Respiratory Distress in The Newborn: Pediatrics in Review October 2014
Respiratory Distress in The Newborn: Pediatrics in Review October 2014
Respiratory Distress in The Newborn: Pediatrics in Review October 2014
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Respiratory Distress in the Newborn
Suzanne Reuter, MD,* Chuanpit Moser, MD,† Michelle Baack, MD*‡
*Department of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, Sanford School of Medicine–University of South Dakota, Sanford Children’s Specialty Clinic, Sioux Falls, SD.
Department of Pediatric Pulmonology, Sanford School of Medicine–University of South Dakota, Sanford Children’s Specialty Clinic, Sioux Falls, SD.
Sanford Children’s Health Research Center, Sioux Falls, SD.
Educational Gap
Respiratory distress is common, affecting up to 7% of all term newborns,
(1) and is increasingly common in even modest prematurity. Preventive
and therapeutic measures for some of the most common underlying
causes are well studied and when implemented can reduce the burden of
disease. (2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8) Failure to readily recognize symptoms and
treat the underlying cause of respiratory distress in the newborn can lead
to short- and long-term complications, including chronic lung disease,
respiratory failure, and even death.
Objectives After completing this article, the reader should be able to:
Stertor Sonorous snoring sound, mid-pitched, monophonic, may Nasopharyngeal obstruction—nasal or airway secretions,
transmit throughout airways, heard loudest with congestion, choanal stenosis, enlarged or redundant upper
stethoscope near mouth and nose airway tissue or tongue
Stridor Musical, monophonic, audible breath sound. Typically Laryngeal obstruction—laryngomalacia, vocal cord paralysis,
high-pitched. Types: Inspiratory (above the vocal cords), subglottic stenosis, vascular ring, papillomatosis, foreign
biphasic (at the glottis or subglottis), or expiratory body
(lower trachea)
Wheezing High-pitched, whistling sound, typically expiratory, Lower airway obstruction—MAS, bronchiolitis, pneumonia
polyphonic, loudest in chest
Grunting Low- or mid-pitched, expiratory sound caused by Compensatory symptom for poor pulmonary compliance—
sudden closure of the glottis during expiration TTN, RDS, pneumonia, atelectasis, congenital lung
in an attempt to maintain FRC malformation or hypoplasia, pleural effusion, pneumothorax
FRC¼functional residual capacity; MAS¼meconium aspiration syndrome; RDS¼respiratory distress syndrome; TTN¼transient tachypnea of the newborn.
phases (20) (Table 2). Respiratory disease may result from Thus, after initial resuscitation and stabilization, it is impor-
developmental abnormalities that occur before or after tant to use a detailed history, physical examination, and
birth. Early developmental malformations include trache- radiographic and laboratory findings to determine a more
oesophageal fistula, bronchopulmonary sequestration (abnor- specific diagnosis and appropriately tailor management. A
mal mass of pulmonary tissue not connected to the thorough history may guide in identifying risk factors
tracheobronchial tree), and bronchogenic cysts (abnormal associated with common causes of neonatal respiratory
branching of the tracheobronchial tree). Later in gestation, distress (Table 4). A detailed physical examination should
parenchymal lung malformations, including congenital cystic focus beyond the lungs to identify nonpulmonary causes,
adenomatoid malformation or pulmonary hypoplasia from such as airway obstruction, abnormalities of the chest wall,
congenital diaphragmatic hernia or severe oligohydramnios, cardiovascular disease, or neuromuscular disease, that may
may develop. More common respiratory diseases, such as initially present as respiratory distress in a newborn. Radio-
TTN, RDS, neonatal pneumonia, MAS, and persistent pul- graphic findings can identify diaphragmatic paralysis, con-
monary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN), result from genital pulmonary malformations, and intrathoracic space–
complications during the prenatal to postnatal transition occupying lesions, such as pneumothorax, mediastinal
period. Although mature alveoli are present at 36 weeks’ mass, and congenital diaphragmatic hernia, that can com-
gestation, a great deal of alveolar septation and microvascular promise lung expansion. Significant tachypnea without
maturation occur postnatally. The lungs are not fully devel- increased work of breathing should prompt additional lab-
oped until ages 2 to 5 years. (20)(21) Therefore, developmental oratory investigation to identify metabolic acidosis or sepsis.
lung disease can also occur after birth. Bronchopulmonary Hypoglycemia, hypomagnesemia, and hematologic abnor-
dysplasia (BPD), for example, is a significant lung disease that malities may result in a depressed ventilatory drive or
complicates prematurity due to arrested alveolarization in impaired oxygen transport to the peripheral tissues, so
developing lungs exposed to mechanical ventilation, oxygen, laboratory evaluation should also be considered with these
and other inflammatory mediators before normal develop- clinical findings. Hypermagnesemia may contribute to
ment is complete. As defined by an ongoing oxygen require- respiratory distress and affect a newborn’s capacity to
ment at 36 weeks’ adjusted gestational age, BPD affects up to respond to resuscitation due to hypotonia and a depressed
32% of premature infants and 50% of very low-birth-weight respiratory drive or even apnea.
infants. (22) Cardiovascular disease may be difficult to distinguish
from pulmonary causes of respiratory distress (Table 5).
Most congenital heart defects present with cyanosis, tachy-
pnea, or respiratory distress from cardiac failure. Timing
The underlying cause of respiratory distress in a newborn may be an important clue to differentiation because very few
varies and does not always lie within the lungs (15) (Table 3). congenital heart defects present immediately after birth;
Gestation 0–6 weeks 7–16 weeks 17–24 weeks 25–36 weeks >37 weeks
Structural Trachea, bronchi Bronchioles, terminal Respiratory bronchioles, Alveolar ducts, thin- Definitive alveoli
morphogenesis bronchioles, lung primitive alveoli walled alveolar sacs, and mature
circulation increasing type 2 cellsa
type 2 cellsa
Disease Tracheoesophageal Bronchogenic cyst, Pulmonary hypoplasia, RDS, BPD TTN, MAS,
manifestation fistula, pulmonary congenital RDS, BPD, alveolar neonatal
sequestration diaphragmatic capillary dysplasia pneumonia,
hernia, PPHN
congenital cystic
BPD¼bronchopulmonary dysplasia; MAS¼meconium aspiration syndrome; PPHN¼persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn; RDS¼respiratory
distress syndrome; TTN¼transient tachypnea of the newborn;
Type 2 pneumocytes are surfactant-producing cells
more often they present several hours to days after delivery Case 1
as the ductus arteriosus closes. (2) Table 5 aids in this A 3.2-kg female infant is delivered by caesarean section at 38
differentiation. weeks’ gestational age without a trial of labor. Her Apgar
Pulmonary hypertension should be considered in any scores are 9 and 9 at 1 and 5 minutes, respectively. She
infant with respiratory distress and cyanosis. This condition develops tachypnea and subcostal retractions with nasal
results when there is a failure to transition from in utero to flaring at 1 hour of life. Temperature is 97.9°F (36.6°C),
postnatal pulmonary circulation after delivery. Pulmonary pulse is 165 beats per minute, and respiratory rate is 74
vascular resistance remains high, resulting in cyanosis from breaths per minute. Aside from increased work of breathing,
impaired pulmonary blood flow and right-to-left shunting of her physical examination findings are normal. The chest
blood across the foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus. radiograph is shown in Figure 1. She requires supplemental
Shunting further contributes to systemic hypoxemia and oxygen via nasal cannula with a fraction of inspired oxygen
metabolic acidemia—both of which contribute to ongoing (FiO2) of 0.3 for 36 hours. She then weans to room air. Her
increased pulmonary vascular resistance. PPHN may be respiratory rate is 35 breaths per minute, and she has no
primary or secondary to respiratory disease, particularly increased work of breathing.
congenital diaphragmatic hernia, MAS, or RDS. When
Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn
PPHN occurs without concurrent pulmonary disease, dif-
TTN, also known as retained fetal lung fluid syndrome,
ferentiating from cyanotic heart disease is difficult. The
presents with early respiratory distress in term and late-
response to ventilation with 100% oxygen (hyperoxia test)
preterm infants. TTN is a frequent cause of respiratory dis-
can help distinguish the 2 conditions. In some neonates
tress in newborns and is caused by impaired fetal lung fluid
with PPHN, the PaO2 will increase to above 100 mm Hg,
clearance. Normally in utero, the fetal airspaces and air sacs
whereas it will not increase above 45 mm Hg in infants with
are fluid filled. For effective gas exchange to occur after birth,
cyanotic heart defects that have circulatory mixing. (5)(23)
this fluid must be cleared from the alveolar airspaces. Late in
gestation and before birth, the chloride and fluid-secreting
channels in the lung epithelium are reversed so that fluid
Four case scenarios are highlighted to help in identifying the absorption predominates and fluid is removed from the
most common causes of respiratory distress in the newborn lungs. This process is enhanced by labor, so that delivery
followed by discussion about the pathophysiology, risk before labor onset increases the risk of retained fetal lung
factors, prevention, and management strategies for each fluid. (20) Factors that increase the clearance of lung fluid
disorder. include antenatal corticosteroids, fetal thorax compression
TTN Caesarian section, precipitous delivery, late preterm or early term, maternal sedation or medication, fetal
distress, gestational diabetes
Neonatal pneumonia Maternal group B streptococcus carrier, chorioamnionitis, maternal fever, PROM, prematurity, perinatal
RDS Prematurity, gestational diabetes, male infant, multiple gestation
MAS MSAF, postterm gestation, fetal distress or perinatal depression, African American ethnicity
Pulmonary hypoplasia Oligohydramnios, renal dysplasia or agenesis, urinary outlet obstruction, premature PROM,
diaphragmatic hernia, neuromuscular disorder (loss of fetal respirations/bell-shaped chest)
MAS¼meconium aspiration syndrome; MSAF¼meconium-stained amniotic fluid; PROM¼prolonged rupture of membranes; RDS¼respiratory distress
syndrome; TTN¼transient tachypnea of the newborn.
Group B streptococcus (GBS) is the most common organ- physiologic features make the newborn at higher risk of
ism that affects term infants. (28)(29) Congenital pneumo- infection. The underdeveloped respiratory cilia and the
nia occurs when the causative organism is passed decreased number of pulmonary macrophages result in
transplacentally to the fetus. The most common pathogens decreased clearance of pathogens from the respiratory sys-
are rubella, cytomegalovirus, adenovirus, enteroviruses, tem. Newborns also have diminished cellular and humoral
mumps, Toxoplasma gondii, Treponema pallidum, Mycobac- immune function, which is even more pronounced in the
terium tuberculosis, Listeria monocytogenes, varicella zoster, premature infant. (28)
and human immunodeficiency virus. (30) Immaturity of the Risk factors for perinatal pneumonia include prolonged
infant’s immune system and the pulmonary anatomical and rupture of membranes (PROM), maternal infection, and
MSAF¼meconium-stained amniotic fluid; PPHN¼persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn; RDS¼respiratory distress syndrome; TTN¼transient
tachypnea of the newborn.
Reproduced with permission from Aly et al. (23) Copyright 2014 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
prematurity. (1) Infants present with increased work of bilateral infiltrates, and a complete blood cell count with
breathing and oxygen requirement. Chest radiography often a differential reveals eosinophilia. Treatment of chlamydial
reveals diffuse parenchymal infiltrates with air broncho- pneumonia or conjunctivitis (even without pneumonia)
grams or lobar consolidation. Pleural effusions may also be requires systemic macrolide antibiotic therapy and ophthal-
seen. In contrast to older infants and children, neonatal mologic follow-up. Regardless of the causal organism, new-
pneumonia is part of a generalized sepsis illness; thus, borns with pneumonia require supportive care in addition
obtaining blood and cerebrospinal fluid cultures and initi- to antibiotics. Many infants will require not only supple-
ating broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy is recommended mental oxygen but also CPAP and mechanical ventilation.
for any symptomatic infant. (31)(32) Other supportive measures include intravenous nutrition
In the newborn with early-onset pneumonia or sepsis, and vasopressors for cardiovascular support. PPHN is
a combination of penicillin and an aminoglycoside are the a common complication of neonatal pneumonia.
preferred initial treatment. (31) For infants who have been On the basis of strong evidence, prevention of neonatal
hospitalized in a neonatal intensive care unit for more than pneumonia and its complications focuses on maternal GBS
4 days, organisms such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococ- screening, intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis, and appro-
cus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis require vancomy- priate follow-up of newborns at high risk after delivery. (4)
cin therapy. Infants who develop pneumonia in the nursery (31)(32)(34) Anyone caring for newborns should be able to
or at home are likely to have infections caused by respiratory recognize at-risk infants and whether appropriate intrapartum
viruses (adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, and influ- antibiotic prophylaxis has been administered. They must
enza virus), gram-positive bacteria (streptococcal species also know which infants require additional screening,
and S aureus), and gram-negative enteric bacteria (Klebsiella, observation, and antibiotic initiation after birth. Guidelines
Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens, and have been established by the Centers for Disease Control
Escherichia coli). (30) Infants with pneumonia caused by and Prevention and endorsed by the American Academy of
Chlamydia trachomatis present later in the newborn period Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetrics and
(4–12 weeks of age) with a staccato cough but no wheezing Gynecology for best practice management of at-risk infants.
or fever. (33) Chlamydial conjunctivitis may also be present (4) Infants who require additional attention include those
(5 to 14 days after birth). Chest radiography reveals diffuse born to mothers who are GBS carriers (culture or polymerase
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