Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 1
The Power System needs to be operationally secure, i.e. with minimal probability of
blackout and equipment damage. An important component of power system security is
the system’s ability to withstand the effects of contingencies. A contingency is basically
an outage of a generator, transformer and or line, and its effects are monitored with
specified security limits.
The power system operation is said to be normal when the power flows and the bus
voltages are within acceptable limits despite changes in load or available generation.
From this perspective, security is the probability of a power system’s operating point
remaining in a viable state operation.
System security can be broken down into TWO major functions that are carried out in
an operations control centre:
(i) Security assessment and
(ii) Security control.
Before going into the static security level of a power system, let us analyse the
different operating states of a power system.
The states of power system are classified into FIVE states (ie) Normal, Alert,
Emergency, Extreme Emergency and Restorative.
Fig below depicts these states and the ways in which transition can occur from one
state to another.
The system transits into the emergency state if a disturbance occurs when the system
is in the alert state. Many system variables are out of normal range or equipment
loading exceeds short-term ratings in this state. The system is still complete.
Emergency control actions, more powerful than the control actions related to alert
state, can restore the system to alert state. The emergency control actions include
fault clearing, excitation control, fast valving, generation tripping, generation run
back-up, HVDC modulation, load curtailment, blocking of on-load tap changer of
distribution system transformers and rescheduling of line flows at critical lines.
The extreme emergency state is a result of the occurrence of an extreme disturbance
or action of incorrect of ineffective emergency control actions. The power system is in a
state where cascading outages and shutdown of a major part of power system might
happen. The system is in unstable state. The control actions needed in this state must
be really powerful. Usually load shedding of the most unimportant loads and
separation of the system into small independent parts are required. Any system can
fail due to internal causes or due to external causes or human errors. The above
factors are affecting power system security.
Figure 1.2 Automatic load frequency and voltage regulator control loops.
Primary ALFC:
The circuit primarily controls the steam valve leading to the turbine .a speed
sensor senses the speed of the turbine. This is compared with a reference speed
,governor whose main activity is to control the speed of the steam by closing and
opening of the control value (ie)if the differential speed is low , then the control value is
opening to let out the steam at high speed , thereby increasing turbine speed and vice
versa the control of speed in turn controls the frequency.
Secondary ALFC:
This circuit involves a frequency sensor that senses the frequency of the bus bar and
compares it with tie line power frequencies in the signal mixer. The output of this is an
area control error (ACE) which is sent to the speed changer through integral. the speed
changer gives the reference speed to the governor . Integral controller is used to reduce
the steady state frequency change to zero. After this part of the circuit, is the
introduction of the primary ALFC loop whose function has already been described.
Thus the two loops together help in controlling the speed which in turbine controls the
frequency , since N α f Using the relation Speed N = 120 f/P
Where, f= frequency (Hz) , P= No.of poles
Figure 1.3 Energy control centre
Automatic generation control (AGC)
Objective of (AGC):
Network topology:
We must know how the transmission lines are connected to the load and generator
buses.It program must have a complete description of each substation and how the
transmission lines are attached to the substation equipment.
State estimator:
The electrical model of the transmission system is sent to the state estimation
program together with the analog measurements.
The output of the state estimator consists of all voltage magnitudes and phase angle,
transmission line MW and MVAR flow and bus loads and generations calculated from
the line flows. These quantities, together with the electrical model, provide the basic
for the Economic dispatch program, contingency analysis program and generator
corrective action program. since the complete electrical model of the transmission
system is available , we can directly calculation bus penalty factors, participation
factors, optimal voltage etc.
Contingency analysis:
That model possible system trouble before they arise .
Alarm the operation of any potential over loads or out of the limit voltage.
Master station
Remote terminal unit[RTU]
Master station communicates to the RTU for observing and controlling plants. RTU are
installed at generating station or transmission substation or distribution substation.
second level Sub transmission and Area load dispatch
transmission network centre
Third level Transmission system State load dispatch
Fourth level(top level) Interconnected power Regional control centre
Figure 1.4 Digital computer control and monitoring for power system.
• The back-up computer may be executing off-line batch programs such as load
• Upon a fail over, the stored information of the common disk is inserted in the
memory of the on-line computer.
• The information used by the on-line computer has a maximum age of update cycle
(typically 30 sec)
• All the peripheral equipment is interfaced with the computer through input-output
microprocessors that have been programmed to communicate as well as preprocess
the analog information, check for limits, convert to another system of units and so
• The microprocessors can transfer data in and out of computer memory without
interrupting the CPU. As a result of these precautions, for all the critical hardware
functions, there is often a guaranteed 99.8%.
• The most critical function have the fastest scan cycle. Typically, the following
categories are scanned every 2 seconds.
• All status points such as switchgear position, substation loads and voltages,
transformer tap position and capacitor banks
• The line flows and interchanges schedules
• Generator loads, voltage, operating limits and boiler capacity
• Telemetry verification to detect failures and errors in the remote bilateral
communication links between the digital computer and the remote equipment
• The turbine generators are often command to new power levels every 4 seconds
• The absolute power output of each units response capability is typically adjusted
every 5 minutes by the computer executing an economic dispatch program to
determine the base power settings.
Master station:
Figure 1.5 Master station.
Master unit is provided with the digital computer with associated interfacing devices
and hardware to receive information from RTU. The hardware at the master station
includes following
1. Process computer
2. CRT display
3. Printer
4. Data logger
5. Computer graphics
6. Control console
7. Keyboard
8. Alarm panel
9. Instrument panel
10. Modem
11. Multiplexer
Figure 1.6 Remote terminal unit (RTU)
The RTU’s are installed at selected power stations and substation.
The hardware components of RTU may include the following
1. Transducers
2. A/D and D/A converters
3. Serial interface
4. Modems
5. Multiplexers
6. Front end computer
7. Control relays
• The analog quantities like voltage, MW,MVAR and frequency measured at stations
are converted into DC voltage or current signals through transducers and fed to
the A/D converters which converts the analog into digital form suitable for
• The digital signal is fed to the front end computer and modems through the serial
• MODEM sends the information to the unit through multiplexer. As well as receive
commands from master unit to control the station equipment through the control
relay. In addition to measure quantities, status of various devices is informed to
master station.
• The master station scans the RTU sequentially and gathers information on the
system operating condition (ie) voltage, current, line flows, generating output, etc,
as well as equipment status.
• Give an alarm- operator if overloading
• The system real time information is presented to the operator through CRT,
computer graphic terminals, alarm panels, alarm printer. So that the operator can
supervise minute by minute.
3. Supervisory control
Circuit breakers: on/off, Generator: stop/start, (raise/lower command)
a. Electrical breaker control
b.Voltage regulation
c.Tap changer control
d.Capacitor control
e.Loss reduction
f.Miscellaneous device control
g.Load management
h.Fault isolation
i.Service restoration
4. Information storage and result display
5. Sequence of events acquisition
6. Remote terminal unit processing
7. General maintenance
8. Runtime status verification
9. Economic modelling
10. Remote start/stop
11. Load matching based on economics\
12. Load shedding: provides both automatic and operator-initiated tripping of load in
response to system emergencies.
7. Define state estimation?
State estimation is the process of assigning a value to an unknown system state
variable based on measurements from that system according to some criteria.
8. Define post contingency?
This is the state of the power system after a contingency has occurred. Define secure
dispatch? This is state of the power system with no contingency outages, but with
correction to the operating parameters to account for security violations.
9. What are the priorities for operation of modern power system?
Operate the system in such a way that power is delivered reliably. Within the
constraints placed on the system operation by reliability considerations, the system
will be operated most economically.
10. Denote the hierarchical level used in EMS.
System control level
Area control level
Remote terminal unit(RTU)
14. Mention four types of SCADA systems and its application area.
TYPE1: Small distribution systems, Small hydro stations, HVDC links.
TYPE2: Medium sized power systems, power station HVDC link distribution systems.
TYPE3: Regional control centre, distribution systems in large urban areas several
hydro power station with cascade control.
TYPE4: National and Regional control centers distributed systems in large urban
areas, several hydro power station with cascade control.
15. What are the different operating states a power system can operatin in ? or
what are the system security levels?
Normal state
Alert state
Emergency state
Extremis state
Restorative state