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Oracle® Communications Instant Messaging

System Administrator's Guide
Release 9.0.2

August 2014
Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide, Release 9.0.2

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Preface ............................................................................................................................................................... xiii

Audience..................................................................................................................................................... xiii
Related Documents ................................................................................................................................... xiii
Documentation Accessibility ................................................................................................................... xiii

Part I Monitoring and Managing Instant Messaging Server

1 Instant Messaging Server Administration Overview

Overview of Instant Messaging Server Administration Tasks....................................................... 1-1
About Instant Messaging Server Commands ..................................................................................... 1-1
Directory Placeholders Used in This Guide ....................................................................................... 1-2

2 Administering Instant Messaging Server Components

Stopping, Starting, Refreshing, and Checking Instant Messaging Server Components........... 2-1
Using Service Management Framework (SMF)............................................................................. 2-1
Starting Instant Messaging Server Components ........................................................................... 2-2
Starting All Components ........................................................................................................... 2-2
Starting a Single Component..................................................................................................... 2-2
Stopping Instant Messaging Server Components ......................................................................... 2-3
Stopping All Components ......................................................................................................... 2-3
Stopping a Single Component .................................................................................................. 2-3
Registering and Unregistering Service Management Framework.............................................. 2-3
Registering SMF .......................................................................................................................... 2-3
Unregistering SMF...................................................................................................................... 2-4
Refreshing Component Configuration ........................................................................................... 2-4
Refreshing All Components ...................................................................................................... 2-4
Refreshing a Single Component ............................................................................................... 2-4
Checking the Status of Instant Messaging Server Components.................................................. 2-4
Changing Instant Messaging Server and Multiplexor Configuration Properties....................... 2-5
To Change Configuration Properties .............................................................................................. 2-5
Backing Up Instant Messaging Server Data ....................................................................................... 2-6
Backup Information ........................................................................................................................... 2-6
Performing a Backup ......................................................................................................................... 2-6
Restoring Backup Information ......................................................................................................... 2-6

3 Using LDAP with Instant Messaging Server
Managing LDAP Access Configuration for Instant Messaging Server......................................... 3-1
Overview of How Instant Messaging Server Uses LDAP............................................................ 3-1
Searching the Directory Anonymously........................................................................................... 3-2
To Enable the Server to Conduct Directory Searches as a Specific End User .................... 3-2
Configuring Instant Messaging Server to Use LDAP Groups ........................................................ 3-2
To Configure Instant Messaging Server to Use LDAP Groups................................................... 3-3
To Use Group Messaging.................................................................................................................. 3-4
To Configure Chat Room Membership Based on LDAP Group Membership ......................... 3-4
To Use Chat Rooms Based on LDAP Group Membership .......................................................... 3-5

4 Administering Instant Messaging Server End Users

Overview of Administering Instant Messaging Server End Users ................................................ 4-1
Registering New Instant Messaging Server Users ............................................................................ 4-1
Configuring Instant Messaging Server to Enable New User Registration ................................ 4-1
To Allow New User Registration Using Policy Module iim_ldap ............................................. 4-2
To Allow New User Registration Using Policy Module schema1 or schema2 ......................... 4-2
Storing Instant Messaging Server User Properties in LDAP........................................................... 4-2
To Store Instant Messaging Server User Properties in LDAP ..................................................... 4-3

5 Managing Messages for Offline Users

Managing Instant Messaging Server Messages for Offline Users Overview .............................. 5-1
Enabling Support for Offline Messages in Instant Messaging Server.......................................... 5-1
To Enable Support for Offline Messaging in Instant Messaging Server .................................... 5-2

6 Improving Instant Messaging Server Performance

Tuning Instant Messaging Server Memory ........................................................................................ 6-1
Instant Messaging Server Thread Pooling and Service Port Configuration ................................ 6-1
Sample Load Test of the Instant Messaging Server .......................................................................... 6-2

7 Configuring Instant Messaging Server for High Availability

Instant Messaging Server HA Overview ............................................................................................. 7-1
HA Configuration Software Requirements.................................................................................... 7-1
HA Configuration Requirements..................................................................................................... 7-2
HA Configuration Terms and Checklist......................................................................................... 7-2
Starting and Stopping the Instant Messaging Server HA Service ................................................. 7-3
Troubleshooting the Instant Messaging Server HA Configuration............................................ 7-3
Setting Up HA for Instant Messaging Server ..................................................................................... 7-3
Choosing a High Availability Model for Your Instant Messaging Server Deployment.......... 7-3
High-Level Task List for an Asymmetric HA Deployment.................................................. 7-4
High-Level Task List for a Symmetric HA Deployment....................................................... 7-5
Installing and Configuring in an Asymmetric HA Environment........................................ 7-6
Installing and Configuring in a Symmetric HA Environment.......................................... 7-10
Removing HA for Instant Messaging Server................................................................................... 7-16
HA Related Documentation ................................................................................................................ 7-17

8 Configuring LDAP Failover
Configuring LDAP Failover Overview ................................................................................................ 8-1
Setting Up LDAP Failover ...................................................................................................................... 8-1

9 Scaling Instant Messaging Server By Using Server Pooling

Overview of Server Pooling for Instant Messaging Server ............................................................. 9-1
Availability in an Instant Messaging Server Pool ............................................................................. 9-2
Configuring Server-to-Server Communication Between Instant Messaging Servers................ 9-2
To Set Up Communication Between Two Instant Messaging Servers in a Server Pool .......... 9-3
Adding a New Node to an Existing Instant Messaging Server Deployment ............................... 9-3
Securing a Multi-node Deployment..................................................................................................... 9-3
To Manually Define the Dialback Key for an Instant Messaging Server in a Server Pool ...... 9-4
Using Shoal for Server Pool Messaging .............................................................................................. 9-4
Setting Shoal Properties .................................................................................................................... 9-4
Using Shoal for Automatic Discovery of Peer Servers in a Pool................................................. 9-4
Using Shoal for Conferences Across Server Pools ........................................................................ 9-5
Using Shoal Across Subnets ............................................................................................................. 9-5

10 Managing Archiving in Instant Messaging Server

Archiving Overview ............................................................................................................................. 10-1
Enabling and Disabling Archiving for Instant Messaging Server.............................................. 10-1
To Enable Instant Messaging Server Archiving ......................................................................... 10-2
To Disable Instant Messaging Server Archiving ........................................................................ 10-2
Archiving in Instant Messaging Server ............................................................................................ 10-2
Managing Instant Messaging Server File Archive ..................................................................... 10-2
Implementing the Custom File Architecture Provider.............................................................. 10-2
File Archiver Provider Example ................................................................................................... 10-3
Compiling the Custom File Archival Provider Application..................................................... 10-4
Enabling and Disabling the Instant Messaging Server File Archive Provider......................... 10-4
To Enable File Archiving................................................................................................................ 10-4
To Disable File Archiving .............................................................................................................. 10-4
Managing Instant Messaging Server Message Archive............................................................. 10-5
Implementing the Custom Message Archival Provider............................................................ 10-5
Message Archive Provider Example ............................................................................................ 10-7
Compiling the Custom Message Archival Provider Application ............................................ 10-8
Enabling and Disabling the Instant Messaging Server Message Archive Provider.............. 10-8
To Disable Message Archiving...................................................................................................... 10-9
Managing Instant Messaging Server Email Archive...................................................................... 10-9
Enabling and Disabling the Instant Messaging Server Email Archive Provider................... 10-9
To Enable the Instant Messaging Server Email Archive .................................................... 10-9
To Disable the Instant Messaging Server Email Archive Provider .................................. 10-9
Configuring Email Archive Settings .......................................................................................... 10-10
To Configure Administrator Recipients and the RFC 822 Header Format ................... 10-11
Email Header Format ................................................................................................................... 10-11
RFC 822 Email Archive Header Fields for One to One Chat........................................... 10-11
RFC 822 Email Archive Header Fields for Private Conferences ..................................... 10-11

RFC 822 Email Archive Header Fields for Public Conferences ...................................... 10-12
RFC 822 Email Archive Header Fields for Poll Questions with Replies........................ 10-12
RFC 822 Email Archive Header Fields for Poll Replies Only.......................................... 10-12
RFC 822 Email Archive Header Fields for Alerts.............................................................. 10-12
RFC 822 Email Archive Header Fields for New Channel Posts...................................... 10-12
Enabling and Disabling the Instant Messaging Server Custom Archive Provider ............... 10-13
To Enable a Custom Archive Provider ...................................................................................... 10-13
To Disable a Custom Archive Provider ..................................................................................... 10-13

11 Managing Message Conversion in Instant Messaging

Message Conversion Overview .......................................................................................................... 11-1
Managing Message Conversion in the Instant Messaging Server .............................................. 11-1
Implementing the Custom Message Conversion Provider....................................................... 11-1
Message Converter Provider Example ........................................................................................ 11-2
Compiling the Custom Message Converter Provider ............................................................... 11-3
Enabling and Disabling the Instant Messaging Message Converter Provider......................... 11-3

12 Monitoring Instant Messaging Server

Overview of Monitoring the Instant Messaging Server................................................................ 12-1
Configuring Instant Messaging Server Monitoring....................................................................... 12-1
Steps for Configuring Data Collection and Monitoring ............................................................ 12-2
Installing and Configuring the Oracle Enterprise Manager Plug-in .......................................... 12-3
Product Version Requirements ..................................................................................................... 12-4
Installation Prerequisites................................................................................................................ 12-4
Downloading the Enterprise Manager Plug-in ............................................................................... 12-4
Configuring Instant Messaging Server Targets .............................................................................. 12-4
Adding Instant Messaging Server Host Targets and Installing the Management Agent .... 12-4
Setting Up Preferred Credentials.................................................................................................. 12-5
Deploying the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Plug-in.......................................................... 12-5
Deploying the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Plug-in on the Management Server..... 12-6
Deploying the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Plug-in on Host Targets ........................ 12-6
Using the Enterprise Manager to Monitor Instant Messaging Server ........................................ 12-6
Viewing Metrics .............................................................................................................................. 12-7
Enabling and Using the Beacon Service ...................................................................................... 12-7
Available Metrics ............................................................................................................................ 12-8
Customizing Monitoring ................................................................................................................... 12-10
Setting Thresholds on Monitored Metrics ................................................................................. 12-10
Setting Notification Options ........................................................................................................ 12-10
Adding Corrective Actions.......................................................................................................... 12-11

13 Troubleshooting Instant Messaging Server

Troubleshooting and Monitoring Instant Messaging Server Overview.................................... 13-1
Problems and Solutions ....................................................................................................................... 13-1
Cannot Forward Mail to Offline Users ........................................................................................ 13-1
To Configure the Attribute Used for User Email Addresses............................................. 13-1
Calendar Pop-up Reminders Do Not Work ................................................................................ 13-2

Connection Refused or Timed Out............................................................................................... 13-2
Authentication Errors ..................................................................................................................... 13-2
Instant Messaging Server Content is not Archived.................................................................... 13-2
Server-to-Server Communication Fails to Start .......................................................................... 13-3
Troubleshooting Instant Messaging Server and LDAP................................................................. 13-3
Using a Directory That Does not Permit Anonymous Bind ..................................................... 13-3
To Configure Bind Credentials for Instant Messaging Server.................................................. 13-3
To Change the Attribute Used to Display Contact Names ....................................................... 13-3
Searching the Directory by Using Wildcards.............................................................................. 13-3
Using Nonstandard Objectclasses for Users and Groups ......................................................... 13-4
To Change the Objectclasses Used to Specify Users and Groups ............................................ 13-4
Using an Attribute Other than uid for User Authentication .................................................... 13-4
To Change the Attribute Used for User Authentication ........................................................... 13-4
Using an Attribute Other than uid for User IDs......................................................................... 13-4
To Change the Attribute Used for User IDs................................................................................ 13-4
Troubleshooting Connectivity Issues in a Multi-Node Deployment (Server Pool) ................ 13-5
Managing the Watchdog Process ....................................................................................................... 13-5
Determining the Status of the Watchdog .................................................................................... 13-5
To Determine the Status of the Watchdog................................................................................... 13-5
Enabling and Disabling the Watchdog ........................................................................................ 13-5
To Enable or Disable the Watchdog ............................................................................................. 13-5
Managing Logging for the Watchdog .......................................................................................... 13-6

14 Managing Logging for Instant Messaging Server

Instant Messaging Server Log File Location.................................................................................... 14-1
Instant Messaging Server Component Logging Levels ................................................................. 14-1
Managing Instant Messaging Server Logging by Using log4j ..................................................... 14-2
Instant Messaging Server Log4j Configuration File (log4j.conf) Location.............................. 14-3
Instant Messaging Server Log4j Log File Syntax........................................................................ 14-3
Log4j Log Levels for Instant Messaging Server Components .................................................. 14-3
To Specify the Location of the Log4j Configuration File (Log4j.conf)..................................... 14-3
To Enable or Disable Log4j Logging for an Instant Messaging Server Component ............. 14-4
To Set Log4j Log Levels for Instant Messaging Server.............................................................. 14-4
To Specify the Maximum Log4j Log File Size for IM Server Components............................. 14-4

Part II Configuring Gateways, Protocols, and Features

15 Configuring Hosted Domain Support

Instant Messaging Server Hosted Domains Overview.................................................................. 15-1
Setting Up Schema 1 and Schema 2 for Instant Messaging Server Hosted Domains ............. 15-1
Schema 1 Structure.......................................................................................................................... 15-1
To Configure Instant Messaging Server for Schema 1 ....................................................... 15-1
Schema 2 Structure.......................................................................................................................... 15-2
To Configure Instant Messaging Server for Schema 2 ....................................................... 15-2
Instant Messaging Server Cross Domain Searches ........................................................................ 15-2
To Enable Instant Messaging Server Cross Domain Searches.................................................. 15-2

16 Federating Instant Messaging Server with External Servers
Federating Multiple Instant Messaging Servers Overview .......................................................... 16-1
Securing Server-to-Server Communication................................................................................. 16-1
Configuring Federated Communication Between Instant Messaging Servers......................... 16-2
Federation Examples ...................................................................................................................... 16-2
Configuring DNS for XMPP Federation ...................................................................................... 16-3
Configuring DNS for SIP Federation ........................................................................................... 16-3

17 Configuring the Facebook Gateway

Configuring the Instant Messaging Server Facebook Gateway and Gateway Connector ..... 17-1
Using the configure Utility for the Facebook Gateway and Gateway Connector ................. 17-1
Manually Configuring the Facebook Gateway and Gateway Connector............................... 17-2
Facebook Gateway Properties ....................................................................................................... 17-2
Gateway Connector Properties ..................................................................................................... 17-3
Deployment Planning .......................................................................................................................... 17-3
Gateway Connector (GWC)........................................................................................................... 17-3
Registering the Facebook Application ......................................................................................... 17-3

18 Configuring the HTTPBIND Gateway

About the XMPP/HTTP Gateway ...................................................................................................... 18-1
Instant Messaging Server XMPP/HTTP Gateway Configuration Files...................................... 18-1
Configuring the Instant Messaging Server XMPP/HTTP Gateway ............................................ 18-1
To Enable or Disable the Instant Messaging Server XMPP/HTTP Gateway......................... 18-2
To Configure HTTPBIND Manually ............................................................................................ 18-3
To Configure Concurrent Requests Number Handled by the XMPP/HTTP Gateway ....... 18-4
To Set the JEP 124 hold Attribute for Client Requests to the XMPP/HTTP Gateway.......... 18-4
To Specify the Allowed Client Inactivity Time for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway.................... 18-5
To Set the content-type HTTP Header for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway .................................. 18-5
To Set the Round Trip Delay for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway .................................................. 18-5
To Set the XMPP/HTTP Gateway Default Response Time ..................................................... 18-6
To Configure an XMPP/HTTP Gateway in a Instant Messaging Server Gateway Pool...... 18-6
To Configure the List of Key IDs for Supported XMPP/HTTP Gateway Domains ............. 18-6
To Configure the XMPP/HTTP Gateway to Use a Non-default Configuration ................... 18-7
To Use Encrypted Passwords ....................................................................................................... 18-7
To Add a New Hosted Domain Without Restarting GlassFish Server ................................... 18-8
Using StartTLS to Secure Communication Between XMPP/HTTP and IM Server.................. 18-8
Managing Logging for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway ......................................................................... 18-8
To Enable or Disable Logging for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway ................................................ 18-9
To Change the Location of the XMPP/HTTP Gateway Log Configuration File................... 18-9
Oracle Linux and Red Hat Linux: To Set the XMPP/HTTP Gateway Log File Location .... 18-9
To Change the Location of the XMPP/HTTP Gateway Log File ........................................... 18-10
To Use a Non-default Log File Location for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway ............................. 18-10
To Set the XMPP/HTTP Gateway Logging Level ................................................................... 18-10
XMPP/HTTP Gateway log4j Log Configuration File Syntax................................................. 18-11
XMPP/HTTP Gateway Log Configuration File Example....................................................... 18-11

19 Configuring the SIP Gateway
SIP Gateway Overview ........................................................................................................................ 19-1
SIP Gateway Architecture.................................................................................................................... 19-2
Configuring the SIP Gateway............................................................................................................. 19-3
Prerequisites for Configuring the SIP Gateway.......................................................................... 19-4
To Configure Instant Messaging Server for the SIP Gateway .................................................. 19-4
Configuring the SIP Gateway in Component Mode........................................................... 19-4
Configuring SIP Gateway in Federation Mode ................................................................... 19-5
To Enable S2S Communication Using TLS and SASL-External........................................ 19-5
To Enable S2S Communication Using TLS and Dialback .................................................. 19-5
To Enable S2S Communication Using Plain Text and Dialback ....................................... 19-6
To Configure Logging for the SIP Gateway ................................................................................ 19-6
To Configure the Oracle Communications Converged Application Server .......................... 19-6
To Test the SIP Gateway ................................................................................................................ 19-6
Troubleshooting the SIP Gateway..................................................................................................... 19-7
Configuring DNS for XMPP and SIP Federation ........................................................................... 19-7

20 Configuring the SMS Gateway

SMS Gateway Overview...................................................................................................................... 20-1
Configuring the SMS Gateway .......................................................................................................... 20-1
SMS and Server Configuration Properties .................................................................................. 20-1
Server-Side Configuration ............................................................................................................. 20-2
To Configure the SMS Gateway by Using the imconfutil Command.............................. 20-3
To Configure the SMS Gateway by Using the configure Utility....................................... 20-3
Client-Side Settings ......................................................................................................................... 20-4
Starting and Stopping the SMS Gateway......................................................................................... 20-4

21 Using Calendar Pop-up Reminders

Pop-up Reminders Overview.............................................................................................................. 21-1
Pop-up Reminders Operation ....................................................................................................... 21-1
Pop-up Reminders Architectural Flow ........................................................................................ 21-2
Configuring Calendar Server and Instant Messaging Server to use Pop-ups........................... 21-2
Configuring Calendar Pop-ups in a Server Pool............................................................................. 21-2
Administering the Calendar Agent ................................................................................................... 21-2

22 Configuring the Instant Messaging Server Calendar Agent

Configuring Calendar Agent with Calendar Server 7.................................................................... 22-1
Configuring Instant Messaging Server ........................................................................................ 22-1
To Configure IM Server 9 Calendar Agent with Calendar Server 7 ................................ 22-1
To Manually Configure IM Server 9 Calendar Agent with Calendar Server 7 .............. 22-2
JMS and Calendar Agent Properties ..................................................................................... 22-3

23 Displaying Availability Based on Calendar Entries

Instant Messaging Availability Based on Calendar Entries Overview ...................................... 23-1
Enabling Instant Messaging Availability Based on Calendar Entries ....................................... 23-1

Configuring Java Message Queue (JMQ) Brokers for Calendar Availability........................... 23-1

24 Using the Web Presence API

Instant Messaging Server Web Presence API Overview............................................................... 24-1
Web Presence API for Requesting Presence Information............................................................. 24-1
web.xml File for the Web Presence API....................................................................................... 24-2
HTTP GET Requests for Presence Information .......................................................................... 24-2
GET Requests for Presence Information on an Individual User....................................... 24-2
GET Requests for Presence Information on Multiple Users .............................................. 24-2
HTTP POST Requests for Presence Information ........................................................................ 24-3
JSON Response to Requests for Presence Information.............................................................. 24-3
Configuring the Instant Messaging Server Web Presence API ................................................... 24-3
Configuring an Instant Messaging Server to Recognize the Web Presence API...................... 24-5
Steps for Configuring and Testing the Web Presence API........................................................... 24-6

25 Configuring the Instant Messaging Server Web Presence API

Configuring the Web Presence API ................................................................................................... 25-1

Part III Instant Messaging Server Reference

26 Configuration File and Directory Structure Overview

Program Files.......................................................................................................................................... 26-1
Oracle Solaris Location of Program Files..................................................................................... 26-1
Red Hat Linux and Oracle Linux Location of Program Files ................................................... 26-1
Server Configuration Files .................................................................................................................. 26-1
Oracle Solaris Location of Server Configuration Files............................................................... 26-2
Red Hat Linux and Oracle Linux Location of Server Configuration Files ............................. 26-2
Runtime Directory................................................................................................................................. 26-2
Oracle Solaris Location of the Runtime Directory...................................................................... 26-2
Red Hat Linux and Oracle Linux Location of the Runtime Directory .................................... 26-2
Database Directory................................................................................................................................ 26-2
Oracle Solaris Location of the Database Directory..................................................................... 26-3
Red Hat Linux and Oracle Linux Location of the Database Directory ................................... 26-3
Instant Messaging Server Configuration File.................................................................................. 26-3
Instant Messaging Server Data...................................................................................................... 26-3

27 Configuration Properties
iim.conf.xml File Location ................................................................................................................... 27-1
iim.conf.xml File Syntax ...................................................................................................................... 27-1
Multiple Server Configuration Properties ....................................................................................... 27-9
Shoal Configuration Properties........................................................................................................ 27-10
Multiplexor Configuration Properties ............................................................................................ 27-11
Archive Properties............................................................................................................................... 27-12
Watchdog Properties........................................................................................................................... 27-14
Monitoring Properties ........................................................................................................................ 27-15
Agent Properties .................................................................................................................................. 27-15

JMQ Properties .................................................................................................................................... 27-16
HTTP/XMPP Gateway Properties .................................................................................................... 27-17
SMS Integration Properties............................................................................................................... 27-17
Facebook Gateway Properties........................................................................................................... 27-18
Gateway Connector Properties ......................................................................................................... 27-19

28 Instant Messaging Server APIs

Instant Messaging Server APIs Overview........................................................................................ 28-1
Instant Messaging Server Service API .............................................................................................. 28-1
Service Provider Interfaces.................................................................................................................. 28-1
Archive Provider API ..................................................................................................................... 28-2
Message Conversion API ............................................................................................................... 28-2
Authentication Provider API......................................................................................................... 28-2
Web Presence API ................................................................................................................................. 28-2

29 imadmin Command Reference

imadmin Overview ............................................................................................................................... 29-1
imadmin Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 29-1
imadmin Location ................................................................................................................................. 29-1
imadmin Commands ............................................................................................................................ 29-1
imadmin Syntax..................................................................................................................................... 29-3
imadmin Options .................................................................................................................................. 29-3
imadmin Actions ................................................................................................................................... 29-3
imadmin Components.......................................................................................................................... 29-3

30 imconfutil Command Reference

Syntax ...................................................................................................................................................... 30-1
Options .................................................................................................................................................... 30-1
Example imconfutil Commands......................................................................................................... 30-4

31 iwadmin Command Reference

Overview of the iwadmin Command................................................................................................ 31-1
Syntax ...................................................................................................................................................... 31-1
iwadmin Options................................................................................................................................... 31-1
iwadmin Commands and Command-Specific Options................................................................. 31-2
Example iwadmin Commands............................................................................................................ 31-2

32 passwordtool Command Reference

passwordtool Overview ....................................................................................................................... 32-1
Syntax ...................................................................................................................................................... 32-1
Examples ................................................................................................................................................. 32-2

33 XMPP and HTTP Gateway Configuration Parameters

httpbind.conf File Location ................................................................................................................. 33-1

httpbind.conf File Syntax .................................................................................................................... 33-1
How Load Balancing Occurs ............................................................................................................... 33-2
Instant Messaging Server XMPP/HTTP Gateway Configuration Parameters .......................... 33-2
Gateway Domain ID Key Parameters for httpbind.config ........................................................... 33-4


This guide provides instructions for administering Oracle Communications Instant

Messaging Server. Instant Messaging Server enables secure, real-time communication
and collaboration, combining presence awareness with instant messaging capabilities
such as chat, conferences, and file transfers to create a rich collaborative environment.

This document is intended for system administrators whose responsibility includes
Instant Messaging Server. This guide assumes you are familiar with the following
■ Messaging Server and Calendar Server protocols
■ Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition and LDAP
■ System administration and networking
■ General deployment architectures

Related Documents
For more information, see the following documents in the Instant Messaging Server
documentation set:
■ Instant Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide: Provides instructions
for installing and configuring Instant Messaging Server.
■ Instant Messaging Server Release Notes: Describes the new features, fixes, known
issues, troubleshooting tips, and required third-party products and licensing.
■ Instant Messaging Server Security Guide: Provides guidelines and recommendations
for setting up Instant Messaging Server in a secure configuration.

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For
information, visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or
visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing

Part I
Part I Monitoring and Managing Instant Messaging

Part I contains the following chapters:

■ Instant Messaging Server Administration Overview
■ Administering Instant Messaging Server Components
■ Using LDAP with Instant Messaging Server
■ Administering Instant Messaging Server End Users
■ Managing Messages for Offline Users
■ Improving Instant Messaging Server Performance
■ Configuring Instant Messaging Server for High Availability
■ Configuring LDAP Failover
■ Scaling Instant Messaging Server By Using Server Pooling
■ Managing Archiving in Instant Messaging Server
■ Managing Message Conversion in Instant Messaging
■ Monitoring Instant Messaging Server
■ Troubleshooting Instant Messaging Server
■ Managing Logging for Instant Messaging Server
Instant Messaging Server Administration


This chapter provides an overview of Oracle Communications Instant Messaging

Server administration tasks, and the commands to perform those tasks.

Overview of Instant Messaging Server Administration Tasks

As an Instant Messaging Server administrator, you are responsible for the day-to-day
tasks of maintaining and managing Instant Messaging Server and its users. The tasks
also include managing Instant Messaging Server components and dependent
You perform the following types of tasks as an Instant Messaging Server
■ Manage users and user access to Instant Messaging Server
■ Administer Instant Messaging Server components
■ Troubleshoot Instant Messaging Server
■ Configure and manage messages that interact with Instant Messaging Server
■ Configure support for hosted domains
■ Manage Instant Messaging Server log files
Instant Messaging Server administration involves managing and maintaining the
application and its users, and also the components and servers upon which Instant
Messaging Server depends.

About Instant Messaging Server Commands

Following is a list of commands that you use to administer Instant Messaging Server:
■ imadmin
Use this command to start, stop, and refresh the Instant Messaging server and
■ imconfutil
Use this command to set, modify, and list Instant Messaging Server configuration
■ iwadmin

Instant Messaging Server Administration Overview 1-1

Directory Placeholders Used in This Guide

Use this command to create a WAR file or a ZIP file that contains a WAR file and
additional files needed for an XMPP Web component.
■ passwordtool
Use this command to generate encryption keys for passwords, re-generate
encryption keys for passwords, generate encrypted passwords, and verify that an
unencrypted password matches an encrypted password.

Directory Placeholders Used in This Guide

Table 1–1 lists the placeholders that are used in this guide:

Table 1–1 Instant Messaging Server Directory Placeholders

Placeholder Directory
InstantMessaging_home Specifies the installation location for the Instant Messaging
Server software. The default for both Solaris and Linux is
InstantMessaging_cfg Specifies the installation location for configuration directory.
The default for Solaris is /etc/opt/sun/comms/im/default/config.
The default for Linux is /etc/opt/sun/im/default/config.
InstantMessaging_database Specifies the location for the database directory, if you are using
a file-based property store. The default for both Solaris and
Linux is /var/opt/sun/im/default/db.
InstantMessaging_runtime Specifies the location for the configurable directory for the files
generated by the server at runtime. The default for both Solaris
and Linux is /var/opt/sun/im/default.

1-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Administering Instant Messaging Server


This chapter explains how to administer Oracle Communications Instant Messaging

Server components (server, multiplexor, Calendar agent, watchdog, SMS Gateway, and
Facebook Gateway) and perform other administrative tasks, such as changing
configuration parameters and creating backups.

Stopping, Starting, Refreshing, and Checking Instant Messaging Server

The imadmin stop command enables you to:
■ Start and stop all Instant Messaging Server components (server, multiplexor,
Calendar agent, watchdog, SMS Gateway, and Facebook Gateway)
■ Start and stop an individual Instant Messaging Server component
■ Refresh all Instant Messaging Server component configurations
■ Refresh an individual Instant Messaging Server component
■ Check the status of Instant Messaging Server components
The imadmin stop command can be executed only by root or a user who has
administration rights to the system(s) on which the Instant Messaging server and
multiplexor are running. This end user is typically the identity that the server runs as,
and is designated during installation:
■ On Oracle Solaris - inetuser
The imadmin stop command is located in the InstantMessaging_home/sbin directory.
Starting the Instant Messaging server enables clients to connect to it. Stopping the
Instant Messaging server closes all connections and disconnects all clients.

Using Service Management Framework (SMF)

Instant Messaging Server supports the Service Management Framework (SMF) for
stopping and starting Instant Messaging Server. On supported platforms, an SMF
service is registered when you install Instant Messaging Server. You can use either the
svcadm command or the Instant Messaging Server imadmin stop command to start
and stop Instant Messaging Server processes.
To start and stop Instant Messaging Server by using the svcadm command:
svcadm enable svc:/application/sunim

Administering Instant Messaging Server Components 2-1

Stopping, Starting, Refreshing, and Checking Instant Messaging Server Components

svcadm disable svc:/application/sunim

To check the status of the Instant Messaging Server service:

svcs sunim

SMF related log messages can be found in the

/var/svc/log/application-sunim:etc-opt-SUNWiim-default.log file.

Starting Instant Messaging Server Components

You can start all the components together or a single component separately.
Use the imadmin stop command with the start option to start the Instant Messaging
Server, multiplexor, Calendar agent, watchdog, SMS Gateway, and Facebook Gateway,
depending on which components are enabled.

Starting All Components

To start all Instant Messaging Server components:
■ At the command line, enter the following:
imadmin start

If both server and multiplexor are enabled, this command first starts the Instant
Messaging server, and then starts the multiplexor.
If the watchdog is enabled (default), this command starts the watchdog, then the
watchdog reads the configuration file and starts the Instant Messaging server and/or
multiplexor as necessary.

Starting a Single Component

To start a single Instant Messaging Server component:
■ At the command line, enter the imadmin start command with an argument that
designates the component as follows:
imadmin start server

imadmin start multiplexor

Calendar agent:
imadmin start agent-calendar

imadmin start watchdog

SMS Gateway:
imadmin start sms-gateway

Gateway Connector:
imadmin start gw-connector

2-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Stopping, Starting, Refreshing, and Checking Instant Messaging Server Components

Stopping Instant Messaging Server Components

You can stop all the components together or a single component separately.
Use the imadmin stop command with the stop option to stop the Instant Messaging
server, multiplexor, Calendar agent, watchdog, SMS Gateway, and Facebook Gateway,
depending on which components are enabled.

Stopping All Components

To stop all Instant Messaging Server components:
■ At the command line, enter the following:
imadmin stop

If the watchdog is running, imadmin stop brings the watchdog down first, and then
stops the server and the multiplexor, or just the multiplexor if that is running
This command stops the server, multiplexor, Calendar agent, watchdog, SMS Gateway,
Facebook Gateway, terminates all end user connections, and disconnects any inbound
and outbound servers configured.

Stopping a Single Component

To stop a single Instant Messaging Server component:
■ At the command line, enter the imadmin stop command with an argument that
designates the component as follows:
imadmin stop server

imadmin stop multiplexor

Calendar agent:
imadmin stop agent-calendar

imadmin stop watchdog

Registering and Unregistering Service Management Framework

Service Management Facility (SMF) is a feature of the Solaris Operating System that
creates a supported, unified model for services and service management on each
Solaris system. It is a mechanism to define, deliver, and manage long-running
application services for Solaris.

Registering SMF
There is no need to explicitly register SMF. The Instant Messaging Server initial
configuration process registers SMF. However, if need be, at the command line, enter
the following:
imadmin smf-register

You must first stop services before running the command.

Administering Instant Messaging Server Components 2-3

Stopping, Starting, Refreshing, and Checking Instant Messaging Server Components

Unregistering SMF
To unregister SMF:
■ At the command line, enter the following:
imadmin smf-unregister

Refreshing Component Configuration

Use the imadmin stop command with the refresh option to stop and restart an
individual Instant Messaging Server component and refresh that component's
configuration. You can refresh all the components together or a single component
separately. Whenever you change a configuration parameter in the iim.conf.xml file,
you also need to refresh the configuration.

Refreshing All Components

To refresh all Instant Messaging Server components:
■ At the command line, enter the following:
imadmin refresh

This command stops the server, multiplexor, Calendar agent, watchdog, SMS Gateway,
Facebook Gateway, terminates all end user connections, and disconnects any inbound
and outbound servers configured.
If the watchdog is running, imadmin stop brings the watchdog down first, and then
stops the server and/or the multiplexor. The command then starts the watchdog,
which reads the configuration file and starts the Instant Messaging server and/or
multiplexor as necessary.

Refreshing a Single Component

To refresh a single Instant Messaging Server component:
■ At the command line, enter the imadmin refresh command with an argument that
designates the component as follows:
imadmin refresh server

imadmin refresh multiplexor

Calendar agent:
imadmin refresh agent-calendar

imadmin refresh watchdog

Checking the Status of Instant Messaging Server Components

You can check the status of all the components together or a single component
separately by using the imadmin stop command with the status option. This
command returns results in the following format: Component [status].
For example:

2-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Changing Instant Messaging Server and Multiplexor Configuration Properties

Server [UP]

Multiplexor [UP]

Agent:calendar [DOWN]

Watchdog [UP]

To Check the Status of All Components

■ At the command line, enter the following:
imadmin status

This command returns the status of all enabled components.

To Check the Status of a Single Component
■ At the command line, enter the imadmin status command with an argument that
designates the component as follows:
imadmin status server

imadmin status multiplexor

Calendar agent:
imadmin status agent-calendar

imadmin status watchdog

Changing Instant Messaging Server and Multiplexor Configuration

Instant Messaging Server stores configuration properties in the iim.conf.xml file. For a
complete list of configuration properties, see "Configuration Properties".
To change configuration properties, use the imconfutil command then refresh the
Instant Messaging Server configuration. If you change a multiplexor parameter, you
only need to refresh the multiplexor as follows:
imadmin refresh multiplexor

To Change Configuration Properties

To change the configuration properties, follow these steps:
1. Run the imconfutil command to set the configuration properties.
2. Refresh the configuration by using imadmin stop. For example:
imadmin refresh

Administering Instant Messaging Server Components 2-5

Backing Up Instant Messaging Server Data

Backing Up Instant Messaging Server Data

Instant Messaging Server does not provide its own disaster recovery tools. Use your
site's backup system to back up the configuration and database directories
periodically. The following sections describe backing up Instant Messaging Server:
■ Backup Information
■ Performing a Backup
■ Restoring Backup Information

Backup Information
The types of Instant Messaging Server information that needs to be backed up are:
■ Configuration information
■ Instant Messaging Server end user data
■ Instant Messenger resources
The configuration information is stored in the configuration directory
(InstantMessaging_cfg). The Instant Messaging Server data is stored in the database
directory (InstantMessaging_database). Default paths are described in "Configuration
File and Directory Structure Overview".

Performing a Backup
While the configuration information does not change frequently, the Instant Messaging
Server end-user data changes rapidly and to prevent any loss of end-user data you
should back up the Instant Messaging Server end-user data on a periodic basis. You
need to perform the backup before running the installation program and the
uninstallation program.
To back up the end user data and the configuration information you do not have to
stop the Instant Messaging server as all the disk commits by the server are
automatically performed.

Restoring Backup Information

The end-user data and the configuration information need to be restored when there is
a disk failure and all the end-user data and the configuration information is lost.
To restore the end-user data from backup:
1. Change to the InstantMessaging_runtime directory.
See "Configuration File and Directory Structure Overview" for information on
locating InstantMessaging_runtime.
2. Stop the Instant Messaging server:
imadmin stop

3. Copy the backed-up data to the InstantMessaging_database directory.

Be sure to maintain the directory structure of the backed-up data.
4. Verify the permissions and owner of the newly restored data.
The files should be owned by the Instant Messaging Server system user. See the
topic on creating a UNIX system user and group in Instant Messaging Server
Installation and Configuration Guide. Permissions should be set as follows:

2-6 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Backing Up Instant Messaging Server Data

a. Files: 600 (indicating read and write permissions for owner only)
b. Directories: 700 (indicating read, write, and execute permissions for owner
Refer to your operating system documentation for information on changing
permissions and owners.
5. Start Instant Messaging server.
imadmin start

Administering Instant Messaging Server Components 2-7

Backing Up Instant Messaging Server Data

2-8 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Using LDAP with Instant Messaging Server

This chapter covers aspects of using LDAP with Oracle Communications Instant
Messaging Server. It contains the following sections:
■ Managing LDAP Access Configuration for Instant Messaging Server
■ Configuring Instant Messaging Server to Use LDAP Groups

Managing LDAP Access Configuration for Instant Messaging Server

This section describes how Instant Messaging Server uses LDAP.

Overview of How Instant Messaging Server Uses LDAP

All deployments of Instant Messaging Server require a Directory Server. Instant
Messaging Server uses the Directory Server to perform end-user authentication and to
search for end users.
The default Instant Messaging Server configuration makes the following assumptions
regarding the LDAP schema used by Directory Server:
■ End user entries are identified by the inetOrgPerson object class.
■ Group entries are identified by the groupOfUniqueNames or groupofURLs object
■ Instant Messenger user ID attribute of an end user is provided by the uid attribute
(from inetOrgPerson object class).
■ The email address of an end user is provided by the mail attribute.
■ The display name of an end user or group is provided by the cn attribute.
■ The list of members of a group is provided by the uniqueMember attribute
(groupOfUniqueNames object class).
You can change these default settings by running the imconfutil command to modify
the appropriate configuration properties.

Caution: Some user attributes might contain confidential

information. Ensure that your directory access control is set up to
prevent unauthorized access by non-privileged users. Refer to your
directory documentation for more information.

Using LDAP with Instant Messaging Server 3-1

Configuring Instant Messaging Server to Use LDAP Groups

Searching the Directory Anonymously

Instant Messaging Server must be able to search the directory to function correctly. If
your directory is configured to be searchable by anonymous users, Instant Messaging
Server has the capability to search the directory. If the directory is not readable or
searchable by anonymous users, you must take additional steps to configure the
iim.conf.xml file with the credentials of a user ID that has at least read access to the
directory. These credentials consist of:
■ A distinguished name (dn)
■ The password of the distinguished name (dn)

To Enable the Server to Conduct Directory Searches as a Specific End User

1. Identify values for the following Instant Messaging Server configuration
■ iim_ldap.usergroupbinddn - Specifies the distinguished name (dn) to use to
bind to the directory for searches.
■ iim_ldap.usergroupbindcred - Specifies the password to use with the
distinguished name (dn).
For example:
iim_ldap.usergroupbinddn="cn=iim server,o=i-zed.com"

Note: You do not have to use administrator-level credentials with

write-level access. All that is necessary is read access to the domain
tree. Thus, if there is an LDAP user with read-level access, use its
credentials instead. This is a safer alternative as it does not force you
to disseminate the administrator-level credentials.

2. Run the imconfutil command to modify the configuration properties.

If the iim_ldap.usergroupbinddn and iim_ldap.usergroupbindcred properties do
not appear in the iim.conf.xml file, add them.
For example:
imconfutil set-prop iim_ldap.usergroupbinddn="cn=Directory Manager" iim_
ldap.usergroupbindcred=password -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml

Configuring Instant Messaging Server to Use LDAP Groups

You can configure Instant Messaging Server so that end users can send a message to an
LDAP group, which can be either dynamic or static. Also, you can assign/affiliate
LDAP groups as members of a restricted chat room.
LDAP distinguishes between dynamic and static groups as follows:
■ LDAP dynamic group: Membership, rather than being maintained explicitly in a
list, is determined by search criteria using an LDAP URL. Dynamic groups use the
groupOfURLs object class and the memberURL attribute to define LDAP URLs
with the criteria (search base, scope, and filter) to be used for determining
members of the group.

3-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Configuring Instant Messaging Server to Use LDAP Groups

■ LDAP static group: A static group is one whose entry contains a membership list
of explicit DNs. You can define a static group by using the groupOfUniqueNames
object class and by explicitly specifying the member DNs using the
uniqueMember attribute.
In Directory Server and some other LDAP servers, dynamic groups filter end users
based on their DN and include them in a single group. The dynamic groups are
defined in Directory Server by the groupOfUrls object class.
To enable end users to view the dynamic groups in search results and add them to
their contact list, you need to include groupOfUrls objects in search results.
Starting with Instant Messaging Server, you can assign/affiliate LDAP groups
as members of a restricted chat room. When Instant Messaging Server creates the
multi-user chat room, it loads the chat room’s affiliations from LDAP. Instant
Messaging Server determines if the user is a member of any of the groups authorized
for the multi-user chat room. Instant Messaging Server then allows the users to join if
they are members and otherwise forbids users from joining. You use the iim_
server.enablegroupsinconference property to enable and disable multi-user chat.
When set to true, this property enables groups for multi-user chat. When set to false,
this property disables groups for multi-user chat. By default, groups for multi-user
chat is disabled.
This section contains the following topics:
■ To Configure Instant Messaging Server to Use LDAP Groups
■ To Use Group Messaging
■ To Configure Chat Room Membership Based on LDAP Group Membership

To Configure Instant Messaging Server to Use LDAP Groups

1. If you have not already done so, create the LDAP group to be used for group
messaging. See "Managing Groups" in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise
Edition 6.0 Administration Guide at:
2. Set the iim_server.group.servicename property, if the service name for group
messaging is to be changed from the default name groups.
For example:
imconfutil set-prop iim_server.group.servicename=mygroups -c $IM_BASE_

3. Set the appropriate configuration property, depending on if you want to search for
dynamic or static groups.
■ To search for dynamic groups, set the following properties:
imconfutil set-prop iim_
ldap.groupbrowsefilter="(|(&((objectclass=groupofurls)(cn={0}))" -c $IM_
imconfutil set-prop iim_ldap.groupclass=groupofurls -c $IM_BASE_

■ To search for static groups, set the following properties:

imconfutil set-prop iim_
ldap.groupbrowsefilter="(|(&(objectclass=groupofuniquenames)(cn={0}))" -c

Using LDAP with Instant Messaging Server 3-3

Configuring Instant Messaging Server to Use LDAP Groups

imconfutil set-prop iim_ldap.groupclass=groupofuniquenames -c $IM_BASE_


Note: Static groups can also be inherited from groupofnames object

class, and their members listed using member attribute. However, the
search filters for static groups must be modified accordingly. By
default, the member attribute is not used as the membership attribute
of a static group. Hence, the parameter must be set to iim_
ldap.groupmemberattr=member to use member attribute.

Do not include line breaks within a single line. The attribute and object class
names are configurable. By default, the memberOfUrls attribute is used as the
membership attribute of a dynamic group. If you want to use an attribute
name other than memberOfUrls, set the iim_ldap.groupmemberurlattr
option to the attribute name you want to use.
■ To search for both dynamic and static groups, set the following properties:
imconfutil set-prop iim_
ectclass=groupofurls)(cn={0})))" -c $IM_BASE_DIR/config/iim.conf.xml
$IM_BASE_DIR/sbin/imconfutil set-prop iim_
ldap.groupclass=groupofurls,groupofuniquenames -c $IM_BASE_

4. To search for static groups having groupofnames object class, set the following
imconfutil set-prop iim_
ldap.groupbrowsefilter="(&(objectclass=groupofnames)(cn={0}))" -c $IM_BASE_
imconfutil set-prop iim_ldap.groupclass=groupofnames -c $IM_BASE_
imconfutil set-prop iim_ldap.groupmemberattr=member -c $IM_BASE_

5. To send a message to a group, see "To Use Group Messaging".

To Use Group Messaging

1. In the client's chat window, type the group's full Jabber ID in the form
groupName@group.domainname in the To tab. For example:

2. Type the message and click send.

To Configure Chat Room Membership Based on LDAP Group Membership

To configure chat room membership based on LDAP group membership:
1. See "To Configure Instant Messaging Server to Use LDAP Groups" for instructions
on how to create an LDAP group to use for the chat room.
2. To enable LDAP groups for multi-user chat, set the iim_
server.enablegroupsinconference property to true.
imconfutil set-prop im_server.enablegroupsinconference=true -c $IM_BASE_

3-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Configuring Instant Messaging Server to Use LDAP Groups

To Use Chat Rooms Based on LDAP Group Membership

To use LDAP group-based chat rooms:
1. Create a persistent member-only chat room.
Member-only chat rooms enable only those users who are part of the chat room’s
member list to join the chat room. Create a new chat room and configure the chat
room to be a persistent member-only chat room by selecting Persistent and
Restricted options in the chat room configuration window.
2. Assign a group affiliation to the chat room.
To enable members of a particular group to join and participate in a member-only
room, the group must be affiliated to the room. To do so, the chat room
administrator adds the group to the chat room’s member list. By default, the
creator of the chat room is its administrator.
a. To add the group to the chat room’s member list, run the following command
in the chat window:
/affiliate member testGroup@mygroups.example.com

b. To verify that the group was added successfully to the member list, run the
following command:
/affiliate member

Users of the group should now be able to join and participate in the chat room.

Using LDAP with Instant Messaging Server 3-5

Configuring Instant Messaging Server to Use LDAP Groups

3-6 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Administering Instant Messaging Server End


This chapter describes how to provision Oracle Communications Instant Messaging

Server users.

Overview of Administering Instant Messaging Server End Users

Instant Messaging Server does not provide bulk user provisioning tools. You need to
use a directory bulk provisioning tool for provisioning multiple Instant Messaging
Server end users. By default, Instant Messaging Server does not provide specific
commands to add, modify, or delete Instant Messaging Server end users. However,
you can customize Instant Messaging Server to enable users to add themselves to the
Because Instant Messaging Server users reside in LDAP, you cannot prevent an end
user from using Instant Messenger. The only way to prevent end users from using
Instant Messaging Server is to delete them from the directory or inactivate their user
accounts in the directory. Keep in mind that doing this also prevents the user from
binding to the directory.
The administrator can manage Instant Messaging Server end users by using the
Instant Messaging Server Administrator Access Control mechanism. For more
information, see the topic on controlling privileges in Instant Messaging Server Security

Registering New Instant Messaging Server Users

You can customize Instant Messenger to allow new user registration. When a user
registers, Instant Messaging Server uses the information provided during registration
to perform an ldapadd operation to create a user entry in the directory.

Configuring Instant Messaging Server to Enable New User Registration

To configure Instant Messaging Server to allow new user registration you must add
the configuration properties listed in Table 4–1.

Table 4–1 Instant Messaging Server New User Registration Configuration Parameters
Parameter Description
iim.register.enable If true, the server allows new Instant Messaging
Server end users to register themselves (add
themselves to the directory) by using Instant

Administering Instant Messaging Server End Users 4-1

Storing Instant Messaging Server User Properties in LDAP

Table 4–1 (Cont.) Instant Messaging Server New User Registration Configuration
Parameter Description
iim_ldap.register.basedn If self-registration is enabled, the value of this
parameter is the DN of the location in the LDAP
directory in which person entries are stored. For
example: ou=people,dc=siroe,dc=com.
iim_ldap.register.domain The domain to which new users will be added. For
example, directory.siroe.com.

To Allow New User Registration Using Policy Module iim_ldap

To configure Instant Messaging Server to allow new user registration using iim_ldap
(iim.policy.modules = iim_ldap):
1. Use the imconfutil command to add the configuration properties and appropriate
values as described in "Configuration Properties".
For example:
imconfutil set-prop -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml
iim.register.enable=true iim_
ldap.register.basedn="ou=people,o=india.sun.com,dc=india,dc=sun,dc=com" iim_

2. Refresh the server configuration by using the imadmin command.

imadmin refresh server

To Allow New User Registration Using Policy Module schema1 or schema2

To configure Instant Messaging Server to allow new user registration using policy
module schema 1 or schema 2 (iim.policy.modules = iim_ldap_schema1 or
iim.policy.modules = iim_ldap_schema2):
1. Use the imconfutil command to add the configuration properties and appropriate
values as described in "Configuration Properties".
For example:
imconfutil set-prop -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml

2. Refresh the server configuration by using the imadmin command.

imadmin refresh server

Storing Instant Messaging Server User Properties in LDAP

By default Instant Messaging Server stores user properties in LDAP. You need to run
the imadmin assign_services command to add required object classes to user entries
in the directory. These object classes are used by Instant Messaging Server to store user
properties in user entries.

Caution: Some user attributes may contain confidential information.

Ensure that your directory access control is set up to prevent
unauthorized access by non-privileged users. Refer to your directory
documentation for more information.

4-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Storing Instant Messaging Server User Properties in LDAP

To Store Instant Messaging Server User Properties in LDAP

1. Ensure that the iim.policy.modules configuration property has a value of iim_
ldap, and that the iim.userprops.store configuration property has a value of ldap.
For example:
imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml get-prop|grep

imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml get-prop|grep


If the values are not set, use the imconfutil command to set them.
2. Run imadmin assign_services:
imadmin assign_services

The imadmin command checks the value of the iim.policy.modules property.

3. Enter the Bind DN and password you want imadmin to use to bind to the
The Bind DN should have sufficient credentials to modify the directory schema,
for example the Directory Manager DN.
4. Enter the Base DN under which user entries are stored.
Next, imadmin adds sunIMUser, and sunPresenceUser object classes to the user
entries in the organization you specified.

Administering Instant Messaging Server End Users 4-3

Storing Instant Messaging Server User Properties in LDAP

4-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Managing Messages for Offline Users

This chapter describes how you can manage messages that are sent to offline Oracle
Communications Instant Messaging Server users so they receive queued messages the
next time they log in. The messages can be sent as an SMS or forwarded as an email.

Managing Instant Messaging Server Messages for Offline Users Overview

When the offline chat message delivery feature is enabled on Instant Messaging
Server, regular instant messages (chat messages) that are sent to offline users are not
discarded. They are available on Instant Messaging Server and delivered to the user
when the user comes online. You enable offline chat message delivery at the
deployment level or at the domain level by using the whitelisting facility. You can
disable offline chat message delivery at the domain level by using the blacklisting
Alerts are managed separately. Similar to offline chat messages, Instant Messaging
Server stores the alerts for the offline recipient, and delivers them when the user logs
in next time, as long as the user has been configured to receive offline alerts during the
next login. You enable or disable offline alerts at the user level.

Note: If you install Oracle Communications Calendar Server with

Instant Messaging Server, you can configure your deployment such
that you receive Instant Messaging Server alerts about your calendar
to-dos and events, as pop-up messages. As long as you are logged in
to Instant Messaging Server (you are online), you receive Calendar
Server HTML pop-up reminders on your desktop. If you are offline,
you receive the alerts the next time you login, as long as have
configured Instant Messaging Server to receive offline alerts during
the next login.

For more information on Instant Messaging Server and calendar alerts, see the topic on
planning your installation in Instant Messaging Server Installation and Configuration
For information about SMS forwarding, see "Configuring the SMS Gateway".

Enabling Support for Offline Messages in Instant Messaging Server

You can enable support for offline messages in Instant Messaging Server. Instant
Messaging Server stores the messages intended for an offline recipient. The server then
delivers the offline messages once the recipient comes online. The implementation of

Managing Messages for Offline Users 5-1

Enabling Support for Offline Messages in Instant Messaging Server

the offline message support is based on the XEP-160 guidelines, and supports the
entire deployment to cover domains.
Instant Messaging Server supports offline message delivery of one-to-one chat. The
offline message support for a multi-user chat is available in persistent chat rooms. You
can set the maximum number of chat messages you want to receive. You can use the
same properties to whitelist or blacklist specific domain names for which this
capability can be enabled. The messages are queued for offline delivery in the Instant
Messaging Server data directory on the file system of the host. For more information,
see the topic on support topics in Instant Messaging Server Installation and Configuration
Guide. Also, see Best Practices for Handling Offline Messages at:
Table 5–1 shows the configuration properties used to enable support for offline

Table 5–1 Configuration Properties for Enabling Support of Offline Messages

Property Default Value Description
iim_server.deliverofflinechat false Determines whether the capability is on or off. To enable the
feature for the entire deployment, set the iim_
server.deliverofflinechat property to true, and do not set the
deliverofflinechat.domain property. To disable the feature for
the entire deployment, set the iim_server.deliverofflinechat
property to false, and do not set the deliverofflinechat.domain
deliverofflinechat.domain None Used to blacklist or whitelist a domain. To blacklist a domain, set
the iim_server.deliverofflinechat property to true, and set the
deliverofflinechat.domain property to the list of domains to be
blacklisted. To whitelist a domain, set the iim_
server.deliverofflinechat property to false, and set the
deliverofflinechat.domain property to the list of domains to be
deliverofflinechat.maxsize 50 Determines the maximum queue size related to the Receiver, and
must be a positive integer.

Note: All peers or machines in a server pool environment store the

messages locally on the users' file system. If a machine is unavailable,
the stored messages are not available for delivery to the user. The
messages are delivered only when the machine is up, and the recipient
user is online.

For more information on the complete list of Instant Messaging Server configuration
properties, see "Configuration Properties".

To Enable Support for Offline Messaging in Instant Messaging Server

To enable support for offline messaging:
1. Set the configuration properties by using the imconfutil command for the
following scenarios:
a. To enable the feature for all, set iim_server.deliverofflinechat to true, and do
not set deliverofflinechat.domain. For example:
imconfutil set-prop iim_server.deliverofflinechat=true -c $IM_BASE_

5-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Enabling Support for Offline Messages in Instant Messaging Server

b. To disable the feature for all, set iim_server.deliverofflinechat to false, and do

not set deliverofflinechat.domain. For example:
imconfutil set-prop iim_server.deliverofflinechat=false -c $IM_BASE_

c. To whitelist a domain, set iim_server.deliverofflinechat to false, and set

deliverofflinechat.domain to comma_separated_list_of_domains_to_be_
whitelisted. For example:
imconfutil set-prop iim_server.deliverofflinechat=false -c $IM_BASE_

imconfutil set-prop deliverofflinechat.domain="comma_separated_list_of_

domains_to_be_whitelisted" -c $IM_BASE_DIR/config/iim.conf.xml

d. To blacklist a domain, set iim_server.deliverofflinechat to true, and set

deliverofflinechat.domain to comma_separated_list_of_domains_to_be_denied.
For example:
imconfutil set-prop iim_server.deliverofflinechat=true -c $IM_BASE_

imconfutil set-prop deliverofflinechat.domain="comma_separated_list_of_

domains_to_be_denied" -c $IM_BASE_DIR/config/iim.conf.xml

2. Restart Instant Messaging Server.

Managing Messages for Offline Users 5-3

Enabling Support for Offline Messages in Instant Messaging Server

5-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Improving Instant Messaging Server


This chapter describes how to enhance the tuning and performance of Oracle
Communications Instant Messaging Server.

Tuning Instant Messaging Server Memory

Use the most current version of Java suitable for your operating system and version of
Instant Messaging Server. For information about Java versions, see the topic on
installing Java for Communications Suite at:
Instant Messaging Server uses the iim.jvm.maxmemorysize configuration property to
set the maximum size of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) heap to allocate. The default
value of this parameter is 256 Mbytes. However, a large active deployment of Instant
Messaging Server needs more memory. Determining the amount of memory to
allocate for the Instant Messaging server depends on the number of concurrent active
users that you need to support.
Additional load per user, use of additional Instant Messaging Server services like news
or file transfer, and use of features such as message filters, archiving, or TLS require
more memory. You should perform load profiling of typical user activity before
deploying Instant Messaging Server into a production environment. Contact Oracle
Support Services for more information about load profiling an Instant Messaging
Server deployment.

Instant Messaging Server Thread Pooling and Service Port Configuration

Table 6–1 shows the set of properties that you configure to tailor the size and behavior
of thread pools used to service client-to-server and server-to-server requests. These
thread pools combined with the associated service ports can improve the throughput
of an Instant Messaging server.

Improving Instant Messaging Server Performance 6-1

Sample Load Test of the Instant Messaging Server

Table 6–1 Thread Pooling and Service Port Properties

Property Description Default Value
iim_server.maxthreads Maximum number of threads for the 50
default thread pool.
iim_server.threadpool List of independent thread pools. All parameters use the default
thread pool.
iim_server.threadpool.capacity Capacity of the default thread pool. 10 * maxthreads
iim_ Maximum threads for the named thread 4
server.threadpool.poolname.maxth pool, poolname.
iim_ Capacity of the named thread pool, 10 * poolname_maxthreads
server.threadpool.poolname.capacit poolname.

Table 6–2 lists the defined thread pools.

Table 6–2 Defined Thread Pools

Name Use
s2s-in All server-to-server inbound communications. If
the port allows server-to-server inbound
communications, Instant Messaging Server uses
this thread pool.
s2s-out All server-to-server outbound communications. If
the port allows server-to-server outbound
communications, Instant Messaging Server uses
this thread pool.
s2s All server-to-server communications. The
combination of s2s-in and s2s-out.

Defined thread pools can be specified and used with an associated server-only service
port. You can modify the thread and port configurations by using the imconfutil
command. You need to restart the server after making changes to the thread and port

Sample Load Test of the Instant Messaging Server

Table 6–3 shows a sample load Instant Messaging Server load test.

6-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Sample Load Test of the Instant Messaging Server

Table 6–3 Sample Instant Messaging Server Load Test

No. of
Platform System Server Heap No. of Concurrent User
Details Configuration Size Users Sessions Cache Load Per 10 Seconds
■ Oracle's Server and 1 GByte for 100,000 60000 128 ■ 50 users login to the
Sun Fire Multiplexor Mux, count server
T1000 installed in the
5 GBytes for ■ 50 users logout
Server same box
■ 1450 presence updates
■ Solaris 10
OS ■ 350 messages sent to
offline destinations
■ RAM 16
GB ■ 2400 messages sent to
online destinations
■ 850 messages sent to
random destinations
■ 50 roster additions
■ 50 roster rename
■ 50 roster removal

This sample uses the following configuration properties.


■ iim_server.memory.user.cache_count specifies the memory user cache size. In the
this sample, the value is set to 128 for a user base of 100,000. If the user base is
more than 100,000, increase this value proportionately.
■ iim_server.scratch_directory specifies the directory where the user cache is written
to the disk. Place the scratch directory on tempfs. For 100,000 user base in Solaris
10 OS, approximately 500 to 600 MBytes of space is required on a file system and
approximately 4 to 5 GBytes of space is required on tempfs.
■ iim_ldap.maxconns specifies the LDAP context pool size. In case of more roster
operations and in a server pool environment, increase this value appropriately.
■ iim_server.maxthreads specifies the size of the thread pool. If you do not have
sufficient memory to keep user cache in tempfs, you can increase the value of the
thread pool.
■ iim_server.jvm.options enables use of the 64-bit JVM and thus large heap sizes.
■ iim_mux.jvm.options enables you start the multiplexor in 64-bit mode.
■ iim_mux.maxsessions specifies the maximum number of concurrent client
connection a multipexor can accept.
■ iim_server.maxsessions specifies the number of sessions allowed through an
instance of multipexor connected to the server.

Improving Instant Messaging Server Performance 6-3

Sample Load Test of the Instant Messaging Server

6-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Configuring Instant Messaging Server for High


This chapter describes how to configure Oracle Communications Instant Messaging

Server for high availability (HA) by using Oracle Solaris Cluster software.
Configuring Instant Messaging Server for HA provides monitoring and recovery from
software and hardware failures. The HA feature is implemented as a failover data
service and not as a scalable service. This feature is supported only on the Oracle
Solaris operating system. Before you begin, you should be familiar with general HA
concepts and the Oracle Solaris Cluster software. For more information, see "HA
Related Documentation".

Instant Messaging Server HA Overview

This section provides information about HA requirements, the terms used in
examples, and the permissions that you need to configure HA.

HA Configuration Software Requirements

Table 7–1 shows the required software for an Instant Messaging Server HA

Table 7–1 HA Software Requirements

Software and Version Notes and Patches
Oracle Solaris 10 All versions of Oracle Solaris 10 are supported. Oracle Solaris
10 requires at least Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.0 Update 3. Oracle
Solaris 10 includes Oracle Solaris Logical Volume Manager

Configuring Instant Messaging Server for High Availability 7-1

Instant Messaging Server HA Overview

Table 7–1 (Cont.) HA Software Requirements

Software and Version Notes and Patches
Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.1 or Oracle Solaris Cluster software must be installed and
3.2 configured on all the nodes in the cluster. To install Oracle
Solaris Cluster 3.1 or 3.2, use the Sun Java Enterprise System
installer by following the installation process in Sun Java
Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Installation Guide for UNIX at:
After you install the Oracle Solaris Cluster software, you
must configure the cluster. For more information, see Sun
Cluster System Administration Guide for Solaris OS at:
For related documentation, see "HA Related Documentation".
Oracle Solaris Cluster Patches - For Oracle Solaris 10, you can
download patches from My Oracle Support at:
Oracle Solaris Volume Oracle Solaris 10.
Veritas Volume Manager Oracle Solaris 10 requires at least version 3.5 and the required
(VxVM) patches.
Veritas File System (VxFS) Oracle Solaris 10 requires at least version 3.5 and the required

HA Configuration Requirements
To install and configure an Instant Messaging Server HA configuration, log in or
become root and specify a console or window for viewing messages that exist in the
/dev/console directory.

HA Configuration Terms and Checklist

Table 7–2 describes the variables used in the configuration examples in this chapter. In
addition, you must gather the information before you configure HA for Instant
Messaging Server. You are prompted for this information during configuration. Use
this checklist along with the system requirements specified in Instant Messaging Server
Installation and Configuration Guide.

Table 7–2 Configuration Examples Variables

Name in Example Description
/global/im Global file system or cluster file system (CFS) mount
/local/im FFS mount point for the shared disk.
LOG_HOST_RS Logical host name resource.
IM_NODE1 Node1 of the cluster.
IM_NODE2 Node2 of the cluster.
IM_RG Instant Messaging Server resource group.
IM_HASP_RS Instant Messaging Server storage resource.
IM_SVR_RS Instant Messaging Server resource.

7-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Setting Up HA for Instant Messaging Server

Table 7–2 (Cont.) Configuration Examples Variables

Name in Example Description
IM_RUNTIME_DIR Either global or FFS mount point. The value is
/global/im or /local/im.
IM_SVR_BASE Instant Messaging Server base installation directory.
The default value is /opt/sun/comms/im.
IM_SCHA_BASE Instant Messaging Server HA agent base installation
directory. The default value is /opt/sun/comms/im_
IM_RUNTIME_CONFIG Location of the Instant Messaging Server runtime
directory InstantMessaging_runtime/default/config.
INSTALL-ROOTIM1 Installation directory for instance 1 in a symmetric
setup. For example /opt/node1.
INSTALL-ROOTIM2 Installation directory for instance 2 in a symmetric
setup. For example /opt/node2.

Starting and Stopping the Instant Messaging Server HA Service

To start and stop the Instant Messaging Server HA service, use the Oracle Solaris
Cluster scswitch command.

Caution: Do not use the imadmin start, imadmin stop, or imadmin

refresh commands in a HA environment with Sun Cluster. Instead,
use the Oracle Solaris Cluster administrative utilities. For more
information about the Oracle Solaris Cluster scswitch command, see
Oracle Solaris Cluster Reference Manual.

To start the Instant Messaging Server HA service, enter the following command:
scswitch -e -j IM_SVR_RS

To stop the Instant Messaging Server HA service, enter the following command:
scswitch -n -j IM_SVR_RS

To restart the Instant Messaging Server HA Service, enter the following command:
scswitch -R -j IM_SVR_RS

Troubleshooting the Instant Messaging Server HA Configuration

Troubleshooting error messages are stored in the error log. The logs are controlled by
the syslog facility. For information about using the logging facility, see "HA Related
Documentation" and the syslog.conf man page.

Setting Up HA for Instant Messaging Server

This section describes the steps to set up HA for Instant Messaging Server.

Choosing a High Availability Model for Your Instant Messaging Server Deployment
This section lists the HA models, and describes the procedure to install and configure
the asymmetric and symmetric models for deployment.

Configuring Instant Messaging Server for High Availability 7-3

Setting Up HA for Instant Messaging Server

Table 7–3 summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of each HA model. Use this
information to decide the appropriate model for your deployment.

Table 7–3 HA Models Advantages and Disadvantages

Model Advantages Disadvantages Users
Asymmetric ■ Simple ■ Machine ■ A small
Configuration resources are not service
fully utilized. provider
■ Backup node is
with plans to
100% reserved.
expand in
■ Rolling upgrade the future.
with negligible
Symmetric ■ Efficient use of ■ Resource ■ A small
system resources contention on corporate
the backup node. deployment
■ Higher
that can
availability ■ HA requires
fully redundant
pentalties in
the event of a
single server
N+1 ■ Load ■ Management ■ A large
distribution and service
configuration provider
■ Easy expansion
complexity. who requires
with no

High-Level Task List for an Asymmetric HA Deployment

The following is a list of the tasks necessary to install and configure Instant Messaging
Server for asymmetric HA:
1. Prepare the nodes.
a. Install the Oracle Solaris operating system on all the nodes of the cluster.
b. Install Oracle Solaris Cluster software on all the nodes of the cluster.
c. Install the Instant Messaging Server HA Agents package, SUNWiimsc, on all
the nodes of the cluster by using the Communications Suite installer.
d. Create a file system on the shared disk.
e. Install Instant Messaging Server on all the nodes of the cluster by using the
Communications Suite installer.
f. Create a symbolic link from the Instant Messaging Server
/etc/opt/sun/comms/im directory to the shared disk InstantMessaging_runtime
directory on all the nodes of the cluster.
2. Configure the first or the primary node.
a. Using the Oracle Solaris Cluster command-line interface, set up HA on the
primary node.
b. Run the Instant Messaging Server configure utility on the primary node.

7-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Setting Up HA for Instant Messaging Server

c. Using the Oracle Solaris Cluster command-line interface, create and enable a
resource group for Instant Messaging Server.
For step-by-step instructions, see "Installing and Configuring in an Asymmetric HA

High-Level Task List for a Symmetric HA Deployment

The following is a list of the tasks necessary to install and configure Instant Messaging
Server for symmetric HA:
1. Prepare the nodes.
a. Install the Oracle Solaris operating system software on all the nodes of the
b. Install the Oracle Solaris Cluster software on all the nodes of the cluster.
c. Create four file systems. You can create a CFS or global file systems or FFS’ or
local file systems.
d. Create the necessary directories.
e. Install the Instant Messaging Server HA Agents package, SUNWiimsc, on all
nodes of the cluster by using the Communications Suite installer.
2. Install and configure the first instance of Instant Messaging Server HA.
a. Using the Communications Suite installer, install Instant Messaging Server on
the first node of the cluster.
b. Using the Oracle Solaris Cluster command-line interface, configure HA on the
first node.
c. Create a symbolic link from the Instant Messaging Server
/etc/opt/sun/comms/im directory to the shared disk InstantMessaging_runtime
directory on the first node.
d. Run the Instant Messaging Server configure utility on the first node.
e. Using the Oracle Solaris Cluster command-line interface, create and enable a
resource group for Instant Messaging Server on the first node.
f. Using the Oracle Solaris Cluster command-line interface to test the successful
creation of the resource group, perform a failover to the second node.
3. Install and configure the second instance of Instant Messaging Server HA.
a. Using the Communications Suite installer, install Instant Messaging Server on
the second node of the cluster.
b. Using the Oracle Solaris Cluster command-line interface, configure HA on the
second node.
c. Create a symbolic link from the Instant Messaging Server
/etc/opt/sun/comms/im directory to the shared disk InstantMessaging_runtime
directory on the secondary node.
d. Run the Instant Messaging Server configure utility on the second node.
e. Using the Oracle Solaris Cluster command-line interface, create and enable a
resource group for Instant Messaging Server on the second node.
f. Using the Oracle Solaris Cluster command-line interface to test the successful
creation of the resource group, perform a failover to the first node.

Configuring Instant Messaging Server for High Availability 7-5

Setting Up HA for Instant Messaging Server

For step-by-step instructions, see "Installing and Configuring in a Symmetric HA


Installing and Configuring in an Asymmetric HA Environment

This section contains instructions for configuring an asymmetric HA Instant
Messaging Server cluster. This sections contains the following topics:
■ Creating File Systems for HA Deployment
■ Creating the Instant Messaging Server Directory on all the Shared Disks of the
Cluster in the HA Deployment
■ Installing and Configuring HA for Instant Messaging Server Software

Creating File Systems for HA Deployment

Create a file system on the shared disk. The /etc/vfstab directory should be identical on
all the nodes of the cluster.
For the CFS, the directory should be similar to the following example.
## Cluster File System/Global File System ##
/dev/md/penguin/dsk/d400 /dev/md/penguin/rdsk/d400 /global/im ufs 2 yes

For the failover FFS, the directory should be similar to the following example.
## Fail Over File System/Local File System ##
/dev/md/penguin/dsk/d400 /dev/md/penguin/rdsk/d400 /local/im ufs 2 no logging

Note: The fields in these commands are separated by tabs and not

Creating the Instant Messaging Server Directory on all the Shared Disks of the
Cluster in the HA Deployment
For all the nodes of the cluster, create a directory, InstantMessaging_runtime, to store the
configuration details and data. For example, to create an Instant Messaging Server
directory on a shared disk, enter either one of the following:
mkdir -p /local/im

mkdir -p /global/im

Installing and Configuring HA for Instant Messaging Server Software

This section contains instructions for the tasks involved in installing and configuring
HA for Instant Messaging Server. Perform the following tasks to complete the
■ Preparing Each Node of the Cluster
■ Setting Up the Primary Node
■ Invoking the configure Utility on the Primary Node
Preparing Each Node of the Cluster
For each node in the cluster, create the Instant Messaging Server runtime user and
group under to run the components. The user ID (UID) and group ID (GID) numbers
must be the same on all the nodes in the cluster.

7-6 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Setting Up HA for Instant Messaging Server

■ Runtime UID: User name using which the Instant Messaging server runs. The
default value is inetuser.
■ Runtime GID: Group using which the Instant Messaging server runs. The default
value is inetgroup. Although the configure utility creates the IDs, you can create
the IDs before you invoke the configure utility as part of the preparation of each
node. Create the runtime UID and GID on a node where you will not invoke the
configure utility, which is usually secondary node.
Make sure that the user name, group name and the corresponding UID and GID are
the same in the following files on all nodes:
■ inetuser or the name that you select in the /etc/passwd directory on all the nodes
in the cluster
■ inetgroup or the name that you select in the /etc/group directory on all the nodes
in the cluster
Refer to your operating system documentation for detailed information about users
and groups.
Selecting the Default Installation Directory "IM_SCHA"
For Instant Messaging Server and Instant Messaging Server Oracle Solaris Cluster
agent IM_SCHA, the Communications Suite installer uses the /opt/sun/comms
directory on the Oracle Solaris operating system as the default installation directory.
The value of the InstantMessaging_home variable is /opt/sun/comms/im.
However, if you are using a shared disk for binaries, you must specify a CFS or a FFS
installation directory. For example, if /global/im/ is the installation directory, then the
value of InstantMessaging_home is /global/im/im.
If you are using a local disk, you should install the Instant Messaging in the same
directory on each machine in the node.
■ Configuration files and runtime files reside on a CFS or on a highly-available FFS.
Binaries are installed on local file systems on each node at the same location.
Enables rolling upgrade of the Instant Messaging Server software.
■ Binaries, configuration files and runtime files either reside on a CFS or on a
highly-available FFS. The Instant Messaging Server installation is required only on
one node as the binaries are shared across all the nodes. Instant Messaging Server
upgrade needs a server down time.
Installing Instant Messaging Server Products and Packages
Install products and packages by using the Communications Suite installer. For more
information about the installer, see Communications Suite Installation Guide at:
Table 7–4 lists the products or packages required for a multiple node cluster

Table 7–4 Requirements for Multiple Nodes

Product or Package Node 1 Node n
Oracle Solaris Cluster Yes Yes

Configuring Instant Messaging Server for High Availability 7-7

Setting Up HA for Instant Messaging Server

Table 7–4 (Cont.) Requirements for Multiple Nodes

Product or Package Node 1 Node n
Instant Messaging Server 9 Yes Yes, if you use a local disk
Server for configuration files and
binaries. No, if you use a
shared disk for
configuration files and
Oracle Solaris Cluster Yes Yes, if you use a local disk
Agent for Instant for configuration files and
Messaging Server binaries. No, if you use a
SUNWiimsc shared disk for
configuration files and
Shared components Yes Yes

Instant Messaging Server HA Agent Installation

To install the Instant Messaging Server Oracle Solaris Cluster HA agent:
1. Run the Communications Suite installer command in the global zone.
commpkg install

On Solaris 10 zones, run the commpkg command from global and non-global
2. Select the Instant Messaging Server Oracle Solaris Cluster HA Agent software
when prompted.
3. Enter the Oracle Solaris Cluster HA Agent preconfiguration command.

On Solaris 10 zones, run this command only from the global zone.
Setting Up the Primary Node
Use the Oracle Solaris Cluster command line interface to set up HA on the first node.
1. Register the Instant Messaging Server and HAStoragePlus resource.
scrgadm -a -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus
scrgadm -a -t SUNW.iim

2. Create a failover Instant Messaging Server resource group. For example, for a two
node asymmetric cluster setup, the following command creates the Instant
messaging resource group IM-RG with the primary node as NODE1 and the
secondary, or failover, node as NODE2.
scrgadm -a -g IM-RG -h IM_NODE1,IM_NODE2

3. Create a logical hostname resource in the Instant Messaging Server resource group
and change the resource group state to online. For example, the following
instructions create the logical hostname resource LOG_HOST_RS and bring the
resource group IM-RG to online state.
scrgadm -a -L -g IM-RG -l LOG_HOST_RS
scrgadm -c -j LOG_HOST_RS -y \
R_description="LogicalHostname resource for LOG_HOST_RS"
scswitch -Z -g IM-RG

7-8 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Setting Up HA for Instant Messaging Server

4. Create and enable the HAStoragePlus resource. For example, the following
commands create and enable the HAStoragePlus resource IM_HASP_RS.
scrgadm -a -j IM_HASP_RS -g IM-RG -t
SUNW.HAStoragePlus:4 -x FilesystemMountPoints=/IM_RUNTIME_DIR
scrgadm -c -j IM_HASP_RS -y
R_description="Failover data service resource for SUNW.HAStoragePlus:4"
scswitch -e -j IM_HASP_RS

5. Create a symbolic link from the Instant Messaging Server /etc/opt/sun/comms/im

directory to the shared disk InstantMessaging_runtime directory on all the nodes of
the cluster.
For example, enter the following commands on all the nodes of the cluster:
cd /etc/opt/sun/comms
ln -s /IM_RUNTIME_DIR im

Invoking the configure Utility on the Primary Node

1. Invoke the configure utility.
For example, from the InstantMessaging_home directory enter the following
# pwd
# ./configure

For more information about the configure utility, see Instant Messaging Server
Installation and Configuration Guide.
2. When prompted for the Instant Messaging Server runtime files directory
InstantMessaging_runtime, enter either of the following commands:
a. If you are using FFS for the runtime files, enter /local/im.
b. If you are using a CFS for the runtime files, enter /global/im.
3. If prompted for the Instant Messaging Server host name, enter the logical host.
Choose to accept the logical host even if the configure utility is unable to connect
to the specified host. The logical host resource might be offline at the time when
you invoke the configure utility.
4. Do not start Instant Messaging Server after configuration or on system startup.
5. Copy the Instant Messaging Server 9 configuration file iim.conf.xml to the
iim.conf file with the same permissions.

Note: Also copy the iim.conf.xml file to iim.conf after any future
configuration changes as cluster uses the iim.conf file.

6. To use the Gateway Connector service in HA, update this service configuration
with the virtual host name or IP address and port number as follows:
imconfutil --config config_file_path iim_gwc.hostport=virtual host-name or

For example:
/opt/sun/comms/sbin/imconfutil --config /DATA1/default/config/iim.conf.xml iim_

Configuring Instant Messaging Server for High Availability 7-9

Setting Up HA for Instant Messaging Server

7. Create and enable the Instant Messaging Server resource.

In this example, the resource group name is IM_SVR_RS. Provide the logical host
resource name and the HAStoragePlus resource name. For example,
scrgadm -a -j IM_SVR_RS -g IM-RG
-t SUNW.iim -x Server_root=/InstantMessaging_home
-x Confdir_list=/InstantMessaging_runtime (ex: /local/im/default/config )
-y Resource_dependencies=IM_HASP_RS,LOG_HOST_RS
scrgadm -e -j IM_SVR_RS

8. Test the successful creation of the Instant messaging resource group by performing
a failover.
scswitch -z -g IM-RG -h IM_NODE2

Note: You do not need to configure the second node as the

configuration is shared between all the nodes by soft links pointing to
the shared location.

Installing and Configuring in a Symmetric HA Environment

This section contains instructions for configuring a symmetric HA Instant Messaging
Server system. To configure a symmetric HA Instant Messaging Server system,
perform the steps described in the following sections:
■ Initial Tasks
■ Installing and Configuring the First Instance of Instant Messaging Server
■ Installing and Configuring the Second Instance of Instant Messaging Server

Initial Tasks
You must complete the following preparatory tasks before installing Instant Messaging
Server on the nodes. The preparatory tasks are:
■ Creating File Systems
■ Installing the Instant Messaging Server HA Package
■ Preparing Each Node of the Cluster
Creating File Systems
Instant Messaging Server binaries, configuration files, and runtime files reside on the
CFS or on the highly available FFS. For each Instant Messaging Server instance,
installation is needed on only one node as the binaries are shared across all the nodes.
To create file systems:
1. Create four file systems by using CFS or FFS.
To create a system by using CFS, for example, the contents of the /etc/vfstab file
should appear as follows.
# Cluster File System/Global File System ##
/dev/md/penguin/dsk/d500 /dev/md/penguin/rdsk/d500
/INSTALL-ROOTIM1 ufs 2 yes logging,global
/dev/md/penguin/dsk/d400 /dev/md/penguin/rdsk/d400
/share-disk-dirIM1 ufs 2 yes logging,global
/dev/md/polarbear/dsk/d200 /dev/md/polarbear/rdsk/d200
/INSTALL-ROOTIM2 ufs 2 yes logging,global
/dev/md/polarbear/dsk/d300 /dev/md/polarbear/rdsk/d300

7-10 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Setting Up HA for Instant Messaging Server

/share-disk-dirIM2 ufs 2 yes logging,global

Note: The fields must be separated by tabs.

To create a system by using FFS, for example, the contents of the /etc/vfstab file
should appear as follows.
# Failover File System/Local File System ##
/dev/md/penguin/dsk/d500 /dev/md/penguin/rdsk/d500
/INSTALL-ROOTIM1 ufs 2 yes logging
/dev/md/penguin/dsk/d400 /dev/md/penguin/rdsk/d400
/share-disk-dirIM1 ufs 2 yes logging
/dev/md/polarbear/dsk/d200 /dev/md/polarbear/rdsk/d200
/INSTALL-ROOTIM2 ufs 2 yes logging
/dev/md/polarbear/dsk/d300 /dev/md/polarbear/rdsk/d300
/share-disk-dirIM2 ufs 2 yes logging

Note: The fields must be separated by tabs.

2. Create the following mandatory directories on all the nodes of the cluster.
# mkdir -p /INSTALL-ROOTIM1 share-disk-dirIM1
INSTALL-ROOTIM2 share-disk-dirIM2

Installing the Instant Messaging Server HA Package

Install the Instant Messaging Server Oracle Solaris Cluster HA package in two nodes.
You can use the Communication Suite 7 Update 2 installer to install the HA package.
To install the Instant Messaging Server Oracle Solaris Cluster HA agent:
1. Run the Communications Suite installer.
commpkg install

In Solaris 10 zones, run this command from the global and non-global zones.
2. When prompted, select the Instant Messaging Server Oracle Solaris Cluster HA
Agent software.
3. Run the Sun Cluster HA Agent pre-configuration command.

On Solaris 10 zones, run this command only from the global zone.
Preparing Each Node of the Cluster
For each node in the cluster, create the Instant Messaging Server runtime user and
group under which the components will run. The UID and GID numbers must be the
same on all nodes in the cluster.
■ Runtime UID: User name using which the Instant Messaging server runs. The
default value is inetuser.
■ Runtime GID: Group using which the Instant Messaging server runs. The default
value is inetgroup. Although the configure utility creates these IDs, you can create
the IDs before you invoke the configure utility as part of the preparation of each
node. Create the runtime UID and GID on a node where you might not invoke the
configure utility, which is usually secondary node.

Configuring Instant Messaging Server for High Availability 7-11

Setting Up HA for Instant Messaging Server

Make sure that the user name, group name and the corresponding UID and GID are
same in the following files on all nodes:
■ inetuser or the name that you select in the /etc/passwd directory on all the nodes
in the cluster
■ inetgroup or the name that you select in the /etc/group directory on all the nodes
in the cluster
Refer to your operating system documentation for detailed information about users
and groups.

Installing and Configuring the First Instance of Instant Messaging Server

To install the first instance of Instant Messaging Server:
1. Verify whether the files are mounted.
On the primary node Node1, enter the following command:
df -k

The following message shows a sample output:

/dev/md/penguin/dsk/d500 35020572
34738 34635629 1% /INSTALL-ROOTIM1
/dev/md/penguin/dsk/d400 35020572
34738 34635629 1% /share-disk-dirIM1

2. Using the Communications Suite installer, install Instant Messaging Server on the
primary node.
a. Run the Communications Suite installer command.
commpkg install

Note: In case of Oracle Solaris 10 zones, refer to the Communications

Suite Installation Guide.

b. At the Specify Installation Directories prompt, enter the installation root

3. Create a symbolic link from the Instant Messaging Server the
/etc/opt/sun/comms/im directory to the shared disk IM_RUNTIME_DIR directory
on all the nodes of the cluster. For example, enter the following commands on a
cluster node:
# cd /etc/opt/sun/comms
# ln -s /share-disk-dirIM1 im

To configure Oracle Solaris Cluster on the first node by using the Oracle Solaris Cluster
command-line interface:
1. Register the following resource types.
scrgadm -a -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus
scrgadm -a -t SUNW.iim

2. Create a failover resource group.

In the following example, the resource group is IM-RG1, IM_NODE1 is the
primary node and IM_NODE2 is the failover node.

7-12 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Setting Up HA for Instant Messaging Server

scrgadm -a -g IM-RG1 -h IM_NODE1,IM_NODE2

3. Create a logical host name resource for the node.

Add the logical host name LOG_HOST_RS to the resource group. Instant
Messaging Server listens on this host. The following example uses
LOG-HOST-IM-RS1. Replace this value with the actual hostname.
scrgadm -a -L -g IM-RG1 -l LOG-HOST-IM-RS1
scrgadm -c -j LOG-HOST-IM-RS1 -y R_description=
"LogicalHostname resource for LOG-HOST-IM-RS1"

4. Bring the resource group online.

scswitch -Z -g IM-RG1

5. Create a HAStoragePlus resource and add it to the failover resource group.

In this example, the resource is called IM_HASP_RS1. Replace the resource with
your own resource name.

Note: The example is split for display purpose in this document.

scrgadm -a -j IM-HASP-RS1 -g IM-RG1 -t

SUNW.HAStoragePlus:4 -x FilesystemMountPoints=/INSTALL-ROOTIM1,
scrgadm -c -j IM-HASP-RS1 -y R_description="Failover data
service resource for SUNW.HAStoragePlus:4"

6. Enable the HAStoragePlus resource.

scswitch -e -j IM-HASP-RS1

To configure the first instance of Instant Messaging Server:

1. Run the configure utility on the primary node.
# ./configure

For more information about the configure utility, see Instant Messaging Server
Installation and Configuration Guide.
2. When prompted for the Instant Messaging Server Runtime Files Directory, enter
/share-disk-dirIM1 if you are using HAStoragePlus for the runtime files.
3. When prompted for the Instant Messaging Server host name, enter the logical
Choose to accept the logical host even if the configure utility cannot connect to the
specified host. The logical host resource might be offline at the time when you
invoke the configure utility.
4. Do not start Instant Messaging Server after configuration or on system startup.
5. Copy the Instant Messaging Server 9 configuration file iim.conf.xml to the
iim.conf file with the same permissions.

Note: Also copy the iim.conf.xml file to iim.conf after any future
configuration changes as cluster uses the iim.conf file.

Configuring Instant Messaging Server for High Availability 7-13

Setting Up HA for Instant Messaging Server

6. To use the Gateway Connector service in HA, update this service configuration
with the virtual host name or IP address and port number as follows:
InstantMessaging_home/imconfutil --config config_file_path iim_
gwc.hostport=virtual host-name or ip:port

For example:
/opt/sun/comms/sbin/imconfutil --config /DATA1/default/config/iim.conf.xml iim_

7. Create and enable the Instant Messaging Server resource.

In this example, the resource group name is IM_SVR_RS1. Provide the logical
host resource name and the HAStoragePlus resource name.
scrgadm -a -j IM_SVR_RS1 -g IM-RG1
-t SUNW.iim -x Server_root=/INSTALL-ROOTIM1/im
-x Confdir_list=/share-disk-dirIM1/default/config
-y Resource_dependencies=IM-HASP-RS1,LOG-HOST-IM-RS1
scrgadm -e -j IM_SVR_RS1

8. Test the successful creation of the Instant Messaging Server resource group by
performing a failover.
scswitch -z -g IM-RG1 -h IM_NODE2

Note: You do not have to configure the second node as configuration

is shared between all the nodes by soft links pointing to shared

Installing and Configuring the Second Instance of Instant Messaging Server

To install the second instance of Instant Messaging Server:
1. Verify whether the files are mounted. On the primary node IM_NODE2, enter:
df -k

The following output is displayed:

/dev/md/polarbear/dsk/d300 35020572
34738 34635629 1% /share-disk-dirIM2
/dev/md/polarbear/dsk/d200 35020572
34738 34635629 1% /INSTALL-ROOTIM2

2. Install Instant Messaging Server on the primary node.

a. Run the Communications Suite installer.
commpkg install

b. At the Specify Installation Directories prompt, specify the installation root

3. Create a symbolic link from the Instant Messaging Server /etc/opt/sun/comms/im
directory to the shared disk IM_RUNTIME_DIR directory on this cluster node.
For example, enter the following commands on all the nodes of the cluster:
# cd /etc/opt/sun/comms
# ln -s /share-disk-dirIM2 im

7-14 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Setting Up HA for Instant Messaging Server

Configuring Oracle Solaris Cluster on the Second Node

To configure Oracle Solaris Cluster on the second node by using the Oracle Solaris
Cluster command-line interface:
1. Create a failover resource group.
In the following example, the resource group is IM-RG2, IM_NODE2 is the
primary node and IM_NODE1 is the failover node.
scrgadm -a -g IM-RG2 -h IM_NODE2,IM_NODE1

2. Create a logical host name resource for this node.

Add the logical host name LOG_HOST_RS to the resource group. Instant
Messaging Server will listen on this host. The following example uses
LOG-HOST-IM-RS2 in the place where you will substitute in the actual host
scrgadm -a -L -g IM-RG2 -l LOG-HOST-IM-RS2
scrgadm -c -j LOG-HOST-IM-RS2 -y R_description=
"LogicalHostname resource for LOG-HOST-IM-RS2"

3. Bring the resource group online.

scswitch -Z -g IM-RG2

4. Create a HAStoragePlus resource and add it to the failover resource group.

In this example, the resource is called IM-HASP-RS2. Replace it by your own
resource name. Note that the lines are divided and show as two lines in the
example for display purposes in this document.
scrgadm -a -j IM-HASP-RS2 -g IM-RG2 -t
SUNW.HAStoragePlus:4 -x FilesystemMountPoints=/INSTALL-ROOTIM2,
scrgadm -c -j IM-HASP-RS2 -y R_description="Failover data
service resource for SUNW.HAStoragePlus:4"

5. Enable the HAStoragePlus resource.

scswitch -e -j IM-HASP-RS2

To configure the second instance of Instant Messaging Server:

1. Run the configure utility on the primary node.
# ./configure

For more information about the configure utility, see Instant Messaging Server
Installation and Configuration Guide.
2. When prompted for the Instant Messaging Server Runtime Files Directory, enter
one of the following:
If you are using an HAStoragePlus for the runtime files, enter /share-disk-dirIM2.
3. When prompted for the Instant Messaging Server host name, enter the logical
For example, accept the logical host even if the configure utility cannot connect to
the specified host. The logical host resource might be offline when you invoke the
configure utility.

Configuring Instant Messaging Server for High Availability 7-15

Removing HA for Instant Messaging Server

4. Do not start Instant Messaging Server after configuration or on system startup.

In an HA configuration, the Instant Messaging Server service requires the logical
host to be online for Instant Messaging Server to work correctly.
5. Copy the Instant Messaging Server 9 configuration file iim.conf.xml to the
iim.conf file with the same permissions.
Note: Also copy the iim.conf.xml file to iim.conf after any future configuration
changes as cluster uses the iim.conf file.
6. To use the GatewayConnector service in HA, update this service configuration
with the virtual host name or IP address and port number as follows:
InstantMessaging_home/imconfutil --config config_file_path iim_
gwc.hostport=virtual host-name or ip:port

For example:
/opt/sun/comms/sbin/imconfutil --config /DATA1/default/config/iim.conf.xml iim_

7. Create the Instant Messaging Server resource and enable the resource.
In this example, the resource group name is IM_SVR_RS2. Provide the logical
host resource name, the HAStoragePlus resource name, and the port number. By
default, Instant Messaging Server uses ports 5269, 5222, and 45222. If the first
instance uses these port numbers, use different port numbers for the second
/INSTALL-ROOTIM2/im/sbin/imconfutil --config /MS_ALTROOT/im/config/iim.conf.xml
set-prop iim_server.port=5270
/INSTALL-ROOTIM2/im/sbin/imconfutil --config /MS_ALTROOT/im/config/iim.conf.xml
set-prop iim_server.muxport=45223
/INSTALL-ROOTIM2/im/sbin/imconfutil --config /MS_ALTROOT/im/config/iim.conf.xml
set-prop iim_mux.listenport=5223
/INSTALL-ROOTIM2/im/sbin/imconfutil --config /MS_ALTROOT/im/config/iim.conf.xml
set-prop iim_mux.serverport=45223
scrgadm -a -j IM_SVR_RS2 -g IM-RG2
-t SUNW.iim -x Server_root=/INSTALL-ROOTIM2/im
-y Confdir_list=/share-disk-dirIM2/default/config
-y Resource_dependencies=IM-HASP-RS2,LOG-HOST-IM-RS2

8. Test the successful creation of the Instant messaging resource group by performing
a failover.
scswitch -z -g IM-RG2 -h IM_NODE1

Note: You do not have to configure the second node as configuration

is shared between all the nodes by soft links pointing to shared

Removing HA for Instant Messaging Server

To remove Instant Messaging Server from an HA environment, remove the Instant
Messaging Server cluster agent SUNWiimsc.
When you remove the SUNWiimsc package as described in this procedure, any
customization you made to the RTR file SUNW.iim is lost. If you want to restore them
at a later time, you need to create a backup copy of SUNW.iim before removing

7-16 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

HA Related Documentation

To remove HA for Instant Messaging Server:

1. Stop the Instant Messaging Server data service.
scswitch -F -g IM_RG

2. Disable all resources in the Instant Messaging Server resource group IM_RG.
scswitch -n -j IM_SVR_RS
scswitch -n -j LOG_HOST_RS
scswitch -n -j IM-HASP-RS

3. Remove the resources from the Instant Messaging Server resource group.
scrgadm -r -j IM_SVR_RS
scrgadm -r -j LOG_HOST_RS
scrgadm -r -j IM-HASP-RS

4. Remove the Instant Messaging Server resource group.

scrgadm -r -g IM_RG

5. Remove the Instant Messaging Server resource type.

scrgadm -r -t SUNW.iim

6. Remove the SUNWiimsc package by using the Sun Java Enterprise System
installer or run the pkgrm SUNWiimsc command.
When you remove the package, any customization that you make to the RTR file is
7. Remove any links that you have created during the HA configuration, if you are
using a shared directory for configuration files and binaries.
rm /etc/opt/sun/comms/im

HA Related Documentation
■ Communications Suite Installation Guide:
■ For a general background about Sun Cluster software, data services, and
terminology resource types, resources, and resource groups, see:
■ For general information on planning and administration of data services, see:
■ For software procedures for administering a Sun Cluster configuration, see:
■ For a description of the commands and utilities available with the Sun Cluster
software, including commands found only in the SUNWscman and SUNWccon
packages, see:

Configuring Instant Messaging Server for High Availability 7-17

HA Related Documentation

7-18 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Configuring LDAP Failover

This chapter describes how to configure LDAP failover for Oracle Communications
Instant Messaging Server on a multi-master replication (MMR) setup of LDAP servers.

Configuring LDAP Failover Overview

LDAP failover in Instant Messaging Server enables you to configure the Instant
Messaging server to have multiple LDAP servers as back-end storage. If one LDAP
server becomes unavailable, the Instant Messaging server is able to fail over to another
LDAP server.
LDAP failover works on a MMR setup of LDAP servers. All the LDAP servers in the
settings are masters and have permission to read and write data. The Instant
Messaging server uses only one server at a time but fails over to another LDAP server
when the current server becomes unavailable. The other LDAP server is expected to be
in sync with the current server as far as data is concerned.

Setting Up LDAP Failover

To set up an LDAP failover:
1. Set up the MMR with the LDAP Servers. All the LDAP servers should be master
servers. That is, each server should have the permission to read and write data to
all the LDAP servers.
2. Make sure that all the master servers in the setup are started and synchronized.
3. Use the imconfutil command add the LDAP replicas, and LDAP server names
and ports.
For example:
imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml add-ldap-replica id=ldap1
host=ldap1.example.com port=389
imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml add-ldap-replica id=ldap2
host=ldap2.example.com port=489

4. Set the iim_ldap.debugPool property to true.

imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop iim_

Configuring LDAP Failover 8-1

Setting Up LDAP Failover

Note: Only the Instant Messaging server is replica aware. All the
support tools that use the iim.conf.xml file are not replica aware. For
support tools to start, the default LDAP server should be up and

Note: The default LDAP configuration in Instant Messaging Server is

required, even when LDAP failover is configured. Example of default
LDAP configuration:
iim_ldap.usergroupbinddn=cn=Directory Manager

For more information, see Using Layered Architectures to Create Highly Available
Infrastructures at:

8-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Scaling Instant Messaging Server By Using

Server Pooling

This chapter describes how to scale an Oracle Communications Instant Messaging

Server deployment by using server pooling. It assumes that you have already installed
Instant Messaging Server on the hosts in your server pool.

Overview of Server Pooling for Instant Messaging Server

Server pooling enables you to support millions of users within a single domain. By
using a server pool, you can share a domain across several servers in a server pool. In
addition, you can use a load balancer to help manage server utilization in the pool.
By creating a server pool, the number of users you can support in an Instant
Messaging Server deployment is no longer constrained by the capacity of a single
server system. Instead, you can use the resources of several systems to support the
users in a single domain. In addition, server pools provide redundancy so that if one
server in the pool fails, affected clients can reconnect and continue their sessions
through another server in the pool with a minimum of inconvenience. Deploying more
than one server in a server pool creates a multi-node deployment.
You create a server pool by configuring the Instant Messaging servers to communicate
over the server-to-server port and get user data from the same LDAP directory. Once
you have configured the servers, you need to configure the client resources to point to
the load balancer, or load director, instead of a single node's host and port.

Caution: While it is possible to use a shared file system instead of an

LDAP directory to store user properties, doing so negatively impacts
performance and manageability. For this reason, only LDAP storage is
supported for server pools.

To ensure that all servers within a server pool have consistent data, the following
information is replicated among all servers in the pool:
■ Routing information for end users
■ Conference membership and configuration
■ Multi-party conference messages
The following information is not replicated:
■ One-on-one chat messages
■ Presence subscriptions and notifications

Scaling Instant Messaging Server By Using Server Pooling 9-1

Availability in an Instant Messaging Server Pool

If you are enforcing policy through access control files in your deployment, the content
of the access control files must be the same among all servers in a server pool. See
Instant Messaging Server Security Guide for more information.

Availability in an Instant Messaging Server Pool

If a node in a server pool goes down, all currently connected clients are disconnected
and the sessions and resources become unavailable. If you set up your deployment
with load balancers, users can immediately reconnect and be directed by a load
balancer to another node in the pool. When they do so, they do not need to recreate
conferences or news channels as this information is shared between servers in the
pool. In addition, one-to-one chat sessions can be continued after the user is directed to
another node in the pool.

Configuring Server-to-Server Communication Between Instant Messaging

This section describes how to enable communication between two Instant Messaging
servers, or peers, in a server pool. You must configure all servers in the pool with
information about all other servers in the pool.
Table 9–1 lists the configuration properties their values used to set up communication
for two example Instant Messaging servers in a server pool, iimA.siroe.com and
For more information on the configuration properties, see "Configuration Properties".

Table 9–1 Example Configuration Information for Two Instant Messaging Servers in a
Server Pool
Value for Value for
Property Server A Server B Notes
iim_server.serverid iimA.siroe. iimB.siroe. In a server pool, this ID is used to
com com support the dialback mechanism
and is not used for authentication.
This value should be unique within
the server pool.
iim_server.password secretforiimA secret4iimB None
iim_ siroe.com siroe.com Peer servers within a server pool
server.domainname share the same default domain.

Note: When open federation is enabled, do not use the host name as
the server ID. For example, the property iim_server.serverid should
not be set to host name.

You define coserver properties by running the imconfutil add-coserver command. The
add-coserver property enables you to set the server ID, the password used to
authenticate for this coserver, the coserver host name, the domain server used by the
coserver, and whether SSL is required.
After setting the coserver property, you can retrieve it by using the imconfutil
get-coserver-prop command. If you need to modify an existing coserver property, use
the imconfutil set-coserver-prop command. To remove a coserver, use the imconfutil
delete-coserver command. If you need to verify the password of a coserver, use the

9-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Securing a Multi-node Deployment

imconfutil verify-coserver-pass command. To see a listing of all configured coservers,

use the imconfutil list-coservers command.
For more information on coserver configuration, see "To Set Up Communication
Between Two Instant Messaging Servers in a Server Pool".

To Set Up Communication Between Two Instant Messaging Servers in a Server Pool

The following example shows how to set up coservers im1.example.com and
1. Perform the following commands on host1 (im1.example.com).
a. Set the iim_server.serverid and iim_server.password configuration
imconfutil set-prop -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml iim_
server.serverid=peer1.im1.example.com iim_server.password=peer1

b. Add the coserver (im2.example.com).

imconfutil add-coserver -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml
id=coserver1 serverid=peer2.im2.example.com password=peer2
host=im2.example.com domain=example.com

2. Perform the following commands on host2 (im2.example.com).

a. Set the iim_server.serverid and iim_server.password configuration
imconfutil set-prop -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml iim_
server.serverid=peer2.im2.example.com iim_server.password=peer2

b. Add the coserver (im1.example.com).

imconfutil add-coserver -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml
id=coserver1 serverid=peer1.im1.examnple.com password=peer1
host=im1.example.com domain=example.com

3. Restart Instant Messaging Server on both hosts.

imadmin refresh server

Adding a New Node to an Existing Instant Messaging Server Deployment

If you need to add an additional node to an existing server pool, you need to configure
the new server for server-to-server communication and then add configuration
information about the new server to all existing servers in the pool. In addition, you
need to add configuration information about all the servers in the pool to the new
node. See "To Set Up Communication Between Two Instant Messaging Servers in a
Server Pool" for instructions.

Securing a Multi-node Deployment

When a node connects to a remote server, the node provides a dialback key. The remote
server then connects back to the node in order to verify the dialback key. In a
multi-node deployment, the remote server may connect back to a different node in the
pool from the node that originally sent the dialback key. The node the remote server
connects to must provide the same dialback key that the original connecting node
supplied. The iim_server.dialback.key configuration property defines which dialback

Scaling Instant Messaging Server By Using Server Pooling 9-3

Using Shoal for Server Pool Messaging

key a node should use. The value for the dialback key is randomly generated unless
you explicitly specify one. See "To Manually Define the Dialback Key for an Instant
Messaging Server in a Server Pool" for instructions.
The From attribute is used by a remote server to connect back to an initiating server.
Typically, a server's domain name is used as the value for the From attribute in
server-to-server communication under Jabber. However, all servers in a server pool
share the same domain name. Therefore, the domain name cannot be used as a key to
locate a single server in a pool. Instead, Instant Messaging Server uses a server or peer
identifier (serverid) instead of the domain name as the value for the From attribute.

To Manually Define the Dialback Key for an Instant Messaging Server in a Server Pool
The value for the dialback key is randomly generated unless you explicitly specify
1. Use the imconfutil command to modify the value of the iim_server.dialback.key
configuration property.
For example:
imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml iim_

2. Refresh the configuration on both servers.

imadmin refresh server

Using Shoal for Server Pool Messaging

Instant Messaging Server uses Shoal, a Java technology-based scalable and dynamic
clustering framework to connect multiple servers within a server pool. For more
information on Shoal, see the Project Shoal website at:

Setting Shoal Properties

To enable Shoal, use the imconfutil command to set the following configuration
■ iim_server.serverid=servername (Make sure that this value is unique for each
■ iim_server.password=password (Make sure that this password is same across all
For example:
imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop iim_
server.serverid=server1 iim_server.password=password

Using Shoal for Automatic Discovery of Peer Servers in a Pool

Instant Messaging Server enables you to use the Shoal clustering framework to
automatically discover and add peer servers in a server pool. The following steps
describe how to configure Shoal for the servers in a pool that belong to the same IP
subnet. To configure Shoal for servers in a pool that are part of different subnets, see
"Using Shoal Across Subnets".
To enable auto-discovery of peer servers:

9-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Using Shoal for Server Pool Messaging

1. Configure a server pool containing a number of Instant Messaging servers to use

the LDAP propstore property.
2. Use the imconfutil command to set the following configuration property to start
For example:
imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop iim_

3. Set the configuration properties as explained in "Setting Shoal Properties".

Setting the properties enables you to start and stop the servers as required. If you
are connected to one server, you can see the presence of the server and chat with
users on any other server.

Using Shoal for Conferences Across Server Pools

Instant Messaging Server enables the use of Shoal group messaging to broadcast
conference messages across the server pool. Shoal framework can be used to send
conference messages across the server pool even if you have not used Shoal for
auto-discovery or across subnets. When you enable use of Shoal across server pools, all
conference presence broadcasts including join and leave notifications, messages, and
chat status notifications will be sent using the Shoal group messaging feature.
To enable Shoal for conferences:
1. Set the properties as explained in "Setting Shoal Properties".
2. Use the imconfutil command to set the following configuration property. For
imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop iim_

This property is used to enable or disable the use of Shoal for conference
messaging. If you set the property to false or not set at all, the legacy
server-to-server connection is used.
You can enable Shoal anytime during and after configuration. If you enable this
feature after configuration, restart all the servers.

Note: When using Shoal for peer discovery and conferences, ensure
■ The iim_server.password property is the same on all hosts.
■ Relay is enabled for communication to work when hosts are on
different subnets.

Using Shoal Across Subnets

The Shoal configuration of a server pool in a subnet cannot discover new peers that are
present in different IP subnets. Shoal uses relay nodes to propagate peer information
across subnets. You need to configure Instant Messaging Server to start a separate
process that performs the Shoal relay functionality, by providing connection details of
the relays present in different subnets.

Scaling Instant Messaging Server By Using Server Pooling 9-5

Using Shoal for Server Pool Messaging

To enable Shoal across different subnets, you must start the relay server. To start the
relay server, you need at least one relay server per subnet. You can configure any
number of relay servers.
To start the relay server, use the imconfutil command to set the relay.imadmin.enable
and relay.listen_address (optional) configuration properties. For example:
imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop
relay.imadmin.enable=true relay.listen_address=

The list of relay servers is specified by using the relay.uri_list parameter:

relay.uri_list = list of relays

You specify each relay by using a URI of the form tcp://host:port. For example:
relay.uri_list = tcp://relay2.example.com:5600, tcp://relay3.example.com:5600

You can start or stop the relay process independently of the Instant Messaging server.
Stopping or restarting the relay process does not affect the servers that are already in
the pool.

9-6 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Managing Archiving in Instant Messaging


This chapter explains how to configure and manage email, file, message, and custom
archiving for Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server.

Archiving Overview
Instant message archiving can be done in the following ways:
■ Email Archive. When using this method, chat and conference participants receive
email containing the contents of the Instant Messaging Server sessions in which
they participated. End users can use any email client to search and manage instant
■ File Archive allows you to archive the contents of a file that is transferred from one
client to another.
■ Message Archiving allows you to archive all the message data that passes through
the server in any one-to-one or a group-chat conversation.
■ Custom Archive. You can choose to use either the Instant Messaging Server
archive providers, or create your own custom archive provider. Instant Messaging
Server provides the APIs and SPIs that can be used to write custom archive
providers. For more information on Instant Messaging Server APIs, see "Using the
Web Presence API".
Regardless of which type of archive provider you choose to use, you need to
enable the archive provider by running the imconfutil command to configure the
appropriate property.
You can configure Instant Messaging Server to use one or both archive methods at the
same time.

Enabling and Disabling Archiving for Instant Messaging Server

Regardless of whether you choose to use email, a custom archive, or any combination
of archives, you enable the archiving capability in Instant Messaging Server the same
way as described in this section. Disabling archiving as described in this section
disables all archives.

Managing Archiving in Instant Messaging Server 10-1

Archiving in Instant Messaging Server

To Enable Instant Messaging Server Archiving

After you enable archiving for Instant Messaging Server, you need to enable the
archive provider for the type of archive you want to use as described in the following
■ To Enable the Instant Messaging Server Email Archive
■ To Enable a Custom Archive Provider
1. Use the imconfutil command to set the iim_server.msg_archive property to true.
For example:
imconfutil -c InstantMessaging_home/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop iim_

2. Restart the server.

imadmin refresh server

To Disable Instant Messaging Server Archiving

This procedure disables all archiving for Instant Messaging Server. If you want to
disable only email archiving or a custom archive you have configured, see one of the
following sections:
■ To Disable the Instant Messaging Server Email Archive Provider
■ To Disable a Custom Archive Provider
1. Use the imconfutil command to set the iim_server.msg_archive configuration
property to false. For example:
imconfutil -c InstantMessaging_home/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop iim_

2. Restart the server.

imadmin refresh server

Archiving in Instant Messaging Server

Following are the two types of archiving mechanisms exposed by Instant Messaging
■ Managing Instant Messaging Server File Archive
■ Implementing the Custom File Architecture Provider

Managing Instant Messaging Server File Archive

The Archive Provider API allows you to archive the contents of a file that is
transferred from one client to another by using an In-Band Bytestreams file transfer
feature. The abstract class exposed by Instant Messaging Server to implement file
archiving is com.sun.im.provider.ByteStreamFilter.

Implementing the Custom File Architecture Provider

Following is an example of implementing the custom provider:
package com.sun.im.provider;
* Custom file archival provider must extend this abstract

10-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Archiving in Instant Messaging Server

* class
public abstract class ByteStreamFilter
* process a data block contained in a stream.
* This method needs to be overridden in order to perform
* archiving
* @param stream byte stream handle
* @param block block of bytes to be transferred.
public void processData(ByteStream stream,
ByteStreamBlock block)
* called when a new byte stream is open
* @param from data originator address, uses xmpp address
* @param to data recipient address, uses xmpp address format
* @param stream byte stream handle
public void openStream(String to, String from,
ByteStream stream)
* called when a new byte stream is closed
* @param stream byte stream handle
public void closeStream(ByteStream stream)

File Archiver Provider Example

The Instant Messaging Server enables you to write custom archive providers. The
custom archive provider for file archiving stores the contents of the file that is
transferred from one client to another to a local file. To write a custom archive
provider, you need to override methods in the abstract classes ByteStreamFilter and
ArchiveProvider. ByteStreamFilter is used for archiving file transfers.
Following is an example of a custom archive provider:
package com.sun.im.provider;
public class FileArchiving extends ByteStreamFilter
private FileWriter fstream;
private BufferedWriter out;
private StringBuffer buffer;
public void processData(ByteStream stream,
ByteStreamBlock block)
log.debug( {{FileArchiving}}:processData() called );

Managing Archiving in Instant Messaging Server 10-3

Enabling and Disabling the Instant Messaging Server File Archive Provider

String data = new String(block.getBytes());

buffer += data;
public void openStream(String to, String from,
ByteStream stream)
log.debug( {{FileArchiving}}:openStream() called );
fstream = new FileWriter("/tmp/{{FileArchiving}}");
out = new BufferedWriter(fstream);
public void closeStream(ByteStream stream)
log.debug( {{FileArchiving}}:closeStream() called );

Compiling the Custom File Archival Provider Application

Compile your custom archive by including the improvider.jar file in your classpath.
For example:
imconfutil -c InstantMessaging_home/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop iim_

Enabling and Disabling the Instant Messaging Server File Archive

This section describes how to enable and disable the Instant Messaging Server file
archive provider:
■ To Enable File Archiving
■ To Disable File Archiving

To Enable File Archiving

To enable file archiving:
1. Enable file archiving.
imconfutil -c InstantMessaging_home/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop im_

2. Enable your custom file archive provider.

imconfutil -c InstantMessaging_home/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop iim_

3. Restart the server.

imadmin refresh server

To Disable File Archiving

To disable file archiving:
imconfutil -c InstantMessaging_home/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop iim_

10-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Enabling and Disabling the Instant Messaging Server File Archive Provider

Managing Instant Messaging Server Message Archive

Message Archiving allows you to archive all the message data that passes through the
server in any one-to-one or a group-chat conversation. The abstract class exposed by
Instant Messaging Server to implement message archiving is

Implementing the Custom Message Archival Provider

Following is an example of implementing the custom message archival provider:
* Custom message archival provider must extend this
* abstract class
package com.sun.im.provider;
public abstract class ArchiveProvider
* invoked when a user signs on
* @param uid identifier of the authenticated user
public void onLogin(String uid)
* invoked when a user signs off
* @param uid user identifier
public void onLogout(String uid)
* invoked when a user creates a private conference
* @param conferenceAddress address of the conference
* @param uid unique identifier of the user who setup
* the conference
public void onSetup(String conferenceAddress, String uid)
* invoked when a user joins a conference
* @param conferenceAddress address of the conference
* @param uid unique identifier of the new participant
public void onJoin(String conferenceAddress, String uid)
* invoked when a user leaves conference
* @param conferenceAddress address of the conference
* @param uid unique identifier of the leaving participant
public void onLeave(String conferenceAddress, String uid)
* invoked when a private conference is terminated
* @param conferenceAddress address of the conference

Managing Archiving in Instant Messaging Server 10-5

Enabling and Disabling the Instant Messaging Server File Archive Provider

* @param uid identifier of the user who closed the

* conference
public void onClose(String conferenceAddress, String uid)
* invoked when a user creates a private conference
* @param conferenceAddress address of the conference
* @param message invite message
public void onInvite(String conferenceAddress,
com.sun.im.service.ReadOnlyMessage message)
* invoked when a message of type normal, headline or error is
* received by the server. When a chat message is received in a
* one-to-one or a group-chat conversation,onConferenceMessage
* is used instead.Once archived, the message is visible only
* to the originator and recipients of the message.
* The originator and recipients addresses, message
* identifier, message content, and other message attributes
* can be obtained
* using the methods in the com.sun.im.service.ReadOnlyMessage
* interface.
* @param message message
public void onMessage(com.sun.im.service.ReadOnlyMessage message)
* invoked when a message of type normal, headline or error is
* received by the server. When a chat message is received in a
* one-to-one or a group-chat conversation,onConferenceMessage
* is used instead.Once archived, the message is visible only
* to the originator and recipients of the message.
* The originator and recipients addresses, message
* identifier, message content, and other message attributes
* can be obtained
* using the methods in the com.sun.im.service.ReadOnlyMessage
* interface.
* @param message message
public void onMessage(com.sun.im.service.ReadOnlyMessage message)
* invoked when a message is received by the server in any
* one-to-one or a group-chat conversation.
* @param conferenceAddress address of the conference
* @param message message
* The originator address, message identifier,
* message content, and other message attributes can be
* obtained using the methods in the Message interface.
* @see com.sun.im.service.Message
public void onConferenceMessage(String conferenceAddress,
com.sun.im.service.ReadOnlyMessage message)

10-6 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Enabling and Disabling the Instant Messaging Server File Archive Provider

* open the archive
* @exception Exception failure to open and initialize the
* archive.
public void open() throws Exception
* close the archive and dispose off all held resources
public void close()

Message Archive Provider Example

The custom message archive provider example for message archiving stores the
messages exchanged in any one-to-one or group-chat conversation in a local file. It
also logs invite messages and join and leave events of a group-chat. ArchiveProvider
is used to archive one-to-one chat and group chat messages. ArchiveProvider for both
files and messages are enabled using the imconfutil command.
Following is an example of an custom message archive provider:
package com.sun.im.provider;
public class MessageArchiving extends ArchiveProvider
private FileWriter fstream;
private BufferedWriter out;
public void onLogin(String uid)
log.debug( MessageArchiving:onLogin() called );
public void onLogout(String uid)
log.debug( MessageArchiving:onLogout() called );
public void onSetup(String conferenceAddress,
String uid)
log.debug( MessageArchiving:onSetup() called );
out.write( Conference has been created );
public void onJoin(String conferenceAddress, String uid)
log.debug( MessageArchiving:onJoin() called );
out.write(uid + has joined the conference );
public void onLeave(String conferenceAddress, String uid)
log.debug( MessageArchiving:onLeave() called );
out.write(uid + has left the conference );
public void onClose(String conferenceAddress,
String uid)
log.debug( MessageArchiving:onClose() called );

Managing Archiving in Instant Messaging Server 10-7

Enabling and Disabling the Instant Messaging Server File Archive Provider

out.write( Conference has been closed );

public void onInvite(String conferenceAddress,
com.sun.im.service.ReadOnlyMessage message)
log.debug( MessageArchiving:onInvite() called );
out.write(message.getOriginator() + has invited + message.getRecipients() +
to the conference );
public void onMessage(com.sun.im.service.ReadOnlyMessage message)
log.debug( MessageArchiving:onMessage() called );
public void onMessage(java.util.List accessList,
com.sun.im.service.ReadOnlyMessage message)
log.debug( MessageArchiving:onMessage() called );
public void onConferenceMessage(String conferenceAddress,
com.sun.im.service.ReadOnlyMessage message)
log.debug( MessageArchiving:onConferenceMessage() called );
out.write(message.getOriginator()+ sent a message, +message.getContent()+ to
public void open() throws Exception
log.debug( MessageArchiving:open() );
fstream = new FileWriter("/tmp/MessageArchiving");
out = new BufferedWriter(fstream);
public void close()
log.debug( MessageArchiving:close() );

Compiling the Custom Message Archival Provider Application

Compile your custom archive using the following jar file in the classpath:
imservice.jar. For example:
imconfutil -c InstantMessaging_home/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop iim_

Enabling and Disabling the Instant Messaging Server Message Archive Provider
This section describes how to enable and disable the Instant Messaging Server
message archive provider.
To enable message archiving:
1. Run the following imconfutil command.
imconfutil -c InstantMessaging_home/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop iim_

2. Enable your custom message archive provider.

imconfutil -c /config/iim.conf.xml set-prop iim_server.msg_

10-8 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Managing Instant Messaging Server Email Archive

3. Restart the server.

imadmin refresh server

To Disable Message Archiving

To disable message archiving, run the following imconfutil command.
imconfutil -c InstantMessaging_home/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop iim_server.msg_

Managing Instant Messaging Server Email Archive

You can use Instant Messaging Server to archive poll, chat, conference, news channel,
and alert content and email that content to end-users and administrators. You can use
any email client to search and manage the archived content. This section describes the
Instant Messaging Server email archive in the following sections:
■ Enabling and Disabling the Instant Messaging Server Message Archive Provider
■ Configuring Email Archive Settings
■ Email Header Format
Instant Messaging Server caches archived records until they are emailed. If you enable
email archiving, the memory requirements for the server increase. For information on
performance tuning see "Improving Instant Messaging Server Performance".

Enabling and Disabling the Instant Messaging Server Email Archive Provider
You enable or disable the email archive provider by modifying a the appropriate
configuration property.

To Enable the Instant Messaging Server Email Archive

Ensure that you have enabled archiving for Instant Messaging Server as described in
"To Enable Instant Messaging Server Archiving".
1. Use the imconfutil command to set the iim_server.msg_archive.provider
For example:
imconfutil -c InstantMessaging_home/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop iim_

The iim_server.msg_archive.provider property contains a comma-separated list of

archive providers.
2. Restart the server.
imadmin refresh

To Disable the Instant Messaging Server Email Archive Provider

1. Use the imconfutil command to remove the iim_server.msg_archive.provider
property. For example:
imconfutil -c InstantMessaging_home/config/iim.conf.xml del-prop iim_

2. Restart the server.

Managing Archiving in Instant Messaging Server 10-9

Managing Instant Messaging Server Email Archive

imadmin refresh

Configuring Email Archive Settings

You can configure which administrators receive email containing archived instant
messages. You can configure a separate list of administrators to receive polls, news,
conference, alerts, or chat sessions. You can also configure Instant Messaging Server to
use the extended RFC 822 header. Doing so enables mail clients to filter messages
based on the header content.

Note: If you run configure after modifying these properties for the
email archive, any values you input are overwritten.

Table 10–1 describes the configuration properties you use to define which
administrators receive email archives, as well as whether to use the extended RFC 822
header, and the content of that header.

Table 10–1 Email Archive Configuration Properties

Property Default Value Description
iim_arch.admin.email Empty String Comma-separated list of
administrator email addresses.
emailiim_ None Comma-separated list of
arch.alert.admin. administrator email addresses to
which all archived alert
messages are sent. This property
overrides iim_arch.admin.email
for alert messages.
iim_ None Comma-separated list of
arch.chat.admin.email administrator email addresses to
which all archived chat messages
are sent. This property overrides
iim_arch.admin.email for chat
iim_ None Comma-separated list of
arch.conference.admin. administrator email addresses to
email which all archived conference
messages are sent. This property
overrides iim_arch.admin.email
for conference messages.
iim_ None Comma-separated list of
arch.poll.admin.email administrator email addresses to
which all archived poll messages
are sent. This property overrides
iim_arch.admin.email for poll
iim_ None Comma-separated list of
arch.news.admin.email administrator email addresses to
which all archived news
messages are sent. This property
overrides iim_arch.admin.email
for news messages.
iim_ None Name of the extended RFC 822
arch.email.archivehead header.

10-10 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Managing Instant Messaging Server Email Archive

Table 10–1 (Cont.) Email Archive Configuration Properties

Property Default Value Description
iim_ all Value corresponding to the
arch.email.archivehead header name for iim_
er.value arch.email.archiveheader.name.

To Configure Administrator Recipients and the RFC 822 Header Format

To configure administrator recipients:
1. Run the imconfutil command to add the properties in Table 10–1 and appropriate
values to the configuration.
2. Restart the server.
imadmin refresh

Email Header Format

The RFC 822 header content for email messages containing various types of archived
Instant Messaging Server content is described in the following sections:
■ RFC 822 Email Archive Header Fields for One to One Chat
■ RFC 822 Email Archive Header Fields for Private Conferences
■ RFC 822 Email Archive Header Fields for Public Conferences
■ RFC 822 Email Archive Header Fields for Poll Questions with Replies
■ RFC 822 Email Archive Header Fields for Poll Replies Only
■ RFC 822 Email Archive Header Fields for Alerts
■ RFC 822 Email Archive Header Fields for New Channel Posts

RFC 822 Email Archive Header Fields for One to One Chat
From: Chat session initiator.
To: Receiver and any administrators configured in iim.conf.xml.
See Table 18-1 for more information.
Subject: First useful message over 50 characters in length.
Date: Creation date of the email message by the archive provider.
Reply-to: Not used.
Message-ID Generated by the email archive provider based on
the message thread.

RFC 822 Email Archive Header Fields for Private Conferences

From: Chat session initiator.
To: Other participants and any administrators configured in iim.conf.xml.
See Table 18-1 for more information.
Cc: Chat session initiator.
Subject: If a subject is set for the conference, the conference
subject is used. If no subject is set, first useful
message over 50 characters in length is used.
Date: Creation date of the email message by the archive provider.
Reply-to: Not used.
X-XMPP-Message-ID Generated by the email archive provider based on the
conference ID.

Managing Archiving in Instant Messaging Server 10-11

Managing Instant Messaging Server Email Archive

RFC 822 Email Archive Header Fields for Public Conferences

From: Room owner in archive data.
To: Associated mailing list, users with explicit access
to the conference room, and any administrators
configured in iim.conf.xml. See Table 18-1 for more
Cc: Not used
Subject: [Conference name] subject.
Date: Creation date of the email message by the archive provider.
Reply-to: Not used.
X-XMPP-Message-ID Generated by the email archive provider based on the
conference ID.

RFC 822 Email Archive Header Fields for Poll Questions with Replies
From: Poll sender.
To: Poll sender and any administrators configured
in iim.conf.xml. See Table 18-1 for more information.
Cc: Not used.
Subject: Poll question.
Date: Creation date of the email message by the archive provider.
Reply-to: Not used.
X-XMPP-Message-ID Generated by the email archive provider.

RFC 822 Email Archive Header Fields for Poll Replies Only
From: Poll sender.
To: Poll recipients and any administrators configured in
iim.conf.xml. See Table 18-1 for more information.
Cc: Poll sender.
Subject: Poll question.

Date: Creation date of the email message by the archive provider.

Reply-to: Not used.
X-XMPP-Message-ID Generated by the email archive provider.

RFC 822 Email Archive Header Fields for Alerts

From: Alert sender.
To: Alert recipient and any administrators configured
in iim.conf.xml. See Table 18-1 for more information.
Cc: Not used.
Subject: Alert subject.
Date: Creation date of the email message by the archive provider.
Reply-to: Not used.
X-XMPP-Message-ID Generated by the email archive provider.

RFC 822 Email Archive Header Fields for New Channel Posts
From: News channel post sender.
To: Mailing list associated with the news channel
and any administrators configured in iim.conf.xml.
See Table 18-1 for more information.
Cc: Not used.
Subject: News channel post subject.
Date: Creation date of the email message by the archive provider.
Reply-to: Not used.
X-XMPP-Message-ID Generated by the email archive provider.

10-12 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Enabling and Disabling the Instant Messaging Server Custom Archive Provider

Enabling and Disabling the Instant Messaging Server Custom Archive

In addition to the email archive, you can choose to use a custom archive provider.

To Enable a Custom Archive Provider

Ensure that you have enabled archiving for Instant Messaging Server as described in
"To Enable Instant Messaging Server Archiving".
1. Use the imconfutil command to add the type of archive provider you want to
For example, for a custom archive provider:
imconfutil -c InstantMessaging_home/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop iim_

The iim_server.msg_archive.provider parameter contains a comma-separated list

of archive providers. The following example enables the email provider.

2. Restart the server.

imadmin refresh

To Disable a Custom Archive Provider

1. Use the imconfutil command to delete only the value for the custom archive
provider from the iim_server.msg_archive.provider property.
For example:
imconfutil -c InstantMessaging_home/config/iim.conf.xml del-prop iim_

2. Restart the server.

imadmin refresh

Managing Archiving in Instant Messaging Server 10-13

Enabling and Disabling the Instant Messaging Server Custom Archive Provider

10-14 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Managing Message Conversion in Instant


This chapter explains how to configure and manage message conversion for Oracle
Communications Instant Messaging Server.

Message Conversion Overview

If enabled, a Message Converter is invoked for every message or each message part
going through the server. The Message Converter may leave the message part intact or
modify or remove the message part. Message Conversion can be used to manipulate
the message packets that pass through the server. Message packets can either be from a
one-to-one chat or from a group-chat conversation.
The topics in this section include:
■ Managing Message Conversion in the Instant Messaging Server
■ Enabling and Disabling the Instant Messaging Message Converter Provider

Managing Message Conversion in the Instant Messaging Server

Message Conversion can be used to manipulate the message packets that pass through
the server. Message packets can either be from a one-to-one chat or from a group-chat
conversation. The abstract class com.sun.im.provider.MessageConverter needs to be
implemented to write a custom provider for Message Conversion.

Implementing the Custom Message Conversion Provider

To implement the conversion provider, you need to extend the MessageCoverter class
and override the corresponding methods.
Following is an example of implementing a custom message conversion provider:
package com.sun.im.provider;
Custom provider for Message Conversion must extend this abstract class.
public abstract class MessageConverter
* Convert a message part.
* This method may make modification to the content, content-
* type and content-name of the provided MessagePart object.
* @param part incoming message part to convert.

Managing Message Conversion in Instant Messaging 11-1

Managing Message Conversion in the Instant Messaging Server

* If the contents of the part once modified are null, the part is
* removed.
* @deprecated instead use com.sun.im.service.Message
* @exception Exception the converter may throw an Exception.
* If so the exception is logged in the server log file and the message
* is not relayed to any recipients.
* The sender receives a negative delivery status.
public void convert(com.sun.im.service.MessagePart part) throws Exception
* Convert a message part.
* This method may make modification to the content, content-
* type and content-name of the provided MessagePart object.
* It needs to be overwritten by actual message converters.
* The default behaviour of this method is to call
* convert(com.sun.im.service.MessagePart)
* so all the extensions to MessageConverter written prior
* to version 7.0 will still work with later versions.
* @param message incoming message to convert. If the contents
* of the message once modified are null, the message is
* removed.
Implementing the Custom Message Conversion Provider
* If so the exception is logged in the server log file and
* the message is not relayed to any recipients.
public void convert(com.sun.im.service.Message message) throws Exception
com.sun.im.service.MessagePart parts[] = message.getParts();

Message Converter Provider Example

Following is an example of a custom message converter provider:
public class MessageConverterSample extends MessageConverter
private FileWriter fstream;
private BufferedWriter out;
static {
try {
fstream = new FileWriter("/tmp/MessageConverter");
out = new BufferedWriter(fstream);
} catch (IOException ex) {
.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
public void convert(com.sun.im.service.Message message) throws Exception
Log.debug( MessageConverter:convert() called );
String convertedMessage = message.getContent() + " \
\nDISCLAIMER : Messages are archived for security reasons";
out.write( Converted message is + message.getContent());

11-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Enabling and Disabling the Instant Messaging Message Converter Provider

Compiling the Custom Message Converter Provider

Compile your custom message converter provider using the following jar file in the
classpath: imservice.jar.
To add the jar file to the classpath, use the imconfutil command to include the jar file
in your classpath. For example:
imconfutil -c InstantMessaging_home/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop iim_

Enabling and Disabling the Instant Messaging Message Converter

This section describes how to enable and disable the Instant Messaging Server
message converter provider.
To enable message conversion and the message converter provider:
1. Enable message conversion.
imconfutil -c InstantMessaging_home/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop iim_

2. Enable your custom message converter provider.

imconfutil -c InstantMessaging_home/iim.conf.xml set-prop iim_

3. Restart the server.

imadmin refresh server

To disable message conversion, use the following command:

imconfutil -c InstantMessaging_home/iim.conf.xml set-prop iim_

Managing Message Conversion in Instant Messaging 11-3

Enabling and Disabling the Instant Messaging Message Converter Provider

11-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Monitoring Instant Messaging Server

This chapter describes how to collect data and monitor Oracle Communications
Instant Messaging Server activity.

Overview of Monitoring the Instant Messaging Server

You can collect data and monitor Instant Messaging Server activity. Examples of the
types of data you can collect are:
■ Total number of users currently online.
■ Average number of message transfers, per second, in a fixed period of time.
■ Amount of memory consumed by the server process (XMPPd).
■ Transaction times for login, roster fetch, and sending an instant message.
■ Number of packets exchanged with each federated domain.
You can use the collected data for purposes such as:
■ Monitoring the health of the server and identifying quality of service issues.
■ Resource utilization and capacity planning.
■ Gathering per-domain usage data for billing purposes.
For more information on the statistics that can be collected, see "Available Metrics".
To monitor the Instant Messaging data collected you can use either of the following:
■ Oracle Enterprise Manager (see "Installing and Configuring the Oracle Enterprise
Manager Plug-in").
■ A JMX client, such as JConsole. For information on the JMX metrics available for
monitoring, see "Available Metrics". For information on accessing the collected
metrics, see the Jconsole documentation at:

Configuring Instant Messaging Server Monitoring

To configure data collection and monitoring, you need to enable server monitoring
and configure JMX-based server monitoring, the JVM, and the JAAS. For more
information on JMX and JAAS settings and configuration files, see the JMX
documentation at:

Monitoring Instant Messaging Server 12-1

Configuring Instant Messaging Server Monitoring


Steps for Configuring Data Collection and Monitoring

All configuration in the following steps is carried out through the imconfutil
1. Log into the server as root.
2. Enable monitoring: set the iim_server.monitor.enabled property to true:
imconfutil set-prop iim_server.monitor.enable=true -c InstantMessaging_

3. Set the user name and password for the server to use in JAAS authentication:
imconfutil set-prop iim_server.admin.user=UserID -c InstantMessaging_
imconfutil set-prop iim_server.admin.password=Password -c InstantMessaging_

You must also assign the user name you enter readwrite permission in the JMX
access-control file.
4. Configure JVM and JAAS properties for monitoring.
The Instant Messaging Server stores all JVM and JAAS properties in a single
configuration parameter that is passed to the server process. Table 12–1 lists the
properties you need to set.

Table 12–1 Property Settings for Configuring JMX and JAAS for Server Monitoring
Property Description
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote Enables remote monitoring.
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote. Sets the JMX remote access port for the client connection.
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote. Allows remote JMX access.
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote. true enables SSL for the JMX connection, false disables it.
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote. Enables JAAS authentication.
-Djava.security.auth.login.config=Instant Specifies the location of the JAAS login configuration file to use for
Messaging_home/config/jaas_login_config_ authentication. For more information, see the JAAS documentation at:
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote. Specifies the name of JAAS login entry in the JAAS login
login.config=JAAS_Login configuration file The name of the entry must match the name you
enter for -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.login.config with the
imconfutil command.
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote. Specifies the absolute path to the JMX access file. You can create a
access.file=InstantMessaging_ jmxaccess file based on the JMX-access template file located at: JDK_
home/config/jmxaccess InstallDir/jre/lib/management/jmxremote.access.
In configuring the jmxaccess file, the name of the user specified in
controlRole must be same as the user name you entered for the
server to use in JAAS authentication.

12-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Installing and Configuring the Oracle Enterprise Manager Plug-in

Table 12–1 (Cont.) Property Settings for Configuring JMX and JAAS for Server Monitoring
Property Description
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl= true enables SSL for the JMX connection, false disables it. If you
true enable SSL, supply the keystore and password as well.
-Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore Specifies the location of the keystore.
-Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword Specifies the location of the keystore password.
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl.n Disables mutual SSL authentication.

You must set all of the properties in a single imconfutil command. The imconfutil
command in the following example sets the JVM and JAAS properties required for
imconfutil set-prop iim_
m/config/jmxaccess -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote
-Djava.security.auth.login.config=/opt/sun/comms/im/config/jaasconfig" -c

5. Add an entry to the JAAS login configuration file that contains the
com.oracle.im.stat.AdminLoginModule implementation of LoginModule. For
information, ese the topic on configuring JAAS login entries at:
The name of the entry must match the name you enter for
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.login.config with the imconfutil command.
6. Set the interval, in seconds, at which you want monitored data to be refreshed. The
default interval is 30 seconds. To configure an alternative interval:
■ Set the iim_server.monitor.refreshtimeout property as in the following
imconfutil set-prop iim_server.monitor.refreshtimeout=60 -c

■ If you are using a JMX client, you can use the refreshNow operation in the
JMX Statistics MBean for an immediate refresh.

Installing and Configuring the Oracle Enterprise Manager Plug-in

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Plug-in for Instant Messaging Server extends the
Enterprise Manager to provide access to Instant Messaging Server monitoring:
■ Usage and performance metrics by server and domain
■ Alerts and notifications based on thresholds that you set on monitored

Monitoring Instant Messaging Server 12-3

Downloading the Enterprise Manager Plug-in

Product Version Requirements

The Enterprise Manager Plug-in for Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server
■ Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 1 ( or higher
■ Oracle Instant Messaging Server 9 Update 1 or higher

Installation Prerequisites
You need to install the following products before you can install the plug-in:
■ Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 1 ( or higher. For more
information, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.
■ Oracle Instant Messaging Server 9 Update 1 or higher

Downloading the Enterprise Manager Plug-in

Download the plug-in from the Enterprise Manager Store as follows:
1. Log into the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control administration console as a
privileged user.
2. From the Setup menu, select Extensibility, then Self Update.
3. Select the Plug-in row and click Open.
4. Scroll down and select the Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server
5. Click Download.
The plug-in becomes deployable once the download completes. See "Deploying the
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Plug-in" for information on deploying the plug-in.

Configuring Instant Messaging Server Targets

You monitor Instant Messaging Server hosts and domains setup as managed targets in
Enterprise Manager. Enterprise Manager also monitors other component non-host
targets installed in your environment. Non-host targets consist of applications and
their components and infrastructure, for example, Oracle Enterprise databases.
An Oracle Management Agent runs on each host with one or more targets. The
Enterprise Manager Management Server communicates with the management agent
performing monitoring of host and non-host targets. You need to install the
management agent on any host you plan on using with Instant Messaging Server. For
more information on managed targets, see the topic on discovering and monitoring
targets in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.

Adding Instant Messaging Server Host Targets and Installing the Management Agent
Add each Instant Messaging Server host you want to monitor to Enterprise Manager
as a managed target and install a management agent manually on each host.
To add an individual host and install a management agent on it:
1. Log in to the Enterprise Manager administration console.
2. Expand the Setup menu, then select Add Target, then Add Targets Manually.
3. Select Add Host Targets.

12-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Deploying the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Plug-in

4. Click Add Host.

5. Click Add in the Add Host Targets: Host and Platform wizard.
6. Enter the new target's host name in Host, then select the correct operating system
platform from the Platform menu.
7. Click Next.
8. Enter an Installation Base Directory on the new target.
9. Enter an Instance Directory on the new target.
10. Select a Named Credential for Management Agent installation on the new target.
See "Setting Up Preferred Credentials" for more information on setting up host
11. Confirm the Privileged Delegation Setting and Port, as well as any Optional
Details needed in your installation.
12. Click Next.
13. Confirm the Host Information and click Deploy Agent.

14. Confirm that the Management Agent is properly installed and the new target is
now visible in the administration console.
For detailed information on installing the Management Agent, see Oracle Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.

Setting Up Preferred Credentials

Enterprise Manager Cloud Control uses preferred credentials for authentication
between the management server and managed agents. You set either default
credentials for particular target types or target-specific credentials that are stored in
the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control repository.
For more information on setting up preferred credentials, see the discussion on
preferred credentials in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.
Access the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Security credential store and configure
preferred credentials using the following procedure:
1. Log in to the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control administration console.
2. Click Setup, then Security, then Preferred Credentials.
3. Click Manage Preferred Credentials.
4. To set default preferred credentials, click Set under Default Preferred Credentials.
To use target preferred credentials, click Set under Target Preferred Credentials.
You can also set up target preferred credentials when adding a new managed host.

Deploying the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Plug-in

You must deploy the plug-in on both the management server host and on all Instant
Messaging Server hosts running a management agent.
■ Deploying the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Plug-in on the Management
■ Deploying the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Plug-in on Host Targets

Monitoring Instant Messaging Server 12-5

Using the Enterprise Manager to Monitor Instant Messaging Server

Deploying the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Plug-in on the Management Server
To deploy the plug-in on the management server:
1. Set up preferred credentials for the target host. See "Setting Up Preferred
Credentials" for more information.
2. From the Setup menu, select Extensibility then select Plug-ins.
3. Select Oracle Instant Messaging Server from the Applications folder.
4. From the Deploy On menu, select Management Servers.
5. In the Deploy Plugin on Management Servers dialog, enter the password for the
Sys user and click Continue.
6. Complete the remaining steps in the dialog box.
7. Click Deploy.
8. Monitor the status to ensure successful deployment.

Deploying the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Plug-in on Host Targets

Deploy the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Plug-in for Oracle Communications
Instant Messaging Server to all host management agents you manage with Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control using the following process:
1. Log in to the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control administration console.
2. Expand the Setup menu, then select Extensibility, then Plug-Ins.
3. Expand Applications.
4. Right-click Oracle Instant Messaging Server.
5. Select Deploy On, then Management Agent.
6. In the Deploy Plug-in on Management Agent screen, confirm the Target Type
and click Continue.
7. Click Add under Select Management Agent in the pop-up window.
8. Select the target(s) on which to deploy the plug-in.
9. Click Select.
10. Click Continue.

11. Confirm there are no errors in the pre-requisite check.

12. Click Next.

13. Click Deploy.

14. Confirm that the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Plug-in for Oracle
Communications Instant Messaging Server deploys successfully.
15. Repeat these steps for all Instant Messaging Server hosts.

For additional information on deploying plug-ins, refer to the topic on Plug-in

Manager in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.

Using the Enterprise Manager to Monitor Instant Messaging Server

Instant Messaging Server metrics consist of JMX-collected data that provides
information on the usage and status of your implementation. See "Available Metrics"

12-6 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Using the Enterprise Manager to Monitor Instant Messaging Server

for a list of the metrics available. The metrics have default thresholds for generating
alerts and sending notifications. To change the thresholds, see "Setting Thresholds on
Monitored Metrics". By default, no corrective actions are initiated when a threshold is
crossed. To configure corrective actions, see "Adding Corrective Actions".

Viewing Metrics
You can monitor metrics from managed target instances of Instant Messaging Server
through the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control administration console:
1. Log in to the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control administration console as a
privileged user.
2. Click Targets, then All Targets.
3. In the list of targets, click the Instant Messaging Server in the Instant Messaging
Server column you wish to monitor.
Instant Messaging Server targets have an Oracle Instant Messaging Server - Core
Server target type. Enterprise Manager Cloud Control displays the target's
overview page.
4. Expand the Oracle Instant Messaging Server - Core Server menu under the
5. Click Monitoring, then All Metrics.
6. In the left-hand tree control, expand the metric category and select the metric you
wish to view.

Enabling and Using the Beacon Service

A beacon is a component within the Management Agent that executes tests at regular
intervals. A service is considered available if the test executes successfully on at least
one key beacon.
To enable the beacon service:
1. Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager.
2. From the Targets menu, select Service and then click create Generic Service.
3. Enter the required information to define the service availability based on the
execution of the service test by the key beacons.
4. Select the Service test and enter the information for the service test, test type as
XMPP, and test parameters.
5. Add the EM Management Beacon for executing the tests.
6. Add the Performance Metric based on Service Test and set threshold values to get
7. Review the information and click Finish.
To use the beacon service:
1. Go the Home page of created service.
2. Select Administration.
3. Select service tests and beacons.

Monitoring Instant Messaging Server 12-7

Using the Enterprise Manager to Monitor Instant Messaging Server

Available Metrics
Table 12–2 lists the available metrics and gives default thresholds for generating alerts
and sending notifications. It also gives the interval at which each metric is refreshed.
The table lists metrics based on their organization in the Oracle Enterprise Manager.

Table 12–2 Available Metrics

Enterprise Manager
Metric JMX Parameter Description
Active Users (in C2SCountPerDomain The number of active Instant Messaging Server users in the
domain) domain.
■ Warning Threshold: Greater than 80000 users
■ Critical Threshold: Greater than 100,000 users
■ Collection Schedule: Every 10 Minutes
Active Users (logged in) C2STypeDistroMap The number of active Instant Messaging Server logins.
Separate values are given for MUX, XMPP, and HTTP, as
■ MUX: The number of clients connected through the
■ XMPPD: The number of clients connected directly to the
server (this is not a recommended configuration).
■ HTTP: The number of clients connected through
The thresholds and collection schedule for this metric are:
■ Warning Threshold: Greater than 80000 users
■ Critical Threshold: Greater than 100,000 users
■ Collection Schedule: Every 10 Minutes
Server Overall Status None The status (up or down) of the Instant Messaging Server and
(up/down) of the Instant Messaging Multiplexor and Watchdog
components, when they are running on the same machine as
the Server:
0: The Instant Messaging Server, Multiplexor, and Watchdog
are up.
1: The Server is down.
2: The Multiplexor is down.
3: The Watchdog is down.
6: There was an error while trying to get the status of the
If a component is not on the same machine as the Instant
Messaging Server, it is not included in the status. For example,
if the Multiplexor is running on a separate machine from the
Instant Messaging Server, the status can not be 0 or 2. The
thresholds and collection schedule for this metric are:
■ Warning Threshold: NA
■ Critical Threshold: Down
■ Collection Schedule: Every 5 Minutes

12-8 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Using the Enterprise Manager to Monitor Instant Messaging Server

Table 12–2 (Cont.) Available Metrics

Enterprise Manager
Metric JMX Parameter Description
Number of Messages MessageXferPerS2S The number of messages sent to the Instant Messaging Server
Sent to Federated Domain federated domain.
Domain (S2S)
■ Warning Threshold: NA
■ Critical Threshold: NA
■ Collection Schedule: Every 10 Minutes
Active Users (server) ActiveC2SCount The number of active Instant Messaging Server users.
■ Warning Threshold: Greater than 80000 users
■ Critical Threshold: Greater than 100,000 users
■ Collection Schedule: Every 10 Minutes
Authenticated Users AuthenticatedUsers The total number of authentications passed since the server
(server) Count started.
■ Warning Threshold: Greater than NA
■ Critical Threshold: Greater than NA
■ Collection Schedule: Every 10 Minutes
Average Number of UsersPerMuc The average number of users per chat room.
Users per Chat Room
■ Warning Threshold: Greater than 50 users
■ Critical Threshold: Greater than 70 users
■ Collection Schedule: Every 10 Minutes
Average User Life AverageC2SLifeInSec Average life of an authenticated client session.
■ Warning Threshold: NA
■ Critical Threshold: NA
■ Collection Schedule: Every 10 Minutes
CPU Usage ProcessCPUUsage The CPU percentage consumed by the Instant Messaging
Server server process.
■ Warning Threshold: Greater than 70%
■ Critical Threshold: Greater than 90%
■ Collection Schedule: Every 10 Minutes
Client Login Rate C2SLoginRate The average number of client logins per second during the last
data refresh interval.
■ Warning Threshold: Greater than 10 logins per second
■ Critical Threshold: Greater than 15 logins per second
■ Collection Schedule: Every 10 Minutes
Free Disk Space in FreeDiskSpace The amount of free disk space in megabytes in the instance
Disk Partition of the partition.
Instance Directory
■ Warning Threshold: Less than 2048 MB
■ Critical Threshold: Less than 1024 MB
■ Collection Schedule: Every 10 Minutes
Memory Usage ProcessMemoryUsage The memory consumed in megabytes by the Instant
Messaging Server server process.
■ Warning Threshold: Greater than 10240 MB
■ Critical Threshold: Greater than 14336 MB
■ Collection Schedule: Every 10 Minutes

Monitoring Instant Messaging Server 12-9

Customizing Monitoring

Table 12–2 (Cont.) Available Metrics

Enterprise Manager
Metric JMX Parameter Description
Message Transfer Rate MessageXferPerSec The message transfer rate, as measured by the average number
of messages per second during the last data refresh interval.
■ Warning Threshold: Greater than 300 messages
■ Critical Threshold: Greater than 500 messages
■ Collection Schedule: Every 10 Minutes
Number of Active Chat NumOfActiveMUC The number of active chat rooms.
■ Warning Threshold: Greater than 1000 rooms
■ Critical Threshold: Greater than 1200 rooms
■ Collection Schedule: Every 10 Minutes
Number of File FileXferCount The number of file transfers.
■ Warning Threshold: NA
■ Critical Threshold: NA
■ Collection Schedule: Every 10 Minutes
Transaction Times None The transaction times.
■ Login
■ Roster fetch
■ Messages between two users

Customizing Monitoring
You can customize the following aspects of monitoring:
■ The thresholds for sending alerts and notifications (see "Setting Thresholds on
Monitored Metrics")
■ The notifications sent when a threshold is crossed (see "Setting Notification
■ The corrective actions taken when a threshold is crossed (see "Adding Corrective

Setting Thresholds on Monitored Metrics

To set thresholds for Instant Messaging Server data collection and metrics:
1. From the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control administration console, select a
managed Instant Messaging Server target.
2. On the target's overview page, click the target name and from the Monitoring
menu, select Metric and Collections Settings.
3. On the Metric and Collections Settings page, configure the monitoring thresholds
as required for your environment by clicking the Edit icon adjacent to the metric in
the Metrics table.
4. Click OK to save your changes.

Setting Notification Options

You can configure notification behavior by selecting Setup from the Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control administration console and then choosing from the options

12-10 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Customizing Monitoring

available in the Notifications sub menu. For detailed information on configuring

notifications, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.

Adding Corrective Actions

You can add automatically executed corrective actions for when warning and critical
thresholds are triggered. For information on corrective actions, see Oracle Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.

Monitoring Instant Messaging Server 12-11

Customizing Monitoring

12-12 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Troubleshooting Instant Messaging Server

This chapter describes common problems that might occur during installation and
deployment of Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server. It also provides an
overview of the watchdog process.

Troubleshooting and Monitoring Instant Messaging Server Overview

The log information generated by the various system components on their operation
can be extremely useful when trying to isolate or troubleshoot a problem. In addition,
you can use the monitoring framework agent to monitor the general health of Instant
Messaging Server processes to help prevent problems before they occur, assess usage
levels to help you scale your deployment, and to prevent downtime.
For details and more information on managing server, multiplexor, watchdog,
Calendar agent, and client logging, and for default log file locations, see "Managing
Logging for Instant Messaging Server".

Problems and Solutions

This section provides troubleshooting information on the following problems:
■ Cannot Forward Mail to Offline Users
■ Calendar Pop-up Reminders Do Not Work
■ Connection Refused or Timed Out
■ Authentication Errors
■ Instant Messaging Server Content is not Archived
■ Server-to-Server Communication Fails to Start

Cannot Forward Mail to Offline Users

By default, Instant Messaging Server uses the mail attribute to determine the email
address to which it forwards instant messages when a recipient is offline. If your
directory does not use the mail attribute for email addresses, you need to configure
Instant Messaging Server to use the same attribute as your directory.

To Configure the Attribute Used for User Email Addresses

■ Use the imconfutil command to change the value of the iim_ldap.usermailattr
property to the attribute your directory uses to contain email addresses in user

Troubleshooting Instant Messaging Server 13-1

Problems and Solutions

Calendar Pop-up Reminders Do Not Work

If Calendar pop-ups are not being delivered as expected, you can troubleshoot the
configuration as described in this section. For instructions on setting up Calendar
pop-ups, see "Using Calendar Pop-up Reminders".
The most common error in Calendar pop-up configuration is incorrectly entered
property names in the configuration files. This includes typos and misspelled property
names. Ensure that you have correctly entered all of the configuration properties and
values in the iim.conf.xml and ics.conf files. If you have already configured pop-ups,
use "JMQ Properties" to compare your entries with the required properties.
If your Instant Messaging Server and Calendar Server configuration files are correct,
but pop-ups are still not arriving as expected, ensure the Calendar client and Instant
Messenger are configured correctly.
If you received the email alert, but not the Calendar pop-up, and you are sure that you
have configured both servers and clients correctly, check the xmppd.log for further
information. You might need to set this log to a more verbose setting, for example
DEBUG. For instructions on changing the log level, see "Managing Logging for Instant
Messaging Server".

Connection Refused or Timed Out

The following are the possible causes for this problem:
■ Either the Instant Messaging server or the multiplexor is not running.
■ Incorrect multiplexor host or port names used in the Applet descriptor file .jnlp or
■ Different SSL settings used between instant messaging client and the multiplexor.
■ Client and server version mismatch.
Where to get diagnostic information:
■ Instant Messaging server and multiplexor log files

Authentication Errors
The following are the possible causes for this problem:
■ Problems while accessing the LDAP server, such as the LDAP server is not
running, or a provisioning error, such as a schema violation, has occurred
■ End user not found
■ Invalid credentials
Where to get diagnostic information:
■ Instant Messaging server, Identity authentication, and LDAP log files.

Instant Messaging Server Content is not Archived

The following are the possible causes for this problem:
■ Content is actually archived but the end user has insufficient rights to access it.
■ The content has not yet been committed to the database.
■ The archive provider has been disabled in the Instant Messaging server.
You can get diagnostic information from the Instant Messaging server log files.

13-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Troubleshooting Instant Messaging Server and LDAP

Server-to-Server Communication Fails to Start

The following are the possible causes for this problem:
■ Incorrect server identification
■ Mismatch in the SSL settings
You can get diagnostic information from the Instant Messaging server log file for both

Troubleshooting Instant Messaging Server and LDAP

The following LDAP issues might arise in a given deployment. Change the LDAP
parameters in the iim.conf.xml file accordingly.

Using a Directory That Does not Permit Anonymous Bind

By default, Instant Messaging Server performs an anonymous search of the LDAP
directory. However, it is common for sites to prevent anonymous searches in their
directory so that any random person cannot do a search and retrieve all the
information. If your site's directory is configured to prevent such anonymous searches,
and you didn't provide bind credentials during post-installation configuration, you
need to configure Instant Messaging Server needs with a user ID and password it can
use to bind and perform searches.
Use the iim_ldap.usergroupbinddn and iim_ldap.usergroupbindcred properties to
configure the necessary credentials.

To Configure Bind Credentials for Instant Messaging Server

■ Use the imconfutil command to set the iim_ldap.usergroupbinddn and iim_
ldap.usergroupbindcred properties. For example:
imconfutil set-prop -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml iim_
ldap.usergroupbinddn="cn=Directory Manager" iim_ldap.usergroupbindcred=password

To Change the Attribute Used to Display Contact Names

■ Use the imconfutil command to set the iim_ldap.userdisplay and iim_
ldap.groupdisplay properties. For example:
imconfutil set-prop -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml iim_
ldap.userdisplay=sn iim_ldap.groupdisplay=sn

Searching the Directory by Using Wildcards

If your directory is indexed to allow the use of wildcards, and you want to be able to
use wildcards while searching for contact names, you need to configure Instant
Messaging Server to enable wildcard searches. However, enabling wildcard searches
can impact performance unless User IDs are indexed for substring search.
■ Use the imconfutil command to set the iim_ldap.usergroupbynamesearchfilter
attribute. This parameter specifies the LDAP search string used when searching
for users or groups. Provide the attribute value in standard LDAP filter syntax.
You can modify it to allow more complex searches. See your Directory Server
documentation for more information on modifying search strings.

Troubleshooting Instant Messaging Server 13-3

Troubleshooting Instant Messaging Server and LDAP

Using Nonstandard Objectclasses for Users and Groups

If your directory uses nonstandard object classes to define users and groups you need
to change the appropriate iim_ldap.* properties, replacing inetorgperson and
groupofuniquenames with your values.
See Table 27–2, " LDAP, User Registration, and Source Configuration Properties" for a
list of LDAP properties.

To Change the Objectclasses Used to Specify Users and Groups

■ Use the imconfutil command to change the iim_ldap.* properties.
– Search for and replace inetorgperson with the object class used to define users
in your directory.
– Search for and replace groupofuniquenames with the object class used to
define groups in your directory.

Using an Attribute Other than uid for User Authentication

If your directory does not use the uid attribute for user authentication, you need to
configure Instant Messaging Server with the attribute used by your directory. By
default, Instant Messaging Server uses uid. You also need to change each filter
parameter that contains uid in its value.
Use the iim_ldap.loginfilter property to specify which attribute to use for user

To Change the Attribute Used for User Authentication

Use the imconfutil command to set the uid with the attribute you want to use for user
authentication in the iim_ldap.loginfilter and iim_ldap.usergroupbyidsearchfilter

Using an Attribute Other than uid for User IDs

If your directory does not use the uid attribute for user IDs, you need to configure
Instant Messaging Server with the attribute used by your directory. By default, Instant
Messaging Server uses uid. In addition, you should index the attribute in the directory
to help offset any performance degradation caused by searching on unindexed
Use the iim_ldap.useruidattr property to specify which attribute to use for user IDs.

To Change the Attribute Used for User IDs

1. Use the imconfutil command to set the attribute you want to use for user IDs as
the value for the iim_ldap.useruidattr property. For example, to use the
loginname attribute:
imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml iim_

2. Add the index directive to the indexing rules in LDAP:

index loginname eq

13-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Managing the Watchdog Process

Troubleshooting Connectivity Issues in a Multi-Node Deployment (Server

If you are receiving errors where presence status is not being shared between servers
in a server pool:
■ Ensure that the nodes are configured correctly to enable server-to-server
communication. See "Scaling Instant Messaging Server By Using Server Pooling"
for more information.
■ Check for server-to-server session establishment errors in the log file.

Managing the Watchdog Process

The watchdog process monitors the server and multiplexor components and attempts
to restart a component if it determines that the component is not running.
For the server, the watchdog determines whether the server is running by periodically
attempting to make a connection, either directly to the server or through the
multiplexor, based on the current configuration of the server. The watchdog tries to
poll the server's operational status and if it cannot determine the status, it then tries to
make a connection to the server. If both operations fail, the watchdog stops and then
restarts the server.
Before you use the watchdog, verify that it is enabled and running using the imadmin
status command. By default, the watchdog is enabled and running when you install
Instant Messaging Server.
More information about the imadmin command is available in "imadmin Command

Determining the Status of the Watchdog

You use the imadmin command to check the status of the watchdog.

To Determine the Status of the Watchdog

1. Change to the directory that contains the imadmin command.
cd InstantMessaging_home/sbin

2. Run imadmin status:

imadmin status watchdog

The imadmin command returns the current status of the watchdog.

Enabling and Disabling the Watchdog

By default, the watchdog is enabled when you install Instant Messaging Server. You
can disable or enable the watchdog by setting a configuration property in the
iim.conf.xml file.

To Enable or Disable the Watchdog

1. Use the imconfutil command to either enable or disable the watchdog by setting
the iim_wd.enable property as follows:
To enable the watchdog:

Troubleshooting Instant Messaging Server 13-5

Managing the Watchdog Process


To disable the watchdog:


2. Refresh the Instant Messaging Server configuration:

cd InstantMessaging_home/sbin
imadmin refresh

Managing Logging for the Watchdog

You manage logging for the watchdog the same way you manage logging for the
server, multiplexor, and the Calendar agent. The watchdog log file is saved as
For more information on setting logging levels for all Instant Messaging Server
components including the watchdog, see "Managing Logging for Instant Messaging

13-6 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Managing Logging for Instant Messaging


This chapter provides information about Oracle Communications Instant Messaging

Server logging. Instant Messaging Server implements log4j and includes logging for
the server, the calendar agent, the watchdog, the multiplexor, the gateway connector,
the XMPP/HTTP gateway (see "Configuring the HTTPBIND Gateway"), and other
features. For information about log4j, see:

Instant Messaging Server Log File Location

You specify the location of the log files when you run the configure utility after
installing Instant Messaging Server. Typically, log files are stored in the
InstantMessaging_runtime/log directory. See "Configuration File and Directory
Structure Overview" for information on the location of InstantMessaging_runtime.
If you are using log4j for log file generation in your deployment, the logger will also
use the directory you specify during configuration as the base directory in which to
store log4j logs.

Instant Messaging Server Component Logging Levels

The level or priority of maintaining the error log defines how detailed, or verbose, the
log should be. A higher priority level implies less details as only events of high
priority (high severity) are recorded in the log file. In contrast a lower priority level
implies greater details as more events are recorded in the log file.
You can set the logging level separately for each component.
Table 14–1 describes the logging levels for the components. These logging levels are a
subset of the levels defined by the UNIX syslog facility.

Table 14–1 Logging Levels for Instant Messaging Server Components

Level Description
FATAL This priority level records minimum logging details in
the log file. A log record is added to the log file
whenever a severe problem or critical condition occurs.
If a FATAL problem occurs, the application might stop

Managing Logging for Instant Messaging Server 14-1

Managing Instant Messaging Server Logging by Using log4j

Table 14–1 (Cont.) Logging Levels for Instant Messaging Server Components
Level Description
ERROR A log record is added to the log file whenever a
recoverable software error condition occurs or a
network failure is detected. For example, when the
server fails to connect to a client or to another server.
WARNING A log record is added to the log file whenever a user
error is detected. For example, when the server cannot
understand the communication sent by the client.
INFO A log record is added to the log file whenever a
significant action takes place. For example, when an
end user successfully logs in or logs out.
DEBUG The tasks are recorded in the log file. This information
is useful for debugging purposes only. Each event with
individual steps, within each process or task, is written
in the log file. The information recorded helps the end
user identify the problems while debugging the

When you select a particular logging level, events corresponding to that level and to
all higher and less verbose levels are logged.
INFO is the default level for the server. ERROR is the default level for the multiplexor,
Calendar agent, and watchdog log files.

Managing Instant Messaging Server Logging by Using log4j

When you install Instant Messaging Server, a template file (log4j.conf.template) for
the log4j configuration file is installed into the InstantMessaging_home/lib directory.
When you run the configure utility after installation, the template is used to create the
log4j configuration file (log4j.conf) in the InstantMessaging_cfg directory. This
configuration file is used to determine where to store log files generated by log4j, the
logging level to use for various components, the output syntax, and to determine what
log files to generate.
This section describes using the log4j logger to generate log files for Instant Messaging
Server in the following sections:
■ Instant Messaging Server Log4j Configuration File (log4j.conf) Location
■ Instant Messaging Server Log4j Log File Syntax
■ Log4j Log Levels for Instant Messaging Server Components
■ To Specify the Location of the Log4j Configuration File (Log4j.conf)
■ To Enable or Disable Log4j Logging for an Instant Messaging Server Component
■ To Set Log4j Log Levels for Instant Messaging Server
■ To Specify the Maximum Log4j Log File Size for IM Server Components
The logging levels described in "Instant Messaging Server Component Logging
Levels" are used by the log4j logger.
For more information about log4j, and instructions on configuring aspects of log files,
such as size, number of backups, and so on, see Apache Logging Services at:

14-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Managing Instant Messaging Server Logging by Using log4j

Instant Messaging Server Log4j Configuration File (log4j.conf) Location

You can change the location of the log4j configuration file, log4j.conf, by using the
imconfutil command to modify the iim.log4j.config configuration property. If you do
not specify a value for this parameter, the logger looks in the InstantMessaging_cfg
directory. If the logger does not find the log4j configuration file in that directory, it uses
the logging configuration properties to generate non-log4j style logs.
See "Configuration File and Directory Structure Overview" for information on locating

Instant Messaging Server Log4j Log File Syntax

The configure utility generates the log4j configuration file (log4j.conf) based on the
content of the log4j configuration file template (log4j.conf.template). In the template:
■ ${logdir} corresponds to the directory in which you want to store log files, as
specified during configuration. See "Instant Messaging Server Log File Location".
■ Appenders are identified by IDs of the form Ax, where x is an integer, for example,
■ There are separate sections for configuring logging for different types of data. Each
section starts with an initial property of the form log4j.logger.identifier, for
example: log4j.logger.agent-calendar. The following identifiers for types of
logging are available:
■ xmppd - Generates xmppd.log, which contains logging information for the
■ iim_wd - Generates wd.log, which contains information for the watchdog.
■ xmppd.xfer - Generates xfer.log, which is only for XMPP traffic.
■ agent-calendar - Generates logging information for the Calendar agent.
■ net.outer_planes.jso.BasicStream - Generates jso.log, which contains
information for Jabber stream objects. For more information, see:
■ http://jso.jabberstudio.org
■ muxd - Generates muxd.log, which contains logging information for the
■ smppbind - Generates smppbind.log,which contains logging information for
the SMS Gateway.
■ router - Generates relay.log,which contains logging information for shoal
■ gwcd - Generates gwcd.log, which contains logging information for the
Gateway Connector.

Log4j Log Levels for Instant Messaging Server Components

The log4j logger uses the same logging levels described for configuration
property-based logging mechanism in "Instant Messaging Server Component Logging

To Specify the Location of the Log4j Configuration File (Log4j.conf)

1. Use the imconfutil command to set the iim.log4j.config configuration property to
the path in which you want the logger to look for log4j.conf.

Managing Logging for Instant Messaging Server 14-3

Managing Instant Messaging Server Logging by Using log4j

For example:
Solaris OS:
imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop

Red Hat Linux and Oracle Linux:

imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop

2. Refresh the server.

imadmin refresh

To Enable or Disable Log4j Logging for an Instant Messaging Server Component

By default, log4j logging is used for all components for which logging information is
1. To disable log4j logging, set the logging level for the component to OFF in both
log4j.conf and log4j.conf.template.
See "To Set Log4j Log Levels for Instant Messaging Server" for more information.
2. To enable log4j logging, set the logging level for the component to any logging
level other than OFF in both the log4j.conf and log4j.conf.template files.

To Set Log4j Log Levels for Instant Messaging Server

You can set log levels by modifying either the template or the log configuration file.
However, if you only modify the configuration file, any changes you make are
overwritten the next time you run configure. To prevent this, you should make your
changes to both the configuration file and the template.
1. Open log4j.conf.template.
By default, this file is stored in the InstantMessaging_home/lib directory.
2. For each component, specify the logging level you want to use.
For example, to set the log level for the server:

where log-level is one of FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, or DEBUG.

See " Logging Levels for Instant Messaging Server Components" for detailed
information on each of these logging levels.
3. Save and close the log4j.conf.template file.
4. Repeat the procedure for the configuration file log4j.conf.

To Specify the Maximum Log4j Log File Size for IM Server Components
You can set log levels by modifying either the template or the log configuration file.
However, if you only modify the configuration file, any changes you make will be
overwritten the next time you run configure. To prevent this, you should make your
changes to both the configuration file and the template.
1. Open the log4j.conf.template file.
By default, this file is stored in the InstantMessaging_home/lib directory.

14-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Managing Instant Messaging Server Logging by Using log4j

2. For each component, specify the maximum size for the component's log file.
For example, to set the size for the server log file:

where A1 is the default appender ID for the server, max-logfile-size is in MB, for
example 5MB.
3. Repeat the procedure for the configuration file log4j.conf.

Managing Logging for Instant Messaging Server 14-5

Managing Instant Messaging Server Logging by Using log4j

14-6 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Part II
Part II Configuring Gateways, Protocols, and

Part II contains the following chapters:

■ Configuring Hosted Domain Support
■ Federating Instant Messaging Server with External Servers
■ Configuring the Facebook Gateway
■ Configuring the HTTPBIND Gateway
■ Configuring the SIP Gateway
■ Configuring the SMS Gateway
■ Using Calendar Pop-up Reminders
■ Configuring the Instant Messaging Server Calendar Agent
■ Displaying Availability Based on Calendar Entries
■ Using the Web Presence API
■ Configuring the Instant Messaging Server Web Presence API
Configuring Hosted Domain Support

This chapter describes how to configure hosted domains for Oracle Communications
Instant Messaging Server.

Instant Messaging Server Hosted Domains Overview

Instant Messaging Server provides support for hosted domains. In a hosted domain
installation, each domain shares the same instance of Instant Messaging Server that
enables multiple domains to exist on a single server. Each hosted domain has a name
space that can contain unique users, groups, resources, preferences, and attributes.

Setting Up Schema 1 and Schema 2 for Instant Messaging Server Hosted

Instant Messaging Server supports two schema versions: Schema 1 and Schema 2.
This section describes the steps to set up the schema for hosted domains.

Schema 1 Structure
The directory structure of Schema 1 includes two trees for domain management: the
organization tree and the domain component (DC) tree. For example, for domain
xyz.abc.com, the tree structure is as follows:
A, dc tree: o=internet // dc tree root suffix
dc=xyz // domain node

The domain should contain the following attributes:

■ objectclass=inetDomain
■ inetDomainBaseDn=o=xyz.abc.com
■ dc=xyz,dc=abc, dc=com
inetDomainBaseDn is a mandatory attribute for the inetDomain object class. You
should also specify the status of the inetDomainStatus attribute as active.
o=xyz.abc.com, dc=xyz,dc=abc,dc=com is the domain name of organization in the
organization tree that contains the users for the domain xyz.abc.com.

To Configure Instant Messaging Server for Schema 1

■ Run the imconfutil command to set the necessary parameters.

Configuring Hosted Domain Support 15-1

Instant Messaging Server Cross Domain Searches

imconfutil set-prop -c path iim_ldap.useidentityadmin=false iim_server.usesso=0

iim.policy.modules=iim_ldap_schema1 iim.userprops.store=ldap iim_

path is the full directory path to and including iim.conf.xml, for example,
xml.iim_ldap.schema1.domain_config_root is the DC tree root suffix, for
example, o=internet.

Schema 2 Structure
Schema 2 has only the DC as the config root. Schema 2 has the following tree
B, Organization tree: dc=xyz,dc=abc,dc=com // Base dn for users/groups
ou=people // Users are under this node

To Configure Instant Messaging Server for Schema 2

■ Run the imconfutil command to set the necessary parameters.
imconfutil set-prop -c path iim_ldap.useidentityadmin=false iim_server.usesso=0
iim.policy.modules=iim_ldap_schema2 iim.userprops.store=ldap iim_

path is the full directory path to and including iim.conf.xml, for example,
iim_ldap.schema2.domain_config_root is the DC tree root suffix, for example,
If the default value of the iim.policy.modules parameter is iim_ldap, the users
under the non-default domain cannot be searched. Users cannot log in to Instant
Messaging Server. Instant Messaging Server, in this case, does not go through the
DC tree to find the value of the inetDomainBaseDn attribute. The server uses the
value of the iim_ldap.searchbase attribute to search users who exist in the default
domain. You can specify the default domain by using the iim_server.domainname
iim_ldap.schema2.domain_filter specifies the object class of the domain node.
The default value is inetDomain.

Note: Instant Messaging Server does not provide a tool to create

these topologies.

Instant Messaging Server Cross Domain Searches

Cross domain search functionality enables users in one domain to search for users and
groups in other domains. The search is enabled for contacts and conferences.

To Enable Instant Messaging Server Cross Domain Searches

1. Run the imconfutil command to set the necessary parameters.

15-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Instant Messaging Server Cross Domain Searches

imconfutil set-prop -c path iim_server.discofilter.principal.any=true iim_

server.discofilter.conference.any=true iim_server.discofilter.domains.any=true

path is the full directory path to and including iim.conf.xml, for example,
2. Add the following parameter, which loads the specified domains into the server
memory upon server startup.
imconfutil set-prop -c path iim_server.default_domains=value

iim_server.default_domains is the domain, or comma-separated list of domains,
on the server.

Configuring Hosted Domain Support 15-3

Instant Messaging Server Cross Domain Searches

15-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Federating Instant Messaging Server with

External Servers

This chapter describes how to federate Oracle Communications Instant Messaging

Server deployments to enable communications between users on different servers.

Federating Multiple Instant Messaging Servers Overview

Instant Messaging Server supports inter-domain communication through federation.
You can enable federation between two XMPP servers serving two different domains
or between an XMPP server and a SIP/SIMPLE (Session Initiation Protocol for Instant
Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions/Session Initiation Protocol) server
serving two different domains through the SIP Gateway. This solution enables users
on XMPP or SIP/SIMPLE networks to be able to communicate with each other.
When federating between multiple Instant Messaging servers, end users from different
servers can communicate with each other, and use conference rooms on other
domains, based on their access privileges.
In an LDAP-only deployment, the two servers should reside in different domains. For
enabling communication between multiple Instant Messaging servers in your
network, you need to perform the configuration described in this chapter.
When federating between Instant Messaging Server and a server on a SIP/SIMPLE
network, end users from different servers should be able to subscribe to each other's
presence, send one-to-one chat messages, and enforce the privacy preferences. For
enabling communication between Instant Messaging servers and SIP/SIMPLE servers,
see "Configuring the SIP Gateway".
If both XMPP and SIP open federation are enabled, and a domain has both XMPP and
SIP servers, XMPP federation is the preferred option.

Securing Server-to-Server Communication

Secure your server-to-server communication by using transport-layer security (TLS).
This is required to prevent-third party infringement of security when data is
exchanged between two servers. This precaution is extremely desirable in the case
where the link between the two servers uses the public Internet. See Instant Messaging
Server Security Guide for information on how to configure TLS.

Federating Instant Messaging Server with External Servers 16-1

Configuring Federated Communication Between Instant Messaging Servers

Note: You can use the server-to-server federation only if the servers
are using the same protocol. Instant Messaging Server uses the XMPP
protocol. Thus, you can federate a server-to-server communication
with GTalk or Openfire servers. In addition, Instant Messaging Server
9 provides support for a user on an XMPP network to communicate
with a user on a SIP/SIMPLE network through the SIP gateway.

Configuring Federated Communication Between Instant Messaging

This section describes how to enable federated communication, either between two
XMPP servers or between XMPP servers and SIP/SIMPLE servers. Both federated
XMPP and SIP deployments require that you set the iim_server.federation.policy to
OPEN. For more information on SIP, see "SIP Gateway Overview". When you enable
federation between XMPP and SIP/SIMPLE servers, additional steps are required, as
described in "Configuring the SIP Gateway".
Table 16–1 lists the federation configuration properties.

Table 16–1 Federation Configuration Properties

Property Value Description
iim_server.federation.policy CLOSED Specifies whether the server is allowed to
federate with all other XMPP or SIP/SIMPLE
servers, where OPEN indicates that it is allowed
and CLOSED indicates that it is not allowed.
iim_ None Specifies a blacklist of domains where federation
server.federation.exceptions for XMPP or SIP/SIMPLE servers is denied.
When iim_server.federation.policy=CLOSED
and this parameter is set, the result is
whitelisted domains where federation for XMPP
or SIP/SIMPLE servers is allowed.

Federation Examples
You use the imconfutil command to set the federation configuration properties.
■ To enable federation, set iim_server.federation.policy=OPEN.
When this property is set, any domain is able to federate with this Instant
Messaging Server host.
■ To disable federation, set iim_server.federation.policy=CLOSED.
When this property is set, no domain is be able to federate with this Instant
Messaging Server host.
■ To achieve open federation, but with a few domains blacklisted, set iim_
server.federation.policy=OPEN and iim_
In this example, federation is allowed for any domain except domain1.com and
■ To achieve federation with only a small whitelist of domains, set iim_
server.federation.policy=CLOSED and iim_

16-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Configuring Federated Communication Between Instant Messaging Servers

In this example, federation is allowed only for the domain1.com and domain2.com
examples, and no other domains.

Note: The domains in the exception list can be XMPP domains or SIP
domains. For more information on SIP, see "Configuring the SIP

To have the configuration change take effect, restart Instant Messaging Server:
imadmin refresh server

Configuring DNS for XMPP Federation

In a federated deployment, the XMPP server must publish _xmpp-server DNS SRV
records for supported XMPP domains in the DNS server.
Table 16–2 lists the DNS SRV records required for instant messaging and conference

Table 16–2 DNS SRV Records for XMPP Server

service._proto.name TTL Class Type Priority Weight Port Target
xmpp-server._tcp.example.com 86400 IN SRV 5 0 5269 xmpp.example.com
_xmpp-server._ 86400 IN SRV 5 0 5269 xmpp.example.com

The TTL (time-to-live) value informs the other server how long to cache the DNS entry.
“muc” is a configurable service name for the conference service. xmpp.example.com is
either the fully qualified domain name or IP address of the XMPP server.
To verify that the SRV record is added correctly in DNS entries, run the following
nslookup command:
nslookup -type=srv _xmpp-server._tcp.example.com

If you are using SIP/SIMPLE Federation Gateway Services, then the SIP Gateway
must publish _xmpp-server DNS SRV records for the SIP federated domains.
Table 16–3 lists the DNS SRV record required for the SIP Gateway.

Table 16–3 DNS SRV Record for SIP Gateway

service._proto.name TTL Class Type Priority Weight Port Target
xmpp-server._tcp.example.com 86400 IN SRV 5 0 5269 sfs.example.com

sfs.example.com is either the fully qualified domain name or the IP address of the
Oracle Communications Converged Application Server.

Note: The Instant Messaging Server SIP Gateway supports XMPP

federation with single XMPP and SIP domains.

Configuring DNS for SIP Federation

If you are using SIP/SIMPLE Federation Gateway Services, then the SIP Gateway
must discover SIP domains for Instant Messaging and presence federation.

Federating Instant Messaging Server with External Servers 16-3

Configuring Federated Communication Between Instant Messaging Servers

Table 16–4 lists the DNS SRV records required for Oracle Communications Converged
Application Server to discover the SIP/SIMPLE server.

Table 16–4 DNS SRV Records for SIP/SIMPLE Server

service._proto.name TTL Class Type Priority Weight Port Target
_ sip._udp.example.com 86400 IN SRV 5 0 5060 sip.example.com
_ sips._udp.example.com 86400 IN SRV 5 0 5061 sip.example.com
_ sips._tcp.example.com 86400 IN SRV 5 0 5060 sip.example.com
_ sips._tcps.example.com 86400 IN SRV 5 0 5061 sip.example.com

sip.example.com is either the fully qualified domain name or the IP address of the
SIP/SIMPLE server.
To verify that the SRV record is added correctly in DNS entries, run the following
nslookup command:
nslookup -type=srv _sip._udp.example.com

16-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Configuring the Facebook Gateway

Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server provides a Facebook Gateway that

enables chat between Instant Messaging Server users and their Facebook contacts. This
chapter describes how to configure the Facebook Gateway. It contains the following
main sections:
■ Configuring the Instant Messaging Server Facebook Gateway and Gateway
■ Deployment Planning

Note: Currently, Convergence is the only client that can access the
Facebook Gateway.

Configuring the Instant Messaging Server Facebook Gateway and

Gateway Connector
You can configure the Facebook Gateway and the GWC during initial Instant
Messaging Server configuration when running the configure utility or you can use the
imconfutil command to configure the Gateway and GWC after initial configuration.
This section provides instructions for configuring the Facebook Gateway and Gateway
Connector on a single host. For information on administering the Gateway, see
"Administering Instant Messaging Server Components".
For information on commands for such operations as starting, stopping, and
displaying the status of the Gateway Connector, see "imadmin Command Reference".
The topics covered in this section are:
■ Using the configure Utility for the Facebook Gateway and Gateway Connector
■ Manually Configuring the Facebook Gateway and Gateway Connector
■ Facebook Gateway Properties
■ Gateway Connector Properties

Using the configure Utility for the Facebook Gateway and Gateway Connector
To use the configure utility to configure the Facebook Gateway and Gateway
Connector during initial configuration:
1. Start the configure utility, for example:
/opt/sun/comms/im/sbin/configure --nodisplay

Configuring the Facebook Gateway 17-1

Configuring the Instant Messaging Server Facebook Gateway and Gateway Connector

2. Configure the Gateway Connector (GWC) by entering input in response to the

utility's Network Access Points panel. The following shows sample input for the
server keystore and password files.
Network Access Points
Do you want to go back to previous panel [no]:
Domain Name [your domain name]:
XMPP Port [5222]:
Multiplexed XMPP Port [45222]:
Gateway Connector Port [55222]:
XMPP Server Port [5269]:
Disable Server [no]:
Enable SSL [yes]:
Server keystore file: /key.jks
Server password file: /sslpassword.conf

3. Configure the Facebook Gateway by entering input in response to the Facebook

Gateway Configuration panel. For Facebook API Key and Facebook API Secret,
enter the API key and Secret obtained when you registered the Facebook
application on the Facebook website.
Facebook Gateway Configuration
Do you want to go back to previous panel [no]:
Enable Facebook Gateway [no]:
Facebook API Key:
Facebook API Secret:
Gateway Connectors [your domain name:55222]:

Manually Configuring the Facebook Gateway and Gateway Connector

You can manually configure Facebook Gateway and GWC properties using the
imconfutil command. The following shows the commands for setting the
configuration properties. For descriptions of the properties, see "Facebook Gateway
Properties" and "Gateway Connector Properties".
imconfutil set-prop iim_gwc.enable=true -c InstantMessaging_cfg/iim.conf.xml
imconfutil set-prop iim.gwplugins=fim -c InstantMessaging_cfg/iim.conf.xml
imconfutil set-prop fim.enable=true -c InstantMessaging_cfg/iim.conf.xml
imconfutil set-prop fim.iim_gw_name="FB Gateway" -c InstantMessaging_
imconfutil set-prop fim.iim_gw_type=facebook -c InstantMessaging_cfg/iim.conf.xml
imconfutil set-prop fim.serverjid=chat.facebook.com -c InstantMessaging_
imconfutil set-prop fim.host=chat.facebook.com -c InstantMessaging_
imconfutil set-prop fim.port=5222 -c InstantMessaging_cfg/iim.conf.xml
imconfutil set-prop iim.gwconnectorentries=host1:port1,host2:port2....,hostN:portN
-c InstantMessaging_cfg/iim.conf.xml
imconfutil set-prop fim.apikey=apikey value -c InstantMessaging_cfg/iim.conf.xml
imconfutil set-prop fim.apisecret=apisecret value -c InstantMessaging_
imconfutil set-prop fim.usetls=true -c InstantMessaging_cfg/iim.conf.xml

Facebook Gateway Properties

Table 17–1 lists the Facebook Gateway properties.

17-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Deployment Planning

Table 17–1 Facebook Gateway Properties

Property Default Value Description
fim.enable false Facebook Gateway plug-in entry.
fim.iim_gw_name Facebook Gateway Facebook Gateway name.
fim.iim_gw_type facebook Facebook Gateway type.

Gateway Connector Properties

Table 17–2 lists the GWC properties.

Table 17–2 Gateway Connector Properties

Property Default Value Description
iim_gwc.enable false Controls whether the imadmin
command starts the GWC process.
iim_gwc.hostport IMSHost:55222 Fully-qualified host name and port
(host:port) for the GWC process.
iim_gwc.maxchannels 10000 Maximum number of channels for
the GWC process.
iim_gwc.jvm.options NA Options to be passed to the Java VM
when starting the GWC.

Deployment Planning
The Instant Messaging Server Facebook Gateway architecture consists of the Gateway
itself and the GWC (see "Gateway Connector (GWC)"). Before you configure the
Gateway, you need to register the Facebook application with the Facebook website. See
the Facebook documentation at:

Gateway Connector (GWC)

The GWC multiplexes a single connection from the Instant Messaging server to
multiple socket connections to the Facebook server. You can install the GWC on the
same machine as the Instant Messaging server or on a separate host. Additionally, you
can install multiple GWC instances for a single Instant Messaging server.

Registering the Facebook Application

Before configuring the Facebook Gateway, you need to register the Facebook
application with the Facebook website. Doing so provides you with an API key and an
API secret, which you then provide when you configure the Gateway.
Facebook requires you to use X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM SASL as the authentication
mechanism for any proxy connection for an XMPP service. This mechanism uses the
access token that is generated after allowing the Facebook application to access the
XMPP service on behalf of the user. Convergence contains built-in support for
generating the access token in the background.
For more information on registering a Facebook application and for application
requirements, see the Facebook documentation at:

Configuring the Facebook Gateway 17-3

Deployment Planning

17-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Configuring the HTTPBIND Gateway

This chapter describes how to configure the HTTPBIND Gateway for Oracle
Communications Instant Messaging Server.

About the XMPP/HTTP Gateway

The XMPP/HTTP Gateway provides Instant Messaging access to non-XMPP based
clients, such as HTML-based clients and clients behind firewalls that allow HTTP
traffic, but does not permit XMPP traffic. The gateway proxies Instant Messaging
traffic to the XMPP server on behalf of HTTP clients.
The XMPP/HTTP Gateway is deployed with the Instant Messenger resource files as a
web application on the web container.

Instant Messaging Server XMPP/HTTP Gateway Configuration Files

The XMPP/HTTP Gateway uses the following files for configuration:
■ Gateway web application configuration file (web.xml). The contents of this file
determine which gateway configuration file to use. For information on using a
non-default configuration file, see "To Configure the XMPP/HTTP Gateway to Use
a Non-default Configuration".
■ Gateway configuration file (typically httpbind.conf). See "Configuring the Instant
Messaging Server XMPP/HTTP Gateway" for instructions on configuring the
gateway. See "XMPP and HTTP Gateway Configuration Parameters" for a
description of httpbind.conf file syntax, file location, and a list of configuration
parameters in this file.
■ Gateway logging configuration file (typically httpbind_log4j.conf). See
"Managing Logging for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway" for more information on
configuring logging. See "XMPP/HTTP Gateway log4j Log Configuration File
Syntax" for logging configuration file syntax.

Configuring the Instant Messaging Server XMPP/HTTP Gateway

When you run the configure utility after installation, you can choose to deploy the
XMPP/HTTP Gateway or not. If enabled, the configure utility creates a default
configuration file (httpbind.conf) for the gateway. You can change the configuration
by modifying the values in this file. See "XMPP and HTTP Gateway Configuration
Parameters" for a description of httpbind.conf file syntax, file location, and a list of
configuration parameters in this file, or refer to the instructions in this section.

Configuring the HTTPBIND Gateway 18-1

Configuring the Instant Messaging Server XMPP/HTTP Gateway

In addition, when you choose to deploy the gateway during initial configuration, the
configure utility creates a .war file in the InstantMessaging_home/work directory and
then deploys this file on GlassFish Server in the directory you specified for the code
You can also configure the gateway to use a non-default configuration file by
modifying the values in the web.xml file, which is deployed with the client resources
on the GlassFish Server.
The instructions in this section assume the gateway configuration file is httpbind.conf.
If you are using a non-default configuration file, substitute your configuration file for
httpbind.conf in the instructions.
Any time you make a change to httpbind.conf, you will need to restart the
XMPP/HTTP Gateway.
This section contains the following instructions:
■ To Enable or Disable the Instant Messaging Server XMPP/HTTP Gateway
■ To Configure HTTPBIND Manually
■ To Configure Concurrent Requests Number Handled by the XMPP/HTTP
■ To Set the JEP 124 hold Attribute for Client Requests to the XMPP/HTTP Gateway
■ To Specify the Allowed Client Inactivity Time for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway
■ To Set the content-type HTTP Header for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway
■ To Set the Round Trip Delay for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway
■ To Set the XMPP/HTTP Gateway Default Response Time
■ To Configure an XMPP/HTTP Gateway in a Instant Messaging Server Gateway
■ To Configure the List of Key IDs for Supported XMPP/HTTP Gateway Domains
■ To Configure the XMPP/HTTP Gateway to Use a Non-default Configuration
■ To Use Encrypted Passwords
■ To Add a New Hosted Domain Without Restarting GlassFish Server
For instructions on configuring logging for the gateway, see "Managing Logging for
the XMPP/HTTP Gateway".

To Enable or Disable the Instant Messaging Server XMPP/HTTP Gateway

You enable the gateway by running the configure utility. You can disable the gateway
later by using GlassFish Server tools.
1. To enable the gateway:
a. Invoke the configure utility.
For more information, see the topic on configuring Instant Messaging Server
after installation in Instant Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide.
b. Choose to deploy the gateway when prompted.
2. To disable the gateway, use GlassFish Server tools to disable the web application.

18-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Configuring the Instant Messaging Server XMPP/HTTP Gateway

To Configure HTTPBIND Manually

The high-level steps to manually configure HTTPBIND include:
1. Configuring HTTPBIND
2. Configuring GlassFish Server
3. Configuring Instant Messaging Server
4. Deploying HTTPBIND
To manually configure HTTPBIND:
1. Run the iwadmin command to generate the zip file for HTTPBIND.
iwadmin generatezip httpbind -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/httpbind.conf -d

See "iwadmin Command Reference" for more information.

2. Unzip the generated zip file.
unzip /tmp/httpbind.zip -d /tmp/

3. Copy the config template file from the zipped folders's config directory to the
config directory of httpbind. In the following example, /opt/sun/comms/im/config
is the config directory of httpbind.
cp /tmp/httpbind/config/httpbind.conf.template

4. Copy the log template file of httpbind to the config directory

cp /tmp/httpbind/config/httpbind_log4j.conf.template

See "Managing Instant Messaging Server Logging by Using log4j" for log-related
5. Edit the httpbind.conf file (by default, located in the /opt/sun/comms/im/config
directory) to set the following properties:
■ Domain: default.domains=abc.com
■ Multihosting to false: default.multihosting=false
■ Host name and port of Instant Messaging Server host:
■ Component jid of httpbind: default.componentjid=httpbind.abc.com
■ Password: default.password=password
To set the password in plain text, comment out the following parameters:

See "To Use Encrypted Passwords" to use encrypted passwords.

6. Set the path to the log4j file used by HTTPBIND:

See the following sections for additional HTTPBIND-related configuration


Configuring the HTTPBIND Gateway 18-3

Configuring the Instant Messaging Server XMPP/HTTP Gateway

7. To configure GlassFish Server for HTTPBIND, on the GlassFish Server, enable

Comet support:
asadmin set --user admin --secure=true --host localhost --port 4848
asadmin set --user admin --secure=true --host localhost --port 4848

8. Run the following commands to configure Instant Messaging Server:

imconfutil -u set-listener-prop -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml s2s
imconfutil -u set-prop -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml iim_
imconfutil add-component -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml id=httpbind1
jid=httpbind.abc.com password=password

Ensure that the jid and password match with the ones that you configured in the
httpbind.conf file (step 5).
9. To deploy HTTPBIND, deploy the httpbind.war file, from the unzipped
httpbind.zip file generated in step 1, to Glassfish Server.
10. Restart GlassFish Server.

11. Restart Instant Messaging Server.

When you manually configure HTTPBIND, ensure that the files in the config
directory, and encryption key files if you are using password encryption, have read
permissions set for GlassFish Server. When you run the configure utility, the utility
ensures that the permissions are correct when you configure HTTPBIND.

To Configure Concurrent Requests Number Handled by the XMPP/HTTP Gateway

Ensure that you are familiar with the JEP 124 draft standard. More information is
available at:
1. Open httpbind.conf.
2. Set the httpbind.requests parameter to the maximum number of concurrent
requests a single client can send to the gateway. The default is 2. For example:

If the value of this parameter is less than the value for the JEP 124 hold attribute in
the client request, the value for this parameter will be set to hold+1. Do not set this
parameter to 1, as doing so could severely degrade performance. See "To Set the
JEP 124 hold Attribute for Client Requests to the XMPP/HTTP Gateway" and
" XMPP/HTTP Gateway Configuration Parameters in httpbind.conf" for more
information on the httpbind.hold parameter.
3. Save and close httpbind.conf.
4. Restart the gateway by using the tools provided by GlassFish Server.

To Set the JEP 124 hold Attribute for Client Requests to the XMPP/HTTP Gateway
Ensure that you are familiar with the JEP 124 draft standard. More information is
available at

18-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Configuring the Instant Messaging Server XMPP/HTTP Gateway

1. Open httpbind.conf.
2. Set the httpbind.hold parameter to the maximum value you want the gateway to
allow for the hold attribute in the client request. The default is 5. For example:

If the hold value sent by the client is greater than the gateway's hold value, the
gateway's hold value is used.
3. Save and close httpbind.conf.
4. Restart the gateway by using the tools provided by GlassFish Server.

To Specify the Allowed Client Inactivity Time for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway
1. Open httpbind.conf.
2. Set the httpbind.inactivity parameter to the time in seconds after which you want
the gateway to terminate idle connections. The default is 180 seconds. For

If clients do not poll the gateway before this time elapses, the gateway terminates
the connection.
3. Save and close httpbind.conf.
4. Restart the gateway by using the tools provided by GlassFish Server.

To Set the content-type HTTP Header for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway

1. Open httpbind.conf.
2. Set the httpbind.content_type parameter to the content-type you want the
gateway to use if the client does not specify one in its initial request. The default is
text/xml; charset=utf-8. For example:
httpbind.content_type=text/xml; charset=utf-8

3. Save and close httpbind.conf.

4. Restart the gateway by using the tools provided by GlassFish Server.

To Set the Round Trip Delay for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway

The round trip delay is the amount of time, in seconds, you want to allow in addition
to time-outs for round trips between gateway and client. This helps to account for
network latencies.
1. Open httpbind.conf.
2. Set the httpbind.round_trip_delay parameter as required. Setting this value too
high might degrade performance. The value is in seconds. The default is one
second. For example:

Setting this value too high may degrade performance. Consider the general
latency in your network before changing this parameter.
3. Save and close httpbind.conf.

Configuring the HTTPBIND Gateway 18-5

Configuring the Instant Messaging Server XMPP/HTTP Gateway

4. Restart the gateway by using the tools provided by the GlassFish Server.

To Set the XMPP/HTTP Gateway Default Response Time

1. Open httpbind.conf.
2. Set the httpbind.wait_time parameter as required.
The client is guaranteed a response from the XMPP/HTTP Gateway within the
wait time you designate with this parameter. Consider the speed of your network
when setting this parameter.
Do not set the value so low that the XMPP/HTTP Gateway is unlikely to be able to
send the request in time.
The value is in seconds. The default is 120 seconds. For example:

If the value set for the client is greater than the value for the gateway, the gateway
wait time is used.
3. Save and close httpbind.conf.
4. Restart the gateway by using the tools provided by GlassFish Server.

To Configure an XMPP/HTTP Gateway in a Instant Messaging Server Gateway Pool

1. Open httpbind.conf.
2. To configure the gateway as part of a deployment with an Instant Messaging
Server gateway pool:
a. Set the httpbind.pool.support parameter to true:

b. Set the httpbind.pool.nodeId parameter to the full URL of the gateway.

The URL is used as the gateway's nodeId. The nodeId must be unique within
the server pool. The gateway uses the nodeId to determine whether it must
service a received request or forward the request to another gateway in the
3. To configure the gateway not to work within a gateway pool, set the
httpbind.pool.support parameter as follows:

4. Save and close httpbind.conf.

5. Restart the gateway by using the tools provided by GlassFish Server.

To Configure the List of Key IDs for Supported XMPP/HTTP Gateway Domains
1. Open httpbind.conf.
2. Set the httpbind.config parameter to the list of IDs you want the gateway to use.
For each domain you need to specify a separate ID for this parameter. For

18-6 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Configuring the Instant Messaging Server XMPP/HTTP Gateway

Where gwdomain-id is the identifier you want to use for the domain.
For example:

3. For each gwdomain-id you specify, add the following parameters to the
httpbind.conf file:

gwdomain-id is the ID specified for the gateway in httpbind.config in the previous
domain-name is the domain in which the identified gateway runs.
gateway-host is a comma-separated or space-separated list of the fully-qualified
domain name (FQDN) and port number of the gateway hosts that support this
component-jid is the component JID of the gateway.
password is the password of the identified gateway.
For example, if gwdomain-id is set to siroe:

See "Gateway Domain ID Key Parameters for httpbind.config" for more

information about these key parameters.
4. Save and close httpbind.conf.
5. Restart the gateway by using the tools provided by GlassFish Server.

To Configure the XMPP/HTTP Gateway to Use a Non-default Configuration

1. On the web container on which Instant Messenger resource files are deployed, edit
Use your web container's tools to edit this file.
2. Change the value for the httpbind.conf file parameter to the location of the
configuration file you want the gateway to use.

To Use Encrypted Passwords

You can assign encrypted passwords to XMPP/HTTP gateway domains listed in the
httpbind.conf file.
To assign an encrypted password to a gateway:
1. Open the httpbind.conf file and set the httpbind.component.password

Configuring the HTTPBIND Gateway 18-7

Using StartTLS to Secure Communication Between XMPP/HTTP and IM Server


2. From the directory containing the httpbind.conf file, generate a password key and
password using the Instant Messaging Server passwordtool command.
See "passwordtool Command Reference" for more information.
For example, the following commands generate an encrypted password from the
clear text password abcd:
cd httpbind_config_dir
passwordtool httpbind generate-key
passwordtool httpbind generate abcd

3. In the httpbind.conf file, set the gwdomain-id.password property to the

encrypted password, as in the following example.
The gateway ID is siroe.

To Add a New Hosted Domain Without Restarting GlassFish Server

The gwdomain-id.multihosting parameter in the httpbind.conf file, if set to true,
allows a packet destined to a domain, which is not pre-configured in httpbind.conf, to
be sent to Instant Messaging Server. You use this parameter for a hosted domain setup.
The default value for this parameter is true.

Using StartTLS to Secure Communication Between XMPP/HTTP and IM

The XMPP/HTTP Gateway only supports StartTLS for secure communications. If the
multiplexor is configured to use legacy SSL, you need to configure the gateway to
connect directly to the server, bypassing the multiplexor. The gateway always attempts
to use StartTLS if it is available. See Instant Messaging Server Security Guide for more

Managing Logging for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway

You can configure the level of logging for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway, enable or disable
logging entirely, and change the location of the gateway log file or the gateway log
configuration file as described in the following sections:
■ To Enable or Disable the Instant Messaging Server XMPP/HTTP Gateway
■ To Change the Location of the XMPP/HTTP Gateway Log Configuration File
■ Oracle Linux and Red Hat Linux: To Set the XMPP/HTTP Gateway Log File
■ To Change the Location of the XMPP/HTTP Gateway Log File
■ To Use a Non-default Log File Location for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway
■ To Set the XMPP/HTTP Gateway Logging Level
■ XMPP/HTTP Gateway log4j Log Configuration File Syntax
■ XMPP/HTTP Gateway Log Configuration File Example

18-8 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Managing Logging for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway

More information about the log4j format supported by Instant Messaging Server is
described at Apache Logging Services, at:

To Enable or Disable Logging for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway

You can enable or disable logging for the gateway in two ways:
■ Adding or removing the value for the httpbind.log4j.config parameter in
■ (Recommended) Modifying the configuration within the gateway's log4j
configuration file (httpbind_log4j.conf).
Under most circumstances, you should modify the configuration in the httpbind_
log4j.conf file itself, leaving the httpbind.log4j.config parameter set to the location of
the httpbind_log4j.conf file. This procedure describes modifying the configuration
within the httpbind_log4j.conf file.
1. Open the httpbind_log4j.conf file.
This file is stored at the location you specified in httpbind.conf file as the value for
the httpbind.log4j.config parameter. By default the file is stored in the following
directory under the default Instant Messaging Server instance:
2. To disable logging for the gateway, set the log4j.logger.httpbind parameter as

3. To enable logging, set the log4j.logger.httpbind parameter to the desired logging

For example:

See " Logging Levels for Instant Messaging Server Components" for a list of valid
logging levels you can use.
4. Save and close httpbind_log4j.conf.

To Change the Location of the XMPP/HTTP Gateway Log Configuration File

1. Open httpbind.conf.
2. Set the value of the httpbind.log4j.config parameter to the location of the
XMPP/HTTP Gateway log configuration file.
3. Save and close httpbind.conf.
4. Restart the gateway by using the tools provided by GlassFish Server.

Oracle Linux and Red Hat Linux: To Set the XMPP/HTTP Gateway Log File Location
On Linux systems, after you install and configure the XMPP/HTTP Gateway, you
need to modify the location of the default log file for the XMPP/HTTP gateway in
1. Open the httpbind_log4j.conf file.

Configuring the HTTPBIND Gateway 18-9

Managing Logging for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway

This file is stored at the location you specified in httpbind.conf file as the value for
the httpbind.log4j.config parameter. By default the file is stored in the following
directory under the default Instant Messaging Server instance:
2. Set the value of the log4.appender.appender_ID.file parameter to the location
where log files are stored.

To Change the Location of the XMPP/HTTP Gateway Log File

Ensure that you are familiar with the log4j syntax and general implementation
described at Apache Logging Services, at:
1. Open httpbind_log4j.conf.
This file is stored at the location you specified in httpbind.conf file as the value for
the httpbind.log4j.config parameter. By default the file is stored in the following
directory under the default Instant Messaging Server instance:
2. Set the value for the log4j.appender.appender-ID parameter to the location where
you want to store the log file.
3. Save and close httpbind_log4j.conf.
4. Restart the web container.

To Use a Non-default Log File Location for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway

If you choose to use a location for logs other than the default, you need to modify the
location of the default log file for the XMPP/HTTP gateway in httpbind_log4j.conf.
1. Open the httpbind_log4j.conf file.
This file is stored at the location you specified in httpbind.conf file as the value for
the httpbind.log4j.config parameter. By default the file is stored in the following
directory under the default Instant Messaging Server instance:
2. Set the value of the log4.appender.appender_ID.file parameter to the location
where log files are stored.

To Set the XMPP/HTTP Gateway Logging Level

Ensure that you are familiar with the log4j syntax and general implementation
described at Apache Logging Services, at:
1. Open httpbind_log4j.conf.
This file is stored at the location you specified in httpbind.conf file as the value for
the httpbind.log4j.config parameter. By default the file is stored in the following
directory under the default Instant Messaging Server instance:
2. Set the log4j.logger.httpbind parameter to the desired logging level.
For example:

18-10 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Managing Logging for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway


See Table 14–1, " Logging Levels for Instant Messaging Server Components" for a
list of valid logging levels you can use.

XMPP/HTTP Gateway log4j Log Configuration File Syntax

For more information about the log4j syntax and general implementation, see Apache
Logging Services at:
The XMPP/HTTP Gateway log configuration file syntax is as follows.
# DEFAULT TO RollingFileAppender

XMPP/HTTP Gateway Log Configuration File Example

The following is an example of an XMPP/HTTP Gateway log configuration file:
log4j.logger.httpbind=ERROR, A7
# DEFAULT TO RollingFileAppender
# log4j.appender.A7.file=$(logdir)/httpbind.log
log4j.appender.A7.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d{DATE}] %-5p %c [%t] %m%n

Configuring the HTTPBIND Gateway 18-11

Managing Logging for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway

18-12 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Configuring the SIP Gateway

This chapter describes the Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server 9

SIP/SIMPLE gateway.

SIP Gateway Overview

Instant Messaging Server 9 implements a SIP/SIMPLE (Session Initiation Protocol for
Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions/Session Initiation Protocol)
gateway. The gateway enables federation (inter-domain) and translation between the
two protocols, and interoperation between XMPP and SIP/SIMPLE servers (for
example, OpenSER).
The Instant Messaging Server SIP gateway enables:
■ Users to subscribe to the presence of contacts on an external SIP/SIMPLE network
■ Messaging between users on the Instant Messaging server and their contacts on an
external SIP/SIMPLE network
■ Enforces the privacy preferences of the XMPP Instant Messaging Server users
Enabling of SIP/SIMPLE federation is optional. You can choose a particular set of SIP
domains for which federation is allowed or you can enable open federation. If both
XMPP and SIP open federation are enabled, and a domain has both XMPP and SIP
servers, XMPP federation is the preferred option. You can also choose to blacklist
certain domains from open federation. For more information, see "Configuring
Federated Communication Between Instant Messaging Servers" and "To Configure
Instant Messaging Server for the SIP Gateway".
Currently, the Instant Messaging Server SIP gateway does not support:
■ File transfer between SIP and XMPP clients (users)
■ Group chat (text conferencing)
■ Audio/video chat
Instant Messaging Server can also provide server-to-server federation support
between any standard XMPP server and the SIP/SIMPLE Federation Service Gateway.
The Instant Messaging Server SIP Gateway uses either Jabber Component Protocol or
Server-to-Server federation for interoperability. The Jabber Component Protocol is only
supported with Instant Messaging server. For any other third-party XMPP server, you
must configure the Server to Server federation option.
You can enable server-to-server federation between any standard XMPP server and the
SIP Gateway in the following configurations:
■ Plain Text and Dialback, also known as Verified Federation

Configuring the SIP Gateway 19-1

SIP Gateway Architecture

A server accepts a connection from a peer only after the identity of the peer has
been weakly verified through Dialback, based on information obtained from the
Domain Name System (DNS) and verification keys exchanged in-band over
XMPP. However, the connection is not encrypted. The use of identity verification
effectively prevents domain spoofing, but federation requires proper DNS setup
and is still subject to DNS poisoning attacks.
■ TLS and Dialback, if self signed certificates are provided, also known as Encrypted
A server accepts a connection from a peer only if the peer supports Transport
Layer Security (TLS) and the peer presents a digital certificate. However, the
certificate may be self-signed, in which case mutual authentication is typically not
possible. Therefore, after STARTTLS negotiation the parties proceed to weakly
verify identity using Dialback. This combination results in an encrypted
connection with weak identity verification.
■ TLS, also known as Trusted Federation
A server accepts a connection from a peer only if the peer supports TLS and the
peer presents a digital certificate issued by a trusted root certification authority
(CA). The list of trusted root CAs is determined by local service policy, as is the
level of trust accorded to various types of certificates (for example, Class 1, Class 2,
or Class 3). The use of trusted domain certificates effectively prevents DNS
poisoning attacks but makes federation more difficult as typically such certificates
are not easy to obtain.

SIP Gateway Architecture

Figure 19–1 shows the SIP gateway architecture.

19-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Configuring the SIP Gateway

Figure 19–1 SIP Gateway Architecture

This figure shows that the SIP Federation Service is implemented as a SIP servlet,
deployed within the Oracle Communications Converged Application Server. XMPP
server users are able to exchange presence and chats with SIP users over the XMPP
protocol (by way of the SIP gateway), while SIP users do the same over the
SIP/SIMPLE protocol through the SIP/SIMPLE server. The SIP gateway uses either
Jabber Component Protocol or Server-to-Server Federation to communicate with the
XMPP server. For Server-to-Server federation, you must configure DNS SRV records
for both XMPP and SIP domains. The SIP gateway converts SIMPLE requests to the
appropriate XMPP format and sends them to the XMPP server over either component
or federated connection. SIMPLE requests are acknowledged and responded to
appropriately by using the SIP servlet API. Similarly, the SIP gateway converts XMPP
requests or responses received from the XMPP server to the appropriate SIMPLE
requests and then sends them to the SIMPLE clients. The SIP gateway maintains both
SIMPLE and XMPP user subscription states. The SIP gateway needs to interact with
the XMPP server to authorize presence subscriptions and obtain SIP user presence

Configuring the SIP Gateway

This section contains the following topics:
■ Prerequisites for Configuring the SIP Gateway
■ To Configure Instant Messaging Server for the SIP Gateway
■ To Configure Logging for the SIP Gateway

Configuring the SIP Gateway 19-3

Configuring the SIP Gateway

■ To Configure the Oracle Communications Converged Application Server

■ To Test the SIP Gateway

Prerequisites for Configuring the SIP Gateway

You need the following components to configure and use the SIP Gateway:
■ Instant Messaging Server or any standard XMPP instant messaging server
■ Oracle Communications Converged Application Server 5.1
■ XMPP capable client, such as Pidgin
■ SIP/SIMPLE capable client, such as Jitsi
XMPP and SIP domains federating with each other must be resolvable to the
respective XMPP and SIP hosts through DNS Service records (SRV records) for
communication to work between them.
When using the SIP Sateway in federation mode, you must ensure that the XMPP
domain SRV record points to the SIP Gateway host for the SIP network, and that the
SIP domain SRV record points to the SIP Gateway host for XMPP network.

To Configure Instant Messaging Server for the SIP Gateway

This section contains the following topics:
■ Configuring the SIP Gateway in Component Mode
■ Configuring SIP Gateway in Federation Mode

Configuring the SIP Gateway in Component Mode

Perform the following steps on the Instant Messaging Server host:
1. Install and configure Instant Messaging Server. For information, see Instant
Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide.
2. Enable open federation by running the following command:
/opt/sun/comms/im/sbin/imconfutil set-prop -c
/opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml iim_server.federation.policy=OPEN

3. Create a SIP WAR file by running the following command:

/opt/sun/comms/im/sbin/create_sip_war -c component -h coms-121.example.com -p
5269 -j sip.coms-121.example.com -t true -o imfed.war

4. When prompted, enter the password.

5. Add the SIP component by running the following command:
/opt/sun/comms/im/sbin/imconfutil add-component -c
/opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml id=fed jid=sip.coms-121.example.com

19-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Configuring the SIP Gateway

Note: Even though SIP Gateway support in component mode exists

beginning with Instant Messaging Server 9, these steps are specific to
Instant Messaging Server For Instant Messaging Server 9 and, see Configuring the SIP Gateway with Oracle Communications
Instant Messaging Server 9, at:

Configuring SIP Gateway in Federation Mode

Starting with Instant Messaging Server, you can configure server-to-server
federation support between any standard XMPP server and a SIP/SIMPLE Federation
Service Gateway.
Before you can configure Instant Messaging Server for the SIP Gateway using TLS,
you must first create an SSL certificate. For more information, see the topic on setting
up TLS in Instant Messaging Server Security Guide.

Note: The Instant Messaging Server SIP Gateway supports

XMPP federation with single XMPP and SIP domains.

This section contains the following topics:

■ To Enable S2S Communication Using TLS and SASL-External
■ To Enable S2S Communication Using TLS and Dialback
■ To Enable S2S Communication Using Plain Text and Dialback

To Enable S2S Communication Using TLS and SASL-External

Use the create_sip_war command to create the WAR file:
create_sip_war -c s2s -h xmppserver.domainname -j sipserver.domainname -t true -k
/tmp/trust.jks -f /tmp/sslpassword.conf -o imfed.war

In this command:
-k specifies the path to the keystore file.
-f specifies the path to the file that contains the password for the keystore.

To Enable S2S Communication Using TLS and Dialback

1. Create a default configuration file, if it does not already exist.
create_sip_war -c s2s -h xmppserver.domainname -j sipserver.domainname -t true
-k /tmp/trust.jks -f /tmp/sslpassword.conf -o imfed.war

2. If you are using a self-signed certificate for the SIP Gateway, set the iim_
server.trust_all_cert option to true.
imconfutil -c ../config/iim.conf.xml set-prop iim_server.trust_all_cert='true'

3. Regenerate the WAR file.

create_sip_war -c s2s -h xmppserver.domainname -j sipserver.domainname -t true
-k /tmp/trust.jks -f /tmp/sslpassword.conf -o imfed.war

Configuring the SIP Gateway 19-5

Configuring the SIP Gateway

4. When prompted, enter the dialback secret.

To Enable S2S Communication Using Plain Text and Dialback

1. Use the create_sip_war command to create the WAR file:
create_sip_war -c s2s -h xmppserver.domainname -j sipserver.domainname -t false
-o imfed.war

2. When prompted, enter the dialback secret.

To Configure Logging for the SIP Gateway

1. To change the log level or log location of the imfed.log file, edit the
/opt/sun/comms/im/lib/log4j-sip.conf file.
2. Make the necessary changes.
3. Redeploy the WAR file.

To Configure the Oracle Communications Converged Application Server

Perform the following steps on the Oracle Communications Converged Application
Server host:
1. Set up Oracle Communications Converged Application Server in basic domain
mode. For more information, see Converged Application Server Documentation at:
2. Deploy the SIP WAR file generated in the preceding procedure, "To Configure
Instant Messaging Server for the SIP Gateway".
3. Restart XMPP server.
If you are using Instant Messaging Server for federation, run the following
imadmin start

4. Restart the Oracle Communications Converged Application Server. See Starting

and Stopping Servers:
5. After restarting the Oracle Communications Converged Application Server, you
must enable DNS lookup in the SipServer General setting page.

To Test the SIP Gateway

1. On the SIP host, make sure that you have configured XML Configuration Access
Protocol (XCAP) and created users.
2. On the Instant Messaging server, log in an XMPP user.
3. On the SIP host, log in a SIP user by using SIP Communicator.
4. Verify that the SIP user is able to add the XMPP user and vice-versa. The two users
should be able to chat with each other and see each other's presence.

19-6 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Configuring DNS for XMPP and SIP Federation

Troubleshooting the SIP Gateway

When troubleshooting the SIP gateway, make use of the SIP Federator's log file,
imfed.log. You set the location of the imfed.log file before generating the WAR file. By
default, the file resides in the /tmp directory.

Configuring DNS for XMPP and SIP Federation

XMPP and SIP domains federating with each other must be resolvable to the
respective XMPP and SIP hosts through DNS Service records (SRV records) for
communication to work between them. See "Configuring DNS for XMPP Federation"
and "Configuring DNS for SIP Federation" for more information.

Configuring the SIP Gateway 19-7

Configuring DNS for XMPP and SIP Federation

19-8 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Configuring the SMS Gateway

This chapter describes the Short Message Service (SMS) gateway feature and how to
configure it for Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server.

SMS Gateway Overview

The SMS gateway feature enables the Instant Messaging server to deliver chat
messages and alerts in the form of SMS to Instant Messaging users who are offline.
This feature provides a streamlined instant messaging experience by forwarding
messages to users' mobile phones when they are offline. The SMS gateway uses the
SMPP (short message peer-to-peer) protocol and XMPP (Extensible Messaging and
Presence Protocol) for messaging services.
The following list provides a description of the SMS gateway terms:
■ SMS: Short Message Service is a wireless messaging service that permits the
transmission of a short text message from and to a digital wireless terminal.
■ SMSC: Short Message Service Center is a network element in the mobile
telephone network that delivers SMS messages to mobile devices.
■ SMPP: Short Message Peer-to-Peer protocol is a telecommunication protocol used
for exchanging SMS messages between SMS entities. For example, short message
service centers.
■ XMPP: Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol is an open Extensible Markup
Language (XML) protocol for near-real-time messaging, presence, and
request-response services.

Configuring the SMS Gateway

To enable the SMS gateway feature, you must configure the Instant Messaging server
and client as described in the following topics:
■ SMS and Server Configuration Properties
■ Server-Side Configuration
■ Client-Side Settings

SMS and Server Configuration Properties

Table 20–1 shows the SMS configuration properties.

Configuring the SMS Gateway 20-1

Configuring the SMS Gateway

Table 20–1 SMS Gateway Properties

Property Default Value Description
lsmsgw.imadmin.enable false Enables or disables the SMS gateway. If set to
true, you can start the SMS gateway by using
the imadmin command.
smsgw.jid None A jabber ID (JID) to bind the SMS gateway to
the Instant Messaging server. The value should
be the same as the value that you define for the
smppbind.jid property.
smsgw.password Password to authenticate the SMS gateway to
the Instant Messaging server. The value should
be the same as the value that you define for the
smppbind.password property.
smsgw.iim_server None Host name and port number of the Instant
Messaging server.
smsgw.sms_limit -1 Number of messages that can be sent per hour.
The default value is -1 and it indicates that
unlimited number of SMS messages that can be
sent per hour.
smsgw.sms_queue_capacity 512 Maximum number of messages that can be
queued for SMS delivery.
smsgw.im_char_limit 500 Maximum number of characters that you can
specify in one message. If the number of
characters is greater than the specified value,
the message is rejected.
smpp.smsc_ip_address None IP address or host name of the SMSC.
smpp.smsc_port 2775 Port number of the SMSC.
smpp.bind_id None Identifier used to bind the SMS gateway to the
smpp.bind_password None Password to authenticate the SMS gateway to
the SMSC.
smpp.sender_id None Sender ID of the outgoing SMS.

Table 20–2 shows the Instant Messaging server properties that you need to enable

Table 20–2 Instant Messaging Server Properties to Enable SMS

Property Default Value Description
iim_server.components None List of component identifiers that should have
smppbind. For example, httpbind, smppbind.
iim_agent.smppbind.enable smppbind.password Enables the Instant Messaging server to identify
the SMS gateway.
smppbind.jid None A jabber JID for binding the SMS gateway to
the Instant Messaging server.
smppbind.password None Password to authenticate the SMS gateway to
the Instant Messaging server.

Server-Side Configuration
You can configure the SMS gateway feature by either running the configure utility or
the imconfutil command.

20-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Configuring the SMS Gateway

■ To Configure the SMS Gateway by Using the imconfutil Command

■ To Configure the SMS Gateway by Using the configure Utility

To Configure the SMS Gateway by Using the imconfutil Command

1. Ensure that Instant Messaging Server 9 has been installed.
2. Add the SMS gateway component by using the add-component command.
3. Set the SMS gateway properties by using the set-prop command
Example: Configuring the SMS Gateway on the Same Host as the Instant Messaging
imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml add-component id=smsgateway
jid=smppbind.example.com password=password
imconfutil set-prop -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml smpp.bind_id=test
smpp.bind_password=password smpp.sender_id=test
smpp.smsc_ip_address=test.example.com smpp.smsc_port=2775
smppbind.jid=smppbind.example.com smppbind.password=password smsgw.iim_

Example: Configuring the SMS Gateway and Instant Messaging Server on Different
In this example, the SMS gateway is configured on im-1 and the Instant Messaging
server is on im-2.
### On host im-1:

imconfutil set-prop -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml smpp.bind_id=test

smpp.bind_password=password smpp.sender_id=test smpp.smsc_ip_
address=test.example.com smpp.smsc_port=2775 smppbind.jid=smppbind.example.com
smppbind.password=password smsgw.iim_server=bar.example.com:5269
### On host im-2:

imconfutil add-component smsgateway jid=smppbind.example.com password=password

Note: The value of the jid and password properties provided in the
add-component command must be the same as the values that you
define for the smppbind.jid and smppbind.password properties.

To Configure the SMS Gateway by Using the configure Utility

1. Ensure that Instant Messaging Server has been installed.
2. Use Table 20–1 and Table 20–2 to determine the values that you need to set.
3. Run the configure utility.

4. Perform the following tasks in the configure panel.

a. Select the Enable SMS Gateway option by typing yes.
b. Select the Enable Local Component option by typing yes.
If you select this option, you can administer the SMS gateway by using the
imadmin command. For example, to start the SMS gateway, you can enter

Configuring the SMS Gateway 20-3

Starting and Stopping the SMS Gateway

imadmin start sms-gateway. You can also start the gateway by typing
imadmin start.
5. Enter the XMPP server host name.
You can configure Instant Messaging Server and the SMS gateway on the same
host or on different hosts. If you choose to configure the gateway for a remote
Instant Messaging server, specify the remote server host name. The default host
name is the name of the local host.
6. Enter the port number.
The default value is the port number that you specify for the XMPP server. For
example, if the XMPP server port is 5269, enter 5269.
7. Enter the bind ID of the SMSC at the ESME System Id prompt.
8. Enter the SMSC bind password at the ESME System Password prompt.
9. Enter the IP address or the FQHN (Fully Qualified Host Name) of the SMSC at the
SMSC Host address prompt.
10. Enter the SMSC port number at the SMSC port prompt. The default port number
is 2775.
11. Enter the Sender ID at the SMS Sender ID prompt.

The sender ID is the ID with which you have registered to the SMSC. The SMSC
always send a SMS with the sender ID that you specify here.

Client-Side Settings
The Instant Messaging server searches for the recipient phone number in the following
order of precedence:
1. Phone number settings in user v-card of a third-party messaging client
2. LDAP setting in the mobile attribute of Directory Server
3. Phone number settings in the Instant Messaging client
If you use a third-party messaging client such as Psi, specify the phone settings in the
user v-card. See the third-party messaging client documentation for the procedure
about adding phone settings.
If you use Directory Server, add the recipient phone number in the LDAP mobile
attribute. For more information about the Directory Server, refer to the Directory
Server documentation at:

Starting and Stopping the SMS Gateway

You can start and stop the SMS gateway by using the imadmin command. Before
starting the SMS gateway, make sure that the Instant Messaging service and the SMSC
service are online.
■ To start the SMS gateway, enter the following command:
imadmin start sms-gateway

■ To stop the SMS gateway, enter the following command:

imadmin stop sms-gateway

20-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Starting and Stopping the SMS Gateway

■ To check the status of the SMS gateway, enter the following command:
imadmin status sms-gateway

Configuring the SMS Gateway 20-5

Starting and Stopping the SMS Gateway

20-6 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Using Calendar Pop-up Reminders

Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server is integrated with Oracle

Communications Calendar Server to provide automatic pop-up reminders to Instant
Messaging Server users for both calendar events and tasks. This chapter describes how
to use this feature. It contains the following main topics:
■ Pop-up Reminders Overview
■ Configuring Calendar Server and Instant Messaging Server to use Pop-ups
■ Configuring Calendar Pop-ups in a Server Pool
■ Administering the Calendar Agent

Pop-up Reminders Overview

This section contains information about Calendar pop-up reminders in the following
■ Pop-up Reminders Operation
■ Pop-up Reminders Architectural Flow

Pop-up Reminders Operation

Users can receive Instant Messenger pop-up reminders for upcoming events and tasks
on their calendars. To enable these pop-up reminders, the following must occur:
■ You must configure Calendar Server to use a notification service, either JMQ or
ENS, and the Instant Messaging server to enable pop-up notifications.
■ The end user must enable calendar reminders in Instant Messenger.

Note: Instant Messenger 9 uses Java Message Queue as the default

calendar agent for calendar reminders instead of ENS. Use of ENS for
calendar reminders is deprecated starting with Instant Messaging
Server 9.

With pop-ups enabled, when an impending event or task nears, the alarm set in the
notification service causes Calendar Server to send an email notification and Instant
Messaging Server to display a pop-up reminder.

Using Calendar Pop-up Reminders 21-1

Configuring Calendar Server and Instant Messaging Server to use Pop-ups

Pop-up Reminders Architectural Flow

If configured, Instant Messaging Server pop-up reminders follow this architectural
1. The Instant Messaging Server JMS subscriber subscribes to Calendar server events
and notifications in the notification service, either JMQ or ENS.
2. Calendar server publishes an event or task notification in text/xml or
text/calendar format to the notification service.
3. The Instant Messaging Server JMS subscriber receives the calendar event or task
notification and then generates a message in text/calendar format.
4. The Instant Messaging server sends the message to the calendar owner, if the end
user is online.
5. If the recipient is available, Instant Messenger generates an HTML pop-up
reminder on the end user's desktop based on the message. If the recipient is not
available, the Instant Messaging server discards the message.

Configuring Calendar Server and Instant Messaging Server to use

For server-side configuration, see "Configuring Calendar Agent with Calendar Server

Configuring Calendar Pop-ups in a Server Pool

To configure Calendar pop-ups to work in a server pool deployment, you only need to
configure one server's Calendar agent in the pool. A pop-up will be delivered for each
configured Calendar agent in the pool.

Administering the Calendar Agent

The Calendar agent is an Instant Messaging Server component that provides pop-up
functionality to Calendar and Instant Messaging users. In addition, using tools
provided with Instant Messaging Server, you can start, stop, restart, or check the status
of the Calendar agent as well as monitor its activity through log files. For more
information, see "Stopping, Starting, Refreshing, and Checking Instant Messaging
Server Components".
For information about Calendar agent logs, see "Managing Logging for Instant
Messaging Server".

21-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Configuring the Instant Messaging Server

Calendar Agent

This chapter describes how to configure the Oracle Communications Instant

Messaging Server calendar agent.

Configuring Calendar Agent with Calendar Server 7

This section describes how to configure Instant Messaging Server for Java Message
Service (JMS) to support Oracle Communications Calendar Server (Calendar Server 7)
Agent alerts. You can configure Instant Messaging Server either by running the
configure command or by manually configuring the necessary properties with the
imconfutil command. You do not need to configure Calendar Server 7 Update 2 itself
to support calendar reminders.

Note: Instant Messaging Server started using Java Message Queue as

the calendar agent for calendar reminders in the 7.3 release.

Configuring Instant Messaging Server

No special steps are needed to configure Calendar Server, starting with 7 Update 2, to
work with Instant Messaging Server. However, you do need to configure the Instant
Messaging Server 9 Calendar Agent. This section describes the two ways in which you
can configure Instant Messaging Server, and properties that need to be configured.
Topics in this section:
■ To Configure IM Server 9 Calendar Agent with Calendar Server 7
■ To Manually Configure IM Server 9 Calendar Agent with Calendar Server 7
■ JMS and Calendar Agent Properties

To Configure IM Server 9 Calendar Agent with Calendar Server 7

1. Run the configure utility, for example:
/opt/sun/comms/im/sbin/configure --nodisplay

2. Respond to the Calendar Agent configuration prompts as follows:

Do you want to go back to previous panel [no]:no
Enable Calendar Agent [no]:yes
Enable local component [no]:yes
Select the type of notification
1. JMQ

Configuring the Instant Messaging Server Calendar Agent 22-1

Configuring Calendar Agent with Calendar Server 7

2. ENS
Enter the number corresponding to your choice: [1]:1
XMPP server hostname [hostname]: host name
XMPP server port [port number]: port number
JMQ Username: username
JMQ Password: password
Notification Server Hostname: host name
Notification Server Port: port number
Topic: testTopic

3. After running the configure utility, use the imconfutil command to set the
contenttype property.
For example:
/opt/sun/comms/im/sbin/imconfutil --config
/etc/opt/SUNWiim/default/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop

To Manually Configure IM Server 9 Calendar Agent with Calendar Server 7

If you did not configure the Calendar Agent while running the configure command,
you can use the imconfutil command to manually set the properties.
1. The following example shows how to run the imconfutil command to set the list
of properties in "JMS and Calendar Agent Properties":
imconfutil --config /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml add-component
id=calagent jid=calendar.domain password=secret
imconfutil --config /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop
imconfutil --config /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop
imconfutil --config /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop
imconfutil --config /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop
imconfutil --config /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop iim_
imconfutil --config /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop
imconfutil --config /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop
imconfutil --config /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop iim_
imconfutil --config /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop
imconfutil --config /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop
imconfutil --config /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop

2. Optional: Run the following command if your imqbrokerd is configured with a

user name and password. You do not have to run the following parameter if Java
Message Queue is being used from GlassFish Server.
imconfutil --config /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop
imconfutil --config /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop

22-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Configuring Calendar Agent with Calendar Server 7

JMS and Calendar Agent Properties

Table 22–1 and Table 22–2 list the JMS and Calendar Agent properties that you
configure for Instant Messaging Server.

Table 22–1 JMS API Configuration Properties

Property Default Value Description
agent-calendar.notification.type jmq Specifies the notification service type, either jmq
or ens.
agent-calendar.broker. JMQserver:port Specifies the host name and port on which the
address broker (JMQ) is running.
agent-calendar.consumer. topic Topic on which the calendar notifications are
topic delivered.
agent-calendar.broker.user guest Specifies the broker user name.
agent-calendar.broker. guest Specifies the password of the broker user name.

The parameters in the following table are available starting with Instant Messaging
Server 8.0. If upgrading from a prior version, you must set the parameters manually.

Table 22–2 Instant Messaging Server Calendar Agent Configuration Properties

Property Value Description
agent-calendar.imadmin.enable false If set to true, you can start the agent-calendar by
using the imadmin command.
iim_agent.agent-calendar.enable false If set to true, you can start the agent-calendar by
using the imadmin command.
agent-calendar.iim_server.host NA Host name of the Instant Messaging server with
which the agent calendar communicates.
agent-calendar.iim_server.port NA Port number of the Instant Messaging server
with which the agent calendar communicates.
iim_agent.enable true Enables agents for Instant Messaging Server.
iim_agent.enable true Enables agents for Instant Messaging Server.
agent-calendar.password NA Password used by the Calendar Agent
component to authenticate the Instant Messaging
agent-calendar.serveralarms.contentt NA Content type used to deliver calendar alerts. Can
ype be text/plain or text/ical.

■ No additional steps are required to configure Calendar Server 7 Update 2 and
higher to work with Instant Messaging Server.
■ By default, Calendar Server 7 Update 2 and higher is configured with the
DavNotificationTopic configuration parameter. Use DavNotificationTopic as the
value for the agent-calendar.consumer.topic property.
■ GlassFish Server uses Java Message Queue on port 7676 independently of
Messaging Server and Calendar Server. A single host installation of Calendar
Server might see problems with port 7676 being occupied if GlassFish Server is
already installed on that host. To avoid this problem, edit the

Configuring the Instant Messaging Server Calendar Agent 22-3

Configuring Calendar Agent with Calendar Server 7

/etc/imq/imqbrokerd.conf file in the Oracle Solaris default path and set the
ARGS=-port parameter to a free port.
■ imqbrokerd should be up and running for Calendar Server alerts to work when
configured with Java Message Queue.

22-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Displaying Availability Based on Calendar


This chapter describes how to display availability for Oracle Communications Instant
Messaging Server based on entries in a user’s calendar.

Instant Messaging Availability Based on Calendar Entries Overview

Calendar availability is a feature that makes it possible to display a user's instant
messaging availability based on the user's calendar schedule. For example, if calendar
availability is enabled and user-A's calendar shows that user A has a meeting from
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM, Instant Messaging Server can inform other users that user A is
busy and not available.
To use the calendar availability feature, you need to:
1. Use the imconfutil command to enable calendar availability (see "Enabling Instant
Messaging Availability Based on Calendar Entries").
2. Configure one or more Java Message Queue (JMQ) brokers for providing calendar
information to Instant Messaging Server (see "Configuring Java Message Queue
(JMQ) Brokers for Calendar Availability").

Enabling Instant Messaging Availability Based on Calendar Entries

To enable the use of calendar entries for displaying instant messaging availability, use
the imconfutil set-property command to set the agent-calendar.presence.enable
property to true:
imconfutil set-property agent-calendar.presence.enable=true

To disable the calendar availability feature once it has been enabled, set
agent-calendar.presence.enable to false.

Configuring Java Message Queue (JMQ) Brokers for Calendar Availability

When the calendar availability is enabled, multiple calendar servers can send JMQ
notifications to an Instant Messaging server. For each calendar server, there needs to be
a separate JMQ broker. To configure a JMQ broker, use the imconfutil commands in
Table 23–1.

Displaying Availability Based on Calendar Entries 23-1

Configuring Java Message Queue (JMQ) Brokers for Calendar Availability

Table 23–1 imconfutil Commands for Configuring a JMQ Broker

imconfutil Command Description
add-jmqbroker Adds a JMQ broker for handling calendar availability notifications.
id: A user-specified identifier for the added broker.
address: The host name and port (hostname:port) of the JMQ publisher that the
calendar-agent broker communicates with. The JMQ publisher is a part of Calendar
user: The user name for the broker to use in connecting to Instant Messaging Server.
password: The password for the broker to use in connecting to Instant Messaging
imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml add-jmqbroker
id=broker1 address=jmqbroker.example.com:7676 user=thisjmqbroker

delete-jmqbroker Deletes a JMQ broker.

id: The ID of the broker to be deleted.
list-jmqbrokers Lists the IDs of all JMQ brokers. The properties of an individual broker can then be
obtained using the imconfutil get-jmqbroker-prop command.
Parameters: none.
set-jmqbroker-prop Sets one or more properties of a JMQ broker.
id: The ID of the broker.
property: A property of the broker. To set more than one property, enter a
space-separated list of property=value pairs. The properties you can set are:
■ address: the host name and port (hostname:port) of the JMQ publisher that the
calendar-agent broker communicates with. The JMQ publisher is a part of
Calendar Server.
■ user: The user name for the broker to use in connecting to Instant Messaging
■ password: The password for the broker to use in connecting to Instant
Messaging Server.
get-jmqbroker-prop Gets the properties assigned to a JMQ broker.
Id: The ID of The Broker.

23-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Using the Web Presence API

This chapter describes how to use and configure the Oracle Communications Instant
Messaging Server Web Presence API.

Instant Messaging Server Web Presence API Overview

Users of instant messaging are typically able to see a contact list showing whether
individual contacts are available. Instant messaging users who are not contacts
typically do not receive such presence information. Instant Messaging Server provides a
Web Presence API that allows a Web application to obtain presence information from
Instant Messaging Server and display it to users, independent of whether they are
contacts. An example of where this is useful is an enterprise application that provides
an employee listing with information such as employee name, department, title,
location, and phone number. If the application provides availability information, it
may help a user who looks up an employee to decide whether to make a phone call,
send an email, or look for someone else to contact.
For a Web application to obtain presence information from Instant Messaging Server, it
needs to use the new Web Presence API and the Web Presence API must be configured
to allow use by the Web application. In addition, any Instant Messaging server that the
Web Presence API communicates with must be configured to recognize the Web
Presence API (see "Configuring an Instant Messaging Server to Recognize the Web
Presence API").
■ Web Presence API for Requesting Presence Information
■ Configuring the Instant Messaging Server Web Presence API
■ Configuring an Instant Messaging Server to Recognize the Web Presence API
■ Steps for Configuring and Testing the Web Presence API

Web Presence API for Requesting Presence Information

When a user's instant messaging application starts up and contacts Instant Messaging
Server, it sends presence information about the user. A web application can then
obtain this information from Instant Messaging Server by making an HTTP GET or
HTTP POST request that uses the Web Presence API. The request can be for the
availability of a single user or of multiple users.

Using the Web Presence API 24-1

Web Presence API for Requesting Presence Information

web.xml File for the Web Presence API

A template deployment descriptor (web.xml) file for the Web Presence API is
provided at the following location:

You can edit the file to add any custom servlets you have developed for handing
requests to the Web Presence API.
The remainder of this section contains the following topics.
■ HTTP GET Requests for Presence Information
■ HTTP POST Requests for Presence Information
■ JSON Response to Requests for Presence Information

HTTP GET Requests for Presence Information

GET requests for presence information have different formats when they are sent to an
individual user or to multiple users, see:
■ GET Requests for Presence Information on an Individual User
■ GET Requests for Presence Information on Multiple Users
In both cases, by default, the response to a request for presence information is returned
in a JSON object (see "JSON Response to Requests for Presence Information").

GET Requests for Presence Information on an Individual User

To send a GET request for presence information on an individual user, send the
request to /presence/jid_or_email_address as in the following example:
GET /presence/node@domain.com/resource

By default, the request returns a JSON object containing the presence information (see
"JSON Response to Requests for Presence Information").

GET Requests for Presence Information on Multiple Users

To send a GET request for presence information on more than one user, send a request
in the following format:
GET /presence?request={JSON object}

where the JSON object has the following format:


In the request (see RFC 3921, XMPP: Instant Messaging and Presence):
■ type is a parameter for the type of presence request.
■ to is a parameter for the user's JID or email address.
■ node@domain/resource is the user's JID or email address.
For more information, see RFC 3921, XMPP: Instant Messaging and Presence at:

24-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Configuring the Instant Messaging Server Web Presence API

By default, the request returns a JSON object containing the presence information (see
"JSON Response to Requests for Presence Information").

HTTP POST Requests for Presence Information

A POST request for presence information has the following format:
POST /presence
request:JSON object

where the JSON object contains one or more presence requests, as in the following
POST /presence

In the example:
■ type is a parameter for the type of presence request.
■ probe is a request for a contact's current presence information.
■ to is a parameter for the user's JID or email address.
■ node@domain/resource is the user's JID or email address.
For more information, see RFC 3921, XMPP: Instant Messaging and Presence:
By default, the request returns a JSON object containing the presence information (see
"JSON Response to Requests for Presence Information").

JSON Response to Requests for Presence Information

By default, requests for presence information return an HTTP response whose payload
is a JSON object that contains the parameters of an XMPP presence stanza. The
following example shows a JSON object with presence information on three users:
"}},{"presence":{"show":"away","status":"temporarily unavailable

■ show is a parameter for showing a user's availability.
■ dnd (Do Not Disturb) means the user is busy.
■ from is a parameter for the JID or email address of the user sending the presence
■ node@domain/resource is the JID or email address of the user.
■ status is a parameter for a description of the user's availability status.
■ temporarily unavailable is the user's availability status.

Configuring the Instant Messaging Server Web Presence API

For a Web application to obtain and display presence information, you need to
configure properties in the Web Presence API's configuration file. A template for the

Using the Web Presence API 24-3

Configuring the Instant Messaging Server Web Presence API

configuration file is installed in: InstantMessaging_home/lib. There is no required name

or location for the configuration file.
Table 24–1 lists Web Presence API configuration properties.

Table 24–1 Web Presence API Configuration Properties

Property Default Value Description
presenceapi.idtype jid Specifies whether HTTP requests for presence information
contain a JID (idtype is jid) or an email address (idtype is
presenceapi.wait_time 10 The maximum length of time, in seconds, that the presence
component waits to receive a response from an Instant
Messaging server that contains presence information for an
individual user. If no response is received within the time limit,
the presence component returns a presence type of none as the
user's availability.
presenceapi.log4j.config None The location of the configuration file that Instant Messaging
Server uses for Apache-log4j logging.
For information on Instant Messaging Server logging, see
"Managing Logging for Instant Messaging Server".
For information on Apache-log4j logging, see the Apache
website at:
At installation, a presenceapi_log4j.conf.template template file
to use as the basis for a log4j configuration file is installed in
InstantMessaging_home/config. Use the template file to create a
log4j configuration file. There is no required name or location for
the configuration file.
presenceapi.config None A space-separated list of identifiers for the
Instant-Messaging-Server deployments that the presence
component can communicate with. Each identifier will be used
as a prefix to presence-API configuration properties for the
deployment. For example, given the identifier list ImDeploy1
ImDeploy2, there will be separate sets of ImDeploy1.property
properties and ImDeploy2.property properties. Each deployment
in the list of identifiers must be separately configured to
recognize communications from the Web Presence API (see
"Configuring an Instant Messaging Server to Recognize the Web
Presence API").
identifier.presencepolicy open Specifies the way to interpret the list of JID or email domains in
the identifier.domains property, one of the following:
■ open (the default value): The Server supports presence
requests for users in all domains except those listed in
■ closed: The Server supports presence requests for users
only in the domains listed in identifier.domains.
identifier.domains None A space separated list of JID or email domains:
■ If the presenceapi.idtype property is set to jid, list JID
domains; if presenceapi.idtype is set to email, list email
■ If the identifier.presencepolicy property is set to open, a list
of domains that are not supported and for which presence
information will not be retrieved.
■ If the identifier.presencepolicy property is set to closed, a list
of domains that are supported and for which presence
information is retrieved.

24-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Configuring an Instant Messaging Server to Recognize the Web Presence API

Table 24–1 (Cont.) Web Presence API Configuration Properties

Property Default Value Description
identifier.hosts None A space-separated list of Instant Messaging servers and their
ports (hostname:port) that make up the deployment identified by
identifier.componentjid None The JID that the Web Presence API uses in establishing a
connection with the Instant Messaging server specified by
identifier. When you configure Instant Messaging Server, you
need to enter this JID to identify the Web Presence API to the
Server (see "Configuring an Instant Messaging Server to
Recognize the Web Presence API"). It is recommended that the
same JID be used with each Instant Messaging server the Web
Presence API communicates with.
identifier.password None The password that the presence component uses in establishing
a connection with Instant Messaging Server specified by
identifier. When you configure Instant Messaging Server, you
will need to enter this JID to identify the Web Presence API to
the Server (see "Configuring an Instant Messaging Server to
Recognize the Web Presence API"). It is recommended that the
same password be used with each Instant Messaging server. To
generate an encrypted password, use the Instant Messaging
Server "passwordtool Command Reference".
presenceapi.component. None If you want to use an encrypted password, this property is
password.cipher.delegate required with a value of
presenceapi.component. None If you want to use an encrypted password, this property is
password.cipher required with a value of

Configuring an Instant Messaging Server to Recognize the Web Presence

The Web Presence API is an XMPP component that communicates with Instant
Messaging Server. The Web Presence API must be configured to communicate with the
Instant Messaging Server, and Instant Messaging Server must be configured to receive
communications from an XMPP component. This requires using the imconfutil
command to add the Web Presence API as a component of the Instant Messaging
Server, as in the following example:
imconfutil -c IM_BASE_DIR/config/iim.conf.xml add-component id=presenceapi
jid=presenceapi.example.com password=drowp broadcastpresence=true

■ jid must be set to the same value as the Web Presence API's
ImServer1.componentjid property.
■ password must be set to the same value as the Web Presence API's
ImServer1.password property.
■ broadcast must be set to true to allow Instant Messaging Server to send presence
information to the Web Presence API.
After adding the Web Presence API as a component to Instant Messaging Server, you
need to restart the server:
imadmin refresh server

Using the Web Presence API 24-5

Steps for Configuring and Testing the Web Presence API

Steps for Configuring and Testing the Web Presence API

This section provides steps for configuring and trying out the Web Presence API before
you have done more extensive application development. The steps cover:
■ Configuring and deploying the Web Presence API on a local machine.
■ Configuring Instant Messaging Server for the Web Presence API and restarting the
■ Logging a user in to Instant Messaging Server through an XMPP client.
■ Sending a GET request for the user's presence to Instant Messaging Server and
viewing the response.
To configure and test the functionality of the Web Presence API:
1. Use the iwadmin command to create a ZIP file for the Web Presence API that you
can move to another machine or keep locally:
iwadmin generatezip presenceapi -c /local/presenceAPI/config/presenceapi.conf
-d /tmp/presenceapi.zip

■ The -c parameter specifies the future location of the configuration file for the
Web Presence API, once the ZIP file is unzipped.
■ The -d parameter specifies a destination directory and file name for the ZIP
file. The directory must exist before you generate the ZIP file.
■ The ZIP file contains:
– A deployable WAR file for the Web Presence API
– A template file (presenceapi.conf.template) to use for creating a Web
Presence API configuration file.
– A template file, presenceapi_log4j.conf.template, for configuring a log4j
log file.
– The Instant Messaging Server password tool. For information on the
password tool, see "passwordtool Command Reference".
2. Extract the contents of the ZIP file to the directory that you want to use as your
Web Presence API configuration directory, for example, /local/presenceAPI.
unzip /tmp/presenceapi.zip -d /local/presenceAPI

3. To create a configuration file for the Web Presence API, copy the configuration file
template, presenceapi.conf.template, to presenceapi.conf.
4. In presenceapi.conf, edit the following lines according to the instructions below
# Comment out the following options if you are not using an encrypted password.

24-6 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Steps for Configuring and Testing the Web Presence API

For information about the configuration properties above, see Table 24–1.
a. Leave the first two entries, presenceapi.config=default and
default.presencepolicy=open as they are.
The first property identifies a deployment of Instant Messaging servers as
The second property sets the deployment to provide presence information for
contacts in all domains, except for domains that are listed with the
default.domains property.
b. Delete default.domains=DOMAINS_LIST. There is no need to restrict the
domains open to presence requests in this example.
c. Set default.hosts to a space-separated list of the Instant Messaging servers and
their ports (hostname:port) that make up the default deployment. For example:
default.hosts=ImServer1.example.com:5269 ImServer2.example.com:5269

d. Set default.componentjid to the JID of the Web Presence API in its Web server.
The same JID must be entered when you use the command to configure
Instant Messaging Server at a later step. Example:

e. Set default.password to the password you want to use in connecting to Instant

Messaging Server. The same password must be entered when you use the
command to configure Instant Messaging Server at a later step. Example:

f. Set presenceapi.log4j.config to the absolute path of the log4j configuration

file. For example:
set presenceapi.log4j.config=/local/presenceAPI/config/presenceapi_

5. Use the Glassfish Server 3 asadmin command to deploy the Web Presence API
WAR file (you will need Administrator privileges), for example:
/local/glassfish3/bin/asadmin deploy /local/presenceAPI/presenceapi.war

6. Use the imconfutil command to add the Web Presence API as an XMPP Web
component to the Instant Messaging server identified as ImServer1:
imconfutil -c $IM_BASE_DIR/config/iim.conf.xml add-component id=presenceapi
jid=presenceapi.example.com password=asdfjkl; broadcastpresence=true

■ jid must be set to the same value as the Web Presence API's
ImServer1.componentjid property.
■ password must be set to the same value as the Web Presence API's
ImServer1.password property.
■ broadcast must be set to true to allow Instant Messaging Server to send
presence information to the Web Presence API.
7. Restart Instant Messaging Server using the imadmin command. This is necessary
because of the configuration changes you made to the Server.
imadmin refresh server

Using the Web Presence API 24-7

Steps for Configuring and Testing the Web Presence API

8. In preparation for the next step, sending a request for presence information, get
the JID of a user that is logged-in to Instant Messaging Server through an XMPP
client. If you have an instant messaging account on an XMPP client that uses the
Instant Messaging Server, and your XMPP client is running, you can use your own
9. Send a GET or POST request for presence information to the Web Presence API,
using the JID from the previous step.
■ You can send a GET request manually by entering it directly in the address
bar of a browser and pressing Return. The following is an example of such a
request. Note the / that follows the JID. Without it, the JID is interpreted as a
file name and the request fails.

If the request is successful, a JSON object with presence information is

displayed in the browser, as in the following example:

■ You can send the request from a JavaScript, in which case the response is
returned to the script as a JSON object.
10. Verify that the response received is what was expected.

24-8 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Configuring the Instant Messaging Server Web

Presence API

This chapter describes how to configure the Oracle Communications Instant

Messaging Server Web Presence API. The Web Presence API makes it possible for a
Web application to obtain presence information from Instant Messaging Server and
display it to users, independent of whether they are instant-messaging contacts. For
information on using the Web Presence API, see "Using the Web Presence API".

Configuring the Web Presence API

To configure the Web Presence API, set configuration properties as described
Table 25–1.

Table 25–1 Web Presence API Configuration Properties

Property Default Value Description
presenceapi.idtype jid Specifies whether HTTP requests for presence information
contain a JID (idtype is jid) or an email address (idtype is
presenceapi.wait_time 10 The maximum length of time, in seconds, that the presence
component waits to receive a response from Instant Messaging
Server that contains presence information for an individual user.
If no response is received within the time limit, the presence
component returns a presence type of none as the user's
The default value is 10 seconds if there is no entry for this
property in the Presence API configuration file. In the Presence
API configuration template, the value is set to 15 seconds. Thus,
if you use the template, then the default is 15. If you create the
configuration file from scratch, the default is 10 seconds.
presenceapi.log4j.config None The location of the configuration file that Instant Messaging
Server uses for Apache-log4j logging. For information on Instant
Messaging Server logging, see "Managing Logging for Instant
Messaging Server"; for information on Apache-log4j logging, see
the Apache website at:
At installation, a presenceapi_log4j.conf.template template file
to use as the basis for a log4j configuration file is installed in
InstantMessaging_home/config. Use the template file to create a
log4j configuration file. There is no required name or location
for the configuration file.

Configuring the Instant Messaging Server Web Presence API 25-1

Configuring the Web Presence API

Table 25–1 (Cont.) Web Presence API Configuration Properties

Property Default Value Description
presenceapi.config None A space-separated list of identifiers for Instant Messaging Server
deployments that the presence component can communicate
with. Each identifier is used as a prefix to presence-API
configuration properties for the deployment.
For example, given the identifier list ImDeploy1 ImDeploy2, there
are separate sets of ImDeploy1.property properties and
ImDeploy2.property properties. Each deployment in the list of
identifiers must be separately configured to recognize
communications from the Web Presence API (see "Configuring
an Instant Messaging Server to Recognize the Web Presence
identifier.presencepolicy open Specifies the way to interpret the list of JID or email domains in
the identifier.domains property, one of the following:
■ open (the default value): The Server supports presence
requests for users in all domains except those listed in
■ closed: The Server supports presence requests for users
only in the domains listed in identifier.domains.
identifier.domain None A space separated list of JID or email domains:
■ If the presenceapi.idtype property is set to jid, list JID
domains; if presenceapi.idtype is set to email, list email
■ If the identifier.presencepolicy property is set to open, a list
of domains that are not supported and for which presence
information will not be retrieved.
■ If the identifier.presencepolicy property is set to closed, a
list of domains that are supported and for which presence
information is retrieved.
identifier.hosts None A space-separated list of Instant Messaging servers and their
ports (hostname:port) that make up the deployment identified by
identifier.component.jid None The JID that the Web Presence API uses in establishing a
connection with the Instant Messaging server specified by
identifier. When you configure Instant Messaging Server, you
will need to enter this JID to identify the Web Presence API to
the Server (see "Configuring the Instant Messaging Server Web
Presence API"). It is recommended that you use the same JID for
each Instant Messaging server the Web Presence API
communicates with.

25-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Configuring the Web Presence API

Table 25–1 (Cont.) Web Presence API Configuration Properties

Property Default Value Description
identifier.password None The password that the presence component uses in establishing
a connection with the Instant Messaging server specified by
identifier. When you configure Instant Messaging Server, you
will need to enter this JID to identify the Web Presence API to
the Server (see "Configuring an Instant Messaging Server to
Recognize the Web Presence API"). It is recommended that you
use the same password for each Instant Messaging server. To
generate an encrypted password, use the Instant Messaging
Server password tool (see "passwordtool Command Reference").
presenceapi.component.p None If you want to use an encrypted password, this property is
assword.cipher.delegate required with a value of

presenceapi.component.p None If you want to use an encrypted password, this property is

assword.cipher required with a value of

Configuring the Instant Messaging Server Web Presence API 25-3

Configuring the Web Presence API

25-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Part III
Part III Instant Messaging Server Reference

Part III contains the following chapters:

■ Configuration File and Directory Structure Overview
■ Configuration Properties
■ Instant Messaging Server APIs
■ imadmin Command Reference
■ imconfutil Command Reference
■ iwadmin Command Reference
■ passwordtool Command Reference
■ XMPP and HTTP Gateway Configuration Parameters
Configuration File and Directory Structure


This chapter describes the configuration files you use to administer Oracle
Communications Instant Messaging Server. The chapter also describes the Instant
Messaging Server directory structure and the properties files used to store Instant
Messaging Server operational data and configuration information. The following
topics are covered:
■ Program Files
■ Server Configuration Files
■ Runtime Directory
■ Database Directory
■ Instant Messaging Server Configuration File

Program Files
Program files include the native executable files, the library files in the bin or lib
directory, the shell scripts in the sbin directory, the Java classes, and templates files in
the lib directory.

Oracle Solaris Location of Program Files

Program files are located in the Instant Messaging Server installation directory. The
default location of the installation directory is: /opt/sun/comms/im.

Red Hat Linux and Oracle Linux Location of Program Files

Program files are located in the Instant Messaging Server installation directory. The
default location of the installation directory is: /opt/sun/comms/im.

Server Configuration Files

Server configuration files include the iim.conf.xml file and a subdirectory that
contains all the server-wide access control files.

Note: In Instant Messaging Server 9, you use the imconfutil

command to make a configuration change. Never directly edit the
iim.conf.xml file.

Configuration File and Directory Structure Overview 26-1

Runtime Directory

Oracle Solaris Location of Server Configuration Files

Server configuration files are located in the Instant Messaging Server configuration
directory. The default location of the configuration directory is:
For convenience, the installer creates a symbolic link from
/etc/opt/sun/comms/im/default/config to /opt/sun/comms/im/config.
In addition, if you create multiple instances of Instant Messaging Server, the name of
the /default directory varies, depending on the instance. See the topic on creating
multiple instances from a single Instant Messaging Server installation in Instant
Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide.

Red Hat Linux and Oracle Linux Location of Server Configuration Files
Server configuration files are located in the Instant Messaging Server configuration
directory. The default location of the configuration directory is:
For convenience, the installer creates a symbolic link from
/etc/opt/sun/im/default/config to /opt/sun/comms/im/config.
In addition, if you create multiple instances of Instant Messaging Server, the name of
the /default directory varies, depending on the instance. See the topic on creating
multiple instances from a single Instant Messaging Server installation in Instant
Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide.

Runtime Directory
The runtime directory contains Instant Messaging Server data. It includes the
configurable directory for files generated by the server at runtime. It also includes the
end user data in the data directory. Its log directory contains the server, multiplexor,
Calendar agent, and XMPP service log files.

Oracle Solaris Location of the Runtime Directory

The default value of the runtime directory is: /var/opt/sun/im/default.
In addition, if you create multiple instances of Instant Messaging Server, the name of
the /default directory varies, depending on the instance. See the topic on creating
multiple instances from a single Instant Messaging Server installation in Instant
Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide.

Red Hat Linux and Oracle Linux Location of the Runtime Directory
The default value of the runtime directory is: /var/opt/sun/im/default.
In addition, if you create multiple instances of Instant Messaging Server, the name of
the /default directory varies, depending on the instance. See the topic on creating
multiple instances from a single Instant Messaging Server installation in Instant
Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide.

Database Directory
If you are using a file-based property store, the database directory contains end user
information such as the user and news channels directory. If you are using LDAP to
store user data, the database directory is not used.

26-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Instant Messaging Server Configuration File

Oracle Solaris Location of the Database Directory

The default value for the Database Directory is: /var/opt/SUNWiim/default/db
In addition, if you create multiple instances of Instant Messaging, the name of the
/default directory will vary depending on the instance. See the topic on creating
multiple instances from a single Instant Messaging Server installation in Instant
Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide.

Red Hat Linux and Oracle Linux Location of the Database Directory
The default value for the Database Directory is: /var/opt/sun/im/default/db
In addition, if you create multiple instances of Instant Messaging, the name of the
/default directory will vary depending on the instance. See the topic on creating
multiple instances from a single Instant Messaging Server installation in Instant
Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide.

Instant Messaging Server Configuration File

Instant Messaging Server stores all configuration properties (formally called options) in
the iim.conf.xml file. For more information on the properties and values stored in the
iim.conf.xml file, see "Configuration Properties".

Instant Messaging Server Data

Instant Messaging Server stores the following Instant Messenger data in the database
directory that is set by the iim.instance.vardir parameter.
■ End user properties, such as contact lists, messenger settings, and access control
(alternatively, these properties can be stored in LDAP).
■ Public conferences. This does not involve instant messages which are not
persistent, but only properties of the conference objects themselves, such as access

Configuration File and Directory Structure Overview 26-3

Instant Messaging Server Configuration File

26-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Configuration Properties

This chapter covers the Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server

configuration properties that are stored in the iim.conf.xml file.

iim.conf.xml File Location

Instant Messaging Server stores configuration settings in the iim.conf.xml file within
the configuration directory (InstantMessaging_cfg). The default is:
If you created multiple instances of Instant Messaging Server, the name of the /default
directory varies depending on the instance. See the topic on creating multiple
instances from a single Instant Messaging Server installation in Instant Messaging
Server Installation and Configuration Guide.

iim.conf.xml File Syntax

■ Instant Messaging Server 9 merges its multiple configuration files into one file, the
iim.conf.xml file.
■ A set of common properties is used across the Instant Messaging Server
deployment or instance, including instancedir, installdir, and so on.
■ Each component has its own configuration section in the file, for example, a server
section, a mux section, and so on.
■ Some configuration properties are complex, in the sense that they have more than
one instance, and each instance has one or more keys.
■ When you run the imconfutil command, the iim.conf.xml file is updated. You
must refresh Instant Messaging Server for the new configuration settings to take

Note: The iim.conf.xml file is initialized by the installation process

and should be modified only as described in this documentation.

Note: The new configuration system has backward compatibility. If

support for any key is not available with imconfutil, or if a property is
not found in the iim.conf.xml file, it uses the old iim.conf as a fallback.
If you want to upgrade from releases prior to Instant Messaging
Server 9, you must copy im.conf-pre9 to iim.conf for the fallback to

Configuration Properties 27-1

iim.conf.xml File Syntax

Table 27–1 lists and describes the general configuration properties.

Table 27–1 General Configuration Properties

Property Default Value Description
iim.smtpserver localhost SMTP server to send mail to end users who
have set the option for forwarding their
messages as emails or to pagers.
iim.instancedir /opt The installation directory root.
iim.instancevardir Solaris: Sets the directory to contain runtime files,
/var/opt/sun/comms/im/ including the end-user profile database, logs,
default and other files created by the server and
multiplexor at runtime. The name of the
Red Hat Linux and Oracle
/default directory may vary if you created
Linux: /var/opt/sun/im/default
multiple instances of Instant Messaging Server.
iim.user inetuser for LDAP The end-user name with which the server
deployments. root for portal processes run.
iim.group inetgroup for LDAP The group using which the server processes
deployments. root for portal run.
iim.jvm.maxmemorysize 256 The maximum number heap size in MB the
JVM running the server is allowed to use. Used
to construct the -mx argument of the Java
iim.mail.charset None Specifies whether the headers of the mail are in
ASCII and not encoded. It contains the name of
the character set to use to encode the headers
of the mail message sent out for offline alerts.
For example:

iim.jvm.command None The location of the Java Runtime Executable

iim.policy.cachevalidity 10 Defines the cache validity interval (in seconds)
for a single user's information. Instant
Messaging Server saves the last date a single
end-user's information was cached. If the
end-user's information is accessed after the
interval determined by this property, the server
will recache the end user's information and
reset the cache date on the LocalUser object.
iim.policy.modules iim_ldap By default, LDAP is used for policy storage.

27-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

iim.conf.xml File Syntax

Table 27–1 (Cont.) General Configuration Properties

Property Default Value Description
iim.userprops.store ldap Indicates whether the user properties are in a
user properties file or stored in LDAP. Only
significant when the service definitions for the
Presence and Instant Messaging services have
been installed.
Value can be one of the following:
■ ldap (the default)
■ file (not recommended)
In Convergence, if Instant Messaging Server is
configured with a user properties file, end
users are unable to upload Avatars. When
using Instant Messaging Server in
Convergence, the iim.userprops.store property
should be set to ldap, not file.
iim_server.db_path iim.instancevardir/db File system location for the server to store user
properties. Used by the propstore file.

iim_server.scratch_directory iim.instancevardir/scratch Specifies the directory in which Instant

Messaging Server can store transient data.

iim_gwc.enable no Controls whether the imadmin command

starts the Gateway Connector process.
iim_gwc.hostport Hostname:55222 Specifies the host and port of the Gateway
Connector process.
iim_gwc.maxchannels 10000 Specifies the maximum number of channels for
the Gateway Connector process.
iim_gwc.jvm.options None Specifies the options to be passed to the Java
virtual machine when starting the Gateway
Connector process.
iim_.jid.encoding. true Controls whether the server uses the standard
compat JID encoding scheme or an older scheme that is
compatible with older server versions.
iim_server.jvm.options None Specifies the options to be passed to the Java
VM when starting the server.
iim_server.maxsessions Equal to iim_ The maximum number of client sessions that
mux.maxsessions by default. the server can handle. Needs to be equal to at
least the sum of all the multiplexor
If iim_mux.
maxsessions is not set, then
iim_mux.maxsessions is 5000.
iim_server.maxthreads 50 The maximum number of threads used by the
iim_server.memory.user. false Specifies whether user cache count is enabled.
iim_ false Specifies whether all component connections
server.component.requiressl must be encrypted.
iim_server.classpath Includes custom paths in the No description
classpath of the server.
iim_ muc Sets the conference service name.
iim_server.sasl.usemechanism. false Enables the DIGEST-MD5 authentication
DIGEST-MD5 mechanism.

Configuration Properties 27-3

iim.conf.xml File Syntax

Table 27–1 (Cont.) General Configuration Properties

Property Default Value Description
iim_server.filter.enable false Specifies whether the file filter providers
should be enabled or disabled.
iim_server.filters false Specifies the list of file filter providers.
iim_server.deliverofflinechat false Determines whether the capability is on or off.
To enable the feature for the entire deployment,
set the iim_server.deliverofflinechat property
to true, and do not set
deliverofflinechat.domain property. To disable
the feature for the entire deployment, set the
iim_server.deliverofflinechat property to
false, and do not set
deliverofflinechat.domain property.
iim_server.peerpingtimeout 300 Specifies the time in seconds that the server
waits for a ping response from the peer. If set
to a value less than or equal to 0, ping between
the peers is disabled.
iim_ false Enables and disables the use of groups in
server.enablegroupsinconferen multi-user chat rooms.
deliverofflinechat.domain None Used to blacklist or whitelist a domain. To
blacklist a domain, set the iim_
server.deliverofflinechat property to true, and
set the deliverofflinechat.domain property to
the list of domains to be blacklisted. To
whitelist a domain, set the iim_
server.deliverofflinechat property to false,
and set the deliverofflinechat.domain
property to the list of domains to be
deliverofflinechat.maxsize 50 Determines the maximum queue size related to
the Receiver.
iim_ Specifies the mechanism that will be used for
ldap.sasl.mechanism.factories authentication.
iim_ldap.userpasswordattr userpassword Specifies the field that should be used for
authentication. By default, userpassword is
used for authentication.

Table 27–2 lists and describes the properties used by Instant for LDAP, user
registration, and user source configuration.

Table 27–2 LDAP, User Registration, and Source Configuration Properties

Property Default Value Description
iim_ldap.host localhost:389 LDAP server name and port used by Instant for
end-user authentication.
iim_ldap.searchbase o=internet The string used as base to search for the end users
and groups on the LDAP server.
iim_ldap.usergroupbinddn None (the server performs Specifies the DN to use to bind to the LDAP server
anonymous searches) for searches.
iim_ None (the server performs Specifies the password to use with the iim_
ldap.usergroupbindcred anonymous searches) ldap.usergroupbinddn DN for LDAP searches.

27-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

iim.conf.xml File Syntax

Table 27–2 (Cont.) LDAP, User Registration, and Source Configuration Properties
Property Default Value Description
iim_ldap.loginfilter (&(|(objectclass=inetorgpers Search filter used during end-user login. The
on)(objectclass=webtopuser)) entire filter is entered as one line.
iim_ldap.userbrowsefilter (objectclass=inetorgperson) Specifies LDAP filter to be applied when browsing
iim_ (|(&(objectclass=groupofuni The search filter used to search for end users and
ldap.usergroupbyidsearchfi quenames)(uid={0}))(&(|(obj groups in the directory, under the base specified
lter ectclass=inetorgperson)(obje by ID. The entire filter is entered as one line.
iim_ (|(&(objectclass=groupofuni The search filter used to search for end users and
ldap.usergroupbynamesear quenames)(cn={0}))(&(|(obje groups in the directory, under the base specified
chfilter ctclass=inetorgperson)(object by name.
iim_ (|(&(objectclass=groupofuni The search filter that returns a group, given a mail
ldap.usergroupbymailsearc quenames)(mail={0}))(&(obje address.
hfilter ctclass=inetorgperson)(mail=
iim_ false Determines if wildcards should be enabled for
ldap.allowwildcardinuid UIDs while performing a search. As most
directory installations have UIDs indexed for
exact searches only, the default value is False.
Setting this value to True can impact performance
unless UIDs are indexed for substring search.
iim_ldap.userclass inetOrgPerson,webtopuser The LDAP class that indicates that an entry
belongs to an end user.
iim_ldap.groupclass groupOfUniqueNames The LDAP class that indicates that an entry
belongs to a group.
iim_ldap.groupbrowsefilter (&(objectclass=groupofuniq The search filter used to browse all groups in the
uenames)(cn={0})) directory under the specified search base.
iim_ldap.searchlimit 40 Maximum number of entries to be returned by a
search. A value of -1 means search is disabled on
this server and a value of 0 indicates unlimited
iim_ldap.resynctime 720 Maximum time in seconds that data fetched from
LDAP is held before resyncing.
iim_ldap.userdisplay cn LDAP attribute to use for display name of end
iim_ldap.groupdisplay cn LDAP attribute to use for display name of groups.
im_ldap.useruidattr uid LDAP attribute used as end users' UID.
im_ldap.groupmemberattr uniquemember LDAP attribute that gives the list of members of a
iim_ldap.usermailattr mail LDAP attribute that should contain end users'
provisioned email addresses. Used when the
email message is sent to an offline end user.
iim_ldap.usermobileattr mobile LDAP attribute that contains end users' mobile
phone numbers.
iim_ldap.groupmemberattr uniquemember LDAP attribute that contains the group member

Configuration Properties 27-5

iim.conf.xml File Syntax

Table 27–2 (Cont.) LDAP, User Registration, and Source Configuration Properties
Property Default Value Description
iim_ memberurl The membership attribute of a dynamic group,
ldap.groupmemberurlattr which contains the LDAP filter or the LDAP URL.
iim.register.enable None If TRUE, the server allows new Instant end users
to register themselves (add themselves to the
directory) using Instant Messenger.
iim_ldap.register.basedn None If self-registration is enabled, the value of this
property is the DN of the location in the LDAP
directory in which person entries are stored. For
example: "ou=people,dc=siroe,dc=com"
iim_ldap.register.domain None The domain to which new users will be added.
For example, directory.siroe.com.
iim_ldap.firstnameattr givenname The LDAP attribute that stores the user's first
iim_ldap.user.attributes None The LDAP attribute that contains the list of
custom attributes from the LDAP user entry.
iim_ldap.group.attributes None The LDAP attribute that contains the list of
custom attributes from the LDAP group entry.
iim_ldap.lastnameattr sn The LDAP attribute that stores the user's last
iim_ nsManagedRoleDefinition The LDAP object class that represents
ldap.managedroleobjectclas managed-role objects.
iim_ldap.usessl false Specifies whether to use SSL when connecting to
the primary LDAP server.
iim_ldap.schema1.domain_ None Specifies the base DN for looking up schema 1
config_root domains.
iim_ldap.schema2.domain_ None Specifies the base DN for looking up schema 1
config_root domains.
iim_ldap.debugPool false Enables extra debugging log messages for LDAP
pool failover.
iim_ldap.groupchatstorage. 10000 if no value set, 1000 if Specifies queuesize for group chat.
queuesize value set and is less than 1000.
iim_ false Specifies whether the passwords in LDAP are
ldap.plaintextpasswords stored in clear text

Table 27–3 lists and describes the logging configuration properties for log4j-based

27-6 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

iim.conf.xml File Syntax

Table 27–3 Logging Configuration Properties

Property Default Value Description
agent-calendar.log4j. 60 Specifies in seconds how often the calendar agent rereads the log4j
refresh configuration.
agent-calendar.log4j. InstantMessagi Specifies the location and name of the log4j configuration file. If no
refresh ng_cfg value exists for this property, the logger will look for log4j.conf in
InstantMessaging_cfg. If the logger does not find log4j.conf in
InstantMessaging_cfg, it uses the property-based logging method,
instead of log4j.
iim_mux.log4j.refresh 60 Specifies in seconds how often the multiplexor rereads its log4j
iim_server.log4j.refresh 60 Specifies in seconds how often the server rereads its log4j
iim_wd.log4j.refresh 60 Specifies in seconds how often the watchdog rereads its log4j
iim_ 60 Specifies in seconds how often the SMS gateway rereads its log4j
smppbind.log4j.refresh configuration.

Table 27–4 lists and describes the general configuration properties.

Table 27–4 General Instant Messaging Server Configuration Properties

Property Default Value Description
iim_server.autosubscribe iim_server.clienttimeout Indicates whether subscriptions are automatically
authorized by the server. The possible values are TRUE
and FALSE. If TRUE, subscribe requests are
automatically followed by a subscribed response
generated by the server. The server then sends the
modified roster to the subscriber and the user the
subscriber added as a contact. The user and the contact
must be in the same domain to use this feature.
iim_server.domainname host's domain name The logical Instant Messaging Server domain name you
want this server to support. This is the name that is
used by other servers in the network to identify this
server. It is also the name used by this server to identify
its end users to other servers. This is not necessarily the
Fully Qualified Domain Name of the system running
the Instant Messaging Server. For example, if the system
iim.xyz.com is the only Instant Messaging Server
instance for a company xyz.com, then the domain name
is likely to be xyz.com.
iim_server.port 5269 IP address and port for the server to bind to, and to
listen for connections from other servers. IP address
setting is useful for multi-homed machines when you
want to use only one particular IP address. If no IP
address is listed, this indicates a value of INADDR_
ANY on localhost.
iim_server.useport true Indicates whether the server should listen on the
server-to-server communication port. The possible
values are TRUE and FALSE. If TRUE, the server listens
on the port defined by iim_server.port or on port 5269, if
that is not explicitly defined.
iim_server.clienttimeout 15 Specifies the time, in minutes, before the server discards
client connections that are no longer active. For
example, when a machine is turned off. The minimum
accepted value is 5.

Configuration Properties 27-7

iim.conf.xml File Syntax

Table 27–4 (Cont.) General Instant Messaging Server Configuration Properties

Property Default Value Description
iim_server.usesso The default value is 1, if Tells the server whether or not to depend on the SSO
you chose to leverage an provider during authentication. An SSO provider is a
Access Manager module the server uses to validate a session ID with a
deployment for SSO SSO service. The Access Manager Session API provides
when you ran the Instant Messaging Server with the ability to validate
configure utility. session IDs sent by the client. The value can either be 0
Otherwise, the default or 1. Use SSO provider only without attempting LDAP
value is 0. authentication even when the SSO validation fails. The
iim_server.usesso property is used in conjunction with
the iim_server.ssoprovider property.
iim_server.ssoprovider None Specifies the class implementing the
com.sun.im.provider.SSOProvider interface. If iim_
server.usesso is not equal to 0 and this option is not set,
the server uses the default Access Manager-based SSO
iim.policy.modules The default value is If the value is identity, indicates that Access Manager is
identity, if you chose to used for policy storage. If the value is iim_ldap,
leverage an Access directory is used.
Manager deployment for
policy when you ran the
configure utility.
Otherwise, the default
value is iim_ldap.
iim.userprops.store file If the value is file, indicates that the user properties are
stored in a user properties file. If the value is ldap,
directory is used.
iim_server.msg_archive false Specifies whether the archive provider should be
enabled or disabled. Set this value to false to disable all
archiving. Set the value to true to enable all archiving,
including Portal, email, and any custom archive
provider you want to use.
iim_server.msg_ None Contains the list of archive providers. Allows multiple
archive.provider values and each value is separated by a comma (,). If
you are using the Portal Server Search based archive,
the value should be
com.iplanet.im.server.IMPSArchive. If you are using
email archiving, the value should be
iim_server.msg_ false Specifies whether messages are automatically archived.
iim_server.enable true This value determines whether or not Instant
Messaging Server is enabled. Set to false to enable the
Instant Messaging multiplexor.
iim_server.certnickname Server-Cert This value should contain the name of the certificate
you entered while installing the certificate.The
certificate name is case-sensitive.
iim_server.sslkeystore None Contains the relative path and file name for the server's
Java keystore (JKS), for example, InstantMessaging_

27-8 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Multiple Server Configuration Properties

Table 27–4 (Cont.) General Instant Messaging Server Configuration Properties

Property Default Value Description
iim_ sslpassword.conf This value should contain the relative path and the
server.keystorepasswordfil name of the file containing the password for the key
e database. This file should contain the following line:
Internal (Software) Token:password

where password is the password protecting the key

iim_server.requiressl false If true, the server terminates any connection that does
not request a TLS connection after the initial stream
session is set up. This includes connections from clients,
other servers, and server components, such as the
XMPP/HTTP Gateway and agents, except the
iim_server.trust_all_cert false If this value is true, the server trusts all certificates and
also adds the certificate information into the log files.
iim_server.dialback.key None Defines a static dialback key.
iim_ None Contains the list of Message Conversion Providers to be
server.conversion.provider used for message conversion. It allows multiple values
,with each value separated by a comma (,).
iim_ None Contains the external command used for message
server.conversion.external. conversion. The iim_
command server.conversion.external.command property is used
only in the default implementation of the Message
Conversion API, which is
This implementation invokes an external third party
application. To use this property, you must set the class
com.iplanet.im.server.ExternalDocumentConverter as
the provider class, and set the property iim_
app_command %i %o", where %i and %o will
automatically be replaced by the actual input/output
file names generated dynamically by
ExternalDocumentConverter. For example, if a
conversion application is located at
/usr/local/bin/convert, use iim_
onvert %i %o.
iim_server.conversion iim_server.conversion Specifies whether message conversion should be
enabled. Also specifies whether the configured list of
Message Conversion Providers should be used for
message conversion.

Multiple Server Configuration Properties

To enable communication between multiple Instant Messaging Server instances in
your network, you need to configure your server to identify itself with the other
servers and identify itself with each coserver, or cooperating server, which has a
connection to your server. The coserver identifies itself with its Instant Messaging
Server domain name, host and port number, server ID, and password.
Each cooperating server is given a symbolic name, which is a string consisting of
letters and digits, for example, coserver1. Using the symbolic naming convention you
can specify multiple servers.

Configuration Properties 27-9

Shoal Configuration Properties

When Instant Messaging servers are configured in this manner, you can form a larger
Instant Messaging Server community. Therefore, end users on each server can do the
■ Communicate with end users on every other server
■ Use conferences rooms on other servers
■ Subscribe to news channels on other servers (subject to access privileges)
Table 27–5 lists and describes the multiple server configuration properties.

Table 27–5 Multiple Server Configuration Properties

Property Value Description
iim_server.serverid None String used by this server to identify itself to all other servers.
iim_server.password None Password used by this server to authenticate itself to all other
iim_server.federation.policy None To enable open federation, set to open. To disable open
federation, set to closed. For example:
iim_server.federation.policy = "open"

By default, iim_server.federation.policy is not enabled.

iim_server.federation.exceptions None Specifies a blacklist of domains where federation is denied.
iim_server.c2s.requiressl false Specifies whether all client-to-server communication must be
iim_server.conference.history. 10 Specifies the maximum history stanzas sent to the client by
maxstanzas.default default.
iim_server.s2s.requiressl false Specifies whether all server-to-server communications must be
iim_server.conference.history. 0 Specifies the maximum history stanzas stored by the server in
maxstanzas memory.
iim_server.conference.history. false Specifies whether the server stores conference history in
persist persistent storage.
iim_ false Specifies whether the server distributes conference room
server.conference.distributeall messages to all peers in a server-pool.

Shoal Configuration Properties

You can use the Shoal clustering framework to automatically discover and add peer
servers in a server pool. Table 27–6 lists and describes the shoal configuration

27-10 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Multiplexor Configuration Properties

Table 27–6 Shoal Configuration Properties

Property Default Required Description
iim_ false No Enables auto-discovery using Shoal. It is
server.peer.autodiscover recommended to delete all static co-server
definitions before setting this to true.
iim_server.serverid None Yes The ID that uniquely identifies the server instance
within the pool. It could be an identifier such as
server1, or a host name.
iim_server.password None Yes The password that is shared across the pool and
enables identification of members of one pool from
the other. Also ensures that unidentified members
of a Shoal group are not able to join the pool.
iim_server.hostname local-hostname: No The connection string that the other pool members
5269 can establish connections with. It is the host name
and port of the specified server.
iim_ iim.server.pool No The Shoal group name that the peers will attempt to
server.pool.groupname join. You will need to change the default only if
multiple clusters of peer servers need to run on the
same subnet.
iim_ false No Enables the use of the shoal P2P framework to
server.peer.conferences. distribute conference messages across the server
usep2p pool.

Table 27–7 lists the properties for Shoal access across subnets.

Table 27–7 Properties for Shoal Access Across Subnets

Property Value Required Description
relay.imadmin.enable true Yes Starts the relay server.
relay.listen_address= address None Optional Specifies the address of the relay
of relay server server.
relay.uri_list None Yes Displays the list of relay servers

Multiplexor Configuration Properties

Table 27–8 lists and describes the multiplexor configuration properties.

Table 27–8 Multiplexor Configuration Properties

Property Default Value Description
iim_mux.listenport multiplexorname or IP IP address or FQDN and listening port on which the
address:5222 multiplexor listens for incoming requests from Instant
Messenger. The value format is IPaddress:port or
multiplexorname:port. If no IP address or domain name is
listed, INADDR_ANY on localhost is assumed. If you
change this value, also change the im.html and im.jnlp
files so that they match the port value.
iim_mux.serverport 45222 The Instant Messaging Server instance and port the
multiplexor communicates to. The value format is
servername:port or IPaddress:port.
iim_server.usemuxport true Enables the multiplexor listen port on the server.

Configuration Properties 27-11

Archive Properties

Table 27–8 (Cont.) Multiplexor Configuration Properties

Property Default Value Description
iim_mux.maxthreads 5 Maximum number of threads per instance of the
iim_mux.maxsessions 2000 Maximum number of concurrent connections per
multiplexor process.
iim_mux.keydbprefix None This value should contain the key database filename
prefix. The key database file name must always end with
key3.db. If the Key database contains a prefix, for example
This-Database-key3.db, then value of this property is
iim_mux.certdbprefix None This value should contain the certificate database filename
prefix. The certificate database file name must always end
with cert7.db. If the certificate database contains a prefix,
for example Secret-stuff-cert7.db, then value of this
property is Secret-stuff.
iim_mux.certnickname Multiplexor-Cert This value should contain the name of the certificate you
entered while installing the certificate. The certificate name
is case-sensitive.
iim_mux.enable true If the value is true, the multiplexor will run for this
instance. If the value is false, the multiplexor will not run
for this instance.
iim_mux.log4j.refresh 60 Specifies the number of seconds in which the multiplexor
rereads its log4j configuration.
iim_ -1 Specifies the queue size for the multiplexor's default thread
mux.threadpool.capacity pool.
iim_mux.trust_all_cert false Determines whether the multiplexor trusts all certificates
that are presented, even if a certificate fails verification.
iim_ 256 The maximum heap size, in MB, that the JVM running the
mux.jvm.maxmemorysize multiplexor is allowed to use. Used to construct the -mx
argument of the Java command.

Archive Properties
Table 27–9 lists the properties you use to manage Instant Messaging Server archiving.

Table 27–9 Archive Properties

Property Value Description
iim_arch.title.attr Title Contains the name of the field equivalent to the Title field in the
default schema of the Portal Server Search.
iim_arch.keyword.attr Keyword Contains the name of the field equivalent to the Keyword field in
the default schema of the Portal Server Search.
iim_arch.readacl.attr ReadACL Contains the name of the field equivalent to the ReadACL field
in the default schema of the Portal ServerSearch.
iim_arch.description.attr Description Contains the name of the field equivalent to the Description field
in the default schema of the Portal Server Search.
iim_arch.fulltext.attr Full-Text Contains the name of the field equivalent to the Full-Text field in
the default schema of the Portal Server Search.
iim_arch.category.attr Category Contains the name of the field equivalent to the Category field in
the default schema of the Portal Server Search.

27-12 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Archive Properties

Table 27–9 (Cont.) Archive Properties

Property Value Description
iim_arch.readacl.admin None Contains the administrator's DN. Multiple values should be
separated by a semi colon ( ; ).
iim_arch.readacl.adminonly false Contains true or false.
true: Only the administrator's DN, as specified by the property
iim_arch.readacl.admin is added to the ReadACL field,
overwriting the default behavior of the ReadACL field.
false: The administrator's DN, as specified by the property iim_
arch.readacl.admin is added to the ReadACL field in addition to
the default behavior.
iim_arch.categories all Contains a comma-separated list of message types that can be
archived. The following types are available:
■ poll
■ alert
■ chat
■ conference
■ news
iim_arch.categoryname None If a category name is not assigned for any of the categories, the
value of this property is used as the category name.
iim_arch.alert.categoryname None Contains the name of the category containing the archived alert
messages. There is no requirement to dedicate a category to alert
iim_arch.poll.categoryname None Contains the name of the category containing the archived poll
messages. There is no requirement to dedicate a category to poll
iim_ None Contains the name of the category containing the archived
arch.conference.categoryname conference messages. There is no requirement to dedicate a
category to conference messages.
iim_arch.chat.categoryname Name Contains the name of the category containing the archived chat
messages. There is no requirement to dedicate a category to chat
iim_arch.news.categoryname None Contains the name of the category containing the archived news
messages. There is no requirement to dedicate a category to
news messages.
iim_arch.conference.quiettime 5 Contains the maximum duration of silence between two
consecutive messages in a room (both public and private) after
which the RD expires and a new RD is created for archiving the
message. The value is in minutes.
iim_arch.poll.maxwaittime 15 Contains the maximum time for which poll data is buffered in
the server. The value is in minutes.
iim_arch.ignoreexplicitdeny true Contains true or false.
true: For the Poll and Conference categories, data with explicitly
denied access is not archived. Each time such a message is
denied access, this information is logged in the xmppd.log file.
false: For the Poll and Conference categories, data with explicitly
denied access is not archived and the message is added to the
Portal Server Search database.
If you do not explicitly deny access to a room or a news channel,
the default access is READ or WRITE or MANAGE. Some end
users can also be given NONE access.

Configuration Properties 27-13

Watchdog Properties

Table 27–9 (Cont.) Archive Properties

Property Value Description
iim_arch.portal.search None The URL of the Portal Server Search servlet. For example:
If this property is not present, the Archive Provider determines
the value of the Portal Server Search URL based on the
AMConfig.properties file present on the system.
iim_arch.portal.admindn None The DN of the admin user. For example:

This property is required when the Document level Security in

the Portal Server is on.
iim_arch.portal.adminpassword None The password of the administrative user, as specified by the iim_
arch.portal.admindn property. This property is required when
the Document level Security in the Portal Server is on.
iim_arch.portal.search.database None The name of the database in which the Instant Messaging Server
instance stores archived messages. If this property is not defined,
all messages are stored in the default database of Portal Server
iim_arch.admin.email None A comma-separated list of administrator email addresses.
iim_arch.alert.admin.email None A comma-separated list of administrator email addresses to
which all archived alert messages are sent. This property
overrides iim_arch.admin.email for alert messages.
iim_arch.chat.admin.email None A comma-separated list of administrator email addresses to
which all archived chat messages are sent. This property
overrides iim_arch.admin.email for chat messages.
iim_ None A comma-separated list of administrator email addresses to
arch.conference.admin.email which all archived conference messages are sent. This property
overrides iim_arch.admin.email for conference messages.
iim_arch.poll.admin.email None A comma-separated list of administrator email addresses to
which all archived poll messages are sent. This property
overrides iim_arch.admin.email for poll messages.
iim_arch.news.admin.email None A comma-separated list of administrator email addresses to
which all archived news messages are sent. This property
overrides iim_arch.admin.email for news messages.
iim_arch.email.archiveheader. None Name of the extended RFC 822 header.
iim_arch.email.archiveheader. all Value corresponding to the header name for iim_
value arch.email.archiveheader.name.

Watchdog Properties
The watchdog monitors the server process and attempts to restart the server if it
determines that the server is not running. See "Managing the Watchdog Process".
Table 27–10 lists and describes the watchdog configuration properties.

27-14 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Agent Properties

Table 27–10 Watchdog Configuration Properties

Property Default Value Description
iim_wd.enable true Enables the watchdog feature. To reset this property or disable
the watchdog, set this to false.To avoid conflicts, you should
disable the watchdog if you are monitoring the Instant
Messaging server using the operating system administration
iim_wd.period 300 (seconds) The watchdog periodically polls the server to check whether it is
running. This property sets the interval between two status
iim_wd.maxRetries 3 Sets the number of retries, times the watchdog will attempt to
contact the Instant Messaging server, before shutting down and
restarting the server. The maximum is ten retries.
iim_wd.log4j.refresh 60 Specifies in seconds how often the watchdog rereads its log4j
iim_wd.pidfile None The file that stores the watch dog's PID.
iim_ 256 (MB) The maximum heap size, in MB, that the JVM running the
wd.jvm.maxmemorysize watchdog is allowed to use. Used to construct the -mx argument
of the Java command.
iim_wd.debug_on_restart true When a server is unresponsive, and if the property iim_
wd.debug_on_restart is set to true, it captures a jstack dump of
the server process in the log directory, when the server is hung.

Monitoring Properties
The properties in Table 27–11 configure the way the server interacts with the Oracle
Enterprise System Monitoring Framework.

Table 27–11 Monitoring Properties

Property Default Value Description
iim_server.monitor.enable false Used by the Oracle Enterprise System Monitoring
Framework. If true, configures the server to make its
activities available to mfwk. Otherwise, the server does not
make its activities available.
iim_ None If specified, opens the JMX HTML adaptor port on the
server.monitor.htmlport specified port. By default, this port is not enabled as opening
the port can present a security risk.

Agent Properties
Agents, such as the Calendar agent, enable functionality within Instant Messaging
Server and enhance its interoperability with other Unified Communications Suite
Table 27–12 lists and describes agent configuration properties.

Configuration Properties 27-15

JMQ Properties

Table 27–12 Agent Configuration Properties

Property Default Value Description
agent-calendar.broker.address None Specifies the host name and port on which the broker is
agent-calendar.broker. None Specifies the password of the broker user name.
agent-calendar.broker.user None Specifies the broker user name.
agent-calendar.consumer. None Specifies any extra properties required by the calendar
params notifications consumer.
agent-calendar.consumer.topic None Topic on which the calendar notifications are delivered.
agent-calendar.iim_server.host localhost Host name of the Instant Messaging server with which the
agent calendar communicates.
agent-calendar.iim_server.port $iim_server.port Port number of the Instant Messaging server with which the
agent calendar communicates.
agent-calendar.imadmin.enable false If set to true, you can start the agent-calendar by using the
imadmin command.
agent-calendar.log4j.refresh 60 Specifies in seconds how often the calendar agent rereads the
log4j configuration.
agent-calendar.serveralarms. text/calendar Specifies the content type used to deliver calendar alerts. Can
contenttype be text/plain or text/ical.
iim_agent.enable false If TRUE, iim.conf, enables Instant Messaging Server agents.
Set the value to FALSE, or remove the property from iim.conf
to disable all agents.
iim_ false Used with the Calendar agent. If TRUE or absent from
agent.agent-calendar.enable iim.conf, loads a component that enables the Calendar agent
agent-calendar.jid None The JID of the Calendar agent.
agent-calendar.password None Defines the password with which the Calendar agent
connects to the Instant Messaging server.
agent-calendar.imadmin.enable false Start the agent-calendar by using the imadmin command if
set to true.

JMQ Properties
Table 27–13 lists the calendar agent properties.

Table 27–13 JMQ Properties

Property Default Value Description
agent-calendar.broker.address None Specifies the host name and port on which the broker is
agent-calendar.broker.password None Specifies the password of the broker user name.
agent-calendar.broker.user None Specifies the broker user name.
agent-calendar.consumer.params None Specifies any extra properties required by the calendar
notifications consumer.
agent-calendar.consumer.topic None Topic on which the calendar notifications are delivered.
agent-calendar.iim_server.host localhost Host name of the Instant Messaging server with which the
agent calendar communicates.

27-16 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

SMS Integration Properties

Table 27–13 (Cont.) JMQ Properties

Property Default Value Description
agent-calendar.iim_server.port $iim_ Port number of the Instant Messaging server with which
server.port the agent calendar communicates.
agent-calendar.imadmin.enable false Start the agent-calendar by using the imadmin command if
set to true.
agent-calendar.log4j.refresh 60 Specifies in seconds how often the calendar agent rereads
the log4j configuration.
agent-calendar.serveralarms. text/calendar Specifies the content type used to deliver calendar alerts.
contenttype Can be text/plain or text/ical.
iim_agent.enable false If TRUE, iim.conf, enables Instant Messaging Server
agents. Set the value to FALSE, or remove the property
from iim.conf to disable all agents.
iim_agent.agent-calendar.enable None Used with the Calendar agent. If TRUE or absent from
iim.conf, loads a component that enables the Calendar
agent specifically.
agent-calendar.jid None The JID of the Calendar agent.
agent-calendar.password None Defines the password with which the Calendar agent
connects to the Instant Messaging server.
agent-calendar.imadmin.enable None Start the agent-calendar by using the imadmin command,
if set to true.

HTTP/XMPP Gateway Properties

Table 27–14 lists the properties you use to bind to the HTTP/XMPP gateway.

Table 27–14 HTTP/XMPP Gateway Properties

Property Default Value Description
httpbind.jid httpbind.${iim_ A JID to bind the
server.domainname} HTTP/XMPP gateway.
httpbind.password random Password to authenticate
the HTTP/XMPP gateway
to the Instant Messaging

SMS Integration Properties

Table 27–15 lists the SMS integration properties.

Table 27–15 SMS Integration Properties

Property Default Value Description
smsgw.imadmin.enable false Enables or disables the SMS gateway. If set to true, you can
start the SMS gateway by using the imadmin command.
smsgw.jid None A JID to bind the SMS gateway to the Instant Messaging
server. The value of this property should be the same as the
value that you define for the smppbind.jid property.
smsgw.password random Password to authenticate the SMS gateway to the Instant
Messaging server. The value of this property should be the
same as the value that you define for the smppbind.password

Configuration Properties 27-17

Facebook Gateway Properties

Table 27–15 (Cont.) SMS Integration Properties

Property Default Value Description
smsgw.iim_server None Host name and port number of the Instant Messaging server.
smsgw.sms_limit -1 Number of messages that can be sent per hour. The default
value is -1 and it indicates that unlimited number of SMS
messages that can be sent per hour.
smsgw.sms_queue_ 512 Maximum number of messages that can be queued for SMS
capacity delivery.
smsgw.im_char_limit 500 Maximum number of characters that you can specify in one
message. If the number of characters is greater than the
specified value, the message is rejected.
smpp.smsc_ip_address None IP address or host name of the SMSC.
smpp.smsc_port 2775 Port number of the SMSC.
smpp.bind_id None Identifier used to bind the SMS gateway to the SMSC.
smpp.bind_password random Password to authenticate the SMS gateway to the SMSC.
smpp.sender_id None Sender ID of the outgoing SMS.
iim_ false Enables the Instant Messaging server to identify the SMS
agent.smppbind.enable gateway.
smppbind.jid None A JID for binding the SMS gateway to the Instant Messaging
smppbind.password random Password to authenticate the SMS gateway to the Instant
Messaging server.
smpp.bind_usessl false Specifies whether to use SSL when connecting to the SMSC.
smppbind.log4j.refresh 60 Specifies in seconds how often the SMS gateway rereads its
log4j configuration.
smsgw.im_char_limit 500 The maximum number of characters permitted in an SMS

Facebook Gateway Properties

Table 27–16 lists the Facebook Gateway properties.

Table 27–16 Facebook Gateway Properties

Property Default Value Description
fim.enable false Facebook Gateway plug-in entry.
fim.iim_gw_name Facebook Gateway Facebook Gateway name.
fim.iim_gw_type facebook Facebook Gateway type.
iim.gwconnectorentries IMSHost:55222 The fully-qualified host names (FQHN) and
ports (host:port) that the Gateway Connector
uses for Gateway plug-ins.
iim.gwplugins NA Plug-in for the Facebook Gateway. Must be
set to fim.
fim.serverjid chat.facebook.com Facebook Gateway server JID.
fim.host chat.facebook.com Facebook Gateway host name.
fim.port 5222 Facebook Gateway port.
fim.apikey None Facebook Gateway apikey.

27-18 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Gateway Connector Properties

Table 27–16 (Cont.) Facebook Gateway Properties

Property Default Value Description
fim.apisecret None Facebook Gateway apisecret.
fim.usetls false Enables the Facebook Gateway to use TLS
while connecting to the Facebook server.

Gateway Connector Properties

Table 27–17 lists properties of the Gateway Connector used by the Facebook Gateway.

Table 27–17 Gateway Connector Properties

Property Default Value Description
iim_gwc.enable false Controls whether the
imadmin command starts the
Gateway Connector process.
iim_gwc.hostport IMSHost:55222 Fully-qualified Host name
and port (host:port) for the
Gateway Connector process.
iim_gwc.maxchannels 10000 Maximum number of
channels for the Gateway
Connector process.
iim_gwc.jvm.options NA Options to be passed to the
Java VM when starting the
Gateway Connector.

Configuration Properties 27-19

Gateway Connector Properties

27-20 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Instant Messaging Server APIs

This chapter describes the APIs used by Oracle Communications Instant Messaging

Instant Messaging Server APIs Overview

Instant Messaging Server provides Java APIs that can be used to develop extension or
integration modules. Detailed documentation of these APIs is provided with the
installed Instant Messenger component, in the form of HTML files generated by
Javadocs. The Javadoc files are installed in the InstantMessaging_home/html/apidoc
The following Instant Messaging Server APIs are available:
■ Instant Messaging Server Service API
■ Service Provider Interfaces

Instant Messaging Server Service API

The Instant Messaging Server Service API is used by the applications located on the
same host or in the remote host to access Instant Messaging Server services, such as
presence and conferences.
The Instant Messaging Server Service API can be used for:
■ A Java-based or web-based client, such as a portal channel
■ A bridge or a gateway to enable another class of clients
■ Integration of presence into existing applications

Service Provider Interfaces

The Service Provider Interface APIs provide the ability to extend Instant Messaging
Server functionality. The Service Provider Interface is composed of the following
independent APIs:
■ Archive Provider API
■ Message Conversion API
■ Authentication Provider API

Instant Messaging Server APIs 28-1

Web Presence API

Archive Provider API

An Archive Provider is a software module usually providing integration with the
archive or auditing system. Each configured Archive Provider is invoked for each
server process.
The Archive Provider is invoked for the following server processes:
■ When an instant message is sent
■ During an authentication event, such as login or logout
■ When there is a change in presence status
■ During a subscription event, for example, when someone joins or leaves a
Examples of applications that can use the Archive Provider API are:
■ Instant Messaging Server Archive
The default Instant Messaging Server archive in Instant Messaging Server is based
on the Archive Provider API. For more information on Instant Messaging Server
archiving, see Managing Archiving in Instant Messaging Server.
■ The application that records the usage statistics for sizing purposes.

Message Conversion API

A Message Converter is invoked for every message or each message part going
through the server. The Message Converter may leave the message part intact or
modify or remove the message part. The text parts are processed as Java String
Objects. The Message Converter processes other attachments as a stream of bytes and
returns a potentially different stream of bytes, or nothing at all if the attachment is to
be removed.
Examples of applications that can use the Message Conversion API are as follows:
■ Virus checking and removal
■ Translation engine integration
■ Message content filtering
For more information on converting messages in Instant Messaging Server, see
"Managing Message Conversion in Instant Messaging".

Authentication Provider API

The Authentication Provider API provides the ability to deploy Instant Messaging
Server in environments that are not using Access Manager password-based or
token-based authentication service. This API is invoked whenever an end user
requests authentication, and it can be used in conjunction with the LDAP

Web Presence API

The Web Presence API makes it possible to retrieve presence information about users
connected to the Instant Messaging Server. An example of an application that might
use the API would be an enterprise application that provides a presence widget that
allows employees to see the presence status of other employees.
For more information about the Web Presence API, see "Using the Web Presence API".

28-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

imadmin Command Reference

This chapter describes how to use the imadmin command to administer Oracle
Communications Instant Messaging Server.

imadmin Overview
You can use the imadmin command to start, stop, and refresh the Instant Messaging
server and multiplexor.

imadmin Requirements
You must invoke the imadmin command from the host on which Instant Messaging
server is installed. Run imadmin as root or as the end user you specified during

imadmin Location
By default, imadmin is installed in the following location:

imadmin Commands
Table 29–1 lists and describes commands related to the imadmin command.

Table 29–1 imadmin Commands and Descriptions

Command Description
imadmin assign_services If iim.policy.modules is set to iim_ldap, and iim.userprops.store
is set to ldap, this command adds object classes (sunIMUser, and
sunPresenceUser) to user entries in the directory. Instant
Messaging Server requires these object classes to store properties
in LDAP. The assign_services command fails if the LDAP search
limit exceeds the defined value. To avoid this failure, increase the
search limit of the LDAP server. Set the values of the directory
server parameters as follows:
■ To set unlimited limit for the search size, type:
dsconf set-server-prop search-size-limit: unlimited

■ To set unlimited limit for the search time, type:

dsconf set-server-prop search-time-limit: unlimited

imadmin Command Reference 29-1

imadmin Commands

Table 29–1 (Cont.) imadmin Commands and Descriptions

Command Description
imadmin status Checks to see if the components (server, multiplexor,
agent-calendar, and watchdog) are up and running and displays
the results. If you don't specify a component, the imadmin
command returns information about all components.
imadmin start Starts the enabled component(s).
imadmin stop Stops the enabled component(s).
imadmin refresh Refreshes the enabled component(s).
imadmin start server Starts only the server.
imadmin stop server Stops only the server.
imadmin refresh server Refreshes only the server.
imadmin start Starts only the multiplexor.
imadmin stop multiplexor Stops only the multiplexor.
imadmin refresh Refreshes only the multiplexor.
imadmin start Starts only the Calendar agent.
imadmin stop Stops only the Calendar agent.
imadmin refresh Refreshes only the Calendar agent.
imadmin start watchdog Starts only the watchdog.
imadmin stop watchdog Stops only the watchdog.
imadmin refresh Refreshes only the watchdog.
imadmin version Displays the version.
imadmin start Starts the SMS Gateway.
imadmin stop Stops the SMS Gateway.
imadmin status Displays the status of SMS Gateway.
imadmin refresh Refreshes the SMS Gateway.
imadmin start Starts the Gateway Connector used by the Facebook Gateway.
imadmin stop Stops the Gateway Connector used by the Facebook Gateway.
imadmin status Displays the status of the Gateway Connector used by the
gw-connector Facebook Gateway.
imadmin refresh Refreshes the Gateway Connector used by the Facebook
gw-connector Gateway.
imadmin start relay Starts the relay server.
imadmin stop relay Stops the relay server.

29-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

imadmin Components

Table 29–1 (Cont.) imadmin Commands and Descriptions

Command Description
imadmin refresh relay Refreshes the relay server.
imadmin status relay Displays the status of relay server.
imadmin smf-register Registers the Service Management Facility (SMF) with Instant
Messaging Server.

imadmin Syntax
imadmin [ options ] [ action ] [ component ]

imadmin Options
Table 29–2 lists and describes options for the imadmin command.

Table 29–2 Options for imadmin Command

Option Description
-c alt-config-file Used with the start and refresh actions, to specify a
configuration file other than
/etc/opt/sun/comms/im/default/config/iim.conf.xml file.
-h Displays help on the imadmin command.

imadmin Actions
Table 29–3 lists and describes actions performed after various imadmin commands are

Table 29–3 Actions for imadmin Command

Action Description
status Returns information about Instant Messaging Server
components (server, multiplexor, agent-calendar, and
watchdog). You do not need to provide a component with this
start Sets the classpath, the Java heap size and starts all the specified
stop Stops all the specified component's daemons.
refresh Stops and starts the specified component(s). Useful after a
configuration change.

imadmin Components
Table 29–4 lists and describes the components for the imadmin command.

Table 29–4 Components for imadmin Command

Components Description
agent-calendar Indicates the Calendar agent (agent-calendar).
multiplexor Indicates the multiplexor alone.
server Indicates the Instant Messaging server.

imadmin Command Reference 29-3

imadmin Components

Table 29–4 (Cont.) Components for imadmin Command

Components Description
watchdog Indicates the watchdog.
sms-gateway Indicates the SMS Gateway.
gw-connector Indicates the Gateway Connector used by the Facebook
relay Indicates shoal cross-subnet relay server.

29-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

imconfutil Command Reference

The imconfutil command enables you to set, modify, and list Oracle Communications
Instant Messaging Server configuration properties. This chapter describes the
imconfutil command. It gives the tool’s syntax, commands and command options,
and examples of its usage.
Requirements: Must be run locally as root on the Instant Messaging Server host.
Location on UNIX: InstantMessaging_home/sbin

The syntax of the imconfutil command is:
imconfutil [ -c config-file ] [ --quiet ] command [ command-specific options ]

Table 30–1 shows the options for the imconfutil command.

Table 30–1 imconfutil Options

Option Description
-c configuration_file Specifies the iim.conf.xml file, for example,
-h | --help Prints help information.
-q | --quiet The output of the command prints only the value, not
the property name.
command [ command-specific options ] Administers configuration properties and

Table 30–2 shows imconfutil commands and command-specific options. Options that
are, in fact, optional appear in brackets.

imconfutil Command Reference 30-1


Table 30–2 imconfutil Commands and Command-specific Options

Command and
Command-specific Options Description
set-prop property Sets a configuration property.
del-prop property Deletes a configuration property.
get-prop property Lists the value of a configuration property. The get-prop command, with
the -c option, but without a specific property, displays the values of all
verify property password Verifies that a specified password property (for example, iim_
ldap.usergroupbindcred) is set to the given cleartext string in the
iim.conf.xml file.
add-ldap-replica id=id host=host [ Adds a new LDAP replica description. id is a unique name for the LDAP
port=port ] [ usessl=true | false ] replica. host is the host name or IP address of the LDAP replica. port is the
port number on which the LDAP replica listens. usessl specifies whether to
use SSL when connecting to this LDAP replica.
delete-ldap-replica id Deletes an existing LDAP replica description entry.
set-ldap-replica-prop id[ host=host Modifies the properties of an LDAP replica description entry. id is a unique
] [ port=port ] [ usessl= true | false name for the LDAP replica. host is the host name or IP address of the LDAP
] replica. port is the port number on which the LDAP replica listens. usessl
specifies whether to use SSL when connecting to this LDAP replica.
get-ldap-replica-prop id Lists the properties of an LDAP replica description.
list-ldap-replicas Displays a list of LDAP replica description entries.
add-component id=id Adds a component. id can be any string, but it is convenient to use
jid=jid [ password=password ] [ something that identifies the component, such as calagent, httpbind,
broadcastpresence=true | false ] msngateway, aimgateway, smsgateway, or yimgateway. jid is the jabber ID
to bind the component to the Instant Messaging server. password
authenticates the component to the Instant Messaging server.
broadcastpresence is for use when the Web Presence API is added. If set to
true, it allows Instant Messaging Server to send presence information to the
Web Presence API.
delete-component id Deletes an existing component description entry.
set-component-prop id property= Modifies the properties of a component description entry.
value [ property= value... ]
get-component-prop id Lists the properties of a component description.
verify-component-pass id password Verifies that the component with the specified ID has the specified cleartext
password in the iim.conf.xml file.
list-components Displays a list of component description entries.
add-coserver id serverid password Adds a new coserver description. id is a unique name for this coserver
host [ requiressl= true | false ] entry. serverid is the server ID used to identify this coserver, and should be
domain the same as mentioned in that coserver's configuration. password is used to
authenticate this coserver. host is the host name or IP address of this
coserver. requiressl specifies whether TLS is required when connecting to
this coserver. domains specifies the domain served by this coserver.
delete-coserver id Deletes an existing coserver description entry.
set-coserver-prop id property= value Modifies the properties of a coserver description entry.
[ property= value... ]
get-coserver-prop id [ server id Shows the properties of a coserver description. id is a unique name for this
password host [ requiressl=true | coserver entry. serverid is the server ID used to identify this coserver, and
false domain ] should be the same as mentioned in that coserver's configuration. password
is used to authenticate this coserver. host is the host name or IP address of
this coserver. requiressl specifies whether TLS is required when connecting
to this coserver. domains specifies the domain served by this coserver.

30-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide


Table 30–2 (Cont.) imconfutil Commands and Command-specific Options

Command and
Command-specific Options Description
verify-coserver-pass id password Verifies that the coserver whose ID is id has the specified cleartext password
in the iim.conf.xml file.
list-coservers Displays a list of coserver description entries.
add-server-threadpool id=id Adds a new server threadpool entry.
maxthreads= maxthreads [
capacity=capacity ]
delete-server-threadpool Deletes an existing server threadpool entry.
set-server-threadpool-prop Modifies the properties of a server threadpool entry.
get-server-threadpool Displays the properties of a server threadpool entry.
readpool-prop id
list-server-threadpools Displays a list of server threadpools.
set-default-server-threadpool id Sets the default server threadpool.
get-default-server-threadpool Displays the default server threadpool ID.
add-mux-threadpool id=id Adds a new multiplexor threadpool entry.
maxthreads=maxthreads [
capacity=capacity ]
delete-mux-threadpool id Deletes an existing multiplexor threadpool entry.
set-mux-threadpool-prop id Modifies the properties of a multiplexor threadpool entry.
property= value [ property= value... ]
get-mux-threadpool-prop id Displays the properties of a multiplexor threadpool entry.
maxthreads capacity
list-mux-threadpools Displays a list of multiplexor threadpools.
set-default-mux-threadpool id Sets the default multiplexor threadpool.
get-default-mux-threadpool Displays the default multiplexor threadpool ID.
add-listener id=id port=port Adds a new listener entry.
protocols=protocols [
property=value... ]
delete-listener id Deletes a listener entry.
set-listener-prop id property= value [ Modifies the properties of a listener entry.
property= value... ]
get-listener-prop id [ property1 Displays the properties of a listener entry.
property2... ]
list-listeners Displays a list of listeners.
add-jmqbrokerid= id address= Adds a JMQ broker for handling calendar availability notifications.
hostnameport: user=broker_name
delete-jmqbroker id Deletes a JMQ broker.
list-jmqbrokers Lists the IDs of all JMQ brokers. The properties of an individual broker can
then be obtained using the imconfutil get-jmqbroker-prop command.

imconfutil Command Reference 30-3

Example imconfutil Commands

Table 30–2 (Cont.) imconfutil Commands and Command-specific Options

Command and
Command-specific Options Description
set-jmqbroker-prop id property= Sets one or more properties of a JMQ broker. To set more than one property,
value [ property= value... ] enter a space-separated list of property=value pairs. The properties you can
set are:
■ address: the host name and port (hostname:port) of the JMQ publisher
that the calendar-agent broker communicates with. The JMQ publisher
is a part of Calendar Server.
■ user: The user name for the broker to use in connecting to Instant
Messaging Server.
■ password: The password for the broker to use in connecting to Instant
Messaging Server.
get-jmqbroker-prop id Gets the properties of the JMQ broker with the specified ID.
verify-jmqbroker-pass id password Verifies that the JMQ broker whose ID is id has the specified cleartext
password in the iim.conf.xml file.
generate-password cleartext_ Encrypts a given cleartext password and prints it out. Use this command
password when to change an individual password in an Instant Messaging Server
state file. For information on state files, see Instant Messaging Server
Installation and Configuration Guide.
rekey Generate a new encryption key and newly encrypted passwords for all
current Instant Messaging Server passwords.

Example imconfutil Commands

The following are examples of using the imconfutil command.
■ To print a list of command options:

■ To use the specified configuration file and print the value of the iim.instancedir
imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml get-prop iim.instancedir

■ To get help for a command:

imconfutil set-prop --help

■ To set a single property:

imconfutil set-prop -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml

■ To set multiple properties:

imconfutil set-prop -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml

■ To add a component:
imconfutil add-component -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml calagent
jid=calendar.example.com password=password

■ To print the value of all enabled (configured) components:

imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml list-components

30-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Example imconfutil Commands

■ To display all properties currently set in the iim.conf.xml file:

imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/iim.conf.xml get-prop

■ To delete a component:
imconfutil delete-component -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml calagent

■ To delete a property:
imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml del-prop iim_

■ To display a component's property:

imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml get-component-prop calagent

■ To add an LDAP replica:

imconfutil add-ldap-replica -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml id=ldap1
hostname=im.example.com port=1389 usessl=false

■ To print both the restricted and unrestricted list of commands and options (-u
imconfutil -u

■ To set a restricted property:

imconfutil set-prop -u -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml smsgw.sms_

■ To verify a password property:

imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml verify iim_
ldap.usergroupbindcred admin

■ To verify a component password:

imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml verify-component-pass
httpbind admin

■ To verify a cosever password:

imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml verify-coserver-pass
coserver1 admin

■ To add a JMQ broker:

imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml add-jmqbroker id=broker1
address=jmqbroker.example.com:7676 user=thisjmqbroker password=zyxw

■ To generate an encrypted password for replacing a password in a state file:

imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml generate-password drowp

■ To generate a new encryption key and newly encrypted passwords for all current
Instant Messaging Server passwords:
imconfutil -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml rekey

imconfutil Command Reference 30-5

Example imconfutil Commands

30-6 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

iwadmin Command Reference

This chapter describes the iwadmin command. It gives the tool’s syntax, commands
and command options, and examples of its usage.

Overview of the iwadmin Command

The iwadmin command enables you to deploy, redeploy, and undeploy XMPP Web
components that are installed with Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server.
For a list of these IM Web components, see "iwadmin Commands and
Command-Specific Options". You can also use the iwadmin command to create a
WAR file or a ZIP file that contains a WAR file and additional files needed for an
XMPP Web component.
The location of the iwadmin command is: InstantMessaging_home/sbin/. You have to
run iwadmin locally, as root, on the Instant Messaging Server host.

The syntax of the iwadmin command is:
iwadmin [ iwadmin options ] command [ command-specific options ]

iwadmin Options
There are two iwadmin options. The options can be placed anywhere after the
iwadmin command:
Table 31–1 lists the iwadmin options that are available.

Table 31–1 iwadmin Options

Option Description
[ --verbose | -v ] Enables verbose output.
[ --force | -f ] If the all command option is used (see "iwadmin Commands
and Command-Specific Options") and the command fails on
one Web application, this option forces a continuation to the
next Web application.

iwadmin Commands and Command-Specific Options

Each of the iwadmin commands, with the exception of the iwadmin list command,
requires specification of an option that corresponds to a Web component provided

iwadmin Command Reference 31-1

Example iwadmin Commands

with Instant Messaging Server. Table 31–2 lists the IM Web components.

Table 31–2 Options for Web Components Provided with the Instant Messaging Server
Web Component Description
im Use was deprecated in Instant Messaging Server 8; obsolete and
unavailable since Instant Messaging Server
httpbind Can be used with all iwadmin commands, except for the
iwadmin list command.
presenceapi This option corresponds to the Web Presence API. It can only be
used with the iwadmin generatezip command. For more
information on the Web Presence API, see "Using the Web
Presence API".

Table 31–3 lists iwadmin commands and command-specific options.

Table 31–3 iwadmin Command and Command-Specific Options

Command and Command-Specific
Options Description
generatezip IM_Web_component [ Creates a ZIP file for deploying Instant Messaging
--configfile | -c ] [ --destination | -d ] Server.
The ZIP file contains:
■ A deployable WAR file for the specified IM
Web component, either presenceapi or
■ A template file, either
presenceapi.conf.template or
httpbind.conf.template, to use for creating a
configuration file for the specified IM Web
■ A template file, either presenceapi_
log4j.conf.template or httpbind_
log4j.conf.template, for configuring a log4j
log file for the specified IM Web component.
■ The Instant Messaging Server password tool.
For information on the password tool, see
"passwordtool Command Reference".
The --configfile or -c parameter specifies the
future location of the configuration file for the
Web Presence API, once the ZIP file is unzipped.
The location of the configuration file must be
given as an absolute path.
The --destination or -d parameter specifies the
destination directory and file name for the ZIP
file. The destination must be given as an absolute
path and the destination directory must exist
before you generate the ZIP file.

Example iwadmin Commands

The following examples show how to use the iwadmin command.
■ To print a summary of iwadmin usage:

31-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Example iwadmin Commands

■ To create a ZIP file containing a WAR file and other files needed for deploying the
presenceapi IM Web component (see generatezip in Table 31–3):
iwadmin generatezip presenceapi -c /opt/components/presence/config -d

iwadmin Command Reference 31-3

Example iwadmin Commands

31-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

passwordtool Command Reference

This chapter describes the Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server

passwordtool command.

passwordtool Overview
The passwordtool command makes it possible to:
■ Generate encryption keys for passwords
■ Re-generate encryption keys for passwords
■ Generate encrypted passwords
■ Verify that an unencrypted password matches an encrypted password
In versions prior to Instant Messaging Server, you had to enter unencrypted
passwords in configuration files.
You can use the password tool with the following Web components that are provided
with Instant Messaging Server:
■ Web Presence API
See "Examples" for how to use the password tool.
Requirements: Must be run locally as root.
Location: InstantMessaging_home/sbin/passwordtool

The syntax of the passwordtool command is:
passwordtool [ IM_Web_component ] [ command ] [ command specific options ]

where IM_Web_component is one of the following:

■ httpbind
■ presenceapi
Table 32–1 shows paswordtool commands and command-specific options.

passwordtool Command Reference 32-1


Table 32–1 paswordtool Commands and Command-Specific Options

Command and
Command-Specific Options Description
generate-key Generates a key for encrypting passwords. Passwords are
generated using the generate command.
rekey Creates a new key for generating passwords. Use this
command when you think the current key may be
compromised or when it has been in use for a long time and
you want to change it. When you create a new key, create a
new password to replace the password generated from the
old key.
generate cleartext-password Encrypts a given cleartext-password. You can then enter the
encrypted password in the configuration file for an IM Web
component. Before generating a password, you need to use
the generate-key or rekey command to generate a key for
the password.
verify plaintext-password Given a plaintext-password and an encrypted-password, verifies
encrypted-password that the two match.

The following examples show how to use the Instant Messaging Server passwordtool
command. You must be logged in as root.
To generate a key for creating passwords, change to the directory that contains the
configuration file for the IM Web component and use the generate-key option:
cd config-file-dir
InstantMessaging_home/sbin/passwordtool IM_Web_component generate-key

To generate an encrypted password:

passwordtool IM_Web_component generate cleartext_password

Once generated, enter the password in the configuration file for the Web component.
To generate an encrypted password from the cleartext password abcd for the
HTTPBIND component:
cd httpbind_config_dir
.../passwordtool httpbind generate-key
.../passwordtool httpbind generate abcd

The last line is the generated password.

To verify that a cleartext password and an encrypted password match:
.../passwordtool presenceapi verify drowp en!24Fedk#$dv==

To print a list showing passwordtool commands and command options:

Usage : passwordtool component{httpbind|presenceapi|sipgateway} generate password
passwordtool component{httpbind|presenceapi|sipgateway} verify cleartext-string
passwordtool component{httpbind|presenceapi|sipgateway} generate-key
passwordtool component{httpbind|presenceapi|sipgateway} rekey

The sipgateway is currently not available for use with the password tool.

32-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

XMPP and HTTP Gateway Configuration


This chapter covers the Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server

configuration parameters used in the httpbind.conf configuration file.
Any time you modify the httpbind.conf file, you need to restart the XMPP/HTTP
Gateway by using the tools provided by your web container.

httpbind.conf File Location

By default, the configure utility creates the httpbind.conf file within the configuration
directory (InstantMessaging_cfg) of the default server instance, for example:
■ Solaris OS:
■ Red Hat Linux and Oracle Linux:
If you create multiple instances of Instant Messaging Server, the name of the /default
directory varies depending on the instance. See the topic on creating multiple
instances from a single Instant Messaging Server installation in Instant Messaging
Server Installation and Configuration Guide. This file is created by the configure utility
only in the default instance's InstantMessaging_cfg directory.

httpbind.conf File Syntax

The httpbind.conf file is a plain ASCII text file, with each line defining a gateway
parameter and its value(s):
■ A parameter and its value(s) are separated by an equal sign ( = ) with spaces and
tabs allowed before or after the equal sign.
■ A value can be enclosed in double quotes ( " " ). If a parameter allows multiple
values, the entire value string must be enclosed in double quotes.
■ A comment line must have an exclamation point ( ! ) as the first character of the
line. Comment lines are for informational purposes and are ignored by the server.
■ If a parameter appears more than once, the value of the last parameter listed
overrides the previous value.
■ A backslash ( \ ) is used for continuation and indicates the value(s) are longer than
one line.
■ Each line is terminated by a line terminator (\n, \r, or \r\n).

XMPP and HTTP Gateway Configuration Parameters 33-1

How Load Balancing Occurs

■ The key consists of all the characters in the line starting with the first
non-whitespace character and up to the first ASCII equal sign ( = ) or semi-colon ( ;
). If the key is terminated by a semi-colon, it is followed by lang- and a tag that
indicates the language in which this value is to be interpreted. The language tag is
followed by an equal sign ( = ). All whitespace characters before and after the
equal sign are ignored. All remaining characters on the line become part of the
associated value string.
■ Multiple values in the value string are separated using commas ( , ).
■ Within a value, if any special characters like comma, space, newline, tab, double
quotes, or backslash are present, the entire value needs to be within double quotes.
In addition, every carriage return, line feed, tab, backslash, and double quotes
within the value must be specified with a backslash ( \ ).
■ If you make changes to the httpbind.conf file, you must refresh the gateway's web
container in order for the new configuration settings to take effect.

Note: The httpbind.conf file is initialized by the configure utility

and should be modified only as described in this information.

How Load Balancing Occurs

HTTPBIND performs round-robin load balancing among the component sessions
(connections from HTTPBIND to a back end) in a circular linked-list fashion to decide
which back end is used.
A change in connection status is reflected almost immediately (as soon as a
StreamStatusChanged event occurs). Thus, if a disconnection happens for a particular
back end, it is out of the list. When the connection resumes, it comes back to the
available list.

Instant Messaging Server XMPP/HTTP Gateway Configuration Parameters

Table 33–1 describes the configuration parameters in httpbind.conf.

33-2 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

Instant Messaging Server XMPP/HTTP Gateway Configuration Parameters

Table 33–1 XMPP/HTTP Gateway Configuration Parameters in httpbind.conf

Parameter Default Value Description
httpbind.pool.nodeId Not applicable If httpbind.pool.support is set to true, this parameter
specifies the full URL for the server node in the server
pool. This URL should not point to a load balancer, but
to an Instant Messaging Server instance.
httpbind.pool.support false This parameter defines whether or not the gateway is in
a server pool deployment. If no httpbind.pool.nodeId is
specified, the value for this parameter is set to false. The
value for this parameter can be:
■ true: The gateway is part of a server pool
deployment. If you set this parameter to true, you
must provide a value for httpbind.pool.nodeId.
(enable, on, yes, and 1 are also valid values for this
■ false (the default): The gateway is not part of a
server pool deployment. Leaving the value blank
(empty string) is also a valid value.
httpbind.config Not applicable Contains a comma-separated list of ID keys, or
gwdomain-ids, which the gateway uses as a
configuration key to determine which domains, hosts,
host passwords, and component JIDs the gateway
should use. See " httpbind.config ID Keys" for more
information on ID keys.
httpbind.content_type text/xml; charset=utf-8 The default value for the content-type HTTP header the
gateway uses when sending a response back to the
httpbind.hold Not applicable Specifies the maximum permissible value for the hold
attribute in the client request as defined in:
If the client specifies a value higher than the gateway in
the request, the gateway's value will be used. Otherwise,
the value in the client request will be used.
httpbind.inactivity 180 The maximum time in seconds of client inactivity after
which the gateway will terminate the connection to the
httpbind.log4j.config Not applicable The location of the log4j configuration file the gateway
will use for logging. If you leave this parameter blank,
then logging for the gateway is turned off. The logger
name is httpbind (log4j.logger.httpbind).
httpbind.polling 1 (second) The minimum time, in seconds, a client must wait before
sending another request.
httpbind.requests 2 The number of concurrent requests a client can make to
the gateway. If the value of this parameter is less than
the value for the JEP 124 hold attribute in the client
request, the value for this parameter is set to hold+1. Do
not set this parameter to 1, as doing so could severely
degrade performance. See httpbind.hold for more
httpbind.round_trip_delay 1 (second) The amount of time, in seconds, to allow in addition to
time-outs for round trips to account for network
latencies. Setting this value too high may degrade

XMPP and HTTP Gateway Configuration Parameters 33-3

Gateway Domain ID Key Parameters for httpbind.config

Table 33–1 (Cont.) XMPP/HTTP Gateway Configuration Parameters in httpbind.conf

Parameter Default Value Description
httpbind.wait_time 120 (seconds) The default time, in seconds, within which the gateway
will send a response to the client. If the client wait time
is set to a value higher than the gateway wait time, the
gateway's wait time is used.
httpbind.component.pass com.sun.im.tools.passw If you want to use an encrypted password, this property
word.cipher.delegate ordtool.Crypto and its default value are required.
httpbind.component.pass com.sun.im.tools.passw If you want to use an encrypted password, this property
word.cipher ordtool.CommsClientCi and its default value are required.

Gateway Domain ID Key Parameters for httpbind.config

Table 33–2 describes the keys used to define each ID in the httpbind.config parameter.
In each key described in the table, gwdomain-id is a domain identifier specified in

Table 33–2 httpbind.config ID Keys

Key Description
gwdomain-id.domains Comma-separated list of domains for this ID.
gwdomain-id.hosts Space-separated list of hosts for this ID. Each of these hosts
must be able to service the domains listed in
gwdomain-id.domains. This list helps provide failover across
the domains. If no explicit route host mentioned in the
request, one of the hosts listed in this key will be used to
service that request.
gwdomain-id.componentjid The component JID to use to connect to the host.
gwdomain-id.password The password to use to connect to the host.
gwdomain-id.multihosting If set to true, allows a packet destined to a domain, which is
not pre-configured in httpbind.conf, to be sent to Instant
Messaging Server. You use this parameter for a hosted
domain setup. The default value for this parameter is true.

33-4 Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide

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