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HL, 2otf.: (Alternative Single Completely Shop or As Provisions Boiler and Section Division

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National Board Numberi

Mfn Representative: o.t., l-2:_<rl:2"O|1

Authorized Inspector: Iq-ete, (2. hl,2otf.
(Alternative Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop or Field Fabricated Vessels Only)
As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Rules, Section Vlll, Division 1

1. Manufactured and certified bv Triofab (lNDIA) Private Limited, 4404, TTC Industrial Area, MIDC, MahaDe, Navi Mumbai.400710. India

(Name and address oI Manufacturer)

CC Energy Developmenbt S A.L Post Box 539:Post Code133 2nd Floor Bait Al Beam Buiilding Ai Khuwair Muskat Sultanate of Oman
2. Manufactur"O to|.
(Name and address of Purchaserl

Location of installation BUAH Area in Oman Remote Region, Sultanate of Oman

(Name and address)

Type HORIZONTAL 370 41 NA TFtPU370A1/U/001 Rl NA 2016
(Horizontal or vertical, tank) (Manutacturer's serial n umber) ''. {cRN} {Drawing number} (National Board number) (Year built)

5. ASME Code, Section Vlll, Div. 1 EptTtoN 2013 NA NA

lEdition and Addenda, if applicable (date)l (Code Case number) lSpecial service per UG-120(dll

6. Shell SA 516 GR,7O 63 MM 3MM 1524 MM 6384 MM

(Material spec. number, grade) (Nominal thickness) (Corn allow.) (lnner diameter) lLength (overall)l

7. Seams Tvoe-1 Double welded Full 100o/o utl

lLong. (welded, dbl., sngl., lap, butt)l tullll
lR.T. (spot or lEfl , %l (H.l temp.) ('Iime, hr) lGirth (welded, dbl., sngl, lap, butt)l IR,l (spot (E{f., %} {No. oI courses)
or full)l
8. Heads: (a) Material SA 516 GR.7O (b) Material SA 516 GR.7O
(Spec. no,, grade) (Spec no, grade)

Location (Top, Minimum Corrosion Caown Knuckle Elliptical Conical Hemispherical Flat Side to Pressure
Bottom, Ends) Thickness Allowance Rad ius Radi us Ratio Apex Angle Rad i us Diameter (Convex or Concave)



Bodv Flanoes on Heads

Location Tvpe OD Flange Thk Min Hub Thk Material How Attached Num & Size Bolting Material loD tD thk) Washer lvlaterial


9. MAWp 95.5 ba(g) 1.03 ba(s) 6ZV 82C

at max. temp.
(lnternal) (External) (lnternal) (External)

temp. -19 95 5 ba(g) 25 ba(s)

Min. design metal -C- - - ,1 . Hydro., pneu., or comb. test pressure 1

Proof test N4-- "

10. Nozzles, inspection, and safety valve openings: Please referthe Supplementary sheet Form U-4
Purpose Material Nozzle Thickness
Diameter Attachment Details
(lnlet, Outlet. Reinforcement LOCaITOn
Drain, etc ) No or Size Tvpe Nozz e Flange Nom. Corr. Material Nozzle Flang e (lnsp Open )

11. Supports: Skirt ----.1!-o--

(Yes or
Lugs -,--t\A
- Legs -(Numberl
.NA--- otn"t Saddles
Attachedyf gp-P"9-!-.P-l9l-e-Slshellpgll-o-|1.q.yygLgilg
(Where and how)
12. Remarks: Manufacturer's Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned lnspectors have been furnished for the following
items of the report: NA
Renilks 1 Lnpacr resr exempted as per ug-20(i) & ucs66(-a)Cb) (Name of part, item number, Manufacturers name and identifying stampl
u]es spedbed
2 rnspedron openrns.mdhote nozzle-m1 (DNsoOmm) plovided on nHs h6ad e ftlTg"tr'ft:i ifjl"ffi
t^^ ti 3 pwhr perlormed on complere vssel as per uc6 56 at Tsmp€ralur€ of
610+10 C for 2 hou 40 mh holding hme
National Board

Authorized Insoector:

FORM U-1A (Back)

We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details of design, material, construction, and workmanship of this

conform to the ASME BOTLER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CQDE, Section Vlll, Division 1. "U" Certificate of Authorization Number
51 ,409

o"t" _ t2!e1!4ll_ co' name (Manufacturer)


Vessel constructed by Triofab (lNDIA) Private Limited, 4-404, TTc Industrial Area, at MlDc,Mahape, Navi Mumbai-400710' India
l, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and employed by
One CIS Insurance Company -_
have inspected the component described in this Manufacturer's Data Report on
2511112016 , and state that,

to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE
VESSEL CODE, Section Vlll, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his/her employer makes any warranty, expressed or
implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturer's Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his/her employer
shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or € loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Date 12101/2017 signed

As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Rules, Section Vlll, Division 1

Manufactured and certified by Triofab (lNDlA) Private Limited, 4-404, TTC Industrial
lName and address of Manufacturer)

Manufactured for CC EngerV Development S.A.L. Post Box:539 Post Code 133 2nd Floor Bait Al Beam Building, Al Khuwalr, Muskat, Sultanate of Oman
(Name and addres5 of Purchased

3. Location of installation MUSCAT, OMAN

(Name and address)


Horizontal, veilical, or sphere) lTank, separator, jkt, vessel, heat exch, etc) {Manufactureas serial number)

rFtpLl 37 OAr/ U I 001 REV.02 (AS BU r LT) 2016

Drawing number National Board Number (Year builtl

10.Nozzles, Inspection, and safety valve openings :

Pu rpose Diameter Materia I Nozzle Thickness Reintor( Attachment Details Location

No or srze Type ement
{lnlet, Oulet, Drain etc.) I nNt\ Nozzle Flange Nom Corr Nozzle Fla nge (lnspection Open)

:eed lnlet - N1 cL 500 Fig UW 16.1 Category C Type-

150 5A IO5 SA 105 5ch.80 3mm I ntegral
WNRF (e)Category D 1 RT-None

cL 600 Fig UW 16.1 Category C Type-

)il outlet -N2 L 100 SA 105 sA 105 Sch.120 3mm Integral
WNRF (e)Category D 1 RT-None

cL 500 Fig UW 16.1 category c Type-

ias oulet -N3 1 150 5A 105 SA 105 Sch.80 3mm Integral
WNRF (e)Category D L RT-None

cL 600 Fig UW 16.1 Category C Type-

ryater outlet - N4 1 100 SA 105 SA 105 5ch.120 3mm Integral
WNRF (e)Category D 1 RT-None

,SV - N5A/B cL 600 Fig UW 15.1 Category C Type-

2 80 sA 105 5A 105 Sch.150 3mm Integral
WNRF (e)Category D 1 RT-None

cL 500 FiB UW 16.L

Jtility Connection - N5 L 50 SA 105 sA 105 16.5 mm 3mm Integral
LWNRF (e)Category D
cL 600
Fig UW 16.1 Category C Type-
ipare (Blinded) -N7A/B 2 100 WNRF + SA 105 SA 105 5ch.120 3mm Integral
(e)Category D 1 RT-None
CL 600 Fig UW 15.1
/Vater Drain - N8 T 50 SA 105 sA 105 15.6 mm 3mm Integral
LWNRF (e)Category D
cL 500 Fig UW 16.1
)il Drain - N9 T 50 SA 105 SA 105 15.5 mm 3mm I ntegral
LWNRF (e)Category D
cL 500 Fig UW 16.1
)ressure Gauge - CN1 1 25 SA 105 SA 105 14.3 mm 3mm Integral
LWNRF (e)Category D

)ressure Transmitter - CN2 CL 600 Fig UW 15.1

t 25 sA 105 sA 105 14.3 mm 3mm Integral
LWNRF (e)Category D
CL 600 Fig UW 16.1 Category C Type-
Temperature Gauge - CN3 L 50 sA 105 sA 105 Sch.150 3mm Integral
WNRF (e)Category D 1 RT-None
nterf. Level Transmitter (LL) - cL 500 Fig UW 16.1 Category C Type-
2 50 SA 105 SA 105 sch.150 3mm Integral
:N44/B WNRF (e)Category D 1 RT-None
/Vater Level Transmitter - cL 500 Fig UW 16.1 Category C Type-
2 )U SA 105 SA 105 Sch.160 3mm Integral
:N5A/B WNRF (e)Category D 1 RT-None

cL 600 Fig UW 16.1 Category C Type-

rvater Level Gauge - CN64/8 2 50 sA 105 SA 105 Sch.150 3mm Integral
WNRF (e)Category D 1 RT-None
)il Level Transmitter (HH/LL) - cL 600 Fig UW 16.1 category c Type-
7 50 SA 105 SA 105 Sch.160 3mm Integral
:N7A WNRF (e)Category D 1 RT-None
fil Level Transmitter (Contr) cL 500 Fig UW 16.1 Category C Type-
1 50 SA 105 SA 105 Sch.160 3mm Integral
:N7B WNRF (e)Category D 1 RT-None
fil Level Transmitter (Contr) CL 600 Fig UW 15.1 Category C Type-
2 50 sA 105 SA 105 Sch.150 3mm I ntegral
:N8A/B WNRF (e)Category D 1 RT-None

cL 600 Fig UW L5.1 Category C Type-

lil Level Gauge - CNgA/B 2 50 sA 105 SA 105 Sch.L60 3mm I ntegral
WNRF (e)Category D 1 RT-None
Temperature Transmitter - cL 600 Fig UW 16.1
7 25 SA 105 SA 105 14.3 mm 3mm Integral
cN 10 LWNRF (e)Category D
cL 600
Fig E/Joint Category C
Manhole - M1 1 500 WNRF + SA 105 sA 105 25 mm 3mm Integral RHS Dish End Head
Category D Type-1 RT-FUll

tificate of Authorisation : Type No. 51.409 Expires

72/r/2017 Name Triofab (lNDlA) Private Limited Signed


L2/rl20L7 Name At,NB-14884

J(National Board (lncl endo6emenc)l

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