Ven A Mi - Arautos Do Rei
Ven A Mi - Arautos Do Rei
Ven A Mi - Arautos Do Rei
A primary goal of meta-analysis is to improve the estimation of ing universal use of the DL estimator with analyses based on a
treatment effects by pooling results of similar studies. This article critical synthesis that recognizes the uncertainty in the evidence,
explains how the most widely used method for pooling heteroge- focuses on describing and explaining the probable sources of vari-
neous studies—the DerSimonian–Laird (DL) estimator— can pro- ation in the evidence, and uses random-effects estimates that pro-
duce biased estimates with falsely high precision. A classic example vide more accurate confidence limits than the DL estimator.
is presented to show that use of the DL estimator can lead to
erroneous conclusions. Particular problems with the DL estimator
are discussed, and several alternative methods for summarizing Ann Intern Med. 2014;160:267–270.
heterogeneous evidence are presented. The authors support replac- For author affiliations, see end of text.
Figure. Heterogeneous evidence from Collins and colleagues’ meta-analysis of the effects of diuretics on preeclampsia (11).
Fixed-effects ( = 0)* 0.67 (0.56–0.80)
DerSimonian–Laird ( = 0.48)* 0.60 (0.40–0.89)
Knapp–Hartung ( = 0.48)† 0.60 (0.35–1.03)
Profile likelihood ( = 0.49)‡ 0.60 (0.35–1.04)
Hierarchical Bayesian ( = 0.63)§ 0.60 (0.34–1.08)
* The metafor package in R was used to compute the fixed-effects estimate and the DerSimonian–Laird random-effects estimate. † The metafor package
in R was used to compute the Knapp–Hartung small-sample adjustments, based on the DerSimonian–Laird estimate. ‡ The small-sample (Skovgaard)
estimate from the metaLik package in R was used to compute the profile likelihood estimate. The large-sample profile likelihood estimate produced a
narrower CI that indicates a statistically significant effect (95% CI, 0.37 to 0.95). § The hierarchical Bayesian estimate was computed using WinBugs and
assumed a vague uniform (10, 10) prior distribution for . A sensitivity analysis assuming a vague ␥ (0.001, 0.001) on precision (1/ 2) produced a
slightly smaller but statistically significant 95% CI (0.36 to 0.98).
of a prior distribution for or 2 is critical to any Bayesian estimate. When there are too few studies to stratify by
analysis (27), it is important to conduct sensitivity analyses study-level characteristics, whether pooling is reasonable
based on different choices for the prior distribution. must be addressed. A critical synthesis that highlights the
variations in the evidence and describes the possible sources
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MOVING FORWARD of variation will almost always be more useful than one
None of the random-effects methods provide a univer- that averages over these dimensions and can point the way
sal solution to the problem of heterogeneity. The decision toward improvement of future studies.
to summarize data mathematically depends on critical When the decision has been made to pool studies in
judgment, and the reasons for that decision should be ar- the face of heterogeneity, the extra uncertainty due to that
ticulated as part of any meta-analysis. Random-effects esti- heterogeneity must be adequately represented. All of the
mates are most appropriate when it is difficult to attribute alternative approaches to random-effects modeling more
observed heterogeneity of effects to clinical or methodolog- accurately incorporate the uncertainty associated with sta-
ical differences among the studies. Proper selection and tistical heterogeneity than does the DL estimator. With a
implementation of a random-effects model requires careful small number of studies, the Knapp–Hartung or small-
consideration of how many studies are available, the extent sample profile likelihood estimator may be the best choices,
to which estimates vary from study to study (), and study- even if they are conservative. The Bayesian methods are
specific clinical and methodological factors that contribute good but require knowledge of Bayesian software and per-
to heterogeneity. Large variation in study design, conduct, form best with informed choice of a prior distribution for
population, measurements, and analyses suggests that it (that is, the range of plausible values for ).
may be unwise to estimate an average effect. When the Insightful synthesis recognizes the qualitative and
number of studies is sufficiently large, organizing ana- quantitative heterogeneity and uncertainty of evidence; fo-
lyses around clinically or methodologically important cuses on describing and explaining the probable sources of
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