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Understanding The Chemical Metamorphosis of Yamuna River Due To Pollution Load and Human Use

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International Research Journal of Environment Sciences________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414

Vol. 4(2), 58-63, February (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci.

Understanding the Chemical Metamorphosis of Yamuna River due to

Pollution load and Human use
Sandeep Sharma K1 and Mamta Sharma Chhabra2*
Department of Chemistry, Rajdhani College, University of Delhi, New delhi-110015, INDIA
Department of Chemistry, Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007, INDIA
Available online at: www.isca.in, www.isca.me
Received 19th December 2014, revised 15th January 2015, accepted 14th February 2015
In the lower Himalayas, at an altitude of roughly 6000 m, glacier Yamunotri is the point of origin of the sacred river
Yamuna. Yamuna passes through certain areas of the states of seven states viz., Uttarakand, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana,
Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and NCT–Delhi. This surface water is widely used for irrigation,
domestic water supply, industrial etc. It has been subjected to over abuse, both in volume and quality. Before entering
Delhi, it crosses Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh and Haryana. It enters Delhi near Wazirabad (Delhi) and covers a 48
km stretch in Delhi before inflowing the state of Uttar Pradesh. Although two other major industrial cities Yamuna Nagar
and Panipat of Haryana state are located close to the river prior to its entering Delhi yet its appearance changes
drastically due to mindless discharge of waste water from the drains. So much alarming is the level of pollution that at
certain stretches in Delhi, the dissolved oxygen (DO) has fallen to zero. Given that a large number of inhabitants are
dependent on the river, it is of significance to understand its chemical metamorphosis and preserve its water quality.

Keywords: Pollution; chemical metamorphosis; dissolved oxygen (DO); biological oxygen demand (BOD); heavy metal

Introduction the grounds of hydrological and environmental situations. These

are Himalayan Section, Upper Section, Delhi Sectio,
River Yamuna is one of the most holy yet most contaminated Eutriphicated Section and Diluted Section1. The segments and
rivers of the India. Yamuna has been classified into five partson cities along Yamuna are depicted in figure-1 and 2






Approximate lengths (km) of different sections of River Yamuna

International Science Congress Association 58

International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414
Vol. 4(2), 58-63, February (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci.

The only segment which fulfills the condition of the river water industrial wastes, sewage and other poisonous stuffs. There is
quality standards is the initial segment (Himalayan segment). uncritical need to take rigorous and stern actions to assuage
The emission of unprocessed domestic and industrial wastes these pollution levels and protectthesick river2. It has been
have badly deteriorated the quality of Yamuna in the other observed that DO concentration was very low and due to
segments and currently it comes under the category E, thereby increase amount of waste water it cannot be fixed without taking
regarded as appropriate only for water sports and industrial improved management based on experimental and theoretical
purposes. The likelihood for sub aquatic life and domestic research the simulated results3,4.
resource is completely out of question. Major indicators are low
levels of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and elevated levels of Point and non-point sources of pollution: Point and non-point
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). In general, the acceptable sources contaminate the river.NCT is the main providing source
least amount of DO to upkeep a large populace of numerous of polluting substances trailed by Agra and Mathura. The
fishes is from 4 to 5 mg/l. When the Dissolved Oxygen (DO) is section between Chambal River and Wazirabad confluence is
less than 3 mg/l, even the robust fishes die. Since DO levels are disparagingly unclean and almost 20km of Delhi stretch is the
critical to fish, due to high pollution load, mass death of fishes is extremelypolluted5 (Water Quality Status of Yamuna River
reported every year. Dissolved Oxygen has fallen from an (1999-2005)).
already low of 0.3 to 0.0 mg/L between 1996 and 2010 in the
Delhi segment. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) load has Point sources of pollution: These are specified and localized
increased from 25 mg/L to 34.5 mg/L in 2008 in the same area causes of pollution. The point sources of pollution may be
where as the acceptable levels is less than or equal to 5 mg/L. divided into two categories: Domestic Pollution and Industrial
The Yamuna has become a small rivulet with untreated noxious Pollution.

Major cities along River Yamuna1,4

International Science Congress Association 59

International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414
Vol. 4(2), 58-63, February (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci.

Domestic Pollution: The domestic sources cause maximum subsequent impact is substantial. This pollution is not confined
pollution in Yamuna estimated to be roughly 85% of the total in the catchment area of the Yamuna but regularly transported
pollution. These mainly include the dumping of waste by urban or and sometimes rarely by discharge, and surface water during
centers like Panipat, Sonepat, Delhi, Ghaziabad, Mathura- rains. The pollutants initiated from these non-point sources
Vrindavan, Agra, Etawah and Allahabad. The severity of impact include heavy metals in upper layer of soil, nutrients/fertilizers,
of domestic pollution on river depends on the effectiveness of plant residues, organic chemicals, organic matter etc. The other
the wastewater collection system, type and stretch of the waste important non-point pollution sources contributing to river
carriage system. If there is more holding time of waste water Yamuna are: Agricultural remains, Fertilizer and Pesticides,
within urban sites before reaching the Yamuna and other water Animal husbandry, Dumping of Garbage and Dead bodies,
bodies, the pollution levels would become less due to settling Immersion of Idols, Bathing and clothes washing, Cattle
and biodegradation. The domestic waste is mainly constituted of wading, Open defecation.
organic matters and micro-organisms. Apart from this total salts,
detergents, grease etc. also contribute to this type of pollution. Current Status of Yamuna Water Quality
Waste generated from abundant unauthorized colonies existing
in various urban centers with no sewerage system, is transported Degradation due to pollution has substantially decreased the
and discarded either in gutters, streams or straight into river ability of wetlands to provide enough amounts and also the
untreated. A survey done by Central Pollution Control Board water fulfilling the minimum standards. The constant
(CPCB), estimated that a major fraction (0.23) of the entire dilapidation of wetlands, and more specifically the continued
wastewater produced is contributed by Delhi among Class I decline in water standards and quality, will result in further
cities. These are the cities with population of more than 100,000 deterioration of human health especially for people in
people. More bewilderingly, this in turn is around fraction of developing countries who are more vulnerable6,7. This also
0.45 of the total waste caused by Class I and II cities taken affects aquatic life. The physicochemical parameters of water
together. Yamuna becomes more toxic with the dumping of the bodies like freshwater pond can be significantly changed by
untreated domestic wastewater when the concentration of anthropogenic activities such as numerous farming practices and
ammonia ranges to 0.4 mg/L or more5. natural dynamics which subsequently disturb the water quality
and quantity, biodiversity, capacity of the land to produce and
Industrial Pollution: Post-independence, swift industrial even commotion in the of environmental equilibrium operating
development occurred across the Yamuna river basin. There are there8-10. Chemical Metamorphosis of river water quality can be
huge number of industrial clusters at various places including evaluated by the biochemical studies and analysis of different
Indore, Gwalior, Kota, Khetri, Panipat, Yamuna Nagar, Nagda, chemicals present. A healthy river should have minimum 5
Delhi, Baghpat, Sonepat, Ghaziabad, NOIDA, Mathura mg/L of DO which is essential for the existence of aquatic life
Faridabad and other places. These different industries and about 3 mg/L of BOD. However the microorganisms that
discharging wastewater into Yamuna river comprises of cause diseases can be characterized by Fecal Coliforms counts,
Distilleries, Pulp, Sugar, Weaving, Oil Refineries, Chemical, should be less than 500 per 100 mL of water. In accordance
Drugs, Thermal Power Plants, foodstuff industries etc. It is with the water qualities, river waters have been classified in five
mandatory for these industries to treat the waste generated in classes11: Class A: In this category, the water of the river is
order to achieve recommended criteria before throwing effluent acceptable for drinking after addition of disinfectant e.g.
into the environment for the acquiescence to the environment bleaching powder or chlorine. Class B: In this class of river
laws. This aspect is ignored in most of the cases. Yamuna River water one can take bath only. Class C: In this category, the river
has become murky river and river of sadness to the areas around water is appropriate for consumption only after apt treatment
with special reference to Mathura, Delhi, and Agra. The color of i.e., removal of physical substances such as plastic, paper etc.
Yamuna River is awfully dark, it looks virtually like a gutter in Class D: The river water in this class is appropriate only for
NCT, as most of the manufacturing and other engineering units aquatic and Class E: The water of the river is right only for
are situated on its bank and at one time used to junk and throw manufacturing units’ purposes, irrigation, etc.
the unprocessed wastes into the Yamuna. The River water
remains immobile for nearly three-fourth time of a year. There River Yamuna fits into class E12. Swift urbanization and
are unchecked and unrestricted numbers of industries, throwing agricultural growth in Yamuna basin has primarily as well as
huge amount of unprocessed effluents in Yamuna prevailing in secondarily affected the Yamuna water quality. Yamuna has six
Faridabad, Delhi, Agra and Mathura. According to Central barrages which block the river flow and design the flowing
Pollution Control Board (CPCB) survey, approximately 350 situation. Usually most of the slush gets dumped at upstream of
industrial units that throw their wastes in Yamuna of which the barrages. These solid toxic substances that have settled,
more than forty are in Delhi5 (Water Quality Status of Yamuna moves to downstream along with rapid and abrupt discharge of
River (1999-2005)). water from the barrages thereby increasing the river
contamination. Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) carries
Non point or diffused of Pollution: The non-point sources are out regular checking and investigation of Water quality of
unnamed, plentiful and impact of each is of less implication this Yamuna River since 1977.
is contrary to the point source. Nevertheless, in blend the

International Science Congress Association 60

International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414
Vol. 4(2), 58-63, February (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci.

Dissolved Oxygen (DO) DO decreases with increase in wastes. Higher value of BOD specifies that the level of
temperature13. Thus the fishes are not able to survive at elevated dissolved oxygen is dipping, thereby endangering the river’s
temperature (figure-3). Dissolved Oxygen level in Yamuna from aquatic species and biodiversity. It is triggered by the
its origin to Palla is found within safe limits but away from that occurrence of elevated level of nitrate levels and organic toxins
it starts depleting. After Wazirabad the DO level starts declining in water body. There are fluctuations in the Biological Oxygen
drastically and most of times the DO level touches duck at Demand level in Yamuna from Yamunotri to Palla in Delhi
different Delhi downstream sites; it may be due to Shahdara segment between 1 to 3 mg/L. After Palla, wastewater drains
drain and Hindon River discharging discarded water at these fall into Yamuna. The BOD level is between 3 and 51 mg/L
sites. from Nizamuddin Bridge to Agra downstream. Figure 4, 5 and 6
displays the average BOD and DO levels in Yamuna River at
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) quantifies the amount of diverse locations from 1996 to 201014. (Water quality criteria,
oxygen consumed by creatures in the river and other water (2012))
bodies to decay the organic matter obtained by the industrial

Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l)


0 10 20 30 40 50


Variation of DO with temperature


Tajewala/ Hathnikund DO(mg/l) Tajewala/ Hathnikund BOD(mg/l)

Kalanaur DO(mg/l) Kalanaur BOD(mg/l)
Palla DO(mg/l) Palla BOD(mg/l)

BOD and DO at different locations in Haryana from 1997 to 2010

International Science Congress Association 61

International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414
Vol. 4(2), 58-63, February (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci.

BOD and DO at Nizamudin Bridge in Delhi from 1997 to 2010

BOD and DO at different locations in Uttar Pradesh from 1997 to 2010

Conclusion fixed without taking improved management. Wastewater can be

salvaged by recycling through effective tools and expertise and
The desired quality refurbishment of River Yamuna at diverse can be reused for several purposes like irrigation. Use of bio-
sites is a very multifaceted striving. Yamuna River pollution fertilizers should be promoted. More cultivation along Yamuna
cannot be lessened simply by launching more sewage treatment would check soil pollution. Environmental laws should be
plants and diversion of waste water drains. Certain procedures implemented with sternness. There should be upgrading in
and approaches that can prevent worsening of water quality can sewage system can avoid the leakage and leaching of dirty water
be adopted. It has been observed that DO concentration was into water bodies.
very low and due to increase amount of waste water it cannot be

International Science Congress Association 62

International Research Journal of Environment Sciences______________________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414
Vol. 4(2), 58-63, February (2015) Int. Res. J. Environment Sci.

BOD and DO at different locations in Uttar Pradesh from 1997 to 2010

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