Decoding Superposed LoRa Signals
Decoding Superposed LoRa Signals
Decoding Superposed LoRa Signals
Abstract—Long-range low-power wireless communications, two cases (slightly desynchronized and completely synchro-
such as LoRa, are used in many IoT and environmental mon- nized), and presents our two algorithms. Section IV gives our
itoring applications. They typically increase the communication
arXiv:1804.00503v1 [cs.NI] 22 Mar 2018
%successful decoding
Prop.Alg.1 (SF12)
Thus, we propose a simple algorithm for this case. When 80
two such frames collide, the algorithm stores the possible
values for each symbol, and requests any of the transmitters 60
to retransmit its frame. When one frame is retransmitted, the
algorithm is able to decode it, and is able to deduce the values 40
of the colliding frame of the other node too, by elimination.
Thus, instead of having to retransmit two colliding frames, 20
only one retransmission is required. PSfrag replacements
1 2 3 4 5
Number of superposed signals
In this section, we evaluate, by simulation, the performance Figure 5. When the signals are slightly desynchronized, our algorithm is able
of our algorithms in terms of percentage of successful decod- to successfully decode some cases of colliding signals.
ing of colliding signals and throughput. We consider the two
cases independently. Figure 6 shows the percentage of successful decoding of
colliding signals, as a function of the SF, for n = 2 and
n = 3 superposed signals. We notice that LoRa is not able
A. Parameter Settings
to decode colliding signals for any SF. This is due to the
Simulations are carried out using our own simulator de- fact that in LoRa, a gateway cannot receive more than one
veloped in Perl. We model a network with a single gateway, signal on the same channel and with the same SF. However,
a single network server, and one hundred EDs. We assume we can see that our algorithm can decode both signals when
that all the EDs transmit on the same channel with the same n = 2. When n = 3, the performance of our algorithm varies
SF, and that their signals are received at roughly the same significantly with SF. This is due to the fact that with a large
power levels at the gateway, i.e., no capture conditions. We SF, the probability to detect a single frequency decreases.
assume that time is divided into slots, and each ED has a Thus, the gateway increases its chances to receive a number
probability p to transmit a frame during a slot, with p ≤ 0.01 of frequencies equal to the number of symbols to decode.
in order to be consistent with the duty-cycle of 1%. For our Thus, compared to LoRa, our algorithm achieves a gain of
algorithms, transmissions on the same slot are considered to 100% when the gateway received two colliding signals and a
be slightly desynchronized (in Subsection IV-B) or completely gain between 18% and 99% when the gateway received three
synchronized (in Subsection IV-C). We choose two values for colliding signals.
SF: SF 7 (which is the smallest SF in LoRaWAN) and SF 12 Figure 7 shows the throughput as a function of the duty-
(which is the largest SF in LoRaWAN). The frame length cycle. In this scenario, we consider a network of one hundred
is set to 50 bytes. We did not force frames to have at least EDs with a duty-cycle less or equal to 1%. We compute
one symbol change. However, the probability that a frame is throughput for LoRa and for our algorithm for two values of
generated with the same repeated symbol is very small, and we SF: SF7 and SF12. We notice that the throughput increases
did not observe it during our simulations. Simulation results when the duty-cycle increases, since each ED sends more
are obtained by averaging over ten thousand samples. frames. Our algorithm enables to achieve a much higher
% Successful decoding 100 100
Prop.Alg.2 00
% Successful decoding
80 80
110 11
60 60
11 00
1 00
40 40
110 00
00 00
20 20
Prop.Alg.1 (n=2)
Prop.Alg.1 (n=3) replacements
0 001
110 11
00 11
11 1 00
0 11
1 0
0 10
4 6 8 10 12 1 2 3 4 5
SF Number of colliding signals
Figure 6. Our algorithm outperforms LoRa when a gateway receives n = 2 Figure 8. When the signals are synchronized, our algorithm is able to
or n = 3 colliding signals, with the same SF and on the same channel. decode one frame per collision of two frames, provided that the other one
is retransmitted.