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Gallows Cthulhu PDF

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The author is releasing homebrew rules to convert the Call of Cthulhu RPG system to the Genesys system in order to draw inspiration from both games and allow players more flexibility in their gameplay.

The author listened to an actual play podcast where their one page adventure was used and wanted to share their work more broadly to inspire others' creativity and fun.

Aspects like the sanity system, character creation, Mythos entities, skills, weapons, and more are covered in the conversion to maintain the feel of Call of Cthulhu while using the Genesys system.

General notes on rules and concepts.

The following rules assume that you have access to the Call of Cthulhu rulebook
(7th edition was used as inspiration for this) and one of the books from FFG
detailing the game mechanics used in EotE or Genesys. I have focused on things
that I do not think can be run by Genesys, without taking too much away from the
feel of Call of Cthulhu. The sanity system, tomes, skills, spells and Mythos entities
in particular. The papers are released as they are, because the main focus is my
own RPG group. There may be rules that are missing or holes in the system,
where the GM has to improvise. I will eventually try to cover all important
aspects, so feedback is greatly appreciated. I’ll not create rules for things like
combat, chases and other details however, that can run just fine with the Genesys
system. For skills, the CoC rulebook is to be used as reference, but I will not
make rules for each individual skill to cover special situations. Consider these
pages more akin to expanded house rules, than a conversion of Call of Cthulhu to
The things I intend to cover with these rules are
● A sanity system
● Character creation and progression
● Mythos tomes and spells
● Adversaries and Mythos entities
● Skills and skill tests
● Weapon list
● New Pain & Injury mechanics
● Chase rules and vehicles
● Agent talents for more heroic investigators
Please let me know if anything vital to CoC is missing, that cannot be handled in
a suitably dreadful manner by Genesys.
● What’s next: Working on a conversion of Masks of Nyarlathotep, for spells,
adversaries Mythos entities, special tests etc. relevant to the campaign. This
conversion will be made for the newest version of the campaign, plus the MoN
Companion material. 60% done with MoN, including revamp of many handouts.

I am releasing these rules because over the years I have drawn

immense amounts of material and inspiration from the highly creative
world wide RPG community. Recently I listened to the Reckless Dice
podcast where they played my “Sweet Marrow” one page adventure and
it reminded me of how even the most casual writings can inspire people
to have fun. Perhaps you can use these rules, get inspired from them or
just figure out how you do not want to convert Genesys to CoC. In any
case, I’ll keep updating the documents as work progresses.
Name______________________ Age________ Player_____________________
Residence__________________________________ Birthplace__________________

Soak Pa i n Defence Strain

Th t Ra Th t
res r en nged lee res r en
hold Cur Me hold Cur

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

Accounting ____ Dodge* ____ Law ____ Rifle ____
Acting ____ Drive Auto ____ Library use ____ Shotgun ____
Animal Handling ____ Electrical Repair ____ Listen* ____ Sleight of Hand ____
Anthropology ____ Engineering ____ Locksmith ____ Spear ____
Appraise ____ Fast Talk ____ Machine Gun ____ Spot Hidden ____
Archaeology ____ Fine Art ____ Mathematics ____ Stealth ____
Artillery ____ First Aid ____ Mechanical Repair ____ Submachine Gun ____
Astronomy ____ Flail ____ Medicine ____ Survival(_________) ____
Axe ____ Flamethrower ____ Meteorology ____ Sword ____
Biology ____ Forensics ____ Natural World ____ Swim ____
Botany ____ Forgery ____ Navigate ____ Throw ____
Bow ____ Garrotte ____ Occult ____ Track ____
Brawl ____ Geology ____ Op. H. Machinery ____ Whip ____
Charm ____ Handgun ____ Persuade ____ Zoology ____
Chemistry ____ Heavy Weapons ____ Pharmacy ____ _________________ ____
Climb ____ History ____ Photography ____ _________________ ____
Credit Rating ____ Hypnosis ____ Physics ____ _________________ ____
Cryptography ____ Intimidate ____ Pilot(____________) ____ _________________ ____
Cthulhu Mythos ____ Jump ____ Psychoanalysis ____ _________________ ____
Demolitions ____ Language (own) ____ Psychology ____ _________________ ____
Disguise ____ _________________ ____ Read Lips ____ _________________ ____
Diving ____ _________________ ____ Ride ____ _________________ ____

Weapon Skill Dam Inj Range Special

S a n i ty

a d nes

Sanity Test
Conflict No effect
P ain T d

b to all tests

Bleed +1

in Th resh
ra o
b to all tests,


bleed +1

Upgrade diff
x1, bleed +1

Add d to all
em rary

tests, bleed +2
in s a

All Attributes
-1, bleed +2

Dying, bleed +3,

KO ddd

b : d: :
Dying, Bleed
Bleeding: +5, KO auto.
Prone: Instant death!
Backs tory
Personal Description

Ideology/Beliefs Traits

Significant people Injuries & Scars

Meaningful Locations Phobias & Manias

Treasured Possessions Mythos Encounters

Arcane Tomes etc. Spending level__________

Cash on hand___________
Agent Talents
Sanity Rules
These rules are made with Call of Cthulhu 7th edition in mind. Page 154-169 in the CoC 7th book.
The Sanity stat is equal to 10+Willpower at investigator creation. The maximum value of the
Sanity stat is equal to 10+Willpower minus the Cthulhu Mythos skill. Every time an investigators
Sanity is reduced to zero he gains a point of Madness and resets Sanity to the maximum value.
When making a Sanity test each point of Madness upgrades the difficulty of the Sanity
test. Investigators make Sanity tests by rolling Willpower upgraded by Intellect minus one. The
investigator can never roll more dice than Willpower. The difficulty of the test is based on the
individual encounter (see table below). The investigator will suffer a loss of sanity equal to the
minimum for the encounter. Despair and threat have additional effects described below. Failing a
Sanity test results in involuntary actions as described in CoC.
Each Despair rolled on a Sanity test makes
the investigator lose one additional Sanity. Every excess threat makes the investigator lose one
additional Sanity on a failed test. One or more Triumphs give the investigator insight into the
Mythos and for his next Cthulhu Mythos test he may add one to his skill for every Triumph rolled (5
is still the max rating). For every three Advantages rolled the investigator regains one point of
Sanity, up to his maximum, on a successful test.
If an investigator suffers a loss of sanity greater than his Willpower from one
Sanity test or suffers a point of Madness, he must make an Intellect test, difficulty 3. If he succeeds,
he suffers temporary insanity for 1d10 hours minus his willpower, but no less than one hour.
When an investigator suffers a sanity loss greater than 10 during one day, he
becomes indefinitely insane.
If an investigator suffers more Madness points than his Willpower he becomes
permanently insane and is no longer a playable investigator.
Reality checks are made as a sanity test against dd. Madness upgrades the
difficulty and each point in Cthulhu Mythos adds b.
Each point of Cthulhu Mythos adds b to the treatment test. A successful test cures
temporary and indefinite insanity. Each Advantage on a successful test recovers one Sanity. If the
investigator recovers Sanity beyond his maximum he recovers from one point of madness and any
extra Sanity recovered is noted as current Sanity. Each Triumph allows the investigator to recover
two points of Sanity. For private care, make a Treatment test with the therapists Psychoanalysis +
Intellect against ddd and for institutionalisation make a Treatment test with the therapists
Psychoanalysis + Intellect against dddd

Examples of Sanity test difficulty

Surprised to find a mangled animal carcass d 0/1

Surprised to find a corpse or body part dd 0/1
See a stream flow with blood dd 0/1
Find a horrifically mangled human corpse ddd 0/2
Awaken trapped in a coffin dd 1/2
Witness a friend’s violent death ddd 1/2
Se a Ghoul cdd 0/2
Meet someone you know to be dead cdd 1/2
Undergo severe torture dddd 0/2
See a corpse rise from its grave ccd 1/2
See a gigantic severed head fall from the sky ccdd 2/4
More Sanity Rules
If your Sanity is reduced to zero, you gain a point of madness and resets Sanity to the
maximum value. If you regain Sanity in excess of your maximum, you recover from a point of
madness and write any additional points as your new Sanity value. Recovering a point of Madness
does not in itself treat manias/phobias, that is done through psychotherapy.

At the end of a scenario, campaign and campaign chapter the keeper may award a
number of d and c to be rolled as a reward. Each success recovers a point of Sanity. If Sanity is
recovered in excess of maximum sanity, a point of Madness is recovered, and additional Sanity
recovered is noted as the new current value. Each triumph also recovers two points of Sanity.

Increasing a skill to 4 allows you to recover ddd as with Keeper

awards. Increasing a skill to 5 allows you to roll cddd reading the dice like Keeper award above.

Recovering from temporary and indefinite insanity is covered under treatment on

the previous page. Using psychotherapy there are two options. Curing a phobia/mania etc. or trying
to increase current sanity. Psychotherapy cannot be used on a temporary or indefinitely insane
person. To recover Sanity the therapist rolls his Psychoanalysis + Intellect against ddd. Each
success and advantage recovers a point of Sanity and each Triumph recovers two points of Sanity.
Recovering Sanity beyond the maximum the patient recovers from a point of Madness and extra
points recovered is noted as the new Sanity value. To cure a phobia or mania the therapist rolls his
Psychoanalysis + Intellect against ddd and on a success the condition is cured. Each advantage
recovers one point of Sanity and each Triumph recovers two points of Sanity. Alternatively a
Triumph can be used to cure the condition even on a failed roll instead of recovering two points of
The investigator makes a sanity test against ddd, upgraded by his Madness and adding
b for each rank in Cthulhu Mythos. On a success the Investigator recovers one point of Sanity plus
Sanity equal to the advantages rolled and each triumph recovers two points of Sanity. If the
Investigator used his key connection from his back story he doubles the Sanity recovery from
advantages, but if he fails he lose that part of his back story as a key connection.

Each time an investigator has failed three Sanity tests he gains a

point of Grit. It is listed on the character sheet as a skill, but does not work like an ordinary skill.
Whenever an investigator is faced with a Sanity test he can use his Grit. He rolls ddbc and if
successful he grits his teeth and ignores the Sanity test. On a failed roll he ignores the sanity test but
loses a point of Grit. On a despair he loses a point of Grit and must make the Sanity test. Some
gruesome experiences may require more than one Grit to ignore the sanity test.

Investigators can use Grit as explained above to ignore a Sanity

test. Another option is to use Grit in place of Willpower or Intellect when
making a Sanity test. This uses the current value of Grit and does not reduce
Grit. A third option is to reduce Grit by one point, to only suffer half the
Sanity loss from a Sanity test (round down). Grit can only be advanced by
failing Sanity tests, so players never make advancement tests for Grit.
Creation and advancement
The skill can only be learned by reading forbidden tomes. To gain a point of Cthulhu
Mythos you need a tome with a higher knowledge than your current Cthulhu Mythos. You make a test
with the appropriate language + Intellect. The difficulty is based on each individual book.
The Dodge skill is a defensive skill, that allows investigators to defend themselves
against melee and ranged attacks. Against ranged attacks the investigator can suffer one strain to
upgrade the opponents difficulty once, a number of times equal to the investigators Dodge score. To
dodge a ranged attack there must be cover nearby or some other means of distracting the attacker.
Against melee attacks the investigator has two options. If he has a weapon or item in hand that
allows him to parry or the opponent is unarmed he can suffer one strain to upgrade the opponents
attack once, a number of times equal to his fighting skill. The other option is to upgrade by using the
Dodge skill. Dodge may be advanced if your opponent misses you and roll a despair, when you have
upgraded by using Dodge.
Ranged base defence equals your Cunning and melee base defence equals your Presence.
Investigators do not gain experience points. Whenever they roll one or
more Triumphs on a successful skill test, they may mark that skill for advancement. The number of
skills an investigator can mark for advancement during a single session is determined by the GM,
based on how quick the group wants to progress. If an investigator does not have at least a single
point in a skill he cannot advance that skill unless he pushes the skill and upgrades at least one die to
a c. The investigator can find someone to teach him the basics, which may take weeks or months.
Credit rating cannot be increased through experience. To increase a skill marked for advancement you
roll a number of d equal to your skill and if you fail, you may advance the skill by one point (up to
5). The keeper can award b to these tests, that the investigator keeps until the skill is advanced.
‘ Skill tests and dice pools are built like the standard Genesys rules, but Investigators may
only roll half their Attribute in tests for skills they do not have at least one point in (round up). Many
skills cannot be attempted at all if you don’t have at least a rank of one.
Players get 18 points they can distribute on their investigators attributes. No
attribute can be lower than 1 at investigator creation. Alternatively players roll dddd for each
attribute (min 1, max 5) and may switch two around. Pain Threshold: 10+Brawn. Strain Threshold:
10+Agility/Willpower (highest). Sanity: 10+Willpower. Madness: 0. All skills marked with starts at a
score of 1. Language (own) begins at a score equal to Intellect minus one (minimum 1). The
occupations from CoC are used. Investigators get 30 points to spend on Occupational skills and
Intellect x 4 to spend on personal interest skills. To find the Credit Rating range of occupations, use
the range in CoC divided by 20 as guidance. All ranks of a skill must be purchased, so raising a skill
from 0 to 3 would cost 1+2+3=6 points. Investigators may only have a single skill that starts at a score
of 4 and it must be an occupational skill. Credit rating is more expensive at investigator creation as
detailed below.
can only be increased at Keeper discretion and may require extensive study or training.

Credit Rating
- Penniless (0 points) Credit Rating cannot be increased like
other skills. It must be acquired
- Poor (1 point) through wealth during play. Credit
Rating costs more points to buy at
- Average (+3 points) investigator creation as noted on the
- Wealthy (+4 points)

- Rich (+5 points)

- Super Rich
Name Skill Damage Injury Range Price Special

Unarmed Brawl +2 0 Engaged NA NA

Vicious 2. Ensnare on Triumph.

Bow* Bow 8 4 Medium $7
Ammo 1, reload w. 2 manoeuvres.
Disorient 3
Brass knuckles Brawl +3 1 Engaged $1

Burn 3
Burning torch Brawl +2 1 Engaged $0.05

Disorient 3
Club Brawl +5 2 Engaged $3

Vicious 2. Ensnare on Triumph.

Crossbow Bow 9 4 Medium $10
Reload takes two actions. Ammo 1
Vicious 1. Add b in first round of
Knife Brawl +3 3 Engaged $4
combat, also to initiative.
Defensive 1
Nunchaku Flail +4 1 Engaged $3

Defensive 1, Vicious 2
Spear Spear +5 4 Short $20

Defensive 1, Vicious 2
Sword Sword +4 5 Engaged $30

Vicious 3, Sunder, Cumbersome 4

Wood Axe Axe +5 5 Engaged $5

Add b in first round of combat,

.22 Handgun Handgun 6 3 Short $25
also to initiative. Ammo 6.
Ammo 6.
.38 Handgun Handgun 8 3 Short $30

Vicious 1. Ammo 6.
.45 Handgun Handgun 10 4 Medium $40

Vicious 2, Ammo 5, Bolt-action

.303 Lee-Enfield Rifle 10 5 Extreme $30

Vicious 1, Ammo 6
.030 L. Action Rifle 8 4 Long $20

Knockdown, Vicious 3, Ammo 2,

Elephant Gun Rifle 12 5 Extreme $400
Cumbersome 3.
Autofire, Knockdown, Ammo 2.
12g Shotgun Shotgun 10/5* 3/1* Medium $40
Add b at medium range.
Autofire, Ammo 20/30/50.
Thompson SMG 8 3 Short $200

Autofire, Ammo 20, Vicious 1.

Browning AR MG 10 4 Long $800

No damage. On a successful Brawl attack with three advantages or triumph, the

garrotte is around the neck. Each round the victim suffers 4 Pain. When at twice Pain
threshold the victim passes out and will die in three rounds. To escape the victim must
make an opposed Brawn test, and add bb, because of the Garrotte. On an unaware
target, the attack is automatic, if the Stealth test is successful.
It takes one action to reload a weapon, except for the crossbow, which requires
2 actions to reload.
Damage is 10 at engaged and short range, but only 5 at medium range (3/1 Inj.)
A manoeuvre must be used between shots to pull the bolt.
Using a bow is difficult. Add d when attacking with a bow.
Magic and Mythos
When an investigator gains access to a Mythos tome, he may read it if he
knows the language of the tome.
from reading Mythos tomes is not based on a Sanity test. Instead you roll a number of
dice as determined by the tome. Each failure and threat results in a loss of one point of Sanity, while
each despair results in a loss of two Sanity. Rolling one or more despair triggers immediate
involuntary actions, but losing more sanity than Willpower does not trigger insanity. Every point of
Willpower allows you to add b to the test.

Roll the language skill + Intellect against a difficulty determined by the individual
book. If successful, you are allowed a regular advancement test for Cthulhu Mythos if the book has a
knowledge rating higher than your Cthulhu Mythos skill. For each additional point of knowledge the
book is above your Cthulhu Mythos you add b to the advancement test. Roll for Sanity loss. You
may attempt an Intellect + Cthulhu Mythos test against ddd, to learn one spell from the tome.
Failing to learn a spell means further study is required to allow another attempt. The timing of the
next test to learn the spell is up to the Keeper, but CoC suggests a test every other week.

If you failed the Advancement test for the initial reading, you are allowed another
attempt for the first full study. If you failed the language test you are allowed to keep studying the
tome until you succeed. Roll for Sanity loss for the first full successful study of the book, even if the
initial reading was a success. A full study allows you to attempt to learn all spells contained in the
tome, and you may b to the tests. Each spell requires a separate test to be learned. Failure to learn
a spell from full study allows you to keep the b for future attempts (one attempt to learn one spell
every other week).

Some books do not contain enough information to award an advancement test, but
they may still be useful for reference if the investigator has access to the books. All Mythos tomes
have a Study rating, that is a number of b that can be used once per session for one Cthulhu Mythos
test. Using tomes this way takes time as outlined in the CoC rulebook. More than one tome can be
used for a single test, but it will take up more time.

Casting spells causes strain and Sanity loss. Using a spell to summon an entity may
result in additional Sanity loss from seeing the entity. If you cannot suffer the full Strain of the spell,
each additional Strain results in Pain. Sanity loss from casting a spell is not handled by a Sanity test.
Instead each individual spell lists a number of dice you must roll for the Sanity loss. Each failure
and threat results in a loss of one Sanity point, while each despair results in a loss of two Sanity.
Despair can have additional effects as determined by the Keeper. The first casting of a spell requires
a casting test (see below). Failure or Threat in the casting test does not result in additional sanity
loss, but rolling one or more despair can have other consequences. Once a spell has been successfully
cast, casting tests are no longer required.

The initial casting test is made with Intellect + Cthulhu Mythos

against cdd

If you succeed on the test you have fully understood the spell and future
castings do not require casting tests. If you get a triumph you have mastered the
spell and may remove one die from the sanity loss and only suffer half strain (round
up), when casting the spell. Rolling despair on a successful tests may have
unforeseen side effects, but you have still understood the spell.

Failure means you have not understood the spell correctly and have to
learn it from scratch. Despair triggers immediate temporary insanity.

always decides the number of dice and the Attribute upgrades.

When using the skill to test your knowledge of the Mythos.
Other rules
You can aim your attack by spending one maneuver and suffer one strain. You can aim using two
maneuvers, but this only costs the extra strain for the additional maneuver. Each maneuver spent aiming
adds b to your dice pool and gives your weapon +1 viscious quality.

Wounds are replaced by Pain and the critical injuries are handled by Injuries on a
scale from 1-10. All weapons can inflict an injury by spending 3 advantages or a triumph. Weapons have
an injury rating, which is the number of d rolled on the injury test. The vicious quality upgrade the Injury
dice to c. Armour can add d to injury tests. Damage rating of a weapon is the pain it inflicts. Pain can
be soaked by brawn and armour soak. If an attack does not inflict at least one point of pain, Injury is not
possible. See the next page for more on Pain, Injury and death.

A First Aid check can be made to stop an investigators bleeding. You make a test based on a
difficulty as described below. Each success reduces the bleeding by one and every advantage on a
successful test heals one Pain. One or more triumphs let you ignore the effect of one Injury until the end
of the encounter. You can only heal Pain and ignore Injuries you have suffered during the current
encounter and since the last successful first aid test. Additionally, each Triumph heals one Pain regardless
of when the Pain was suffered. Ignoring Injuries does not heal the Injury and for the purpose of suffering
additional Injuries, it is still counted as being an Injury. To perform first aid, you cannot be engaged by an
enemy. A successful first aid test allows the recipient to regain consciousness and no longer be

Each period of at least 6 hours sleep allows an investigator to heal a number of Pain equal to
twice his Brute. Every week the character is allowed make a recovery test for one Injury. Roll Brawn +
willpower against a difficulty based on the Injury. If the test is successful, the Injury has healed. Each
triumph allows you to heal one additional Injury. If the test is unsuccessful the injury is moved down one
severity rank. All other wounds not healed are also moved down one severity rank.

If you are treated by someone with skill in medicine every day of a week, you may add b
for every rank they have in medicine to your test to heal Injuries.

Once per session per Madness point, an investigator may trigger his madness to
perform an involuntary action. The action must be in a situation where it is a hindrance for the
investigator and if the action is silly, it does not count. Madness is serious business. As a reward the
investigator recovers one point of sanity. Alternatively the Keeper can trigger an investigators Madness
once per session, which rewards the investigator with a recovery of two points of Sanity.

After an encounter or at the end of a scene you recover strain equal to your Agility or
Willpower. You recover all strain after 6 hours of sleep.

Spend 3 strain to upgrade any test, except sanity tests, once. Only once per test.

You may spend a regular advancement check on a spell, if you have used that spell
during the session. You make a new Initial spell casting check but risk forgetting the spell again. A
mastering attempt do not trigger insanity or effects on despair.

Current Pain is equal half or less of

Pain threshold.
Current Pain equal more than half of
Pain threshold.

Current Pain exceed Pain threshold. eddd

Recover from Injury. Injury severity rating

Pain & Injury
represents bruises, physical strain, bleeding etc. Damage from attacks is inflicted as pain. When
an investigator has pain in excess of his Pain threshold, all Injury checks add +1 success to the result
against that investigator. When an investigator reaches twice his Pain Threshold, pain is no longer
tracked, but he must make KO test when suffering pain. When an investigator is at twice his Pain
Threshold +2 successes is added to all Injury checks against him.

When an investigator is bleeding he suffers a number of Pain equal to his bleeding rating at
the end of his turns. Each success on a successful first aid tests reduces the bleed rating by one.
Bleeding can be treated as long as an investigator is bleeding, although the investigator can only
recover Pain suffered during the current encounter and since the last successful first aid test as per
the first aid rules. If an investigator is at twice his Pain Threshold and suffers Pain as a result of
bleeding he immediately suffers the lowest possible Injury.

Three advantages or one triumph can be spent to inflict an injury on a successful attack, that
deals at least one pain after soak has been subtracted. If the result of the attack allows the attacker to
inflict more than one critical, every additional critical inflicted adds +1 success to the Injury check.
Every weapon has an injury rating, that is the number of d rolled on the Injury check. Each rank of
vicious quality upgrades the Injury dice pool once. Total the number of successes on the Injury check
and add one for each Triumph (plus the success on the triumph), to find the Injury severity. Every
advantage on the Injury check inflicts one pain on the target. If an investigator suffers an injury with
a severity rating he has already suffered, he will instead suffer the Injury above it on the severity
scale. Unarmed attacks have a Injury rating of 0, so only inflict injuries when upgraded.

has four different statistics. is added to Brawn to find the total soak. is the
number of d added to Injury checks against the wearer. is the number of b added to the
wearers defence. Finally upgrades the protection against Injuries once for each point of

When an investigator is dying, he is in grave danger. An investigator suffering from the dying
condition, who has suffered pain equal to twice his Pain Threshold, dies at the end of the next round
unless his Pain is reduced. If the investigator has already received successful first aid and his Pain
cannot be reduced further, only a Triumph on a first aid test can save his life.

Making a Knock Out test is done with Brawn + Willpower against a difficulty of ddd.
Failing the test results in being knocked out and incapacitated. If the attack was from a weapon with
an Injury rating of 1 or more, the target also suffers +1 bleeding.

An investigator who has reached his Strain Threshold, suffers Pain instead, whenever he
suffers strain, until his Strain is reduced below his threshold.

Injury severity Difficulty Effect

1 - Minor nick d No effect
2 - Flesh wound d b to all tests
3 - Bleeding injury dd Bleed +1
4 - Painful injury dd b to all tests, bleed +1
5 - Agonizing injury ddd Upgrade diff all tests x1, bleed +1
6 - Dire injury ddd d to all tests, bleed +2
7 - Critical injury ddd -1 to all Attributes, bleed +2
8 - Lethal injury dddd DYING, KO ddd, bleed +3
9 - Mortal injury dddd DYING, auto KO, bleed +5
Vehicles & Chases
This is the top speed of the vehicle. The speed of a person is 1.
This is the speed increase possible each round. Decreasing speed

can be done with increments of one every round unless the driver takes a
brake action
This number can be negative, zero or positive. A negative handling
adds b for each point to all Drive Auto tests in the vehicles and a positive
handling adds b for each point to all Drive Auto tests in the vehicle.
This represents the mass of the vehicle.

This is the armour values of the vehicle. Vehicle armour has four
statistics like personal armour: Soak, Protection, Defence and Quality. Vehicle
armour applies to everyone inside the vehicle.

The Chase Track is used to keep track of the relative position of

the participants of the chase. The Keeper sets the initial position of all

participants. The numbers on the Chase Track represent the distance between
participants. Refer to the table below to find the difficulty of ranged attacks
made between participants in the chase. Shooting in a foot chase adds d to the
difficulty. A distance greater than 8 indicates escape.

At the beginning of every round all participants sets their speed,

following the rules of acceleration. All participants make a Drive Auto +
Intellect test against dd, upgraded once for every two points of current
speed. On a failure, speed is reduced by one. On a success speed is steady. On
two advantages or Triumph, speed is counted as being one higher for this
round. Maximum speed boost is +2. Everyone then take note of their relative

speed compared to the slowest vehicle, which has a relative speed of zero for
the round.

All participants then take turns in order of

initiative. The driver of a vehicle must spend one manoeuvre to adjust his
position on the Chase Track, even if his relative speed is zero. The driver
decides when to take the drive manoeuvre during his turn.

When inside a vehicle, the ranged defence of the

driver and passengers is equal to the defence gain from the vehicles armour.

Some of the actions/manoeuvres work for foot chases and others


not so much. The chase track can be used to keep track of the chase though.

Each 1/4 of tires lost reduces handling by one.


Range Difficulty

0-1 - Short d

2-3 - Medium dd

4-7 - Long ddd

8 - Extreme dddd
Chase Actions
Whenever current speed is referenced, it is the actual speed of the vehicle, excluding any boost for
the round, and not the relative speed. For foot chases, use regular combat actions and manoeuvres,
with the exception that shooting backwards in a foot chase has d added to the difficulty if your
speed has been boosted in the current round. Below are some example actions and manoeuvres.

● Driver switch position in the vehicle (driver only). If the driver wants to switch position he
must make a Drive Auto + Agility test against ddd upgraded once for every two points of
current speed. Someone else can spend a manoeuvre to take the wheel without making a test.
● Pull driver from wheel and take his place. This requires a Drive Auto + Brawn test against
ddd upgraded once for each point of current speed.
● Shoot tires. Make a Firearms(speciality) + Agility test. If successful everyone in the targeted
vehicle is immediately disoriented until the end of the next round. Spend three advantages or a
triumph to blow the tire. If the tire is blown, the driver of the targeted vehicle must make a
Drive Auto + Agility test against dd, upgraded once for every two points of current speed. If
successful, the targeted vehicle lowers its speed by one. The driver can spend two advantages
or a triumph to keep the speed at the current value. On a failure the vehicle begins the next
round with a speed of zero and everyone in the vehicle suffers two Pain for every point of
current speed. On a failed test the attacker can spend three threat or a despair to make the
vehicle crash and unable to continue the chase.
● Ram (driver only). To Ram an opponent the vehicles must occupy the same space on the Chase
Track. Make an opposed Drive Auto + Cunning against the driver of the targeted vehicle. If the
ramming vehicle is heavier the driver adds bb to his dice pool and upgrades his dice once for
every point of difference in weight. If the ramming vehicle is lighter the driver adds bb to his
dice pool and upgrades the difficulty once for every point of difference in weight. If successful
the targeted vehicle lowers its speed by three. On a successful test the driver ramming can
spend three advantages or a triumph to force the other vehicle off the road, into an obstacle or
something similar, which ends the chase for that vehicle and everyone within suffers two Pain
for every point of current speed of the crashing vehicle.
● Evasive action (driver only). Make a Drive Auto + Cunning against dd. If successful the
vehicle gains +1 defence and everyone shooting at or shooting from the drivers vehicle must
upgrade their difficulty a number of times up to the Drive Auto rating of the driver. The
driver does not have to set the upgrades to the full value, but it will always be the same for
everyone. Opponents trying to ram the vehicle must also upgrade their difficulty. Using this
action lowers the speed of the vehicle by one.
● Lose follower (driver only). To take this action no opponent can be closer than four spaces on
the Chase Track. Lower the current speed of the vehicle by two and make an opposed Drive
Auto + Cunning test against the closest opponents Drive Auto + Intellect. If successful, move
forward one space on the chase track plus one additional for every triumph. On a failure no
acceleration is possible the following round.

● Adjust Chase Track position (driver only, mandatory).

● Switch position in the vehicle
● Decelerate. Reduce relative speed by one (driver only). This may allow the
driver to move his vehicle backwards on the chase Track, if the vehicles
relative speed is negative.
● Hard braking. Reduce relative speed by two (driver only). This may allow
the driver to move his vehicle backwards on the chase Track, if the relative
speed is negative. Everyone in the vehicle suffers two Pain and are
disoriented until the end of the next round.
Buick model d-45 (1916) 7 3 -1 1/1/2/0 3 5 1020

Cadillac Type 55 (1917) 8 3 0 2/2/2/0 4 4 $ 2240

Chevrolet Capitol (1927) 7 3 0 1/1/2/0 3 5 $ 695

Chrysler Model F-58 (1926) 7 3 0 1/2/2/0 4 5 $ 1045

Dodge Model S/1 (1922) 7 3 0 2/1/2/0 4 5 $ 985

Duesenberg J (1929) 10 3 +1 3/3/2/2 5 5 $ 20.000

Ford Model T (1908) 6 2 -1 1/1/1/0 3 5 $ 360

Ford Model A (1927) 7 3 -1 1/1/2/0 3 4 $ 450

Hudson Super Six Series J (1916) 8 3 +1 2/2/2/0 3 4 $ 1750

Oldsmobile 43-AT (1923) 7 3 0 2/2/1/0 4 5 $ 1345

Packard Twin Six Touring (1916) 8 3 +1 2/2/1/1 5 7 $ 2950

Pierce-Arrow (1921) 10 4 +1 2/3/2/1 4 6 $ 6000

Pontiac 6-28 Sedan (1928) 7 3 1 1/1/2/0 3 5 $ 745

Studebaker Stnd./Dictator (1927) 7 3 0 2/1/2/0 3 5 $ 1165

Bentley 3-Litre (England/1920) 8 3 +3 1/2/1/1 4 5 $ 9000

BMW Dixi (Germany/1928) 7 3 0 1/1/2/1 3 2 $ 1225

Citroen C3 (France/1921) 6 3 0 1/1/1/0 3 2 $ 800

Hisp.-Suiza Alfonso (Spain/1912) 7 3 +1 1/1/1/1 3 2 $ 4000

Lancia Lambda 214 (Italy/1923) 7 3 0 2/1/2/1 4 6 $ 4050

Merced.-Benz SS (Germany/1928) 10 3 +1 2/2/2/1 3 4 $ 7750

Renault AX (France/1909) 7 2 0 1/1/1/0 3 2 $ 500

RR Silver Ghost (England/1907) 7 3 +1 2/2/1/1 5 6 $ 6750

RR Phantom I (England/1925) 8 3 +2 2/3/2/1 4 6 $ 10.800

Soak (S): Add to Brawn for total soak, when in the vehicle.

Protection (P): Add this number of d to Injury checks

Defence (D): This is the ranged defence of people inside the vehicle. Personal
defence does not apply.

Quality (Q): Upgrade the d from protection to c, against Injury a number of times
equal to quality
Other vehicles
Chevrolet Int AC Pickup (1918) 7 2 -3 3/2/2/0 7 3 $ 545

Dodge 1/2 ton model (1919) 7 1 -3 2/3/3/1 8 3 $ 1085

Ford Model TT Truck (1923) 6 1 -3 2/2/2/0 7 3 $ 490

Leyland Badger (1920) 6 1 -2 3/2/2/1 7 3 $ 1550

Mack Model BB (1927) 6 1 -1 3/2/2/2 8 3 $ 3200

Mack Bulldog Armoured (1919) 5 1 -2 6/5/4/3 10 8 $ 11.000

Horse, 1 rider 5 3 +1 0 2 1 $ 100

4-horse Carriage 3 1 -2 1/1/2/0 4 6+ $ 500

1-horse Cab 4 2 -1 1/1/2/0 3 3 $ 150

Bicycle 2 1 +3 0 1 1 $ 25

Harley Davidson JD (1925) 10 4 +2 0 2 1 $ 335

Harley Davidson JDH (1928) 11 4 +2 0 2 1 $ 520

Harley Davidson JS Sidecar

9 3/4* +1/+2 1/1/1/0 2 2 $ 485
(1921) *without sidecar

Model 18 Norton (1921 England) 8 3 2 0 2 1 $ 265

idson JD
y D av H1
rle 8

Soak (S): Add to Brawn for total soak, when in the vehicle.

Protection (P): Add this number of d to Injury checks

Defence (D): This is the ranged defence of people inside the vehicle. Personal
defence does not apply.

Quality (Q): Upgrade the d from protection to c, against Injury a number of times
equal to quality
Vehicle______________________ Se a ti n g
H a n li n g

Sp eed A rmou r
Top Protection
Weight Soak Quality
c celera t Defence

S p ee 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
ent 3
rr 2
p eed

5 6 7 8
1 veS 3
4 9 10 11
ti 2

Vehicle______________________ Se a ti n g
H a n li n g

Sp eed A rmou r
Top Protection
Weight Soak Quality
c celera t Defence

S p ee 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
ent 3
r r
2 eed

5 6 7 8
1 veS 3
4 9 10 11
ti 2

The power level of the Investigators can be controlled by
the number of Agent Talents they may acquire. Every talent has prerequisites, so
Investigators must have a certain rank in specific skills or characteristics. Once an
investigator has met the prerequisites he may spend a future successful skill
Agent Talents advancement in one of the listed prerequisite skills to instead acquire an Agent Talent
tied to that skill. Some Agent Talents may also have other Agent Talents as
Prerequisites. When acquiring a talent the Investigator must always use an
advancement from one of the skills with the highest rank requirement. If an
investigator has a rank in a skill that is higher than the requirement, he may attempt
to acquire the talent as if his skill rank is equal to the required rank.


Cost: 2 Strain
Description: Whenever you use Dodge to defend against an attack you gain +1 soak
and reduce the severity of any Injury from that attack by one, in case you get hit.
Prerequisites: Dodge 3, Survival 3

Cost: -
Description: Your patients recover one additional point of Sanity from your treatment
or psychotherapy. Additionally you recover one additional point of Sanity from self
help. Your treatment, therapy and self help will always have an effect, so even on a
failed test you or your patients recover one point of Sanity.
Prerequisites: Psychoanalysis 3, Psychology 3

Cost: 2 Strain
Description: Your attacks with handguns gain the autofire quality, if you have two
handguns equipped.
Prerequisites: Handguns 3

Cost: -
Description: With a Medicine + Intellect test against dd you can determine the
poison afflicting a patient and you know how to make an antidote. With a
Botany/Pharmacy + Intellect test against a difficulty based on the availability of
ingredients you can create an antidote for the poison. On a failure, you will still be
able to save the patients life, but he may need further treatment to recover fully. If
you are at home or elsewhere with reasonable access to ingredients, no test is needed
to create the antidote.
Prerequisites: Botany 3, Pharmacy 3

Cost: -
Description: You may reload bows as part of your attack action, without the need to
spend manoeuvres.
Prerequisites: Bow 2
Cost: -
Description: You no longer add the extra d when shooting a bow.
Agent Talents Prerequisites: Bow 3

Cost: -
Description: You are incredibly precise with Heavy Weapons and Artillery. You may
add your Intellect to the base damage for Heavy Weapons and twice that for
Artillery on a successful hit against targets at least the size of a car. For such a
target you also add +1 to the Injury rating of the Heavy Weapon or Artillery.
Prerequisites: Heavy Weapons 3, Mathematics 3

Cost: -
Description: You gain b to all Animal Handling tests. You have a strong connection
with animals and can even command animals that are trained and under the
command of others with no extra difficulty.
Prerequisites: Animal Handling 4, Intimidate 3

Cost: -
Description: You have an unnatural ability to sense danger to your own person. You
are always allowed to use Dodge, Brawl or a Fighting skill to defend yourself, even
when unaware of an attack.
Prerequisites: Eyes of a Hawk, Dodge 3

Cost: -
Description: Your Boxing attacks gain +1 damage. You gain +1 soak against Brawl
Prerequisites: Brawl 3

Cost: 1 Strain
Description: Your Boxing attacks gain Vicious 2 and the superior quality (+1
advantage and +1 damage). Whenever you inflict an Injury with a rating of 3 or
more, the target must succeed at a KO test or be knocked out.
Prerequisites: Boxing, Brawl 4

Cost: -
Description: You always seem to be able to land on your feet and grab hold of
nearby objects to slow down your fall. You reduce the fall distance by one range
Prerequisites: Climb 3, Jump 3

Cost: -
Description: You can create codes that no one except another Code Savant can
break. Additionally you may receive hints from the Keeper for puzzles the players
are supposed to solve.
Prerequisites: Cryptography 3
Cost: 3
Description: You can easily get a crowds attention and hold it while you speak.
You gain b to all Charm, Intimidate, Persuade or Hypnosis tests that involves
several people at once. In combat you may test Either Intimidate + Presence or
Agent Talents Hypnosis + Intellect against the highest Psychology + Willpower among the targets,
to make them unable to take any offensive actions until the active characters next
turn. If anyone else takes any offensive actions the effect is broken.
Prerequisites: Charm/Intimidate 3, Persuade/Hypnosis 3

Cost: -
Description: On a first aid attempt you heal two additional Pain and stop one
additional point of bleeding, even on a failed test. The rules for recovering Pain
must still be respected, so the patient can only recover Pain suffered during the
current scene and since the last successful First Aid.
Prerequisites: First Aid 3

Cost: -
Description: You may attempt First Aid test against dddd to bring someone
back to life and stop all bleeding on a patient, who has died during the current
scene. You only get one attempt per patient. If the patient does not already have a
severity 9 Injury, he will suffer one. All first aid tests gain b. Once per session on
a successful First Aid test you may reduce one Injury of severity 9 or lower by
three severities.
Prerequisites: Combat Medic, First Aid 4, Medicine 2

Cost: -
Description: You are very good at getting contacts who have official positions in
society. You may Roll Law + Cunning against ddd to make a good impression
after spending at least a day in a new place. If you are successful, officials will be
inclined to help you or look the other way, as long as you’re not being
unreasonable or committing obvious crimes. If you have made good impressions,
you may add bb to all dealings with officials. When you use this talent, your
presence and good name will be known in the area.
Prerequisites: Law 3, Persuade 3

Cost: -
Description: You have a knack of finding street urchins who are loyal and willing
to work for a few coins. They can do different tasks for you, but will not engage
directly in combat. After spending at least a day in a place, you may test Charm +
Cunning against ddd to find a gang of street urchins. If the street urchins are
doing a task for you, where the outcome is uncertain, you may test your
Psychology + Intellect against the difficulty of the task, to see if you picked the
right person for the job.
Prerequisites: Forgery 3, Disguise 3
Cost: -
Description: You can find a solution to a mechanical or electrical problem even
when you do not have the proper tools or components at hand. You have a great eye
for spotting alternative components and tools you can use. You use whatever you
Agent Talents can find, and come up with creative solutions. The difficulty of Engineering,
Electrical Repair or Mechanical Repair tests do not increase as a result of missing
tools or components.
Prerequisites: Appraise 3, Engineering/Electrical Repair/Mechanical Repair 3

Cost: -
Description: Your knowledge of Astronomy allows you to change minor details of
spells to draw power from astronomical objects. You may add bb to opposed tests
for spells and +20% chance of success to summoning spells.
Prerequisites: Cthulhu Mythos 1, Astronomy 4

Cost: -
Description: You may re-roll all c on a successful initial casting test for spells, to
determine mastery. This does not change the result of the test in regards to anything
other than mastery.
Prerequisites: Cthulhu Mythos 3

Cost: -
Description: You reduce all sanity loss by one point.
Prerequisites: Occult 3, Psychoanalysis 3

Cost: -
Description: You gain b to all Language tests.
Prerequisites: Anthropology 2, Cryptography 2, History 2, Read Lips 2

Cost: -
Description: You gain +3 Strain Threshold.
Prerequisites: Survival 3, Climb 3, Jump 3

Cost: -
Description: You have an affinity for noticing small details around you. You gain b
to all Spot Hidden tests.
Prerequisites: Accounting 2, Archaeology 2, Fine Art 2

Cost: -
Description: You may use Physics instead of Electrical Repair, Engineering or
Mechanical Repair once per session.
Prerequisites: Physics 3

Cost: -
Description: You have discovered a natural talent for fencing and gain b to all
Sword attacks.
Prerequisites: Sword 2
Cost: -
Description: All swords you use have the superior quality (+1 advantage, +1 damage)
and Injuries you inflict gain +1 bleeding.
Prerequisites: Fencing, Sword 4
Agent Talents
Cost: -
Description: You have invented a chemical compound that can find traces of blood
even after thorough cleaning of an object or crime scene. You are able to estimate
how old the blood is and what species it is from. Finding the blood requires a spot
hidden test.
Prerequisites: Chemistry 3, Forensics 2, Zoology 2

Cost: -
Description: With a spot hidden test you can find all relevant trace evidence in a
scene, like fibres, hair, skin cells, mud, blood, fingerprints or whatever is relevant.
You can also analyse the trace evidence to gain insight most people could not.
Prerequisites: Forensics 3, Spot hidden 3

Cost: 2 Strain
Description: By observing a scene and then closing your eyes, you can see recent
events play out in your mind in great detail. You can see what happened, but will
not know the precise identity of anyone involved.
Prerequisites: Forensic Trace Analysis, Forensics 4, Photography 2, Mathematics 3

Cost: 2
Description: You can climb almost any surface. You may ignore any extra
difficulties or penalties, because of a lack of climbing equipment. You may remove
one negative die from all Climb tests. Using this Talent costs 2 Strain per test. You
do not have to make a test to remain stationary on a surface you have already
Prerequisites: Climb 4, Spot Hidden 3

Cost: -
Description: You can naturally blend in among different cultures and you have
learned to impersonate foreign cultures. You may use your Anthropology instead of
Disguise and instead of Stealth when blending into a crowd.
Prerequisites: Anthropology 3

Cost: 3 Strain
Description: When an opponent misses you with a ranged attack and you upgraded
his difficulty using Dodge defensively, you may spend three threat or a despair to
gain one free immediate attack with a handgun you have equipped.
Prerequisites: Dodge 3, Handguns 3

Cost: -
Description: You have a great knack for bargaining and gain b to any test in
relation to transactions involving material goods or services in exchange for money.
Prerequisites: Appraise 3
Cost: -
Description: You may use Real Lips + Presence for face to face communication
instead of language skills. The conversation cannot cover advanced topics, but basic
communication is possible regardless of language barrier.
Agent Talents
Prerequisites: Read Lips 3, Own Language 3

Cost: -
Description: You have an exceptionally strong grip. You gain b to all tests where
the strength of your grip is important. You are immune to being disarmed.
Prerequisites: Brawl 3, Throw 3

Cost: 2 Strain, 1 manoeuvre

Description: You may spend two advantages or a triumph on a Brawl attack to
disengage to short range and immediately attack using a handgun. You may spend a
manoeuvre to draw your weapon.
Prerequisites: Jump 3, Handgun 3, Brawl 3

Cost: 1 strain
Description: You may use autofire, with Machine Guns, without adding d to the
difficulty, if you are prone.
Prerequisites: Machine Gun 4

Cost: 1 strain
Description: You activate autofire, by spending two advantages, but each additional
shot only requires one advantage, with Machine Guns.
Prerequisites: Machine Gun 3

Cost: 3 ammo, 2 manoeuvres

Description: As an action, you lay down suppressive fire with a Machine Gun,
against an opponent. If the opponent or anyone he’s engaged with moves or attacks
in a way that exposes him, you get a free attack on the acting target. You attack up
to three times each round, but each additional attack after the first, adds an
additional d to the test. Each possible attack must be executed and allies also
trigger attacks.
Prerequisites: Machine Gun 3, Intimidate 2

Cost: -
Description: Whenever you encounter a Mythos entity, you may spend an action to
make a Cthulhu Mythos + Intellect test against cdd to find a weakness. If
successful all your attacks against that Mythos entity gain b and +1 damage. On
three advantages or a triumph all your attacks also gain +1 Injury rating.
Prerequisites: Cthulhu Mythos 2
Cost: -
Description: If you pass the test to find a weakness of a Mythos entity, you and all
allies gain armour with Soak 2, Protection 2 and quality 1 against that Mythos
Agent Talents
Prerequisites: Mythos Hunter, Cthulhu Mythos 3

Cost: 2 Strain
Description: Your understanding of the occult awards you some defence against
spells. You may use your Occult rank minus two as defence against spells. Your
attacker must add that number of b to his opposed test against you. If an offensive
spell does not rely on a test to determine success you may still resist the effect if
you succeed at a Willpower test against ddddd.
Prerequisites: Cthulhu Mythos 1, Occult 3

Cost: 1 Network Token

Description: You gain one Network Token at the start of every session. You may use
a Network Token to call in a favour from your network. This effect has to be
planned, so if you want to use it during a conflict you must prepare. Your network
needs at least three hours to activate. When your network is active you may, after
the dice have been rolled, remove up to two negative dice from a dice pool and re-
roll two positive dice. You can use this Talent on dice pools rolled by other
characters as well as your own. You must explain what your Network Agents do as
you activate the effect. If you do not activate your network within 12 hours, they
stand down and the Network Token is wasted.
Prerequisites: Credit Rating 3. You may select this Talent instead of an advance
from any skill.

Cost: -
Description: You gain an additional Network Token.
Prerequisites: Networking Baron, Credit Rating 4. You may select this Talent
instead of an advance from any skill.

Cost: -
Description: You keep yourself updated on news and if there is a news story related
to any situation you are in, you can receive it from the Keeper without a test. The
keeper can give you such a news story without you asking for it.
Prerequisites: Library use 4, Appraise 3

Cost: -
Description: Whenever you assist someone they gain bb to their dice pool instead
of the usual single b.
Prerequisites: Natural World 3, Accounting 2, Listen 2, Appraise 2
Cost: -
Description: You are able to create painkillers that quickly alleviates Pain. A
painkiller takes effect on your next turn after you have swallowed it. The first
painkiller you eat during one day heals 5 Pain, the next heals 4 pain and so forth.
Agent Talents
Every time you eat a painkiller you must make an addiction check rolling c for
each painkiller you have eaten during the current day. If you get a despair on an
addiction check, you have become addicted. While addicted you upgrade the
difficulty of all tests thrice, in scenes where you have not eaten a painkiller and
once in scenes where you have taken your medicine. To cure the addiction you must
play an entire session without using painkillers.
Prerequisites: Pharmacy 4, Medicine 3, Botany 3

Cost: 2 Strain
Description: You have the skills of a street magician and can keep a small object
hidden even if you are searched. The item must be small enough to be covered by
your hand and forearm. Anything from a coin to a dagger or a small .22 derringer
can be hidden. You do not have to make a test for this.
Prerequisites: Sleight of hand 3, Stealth 3

Cost: 2 Strain
Description: By making a Psychology + Intellect check against dd, you can not only
get a sense of people lying, but also some idea of their motivation. You cannot read
minds, but by observing body language you can read people with greater detail than
most. If the target is trying to deceive you, the difficulty is based on the targets
Acting + Cunning. You gain b to initiative tests and all Psychology tests.
Influencing the target of a successful Profiling - Surface, with Charm, Persuade,
Hypnosis, Acting, Disguise, Intimidate or Fast Talk, gains b.
Prerequisites: Psychology 3, Spot Hidden 3, Listen 3

Cost: 3 Strain
Description: You roll Psychology + Intellect against dd or the targets Acting +
Cunning if he is trying to deceive you. You notice incredible detail about people,
their movements, clothes and everything about them. You have an uncanny ability to
notice the smallest detail. This can give you great insight into peoples intentions,
motivation by analysing their body language and trace evidence on them. You gain
an additional b to initiative tests and whenever you upgrade opponents attack
difficulty you get one additional free upgrade. Influencing the target of a successful
Profiling - Depth, with Charm, Persuade, Hypnosis, Acting, Disguise, Intimidate or
Fast Talk, gains bb.
Prerequisites: Forensic Trace Analysis, Profiling - Surface, Psychology 4, Read Lips

Description: You spend only half the time reading books and learning spells for any
languages where you have a rating of three or more.
Prerequisites: Own Language 4, Library Use 3
Cost: 2 Strain
Description: As a response to one enemy attack happening before your turn in the
first round of combat, you may make one free attack against the acting opponent,
with a handgun or a knife. You add d to this attack.
Agent Talents
Prerequisites: Handgun 3, Sleight of Hand 3

Cost: 2 Strain
Description: As a response to one enemy attack happening before your turn in the
first round of combat, you may make one free attack against the acting opponent,
with a knife. You add d to this attack.
Prerequisites: Brawl 3, Sleight of Hand 3

Cost: -
Description: Every 6 hours of rest you recover from an additional two Pain. You
may make a recovery test for Injuries every four days instead of every week. At the
end of an encounter or scene, you recover an additional three Strain.
Prerequisites: Survival 4

Cost: -
Description: You may ignore bb to Drive Auto tests from road conditions or
damage to the vehicle.
Prerequisites: Drive Auto 3

Cost: -
Description: You increase the range of rifles you use by one range band and
decrease the difficulty of long and extreme range shots by d.
Prerequisites: Rifle 3

Cost: 2 Strain
Description: Your attack with a rifle gains +1 Injury rating, if you spend 2
manoeuvres aiming.
Prerequisites: Rifle 4, Biology/Medicine 2

Cost: -
Description: You have a great understanding of animal behaviour and gain b to all
Spot Hidden, Listen and Track tests when in the company of animals. You may also
use Animal Handling in place of those three skills, when in the company of animals.
Prerequisites: Animal Handling 3, Zoology 3

Cost: -
Description: You add b to all Stealth tests and opponents trying to spot or track
you add bb to their test.
Prerequisites: Stealth 3, Spot Hidden 3, Listen 3
Cost: -
Description: When you attack from stealth, you may add your Stealth to your
damage. You gain an automatic advantage on your attack and your weapon gains +1
Injury rating for the initial attack from stealth. If you attack with a club the target
Agent Talents
must make a KO test if you inflict a severity 2 Injury or worse.
Prerequisites:Shadow, Stealth 4

Cost: 2
Description: You always seem to know a shortcut. Once on your turn in a chase, you
may move your vehicle or yourself in a foot chase, up to two spaces forward or
backwards on the chase track - even if you’re not the driver.
Prerequisites: Navigate 3

Cost: -
Description: You may reload a shotgun by using a manoeuvre per shell.
Prerequisites: Shotgun 2, Sleight of hand 3

Cost: -
Description: You do not need to use a manoeuvre between shots on a bolt action
rifle to pull the bolt.
Prerequisites: Rifle 2, Sleight of Hand 3

Cost: -
Description: You ignore three upgrades from vehicle speed in regards to difficulty of
Drive Auto tests.
Prerequisites: Drive Auto 3

Cost: 2 Strain
Description: You can put an idea into the mind of another person, by spending at
least 5 minutes in conversation with the target. To implant an idea you must
succeed at a Hypnosis + Cunning test against the targets Listen + Willpower. The
idea will manifest and the person will think they came up with the idea. Ideas that
are conflicting with the nature of a person cannot be implanted. You gain b to
psychoanalysis and Hypnosis.
Prerequisites: Hypnosis 3, Fast talk 3

Cost: 4 Strain
Description: You may hypnotize someone to perform a specific action at some point
in the future, when the target hears the code word. The target will not remember
the hypnosis and will find the action natural. It is not possible to make a person
harm himself. There are limits to the actions that can be implanted based on the
personality of the target - the Keeper has the final call on what is possible, but you
may not know for certain, unless you have at least made a successful Profiling -
Surface on the target. You gain b to Hypnosis and Persuade.
Prerequisites: Subconscious Suggestion, Hypnosis 4
Cost: 1 strain
Description: You may use autofire, with Submachine Guns, without adding d to the
difficulty, if you are prone.
Prerequisites: Submachine Gun 4
Agent Talents
Cost: 1 strain
Description: You activate autofire by spending two advantages, but each additional
shot only requires one advantage, with Submachine Guns.
Prerequisites: Submachine Gun 3

Cost: 3 ammo, 2 manoeuvres

Description: As an action, you lay down suppressive fire with a Submachine Gun,
against an opponent. If the opponent or anyone he’s engaged with moves or attacks
in a way that exposes him, you get a free attack on the acting target. You attack up
to three times each round, but each additional attack after the first, adds an
additional d to the test. Each possible attacks must be executed and allies also
trigger attacks.
Prerequisites: Submachine Gun 3, Intimidate 2

Cost: -
Description: You can hold your breath twice as long as most good athletes. You
suffer only half Pain damage from suffocation.
Prerequisites: Swim 3, Survival 3

Cost: -
Description: You increase the top speed of vehicles with a weight of 6 or more by
one and improve their handling by two steps.
Prerequisites: Drive Auto 3, Operate Heavy Machinery 2

Cost: -
Description: You like water polo and gain b to all melee attacks in water, deeper
than the waist. Your melee and ranged defence gain +1 in water deeper than the
Prerequisites: Swim 3

Cost: 2 Strain
Description: You may spend 2 Advantage or a Triumph to disarm an opponent
within range. On a triumph you may catch the weapon, otherwise it lands
somewhere within short range.
Prerequisites: Whip 4

Cost: -
Description: If you have a whip equipped, your Jump tests gain bb, as long as
there is something you can reach with your whip, that will help with the jump.
Prerequisites: Whip 3
Cost: -
Description: You are a master of close quarters combat. Whenever you are fighting
in close quarters you gain bb against anyone who does not know Wing Chun. You
may remove b from all brawl attacks. All Wing Chun attacks use Agility instead of
Agent Talents
Brawn for Brawl attacks.
Prerequisites: Brawl 3

Cost: -
Description: Whenever you have upgraded an attack against you using Brawl
defensively, you may spend three threat or a despair to gain a free immediate Wing
Chun attack on them. Your Wing Chun attacks gain the Autofire and superior
quality (+1 advantage and +1 damage). You may remove b from all brawl attacks.
Prerequisites: Wing Chun, Brawl 4

Cost: -
Description: Your strict workout discipline pays off. You get +2 Pain Threshold.
Prerequisites: Brawl 3, Climb 3, Jump 3, Survival (any) 3, Swim 3, Throw 3

Cost: -
Description: You may spend three advantages or a triumph to perform a takedown.
You gain one automatic advantage on your wrestling attacks against opponents who
do not know wrestling. Once you have performed a takedown, you can only attack
the opponent you performed the takedown on and he may only attack you, using
Brawl - you are both immobilized. Your opponent must succeed at an opposed
Brawl + Brawn test against your Brawl + Brawn to escape (add d if the target
doesn’t know wrestling). The person who performed the takedown can escape freely.
Prerequisites: Brawl 3

Cost: -
Description: When you have performed a takedown on someone you gain bb to
Brawl attacks against that opponent and he gains bb to brawl attacks against you,
as long as he’s in the takedown. If you score three advantages or a triumph on a
takedown escape attempt you may perform a reversal and have your opponent in a
takedown. If you gain three advantages or a Triumph on a brawl attack you may
perform a submission. If your opponent does not escape on his next turn, he is out
of the fight and at your mercy - you may kill him or render him unconscious or
simply restrain him for the rest of the scene.
Prerequisites: Wrestling, Brawl 4
Agent Talents
Mythos tomes
Language Date Author Weeks Sanity Diff. Knowl.
Abdul al- ccdd
Al-azif Arabic c. 730 68 cdd 7 (bbb)
Hazrad b
Azathoth and Edward
English 1919 1 db d 1 (b)
others Derby
Black book of J’cak
Greek ? 29 cd cdd 3 (b)
the skull Igguratian
Black God of Amadeus
English 1930s 7 db db 2 (b)
madness Carson
Black Rites Egyptian ? 41 cdb cdd 5 (bb)
Black Sutra Burmese c. 700 U Pao 18 dd cdd 2 (b)

Black Tome Latin ? Alsophocus 37 cd cdb 4 (bb)

Book of Dzyan English ? ? 14 ddb cdb 4 (bb)

Book of Eibon English 15th C. ? 32 cdd cd 4 (bb)

Book of Iod ? ? 51 cdd ccdb 5 (b)
English Johann
Book of Iod ? 10 c cdd 2 (b)
translation Negus
Book of Skelos Aklo ? ? 54 cdb cdd 4 (b)
Cabala of
Greek 1686 ? 16 dd cdb 1 (b)
Calaeno Laban
English 1915 15 cd cdd 4 (b)
Fragments Shrewsbury
Chronike von Rudolf
German ? 22 ddb ddb 3 (b)
Nath Yergler
Confessions of
the mad monk Latin c. 400 Clithanus 29 cdb cddb 4 (bb)
English 14th C. ? 29 ddb ddd 3 (b)
Latin 11-12th C. ? 46 cddb cddb 5 (bbb)
Cthulhu in the Laban
English 1915 14 dd dd 3 (b)
Necronomicon Shrewsbury

The title of the Mythos tome.
The language of the book.
Date when the tome was written.
The writer of the book.
Number of weeks required for full study.
The dice rolled to find Sanity loss.
The difficulty of the language test when studying the tome.
The knowledge and study rating of the book. Books with knowledge
ratings above 5 do not allow readers to increase their skill beyond 5.
Mythos tomes
Language Date Author Weeks Sanity Diff. Knowl.
Cthonic Thanang
Laotian ? 18 ddb cdd 3 (b)
Revelations Phram
Cultes des
French 1702 Honore 22 cdd cddb 5 (b)
Daemonolatreia English 1595 Remigius 28 ddb cddd 3 (b)
De Vermiss
Latin 1542 Ludvig Prinn 48 cdd cdd 4 (bbb)
Dhol Chants German 1890s 17 dd cdd 3 (bb)
Dwellers in the
French ? Baron Le Fé 12 dd cdd 3 (b)
Eltdown Arthur B
English 1912 6 dd cdd 4 (b)
Shards Winters-Hall
Ethics of Ygor Latin ? ? 13 bb dd 2 (b)
Konrad von
Fishbuch German 1598 8 bb cddb 1 (b)
Fourth Book
English ? D’harsis 42 cdd cddb 4 (b)
of D’harsis
English ? ? 20 dd dd 3 (b)
G’harne Amery
English ? 12 cd cddb 4 (bb)
Fragments Wendy-Smith
Ghorl Nigral Muvian ? 46 ccd ddd 5 (bb)
Green Book English ? ? 50 cdd cdd 5 (bb)

Hydrophinnae Latin ? Mr Gantley 7 b cdd 1 (b)

Ilarnek Papyri English ? ? 15 cd cddb 3 (b)

In Pressured
English ? Hartrack 3 dd dd 2 (b)
Invocations to
English ? Asaph Waite 16 cdd ddd 4 (b)
Johansen Gustaf
English ? 6 db dd 2 (b)
Narrative Johansen

The title of the Mythos tome.
The language of the book.
Date when the tome was written.
The writer of the book.
Number of weeks required for full study.
The dice rolled to find Sanity loss.
The difficulty of the language test when studying the tome.
The knowledge and study rating of the book. Books with knowledge
ratings above 5 do not allow readers to increase their skill beyond 5.
Mythos tomes
Language Date Author Weeks Sanity Diff. Knowl.
The King in
English 1895 ? 1 ccd cddd 4 (-)
Legends of
English ? Oswald 9 bb ddb 2 (b)
Liber Damnatus Janus
English 1647 34 cdd cdd 5 (bb)
Damnationum Aquaticus
Liber Ivonis Latin 9th C. 36 ddd cddb 5 (b)
Life of Eibon French ? Cyron 8 b dd 1 (-)
Caspard du
Livre D’Ivon French 13th C. 36 cdd cdd 5 (bb)
Magic and the
English ? Kane 12 dd dd 2 (bb)
Black Arts
Marvels of
English ? Morryster 11 bb dd 2 (-)
Massa di
B Chieti
Requiem Per Italian 1768 2 db cdd 2 (b)
Monstres and
English 16th C. ? 36 ddb cddb 4 (bbb)
their Kynde
Mum-Rath Ibn
Latin ? 10 db cdd 2 (b)
Papyri Shoddathua
Naacal Key English ? Churchward 2 b db 1 (-)

Nameless Cults English 1845 ? 48 cddd cdd 5 (bb)

Nameless Cults English 1909 ? 30 cddb cddb 4 (bbb)

Necrolatry German 1702 Ivor Gorstadt 20 cdd cddb 5 (bb)

Necronomicon Greek c. 900 68 ccdd dd 7 (bbb)
Necronomicon Latin 1228 Olaus 66 ccdd cdd 6 (bbb)
Necronomicon English 1586 John Dee 50 ccdb cddb 5 (bb)

The title of the Mythos tome.
The language of the book.
Date when the tome was written.
The writer of the book.
Number of weeks required for full study.
The dice rolled to find Sanity loss.
The difficulty of the language test when studying the tome.
The knowledge and study rating of the book. Books with knowledge
ratings above 5 do not allow readers to increase their skill beyond 5.
Mythos tomes
Title Language Date Author Weeks Sanity Diff. Knowl.
Night Gaunt English ? 4 b ddd 1(-)
Of Evil
Sorceries Done
English c. 1600 ? 9 dd cddb 2 (b)
in New
Othuum Omnicia Latin ? ? 12 db dddb 2 (b)
Parchments of
Hyperborean ? Pnom 31 cdd ddd 5 (bb)
People of the Justin
English 1926 1 bb dd 1 (b)
Monolith Geoffrey
English 15th C. ? 45 cdb cddb 4(bb)
Mythology, with
Harold E
a Note on the English 1906 8 bb db 1 (b)
Cthulhu Legend-
Ponape Abner
English 1734 10 db ddd 2 (b)
Scripture Ezekiel
Pacific in the
Harold H
Light of the English 1911 7 bb dddb 2 (b)
Prehistoric in
the Pacific: A Harold H
English 1902 4 b dddb 1 (-)
Preliminary Copeland
Reflections English ? 27 cdd cddd 4(b)
Remnants of Otto
German 1809 5 b dddb 1 (-)
Lost Empires Dostmann
Revelations of Various
English 1842 32 cdd ddb 6(b)
Gla’aki authors
Revelations of
English 1913 E S Bayrolles 5 bb cddb 2 (b)

The title of the Mythos tome.
The language of the book.
Date when the tome was written.
The writer of the book.
Number of weeks required for full study.
The dice rolled to find Sanity loss.
The difficulty of the language test when studying the tome.
The knowledge and study rating of the book. Books with knowledge
ratings above 5 do not allow readers to increase their skill beyond 5.
Mythos tomes
Language Date Author Weeks Sanity Diff. Knowl.
R’lyeh Text Chinese c. 300 ? 54 ccdb cddb 6(bb)
Saducismus Joseph
English 1681 6 ddb ddb 2 (b)
Triumphatus Glanvill
Latin ? Ostanes 40 cdb cddb 5 (bb)
English 19th C. Clergyman X 6 b ddd 1 (b)
Secret Mysteries
of Asia, with a Gottfried
German 1847 16 ddb ddb 3 (bb)
Commentary on Mulder
the Ghorl Nigral
The Secret Halpin
English ? 10 db ddb 1(b)
Watcher Chalmers
Hsan the
Cryptical Chinese 2nd C. 40 cd cddb 4 (bb)
Books of Hasn
Song of Yste Greek ? Dirka Family 11 bb cdd 2 (-)
Soul of Chaos English ? 7 db dd 2 (b)
Sussex Baron
English 1597 36 dd cdd 3 (bb)
Manuscript Frederic
Testament of
Greek 12th C. Carnamagos 23 db ddb 2(b)
Prodigies in the
English 1788 Ward Philips 8 db ddb 1 (b)
New English
True Magick English 17th C. 24 ddb dd 3(b)

Tuscan Rituals Italian ? ? 3 b dddb 1 (-)

Unausprechlichen F W von
German 1839 52 ccdb ddb 5(bbb)
Unter Zee
German 17th C. Graf Gauberg 17 dd ddd 3 (b)

The title of the Mythos tome.
The language of the book.
Date when the tome was written.
The writer of the book.
Number of weeks required for full study.
The dice rolled to find Sanity loss.
The difficulty of the language test when studying the tome.
The knowledge and study rating of the book. Books with knowledge
ratings above 5 do not allow readers to increase their skill beyond 5.
Mythos tomes
Language Date Author Weeks Sanity Diff. Knowl.
Graf von
Uralteschrecken German 19th C. 22 db cdd 2(b)
Visions from Ariel
English 1927 1 bb cddd 2 (-)
Yaddith Prescott
Von denen
Karaj Heinz
Verdamten German ? 24 cdd ddd 5 (b)
Von denen German Edith
1907 10 db dddb 3 (b)
Verdamten (reprint) Brendall
Yhe Ritual Egyptian ? 14 dbb cdd 4(bb)
English ? ? 11 db ddd 2(-)

The title of the Mythos tome.
The language of the book.
Date when the tome was written.
The writer of the book.
Number of weeks required for full study.
The dice rolled to find Sanity loss.
The difficulty of the language test when studying the tome.
The knowledge and study rating of the book. Books with knowledge
ratings above 5 do not allow readers to increase their skill beyond 5.

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