Alyana Lara
Grade level: 2nd Grade (Pacing Guides based off of Henrico County Public Schools)
Theme - This lesson revolves around American and global culture through the eyes of the
students’ and their personal anecdotes/histories.
Standards/Learning Objectives:
Language Arts:
2.12 The student will write stories, letters, and simple explanations.
a) Generate ideas before writing.
b) Organize writing to include a beginning, middle, and end for narrative and expository
c) Expand writing to include descriptive detail.
d) Revise writing for clarity.
2.12 The student will tell and write time to the nearest five minutes, using analog and digital
2.14 The student will read the temperature on a Celsius and/or Fahrenheit thermometer to
the nearest 10 degrees.
2.4 The student will investigate and understand that plants and animals undergo a series of
orderly changes as they mature and grow. Key concepts include
a) animal life cycles; and
b) plant life cycles.
2.5 The student will investigate and understand that living things are part of a system. Key
concepts include
a) living organisms are interdependent with their living and nonliving surroundings;
b) an animal’s habitat includes adequate food, water, shelter or cover, and space
Social Studies:
2.1 The student will demonstrate skills for historical thinking, geographical analysis,
economic decision making, and responsible citizenship by
b) using basic map skills to locate places on maps and globes to support an
understanding of American history;
e) comparing and contrasting people, places, or events in American history;
i) practicing good citizenship skills and respect for rules and laws while collaborating,
compromising, and participating in classroom activities
2.6 The student will develop map skills by using globes and maps of the world and the
United States to locate
a) the seven continents and the five oceans;
b) the equator, the Prime Meridian, and the four hemispheres
2.11 The student will explain the responsibilities of a good citizen, with emphasis on
a) respecting and protecting the rights and property of others;
c) describing actions that can improve the school and community;
2.12 The student will understand that the people of the United States of America
a) make contributions to their communities;
c) are united as Americans by common principles
2.5 The student will identify and use the following in works of art:
1. Color—secondary
3. Line—vertical, horizontal, diagonal
4. Shape—geometric, organic
2.12 The student will identify works of art and elements of architecture of other cultures.
2.13 The student will compare works of art, elements of architecture, and artifacts of other
cultures with those of their culture.
2.17 The student will interpret ideas and feelings expressed in personal and others’ works of
2.21 The student will explain ways that the art of a culture reflects its people’s attitudes and
Overall Description:
The selected SOLs are based off of Henrico County Public Schools 2nd grade pacing guides,
where the SOLs for each subject are laid out in a recommended order for teachers throughout
the year, whether it is displayed by every nine weeks or every semester. Students will have the
opportunity to share information about themselves which is including, but not limited to, their
family, culture, lifestyles, aesthetics, etc. For this unit, the subject that connects all of the other
disciplines is social studies, where the students learn about community, citizenship, and
geography of the United States and the world. In language arts, students will create stories
about themselves and learn about the writing process, followed by presenting their stories to
the class. For math, the students can bring in their own recipes from home to add to their own
personal history book filled with different measurements of ingredients and directions to make
them. The students will investigate the habitats and environments of other living things in
science. Art will be incorporated throughout the lesson in the form of analyzing pictures from
readings, developments from graphs and data, and the creation of their own cultural portrait.
Language Arts:
2.3 participate in a range of collaborative discussions building on others’ ideas and clearly
expressing their own (e.g., one-on-one, small-group, teacher led).
participate in collaborative conversations for various purposes (e.g., to inform, to
persuade, to entertain, to clarify, and to respond).
share and retell an experience or story to an audience in a logical order, with
appropriate facts, and descriptive details.
carry out a specific group role, such as leader, recorder, materials manager, or reporter
(also in science).
2.11 Estimate and measure liquid volume in cups, pints, quarts, gallons, and liters.
2.12 • Show, tell, and write time to the nearest five minutes, using an analog and digital clock.
• Match a written time to a time shown on a clock face to the nearest five minutes.
2.14 Read temperature to the nearest 10 degrees from real Celsius and Fahrenheit
thermometers and from physical models (including pictorial representations) of such
2.4 construct and interpret models/diagrams of animal and plant life cycles.
Social Studies:
2.1 Use a map or globe to compare how people adapt to the environment to satisfy their
Work in groups to determine actions that can improve the school and community.
Identify the good citizenship skills of selected individuals who had an impact on the lives
of Americans, and explain how these skills affected the contributions they made.
2.11 Describing actions that can improve the school and community
Demonstrating self-discipline and self-reliance
Practicing honesty and trustworthiness
The student will understand why art is an essential part to a person’s culture and identify
specific elements that are included in artwork that help point to who a person is and what’s
important to them such as themes of family, hobbies, pets, interests, etc. This will also be done
in the classroom with each student’s pieces, and the class will interpret what concepts and
ideas their peers are trying to portray in their work. They will also be able to create their own
artwork throughout each subject using color, line, and shape using different media such as
pencils, colored pencils, crayons, paint, etc.
These integrations are included so that all of the four core subjects are included and connected
together. The reason why the social studies standards were picked and used as the basis of the
unit was to inform students of other cultures that are around them and what makes people
unique. Often times, students who may not belong to the biggest demographic in the classroom
don’t get to share or learn about their own history. By doing this, students can listen to what
their peers have to say about themselves and learn something new about the people that they
are friends with and see every day. At the end of the entire unit, students will have created their
own personal history books with each lesson’s activities inside it.
Social Studies:
Language Arts:
To introduce the language arts section, the teacher will show various self-portraits from painters
such as Frida Kahlo or Pablo Picasso. The whole class will discuss what makes the portraits
different from each other and what kind of stories they tell, based off of what they see in the
picture (such as objects, people, patterns, colors, etc.) Each student can share their lives with
their classmates through writing a story about their families or about what makes someone a
good citizen. This could be a story about what they do together, what their everyday lives are
like, their favorite vacation together, etc. or for the good citizen prompt, they can create a story
about how to be a good citizen and what it means to them.
They will develop their stories through the writing process
(seen on the right, next page). The prewriting phase up to
the editing phase will all be done in handwriting. Throughout
their time writing, the class can use various resources such
as dictionaries and other references either in books or online
to find out how words are spelled, pictures they can
potentially use to present their stories, etc. Students will
then have the opportunity to either rewrite their stories by
hand, or they can type their stories on the computer
(Microsoft Word or Google Docs) and have them printed out.
Once the writing is complete, students will have the
opportunity to either draw pictures of their stories or they
can look up pictures for them that can reference the setting
of their writing or objects that were involved. The class will share what they have written and
show each other the pictures they either drew or researched.
Day Lesson Identify the Content Knowledge and/or Activity/ Activities with
skill from the Curriculum Framework Integrations
Social Studies
Language Arts
2 2.12
Language Arts
3 5
Social Studies
Language Arts
Students will utilize their multiple intelligences throughout the unit. There are plenty of
opportunities for groups to be made based off of intelligences and the subject that is being
taught in the unit in order to create the most immersive and memorable experience as possible.
There can also be groups where each person has a different intelligence from the next, that way
ideas in the group can be diverse and equally considered.
This unit would be excellent for those students who are ELLs, as they will be able to share what
they know about their culture to the rest of their peers. If needed, the ESL teacher can assist
them with translations and finding books or other resources to share with the class. They may
also bring other cultural items such as clothing and pictures, or show them games that they
know how to play or is popular in their home country.
Assessment Plan:
Diagnostic Assessment:
An initial diagnostic assessment will be made to see what the students think about the different
people and cultures that they see in their classrooms and their communities. It is also initiated
when the students are labeling the maps after the discussion and brainstorming their stories in
the prewriting part of the writing process (see social studies and language arts integration). For
science, this can be done the same way with questions such as “What kind of animals do you
see near your home?” or “Can you name some of the plants that you see here at school?”
Throughout their research and the development of their recipe books, students will be asked
questions to assess that they understand the content and what their other classmates might be
doing. This might be in the form of asking questions about what they have learned from their
classmates’ stories (or how they interpreted it) while the story is being told or after it’s told, or
how they know that a recipe needs a certain amount of ingredients or time to make it.
Formative Assessment:
To assess formatively, one strategy that can be used is the 3-2-1 countdown, where students
talk about the three things they didn’t know about before, two things that surprised them, and
one thing that they learned about that they want to try to implement from now on. Also,
students who have different intelligences can make different presentations. For example, some
students can act out a scene from the story instead of reading it to the class, some can help
create a poster that can be used as a display to have outside their class to showcase their work,
or others can make diagrams and graphs of what they learned about (mostly for the science and
math portion of the unit).
A Smart/Promethean Board will be used throughout the unit to display maps, reference
pictures, display examples, etc.
Laptops for students to use for typing their stories and printing out pictures that they
may need for their recipes or their stories.
iPads can be used for students to search for personal references for their stories, recipes,
maps, environments/animals, etc. and to use for a camera.
Google Docs or Microsoft Word will be used in the language arts section of the unit for
students to type their stories.