Interfacing The TLC5510 Analog To Digital Converter To The TMS320C203 DSP
Interfacing The TLC5510 Analog To Digital Converter To The TMS320C203 DSP
Interfacing The TLC5510 Analog To Digital Converter To The TMS320C203 DSP
Perry Miller
Advanced Analog Products
Advanced Analog Applications Group
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Table 1. TLC5510 Parameters...................................................................................... 10
Table 2. TLC5510 Supply Voltages .............................................................................. 13
Table 3. DC and AC Coupling Connections to J4 Input................................................. 14
Table 4. Jumper Configuration and Voltage Conversion Range.................................... 15
Table 5. Signals Monitored by Test Points.................................................................... 15
Interfacing the TLC5510 Analog to
Digital Converter to the TMS320C203
This application report presents guidelines for interfacing the
Texas Instruments (TI) TLC5510 8-bit parallel-output analog-to-
digital converter (ADC) to the TI TMS320C203 DSP data bus. The
8-bit ADC operates at a rate of 20 MHz. The C callable application
program (assembly code) used to initialize the TMS320C203 and
execute the code is also discussed.
This report serves as reference information for further
development of hardware and software. The contents include
hardware schematics and associated program software, block and
timing diagrams, and a program flow chart.
Product Support
Related Documentation
The following list specifies product names, part numbers, and
literature numbers of reference documents:
The TLC5510 ADC translates the analog input signal into a binary
digital form for data processing. Generally, parallel ADCs are used
for high-speed applications, for example, video frequencies (>5
MHz). However, there is often a trade off between the converter
maximum sampling frequency and its resolution. High-speed
untrimmed ADCs used for video and higher frequencies have
resolutions from 6 to 10 bits. The devices are usually designed
with modified flash architectures producing the most cost-effective
device solution for fabrication.
This application report focuses on the hardware interface and
assembly code implementation. First, the TLC5510 Evaluation
Module (EVM) is reviewed. A detailed discussion of the
TMS320C203 Development Module (DVM) interface to the
TLC5510 EVM follows. Finally, an overview of the software is
Figure 1 shows a cost-effective solution consisting of a fixed point
TMS320C203 DSP device, a TLC5510 ADC, and control logic
circuits to access the data bus.
[D1:D8] [D0:D7]
OE A11
The digital data is valid after a delay time tpd = 30 ns for the
TLC5510. Table 1 summarizes important TLC5510 parameters.
The Texas Instruments TLC5510 evaluation module (EVM) is
designed specifically for the development of hardware utilizing the
8-bit high-speed low cost TLC5510 ADC.
Supply Voltages
For best performance, the TLC5510 EVM board must be provided
with the following three (3) separate voltages:
Analog +5V
Analog -5V
Digital +5V
Table 2 details the jumpers and applications for the supply
Analog Input
Interfacing to the TLC5510 EVM with an analog signal source is
simple because the analog input signal is taken via the BNC
connector J4. This signal is taken to the input of the TLC5510 via
one of four (4) alternative routes:
Via the amplifier input with DC coupling
Via the amplifier input with AC coupling
User-defined input
Direct Input
The input signal can be directly fed to the ANALOG IN pin of the
TLC5510 device by jumpering E7 to E8 and E23 to E12. In the
circuit shown in Figure 4, the reference voltage for the TLC5510
ADC is generated by the device internal resistors. If the jumper J6
is inserted, the reference voltage will be 2.28 V with respect to
0 V; otherwise, it will be 2.6 V with respect to 0.6 V.
Test Points
Software Overview
The program editing and assembly are done on the host PC and
downloaded to the TMS320C203 DVM for real time processing.
The DSP executes the interface program and acquires and
processes n input samples from the ADC. Figure 6 shows the
program flowchart.
The Crystal is 40 MHz. The internal CPU CLK for the C203 DSP is
20 MHz. CLK IN for the TLC5510 is driven by CLKOUT1, which is
20 MHz.
The program starts with a common initialization procedure for the
DSP followed by the initialization of several auxiliary registers
The following steps define the program constants:
1) Set the data page pointer to 0h.
2) Set Starting Address.
3) Set number of samples.
4) Set A/D address.
The program executes the following steps:
1) On interrupt, disable global interrupts and save PC, ARs, and
Status Registers.
2) Initialize the C203 DSP.
3) Load the appropriate ARs.
4) Send the device address to the TLC5510, loading the A/D
output into the memory
5) After obtaining a predefined number of A/D converter samples,
the DSP exits the “loop” subroutine.
6) Restore the PC, Status Registers, and ARs.
7) Enable global interrupts.
The data is now available for use in customer-defined functions
READ = n?
ST1, ST0, AR1, AR0,