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7vk61 Catalog Sip E6

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10 Relays for Various Protection Applications / 7VK61

Breaker Management Relay
Function overview

Protection functions
25 50BF
• Single and/or three-pole auto-reclosure
79 • Synchro-check with live/dead line/bus
• Closing under asynchronous conditions
27 (consideration of CB operating time)
86 74TC • Circuit-breaker failure protection with
two stages (single and three-pole
with/without current)

• End-fault protection
• Pole-discrepancy protection
Fig. 10/1 • Overvoltage/undervoltage protection
breaker management Control function
relay • Commands f. ctrl. of CB and isolators
Monitoring functions
• Operational measured values
• Self-supervision of the relay
Description • Event buffer and fault protocols
• Oscillographic fault recording
The SIPROTEC 4 breaker management
relay 7VK61 is a highly flexible auto- • Monitoring of CB auxiliary contacts
reclosure, synchro-check and circuit- • Switching statistics
breaker failure protection unit.
This unit is used for the single and three-
• All functions can be used separately
pole auto-reclosure of a circuit-breaker,
after this circuit-breaker has tripped due • Initiation/start by phase-segregated or
to a fault. The synchro-check function 3-pole trip commands
ensures that the two circuits being recon- • Auto-reclosure for max. 8 reclose cycles
nected by closing the circuit-breaker are
• Evolving/sequential trip recognition
within a defined safe operating state before
the CLOSE command is issued. • Auto-reclosure with ADT, DLC, RDT
The 7VK61 is also applicable as circuit- • Synchro-check with ΔV, Δϕ , Δf
breaker failure protection. A breaker fail- measurement
ure occurs when the circuit-breaker fails
to correctly open and clear the fault after • Breaker failure protection with highly
single or three-pole trip commands have secure 2-out-of-4 current check detec-
been issued by the protection. It is then tors
necessary to trip the relevant busbar zone • Breaker failure protection with short
(section) to ensure fault clearance. reset time and negligible overshoot time
Together with the above-mentioned pro-
tection functions, the following additional CommunicatIon interfaces
functions of the 7VK61 can be applied: • Front interface for connecting a PC
end-fault protection, pole-discrepancy
• System interface for connecting to a
protection, overvoltage protection and
undervoltage protection. As a member of control system via various protocols
the numerical SIPROTEC 4 relay family, – IEC 61850 Ethernet
it also provides control and monitoring – IEC 60870-5-103 protocol
functions and therefore supports the user – PROFIBUS-FMS/-DP
with regard to a cost-effective power sys- – DNP 3.0
tem management.
• Rear-side service/modem interface
• Time synchronization via
– IRIG-B or DCF77 or system interface

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10 Relays for Various Protection Applications / 7VK61

Cost-effective power system management If the requirements for protection, control

and interlocking change, it is possible in
The SIPROTEC 4 units are numerical re- the majority of cases to implement such
The 7VK61 provides highly flexible lays which also provide control and moni-
breaker management. It applies to sin- changes by means of parameterization us-
toring functions and therefore support the ing DIGSI 4 without having to change the
gle-breaker, ring-bus, and 1½ breaker in- user with regard to a cost-effective power
stallations. The auto-reclosure, hardware.
system management. The security and reli- The use of powerful microcontrollers and
synchronism-check, breaker failure pro- ability of the power supply is increased as a
tection and voltage protection functions the application of digital measured-value
result of minimizing the use of hardware. conditioning and processing largely sup-
can be used separately or combined.
Therefore the current and voltage trans- The local operation has been designed presses the influence of higher-frequency
former connection can be selected accord- according to ergonomic criteria. Large, transients, harmonics and DC compo-
ing to the required application. easy-to-read backlit displays are provided. nents.

The auto-reclosure function closes the cir- The SIPROTEC 4 units have a uniform de- ANSI
cuit-breaker after this circuit-breaker has sign and a degree of functionality which
represents a benchmark-level of perfor- 50BF Breaker-failure protection
tripped due to a fault. The check-synchro-
nism function ensures that the two circuits mance in protection and control. 59/27 Overvoltage/undervoltage
being reconnected by closing the circuit- protection
breaker are within a defined safe operating 25 Synchro-check
state before the CLOSE command is is-
sued. 79 Auto-reclosure
74TC Trip circuit supervision
The numerical 7VK61 relay provides rapid
backup fault clearance in case the circuit- 86 Lockout (CLOSE command
breaker nearest to the fault fails to respond interlocking)
to a TRIP command. It is suitable for
power systems of all voltage levels with
single and/or three-pole circuit-breaker
operation. The initiation signal can be is-
sued from any protection or supervision
equipment. Information from the circuit-
breaker auxiliary contact is only required
for the breaker failure protection during
faults which produce little or no fault cur-
rent flow, for instance due to a trip from
the power transformer Buchholz protec-


Fig. 10/2 Application and function diagram

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10 Relays for Various Protection Applications / 7VK61


Connection technique and housing with

many advantages
1/3 and 1/2-rack sizes are available as
housing widths of the SIPROTEC 4 7VK61
relays, referred to a 19" modular frame sys-
tem. This means that previous models can
always be replaced. The height is a uniform


255 mm for flush-mounting housings and
266 mm for surface-mounting housings
for all housing widths. All cables can be
connected with or without ring lugs.
In the case of surface mounting on a panel,
the connection terminals are located above
and below the housing in the form of Fig. 10/3 Fig. 10/4
screw-type terminals. The communication Flush-mounting housing Rear view of flush-mounting housing with
with screw-type terminals covered connection terminals and wirings
interfaces are located in a sloped case at the
top and bottom of the housing.


Fig. 10/6
Communication interfaces
in a sloped case in a surface-
mounting housing

Fig. 10/5
Surface-mounting housing with screw-type
terminals, example 7SA63

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10 Relays for Various Protection Applications / 7VK61

Protection functions

Auto-reclosure (ANSI 79)

The 7VK61 relay is equipped with an
auto-reclose function (AR). Usually the
auto-reclosure interacts with the feeder
protection via binary inputs and outputs.
The function includes several operating
• 3-pole auto-reclosure for all types of
faults; different dead times are available
depending on the type of fault
• 1-pole auto-reclosure for 1-phase faults,
no reclosing for multi-phase faults
• 1-pole auto-reclosure for 1-phase and
3-pole auto-reclosing for multi-phase
• Multiple-shot auto-reclosure Fig. 10/7 Auto-reclosure and synchro-check with voltage measurement
across a power transformer
• Interaction with the internal or an
external synchro-check
• Monitoring of the circuit-breaker Synchronism check (ANSI 25) feeder protection relays via binary input
auxiliary contacts. signals. Trip signals from the internal auto-
Where two network sections are switched
In addition to the above-mentioned oper- reclosure logic or from the voltage protec-
in by control command or following a
ating modes, several other operating prin- tion can start the breaker failure protection
3-pole auto-reclosure, it must be ensured
ciples can be employed by means of the as well.
that both network sections are mutually
integrated programmable logic (CFC). synchronous. For this purpose, a synchro- Overvoltage protection, undervoltage
The 7VK61 allows the line-side voltages nism-check function is provided. After protection (ANSI 59, 27)
to be evaluated. A number of voltage- verification of the network synchronism,
The 7VK61 contains a number of
dependent supplementary functions are the function releases the CLOSE com-
overvoltage measuring elements. Each
thus available: mand. Consideration of the duration of the
measuring element is of two-stage design.
CB operating time before issuing the
• ADT The following measuring elements are
CLOSE command (especially important
The adaptive dead time is employed only available:
under asynchronous conditions and when
10 if auto-reclosure at the remote station was
successful (reduction of stress on equip-
several circuit-breakers with different op-
erating times are to be operated by one sin-
• Phase-to-earth overvoltage
ment). • Phase-to-phase overvoltage
gle relay).
• Zero-sequence overvoltage
• DLC In addition, reclosing can be enabled for The zero-sequence voltage can be con-
By means of dead-line check, reclosure is different criteria, e.g., when the busbar or nected to the 4th voltage input (not in
effected only when the line is deenergized line are not carrying a voltage (dead line or conjunction with syncho-check) or
(prevention of asynchronous breaker clo- dead bus). be derived from the phase voltages.
sure in case that the synchronism check
• Negative-sequence overvoltage
can not be used). Breaker failure protection (ANSI 50BF)
Tripping by the overvoltage measuring
• RDT The 7VK61 relay incorporates a two-stage elements can be effected either at the local
Reduced dead time is employed in con- circuit-breaker failure protection to detect circuit-breaker or at the remote station by
junction with auto-reclosure where no failures of tripping command execution, means of a transmitted signal.
teleprotection method is employed: when for example due to a defective circuit-
faults within the zone extension of a dis- breaker. The current detection logic is The 7VK61 is fitted, in addition, with three
tance feeder protection but external to the phase-segregated and can therefore also two-stage undervoltage measuring ele-
protected line, are switched off for rapid be used in single-pole tripping schemes. ments:
auto-reclosure (RAR), the RDT function If the fault current is not interrupted after
decides on the basis of measurement of • Phase-to-earth undervoltage
a settable time delay has expired, a retrip
the return voltage from the remote station command or the busbar trip command • Phase-to-phase undervoltage
which has not tripped, that the fault has will be generated. The breaker failure pro- • Positive-sequence undervoltage
been cleared by the protection on the tection will usually be initiated by external
faulted downstream feeder and that The undervoltage measuring elements
reclosure with reduced dead time may can be blocked by means of a minimum
take place. current criterion and by means of binary

10/6 Siemens SIP · Edition No. 6

10 Relays for Various Protection Applications / 7VK61

Monitoring functions
Protection functions
The 7VK61 relay provides comprehensive
End-fault protection monitoring functions covering both hard-
When the circuit-breaker is open, the area ware and software. Furthermore, the mea-
located between the current transformer sured values are continuously checked for
and the circuit-breaker can be optimally plausibility. Therefore the current and
protected by means of the end-fault pro- voltage transformers are also included in
tection. In the event of a fault, an inde- this monitoring system.
pendently settable time delay is started If all voltages are connected, the relay will
after a valid initiation has been received detect secondary voltage interruptions by
and the circuit-breaker auxiliary contacts means of the integrated fuse failure moni-
indicate an open circuit-breaker position, tor. Immediate alarm and blocking of the
with current still flowing (see Fig. 10/8). synchronism check and dead line check is
provided for all types of secondary voltage Fig. 10/8
Depending on the mounting position of End-fault between circuit-breaker and current
failures. Additional measurement supervi-
the current transformer, instantaneous transformer
tripping of the busbar section or sion functions are
intertripping of the circuit-breaker at the • Symmetry of voltages and currents (in
opposite end occurs. case of appropriate transformer connec-
Pole-discrepancy protection
• Broken-conductor supervision (if current
This function ensures that any one or two transformers are connected)
poles of a circuit-breaker do not remain • Summation of currents and voltages
open for longer than an independently (in case of appropriate transformer
settable time (i.e. unsymmetrical condi- connection)
tions). This time stage is initiated when • Phase-sequence supervision (if three
current (above the set value) is flowing in voltage transformers are connected)
any 1 or 2 phases, but not in all 3 phases.
Additionally, the circuit-breaker auxiliary
contacts (if connected) are interrogated
and must show the same condition as the
current measurement. Should this time de-
lay expire, then a three-pole trip command
is issued. This function is normally used
when single-pole auto-reclosing is applied.

Trip circuit supervision (ANSI 74TC)

One or two binary inputs for each circuit-
breaker pole can be used for monitoring
the circuit-breaker trip coils including the
connecting cables. An alarm signal is is-
sued whenever the circuit is interrupted.
The trip circuit supervision function re-
quires one or two independent poten-
tial-free binary inputs per trip circuit. To
make existing (non potential-free) binary
inputs potential-free, external optocoupler
modules can be applied.

Lockout (ANSI 86)

Under certain operating conditions, it is
advisable to block CLOSE commands after
a final TRIP command of the relay has
been issued. Only a manual ‘Reset’ com-
mand unblocks the CLOSE command. The
7VK61 is equipped with such an interlock-
ing logic.

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10 Relays for Various Protection Applications / 7VK61

Time synchronization interface

The time synchronization interface is a
With respect to communication, particular standard feature in all units. The supported
emphasis is placed on the customer re- formats are IRIG-B and DCF77.
quirements in energy automation:
Reliable bus architecture
• Every data item is time-stamped at the
source, i.e. where it originates. • RS485 bus
With this data transmission via copper
• Already during the process of communi-
conductors, electromagnetic fault influ-
cation, information is assigned to the
ences are largely eliminated by the use of
cause thereof (e.g. assignment of the indi-
twisted-pair conductors. Upon failure of a
cation “circuit-breaker TRIP” to the cor-
unit, the remaining system continues to
responding command).
operate without any problem.
• The communication system automatically
• Fiber-optic double ring circuit
handles the transfer of large data blocks
The fiber-optic double ring circuit is im- Fig. 10/9
(e.g. fault recordings or parameter data
mune to electromagnetic interference. IEC 60870-5-103 star-type RS232 copper
files). The user has access to these features conductor connection or fiber-optic connection
Upon failure of a section between two
without any additional programming ef-
units, the communication system contin-
ues to operate without disturbance. It is
• For the safe execution of a control com- usually impossible to communicate with
mand the corresponding data telegram is a unit that has failed. Should a unit fail,
initially acknowledged by the unit which there is no effect on the communication
will execute the command. After the re- with the rest of the system.
lease and execution of the command a
feedback signal is generated. At every stage Retrofitting: Modules for every type of
of the control command execution partic- communication
ular conditions are checked. If these are
Communication modules for retrofitting
not satisfied, command execution may be
are available for the entire SIPROTEC 4
terminated in a controlled manner.
unit range. These ensure that, where differ-
The units offer a high degree of flexibility by ent communication protocols (IEC 61850,
supporting different standards for connec- IEC 60870-5-103, PROFIBUS, DNP, etc.)
tion to industrial and power automation are required, such demands can be met.
systems. By means of the communication For fiber-optic communication, no exter-
modules, on which the protocols run, ex- nal converter is required for SIPROTEC 4.
change and retrofit is possible. Therefore,
10 the units will also in future allow for opti- IEC 61850 protocol Fig. 10/10
mal adaptation to changing communication Bus structure for station bus with Ethernet
The Ethernet-based IEC 61850 protocol is
infrastructure such as the application of and IEC 61850 with fiber-optic ring
the worldwide standard for protection and
Ethernet networks (which will also be used
control systems used by power supply cor-
increasingly in the power supply sector in
porations. Siemens was the first manufac-
the years to come).
turer to support this Standard. By means of
this protocol, information can also be ex-
Local PC interface
changed directly between bay units so as to
The serial RS232 PC interface accessible set up simple masterless systems for bay
from the front of the unit permits quick and system interlocking. Access to the
access to all parameters and fault event units via the Ethernet bus is also be possi-
data. The use of the DIGSI 4 operating ble with DIGSI.
program is particularly advantageous
during commissioning. IEC 60870-5-103 protocol
IEC 60870-5-103 is an internationally
Service/modem interface
standardized protocol for efficient com-
7VK61 units are always fitted with a rear-side munication with protection relays.
hardwired service interface, optionally as IEC 60870-5-103 is supported by a number
RS232 or RS485. In addition to the front-side of protection device manufacturers and is
operator interface, a PC can be connected used worldwide. Supplements for the con-
here either directly or via a modem. trol function are defined in the manufac-
turer-specific part of this standard.

10/8 Siemens SIP · Edition No. 6

10 Relays for Various Protection Applications / 7VK61


PROFIBUS-DP is an industrial communi-
cations standard and is supported by a
number of PLC and protection device

DNP 3.0
DNP 3.0 (Distributed Network Protocol,
Version 3) is an internationally recognized
protection and bay unit communication Fig. 10/11 820 nm fiber-optic Fig. 10/12 RS232/RS485 electrical
protocol. SIPROTEC 4 units are Level 1 communication module communication module
and Level 2 compatible.

System solutions for protection and station


Together with the SICAM power automa-
tion system, SIPROTEC 4 can be used with
PROFIBUS-FMS. Over the low-cost electri-
cal RS485 bus, or interference-free via the
optical double ring, the units exchange in-
formation with the control system. Units
equipped with IEC 60870-5-103 interfaces
can be connected to SICAM in parallel via
the RS485 bus or connected in star by fiber-
optic link. Through this interface, the sys- Fig. 10/13 Fiber-optic Ethernet communication
tem is open for the connection of units of module for IEC 61850 with integrated
Ethernet switch
other manufacturers (see Fig. 10/14).
Because of the standardized interfaces,
SIPROTEC units can also be integrated
into systems of other manufacturers or in
SIMATIC. Electrical RS485 or optical in-
terfaces are available. The optimum physi-
cal data transfer medium can be chosen
thanks to opto-electrical converters. Thus, 10
the RS485 bus allows low-cost wiring in
the cubicles and an interference-free op-
tical connection to the master can be estab-
For IEC 61850, an interoperable system
solution is offered with SICAM PAS. Via
the 100 Mbits/s Ethernet bus, the units are
linked with PAS electrically or optically to the
station PC. The interface is standardized,
thus also enabling direct connection of units
of other manufacturers to the Ethernet bus.
With IEC 61850, however, the units can
also be used in other manufacturers’ sys-
tems. Units with an IEC 60870-5-103
interface are connected with PAS via the
Ethernet station bus by means of serial/
Ethernet converters. DIGSI can also be
used via the same station bus. Fig. 10/14 Communication

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10 Relays for Various Protection Applications / 7VK61

Typical connection

Connection for current and voltage

With the transformer connection as shown
in Fig. 10/15, it is possible to use the com-
plete scope of functions of 7VK61, i.e.
breaker failure protection, synchronism
check with 3-phase dead line check (with
or without auto-reclosure), complete mea-
sured value monitoring, voltage protection,
and the complete range of operational mea-
sured values.

Fig. 10/15
Complete connection of all current and voltage transformers

Alternative: Connection for current

transformers only
The connection for current transformers
only provides breaker failure protection
and current operational measured values.


Fig. 10/16
Typical current transformer connection for breaker failure protection

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10 Relays for Various Protection Applications / 7VK61

Typical connection

Alternative: Connection for two voltage

In case of a connection for two voltage
transformers, synchro-check and two op-
erational measured voltages, and addition-
ally synchro-check measured values are
applicable. Dead line check is performed
for the connected line voltage only.
Note: Please connect the two voltages
always to the terminals R15/R16 and
R13/R14 with the appropriate polarity. The
setting address 106 “Voltage transformer”
must then be set to “single-phase”. The
terminals R17 and R18 must not be con-
nected. Fig. 10/17
Typical voltage transformer connection for synchro-check with single voltage dead line check
The connection of the voltage VL1-L2 as
shown in Fig. 10/17 is just an example:
any other of the shown combinations is
possible for synchronization.
The two voltage transformer connection
can also be combined with the current
transformer connection according to
Fig. 10/16.


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10 Relays for Various Protection Applications / 7VK61

Technical data

General unit data Output contacts

Analog inputs “Unit ready” contact 1 NC/NO contact1)
Rated frequency 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) (live status contact)

Rated current Inom 1 or 5 A (selectable) Command/indication relay

Rated voltage Vnom 80 to 125 V (selectable)
7VK610 5 NO contacts,
Power consumption 7VK611 14 NO contacts, 4 NC/NO contacts1)
With Inom = 1 A Approx. 0.05 VA
NO/NC contact
With Inom = 5 A Approx. 0.30 VA
Voltage inputs ≤ 0.10 VA Switching capacity
Make 1000 W / VA
Overload capacity of current circuit
Break, contacts 30 VA
Thermal (r.m.s.) 500 A for 1 s
Break, contacts 40 W
150 A for 10 s
(for resistive load)
20 A continuous
Break, contacts
Dynamic (peak value) 1250 A (half cycle)
(for τ = L/R ≤ 50 ms) 25 VA
Thermal overload capacity of volt- 230 V continuous
Switching voltage 250 V
age circuit
Permissible total current 30 A for 0.5 seconds
Auxiliary voltage
5 A continuous
Rated voltages 24, 48 V DC
Operating time, approx.
60, 125 V DC
NO contact 8 ms
110, 250 V DC
NO/NC contact (selectable) 8 ms
and 115, 230 V AC (50/60 Hz)
Fast NO contact 5 ms
Permissible tolerance -20 % to +20 %
Superimposed AC voltage ≤ 15 %
RUN (green) 1
Power consumption ERROR (red) 1
Quiescent Approx. 5 W LED (red),
Energized Approx. 8 W to 14 W, depending on function can be assigned
design 7VK610 7
Bridging time during failure of the 7VK611 14
auxiliary voltage Unit design
For Vaux = 48 V and Vaux ≥ 110 V ≥ 50 ms
Housing 7XP20
For Vaux = 24 V and Vaux = 60 V ≥ 20 ms
Dimensions Refer to part 15 for dimension
Binary inputs
Degree of protection acc. to
7VK610 7
10 7VK611 20
EN 60529
Surface-mounting housing IP 51
Rated voltage range 24 to 250 V, bipolar
Flush-mounting housing
Pickup threshold 19 or 88 V or 176 V DC, bipolar
Front IP 51
Functions are freely assignable Rear IP 50
Minimum pickup voltage 19 or 88 V or 176 V DC, bipolar For the terminals IP 20 with terminal cover put on
Ranges are settable by means of (3 operating ranges) Weight
jumpers for each binary input Flush-mounting housing
Maximum permissible voltage 300 V DC 1/3 x 19" 5 kg
1/2 x 19" 6 kg
Current consumption, energized Approx. 1.8 mA
Surface-mounting housing
Input impulse suppression 220 nF coupling capacitance at 220 V 1/3 x 19" 9.5 kg
with a recovery time >60 ms 1/2 x 19" 11 kg

1) Can be set via jumpers.

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10 Relays for Various Protection Applications / 7VK61

Technical data

Serial interfaces Electrical tests

Operating interface, front of unit for DIGSI 4 Specifications
Connection Non-isolated, RS232, Standards IEC 60255 (product standards)
9-pin subminiature connector IEEE C37.90.0/.1/.2
(SUB-D) VDE 0435
For further standards see
Baud rate 4800 to 115200 baud
“Individual tests”
setting as supplied: 38400 baud;
parity 8E1 Insulation tests
Time synchronization DCF77/ IRIG-B signal (Format IRIG-B000) Standards IEC 60255-5 and 60870-2-1
Connection 9-pin subminiature connector Voltage test (100 % test)
(SUB-D) All circuits except for auxiliary 2.5 kV (r.m.s.), 50 Hz
(terminal with surface-mounting supply, binary inputs,
housing) communication and time
Voltage levels 5 V, 12 V or 24 V (optional) synchronization interfaces
Service/modem interface for DIGSI 4 / modem / service Auxiliary voltage and binary 3.5 kV DC
inputs (100 % test)
Isolated RS232/RS485 9-pin subminiature connector
(SUB-D) RS485/RS232 rear side 500 V (r.m.s.), 50 Hz
Dielectric test 500 V / 50 Hz communication interfaces
Distance for RS232 Max. 15 m and time synchronization
Distance for RS485 Max. 1000 m interface (100 % test)
System interface Impulse voltage test (type test)
All circuits except for communi- 5 kV (peak); 1.2/50 µs; 0.5 J,
IEC 61850 Ethernet
cation interfaces and time 3 positive and 3 negative impulses in
IEC 60870-5-103 protocol
synchronization interface, intervals of 5 s
class III
DNP 3.0 EMC tests for noise immunity; type tests
Isolated RS232/RS485 9-pin subminiature connector Standards IEC 60255-6; IEC 60255-22
(SUB-D) (product standard)
Baud rate 4800 to 38400 baud EN 61000-6-2 (generic standard),
Dielectric test 500 V / 50 Hz VDE 0435 Part 301,
Distance for RS232 Max. 15 m DIN VDE 0435-110
Distance for RS485 Max. 1000 m High-frequency test 2.5 kV (peak); 1 MHz; τ = 15 µs;
PROFIBUS RS485 IEC 60255-22-1 class III and 400 surges per s; test duration 2 s;
Dielectric test 500 V / 50 Hz VDE 0435 Part 303, class III Ri = 200 Ω
Baud rate Max. 12 Mbaud Electrostatic discharge 8 kV contact discharge; 15 kV air
Distance 1000 m at 93.75 kbaud; IEC 60255-22-2 class IV discharge; both polarities; 150 pF;
100 m at 12 Mbaud and EN 61000-4-2, class IV Ri = 330 Ω 10
PROFIBUS fiber-optic Irradiation with HF field, 10 V/m; 80 to 1000 MHz; 80 % AM;
Only for flush-mounting housing ST connector IEC 60255-22-3 class III 1 kHz
For surface-mounting housing Optical interface with OLM1) IEC 61000-4-3, class III 10 V/m; 1.4 to 2 GHz; 80 % AM; 1 kHz
Baud rate Max. 1.5 Mbaud
Optical wavelength λ = 820 nm Irradiation with HF field, Class III, 10 V/m
Permissible attenuation Max. 8 dB for glass-fiber 62.5/125 μm IEC 60255-22-31, IEC 61000-4-3
Distance 500 kB/s 1.6 km Amplitude-modulated 80; 160; 450; 900 MHz; 80 % AM
1500 kB/s 530 m 1kHz; duration >10 s
Pulse-modulated 900 MHz, 50 % PM,
repetition frequency 200 Hz
Fast transient disturbance/bursts 4 kV; 5/50 ns; 5 kHz;
IEC 60255-22-4 and burst length = 15 ms;
IEC 61000-4-4, class IV repetition rate 300 ms; both polari-
ties; Ri = 50 Ω; test duration 1 min

1) Conversion with external OLM

Fiber-optic interface please complete order number at 11th position
with 4 (FMS RS485) or 9 and Order Code L0A (DP RS485) or 9 and
Order Code L0G (DNP 3.0) and additionally a suitable external repeater.

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10 Relays for Various Protection Applications / 7VK61

Technical data

EMC tests for noise immunity; type tests (cont'd) Seismic vibration Sinusoidal
High-energy surge voltages Impulse: 1.2/50 µs IEC 60255-21-3, class 1 1 to 8 Hz: ± 3.5 mm amplitude
(SURGE), IEC 60068-3-3 (horizontal axis)
IEC 61000-4-5 installation class III 1 to 8 Hz: ± 1.5 mm amplitude
Auxiliary supply Common (longitudinal) mode: 2 kV; (vertical axis)
12 Ω; 9 µF 8 to 35 Hz: 1 g acceleration
Differential (transversal) mode:1 kV; (horizontal axis)
2 Ω; 18 µF 8 to 35 Hz: 0.5 g acceleration
(vertical axis)
Measurement inputs, binary inputs, Common (longitudinal) mode:
Frequency sweep 1 octave/min
2 kV; 42 Ω; 0.5 µF
1 cycle in 3 orthogonal axes
binary output relays Differential (transversal) mode:
1 kV; 42 Ω; 0.5 µF During transport
Line-conducted HF, amplitude- 10 V; 150 kHz to 80 MHz; 80 % AM; Standards IEC 60255-21 and IEC 60068-2
modulated, IEC 61000-4-6, class III 1 kHz Vibration Sinusoidal
Magnetic field with power fre- 30 A/m continuous; 300 A/m for 3 s; IEC 60255-21-1, class 2 5 to 8 Hz: ± 7.5 mm amplitude;
quency IEC 61000-4-8, class IV; 50 Hz IEC 60068-2-6 8 to 150 Hz: 2 g acceleration,
IEC 60255-6 0.5 mT; 50 Hz frequency sweep 1 octave/min
20 cycles in 3 orthogonal axes
Oscillatory surge withstand capabil- 2.5 kV (peak); 1 MHz; τ = 50 µs;
ity, IEEE C37.90.1 400 surges per second, Shock Semi-sinusoidal
duration 2 s, Ri = 200 Ω IEC 60255-21-2, class 1 Acceleration 15 g, duration 11 ms,
IEC 60068-2-27 3 shocks on each of the 3 axes in
Fast transient surge withstand 4 kV; 5/50 ns; 5 kHz
both directions
capability, IEEE C37.90.1 burst length = 15 ms; repetition rate
300 ms; both polarities; Ri = 50 Ω; Continuous shock Semi-sinusoidal
duration 1 min IEC 60255-21-2, class 1 Acceleration 10 g, duration 16 ms,
IEC 60068-2-29 1000 shocks on each of the 3 axes in
Radiated electromagnetic interfer- 35 V/m; 25 to 1000 MHz,
both directions
ence IEEE C37.90.2
Damped oscillation 2.5 kV (peak value); polarity alternat-
IEC 60694, IEC 61000-4-12 ing 100 kHz; 1 MHz; 10 and 50 MHz; Climatic stress tests
Ri = 200 Ω Standard IEC 60255-6
EMC tests for interference emission; type tests Temperatures
Standard EN 61000-6-3 (generic standard) Type-tested acc. to IEC 60068-2-1 -25 °C to +85 °C / -13 °F to +185 °F
Conducted interference voltage on 150 kHz to 30 MHz and -2, test Bd, for 16 h
lines, only auxiliary voltage Limit class B Temporarily permissible operating -20 °C to +70 °C / -4 °F to +158 °F
IEC-CISPR 22 temperature, tested for 96 h
Radio interference field strength 30 to 1000 MHz (Legibility of display may be im-
IEC-CISPR 22 Limit class B paired above +55 °C / +131 °F)
10 Harmonic currents on the network
lead at 230 V AC, IEC 61000-3-2
Class A limits are observed Recommended permanent operat-
ing temperature acc. to
-5 °C to +55 °C / +23 °F to +131 °F

IEC 60255-6
Voltage fluctuations and flicker Limits are observed
on the network incoming feeder at – Limiting temperature during -25 °C to +55 °C / -13 °F to 131 °F
230 V AC, IEC 61000-3-3 permanent storage
– Limiting temperature during -25 °C to +70 °C / -13 °F to +158 °F
Mechanical stress test
Vibration, shock stress and seismic vibration
Permissible humidity stress: Annual average on ≤ 75 % relative
During operation It is recommended to arrange the humidity; on 56 days per year up to
Standards IEC 60255-21 and IEC 60068-2 units in such a way that they are not 93 % relative humidity; condensa-
exposed to direct sunlight or pro- tion is not permitted.
Vibration Sinusoidal nounced temperature changes that
IEC 60255-21-1, class 2 10 to 60 Hz: ± 0.075 mm amplitude; could cause condensation.
IEC 60068-2-6 60 to 150 Hz: 1 g acceleration,
frequency sweep 1 octave/min
20 cycles in 3 orthogonal axes
Shock Half-sinusoidal
IEC 60255-21-2, class 1 Acceleration 5 g, duration 11 ms,
IEC 60068-2-27 3 shocks on each of the 3 axes in both

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10 Relays for Various Protection Applications / 7VK61

Technical data

Functions Breaker failure protection (ANSI 50BF)

Auto-reclosure (ANSI 79) Number of stages 2
Number of auto-reclosures Up to 8 Pickup of current element 0.05 to 20 A (1A) / 0.25 to 100 A (5A)
Operating mode Only 1-pole; only 3-pole, 1- or (step 0.01 A)
3-pole Time delays T11phase, T13phase, T2 0 to 30 s (steps 0.01 s) or deactivated
Operating modes with line volt- DLC – dead-line check Dropout (overshoot) time, internal ≤ 15 ms, typical; 25 ms, max.
age check ADT – adaptive dead time End-fault protection For fault between open CB and
RDT – reduced dead time CT, with intertrip to the remote line
Dead times T1-ph, T3-ph, TSeq 0 to 1800 s (step 0.01 s) or deacti- end
vated Pole discrepancy supervision Initiation if not all CB poles are
Action times 0.01 to 300 s (step 0.01 s) or deacti- closed or open
vated Monitoring time 0 to 30 s (steps 0.01 s) or deactivated
Reclaim times 0.5 to 300 s (step 0.01 s) Tolerances
Start-signal monitoring time 0.01 to 300 s (steps 0.01 s) Current limit value ≤ 5 % of setting value or 1 % Inom
Time stages 1 % of setting value or 10 ms
Additional functions Synchro-check request
3-phase intertripping Voltage protection (ANSI 59, 27)
InterCLOSE command to the re- Operating modes Local tripping and/or carrier trip for
mote end remote end
Check of CB ready state Overvoltage protection
Blocking with manual CLOSE
Voltage limit values for DLC, ADT, Pickup values VPH-E>>, VPH-E> 1 to 170 V (step 0.1 V)
RDT (phase-earth overvoltage)
Healthy line voltage PH-E 30 to 90 V (steps 1 V) Pickup values VPH-PH>>, VPH-PH> 2 to 220 V (step 0.1 V)
Dead line voltage PH-E 2 to 70 V (steps 1 V) (phase-phase overvoltage)
Tolerances Pickup values 3V0>>, 3V0> 1 to 220 V (step 0.1 V)
Time stages 1 % of setting value or 10 ms (3V0 can be measured via V4 trans-
Voltage limit values ≤ 3 % of setting value or 1 V formers or calculated by the relay)
Synchro-check (ANSI 25) (zero-sequence overvoltage)
Initiate options Auto-reclosure; Pickup values V1>>, V1> 2 to 220 V (step 0.1 V)
Manual CLOSE control (positive-sequence overvoltage)
Control commands Pickup values V2>>, V2> 2 to 220 V (step 0.1 V)
Operating modes (negative-sequence overvoltage)
With auto-reclosure Synchro-check Reset ratio (settable) 0.5 to 0.98 (step 0.01)
Line dead/busbar live
Line live/busbar dead Undervoltage protection
Line and busbar dead
Pickup values VPH-E<<, VPH-E<
(phase-earth undervoltage)
1 to 100 V (step 0.1 V) 10
For manual closure As for auto-reclosure
and control commands Pickup values VPH-PH<<, VPH-PH< 1 to 170 V (step 0.1 V)
(phase-phase undervoltage)
Permissible voltage difference 1 to 60 V (step 0.1 V)
Pickup values V1<<, V1< 1 to 100 V (step 0.1 V)
Permissible frequency difference 0.03 to 2 Hz (step 0.01 Hz) (positive-sequence undervoltage)
Permissible angle difference 2 to 80 ° (step 1°) Blocking of undervoltage protection Minimum current; binary input
Max. duration of synchronization 0.01 to 600 s (steps 0.01 s) or deacti- stages
vated Reset ratio (settable) 1.01 to 1.20 (step 0.01)
Release delay with synchronous 0 to 30 s (steps 0.01 s) Time delays
Time delay for all stages 0 to 100 s (step 0.01 s) or deactivated
Minimum measuring time Approx. 80 ms
Tolerances Command / pickup time Approx. 34 ms at fnom = 50 Hz
Time stages 1 % of setting value or 10 ms Approx. 30 ms at fnom = 60 Hz
Voltage limit values ≤ 2 % of setting value or 1 V Tolerances
Voltage limit values ≤ 3 % of setting value or 1 V
Time stages 1 % of setting value or 10 ms
Trip circuit supervision (ANSI 74TC)
Number of supervisable trip circuits Up to 3

Number of required binary inputs 1 or 2

per trip circuit
Indication relay 1 to 30 s (steps 1 s)

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10 Relays for Various Protection Applications / 7VK61

Technical data

Additional functions Further additional functions

Operational measured values Measured value supervision Current sum
Representation Primary, secondary and percentage Current symmetry
referred to rated value Voltage sum
Voltage symmetry
Currents 3 x IPhase ; 3I0; I1; I2 Phase sequence
Tolerances Typ. 0.3 % of indicated measured Fuse failure monitor
value or 0.5 % Inom Indications Power direction
Voltages 3 x VPhase-Earth; 3 x VPhase-Phase; 3V0, Operational indications Buffer size 200
V1, V2, VSYNC, Ven System disturbance indication Storage of indications of the last 8
Tolerances Typ. 0.25 % of indicated measured faults, buffer size 600
value or 0.01 % Vnom Switching statistics Number of breaking operations per
Power with direction indication P, Q, S CB pole
Sum of breaking current per phase
Tolerances Breaking current of last trip opera-
P: for ⏐cos ϕ⏐ = 0.7 to 1 and Typical ≤ 1% tion
V/Vnom, I/Inom = 50 to 120 % Max. breaking current per phase
Q: for ⏐sin ϕ⏐ = 0.7 to 1 and Typical ≤ 1%
V/Vnom , I/Inom = 50 to 120 % Circuit-breaker test TRIP/CLOSE cycle, 3 phases
S: for V/Vnom, I/Inom = 50 to Typical ≤ 1% TRIP/CLOSE per phase
120 % Dead time for CB TRIP / CLOSE 0 to 30 s (steps 0.01 s)
Frequency f cycle
Tolerance ≤ 10 mHz Commissioning support Operational measured values, CB
Power factor PF test, status display of binary inputs,
setting of output relays, generation
Tolerance for ⏐cos ϕ⏐ = 0.7 to 1 Typical ≤ 0.02
of indications for testing serial inter-
Energy meters faces
Four-quadrant meters WP+; WP-; WQ+; WQ- Phase rotation adjustment Clockwise or anti-clockwise
for ⏐cos ϕ⏐ > 0.7 and V > 50 % 5%
CE conformity
Vnom and I > 50 % Inom
This product complies with the directive of the Council of the European
Oscillographic fault recording
Communities on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relat-
Analog channels 3 x IPhase, 3I0 ing to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC Council Directive 89/336/EEC)
3 x VPhase, 3V0, VSYNC, Ven and concerning electrical equipment for use within specified voltage limits
Max. number of available record- 8, backed-up by battery if auxiliary (Low-voltage directive 73/23/EEC).
ings voltage supply fails This conformity is proved by tests conducted by Siemens AG in accordance
Sampling intervals 20 samplings per cycle with Article 10 of the Council Directive in agreement with the generic
10 Total storage time > 15 s
standards EN 61000-6-2 and EN 61000-6-4 for the EMC directive and with
the standard EN 60255-6 for the low-voltage directive.
Binary channels Pickup and trip information; This device is designed and produced for industrial use.
number and contents can be freely
The product conforms with the international standard of the series
configured by the user
IEC 60255 and the German standard VDE 0435.
Max. number of displayed binary 40
Number of switching units Depends on the number of binary /
indication inputs and indication /
command outputs
Control commands Single command / double command
1, 1 plus 1 common or 2 pole
Feed back CLOSE, TRIP, intermediate position

Interlocking Freely configurable

Local control Control via menu, function keys,
control keys (if available)
Remote control Control protection, DIGSI,
pilot wires

10/16 Siemens SIP · Edition No. 6

10 Relays for Various Protection Applications / 7VK61

Selection and ordering data Description Order No. Order

7VK61 breaker management relay 7VK61¨¨ – ¨¨¨¨¨ – 4Y¨0 ¨¨¨

Housing, binary inputs (BI) and outputs (BO)

Housing 1/3 19”, 7 BI, 6 BO incl. 1 live-status contact, 0
Housing 1/2 19”, 20 BI, 19 BO incl. 1 live-status contact 1

Measuring inputs (4 x V, 4 x I)
Iph = 1 A, Ie = 1 A (min. = 0.05 A)1) 1
Iph = 5 A, Ie = 5 A (min. = 0.25 A)1) 5

Rated auxiliary voltage (power supply, threshold of binary inputs)

24 to 48 V DC, binary input threshold 19 V3) 2
60 to 125 V DC2), binary input threshold 19 V3) 4
110 to 250 V DC2), 115 to 230 V AC, binary input threshold 88 V3) 5
220 to 250 V DC2), 115 to 230 V AC, binary input threshold 176 V3) 6

Unit version
For panel flush mounting A
For panel surface mounting E

Region-specific default settings/language settings and functions versions

Region DE, language: German, selectable A
Region World, language: English, selectable B
Region US, language:US-English, selectable C
Region FR, language: French, selectable D
Region World, language: Spanish, selectable E
Region World, language: Italian, selectable F

Port B system interface

Empty 0
IEC 60870-5-103 protocol, electrical RS232 1
IEC 60870-5-103 protocol, electrical RS485 2
IEC 60870-5-103 protocol, optical 820 nm, ST connector 3
PROFIBUS-FMS Slave, electrical RS485 4
PROFIBUS-FMS Slave, optical, double ring, ST connector 4) 6 10
PROFIBUS-DP Slave, RS485 9 L0 A
PROFIBUS-DP Slave, optical 820 nm , double ring, ST connector 4) 9 L0 B
DNP 3.0, RS485 9 L0G
DNP 3.0, optical 820 nm, ST connector 4) 9 L0H
IEC 61850, 100 Mbit Ethernet, electrical, double, RJ45 connector 9 L0R
IEC 61850, 100 Mbit Ethernet, optical, double, LC connector 5) 9 L0 S

Port C service interface

1) Rated current can be selected by DIGSI 4/modem, electrical RS232 1
means of jumpers.
DIGSI 4/modem, electrical RS485 2
2) Transition between the 3 auxiliary
ranges can be selected by means of Functions
Breaker failure protection Auto-reclosure Over/Undervoltage
3) The binary input thresholds are 1-/3-pole or 3-pole only 1-/3-pole or 3-pole only protection
selectable in 3 steps by means of and synchro-check
jumpers. n C
4) Optical interfaces are not available n n D
with surface mounting housings n N
(position 9 = E). Please order the n n P
version with RS485 interface and a n n Q
separate electrical/optical converter.
n n n R
5) For surface-mounting housing appli-
cations please order the relay with
electrical Ethernet interface and use
a separate fiber-optic switch.

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10 Relays for Various Protection Applications / 7VK61

Accessories Description Order No.

Software for configuration and operation of Siemens protection units
running under MS Windows 2000/XP Professional Edition
device templates, Comtrade Viewer, electronic manual included
as well as “Getting started” manual on paper, connecting cables (copper)
Full version with license for 10 computers, on CD-ROM
(authorization by serial number) 7XS5400-0AA00
DIGSI 4 Basis and additionally SIGRA 4 (fault record analysis),
CFC Editor (logic editor), Display Editor (editor for default
and control displays) and DIGSI 4 Remote (remote operation) 7XS5402-0AA00

(generally contained in DIGSI Professional, but can be ordered additionally)
Software for graphic visualization, analysis and evaluation of fault records.
Can also be used for fault records of devices of other manufacturers
(Comtrade format). Running under MS Windows 2000/XP Professional Edition
Incl. templates, electronic manual with license for 10 PCs.
Authorization by serial number. On CD-ROM. 7XS5410-0AA00

Connecting cable (copper)

Cable between PC/notebook (9-pin connector) and protection unit (9-pin connector)
(contained in DIGSI 4, but can be ordered additionally) 7XV5100-4

Voltage transformer miniature circuit-breaker

Rated current 1.6 A; thermal overload release 1.6 A;
overcurrent trip 6 A 3RV1611-1AG14

Manual for 7VK61

For the latest version please visit www.siemens.com/siprotec

Description Order No. Size of Supplier Fig.
Connector 2-pin C73334-A1-C35-1 1 Siemens 10/19
3-pin C73334-A1-C36-1 1 Siemens 10/20
Fig. 10/18 Mounting rail for 19" rack Crimp CI2 0.5 to 1 mm 2 0-827039-1 4000 AMP 1)
connector 0-827396-1 1 AMP
CI2 1 to 2.5 mm 4000 AMP 1)

0-827397-1 1 AMP
Type III+ 0.75 to 1.5 mm 0-163083-7 4000 AMP 1)
0-163084-2 1 AMP
Fig. 10/19 Fig. 10/20 Crimping For type III+ 0-539635-1 1 AMP
3-pin connector tool and matching female 0-539668-2 AMP
2-pin connector
for CI2 0-734372-1 1 AMP 1)
and matching female 1-734387-1 AMP


19" mounting rail C73165-A63-D200-1 1 Siemens 10/18

Short-circuit links For current terminals C73334-A1-C33-1 1 Siemens 10/21
For other terminals C73334-A1-C34-1 1 Siemens 10/22
Safety cover for terminals large C73334-A1-C31-1 1 Siemens 10/4
Fig. 10/21 Fig. 10/22 small C73334-A1-C32-1 1 Siemens 10/4
Short-circuit link Short-circuit link
for current con- for voltage contacts/
tacts indications contacts
1) Your local Siemens representative
can inform you on local suppliers.

10/18 Siemens SIP · Edition No. 6

10 Relays for Various Protection Applications / 7VK61

Connection diagram

Fig. 10/23
Connection diagram 7VK610, 1/3 x 19” housing

Fig. 10/24
Serial interfaces

Siemens SIP · Edition No. 6 10/19

10 Relays for Various Protection Applications / 7VK61

Connection diagram


Fig. 10/25
Connection diagram 7VK611, 1/2 x 19” housing

1) Fast relay

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