERY and P. B. Hirsch 1135
H. Engelke 1137
R. H. HOBART 1157
Discussion on Papers by
H. Engelke and R. H. Hobart 1163
Discussion on Paper by
P. Haasen and W. SCHROTER 1255
E. Kroner
E. Kroner
Key words: Dilatation centers; lattice statics; non-local theories; solid mechanics;
wave propagation.
I. Introduction
more macroscopic effects at temperatures that are not too low. The inter-
action problem of lattice defects which are some distance apart would
belong to this class of problems.
The above remarks are not novel. They just remind us of the restric-
tions involved from the very beginning in the classical theory of atomic
In- recent time several workers — Krumhansl, Mindlin, Toupin, Kunin,
myself, and others — have reconsidered the old problem of deriving con-
tinuum mechanics, in particular elasticity theory, from the atomic lattice
theory. A fundamental insight has been gained in these attempts: The
conventional elasticity theory is a very special case of a more general con-
tinuum elasticity theory. The two effects which are included in this general
elasticity theory, but not in the conventional theory, are:
and hence also the energy, is then a double volume integral over r and r',
which means that interactions of a certain range play a role in the be-
haviour of the fields.
electrons which constitute the body. Assume that one nucleus at point r
suffers a small displacement According to elasticity theory, another
nucleus at point r' will notice the displacement at r in the moment when
the sound wave emitted by the displacement at r has reached r'. How-
ever, in reality the movement of the nucleus at r will change the electric
fields and this change spreads out with the velocity of light. In this way
the nucleus at r' feels the displacement of the nucleus at r after a time
interval which is extremely short compared to those time intervals which
could possibly be of interest in applications of elasticity theory. This
means that the displacement of a nucleus at r leads to a practically in-
stantaneous response at all points r' in the body.
If the foregoing considerations are correct, one is compelled to question
We think here of the fields on a microscopic scale.
- Hence this theory is not suitable to treat piezo-electric materials in which macroscopic
electric fields are essential state variables.
369-713 OL - 71 - Vol n - 2
C/jA-/(r, r') =Cjiu (r, r') =CijiK- (r, r') =Cuij{r\ r) (2)
This is true for ionic and van der Waals crystals but not for metals because in metals
already the i-iectric theory alone is non-local. The reason is that here the electrons travel
long distances.
* Oral comment on a lecture given by the author at Brown University in 1966.
can (but need not) be superimposed on the tensor function c/jA/(r, r').
one defines a stress tensor function by cr,j = 6f//6e/j, where e,j is the
strain tensor, one obtains a non-local stress-strain relation in the form
where 6 is the Dirac's delta function. In this way the stress-strain law
obtains the form of a Fredholm integral equation for the strains e^/, given
the stresses cr,,:
This equation has a solution for quite general kernels c*yr./ (r, r').
The solution can be written in the form of the inverse constitutive law
PQgHr) (8)
X + 2/X
where X, jx are the Lame's constants. In the case of van der Waals inter-
action between the particles of the body, one finds ^*(r) ~ r"'^. In this
is the same as the van
case, the interaction of the two dilatation centers
der Waals interaction of two atoms or molecules in a gas.
Transition to local response implies ^* = 0. So we recover the well-
known result: No interaction of two dilatation centers in an infinite,
isotropic, homogeneous continuum with local response.
It is a quite different question as to what extent such a dilatation center
can be representative for a point defect in a crystal lattice.
The above solution was obtained in a very simple way. Use of computers
was not necessary. The existence of simple solutions can enable one to
find phenomena of a new type which are not observed in continua with
local response.
As an example, I mention the problem of wave propagation in medias
with non-local response. This problem is the subject of the paper of
Kunin and Waisman prepared for this conference. Using Green's function
techniques, the authors find new types of damped and undamped surface
waves. They also obtain dispersion and maximum frequencies for un-
damped waves. Since all these phenomena also occur in the lattice theory,
we see that the non-local continuum theory has incorporated essential
parts of the information of the lattice theory.
V. Reference to Dislocations
It has been well known for a long time that, in the presence of continuous
distributions of dislocations, the notion of displacement field does not
and distortions ^/j, however.
exist. It is possible to define elastic strains e,j
Since the curl of equal to the dislocation density, one finds that only
/Sij is
in the absence of dislocations (Bij has the simple form diUj in which it
had appeared in the potential energy eq (1)
plemented by an additional c^;^./ (r, r' ) say, which does not contribute
where epmidnifBij was replaced by the dislocation density tensor ain. The
tensor function ainkq (r, r') follows from
where ejmn is the alternating tensor. Hence, apart from surface terms,
the additional potential energy is the mutual interaction energy of the
dislocations. However, in this interpretation, some precaution is necessary.
The point is, that a dislocation element at r', say, feels a small displace-
ment of a dislocation element at r firstly by the change of the electric
field and secondly by the change of the elastic field. Light and sound
velocity are here important as explained in other connection in section
2. Further investigation on this seems necessary.
are dynamical equations for the potentials uj and ^//. This result shows
that two types of motions are essential in a dislocated body: The motion
of the matter and the motion of the defects. Both motions possess a spe-
cific inertia. For this reason all the so-called dynamical theories of dis-
locations which work with three equations of motion, are, if not wrong,
at least incomplete.
VI. References
[1] Baumgarte, J. and Kroner, E., Proc. 12th Intern. Congress of Applied Mechanics (Stan-
ford, 1968).
[2] Kunin, I. A., Prikl. Mat. Mech. (Engl. Transl.) 30, 642 (1966).
In the linear theory of non-local elasticity the strain energy can be writ-
ten as a double volume integral summing up the interactions of pairs of
mass elements. The properties of the material, in this case, are described
by a two-point-tensor function c,jA-/(r,r'). It is found that for finite bodies
CyA:/(r,r') does not have the symmetries of the (Hooke's) elasticity tensor
Cijki of the local theory. However, the symmetries of this tensor function
are sufficient to exclude the rotations from the strain energy expression.
It is shown that with the help of the elastic Green's function one can ex-
Key words: Green's tensor; Hooke's elasticity, non-local elasticity; solid mechanics.
L Introduction
The study of the mechanical behaviour of crystals has from the very
beginning been approached from two different viewpoints, which have
resulted respectively in the phenomenological theory and the atomic
theory. The former is based on the concept that the internal forces of the
body are contact forces and, therefore, the total energy of the solid is
obtainable as the sum of the energies of the individual volume elements
into which it can be subdivided. It is obvious that these conditions can
be incorporated for a crystal with lattice structure only if the volume
elements under consideration are sufficiently large in comparison to the
range of interatomic forces in the solid. The range of applicability of this
theory is, therefore, limited and its results can be expected to be sustain-
able only in relation to phenomena involving large volume elements, such
as the propagation of waves of wavelengths large enough compared to
the range of interatomic forces.
A more
faithful description of bodies requires more elaborate continuum
theories,which enable us to explain certain facts which elude the classical
theory altogether. For instance, in the lattice theory of elasticity one
usually deals with frequency versus wavelength curves, dispersion of
waves, surface effects, defect interaction, and so on. To justify a gener-
alized continuum theory of elasticity, then, we must be able to provide
simpler methods for some of the problems that are important in the lattice
We have shown earlier [1] how a simple and straightforward gener-
by converting the
alization of the classical theory of elasticity is obtained
lattice theory of Bravais crystals into a continuum theory. The resulting
theory is of non-local character because the lattice theory takes into
account a finite range of interatomic forces from the very beginning. The
procedure used in our first work (and in that of Kunin [2]) to convert the
discrete lattice theoretical expressions into an integral form used the
idealization -of infinite homogeneous crystals. In real problems, however,
the crystals are finite and therefore inhomogeneous, at least always in
the boundary layer. We shall see in section III that the idealization of
the infinite homogeneous crystal leads to particular difficulties in the
here applied Born-Huang formalism. Hence it should be avoided.
It is the purpose of this paper to investigate the relationship between
the lattice theory and the continuum theory of the elastic behaviour of
finite Bravais crystals.^ In particular we establish the symmetry cor-
t/=| 2
r. r'
<!>" «,•«/.. (1)
The complications implied by non-primitiveness of the lattice have recently been dis-
cussed by Baumgarte and Kriiner [4].
^Jt=^t^. (2)
In order to convert the sum in (1) into an integral, we apply the (rigourous)
Euler-Maclaurin formula, which in the three-dimensional form reads
S/- f^^^^+i
^ Voir) f^^^^+
omitted only if J{r) varies sufficiently slowly. This can be made more
precise as follows. Using Taylor's expansion we have
/(F)=/(r + a)=/(r)+a,a/+ . . .
dXi r = r.
\aidjf/fir)\<l (4)
^ A detailed derivation of eq (3) was worked out by B. K. Datta and is given in D. Kessel [6]
1 r f *i;t(r, r')
^ij J F„(r)So(r')
+ 4i//s!(r)F„(r')"''^'"^"''^'''^'^''^'
+1/ r)sl(r')
".('•)«,.(r')<iS<iS' (5)
djdidjki (r, r )
- 17 / x / ,x (6)
n,a,c,.z(r,r (7)
, 1 <^>it(»'. r')
n,«,c„.,(r,r )=
Where nj is the external unit vector normal to the surface S and dj = d/dxj.
Substitution of eqs (6) to (9) in (5) leads to the result
U= co7c/(r, r'}idju^){d[a',)dVdV'.
As is clear from our derivation and from the form (10) of the potential
energy, the two-point tensor function Cijki (r', r) contains the whole
information about the material properties. The dependence on the two
points r and r' expresses the non-local character of the atomic cohesive
forces of the body. Observe the obvious symmetry
can easily be shown that the tensor functions Ciji^-i are not defined
uniquely by eqs (6) to (9). However, it is clear from our derivation that it
suffices to have any solution of eqs (6) to (9) in order to obtain a workable
theory. A particularly useful choice would be one which satisfies the
The restrictions (15) are physically sensible. In fact, any other solution
of eqs and (12) will differ from the solution which satisfies
(6) to (9), (11),
eqs (15) by a part which does not contribute to the energy in eq (10).'^
Using the identity
{lnk)ik,n>,{Bei),un,>^0 (17)
it can easily be shown (ref. [7]) that eq (15) has the general solution
where due to eq (11) the auxihary potential amnCr, i*') should possess
the symmetry
In the following we shaU derive a unique solution for the auxihary potential
aikir, r').
First we substitute eq (20) in the set of eqs (6) to (9) and obtain
^i/c(r, r')
D,DkaAr, r')
=y-^-y^^ (21)
D,jN,,aj,{r, r )
NMr,r')=-l^l^^ (23)
and the primed D and are the corresponding quantities taken with
respect to the primed operators. Observe that D and are special cases
of the operators
^ See, e.g., the article of A. Seeger in ref. [8] , especially pp. 516 and 517.
Thus we get
AT u t '\- 1 ^ikjr, r )
1 <Dj/c(r, r^)
VijcMv, r )
36 (31)
1677 I
For finite bodies a term has to be added which takes care of the correct
boundary values of Gjk. Since the procedures of obtaining Gjk are well-
known in elasticity theory, we need not pursue this further. We rather
consider Gjk as given.
In terms of the Green's function tensor Gja, the solution of eqs (27),
(28), and (29) can be written down immediately
J V,{T")Vo{v'r''^ '
+ H ^y:;-;U
2j Fo(r )So(r )
,Kr, r-)^F-. (34)
These equations inserted into eq (20) provide the unique solution of the
problem stated earlier, namely, to find a solution of eqs (6) to (9) with the
symmetries of Cijf^i (r, r') given by eqs (11) and (12). Using this particular
Cijki{r, r') we can rewrite the potential energy (10) in the form
= cu«(r, r')€ue'„dVdV'
t/ (35)
which means that Cijici (r, r') is totally symmetric in all subscripts. In other
words: The infinite homogeneous Bravais crystal should obey the Cauchy
relations. This result is physically incorrect. It shows that the infinite
homogeneous crystal an inadmissible idealization within the Born-
iHuang formalism. A similar situation can arise also within the framework
of the local theory, as has been pointed out by Lax [9].
IV. Conclusion
where Ctjki are the components of the local elasticity tensor. Since
6(r, r')=8(r',r), the tensor C ijki has in addition to the symmetries
Cijkl = Cklij-
V. Acknowledgement
The authors wish to thank the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for
VI. References
[3] Kroner, E., in the Sedov anniversary volume Problems of Hydrodynamics and Con-
tinuum Mechanics (Siam Publications, 1969).
[4] Baumgarte, J., and Kroner, E., Proc. 12th Intern. Congr. Appl. Mech., Stanford (1968).
[5] Leibfried, G., in Handbuch der Physik, VII/1, S. Fliigge, Ed. (Springer- Verlag, Berhn,
1955), p. 104.
[6] Kessel, D., Dissertation (Technical University, Clausthal, 1968).
[7] Kroner, E., Erg. angew. Math. 5, 1 (1958).
[8J Seeger, A., in Handbuch der Physik, VII/1, S. Fliigge, Ed. (Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
1955) p. 383.
[9] Lax, M., in Lattice Dynamics, R. F. WaUis, Ed. (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1965), p. 583.
[10] Huang, K., Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A203, 178 (1950).
[11] Leibfried, G., and Lugwig, W., Z. Phys. 160, 80 (1960).
Institute ofThennophysics
A cademy of Sciences
Novosibirsk, USSR
Kriiner [3], Kunin [4, 5], Vdovin and Kunin [6] (see also the survey [7]).
This paper contains new results obtained by the authors in this field.
ness of the medium and to long range forces. When the radius of the
interaction is much greater than the distance between particles one can
^(jc, x') than 0(jc, x') especially when boundary value problems are
considered. We shall assume that the radius of the interaction is limited,
'¥{x,x')=Oii \x-x'\>L
u{k,w)= u(x,t)e''<^''-'''^^dxdt
This equation of motion can describe the elastic continuum with non-
local interactions as well as the discrete medium. In the latter case
Consider properties of the function 4) (A;) and its zeroes. It can be shown
that 0(A:) can be expanded in the complex A;-plane as the entire analytic
function of the exponential type. For the absolutely integrable function,
^(x) function ^(k) is bounded on the real axis. If A:i is a zero {^{ki) =0)
<i>(i)=c„yc^n(i-^) (1.6)
where kn are the zeroes in the upper half-plane numbered in the order of
increasing modulus. The constant
c,)=^'x-'^^{x)dx (1.7)
has the meaning of the elastic modulus in the long wave approximation.
Note, that for the discrete model the permissible domain of k is the
complex cylinder |Re A:| ^vr/a. The number of the zeroes is equal to
2A^ where is the number of the interacting neighbours.
^Uk)=-w'po^^{k). (1.9)
crete model). In the case of unbounded media the real kn{w) correspond- ,
ing to undamped waves, are of main interest. They are defined completely
by the dispersive curve w = w{k) (Im A; = 0) and their group velocity
w' (k) depends on k (the space dispersion).
where the first term is the partial solution constructed with the help of
Green's function Gwix) and a„, (Bn are arbitrary constants.
It follows from (1.10) that Gu {k)=(t>~^{k) is a meromorphic function.
Under some fairly unrestricted conditions we can write {w 0)
In {x, w) — representation
cok —V,
+2 f ^2^
+Q(^')^ (1-15)
|r —^^^1,
r p
^ r') (1.18)
where r = |r|.
kakfi kgk^
Ga/^(k) — G(i)ik) + 6q./3 (1.23)
Im kn > 0, (1.25)
Y (' r-'^,„(r)rfr,
In r-representation we have
w^pouix, w) -\-
CoD^Pmi— D%)u{x, w) = — q{x, w) (2.2)
known, one can obtain the first approximation assuming Pi (A^) = l-\-PAik^,
where y4i is a suitable non-dimensional constant. It permits one to describe
correctly the dispersion of long waves (the dispersion must be considered
as small).
This approach is known as long-wave approximation and corresponding
models are called media with weak space dispersion. The scale parameter
/ must be considered as small and the theory can not be applied at dis-
tances of the order of / and especially for distances smaller than /.^
If we extrapolate Pi{k^) in the domain of large A (short waves) we can
formally obtain additional eigenfunctiohs corresponding to zeroes of
Pi{k^). However, these functions in general have nothing to do with the
exact ones. Hence this approximation is not suitable for describing the
dispersion of waves on inhomogeneities and formulating the boundary
value problems. Note that w^ax does not exist for any polynomial
A different possible approach is based on the idea replacing ^{k) by a
polynomial having the same first zeroes. If the condition ^{x) ^0 is ful-
<J.,W=c„A-^(l-|J)(l-^) (2.3)
2 l^ik f^{w)\x\
GW»|c„-|x|-2Im|;^. (2.6)
3col~^ when U| ^
^ \
= to when M>/,
^W = V^^«'-^^-"'"^
/2 , „ ^„,„,„
<D(A;)=6co/-2(^l-^^), ^{k)=2col-Hl-e-'''^'in
describes two distinct media connected with elastic couplings and occupy-
ing the regions We can pick out in each medium boundary layers
Fand V*.
S and S* (of and /* respectively) in which parameters of the
width /
The operators ^r, ^r* and "^n * characterize the interaction of the
medium and between them, respectively.
points inside each
— w'-pU\-\-(i>vU\=qv. (3.6)
where hix) is given in S.
It can be shown that in the static case both the first and second boundary
value problems can be reduced to the Fredholm's equation with symmetric
It is important to emphasize the distinction between the first and the
second problems. The latter can be reduced to the integral equation with
difference-type kernel in the case of the homogeneous medium. But it
is not so for the first problem because of the inhomogeneity of couplings
in the boundary layer. Hence in the non-local theory the solution of the
first boundary value problem is more difficult than that of the second one.
u = u-\-v (3.14)
Let G{x) =G{x) —xI2cq, where G{x) is the static Green's function
defined by eq (1.16), then
where e„(x) — exp (iknx) and kn are zeroes of <J>(/r) for which Im A„ > 0,
^{k)=^Ak)^.{k), (3.18)
,f-iy[k — km)
e^'(x)= ,
, r ^-(x-x')e-^''m-^'dx\ (3.21)
where A:„ — all the zeroes of ^(/). The coefficients are found by using the
reciprocal basis e
The forces Qs like Ug can also be decomposed in the basis e„ so that the
boundary condition (3.26) can be rewritten as
For example
IV. Conclusion
We have the following specific distinctions of the non-local theory of
elasticity from the local one:
(a) There exists a scale parameter.
(b) There are new types of undamped and damped waves (damped
eigenfunctions in statics).
(f) There are new types of surface waves different from classical ones.
The approximate models can take into account some of these effects.
The choice of the approximate model must depend on what effects we
want to preserve. The simplest models are of the polinomial differential
type to which all couple-stress theories belong. The usual approach is
to consider them as long-wave approximations. The alternative approach
is based on the first zeroes approximations. The latter is more adequate
V. References
[1] Krumhansl, J. A. Proc. Int. Conf. of Lattice Dynamics Copenhagen 1963 (Oxford 1965).
[2] Kniner, E., and Datta. B. K., Z. Phys. 196, 203 (1966).
[3] Kroner, E., Int. J. Solids Struct., 3, N 5 (1967).
[4] Kunin, I. A., Prikl. Mat. Mech.: J. Appl. Math, and Mech. 30, N 3, N 5 (1966); 31, N 5
U niversity of Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan
2. The strain-incompatibility Riemannian metric is modified to an
where x^'s are the coordinates fixed to the material element and can be
made to agree with the rectangular Cartesian coordinates of the point in
space occupied by the material point before the naturalization. The
unnaturalized state has then a Euclidean metric
The strain is represented by the difference of the two metrics ds'- — dz-
so that the difference of the two metric tensors referred to the same
coordinate system is an appropriate quantity to express it.
exK =— def
— 2(6xk — oxk), (L2)
which reduces to the ordinary Concept of strain tensor in the special case
in which compatible deformations alone are considered, i.e., when the
metric ds- is also Euclidean.
Obviously, the metric tensor okk has the same dimensionality as the
strain tensor ex^-
The incompatible characters of the strain is represented by the Rie-
mann-Christoffel curvature tensor
cf. footnote 5, p. 772.
ru={U}^S^->!<-2S,^\, (1.4)
where S^^" is the torsion tensor. The process of introducing such a con-
nection into the metric space will be called a tearing of the given Rie-
mannian manifold (see e.g., [1], [2] etc.). It has been studied elsewhere
that the torsion tensor thus introduced is the analytical representation of
the density of distributed dislocations.
A Riemann-Christoffel curvature tensor of a more general kind than the
foregoing one is also defined and associated with the new connection. It
is given by
= A^M«^'^=-1/2M.
We shall consider two torn configurations, one real and one virtual,
and we shall require the condition of their macroscopic equivalence.
Let one of the two connection configurations have the parameters such
as (L4). Let this be referred to rectangular coordinates, denoted by
Roman indices, of the unnaturalized state, where
^ ^lK ^mX ^^(a-m)
is approximately equivalent to
where , .
W^^\c'"">R,nndX, (1.8)
dX is the volume element, R,i,u is the Ricci-tensor and c'^""''s are arbitrary-
which are not varied.
Henceforth we shall use Roman indices referred to the rectangular
coordinates of the location in space of the point in the unnaturalized state.
(V//^H,„)6^,• =0
dX = a"^3ldx^''dx^dx'^^K
a = det (aji),
3! jvih'j,,,mdT,^.jidx^'^dx'dx'"'^ =0 (1.9)
which also needs to hold without any restriction and is equivalent to (1.6).
dX = dx^dx'dx^.
h'J.\n>8r,yiidX,]-j hiji,„d,8r,]jidX =0
whose element is denoted by dXi, and the volume integral covers the entire
disturbed domain. Since the condition (1.6) holds also on the boundary,
the surface integral is annuled a priori so that in terms of the Eddington
quantity, we have
A; = e'>""/i .'J,,,.
^Rikji = Hb,i,yr''Rnm)
viz, c^'"" is varied through, and only through, the factor bi',\jj'""'. Anyhow,
^xmn -g varied and the manner of its variation is arbitrary since the
coefficients h'^.j/s and hence also /c'^'^^'s are arbitrary.
6r = I 3(c>''""Rnm)dX = 0, (LIO)
^U = ^8 a'^""'InmdX (1.13)
On the other hand, the quantity L'"'" need not be symmetric with respect
to m and n.
=l^ j I'^'kijidX.
^U^ (1.16.1)
J'jaji = a'>"""N,„
diU-Ux)=0 (1.18.1)
can be called the dual Riemannian space, which can more realistically
be called a stress-space or stress-function space from the point of view of
section 11.2.
ds'^'- has been introduced, the derivation in section 1.2 can now be
repeated for the dual Riemannian manifold in the dual manner. Further-
more, we may preserve only the symmetric part of the tensor aj;^ or a'
because it only enters into the dual metric form defined by (2.1), we
obtain a perfect dual correspondence of:
need to be mutually compatible, where the tensors aj, and a^^ alone are
varied, producing one and the same configuration, it is necessary that
and hence
a = -l (2.5)
is required.
II. 2. Concepts of stress, stress function and energy
the Beltrami feature. The restriction (2.4) under (2.5) i.e., J^j = I^>j may
be called a Beltramization.
The Riemannian deviation of the dual metric tensor,
The antisymmetric part of I'^'j + J'^j did not contribute at all to the
varied energy dW in the formula where no finite boundaries come
about. Such a situation is entailed where the isoperimetric condition
U'^U-\- ll2jr^(>j^kjidX (3.2)
V' = V^II2 Jf^j^kjidX. (3.3)
Once the asymmetric tensor a'jj is so substituted for aji, the entire formal-
ism included in the proof of the Equivalence Theorem can also be
repeated, though approximately, as follows, to confirm (3.4). Especially,
formula (1.16) is generalized to:
8 al^-I'^^'^dX-^dja^.^L'^^-dXi + ^djl-^^^^^^^
8{U'-U''<) =0 (3.10)
The affine connection is transformed from the Tkji of the foregoing to:
where aji is an asymmetric tensor whose symmetric part agrees with the
metric tensor ^ and Tkji is a tensor as before. Then, when referred to the
Cartesian rectangular coordinates of the unnaturalized state, the difference
We would refrain from calling it an asymmetric metric tensor. In strict sense, more
geometrical constructions are needed for doing so.
is approximately a tensor.
Therefore, one can proceed in a way similar to the construction in
section I.l to obtain the variational function
R'lkji ^ ^d[iY'^yi^
small insignificant terms being neglected, and
f^'ijkl = (.xjkf.il
where c'' is the dual of c^j'^, i.e.,
cii = a''^-ll2aa'''K
We have
/X ij ^Q^lxkij^Q ^(^^ikm^jlnSx^^ ) _
The quantity Skji so defined is a torsion tensor introduced into the space
of strainand incompatibility by what we have called in section LI a perfect
tearing of the metric ds^; and the quantity S/^^„ is its dual. The latter is a
torsion tensor introduced into the space of stress and stress function by a
perfect tearing of the metric which will be called a dual perfect tearing.
Since— J^'^^ = /^'^ is a stress of the Beltrami feature, L^^'J is a kind of
stress function. We shall call it a derived stress function. Its antisym-
metric extension L'^'^^^j^ is related to the antisymmetric Beltrami stress by
isa torsion tensor, given as the difference of two dual perfect tearings or
two dual incompatible rotation distributions, dual to
Skji = d[kdj]i
on the boundary, where (v) indicates the direction of the surface normal,
= + 2 ^jM;^^a,-i;X^ (4.4)
both A and M
running from 1 to sufficiently large integers.
A more general treatment without assuming (4.1) is also feasible. Its
analysis will be reported elsewhere.
By inserting (4.3) and (4.4) respectively into (3.7) and (1.17), we have
I'xij=il2eil^m^ln^ dkdnlV'didrnV'', (4.5.1)
{a'xm;,-daj',r^'j)dx=o (4.2.1)
and to
{8aj^xl'ij-a'^j8i;r)dX=0 (4.2.2)
gy g!7 gin
aj?'8r'jdX = ^ dk8wB''^'^''didmvdXn-^^
^ didvB''^'^''dkdnwdXm
Ij ^ j) j>
-| 2 ^ 8ujdn{B^''^'^d,d,nV)dXk- ^wdrn{B''""^d,.dnW)dXi
^r^iiba;idX =
I \^ ^r^^i{{djbw)diV + djw{di8v)}dX
= 2 ^^wr^^^bivdXj + ^ ^ j dvI'^'^jdjwdXi
Similarly for
Abritrary values need to be allowed for 8v, 8w, dkdw, di8v in the
interiorand on the boundary of the material body so that their coefficients
in the integrands of the volume and surface integrals standing in (4.10)
need to vanish separately. Thus we obtain the field equations
dK-dn{B^f^-"^'"did,nV'')-\-rjdjdiV'' =0
where the non-divergence of /''^ is taken account of, and the associated
freeboundary conditions which are derived dually to the foregoing, where
gklmn = _ 2c^ .^\m]\n]
Qxklmn = _ 2ct/^ i
[' I
.Sl'^JI"] (4. 13)
and dually
v =w (4.15)
so that
^ ji ~ ^Ji ~ ^U
and the initial variational relations (4.2.1) and (4.2.2) are reduced to
1 {a-mji-8ajiIxv)dX = 0 (4.16)
and the initial variational relations (4.2.1) and (4.2.2) are reduced to
{a>^^J8Iji^8ajiI^ij)dX--0 (4.17)
{8af.rj-a>jdIji)dX = 0. (4.18)
etc., where k^^^" etc. have been defined by (1.11) and its dual.
On the other hand, (4.10) is reduced to
2 I dw{dh-dn(B^^'^''didm)+IX'JdjdiW}dX
+2 j)
8w{-dn{B>'^'^''didmiv)-I'''''diw}dXk (4.19)
+2 j>dkdwB''^'^''did,nWdXn^O
369-713 OL - 71 - Vol II - 5
j {2c''m3l>^r]\n]'^Sndkdwdid,nW-I>'ijY{djW
Hnk^=dndkW^. (4.20)
The last relation (4.21) has the structure of the well established formulae
in Riemannian geometry which expresses the imbedding of the Rieman-
nian manifold in a multidimensional Euclidean space of locally six dimen-
sions. The three-index quantity ///^^/^ represents its relative curvature of
B>w = 1 /2 (
a ^ 'j^'j - a^ '•^'S'J - a ^ '^^W + a ' 'Jd'J ) =0
and similarly for B^'''' and B^^'jj. The sole nonzero components are
Owing to the restriction (4.23), the formulae (4.22) and (4.22.1) are
further reduced to
1/2 (aX'-'S'J + flX'JS'') (4.22.2)
B^'jj' = ll2{a^'d^j+ajj8^^). (4.22.3)
L . X'
Figure L Polycrystalline structure
^ > j
j J
so that
Similarly for
It is a straightforward analogy with the theory of elasticity that the
four-index tensor B'j'^'' which is symmetric with respect to i and k, j
and / and (ik) and (jl) has two, and only two, independent components in
the case of isotropy. Hence B'''' and B'^j^ are sufficient for describing
the average macroscopic property.
Writing B for B^ and -kB for we have:
w \d-d-W
I i
; =1 i^j
BAAw + I^'jdJji) = 0 I
' '
1 !
{l + K)B^i^.)^i^,)^W-KB^W = 0,
(2 + K)Bd(^)Aw - 1 + K)Bd(^ )d(r>)d(^ )W + I\;,Jd_w = 0
V. References
[1] Kondo, K., in RAAG Memoirs III, K. Kondo, Ed. (Gakujutsu Bunken Fukyu-kai. Tokyo,
1962) p. 109.
[2J Kondo, K., Shimbo, M., Amari, S., in RAAG Memoirs IV, K. Kondo Ed. ((iakujutsu
Bunken Fukyu-kai, Tokyo, 1962), p. 205.
[3] Beltrami, E., Atti d reale acc. dei Lincei, Serie quinta, CI. di sc. fis. mat. e nat 1, 141
[4) Schaefer, H., Z.A.M.M. 33, 356 (1953).
[5] Lanczos, C, The Variational Principle of Mechanics (University of Toronto, Press,
Toronto, 1949).
[6] Kondo, K.. J. Jap. Soc. App. Mech. 2, 123, 146 (1949).
[9] Kondo, K., et al., in RAAG Memoirs, K. Kondo, Ed. (Gakujutsu Bunken Fukyu-kai
Tokyo), I, 453 (1955); II, 199 (1958); III, 91 (1962); IV, 137 (1968).
[10] Kondo, K., in Mechanics of Generahzed Continua (Proc. lUTAM Symposium Freuden-
stat-Stuttgart, 1967). E. Krilner, Ed. (Springer- Verlag, Berlin, 1968) p. 200.
[11] Minagawa, S., in RAAG Memoirs IV, K. Kondo, Ed. (Gakujutsu Bunken Fukyu-kai,
Tokyo, 1968) p. 162.
[12] Kondo, K., in RAAG Memoirs IV, K. Kondo, Ed. (Gakujutsu Bunken Fukyu-kai, Tokyo,
1968) p. 173.
[13] Kondo, K., in RAAG Memoirs IV, K. Kondo, Ed. (Gakujutsu Bunken Fukyu-kai, Tokyo,
1968) p. 186.
[14] Eisenhart, L. P., Riemannian Geometry, second printing (Princeton University Press,
Princeton, 1949).
[15] Schouten, J. A., Ricci-Calculus, 2nd ed. (Springer-Verlag, Berhn, 1954).
[16] Kondo, K., in RAAG Memoirs I, K. Kondo, Ed. (Gakujutsu Bunken Fukyu-kai, Tokyo,
1955) p. 495.
[17] Kondo, K., in RAAG Memoirs III, K. Kondo, Ed. (Gakujutsu Bunken Fukyu-kai, Tokyo,
1962) p. 173.
[18] Kondo, K., J. Fac. of Eng. Univ. Tokyo (B), 27, 183 (1964).
M. Misicu
taking the present analysis by further taking into account real non-linear
behaviour and irreversible processes. As a first step toward this end an
interpolationmethod is developed which utilizes a functional apparatus
in a way which tends to avoid the restrictions pointed out above.
The above mentioned theories [21-35] proceed with deductions founded
on the assumptions formulated in finite terms, series, or asymptotic
expansions [15] (as for instance in non-linear elasticity theories [37—41]
and shell theory [42-53] ) more or less connected with real lattices. A
second type of analysis develops a systematic characterization of the
variation of the field valueswhich thereby implies a synthetic extension
of the functional apparatus. Finally, as is done here, one can use an ap-
proach which identifies the characteristics of the field variable by means
of pseudo-differential operators [52-62]. These allow consideration of
different types of singularities of motion in the lattice.
The physical properties of the lattices are condensed by using a modified
energy tensor which permits a subsequent deduction of constitutive
anelastic equations eventually in connection with specific energetic
theories postulated by means of conditions of flow [63], activation [64],
The assumptions which have been adopted extend the initial frame of
analysis, since no particular potentials or spatial distribution of matter
are involved. Meanwhile, the malleable character of the adopted descrip-
tion helps to emphasize the essential features of lattices.
Because of the more extensive analysis given here the treatment tends
to be more realistic especially in view of subsequent derivations of par-
ticular constitutive equations and of different kinds of incompatibility
conditions for kinematic and dynamic fields. The case of non-primitive
lattices is also considered in another paper in order to avoid an excessive
yen (4)
yp c n^' (6)
nC P, S C5 (7)
In the next section we shall consider these lattices and more especially
the Bravais lattices characterized by the positions of knots and cells
x'P = p'a\ (p'=l,2 . . .); jc'J = jc'>+^'>, (77=!, ... 5). If the crystal
is heterogeneous, similar notations can be used, the indices being re-
placed by the rows pi . . .
p„;(p( — 1, . . . 5(), etc.
u^-=ix{t)-x{0))^-. (9)
Thus the relative displacement between two arbitrary ions can be decom-
posed as follows
= u^ip _ ^is = ^j^ips^^^ips
_ (12)
^ '
n= 1 n"+F% s, a€.9
Pi^-^Pn=^- (17)
and, considering the resulting external forces acting upon the cell
n=Y.fu+n- (20)
77, KcO
n=j,n,+rfi (25)
?;i,=^Js7.- (26)
also occur.
For sake of simplicity, the symbols of summation will henceforth be
submitted: p, q refer to P; k, tt to 11; 5, cr to S and respectively. Equa-
tions (10)-(12) and (16)-(26) lead to a reformulation of the rate tensor (14)
drj=Js';dujP + ll2iFJ^^duji^l^
= ^^>dujP+^^'JdWP (27)
du''jp=aj (29)
it follows that
Hence, in the case of vanishing external forces (^^' = 0) and if the inter-
actions and coupling forces (F) are central forces
{v'F),qJls={v'f)ps. etc.,
v^ = xlU 1= (xjxj)^'- = VjxK (35)
f/r*'' =0 (36)
PQ (37)
fU=fUi^^AB)- (39)
AB stand for the indices ps (at an actual instant t) and for {t ^t^ to).
+ dT''j-h . .
(Ij'i4= {vmdu^)f,.
The non tensorial indices p, pq, ps are correlated with the tensorial indices
1,7 while k is referred to AB. du^ vanishes '\ix^^g are initial relative coordi-
nates, stands for the volume element of the cell with the knot p and
Vps = Vp + Vs.
The following notations are also used
In the last four relations the following correspondences between the in-
dices are considered: i, j ps, and Vps = V(i) — V(j).
We ob serve that if the dependences concern only initial variables ^•^g,
then dul^g =Q and in (42) the terms disappear. For vanishing external
link forces 3' have 0. which can be ne-
dT^^ are residual parts
glected if the supports of the residual parts of the kinematic and dynamic
terms are disjoint or if these parts are of higher order. The first case corre-
sponds to a variation of kinematic and dynamic terms of complementary
type, in the sense that in the regions where the kinematic terms vary
slowly, the dynamic ones vary rapidly. The classical stress model corre-
sponds entirely to an implicit acceptance of this situation. In figure 1 such
variations appear simultaneously. From a physical standpoint the situation
corresponds to interactions which decrease rapidly with the increase of
distance between the ions, while the relative displacements vary slowly,
The coefficients which appear in (42) are of dynamic nature and will
be called the distortions of the energy tensor. In a more synthetic treat-
ment it appears as useful to introduce the notations.
cr[%'^] =0 (48)
Taking into account (41), AB does not include the actual couple of indices
ps so that (50) is formulated by means of generalized displacements
x^AB~xis- If these differences are very small, (50) can be neglected and we
obtain a symmetric stress tensor (49).
The equihbrium equations (20), (25) and (18) can be formulated by means
of the new defined quantities (43)
^2 -
< 1
The remaining parts c^en, o^e22 give a measure of the remanent strain.
If we assume that for / (en, e22, ei2) < 1 the tensor T is integrable but
for / (en, e22, ei2) > 1 it is not integrable, then there exists in the space
Tw-, T22, T12 a curve which separates the domain of variation for the
values of T with reversible or irreversible character, as in figure 4.
369-713 OL - 71 - Vol II - 6
Figure 5. Separated branches on the curve e —e for reversible and irreversible states.
Figure 6. Unidimensional irreversible model
B{x)= I sin kxdxlirk ' (jc^O)
0, jc< a-6/2
= (f(a + bl2)+f(a-bl2))l2
f=(f(a + bl2)-f(a-bl2))l2. (55)
Ur.,M = (b(x-a))*Ur,(s)
AP»=(SU-a))*.S>*(s) (58)
/ /
TT^f , ^
3 /,sin 56/2 \
sl2 I
2 i5/2
The integrals are taken between the limits —1 and 00, For 6-^ 0 we
§(:*:) being the Dirac function. Starting from (53) we consider the identities
0 ,X7^0
The function ?7*(s) in (58) is the transformed unit function, since accord-
ing to (67)
(59)-{61) imply (57) and (58). We assume 6-^0. Since the representation
(57) is unique, and (56) stands for the unique correspondence in the frame
of the one-dimensional theory of information, the last observation reduces
to the Shannon-Kotelnikov theorem.
(^,/)=J^^ (52)
(62) is not valid, the regularity is no longer ensured, the functions being
singular. The whole set of these functions belongs to a space K .
\\x^,^x^:'x',^d^^^<i^^'^^f{x)ldx'i^dxl'dxl^\\^C,,,^ (63)
dXj dXj
{f\g^)={27r)Hf.g). (70)
/*(5) CZ being the Fourier transform of the function f{x) C K'. Equation
(70) stands for the Parseval formula and can be established directly
according to the definitions of the functions / and g. Further, the fol-
it results that
By the way, the last one follows from (60) and (56). The formulas (52),
(59), and (64) will be used for the formulation of the useful relations:
= ^^jMg{x^x')h[x')dxdx' (78)
B,B' 16
li g{x, x') = gix — x') , the results can be directly deduced from the
properties (66)-(71) concerning convolution products. The above estab-
lished formulas represent one to one correspondences between the func-
tional spaces K' or 5 and the space F{A) of the functions fix). These
correspondences (see (75)i , (76), (79)) furnish the theoretical basis of the
equivalences between the discrete lattices and continuous media.
In connection with determined laws of variation of the values /«, the
interpolation rules present specific features which can be stressed
with the aid of the following parametric developments
f^={ePof,^eP^J\+ . . . .)
then the values vary slowly so that the principal part (for e = 0) of the
parametric developments for (/, g) depend only on the product of mean
{f,g)=b„(f„rigar+(f,g)'. (86)
The term (
)' stands for the residual part which can be easily referred
to previous condierations.
R'= (1, p')+^' (87)
bj and Pi stand for the ratios Ajab/vp. R^qlvp. The first integral is per-
formed over the domain s (ZS and the second one over the set of points
q(ZQ(ZPUS'-(r stands for (TpsAB. r, R and ^H' are located at p.
In order to formulate other elements, we define the functional
The notation
(M,6) (90)
(M,6)-(a,6,c). (92)
. :
where the following indices are associated: i ps.j AB, k-^CD and
are omitted in the notations.
Consequently, in order to interpolate (43), we define the functionals
obtained by integration over the volumes Vps and vab
These functionals are correlated with the values (43) by means of the
[o-'^-] 8 X
( - x„s )b{x-XAB) = (t''^'Ivab (96)
The inferior indices specify the range of integration (over the volume
elements Vp, v,,q, Vab) •
elements defined at the points 0,6. .we associate the values ga, gb and
the differences Aabg= gb — ga= yab{g)ga formulated by means of the
ratios yabig) — ^abglgn- Using the above mentioned parametric develop-
ments, we have
gb = GabgaAa fixed);
Gab = I + yab= X ^'"^"'"^
/H = 0, 1,2..
where ga and Gabm will be designated as the localized value and the para-
meteric characteristics of variability. // M
is the minimal power of the
For instance, the exponential law ^=exp (ex//), e = llL< 1, can be used
in the analysis of boundary layer effects [42-50]. In a different sense
the parametric expansions are implicitly considered in the theory of polar
media. In this paper we consider a more general case, assuming that the
characteristics G are pseudo-differential operators
g={G.g). (103)
bafaga= (/, G, g) (104)
r;, b
babjaga,h= (/, G, ^) (105)
da'j= a'l^jdd',.
+ (o-'^";", ^/a;j + (\'.7, d~b'j).
XU- = ([X.iA'],^;-).
{f.g)=--l (111)
[a''^]=a-^/4o-r. (112)
c* =a A- a~ '
d{x — Xps)8{x — XAH)vAH. (115)
If, for instance, P = pt, Q = qt, R= pt() = Po, S = qto^Qo then we have
and for P = pt, Q = pto = So = Po. R= pti = Pi, > t to {t\ being the instant
of transition from an elastic stage to a plastic one), it follows that
The terms R in (101) can be correlated with the interactions and implicitly satisfy the
condition of equilibrium which follows from the mentioned ones. However, according to a
previous observation, R will be neglected.
^j'"'"'«'«"=-4j3,„. -4jX.8<,„
= .4f'' (120)
the set LM . . . and the variables ., the last ones being assumed
. .
in the next as belonging to a set C^^, that is LMeC^^, etc. Further we shall
neglect the residual parts which can be included in the remaining terms.
Let, then, P, Q . . ., PQ be a chronotopic cycle denoted by ^. By
bi=y\u^p^ (121)
= 2"(?)=2^&^'"^0 (122)
which expresses the fact that the eventual existent dislocations cross
over the bidimensional region bounded by ^. If dislocations do not occur,
(122) remains still valid.
VI, = (
{A'o + A'.^x^ ) ( V->- + V]x>) ), (129)
Vi-V'^= {AfVi-^A\^V>)x'^\ (130)
2 n,,,dXe = 0, (137)
we have
ih=T^ylV{ji)V{y) (140)
369-713 OL - 71 - Vol II - 7
and hence
= — 4^ or (dX^d,f)=df, hdf=Q\ (143)
pe = g:, + + =^
de = e,4e^e(,dx~^ = edt,
Hence g^/J
play the role of distortions (of entropic nature) and represent
irreversible thermodynamic forces, gnie) are generalized phenomenological
coefficients and gl^^^• are elastic parts so that
|;g,V,rf^''=o, (151)
cgy being elastic constants. A similar result follows from (151). Further,
(b) We observe that the Taylor expansions can be appHed only by in-
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[67] Onsager. L.. Phys. Rev. 37, 405 (1931); 38, 2265 (1931).
[68] Casimir, H. B., Rev. Mod. Phys. 17, 43 (1945).
[69] Valanis, K. C, J. Math. Phys. 47, 262 (1967).
[70] Coleman. B. D.. Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 17, 1 (1964).
Department of Mechanics
University of Belgrade
Key word: Continuum mechanics: Cosserat continua; dislocation field theory: oriented
L Introduction
A configuration dt of a generalized Cosserat continuum representing
a body 6 at an instant t of time is characterized by the position x'' (X, t)
Kundanu-nlal \s>< < t- -.1 I)isl.Kali,,M Tli<-..rv. .1. \. Simmons. K. ,1,- W it. and H. Miill-.u^ili.
i;<|s. (Nat. Hiir. Stand. (I .S.I. Spec. I'ul.l. Ml . II, 19701.
the equations of motion are
perfect crystal are determined by the lattice points and if the crystal is
x^ = x^<(^) (2.1)
and the lattice vectors d*^^ of the dislocated crystal can not be regarded
as deformed lattice vectors D^^^ of the reference crystal, i.e., there are
no relations of the form
^u) = /)U)X^^. (2.2)
Let / be a closed contour passing over lattice points in the "good" region
of a dislocated crystal and surrounding a dislocation line (or a zone with
dislocations). The contour integral
where dl^) are vectors of the reciprocal director triad, dlx)dj''^ = 3'j.
For an infinitesimal region AF encircled by / we have from (2.5)
Since the vectors D\^^ represent fields of parallel vectors, the gradients
D'^j^j vanish and we have
When AF—>0, we obtain from (2.6) and (2.8) for the dislocation' density
tensor a]}^ the expression
where the fundamental metric tensor b of the Euclidean space is used for
the raising and lowering of indices, represents the basic relation between
the distribution of dislocations and the gradients of directors [1, 4].
The existence of the directors d'^^ for a given distribution of dislocations
depends on the integrability of the equations (2.10), which we write in
the form
Differentiating this relation with respect to x''' and alternating the indices
ijk we obtain
The indices ijk involved in the alternation in (2.13) must all have dif-
ferent values and hence there are only three independent relations (2.13),
for /=1,2,3. Nothing will be lost if we trans vect these relations with
the alternating Ricci tensor e^j'^ formed with respect to the Euchdean
(/;„a,rf(*'=-</i*'a,rf;„-Di,. (2.15)
Here b'^}( are the Christoffel symbols of the first kind for the tensor b,
and b',^„^ = d,^\n V^.
III. Geometry
In the continuum theory of dislocations the stress-free state (AO of
a dislocated crystal is considered in a linearly connected metric space
with torsion [5, 6, 7]. If gij is the fundamental tensor of this space and
S'..''' the torsion tensor, the coefficients of connection FJ^. are given by
where g'-j"' are the Christoffel symbols of the second kind for the tensor
g and
/ b b b \
gijk =2 ^jgki-^kgijy (3.3)
where V,/, denotes the covariant differentiation with respect to the Euclid-
ean metric tensor b [7], the coefficients V^.. may be expressed by
the relations
rs=i>j=<,^^^*'. (3.6)
and if we use the expression (3.4) for the coefficients of connection, the
expression (2.16) reduces to
Using the fundamental tensor gij of for the raising and lowering of
the indices, so that
This coincides with Kroner's and Seeger's [7] generalization to the non-
hnear case of the conservation law for the dislocation density tensor,
given in the Hnear theory by Nye [9].
ffi„=<^;i/''C- (3.12)
The coefficients F'}',,, determined in terms of the directors d^^* were intro-
duced first by Bilby et al. [5] (for detailed references, see [10, 11]. However,
the geometries of the two spaces, and Z3, are equivalent. In L3 the
dislocation density tensor is also equal to the torsion tensor of the space,
=ff,„„=*.M^'[/«;- (3.13)
y i.a^'' + b^^y' = -T\^^yt . (3.14)
Ffj and Ffj of the spaces L3 and L3 are equal, which makes the geometries
bE = A, (4.1)
E = j pwdO,
and w is the energy density. A is the virtual work of all forces acting on the
In analogy with [1] we shall assume that the internal energy is a function
of the distorsions (f)'^^^
and of the gradients of directors, d\^l^^ ,
w^w{ct>l^^.d\>;l). (4.2)
We assume further that the independent variations are 8x' and dd\^\
and the expression for the virtual work may be written in the form
where /, is the volume force, g'^^^ are the director forces, F, and G'^^^
To transform this expression to tlie form wliich involves only the inde-
pendent variations 8x' and 8d^^^ we have to apply the modified divergence
theorem (see Appendix, eq (A. 13) ). By (A. 18) the expression (4.4) becomes
5E = dv. (4.5)
jp '(X) "^i
^ riting
P^ = K.dw , . -
and appMng (A. 13) and the divergence theorem to (4.5), we obtain for the
variation of the internal energy the expression
t^j+pfi = 0. (4.9)
h^^^^j = GU (4.12)
The relations (4.6) and (4.7) represent the stress relations, where t]' is
the stress tensor and A^^-', are three tensors of the stresses of orientation.
The internal energy^ function w must be invariant under rigid motions.
If x^' are Cartesian coordinates, the function ic has to be invariant under
the transformations of the group of orthogonal transformations (cf. [lOJ.
p. 884).
= 0.
\d6L.''^ a^lff',- ^d^fl [01 (4.14)
nt=^M>u,C)' (4.16)
w = iv{Cx^.,F[-^^ ). (4.17)
hf^h^^^^d^}^. (4.18)
From (4.8) and (4.14) for the antisymmetric part of the stress tensor we
which, using now (4.10) and (4.18), reduces to the simple form
V. Appendix
is impossible.
The Pfaffians
A8j»:'-8(/)(\,(/)</>Ajc'. (A.5)
Figure 1
Let now T'-j be any regular and differentiable tensor field in E:i and let
+ f f TH-da2) + f f
P(-^^«.3). (A.8)
J j-A.S2 j j-A.S3
and on — As]^
369-713 OL - 71 - Vol II - 8
~Asl: P = PU,yo,z),
As^: P = PU, r, zo+Az),
-As 3: T^=THx. y. zo).
j J ^ ,
j j
we have
r yo+Ay r zo+Az
r = [r{xo^Ax,y,z)-r{xo,y,z)]dydz. (A.IO)
Jyo Jzo
8X%,+A:c, y, z)
= 8x%,^ Adx' = 3x' ^ 8(t>\^,(j)\>^^ Ax. (A.12)
= iTi'3ct>(y,ct>[^^^dJ^^8x^)AxAyAz
and, in general,
When Ai;^0 and A-^^, the sum (A.5) becomes the volume integral
over V and for any curviHnear system of coordinates we may finally
For the directors we assume that they are continuous and differen-
tiable functions of position in £"3. If P{x} and ^{x + Ax} are two infin-
d\^^{Q}-d\^^{P}^Ad\^^-d\^}Axj^. . . . (A.16)
This expression must be valid for any Ax' and we finally have
VI. References
[1] Stojanovic, R., and Djuric. S., Symposia Mathematica, Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matema-
tica, Roma, 1, 211 (1968).
[2] Stojanovic, R., Vujosevic. L., and Djuric. S.. in Theory of Plates and Shells. J. Brilla and
J. Balas, Eds. (Bratislavia, 1%6).
[3] Vujosevic. L.. Doctoral Thesis (Belgrade University, 1964).
[4] Stojanovic, R., in Mechanics of Generalized Continua, E. Kriiner, Ed. (Proceedings of
the lUTAM Symposium Freudenstadt-Stuttgart, 1967) (Springer-Verlag. Berlin, 1968).
[5] Bilby. B. A., Bullough. R., and Smith, E., Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A231, 263 (1955).
[6] Kondo, K., in RAAG Memoirs. I, II, K. Kondo, Ed., (Gakujutsu Bunken Fukyu-kai.
Tokyo, 1955, 1958).
[7] Kriiner. E.. and Seeger, A., Arch. Rat. Mech. Analysis 3, 97 (1958).
his non-local theory? The second one is: In a non-local theory why use
the deformation gradients? The third oneis: What can be said about the
ERINGEN: No, I think that, in general, the deformation of all points in the
body should be used. Why the deformation gradient only?
KRONER: We always use the strain in elasticity theory and also here.
KRONER: This doesn't really matter because the strain still is a local con-
cept. The strain describes the change in distance of neighboring atoms,
for instance, and this is the same in non-local as in local theories. The
non-locality has to do with the range of the forces, and so appears not in
the strain but in the crystal.
KRONER: [At this point Professor Kroner gave a short discussion at the
blackboard which was not recorded.] One other comment: If we develop
the strain in the stress-strain law in terms of a Taylor series around the
point r, then we would
get a whole series of terms and these would be
strain gradients. So, you take a strain gradient theory up to infinite
order it would be equivalent to this theory, and so you see that the first
strain gradient approach is a very poor approximation of this non-local
ERINGEN: With this process, can you get not only the strain gradients,
but also higher order strains, third, fourth order strains, etc., which are
not expressible as gradients of the deformation at the point r ?
ERINGEN: The boundary conditions. Do you have any idea about that?
KRONER- Again one just writes the local equations and replaces the
stressby the displacements via the non-local stress-strain law. In this
way one obtains the boundary conditions in integral form.
ERINGEN: One other thing: I. am wondering whether we can call your
theory a non-local constitutive theory, because Cauchy's equations of
motion are assumed to be valid rather than a more general set of equa-
tions incorporating the balances of other points.
ERINGEN: Right, but the motion of a given point is affected by the mo-
tions of others. In other words you have only an ordinary partial dif-
ferentiation for the stress tensor at the point under consideration, which
does not reflect the non-local character of the field.
DE WIT: Equation 12 in your non-local review paper looks just like the
KRONER: Well, there are some similarities between the Cosserat theory
and the continuous dislocation theory, of course, but I know these are
only similarities. There are also important differences, and I think this
again is a rather long story. Perhaps we could speak of this in the final
you try merely to reproduce the lattice mechanics — which may or may
not be correct, but probably is to a certain approximation — you find that
the gradient of the displacement field enters naturally into the represen-
KRONER: If I may just answer this. First, I did not think we had any dif-
ficulty with the dilatation center in this formulation of the theory, and
second, of course, it is true that you can extract all the solutions of lattice
* Krumhansl, J. A., in Lattice Dynamics, R. F. Wallis, Ed. (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1965);
Kunin, I. A., PMM, 31, 889 (1967); Vdovin, V. E., and Kunin, I. A., Soviet Physics -Solid
State, 10, 297 (1968); Kosilova. V. G., Kunin, I. A., and Sosnina. E. G.. Soviet Physics-
Solid State, 10, 291 (1968); Kunin, I. A., in Mechanics of Generalized Continua, E. Kroner,
Ed. (Springer- Verlag, Berlin, 1968).
theory from a continuum theory, but only part of these solutions have
physical meaning because of this cut-off, etc. Now I think the selection
of physically meaningful solutions is probably another problem which
makes obtaining solutions from the two formulations equally difficult.
[Written contribution] Having thought over Dr. Barnett's comment once
more, I am quite sure that his "very fundamental differences" of the two
formulations are just the usual differences between ordinary space and
Fourier space representation of a theory. It then depends on the problem
itself which formulation is to be preferred.
advantage of elasticity theory was its generality and freedom from model
building. The general properties of the elastic constants followed either
from the symmetry requirements of the point group of the crystal or
from more general invariance conditions, rotational invariance and
things of this sort. There were few independent parameters of the
theory and everything went well. Once you abandon locality in con-
tinuum theory and introduce non-locality, it seems to me that you have
given up these desirable features of local theory, and you are then faced
with all the complications, such as the determining of the Cij^i for exam-
ple as a function of r and you have inherent in the lattice theory.
r', that
I guess my question to Professor Kroner and Dr. Barnett would be:
KRONER: I should think that this is possible. In fact, this theory could be
expanded in such a way as to consider many-body forces and it should be
possible to use also volume dependent forces. I have not thought about
this in any detail. Incidentally, the inclusion of many-body forces would
make the theory non-linear.
KRONER: With the same argument you could wipe away the conventional
elasticity theory by saying that difference equations are simpler than dif-
KRONER: Before having really compared the whole calculation you made
and we made, you and I cannot say too much. Even in the particular case
in which you consider you had to make so little effort, the non-local
theory has been much simpler than the lattice theory. Of course, it could
be different in other situations. I think we can discuss it tomorrow in the
"Future Directions" panel.
BL LLOLGH: I just object to having lattice theory at the top of the hill,
that's all.
only one way of obtaining numerical results. Other possibilities may well
if the step width must be
be preferable in certain situations, in particular
one atomic distance. Having gained now some distance of time from the
conference, this whole discussion forced upon me seems to be what in
Germany is called a "Streit um Kaisers Bart" (quarrel about emperor's
It should be evident to everybody who has studied both approaches
that depends on the problem itself which method one utilizes with ad-
C. Teodosiu"^
The starting point of this study is a paper by Kroner (J. Math. Phys., 42,
p. 27, 1963), who proposed the replacement of the loading history varia-
bles in the yield criterion and in the work-hardening equation by state
variables, such as the dislocation density and the density of dislocation
The first part of the work summarizes the formulation recently given by
the author for the dynamic non-linear theory of dislocations in anisotropic
media. The continuum kinematic quantities to
relations connecting the
the discrete dislocation arrangement and to the dislocation velocities are
To construct a theory of the elasto-plasticity, the system of kinematic
equations is completed by postulating a yield condition and a work-
hardening equation, which contain as independent variables the stress,
the dislocation density, the density of dislocation loops, and the tempera-
Making constitutive assumptions for the free energy, the specific en-
tropy, and the heat conduction vector, and using the principle of material
indifference and the thermodynamical restrictions, a definite theory of the
elastic-plastic continuum is obtained.
Key words: Anisotropic elasticity: anisotropic plasticity dislocations: constitutive
relations; dislocation dynamics: non-linear elasticity.
The starting point of this study is a paper by Kroner [1], who proposed
the replacement of the loading history variables in the yield condition and
in the work-hardening equation by internal state variables such as the
dislocation density and the density of dislocation loops.
Recently, Fox [2] generalized the work of Green and Naghdi [3] on the
theory of the elastic-plastic continuum. He replaced their linear composi-
tion between the material plastic and elastic symmetric strains by the
* Permanent address: Center of Mechanics of Solids, Str. Constantin Mille 15, Bucharest,
Kiindamcntal Aspects of Disl..< at i.in Theory. J. A. .Simmons. K. de Wit. and K. Hulloufili.
Kds. (Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.). Spec. I'ul.l. :117. II, 19701. 007
' We shall employ the same names, x and xo, for the spatial points occupied by the particle
X at times t =Q and t. The right-hand operators curl, divergence, and gradient, taken with
respect to the particle positions in the configurations {k) and (A:,,), will be denoted by curl,
div, grad, and curio, divo, grado, respectively.
. ,
where dx^ arid d^'^ are the components of t/x and d^in the co-ordinate
systems and
then the shifting of the tensor components from {k) to (/<) and inversely
may be done by using the formulae
1=^ k
- V
Let us follow now the material vector linking the particles and YeN (X) X
throughout the motion. We denote by Ao, t/xo, and d^o. the values of the
fields A, (/x, and d^,. at time t = 0, i.e., those corresponding to the reference
configuration, and define the plastic distortion P(x, t) by the relation
FF F T= 1, AA 1 = A 'A= 1, PP = P ip=
1, (1.6)
F = APA; (1.7)
2 For the time being thereis no system of definitions and sign conventions generally
adopted continuum theory of dislocations. The present author tried to employ a system
in the
of notations close to those frequently used nowadays in continuum mechanics. The sign
conventions will be mentioned explicitly. A table of equivalences with the notations used
by other authors is given in appendix 3.
Along with the well-known true and local dislocation densities, a and
a, we shall make use of another dislocation density, a, first considered
by Noll [8] , and defined by
7 = 1
det A-i|. (1.16)
Since the true Burgers vector dh and the oriented surface element in
the local natural configuration nds do not depend on the elastic distor-
tion, a to the true and local dis-
does not either, in contradistinction
location densities which vary under superimposed elastic deformations.
Equation (1.10) was called by Kroner [10] the fundamental geometric
equation of the continuum theory of dislocations. When the dislocation
densities a or a are known and time-independent, this equation allows
the determination of the self-stresses produced by dislocations, when
combined with the equilibrium equations, the elastic constitutive equa-
tions, and the boundary conditions.
Let us consider now the kinematic of the elastic-plastic deformation.
Differentiating (1.5) with respect to t gives
^=Pg?^o. (1.19)
369-713 OL - 71 - Vol II - 9
d^ = id^=id:x., (1,21)
where the tensors I and I, called dislocation fluxes,^ are defined by the
grado(.) = [grad(.)]F,
grad v= FF"^
By taking into account (1.7) and (1.22) the last relation becomes
gradv-(APA^-i+APA^-^ )AoP-^A-i,
_ .
grad V- AI f AA-S v'\i= A^J''i + A''^A'<i (1.26)
for instance in the case of a uniformly moving dislocation, the eqs (1.10)
and (1.26) together with the usual equilibrium equations, the elastic con-
stitutive equations, and the boundary conditions, allow again the
determination of the self-stresses produced by dislocations, as shown
by Mura [6] (see also app. 2). However, I and a cannot be assigned arbi-
trarily. In order for the eqs (1.10) and (1.26) to be compatible, the following
conditions must be satisfied
To eliminate A from the last equation we shall write it first in its com-
ponent form^
-1 _ -1
ei^»^A^^,sA\.I'<i^e''"'{Af'^A'<i),s = -€^'^I^i,s. (1.29)
By (1.6)2 and (1.26), the first term of this equation may be transformed
as follows:
^ When using the component form of the tensor equations we write for convenience the
non-tensorial subscripts underneath the kernel index, and the non-tensorial superscripts
above the kernel index.
By comparing (1.33) and (1.34) and taking into account that s may be
arbitrarily chosen we obtain the equation
Equations (1.10), (1.26), (1.27), and (1.35) are the basic kinematic equa-
tions of the non-linear dislocation dynamics. They were obtained for the
The present approach has in author's opinion the advantage of being based
on more elementary and direct considerations and on methods which are
currently employed in continuum mechanics.
Before closing this section we shall mention another formula giving
the rate of the plastic change of a material length element. Let dV' be
the square length of the vector element d^, linking the particles X and
YeN(X) in the configuration (k). We have
dJ'=2h,^^d^^de- (1.37)
The last formula was obtained for the first time by Eckart [11]. The tensor
assume that the magnitudes of the tensors /S*^', /3o, as well as those
of their material derivatives^ /8^% p^, 0 are "small," and neglect their
products in the linear approximation.
We obtain successively from (1.6)., (1.22), (1.23), and (1.25),
A-1-1-/3, (2.2)
I-^-^-/3^ (2.3)
gradv^/3^'. (2.4)
Following Kriiner [10], we shall call P'\ /3'\ and /3, respectively, total, plastic, and
elastic distortion, employing thus for them the same nomenclature as that already used for
F, P, and A. We use for the total distortion the superscript G, from the German word
"gesamt", to avoid the confusion with the transpose of /3.
From (1.13) and (1.15) we deduce also that in the hnear approximation
all the dislocation densities previously defined coincide, i.e.,
a^a^a, b ^ b. (2.5)
|(.)=|(-) + [grad(.)]v4(.).
curlj8 = a, e^'^^jS'^, s
= (2.7)
^ = -curlI,
= -€'-^I'%,s (2.10)
This system must be supplemented by eqs (2.3) and (2.4), which, in view
of (2.6), become
p. 18). To this end, let us consider the neighbourhood N{X) in the con-
d^-d^o=iEP^Rnd^o- (2.15)
case of the pure strains considered above, the chosen direction of the
vector d^o coincides with that of the principal positive extension, hence
it undergoes merely an elongation.
We consider first the elastic distortion. By pure elastic rotation, the
d^o maintains its orientation but its length is increased (fig. 2b). In both
cases of pure elastic rotation and pure elastic strain, we indicated by
dashed lines the directions which would be taken by the axes and if
Figure 2. On the geometric distinction between the infinitesimal plastic and elastic
L ' (3.3)
we have
the spatial line L?, situated in a plane with unit normal n. Denote by
V(x^^) the velocity of the dislocation line at x/,^ , and by St the planar
to determine the plastic distortion produced when the size of the loop
increases from a point to that of St. In the remaining part of this section
we shall use the linear approximation presented in sec. 2 (formulae
(2.2)-(2.6)). Consequently, we neglect the velocity of the material particles
with respect to the dislocation velocity and the elastic deformation of
St together with the material.
the glide plane, it remains invariant during the motion of the dislocation
loop,hence d^=d^o. If d^o intersects the glide plane, the component of
d^o parallel to the glide plane remains unchanged during the motion of
the dislocation loop, and the component normal to St changes by b. In
the general case we have
d^ = d^o-^hin dSo)diSt), •
or, equivalently,
d^^{l^h®n8{St))dSo. (3.7)
P=l+b(8)n6(S,), (3.8)
Finally, by (A, 36) we derive the expression of the dislocation flux for the
glide of an isolated planar dislocation loop in the linear approximation
By examining (3.7) and figure 4 we deduce also the rule for determining
the plastic distortion produced by the expansion of a dislocation loop.
Arbitrarily choose one of the unit normals to St as the positive unit normal
n. Choose the positive sense on the dislocation loop Lt clockwise when
looking down along n. As the loop increases its size from zero, the dis-
placement of the part of the crystal into which n points, with respect to
the part situated on the other side of is equal in magnitude and direction
li:s.,t)=-bV{t)8{z'~zl(t))d{z-'-zUt))ei^e2 (3.12)
/,2(x, t)=-bV{t)8{z'-z]it))8(z-'-zl(t)).
the mean radius of the dislocation loops. For the sake of simplicity we do
not write explicitly the dependence on x in the following considerations.
^e choose a system of Cartesian co-ordinates which has its 2' and 2"^
axes parallel to the glide planes, and the 2- axis perpendicular to the glide
planes. Let us determine first the flux of the loops generated by a Frank-
Read source situated in the plane 2- = 2,7. By hypothesis, all dislocation
loops are circular and remain so during the expansion. Consequently the
velocity has a constant magnitude along every dislocation loop, has a
radial direction, and depends on the radius r{t) of the loop L, and possibly
on time. We denote this velocity by \(r{t). t)
Let (2(1 . 2,7, Zq) be the co-ordinates of the common centre of the loops
produced by the Frank-Read source considered, and
where now n^e^. we deduce from (3.11) the flux of the dislocation
loop Lr
W'e can now derive the flux of all the dislocation loops at x and t. by
taking into account the definition of N(x, t) and by integrating (3.16)
over the whole space. We obtain
p §(2^-Z(7)g?2,7 |^F(p, t)n{p, t)27Tpdp. (3.17)
Finally, if we define the mean radial velocity V{t) of the dislocation loops
at X and t, by
F(p, t)ri{p, t)pdp = R{t)V(t)n{t), (3.18)
we get
l = 27rRVnNh'(gin, (3.19)
Formulae similar to (3.19) were already used (see for instance Seeger
[17] and Kronmiiller [18]) in order to construct dislocational models
of the work-hardening.
where jo and Ao are the values of j and A at time ^ = 0, and from (1.15)
The integral (3.18) is obviously finite, because h{p, t)=0 when p is larger than the
maximum radius of the dislocation loops.
^The uniform expansion of a dislocation loop represents a more complicated situation.
Although the expansion velocity V has a constant magnitude, its direction varies along the
dislocation line.
density at time ^ =0
and by the constant dislocation velocity V.
From (4.3) we deduce
— hQ:'^"',/F' = 0, (4.4)
dt dt
= a'<>'\i{v'-V'). (4.5)
or, equivalently,
Relation (4.8) replaces the constitutive equation which must relate the
dislocation flux to the stress, by a supplementary kinematic condition
valid for uniformly moving dislocations. If the dislocation density at time
^ = 0, a(x, and the dislocation velocity V, are known, then we know
a(x, t) and I(x, t) from (4.3) and (4.7) and we may determine completely
the self-stress and the particle velocity field by using the usual field
equations and the boundary conditions of the theory of elasticity (see
Teodosiu and Seeger [7]).
// the particle velocity field v may be neglected with respect to the dis-
I = -aX V. (4.9)
a(x,0=b(g>6(L,), (4.10)
I(x,0=b(g)Vx6(L,), (4.11)
Here T = T' is the stress tensor, f is the specific body force per unit mass,
e is the specific internal energy per unit mass, q is the heat flux vector,
and r is the heat supply per unit mass and unit time, all quantities being
functions of ^ and t, or, alternatively, of x and t.
Introducing the second Piola-Kirchoff stress tensor, T, defined by the
T •
grad V- (yATA'O •
(AIA-» +AA-')
and the symmetry of T, we may write the last relation in the form
T-grad v=7(A^At) •
I+jt-E. (5.5)
pe-j(A^At) •
I-;T-E-pr, (5.6)
P=7Po. (5.7)
or. alternatively,
p/po = P-P-^ I
det P-i I,
p +p tr 1 = 0, p + p/\=0. (5.10)
tr 1 = 0. (5.11)
eumnbW^'V' =\ •
(1 xb)=0, (5.12)
i.e., V lies in the glide plane (the plane determined by 1 and b). The
only case in which the condition (5.12) is not fulfilled is chmbing
that of the
of an edge dislocation (V perpendicular to the glide plane), which plays
a significant role merely by high temperatures.
The laws (5.1), (5.6), (5.8), and (5.11) must be supplemented by the
elastic-plastic constitutive equations, whose study will cover the re-
1 =0 for/</<:*. (5.15)
^ The more general case when the surface (5.13) is piecewise smooth does not present particu-
lar difficulties, but will not be considered here.
369-713 OL - 71 - Vol II - 10
We assume that the dislocation flux associated with this process is given
by a constitutive equation of the form
ax da dS
^'T + ^e (5.17)
ax dO
(loading), (5.18)
ilj=e-er), (5.21)
the specific entropy r), the Piola-Kirchoff stress tensor T, and the heat
flux q, depend on A, d, 6, and grad 0. Using the principle of material
objectivity (invariance of the constitutive equations with respect to the
rigid-body motions), we conclude that A and grad 0 must be replaced in
the constitutive by the
equations strain tensor E and by the vector
g = A''grad^. Consequently, we adopt the following constitutive
where the sign " " used to distinguish the functions T, and
^ is i//, r/, q
from their values.
Let us investigate the restrictions imposed on the constitutive equations
by the second principle of thermodynamics, expressed
(5.20) , (5.22)-(5.25)
by the Clausius-Duhem inequality
Ehminating r between (5.6) and (5.26) and taking into account (5.7) and
(5.21) we obtain
i/z^-F •
E+T^ a + T^ 0 + —-
g, (5.28)
dE da 30 ag
d\p\ ( 3\\}\
— •
g — po —
+ A^AT)
( •
i - (7^) -^q •
grad 6^0. ^^-29)
T = po^, (5.30)
.^-3, (S.31)
= 0. (5.32)
Equation (5.32) entails the dropping of g from (5.22), and by (5.30) and
(5.31) also the dropping of g from (5.23) and (5.24). We have, therefore,
-po-^ a+(A^AT)
• •
I-O'^)^ q - grad ^^0, (5.34)
for neutral loading, unloading, and the elastic range. The general dissipa-
tion inequality (5.34) may be decomposed under certain restrictive as-
sumptions into an internal dissipation inequality and a heat-conduction
inequahty, as has been done by Coleman and Gurtin [23J.
In (5.34) the tensors a and I are not independent of each other. They
are related by the compatibiHty condition (1.35) in which a and I must
be replaced by a and I using the definitions (1.15) and (1.22).
By (5.21), (5.28), and (5.30)-(5.32), the law of the balance of energy
(5.6) may be written in the form
T = po^, (5.39)
curlA"^ = d, (6.1)
divd-0, (6.3)
I=IA-i, (6.6)
E = 1/2(A^A-1), (6.7)
po^i7 + poT^ •
ct— (A^AT) •
1+ ;-i div q = p()r (balance of energy).
' ^
the dissipation inequality (5.34):
-po^ d+ (A^AT) • •
I - {jO) -iq •
grad 6> ^ 0, (6.12)
T = ;ATA^ = pA A^ (6.13)
^ • f+ > 0 (loading),
/^ = W(T, d, 0) •
I. (6.20)
Finally,we have to add to the above field equations the boundary condi-
tions. For the traction boundary-value problem these have the form
where t is the prescribed surface traction, and n is the unit normal to the
boundary of the body ^.
When the explicit form of the constitutive equations is known the above
system allows us to determine the elastic-plastic behaviour of the material
by using a step-by-step procedure. Let us assume that we know the elastic
distortion field A(x, t) the velocity field v(x, t), the temperature field
From (6.15) and (6.13) we calculate the stress tensor T. We apply then
for each particle the constitutive equations (6.17) or (6.18) depending on
whether the corresponding point in the stress and temperature space
belongs to the loading surface or to the elastic range, and in the first case
on whether the loading path is directed outward, inward, or tangential
to the loading surface. We determine thus 1,1, and by (6.4) also a. We
can write now for a sufficiently small interval of time {t, t-\-At)
during the time interval (t, t-\-/\t). Of course the same procedure may be
repeated at time t^At and so on. This scheme is especially adequate
when using computers. However, it would be premature to attempt the
solving of certain particular problems before the form of the constitutive
equations will be better known.
ever, we expect that these quantities will not be sufficient as internal state
variables. We may understand this better by the following considerations.
By definition the dislocation density gives a certain information about the
mean dislocation arrangement around the point considered. If the linear
dimensions of the Burgers circuit are comparable with the mean distance
between the dislocations, then we obtain a complete information about the
self-stress but this will vary rapidly from point to point. Alternatively,
if the linear dimensions of the Burgers circuit are comparable with those
of the macroscopic volume elements of the continuum theory, then the
dislocation density will be very small on account of the zero effect of the
dislocation loops and we shall obtain a slowly varying and small self-
stress, which gives practically no information about the interaction of the
self-stresses produced by the isolated dislocations. In fact, as shown by
the dislocation theories of work-hardening, the necessary dimensions
of the Burgers circuit for a work-hardening theory depend both on the
mean distance between the dislocations and on the mean length of the
dislocation pile-ups.
It is, therefore, necessary, to introduce in the yield condition (6.19),
in the work-hardening law (6.20), and in the constitutive equation for the
dislocation flux (6.17), supplementary internal state variables describing
the dislocation arrangement inside the macroscopic volume elements
and characterizing the self-stresses produced by dislocation groups,
such as pile-ups, whose linear dimensions are smaller than those of the
macroscopic volume elements (the characteristic length of the continuum
theory), but larger than the mean distance between the dislocations.^
Another possible refinement of the theory would be to replace the
dislocation flux by several more detailed characteristics of the dislocation
Such supplementary internal state variables could be. for instance, the correlation
functions of the microscopic dislocation arrangement, as suggested by Prof. Kriiner in the
panel discussion.
U-\=U'^'v,„=gk;nU'^V\ (A.3)
(u (8) v) w = u (v •
w) =?;^"m;,„u, (A.6)
(AXu)'>"'-e'-«'MS.a.s., (A.7)
A •B = tr{ABn=^'"'"5A-;«, (A.13)
|A| = A A)
( (magnitude of A)
, (A. 14)
= ^ at
+ ,A.23)
The generalized functions 6(L) and 6(S) are defined by the relations
j 8{L)dS j 8{S)dL=l. (A.27)
Let us now orient L and S by choosing the positive unit vector 1, tangent
to L,and the positive unit normal n to S. The generalized vector functions
8(L) and 6(S) are defined by the relations
8(L)6(S)={+«<^-''"!'';"-J>J^;''«' (A.30)
— o(x — Xo) II n 1 < 0 at xo.
^U)fU,)8{L)dV= cpU)f{^)d^, (A.31)
j^^MfUs)HS)dV=j^<pMfMdS. (A.32)
The formulae (A.24)-(A.32) remain vafid if v?(x) and /(x) are tensor-
valued functions provided that the same product isused in both sides
of the equations.
We consider finally the case of a planar surface St, bounded at time t by
the closed line L?, whose points are moving with the velocity V(x/,^, t)
contained in the plane of S(, and directed to the exterior of St. Let us
choose the positive unit vector tangent to L/, l(x/.^), and the positive
unit normal to St, n, so that V X I and n have the same direction. We shall
prove that
4s(S,)=V(x/Jx6(L,). '
<pMdS = j^ {<p^ipdiv\-^{gTSid\)^}ndS. (A.35)
<pMn,dS = {{cp,>nV^^^^ipV^\,n)n,-<pV'\,n,n}dS.
j^j^ j^
=1 {{<pV"n,mn,-{cpV'"),i.n„}dS,
= - j^efj,„„ipMV"'U)dx^
wherefrom it follows
VIII. Appendix 2
As already mentioned in section 1, when the dislocation density a and
the dislocation flux I are known, the system of kinematic equations (1.10),
T=L2[E], (A.38)
where T is the stress tensor, p is the mass density in the current configura-
tion (A:), which in the linear approximation is constant if the body is homo-
that is
By substituting (A.38) into (A.37), and taking into account the symmetry
of the tensor L2 we deduce
divL2[i8]=p^. (A.40)
We write now the field equations (A.40), (2.8), and (2.7) in component
form, assuming that x'^' are the Cartesian co-ordinates z'\ so that the
components of L2 are constants. We obtain
Lidmn^m,,, 1
= p^-^ ,
V and p, we differentiate first (A. 41) with respect to z'' and eliminate v
between the equation obtained and (2.18). We have then
L A- / ,u nf3m n .
}— P
5-/3 Ar
T" = P dhr ,
2 Ot- Ot
~Tk -l^
I m ii^
riir<^mr. {
dhr_ d-^kr
— p— —p
(A. 46)
Lklmn'Vm, nl~ Lklmnlmn, 1
=P , • (A.47)
2 2 dt-
If the dynamic Green's tensor function G(x — x', t — t') that is the solu-
tion of the equation
with the boundary condition (A. 39) is known for the material considered,
then the solutions of eqs (A.46) and (A.47) are given by
. t - 1
) cIJ " clt'. (A.50)
where (')i/'
= Tr77 (')• Integrating by parts and taking into consideration
that G(x — x', — ^
—^ 0 as |x' |
^ oo, for all finite x, we have alternatively
we infer
V,ni^,t)=—\ I
LjjignbqE nsuVs{^' , t' ) Gmp, — ^' , t — t' )dL'dt'
Table 1
u, Vk Vk s'k
R„ OJik COlk
b, = b, -b, bk bk -b,
h^K-AK.h^k-Axj,, (A.58)
-1 -1
gki-AmkA»h. (A.59)
-1 -1
Tmlk =gksTmf ~ ApkAl'li, ml, (A.61)
sec. II).
X Acknowledgements
The author expresses his gratitude to the Alexander von Humboldt
Foundation for the fellowship support during the preparation of this
paper. He is also very much indebted to Prof. A. Seeger and Dr. H.
Kronmiiller for many discussions on the dislocation theories of work-
hardening and for the criticism of this paper.
XI. References
[3] Green, A. E., and Naghdi, P. M., Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 18, 251 (1965).
[4] Green, A. E., and Rivlin, R. S., Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 17, 113 (1964).
369-713 OL - 71 - Vol II - 11
[9] Truesdell, C, and Toupin, R. A., The Classical Field Theories, in Enclycopedia of
Physics. III/l, S. Fliigge. Ed. (Springer, Berlin-Gottingen-Heidelberg, 1960).
[10] Krilner, E., Kontinuumstheorie der Versetzungen und Eigenspannungen (Springer,
Berlin-Giittingen-Heidelberg, 1958).
[11] Eckart, C, Phys. Rev. 73, 373 (1948).
[12] HoUander, E. F., Czech. J. Phys. B 10, 409, 479, 551 (1960).
[13] Amari, S., RAAG Research Notes (3), 52 (1962).
[21] Truesdell, C, and Noll, W., The Non-Linear Field Theories of Mechanics, in Encyclo-
pedia of Physics, III/3, S. Fliigge, Ed. (Springer, Berlin-Gottingen-Heidelberg, 1965).
[22] Hollander, E. F., Czech. J. Phys. B 12, 35 (1962).
[23] Coleman, B. D., and Gurtin, M. E., J. Chem. Phys. 47, 597 (1967).
of further papers.
We shall apply mostly the so-called direct notation (for details see
[7]). However, we shall write the principal results in component form,
too, and we shall also make use of this notation when considering particular
crystal classes or whenever it simpHfies the calculations.
To facilitate the transcription of the results from one notation to another
we summarize here the basic equivalences. If A, B are second-order
tensors, L is a tensor of order n, and u is a vector, then
We make use only of the right-hand operators grad, div, and curl,
whose component forms are
L Basic Equations
where x''' and ^'^ are the co-ordinates of the same particle belonging to
N{X) in the configurations (k) and (k). Let
A^.-- (1.3)
the same procedure for all particles and times, we define the field A (x, t).
We assume that A is continuously differentiable and admits the inverse
A-\ i.e.,
AA =A iA=l,
where 1 is the unit (metric) tensor.
As we are interested to construct a theory for anisotropic bodies,
we suppose that the material has a discrete symmetry group. To simplify
the formulation of the constitutive equations, we choose the local frames
so that they have the same orientation with respect to the axes of material
symmetry (for single crystals with respect to the crystallographic axes).
Because the local frames are fixed with respect to the material, the
gradient (L3) does not depend on the rotation of NiX). To simplify the
shifting of the tensor components from {k) to (k) or inversely we may,
therefore, suppose - that the local frames are rotated together with the
corresponding neighbourhoods so that their axes become parallel to a time-
independent rectangular Cartesian frame with axes z*^ (for a two-dimen-
sional representation see fig. 1). Consequently, the shifting of the tensor
components from (k) to (k) and inversely may be done by using the
^ .'
^ .'.'k Sk~^. '.'k '.'.•>
For a treatment not making use of this possible simplification see [8], Appendix.
T.,A^A^ (1.6)
for X E and
Tn = t, T^'ni = t\ (1.8)
7=p/p= detA-M = I I
det II
J^„||| (1.9)
is the ratio of the mass densities in the current and the natural configura-
is the strain tensor, b is the body force, t is the surface traction, d is the
true dislocation density, and 5^ is the boundary of whose unit normal
is n.
Along with the true dislocation density d, we consider the local dis-
location density a, and Noll's dislocation density d [10]. These densities
are linked by the relations
s = cr d, 5x^6x^1.5'^^, (1.18)
Here div denotes the divergence with respect to the (local) Cartesian co-
ordinates and ;\ denotes the total covariant derivative. For fields that de-
pend only on x and for local Cartesian co-ordinates we have ([8], Appendix)
( )..x-( (1.20)
•'For a finite body and in the presence of body forces, the hypothesis that the dislocations
move with a constant velocity would not be reahstic.
The form (1.19) of the equation of motion was derived for the first time by
Noll [10]. A derivation in component form of the relations (1.17) and (1.19)
is given in Appendix 1.
Tn = t, P-^/ix = F, (1.23)
t = idslds, P = t^dslds. (1.24)
A=l+i8 (2.1)
and assume that a, )8, b, and v are "small." By neglecting the products
of these quantities we get from (1.4) and (1.9)-(1.11)
^^ME]4me,e] + ....
As E is symmetric we may suppose L2[A]=L2[A^] for every second-
order tensor A. Consequently, the last two equations give
T=L.[/3]. (2.4)
Furthermore, we have
pb=7pb-pb, (2.5)
v =—
+(gradv)v - —
ot at
In the static case, we introduce (2.2), (2.4), and (2.5) into (L4) and (1.7),
so obtaining
divL2[i8]+pb = 0, (2.8)
cur\p = a. (2.9)
LklmnPmn,l+pbK=0, (2.10)
where ,/ denotes now simply the partial derivative with respect to xi.
If the static Green's tensor function G(x— x'), that is the solution of the
with the boundary condition (2.7), is known for the material considered,
then the solution of (2.13) is given by
PmrM= Je {pbp,r'(jL')+L,i,n^nrta,t,l'W)}G,npU-^')dV\
where ,/' denotes the partial derivative with respect to x'l. Integrating in
(2.15) by parts and taking into consideration that Gkr (x — x')^0 as
|x'| 00 for all finite x, we may write (2.15) also as
divL2[/8]=pav/a^, (2.17)
Li,.lmn(Smn,lr-pd'^pkrldt- = -pGtnrV„dalfldt.
^ When using the component form of tensor equations we write for convenience non-
tensorial subscripts, e.g., 2, 0, F, under the kernel index or as superscripts, and non-tensorial
superscripts, e.g., — 1, above the kernel index.
As the right-hand sides of eqs (2.23) and (2.24) depend only on x — V^,
there will be solutions /8(x, t) , depend also only on the com-
v(x, t) that
bination X — Vf. We may simplify these equations by introducing the new
y = x-V^ (2.25)
and, observing that for an arbitrary scalar or tensor function ^(x — V?)
It then follows
+ iL,imn-~pViVndkrn)
^ nrt^ da""
= 0, (2.27)
{L,i,n„-~pVlVAm) ^^+L,i,nnE:snt
2 dyidyn 2
V, = 0. (2.28)
Assume we know the static Green's function G (y —y') for the infinite
medium with the "apparent" elastic constants Lkimn — pViV n^km, i.e., the
solution of the equation
vm {y) = [
L,i,n^ sntVs
(y )G,n,{y
' -y')dV'. (2.31)
v,„{y) =
^ (y -y')dV' . (2.33)
divT = 0, (3.1)
E=(1/2)(A^A-1), (3.3)
a=^e"a„. (3.8)
Each term of the expansion (3.8) satisfies the compatibility condition (3.6),
that is
but the compatibility condition (3.9) takes a more intricate form resulting
from (3.6) by equating to zero the divergence of the coefficients in the
expansion of A~^a.
Hypothesis H2. There exists a solution A of the boundary-value
problem which depends analytically on e and reduces to 1 when e = 0,
that is
A = l+i8, p = f^e-pn.
dEKk 2 3 4
Substitution of (3.10) into (3.3) and (3.4) shows that E,7, and depend
analytically on e, and gives for the first terms of the expansions:
;=l-etri8, + eH(l/2)(tri80'+(l/2)tri8f-tri82}+ . . .
By introducing (3.17)-(3.19) into (3.2) and taking into account (3.11) and
the properties (3.12)-(3.15), we see that the stress tensor T depends
analytically on e, namely
T2=L2[i82]+^2(j8i), (3.21)
T3 = L2[/33]+5r3(i8i,i82),
and in general
^2(/3,)=-(tr/8,)T,+i8iT,+T,i8[-f(l/2)U[)8[^,]+(l/2)L3[/3i, j8i],
^3(i3, , ^2) = { 1/2 triSf - l/2(tri8, )^ - trj82}T + { (tr/8, )p,- P'f^ p2}T,
Substituting of the series (3.8) or (3.16), (3.19), and (3.20) into (3.1),
(3.4), and (3.7), and then equating equal powers of € yields the following
divL2[i8»]+div^„(i3i, . . ., i8„-i)-0,
= i8„+grad U„, (3.26)
First step
div L2[i3i]-=0,
curl /3i .
Second step
Third step
divL2[i83]+div ^'3(i8i,i82)=0,
L2[A], L3[A, B]. Since these functions appear frequently in the present
paper, we give in Appendix 2 their components in Cartesian co-ordinates
for cubic crystals and for hexagonal crystals with higher symmetry,
that is for the crystallographic subsystems 6, 7, 10, and 11, in the classi-
fication given by Dana and Hurlbut [15], which is nowadays generally
employed in continuum mechanics.
For isotropic materials we have for general curvilinear co-ordinates
L''''"'-^^,„„B,,= I.l^'>'^'^„5^,+2^.2(^''•'^(»^oB<'''«'+^'^„^'^')
+ ^<'^-^'5-,„)+4z.3(^^-'M(»nn5*'"'+^""^(»nO^'"'-0, (3.28)
where g''' are the contravariant components of the metric tensor, k and fi
are Lame's constants, and i^i, v-z, Vs are the elastic constants of the
third order introduced by Toupin and Bernstein [16].
369-713 OL - 71 - Vol n - 12
T=jA—-^A^, (4.3)
E=(1/2)(A'^A-1), (4.4)
The last but one relation expresses the fact that the dislocations are moving
with a constant velocity V, so that (1.12) holds. For the local and the true
dislocation densities we cannot write relations similar to (1.12) because
they do depend on the elastic distortion.
We attempt to set up an algorithm for the determination of the solution,
similar to that presented in section III for the static case. To this end we
keep the hypothesis H3 in the form adopted for the static case, but modify
Hi and H2 so as to allow for dynamic effects:
Hypothesis HI. Noll's dislocation density is known at time ^ =0 as
do (x), and moves with a constant velocity V, so that
Hypothesis H2. There exists a solution A(x— VO, v(x— Vi) of the
problem which depends analytically on € and reduces to 1 respectively 0
when e = 0, that is
Furthermore, as
P=jp. (4.16)
Since the constitutive equations (3.2) have the same form as in the
static case, we may write
Tn = l^2[pn]+Xn{lil, • • . , . _ i ) , ^ ^ 2. (4.21)
Finally, substituting (4.12), (4.13), and (4.17)-(4.21) into eqs (4.1), (4.2),
and (4.6), and equating equal powers of e yields a series of linear systems
of differential equations for the determination of the unknown pairs
v„. For the first two stages of approximation we have:
First step
Second step
where ^-lifii) is given by (3.23). These systems are obviously of the same
type as the linear system (2.17)-(2.19) and may hence be solved by using
modified Green's tensor functions, as shown in section II. To write the
explicit form of the two systems for a certain anisotropic material,
We denote by
H = grad u (5.2)
div T + Ts + p b = p V, xG ^
divT*+T*s+pb*=pv*, x*G^,
T*h=f*, x*Ga^.J
and in view of (1.22) and (1.24), we deduce finally the equations of motion
and the boundary conditions for the superimposed displacement field
div{7(T*-T)A^}+p(b*-b)=pa, xG^,
{;(t* -T)A^}n =t*-t, xG d^,
where now t* is the surface traction associated with the configuration
(/c*), measured per unit area in the, configuration (A).
and, therefore.
,(t*-t,A^^,{A*i^-A^)A. ,5.10)
in the configuration (k) and on the variation of the body forces and surface
To solve the boundary-value problem (5.8) for the superimposed dis-
placement we employ again an iteration scheme. For the sake of simplicity
we suppose that the medium is infinite and free of body forces and that
the stress tensor produced by dislocations vanishes at infinity. Such
a problem appears for example when studying the propagation of plane
waves in a stressed medium.
Assume that the magnitude |H| of H is small. ^ e look for a solution
of the equation of motion
:;(T*-T)AT=pu. (5.11)
of the form
u + v'-uo + . (5.12)
and remember that all operators are taken with respect to the particle
positions in the configuration (A").
We develop now the gradient of the strain energy density into a Taylor
Substituting this result into (5.10) and considering (5.14) and (1.6) yields
+ |;A|g^[Am,A,ATI,A]A^. (5.18)
Denoting as previously
dEaE "
aEaEaE"^-^' ' '
^^^=L.[E]+|L:,[E,E]+ . . ., (5.22)
the corresponding error in the equation of motion (5.11) will be of the order
ei^^, i.e., much smaller than v^. Consequently we may write (5.20) in the
simpler form
In this case we have ve < v- and, therefore, we may use the same approxi-
mation (5.24) for eq (5.19), which becomes
In this case we have ve'^ ~ v'- and, therefore, we must replace A in (5.19) by
A = l+e/3, + . .
.+e"i8.. (5.30)
A-l+£/3„E=|€(/3, + /3[),
VI. Appendix 1
j J =^jA'"~A^n„i, (A.l)
hence we have
{jA\),i = 2jA\A'^\A^um.
je"'' =eimpA^iA'jA%
and, therefore.
=j€x^.a^'^jsK, (A.2)
VII. Appendix 2
As we have several times remarked in this paper, in order to write
down explicitly the equations determining second-order effects in aniso-
tropic materials, we need the components of the tensor functions L2[A]
and L;5[A, B] for different crystal classes. These expressions assume a
simpler form if we take into account the symmetry properties (3.12)-
(3.14) and make use of Voigt's notation of the pairs of indices, namely:
11 ~ 1, 22 ~ 2, 33 ~ 3, 23 ~ 4, 13 ~ 5, 12 ~ 6.
+ Ca'2^22 + Ca'3^33
+ 4C/,«(^(12)i5(i2). (A.8)
We write now explicitly the relations (A. 7) and (A.8) for the following
crystal classes:
We have taken the non-zero elastic constants of third order for various
classes from two papers by Fumi [19], [20]. For details concerning the
choice of the rectangular Cartesian axes with respect to the crystaUo-
graphic axes, we refer to the papers by Hearmon [21] and Smith and
Rivhn [22].
For experimental values of the third-order elasticities, the reader is
referred to "the papers by Hiki and Granato [23], Swartz [24], Gerlich [25],
and Thomas, Jr. [26], which contain further references to experimental
work and make use consistently of Brugger's notation of the elasticities.'^
Components of [A]
L23mn^mn = 2C44^(23),
ListnnAmn — 2c44.^(i3),
Li2mnA mn — 2c44/4(i2).
^ The compilation of experimental values of the second- and third-order elasticities given
by Truell, Elbaum, and Chick [28, App. D] appears to be in disagreement with the definition
of the elasticities adopted by these authors on pp. 5 and 43 of the same book, which deviate
from the Brugger notation.
L'ZZmnAmn — 2c44,/i(23),
LismnAmn — 2c44/4(i3),
Ll2mnAmn — (c II Ci2)A(i2).
Components of hs[A, B]
LiunnstAmnBst = Cn i (^n 5i i
-\- A->2B2-> — 2^(i2)5(i2 ))
+ 4C,55^(.3)5(,3) + Co,,(3^(,o)B(,2)-^22522)
L^siunstAmnBst = Ci
(^ 5 + ^ 22522 + 2^
1 3 1 1 ] 1 )5(i + C 23 (^ ( 1 2 2 ) ) 1 11 522
+^225ii - Z402)5(i2)) + Ci33{ (^11 +^22)533 +^33 (5ii +522) }
+ C333^ 33533 + 4C344 (^(23)5(23) +^(13)5(13))
VIII. Acknowledgement
One of the authors, C. T., expresses his gratitude to the Alexander von
Humboldt Foundation for the fellowship support during the preparation
of this paper.
IX. References
[1] Seeger, A., and Mann, E., Z. Naturforschg. 14a, 154 (1959).
[2] Pfleiderer, H., Seeger, A., and Kroner, E., Z. Naturforschg. 15a, 758 (1960).
[3] Seeger, A., in Proc. Symp. on Second-Order Effects in Elasticity, Plasticity and
Fluid Dynamics, Haifa, 1962, pp. 129-141 (Pergamon Press, Oxford-Paris-New York,
and Jerusalem Academic Press Israel, 1964).
[4] Bross, H., Seeger, A., and Gruner, P., Ann. Phys. 11, 230 (1963).
[5] Bross, H., Seeger, A., and Haberkorn, R., Phys. stat. sol. 3, 1126 (1963).
[6] Seeger, A., and Brand, P., in Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering (Proc. Conference held at
Syracuse Univ., 1965), H. Brumberger, ed. (Gordon and Breach, New York-London-
Paris, 1967) pp. 383-399.
[7] Truesdell, C, and Noll, W., The Non-Linear Field Theories of Mechanics, in Encyclo-
pedia of Physics, III/3, S. Fliigge, Ed. (Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York,
[8] Teodosiu, C, Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn.-Mec. Appl. 12, 961, 1061, 1291 (1967).
[9] Teodosiu, C, in these Proceedings.
[10] Noll, W., Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 27, 1 (1967).
[12] Bletz, R. J., Davis, T. L., and Malen, K., Phys. stat. sol. 26, 621 (1968).
[14] Kosevich, A. M., and Natsik, V. D., Soviet Phys. -Solid State 7, 22 (1965).
[15] Dana, J. S., Dana's manual of mineralogy, 17th ed., revised by Hurlbut, C. S., Jr. (John
Wiley, New York, 1959).
[16] Toupin, R. A., and Bernstein, B., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 33, 216 (1961).
[17] Bross, H., Gruner, P., and Kirschenmann, P., Z. Naturforsch. 20a, 1611 (1965).
[22] Smith, G. F., and RivHn, R. S., Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 1, 107 (1957/58).
[23] Hiki, Y., Granato, A. V., Phys. Rev. 144 , 411 (1966).
[24] Swartz, K. D., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 41, 1083 (1967).
I. Introduction
369-713 OL - 71 - Vol II - 13
general smoothness condition for a materially uniform body. This paper
generalizes that condition in such a way that the smoothness condition
can be appHed to bodies with uniform symmetry.
We review briefly the constitutive relations for a thermoelastic material
in section II. This special class of materials is chosen mainly for the sake
of simplicity. The concept of material symmetry, of course, can be defined
for far more general classes of materials, but we do not consider them in
this paper. In section III, we explore the geometric structure of a smooth
thermoelastic body with uniform symmetry. Then in section IV we derive
the equation of motion and the equation of heat transfer in terms of the
state variables for such bodies.
k:^->^3. (2.1)
^p-.^p^mK (2.2)
K -.^p^m^ (2.3)
T(k(p))=G(k^^). (2.4)
This equation says that the local configuration K^p is the only state
variable utihzed in the model. For an elastic point p, the symmetry group
A:^p-^^p (2.5)
such that
T = H(F,Mp), (2.7)
¥=bpotJi-\ (2.8)
such that
fp{l^p)=^l^pofpofi,p\ (2.12)
The function H(F, fjip) and its symmetry group fpifJLp), of course,
depend on the local reference configuration fjip. From (2.9) and (2.12),
the following transformation rules hold:
F=tJL,ofjij;\ (2.15)
The transformation rule (2.14) impHes that the symmetry groups relative
to all fijj form a conjugate class of subgroups in the unimodular group
Next, we consider the constitutive relations that define a thermoelastic
point p. Let pE.^ Then
any configuration k o{
as before. in we intro- ^
duce two new state variables, namely the
local temperature 6{p) and
the local temperature gradient g(p), the former being a positive real
variable, while the latter being a vector in the physical space, here repre-
sented by We introduce three new state functions also, namely, the
internal energy function e, the entropy rj, and the heat flux vector q, the
first two being scalars, while the last one being a vector. The resulting
In 1963, Coleman and Noll [3] proved that under some reasonable
assumptions this set of constitutive relations is consistent with the
second law of thermodynamics if and only if the following two conditions
are satisfied:
(i) The function 1 satisfies the inequality
Here cr^ and q-h denote the partial derivatives of a with respect to F and 0,
WANG 911
Coleman and Noll's theorem does not limit the symmetry group of
1 any fixed way with respect to either fpifJip) or fpiftp). But for
simplicity, we assume that fpifJip) is also the summetry group of 1. Of
course, fpifJLp) and fpifip) are necessarily closed Lie subgroups of
the unimodular group of since the free energy function cr is assumed
to be a smooth function.
Under a change of local reference configuration from /Xp to fip, the
functions H, e, /i, 1, and cr satisfy the same transformation rule as before,
^p*(Mp)=P^*(m.)P -1 (2.31)
Then as before
p{llp)=ft„of^ ofX~
p •> (2.33)
fq = A{p,q)ofjjoA{p,q)-\ (3.2)
Indeed, if fip and fiq are any two local reference configurations of p and
q such that
fjiq are local reference configurations satisfying the condition (3.4), then
the relative symmetry groups fpifJLp) and f qif^q) coincide.
phism of p with q if
Vpe^, (3.8)
We call two symmetry charts (^Z^, fi) and (^^, jX) compatible if the
response functions relative [JL and fi coincide on the overlap ^0 ^, viz,
H(F, 0. fA, )
= H{F, jjLt,), VF, 0, (3.9)
= f(jji), (3.11)
then /X and jx agree on the overlap of their domains. In this case, Ji can
be regarded as a smooth extension of fx to the subbody ^ U On the
other hand, if G^A is not equal to the identity transformation, then fx and
]x are different fields. But in any case, the condition of compatibility re-
quires that the field of relative response functions on ^ have a smooth
extension to a field on ^U
We define a symmetry atlas A to be a maximal covering of ^ consisting
of mutually compatible symmetry charts, say
where I is an index set. The reader will verify easily that the following
three conditions are satisfied:
There exists a smooth distribution of
(i) relative response functions
Ha(F, e,p) on with ^
Ha(F, 6/,p)=H(F, fjLap),ypG^a. (3.14)
from fJLa to fA^ is a smooth f (A) -valued field on H ^^g, for all a, 13 G I.
Further, from (3.16), the collection {Ga^s, ot. i^G 1} satisfies the charac-
Ga^(p)=G/3a(p)-^Vpe^a H (3.18)
Ga^(p)G/3y(p)=Gay(p), VpE^« H H ^y, (3.19)
A = AOHa=Ha. (3.20)
WANG 915
However, unlike the material atlases, the symmetry atlases are not transi-
tiveunder the general linear group of
Aside from the distribution of the relative response functions, a sym-
metry atlas is formally the same as a material atlas. Hence the geometric
structure characterized by a symmetry atlas is also the same as that
characterized by a material atlas. In reference [2], we have analyzed
that geometric structure in detail. An important geometric object in that
structure is a structural connection, called a material connection with
respect to f (A) as the structure group. For a smooth body with uniform
symmetry, such a structural connection may be called a symmetry con-
nection, since its induced parallel transports are all symmetry isomor-
phisms among the points of ^.
In reference [2], we have proved the following necessary and sufficient
condition for a structural connection with respect to a bundle atlas A:
Let {x^) be a coordinate system on and let Fj^. be the connection
symbols of a connection ^ relative to {x^) . Then ^ is a structural con-
nection with respect to A if and only if the fields of matrices
J Q^m +r/Im F[k
m=l,2, 3 (3.25)
are contained in the Lie algebra of ^(A). Here F\ denotes the com-
ponents of the deformation gradient F from fx to (%') for any chart
(^, iJi) in A. As we shall see in the next section, the condition (3.25)
enables us to express the field equations of in global forms. ^
IV. The Field Equations of a Smooth Thermoelastic Body
With Uniform Symmetry
We follow the procedure developed in the reference [2] for the derivation
of the field equations in terms of the state variables of the body ^. First,
we consider the equation of motion.
Let A be a fixed symmetry atlas of S^. For simplicity, we suppress the
dependence on A from the notations of the relative response functions and
their symmetry group. We put
H(FP,^,p)=H(F,^,p),VF,^,p, (4.2)
system (jt'). Then the stress tensor in x('^) can be determined in the
following way: First, we choose a symmetry chart ('^a, Mo) A- For any
point p covered by the chart, the deformation gradient from yiap to x*p is
F = X,„»M;^ (4.5)
Substituting (4.5) into the response function H yields the stress tensor
T(x(p))=H(x^^^o^^i,^(p),p). (4.6)
But this is a local formula, vahd only for p belonging to the subbody ^a.
Substituting the formula Cauchy's equation
(4.6) into
WANG 917
the arguments of H'h-i^ H^J, and H' being F, d{p), and x\ Like H^h-i, the
fields Hy and H' satisfy the symmetry conditions
Now the leading term is a global expression, since from (4.4) the field
F'i^^J'i (4.18)
where locally
n V.4
y = det (4.22)
where Div denotes the divergence with respect to ic, and denotes the
density field in k(^).
We define the Piola-Kirchhoff response function A relative to A by
WANG 919
^'4, = ^- (4.27)
where locally
AiA.B ^ ^ir^,^
(F, e,x^-)F\ (4.29)
det r
JH'Jgj=^gA, (4.32)
where v is the velocity field and r is the energy supply. For a thermo-
elastic body e and T are determined by the free-energy function cr
through the relations (2.26) and (2.27). In particular, we have the identities
Substituting these identities into (4.35) yields the usual equation of heat
div q + pr = pdr). (4.38)
for any symmetry chart {^a. fJi-a) in A covering the point p. We put
where F is given by (4.5). Substituting this local formula into the heat
equation (4.38) yields
I'n- ^
+ li,gj + l'i^: + + pr = p0r,.
l (4.44)
where , ..
1-=^ (4.45)
= (4.46)
WANG 921
/^g. (4.47)
Like (4.8), the equation (4.44) contains a local expression in the leading
Introducing the symmetry connection ^ and using the condition (4.42),
we can rewrite the equation (4.44) as
is a global field.
introducing the deformation functions (4.16) and carrying out the
same analysis as before, we obtain the global equation
where locally
Next, we introduce the heat flux vector relative to the reference con-
figuration K by
</«^=i'?'^- (4.52)
l = ^Fs. (4.55)
^'"j^=^ (4.57)
where locally
7\.^ = -^F
0. g, x-^)FiFBK (4.59)
Of course the terms Jl'e^i, Jl'i and Jl in (4.58) can be expressed also by
^ dx'
= ^||, (4.61)
dx^ dgB dX"^
and ^^-^^^
where is given by (4.34).
WANG 923
where locally
hj = hj,{¥.e,p)F''K (4.72)
In this case the function h does not form a smooth global field on S^.
for all (^a, /Wa) in A covering p. Thus as far as the leading term on the
right-hand side of (4.69) is concerned, we can proceed in exactly the same
way as in the previous case.
The last term of (4.69) remains a global field in this case.
369-713 OL - 71 - Vol n - 14
V. Acknowledgjement
VI. References
[1] Noll, W., Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 27, 1 (1967). Reprinted in Continuum Theory
of Inhomogeneities in Simple Bodies (Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 1968).
[2] Wang, C.-C, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 27, 33 (1967). Reprinted in Continuum Theory
of Inhomogeneities in Simple Bodies (Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 1968).
[3] Coleman, B. D., and W. Mech. Anal. 13, 167-178 (1963).
Noll, Arch. Rational
[4] Truesdell, C, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 52, 1081-1083 (1964).
[5] Wang, C.-C, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 20, 1-40 (1965).
[6] Wang, C.-C, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 55, 468-471 (1966).
[7] Wang, C.-C, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 23, 1-14 (1966).
ing moment and the curvature of the neutral axis is also obtained. The ap-
proaches are compared and correspondences between the two theories
are discussed.
I. Introduction
\ 1
M < > \
Figure L Coordinate system.
The beam consists of a single crystal having a single set of slip planes
parallel to the axis of bending and inclined at an angle Q to the structural
axis. The normal to the axis of bending. The;ci' andx2 axes
slip direction is
are parallel to the slip direction and normal to the slip plane, respectively.
After plastic flow has occurred in the beam, the elastic-plastic interface,
defined as that surface in the beam where the elastic solution for the
stress distribution satisfies the yield condition, is parallel to the neutral
surface and located a distance ±17 from it. Plane stress conditions are
assumed, and linearized strain components are used throughout; hence,
the results do not apply to large deformations.
In the second section continuum plasticity is employed to obtain the
displacement and stress fields in the elastic-plastic beam. Both elastic-
perfectly plastic and hnear work-hardening models are investigated. The
third section treats the identical problem from the viewpoint of a con-
tinuous distribution of dislocations in the plastic region. The states of
dislocation corresponding to particular stress distributions in the plastic
region are determined, and shown by a direct integration that these
it is
plane, (b) plastic flow occurs by single slip in the x'l direction, and (c)
the material obeys an elastic-perfectly plastic flow law. Elastic anisotropy
is also taken into account.
A. Anisotropic Solution
en = SnCT= Ui, i,
e22=S2l(T=U2, 2,
Under coordinate rotation about the X3 axis, the relevant coefficients are
given by
The usual contracted notation is employed here for single crystal compliances [1].
5ii = m^Sn + /i4S22 + 7712^2(25 + See) 12
U2 = M[S2,xl-S,,[xl-L^)V2U (7)
where / is the yield function and k is the critical resolved shear stress
in X2 plane along the x'l direction.
Since crii = o- is the only nonvanishing stress component, the stress
at which plastic flow occurs is
Thus, for M > M* plastic flow occurs in the outer fibers of the beam.
It can be shown that in the plastically deforming regions (x| > if) the
stress state is a constant, so that <J22and 0-12 remain zero throughout.
The proof follows the same lines as that employed by Prager and Hodge [2].
We must require that the moment about xs of the internal stress distribu-
tion be equal to the applied moment M, so
M= t \ (TuXzdXi
M =o-*(3c2-T,2)/3.
— (J3^
The displacement solution in the elastic region has the same form as that
for the completely elastic solution; Mil is replaced in the latter by (t*/t7, i.e.,
for jc| ^ 7)'-. The moment-curvature relation may be obtained from (17)
by evaluating the second derivative of the vertical displacement along
the centerline. Thus,
en =Siicr*Xj/T7 (19)
in the upper plastic zone. The elastic component of strain, determined
from Hooke's law, is constant so the plastic strain component is found
to be
e';,5no-*(x2-T?)/T?. (20)
Now, the direction of the plastic strain rate vector is determined by the
normality condition,
4=A(a//ao-o). (21)
^22^-^1, (22)
throughout the plastic region. Adding the elastic and plastic strain com-
ponents gives the total strain
en = o-*{SnWT?} (24)
B. Isotropic Solution
C7*[xiJC2+ (jC2-T^)2cOt20]/7?£' X2>'r)
\-cT*[vx,^{xl-L^)y2r)E ....
]-(T''[p{x2-{x2-vYWx2-vV^^'i-L']l^vE X2>V
In similar fashion, the remaining aspects of the solution may be obtained
for this special case.
dff df .
J \ 0I
0" mil
V= OCFijq
sin^2^(o-n-o-*)/2a (33)
-sin^2^(crn-cr*)/2a (34)
in the regions where plastic deformation has occurred. These strains are
obtained from the corresponding rate quantities by interpreting ( ) as
differentiation with respect to 17 and by integrating subject to the require-
ment that the plastic strains vanish at the elastic-plastic interface.
Having determined the stress distribution in both elastic and plastic zones,
the interface may now be located by requiring equilibrium with the
externally applied bending moment,
relating the applied moment to the resulting curvature and the curvature
at the initiation of plastic flow, K"^.
— ^*%ot 20] h
1 + /3 +f (43)
52, / (^2 Su
a-) cr' (44)
+ )8 2
Burgers vectors of strength b which have components (bi, b-i, 0). Thus in
the plastic region the state of dislocation tensor has components
0 0 6iA^,
0 0 0
where bi are the components of b along xi, and is the net number of
dislocations intersecting unit area normal to x^, i.e., the net density of
excess dislocations of like sign. In the elastic portion of the beam the state
of dislocation is zero. Finally, it is assumed that the state of stress is
independent of ^1.
With the preceding assumptions the relevant equations reduce to [4, 5]
deu=-Kdx2 (48)
deu = (49)
Figure 2. Model for decomposition of strain into plastic (dislocation) and elastic (lattice)
and by Hooke's Law
showing that the lattice curvature appearing in eq (46) and the curvature
of the neutral axis are identical.
In the plastic region the assumed stress distribution fixes the relation
between the dislocation density and the curvature of the neutral axis.
In particular
-K=biNs (52)
(Tn=-E \
{K+brN^)dx-2, (53)
where the first term in the integrand gives the stress which would exist
if the material obeyed Hooke's Law at x^ — y^ and the second term is
the "stress relief" due to the dislocation stress field. The internal resisting
moment, M, for a beam of rectangular cross section having thickness,
^, along the Xz direction, can be obtained in the usual manner:
where again the first term is the "Hookean" moment, Me, and the second
is the moment due to the stress fields of the dislocation array, Mp.
It is interesting to consider the significance of the integrals involving
the dislocation distribution. Since A^3 = 0 when y<r}.
where the first term involves the total number of dislocations (per unit
length along in the plastic zone, and the integral is the second moment
of the dislocation density, A^s, about the axis of bending. Both of these
J^{y)=N,{y-r^)=-K(y-v)lbu (57)
and the moment due to the stress field of the dislocation array is
Me = EKU (59)
y= {
0-* [3c'- rj'] + r[2c^ - c'l) + t?=^] }/3. (64)
where M* and K* are the moment and curvature at the instant of yielding
of the outer fiber.
Note that for no work-hardening K = — N-^b^ and the above reduces to the
B,=-Kdz,dz2. (68)
on the opposite side of the free surface. Consider the contributions to the
stress component cr'j'j at the point (x], x>) in the plastic region shown.
The point hes in the tensile stress field of dislocations between x-z and
c, but in the compressive stress field of their images. Although these do
not cancel for a single dislocation, they do for an infinite array along
the JCi axis or for a finite array in an infinite half-space, illustrated sche-
matically in figure 3a. The point lies in the compressive stress field of
dislocations between x>z and 7] and in the compressive field of their images
as well. These superimpose to give the net stress component calculated
The value of the stress component depends on whether the general
point is nearer or farther from the free surface than the dislocations.
In the former case the stress fields of the image dislocations cancel those in
the plastic region, while in the latter they add to give
EK p2
^TTdz-z; Z2 < X2. (69)
Since both x-> and z-> lie between c and 17, the region in which Zz < x-z is
The stress in the plastic zone is then given by the sum of the stress
which would exist at any point if Hookean behavior were obeyed (the "ap-
phed elastic stress" referred to by Mura [8] ) and the stress due to the
dislocation array. Thus,
^ K T
_J1 i.
w [-^
— c
Figure 3(a). Infinite array of uniformly spaced edge dislocations with Burgers vectors
parallel to a free surface.
Figure 3(b). Infinite array of uniformly spaced edge dislocations with Burgers vectors
perpendicular to a free surface.
Y Y V y y V V V V y V V
V y \^ y n
The stress tending to produce climb can also be obtained by the usual
transformation of stress components:
N={c-j))lh. (76)
I) 1 tan 6dx2
components other than a'-^^, in all cases the limits as z^^O of the com-
ponents reduce to the continuous results, as they must.
The residual stress distribution in a plastically bent beam with zero
net moment about x^i can be obtained by superimposing a Hookean state of
stress arising from the appHcation of a moment equal and opposite to
that given by eq (66). Such a state of stress is
(Tn=-Mx2/I, (78)
AK = -MIEI, (80)
VI. Summary
The elastic-plastic pure bending of a simply supported prismatic beam
subjected to external moments on either end has been investigated from
the viewpoints of continuum plasticity and dislocation theory, assuming
plane stress and a constant bending stress in the plastic region. In the
former case solutions are presented for a particular case of elastic
anisotropy corresponding to the bending of an hexagonal close-packed
metal by single slip. The yield criterion applied was that of a critical re-
solved shear stress on a slip system such that the slip directionis normal
VII. Acknowledgement
VIII. References
[1] Nye, J. F., Physical Properties of Crystals (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1960) p. 134.
[2] Prager, W., and Hodge, P. G., Jr., Theory of Perfectly Plastic SoHds (John Wiley & Sons,
New York, 1951).
[3] Kroner, E., Kontinuumstheorie der Versetzungen und Eigenspannungen, Erg. der Ang.
Math. 5 (Springer-Verlag, Berhn, 1958).
[4] Bilby, B. A., Gardner, L. R. T., and Smith, E., Acta Met. 6, 29 (1958).
[5] Read, W. T., Acta Met. 5, 83 (1957).
[6] Head, A.'K., Proc. Phys. See. (London) 66, 793 (1953).
[7] Gardner, L. R. T., Dissertation (University of Sheffield, 1958) p. 189.
[8] Mura, T., in Mechanics of Generalized Continua (Proc. lUTAM Symposium, Freuden-
stadt-Stuttgart, 1967), E. Kroner, Ed. (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1968).
[9] Hartley, C. S., and Eisenberg, M. A., First Technical Report on Contract No. NOOO
14-68- A-01 73-0002 (University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 1969).
S. I. Ben-Abraham
Kondo [1] was probably the first to recognize that the geometry of
an imperfect crystalline body can be appropriately represented in terms
of a generalnon-Riemannian space. The notion was independently discov-
ered by Bilby, BuUough, and Smith [2] and has since been very much
developed, especially by the groups of Bilby [3] and Kroner [4], and
from a somewhat different viewpoint by the school of Kondo [5, 6]
Recently, Bilby et al. [7] extended the analysis to include nonmetric
connexions, and thus obtained an adequate continuum description of the
geometrical properties of both dislocations and point defects. A fairly
representative and up-to-date bibliography may be found in references
[3, 6, 7].
Kroner [15, 16] and Eshelby [17] have put forward the application of
three-dimensional tensorial stress functions to the determination of in-
I. Geometry
[A]. The plastic (or dislocation) distortion P brings the sohd into the dis-
located state (first intermediate or first natural state according to Kroner
[4]), labeled [j/]. The introduction of extramatter, represented by the
distortion Q, brings about a state which will be called natural (second
intermediate or second natural in Kroner's terminology) and labeled
Kroner calls the distortion Q quasiplastic and Bilby extramatter distortion.
I suggest to coin the term ''qlastic'' distortion. This would fit the patterns
"elastic" and "plastic" and might be interpreted as an abbreviation for
quasiplastic reminding us of Q, and also reminiscent of the Greek word
A<:A.Q:crT(T^= broken. Finally the elastic distortion E fits the plastically and
qlastically distorted solid into ordinary Euclidian space and induces in
it the final state, labeled [a]. The qlastic and elastic distortions Q, E,
together form the lattice distortion L. The superposition of the plastic,
qlastic and elastic distortions is the total distortion T.
All quantities referring to the above described fundamental states
[^], [j/], and [a] will be denoted by CAPITAL ITALICS,
'^s^^^^J^^ S^^^JS^Sr , and small italics, respectively.
The states themselves may for simplicity be specified by these terms if so
desired. For symbols not specifically related to a particular state we
chose a neutral type, namely Greek or ROMAN. Thus an arbitrary state
will be denoted by [a] or [A].
d^^ = '3.\dx''.
Greek types for the indices. Of course, one will usually choose a coordi-
nate system in which one of the fundamental states will be described
most simply (say the final state in the Eulerian description and the ideal
state in the Lagrangian description). This coordinate system will accord-
ingly be labeled {K) (X), (^) or (k) and one will have, for instance
To every point transformation there belongs a certain coordinate
transformation, such that the coordinate system is dragged along by the
point transformation. Formally this is expressed by the equations:
where now the kernel has become neutral (Greek). Using this trick, the
fundamental distortions will now be written:
have a more fancy notation. One then replaces the kernel letters of
the transformations by two-index symbols, such as
etc., clearly indicating that the plastic distortion P transforms the state
[A\ into [^]. Here the sign = stands for "equal by definition." Usually
one will, of course, have to label the states by an index. Obviously, this
notation extends the advantages of the kernel-index method to point
transformations. Since we are, however, dealing only with a few funda-
mental distortions, we shall not use this method, in order to keep the
match our present needs.
notation as simple as possible to
We shall denote the distance between two fixed neighboring elements
in the fundamental states by dL etc., and for each state we shall define
a corresponding metric tensor A^x etc. by the relations
d^^= j^.xd^'<d^'\
dl^ = a^kdx'^dx^.
These metric tensors are essentially arbitrary and may for convenience
be chosen as Kronecker deltas in some fixed coordinate system. Thus:
Really meaningful metric tensors are however obtained when the length
in a given state (e.g., dL) is related to the linear elements in another state
{e.g.^dx'^). Thus we shall have for instance:
Here, of course, one of the metric tensors is still arbitrary, and one has
we obtain
Now we can define the strain tensors as usual. The Eulerian strain
tensors are defined by the relations
Hence, the Eulerian plastic, qlastic, elastic, total and lattice strain tensors
are, respectively:
— 1
2 {^kK "
QkX —
— 1
— JTkx)
2 (^kX ,
—h ->^kx), (1.13)
— 1
— 1
AkK 2 ^KK ) •
^A-<l^pO!'.^.Qr.P.^ (1.14)
The connexion hj^^ is the most important one. With the restriction to
holonomic coordinate systems, every connexion can be written as the sum
of a Riemannian connexion and a tensor:
^,^, = ^'^-(^{..M-^(K.x}),
^;fx=^r^''(^{K<rX}-5{^,,A}+9{KaX}). (1.15)
S^K^=h^[^X\. (1.17)
should be emphasized that the physical entities, i.e., the lattice defects,
are always represented by tensors.
Since the solid that has undergone a total distortion again fits into the
euclidean space, the connexion must be integrable. The integrability
condition is the vanishing of the associated curvature tensor
CkXm.'^^O, (L22)
^A^^'^'^kcrX}, (1.25)
and V is the operator of the covariant derivative with respect to the Rie-
mannian connection gj^^-
Instead of (1.22) we can now write the equation
Since the identities valid for the Riemann tensor Tka^." restrict the
Kx^r^KK''-h'sKKg^''rats.v'f. (1.28)
Kx^^Ikx- (1.29)
6-['<^l = 0, (2.2)
tensor, when written out for the Einstein tensor. Essentially the three
remaining identities for the Riemann tensor are also contained here,
since the construction of an Einstein tensor equivalent to the Riemann
tensor is only possible when these identities hold.
The analogy between the static equilibrium conditions and the curvature
identities is not at all accidental and we shall make it the essential point
of our program.
First we shall reconstruct from a"^ the full Riemann tensor or rather
its density. We shall apply the Levi-Civita tensor densities defined by
which has, except for the signs of density, already the form of a general
Bianchi identity:
^ [l^Kk]^^l'=2S[,^^.'Cx]a^J.v, (2-8)
since by definition
using the operator V defined for tensors alternating in the first 2 indices:
(for a general definition of V cf. ref. 19, p. 149 ft). Then we have instead
of (2.8)
V[.Cka]m. = 0. (2.11)
It is easy to see from the comparison of (2.8) and (2.9) that a given volume
force density induces in addition to the Riemannian connection gi;^^ a
P.^.-WkH], (2.12)
P.^i-9x^f^^ (2.13)
where -P^x is the inverse of the stress tensor density o""^, and thus is
defined by
-OkmO-^' = I^ (2.14)
/^ = 0. (2.15)
Ever since Beltrami [20] it has been well known that this equation
can be identically fulfilled by deriving the stress tensor cr"^ from a sym-
metric stressfunction density of weight —2:
Since one will usually choose ^-ka^^ka, the definitions (2.18), (2.19) do
not, in fact, complicate matters.
It can now immediately be recognized that the relation between ')^'^^
and cr"^ is essentially the same as between the density gK\/g derived
from a Riemannian metric tensor g^x and the associated Einstein tensor
Let us now proceed to construct the theory, first for GET. The basic
quantity isthe symmetric stressfunction tensor density 7k\ of weight —2,
which is assumed to be a function of the coordinates differentiable as
many times as necessary. The tensor (density) "/ka and its inverse H'^^
^ (2.20)
kKixv V var
Instead of (2.22) one can, with the same result, also define:
(I) P(KX)Mi^=0,
(II) p[KXM^'] = 0,
(III) pKMMt^) = 0,
(IV) QKknp = Q^LVK\'
VuPkx]m. = 0. (2.26)
From (I), (II), (III) (2.25) it follows that PkXmi^ can equiv-
the identities
alently be replaced by the associated Einstein tensor. In the 3-dimensional
case this can be constructed in a most simple way by means of the Levi-
Civita density, as follows:
-713 OL - 71 - Vol n - 16
In terms of o"*^^ the Bianchi identity and the identity (IV) become
. VkO-'<^ = 0, (2.29)
o-t'^^] = 0. (2.30)
^kx=6ka. (2.32)
We obtain
G fxi' txv 26
Now we form the Riemann tensor R^^^^ associated with G^j. according
to the usual rules. Again we may replace the Riemann tensor /^^^m'
its associated Einstein tensor Kk\ = Kkk. Since both the initial state [A]
and the final state [a] fit into the Euclidean space, we have the 6 com-
patibility conditions
K,K = 0. (2.35)
We are now ready to generalize our results to the case that is of real
interest, namely when the connexion jSjJ^ is neither symmetric nor metric,
Let us now define the ammetry i/z^Xm of 7kx with respect to (3^^:
i8.x^^7^.^-,. (3.6)
The tensor (density) XkA^i'. by virtue of its definition, fulfills the identities
(I) X{k\)hp=(^,
V[tXKX]Mi'=^0- (3-8)
The identity (I) of (3.7) shows ihat^Xi^xnu has 27 (rather than 81) independent
components and the identities (11) and (III) of (3.7) and (3.8) represent 30
equations for the 33 functions oil/3!t\ (27 functions) and y^x (6 functions).
Since 3 components of can still be chosen, we have the appropriate
number of equations. These identities represent the generalized equilib-
rium conditions (eqs (4.1), (4.11) in ref. 14).
we obtain the familiar couple stress tensor fiP'^'^, where a labels the plane
and Py the couple. Therefore, {kAm expresses the same physical quantity,
but here kK labels the plane and the couple. /jl
^ (3.14)
Now i//"^. represents the torqueless moment stress labeled by a(B on the
plane k. Hence i//"^. corresponds to distributions of extramatter, i.e.,
foreign atoms, vacancies, etc. The quantity i//"^ or ifj^x^ is very convenient
from a practical point of view, since the effect of point defects is usually
given in terms of the double force distribution, which can be directly
measured (cf. refs. 4; 16, p. 148 ff; 21; 22).
The next step to be taken is to express the static quantities XkAm*^' i^K^?
8 w
o-'^^-^f-, (3.16)
h=B;^ (3.17)
(/)kx^ = ——
, (3.18)
(3.18) can be solved for CkX, s^^x-, ^nd ^kXm in terms of o^^, 0^^'^, and
(j"^ can, through (3.11), be expressed in terms of TkX, with the associated
Riemann tensor density
Ckx^^ = 0, (3.20)
V[,c^x]^, = 0, (3.21)
and denote the formation of the curvature tensor associated with the
metric tensor (density) g and the connection b by the Riemann-Christoffel
R = R(g,b). (3.24)
Kroner [15, 16] found these equations for the Hnear EucHdean case and
wrote the equivalent of
IV. Conclusion
theory of lattice defects must involve both afull geometric and a full
V. References
[1] Kondo, K., Proc. 2nd Japan Nat. Congress Appl. Mech. (Science Council of Japan,
Tokyo, 1953) p. 41.
[2] Bilby, B. A., Bullough, R., Smith, E., Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A23I, 263 (1955).
[3] Bilby. B. A., in Progress in Solid Mechanics, I, I. N. Sneddon and R. Hill, Eds. (North-
Holland Publ. Co., Amsterdam, 1%4) p. 331.
[18] Schouten, J. A., Tensor Analysis for Physicists (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1951).
[20] Behrami, E., Atti. Ac. Lincei Rend. (Ser. V) I, 141 (1892).
[21] Kanzig, W., J. Phys. Chem. Solids 23, 479 (1962).
[22] Seeger, A., Mann, E., v. Jan R., J. Chem. Phys. Solids 23,639 (1962).
Discussion on Papers by C. Teodosiu, and C. S. Hartley
and M, A. Eisenberg, Including Two Written
Contributions by S. I. Ben-Abraham.
produces a globally different distortion field than one in which you smear
out the core. You don't have anything like the Burger's cut-off situation
that you do in linear theory. That is to say, if one looks at the results of,
In the case of the non-linear theory as you vary the core size the answer
blows up everywhere which means, of course, that the core size is an
exceedingly sensitive parameter in such a theory. We feel that the only
way to treat thisproblem is to go to the formulation which includes
essentially a continuum analogue of the Peierls problem. In the non-
linear theory you have to actually introduce a dislocation along a slip
plane, and you have to put down explicitly an expression for the misfit
energy along that slip plane. You, then, can solve the problem by
minimizing the total energy of the body: You assume a certain con-
tinuous distribution of plastic deformation which will produce the dislo-
cation. You, then, everywhere (except in the misfit energy region) solve
the non-linear problem to attain the total non-linear elastic energy — this
is not supposed to be practical; this is in principle — you add to that the
•^Seeger, A., and Mann, E., Z. Naturf. 14a, 154 (1959); Pfleiderer, H., Seeger, A., and
Krimer, E., Z. Naturf. 15a, 758 (1960).
and Eisenberg. You said you used Professor Head's solution because
you have a free surface. However, it was unnecessary to use this solu-
tion; you can have the same results, by using the simple solution of the in-
finitely extended medium. If you sum up the infinite body solutions for
the edge dislocations in the upper and lower plastic domains of the
beam, all stress components except cth vanish. But, since you only need
the formal tractions (T22 and cr-zi to vanish on the surface of the beam, you
obtain in the simple way the proper stress field for the dislocations in the
FOX: I want to make a comment concerning the remarks of Dr.
really just
Teodosiu on the presence of the plastic strain in the constitutive equa-
continuum in finite deformation.
tions for the theory of the elastic-plastic
I would certainly agree that there are obviously many factors which in-
fluence the yield criterion and which should therefore appear in the con-
stitutive equations — including the hardening law. I would also agree that
the dislocation density and higher order gradients, if you wish, should go
remains the same, so I see no reason for which the response of the
material at any two points will be different, except, of course, if we ap-
proach the boundary of a finite body; but far from the boundary the
structure being the same after plastic flow, the response, I think, must
also be the same. It, therefore, seems to me that, as Professor Kroner
pointed out in 1963, plastic strain has no reasonable place in the work
hardening law, but we have to introduce some measures of the interior
structure of the body, such as the density of dislocation loops, density of
pile ups, etc.
HARTLEY: One of the things that we had hoped to do by getting some in-
In recent years and months, many among us have come to question the
validity of continuum theories of lattice defects for real solids. The 1967
lUTAM Symposium (held in Freudenstadt and Stuttgart, Germany) was
symptomatic. While mathematicians and continuum mechanists "by
birth" presented highly sophisticated theories, some of those "born
physicists" staged a concentrated attack from quite a few directions on
the very relevance of those theories.
To make my point clear, let me quote an almost childish example. In
order to define a dislocation density in a meaningful way one has to
choose the mathematical line element large compared to themean spac-
ing of dislocations. Since the average dislocation spacing in metals will
usually be anywhere from 10~^m to 10~^m, the "mathematically in-
Credit must be given to Kondo who, once more, was the first to recognize
the importance of distinguishing "levels" in the geometry of mathemati-
He also emphasized that
cally continuous bodies. the same physical
phenomenon may be adequately described by quite different geometric
entities at different levels. However, he did not specify actual scales.
the macro scale, and, what he called a "milli" scale in between. For such
a rough distinction, however, one should rather prefer a more "mod" and
less specific term like "mini" or "midi."
However, I can't see a good reason why one should not be more specific
and, taking the meter as a basic unit, talk of a meter or macro scale
(lO^m), a milli scale (10~^m) meaning exactly what it says. The latter
would normally correspond to small crystals or moderately large crystal
grains. Continuum theories of lattice defects would then be adequate at
the micro scale (IQ-^m), while atomic phenomena would take place at
macroscopic results.
One should look more carefully at this apparently trivial truism. One
point we should be aware of is our obsession with 19th century physics
and our reluctance to enter the 20th century. Let me point out in
parentheses that continuum mechanical theories, no matter how so-
phisticated and elaborate, belong to the past century, which of course,
doesn't mean that they cannot be very useful tools if properly used. Yet,
it should be clear from the start that any consistently continuum formu-
lationmust necessarily neglect relevant information about discrete
phenomena. Moreover, there is a lower bound of scale to the validity of
continuum theories which presents another highly effective communica-
tion barrier since it may vary in wide limits according to the particular
case in question.
Now, when is it actually possible to bridge the gap from nano to macro by
a single span? It is possible in the case of additive quantities having a
single sign (such as mass) or in the case of quantities of both signs when
we are interested only in their net bulk value and their manifestations on
the surface of the macroscopic body (such as electric charge).
Matters are quite different with lattice defects, in particular dislocations.
These occur typically at the micro level where they have distinct dis-
crete properties. They are of either sign, or even worse, they are vector-
like. We are interested in the entirety of their effects upon bulk
behavior. And, last but not least, they significantly interact among them-
selves and with other entities. Consequently, a defect density defined at
the milli level, evenif by some odd chance different from zero, will by no
The author has tried to work along these lines only to discover that a
plasma of dislocations in a tractable approximation does not describe a
solid but rather a liquid. This leads us directly to the dislocation theory
of melting most clearly formulated by Kuhlmann-Wilsdorf.^ Rapid
plastic flow of a solid then appears as a highly non-equilibrium process
in which the crystal on some planes shows liquid behavior in one dimen-
sion. It is clear that experimentally such a state can be most easily real-
ized during creep which also bears the most pronounced resemblance to
the flow of liquids. Low rate plastic flow appears as the same
phenomenon, however, sporadic. From the "plasma" point of view it is
369-713 OL - 71 - Vol II - 17
« Adler. B. J.. Gardner. W. R.. Hofifer. J. K.. Phillips. N. E., Young. D. A.. Phys. Rev.
Letters 2 1,732 (1968).
turns out that an applied stress will pull the dislocations out of the wall
one by one rather than moving the whole wall. Once the wall is in nlotion
it will undergo oscillations. Again, the result is increased damping per ef-
J. A. Simmons
T. Mura
The previous work and the present stage of study on the elastic field of
moving dislocations and disclinations are reviewed. Emphasis will be
placed upon the general method and approach using Green's tensor func-
tions and Fourier integrals. The previous solutions for individual
problems are reviewed as examples of this unified approach.
L Introduction
The purpose of this paper is to review the various works of dynamic
field theory of dislocation by introducing a most general approach, namely,
continuously distributed dislocations.
The field equation of elasticity for an infinitely extended medium
will be solved in a general form for an arbitrarily prescribed plastic
distortion or given dislocation density tensors and dislocation flux (velocity)
tensors. By using the result, the elastic strain energy and kinetic energy
of the medium will be expressed in terms of the dislocation density and
the velocity tensors.
The concept of force acting on dislocations is also discussed in con-
nection with the concept of the energy dissipation of a system. The
analysis is extended to the motion of disclinations.
The most fundamental contribution to the dynamic field theory of
dislocations was made by Frank, Eshelby, Nabarro, and Leibfried. They
considered the simplest case of a straight discrete dislocation or Peierls
dislocation. In this paper such specification is avoided and a more general
configuration of dislocations is considered.
The stress singularity at the center of the dislocation and the multi-
valued nature of the displacement can be avoided by treating discrete
dislocations as special cases of continuously distributed dislocations.
The method of continuously distributed dislocations is also useful when
the relationship between continuum plasticity and dislocation theory
is considered.
= -ejikV,v„bi, (1)
by defining
Vun=Vivnbi^V\v'^h\^ .... (5)
coordinates and time and called the dislocation density tensor (after
Nye [1]) and the dislocation flux (velocity) tensor [2], respectively.
Let the dislocation density tensor change by an amount aij per unit
time. The growth rate of the total Burgers vector of the dislocations thread-
ing an arbitrary open surface S isj cthidSh and can be considered as the
dhi=-e,uk^ti,i (8)
where stands for the differentiation with respect to coordinate jc/. Equa-
tion (9)was obtained by Kroner [3] and equivalent relations, under more
general conditions, were studied by Kondo [4] and Bilby [5] from the
geometrical point of view. Equation (7) was obtained by Kosevich [6] and
Mura [2] independently. An equation similar to (7) and the analogy with
Maxwell's equation was studied by Hollander [7] and the geometrical
theory valid for large deformations was developed by Amari [8] and
Giinther [9].
ghding (plastic) but also by the superimposed elastic distortion j8j/, namely
The term elastic has a meaning only for the symmetric part of /Sj,. which
is related to stress (Tij by Hooke's law
Since and/3j* can be well defined. /3,[ may be defined as the difference
between Ui^j and ^j-.
II. Disclinations
It has been well known in theory of elasticity that there are two tvpes
of \ olterra"s dislocations: the translational type and the rotational type.
Ahhough the translational type of dislocation has been known simply as
the dislocation in crystals, little attention has been paid to the latter tvpe
of dislocations, which will be caUed the dischnation. Recently, in his book,
Nabarro [10] introduced some apphcations of dischnations [11. 12. 13]
to hquid crystalline structures. The apphcation will be extended to sohds.
particularly to the problem of torsion in crystal bars.
Mjm = (TjieimnXf, (14)
and, therefore,
fp = — epqjPqMj,nfL,n, (15)
f=-i^x(M-a). (15)'
J (Tij€i„n,i^,„dSj (17)
be limited to the cases where centers of rotation and the Burgers rota-
tional vectors, ft. are conserved during motion. Then, the discussion on
dislocations can be extended to the case of disclinations.
The plastic distortion caused by a disclination is
= -nj€i,in,xf (18)
where iii is the normal vector of the twisted surface S. Its time rate of
change due to a motion of discHnation line with a velocity V is
Pfi=-eji„ViPHei,nun,uxl •
where dhi=V}Mi- The dh> is called the discHnation density tensor when a
continuous distribution of disclinations can be considered.
Differentiation of (19) with respect to the coordinate of the center of
rotation leads to
-d(^f,ldx'^=ejuy,djrmeunn (21)
{\l2)eunnj^ln=-^lf^jVl6hm (21)'
eM = - {ll2)e,uk-einjptjju (22)
diu = -{ll2)ena-einj(Stjjn (22)'
By defining ( 1/2 )e,„j|a^* = k/.',, (22)' becomes the same expression by deWit in this
Proceeding [14].
MURA 983
O^JJ i8j/(A;, co) exp +k •
x) jc^ko^w
is. to be solved with (9) and (10), where p is a constant density of the
The solution is easily found as [15, 16]
Um{x, t)= — i
kiChujLmkik, co)^fi{k, co) exp {i(cot-\-h' jL)}dkdoj,
LynkKk, (xi)
— T-ji 29)
(/Lt/c^ — pcx)-)WT7T~71^~Vr2
{( \ + 2p. — pa>-} ) /c^
with k^ = k\ + kl + kl, where A and fx are the Lame constants and 6// is
t) C„iijGrnh,i{x-x\ t-t')/3fi{x\ t')dji:dt' (30)
by defining
and G,„A,/ means dGmkl dxi = — dGmkldxl . The function Gmk is called the
Green's tensor function.
The elastic distortion is derived from the above result by differentiating
with respect to Xn and subtracting /3*m,
{3„m{x, t)
=j j [knkiCknjL,nk{k, (D)-8jndim]ffi{k, 0)) (32)
Pnmix, 0 =- j
CklijG,n^.,inix-x', t-t')(B*i{x\ t' ) d^' dt' - ^l,,,{x ,
t) .
The basic idea leading to (30) has been used by Nabarro [17] for the
case when an infinitesimal dislocation loop is created suddenly in an
isotropic medium (see also Kosevich and Natsik [18], Gutzwiller [19], Willis
[20] and [2]). For a static case, the static Green's tensor is used, which is
MURA 985
When I3fj and are eliminated from these expressions by using (4)
and (9), Mura [2] has obtained the following result by a semi-intuitive
approach (later the result was confirmed by Bross [24] and Willis [25]).
+ pGim(x — x\ — t')enihVihi{x\
t t')]d:s.'dt' . (35)
-\- p(x)Li,„{k\ (i))e„ihVini{k, co)] exp {i(w? + k '^)]d\^dxo (38)
Vim{x, t) = Via,rAx. t) ,
ainix. t) = ai,i(^ — \t) . (44)
The distribution at is
and the integral sign with respect to o) drops out. Then, (37) and (38) become
Urn{x,t)=- {ll]^-\)k,C,ujL,nK-{k,-h-\)€jnhVnahi{k)
a^z{x) = b2,^{x\)^{x2)
369-713 OL - 71 - Vol U - 18
solution [28]. Eshelby [27] extended the static solution of Peierls dis-
location to the dynamic case of uniform motion (see also Leibfried and
Dietz [29]).
where (Slj is the elastic distortion caused by a'^j. For any function f{k),
therefore, (53) can be written as follows after the substitution of (51) and
the similar formula for (S'mn,
[€nj'trC,'ri'j'L,,,,Ak-k-\')kr-pk-\'Li'n,{k-k-\')€ni'i,'V;,] (55)
aUk)a;,,,{-k) exp{-ik{\-\')t}dk.
, .
MURA 989
r = r/r, f f = 1.
-pk-VL,;>(^,-k-V)e,//,F/][e„,-7,'CA-7'/',-'^-A-'(k,-k-V')^/' (57)
The integral ^dA is a surface integral defined on a unit sphere at the origin
of k-space. During the derivation of (57), the fact that kikrL,„i, {k, -k •
V) is
a ratio of two homogeneous polynomials with the same order was used.
The r is a distance between two dislocation segments at time t = t. The
above result leads to the line integral expression [42] when two disloca-
tion loops are considered to be in a static state ( V = V = 0)
The elastic strain energy for one distribution aij{x, t) is easily obtained
as a special case of (57) by assuming aij = a\-^ V = V' and by multiplying
by the factor 1/2.
Similarly, the interaction kinetic energy is defined as
where U',n is the velocity of material caused by alj. Equation (59) can be
written as
kinetic energy for a)u{x,t) is similarly obtained from the above
result by assuming aij= a'ij. V=V' and by multiplying the factor 1/2.
When the velocity V is negligibly small compared with the sound velocities,
the approximation
can be used for (60) and (61). Then, the integrals in the k space become
V. Oscillation
and therefore
Vuu=V,dUk) (65)
Um{x, t)=
j {l/co)kiCk-iijLmk{k, co)€jnhV,fii,ri{k) cxp {i(aj? +k '
x)}G^k (66)
MURA 991
(27r)^ fx
E= C,jqmn[€qjhCi,iijLp^(k,(Jt))ki-^ pOjLipik, (o)€qU,Vi]
— (277)^
K= - pV,iV„'
kiki'CkujCk'i'Vj'Lmk{k, a))L,nk'{k, oj)
where /x is the shear modulus, c the shear wave velocity, and R and eo
are the cut-off radius of the material size and the dislocation core radius,
For oscillating dischnations, a similar result is obtained from (41).
VI. Forces
is simply a sum of the applied stress Tij and the internal stress (X/j caused
by dislocations or disclinations. The applied stress is defined as that
stress which is elastically in equilibrium under the applied boundary
forces. The total stress is called the elasto-plastic stress.
Consider an arbitrary domain G, lying entirely within a given domain
D of the material. The rate of work done by the total stress on the boundary
where ft, and jji are the elastic distortions related to (Jij and Tij by Hooke's
law, respectively.
Applying Gauss' theorem of integration to (72) and using (73),
where E and K are the elastic strain energy and the kinetic energy in G
respectively, that is,
K = r^j^pUiUid^. (75)
// =— {crij-\-Tij)ejinVhbi
are the Peach-Koehler force or the force defined by (15). According to the
balance of energy, the right side of (76) is equal to the energy dissipated
MURA 993
in G, namely
where Q is the energy dissipated per unit volume and can not be negative
according to the second law of thermodynamics. As reviewed by Lothe [45],
y,=o,// = o, (80)
The Tij is applied in the form of sound waves. Then, the dislocation stress
field is interpreted as the scattering of the sound waves. This calculation
has been done by Nabarro [49] and Leibfried [50]. Leibfried argued that
the scattering of sound waves due to the thermal vibration of the atoms
should lead to a drag force on a moving dislocation. It should be noticed
VII. Conclusion
VIII. Acknowledgement
This study has been supported by the Advanced Research Projects
Agency Department of Defense through Northwestern University.
IX. References
Eshelby, .). D., Phil Trans. Roy. Soc. (London) A 244, 87 (1951).
Indenbom, V. DAN SSSR
128, 906 (1959).
[49] Nabarro. F. R. N.. Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) 2 09, 278 (1951).
[50] Leibfried. G., Z. Phys. 127, 344 (1950).
[51] Ninomiya. T.. J. Phys. Soc. Japan 25 830
, (1968).
[52] Anthony. K.. Essman, U., Seeger, A., and Trauble, H., in Mechanics of GeneraHzed
Continua (Proc. lUTAM Symposium. Freudenstadt. Stuttgart. 1967) E. Kroner. Ed.
(Springer-Verlag. Berlin, 1968) p. 355.
[53] von Karman. and Duwez. P.. J. Appl Phys. 21, 987 (1950).
ARSENAULT: What can you say about the energy of the discHnation?
MURA: I have not calculated the energy, yet, but if we consider the screw
type of disclination in a finite cyhnder, I think it is not too bad. Also, the
edge type of disclination is not bad in an infinitely extended medium.
Part of these calculations have actually been done.
MURA: Yes, it might have applications to twinning, but I don't know about
SIMMONS: I'd like to ask a question for clarification in my own mind. One
would have thought that the way make
would be by in-
to a discHnation
troducing a discontinuity in the rotation across a surface which then
leads you directly to the concept of a curvature type element — in the
Riemannian geometry sense. I was curious to see why you thought it
necessary to put in a center of rotation in your definition. Would it not be
easier if one just had this concept of a discontinuity in rotation on the
surface without having to identify a center point?
ty and physics. The geometry a chaos and the physics is a jungle; only
See paper by R. de Wit in these Proceedings: eq (3.4) for the discrete case, or eq (7.4) for
a continuous distribution.
Eds. (Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Spec. Fubl. 317, II, 1970).
MURA: I should apologize for not saying more clearly that Frt) considering
dislocations and disclinations separately. I have expressed the plastic
distortion in one way or the other, so if you have motion of both disloca-
tions and disclinations at the same time it cannot be as simple as the ex-
pressions I gave.
MURA: Yes, it is applicable, but this is a special case which I haven't cal-
MURA: As I said, if the row of dipoles is continuous, then the stress field
is zero. If, however, the distribution is discrete, the stress field might be
periodic over the half plane where dipoles are and have zero space
average. In the half space away from the dipoles it should be almost zero,
but I don't know^ without calculating how it falls off perpendicular to the
half plane.
tive to the stuff outside — like inside a little grain? Then it's not suprising
it has no strain field.
MURA: Right.
S. I. Ben-Abraham
The first attempt to develop a kinetic ^ theory of continuously distributed
dislocations (CDD) was made in 1960 by Hollander [1, 2, 3], who used the
close analogy to electrodynamics to put forward a linearized theory based
on a set of equations following the pattern of Maxwell's equations. In 1962,
* We shall try to revive here a nomenclature advocated by Sir William Thompson (Lord
Kelvin) and P. G. Tait and used by Grammel and Winkelmann. According to this nomencla-
ture, mechanics is the science of motion and forces, and thus is divided into geometry and
dynamics. Geometry deals with spatial relations, whereas dynamics deals with the action
With regard to whether changes in time are considered or not, mechanics is divided
of forces.
and kinetics. Consequently, we distinguish static geometry from kinetic geometry
into statics
(commonly called "kinematics")^ and statodynamics ("statics") from kinetodynamics
("dynamics''). This is visualized in the following diagram:
the same author [4] reformulated the kinematics to conform with the non-
hnear theory of CDD as developed by Bilby et al. [5. 6. 7. 8]. and Kroner [9].
[20, 21]. The terminology and conventions concerning the distortions are
explained in another paper presented at this conference [22].
1 r
functions of the points and the time, though usually they will be just the
ordinary elastic constants of various orders.
(2) At each point of M is given a set of three independent preferred
directions, i.e., the lattice orientation. In general, M will be in some
strained and dislocated state.
In order to simplify the presentation, let us assume that the ideal lattice
vectors form an orthonormal triple. The generalization to arbitrary
lattices is almost trivial.
= ct. (1.1)
where c is some constant having the dimensionality and the order of the
speeds of sound in M. No special importance should be attached to either
the definition (1.1) or the specific value of c. We shall elaborate on this
point later.
where v^ = v^{x^, x^) is the matter velocity. It can be easily shown that
2 We shall agree that Roman indices take the values a, b, . . .= 1,2, 3, while Greek indices
shall take the values a, /3, . . .
= 0, 1, 2, 3.
0 0
1 0
Gafi: {1.4a)
0 0 1
\ 0 0 0
/-I 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
\ 0 0 0 1
aTr^ = 0, (1.5b)
ka^y^^a[a6/31y^+6[,V|V^ (1-7)
i=^Ca,e'^-a[a-^6b]c'+'6[a|K^|=^6b]^, (1.8)
The set of kinematic field equations is now obtained by extending the
fundamental geometric law to four dimensions. At the same time one still
has to postulate the validity of the static geometric law and the condition
(1.5d). Summarizing, we have the equations
6% = 0, (1.9b)
<^abc^^ 0. (1.9c)
^ (2.1b)
^ =-1, (2.1c)
369-713 OL - 71 - Vol n - 19
and hence
where a^'^ is the stress tensor density, p the mass density, and the
density of volume forces. With the constitutive equations
decomposed into their Riemannian parts g^^^ and ^^^^^ and the torsion
tensors 5q/3^ and ^^ab'^", respectiveh , i.e., if the dislocation density is given
as a physical quantity. Thus
Sa^'=0. (2.9b)
Ac = --5V (2.9c)
= „()
bm (2.9d)
Thus, any tensor component of Sa^T having at least one 0 index either
vanishes or can be reduced to s\(,- Therefore, it is essential to find an
interpretation to the latter, and, once this has been done, the entire
4-tensor of torsion becomes physically meaningful.
As, of course, anticipated, 5%^. turns out to represent the dislocation
current.Components with more than one 0 index then stand for additional
purely kinematical terms. Moreover, we see that an additional 0 index
reduces the order of the component by a factor of vjc.
In addition to eqs (2.9) the only independent condition following from
(1.9b) turns out to be
&i'ab)=0. (2.10)
•W = 0. (2.11)
C(a^)y^ =0 (2.12)
Since the connexion is metric, the third identity is also valid in the
CaW)=0. (2.14)
Thus, the fundamental kinematic law (1.9a) imposes only the condition
c[am^ = ^^ (2.15)
or, in terms of the torsion, i.e., the dislocation density and current
V[aW = 0. (2.16)
C(obc)' = 0. (2.17)
From (2.14, 2.15) it follows that the curvature tensor also fulfills the
fourth identity
C[M|78]]=0. (2.18)
^Cabc^^O, (2.19a)
C(()bc)^ = 0. (2.19c)
3c(ab) = 0, (2.20a)
C(ab) = 0, (2.20b)
•V[abc]d = 0, (2.20c)
= 0, (2.20d)
cab-'c^ab"^ (2.21a)
III. Interpretation
yabc= ^^[ab]c
^3 5^
called the dislocation current tensor. The latter is connected with the
plastic distortion P'^ by means of the equation
IV. Comments
Giinther [18] discussed the relationship of his results to earlier work
by Amari Hollander [1, 2, 3, 4], Bross [14], and Kosevich [12, 13].
In Hnear approximation the fundamental equations reproduce
Amari's results. However, Amari failed to recognize the importance of
distinguishing between 3- and 4-quantities. Yet, this does not affect the
vahdity of the results, since in the linear approximation the spacelike
part of any 4-quantity and the corresponding 3-quantity do indeed coincide.
Cx is the transversal wave velocity, and A, /jl are the Lame constants.
Equation (4.2) reduces to inhomogeneous wave equations if shape
and volume deformations are taken separately. For €^'^ = 0 we have
V(at^b)+ia'^ab/at=7(ab) (4.4)
c = c^. (4.6)
tions one is left with a great many redundant relations some of which are
hard to interpret. In fact, I totally misinterpreted some quantities con-
fusing distemporations with point defects [3].
events only happenings at lattice points during the magnetized periods t' .
temporation will be created if the crystal is divided into two parts 1 and 2.
V. Distortion Rates
t + dt- (5.2)
D^x-T^^a^, (5.3)
l\=E'^Q\V\, (5.5)
1 X —1 . \ ,
i\=r.K (5-6)
d'x''= (rx+drx)dz\
d'^''= (r,+dp':x)d^\
= (5.8)
so that
and naturally,
dl\ = 0. (5.10)
From (5.7) we obtain for the fundamental distortions at the time t + dt:
dV^^'Q'xd^S (5.11)
where, obviously.
etc. The distorates are the basic entities of the kinetic theory, just as the
distortions are those of the static one. It must be emphasized that, in
general, one cannot write a distortion increment in the form
as was done in [4] and [19] (p. 104). This would mean that the distorates
can be derived from a well defined velocity field and therefore would ex-
clude the creation of new defects during the distortion processes. In this
sense, the treatment of [1, 2, 3, 4] is vaHd only for the further elastic dis-
tortion process in dislocated solids.
YI. Stretching Tensors
The change in the state of strain can be characterized by the local time
derivatives of the Eulerian metric tensors, or metric rates, Gxk, ^xk, f xk
and g\K. These can be obtained by straightforward differentation of eqs
(GS 1.10):
a:^;,D^ = r, (6.2)
we obtain
a%D.^+a^^D:^=0, (6.3)
and hence
a^--o%D^cra^ (6.4)
= — 21,'^(^^ T^j^Lt,
o I
T\K = X^(xT^)^,
— l^(xLK)At.
For cxk, txk and Xx^ this result trivially follows from (6,5), (6,6), and
(6,7), while for and
ttxk can be easily proved, using (5.5), (5,6), and
qx^ it
taking into account that distortion and distorates of different kinds always
i;ix-3v(aM^"x- /^^xt%),
vantage that they express the time changes of the distortions in terms of
quantities referring to the soHd in the* ideal state [A].
The equation
b^K=l'-at'rK (8.1)
v =x' 3^
After transvection of (8.1) with T.^k and substitution of (8.2) and (8.4)
VKV^-t-.K^t-x (8.6)
Vxi;'<-E!^A=P^ (8.7)
^K^^2j^ha^r- (8.9)
The fluxion A*^ represents the total defect current, including the motion
of both dislocations and point defects. We introduce the vacancy current
indicating that in a given volume element one has to measure the velocities
/i/*^ with which the gradients of the point defect densities of various kinds
V[X]1 = ^d,^K'_ = s.^^py^^. (9.3)
The fundamental geometric equation (GS 1.22) must hold for any time,
and hence follows the kinematic compatibility condition
c^.a'^ = 0. (9.4)
V[,6^]^+s.^^6p\-0. (9.5)
369-713 OL - 71 - Vol II - 20
X. Conclusion
XI. References
[7] Bilby. B. A.. BuUough, R., Gardner, L. R. T., Smith, E., Proc Roy. Soc. A244, 538
(London, 1958).
[8] BUby. B. A., in Progress in SoUd Mechanics, I, I. N. Sneddon and R. Hill, Eds. (North-
HoUand Publ. Co.,Amsterdam, 1964), p. 331.
[9] Kr5ner. E., Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 4, 273 (1960).
[10] Amari, S. I., RAAG Research Notes [3], No. 52 (1962).
SIMMONS: I see in this formulation there were a number of, as you say,
useless terms. In a paper I did in 1961 — which I never published except
as a report — on a
dynamic theory for imperfect continua, the formulation
Igave required no metric at all and had no extraneous quantities what-
BEN- ABRAHAM: I could not agree more with the chairman. Relativity
was good once, as a heuristic method, and it was based on physical
analogies such as the so-called relativistic behavior of fast dislocations.
But it only yields valid physical results when both the strains and the
velocities are kept small. Then it does not matter what the limiting
at all
A. C. Eringen
Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey 08540
A. MiCROMORPHic Equations
Ja/, mv,n — ihnVkm " ikmVim = 0 (microiucrtia) (1.2)
p— mass density
e= internal energy/mass
h=heat source/mass
^A/— stress tensor
Vk = velocity vector
Throughout the paper all vectors and tensors are referred to rectangular
coordinates Xk. We employ the usual summation convention on repeated
indices, indicate material differentiation by a superposed dot, and denote
partial differentiation by an index following a comma, e.g..
eki=U(k,i)= -k + ui,k)
€kl— III, k--^ (i>kl, yklm — — (kkl, m
where Cki is the classical strain tensor, and ykim are microstrain tensors,
Uk is the displacement vector, and (f)ki is the microdisplacement tensor.
Constitutive equations are of the form
For explicit representations see [2]. The strain measures satisfy the fol-
lowing forty-two compatibility conditions [6]
CkmpCinqCmn, pq~^
eknwiemi, « + 7/»/«) =0 (1.9)
€ kpqyimjj, q 0.
B. Micropolar Equations
For the finite deformation theory see [2].
= — ekim4>m, where (/)a is called the microrotation vector. In this case,
the balance laws take the forms
are the micropolar strain tensors, and ruki is the couple stress tensor.
From (1.13)2 it is evident that the couple stresses are caused by the
independent microrotation gradients in the elastic, micropolar theory.
The micropolar compatibility conditions are [6]
Appropriate boundary and initial conditions are given in [2] and [7].
A. German School
Kri'mer's theory is divided into two parts, one with couple stress [9]
and one without [8]. The fundamental equation of the theory without
couple stresses is an incompatibility relation between a strain tensor
and a dislocation density tensor. The balance laws and stress-strain rela-
tions are the classical elastic ones. Giinther [13] pointed out that this
model could be referred an incompatible Cosserat medium. Giinther's
to as
results pertain to only the static, geometric
aspects of the Cosserat
medium. Examination of the micropolar soHd equations (1.10)-(1.15) leads
to the conclusion that the kinematics of micropolar elasticity is identical
with the Cosserat model used by Giinther. However, micropolar elasticity
suppUes the dynamical terms and thermodynamics missing in [13]. Based
on these observations, one can use Giinther's arguments and show that
Kroner's model [8] could also be called an incompatible micropolar medium.
It should be pointed out that Giinther's term incompatibility means the
be the sum of elastic and plastic parts, e^i and e^,, i.e.,
TTkl = —ek-mn€^ii^ m + K^k~ '<mm^k-l (2.6)
^A/,A--0 (2.9)
may be stated as: €^ and are the sources of the micropolar dislocations.
Equations (2.7) state that the disclinations arise from k^. By differentiating
(2.4) with respect to a free index yields
+ ^(A/). (2.11)
When 6(ki) vanishes, (2.11) is formally the same (with a minus sign) as
Kroner's incompatibility equations in [9].
Equations (2.12) appear to be new; they reflect the fact that the micropolar
theory based on non-symmetric strain and stress tensors.
stresses and couple stresses in the body. The basic system of equation
to be solved is then
tki,k=0 (2.13)
^knniKnl m ,
— Okl. (2.17)
Here tt and 6 cannot be specified arbitrarily but must satisfy
The couple stress model in [9] uses the kinematics described above and
combines it with the static balance laws of a Cosserat medium [18].
Kroner then proposes a constitutive relation between the couple stress
and lattice curvature (or the dislocation density via the Nye relation) and
retains Hook's law for the symmetric part of the stress. In this theory,
once the dislocation density is given, the couple stress is known through
its constitutive equation, and the skew part of the stress is known through
Table 1
Fa,Z)a pfk.pk
ef,-7itpeinq€(mn).= ~"
PQ h+ d{kl)
+ 2k»,,». = TTnnii. k
ennip€l„j)], A-m A-
dkl = -ekmnK'^,l^ ,„
B. Oriented Materials
An approach to continuum dislocation theory utilizing the methods and
ideas of multipolar mechanics and the theory of oriented materials has
been suggested by Fox [10]. In his theory, an oriented medium with three
directors d% associated with each particle is employed. Thus Fox has nine
generalized displacement degrees of freedom (Ik (X, ^) in addition to the
ferential equations of motion are required. Since Fox uses energy invari-
ance under translations and rotations, he obtains only six such equations;
six are missing. Therefore an indeterminancy exists. In fact his balance
laws can be shown to be identical to Cauchy's first law of motion and the
micropolar moment of momentum equations (1.11), with the correspond-
ence given in the table below. This means that the symmetric part of the
general balance equation (1.4) is missing. This fact leads to a hydrid
comparison between his theory and the kinematical variables of micro-
morphic mechanics. The functions :x:a (X, t) and fl?"(X, t) are sufficient
to correspond to the constitutive variables in micromorphic mechanics,
but the equations of motion are only six (instead of twelve) and correspond
to the micropolar case.
Fox Micropolar
F, Pf>
— TUki
GlmuL'fffd^ -ll
eimnW%dl', — CTl
C. Russian School
The recent work of Berdichevskii and Sedov [12] is also closely related
to micromorphic mechanics in that they also introduce nine new gen-
eralized displacement degrees of freedom in addition to the classical
three. These authors construct rather general balance equations from a
variational principle, and then they proceed to show how the classical
and fluid constitutive relations can be constructed within
elastic, plastic,
their framework. In their final section, they choose appropriate varia-
tional variables and obtain an infinitesimal dislocation-plasticity theory
which utilizes the concepts of dislocation density, plastic yield function,
strain-rate, and entropy production. For comparison purposes, their
theory is summarized as follows:
P^^=-^(f)^+o-i(V^)+o-2(e(^^»,S). (2.25)
No names are given to the new quantities appearing in the balance laws,
but they can be identified from their constitutive relations:
5^ ^ du
Pa/ = t-77T, X =7F-
] 1
^reversible part (2.26)
Qki = Qik=
de^.^ '
Rki = ^
[dissipative part
=0. (2.28)
In the above equations, S^-i is the dislocation density, and the super-
scripts on the strains denote the elastic and plastic parts.
In (2.24) the contribution to the kinetic energy in the Lagrangian
from the dislocations has been neglected; hence there is no inertia term
on the right-hand side. Since this is a dislocation-plasticity theory, the
only point of contact with the original micromorphic theory seems to be
the generalized moment of momentum equation (2.24) which Berdichevskii
and Sedov refer to as the "internal parameters" equation. The skew part
of (2.24) can be interpreted as an angular momentum equation. The
interpretation of their symmetric part is not made clear. Their use of the
entropy production equation in constructing constitutive equations is
quite different from the current practice in continuum mechanics, cf. [15].
Since Bilby, Kroner, and others have shown the relationship between
the dislocation density and the torsion tensor of an appropriately defined
affinely connected space, we introduce the connection
r^LM=^''<kX''L,M (3.3)
As pointed out by Kondo. this is not the most general procedure possible,
and this restriction will be lifted in a later work.
The relations presented above are in the material frame: in order to
construct constitutive equations in a later section the analogous spatial
form of these results is needed. Thus an average Burgers vector may be
defined by . . .
R^lmn-^. (3.11)
5,„,'-rf,„,j=-ie„„„at, (3.13)
is the torsion tensor and the Christoffel symbols are given in terms of
the deformation tensor Cki or the Eulerian strain tensor eku i.e.,
patibility tensors may be introduced, as was done in the first part of the
paper, to account for other physical phenomena.
B. Balance Laws
The balance laws used here are those of the general micromorphic
theory summarized in (1.1) to (1.5).
369-713 OL - 71 - Vol n - 21
• C. Constitutive Relations
Po d^KL d Tklm
= 2p Xk,KXl,L +^^^Xik,KXl)l- + X(k,KXl)L,M 1 (3.17)
Po d Tklm J
f^klm— T Xk MX
, I , KXm L (3.18)
Po <3Ul.w
S=S (X, CA-,,^A-,.rA-A,;) (3.19)
The gamma hat used here is a strain tensor and should not be confused
with the connection in The gamma (3.3). hat in (3.16)-(3.20) corresponds
to Eringen and Suhubi's gamma.
Let P and A be defined by
constitutive variable, rather A is. Only in the hnear theory does the dis-
location density tensor become an admissible constitutive variable.
Again we see that the dislocation tensor a^i in (3.8) contributes only
to ykim- In fact, by defining p and a by
in the nonlinear case. This motivates the name spatial dislocation strain
tensor for akim.
Passage to the infinitesimal theory requires the introduction of dis-
placement gradients Ur,k and microdisplacements 4>rk through
The linearized forms of the dislocation strain tensor akim (obtained from
(3.26)) and the dislocation density tensor a^i (obtained from (3.10)) are
we neglect contributions to the strain energy from other defects and take
^(v^k-(t){€,i^€i,) (3.33)
2ai - T2 — T6, 2^2 = Tj — T9, 2a3 =78 — Til, Ti^Ts, Ts^Te, Tio=Tii. (3.35)
The ta's are Eringen and Suhubi's [2] original constitutive constants.
D. Field Equations
where t(n)i and X(„)//» are prescribed surface tractions and moments on
a part of the boundary St and Uk- and 4>a/ are prescribed surface dis-
placements and microdisplacements on the remaining part of the boundary
S». Other mixed boundary value problems are also possible, but in each
case uniqueness theorems must be proved.
We notice that from (3.34) Xa/w = — A-m/A- so that eq (1.4) can also be
written as
wh ere
The twelve partial differential equations (3.36) and (3.37) constitute the
field equations of the dynamical theory of dislocations presented here. A
set of initial conditions may be of the form
where u", v*\ <^*\ and are the prescribed initial fields. The field equations
(3.36) and (3.37) subject to conditions of the type (3.38) and (3.42) constitute
a well-posed set of equations for boundary and initial value problems of
the theory. Once «a and (j)ki are so determined, the strains are calculated
through (1.7), the dislocation strain from (3.28) and the dislocation density
from (3.29). The stresses and stress moments follow from (3.32) to (3.34).
V. Acknowledgement
VI. References
[1] Nabarro, F. R. N., Theory of Crystal Dislocations (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1967) p. 39.
[2] Eringen, A. C, and Suliubi, E. S., Int. j. Engnji. Sci. 2, 189 and 389 (1964).
[3] Eringeh, A. C, Int. J. Engng. Sci. 2, 205 (1964).
[4] Eringen, A. C, Proc. Eleventh Intl. Cong. Appl. Mech., Munich, H. Giirtler, Ed. (Spring-
er-Verlag, Berlin, 1964) p. 131.
[5] Eringen, A. C, in Mechanics of Generalized Continua, E. Kroner, Ed. (Springer- Verlag.
Berlin, 1968) p. 18.
[10] Fox, N., Quart. J. Mech. and Appl. Math. 19, 343 (1966).
[14] Anthony, K. Essmann, U., Seeger, A., and Trauble, H., in Mechanics of Generalized
Continua, E. Kroner, Ed. (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1968) p. 355.
I. Introduction
During the last ten years considerable advances have been made in
the development of various generalizations of classical continuum
mechanics. And it is our purpose here to reexamine the continuum theory
of dislocations in the light of these advances. (For reviews by the origina-
tors of research in this area see Kondo [1], Bilby [2] and Kroner [3]).
Motivated by the geometry of dislocated crystals, we show how the con-
cepts of dislocation density, slip velocity, dislocation diffusion, and disloca-
tion flux may be introduced into a continuum theory without recourse
to non-euclidean geometry and without making a transition from a theory
of dense distributions of discrete dislocations. This is made possible by
adapting the theories of oriented media which are now available. (For a
review of these theories see for example Truesdell and Noll [4] p. 389).
Moreover, generalizing the theory of internal state variables given by
Coleman and Gurtin [5], the thermodynamic background to the subject
may also be developed.
Most of the significant work on the continuum theory of dislocations is
summarised, or referred to, in the Proceedings [6] of the recent lUTAM
Symposium on the subject. It appears that authors who seek a basis for
this theory within the framework of general continuum mechanics adopt,
broadly speaking, one of two possible starting points. In the first, some
kind of oriented medium is defined by introducing new kinematic variables
which are variously called directors, multipolar displacement fields or
II. Preliminaries
FOX 1043
X=x-Ux, 0. (2.4)
v = ^X(X, 0 (2.5)
keeping Xi fixed and (D/Dt) to denote the material time derivative keeping
Xa fixed. For convenience we sometimes use the superposed dot in place
of (DIDt).
Associated with each particle of the body we suppose that there are
defined three vectors d" known as directors. Greek indices take the
values 1,2, and 3 and serve simply as labels for the directors. A repeated
index or suffix implies summation.
The motion of the directors is given by equations of the form
d"=6"(X, 0. (2.6)
D"-(fl^,"J (2.7)
where the curl operator is defined in terms of the spatial coordinates %\.
These vectors may be resolved into components co"^ in the triad d".
That is
o>"=aj«^d^ (3.2)
We call co^^Ca # /3) the edge components of the dislocation density vectors
and(x>"'^(Q; = ^) \\vescrew components.
The time rates of change of the dislocation density vectors measured
per unit area of an element of surface moving with the material are given
by the convected time derivatives
FOX 1045
and the vectors o>" are related to the vectors by the formula
w"=curl{(^^-e«)e^}. (3.8)
The derivation of the above relations and the physical motivation for the
definitions has been given by Fox [11].
Now it is clear from (3.1) that the vector fields a>" are solenoidal and
an extensive study of such fields has been given recently by Marris and
Passman [12]. They have generalized the Beltrami identity concerning
vorticity transport to provide a relation governing the transport of an
arbitrary solenoidal field. And they have derived a general integral of this
relation which is the counterpart of Truesdell's [13] integral of the Beltrami
identity. Much of this analysis has direct application to the present theory.
Applied to the vector fields a>", their fundamental identity gives
which may of course be deduced directly from (3.4). This relation shows
how the time rate of change of the dislocation density vectors may be
separated into what we call a diffusive part and a convective part. In
particular, we see that when ft>" is zero a necessary and sufficient condi-
tion that o>"be zero is that a>" is zero. We call (o"the (spatial) dislocation
diffusion vector.
The integral of (3.9) may be written as
where Xi,Kj~^ is the value of o)^ at time t = to. The time integration in
(3.10) is carried out following a material particle. And so, for example, if a
dislocation diffusion vector is zero, the associated dislocation density
vector a>" may be said to be convected only by the velocity field v. In
this case
If all three vectors o)" are zero in some region of the body, we say that,
in this region, the motion is dislocation preserving. And we see from (3.6)
that in such a region, the circulation of the vectors e" about any material
circuit is constant. It is also possible to discuss motions in which the
strengths of the vector tubes of the fields ft>" remain constant while being
convected by distinct velocity fields V(q:) (see Fox [11]). However, the
deformation of real crystals due to the independent motions of edge and
screw dislocations suggests that a more general analysis is required.
A general dislocation flux tensor has been introduced by Kroner and
Rieder [14] and the associated theory has been further developed by
Mura (see [6] for references). However, this approach involves a transition
from a theory of densely distributed discrete dislocations and the object
of the present analysis is to provide a basis for a continuum theory of
dislocations using only continuum hypotheses. We therefore proceed by
introducing what we call dislocation flux vectors, using the ideas of the
above authors as motivation but relying only on the kinematic variables so
far defined.
We assume that at each point of the body there exist nine vectors v"^
such that the slip velocity is given by
(^^.e«)e^-V (3.12)
7^0. (4.4)
0y = -^-r)e^SiAXi,A-{giq>lpe}. (4.5)
and^ = e — Orj denotes the Helmholtz free energy per unit mass.
We make the following constitutive assumptions:
Xi,A=U^^d<^)eJx.^^^ (4.11)
) ).
where time t, the scalar a, the vector a and the tensors Aja, Biab^ ^Iab
are chosen arbitrarily (except for the symmetries B.^^ =B ^ ^
Cf^^ = Cf^^ )
, A .
FOX 1049
Now using (4.10) and (3.12) we see that may be regarded as a function
of the form
4" ^^ (X
« •
V ' ,
0 = 5 lAh,-F-Aj'd^ -^F-'D^.A.^
/ •
A jh J J I
Now in (4.21) Biak-, are tensors which have been chosen arbitrarily
(except for symmetry in the last two suffixes). But it does not necessarily
follow that values of these tensors can be found which give an arbitrary
set of values c?^"^(X', t) . Certain values of the coefficients of these tensors
in (4.21) may give restrictions on the possible values of c?"^(X', t). How-
ever, we exclude these special cases from our consideration and assume
that the form of (4.21) always permits an arbitrary choice of (i^"^(X', t°)
Su = = 0,
o f
i, i
= pr. (4.24)
V. Material Indifference
xf = Qij{t)xj^Ci{t) (5.1)
follows that
FOX 1051
(See for example Green, Naghdi, and Rivlin [15]. Or equivalently, we may
f- = dfx.^^^
g-i' = d-df, (5.6)
we see that the constitutive equations (4.22) must take the form
V = -'-^, (5.7)
Applying the transformations (5.3) to (4.9) and (4.10) we find that each
of the 10 vectors q, v"^ must satisfy a relation which is most conveniently
expressed in tensor notation as
(T^2e-'{d^ldg<'^)dif (5.12)
369-713 OL - 71 - Vol II - 22
system over the body, our theory would reduce to elasticity with o"— 0.
we have
In any case, with the assumption (5.13)
cr=(pd)-'T-^f (5.14)
Tr = Tue- (5.15)
and we note that Tf\ef\~^ (no sum) is the traction across the plane con-
dy{a 7^ ^ 7^ 7 7^ a).
taining d^,
Clearly in an isothermal deformation the thermodynamic restriction
(5.10) becomes
o-^O. (5.16)
This ensures, for example, that if only one slip vector is non-zero, the
component of the slip velocity in the direction of the resultant traction
over the slip-plane must be nonnegative.
VI. References
[1] Kondo, K., Int. J. Eng. Sci. 2, 219 (1964).
[2] Bilby, B. A., in Progress in Solid Mechanics I (North-Holland. Amsterdam, 1960).
[3] Koner, E. Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 4, 273 (1960).
[4] Truesdell, C. A. and Noll, W., in Handbuch der Physik III/3 (Springer- Verlag, Berlin,
[5] Coleman, B. D., and Gurtin, M. E., J. Chem. Phys. 47, 597 (1967).
[6] Mechanics of Generalized Continua (Proc. JUTAM Symposium, Freudenstadt-Stuttgart,
1967), E. Kr5ner, Ed. (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1968).
[7] Noll, W., Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 27, 1 (1967).
[8] Wang, C-C., Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 27, 33 (1967).
[9] Wang, C-C., Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 32, 1 (1969).
[10] Fox, N., Quart. Mech. App. Math. 21, 67 (1968).
[14] Kroner, E., and Rieder, G. Zeit. fiir Physik 145, 424 (1956).
[15] Green, A. E., Naghdi, P. M., and Rivlin, R. S. Int. J. Eng. Sci. 2, 611 (1965).
' Green, A., and Rivlin, R., Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 17, 113 (1964).
2 Eringen, A. C, and Suhubi, E. S., Int. J. Engng. Sci. 2 189 (1964); Suhubi, E.
, S., and Erin
gen, A. C. Int. J. Engng. Sci. 2 389 (1964).
, ,
Eds. (Nat. Bur. .Stand. (U.S.), Spec. Fubl. 317, II, 1970).
can be proved, as was shown by Kosevich in the linear case,^ that one
can describe the climb of edge dislocations; and this is a known fact that
climb is a non-conservative motion associated with mass defects.
Kosevich, A. M., J. Exptl. Theoret. Phys. 42, 152 (1962). Usp. Fiz. Nauk 84, 79 (1964).
SIMMONS: Is there, by the way, a physical example you can give where
the energy has this type of rotational dependence?
CLAUS: That is precisely the problem. Everybody these days is looking for
situations in which the stress is non-symmetric. In continuum mechanics
many people are trying to think along these lines. Some of the areas of
promise to be pointed out are liquid crystal experiments where in-
ERINGEN: I would also hke to answer Dr. Teodosiu. The remarks that I
am about to make will, I hope, clarify some of the main points. One of
these points is concerned with the strain measures in the present theory.
The present theory employs three sets of precisely defined strain mea-
sures. One of these is the classical strain tensor, the second one involves
the directors, and the third one is a third order strain tensor arising from
the deformation of the directors, in terms of which the dislocation densi-
ty is defined. All these strains are exact; they are non-linear, possessing
linear approximations. The material response is neither determined by
the elastic strain nor by the microdisplacements alone.
I believe Dr. Teodosiu also missed the crucial point that the dynamical
theory introduced here is not intended to be a plasticity theory. The ulti-
FOX: I think my answer to Dr. Teodosiu can be very brief, actually. Your
question was, "Do the directors move relative to the material?" The
answer is "Yes." This is the whole point of having the slip velocities. The
idea that the material can deform relative to the directors gives us a con-
tinuum analogue of slip processes.
"... I have said it twice: (at the lUTAM Conferences in Vienna and
Freudenstadt in 1966 and 1967, respectively).
... I have said it thrice: (at the conference in Rome in 1968).
What I tell you three times is true."
These remarks are not directed against anybody personally— although
they may be at everybody. In my youth, about five years ago, I was
myself guilty of the same errors I am about to criticize. In many of the
theories of generalized continuum mechanics, there is a tendency to
pass from a physical inspiration to continuum statement without any
clear indication of the passage from one to the other. For example, in the
so-called micropolar theory with which Dr. Claus's paper was con-
cerned, a material is considered which consists of many structural ele-
ments, each of which undergoes deformation. Mention was made of the
coordinates of the centers of mass of the deformed elements. Then, sud-
denly there appeared spatial derivatives of these coordinates. Now one
cannot take spatial derivatives of functions defined on a discrete set of
points — at least not in my kind of mathematics. So, somewhere a
passage has been made from functions defined on a discrete set of points
to continuous and, indeed, differentiable functions defined throughout
a region of space. Now, as soon as one begins to think about the manner
in which this passage might be made, one realizes that it cannot be made
in a unique fashion. For example, averaging procedures might be used,
interpolation procedures and so on. The spatial derivatives take on quite
different meanings and values depending on how this passage is made.
In some of these ways of carrying out the passage from functions defined
on a discrete set of points to functions defined over a region of space, the
derivatives are quite meaningless. In others they have a more limited
meaning than is attached to them by their users. In all events, one can-
not pass from the discrete model to a continuum by saying, "We just
smooth it," however engagingly this may be said.
tions concerned with this topic has such been the case. It is true that Dr.
Claus's presentation here emphasized the physical motivation of the
theory in terms of discrete elements. However, the mathematics of both
the present paper and the previous ones are innocent of such accusa-
With regard to the averaging procedure here questioned, I have also said
several times; on one of these occasions (which took an hour at Freuden-
(pp. 104, 124, 125). The theory was fully developed in 1964 at the end of
a sequence of two papers,^ especially Art. 6 in the second, as a special
case of the theory of microelastic solids. Recapitulations of the theory
based on proper postulates, thermodynamics, and uniqueness theorems
are to be found in later reviews.^
The micromorphic theory— which Professor Rivlin apparently confuses
with the micropolar theory — was first introduced in 1964 ,2 and extended
in a series of papers in We make a brief mention of
subsequent years.
one paper^ where the general micromorphic theory of all grades was
derived under postulates and theorems. In these works various volume
and surface averages and moments are introduced through integrals
defined over the surface and volume of the body. The integrands of these
integrals contain piece wise continuous functions (stress, body force,
etc.) which are multiplied by infinitely differentiable functions. The
averages and moments generated by these integrals are continuously dif-
ferentiable at all points of the body at all times, except possible at some
singular surfaces, lines, and points which may be present in the body.
Again I repeat, no differentiation has been carried on functions defined
at discrete points. Careful and precise as they are in their definitions,
these concepts are used for motivational purposes. The balance laws so
motivated systematically may just as well be considered as postulates of
the theory, as practiced in all other branches of continuum mechanics.
The authors of several hundred papers, which have appeared on the sub-
ject since the reception of our work in 1964, seem to have understood
this point very clearly. I believe that any competent scholar who will take
the time to read these papers as well as to examine the figures in the
texts will find no reason to disagree with our theory.
particles to the continuum. With regard to our work, you may recall from
the previous session that we use the Euler-MacLaurin formula, although
there may beother ways to do it. But, I think this is a crucial point in con-
structingcontinuum theories.
Now I would like to address a short question to Dr. Fox. Are your parti-
cles atoms or are they little crystal domains?
FOX: They are the same particles that we use throughout continuum
mechanics. I am They
not at this stage giving any interpretation of them.
are points within a continuous body and associated with each point I am
taking directors.
KRONER; When you want to apply your theory to physics you must identi-
fy your particles with something physically real, and then you must de-
cide whether your particles are atoms or domains. And, I think you must
FOX: But I'm deriving a continuum theory and it must stand or fall on what
it predicts at a macroscopic level. For instance, in hydrodynamics, one
predicts what happens at a macroscopic level; one predicts flows. In the
same sense I suggest that this theory will predict certain behavior of
crystalline materials at a macroscopic level.
KRONER: Well, eventually. Dr. Fox, you must construct your constitutive
equations from a knowledge of the constitution of the body. And the
body is made up of atoms.
KRONER: Well, let's forget this. I would like to make clear why the skew
symmetric stress does not appear in dislocated bodies. Assume particles
which are little crystalline domains, for instance little cubes which build
up a perfect crystal. Now imagine two of these particles to be isolated
from the rest and be rotated through the same angle (fig. la). By this
operation the atomic structure is not disturbed and the state of the
crystal along the interface between the particles is not changed. So there
is no statical response to this kind of deformation and that is why the
• • •
• • •
I particle
1st particle ^\ 2nd particle
•i • . .
} St particle I 2 nd particle
(a) (b)
Figure 1. (a) Two adjacent "particles" of a crystalline body before and after a rotation
through the same angle. This kind of rotation impHes the slip of a dislocation along the
interface. It does not change the state of the crystal, (b) Four adjacent "particles" of a
Cosserat type material before and after a rotation through the same angle. This kind of
rotation does change the state of the body.
lb). Such bodies could be, for instance, non-primitive crystal lattices
where the atoms in a cell are so tightly bound that the deformation of a
cell can be disregarded whereas the bonds between the cells are weak.
In this example the ceUs are the particles of the Cosserat continuum;
they possess the usual translational and rotational degrees of freedom.
Now same angle and the body is in a
rotate these particles through the
So you expect a response.
different state.
I call the body described firstly a dislocated body and the other a
FOX: May I just reply to that statement? I can only repeat that my particles
are not domains, they are points. And on couple stresses, certainly I did
not include in my energy equation possible generalizations which arise
from the inertia associated with the directors or possible higher order
stresses. This can be done. There is no difficulty in principle; I just
omitted them for simplicity.
FOX: No, it's not incomplete in this respect. What I said was that I could
formulate the theory without using the geometry of higher spaces. You
can put this interpretation on the director theories if you wish: it is there
as an interpretation. All I am saying is that you don't have to start with it
and I don't think it's fundamental to the formulation of the theory.
KRONER: Yes, but I think the dislocation concept is, by definition, a dif-
ferential geometric notion. So, I don't see any point in emphasizing that
you don't need differential geometry. In some way it must be in your for-
FOX: Oh, you can do it all right. It's just a matter of looking at the
geometry of the directors. I just don't think this is relevant to producing
the constitutive equations.
^ Bullough, R., and Simmons, Physics of Strength and Plasticity, A. Argon, Ed.
J. A., in
(MIT Press. Cambridge, Mass.. 1969) p. 47.
SIMMONS: I'm not sure exactly what you mean by constitutive equations,
but it's necessary for solving problems, because these provide general-
ized continuity conditions, if you will.
KRONER: I did not want to criticize Dr. Fox's theory: I think it is a beauti-
ful theory. Also it may
work just as well as other theories, or even
better, if one knows the mathematics well enough. Actually, I am
pleased that so many people from continuum mechanics and mathe-
matics are now interested in dislocation theory. Their contributions may,
eventually, help us to solve our problems.
you have emphasized that Noll had introduced local reference
whatever. These also appear in papers by
lattices, or configurations, or
Kondo and by Bilby and coworkers which were published in the early
A. Seeger
W. Frank
Key words: Arrhenius rate theory; dislocation dynamics; statistical theory of disloca-
tion; thermal acceleration.
I. Introduction
di=b,piVi (1.2)
€ = a = bpv. (1.3)
given by
FRANK 1067
v^pX, (2.2)
where A. is the mean value of X and p the mean jump frequency of dis-
locations over barriers.
Herein, A.g(P; r, T) and />/(t, r)Ajc(P; r, T)t mean the work done over
the activation distance Ax{P; r, T) against the dislocation-obstacle
interaction force and by the effective external stress r, respectively
(/^mean value of /). At this point we have assumed that (/—/)2 is suf-
ficiently small, in order to replace AG{1) by AG(/). This condition is
less stringent than the assumption of quasi-regularity, which requires
369-713 OL - 71 - Vol U - 23
v,{P;T.T)^jp-^v,{r.T). (2.6)
/(t, T)
do^f'pvn. (2.12)
which is a constant.
assumed to be valid.
3. The attempt frequency does not depend explicitly on P:
voiP: T, T) - i>o(T, T) ^ (2.6)
/(t, T)
These assumptions are exactly the same as those which have been made
for the derivation of the Arrhenius eq (2.11) in the case of a quasi-regular
array of uniform obstacles.
dQ=b'-pVD. (3.4)
Correspondingly, the conditions (3.1) for soft and hard obstacles are
that only soft obstacles are taken into account in the calculation of 4(t, T).
C. Calculation of v (t, T)
If the effective integral densities per unit area of the slip planes for
soft obstacles, hard obstacles, and soft groups are
yv.s.(T, T) = ^- - -
yv(P;T, T)dp, . . . dp,n. (3.7)
v{t. T) = f.(T, T)-^Gs{t, T)
The relation between /(r, T) and the total effective integral density
By the eqs (3.12), (3.7), and (3.8) the calculation of /(r, T) is reduced
to that of the effective differential obstacle density A^(P; r, T)dpi . . . dpm-
If D{P)dp\ . . . dpm denotes the actual differential obstacle density
and if /<(P; r, 7") is the probability that a potential obstacle of the type
P is not transparent for dislocations moving at the effective stress r and
the temperature T, we may put
FRANK 1073
The factor of two accounts for the fact that obstacles are located on both
sides of the slip planes. The nontransparency factor k{P; t, T) is simply
given by
r AG{P; T, T)
J w=0
k{P; t, T) 1 — exp
J M=0
AG (t, T)
v{t, T) = vq{t, T) exp (3.15)
h{T,T) = ^. • -
2 - • • exp[-AG(P;T, T)/kT]
0, (/„ JfPt=0 Jp,„_,=0 J p,„=p*
Under the assumptions of section III.l a comparison between the eqs (1.3),
and (3.15) yields
AG(t, T)
a = ao exp (3.19)
e = Tvd, (4.1)
From the «/do- values of figure 2 the mean free enthalpy AG of activation
was calculated as a function of the deformation temperature with the aid
of eq (3.19) (solid curve through the open circles in fig. 3). On the other,
the mean enthalpy AH of activation could be determined experimentally
FRANK 1075
1 1 1 \ U
0 100 200 JOO 400
r(°K) — 300
circles in fig. 3). Since the contribution — TAS by the mean entropy AS of
activation is small compared to Ai7 (AS= (5 ±4)/:) [13], the "theoretical"
AG-values may be directly compared to the "experimental" A//-values
(fig. 3). The excellent agreement appears to be particularly noteworthy,
since no adjustable parameter enters into the calculations.
Figure 3. Comparison of the "theoretical" AG-T curve obtained from data in figure 2 by
means of eq (3.19) (solid curve through the open circles) with "experimental" A^-values
determined from change-in-strain-rate and change-in-temperature tests [14J (full circles).
V. Acknowledgements
VI. References
[1] Pegel, B., in Realstruktur und Eigenschaften von Reinststoffen 3, E. Rexer, Ed.,
(Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1967) p. 895.
[2] Schock, G., phys. stat. sol. 8, 499 (1965).
[3] Granato, A. V., LUcke, K., Schlipf, J., and Teutonico, L. J., J. Appl. Phys. 35, 2732
U. F. Kocks
For time increments larger than the time of flight between waiting
positions [1], the macroscopic shear rate is then [2-5] ^
(b: Burgers vector). The fraction dP may become unstable not only
through thermal activation after an average waiting time tu ^ but also
through an increase da in applied stress:
^ = -(A-i)- (5)
p\Lb y
For an application to linear problems such as etch pit propagation, one may prefer to
replace (aN) by (px), where p is the total length of essentially straight mobile dislocations
and X the average distance they move forward per spurt. One may then interpret {x dPjdt)
as the average dislocation velocity, or conversely (pdPldt) as the dislocation generation
rate. This distinction [6, 7] is arbitrary for spurt-like motion [8].
^ By y we mean the plastic shear rate only; to include elastic (and machine) strains, a term
cr/G has to be added to the right-hand side. To obtain the relevant shear component of the
tensorial strain, the entire equation has to be divided by 2.
KOCKS 1079
Equation (4) shows that the Arrhenius equation for plastic flow holds
only if
&=ey. (6)
This is the equation of the stress strain curve after the initial transition
region: The stress is continuously raised to compensate for structural
changes. Thus the Arrhenius law holds for the asymptotic flow stress.
In a strain rate change experiment, the Arrhenius law holds again for
the asymptotic flow stress as mentioned before. The existence of transients
such as yield drops suggests slow movement of dislocations between wait-
ing positions. This may be either due to a high drag or lattice friction stress,
when one considers spurt-like activation over discrete obstacles; or it may
be due to a quasi-viscous propagation through obstacles, but spurt-like
generation at sources.
One may be tempted to apply the Arrhenius equation also at the top
of the yield point (or properly where eq (6) is fulfilled). However, this
would presuppose that the velocity of dislocations in transit is itself con-
trolled by thermal activation, such as in the quasi-viscous model discussed
above, and that elastic effects of machine and specimen may be neglected.
The latter is grossly untrue during transients. The situation gets worse if
one back-extrapolates the transient itself to zero strain [11].
Detailed models of spurt-like slip have been developed for the case in
which the flow stress is controlled by the difficulty of propagation through
a slip plane studded with point-like obstacles, i.e., obstacles that are of
limited extent in both dimensions in the plane. Such obstacles may vary
in strength, spacing, and angular arrangement with respect to each other.
The waiting time for thermal activation of a dislocation segment at an
obstacle depends on all of these parameters. While each one of these
waiting times may be described by an Arrhenius term, the macroscopic
strain rate depends on some average of these, and the question is, what
For the simple case of a square lattice of obstacles of varying strength,
Frank [12] has recently written out the averaging procedure in elaborate
form, considering soft spots in series and hard spots in parallel^ The case
of identical obstacles in random spacial arrangement had been treated
analytically by Kocks [2-5] and numerically by Foreman and Makin
ri4, 151.
Formally, the two cases may be transformed into each other by a simple
strength-to-inverse-spacing transformation. However, some of the geo-
metrical implications may be easier to see, and were derived, in Kocks's
The important observation is that, independent of the temperature,
dislocation loops sweeping over the same area of the slip plane have to
overcome the same set of obstacles in the same sequence: they pass
through weak obstacles in series until they get to a critical "gateway,"
and aU "gateways" in the slip plane have to be overcome in parallel before
the entire slip plane has been swept out. For this reason, the weight
attributable to the various obstacles in the averaging procedure does
not depend on temperature and, as a consequence, neither does the
configurational entropy of activation (into which Frank [12] has put the
effect); there is no "thermal front" Only when the pre-exponential
In a specific case, Kocks [4, 5] has shown that the waiting times at
different critical obstacles along the same dislocation line arrange them-
He neglects the interaction between various obstacles along the same dislocation line,
which makes the waiting time at one obstacle depend on whether the dislocation has already
overcome the next one ("zipper effect" [13]).
^ Their specific reason for assuming such an inversion, which was not based on a spectrum
selves to be equal at the flow stress; this applies when many weak obstacles
and few strong ones are both randomly distributed in the slip plane.
N = Np/d (7)
and then considering the product (aNp) which enters into the general
equation of flow (4). This product must be a constant of order 1 if the whole
slip plane has to be swept out, and that was shown to be necessary at the
flow stress [2]: otherwise back stresses will build up that prevent any
further flow. If there were just one source per slip plane, it would have to
cover the entire slip plane. If there are Np sources, each has to cover an
area roughly equal to the average area per source, so that dislocations of
opposite sign can annihilate each other or form low-stress arrangements.
The pre-exponential term then becomes
baN=b/d. (8)
lY. Acknowledgement
This work was performed under the auspices of the United States
Atomic Energy Commission.
V. References
[4] Kocks, U. F., Trans. Jap. Inst. Met. 9 Suppl. 1, (1968) (Int'l. Conf. on Strength of Metals
[13] Dorn, J. E., Guyot, P., and Stefansky, T., in Physics of Strength and Plasticity, A, S.
Department of Metallurgy
University of Oxford
cal equilibrium shape of the bowing-out loop are taken into account, and
the yield stress for screws and edges is found to be the same. The results
of a calculation of the effect of interaction between neighboring segments
of the dislocation on the critical breaking angle and on the yield stress are
presented. Computer calculations on the motion of dislocations through
random arrays of parallel line obstacles show that the dislocations move
by the generation and motion of large "kinks." The yield stress is found to
increase approximately linearly with the obstacle length. These calcula-
tions are relevant to and are compared with the hardening in the early
stages of the work hardening curve of dispersion hardened alloys contain-
ing small particles, in which rows of prismatic loops are formed at the par-
ticles, which act as linear obstacles to the gliding dislocations.
I. Introduction
Foreman and Makin [1] and Kocks [2] have considered the problem of
the flow stress for a dislocation passing through a random array of im-
penetrable point obstacles on a slip plane assuming that the line tension
is independent of dislocation character, and that the dislocations bow out
into circular arcs. It is found that the yield stress r is related to the line
tension T and the mean planar obstacle spacing Ds{Ds = {l/Ns) ^'-) by the
Equation (1) has been applied to the yield stress of dispersion hardened
materials by Ashby [3].
It has been suggested that since the line tension of the edges and screws
are different, the yield stress for these two types of dislocations will differ
by a factor equal to the ratio of the line tensions, that consequently edge
dislocations will move more easily, and that ribbon slip will be produced
(Ashby [4], Kocks [5]).
(1) The effect of the shape of the loop if the dependence of line tension
on dislocation character is taken into account.
locations interact with these rows of loops, forming helices which act
as parallel line obstacles. The second part of this paper presents com-
puter calculations on the movement of dislocations through arrays of
parallel line obstacles, as a function of length of obstacle and breaking
If this factor is taken into account, the shape of the noncircular loop
must also be considered.
To a first approximation the equilibrium shape of a bowed out loop is
where v is Poisson's ratio. This means that the average spacing between
obstacles along the screw is larger than along the edge direction by the
factors given in eqs (2) or (3). Furthermore, since the circular and elliptical
loops (related by shear) have the same area, ks^E=^~ where X is the
diameter of the equivalent circle.
A. is the effective spacing appropriate to circular loops; i.e., in the nota-
tion of equation (1) k = Dslk.
The yield stress r is given by
VE^E=k, Ve^e
2E,J2Ee_ 2
bkE bks bk bDs (4)
It is clear therefore that there is only one yield stress for dislocations pass-
ing through a random lattice of point obstacles, that the yield stress for
edges and screws are equal, and that "ribbon slip" does not occur.
(4),where Eg, Ee are the appropriate hne energies. The yield stresses of
dispersion hardened crystals are in reasonable agreement with (4) (Ebel-
ing and Ashby [10], Jones [11], Hirsch and Humphreys [8], Ashby [12]).
It should be noted that the result for a random lattice that the yield
stresses for screws and edges are equal holds more generally for loop
shapes which can be derived by shear from loops with four fold symmetry.
However in the more general case the statistical factor wiU have a
different value.
Ashby [3] has pointed out that when considering the by-passing of
particles by dislocations, the interaction between the arms on opposite
sides of the particle should be taken into account. As a first approxima-
tion this interaction is taken into account by considering the line tension
to be that of a dipole of spacing equal to the particle diameter.
However, it is inevitable that as a result of this interaction, the critical
breaking angle which the dislocation loop becomes unstable is greater
than zero. This problem has been considered for the case of a screw dis-
location cutting a forest dislocation by Foreman [13], and Ashby [12]
has considered qualitatively its relevance to the by-passing of a particle.
equilibrium under the combined forces of the applied stress and the self
stress, including the interaction. Detailed interactions with the particle
however are not taken into account.
given by (tt
— 2^).)
Figure 1 shows the yield stress as a function of L for three values of
x/L typical of dispersion hardened alloys. The curves show that the yield
stress is in fact rather greater than that predicted by Ashby's [3] formula;
for values typical of dispersion hardened alloys, say L=lO'^ro (where ro
is the cutoff radius) and x/L = 0.1, the yield stress is larger by about 10
percent. At the same time the critical values of 6 are considerably less
than 90°; table1 gives typical values; the instabiHty occurs at angles of
d varying between about 65° and 85° for the cases considered.
Table 1. Inclination (d) of critical segment
It is thought that the helix will compress like a spring as a result of the
bowing out of a free length of screw (see fig. 3). However, when the
pitch of the helix becomes of the order of the diameter, the interaction
between the turns rises rapidly (Hirth and Lothe [14]) and the spring
compresses no further. The dislocation then bows out through the gap
until at a critical stress it becomes unstable, and the particle and the
loops therefore act effectively as parallel linear obstacles.
Edge dislocations on the same slip plane as one of the sides of the loop
also repel the loops and force them together to a critical spacing which
will again be of the order of the loop diameter. The edge dislocations must
therefore bow out between the rows of loops which act again as parallel
linear obstacles.
Figure 3. The interaction of a screw dislocation with a row of prismatic loops to form a
Figure 6 shows part of the configuration for the case when the breaking
angle for the obstacle is 90°, except for the "particle" at at which
one end
the breaking angle is zero. This figure shows a dislocation passing through
the obstacle at A; examples of such configurations in practice are seen
in figure 7, and also in Hirsch and Humphreys [8] figure 9.
It is assumed that the yield stress reached when a screw dislocation
starting at the bottom of the diagram reaches the top. Figure 8 shows the
yield stress as a function of obstacle length(s) for three cases corresponding
to breaking angle:
(a) zero
(b) 90°
(c) 90° except at one end where there is a "hard" particle.^
Similar calculations for a completely random array showed values lower by 5 percent
to 10 percent.
Figure 5(a). Diagram obtained directly from the computer by a Stromberg-Carlson 4060
graph plotter for the movement of a "screw" dislocation through an array of hnear obstacles
of length s. The dislocationmoves from the bottom of the array and its position is shown
for successive stress increments. The straight parts of the dislocation at the top are
nonequilibrium positions which occurred when the dislocation broke out of the top of
the array. Infinitely hard obstacles s = OADg.
Curves (a), (b) are linear in 5, curve (c) is linear except for a region for
small s.
Figure 5(b). Diagram obtained directly from the computer by a Stromberg-Carlson 4060
movement of a "screw" dislocation through an array of linear obstacles
graft plotter for the
of length s. The dislocation moves from the bottom of the array and its position is shown
for successive stress increments. The straight parts of the dislocation at the top are non-
equilibrium positions which occured when the dislocation broke out of the top of the
array. Infinitely hard obstacles s = 2Ds.
the critical step, gave a Hnear variation with small s/Dg with a smaller
slope (see Hirsch and Humphreys [8]). If kink movement is the critical
step, it is easily shown that for long obstacles, assuming zero breaking
Figures. The stress to move a screw dislocation with Hne tension through an
In effect this means that the flow stress (as defined by the stress at which
the edge dislocation crosses the array) is lower than for screws.
However the total area of slip plane swept out in this case is very small,
and macroscopic slip can not be said to have occurred; and thus it appears
that our model is too small. Calculations with different sized arrays sug-
gest that as the size is increased, so the yield stress approaches that for
Thus if we consider a dislocation loop expanding in this array, it will
be elongated considerably in the screw direction, but the macroscopic
flow stress will be that as calculated in our array for screws. Thus in
contrast to an array of point obstacles, a type of ribbon shp will occur for
a set of parallel linear obstacles.
Figure 9. Computer diagram for the movement of an edge dislocation through an obstacle
array. Infinitely hard obstacles, s = 2Ds.
Figure 10. Experimental points for a CU-AI2O3 crystal, compared with the computed
results of figure 8.
IV. Conclusions
V. References
[1] Foreman. A. J. E.. and Makin, M. J., Phil. Mag. 14, 911. (1966).
[3] Ashby, M. F., Proc. in 2nd Bolton Landing conference (1966). (Gordon and Breach) in
[5] Kocks, U. F., in Physics of Strength and Plasticity, A. Argon Ed. (M. I. T. Press 1969)
p. 143.
[7] Humphreys, and Martin, J. W.. Phil. Mag. 16, 927 (1967).
F. J.
[8] Hirsch, P. B. and Humphreys, F. J., in Physics and Strength and Plasticity, A. Argon
Ed. (M. I. T. Press 1969) p. 189.
[9] deWit. G.. and Koehler, J. S., Phys. Rev. 116, 1113. (1959).
[10] EbeHng, and Ashby, M. F.. Phil. Mag. 13, 805. (1966).
p. 113.
[14] Hirth, J. P., and Lothe. Theory of Dislocations (McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1968).
Department of Physics
University of Illinois
Urbana, Illinois 61801
large enough the strain rate is given in a simplified model by Abx, where
X is the average distance traveled by a dislocation. The strain rate is even-
tually determined, then,by the rate at which new dislocations are created
and not necessarily by the rate at which old dislocations expand or by the
dislocation velocity.
where A is the total length of mobile dislocations per unit volume, and x
is the average distance moved. This relation, and others depending on it,
e = Abv, (3)
or by
k = kbx (4)
x = m. (5)
I 0.1 I
Figure 1. Dislocation velocities as a function of stress in NaCl. The etch pit data is from
Gutmanas, et al. The ultrasonic data is from Fanti, at al.
Stress becomes weak, and the difference between the velocities of edges
and screws at a given stress is reduced greatly. The effect of hardening
and of radiation damage is qualitatively similar to that of impurity addition.
There are evidently three regimes in the velocity-stress curve, for
which different physical mechanisms limit the velocity. At the highest
stresses, the velocities are limited by relativistic effects to the velocity
of sound. There is also a structure insensitive domain where the velocity is
linear in stress. At the lowest stresses, the velocities are structure sensi-
tive, depending on the defect content of the specimen. It was suggested
Bv = bcr, (6)
where B is the drag force constant and a is the applied resolved shear
The three-regime interpretation is supported by measurements of the
temperature dependence of the velocities and by ultrasonic measure-
ments. It has been found that the velocities as low stress increase strongly
with temperature, while the velocities in the phonon-drag Hmited region
decrease weakly [8]. This behavior is as would be expected if thermally
activated processes operate at low stresses, leading to an exponential
rate can be described equally well by either eq (3) or (4) for spurtlike
motion, the distinction being arbitrary. This is true for times Te long
compared to tfand tw, but short compared to r. We are primarily con-
cerned here with cases for which te is long compared to r, and will use
subsequently the smoothed-out (dashed) curves shown in the time interval
T. For the latter case, we believe the distinction not to be arbitrary. We
thus regard the average velocity Vi (that observed in etch pit experiments)
to be zero before the stress is appHed, to have the value Vi during the time
interval r, and then to be zero again subsequently. The behavior described
(3) and the values of v and € observed by Suzuki, one obtains A ~ 40 cm~"^,
showing that very few dislocations move simultaneously. It is then ap-
parent that after a time i = AoT/A, where Ao is the initial dislocation
density, the old dislocations will have already made their contribution to
the strain and new dislocations have to be created to support the strain
rate. With Ao ~ 4 X 10^, this time is then ~ 10"' s.
A simplified model, stimulated by these data, can then be based upon
the following assumptions.
L The dislocation velocities are large (phonon or relativistically
2. jc = const.
3. e = const.
These assumptions are used to simplify the discussion. They are sufficient
but not necessary, and can be relaxed somewhat for a more general
Assumption (1) has been verified for some low dislocation density, high
purity metals. At finite temperatures the velocity is given by hajB^ and
The total strain at time t is given by the sum over all dislocations
Vi at a time t' in a time interval t. ^t;,(t) is the sum of the velocities of dislocations
moving simultaneously. '
The terms in the sum of eq (8) are step functions of time, each of which is
zero most of the time. To evaluate the strain rate at a time t' , we must
know which of the i dislocations are moving at that time and the velocity of
each. This sum is easily evaluated with assumptions (l)-(3) as indicated in
figure 3. The displacement and velocity of the /th dislocation are indicated
with a heavy line. For a constant strain rate, the stress level presumably
increases at a slow rate. However, in this range of high velocities, the
velocity is only a weak function of stress, and to a first approximation
the velocities can be taken to be constant or independent of i in the time
interval r. But constant strain rate then implies that dislocations become
available at a constant rate, so that the spacing of the curves for different
i must be uniform. Only those dislocations in motion at time t' contribute
to the strain rate e{t').For example, in figure 3, dislocations 1 — 2 and
7 + 2 do not contribute to e(^'). Thus the mobile dislocation density
A at time t' is given by
A=Lt, (9)
€= Abv= A rbv.
Using eq (5), the velocity dependence then cancels out to give eq (4).
Thus, for the conditions described here, the strain rate is independent of
dislocation velocity.
Since the mobile dislocation density required, for example under the
conditions of Suzuki's measurements, is so low (
— 40 cm~-), the strain
rate could be sustained for a period with the pre-existing dislocation
density (.V)~4X10^ cm"-). However, the time constant ^ is so small
~ 10~^ s), that even these are insufficient to maintain the strain rate
for reasonable experiment times te- From eq 5, using values given by
Suzuki, we find A = 4X10^ cm"- s~^ This defines a critical time Tc
through the relation Ao = Atc to be Tc ~ 10~^ s. For times greater than
Tf. = Ao/A= Aot/A,,,, new dislocations must be produced. Even if dis-
locations are able to move again as the stress is raised, x is still limited
by the specimen size, so that Tc is still small compared to reasonable
experiment times. Also, if not all the old dislocations move, Tc will be re-
duced. Under these conditions the rate limiting step in deformation is
[1] Orowan. E. Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) 52, 8 (1940).
[2] Seitz, F.and Read, T. A., J. Appl. Phys. 12, 470 (1941).
[3] Johnston, W. G. and Gilman, J. J.. J. Appl. Phys. 30, 129 (1959).
[5] Fanti, F., Holder, J. and Granato, A. V., J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. (June, 1969).
[6] Gutmanas, E. Yu., Nadgorni, E. M.. and Stepanov, A. V., Sov. Phys., Sol. St. 5, 73 (1963).
and R. I. Jaffee, Eds. (McGraw-HiU Book Co., New York, 1968) p. 551.
Discussion on Papers by W. Frank and U. F. Kocks.
SEEGER: If there is a bunch of small obstacles, they also count. The iso-
lated soft obstacle will not count, but if there are enough to be effective,
then they count just as much as the hard obstacles.
SCHOECK: When you formulate the equation for a rate process you have
to make certain assumptions. In describing the movement of a disloca-
tion which intersects other dislocations or a dispersion of fixed obstacles
by thermal activation one generally uses the so-called transition state
model which was first developed by Zener^ for atomic diffusion, later
generalized by Vineyard,^ and applied to dislocations by Granato et al.^
The rate of overcoming the obstacles in this model is given by the ratio
of the partition functions in the saddle point configuration and in the
equilibrium position in front of the obstacle. From this formulation it fol-
lows then that the quantity which occurs in the exponent of the rate
equation and which is called activation energy is really the difference in
the Gibbs free energy between the configuration in the activated state in
the saddle point and in the ground state in front of the obstacle.
reversible work.
SEEGER: That, of course, is the same thing. Reversible work under condi-
tions of constant temperature and constant pressure, as you are told in
thermodynamics, is the Gibbs free energy.
1 Zener, C, in Imperfections in Nearly Perfect Crystals (Wiley and Sons, 1952) p. 259.
2 Vineyard, H., J. Phys. Chem. Solids 3, 121 (1957).
3 Granato, A. V., LUcke, K., Schlipf, J., and Teutonico, L. J., J. Appl. Phys., 35,2732 (1964).
SEEGER: If you look up Zener* you will find this very point made there. He
says that it's the reversible work to be done, and this is equal to change
in Gibbs free energy.
KOCKS: If I may first say something on this same topic which actually
links to Dr. Frank's talk. I think we are all agreed that there are funda-
mental principles that put the free enthalpy^ in the exponent of an Arr-
henius equation, but there is the other half of that and that is the opera-
tional procedure. If one does experiments and plots the logarithm of the
strain rate against 1/r, of course the slope of the line is not G but H. So
the problem that complicates this activation process in plastic flow is
does enter into his equation, I think there is a parameter that I cannot
quite see being called a non-adjustable parameter.
If I may be allowed one more word on the evaluation of his term "quasi-
regularity," I have not been able to see how it can really deviate from
regularity without very much disturbing the procedure that he uses. For
example, the picture he had on the board showing obstacles was very far
away from and he stated that the distance between obstacles
may change a of the most important things in my opinion
little. One
about non-regular arrangements of obstacles is not only that the spacing
changes, but also that the angle between them changes. If you want to
write a general equation the angle is one of the most important parame-
ters. It does not even enter into this general summary of all possible in-
tors do not enter into the equation that Dr. Frank derives, despite the
fact that it looks general.
SEEGER: Before I give the floor to Dr. Frank, I should like to make a com-
ment from the chair on the temperature dependence of the activation
energies and entropies and the vahdity of the Arrhenius equation. I dis-
agree completely with what you say, for the following reason: If you have
constant temperature independent activation energy and temperature
independent entropy, then these are two unrelated quantities and they
may have any value you dream of. If you consider, now, temperature de-
pendent values, then at a fixed reference temperature — Hke room tem-
perature—the two absolute magnitudes are also unrelated, but the tem-
perature dependencies are absolutely coupled, by the following equa-
tion: T dS/dT = dH/dT. In fact, assuming a temperature dependence or
finding a temperature dependence for one of the quantities gives a tem-
perature dependence of the other— not its absolute magnitude. So, there
is no difficulty whatsoever. The kind of proliferation of possibilities
the slope at one point, which is equal to minus H at that particular tem-
perature, T. Then from the temperature dependence of the function H
determined from the equation I mentioned, you get the temperature
dependence of the entropy. I really cannot see the physical basis of your
KOCKS: The Stuttgart people and many other people always write on the
ordinate ln{d/do). That's not an operational parameter. You are there as-
suming that do is constant.
SEEGER: But only the absolute magnitude. If you assume that the other
parameters are temperature independent . . .
SEEGER: In fact, you don't have to assume. If you measure the tempera-
ture dependence of 5, you can separate it from the measured tempera-
ture independence of do.
FRANK: First of all I want to thank Professor Seeger for having answered
most of the questions which were addressed to me. .
FRANK: But, what I wanted to say is connected to what you have called
the zipper effect. You are completely right that the overcoming of the dif-
ferent obstacles of various heights are not independent from each other
and that one has to account for this zipper effect, but, you see, in my ex-
pressions for the waiting times, I have a set of parameters called P, and
I may use one of these parameters in order to describe this zipper effect.
The problem which is left — and on this point I agree with you — is the cal-
culation of the interaction potential between the moving dislocation and
the dislocation obstacle when overcoming the obstacle by zippering.
I admit that we did not account for this zippering effect in our application
to neutron irradiated copper single crystals.
tion theory, with the emphasis on the theory, I would like to ask Dr.
Schoeck and Dr. Frank if the most appropriate thermodynamic potential
for the discussion of dislocation phenomena should not be the measure
which has the independent variables V, T and fx, because glide processes
occur at constant volume and climb processes occur when one has a
deviation in the chemical potential. Therefore one needs the chemical
potential, /it, as the independent thermodynamic cariable and not A^.
LOTHE: I just want to put on record that I disagree that the attempt
frequency should just be the lowest mode.
SEEGER: Alright. I think there are quite a few people who will agree with
you. It's really a very complicated problem and one has to take into ac-
count the flexibility of dislocations in detail, etc.
HIRTH: I would like to write on the board. I would like to agree with what
Dr. Kocks said about not being able to abstract the pre-exponential from
the free energy. Suppose we have some mean jump frequency that is
composed of a pre-exponential factor and an exponential containing the
free energy AG divided by /cr— incidentally, this could apply as well to
diffusion as to dislocation jumps — and suppose that AG and Pq are
functions, say, of stress and temperature. We could then write
GRANATO: I'd like to ask Professor Lothe why he feels that the attempt
frequency should not be the lowest mode.
LOTHE: The lowest mode attempt frequency corresponds to an activation
process which goes more or less in phase all over the segment. However,
one could also think of activation processes where the applied stress
does not do quite so much work, but on the other hand the line ten-
sion more relaxed; and one can show that starting with these as
tions with the same energy to first order as the lowest mode configura-
tion which is the one you seem to be counting when you use the depen-
dence 1//.
SEEGER: I have come across this point when considering tunneling ef-
it's only the lowest mode that's the important one, then you would move
LOTHE: It really comes down to a matter of definition of what you call the
pre-exponential term,
FRANK: I think Dr. Schoeck has shown that you have to put the total en-
tropy into the free enthalpy of activation which enters the Boltzmann fac-
tor. On the other hand. Professor Granato has demonstrated that you can
put the entropy arising from these various activated states into the en-
tropy factor. My feeling is that when we calculate, for example, the free
enthalpy of activation by means of the theory of elasticity, we automati-
cally take these terms into account. This is because in the formulation
given by Schoeck nothing is said about the sort of entropy entering the
AG term. It is the total entropy.
SCHOECK: The problem is really that before you try to analyze a ther-
mally activated process, you should know what
is so that you the process
can construct the appropriate model with an appropriate rate equation.
Once you have chosen a model, you can calculate the effective activation
energy and the activation volume and compare their temperature, stress
and dependence with what you determine experimentally.
The you measure experimentally depend, of course, on
whether your pre-exponential factor is constant or whether it changes
during the experiment. If it changes, it introduces, however, in your ex-
perimental values some characteristic dependence on temperature and
maybe other variables which are at variance with what you would expect
from the model, and hence you may be able to subtract it out. I agree
this approach is not without pitfalls, and in complicated systems might
not work well. However, you may try different possibilities until you
come up with a self-consistent picture.
Department of Metallurgy
University of Oxford
The effect of the misfit strain field upon the mechanism of cross-slip of
dislocations at impenetrable particles in two-phase alloys is considered.
The strain field is found to have a profound effect of the activation energy
for cross-slip.
Key words: Activation energy; cross slip; mechanical properties; misfit strain; pre-
cipitation hardening.
I. Introduction
[2]; however, the details of the cross-slip mechanism have not yet been
discussed. Gleiter [6] has considered in some detail the problem of cross-
slip and formation of prismatic loops at particles with misfit strains for
the case in which the dislocations can pass through the particle during
the sequence of steps leading to the eventual formation of prismatic loops.
However, Gleiter based his arguments entirely on the local stresses
present, without considering the activation energy controlling the various
Ur=eR^lr\ r^R
= er , r<R,
where r is the radial distance from the centre of the inclusion. This dis-
placement field gives rise to a stress field aij in the matrix given by
where G is the shear modulus of the matrix and 8jj is the Kronecker delta.
Consider an element of dislocation of unit length lying in the X1X2 plane
at a point (xu ^2, ^3), and having a Burgers vector b also in the X1X2 plane.
Using the FS/RH sign convention, the force per unit length in the slip
plane exerted on the dislocation is
ribbon widths small compared with the radius of the inclusion, can be
neglected; the forces will be calculated as if both partial elements were
situated at their mean distance from the inclusion, taken as {xi, Xi^ x^.
We assume the elements to be parallel, of equal length, and to have
Burgers vectors hp of equal magnitude. Choosing the X2 axis parallel to
the Burgers vector of the total dislocation, we have for the forces per unit
length, F+ and F_, on the partials with Burgers vectors making angles
+ 0, —0, respectively, with the X2 axis
t+ = 6Gbp€RH3 (
cos d + Xi sm
„ 6Gbp€RH3
cos d — x\
^ {x2 sm 6),
where the positive directions of F+, F- are shown in figure l(ii). Note the
change in sign of positive force, due to the negative stress field components
in (1). There is a total force on the dissociated dislocation element:
Figure 1. (i) Definition of the positive direction of force F on the dislocation L, assuminji
the FS/RH convention, (ii) The positive directions of the forces F+ and F- on the partial
dislocations Li, L-z.
„ „
F = F^+F- = ,
„ ^ —
12GbpeR^X2X3 cos 6
y* = y± l2GbijeR^XiX3sm 9
^* = ^7/7*. (7)
i.e., at JC2 = 0.
Figure 2.Thompson's tetrahedron, drawn relative to (i) cube axes, (ii) primary slip plane
axes, (primary plane is ABC), (iii) primary slip plane axes, showing cross-slip plane (ADC);
Figure 3. Schematic diagrams of the influence of the particle stress field: (i)-(iv) on the
width of dissociated dislocations, (v) on the width of a positive edge dislocation bowed
out around the particle, (vi) on the width of a positive Orowan loop around the particle.
Once cross-slip has occurred, the 1/2 a[101] dislocation can redissociate
in the (111) (see fig. 2(iii)) cross-shp plane according to
CA-> C^+/3A,
with the order of the partials as in fig. 2(iii). The effective fault energy
y* on the cross-slip plane is given in terms of the primary coordinates
xu ^2, xs by
The inclusion exerts also a total force, which can assist cross-slip, on
the dislocations of figure 4. The sign of the force changes with the sign
of X2X3, and with the sign of the dislocation. The arrows in figures 4(i) and
show the sense of the total force for x-z > 0; for x-z < 0, and for negative
dislocations and x-z > 0, the force is reversed. Thus for e > 0, JC2 > 0, a
positive dislocation will be driven in a clockwise circuit around the
particle; for JC2 < 0 the circuit will be anticlockwise. There are, of course,
other forces on the dislocation, due to the applied stress, and due to the
image interaction with the inclusion. The sense of the appHed stress on
Figure 4. The regions of constriction and extension on the primary and cross-slip planes
for positive dislocations and for positive e(i) and negative e(ii).
the cross-slip plane will depend upon the orientation of the stress with
respect to the crystal axes; the image force will be compHcated in form,
but will in general repel all dislocations if the shear modulus of the
particle is greater than that of the matrix, and vice versa.
Consider the cross-sHp process for a bowed edge dislocation (fig. 3(v))
or an Orowan loop (fig. 3(vi)); the screw arm must cross-slip three times
in order to bypass the inclusion. Some of these steps will be easy (labeled
r >
Xj>0 X,>0
^ ,
X,>0 X,<0
'd f>0 £>0
T <^
/ \
/ \
/ \
^ J®
(iv) (V)
Figure 5. (i) and (ii) Possible cross-slip paths for a positive dislocation forces > 0, e > 0, and
for :C2 >0, <0 respectively, (iv) and (v) Similar paths, for X:^ <0. (iii) and (vi) Schematic
diagram of the equilibrium shapes of a positive edge dislocation bowed out around the
particle, and of a positive Orowan loop around the particle, for :t3 > 0 and < 0, respectively.
Figures 5 (i) and (ii) show possible cross-slip paths for a positive disloca-
tion at X:i > 0, for e > 0, and
and negative X2, respectively:for positive
figures 5 and (v) show similar paths for X:i < 0. In each case two easy
cross-sHp steps and one difficult step are necessary. In the cases where
the difficult step is the third (figs. 5 (ii) and (v)), cross-slip can be assisted
somewhat by the attractive interaction of the cross-slipped dislocation
and the remaining arm of the loop. For this reason the circuits of figures
5 (ii) and (v) may be preferred, although as will be shown in section IV,
X2 > 0, and is attracted for X2 < 0. For an Orowan loop, the expected
equilibrium shape is shown in figure 5(iii). In the region of negative jc2,
the loop will lie close to the particle, in equilibrium under the self-stress
of the loop, the attractive particle interaction, and the repulsive image
interaction: for positive X2 the loop will lie further from the particle, since
the particle interaction is now repulsive. Thus it is likely that screw orien-
tation will occur for X2 > 0, so that cross-slip via the circuit of figure 5(i)
is possible. In the case of a bowed dislocation, however (dashed line in
figure 5(iii)), Gleiter [6] has shown that screw orientation is reached in
the critical configuration at X2 < 0. Thus cross-slip in this case is possible
via the circuit of figure 5(ii).
For X3< 0 (figs. 5 (iv) and (v)) the expected shapes are shown in figure
5(vi). Provided that the dislocation does not cut through the particle, both
the Orowan loop and the bowed dislocation (dashed line) attain screw
character for X2 < 0, so that in both cases cross-slip via the circuit of
figure 5(v) is possible.
The above discussion of the loop shape is highly simplified. For the
small dislocation-particle distances involved, the precise shape of the
inclusion and the anisotropy of the image stress will have a profound
influence on the shape of the dislocation.
plane is 3 VSGbj^, which for e= 0.01 is again of the order of the theoretical
shear strength.
For the sake of simplicity, and in order to assess the importance of the
effect, we shall consider the maximum constricting stress for a given
radius r from the particle centre; it follows from (5) that this occurs for
X\= x^ = rly/2. (It should be noted of course that for values of <
this maximum cannot be attained, and for small values of Xs in particular
the effective constricting stress will be considerably smaller.) Inserting
these values in (6), together with ^ = 30°, bp = blVS, and d = Gh'-ll67Ty
(assuming Poisson's be 1/3), it is found, after some rearrangement,
ratio to
that complete constriction can occur for
a)' 1/1677
^ -7/G6
Figure 6. The maximum separation in units of particle radius, r/R, for which complete
constriction can occur at the absolute zero, shown as a function of linear misfit e for various
stacking fault energies.
dislocation of figure 7(i) must first be recombined over part of its length,
forming constrictions at A and B (fig. 7(ii)). The energs- necessary to effect
this change can be divided roughly into two parts.
(a) The energ\' of the constrictions at A and B. Provided that the length
sHpped state provided that Ei > Eo, i.e., as shown below, provided that
the separation of the partials is greater in the cross-shpped state than
in the initial state.
Provided that these conditions are satisfied, cross-slip is possible by
model (a), with activation length /* and activation energy Ha given by
is redissociated between A and B on the cross-slip plane without bowing out. (iv) Model
(b) the dislocation is bowed out in the cross-slip plane without redissociation. (v) Model
(c) the dislocation is both bowed out and redissociated in the cross-slip plane.
When the total stress (i.e., the sum of the particle driving stress and
the applied stress) on the dislocation is large, alternative mechanisms
(figs. 7 may be possible. The constricted (fig. 7(iv)) or redissociated
(iv), (v))
and can bow out under the influence of an applied stress. For a sufficiently
high curvature (i.e. for a sufficiently high stress) the loop AB will become
unstable, and cross-slip can occur. Consider first the case where the
length AB in the critical state is too small to permit redissociation (fig.
7(v)). In this case (model (b)) the equations analogous to (12) are given
by (Friedel [8], Escaig [10])
TO (13)
2f/, + /;(^o-^,),
where r is the total stress on the dislocation.
Next consider the case in which the length AB is sufficiently large to
permit redissociation in the cross-slip plane model (c)). The(fig. 7(v),
activation length and energy are now given by (Duesbery and Hirsch [11])
Equations (14) are vaHd only for Ez^ Ei, since for Ez < Ei the critical
length and the activation energy will be given by (12).
The unknown U
and {Ei—E) can be estimated from elas-
ticity theory by estabhshed methods (Escaig[10]; Duesbery [12]), and
only the results are given here. For dissociated screw dislocations in the
fee lattice we put
where d* is the separation of the partials on the relevant shp plane in the
presence of the imposed stress fields.
bility of the reverse process by the same mechanism. Similarly, the stress-
activated models (b) and (c) are not reversible, since activation requires
the formation of an unstable loop of dislocation. Thus the rate of formation
lot loS Vfc loS 109 le>9 . lob loo 90 84 76 . 7/ 69 7o .73 .75 77
1'^ 11% u% 118 120 Hi 107 9$ to Q-,
. 61 to 65 J9 76
121 \ix . m lis iiti . /38 122 99 70 S3. . 1*7 ^8 .52 .St .(•^ • ^3^
m m .
67 ,98 /OS
. 2IS 91.
1 \
1 1
Primary to Cross
y =-008Gb £=-005
./»2 .
!'>(> .111 (l» .!« .
'2-5 nu- ./II ,/i6 ,110 .'06 lOO . »9
lOO .
loj .
»o^v. Ii5 .ii>f 137 ,I4-<J /lt9 lis tlo io7 97 '
. .
.93 •
A mech. (c) >^ \
.22 36 60 .
Figure 8. The variation of the activation energy, in units of 0.001 Gb^ with position around
the particle for stacking fauh energy 7== 0.008 Gb, linear misfit e = 0.005, (i) for primary
to cross-slip plane steps, and (ii) for cross to primary slip plane steps.
value shown is the lesser of the two calculated at JC2 = 0 and 1/4(a^j4-jc-3).
The favourable regions of mechanisms (a) and (c) are clearly shown; it
is found that mechanism (b) begins to operate only for total stresses in
excess of ~ 0.02 G.
Figure 8 shows that for 7 = 0.008 Gb, e = 0.005, the controUing "difficult"
cross-slip step requires an activation energy ~ 1/8 Gb^. In this case the
activation energy is likely to be overestimated, since the cross-slipping
at a larger value of l^^l, such that the driving stress is still large, while
coordinates (0.80/?, ± 0.44/?, 0.407?) ; (/?, ± 0.70/?, /?) , (-/?, ± 0.70/?, /?)
for the first, second and third steps, respectively. Figures 9 (i)-(iii) show
the activation energies for these steps as a function of stacking fault
energy for zero applied stress and for linear misfits e = 0.005, 0.010.
Calculations have also been made for nonzero applied stresses, but the
difference in activation energy is small. For example, in figure 9(iii), an
applied stress of 0.01 G on the cross-slip plane reduces the activation
energies shown by less than 10 percent. Since applied stresses greater
than ~ 0.001 G are unlikely to occur in dispersion-hardened fee. materials,
it seems likely that the applied stress will have little influence on the
cross-slip process. The reason for the relatively small effect due to the
applied stress is that the internal stress from the particle is considerably
It should be noted that the coordinates selected for the cross-slip
V. Discussion
The experimental observations give (a) some information about the cross-
slip paths (c.f. fig. 5), and (b) about the activation energies involved.
(a) Humphreys (private communication) has examined the loop struc-
tures in a Cu — 20 percent Zn alloy, sectioned normal to the slip plane
with the slip direction contained in the plane of the foil. The loops are
always less than half the particle diameter high, and the top edge of the
loop is approximately at the same height as the top of the particle. The
For dislocations on planes close to the equator, the first "easy" step in the cross-slip
1 1 I I 1 1 1 1
Figure 9. (i), (ii), and (iii) show the activation energies for the first, second, and third cross-
sUp steps, respectively, as a function of stacking fauh energy, for linear misfits e = 0.005
and 6 = 0.010.
loop shapes are therefore in accordance with paths 5(ii) and 5(v). The
size of the loops is also in accord with this mechanism.
(b) It is pointed out by Hirsch and Humphreys [2] that it is difficult to
decide from the experimental evidence whether prismatic loops are
formed as a result of a dislocation bypass mechanism, or by indirect means
e.g., cross-slip of Orowan loops. It is therefore of interest to consider
whether the formation of prismatic loops could account quantitatively
for the observed strain rate. The number of Orowan loops produced per
369-713 OL - 71 - Vol II - 27
second is given
particle per in terms of the plastic strain rate e by (Hirsch
and Humphreys [2], eq 22)
dN 2R .
if prismatic loops are formed in preference to Orowan loops) then the rate
of cross-sHp must not be less than the rate of Orowan loop formation in
(17), i.e.,
2/? '
2/? Vifb
-J- exp {-HlkT)^ (18)
For deformation at room temperature (T— 300 K), with a typical strain
rate of 10~^s~\ equation (19) places an upper limit on the activation
energy of 0.81 eV, or about 0.16 Gb^. For activation energies greater than
this, Orowan loops will be formed before prismatic loops.
From figure 9, with e =0.005, it can be seen that this limiting value
corresponds to y/Gb > 0.0028, 0.0056, 0.0079, respectively, for the first,
clusion can be used to constrict the remaining 1/6 a[ 112] primary partial.
At stacking fault energies > 60 ergs/cm- the separations of the partials
in the intermediate configurations are smaller than the total Burgers
vector, so that cross-slip by this mechanism would be indistinguishable
in this case from the mechanisms considered in detail in the previous
sections. However, for lower stacking fault energies it is likely that the
Fleischer mechanism would require an activation energy appreciably
smaller than the mechanisms discussed above.
In conclusion it should be noted that the particle strain field has a
profound effect on the activation energy for cross-slip, that so far the
observations are in qualitative agreement with the theory, but that at
present it appears that cross-slip at the particle is even easier than ex-
pected are the basis of the theory described in this paper.
VI. References
[1] Humphreys, F. J., and Martin, J. W. M., Phil. Mag. 16, 927 (1967).
[2] Hirsch, P. B., and Humphreys, F. J., in Physics of Strength and Plasticity, A. S. Argon,
Ed. (M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, 1969) p. 189.
and R. I. Jaffee, Eds. (McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, N.Y., 1968).
[10] Escaig, B., J. Phys. 27, C3-205 (1966).
[11] Duesbery, M. S., and Hirsch, P. B., in Dislocation Dynamics (McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
New York, N.Y., 1968).
BULLOUGH: Have you allowed for change in line shape, such as bowing
out around the obstacles?
H. Engelke
I. Introduction
I 1=1 '
A(f) is the potential energy difference between the saddle-point and the
ground state i •
vi are the eigen frequencies in the ground state, vl the
eigen frequencies in the activated state.
Equation (1) is frequently applied to thermal activated motion of dis-
^pis of the order of a few lattice vibration periods, i.e., tp^ o)~^ (co£) = Debye
For the loss of energy two limiting cases can be distinguished:
(a) the case of fast thermaUzation, where extreme (jumping) energy
A. Equilibrium Configuration
a dislocation in copper show (see fig. la) that the mutual attraction between
the kinks of a created pair plays a negligible role beyond a distance of
1.5 {w = km\i width). Therefore a long plateau in the diagram exists.
Kinks ends of the loop are pushed aside when a new pair is created
at the
leading to an increase of the energy at the end of the plateau. By applying
a stress the energy diagram is tilted to one side.
The first two energy troughs become equally deep when the condition
In fee metals the kinks eoalesee already at low kink densities since the
Peierls energy is low compared with the elastic line energy. The kink
w _ Gb-g
a ^ 2W,
Thus very few kinks are fully distinct on a loop and one may neglect
region II. In region I the string approximation may be appHed. Variation
of the elastic energy to the number of double kinks and simultaneous
consideration of the equilibrium condition
(Tb = (4)
Lni =
L; AF= — 2
1 + ; V- ah '
L. (5)
B. Non-Equilibrium Configurations
and diffuse towards each other until the pair collapses. Only after this
the next pair separates from the loop ends. Figure 3 shows an energetically
less favourable transition (activation energy 4SrA ) by means of two simul-
taneously moving double kinks.
= K-^Xi{t); ^^
m,X2 = - K-hX2{t) .
r=X2—Xi, q = Xi-\- X2
p(q, r, 0= g (g, r, p\ pr) dpdpr
J -X
. _ 2kT dp
2kT dp^ 2 .
t7a- or 17 a-
The first terms represent ordinary diffusion currents, the second term
in jr describes the convection of kinks in the field of force K{r). Since
the kinks move within the distance L between pinning-points and kink
creation is probable only in one direction, eq
(8) has to be solved in a region
p{r,t) = I
J q=-L + r
Jiryt) = I jr(q,r,t)dq,
J q=-L+r
{p{q. r) I
q=L-r-^piq, r) \
q=-L + r). (10)
For illustration the loop configurations for five points in the q\ /-plane
have been sketched. Configuration 1, 2, and 3 are symmetric ones, the
others are unsymmetric. The cordinate q' is a measure for the shift of
the loop to one side.
Equation (9) and the corresponding equation for loops with several
double kinks describe the anelastic behaviour of dislocation loops. A
stress-strain-relation is obtained in principle by solving these equations
for a given stress cr(t) as function of time and using the solutions p(r, t)
to calculate a mean by averaging over r.
anelastic strain
An exact solution of Smoluchowski's equation is available if the following
three conditions are fuUfilled:
(1) ahL(Ti>2Wu
(2) (TalcTi < 1
(3) 2Wu>kT.
In the vicinity of the Bordoni peak we have 2Wk ~ 9kT. Condition (1)
ensures that several wells of comparable depth exist, condition (2) has
the effect that the well character of the potential is only shghtly altered by
the applied stress da- Condition (3) is necessary for the application of
an approximate method due to Brinkman [8].
Multiplying by exp [(})lkT] and integrating over the potential ridge yields
{^o = kTlab(T)
The main contribution to the integral on the left-hand side is given by the
region near to the top of the barrier (S12). Since on the top the current
is nearly independent of r (owing to low density values and the validity of
eq (9)). J may be taken out of the integral
Jo Js^2
For loops with several double kinks one gets a system of rate equations:
^"=f/(/,(-r)'-'-I/-). £<.= —
2a' e
77-17 A-
2/3 x;
369-713 OL - 71 - Vol II - 28
a^=2, 31 •
2r,>^ /3^=0, 33 •
2r./^.^ X=
avTrkT vo=1.5 abw
g7 f<T
1 0
7717 A-
The jumping rates r,j are functions of the curvatures a and j8 of the poten-
tial curve (see fig. 1). The factor e'^(y ^?>I^it) describes the variation of
the oscillation entropy of the dislocation by double kink creation. cTww
is a parameter (having the dimension of a stress) which describes the
interaction of the kinks of the same sign at the loop ends.
The system of eqs (12) may be written in matrix form
A'n + h = 0, (13)
A=Ao+AA, (AA~t;cra).
The ansatz
n = no + An
Ao An + Ah = — AA no,
• •
Aono + no = 0. (15)
noK-=Vk'exp [— ^/n], A: = 0, 1, 2 . . . m — l.
The vectors yja form a complete set of eigen-functions, with which the
solution of eq (14) may be constructed. For a periodic stress crn = croo exp '
. AA •
no ^ ,
. ® u
® 1
two jumping rates and F2). Equation (16) could be solved for models
B, C, and D form (B is a special case of D). The double well model
in closed
C gives nearly the same information as model B if only the solution with
the lowest eigenvalue ta is taken into account.
The resolved anelastic strain may be calculated from solutions An(f)
by the following relation:
m _
Aeanei = 6 ^F,'l^nu (18)
where F ^ F= \
— 2kTlb(T\ for neighbouring wells. The logarithmic
decrement 8 is given by the expression
In the case ofmodel B(r,j=r) one obtains for the relaxation times ta-
TTk irk
TA-=1/ 2 1-cos for <^1; (20)
m TT-'k-^ r m
r{m = 2) = ll2Y and
^-"''^^ fo--
^'«l=^-=i- (22)
B. Relaxation Strength
The relaxation strength of the double kink relaxation may be estimated
by assuming plausible values for the dislocation density, the fraction of
loops capable of relaxation and a mean loop length. The double-w^eU
model yields values for the relaxation strength that are lower than experi-
mental values by a factor of about 40. This difference is reduced in a
multi-well model when the reasonable assumption is made that about
ten wells participate (m=10).
n{Lr(Ti)dLdai = ^-e
-jA — e -
dLdcn. (23)
Here n{L, (ji)dLdai is the number of loops with lengths between L and
L-\-dL and under a stress in the interval (t,, cr, + £/cr/. C is a constant of
normalization, A is the mean loop length. Act is the spread of the internal
It is reasonable to allow only for those loops that cannot act as disloca-
tion sources, i.e., whose length is lower than the critical Frank-Read-length
L<Lcr = 2S/6o-/.
Figure 7 shows that the calculated values exceed that of a simple relaxa-
tion process (line parallel to the l/Tm axis) but that the broadening is not
sufficient to explain the full width of measured Bordoni peaks. Further
reasons for broadening may be involved.
Figure 7. Half- width lITm—^-ITt of measured (#) and calculated (other symbols) Bordoni
peaks plotted against lITm (I'm = peak temperature, r2 = temperature ( >Tm) at which
the damping is half the maximum value).
60 70 80 90 no tn 120 130
J I I I I I I I I 1 I I I L
O 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
Figure 10. Variation of the Bordoni peak with increasing neutron-irradiation dose
measured by Thompson [16].
G2 04 ae ojb w ^-jfci.
(^max~200 w). The exponent n is near to one for A = 200 w and in-
creases with decreasing loop length. In the multi-well model fuU agreement
may be expected since the weighting factor gmi is nearly proportional to A.
In figure lib the peak temperature Tm is plotted as a function of relative
loop length. The calculated shift of Tm agrees rather well with Thompson's
Summarizing one may say that the derived diffusion model is able to
describe the loop length dependence of the Bordoni peak rather quan-
titatively. The characteristic half-width of the peak is only partly ex-
plained, however. The influence of other causes as for example the
splitting of dislocations can therefore not be excluded.
IV. References
[6] Seeger, A., and Schiller, P., in Physical Acoustics III A, Mason, W. P., Ed. (Academic
Press, New York, 1966).
[7] Kramers, H. A., Physica 7, 284 (1940).
[8] Brinkman, H. C, Physica 22, 149 (1956).
[9] Pegel, B., Phys. stat. sol. 14, K 165 (1966).
[10] Laub, T., and Eshelby, J. D., Phil. Mag. II, 1285 (1966).
[11] Ninomiya, T., and Jshioka, S., J. Phys. Soc. Jap. 23, 361 (1967).
[12] Seeger, A., Phil. Mag.-8- 1, 651 (1956).
[13] Niblett, D. H., in Physical Acoustics, III A, Mason, W. P., Ed. (Academic Press, New
York, 1966).
[14] Bordoni, P. G., Nuovo, M., and Verdini, L., Nuovo Cimento 14, 273 (1959).
[15] Bordoni, P. G., Nuovo, M., and Verdini, L., Nuovo Cimento Suppl. 18, 55 (1960).
[16] Thompson, D. O., in ReinststofTprobleme III, p. 597, Akademie-Verlag Berlin (1967).
[17] Alefeld, G., Filloux, J., and Harper, H., in Dislocation Dynamics, Rosenfield, A. R.,
et al., Eds. (McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1968).
R. Hobart
BattelleMemorial Institute
Columbus Laboratories
505 King A venue
Columbus, Ohio 43201
was shown for the Peierls barrier problem, assuming the dislocation con-
figuration is known as an analytical displacement function U {x) , that
partial separation is defined better as the separation of the poles of
dU/dx nearest the partials in the complex coordinate plane than as the
separation of the maxima of dUjdx on the real coordinate axis, due to the
mutual distortion of the partials for slight dissociation. It will now be
argued that the pole definition is also preferable for the multiplanar
dissociation problem.
Fundamental Aspects of Dislocation Theory, J. A. Simmons, R. de Wit, and R. Bullough,
Eds. (Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Spec. Publ, 317, H, 1970).
rrrr/ f dU {x ) / dx' , ,
as unknown, where fju is the shear modulus and the principal value of the
integral is understood [5]. While the direct approach required solution
of a nonlinear integral equation, the reverse approach requires mere
integration to obtain
Since U (x) has an inverse on —6/4 < U < 6/4, the function f{U) can be
obtained from by substitution. However, it will be more convenient to
keep X as the independent variable for the final two steps of the present
The first step is to satisfy Hooke's law in shear
for the small strain at 2U = ±bl2, where a is the vertical spacing between
the elastic media above and below the slip plane, and where 2U is the
relative displacement of the media. For large x the chain rule, with
(1) and (3), gives
^ = 9- (5)
The second step is to obtain the stacking fault energy y of the model
from the misfit energy density vix). This is obtained by integrating the
misfit shear stress function / over the relative displacement 2U
v{x)=-2j'nU{x)]^^dx, (6)
which gives
v{x) =—— ^
tan~^ [(jc + cr)/(o] — tan-^ [(% — o-)/aj]
The two terms can be identified with the misfit energy density due
to the two partials and the remainder with the misfit energy density due
to the stacking fault. The remainder at jc = 0 is taken as the stacking fault
energy of the model
For a> oj this agrees with the result obtained by equating the elastic
repulsion of two parallel screw dislocations of Burgers vectors b/2 to the
attraction of the stacking fault, but unlike that result (8) does not break
down at (j = 0. Rather there is a definite recombination stacking fault
It was asserted above that width and separation are better defined in
terms of the location iw±cr of the poles nearest the real axis of the
function dUldx rather than in terms of the configuration U{x). This can
be illustrated in a two-harmonic Frenkel-Kontorova model described [3]
earlier, in which the configuration is
and the lattice mesh is h. For this model the Peierls barrier was found
tobe proportional to
where l=2'7T/h and 6= (2/ cosh"' a)la. Actually it is not the poles in
dU/dx which determine the barrier but the similarly located poles in the
misfit energy density. The Peierls barrier is proportional to the lattice
periodic component of the Fourier integral of the misfit energy density
in the slip plane [8]. It is the evaluation of the factor exp {2mxlh) of the
Fourier integrand at the poles of the misfit energy density function that
gives the result (11). To define the dislocation width w in lattice units h
so it is proportional to the common distance 0} = 7rla of the poles from the
real axis makes more sense than to define width / in lattice units so it is
The cosine term in (12) can be obtained by a simple argument that assumes
each partial moves in a quasi-Peierls potential [3]. When this term dom-
inates the other term in the brackets, the Peierls barrier can be viewed
formally as proportional to the real part of an exponential exp {—7r[w-\- is]
[1] Duesbery, M. S. and Hirsch, P. B., in Dislocation Dynamics (Battelle Colloquium, Seattle-
Harrison, 1967) Rosenfield, A. et al., Eds. (McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1968)
p. 57.
[2] Foreman, A. J. E. (Unpublished thesis 1955, University of London) see: Cottrell, A. H.,
Theory of Crystal Dislocations (Gordon and Breach, New York, 1964) p. 64.
[3] Hobart, R., J. Appl. Phys. 39, 1907 (1968).
[4] Gehlen, P., Hahn, G. and Rosenfield, A. (private communication).
[5] Hirth, J. P., and Lothe, J., Theory of Dislocations (McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York,
1968) p. 207.
[6] Seeger, A., in Dislocations and Mechanical Properties of Crystals (International Con-
ference, Lake Placid, 1956) Fisher, J. C. et al., Eds. (J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1957)
p. 243.
[7] Duncan, T. R., and Kuhlman-Wilsdorf, D., Acta Met 16, 1401 (1968).
SEEGER: Could we divide the discussion first between the general aspects
of thermally activated processes — such as questions of thermalization,
validity of rate theories, diffusion theories, etc. — which were discussed
in the beginning, and then the more specialized questions connected
with the applications to Bordoni relaxation?
mechanics this problem would not arise. However, I think in the transi-
tion state theory you made a specific assumption saying that as soon as
a representative point reaches a saddle point with an outward velocity,
it will never come back. There you made a specific assumption and this
assumption need not be right, but it has nothing to do with the validity of
the statistical arguments. If you try to avoid this by saying that even if a
particle is over the hill there is still a finite chance of coming back
because of fluctuation — the particle is carrying out a sort of Brownian
motion rather than what you ordinarily think of as a jump process — then
you get into the range of validity of the Kramers-Brinkman theory which
Mr. Engelke was alluding to. It turns out, fortunately, that if the condi-
tions are such that you are uncertain whether one theory or the other is
applicable then both give the same result. So, it's comforting to know
Fundamental Aspects of Dislocation Theory, J. A. Simmons, R. de Wit, and R. Bulioufih,
Eds. (Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Spec. Publ. 317, II, 1970).
BESHERS: I was going to remark that there are very simple proofs availa-
ble for Professor Thomson's point. Fred Reifs new books on statistical
mechanics ^ make your point quite clear in very elementary derivations.
The applicability is a consequence of the equilibrium of the whole
sometime ago, one thing that confused me was that if you take a piece of
copper and deformed it to produce the bias stress, you have a large range
of loop lengths and a larger range of bias stresses. That led me to beUeve
that it would be very difficult to get anything that resembled a peak out
of the data as you would have just a huge background.
ENGELKE: I don't know what you mean exactly, but what I have assumed
is a random distribution of loop lengths and, in addition, a normal dis-
tribution of interna] stresses. Using this distribution you get bowed-out
loops if the spread of the stresses is sufficiently large. Stresses play an
essential role in the kink-relaxation process since an appreciable relaxa-
tion strength is produced only if the stresses are high enough
ARSENAULT: Let me simplify the question. When the loop goes out to a
bias stress, do you always get the two equihbrium positions almost the
same irrespective of loop lengths?
' Reif, F., Fundamentals of Statistics and Thermal Physics (McGraw-Hill Book Co., New
York, 1965), pp. 202-203, and Reif, F., Statistical Physics -Berkeley Physics Course, 5,
(McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1967).
SEEGER: You could also look at it thisway: The activation energy is al-
ways close to that for formation of two kinks. That is the basic process.
What we are talking about are two modifications: One involves a factor
affecting the relaxation strength associated with the process. The other
is that it is not quite true that the activation energy is two times the kink
energy because stresses can help and there is a loop length effect, etc.
This is what Mr. Engelke has been discussing, so he has really been
discussing a modification of the basic idea that the Bordoni energy is
BESHERS: I just wanted to say that every picture we have, theoretical and
experimental, of work hardening — including the original Taylor theory —
gives you a non-random distribution of dislocations. That is, we talk
about pile-ups or and about dislocations which are not in
cell walls
the pile-ups and not in the cell walls. I have not tried to analyze it myself,
but the resulting distribution must be something that is at least bi-
modal — if .one can give a one parameter analysis — if not more. So, until
you find an experiment which gives you a random distribution of disloca-
tions instead of pile-ups and the resulting cell walls, you just won't be
able to disentangle these two.
SEEGER: This may well be the answer. But it's a challenge to the experi-
mentahst to create conditions where the Bordoni peak is half as wide as
the normal one. Anyway, I still consider the question of peak width as
[Written contribution] In aluminum, Bordoni peaks of approximately
the width corresponding to a single relaxation time with Arrhenius tem-
perature dependence have been observed by Ameen.^
SEEGER: I cannot agree with you about the infinite peak width. We are
really dealing with small corrections to two basic peaks. You see, only
those dislocations contribute which run fairly parallel to one of the close
packed most random aspects of the dislocation dis-
directions. So, the
tribution do not contribute. This was one objection against Dr. Thomp-
son's interpretation. He needed at least six peaks, or something like that,
so you would have to invoke not only dislocations running parallel to
[110] directions in fee crystals, but also along [211] directions, and
reasons were not given why the [211] energies were so close to the [110]
energies as to make the peaks overlap. Anyway, I don't think this state-
^ Ameen, D. L., Materials Science Center, Report No. 50 (Cornell University, Ithaca, New
York, 1962), pp. 26-27; Mayadas, A. F., Materials Science Center Report No. 429 (Cornell
University, Ithaca, New York, 1966), p. 37.
ment of an infinitely wide peak is a fair one; I don't think you would ex-
pect this.
Key words: Line broadening; optical zero phonon line; spin resonance; statistical
methods for dislocations.
E = Eo + E'e (1)
Here Zi ^ (r?, rj,) where r, is the position of the defect with respect to
the centre studied and 17, denotes any relevant internal variables of the
defect (e.g., the axis and Burgers vector for a straight dislocation). Equa-
tion (2) is the assumption of linear elasticity and (1) that of first-order
perturbation theory. We can, of course, bypass the definition of the local
strain, e, by combining (I) and (II) into the assumption that the shift in
transition energy of any centre is simply the sum of contributions from
each defect.
(Ill) The probability of a particular defect configuration, {zi, . . . zn},
in which the positions and internal variables of the defects all have
definite values, is P(zi, zs)dzi cLzn. We assume the individual
. . . . . .
This cannot be exact because it allows two defects to occupy the same
site; (3) should, however, hold well at low defect concentrations. The
statistical distribution function, p(z), is closely related to the pair distri-
bution function of the defects causing broadening with respect to the
centres giving rise to the resonance line.
The general method was described in [1]; here we quote the results
for the distribution of e and outline the proof in an appendix. Within the
assumptions (I)-(III) these results are exact.
defects per unit volume and A the area of loops per unit volume. The dis-
tributions of strain are described by reference to the standard shapes:
A is the full width at half intensity of the distribution, and eo the mean
strain; eo usually proves proportional to some macroscopic parameter,
e.g., the change in lattice parameter for the point defect case.
The constants a have been evaluated for two cases particularly useful
in spin resonance:
6Q:aoo)^0.99. 10-7cm
Point defects:
Q;aoo)= 10.13
01(4"'^= 5.07.
With these figures the broadening should be significant (A > lO""*) pro-
vided L> 10^ or 106 cm/cm^, A > 10^ or 10^ cm^/cm^ and p > 50 ppm.
Dislocation dipoles are, in practise, always negligible. Note that, contrary
to the usual supposition for random strains, simple Gaussian distributions
never occur.
The predictions for straight dislocations in MgO have been compared
in detail with spin-resonance experiments [1, 4]. The magnitude of the
strain broadening, and the variation of the line shape and line width with
magnetic field orientation are all in good agreement with experiment.
However, the line-shape itself does not agree — theory gives a nearly
Gaussian shape, whereas in MgO Lorentz shapes are observed. This
discrepancy is probably a result of our oversimplification of the actual
dislocation distribution in MgO. The nearly Gaussian shape for broadening
by dislocations has been seen in NaCl [5], where the predictions for
strain broadening by point defects were also verified in detail. No detailed
check of the predictions for broadening by dislocation loops has been
made, although zero-phonon lines in neutron-irradiated MgO appear to
be broadened by this mechanism [6].
In summary we can predict the effects of dislocation and other lattice
imperfections on resonance lines. The predictions, in terms of the indi-
vidual defect perturbation fields, defect densities and defect distributions,
are verified by experiment.
The probability that the perturbation e lines between e and e + c?€ is
I{e)de, and may be calculated from equations (1), (2), and (3) without
further physical approximations.
Formally we can write
— €(zi,
/(e) =^ / ^ dzip{zi) . . . G?ZArp(2Ar)8{€ 22, . . . zn)}.
The delta function singles out the configurations where e(2i, . . . zn)
has the specific value e; /(e) is simply the fraction of the possible con-
figurations which have this value of e(2i, . . . zn)- The statistical distribu-
v= dzp(z).
we can write
exp [— ijce(zi, . . . ZAr)] = J^exp [—ixe{zi)]
so that
[1] Stoneham, A. M., Proc. Phys. Soc. 89, 909 (1966).
[2] Stoneham, A. M., in Magnetic Resonance and Relaxation (Proc. XIV CoUoque Ampere
Ljubljana, 1966), R. Blinc, Ed. (North Holland, Amsterdam, 1967) p. 853.
ASHCROFT: Are these experiments carried out when the crystal is under
a state of stress?
» Weisman, D., and Bennett, L. H., Phys. Rev. 181 , 1341 (1969).
2 Solomon, I., Phys. Rev. 110,61 (1958).
STONEHAM: I don't know how one would do it simply. What one can do
is to look at the extreme wings of a resonance line. In that case in the low
concentration limit the wings are dominated by the contribution of con-
figurations in which there is, for instance, one dislocation near to
whichever center you are looking at. In that case one should certainly be
able to detect deviations from the simple dependence of the disloca-
tion strain field provided you know something about the distribution of
the dislocations and point defects, for instance if you assume that they
are just randomly distributed. Unfortunately, both the strain field and
the distribution are rather intimately coupled, and it may be difficult to
SEEGER: There is also the point that since your Burgers vector is indepen-
dent of the radius unless you are really in the core, the strain, if properly
defined, will always be 1/r unless you get right in the dislocation core.
It's the stress that shows the non-linear deviations and your results are
really sensitive to the strain and not the stress. So the region where your
technique could be expected to show any non-linear effects is extremely
small. It is the dislocation core proper, and not the region where in other
experiments second-order effects could be expected to show up.
STONEHAM: There are two points. The first point is that in the case of
broadening by strains there is no need to make any corrections of the na-
ture you have just mentioned, simply because all one is saying is that the
coupling coefficient one measures is the shift in the resonance line per
unit external strain — if one forgets about the changes in lattice con-
stants. When one calculates what the strain broadening is, one also uses
effectively, the formulae for the external strain due to other defects. In
other words one is saying that the corrections due to the changes in local
force constants are the same for the strains due to defects as they are for
the case of the external stress. This is not necessarily a valid assump-
tion,although it becomes increasingly valid at low concentrations when
the more homogeneous strains are the most important ones. In other
cases, though, particularly if you are interested in broadening by internal
electric fields, then it is essential to take into account some sort of local
field correction. This is often very difficult to calculate, particularly in
nuclear magnetic resonance cases.
R. O. Scattergood and U. F. Kocks
Metallurgy Division
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, Illinois 60439
Ideally, one might like to know the stress field cr/j of a straight disloca-
tion extending throughout a finite body under free surface conditions,
i.e., so that the tractions '
Ti = (TijTlj =0 (1)
on every surface element (unit normal nj). In practice, this goal is hard
to achieve and of limited interest. Instead, stress fields of both screw and
edge dislocations have been obtained for long cylinders and for thin plates,
fulfilling free surface conditions on the large surfaces, but not on the end
surfaces of the cylinder or on the rim surface of the plate [1, 2]. Yet
certain averages of the tractions over these small parts of the surface
were made to vanish so that, by Saint Venant's principle [3], their effect
would not penetrate far into the body. These less restrictive boundary
conditions may be called "internal stress conditions."
For example, the torque developed by the simple stress field of a screw
dislocation across any cross section of a cyHnder has commonly been
canceled by the superposition of another stress field without regard to
the fact that both stress fields together do not lead to vanishing surface
tractions on the ends of the cyHnder.
Similarly, one may relax the free surface conditions everywhere, so
long as certain averages of the tractions are zero and the "wavelength"
of their variation is small compared to the specimen dimensions. We have
found that more general boundary conditions Hke this, which are easier
to satisfy than eq (1), often produce essential features of dislocation
stress fields in a finite body. Let us therefore summarize these "internal
stress" conditions, first regarding the "wavelength," then the vanishing
of "certain averages."
For a finite body containing many dislocations, it is often stated that the
surface effects penetrate to a depth comparable to the average dislocation
spacing. It is true that the surface tractions, which would be demanded
by an approximate stress would vary with a "wavelength" of the
separately. In other words, the average of the surface tractions over S'
must also vanish.
eikiXkTidS =0 (4)
tensor. The term in eq (4) represents the moments arising from torques
(i.e., twisting and bending moments) being transmitted through the cut.
where the integration is taken over all positions Xn on the cross section.
If eq (6) is integrated by parts along the coordinates k in the plane, noting
Let the dislocation at Xn have the Burgers vector bj. The gradient of the
interaction energy is then [4]
ekiiO-ijbjTii (8)
where (Tij is the stress field of the fixed dislocation and /i, is a unit vector
along the cylinder axis. Substituting into eq (7) and using eq (5) we find
apparent from either figure la or lb that the interaction force must also
be zero for certain configurations. An extensive set of contours for the
interaction energy and the radial component of the interaction force
between a pair of screw dislocations in a cylinder was given in a previous
paper using the complete solution for the stress field [5]
^Interaction energies were determined by the usual method [1] of integrating the appro-
priate stress components of the fixed dislocation over a "cut." When the mantle is not a free
surface, this method must be considered an approximation since we ignore the work done
by surface tractions. For consistency all cuts were parallel to the y axis.
^The bracketed index means no summation.
and Myz which are transmitted through the cyhnder cross section. It is
clear that these kinds of torques must arise from the (Tzz — v{axx-^(Tyy)
component of the stress.
The only mention of the torques associated with edge dislocations
appears to be a theorem attributed to Eshelby by Nabarro [2]: The
vanishing of the tractions over the mantle of a cylindrical body (arbitrary
cross-sectional shape) containing a dislocation parallel to its axis implies
the vanishing ofMxz and Myz. The proof given [2] invokes an incorrect
formulation of the free surface condition on the mantle, and we shall
give a correct proof since the result is of interest here.'* Let the z axis
coincide with the cylinder axis and let A be the cylinder cross section.
We obtain from eqs (5), (10), and (11)
= - £ y(TzzdS = £ -y Tyds -
ix' )
£ xyT:rds ( 14)
^The present authors questioned the free surface conditions given in [2] on the basis of
The conditions given in [2] are in fact correct (J. Eshelby, private
specific stress functions.
communication) if one allows for additional linear terms in the stress function. This does not
affect the stresses.
' ^^^^
Bullough [6] has given the stress functions for complete solutions, these
result in corrective terms which are more complicated functions ofx andy
than eq (16). We can again neglect the free surface condition at the ends
of the cylinder (cf. screw dislocations).
Figures 2a and 2b show the interaction energy contours obtained with
torque-corrected and infinite body stress fields, respectively. For this
special case, with the fixed dislocation along the cylinder axis, the torque
correction also removes the traction from the mantle, but in general this
will not happen. We have thus labeled the torque corrected contours a
complete solution, and of course all the features of finite body inter-
action are manifested under the torque corrected stress field. If the fixed
dislocation is moved ojff the cylinder axis, the situation becomes analogous
to that for screw dislocations. Adding the torque correction brings out the
essential features of the interaction.
As a matter of interest we show in figures 3 and 4 several interaction
energy contours obtained with complete solutions where the fixed disloca-
tion is moved off the cylinder axis. One can see that the energy of interac-
tion changes sign and also that there is a zero radial interaction force,
i.e., not just with respect to the glide component. When two like dis-
Figure 5. Some metastable screw dislocation configurations. (The distance from the axis
is given in units of the cyhnder radius.)
locations with Burgers vectors parallel to the x axis both lie on the x axis,
the interaction force is always repulsive and the energy of interaction
always positive.
V. Acknowledgjement
This work was performed under the auspices of the United States
Atomic Energy Commission.
VI. References
[1] Eshelby, J. D., in Solid State Physics 3, F. Seitz and D. TurnbuU, Eds. (Academic Press,
[4] Peach, M. O., and Koehler, J. S., Phys. Rev. 80, 436 (1950).
[5] Kocks, U. F., and Scattergood, R. O., Acta Met. 17, 1161 (1969).
[6] Bullough, R., A.E.R.E. Report No. PGEC/L-33, Theoretical Physics Division, A.E.R.E.,
Harwell (Sept., 1964).
M. Wilkens
The paper gives a full proof of the author's earlier statement according
to which the elastic interaction energy of completely randomly distributed
dislocations vanishes. As a consequence the outer cut-off radius in the
logarithmic factor of the elastic energy coincides with the external
cylinder radius rather than with the mean dislocation spacing. The proof
takes into account the elastomechanical boundary conditions which were
neglected in the earlier paper. Further it is shown that for a restrictedly
random distribution the outer cut-off radius is equivalent to the radius of
the areas smallcompared with the cylinder cross-section, each of which
contains the same number of dislocations randomly distributed over the
corresponding area. In the special case that each area contains only one
dislocation with arbitrary inside the area the outer cut-off radius
degenerates to the mean dislocation spacing.
where {cr^)^ equals the sum of the mean square stresses due to the
individual dislocations and (o-^)i denotes the interaction terms. (The
subscripts s and i refer to "self-energy" and "interaction energy.") The
two terms may be expressed as follows:
{(T'')i = o-(r, r) •
o-(r", r) • d'r^ •
P^''^{h\ r" ) •
d'h' •
d'^r" •
I [f I
a-(r, r) stands for the stress component under consideration at the posi-
tion r inside the traction-free body. cr(r, r) is originated by a dislocation
line with its intersection point at r in the cross section F F= volume of •
the body, P^^^ (r) d'^r means the probability for finding any dislocation
inside the area d'^r at the position r. P^^^r,' r") d'^r' d'^r" denotes the • •
probability for one dislocation in the area d'^r' at r' and another disloca-
tion in d'^r" at r". P^^^ and P^'^^ are distribution functions averaged over
an infinitely large number of individual distributions, obtained under the
same statistical conditions. For the problem under consideration this
averaging is necessary, since for an individual distribution (cr'^) may
deviate strongly from the average value in either direction.
Now we make use of the dislocation theorem, according to which a
traction-free body containing a locally constant dislocation density remains
stress-free [2, 3]. For the distribution model (i) it comes out that P^^^
= constant and F^^^ = constant. Then it is easy to arrive from eq (1) to
<o-2>/ = 0, (2a)
<o-2) = {a')s = p • 6^ •
C • log Ro/ro. (2b)
After evaluating P^'^ and P^'^^ for the distribution (ii) one finds for Ro >
Rp >p"'/^, = radius of the sub-areas.
Rp—ap'Rp, ap—ao.
Equation (2) confirms exactly the author's [1] earlier statement, according
to which the effective outer cut-off radius in (o-^) coincides for a com-
pletely random distribution approximately with the cylinder radius. The
distribution model (ii) may be extrapolated to one dislocation per sub-
area, corresponding to Rp = (np)'^^'^. For this extreme case, which may
be better denoted as a "quasi-homogeneous" distribution, eq (3) results
in an effective outer cut-off radius in the order of the mean dislocation
spacing. Such a value for the outer cut-off radius was assumed to hold
also for completely random distributions [4, 5], which is in contrast to
It is easy to verify that eq (2) remains valid also for dislocations of
[1] Kroner, E., Kontinuumstheorie der Versetzungen und Eigenspannungen, Ergebn. angew.
Math. 5 (Springer- Verlag, Berlin 1958).
[2] Nabarro, F. R. N., Theory of Crystal Dislocations (Clarendon Press, Oxford 1967).
[3] Wilkens, M., Acta Met. 15, 1412, 1415 (1967); Scripta Met. 2, 299 (1968).
[4] Kocks, U. P., Acta Met. 15, 1415 (1967).
[5] Ben- Abraham, S. I., Scripta Met. 2 , 9 (1968).
[6] Wilkens, M., Acta Met., in press.
M. Wilkens
The paper deals with a theoretical study of the Fourier transform of the
X ray diffraction line profiles from crystals containing dislocation dis-
tributions. The theory is based mainly on a calculation of spatial averages
of powers of the strains e«, where e„ means the differential strain perpen-
dicular to the reflecting planes averaged over a certain length n{n = varia-
ble of the Fourier transform). The second power average (el) is calcu-
lated in a closed form for a restrictedly random dislocation distribution.
However, the result is approximately valid also for other distributions.
The contributions of the averages of higher powers of e,, are taken into ac-
count in an approximate manner. The expression derived for the Fourier
transform depends on the two parameters p and Re, where p is the disloca-
tion density. Re is equivalent to the effective outer cut-off radius which
appears for instance in the logarithmic factor of the elastically stored
energy. The result which is applicable for Re > p~^''^ is discussed in com-
parison with the theory of Krivo-- laz and Ryaboshapka, in which a
completely random dislocation distribution is assumed, and with the
theory of diffraction from distorted crystals mainly developed by Warren
and Averbach.
I. Introduction
X-ray diffraction profiles I{6) angle of diffraction) from deformed
crystals display a broadening compared with the theoretical line width
of perfect crystals. This line broadening has been studied for many years
in various experimental and theoretical investigations [1-5]. If the
influence of stacking faults can be neglected, the broadening can be
attributed mainly to the strain fields of the (deformation-induced) dis-
locations (strain broadening).
369-713 OL - 71 - Vol U - 31
In the past, broadened x-ray line profiles from deformed crystals were
often analysed by means of a Fourier analysis method of the type mainly
developed by Eastabrook and Wilson [1] and by Warren and Averbach
[2, 4]. In this method, the broadening is analysed in terms of the "mean
particle size" (mean size of the coherently scattering crystal regions) and
the "mean square strains" (en) (see section II). There are, however, some
fundamental difficulties preventing a straightforward interpretation of
these results in terms of dislocation density and dislocation distribution.
Therefore, in developing a theory of kinematical diffraction from
deformed crystals, it became expedient to incorporate, from the beginning,
the existence of the dislocations as the sources of internal lattice strains.
In several theoretical papers special, more or less oversimplified, crystal
models were treated. (Therefore the conclusions of these papers are not
directly applicable to experimental results.) For instance, some papers
concerned themselves with the diffraction from a cylindrical crystal con-
taining a single perfect dislocation [6-9], a single imperfect dislocation
terminating a stacking fault [10], or a small number of perfect dislocations
[11]. The asymptotic tails of the line profiles were studied in [12].
So far, the theory of Krivoglaz and Ryaboshapka [13] (in the following,
K & R) is the most highly developed one. This theory uses a method
especially developed for problems of scattering from crystals containing
point defects and is based on the assumption that the cylindrical crystal
contains a large number of straight parallel dislocations which are
randomly distributed over the entire crystal cross-section. This theory
predicts that the diffraction line profile is represented by a Gaussian func-
tion with a half-width which is proportional to the square root of the dis-
location density and which depends logarithmically on the radius Ro
of the model crystal. Applying the results of the K & R theory to experi-
mentally determined diffraction profiles, the meaning of this parameter
Ro (which comes out to be closely connected with the outer cutoff radius,
see below) remains completely unclear. This difficulty results from the
random distribution of the dislocations as assumed in the K&R theory.
In fact, it has been shown by Wilkens such a distribution
[14, 15, 16] that
is not a suitable model distribution for the problem under consideration.
It is well known that properties of dislocated crystals which are based
E = Y-b^ -
p' logRe/ro (1.1)
dS=l (2.2)
and may be expressed by its Fourier transform Ag{n),
1 r+«/2
\ eo(r +5 •eo)c?5. (2.7)
eo^limcn (2.8)
eo = eo •
e-eo. (2.9)
(. .
.}=-^j. . . c?¥, F= crystal volume, (2.10)
means in eq (2.5) the spatial average taken over all atom pairs with
distance n •
T,=-^(27Tgn)Hel) (2.13a)
In the method of Warren and Averbach [2, 4], it is assumed that the
frequency distribution of the €n within the crystal volume may be approxi-
mated by a Gaussian function. Under this assumption all terms T/,- with
k^2 vanish. Below, we will see that this is not the case due to the high
strains near the dislocation cores.
cally isotropic. Fo means the area of the cylinder cross section and A^o
the number of distributed dislocations. Hence the dislocation density
p is given by
The position vectors within the cross section area of the dislocations will
be denoted by r,, i=l . . . No. We define eo(r, r) as the differential
strain at the position r produced by a dislocation
at the position r.
Making use of the analytically simple solution of Co which is valid for
straight dislocations in an infinite body (this assumption will be justified
below), it follows
€0 = function of r —r , (3.2a)
e„(r)=2'^«('*«' (3-3)
with + m
- 1 r 2
e„(ri, r)= . eo(ri + ej • 5, r)G?5, (3.4)
JT^ Jm
m=n '
sin ei = unit vector parallel to the projection of g (or eo) on the
plane of the cylinder cross section {x — y-plane). m •
Cq = corresponding
projection of n eo. •
ijj = angle between g and the direction of the dislocation line (z-axis).
For the following it is expedient to use, instead of the variable n, the
the same size Fp. Each sub-area contains the same number and
dislocations with positive and negative Burgers vectors respectively.
N, = Nl + N-, p= (3.5)
holds. (It appears reasonable that under the condition A <^ VFq the same
conclusion holds for other quasi-periodical distributions.) Hence, with
eq (3.6) we may use for eo the infinite body solutions, see above.
IV. Calculation of Ti
In the same way as the elastically stored energy the mean square
of the differential strain Co may be expressed in the form
The constant C depends on the type of the dislocation involved and on the
orientation of g with respect to the dislocation line and to b.
/o-=log^=log^-« (4.5)
''o r0
with oi=- for screw dislocations. A similar value of a is expected for other
about 10 ro.
Under this condition it was found in [8] that for a single dislocation
<e2)=(6/27r)2.77 '
p-C'f{mlRe). (4.7)
/(77l/i?e)-l0g^+2, (4.8)
° 0.1 Q5 q^.m/2Rp 10
0 0.2 1.0
,f.m/R^ 2.0
Figure 1 The functions /(^) and/*(r^) as given by eq (A.8). Full line=/(^) and f*ir]);
dashed line = approximation according to eq (4.8); dotted horizontal Hne = constant p
according to eq (7.6).
signs of the Burgers vectors bi, hj and, or due to the antisymmetry of the
individual strain components Cq. For a restrictedly random distribution
the result is (appendix 2)
'TT^-p^'O [fl-fo+
^ ]
= 3(e2)2-3(6/27r)4 •
rr' - p' •
C [/o-f|] (5.3)
with /o as defined in eqs (4.1) and (4.5). The first part of <ej)(2) exceeds
<«J>(3)=^ { <^J><^'
+| (W2ir)^ -77^ -p' O [/„- ( 2 log 2 + )] }
In the next section we find that our approximation is applicable only for
Np> 1. Consequently we may neglect (€j)(3) in comparison to the pre-
ceding terms of (ej).
(4) Calculating (ej) — 3(€§)2 we see that both terms (ej)^ cancel
each other. We are thus left with
where, due to ro ^ > p, the first term on the right hand side outweighs
the second one strongly.
(5) If we now turn from Co to €«, it is easy to show that neglecting ro
is of the same order in m as Ti; and for small m the rest of T2 may be
neglected compared with THi).
(7) With respect to the higher approximations Ta, A: ^3, similar con-
clusions could be drawn. For small m there exists a leading term T^-^d
analogously defined as TJ,) which is rather independent of the dislocation
2 Ttiv
with i^=|g-b|=^-6 -
cos ^1 for screw dislocations. In the appendix 3
it is shown Kv can be calculated without explicit knowl-
that the constant
edge of the constants D'j.. In figure 2, Kv is plotted for 1^= 1 to 6. The full
line corresponds to an interpolation curve
which we will need later. Similar as for the calculations of j8, eq (4.6),
we assume that as a first approximation Kp is dependent of the type of
the dislocations.
(9) One further conclusion regarding the higher order terms Ta,
/: ^ 3, should be mentioned. Subtracting
T^{\) (which is included into K^)
from it found by a qualitative discussion that the leading parts of
0 7 2 3^56
— l>
Ag{n)=e-^ (5.11)
^=mlRe (5.13)
Ne = pRI'7r (5.14)
For f > fmax the function Ag(n) diverges. In order to avoid this divergence
eq (5.12) must be terminated for f > fmax^ for instance by putting AJji)=0
for ^ > fmax* Such a termination (— exp (-^0.76 A^e) ) leads to charac- •
teristic oscillations in Iy{S) which, however, are irrelevant for A^e > 5
(leading to exp (-0.76 Ne) < 0.02).•
We see that both points of view, (1) neglection of the higher order
terms, and (2) avoiding the divergence of Ag{n), yield about the same
lower limit of Ne for the apphcabihty of eq (5.12).
Formally the termination of Ag{n) can be avoided with only minor
perturbation of Q in that region which is relevant for the flanks and tails
of lg{S). For this purpose we define another outer cutoff" radius R'e by
f{mlRe)-K.=f{mlR'e), (6.2)
Since /(f) is proportional to for f —> (see appendix 1), Q' is a mono-
tonically increasing function and
Ag{n)=e-Q' (6.5)
where (cn)^ should be equal to the above defined mean square strain
<el> (see eqs (2.13a), (4.7)).
We assume that the diffraction profiles If^^ and of the first two
orders from the same set of lattice planes are known. Then A^ and Al^g^
can be separated [2, 4]
For small m the particle size function A^, is curved towards the abscissa
{d^Af,/dm^ < 0). Such a behaviour of has often been observed experi-
mentally and has been discussed in the literature under the name "hook
effect" [4, 8, 21, 22]. On the other hand, from a theoretical point of view
a downward curvature of is excluded, if the particle size broadening is
Consequently our representation ior Ag(n) agrees fairly well with that of
K&R, if the effective outer cutoff radius Re as used in the present paper
is equated (apart from the factor exp {K\ — a) = exp (—1)) to the crystal
radius /?o. This is a reasonable result, since for a completely random dis-
could show that the above mentioned basic assumption of K&R is not
necessary for obtaining a comparatively simple expression for Ag{n)
This expression should be applicable to physically reasonable dislocation
distributions with outer cutoff radii Re down to values in the order of
magnitude of the mean dislocation spacing p"^/^.
If the instrumental broadening of the experimentally determined
be determined separately.
A more detailed inspection of Ag{n) as given by eqs (5.12) or (6.4) of
the present paper confirms the conclusion of K&R insofar as, for a given
value of A^e, the width of the profile is proportional to Vp. The Gaussian
369-713 OL - 71 - Vol II - 32
and extension. Thus by measuring the width as well as the shape of /^(S)
both parameters, p and Ne, can be determined independently from each
other. We shall deal with this question in more detail in a subsequent
paper [18].
n = ^[0,0.^], (A.1)
= polar
(f angle in the jc-y- plane
We set
eo= [sin i//, 0, cos i//] (A.2)
eo (0, r) = ^
sin i// •
cos i// •
r' = V5^+7, (A.3)
Following [15, 16] we may write (el) for a restrictedly random distribu-
tion in the form
ttLiSOt) 90 ^ 90
iriii..Zii 2
arcsin 17 + ^-17^
for 17 ^ 1:
512 1
9077 7)
^+4 log 2., »2*
The comparison of the mean square strain (e(T> for a single dislocation
at r=0 with {el) for randomly distributed dislocations showed that
both expressions diverge logarithmically with the crystal radius Ro.
On the other hand, <eo> is (nearly) independent of the outer cutoff
radius or crystal radius.
In analogy to the second power averages one might assume that also
(ef)) as calculated for randomly distributed dislocations will be independ-
ent of Rq. However, this is not the case (see below). Therefore we con-
sider in the following a restrictedly random distribution. In order to sim-
plify the notation, we write
ao(r,-, r) (B.l)
=I <ef > +4 2 • ^j) +3 2 <e?
i-l i,j i,j
i, j, k i, j, k, I
with 2~ 2 similarly for S" and 2'". In order to substitute the
means the probability for finding any one dislocation, which is different
from the other /c — 1, in the infinitesimal area d^Vi at the position rj. The
subscripts d may accept the following values.
Ci = +, Ci— , Ci = 0. (B.4)
Ci,C2 Cl»C2
AP(3)= '2
d, C2,C3
m.-c,; (B.5)
Ci • •
C4 Ci • • C4
( +) (-)
2 c
and 2c
means summation over the terms with Ci •
C2 . . . Ck=
and "— " respectively.
The cylinder cross section is subdivided into sub-areas of equal
size Fp
1-. Fo r,
n'> = P = ^ •
AP(2) =o for a 7^ 6,
= -^ p for a= b; (B.7b)
P^% = p^ for a 9^ b,
= 4~2P^~S~3P for a = b = c = d,
Now we define
No r _
2; (if
€,•> = [ AP(3) . (^3 . e,) .
d^r, •
d^2, (B.9)
and in the same sense for the other sums in (B.2) we obtain after some
(eJ>(i) = A^o •
(eS(0, r) -(€o(0, r))^)
= -37Vo-<{e§(0, r)- (eo(0, r))2p>
^o =Q
Q = Ztt sm ijj cos i//,
= 3a-pV^[(log^>-|log^+|]
(for details see [14, 15]). (ej>(i) remains unchanged. The other non-
vanishing terms degenerate to the form
Ut)m + = 3(?^ +^ ^+ S
<ej>(3, •
p (p
) TT^
( log
^ )
• log
A, 5 = constants.
_ h
— q), ^
sin i// •
cos i// •
(TT for r' m/2 (C.l)
_ b
sin xjj •
cos i// •
q, for r' m/2
2k •
sin 2r'
q = principal value of arctg
We define a function F,
Using v= \
g-b = g'\
h '
cos i|/
, m=n •
sin ijj and eq (A.3) F may be
developed in a power series
1, (C.4a)
k {2k) \
After multipHcation with A^o the spatial average of Fi + F2, eq (C.5), coin-
cides with the wanted expression of eq (5.9).
Since €„ in eq (C.l) is independent of the z-coordinate the integration is
restricted to the :«-y-plane. Discussing the lines ^ = constant in the x-y-
plane the differential area r'dr'd^ can be transformed into the form
/(g)c?g resulting in
Fr'dr'dip=p' \
0 jo jo jo
r / \ A { 1 9 COS 9 "I ^ ,
/.(<7)=4{^-i^^4^1,K^l. (C.7)
t sm^ q sm^ 9 J
(Since F2(q) decreases for r' > m/2 proportional to r'"^ the r' -integration
however, cancel each other.) Writing the final result in the form of eq
(5.9) we obtain for the constant Kv
Q Q7 2^
A:4 = |, A:5 = |^-2 1og2, Ke = (C.8)
XII. Acknowledgement
The author thanks Prof. A. Seeger for his encouraging interest. The
financial support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Schwerpunkt-
programm Kristallstrukturforschung, is greatly appreciated.
XIII. References
[3] McKeehan, M., and Warren, B. E., J. Appl. Phys. 24, 52 (1953).
[4] Warren, B. E., Progress in Met. Phys. 8, 147 (1959).
[5] Wilson, A. J. C, Proc. Phys. Soc. 81, 41 (1963).
[6] Wilson, A. J. C, Acta Cryst. 5, 318 (1952).
[7] Stokes, A. R., and Wilson, A. J. C, Proc. Phys. Soc. 56, 174 (1944).
[8] Wilkens, M., phys. stat. sol. 2, 692 (1962).
[9] Wilkens, M., phys. stat. sol. 2, 1508 (1962).
[10] Wilkens, M., and Seeger, A., Acta Cryst. 17, 963 (1964).
[11] Drittler, K., phys. stat. sol. 4, 71 (1964).
[12] Wilkens, M., phys. 3, 1718 (1963).
stat. sol.
[19] Nabarro, F. R. N., Basinski, Z. S., and Holt, D. B., Adv. in Phys. 13, 193 (1964).
[20] Seeger, A., and Wilkens, M., in Realstruktur und Eigenschaften von Reinststoffen, III,
E. Rexer, Ed. (Adademie Verlag Berlin 1967) p. 29.
[22] Wilkens, M., and Hartmann, R. J., Z. Metallkde. 54, 676 (1963).
[23] Wilkens, M., and Eckert, K., Z. Naturf. 19a, 459 (1964).
[24] Matucha, K. H., Franzbecker, W., and Wilkens, M., Phys. stat. sol. 33,493 (1969).
Department of Physics
University of Illinois
Urbana, Illinois 61801
Key words: Bulk modulus; dislocations and thermodynamics; entropy; specific heat;
thermal expansion; thermodynamics and expansions.
v=dg{p,T)/dp (1)
where g is the change in the Gibbs free energy and pressure p and tem-
perature T are the independent variables. The Gibbs free energy change
per atomic length of screw dislocation in an isotropic medium is given by
g 4<Tr
where G is the shear elastic constant, b the Burgers vector, a the atomic
spacing, and R and ro are the usual outer and inner cut off radii of the
strain field of the dislocation. Equation (2) has the form
g = aGV (3)
v^G^_l (4)
g G B
sion for the Gibbs free energy change in this case. This method is not
restricted to calculations of volume changes. It is also not restricted to
isotropic, static, or even elastic systems at zero pressure.
The results for the volume change per unit atomic length of screw
dislocation in a number of materials are given in table I, using both the
isotropic elasticity expression for the energy, and the anisotropic elasticity
expression for cubic materials with (110) Burgers vectors. Cl is the atomic
volume, or, in the case of ionic crystals, the average ionic volume. A few
features of the calculations are apparent from the table:
1. The isotropic and anisotropic results do not differ greatly except
in the case of the potassium and rubidium compounds. This difference
results from the negative pressure derivatives of the elastic constant
C44 in those cases. In all cases, the anisotropic results will be more reliable
than the isotropic results.
2. The volume changes for some of the materials, notably the sodium
and lithium halides, are very large. Such a large volume change could
mean the dislocation cores are hollow, and evidence for such hollow cores
Table I. Elastic strain energy and relative volume changes of a number of solids per unit
atomic length of a screw dislocation using isotropic and anisotropic elasticity results
Isotropic Anisotropic
g via g vin
(ev) (ev)
This research was supported in part by the United States Atomic Energy
Commission under Contract AT(11-1)-1198.
[1] Seeger, A., and Haasen, P., Phil. Mag. 3, 470 (1958); Seeger, A., phys. stat. sol. 1, 669
Nuovo Cimento 7, 632
(1961); Seeger, A., Suppl. (1958).
[2] Zener, C, Trans. AIME 147, 361 (1942).
[3] Toupin, R. A. and Math. Phys. 1, 9 (1960).
Rivlin, R. S., J.
[4] Tucker, R., Laskar, A., and Thompson, R., J. Phys. Soc. Japan 18, 120 (1963).
Discussion on Papers by M. Wilkens, and J. Holder
and A. V. Granato.
GRANATO: That is true. We have used the usual elastic expression for the
energy density; of course, it is only an approximation. One could do
better. One could add in something that gives the core dependence if you
also knew how it depends on temperature and pressure. Also you could
go to higher order by getting the non-linear contribution to the energy
density, that would have a third order elastic constant instead of a
second order and again would give the contribution upon
elastic constant
differentiation. But it seems reasonable to suppose that the simple
elastic expression will be the main term for the same reasons it is the
main term for the energy.
SEEGER: The argument given here seems to be very similar to that given
by Zener in his 1942 paper.^ The really new part, I think, is that you have
shown in a general way that this follows from the non-Unear elasticity
theory. We have convinced ourselves in special cases that the results of
the Zener theory and of non-linear elasticity theory are the same.^ We
have used the idea that this is generally true, e.g. for anisotropic
problems,^ where calculations by elasticity theory become so com-
Zener, C, Trans. AIME 147, 361 (1942).
2Pfleiderer, H., Seeger, A., and Kroner, E., Z. Naturf. 15a 758 (1960).
3 Seeger, A., Suppl. al. NUovo Cimento, Ser. X, 7, 632 (1958).
plicated that you have to resort to an argument like that in order to get
the generalizations to cubic and non-cubic crystals.
also very easy to deal with the anisotropic cases here. If you know the
energy, you can write it down immediately. Also this works for another
case that the Zener formulation would not work for and that is for non-
The Zener formulation holds only in the static case. For ex-
static effects.
ample, you can treat phonons by just writing down the energy for a
phonon; then for the density of defects, A'^, you have just the temperature
and that gives the ordinary temperature dependence of the volume and
of the elastic constants.
R. Thomson
P. Haasen and W. Schroter
I. Introduction
In 1954 Pearson, Read, and Morin [1] investigated the electrical effects
of dislocations in germanium. They found that dislocations introduced
by plastic deformation at high temperatures decreased the density of con-
duction electrons, i.e., that dislocations acted as acceptors. Following
suggestions by W. Shockley Read proceeded in a series of well known
papers [2, 3, 4] to describe theoretically the properties of a charged dis-
diamond structure. The success and elegance of this theory
location in the
discouraged from further work of similar extent in this field for almost a
decade. Whatever was done since Read to determine the energy level of
this dislocationacceptor did not, however, fit the earlier results; neither
have Read's theoretical assumptions remained unquestioned. It is common
practice now among workers in this field to start a talk like this one by
reference to a slide which summarizes all positions of the dislocation
acceptor level published so far. They cover the forbidden band of germa-
nium rather uniformly. I will not attempt to review all of this work here
which — useful as it has been — suffers from a number of disadvantages:
(a) Deformation has been done mostly by bending which limits the dis-
N > bNc must be realized experimentally. Results are now available ful-
filling this condition for Ge and Si which lead to a model of the charged
Figure 1. 60°-dislocation in the diamond structure. AaB^Cy indicate the stacking order
of close-packed planes.
The information (d) so far is only preliminary from first Hall data on
twisted p-Ge in addition to indirect information from the change in
dislocation mobility in Si with doping level [5]. The mobility changes with
the dislocation charge (in the extrinsic range of doping) probably because
this changes the core structure and so the Peierls potential. It has been
shown [6, 7] that the formation of kinks in the Peierls potential determines
diamond structure. We will discuss dis-
the mobility of dislocations in the
VI below.
location mobility in section
Information on the dislocation band outside the limit of occupation may
be obtained by optical methods. First results are discussed in section V.
In the next section we will describe the structure of dislocations in the
diamond structure. Then we turn to the results of electrical measure-
ments to prove the statements (a) to (c) above.
that would be highly conducting, a behaviour which has not (yet!) been
found. Also such a band would show donor as well as acceptor character.
The former was, however, not observed at that time in (strongly doped!)
p-germanium in which dislocations produced no electrical effect. Read
assumed some pairing of the dangling electrons along the 60° dislocation
though, as ESR measurements did not show unpaired electrons in dis-
located germanium [10]. This is probably due to the strong spin-orbit
coupling in the material.
In the meantime an ESR signal of the dislocation in silicon has been
found [11]. It is nevertheless not yet clear whether the signal represents
unpaired electrons precessing independently or the free electrons of the
dislocation band. The temperature dependence of the signal will reveal
this. The signal seems to depend sensitively on the orientation of the
dislocations yields 0.05 eV below Ec. Such levels have not been found
yet experimentally. The occupation limit of the neutral dislocation band
of Ge is observed 0.09 eV above the valence band edge (Ev) as we will
see below.
The band model naturally explains the acceptor/donor behaviour of
the dislocation as positive/negative deviations from the half-full, neutral
occupation. These deviations will be small as Read [2] has pointed out
since the extra electrons/holes transferred from the crystal or the chemical
centers onto the dislocation strongly repel each other there electrostati-
cally. This raises the energy position of the band within the gap until its
occupation limit coincides with the Fermi level and no further charge
is transferred to the dislocation.
We will now
describe the Hall measurements of Schroter and co-
workers which have led to the conclusions stated in section I.
[14, 15]
These experiments were done mostly on weakly p-doped germanium
and silicon although /i-type specimens were also investigated. Deforma-
tion was by homogeneous single slip in an uniaxial compression creep
experiment at 580 °C for Ge, at 770 °C for silicon in an atmosphere of
forming gas. Utmost care was applied to keep the specimens clean during
deformation and handling: This has been successful within ~ 10^- im-
purities/cm^ for Ge, within about lO^^cm"^ for silicon. Dislocation densities
were determined by etching. The reliability of various dislocation etching
solutions was checked against electron transmission microscopy in the
case of Ge [16]. It is known [16] that the dislocations produced by this
deformation are mostly of edge character with a structure similar to that
in figure 1. Thus the dangling bonds have atomic spacing. Hall effect and
conductivity were measured between 50 and 250 K (± 0, 1 K) for Ge, up
to 350 K for Si. The magnetic field was about 6 kG. It was made sure by
measurements up to higher fields that the ratio of carrier density to Hall
coefficient was constant (assumed to be Stt/S).
A. Results on Germanium
Figure 3 shows the concentration p of free holes in a specimen doped
with A^ca~7.3 X lO'^cm "^ chemical acceptors as a function of temperature
before and after deformation to a dislocation density of 4.6 X lO^cm -.
The curve of the undeformed specimen is typical for a specimen with
chemical acceptors of an energy close to Ev. The curve of the deformed
specimen indicates at high temperatures the presence of additional
acceptors of the dislocation type as the curvative changes continuously
indicating an energy shift with occupation.* At low temperatures the
chemical acceptors become inefficient because they become filled from
above i.e., dislocations are acting as donors.
' Additional evidence for dislocations not point defects [17, 18] being the deformation-
introduced centers is provided by synchronous annealing studies of Hall effect and disloca-
tion content.
4 and 5). Schroter notes that an n-doped specimen (doping A'^cd) fits the
general trend which determined by the parameter {bNcalN) if one puts
,o"l . , ,
— .^fv-'j
3 5 JO J5 20
(At low temperatures p^A^ca and /=/o is the parameter found experi-
mentally to determine the shape of In p{l/T).)
The energy E to excite an electron to the dislocation band (see fig. 6)
may depend on /, p (and A^ca which can, however, be eliminated by eq
(1)). It is reasonable to put (following fig. 6)
E = Eo + Ei(f,p)+e{f). (2)
W5 S.SlcF
W6 3.9 1(7
For /=0, T=To following eqs (1), (2), (3) one gets
f =0 f>0
I// 1 III ;/ 1
dislocation band
Fermi level
chemical acceptor
Figure 6. Energy level scheme at neutral (/ =^ 0) and negatively charged dislocation (/ > 0).
B. Results on Silicon
Because of the rather different band structure it was considered
worth whileto measure the Hall effect also on deformed silicon despite
considerable difficulties encountered at the higher deformation tem-
perature and higher specific resistivities of this material [15].
densities [15].
z^" / 1 ^ N=2.4-10«cmcm-3
y . j ° o N= 4,7-10^ cmcm -3
? \
— theoretical
i ]
-2-10 1 2 3
Figure 10. Degree of occupation / of dislocations versus Fermi energy {Ep—Eo) for Si
[15] together with result of calculation (dotted curve) [20].
energy- bands from which electrons can be drawn freely to occupy the
dislocation band. The occupation statistics must be reformulated con-
sidering changes in the dislocation band as well as in the valence band
(the chemical acceptors being completely ionized in the range of interest).
This has been done by Schroter and Labusch [20] who obtain two Fermi
distributions for these two bands. Variation of the free energy results in
In -^^+0.25 + ^) (5)
limited by the dislocation charge only, the mobility jjip limited by phonons
369-713 OL - 71 - Vol U - 34
Figure 11. Temperature dependence of Hall mobility of p-Ge doped with 7.3 X \Q^^cm~''
acceptors before and after deformation to A^ = 4.6 X lO'^cm"^ [22].
Figure 12. Hall mobility versus temperature for constant /o. Ge deformed to
according to
-L=^+J-. (6)
f^H l^p IJ^f
A /X/ maximum results at the temperature which agrees well with the
neutrality temperature Tq (visible in fig. 14) for Ge.
The same also holds for Si some results of which are shown in figure 15.
The still finite mobility at T^j, indicates the scattering at the displacement
field of the dislocation in addition to the carrier scattering at the dislo-
cation charge. The mobility }Xu as limited by displacement scattering has
been calculated by Dexter and Seitz from the deformation potential
with the result fJLu^T/N{iJLpT~^-^ for Ge was
already mentioned above).
/Lt/has first been calculated by Read [3] assuming specular reflection of
the carriers at the space charge tubes around dislocations formed by
ionized impurities. Broudy [21] has modified this scattering mechanism
assuming a second hollow cylinder around Read's (of a wall thickness
equal to the mean free path) in which the mobility is stiU reduced. These
models don't apply for our case b NdN ^ 1 in which all acceptors must
Figure 16. Mobility ixf limited by the dislocation charge versus hole concentration.
The parabolas are calculated [24]. Experimental results for Ge [22].
-„ = c.^..exp(-|^)(exp^/-l) (8)
where /o, <po are the barrier height and degree of occupation, respectively,
in thermal equilibrium and A/, (^o"A///o are the changes in these quantities
with illumination, c is a capture coefficient. The change in conductivity
then is
Ao- An Ap (trapped)
an n
. ^
if Eg is the gap width, Ep the Fermi energy (measured still from Ev), and
AE = d\n Te IdiHT) ~ Ea - £0 - e,
A. Methods
As was mentioned in the introduction the velocity of dislocations in
the diamond structure is determined by the rate of formation of kinks
in the Peierls potential[7]. This conclusion is supported e.g., by the good
agreement between calculations of the kink formation energy [6, 29] and
experimental results on the activation energy of dislocation motion [30, 31].
v = BoT'^e-vi^'^, (11)
. X103
T= 500'C
10'^ 10<* 10'* iO'^ 10'« <0'9 i020 102'
Figure 17. Variation of dislocation velocity with doping in Ge. Arrow indicates the intrinsic
carrier concentration at 500 °C [32].
as in n-Ge at the same relative values of the parameters. In p-Si only the
effect of relatively small c have been studied so far which are similar to
those in p-Ge. The velocity changes in effect with doping as does the Fermi
energy. The effect saturates ate ~ lO^^cm"^. It must be of electronic origin
as trivial bulk causes can be excluded [7]. An explanation of the doping
effectby Frisch and Patel [33] postulates a preferential formation of kinks
at certain locahzed charged dislocation acceptor sites. For their theory
which is based on Read's model [1] of the charged dislocation these authors
need an acceptor level in Ge fixed above the center of the gap. In silicon
they claim that the energy level of the dislocation practically coincides
with Ec [34] These results are inconsistent with the electrical measure-
C. Optical Charging
In a recent paper Fortini and deBouard [35] report that the incubation
time in bending creep of pure Ge at 380 °C decreases considerably on
irradiation with white hght (250 W bulb focussed by elliptical mirror).
The authors claim that the creep acceleration under light corresponding
to a 3.5 percent decrease of the activation energy was not due to a tem-
perature rise of the illuminated specimen which was only 0.24 mm thick.
Schaumburg [36] has tried to reproduce this effect by a direct velocity
measurement on a 4 mm thick Ge specimen with and without illumination
(in this case by a carbon arc). No change in velocity was found at 370 °C
and 450° C within 20 percent (Fortini et al.'s change in activation energy on
illumination would result in a factor 4 higher velocity).
On the other hand Schaumburg could show that a thin specimen as
used by Fortini et al. [35] would be heated up by illumination easily by 30
to 40 °C enough to explain the whole illumination effect as the result of a
simple temperature change. In order to truly excite charge carriers to or
from the dislocation the light intensities applied so far don't seem to
suffice. Probably the cross section corresponding to the dislocation states
is too small or the life time in them is too short. The number of electron-
hole pairs created by illumination on the other hand was still a factor of
100 or so too small to change the dislocation charge noticably.
VII. Acknowledgement
The authors acknowledge gratefully discussions of unpublished work
with members of the semiconductor group of the Institut fiir Metallphysik,
Universitat Gottingen, which has been supported by the Deutsche
VIII. References
[1] Pearson, G. L., Read, W. T., and Morin, F. J., Phys. Rev. 93 666
, (1953).
[7] Alexander. H. and Haasen . P., in Solid State Phys. 22, F. Seitz and D. Turnbull. Eds.
(Academic Press, New York. 1968) p. 28.
[11] Alexander, H., Labusch, R. and Sander, W., Sol. State Comm. 3, 357 (1965).
[12] Teichler, H., private communication.
[13] Celli, v.. Gold, A.and Thomson, R., Phys. Rev. Lett. 8, 96 (1962).
[14] Schr.iter, W., Phys. stat. sol. 21, 211 (1967).
[15] Weber, H., Diploma thesis (Giittingen, 1969); also Weber, H., Schriiter, W. and Haasen,
P., Helv. Phys. Acta 41, 1255 (1968).
[16] Springer, E., Ph.D. thesis (G(">ttingen, 1970) see also [7].
[18] Hobstetter, J. N. and Renton, C. A., J. Appl. Phys. 33, 600 (1962).
[23] Dexter, D. L. and Seitz, F., Phys. Rev. 86, 964 (1952).
[24] P.idiir, B., Phys. stat. sol. 16, K 167 (1966).
[25] Figielski, T, Phys. stat. sol. 9, 555 (1965).
[26] Jastrz§bska, Z. and Figielski, T., Phys. stat. sol. 14, 381 (1966).
[27] Golacki, Z. and Figielski, T., Phys. stat. sol. 20, Kl (1967).
[28] Barth, W., and Giith, W., Verhandlung. DPG 5, 297 (1970).
[29| Teichler, H., Phys. stat. sol. 23, 341 (1968).
[31] Chaudhuri, A. R., Patel, J. R. and Rubin, L. A., J appl. Phys. 33, 2736 (1962), 34, 240
[32] Patel, J. R. and Chaudhuri, A. R., Phys. Rev. 143, 601 (1966).
[33] Frisch, H. L. and Patel, J. R., Phys. Rev. LeUers 18, 784 (1967).
[34] Patel, J. R. and Frisch, H. L., Appl. Phys. LeUers 13, 32 (1968).
[38] Peissker, E., Haasen, P. and Alexander, H., Phil. Mag. 7, 1279 (1961).
[39] Steinhardt, H., Diploma thesis (G<ittingen, 1968).
BEN- ABRAHAM: I would like to ask whether you worried about kinks?
Just a year ago, Dr. Gilman interpreted the mobility of dislocations in
germanium and diamond lattices in terms of charged kinks.
HAASEN: It might well be possible that it is the charged kinks which are
responsible for changes in mobility with doping. The only thing we know
at the moment is on a dislocation is one possible way to ra-
that a charge
tionalize these effects. Whether the charge is localized at kinks or
homogeneously spread in the way we have described it here is not
known. Oilman's model really applies to very low temperatures where he
uses tunnelling of kinks and things like this. At high temperatures we are
sure that it is the formation of kinks which is the process responsible for
dislocation movement.
HAASEN: There are only Peierls type calculations for the undissociated
dislocation. The mobility of the undissociated dislocation depends on
doping as shown in the last slide. You know my negative view about dis-
sociation. I think it's quite a different story. What one still would like to
know is the stacking fault energy, say, as a function of doping. But, there
is nothing known as far as I can see.
teract with the two types of dopings — the acceptors and the donors?"
HAASEN: There are no danghng bonds with the screw dislocation. That
was one of the reasons why we left the danghng bond model and went to
the band model, which corresponds to electronic states in the core of the
dislocation without making expUcit use of bonds and pairing of bonds.
The electrical behavior of dislocations in Ge does not seem to depend on
the dislocation character.
MENDELSON: Yes, but the dissociated screw would have dangling bonds
and that would at least be consistent with your electrical effects of
Amelinckx, S., Proc. Int. Conf. on Crystal Lattice Defects. Suppl. J. Phys. Soc. Japan 18,
22 (1963).
2 Aerts, E., Delavignette, P., Siems, R., and Amelinckx, S., J. Appl. Phys. Letters 33, 3078
3 Art, A., Aerts, E.. Delavignette, P.. and Amelinckx, S.. Appl. Phys. Letters 2 40 (1963). ,
etching behavior of various twin boundaries and high and low energy
stacking fauhs in epitaxial silicon^ support the view that twin boundaries
and perfect intrinsic twin stacking faults have a low energy. In the stu-
dies of Art et al.3 the screw nodes in Ge were only extended after pro-
longed annealing. For short anneals most nodes were not extended at all.
ASHCROFT: have another question about the expression you used for
the Fermi energy. If you are in a two-band situation, which I think you
have here — a dislocation band in the center of the gap — then I think that
the number condition which leads to the Fermi energy should in fact in-
volve an integration of the density of states in the dislocation band.
That's one point . . .
ASHCROFT: Well, the second point is that part of your theories seem to
have what looks like a single band instead of two bands for the accep-
HAASEN: That's right. It's one single band. In the neutral condition it's
half filled. The limit of occupation changes with the position of the Fermi
level. This corresponds to donor or acceptor behavior of the dislocation,
C. Nourtier
Physique du Solide
Faculte des Sciences
91 Orsay, France
G. Saada
Departement de Physique
59 Lille Distribution, France
The authors use a simple pair interaction model to make the following
calculations. (1) Stacking fault energy of simple metals. (2) Interaction
energy between a stacking fault and an impurity atom or a vacancy, and
application to the study of segregation effects. (3) Interaction energy of
parallel stacking faults.
Numerical results are given. Consequences of the long range interac-
tionbetween defects are discussed.
I. Introduction
E = E, + \^E{v,.). (1)
w{r)=v{r)-\-Vs{r) (2a)
w{q)=v{q)le{q) (2b)
where w{q) and v{q) are the Fourier transforms o{w{r) and v{r).
The bare ion pseudopotential can be approximated in different ways,
— The point charge approximation where the ion is described as a
point charge Z.
— More elaborate approximations where one takes into account the
We shall use here the results of
core electrons wave functions.
PickAlthough the expression is more elaborate in this case,
it has been shown that for most of the applications one can use the
Figure 1. Interaction energy between an atom 0 and an atomic plane (P). The atoms are
the black spheres, 0' is b has not been drawn but can be any
the projection of 0 on P,
vector of P. O is the average area per atom in P. 0' is on the Oz axis. 00' = d.
The results of this calculation will then be applied to the following cases:
— stacking fault energies of pure normal metals and their alloys
(section III)
— Interaction of a point charge and a stacking fault and its relation
to the Suzuki effect [10] (section IV)
— Long-range interaction between parallel faults and application to
phase transformations (section V)
— An application of these results to loops in quenched Al will be
given in section VI and the general conclusions in section VII.
It has been shown in a previous paper [11] that the variation of the
effective interaction energy between an atom 0 and a plane lattice of atoms
when the latter is sheared by a quantity b (fig. 1) is given by:
From formula (2d) we see that g{x) has a singularity at x=l and
the asymptotic form of i// (A., z) in eq (3b) is then an oscillatory function.
This situation arises when
Ul = Ul-XK (6b)
If one assumes the metal is close packed (f.c.c. or h.c.p., for example),
one easily verifies that the first case corresponds to metals of valency
smaller than
Zc=l.U. (7)
The second case corresponds to the smallest A for metals with valency
larger than Zc.
z = /ic?, (8e)
d being the distance between close packed planes, ip"^ (nd) is seen to de-
crease very rapidly with distance. (In what follows we shall use quantities
<^*, a* corresponding to the use of Z*. In all cases where Z* is not known
we shall make use of a and Z corresponding to the value Z of the ions)
e = 2kod (9d)
z = nd. (9e)
Let Fj^A be the energy per unit surface of a pA(or pV) stacking fault in
a h.c.p. structure and F^, Fj, Fe be the energy per unit surface of a twin
boundary, an intrinsic fault, and an extrinsic fault respectively in a f.c.c.
structure. Simple calculations then give:
^l^=^ nip* i2nd) (10a)
Since the asymptotic form gives except for sodium a good approximation
to the accurate value for the second nearest neighbour interaction, one
can make use of formulae (8) and (9) to calculate (10) and (11).
Table 1. Stacking fault energy for monovalent metals expressed in ergs cm"^.
Stable phase h.c.p.
Metal a* a
Li 0.40 0.39 2 4 6
Na 0.01 0.36 0.03 0.06 0.10
K 0.18 0.32 0.4 0.8 1.2
For these metals eq (9), (10), (11) yield the following results:
— Sums equation (10) and (11) must be evaluated up to n = 20.
This shows that atoms very far from the stacking fault "feel" its
—r is negative for f.c.c. structure and positive for h.c.p. structure
Table 2.. Stacking fault energy for divalent metals expressed in ergs cm~'^.
Stable phase h.c.p.
However, when the splitting is so small the edge effects of the limiting
dislocations must also be taken into account, the model of an infinite
fault in an otherwise perfect crystal is inadequate.
The comparison with the experimental results indicated in the last
column of table 2 is not in fact very significant, because the experimental
values were obtained from measurements on the annealing of quenched
vacancies loops [12, 13]. As shown previously [14] these results are dif-
Table 3. Stacking fault energy of Al expressed in ergs cm-'^. Stable phase f.c.c.
oc* a Tin Te r.
*! exp
III. 5. Alloys
The situation in dilute alloys can be described with the help of a very
rough model, i.e., assuming point charges with an effective charge Z
equal to the number valency electrons per atom and [11].
the limits of stability of phases. Assuming a > 0, one obtains the results
given in table 4.
where M stands for an atom of the matrix lying at the same place as /.
2 <4 Z b
Figure 2. Definition of the interaction energy between an impurity atom and a stacking
fault, a. The impurity atom I interacts with the part M2t of the translated matrix, b.
The impurity atom I interacts with the part M2 of the translated matrix. Interaction with
part Ml are the same in both cases and cancel in formula 15.
These calculations are made using the point charge approximation for
both the matrix and the impurity atom.
One then obtains the following formulae for the interaction of an in-
m=x r 1
AWr = n{Z'/Z) y \^{3md)-ip{3md-d)\ z = 3kd-\-d
m^+l L J (16b)
z = 3kd
(z is the distance between the impurity atom and the fault plane), and
similar formulae for the interaction of lA (IV) fault and one impurity
atom in h.c.p. crystals:
AWr = a{Z'IZ) 2 <Pi^^d) z = 2kd (17a)
For hexagonal metals the distance z is counted from the top of the fault.
Z'=-l A£,(10-2eV)
zld 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 20
Trivalent -3.7 -3.7 2.5 -0.2 -0.2 -0.28 0.19 0.19 -0.17 0.03
Table 6. Comparison of the binding energy of a solute atom with a stacking fault and the
same atom in a fee. and h.c.p. phase (Z'=— 1).
difference in dissolution of the
Trivalent Al -3.7 -8
IV. 2. Application
taining a very large stacking fault, from the results of IV. 1, one can
conclude that:
atom varying with the distance from the fault. Due to the crudeness
of the model such a calculation can give only qualitative results
and is not worth the effort. Similar conclusions apply for the study
of the kinetics of segregation.
— Such a segregation gives an appreciable frictional force (of the
order of 10 ~^ pt) on dislocations moving on planes which are not
parallel to the fault (fig. 3).
FP ?.P.
3 a 3 b
Figure 3. a. Stacking fault (F.P.) with segregated impurity atoms I.S. b. Same
situation after a dislocation D has moved on a glide plane G.P. cutting the fault.
1.36 <Z< 1.65. The resuhs for 1.65 < Z < 2.1 are obtained by turning the figure upside
down, as the energies jm and 2ym of a single twin boundary energy and of two twin
boundaries at infinite distance have been plotted. (Arbitrary units).
VII. Conclusion
A simple model for calculating the energy of defects has been shown
to give semiquantitative agreement with experiment and describes reason-
ably well the effects associated with stacking faults in pure normal metals
and their alloys.
Although this model, as it is, is too naive to describe the situation in
complex metals such as noble metals or transition metals, it must be
emphasized that the main physical fact underlying this model is the
Fi(;l RE 5. Same as figure 4, but with a different scale for 2.09 <Z< 3.53 or 0 <Z< 1.36.
(Arbitrary units).
Fi(;l RE 6. Figure for a pair of intrinsic faults in f.c.c. metals. For other data see caption
of figure 4. (Arbitrary units).
Figure 7. Figure for a pair of intrinsic faults in f.c.c. metals. (Arbitrary units).
VIII. Appendix 1
P=oo r
AE2 = 2a{Z'IZ) ^ \-ip[{6p + 2)e] -\-^[{6p-\-3)d]-ip[{6p-^^)e]\.
IX. Appendix 2
Formulae for the calculations of the sums for the case of FCC metals.
ymm (nd) Stands for the energy of a twin lamella of width nd, ya {nd)
stands for the energy of a pair of intrinsic stacking faults whose distance
is nd (see fig. 8).
H- ^[-{d>n-k-l)ip {2>ne-e)^{^n+k)ip{^ne)
ymmi^kd) = 2 [-2{n-k)<p{Sne-e)-h4^{n-k)<pi3^nd)
-2{n-k)ip{3nd+d)]-^ 2
[-2kcp{3nd- d)
Fl(;URE 8. a. Twin lamella of width z=nd in a f.c.c. structure, b. Parallel stackinji faults
ymm(Skd-d) = ^ [-2{n-k)ip{3nd-e)-h{n-k)ip{3ne)
-\-{n-k+l)(p{3ne-\-d)] -\-
-713 OL - 71 - Vol II -
Formulae of the same kind are obtained for two lA faults in HCP metals:
n =k
yn{2kd-d)=^ {n- k)<p{2nd- d)
X. Acknowledgfements
The authors are glad to thank Dr. Friedel and Dr. Deplante for fruitful
XI. References
[2] Harrison, W., Pseudo potentials in the Theory of Metals (Benjamin, New York, 1966).
[3] Pick, R., Sarma, G., Phys. Rev. 135 A (1963).
[17] DeWit, R., Howard, R. E., Acta Met. 14, 432 (1966).
[18] Dorn, J. E., Acta Met. 11, 218 (1963).
[19] Deplante, J. L., to be published.
[20] Eddington, J. W., Smallman, R. E., Phil. Mag. 11, 1109 (1965).
[21] Blandin, A., Deplante, J. L., Friedel, J., in Proc. Intern. Conf. Crystal Lattice Defects,
1962, J. Phys. Soc. Jap. 18, Suppl H, (1963) p. 85.
Robb M. Thomson
I. Introduction
The purpose of this paper is to work out some aspects of a simple model
of the surface state on a stacking fault. Previous theoretical attention
regarding the stacking fault has centered either on the energy of the
fault [1] or its scattering [2].
Our motivation for looking in more detail at the surface state is the
realization that for certain types of problems, the surface state and its
localized wave function are the important considerations. The first example
is in the case of semi-conductors, where speculation about trapping states
The second area of special interest for a surface state lies in the im-
purity interaction with stacking faults originally proposed by H. Suzuki [6].
V^H-Ho. (2)
g={E-Vo}-\ (3)
where E is the total energy of the problem, and in this case, the energy
of the bound state. In the usual application of this formalism, F is a
localized perturbation, and the Wannier representation is introduced so
that only a few nonzero components F^a need be considered. However,
in our case, the stacking fault is by no means localized, since the long-
range order of the crystal has been completely destroyed, and we shall
therefore prefer to remain in the Bloch representation.
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the assumed form of the perturbing potential for a two
dimensional fault in the crystal. The figure shows the potential along a line perpendicular
to the fault. It shows a perfectly periodic structure to the rignt of the fault and a strictly
zero value to the left.
= [ i//?(x)i;(x)i//,(x)^fx 2R e-(k'-k)-R
V(x) is the function of figure 1 and the sum is over the half space to the
right of the fault, but Vk'k is the same matrix as in (4), and the diagonal
elements must be zero as before, Vkk = ^- The only non zero elements
are for k — k # K. For a simple cubic crystal with lattice spacing
' a, the
sum over the lattice points z > 0 gives the structure factor
L/2, /c = 0,
, n even.
2>0 (6)
Since we shall wish to carry out integrations over smooth functions and
A + (;i) is a highly discontinuous function in A:-space, we shall introduce
a smoothed counterpart to Ax and define
A+(/<)=L/2, K=0
The structure factor, A + (/<), is the crystal analogue of the function
8+{k), as the kronecher dk'k is the discrete analogue of 8{k).
{k' V\k)
= Vk-'k^+M 8k^k8kyky (8)
1 ^1^13
^3^32 1
where is the element of the first row, etc. In this expansion, the zeroth
permutation is simply the product of all the diagonal elements of D, and
is unity. The first permutation gives quadratic terms in the matrix ele-
ments, Fy, and and in general (10) leads naturally to an expansion in
various powers of Vij. If we group together all the terms in the zeroth
powers of Vij, calhng that sum Z)o, all the terms quadratic in Vij together
into D2, etc., then to fourth order.
Di =0 ,
D2 = -^gigj\Vij\\
_ j<k<l i<j
Replacing the summations by integrals over ki kj —space, and , , . .
noticing the complete symmetry between the arrangement ^1^2! ^i2p and
g2gi\V2i[^, this becomes:
/>2 = -| gii)gU)\V{ij)\'didj
Ds = g{i)gij)g{k)[Re {V{ij)V{jh)V{ki)}]didjdk ,
/>4=-|| gii)g{j)gik)g{l)m Re{V{ij)VUk)Vikl)V{li)
+ V{ik) V(ji) V{kl) V(li) + V{ik) V{jl) V{kj) ] }didjdkdL (12)
The general rule for finding the terms in Dn can be developed by looking
at the partitions or classes of the permutation group in the total determi-
nant expansion, (10). D2 corresponds to the partition (L^~^, 2^). D3 corre-
sponds to (1^"^, 30- D4 corresponds to two partitions, (1^""^, 2^) and
41) jj^g numerical factors in front of the integrands in (12) are
identical to the corresponding numerical factors in the total number of
elements in the class or partition concerned. The number of terms in the
sums in (11) is exactly the same as the number of permutations in the
corresponding partition. In going from the sum, (11), to the integral, (12),
we first write the products and integrate without regard to equivalent ways
to write the same permutation, then divide by the factor which counts the
number of equivalent permutations. This factor is obtained by the same
reasoning which leads to the factor dividing in the formula for this
number of permutations belonging to a given partition. Thus the number
of different permutations in the partition (1'^"^, 3^ is
N{n-l)(N-2) _
the number of terms in the partition (1^-^, 2^) is Nil (N -4^)\2^ ^ N^IS,
The form of the solution (12) is perfectly general, but will require con-
siderable numerical labor if applied to a specific crystal and band struc-
shows that the greatest simplification would result
ture. Inspection of (12)
if we could simply all the matrix elements by their average values.
Because it is possible to obtain the results in nearly closed form in this
case, we shall work it out in some detail. We leave to later paragraphs a
discussion of how adequate this approximation is. We shall therefore
Vk-', -V ,
l-ll2GW-\-ll3GW^-ll8G'V^ = 0 (14)
€<-8 ,
— -6<e<8, (17)
e>8 ,
€ = E-Eo{kx.ky). (18)
y2-l/2y-l/3 1/8 =0 ,
r2-l/2y+l/3\^-l/8 = 0,
Thus for each value of the pair {kx, ky), one state is introduced below
the sub band, and one state above the band, independent of the sign of V.
This result is general for all orders under the approximation (13). We also
note that contrary to the situation for a point defect in a three dimensional
crystal, a sub band of bound states always appears, independent of the
strength of F, because G corresponds to the one dimensional Green's
function. For the two-dimensional fault, the band of levels corresponds
to a bound state which can have various amounts of kinetic energy of
translation parallel to the fault.
V. Metals
v{x)=h-Vu{x) ^
where b is the stacking fault displacement, and u{x) is the one electron
potential of one ion of the perfect crystal.
In this form we recognize the close connection to electron transport
theory in metals, and can adopt the calculation of the matrix elements
from that theory. Following Sham and Ziman [8] (see their equations (10.2)
and (14.4)), we have
q = k -k.
ks is the screening parameter, 4m-e^r]{ef), which is of the order of a lattice
constant for simple metals. In this equation, we have neglected the orthog-
onalization of the OPW
wave function to the core electrons. Uo is the
difference between the Hartree-Fock potential at the Wigner-Seitz cell
radius and the energy at the bottom of the band, k = 0.
the points on this line, Vk'k is slowly varying, the function J — J(tt) — 1/3,
and Vk'k takes the approximate value.
[2] Seeger, A., and Statz, H., phys. 2, 857, (1962); Howie, A., Phil. Mag. 5, 251,
stat. sol.
[3] See review by Bardsley, W., Prog. Semiconductors 4, Academic Press, New York (1959).
[4] Aerts, E., Delavignette, P., Siems, R., and Amlynckx, S., J. Appl. Phys. 33, 3078, (1962);
Art, A., Aerts, E., Delavignette, P., and Amlynckx, S., Appl. Phys. Ltrs. 2, 40, (1963).
[5] Meyer, M., Thesis. Univ. lUinois. (1965).
[8] Sham, L., and Ziman, J., in Sohd State Physics 15, F. Seitz and D. TurnbuU, Eds. (Aca-
demic Press, New York, 1963).
[9] PhiUips, J. C, Phys. Rev. 112, 685, (1958).
Discussion on Paper by C. Nourtier and G. Saada.
should not be zero in any real case. In fact, it may even be tt, which
would reverse the conclusions on the stacking fault energies. The argu-
ment simply is that in the concept of pseudo-atoms you have to hold the
right number of conduction electrons at the atom when you move it
around, while on the other hand the potential on the atom — whatever it
is — has to be sufficiently localized for it not to interfere with that of a
neighbor. Otherwise you can't form a stacking fault simply by shifting
the potential rigidly; if the pseudo-potentials strongly overlapped there
would be some interference. To me it seems to be very difficult to satisfy
these two conditions simultaneously. The case of monovalent atoms is a
case where you might argue whether you can do it or not, but my feehng
is that in divalent and trivalent metals you cannot do it. That is the main
point of my comment.
A small comment is this: I always thought that potassium stayed body
centered cubic down to the lowest temperatures. I was surprised to hear
that now all alkali metals become hexagonal at low temperatures.
SAADA: Yes, as far as potassium is concerned, I took only the metals for
which the method of pseudo-potential was shown to work well from the
point of view, for example, of cohesion, phase stability, and so on. So I
didn't take potassium because there is a problem for this one. In the case
of potassium it is known that it does not have a stable compact phase.
Therefore, I didn't make a complete stabihty of phase calculation. What
I say is: You take a given structure and you look whether the h.c.p. or
f.c.c.phase is the more stable. Then, what you find is that for
monovalent metals it is h.c.p. This doesn't mean in the calculation I
worked out that another phase cannot be more stable.
SAADA: Now, for the first two points. The first one, the (f)
point, I agree
that there can be a 0 which can be different from zero, but in our calcula-
tion to the second order of pertubation it is all right to take (f) = 0. What
I want to say is that all this work is only valid up to the second order of
perturbation. If the development is not valid then all the work goes to
think I can give reasons that this (j) is significantly different from zero.
SAADA: The second point is that for the metals on which I have done the
calculation (/> has been shown by direct calculation to be very small. This
is for Al and for Li, for example.
SAADA: This has been done with perturbation theory by Pick. See our
C. Elbaum and A. Hikata
Department of Physics
Brown University
Providence, R.L 02912
I. Introduction
369-713 OL - 71 - Vol n - 37
and the temperature dependence of the components Uq. That these
effects are small and indeed negligible in the context of possible experi-
mental verification by presently available techniques can be seen from
the following arguments.
Since the temperature dependence of the Fermi energy is of the order
of (T/Tf)'^ (plus higher order terms), the correction is obviously negligible.
As far as the temperature dependence of the components Uq is concerned,
it may be noted that the atomic displacements associated with an edge
dislocation decrease rapidly with distance from the dislocation core
(at a distance from the core of the order of five atomic diameters, these
displacements become comparable with the amplitude of thermal phonons
near the Debye temperature Od), and that they are substantially tem-
perature independent (their temperature dependence is of the order of
the thermal expansion of the solid). It components Uq
follows that the
dominant in the interaction with electrons have magnitudes of the wave
vector q ranging from approximately the reciprocal of the lattice spacing
to the reciprocal of about 10 lattice spacings, i.e., 10'' < |^|< lO^cm"^
Thus, for most temperatures of interest and certainly in the range T < 6d
these magnitudes of q correspond to the condition qle>l, where le is
the electron mean free path. It follows that the interaction of dislocations
with conduction electrons should be treated in the spirit qle > 1 and is,
II. Acknowledgfement
Research supported in part by the National Science Foundation.
III. References
[1] Elbaum, C. and Hikata, A., Phys. Rev. LeUers 20,264(1968).
[2] Hikata, A. and Elbaum, C, Phys. Rev. LeUers 18, 750 (1967).
[3] Elbaum, C. and Hikata, A., to be published.
C. Elbaum and R. R. Holmes*
Department of Physics
Brown University
Providence, R.I. 02912
I. Introduction
quantum mechanical model was used and it
In the present treatment a
was shown bands are associated with dislocations in wide band
that energy
gap, CdS type compound semiconductors. This formulation was combined
with a statistical treatment of localized energy levels found in such
semiconductors. On this basis a test, far more definitive than previous
theories allow, has been devised to check the band model of dislocation
states [7]. In what follows, for the sake of convenience, reference will
be made specifically to CdS, although all the general considerations
apply to any solid of the type mentioned. Two reasons have guided the
choice of wide band gap compound semiconductors, specifically CdS:
(1) In CdS the dangling bonds are partially ionic rather than entirely
covalent. Therefore, the electronic energy states at the dislocation are
affected less by charge on the dislocation than they are in an elemental
semiconductor such as Ge.
(2) In CdS we often find a high density of deep levels which are asso-
ciated with various impurities and other point defects. It is shown that
these energy levels, which are referred to as local levels can be used as
a probe of the dislocation bands.
With the above conditions in mind, the band theory for dislocation
energy states is formulated for CdS. The resulting eigenvalue equation is
due to the fact that the total Coulomb energy of all captured holes is
reduced when an electron is captured. Vq is essentially the electrostatic
energy defined by Read [1], and it is approximately proportional to
the charge on the dislocation. This means that Vq is related to the dis-
location occupation {no) by
Vq = -CinD-ll2ns). (1)
where ris is the number of atomic sites per unit length of dislocation and
C is a positive constant. The second effect of the charge on the dislocation
occupation arises because the perturbing potential F(r), associated with
the dislocation, is charge-dependent. Hence the wave equation invo^lving
V{r) must be solved in a self-consistent manner. However, in CdS the
dangling bonds are partially ionic, and V{r) does not depend strongly on
dislocation occupation. It will be assumed that V{r) can be specified, and
that the resulting energy levels are independent of dislocation occupation.
If the energy of an electron in the conduction band is related to its
The eigenvalue W represents the change of the energy of the entire crystal
due to the interaction of a single electron with a dislocation.
An approximate form of eq (2) is obtained by expanding the function
E{p) to quadratic terms about (0, 0, pz). It is assumed that E{p) has an
extremum along this line so the first derivatives in px and py vanish. By
choosing a coordinate system in which z is along the dislocation edge, and
the x — y submatrix of the effective-mass tensor is diagonal the expansion
of E{p) becomes
If the dislocation does not disturb the periodicity of the crystal field along
the dislocation edge (z direction), the wave function and dislocation
potential can be written as
V{r) = V{x,y).
where X is defined by
\^W-E(0,Q,hk). (6)
To render eq (5) separable, the "square well" is replaced by the follow-
ing potential:
V{x,y) = U(xla)+U{ylfi),
where a and are the half-widths of the well in the x and y directions.
Using this potential, eq (5) can be written in separated form:
X{x)=Q, (8a)
2m xx d'l a
nr) = o, (8b)
0^0^^ 1/277; n 0, 1, 2 . . .
\ = Eu + E,.
Equations (10) can be solved for the maximum well dimensions (d\, d-?)
(6 by 8 A), the weU must be almost 2.5 eV deep for even one dislocation
band to exist. For more than one band to exist, the well must be much
deeper. An energy of 2.5 eV is close to the band gap in CdS, and cor-
responds to the minimum energy difference between a bound and a free
electron in a perfect lattice. This is a reasonable upper limit for the
potential associated with a broken bond. Therefore CdS should contain
no more than one dislocation band.
r7-X + £'(0, 0, hk)-V, (12)
and both Wr and Ef are measured (positive up) from the conduction-
band edge.
To find the average number of captured electrons per unit dislocation
length [no), eq (11) must be summed over all allowed values of k. As
usual, this summation is replaced by the following integration:
nD = -\ fkWT)dk, (13)
TT jo
(13) can be integrated by parts; the integrated part vanishes with the
nD = - kdMWr). (14)
£(0, 0, hk)=h^k^l2m,
where m is the effective mass for motion in the z direction. For convenience
f{z) = (l-re'y\
^ Wt-Ef ^ 1
[k-Vq-Er + h^'kV2m]
kbT kbT
B = -^(\-V,-E,). (15)
_ 2 2m
no — T7 k^n-' j^^ iz+Byi'(^-^^ dz. (16)
Since the derivative of f{z) looks like a 6 function, the value of this
integral is determined near the origin. Thus the integral can be approxi-
mated by expanding (2 + 5)^^^ in a power series about the origin, and
replacing the lower limit of integration by — ^. The integrals in the result-
ing series can be evaluated explicitly:
![!fH""[-S— -
If the Fermi energy is more than a few kbT above the band edge, the
dislocation occupation can be approximated by the first term in eq (17).
Combining this approximation with the definition of B [eq (15)] gives
JlD —K
nj = Nj 1 +exp (20)
where Nj is the density of these levels. In both eqs (19) and (20), the
occupation {no or rij) is determined when the Fermi energy is specified.
In a crystal containing defects the Fermi energy is determined by the
temperature and the number and type of defect levels present. An ana-
lytical relationship between no, nj, and Ef can be derived from the equa-
and from continuity equations
tion of charge neutrality, for the local levels
and the dislocation bands
where ^Nb is the total number of local levels lying below Ef, INd is the
number of donor levels in the crystal, and M is defined by
M = p-^^PB-n-^nA. (25)
(20), and (24). The Fermi energy can be obtained explicitly by plotting the
left-hand and right-hand sides of eq (24) independently, as a function of
Ef, using eqs (19) and (20) to determine how nj and no depend on Ef-
The Fermi energy for the crystal is given by the intersection of these two
curves. Because of the stephke nature of the Fermi function, the left-
hand side of eq (24) is essentially constant between the local levels, and
at Ej it decreases by Nj over an energy of a few k^T. The right-hand
side of eq (24) is dominated by the constant term ^ A^^; however, in a
crystal containing dislocations, the term tid [eq (19)] gives it curvature.
In figure 1, solid and dashed curves represent the left- and right-hand
El E, E3 E, E5 Es E,
sides of eq (24) which are plotted for a hypothetical crystal with various
dislocation contents. In the dislocation-free case the solid and dashed
curves are parallel everywhere except very near the local levels. Thus the
intersection must occur very near one of these levels. However, in the
crystal with dislocations, the two curves are no longer parallel and inter-
sections can occur between the local levels. For example, in figure 1; the
Fermi energy is near in the dislocation-free case, as well as in the case
of few dislocations, but with many dislocations the Fermi energy is between
and Ea.
With these graphical solutions in mind, appropriate approximations can
be made to obtain an analytic expression for Ef- First, consider the
dislocation-free case. Letting Nd = 0, combine eqs (24) and (20) and
solve for
Ef = Ej — ki,T In (26)
where q is the charge on an electron and fi is the mobility and the zero
of energy is defined at the conduction-band edge. Combine (26) and (27):
In C= {llkbT)Ej^ln NcQIJl
-In (28)
EF = Ej-kbT In ^Nj
j ^Na-^Ns^M
^ N oris- N DUD (^j) j-1 (29)
By comparing this result to eq (26), we can see that the activation energy
is again Ej.
When the Fermi energy falls between two of the local levels, iij is
either 0 or N
and it is not a strong function of energy. In
j, this case Ef
can be found by combining eqs (24) and (19):
IV. Acknowledgement
Research supported in part by the Office of Naval Research; NONR
V. References
[8] Bube, R. H., Photoconductivity of Solids (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1960).
[9] Spear, W. E., and Mort, J., Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) 81, 130 (1963).
G. P. Huffman and N. Louat
tion of the observed mechanical properties of b.c.c. metals. When one con-
siders electronically dampedimpeded by pinning points, it is
found depends only on the mean strength
that: (1) the dislocation velocity
of the pinning obstacles; (2) the stress required to overcome an obstacle
dynamically is less than that required statically and is, in fact, the elec-
tronic drag stress; and (3) the apparent dislocation velocity should vary
rapidly with applied stress. The displacement field of a dislocation is sig-
nificantly wider and more gradual in a f.c.c. than in a b.c.c. lattice, and this
feature can be incorporated into the calculation by assuming that the elec-
tronic screening of the positive charge shift of the dislocation is essen-
tially perfect in a f.c.c. lattice. The Boltzmann formation then gives a tem-
perature independent stress or drag coefficient in agreement with experi-
ment and with Holstein's scattering calculation. The problem of a disloca-
tionmoving in an applied magnetic field directed along its length and per-
pendicular to its direction of motion is also treated. Under suitable condi-
tions it is found that the stress or drag coefficients exhibit oscillations of
the cyclotron resonance type which could be as large as 10 to 30% of the
zero field values.
I. Introduction
analogous to theories of acoustic attenuation [1, 2]. If one assumes that the
electronic screening of the positive charge shift associated with the dis-
location is perfect, one obtains a drag coefficient or electronic component
of yield stress which is temperature independent in good agreement with
the scattering calculation of Holstein [3]. In an applied magnetic field,
the electronic component of drag is predicted to exhibit oscillations of
the cyclotron resonance type, which could be as large as 10 to 30 percent of
the zero field drag. However, Brown [4] and others [5] have shown that
the positive charge shift is not perfectly screened
one treats the short if
where r' = r{t'), and v' = v(^'). Here /(r, v, t) is the electron distribution
function, which gives the probability of finding an electron at point (r, v)
in phase space at time t; fs is the distribution function after scattering,
and T is the electronic relaxation time. If u(r, t) is the velocity imparted
to ions and impurities by the moving dislocation, fs has the form of an
ordinary Fermi distribution function centered about velocity a; i.e.,
where Ef is the Fermi energy. The space time dependence of the single
electron energy is chosen to give the correct electron density.
El = E,-Eo. (3)
Eo being the energy at the bottom of the conduction band and A^o the
-VV.ir^n+^ir^n)-^^^"^^] (6)
" i ^ er il-icor) e J
where o" is the conductivity tensor. The simplest form of oj which satisfies
the requirement of Gahlean invariance is simply q Vd, where \d is the •
E, = E,-^ CT 0
Jeq=J^-N€U^ (10)
where E and J are dimensionless tensors, and ctq is the d-c conductivity.
It is then readily shown [1] that the energy dissipated by electrons when
the dislocation moves from one lattice position to an adjacent position is
^ (^^^ ^11)
where L is the dislocation length, td is the time required for the motion,
and the integration extends over the (1-2) plane in figure 1. Sq is the
dissipation tensor given by
where J+ is the adjoint of J and Eeff is the effective field tensor. The
tensors J, E, Egff, and S are all given in terms of the conductivity tensor,
O", and the deformation potential. Their exact forms are rather cumber-
some and we refer the interested reader to reference [1] where they are
given. The Fourier transforms of the ionic velocity functions to be used in
eq (11) are also given there.
there is no appfied field, O"^^ and all of the other tensors are diagonal
and the resulting expressions split into longitudinal (||) and transverse
(_L) components. In particular, one finds that the applied stress required
to supply the energy dissipated by the conduction electrons is
Figure 1. Calculations in wave vector space are most easily carried out in the (1, 2, 3)
coordinate system specified by the unit vectors q, in the direction of q, L, along the length
of the dislocation, and the cross product of these two, q^. The natural coordinate system in
real space, (i, j, ft), is specified by the Burgers vector or glide direction, b, and the direc-
tion of their cross product j
[1-4 sin^.]
(R,s,)} ,13)
4 jo jo q
477^7 jo jo q (14)
where b is the Burgers vector and (f is the angle between q and v^, and qo
isthe Debye wave vector.
One can readily show that S^^^^^ and S^l'^^-^^) are <^ Sj^^^^) over the tem-
perature range of interest (0 K to 200 or 300 K) and that the dominant
contribution to the integral comes from the region where q is
large (i.e., q > qoiio). In this high q region, qA > I, A being the electron
mean free path. If additionally, we assume that cor < 10 ', which should
be valid for most materials, we find,
Re5„ = {M)!a-r,HMA}(i,^„)
369-713 OL - 71 - Vol II - 38
where we have neglected terms of order (ojt)^ with respect to 1 and terms
of order 1 with respect to qh.
The simplest approximation is to take Fg^^l, which assumes that the
electrons screen the positive charge shift of the dislocation perfectly.
One then finds for an edge dislocation the temperature independent
This is ~ lO^to 10' ( ) for a typical metal. The electron drag
coefficient is then
Vf is the Fermi velocity, and V2 and v\ are the transverse and longitudinal
sound velocities. This result is in good agreemxcnt with Holstein's scatter-
ing calculation [3]. An earHer, somewhat less general solution of the
Boltzmann equation by Kravchenko [16] gives a similar result.
In a more general, quantum mechanical calculation [4], Brown has
shov/n that when the wave vector q is not small with respect to kp and
qtf-, the Fermi and Thomas-Fermi wave vectors, the form of the screening
function Yn is
In (19)
[I 2kF-q
Following Pines [17] and others [18] we replace qrF by a somewhat smaller
screening vector, qs = OASSqTF and adopt the approximation
To - (20)
H + g'/ql)
Inserting this expression into eqs (15) and (13) one finds for edge disloca-
tions a large, temperature dependent stress which is inversely proportional
to the d-c electrical resistivity, p.
1 3
1 + (22)
2(1 2x1
1^1 (p.(r)+po)
S C Vd
A plot of 1/S versus p, should then give a straight line whose slope and
intercept determine the dislocation velocity and the residual resistivity,
respectively. Several examples are shown in figure 2 and the dislocation
velocitiesand residual resistivities found from these and other such plots
are Usted in table I. If one now takes these values and uses them in eq (21)
one finds the theoretical S versus T dependence shown by the smooth
curves in figure 3.
Table I
1 I I I I I I I I I r
I I I I I I I I I \ I I I
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
p_ (/ift-cm)
Figure 2. The inverse yield stress versus the ideal resistivity for:
(a) K^; (b) Fe"' Cr, iiV,^ and W^.
Figure 3. Theoretical (smooth curves) and experimental (points) yield stress versus
temperature results for* (a) and V^; (b) Fe*^- and Cr'^.
dislocation center. This view is supported by the fact that the same
FlGURE 4. Stress versus temperature for a screw dislocation in a typical free electron
metal assuming a conduction electron density of 5 X 10^2 cm^'' and a dislocation velocity
of 10"* cm/s. S'^**^^^ has a very similar form.
location has no dilatation. If in fact, this is not the case, this result could
be greatly altered.
Next, consider the problem of an applied field H directed along the
length of the dislocation (axis 3 in The conductivity tensor and the
fig. 1).
dissipation tensor are no longer diagonal. As for the zero applied field case,
the dominant contribution to the integral of eq (11) comes from the high
q region q > qoiio- In this region Sn is much greater than either the trans-
verse ($22 and S33) or off-diagonal components (S12 and S21) of S. Using
the same large q approximations as CHH for (Jn, it can be shown for
r^^l that
(x)c being the cyclotron frequency, (eH/mc). Inserting this result into eq
(13) and performing a computer integration, one finds the results shown
in figure 5 using parameters appropriate for Cu. Here we have plotted the
stress at constant temperature against the ratio Wm/coc, ojm being the maxi-
mum frequency associated with the dislocation wave packet, qoVd- The
drag coefficient would, of course, show the same behavior. The oscilla-
FlGURE 5. Stress versus Wm/oic for Cu parameters (vd^ 10^* cm/s) assuming perfect screening.
Figure 6. Stress versus (Om/coc for a b.c.c. metal, using the screening function of eq (19).
tions are about 10 to 30 percent of the zero field value. Because of the
somewhat large residual resistivities associated with the region near the
dislocation core, there might be an inherent difficulty in obtaining cowT
values even as large as 10. Nevertheless, this problem should be less
severe for f.c.c. than for b.c.c. metals, and it seems likely that some oscilla-
tory behavior should be observable for f.c.c. metals. The locations and
separations of such oscillations could be used to determine the primary
velocity of a dislocation moving between adjacent lattice positions.
If one does not take r=l but uses eq (19), which is presumably a
better description for b.c.c. metals, one finds that the magnetic effects are
drastically reduced, due to the fact that the large, temperature dependent
part of the stress is rather insensitive to the magnetic field. A typical
result is shown in figure 6. It is clear that magnetic experiments of this
type on b.c.c. and f.c.c. metals should be crucial in clarifying the situation.
In addition to the drag coefficients one can also derive electric fields,
currents, and charge densities from the Boltzmann formalism [1]. Using
the complete screening function of eq (19) and the integration techniques
of Brown, one finds for the charge density, for example.
vated, must certainly be less than (Tpb^ where dp is the Peierls' stress.
This quantity is to be compared with that for double kink nucleation (£"„)
namely, 30 kT (Dorn and Raynak, [28]). In the case of iron (28), for example,
(T;> ~ 4 X 10^ dyn/cm^ so that < (Tpbs ~ 6 X 10 erg which is almost
certainly a gross upper limit. Even so this limit is less than 10 kT at all
temperatures above ~ 60 K.
Now, since the speeds of these motions are determined by exponential
functions of the activation energies, it is clear that Fa- > Vd at all tem-
peratures above 60 K, as a gross upper limit. We conclude therefore that
Vk > Vd over much, if not all, of the relevant temperature range. This
result vindicates the assumption that on double-kink models the disloca-
tions are essentially straight.
We now remark that internal stress fields are random in direction and
thus that the local value of internal stress at some point on a straight dis-
location is equally apt to be in such a sense as to aid as they are to retard
the dislocation motion. In fact the sum of such forces exerted on the
dislocation must tend to zero with increasing dislocation length. A little
consideration now indicates that one might there expect a flow stress
S = S{T)-Si (28)
where /jl is the shear modulus. If breakaway occurs this potential energy
vector, c is the speed of sound and V the dislocation speed. We then find
We now write
a-.=a^ (32)
does V. In cases where this proviso was not met it was found that with
increasing 5, S approached a characteristic value equivalent to os .
required is BV where V
determined by the specific strength of the
points. These results are thus in accord with eq (21). In particular dis-
location speeds determined in this way agree essentially with those found
by fitting this equation to the experimental results.
An array of locking points such as we have considered will not occur
in a real material and we shall now consider dislocation behavior for a
more realistic arrangement of obstacles.
a /cr.,
p = €p 6\ls)
=e (35)
p = exp (— 1.6)
fluence on the temperature dependence of the flow stress since its role
is simply that of a trigger and is not involved in the general process of
IV. Summary
have seen that the Boltzmann equation theory gives a good account
of the energy dissipated by a dislocation moving through a metal arising
from its interaction with conduction electrons. If one assumes that the
conduction electrons screen the positive charge shift associated with the
dislocation perfectly, the drag coefficient for an edge dislocation is found
to be temperature independent and is in good agreement with Holstein's
scattering calculation [3], and with low temperature ultrasonic [22, 23]
and yield stress [20, 21] measurements on f.c.c. metals. When one uses the
static dielectric screening function of eq (19) or the approximation to it
given by eq (20), a large temperature dependent drag is found which is
proportional to the d-c conductivity of the metal. It is suggested that this
may be the origin of the large temperature dependent yield and flow
stresses observed in b.c.c. metals. The difference in the electronic screen-
ing is thought to occur because the core distortion of an f.c.c. dislocation is
spread out over a considerably larger region of the lattice than in the b.c.c.
case. The drag on a screw dislocation via this mechanism is found to be
small compared to the edge dislocation drag, and increases with
where Vok (r, t) is similar to the usual deformation potential, and hojqn is
a phonon energy. This is the quantum mechanical justification of eq (la).
Whether or not some procedure similar to this can be carried out for short
wavelength disturbances remains to be seen.
Turning mechanical matters we have seen that if dislocations sur-
mount obstacles in a dynamic manner we can anticipate a flow stress
BV in which V is characteristic of the obstacles and is quantitatively a
few percent of the speed of sound. We have also seen that there will
exist a range of stress in which the average dislocation velocity behaves
as S"^^^^ where m{S) decreases monotonically with increasing stress to the
limiting value L
V. References
[1] Huffman, G. P., and Louat, N., Phys. Rev. 176, 773 (1968).
[2] Huffman, G. P., and Louat, N., Phys. Rev. LeUers 19, 518 (1967); 19, 774 (E) (1967).
[3] Holstein, T., Appendix to B. R. TiUman and H. E. Bommel, Phys. Rev. 151, 178
[6] Conrad, H., and Hayes, W., Trans. Amer. Soc. Metals 56, 125 (1963).
[7] Bernstein, I. M., and Li, J. C. M., Phys. stat. sol. 23, 539 (1967).
[8] Christian, J. W., and Masters, B. C, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A281, 223 (1964).
[9] Altshuler, F. L., and Christian, J. W., Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. 261, A1121 (1967).
[10] Beresnew, G. A., Sarrak, V. and Entin, R. I., Soviet Phys.-Doklady 11, 252 (1966).
[17] Pines. D., in Solid State Physics 1, F. Seitz and D. I'urnbull, Fds. (Academic Press,
New York. 1955) p. 367.
[18] Krebs, K.', Phys. Rev. 138, A143 (1965).
[19] Fisher, R. M., and LaUy, J. S., Can. J. Phys. 45, 1147 (1967); Marukawa, K., J. Phys.
Soc. Japan 22, 499 (1967); Gorman, Wood, D. S., and Vreeland, T., J. Appl.
J. A.,
Phys. 40, 833 (1969); Parameswaran, V. R., and Weertman, J., Scripta Met. 3, 477
[20] Vohringer, 0.,,and Macherauch, E., Phys. stat. sol. 19, 793 (1967).
[23] Tittmann, B. R., and Bommel, H. E., Phys. Rev. 151, 178 (1966).
[25] Louat, N., and Johnson, C. A., Phil. Mag. 8, 1219 (1963).
[26] Fisher, R. M., and Lally, J. S., Can. J. Phys. 45, 1147 (1967).
[27] Hirsch, P. B., Fifth Intern. Conf. on Crystallography, Cambridge (1964).
[28] Dorn, J. E., and Raynak, S., Trans. AIME 230, 1052 (1964).
[29] Kocks, U. F., Phil. Mag. 13, 541 (1966).
[30] Holstein, F., Phys. Rev. 113, 479 (1959).
potential fits to band structures are not unique, and usually involve ar-
Chairman: A. SeeGER
E. Kroner
A. A. Maradudin
J. A. Simmons
Questions Submitted to the Panel —
"Future Directions for Dislocation Theory"
6. What are the prospects for our further understanding of thermally ac-
tivated processes?
A. Seeger
Max-Planck-Institut fiir Metallforschung
Institut fur Physik
Institut fur Theoretische und Angewandte Physik der Universitcit
Stuttgart, Germany
cation theory." Kroner pointed out that the alternative between "discrete
or continuum description" of dislocation arrangements (to which he
referred as field and continuum dislocation theories) is somewhat
analogous to the alternative between Lorentz's and Maxwell's theories of
electromagnetism. However, this analogy is restricted by the fact that the
dislocation lines are in general rather far apart, i.e., that the distances
between them are usually much larger than the interatomic distance. As a
consequence the average dislocation density is not a sufficient macroscop-
ic measure of dislocation arrangements. Kroner proposed that a more
order to get information about the Peierls barriers. Along the same hne
one could obtain the equation of motion of a dislocation loop which takes
into account interactions with lattice vibrations.
J. Lothe asked if it would not be better to consider physical objects that
are less sensitive to the choice of the interatomic potentials, such as jogs
and kinks, even though their configurations are more complicated than
those of a singular dislocation or a stacking fault.The chairman replied
that such studies were in fact performed by F. Granzer and his group in
Frankfurt am Main (Germany) for ionic crystals, the only class of crystals
for which the interatomic potential is at present fairly well known.
N. Ashcroft expressed the opinion that recent work on the higher elastic
constants is incredibly valuable for getting information about the pair
potential of a perfect crystal. He wondered if similar information could be
obtained about the structurally dependent part of the potential of a
dislocated crystal provided the dislocation arrangement is known. The
chairman answered that this procedure cannot be applied, since disloca-
tion arrangements are far from thermodynamical equiHbrium. Maradudin
suggested that for the treatment of many problems, as, for instance, the
phonon dispersion from dislocations, it is easier to avoid the use of pair
potentials by doing all quantum-mechanical calculations in reciprocal
space. A. Seeger supported this view and added that the pair potential for-
malism is only correct if second-order perturbation theory is sufficient to
handle the problem.
R. Bullough doubted the applicability of Fourier transform methods for
the study of the dislocation core and the stacking fault. He also expressed
the opinion that the repulsive potential of ionic crystals is not sufficiently
known and, therefore, the formation energy of defects is not accurately
determined. Seeger replied that the Fourier transform methods have al-
ready been successfully apphed for stacking faults. Concerning ionic solids
he remarked that recent work by Lidiard and his group and by his own
group furnished repulsive potentials in very good agreement with the mea-
sured elastic constants. With these potentials the formation energy of a
vacancy in sodium chloride can now be calculated with an accuracy that
presumably exceeds the accuracy of the experimental value. A. Maradudin
wondered how non-central forces have been taken into account in the
potential. A. Seeger answered that three-body forces were considered, but
their contribution to the cohesive energies turned out to be merely about
1% or even less.
J. Hardy noted that when one works in reciprocal space for the static lat-
tice theory the equations obtained in the long wavelength limit go over to
the continuum equations. In this case there is no difficulty of matching a
continuum to a discrete region. With regard to the formation energy of de-
fects in ionic crystals Hardy mentioned that one should better calculate the
the development of new ideas and, even more so, of methods useful for
doing calculations in dislocation theory has on the average been far ahead
of the approach known as "rational mechanics" despite statements to the
contrary that may be found in the literature. With the present activity in
theories of tearing and folding in connection with dislocation and disclina-
tion theory this situation is likely to continue for some time. Nevertheless,
in the interest of uniformity and of the interchange of ideas the writer
recommends to make use of the notations and some of the concepts that
have emerged from the rational mechanics approach, as has been done in
the paper submitted to this conference by Teodosiu and Seeger.
Kondo and his school and that of Anthony, the general continuum descrip-
tion of dislocations and disclinations is itself a rapidly developing subject.
The author wishes to thank C. Teodosiu and W. Frank for their
assistance in condensing the oral discussion.