Advanced Computations in Plasma Physics: W. M. Tang
Advanced Computations in Plasma Physics: W. M. Tang
Advanced Computations in Plasma Physics: W. M. Tang
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Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 2002 Advanced computations in plasma physics 1857
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1858 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 2002 W. M. Tang
FIG. 3. 共Color兲 Scientific computing is critical to discovery in many scientific disciplines in the DOE Office of Science research portfolio.
Discovery through Advanced Computing 共SciDAC兲’’ Pro- needed to assess the application of waves to heat the plasma
gram. This is illustrated in the SciDAC Program’s own figure as well as address the dynamics of energetic particles result-
共Fig. 3兲, which clearly states that advanced computing is ing from intense auxiliary heating and/or alpha particles
critical to discovery in DOE science programs.2 The lead role from the fusion reactions. Microturbulence and the associ-
for coordinating the plasma science component of this new ated transport come from fine-scale turbulence, driven by
program is the charge given to the Plasma Science Advanced inhomogeneities in the plasma density and temperature,
Computing Institute 共PSACI兲 by the Office of Fusion Energy which can cause particles, momentum, and heat to leak
Science. The Fusion SciDAC projects include most of the across the flux surfaces from the hot interior to be lost at the
key topical areas discussed in this review. plasma edge. Finally, plasma–material interactions deter-
As described in the recent National Research Council mine how high-temperature plasmas and material surfaces
report3 assessing plasma physics, the scientific challenges re- can co-exist. Progress in scientific understanding in all of
lated to magnetically-confined plasmas can be categorized these areas contributes in an integrated sense to fusion device
into four areas: macroscopic stability, wave–particle interac- design considerations and demands significant advances in
tions, microturbulence and transport, and plasma–material physics-based modeling capabilities. Indeed, advanced scien-
interactions. Because charged particles, momentum, and heat tific codes are a realistic measure of the state of understand-
move more rapidly along the magnetic field than across it, ing of all natural and engineered systems.
magnetic fusion research has focused on magnetic traps in The developmental path for modern high performance
which the magnetic field lines wrap back on themselves to computational codes as validated tools for scientific discov-
cover a set of nested toroidal surfaces called magnetic flux ery can be visualized as shown in Fig. 4. This multi-
surfaces 共because each surface encloses a constant magnetic disciplinary collaborative process begins with basic theoret-
flux兲. Macroscopic stability is concerned with large-scale ical research laying the foundations for the mathematical
spontaneous deformations of magnetic flux surfaces. These formulation of the physical phenomena of interest observed
major displacements or macroinstabilities are driven by the in experiments. Computational scientists produce the codes
large electrical currents flowing in the plasma and by the which solve these equations using the best possible algo-
plasma pressure. Wave–particle interactions deal with how rithms which efficiently utilize modern high-performance
particles and plasma waves interact. A detailed calculation of computers. They do so in partnership with applied mathema-
particle motions in background electromagnetic fields is ticians who provide the basic mathematical algorithms and
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Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 2002 Advanced computations in plasma physics 1859
FIG. 4. 共Color兲 Development of high performance codes as validated tools for scientific discovery.
the computer scientists who provide the requisite computer theory/experiment comparisons prove satisfactory, code per-
systems software. The computational scientists must then en- formance criteria for speed and efficiency could dictate an-
gage the research applications scientists in the critical scien- other round in the computational science box. If all criteria
tific code validation phase where the newly computed results are met, then the new ‘‘tool for scientific discovery’’ can be
are compared against experimental/observational data. This effectively utilized for interpreting experimental data, de-
is a major challenge involving a hierarchy of benchmarking signing new experiments, and even predicting new phenom-
criteria which begin with cross-checks against analytic ena of interest. This cycle of development will of course be
theory, empirical trends, and suggestive ‘‘pictorial’’ levels of repeated as new discoveries are encountered.
agreement. It then graduates to sensitivity studies, where Simulation domains have both minimum and maximum
agreement is sought when key physical parameters are si-
limits on spatial and temporal resolution so that any given
multaneously varied in the simulation and experiment/
plasma simulation can only address a finite range of space
observation. At the next level, richer physics validation is
and time scales. In the past, this limitation has been dealt
dependent on the availability of advanced experimental diag-
nostics which can produce integrated measurements of key with by deriving simplified sets of equations, or ‘‘reduced
physical quantities such as spectra, correlation functions, equations,’’ that are valid for only limited ranges of time and
heating rates, and other variables of interest. If the space scales. Examples of these are the ‘‘gyrokinetic
simulation/experimental data comparisons are unsatisfactory equations’’4 or the ‘‘MHD equations.’’5 While the reduced
at any of these validation levels, the work flow moves back equations have enabled progress in the past, they have fun-
to 共i兲 the theorists 共in consultation with experimentalists兲 if damental restrictions on their regions of validity. In actual
the problem looks to be with the mathematical model; and laboratory or natural plasmas, phenomena occurring on dif-
共ii兲 computational scientists 共in consultation with applied ferent time and space scales interact and influence one an-
mathematicians and computer scientists兲 if the problem ap- other. It thus becomes essential to utilize more general equa-
pears to be with the computational method. Even when the tions which are valid on a wider range of space and time
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1860 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 2002 W. M. Tang
FIG. 5. 共Color兲 Categorization of macroscopic simulation capabilities and corresponding applications topics.
scales and which will accordingly increase the simulation faithfully represent the physics and contributed to dramati-
domains. cally increasing the accuracy and realism of the particle-in-
At the most fundamental level a plasma can be described cell simulation technique.
by kinetic equations for the distribution function within a The fluid models proceed by advancing velocity mo-
six-dimensional 共plus time兲 phase-space of each particle spe- ments of the kinetic equation in time. The best known of
cies. These kinetic equations are coupled to each other these are the extended-magnetohydrodynamics 共MHD兲
through self-consistent electric and magnetic fields. The models9 which represent the plasma as one or more interact-
simulation techniques used in plasma physics fall into two ing conducting fluids. This higher-level description frees the
broad categories: kinetic models and fluid models. The most model of many fine-scale resolution requirements and makes
prominent kinetic approach is the particle-in-cell method, feasible the simulation of large-scale motions and instabili-
which proceeds by integrating a 共possibly reduced兲 kinetic ties. Extensive theoretical analysis over the years has led to
equation in time by advancing marker-particles along a rep- refinements of the fluid model and improved the closure re-
resentative set of characteristics within the 共possibly re- lations so that many nonfluid effects, such as particle motion
duced兲 phase space. Simulation techniques such as ‘‘finite and wave–particle resonances, can be represented at some
sized particles’’6 共to reduce the ‘‘noise’’ due to discrete level. This is illustrated in Fig. 5 which depicts the different
marker particles兲, ‘‘gyro-kinetics’’7 共a reduction of the full levels of macroscopic simulation capabilities along with
kinetic equation to a five-dimensional phase space which re- some representative topics to which they are applicable.10
moves high-frequency motion not important to turbulent In the following, representative examples of large-scale
transport兲, and ‘‘delta-f’’8 共a prescription for integrating the simulations that have been performed in the macroscopic
gyrokinetic equation along characteristics which further re- stability, wave–particle interaction, and microturbulence and
duces the discrete particle noise兲 have been developed over transport areas are presented. Future research directions will
the last 20 years. These advances have served to reduce the be discussed along with the need and readiness for enhanced
requirements on the number of ‘‘particles’’ necessary to computational resources.
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1862 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 2002 W. M. Tang
FIG. 7. 共Color兲 The complex magnetic topology structure developed as a result of resistive MHD instabilities.
Lundquist number and how this system behaves for times computational requirements will depend on how effective
much longer than the resistive decay time of the first wall. methods such as implicit time-stepping and adaptive mesh
In general, accommodating the space and time resolution refinement 共AMR兲 prove to be. Expected improvements in
demands embodied by extended-MHD models and low Lun- single-processor optimization, algorithmic advances, and
dquist number resistive MHD investigations will require sig- available compute power should continue to stimulate im-
nificant increases in computing power and improved algo- pressive progress in this area. Enhanced computational re-
rithms. For a model of a given mathematical complexity, the sources should also have a dramatic effect on enabling the
FIG. 8. 共Color兲 Nonlinear simulation of internal magnetic reconnection event in the National Spherical Torus Experiment.
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1864 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 2002 W. M. Tang
FIG. 11. 共Color兲 Turbulence reduction via sheared plasma flow compared to case with flow suppressed.
sible for the increased 共‘‘anomalously large’’兲 transport of would encounter the major multi-scale task of also dealing
particles, momentum, and heat, which are experimentally ob- with the larger-scale phenomena associated with the afore-
served to be significantly greater than levels expected from mentioned MHD studies.
the collisional relaxation of toroidally-confined plasmas A good example of progress in kinetic simulations in-
共‘‘neoclassical theory’’兲. This is particularly important for fu- volves studies of electrostatic turbulence suppression pro-
sion because the effective size 共and therefore cost兲 of an duced by self-generated zonal flows within the plasma. Re-
ignition experiment will be determined largely by the bal- sults from particle-in-cell global gyrokinetic simulations
ance between fusion self-heating and turbulent transport show that the suppression of turbulence caused by prominent
losses. With the advent of teraflop-scale MPP computers, instabilities driven by ion temperature gradients 共ITG兲 is pro-
high resolution simulations of the fundamental equations duced by a shearing action which destroys the finger-like
governing turbulent transport begins to become feasible. If density contours which promote increased thermal transport
reliably implemented, this would be a cost-effective means in a 3-D toroidal system.23 This dynamical process is de-
to address key phenomena that would otherwise require ex- picted by the sequences shown in Fig. 11. The lower panels,
pensive empirical exploration of a huge parameter space. Al- which show the nonlinear evolution of the turbulence in the
though the progress in capturing the ion dynamics has been absence of flow, can be compared against the upper panel
impressive, the description of the electrons is still being up- sequence which illustrates the turbulence decorrelation
graded to include important kinetic effects such as trapping caused by the self-generated E⫻B flow. This is also a good
in equilibrium magnetic wells, drift motions, and wave– example of the effective use of one of the fastest nonclassi-
particle resonances. Significant challenges also remain in ex- fied supercomputers in the world 共the 5 teraflop IBM-SP at
tending the present capabilities for dealing with electrostatic NERSC兲. The most recent simulations24 of this type used one
perturbations to include magnetic perturbations—especially billion particles with 125 million grid-points over 7000 time-
in cases where they are sufficiently large to alter the actual steps to produce significant new physics results. In particular,
geometric properties of the self-consistent magnetic field. In large-scale simulations have been carried out to explore
such circumstances, microinstabilities can drive currents par- some of the key consequences of scaling up from present-
allel to the equilibrium magnetic field, which in turn produce day experimental devices 共around 3 meters radius for the
magnetic perturbations in the perpendicular direction. These largest existing machines兲 to those of reactor dimensions
kinetic electromagnetic waves can modify the stability prop- 共about 6 meters兲. As shown in Fig. 12, transport driven by
erties of the electrostatic modes or act as separate instabili- electrostatic ITG turbulence in present scale devices can
ties, such as kinetic ballooning modes,22 which can alter the change character in larger systems. This transition from
magnetic topology. In this sense, the kinetic simulations Bohm-like scaling to Larmor-orbit-dependent ‘‘gyro-Bohm’’
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1866 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 2002 W. M. Tang
With regard to transport at the plasma boundary, the chal- FIG. 14. 共Color兲 3-D gyrokinetic particle-in-cell codes have demonstrated
lenge is to develop a better physics description of edge tur- excellent scaling as the number of processors is increased.
bulence. This is of course related to issues discussed in the
preceding section. Magnetically confined plasmas terminate
at a last closed flux surface, which is defined by either the other variables of interest. Other outstanding challenges fac-
presence of a material boundary, or by a ‘‘separatrix’’—a ing plasma boundary physics simulations in the future in-
magnetic surface separating the closed, nested flux surfaces clude 共i兲 self-consistent coupling between the plasma bound-
from the open ones that strike a material surface. Particles, ary and core heat and particle fluxes; and 共ii兲 advancing
momentum, and heat are rapidly conducted along open field beyond fluid equations to deal with kinetic dynamics.
lines to the material surface. This results in the formation of
a boundary layer about the last closed flux surface where the
radial gradients steepen until the cross-field transport can
compete with the rapid transport parallel to the equilibrium Addressing the scientific issues described in this review
magnetic field. An analysis of this boundary layer is greatly requires advanced code development efforts which are im-
complicated by the convergence of scale lengths 共i.e., the ion portant for most areas of research. The primary task involves
orbit width, which provides the characteristic scale of the enhancing the physics models and developing more efficient
turbulence, is actually comparable in magnitude to the scale algorithms to efficiently deal with the associated problems.
length of the density and temperature gradients兲. The associ- Challenges include 共i兲 multi-scale physics such as kinetic
ated absence of small expansion parameters obviously com- electromagnetic dynamics which have been discussed in the
plicates the analysis. Nevertheless, substantial progress has previous section; 共ii兲 improved algorithms; and 共iii兲 scalabil-
been made using electromagnetic fluid codes to simulate the ity of codes. With regard to item 共ii兲, in addition to making
edge plasma turbulence.35 As shown in Fig. 13, initial com- sure presently working algorithms are scalable to new com-
parisons of the wave-number 共k兲 spectrum from 3-D electro- puting platforms, innovative numerical algorithms will have
magnetic fluid code simulations of edge turbulence with re- to be invented to make progress. In addition, powerful ap-
sults from very recent gas-puff imaging experimental proaches such as adaptive mesh refinement for higher dimen-
measurements on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak show a favor- sionality phase-space need to be actively pursued. Item 共iii兲
able level of agreement which should encourage further deals with the ability to efficiently implement existing codes
studies.36 This is also a good illustration of the richer physics on the most powerful MPP supercomputers to enable simu-
validation described in Sec. II, which is dependent on the lations of larger problems. In fact, for virtually all of the
availability of advanced experimental diagnostics capable of topical areas covered in this review, the plasma science com-
producing integrated measurements of key physical quanti- munity has had success in developing codes for which com-
ties such as spectra, correlation functions, heating rates, and puter run-time and problem size scale well with the number
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1868 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 2002 W. M. Tang
FIG. 17. 共Color兲 Interfacing of MPP simulation of microwave reflectometry diagnostic with large-scale microturbulence simulation results.
basic understanding of the mechanisms controlling plasma data visualization, mining, and manipulation. As part of the
confinement. As in dealing with the output from terascale new DOE SciDAC Program, this project forges for the first
simulations, maximizing the effectiveness of simulation/ time a partnership between computational applications scien-
experiment comparisons will also necessitate addressing tists at the three largest U.S. magnetic fusion experimental
critical computer science and enabling technology 共CSET兲 facilities at General Atomics 共San Diego, CA兲, PPPL 共Prin-
issues in the area of data management and visualization. In- ceton, NJ兲, and MIT 共Cambridge, MA兲 together with com-
deed, the power of advanced computing to solve challenging puter scientists at Argonne National Laboratory, Lawrence
problems can be fully exploited only if a capable infrastruc- Berkeley National Laboratory, and the Computer Science
ture is established and effective software tools are made Departments at the University of Utah and Princeton Univer-
available. Terascale computing requires complementary soft- sity. This cross-disciplinary effort37 has set goals including
ware that scales as well as the hardware and which provides 共i兲 more efficient use of experimental facilities via powerful
an efficient code development environment. In general, net- new between-pulse data analysis capabilities; 共ii兲 better ac-
working, database, visualization, and other infrastructure cess by researchers to analysis and simulation codes, data,
tools are critically needed to strengthen the coupling between and visualization tools; and 共iii兲 the creation of a standard
terascale simulations with theory and experiment. tool set for remote data access, security, and visualization.
The applications development challenge for terascale
computing will invariably involve multiple research institu-
tions. Hence, efficiency will require system integration and IV. CROSS-DISCIPLINARY OPPORTUNITIES
the availability of middleware software that allows maximal
use of available computing platforms to support joint appli- The increased emphasis on advanced computations in
cation development projects. Accordingly, modern object- fusion energy sciences carries an exciting vision for the fu-
oriented code development methods are needed to facilitate ture which can serve the vitally important role of helping to
sharing code development efforts among collaborators from attract and educate the bright young people essential for the
numerous research groups. future technological health of this field. It can also stimulate
As emphasized throughout the course of this review, it is mutually beneficial scientific alliances with other applica-
critically important for advanced simulations to be rigorously tions areas. For example, effective modeling of global sys-
validated against experiments to ensure the fidelity of the tems, combustion, and fusion devices all deal with complex,
science. Progress in this direction requires strong collabora- 3-D, nonlinear fluid flows and associated kinetic dynamics,
tion between the CSET community and application areas albeit in very different parametric regimes. They share the
such as plasma science. An encouraging step toward the fu- common computational challenge to rapidly develop ad-
ture has been the establishment of a national fusion energy vanced integrated modeling capabilities capable of treating
sciences collaboratory project which targets advances in con- complex dynamical systems covering many decades in time
nectivity to experimental data and to state-of-the-art tools for and space. The computational challenges posed by nonlinear
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1870 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 2002 W. M. Tang
FIG. 19. 共Color兲 Example of cross-disciplinary graduate program targeting education in areas of computational science applications 共including plasma
physics兲 together with applied math and computer science.
Maryland and involving researchers at the Max Planck Insti- simulation. This innovative new capability can cost-
tute for Plasma Physics and Dartmouth College. They have effectively aid the interpretation of the reflectometry data
recently carried out particle simulations 共using 70M particles from experiments. It should also help to more efficiently
and 20M grid points in 3-D simulations with periodic bound- utilize the existing diagnostic capabilities and to design
ary conditions兲 in which the large reduction of the magnetic improved diagnostic capabilities for the future.
reconnection current layer width is associated with the rapid 共4兲 High Energy and Accelerator Physics: Another ex-
acceleration of electrons.43 As illustrated in Fig. 15, the re- ample of some recent computationally-driven advances in
sultant ‘‘electron beam’’ is found to produce a two-stream plasma physics which impact progress in other disciplines
instability which nonlinearly evolves into ‘‘electron involves the high energy and accelerator physics area. Uti-
holes’’—localized regions of intense anti-parallel electric lizing a particle simulation approach 共‘‘delta-f’’ method兲 pio-
field. The authors have pointed out that these new simulation neered in magnetic confinement studies,8 a new three-
results are quite possibly relevant to recent polar satellite dimensional particle code for both ions and electrons has
observations of qualitatively similar phenomena in regions successfully simulated electron-proton two-stream instabili-
where magnetic reconnection could be present.
ties from initial noise.46 Results obtained from tracking about
共2兲 Design of Advanced Experiments. In the recent na-
one million particles over one million lattice periods 共beta-
tional effort to design the National Compact Stellarator
tron oscillations兲 are shown in Fig. 18. Developed within the
Experiment,44 the efficient utilization of massively parallel
workscope of the Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Labo-
processing 共MPP兲 computations was essential for the optimi-
ratory 共LBNL, LLNL, PPPL兲,47 this code has addressed a
zation of the key stability and transport properties in this
complex plasma configuration 共see Fig. 16兲. Moreover, the key problem of interest to the high energy and accelerator
MPP computations were critical for addressing ‘‘constructa- community—the presence of unwanted electron populations
bility’’ issues which involved the proper design of the mag- observed in the LANL Proton Storage Ring Experiment and
netic coil system that could produce the plasma of interest. expected to be an issue for the Spallation Neutron Source
共3兲 Modeling of Advanced Diagnostics: To gain a better Project. A valuable finding from these new simulations car-
understanding of the complex processes impacting plasma ried out on powerful MPP platforms is that this potentially
turbulence, theorists, computer scientists, and experimental- troublesome instability can be eliminated with modest axial
ists have recently developed a MPP simulation of the actual momentum spread.
microwave reflectometry diagnostic.45 As illustrated in Fig. Finally, it is important to emphasize the fact that the area
17, the new MPP code models the actual incoming micro- of computational plasma science needs to actively develop
waves reflecting off a target plasma which evolves as its and nurture opportunities for attracting, educating, and re-
turbulence grows. This is interfaced with the latest large- taining bright young talent essential for the future of the
scale microturbulence simulation results described field. While it is encouraging that many of the key advances
earlier.23,24 The characteristic turbulent correlation length can cited in this review have involved major contributions from
be extracted from this reflectometer simulation and com- young scientists, greater efforts are required to educate the
pared with that deduced from the original microturbulence next generation of researchers with capabilities that cross-cut
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Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 2002 Advanced computations in plasma physics 1871
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