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The Aryan Race (AMORC, 1940)

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Supplementary Monograph
P R I NT E O IN U . 8 . A .
AI.IORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Nurnber Ninety-Three Page One

The Course of Political Development. (Cont.)

The political development of G-reece and Rome is of interest in this

connection, as indicating one of the two natural methods of unfold-
ment^of the Aryan system. It is the development due to the influence
of city life as contrasted with that arising from the agricultural
condition. Its pureset display is that seen in Attica. Rere we have
to do with a eea-going commercial people, industrial in habit, except
to the extent that necessity drove them to v/ar. Into the active city
that naturally aróse under these conditions, aliene crowded frora all
siaes. Yet the early form of government was strictly an organization
of gentes, or cle,ns, the oíd Aryan personal system which had held its
ovm in the formation of the civic government. To the new conditions
it quickly provea inadequate. The great influx of strangers, nembers
of no genos, and jealously excluded from gentile privileges, in time
brought the government into the hands of a few ancient families, who
conducted it on the ola clan-system, except to the extent that the
chiefs of the gentes acquired political authority and replaced the
ancient democratic by an autocratic rule. The growth of chieftainship
can be elearly seen in the story of the Iliad, it being highly pro­
bable that the "kings11 of oíd G-reece had but the standing of tribal
chiefs, with an authority augmented by the warlike subjection of
neighboring clans and the adherence of alien dependente, while the
voice of the assembly had become a mere agreement in the proposals of
the chief.

Undoubtedly there v/as a strong pressure froin the alient population of

the city of Athens to gain a share of political rights, and as strong
a determination of thé gentes to hold the reins of power. It became
more and more evident, as the difficulty grew more urg e n t ,•that some
reform must be adopted, and several measures were proposed by in-
fluential chiefs or lawgivers. The first of this is a traditional
one, ascribed to Tiieseus. He sought to consolídate the tribes into a
nation, with one instead of many councils. He also attempted to divide
the people into the three classes of nobles, husbandmen, and artisans.
The legendary división was found in existence in Attica in the seventh
century B.C. Eut the gentile system of organization v/as in full vogue
at that period. At a later date v/e find the people gradually over-
throwing the usurped authority of their chiefs. The basileus, or king,
lost his weak priestly authority, and v/as thenceforth called archon,
or civil ruler. Later again this hereditary life-office v/as ¡nade
elective, and limited to ten years. Finally it was made annual, and
divided among nine archons. Thus the partly overthrov/n authority of
the popular assembly was gradually resumed, and the will of the people
became the law in Attica.

The second definite effort at political reform v/as that of Solon, v/ho •
divided the people into classes on the basis of property. This, how-
ever, did not do away v/ith the división into gentes. The assembly
ALIORC - Rosicrucian Order
Lecture Number Ninety-Three Pabc iv/o
under his lav/s gained increased, or at least better defined, rights,
and becarae an elective, a legislative, and to some extent a govern-
ing body. But the bottom of the difficulty was not touched by these
reforms, and could not be while the gentile families held all pov/er.
The final refonn was that made by Cleisthenes (509 B.C.). He divided
the people on a strictly territorial basia, without regard to their
ties of kinclred. Abolishing -the four ancient Ionio tribes, he formed
ten new tribes, which included all the freemen of Attica. The
territory was divided into a hundred deces or townships, care being
taken that the demes of each tribe should not be adjacent. It was
a, distinct effort thoroughly to break up the ola clan-system. Each
Citizen v/as reouired to register and to enroll his property in his
ov/n derae, v/itliout regard to his ties of kindred. Each deme had riglits
of self-government in local raatters, while controlled in national
matters by the decisión of the State government. Under this institu-
tion aróse the primal republic, the measure and raodel of all sub-
sequent republican governraents. This reforra v/as undoubtedly made in
response to the demand and sustainea by the power of the alien people
of Attica, who must now have been sufficiently numerous todéfy the

It is of interest to fina that the government of Rorae, without any

knowledge of v/hat v/as taking place in Athens, passed through essential-
ly similar steps of development. In fact, the forraation of territorial
government in Rome is claimed to have preceded its establishment in
Athens. It v/as a natural and inevitable lino of civic grov/th. The
same difficulty aróse in Rorae as in Athens. The inflow of aliena
brought a strong pressure to bear ón the system of gents. The aliens
demanded a share in the government, which was resisted by the clans-
men.' The earliest effort at reforrn is traditionally ascribed to
Numa, v/ho is said to have classified the people according to their
trades and professions. This failed to produce any definite effect,
and the Romans viere still divided into the patricians, the oíd gentile
clans, with full control of government; their clieñts, or dependents;
and the plebs, or commons, the new class of aliens,without a voice
in political concerns.

To overeóme the discord that aróse from this state of affairs Servius
Tullius (576-533 B.C.) instituted a reform closely similar to that of
Cleisthenes. He divided the territory of Rome into townships or
parishes, and the people into territorial tribes, which crossed the
lines of the gentes. Each Citizen had to enroll himself and his pro­
perty in the city ward of the external township in v/hich he resided.
This monárch is al so credited v/ith the establishment of a new popular
assembly, v/hich abrogated that of the gentes, and admitted each free-
man to a voice in the government. Unfortunately, in addition to this
wise arrangement he made a second división on a property basis,—
establishing five classes according to the amount of their respective
property. This mischief-making scheme separated the people at once
into an aristocracy and a commonalty on the line of wealth, and gave
the impulse to a struggle that continued for centuries. In Rome, as
AMORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Number Kinety-Three Page Three
in G-reece, we find the people gradually rising in power, and the
government becoraing a more and more declared democracy, though the
struggle was here a very bitter and protracted one. It was fina.lly
brought to an end by the inordinate growth of the army and of the
power of its leaders, by whom a vigorous despotism was established.

In G-reece, however, the power of the people grew rapidly, all aristo-
cratic authority quickly disappea.red, and a disposition manifested
itself to combine the several minor states into a confederacy, with a
general democratic government. The antique Aryan system was here ex-
panding, under the strict influence of natural law, into an ancient
counterpart of the modern United States. Unfortunately for the
liberties of mankind, it was overthrown by the sword of Rome ere it
had grown into self-sustaining strength. During these many changes
the ancient gentes continued to exist as sepárate religious organiza-
tions; but their antique political and coramunal constitution utterly

In the political development of the Teutonic tribes widely different

conditions appeared. Their industries continued agricultura!, and
their unfoldment was more strictly in the line of the village system.
Territorial government remained subordínate to personal government.
The powerful invasions by which the empire of Rome was overthrown,
and new státes founded on its ruins, naturally gave immense power to
the chiefs, which was increased by the incessant \mrs that succeeded
and continued for centuries. The original independent establishment
of the chief expanded into the feudal manor, and the chief into the
feudal lord. His power was absolute. The house-father was repro-
duced in the lord of the manor. Below him were the descending grades
of wife and children, dependents and slaves, as in the Aryan family.
Around him were his retainers, bound by ties of mutual honor and sub­
je ct to his will. His relation to them was that of military superior
and of chosen companion in arms. As for the constitution of the
feudal state, with its successive ranks, each lov/er one being held
as military subordínate to the higher, but each, from the lowest noble
to the king, being free from any obligations beyond that of military
duty, and being absolute lord of his own territorial establishment
and his retainers, we have in it a direct expansión of the original
Aryan system, with marvellously little change in principie. The Aryan
village and tribe,. with the chieftain and his dependents and retainers
and his rights of suzerainty over conquered villages, formed the
direct though simplified protoype of the feudal state, with its more
complex system of obligations and v/ider extensión of authority.

In considering the development of the Aryan'vi11age-system into the

modern Eu ropean state we find an interesting illüstration of the
persistent forcé of archaic ideas. Ancient Arya, as we have seen, con-
tained, side by side, a double system of government. The villsge was
a democracy. But be si de, and perhaps to some extent over it, wa,s
the patriarchal establishment of the chief. In the development of the
feudal state both these conditions persisted, and the subsequent na-
tional history of Europe has been mainly a struggle between them for
precedence. The patriarchal establishment of the chief, being the
ALíORC - Rosicrucian Orcler -A-
Lecture Nuraber Ninety-Three Page Four
sirapler and more central!zed, and being one to which war added
strength, rose first to pov/er, and in some states developed into a
degree of absolutism, though its lack of control of the religious
estábilshment prevented it from becoraing completely autocratic. But
the democratic idea, though slower in its development, never died out,
ñor did the subjection of the people ever extend beyond their bodies
to their minds and souls. The eventual supremacy of deraocracy v/as
inevitable. In every era of peace it gained vigor, and to the extent
that peace became the prevailing rule its demands grew more energetic
and its victorles more decided. At present it has risen into complete
ascendency in America, while in Europe absolutism is shrinking before
its forcé, and raust inevitably everywhere give way to the "Government
of the people by tile people."

With a rapid review of the political development of human civilization

this chaptcr raay cióse. As we have seen, in two regions of the v/orld
patriarchism gained absolute supremacy, democracy failed to develop,
and three states were formed on this simple systern of paternal and
spiritual absolutism,— Egypt, Babylonia, and China. One only of these
has persisted unto to-day,— that of China; and in it not a vestige of
a democratic idea has ever made its appearance. In America the grov/th
of democratic institutions made greater progress, though in the two
civilizations that aróse, the spiritual authority of the emperor
enabled hir.v to completely overthrow them in the one case, and serious-
ly threaten them in the other.

In ancient Arya the political development of barbar!sm went farther.

Democracy gained a marked development both in political and spiritual
affairs; the grov/th of a prlestly autocracy was checked by the systern
of individual worship; and the patriarchal authority of the chief lost
much of its forcé. The principie of election grew upon that of
heredity. In the development of every Aryan civilization differing
conditions operated, though it is remarkable what persistency and
ancient ideas everywhere displayeá. It is not necessary here to re­
view all the Aryan states separately. In only tv/o of them'the ancient
Aryan ideas developed with little external interference. One of
these we have already considered,— that of Greece, in which the de­
velopment proceeded under civic and commercial influences. The other
is that of England, in which the Teutonic agricultural influences
mainly prevailed.

Of all the Suropean States, that of Saxon England was least disturbed
in its development by external forces. The Norman invasión for a
time gave supremacy to patriarchism; but this gradually yielded again
to the steady persistence of the democratic idea. The Aryan popular
assembly held its own as the English parliaraent, and has, step by stép
taken control of the government, until, finally, it has left to king-
craft only its ñame and its palace. Fortunately for European liberty,
the priestly establishment which eventually aróse remained definitely
sepárate from that of the kings, and usually hostile to it. The
bodies of Suropeans have been ruled by the Throne, but never their
souls. Thus it v/as irapossible that they could be reduced to the
A1I0RC - Rosicruelan Order -A-
Lecture Nuniber Ninety-Three Page Five
slavery of the Oriental systenf. Every effort of the kings to seize
spiritual authority has failed, the spirit of democracy has steadily
grown, and the promi se is that ere many centuries not a trace of
absolutism will be left on Furopean soil.

Aryan political evolution has everyv/here follov/ed the same general

direction; but its rapidity has been greatly affected by the condi-
tions of society. Under the civic institutions of G-reeoe and Rome,
democracy, territorial división of the people, and private ownership
of land early appeared; v/hile with the agricultural but warlilte
Teutons a,nd Celts progrese in this direction has been rnuch slower;
and anong the agricultural, but peaceful and sluggish, Hindus and
Slavs, the ancient conditions still in great part prevalí. Yet in
every case the general course of evolution has been the same, and but
one final outaome can be expected to appear,— that of completé de­
mocracy. In the patriarchal empires of Asia, on the contrary,
political evolution followed an exactly opposite course, and long ago
reached its inevitable ultímate in complete absolutism. Political
progress in these empires has long since ceased, and can only be re-
sumed under the influence of Aryan ideas and a reversal of the
governmental principie which has so long held supreme control.

o o o 0 o o o
The subject matter of this monograph must be understood by the reader or student of
same, not to be the official Rosicrucian teachíngs. These monographs constitute a series of
supplementary studies provided by the Rosicrucian Brotherhood, AMORC, both to mem-
bers and non-members, because they are not the secret, prívate teachings of the Order.
The object of these supplementary monographs is to broaden the mind of the student by
presenting him with the writings, opinions, and dissertations of authorities in various fields
of human enterprise and endeavor. Therefore, itisquite probable that the reader will note
at times in these supplementary monographs statements made which are inconsistent with
the Rosicrucian teachings or view-point. But with the realization that they are merely
supplem entary and that the Rosicrucian Organization isnot endorsing or condoning them,
one must take them merely for their prima facievalué. Throughout the supplementary series
the authors or translators of the subject will be given due creditwhenever we have knowb
edge of their identity.
AMORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Number Uinety-Four Page One

The Development of Language

Language formed the clew through whose aid modern research traversed
the Aryan labyrinth,— that mysterious time-veiled región in which so
many wonders lay concealed. It cannot, indeed, be doubted that even
without the aid of language this hiaden problem of the past v/ould have
been in part solved. We have alreaay shown that the Aryans have much
in coramon besides their speech. Their industrial relations, their
political systems, their religious organization, their mythologies,
their family conditions, form so many sepárate guides leading to the
discovery of that remarcable ancient community. Ñor is this all.
As we shall show farther on, the modern Aryans have still other linCs
of affinity, less direct, it is true, than those so far tracea, yet
adding to the strength of the demonstration, and enabling us still
better to comprehend the conditions of that ancient and re-discovered

Yet, with all this, the fact remains that language offered the simplest
and safest pa.th into the hidden región, and that by comparison of
words we have found out much concerning the raodes of life in oíd Arya
that'otherv/ise must have remained forever* unCnowa. This being the
case, it becomes a part of our tasC to consider the character of the
method of speech which has proved of such remarcable utility in the
recovery of a valuable chapter of ancient history. It is Cnown to
differ in important particulars from all other types of human language,
not so much in its words,— for there many accidental coincidences v/ith
other languages exist,— but in its structure, in that basic organism
of thought which is clothed upon with speech as with a garment. Yet
in order properly to understand these structural cimracteristics, it
will be necessary briefly to review the several types of speech in
use by'the higher ranCs of manCind. A comparison of these types will
reveal, as all philologists adrait, that the Aryan is the most highly
developed method of speech, and the most flexible and capable of all
the Instruments of thought yet devised by manCind. In this respect
as in all the others noted, the Aryan in its original organization
v/as superior to the other human races.

The types of speech in use by the barbarian and civilized peoples and.
nations are divided by philologists into four general classes,— the
Isolating, the Agglutinative, the Incorporating, and the Inflectional;
the last being separated into two sub-classes, the Semitic and the
Aryan, which properly should be considered as distinct classes. Of
these methods the isolating is usually viewed as the least progressed
beyond what must have been the original mode of speech. It is the
one in use by the most persistent of human civilizations,— the
Chinese. In the language of China we seem to hear the voice of
archaic man still speaCing to us down the long vista of time. It is
primitive, as everything in China is primitive. Yet through the aid
AMORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Number Ninety-Four Page Two
of a series of expedients It has been adapted to the needs of a people
of active literary tendencies.

Philologists are generally satisfied that man first spoke in mono-

syllables, each of v/hich conveyed some generalized Information. The
sentence had not yet been devi sed, ñor even the phrase; and language
consisted of isolated exclamations, or root-words, each of which told
its own story, while no endeavor was made to analyze the Information
conveyed into its component eleraents.

Yet this idea directly affiliates the language of primitive man with
that of the lower animáis, For the lower animáis possess a language
of root-sounds, each of which yields a vague and generalized Informa­
tion, or is indicative of some emotion. Ordinarily this language con­
sista of very few sounds, though in certain cases it is more extended,
and is capable of conveying some diversity of Information. This is
particülarly the case with some of the birds. And it is usually a
language of vowels, though an approach to consonantal sounds is
frequently manifested.

Early man, according to the conclusions of the philological Science,

possessed a language of the kind here described, consisting of a few
calis and cries, each conveying some general Information or indicating
some emotion. As m a n ’s needs increased, the number of these vocal
utterances increased correspondingly, v/ith a growing variety of con­
sonantal sounds. In time, it is probable that a considerable vo~
cabulary thus carne into existence, though language still continúen but
little developed beyond the root-stage of speech.

No human tribe is now in this archaic stage of language; even the

lowest savages have progressed beyond it. Yet that it once everywhere
existed, is believed to be fully proved by the analysis of existing
languages, in each of which a vocabulary of roots emerges as the
foundation of all subsequent aevelopment. And that this method of
speech continued until a somewhat late period in human history seems
indicated by one significant fact; this is, that the two most ancient
of civilizations— the Chínese and the Egyptian— still possess languages
which are but a step beyond the root-stage. The indications are that
these peoples rapidly developed from barbarism into civilization at an
era v/hen human speech was yet mainly in its archaic stage, and were
forced at once to adapt this imperfect instrument to the demands of
civilized life, without being able to wait for its natural evolution.

The language of China is strictly monosyllabic, and its v/ords have the
generalized forcé of roots. Yet these vague words have been adapted
to the expression of definite ideas in a very interesting manner,
v/hich we may briefly consider. The natural development of language
consists in expedients for the limitation of the meaning of words,
vague conceptions being succeeded by precise and localized onés. This
is ordinarily accompllshed by the formation of compound v/ords, in which
each element limits the meaning of the others. Such an expedient has
been adopted in every language except the Chínese and its related
AKORC - Rosicruelan Order -A-
Lecture IJumber Ninety-Four Page Three
dialects. Why it was not adopted by them, is an interesting question,
of which a possible solution may be offered.

The study of Chínese indícates that its original vocabulary was a

very limited one. The language seems to possess but about five hund-
red original words. But each of these has several distinct mea,nings.
The ancestors of the Chinese people would appear tó have made each
of their root-words perforra a v/ide range of duties, lnstead of devis-
ing new words for new thoughts. To advance beyond thls primitive stage
either an extensión of the vocabulary or sorae less simple expedíent
was necessary. The Chinese adopted a peculiar raethod for this purpose,
the character of which can be best shown by an illustratlon. We nay
instance the word tao, which has the several rneanings, Hto reach,"
"to cover," "to ravish," 11to lead," "banner," 11cora," "way," etc.
These are modernized rneanings. Originally the significance of words
v/as much more vague. At present, however, the word tao, if used alone,
has the rneanings above given; and sorae method is requisite to shov;
what particular one of them is intended. The difficulty thence
arising is partly overeóme by the device of tones, of which eight are
occasionally, and four are comraonly used. The tone in which a v/ord
is spoken— whether the rislng, the falling, the even, or sorae other
inflection--indicates its particular meaning; and in this way the five
hundred original words are increased to over fifteen hundred.

A more important device is that of combination. Two words having

sorae sirailarity or analogy in one of their rneanings are joined, and a
special meaning is thus indicated. Thus the word tao, above given,
has "way" for one of its rneanings. Lu, out of its eight or ten mean-
lngs, has also one signifying "way" or "path"; therefore tao-lu means
uwayM or "road" only. So ting, having "to hear" for one of its several
rneanings, is confined to this meaning by the addition of keen, "to
see" or "perceive." General rneanings are also gained by the same
raethod. Thus fu, "father", combined with mu, "mother," yields f u -mu,
"parents." Khing, "light,11 with sung. "heavy," yields hhing-sung,
‘'weight.11 Genaer and some other graramatical expedients raay be in­
dicated by the same device.

By a consideration of the above faets we can understand why graramatical

inflection v/as never adopted in the Chinese. Inflection has its
origln in v/ord-corapounding. But the fathers of the Chinese people
seem to have exhausted the powers of word-compounding as a method of
increasing’their vocabulary. lnstead of coining new words to express
new things, they seem to have spread their oíd v/ords over new things,
and then limited their meaning by corapounding. This gave rise to
two important resulte. It was necessary to retain the integrity of
forra and meaning of the oíd monosyllables, since each of them formed
a definite part of so many compound v/ords; and it became impossible
to express all the intricacy of graramatical relations by v/ord-cora­
pounding, since this wculd have led to inextricable confusión. In
consequence, the expedí ent of the syntactical arrangement of v/ords to
express graramatical varlations was adopted, and the peculiar Chinese
method o^ speech cerne into existence.
AMORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Numbc-r Ninety-Four Pase Four
A Chínese word standing alone has no grammatical limitation. It may
be noun, vero, adjective, or advero at pleasure. Its sense is as
indefinite as that'of the English v/ord "love," which may be'used at
will as verb, noun', or adjective. This genera,lism of sense, found in
some English words, is common in Chínese words. The special meanin£
which each v/ord is intended to convey dependa upon its position in
the sentence. Every change in its relation to the other words of the
sentence gives it a new sense or grammatical meaning. Chínese gram-
mar, therefore, is all syntax. There is no rhetorical freedom in the
arrangement of words into sentences. They must be placed according to
fixed rules, since any variation in their position gives a new mean­
ing to the sentence. And not only the parts of speech, but the number
gender, and case of nouns, and the mood and tense o f v e r b s , are in-
dicated by the position of the words in the sentence, aided by the use
of certain rules of composition and of some defining partióles.

The Chine se expedient has been adopted by no other family of language,

though the Egyptian vocabulary is almost as monosyllabic and primitive
in character. Everywhere else the vocabulary seems to have been ex­
tended by coinage of new words, and the principie of word-compounding
applied to other uses. The most archaic form of the other types of
language is that knov/n as the Incorporating, or Polysynthetic, in use
by the American tribes of the Basques of Spain. This is a highly
primitive method, and was probably at one time widely spread over
Europe and Northern Africa, until replaced by more developed methods
of speech.

In the typical incorporating method there are no words, there'are

sentences only. The verb sv/allows up both subject and object, v/ith
all their modifications. A Basque speaker cannot say "I give," He
must say "I give it." in the one v/ord. There is a poverty of the
imagination indicated. A hlnt never suffices; no lacunae are left
for the mlnd of the listener to fill üp. Where we say “John killed
the snake," the Basque must say "John, t,he snake, he killed it:” and
all this is v/elded together into a single complex word. This method
is carried to a great extreme in some of the American dialects. The
verb absorbs not only the subject, as in Aryan speech,’but all the
objects, direct and indirect, the signs of t i m e , place,manner, and
degree, and all the modifying elemente of speech, the whole being
massed into a single utterance.

There is little sense of abstract thought in American speech. Svery-

thing must be expressed to its utmost details. As an instance we may
quote the longest v/ord in Eliot's Indian Bible: wut-ap-pe-sit-tuk-qus
sun-noo-weht-unk-quoh. In English we should express this by "kneeling
dówñ^To^lHHT11 But in its literal meaning we have, nhe carne to a
State of rest upon the hended knees, doing reverence unto him."
Whitney quotes, as a remarkable instance of extensión, the Cherokee
word wi-ni-taw-ti-ge-gi-na-li-skaw-lung-ta-naw-ne-li-ti-se-sti, "they
will be that time have nearly finished granting (favors) from a dis-
tance to thee and me."
AKORC - Ro si orucian Order -A-
Lecture Wumber Ninety-Four Page Five
The inordinate length to v/hich words thus tend to grow is somewhat
reduced by an expedient of contractioh. In forming the compound v/ord
the whole of the partióle is not used, but only its significant por-
tion. Thus the Algonkin word-sentence naühollneen, "bring us the
canoe," is made up of naten, "to bring;" amochol~ 11oanoe;" i, a
euphonic letter; and neen, "to us.n

Savage tribes generally display an inability to think abstractly or

to form abstract words, their languages in this respect agreeing
with the American. A Society Islander, for instance, can say "dog’s
tail," "sheep's tail," etc., but he oannot say "tail." He cannot
abstract the idea from its immediate relations. A Halay has no
sepárate v/ord for " striking," yet he has no less than twenty v/ords
to express striking with various objects, as with thin or thick wood,
with the palm, the fist, a club, a sharp edge, etc. This incapacity
to express abstract relations is strongly indicated in the American
languages, and indicates that they diverged into their special type
at a very low level of human speech. The Cherokee, for Instance,
can use thirteen different verbs for various kinds of washing, but
he has no v/ord for the simple idea of washing. He can say kutuwo,
"I wash myself;" takungkala, "I wash my clothes;" Takuteja, 111 wash
dishes;" but is quite unable to say "I v/ash."

o o o 0 o o o
The subject matter of this monograph must be understood by the reader or student of
same, not to be the offícial Rosicrucian teachings. These monographs constitute a series of
supplementary studies provided by the Rosicrucian Brotherhood, AMORC, both to mem-
bers and non-members. because they are not the secret, prívate teachings of the Order.
The object of these supplementary monographs is to broaden the mind of the student by
presenting him with the writings, opinions, and dissertations of authorities in various fields
of human enterprise and endeavor. Therefore, itis quite probable that the reader will note
at times in these supplementary monographs statements made which are inconsistent with
the Rosicrucian teachings or view-point. But with the realization that they are merely
supplem entary and that the Rosicrucian Organizaron isnot endorsing or condoning them,
one must take them merely for their prima facievalué. Throughout the supplementary series
the authors or translators of the subject will be given due creditwhenever we have knowl-
edge of their identity.
ALIORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Number Ninety-Five Page One


The Development of Language. (Cont'd.)

All this lndicates a very primitive stage of language, in v/hich every

expression had its imraedlate and local application, and each utterance
told its whole story. There was no división of thought into sepárate
parts. In the advance of thought men go from the idea "dog” to that
of "dog's tail," and from that to "dog's tail wags." They could not
think of an action by itself, but could think of some object in action.
No doubt all language pursued this course of development up to a cer-
tain level. Beyond that point some families of speech began a pro-
cess of abstra ction gradually dividing thought into its constituent
elements. The American type failed to do so, but continued to add
modifying elements to its verbal ideas as the powers of thought widen-
ed, until language became a series of complex polysyllables. This is
the theory advanced by Sayce. All has continued in the original
synthetic plan. The secondary method of analysis has not yet acted
upon American thought.

Yet it is rather the method of language than of thought that has re-
rnained persistent with the Americans. They are undoubtedly able to
think more analytically than they speak. The forcé of their linguis-
tic system has held them to a method of speech which their minds have
grown beyond. Every tendency of their language to break up into its
elements has been checked by an incorporative compounding, of v/hich
traces are yet visible. In two American languages, the Eskimo and
the Aztec, the lowest and one of the highest in civilized development,
isolation of word-elements has taken place. In these languages a
sentence may consist of several words, instead of being compressed
into a single v/ord. A process of abstractlon exists in the Aztec.
Thus the word orne, "two," combined with yolll, "heart," yields the
abstract veiy ome-yolloa, "to doubt." Through methods such as this the
powers of the American type have become increased; yet in character
it directly preserves a hlghly primitive condition of human speech.

The third type of language which we need to consider is that known as

the Agglutinative. It is the method used by the Mongolian peoples of
Europe and Asia, with the exception of the Chinese and Indo-Chinese,
by the Dravidians of India, and, in a modified form, byLthe Kalayans
of the Pacific Islands.

Agglutination means simply word-compounding for grammatical purposes,

without inflectional change of form. In this linguistic method, as
in the isolating, the sepárate words retain their forms intact, but
many of them have lost their independence of meaning and become simply
modifying partióles. To the root-words the others are adaed as suf-
fixes, with a grammatical significance. The syntax of the Chinese
system is here replaced by gramraar, the principie of word-compounding
AMORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Number Ninety-Five Page Two
having gained a new purpose or signlficance. In some of these langu-
ages each verbal root may be made to express an extraordinary variety
of shades of meaning by the aid of suffixes. In the Turkish each
root yfelds about fifty derived forms. Thus if we take the root sev,
which has the general meaning of "loving," we may obtain such com-
pounds and sev-mek, "to love;" sey-m_e-mek, "not to love;" sev-dir-mek,
"to cause to love;" sev-ln-mek, "to love one's self;" and so on. By
a continued addition of suffixes we arrive at such a cumbrous com-
pound as sev-1sh-dlr-11-e-me-mek, "not to be capable of being made
to love one another♦ Tenses and moods are indicated in the same
manner. And there is a second, indirect conjugation, based on the
unión of the several partióles with the auxiliary "to be." In this
manner many minute shades of meaning can be expressed. Yet all ag-
glutinative languages are not equally capable in this respect. Thus
the Iáanchu is nearly as bare as the Chinese, while the Finnish and
the Dravidian are exceedingly rich. In these languages there is no
inflectional variation; every word rigidly preserves its integrity of
form. Ñor do the partióles become welded to the root, and lose their
sepárate individúanty, as in Aryan speech. Each seems to exist as a
distinct integer in the mind. The only change of form admissible is
a euphonic one, in which the vowels of the suffixes vary to conform
to those of the root. Thus "to love," is sev-mek; "to write," is yaz-
mak,— mek becoming mak in harmony with the variation in the root-vowel
This change of vowel is destltute of inflectional significance.

We have yet to deal with the final series of languages,— those or-
ganized on what is known as the inflectional method, in which langu-
age has attained its highest development and is employed by the most
advanced of human races. Here, however, we have two types of langu-
age to consider— those known as the Aryan, and the Semitic: the first
the method employed by the Xanthochroic división of the Caucasians;
the second, that in use by the Arabs and other Semites of Southwestern

It is of interest in this connection to perceive how greatly the Aryan

languages have prevailed over those spoken by Melanochroic man, de­
spite the probable great excess in numbers of the latter. Of distinc-
tive Melanochroic tongues, the only ones now in existence are the
Basque dialect of Spain, and the languages of the Semites and Egyp-
tians, the only Melanochroic peoples who escaped conquest by and
assimilation with the Xanthochroi.

It is assumed by many philologists, and not dénied by others, that

the Aryan and Semitic types of language are Inflectional in the same
general sense, and that they may have been derived from one original
method of speech, from which they have since developed in unlike
directions. Yet the differences between these two types of speech
are so radical, and the character of their inflectlonalism so es-
sentially different, that it seems far more probable that they have
been sepárate since their origin, and represent tv/o totally distinct
lines of development from the root-speech of primitive man.
AMORC - Rosicrucian Order
Lecture Number Ninety-Five Page Three

The cominon characteristic of Semitic and Aryan speech is their power

of verbal variation. There is no tendency to preserve the integrity
of forra of their words, as in other linguistic types. The root readily
varies; and this variation is not euphonic, but indicates a change of
meaning. Similar variations take place in the suffixes, particularly
in Aryan speech; and the word-corapound is welded into a single per-
si stent word, whose eleraents cease to reraain distinct in thought. But
aside from this common principie of inflection, the Semitic and Aryan
languages differ widely in character, and display no other signs of

This is what naturally might have been expected if the Melanochroic

and Xanthochroic types of mankind were the offspring of dlfferent
original races, and only mingled after their methods of speech had be-
come well developed. The steps of progress of Semitic speech have not
been traced, and this linguistic method as yet yields little or no
evidence concerning the origin of the Melanochroi. The line of de-
velopment of Aryan speech is more evident. In its most archaic form
it is but a step removed from the agglutinative Mongolian type of
language, and the latter could readily be changed into an inflectional
type closely resembllng the Aryan by a single step forward in develop-
ment. This fact is in cióse accordance with the inference drawn in
our flrst chapter,— that the Xanthochroi are an outgrowth from the
Mongolian race. In some of the agglutinative tongues the principie
of word-synthesis is carried to an extreme only surpassed in the
American dialects, and compounds of ponderous length are produced.
The most archaic forras of Aryan speech greatly resemble these in the
extent to which synthesis is carried, and only differ in that their
root-forms have become flexible, and that thus a new method of varia­
tion of meaning has been introduced, and one which adds the important
principie of verbal analysis to the original one of synthesis. Thus
in language, as in other particulars, the Xanthochroic Aryans seem a
direct derivative from the Mongolian race.

If now we come to Semitic speech, we meet with a type of language

which displays no affinity to Mongolian or Aryan speech, and indicates
a distinct origin and line of development. The suffixes and affixes
which form such essential eleraents of the Aryan languages are almost
unknown to the Semitic. They are used, indeed, but only to a slight
extent and as a secondary expedient. The method of word-compounding,
which is so v/idely used in all the languages we have so far considered,
is almost absent from the Semitic type, which in this respect fails
to come up to the level even of the Chinese. The ruling principie in
Semitic speech is inflectionalism puré and simple. It is character-
ized by an internal or vowel inflection of the root, which has proved
so valuable an expedient as greatly to reduce the necessity of word-
compounding, and renaer the use of suffixes and affixes unimportant.
The distinction between Aryan and Semitic inflection becomes thus
clearly outlined. The former possesses vowel-inflection of the root
to a slight degree. Yet this seeras principally of modern origin,
while the use of the suffix is the ruling grammatical expedient. On
the contrary, in Semitic speech vowel-inflection rules supreme, and
AMORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Number Ninety-Five Page Four
word-compoundlng is so little used that it perhaps formea no part of
the original linguistic idea, but is of later introduction.

To so great an extent do the vowels of the Semitic root change, and

so persistent are the consonants, that the latter are considered as
the actual root, there being no basic root-forms with persistent
vowel or vowels. A Semitic root thus usually consists of three con­
sonants, and changes its significance v/ith every variation in the vo-
calization of these consonants. There is some reason to believe that
originally the roots contained two consonants only; but at present the
three consonants are almost invariably present.

As an illustration we may offer the frequently quoted Arable root

q-t-1, which has the general sense of "killing." The signif ication
of this root is variously limited by the vowels used. Thus qatala
signifies "he kills;" quilla,"he was killed;" qutilu, "they were
killed;" uqtal, "to kill;" qatil, "killing;" i q tal, "to cause killing;
quatl, "murder;" Qltl, "enemy;" q u t l , " m u r d e r o u s ; a n d so on through
numerous other variations. It may readily be seen how essentially
his linguistic method differs from the Mongolian and the Aryan, with
their intrlcate use of suffixes. In the Semitic not only special
modiflcations of sense, but the grammatical distinctions of tense,
number, person, gender, etc., are indicated in the same manner. The
system is extended to cover almost every demand of language. Each
Arable verb has theoretically fifteen conjugations, of which ten or
tv/elve, each with its passive forra, are in soraewhat comraon use. Suf­
fixes, prefixes, and even infixes are moderately employed, but Semitic
words never add ending to ending to the formation of long and intri-
cate compounds, as in Aryan and Mongolian speech.

The Semitic languages, comprising the Hebrew and Arable, the ancient
Assyrian, Phoenician, etc., are remarkable for their rigidity. For
centuries they persist with scarcely a change. This seems, indeed,
a necessary consequence of their character. The root is the most un-
changing of verbal forras, and the root is the visible skeleton of
every Semitic word. Hardly a single corapound Semitic word exists,
while variation of form takes place with exceeding slowness.

The Semitic type of language thus points to the speech of primitive

man as directly as does the Chínese. It is root-language to a very
marked extent, and does not occupy the high position in linguistic
development which is often ascribed to it. Its superiority to the
Chine se consists in the adoption of a superior expedient, — that of
root-inflection, which served all linguistic purposes, and checked
further development by rendering unnecessary the employment of other
expedients, as in the remainlng types of speech. It has consequently
retained its archaic method with rigid persisteney.

The Melanochroic people of Africa possess what is usually considered

a distinct type of language, known as the Hamltic, and spoken by the
ancient Egyptians, the modern Copts, and by the Berbers of the Sahara
región from Egypt to the Atlantic. These languages are related to
AHORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Number Ninety-Five Page Five
the Semitic family. Hany of their roots are similar to Semitic roots,
and in grammatical structure there are marked traces of Semitic af-
finity. Yet there are characteristics differing from the Semitic.
It may he that the two types of speech were derived from a single
source and have developed somewhat differently. The Egyptian language
is monosyllahic, and its forms are almost as rigid and archaic in
structure as those of the Chinese. This monosyllabilism has been
traced by some writers to a Nigritian source. The monosyllahic
character pertains to several of the Negro languages; and the fact
that their vocabularies differ from the Egyptian proves nothing,since
savage vocabularies often change with great rapidity.

This suggestion is in accordance with the idea advenced in regard to

the origin of the Helánochroic race. In fact, our consideration of
the language of mankind leads to some interesting conclusions. The
two primitive races, the Llongolian and the Negro, probably both used
originally a root-method of speech. Each of them, according to our
view of the case, developed into a very ancient civilization,— the
Chinese and the Egyptian. These civilizations carne into existence
ere language had advanced far beyond its archaic root-conditions; and
in the adaptation of this imperfect method of speech to the needs óf
man in his earliest civilized stage, roots continued the main con-
stituent of language, and were variously dealt with to express the
multitude of new ideas that aróse. The root-language from v/hich carne
that of Egypt may have, in another región, developed the hlghly ef-
fective system of root-inflection of Semitic speech. Alike in the
Semitic and the Hamitic linguistic types, the use of suffixes and
affixes prevails to a limited extent; and in this respect they are
in harmony with the Nigritian languages,— their possible ancestral
stock,— in which the agglutinative principie has attained some slight
development. 3ut the separation of these several types must have
taken place at a very remóte date, while language was yet but little
developed beyond its archaic stage.

o o o 0 o o o
The subject matter of this monograph must be understood by the reader or student of
same, not to be the official Rosicrucian teachings. These monographs constitute a series of
supplementary studies provided by the Rosicrucian Brotherhood. AMORC, both to mem-
bers and non-members, because they are not the secret, private teachings of the Order.
The object of these supplementary monographs is to broaden the mind of the student by
presenting him with the writings, opinions, and dissertations of authorities in various fields
of human enterprise and endeavor. Therefore, itis quite probable that the reader will note
at times in these supplementary monographs statements made which are inconsistent with
the Rosicrucian teachings or view-point. But with the realization that they are merely
supplem entary and that the Rosicrucian Organizaron isnot endorsing or condoning them,
one must take them merely for their prima facievalué. Throughout the supplementary series
the authors or translators of the subject will be given due creditwhenever we have knowl-
edge of their identity.
AMORC - Rosicrucian Oraer -A-
Lecture Number Ninety-Six Page One


The Development of Language. (Cont'd.)

In the Hongolian.languages root-inflection failed to appear, and the

principie of word-compounding took its place as the ordinary expedient.
We have traced this line of development of language through its ar-
rested stage in Chinese, and its unfoldment in American and Hongolian
speech, to its culmlnatlon in Aryan,— a linguistic type which seems
to be in direct continuity with the Hongolian agglutinátive method.
This consideration leads to the same conclusión which we reached in
studying the races of mankind. We seera to perceive two original races,
the Hongolian and the Negroid, each with its archaic type of speech,
closely resembling each other originally, but pursuing different U n e s
of development, the former reaching its final stage in the speech of
Xanthochroic man,— the highest outcome of the Hongolian race; the lat-
ter in the speech of the Semites,— the highest outcome of the Negroid
race. It remains, in conclusión of this chapter, to consider the dé-
velopment of the Aryan tvpe of speech,— the most effective instrument
of intellectual expression yetrat'tained by man.

In the Aryan languages alone has verbal an&lysis becorae a prominent

characteristic. In the Semitic tongues there is no analysis, and al­
mo st no synthesis. The same may be said of the Chinese and its cogn-
ate dialects. In the other languages of Asia, and those of Europe
and America, synthesis is a prevailing characteristic, it reaching
its culmination in the interminable American compounds. It is less
declared in the Hongolian tongues, but inrone of them does word-
analysis appear. This is only found as an active principie in the
Aryan of sil the families of speech. In the Aryan languages it has
always been a ruling characteristic, though it is not strongly declared
in the most archaic of these dialects. No tendency to preserve the in-
tegrity of form in words exists, and abrasión has gone steadily on,
reducing the length of verbal elements, and wearing down or breaking
up compound words into raonosyllables, until some Aryan tongues have
gained a monosyllabilism approaching that of the Chinese. It is this
analytic tendency which has produced and constitutes the Aryan method
of inflection, and in which it is strongly contrasted with the vowel-
inflection of Semitic speech.

Erom its origin, the Aryan type of speech has manifestea the double
power to bulla up and to 'WüSk down, and these powers have been con-
tinually in exercise. It is an interesting fact, however, that the
building-up or word-combining tendency long continued the more active,
and yielded such highly coraplex inflectional languages as the Sanscrit
and the G-reek. The variation from the Hongolian method was not yet
decided, and the synthetic principie continued in the ascendency. But
throughout the succeeding period, down to the present time, the
abrading or analytic tendency has been the more active, and languages
of very simple structure have arisen. This is most strikingly the case
AMORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Nuraber Ninety-Six Page Two
in English speech, but it is also strongly declared in the Latín de-
rivative languages, in modern Persian and Hindú, and to some extent
in modern Greek and Cernían. It appears to have met with most re­
si stance in Slavonic speech, in which the synthetic tendency has
vigorously retained its ascendency.

In all the ancient Aryan tongues the use of word-corabinatlon for

grammatical expression was vitally active. Highly complex languages
aróse, which are often spoken of v/ith an admiration as if they had
attained the perfection oflinguistic structure, and as if modern
languages were barbarous in comparison. And yet they are superior
to agglutinative speech only in the fact that they permit verbal
variation. They are cumbersome and unwieldy to modern tongues, which
have become fitted to the use of a simpler and swifter speech.

No sooner dld the vigor of word-combination grow inactive, checked

probably by the complexity it had evolved, than the analytic tendency
hecame jorominent, and began to break down the cumbrous compouna words
irrto their elements. The pronoun was separated from the verb.
Partióles were torn off and used separately. Auxiliarles carne into
more frequent use. Analysis rose into active competition with syn-
thesis. Yet this did not proceed rapidly in the ancient historie
period. That was an age of literary cultivation, in which language
became controlled by standards of authority, and its variation was
greatly checked. The most active analytic change was that displayed
by the Latín, the speech of a highly practical people, who were more
attracted to ease and convenience of utterance than to philosophic
perfectiOTTof grammatical method.

As the synthetic principie had originated during the primal period of

Aryan barbar!sm, and reached its hlghest development during the an­
cient era of literary cultivation, so a second period of barbarism
seemed essential to any rapid action of the analytic principie. This
period carné. The ancient civilization vanished, and a long-continued
era of mental gloom overspread the Aryan world. Throughout this
Middle-Age period the restraining influence of literature ceased to
act. Nearly all the literary cultivation that remained was restrict-
ed to the classical Latín and G-reek in the West, and Sanscrit in the
East. Every check to dialectical change was removed, and language
varied v/ith the utraost activity.

This variation,in Europa., was greatly aided by the forcible raingling

of peoples speaking "unlike dialects. In France, Italy,~rnTd Spé&h the
Latiir beeame exposed to the influence of barbarían invaaers aecustomed
to a different speech. The complex words, with their intricate signi-
ficanee, proved a burden to these new speakers; they became broken up
into their elements. When, at a later period, the minds of men be­
came again cultivated, and thought regained some of its vanished powers
the analytic tendency held its own; the oíd synthetic process had lost
its forcé! Auxlliarles and~"words of relation carne more and more into
use. Complex ideas, instead of being condensed into single words, as
of oíd, were expressed by groups of words, each of which constituted
a sepárate element of the idea. A distinct and highly valuable step
AHORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Number Ninety-Six Page Three
forward in the evolution of language had been gained. As in ancient
writing the characters at flrst expressed ideas, then words and syl-
lables, and finally alphabetic sounas, so thought became divided into
its prime elements, and instead of spoken.words expressing complete
ideas, as in American speech, or sectional parts of ideas, as in ag-
glutinative and early inflectional speech, they became reduced into
the component elements of ideas. A sort of Chemical analysis of
thought had taken place. Thought had, if we raay so express it, been
reduced to its alphabetic form.

This, the highest, and probably the final, stage in the evolution of
language, has nowhere gained its complete development. In sorae lan-
guages, as in the modern Germán, which remained unaffected by trans-
plantation and mixture with a foreign tongue, the synthetic principie
is still vigorously active. The analytic has gained its fullest de­
velopment in modern English. This tendency, indeed, was strongly at
work upon the Anglo-Saxon long before its intermixture with foreign
elements. Of all Aryan dialects it showed the raost active native in-
clination to analysis. The reduction of words to monosyllables, the
loss of inflectional expedients, and the use of sepárate auxiliarles,
pronouns, prepositions, etc., made considerable progress in the long
dark period before the Norman Conquest. This latter event intensified
the change of method. The forced mingling of two modes of speech,
each already tending to analysis, and each with but little literary
cultivation, could not but have an important effect. The synthetic
forms rapidly decreased, and there finally issued a language of
elementary structure, largely monosyllabic, almost devoid of inflec-
tion, and to some extent displaying a reversión to the root-stage of
human speech.

Such is the English of to-day,— the most complete outcome of linguisti

analysis yet reached, the highest stage attained in the long pathway
of verbal evolution. At first glance it seems to have moved backward
instead of forward. It has approached the Chinese in its loss of in-
flection, its monosyllabilism, and its partial replacement of the
grammatical by the syntactical arrangement of the sentence. Yet this
is no real reversión. Our pride in the richness of Aryan speech as
compared with the poverty and imperfection of the Chinese is apt to
blind us to the fact that the Chinese system has features of decided
valué. Similar features have been gained by English speech, while
none of the actual advantages of inflection have been lost. In the
English we perceive a decided advance toward that simplicity of con-
ditions which marks all highest results. Nearly every inflectional
expedient v/hich could be spared, or be replaced by an analytic ex-
pedient, has been cast off. The inflection of nouns has almost
vanished. That of adjectives has quite disappeared, Only in the
pronouns- does inflection partly hold its own. The inflectional con-
jugation of verbs is reduced to a mere shadow of its former self. The
utterly useless gender-distinctions which yet encumber the languages
of Continental Eu rope have absolutely vanished.

Nearly all these incubi of language have been got rid of in English,
which has moved out of the shadow of the past more fully than any
other living tongue. It has in great measure discarded what was
AliORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Number Ninety-Six Page Four
valueless, and kept what was valuable In inflectional speech, adopt-
ing an analytic expedient wherever available, though freely using the
principie of synthetic combination of words where the latter yielded
the advantage.It stands in the forefront of linguistic development,
possessed of the best of the oíd and the new, having certain links of
affinity with every cultivated type of language that exists, rid of
all useless and cumbersorae forms, yet possessed of a flexibility, a
mingled softness and vigor of tone, a richness of vocabulary, and a
power of expressing delicate shades of thought, in which it is sur-
passed by none, and equalled by few of existing languages.

With a brief comparison of the different Aryan languages this chapter

may cióse. Of all these the Sanscrit of the Vedas is regarded as the
most primitive form, the one nearest the original Aryan, as the Vedas
themselves are the most ancient record of Aryan thought. It has pre-
served many archaic forms which are lost elsewhere, and without its
aid our knowledge of the ancient conditions of Aryan life would be
much reduced. Its syntax is comparatively simple, the dominant
ancient method of word-composition taking its place. Its grammati-
cal forms are very full and complete; yet in the modern Hindú dia-
lects the usual reversal of this condition appears. These dialects
are marked by an active analytical tendency.

The language of the Zend Avesta of the Persians has strong marks of
affinity to the Vedic dialect. In some respects it is more archaic;
yet as a whole it is younger in form, the Avestas being of more recent
production than the Rig Veda. In modern Persian, however, the analy-
tic tendency is very strongly declared,— more so, perhaps, than in any
language except the English, which it resembles in the simplicity of
its grammar. It has even gone so far as to lose all distinction of
gender in the personal pronoun of the third person. Yet it is said
to be a melodious and forcible language. Its great degree of analytic
change is probably due to the extensive mixture of races that has
taken place on Persian soil.

In regard to the European languages, many efforts have been raade to

class them into sub-groups. Thus one author ranks the Greek, another
the Germán, another the Slavonic, as nearest the Indo-Persian. One
brings the Celtio nearer than the Greek to the Latin, v/hile the more
common opinión makes it wholly independent. Of these schemes nothing
more need to be said, since nothing satisfactory has yet come of them.
The Celtio dialects have certain peculiarities not shared by other
members of the Aryan family, and are orainarily looked upon as the
most aberrant group. The grammar, indeed, displays features which seera
to' indícate a non-Aryan influence. The incorporation of the pronoun
between the verb and its prefixes in Irish speech has been imputed by
Professor Rhys to a Basque influence. Some other peculiarities exist
which tend to indícate that the aborigines with whom the Celts mingled
exercised a degree of influence upon their method of speech.

Of the Teutonic división, the most strlking peculiarity is the posses-

sion of the strong, or vowel conjugation, such as we have, for in-
stance, in the grammatical variations of form in "sing," "sang,” and
AIvíORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Number Ninety-Six Page Five
"sung." In this respect the Teutonic rnakes an approach to the Seraitic
method of inflection, though the principie with it is probably of re­
cent origin. Of the Letto-Slavic group, the Lithuanian is marked by
a highly archaic structure. In some few points its grammar is of older
type than even the Sanscrit. The Slavonic dialects are characterized
by phonetic and gramrnatical complexity and a great power of forming
agglutinative compounds. The indication of language is that the
Slavonians have been the least exposed to foreign influence, and are
the nearest to the primitive Aryans and to their probable Mongolian
ancestors, of any section of the race. As an instance, Sayce quotes
from the Russian the two words Bez b o g a , "without G-od.” These can be
fused into one word, from which, by the aid of suffixes, we obtain
Bezbozhnul, "godless;" from this is gained the noun bezbozhnik, "an
atheist,H ttien the very bezbozhnichut," to be an atheist; with a host
of derivatives, of which may be named be zbo zhni che stvo, "the condition
of being an atheist," and bezbozhnichestvovat, ^to be in the condition
of being an atheist." Certainly the Russian has lost none of the an-
cient richness of the synthetic method, or descended into what classi-
cists regard as the base abyss of analytic speech. The Finns, with
whom the Russians are so raingled in blood, could hardly present an
instance of synthesis more complex than the last named. This is pre-
cisely the condition we should expect to find in the home-staying
section of the Aryan race.

It is to the ancient G-reek that we must look for the most logical and
attractive unfoldment of the inflectional method. Though emlnently
capable of forming compounds, it is free from the extravagance dis-
played by the Sanscrit in this direction, while its syntax has reach-
ed a high level of development. Finally, in the Latin, as already
remarked, the analytical gramrnatical tendency is indicated in a
stronger degree than in any other ancient Aryan tongue. This has been
carried forward through the line of its descendants, the Romance lan­
guage s of southwestern Europe, and is particularly displayed in the
French, in which the spoken has run far beyond the written language in
its tendency to verbal abrasión. As regards gramrnatical analysis, how-
ever, the English, as alreadyremarked, has gone farther than any modern
language, and is only less bare of inflectional forms than its very
remóte cousin, the Chinese. And it may be said, in conclusión, that
the English, while the most advanced in development, has become the
most widespread of Aryan languages; it is spoken by large populations
in every quarter of the earth; and if any modern language is to be
the basis of the future speech of raankind, the English seems the most
probable, both from its character and its extensión, to attain that
higher honor.

o o o 0 o o o
The subject matter of this monograph must be understood by the reader or student of
same, not to be the official Rosicrucian teachings. These monographs constitute a series of
supplementary studies provided by the Rosicrucian Brotherhood, AMORC, both to mem-
bers and non-members, because they are not the secret, private teachings of the Order.
The object of these supplementary monographs is to broaden the mind of the student by
presenting him with the writings, opinions, and dissertations of authorities in various flelds
of human enterprise and endeavor. Therefore, itisquite probable that the reader will note
at times in these supplementary monographs statements made which are inconsistent with
the Rosicrucian teachings or view-point. But with the realization that they are merely
supplem entary and that the Rosicrucian Organizaron isnot endorsing or condoning them,
one must take them merely for their prima facievalué. Throughout the supplementary series
the authors or translators of the subject will be given due creditwhenever we have knowl-
edge of their identity.
AMORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Number Ninety-Seven Page One


The Age of Philosophy

The assertion that the Aryans are intellectually superior to the

other races of mankind may be held as not proved by what we have yet
related concerning them. In the growth of the primitive conaitions
of religión, statecraft, industry, language, etc., there was no in­
dividual action. These were all results of involuntary evolution,
not of purposive activity of the intellect. The democratic character
of the Aryan political system, for instance, naturally aróse from a
primitive stage very closely resembling that attained by the American
Indians. The subsequent spirit of liberty of the Aryans seems largely
due to the fact that there had al so developed among them a democratic
o_r individual religious system, and that, in consequence, there exist-
ed no strongly organized and influential priesthood, as elsewhere,
to hold their souls in captivity. Their village community system was
a natural result of the fact that they became agricultural ere any
progress in political organization had been made. The same result
aróse from the same condi ti ons in America.- In the primitive
agricultural civilizations of Egypt and China, on the contrary, the
political organization probably preceded the developraent of agri-
culture, and patriarchisrn became established. The same thought ap-
plies to the Aryan language. Its superiority may be due to the fact
that out of_the^_several possi ble methods of speech-evolution the
Aryans chañcéd to adopt the one most capable of high development, and
which has, in consequence, continued to unfold its cápabilities wiiile
the other types have long sincé~reache& a stae>e of rigid speci&liza-

And yet all this must be more than the effect of mere chance. It
would be very surprising if a single race should have blundered into
the best methods of human development in all directions. Though in
regard to the matters so far consideren there is no probability that
individuáis exercised any important voluntary control over the devel­
opment of institutions, yet the collective intellect of the Aryans
could not have been without its directive forcé. It úndoub'tédly
served as a rudder to guide the onward progress of the race and pre-
vent this from becoming the mere blind drift of chance. This much
we clearly perceive,--that the Aryans nowhere enterea into a rigidly
specialized state. In all the unfoldment of their institutions they
pursued that mid line of progress which alone permite continued de­
velopment. If v/e compare the only one of the non-Aryan civilizations
that has survived to our time, the Chinese, with those of Aryan origin
this fact will become evident. In all respects, in language, poli­
tice, religión, etc., the Chinese early attained a condition of strict
specialization, and their progress carne to an end. For severa! thou-
sand years tluey have remained stagnant, except in the sin0ie direc-
tio'n of industrial development, in which some slow progress has been
made. But in all these respects the Aryans have continued unspecial-
AMORC - Ro siorucian Oráer -A-
Lecture Number Ninety-Seven Page Tv/o
ized, and their development has been steadily progressive. This pro­
grese yet actively continúes; while there is no hope for China, ex-
cept in a complete disruption of its antique system and a deep in­
fusión of Aryan ideas into the Chinese intellect. This general
Aryan superior!ty is indicative of a highly active and capable intel­
lect, even though no one mind exercised a controlling influence. The
general mentality of the race, the gross sum of Aryan thought and
judgment, must have guided the course of Aryan evolution and kept our
forefathers from those side-pits of stagnation into which all their
competitors fell. During its primitive era the Aryan race moved
steadily forward unto a well-dévised system of organization v/hich
formen the basis of the great development of modern times.

It is our purpose now, however, to consider the unfoldment o f -the in-

tellect at a higher stage,— that in which indiviauality carne strongly
into play, single men emerged from the mass of raen, and great minds
brou^ht their strength to bear upon the movement of human events. It
is here that the superiority of the Aryan intellect makes itself first
specially apparent. The mentality of the race developed with remarc­
able rapidity, and yielded a series of lofty conceptions far beyond
the proaucts of any other race of mankind. A brief comparison of the
attainments of the ancient Aryan intellect with the mental work of
contemporary nations cannot fail to show this clearly. V7e shall here
concern ourselves v/ith the philosophical productions of the race, be-
fore considering their more general literary labors.

As already said, the human intellect is primarily made up of two

great divisions, the_reason and the imagination, which underlie its
more special characteristics. Re ason is base! .pn the .practical,
imagination on._the emotional, side of thpu^ht. The se are the condi-
tions which we find in a specially developed state in the tv/o rnost
distinguishable primary races of man, the Mongolian and the Negro.
The-Man&Qlian is practical man, the Negro emotional man. In each of
these two ráces~ the'quality naríied is present in a marked degree,
while the other quality has attained only a minor development. The
same rule applies to the two race-divisions of the Caucasians, con-
sidered as derivatives respectively of the two original races. The
puré Xanthochroi strongly display the Mongolian practicality; the
puré ilelanochroi the Negro emotional excitability. Yet the one has
unfolded into reason, the other into imagination. Eut for the com­
plete development of these high faculties a mingling of the two sub­
races seemed requisite. The practical mental turn of the Xanthochroi
needed to be roused and invigoratea by an infusión of the excitable
fancy of the South; the fanciful mentality of the Melanochroi to be
subdued and sobered by an infusión of the practical judgment of the
North. As a result aróse the mingled reason and imagination of the
Aryan intellect, each controlling, yet each invigoratlng the other,
until through their unión mentality has reached the acmé of its
powers, and human thought has made the whole universe its field of

Of the non-Aryan civilizations v/hich have attempted to enter the field

of philosophy, three only neea be named,— the Chinese, the Egyptian,
AI10RC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Number Finety-Seven Page Three
and the JBabylflnian. As for the American civilizations, they viere
whan destroyed still in the stage of mythology. Everywhere, indeed,
m;yUx>logy appears as the result of the earliest effort oí the human
rnind ío explain the mysteries of the universe. The forees and forms
of Nature are looked upon as supernatural beings, with personal
histories and man-like consciousness and thought. This is but little
displayed by the practical Chinese, who had not imagination enough
to devise a mythology. \7e find it much more strongly manifested by
the Egyptians, who had much of the fervor of the Helanochroic fancy.

It v*ras with the detached and often discordant mythologic figments,

produced through a long era of god-making, that philosophy first
concerned itself. V/hen men had passed through the ancient era of
blind worship of the elements, and begun to think about the theory of
the universe which had grown up involuntarily during the long preced-
ing centuries, they were not slow to perceive its_incongruity. Every­
where gods crowded upon gods. Their duties and aEtTlbutey"'blashed
and mingled. Their ñames flowed together. Their histories overlap-
ped each other. 1 w a « n1 1 diacora of. ideas. It
vías v e r y apparent that there muet be error somewhere. Hea ven ana
earth could not be governed in this chaotic fashion. Some order must
exist beneath this interminable show of disorder.

It is not difficult to understand hov; this confused intricacy had

arisen. There is reason to believe tha.t in ancient Arya, though many
gods were recognized, each worshipper addressed himself to but one
deity at a time, whom he looked upon as supreme, and whom he invest-
ed with all the deific attributes. This system, named '’henotheism"
by Max Muller, is the one we find in the hymns of the Rig Veda. In
succession the different gods of the Aryan pantheon are supreme
deities to these antique singers. M e n ’s mind seemed not sufficient-
ly expanded actually to grasp the thought of more than one god at a
time, though they acknowledged the existence of many. This ascription
of the various duties, powers, and attributes of the deity to so many
different beings, necessarily produced considerable confusión, which
increased with the growth of mythologic fancles. It grew with parti­
cular rapidity in G-reece, since the actively commercial Rellenes im-
ported new gods from Phoenicia, Assyria, and Egypt, and mingled them
with the tenants of the ancient Aryan pantheon, until the confusión
of ideas became somewhat ludicrous.

It is interesting to find that in the earliest efforts of men to ob-

taln a philosophical idea of the universe the tliinkers were still
ardent believers in mythology, and their efforts were limited to an
attempt to divide the duties of celestial government among the several
deities, and introduce order into the deific court. This stage of
thought we find vaguely indicated in Egypt and Babylonia, and more
aefinitely in G-reece; but it yielded no impórtant results in any of
these regions. The disorder was too great, and the mingling of the
deific stories too intricate, to admit of any success in their re-
arrangement. In Egypt and Greece, indeed, thought soon passed beyond
AIIORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Number Ninety-Seven Page Four
this stage; the gods were left to the unquestioning v/orship of the
people, and thinkers began to devise systems of philosophy outside
the U n e s of the oíd mythology. The same was the oase of India; but
nothing that can be called a philosophy of the universe aróse among
the Semites. Certain highly fanciful cosmological ideas were 'devised;
but the religious system remained largely in the henotheistic stage.
Of the superior gods of the oíd mythology, each Semitic nation select-
ed one as its supreme deity, or perhaps raised to this honor its own
divine ancestor after his ancestral significance had becorae greatly
dimmed. These supreme deities becarne each the Lord, the King, the
Ruler. The cloak of myth fell from their mighty limbs, and left
them standing in severe and unapproachable majesty— the sublime rulers
of the universe, for whom it would have been sacrilege to invent a
history, and to whom there was left nothing of human frailty, and
little of human sympathy,. Such was the course of Semitic thought.
It devised no philosophy, yet it evolved, as its loftiest product,
a strict mondtHeIsm*,--a conception of the deity that grew the more
sublime as it divested itself of imaginative details.

In two branches of the Aryan people the effort to organice mythology

and work over this oíd system of belief into a consistent theory of
the universe attained some raeasure of success. These v/ere the
Persians and the Teutons. The Persian system, indeed, which grew
up among the followers of Zoro&ster, dealt but little with the oíd
mythology, but devised a new one of its own. Yet its philosophy was
largely myhological, and it bears a resemblance to the Teutonic so
marked as to rnake it seem as if some of their common ideas were of
ancíent Aryan origin. These tv/o philosophies of mythology, the only
complete ones that have ever been devised, are of sufficient interest
to v/arrant a brief description.

The Persian system is only partly to be ascribed to Zoroaster. Its

complete unfoldment is the work of the thinkers of a later perioa.
Several of the steps of its development are yet visible. A compari-
son of the Avesta with the Vedas shows interesting indications of a
religious schism between the Hindú and the Iranian sects. The Devas,
the Hshining ones," of the Hindús becarne the Daevas, the 11demons
of Irán. On the contrary, the Hindú demons, the Asuras, becarne the
Ahuras, the gods of the Iranians. One of the Ahuras, a Mazda, or
world-maker, v/as chosen as the special deity of the Zoroastrian faith,
which originally had a monotheistic character,— or rather it was in
principie dualistic, sine Ahura-Mazda coraprised tv/o natures, and
combined within one personality tñé double delfic attributes of good
and evil.

At a later period these attributes unfolded into tv/o distinct beings,

and a new supreme god was imagined, — Zarvan Akarana (Boundless 'Time) ,
the primal^J^^aiive_^power. The mytho'Xbgic phiio-sophy, as finally
completed, was briefly a/s'follows. In the beginning the Absolute
Being, Zarvan Akarana, produced two great divine beings,--Ahura
Mazda, and Angra Mainyas, or, as ordinarily named, Ormuzd and Ahri-
man. These were respectively the lords of light and aarkness— Ormuzd
AITORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Number Ninety-Seven Page Five
a bright, wise, all bountiful spirit; Ahriman an evil and ¿ark Intel-
ligence. From the beginning an antagonism existed between thern,
v'MTClTwas destined to continué until the end of time. Zarvan j a r a na
next createa the visible v;orld, destined to last twelve thousand years,
and to be the_seat of a terrible contest between the great deities of
11 g h t a n d d A S c r iA a ^ .

Ormuzd manifested his power by creating the earth and the heavens, the
stars and the planets, and the Fravashi, the host of bright spirits;
while Ahriman, his equal in Creative ability, produced a darle world,
in opposition to the world of light, and peopled it with an equal host
of evil spirits. This contest between the two great deities was to
last until the end of time. Yet the Spirit of G-loom was inferior in
wisdom. t.o the Spirit of Light, and all his evil actions finally work'ed
to aid the victory of Ormuzd. Thus the hull, the. original animal,
was destroyed by Ahriman; but from its carcass man carne into being
under the Creative command of Ormuzd.- This new race increased, while
the earth became peopled with animáis and plants. Yet for every good
creation of Ormuzd, Ahriman created something evil. The wolf was Dp-
posed to the dog, noxious to useful plants, etc. lían became tempted
by Ahriman in the forra of a serpent, and ate the fruit which the
tempter brought him. In consequence, he fell from his original high
estáte, and became mortal and miserable. Yet the human nacfi retained
the^powar o f free-will: they could choose between good and evilT
and by thelr choice they could aid one or the other of the great
combatants. Each man became a soldier in the war of the deities.

o o o 0 o o o
The subject matter of this monograph musí be understood by the reader or student of
same, not to be the ofBcial Rosícrucian teachings. These monographs constitute a series of
supplementary studies provided by the Rosícrucian Brotherhood, AMORC, both to mem-
bers and non-members, because they are not the secret, private teachings of the Order.
The object of these supplementary monographs is to broaden the mind of the student by
presenting him with the writings, opinions, and dissertations of authorities in various fíelds
of human enterprise and endeavor. Therefore, itis quite probable that the reader will note
at times in these supplementary monographs statements made which are inconsistent with
the Rosícrucian teachings or view-point. But with the realization that they are merely
supplem entary and that the Rosícrucian Organizaron isnot endorsing or condoning them,
one must take them merely for their prima facie valué. Throughout the supplementary series
the authors or translators of the subject will be given due creditwhenever we have knowl-
edge of their identity.
ADIORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Nuraber íünety-ftine Page One


The Age of Philosophy (Cont’d.)

The Philosophlcal svstem of China is a curious one, which, however,

we can T>ut ver y briefIy'“descrTbe'. con^triGous development,
its antique basis being ln the myatical symbol s of Fu-hi nar ch
of some such dubious date as 2800 3. C . ~l?hese"'gyiirbül^consisted simply
of a whole and a divided line, "cbKstituting the diagram (— -).
These U n e s were variously combined, so as to raake in all sixty^four
combinations. On this strange arrangement of U n e s , which very pro­
ba b l e was~"cOnnected with some ancient system of divination, an abun-
dance of thought has been exercised, and the v/hole svstem o f .Chínese
philosophy gradually erected. The first great ñame T n t h i s deveiop-
ment T s that of Warf W a ñ g V 'of about 1150 B . C . Being imprisoned for
some political orrence, this anticjue philosopher occupied himself in
studying out the meaning of these combinations. The result of his
reflections was the Y-King,— among the raost ancient and certainly the
most.-Q.hacure and InSompreEensible of all ltnown books. The Y-King
comprises four parte. First are the sixty-four diagrams, each with
some ñame attacftecTto it; as heaven, eá^rth, ~Tire, et,c. "Second, are
a series of obacure sentenees attached by Wan Wang to those diagrams.
Third, v/e have other amblfiirga'B^Texrs‘~by 1 cheou¿ín?cr~tTíe^~son ~of Wan"
Wang, the Chinese SoloraonV” Fourth, are a host of' commentaries, many
centuries later. The v/hole forms an intricate"system of philosophy,
which is based on the idea of the duality of all things. The v/hole
lines represent the strong, the divided lines the v/eak, or the _ac ti y e
as contrasted with the passive. These indícate two great primal"
principies,--Y a n g , the active, Yin, the passive,— which owe their
origin to the Tal-Kelh, the first great cause. All existence comes
f£°flL.Í*he-Yang and the Yin: Heaven, light, sun, male, etc., from the
Yang; earth, darkness, moon, female, etc., from the Yin. This de-
velopment of the idea is mainly the work of the later oommentators.
Tai-keih, or the grand extreme^ is the inmaterial producer of all
existence. Yang and Yin are^tHe dual expression bf this principie,--
Yang the ageney of expansión, Yin that of contraction. When the ex-
paftsiTe- ac tlvttry-“reache-s- it.s ilmity contrae ti oh ‘and passivity set in.
lían resulta from the utrüost aevelopment of this pulsatíng activity
and passivity. His nature is perfectly good; but if he is not in-
fluenced by it, but by the outer'world, his deeds will be evll. TJie
holy man is he with full insight of this twcfold operation of the
uljtimate principlej and of thqse holy men Confucius was the last.
Such is Ine developed philosophy of the Y -Klng as ^xpr^ssed by Choo-
tsze (1200 A.D.) ,— one of the la test of the many oommentators who
have sought to unfold the Fu-Hi symbols into a philosophy of the

Of the best-known Chínese philosophers, Confucius and Lao-Tsze, the

system of the former was simply a creed of moráis; that of the latter
was but an unfoldment of the dual idea. To Lao-tsze the primal
principie vas a great something named the Tao, concerning which his
AIIORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Number Ninety-Nine Page Two
ideas seem exceedingly obscure. Tao was the unnamable, the empty,
but inexhaustible? the Invi si ble» .belnjft and not-
belng^,.^he~orlgjn of All things are born of being. Be-
ing is born ó f n o ^ 5 e i n g 7 All ^hinas origínate from Tao. To Tao
all things return. Y,re have here a vague oonception of the emgnation
philosophy. The creed of the faith is based on the virtue of'TSas-
siyTty-^ No¿_to-Aety-tfi-ilxe. .saurjoe„,.a£__all power . The'passive con-
quers. Pa&sivity identlfies one w ith Tao, arfa yields the strength
of _TaP .tjQ the heli.ev.ei7A certairi f lavor"'or"BtXddhrrgffi pervades this
theory, and it may have had its origin in a previous knowledge of the
Buddhistic creed by the philosopher; but it is very far below Bud-
dhism in distinctness of stateraent and clearness of thought. Yet
it is remarkable as the highest philosophical proauct of the Chin.ese

If now we come to consider the ancient Aryan philosophies, it is to

find ourselves in a new worid of thought, a realm of the intellect
that seems removed by a wide gulf from that occupied by the contem-
porary peoples of alien race. These philosophies are the work of
two branches of the Aryans, the ,HlndiL~jaricL^ some brief ac-
count of whose systems of thought may be here given.

Of the peoples of the past o n l x j h u r can be said to have.risen, in

their highest thought, clearly above“the level of mythology. The se
were the Chine se and the Hebrews, the Hindus and the Greeks; to whom
m ay be added the pupila of the last, thé_Rdmans. But of these the
first tv/o nánred'-caimüt be fairly said to have ever'TTad a mythology.
And of thera the Hebrews originated no philosophy, while out of the
countless millions of the Chinese race, with their constant literary
cultivation, only one or tv/o philosophers aróse; and their systems
of thought, perhaps devised under Buddhistic inspiration, have been
allowed to decline into blank idolatry or unphilosophical scepticism.
For different was the pase in India. There we find a connected and
dg^inlte sys.tem of philosophy growing up, the out come of the”'thought
of a iong series' of "Srahmanic priests, grounded in the childlike
figments of mythology, but developing into_a manly vigor of reason-
ing th¿t~lTas ~n5Vey beetr^surpaseed in the cir’ cie'of metapHysical
jthourdit ♦ It w a i m .reiuurkabi'e pe o'ple wi~th''whbm we aré nov; cóncerned,
— people that dwelt only in the worid of thought, and held the af-
faiTs"~of real íif’ e ás naught. This worid was to 'them but a tém-~.
p orarv r e s t m g p p l acc -botwoon tv/o eternTtiey, a "región of probation
fori-jthe~~purlflcatión oí the s o u H \7ith the cóncerns of the
eternities"tEeir mincTs’v/ere steacCTly occupied, and time was thrust
aslde from their thoughts as a base prison into which their souls
had been plunged to purge them of their sins.

Their effort_to solve the myntery..Qf existence called forth-au. intri-

cate and clearly thought-out conception of the organization of the
universe^ in which reapon and imagination were_ intimately comblned,--
tne iatter, however, oftén so uncheckecf and extravagantes to reach
heights of untold absurdity. The final outcome of this activity of
thought was a philosophical systera strikingly like that reached by
the Egyptians,— a dogma of eraanation and absorption, with Inter-
AiíORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Number Ninety-Nine Page Three
eternity of Egyptian thought, we here ljsok Junto. thjg__.papt and_the
fnt.nrg nf ~4>hrottgh-a léns. of .elear t r ansjDarency /

We have now to deal with a thoroughly pantheistic doctrine of the

vejase,— the abundant fountain of all subsequeñt~pafttheism. In
the..bofeijijitnfr-RvahTTia^.alone existed, — an all-pervading, self-existent
e^sence, in whlch a l l t n l n g ,& b e 1 a y '1ft the §eé&. ' Thls divine
progenitor, “CftB^illiraTtáhljS éssehcé of deity, v/illed the univerpe
into__b.eing from hla own subst'ance, created the waters by meditation,
and placed in thern a fertile seed, v/hich 'developed into a golden egg.
From thiñ egg~^BYfshma,' the impersonal essehcé, was bóra luto personal
being as^BrahraiT,the creator of ali~~íhiñgs~. "We~need not here concern
ourseTvei with th'eHfiañy "éXtravagances of the ardent imagination,
that overlaid this conception and the subsequeñt work of creation
with an endless array of fantastic adornments, but raay keep to the
central core of the Brahrnanic philosophy. It will suffice to say that
from the impersonal, thus emt>odi££L.&s thg._jo.erso nal Brahraa, all things
,araje_A— tile he agen s , tire"éarth, and the nether réalm, with all théir
countlega.inhabltants. Ali were emanations from the primal Deity,
and.nll were destined to be even.tu.ally ré-'gbsorb£&J1nto this deity,
so that existence should end, as it had begun, in Brahma alone. But
with this des'céñt from the infinite had come evil, ór imperfección.
Though a portion of the diyine_essence entered into all things, ani-
mat^aTTtf^h'anrnrate, yet all things hád become"deba-sed and iropure.
The one perfect being had unfolded into a limitie’s ^ ñ ü l trtuáe of
minor and imperfect beings. Such was the first phase of the mighty
cycle of existence. The second phase was to be one of re-absorption,
through which the multitude of sepárate beings would become lost in
the one eternal being, and Brahma— v/ho had never ceased to constitute
the solé real existence— v/ouId~TegaIrí**?ir§“ primal homogéhe"olTs' State.

But divinity had become debased in the forras of men and Animáis,
ángels and deiuons. How v/as it to be purified, and rendered fit for
absorption into the divine essence.í In this purification lay the
terrestrial part of the Hindú pantheisra. To prepare fo.r^ye.-absorp-
tion into Brahma^ was the one duty of mpn. Áttention to the minor
duties of life detractécTTTOm_fKI s . Evil deeds still further de­
based the soul. Thfi— great m a ss_o,f manklnd died u npurifleá. ..But
the divine essence in them could n o t pehisK. "'"And in most cases it
hadThecome unflt" to iñhabTt““sb~high a form as the human body. There-
fore it entered, after the death of men, into the bodies of various
aniraals, into inanimate things, and even into the demonio creatures
of the Hindú hell, in accordance with its degree of debasement. It
m u a t pass, for a longer or shorter period, through these lower forras
ere it c o u H i e fitted tó residejagain in the human frame. Aña after
havingHby púri’ficatión passed beyond the human stage,-*!! still had
a series of transmigrations to fulfill, in the bodies of angels and
deities, before it could attain the fijnality of absorption. To this
ultímate, all Nature,from its highest to its lov/est, was endlessly
climblng. _ Éve'rylhing was kindled by a spark of the divine essénce,
and all existence consistes, of souls, in different stages of em-
bodiment, striving upward from the lowest hell to th’ é ' l o f t i ^ t stage
of divinity.
AIíORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Number Ninety-Nine Page Four
For these many m&nifestations of the one eternal soul there was
but nne rnad t.n pimi r i nafri) n n . Thls lay through subjection of the
senses, purity of U f e , and- knowledge of the deity. ^ Á s c e t i o i siq,
mo-rtlflcaílon^o'f the animal .^pstincts, naturally arose~as á^resul-
tant of this doctrine." The virtues of temperah c e , gelf -CbntrojL f and
self-re st raint. iu&r% h i g h e s t of human §ttainments. To reduee the
frg5K""gncf exalt the soul was the constant effort "of the ascetic, and
t^jw ean th- c -mind fyoauall care for the things of this U f e was^the""
true path toward purif i catión. Finally, KHówlé’ d gé”b f -ihe deity coüld
come' ónly'"tfirougft' a deep study óf the Instituyes of 'r e l i g i ó n r i g i S
observaTrtpg-qf it&-roquirements, and endi^ss medltatlon cnrr-tfre-Tinture
and -the perf-eations-of the ultímate essendé^— the eternal deity. By_
thus glvlng the soul a steadily increasirig supremacy over the matter
that_ clngged-...and shácCowed i t s pur e_JLmpulses, in the end it^wóuld be-
come utterly freed f rom material embodlmeKt y and f ituea"T o ~ énter T t s
flhal state"of vanlslimeht^TTrt^l^h^'gupremé. Just what thls fJLnal
sbate.- ; whethér;.the, sbüX'waa^ -or-l$as_rLo.t. .io~lase7ail_.aenae_
of_individuality, is a question whose answer is not very clearly^de-
f irfeftp and ltr 1~b probable that the^Hlhdú tliinkérsTT* bold''as^hey “were
sHrank beTcrre thls- utterly insoluble problem, "and left the final
afryse-u n m v a d e d by thelr darlríg speculatlons -*»

o o o 0 o o o
The subject matter of this monograph must be understood by the reader or student of
same, not to be the official Rosícrucian teachíngs. These monographs constitute a series of
supplementary studies provided by the Rosícrucian Brotherhood, AMORC, both to mcm-
bers and non-members, because they are not the sccret, prívate teachings of the Order.
The object of these supplementary monographs is to broaden the mind of the student by
presenting him with the writings, opinions, and dissertations of authorities in various flelds
of human enterprise and endeavor. Therefore, itis quite probable that the reader will note
at times in these supplementary monographs statements made which are inconsistent with
the Rosícrucian teachings or view-point. But with the realization that they are merely
supplem entary and that the Rosícrucian Organization isnot endorsing or condoning them,
one must take them merely for their prima facie valué. Throughout the supplementary series
the authors or translators of the subject wili be given due creditwhenever we have knowl-
edge of their identity.
AMORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Leeture Number One Hundred and One Page One
The Aryan Race

The Aryan Literature

It is not our lntention to enter upon the task of a general review

of the vast field of Aryan recorded thought, but merely to offer a
comparative statement of the literary position of^the several racea
o f t n c y l d e m rg'~'oT~tKe s u p e r X d n t y or the~'Aryan lntellect.
Literary labor has been by no means confined tó tnis'T&ce; Every
people that has reached the stage of even an lmperfect civilization
has considered its thoughts worthy of preservation, its heroes worthy
of honor, its deeds worthy of record. But so far as the intellectual
valué of literary work is concerned, the Aryans have gone almost
infinitely beyond the remalnder of mankind.

All early thought seems naturally to have flowed into the channel of
poetry, with the exception of certain dry annals which cannot p r o - ’
perly be classed as literature. ñ 1,n Its primary phase,
appears to have begn alwaya. lyj?-loal. It was apparently at flrst the
lyrl-c of-warahlp/ This was followed by the lyric of action, and this,
in its nighest outeome, by the epic.— the comblned and organized phase
of the heroic poem. It iá~ of Inferest to find that the Aryans alone
can be sald to have fairly reached the final stage of the archaic
field of thought, the epic efforts of other races being weak and in-
consequent, while almost every branch of the Aryan race rose to the
epic literary level.

Of the antique era of the rellglous lyric l l ttle here need be said.
We find it in the hymns of the Vedas and of the Zend-Avia ata, in the
early traditional literature' Qf ü-reeoe, and in the ancient Babylonian
hymns to the g~ods,/some of which in form and manner strikingly re­
semble the Hebrew psalms. As to the s.econd po-atlc j?eriod, that of
the heroic s o n g f ó h the record of the great deeds of tfre^gods and
demigolls, liLTTe trace remains. Heroic compositions, as a rule, have
ceased to exist as sepárate works, and have either become component
parts of subsequent epics, or have vanished. As to valuable epic
literature, however, it is nearly all confined within Aryan limits.

Modern research into the fragmentary remains of the annlent Babylonian

i itftratnrft.hag brought to light evidence of a g reater actlvity of~
thought than we formerly had reason to Imagine. And among the works
thus recovered from the buried brick tablets of the Babylonian
librarles are portlons of a series of m y thoTogínal p o agís of a later
date than the hymns. These productions are considered to form part
of an antique and reraarkable poem, with a g reat solar delty as h e r o .
— an epic centre of legend into which older lays have entered as
eplsodes. It appears to 'have consisted of twelve books, of which we
possess two intact,— the Deluge legend. and that of the dancent of
Istar Inta-Hades; while part oi? a Tnlrd exlsts r in which is descíibed
t K e m r of the se ven evll spirits against the" moon. The Assvrians
are supposed to have aleo had thelp^aplc., in imitation of this older
work, and the Semiramls and Ninus of the G-reeks are considered by M.
Lenormant to have been heroes or tnis legéndary circle of song. How-
AMORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Number One Hundred and One Page Two
ever that be, it cannot be claimed that e,l£her in poetic or artistic
al2.ility Jtilfi. -Samlilc mlnd dispTgyéd any'exalted, .epic pqw§xg. ‘So far
as we are able to Judge of this wo'rJTrrom íts scanty remains, it is
devoid of all that we are accustomed to consider literary merit, and
is full of hyperbolical extravagance.

Of _the Semltlr» pflapfi- indeed, the Hebrews alone produced poetry of a

high gr&cle or merit. Of this Hebrew lltéráturé we shall ^péak more
ftn.Ty farther on, and it must suffice here to say that none of it
reached the epic level. It is, as a rule, lyrlcal in tendency.
Hebrew litera ture, however, is not without its heroic cha¿*anters.
We find them in Noah, Samson, David, Daniel, and othérs who might
be named; but norre ó'f üftése wer'é ffiade héroes of song, but were ..dealt
w¿th in sober prose,— as we shall find later on was the fate of the
heroeff““of Romgrr legend. The Hebrew intellect, indeed, was largely
practica! in its tendencles, its imaginatlon was subdued, and though
its literature contains many exciting legendary incidents, these are
all couched in quiet prose, while its poetry fails to rise above the
lyric of worship or of pastoral description. The nearest approach
to an epic poem is the grand boo.k of Job, of u n k n o r S f r j p ' T The
liter áj& £.é_q£,A ñ S X r la , of which abundant relies are now coming to
U g E t T i s yet more P r a c ti cal In chgr&fií er t&an that^of th e Hebrews.,.
and resembles that"1OT'TFie CHinese in literalness. There is no poetry
approaching in merit the elevated lyrical productions found in the
Hebrew scriptures, and, like the Chínese, it is largely devoted to
annals, topography, and other practical matters. The Semitic race
as a whole appears to have been deficient in the higher imaginatlon,
though possessed of active jjowera of.^aney, To the latter are due
abundant '"stOPéh of legend, often of a highly extravagant character;
but we nowhere find an instance of those lofty philosophical concep-
tions, or of that high grade of epic song or dramatic composition,
which are such frequent produets of Aryan thought, and which indícate
an extgaordlnary fertlllty of the imaginatlon of the Aryan race.

Egypt produced little work of merit from a literary point of view.

The rellgious literature consista’of certain h^rmn.g n f valué,
and the well-known 11eh t.uai n-p thg» ppafl. " Similar to this is "ene
"Ritual of the Lower Hemlsphere." These ritualistlc works can scaree-
l yl>5'cal 1 éd TTTerary~prbducTtIbrís, and are marked by an inextricable
confusión. So far as the display of intellectual abllity is concern-
ed, they are almost an utter void. In addition to its lyrics, Egypt
has one work which has been dlgnified with the title of epic, though
it should rather be viewed as an extended instance of those heroic
legends whose confluence is needed to constltute a true epic produc-
tion. It forms but the first stage in the productlon of the epic.

This poem is credited to a scrlhe. namecL Pant&ur, and is devoted to a

glorlflcation of the deeds of Rameses II. in a war which that monarch
oohdücted aga-tnnt. thn fü\prt^ifJ TTéseem'S'-to ha ve been cut off from hls
troops by the enemy, and to have safely made his way back to them.
But the poem tells us that the mighty hero fell lnto an ambuscade
of the Cheta, and found himself sürróundéd* by twó "thousahd f ive hu n ­
dred hostile chariots. Invoking the gods of Egypt, the potent warrior
AMORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Number One Hundred and One Page Three
pressed with hls single arm upon the foe, plunged in heroic fury six
times into their midst, covered the región with dead, and regained
his army to boast of his glorious explolts. It is a bombastic and
inartistic production; but such as it is it seems to have struck the
Egyptian taste as a work of wonder, and has been engraved on the walls
of eeveral of the great temples of the land. The most compieTé cbpy
of-it is writt^ir órT a papyrus now in the B ritish Museum.

The remaining antique non-Aryan civilization, that of China, is ut-

terly vold of any epic productlons, either in the ultímate oF^TrT^he
gSTOTT^ffié imagination necess&ry to work of this kind was wanting to
the Chínese. Their decided practical tendency is abundantly shown
in their cióse attention to annalistic history and to such subjects
as geography, topography, etc. But no heroic legend exlsts, and but
little trace of the devotional poetry with which llteráture begins
elsewhere. The Confuclan "Book of Od&g,M which contains all we pos-
sess of the antique poetry of China, is mainly devoted to the con-
cerns of ordinary U f e . It has little of the warlike view, but much
cTf'fKé spirit of peaceful repose. We are brought into the midst of
real 1 ífe7 wl l?f~dc>me*stTc CQncerns, religious feeling, and family af-
fectiorj. replacing the 1imagination
S h d W n i n all the ancient Aryan literature. After the Confucian period
Chínese song gained a somewhat stronger flight, and the domestlc bai­
lad was replaced by warlike* strains and mythologlc songs. Butano
near approach to epic composltion was ever attained.

If now we enter upon A^yan ground we find ourselves at once upon

loftier peaks of thought, and in a hlgher and pure.ratmosphere. ^A.1-
mesl bTgyyWHere epic pce.try makes its appearance at an early stage
of llterary cüTfrlvation as the true usher to the later and more
practical branches of literature. These antique epic creations of
the Aryans may be briefly summarized. As in philosophy, so in p oetry,
India and Cree ce take th e lead; the Tryi T.lhniigh «r a nmp.H
lower level of art, w l t H ‘th^XLiad--o€ Greece. Of the two ancient
epics of the Hindus, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, the former is
the older, while it is more ■ene"'work of a single háftd'a nd shows few
signs of that epic conflueñce of legend which strbngly characterlzes
the latter. And of the two, the Ramayana js the m o re mythologlcal,
the Mahabharata the more hisíorical in character.

Legend credits northern.Xndia in these early days with two great

dynasties of klngs_^known respectively as the Solar and the Lunar
dynasties. The Ramayana describes the adventures of a H e r o h T ~ “the
snlpr Rama, the hero, ís a ITnéal~descéñdánt of tTie god of
the sun, and is himself adored as an incarnation of Vlshnu. Every-
where in the poem we find ourselves on mvthologlcal gppund f and the
only historical indlcation it contains is that of the extensión of
the Aryañ ,,Qpnquest southward toward Ceylpp. The story describes the
b anishment of Rama from his heredltary realm and hls l ong wanderlngs
through T h e Southern plains. His w lf e^ Sita, is selzedTpy Ha vana,
the glant ruler cf— Ceylon. Rama, a ssTsted by Sugriva, the king of the
monkexs» makes a miraculous conques!; of this^ isl&ild, slays its dernon
rüler, and recovera his wife, the poeni eñdTng with hls~T15^PTai3lron to
his ancestral, thráhe.
AMORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture One Hundred and One Page Four
The s tyle of this poem is of a high grade of merit, and it takes a
lofty"~rank~~ámong the worka of the human imAglnation. In the flrst
twu "kecílohá th'er'é'Ts little of extravagant fiction, though in the
third the beauty of lts -ttescriptíons is marred by wlld exaggerations.
It is evidently in the main the nf> y\*n¿\ j not a welding of
several disjointed fragmente. There are few episodes, while the whole
latter portion is one unbroken narrative, and there is shown through-
out an unvarying skill and poetical power and facility. It is credit-
ed to a single *^oeir, -Valmiki, This ñame slgnifles "white anthill,"
and it is^very d ou b tful If it representa a historioal personage. How-
ever that be, the Ramayana is a homogeneous and striking outcome of
ancient thought. -------- ---- —

The Mahabharata is a work of very different character. It is rather

a fltorehmisa nf poetic légends than a single poem, and is e viciently
the work of many anthors, treating subjects of the greatest diversity.
It is of later d ate thau_the Ramayana, and ííTóre hüffiáh in lts interest,
but is far TíeXow it in epic cbmpleteness and unity. Yet it is not
without T t s central story, though this has almost been lost under the'
flood „of. eplédtíei. It is the epic of the heroes of the T u naf dynasty,
the descendants of the gods of the moon, as the Ramayana is the Tíerolc
song of the solar race. Bharatfi. the flrst universal monarch. who
brought all kingdoms "under one umbrella," has a lineal desCendant,
Korcrr'whb has tw^Ljanna-, of whom one lea ves a hundred child r e n , the
o tlier but five. The fathers dying, the kingaom.ia eqiitabiy divided
among these sóns, the five Pandavas and the hundred Kauravas. ^ T h e '
latter grow envious, wish to gain possession of the whole, and propose
to play a game of dice for the kingdom. The Pandavas lose in this
strange fling for a kingdom; but the Kauravas agree to restore their
cousins to their share in the throne if they will pass twelve years in
a forest and the thirteenth year in undiseoverabie disguises. This
penance is perforraed;but the Kauravas evade their promise, and a great
war ensues. in whlch the Pandavas ultimately triumph. Whether ThTsr^
waf indicatesisóme actual event or nót, is questionable; but this part
of the work is well performed, the characters of the five Pandavas are
finely drawn, and many of the battle-scenes strikingly animated.

But this main theme forma but a minor portion of the work. It is full
of episodes of the raost varled character, and contains oíd poetical
versións of nearly all the ancient Hindú legenda, with treatises on
cus'toms, laws, and religio&>^-in fact, nearly all that was known to
the Hindus outside the Vedas. The main story is so constantly Ínter-
rupted that it winds through the episodes "like a pathway through an
Indian forest." Some of these episodes are said to be of "rare and
touching beauty," while the work as a whole has every variéty of style,
d ry phllosophy beslde ardent love-soenes, and detalla of laws and cus-
tíomsfoliowed by scenes of battle and bíoodshed. Many of the stories
are repeated in other words, and the whole mass, containing more than
one hundred thousand verses, seems like a compilation of many genera-
tions of Hindú literary work. Yet withal it is a production of high
m e?¥t and lofty intellectual conception.

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j|f MVIORC >
Í|| * TÜAM M A M t1 ►
3 |lE í1 í
I *T* | i
Suppl ement ary Monogr aph ]
+ F ?írf rAtnr«D >Nu » *. a . <|»E
|glp 3 1fE
J¡jg► The subject matter of this monograph must be understood by the reader or student oí {aa►
J[::■> same, not to be the official Rosicmcian teachings. These monographs constitute a seriesof <3s¡►
h 4Ja“ lil- supplementary studies providedby the Rosicrucian Brotherhood, ÁMORC, both to mem- P S
f bers and non-raembers. because they are not the secret, prívate teachings of the Oider. ¡feTL^g
(Jn|&X The object of thesc supplementary monographs is to broaden the mind of the student by ,KLP t
i?rjT f preseming him with the writings, opmions, and dissertationsof authorities in various flelds "Tji
iv O ' ¿3 o í hum an enterprise and endeavor. Therefore. itisquite probable that the reader will note e/ u
ai d at times in thesesupplementary monographs statements made which areinconslstent with L ______ g
the Rosicrucian teachings or view-point. But with the realization that they are merely <ii;\
supplem entary and that the Rosicrucian Organizaron isnot endorsing or condoning them, ¡S►

] ►
I i|
one must take them merely for theirprima facíevalué, Throughout the supplementary series
the authors or translators of the subject will be given due creditwhenever we have knowl-
edge of their ideatity.
¡ E
^ 11 |

s— | |j |


¡ || | "Consecrated to truth and dedicated to every Rosicrucian" j || |


I ------ h i b J j * ------ -----X 0 4 ------------ :i

b— á^JL— m a--- — ^
AMORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Number One Hundred and Four Page One

The Aryan Literature (Cont. )

Ifan attempt be made to compare the literary work of the non-Aryan

nations in these particulars with the Aryan productions, it will re-
veal a very marked contrast be$wejen.Jthje _value of the two schools of
thought. " No Ihi'ñg'ñeed. be said of the f ictltlóus or hlsTor i cal litera-
ture^-eí the ancient non-Aryan clvlllzatl o n s I t lay in intellec'tual
p Q W ^ i r g Y r ^ T rl7Fíoir--ttre~Tevel attalned'T-fy Greece. The only important
literary natlon of modern times outside the Aryan world is China.
In the rnaking of books the_-Chlnese have been exceedingly active, and
their literature is enormous in quantity; the Europeans scarcely sur-
pass themolir Uiltí hespeoT; Fut in regard to quallty they stand J.m-
measurably below the Aryan level.

Though China ftas oroduced no eplc p & em, it has been verv prollflc in
h i s to r ical and'descripirve 1L Itera tur e ^and in what is _cal l ed tile...drama
and the^ novela Yet in its historical work it~ has not gone a step
beyorid'^the annalistic stage. The idea of histórica! phllosophy is
yet to be born in this ancient l a n d . * As ror tracihg events to their
causes, and taking that broad vlew of hlstory whlch converts the con-
secutive detall of human deeds lnto~ a science, and displays tolas the
seemingly inconsequential movements of nations as really controlled by
necessity and directed by the unseen Jia.nd Qf_ evblution, such a concep-
tion has not yet entered the unimaginative Chínese mind. .. -
...... ..
As regards the Chínese drama and novel, they are utterly unworthy of
the ñame. Character-delineation is the distinctlve feature of the
modern novel, and of this the iibvel of China is void. It consists
mainly of interminable dialogues, in which morar rpfleqtlons and
trifilas. iñíngíeT^while the narra ti ve is m a d e t e d T o u s by
its many inconsequential details. The stories abound in sports,
feasts, lawsuits, promenades, and school examinations, and usually
wind up with marriage. There is abundance of plot, but no character.
Their hq^oes^are paragons of all ima'glnafe-l-e- virtues,--polisírgd., fas~-
cinating, learned; everyth'l'ng._but human . ” TKé sanie may be said of the
Chínese dr a m a . It is all actlon~ J£e*flection and character-analysls
fau. to enter. There áre abundance of descriptions of fights and
grand spectacles, myths, puns, and grotesque allusions, intermingled
with songs and ballets. The plot is sometimes very intricate, and
managed with some skill; but oftén the play is almost destltute of
plot, though full of horrible details of~murders and é^ecutlohsV
Flreworks^, dts¿uTaécL.XD.e n , andJmen personating animáis, ¿re admired
features of those strange spectacles; but as for any display of a
high order of intellectuality, no trace of it can be discovered in
the dramatic or fictitious literature of this very ancient literary

There is no occasion, in this review, to conslder all the many d i v i - .

sions into which modern Aryan literature has unfolded. There is, how-
eve?' yét anbther óf the ancient and ñaturally evolved branches of
ÁMORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Number One Hundred and Four Page Two
literature to be taken into account. We have said that the general
cpurse of poetic developraent seems _to have beeELJfXQ.in. thg....,reULgidus
türbügh the heróigJLyric to... th.é'5pic. But lyric poetry continued its
development, accpmpanylng and succeeding the ep_ic. Tt has indeed come
down to our own times in a broad flood of undimTnished song. It is
w ith the lvriCj truly so called, that we are here concerned,— the
poetry of reflection, the metrical analysra-üf human émótíon and
thought, in contrast with the poetry of action. To this may be added
the poetry of descriptlon of the love-song, and of th£ com-
mon life, with all their numerous varieties.

In this field of literature alone the other races come more directly
into comparison with the Aryan. Prolific as every branch of the
Aryan race has been in lyric sohg, the remaining peoples of civilized
mankind have been 1 ittle less so, and in this dlrection have attained
their highest out-reach of poetic thought. The H ebrews speclally éx-
celled in the lvric. In the poem of moral reflection and devotlon, in
the de^ineation of the scenes and incidente of rural U f e , and in the '
use of jippbslte nretaphor, stand unexcelled, wjpiile in scope of
subíTme'Iflisgery the poem of Job has never been equalled. This poetry,
hoWévér, belongs to a primitive stage of mental development,— that in
which worship was the ruling mental interest of mankind. The intellect
of man had not expanaea into íts~mcxi'e~rñ 'breadth, and was confined to
a narrow range of subjects of contemplation.

At a later period the Semitic race broke into a second outburst of

lyric fervor,— that of the Arabians in their imperial jera. But this
failed to reach any hlgh, ,,stáñd£rd...Qf inieile c tual conoap ti o n . Their
poems were largely devoted to love and eulogy; and while they had the
same metrical harmony as their dlrect Succesrsors, the works of the
Troubadours and the Minneslngers, they, like these, were largely void
of thought,.and lacked sufficient vitality to give the.m continued
life. In China, again, we find a very considerable deveiopment of
norPAryan lyric song. coming down from a very earíy’períod of the
nation. And these lyrics have often much merit as guiet pictures of
lifjs-f- but it cannot be clalmed that they show any lofty lnLellecrtual
power. For jth^Jiighe-at -development of ..the lyricr as of every form of
llterary work, we rnust come to the Aryan world, where alone thought
has climbed and broadened, reaching its highest l evel and its wldest
Outlook, and slnklng to its profoundeslf aépth of analysis aF“thé
mental unlverse. Sbfhr’ as litera ture embóáles the pówérs of the
human dnirelietrtT* 11 points to the Aryan development as supremely in.
advanee of that of the other races of mankind.

Other Aryan Characteristics.

It is necessary, in continuation of our subJect,to consider the com-

parative record of the Aryan and the other races of mankind in re-
spect to the development of a r t f scl£iicjer mechanlcal skillK and the
other main easentíais of clvljlzatlon.... In doing so, certain marked
íls tiñe fTornr ‘make'“theins'eí ve s apparent, and it seems possible to draw
broad U n e s of deraarcation between the principal races. If we con­
sider the Negro race from this point of view, it is to find a lack of
AMORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture Number One Hunáred and Four Page Three
energy b oth physlcal and mental . Nowfrere in the reglón lnhablteii.by
this race _do_ we perceive Indications of jalgb pówers eithe.r Q.f work
or—*thóughtT* N q monuments of archltecture appear; no phllosophles or
litera ha ve arisen. And in thelr~present co nCi.ti.Qn.._tiiey---s:tand
mental l y a t \ a very low level, while physically they confine themselves
to flfe'labor absolutel^y_necesmiX.Jt2^existente. They neither work ñor
tFiiTTR Abu ve Llie~TgWFsT ^ e v e Í of life-needs; and even in America, under
all the instigation of Aryan activity, the Negro race^displays scarceíy
aríy*Talun'tary;' energy either of thought .jor work.. It goes only as far
as‘"X'Ré' sh’
a rp whip of necessity drives, and looks upon indolence and
sunshlne as the terrestrial Paradise.

The record of the Mongol lan raee i-s--&trikingly--diff eran t . Here, too,
we find no great scope or bread ttiof. thought, but the re is shown a
decided tendeney to muscular exertion. For puré activity of. wqrkt,fae
Mongollans‘Have been urisürpassed, arid no dlTi iculty seems to have d e ­
te rrecTTFTeírTir"THeH^ of the most stupendous labors. The
Aryans have never displayed an equal disposition to hand-labor,— not*
however, from lack of energy, but simply that Aryan energy is largely^
draftéd“bff to the región of the brain, while Mongolian energy ís
mainly centred in the muscles. The Aryan makes every effort to save
Hlrs handgr,— frab5r-saving machine ry^T5 his. gneat daaid era tum. The
Mongolián, with equal native energy, centres this énergy“ within his
muscles, while his brain lies fallow. The Chínese, for instan ce, are
the hardest hand-workers in the_wo.rld. The amount of purely physical
exertion whlch' they perforiñ'is nowhere surpassed. The productiveness
of their country, through the activity of hand-labor alone,is consider-
ably superior to that of any other country not possessed of effective
machinery. But in regard to thought they exist in an unprogressive
State. Little has been done by the brain to relieve the hand from
lts arduous labor. Chinese thought is mainly a turning over of oíd
straw. The land is almost empty of original mental productions.

If we consider the record of the Mongolians of the past the same re-
sult appears. They have left us monuments of strenuous work., but none
of highly developed thought. China* the most enlightened of Mongolian
nations, has an immense ancie’ nt literature, but none that can be com­
pared with Aryan literature in respect to display of mental ability.
lts highest expression is its philosophy, and that^ in lntellectual
grajsp, is enormously below the contemporary philp_sophy of’Tñáía’ l But
ih”> e s p r^(Ttr^lnT**ev,Í'd^fn'ce-5 -of-mus-cuTar' exertion it has no s'upgflor. The
Gpeat Wall of China far surpasses in tile, Work the re qmbpd i e d .a ny other
single p r oduct of human labor.» Yet it is in.no jsense an outeome of
á d W T r g e T 3 B Q U g h t . It is the product of a purely pracTIS&T'to
one ~6f a low order of intelligence, as evidenced by the utter useless-
ness of this vast monument o f e x e r t io n f o r its intended purpose. The
G-reat Canal of China is another product of a purely practical intellect.
E V ^ y ~ ^ a b ó r performed by China has a very evident purpose. It is all
industrial^ or proJ;e.G..tlYe. There are no monuments to the imagination.
Y S t ~ t h ^ T a c F of mental out-reach has preven tea any greaf~’éxTg?i s i on "Of
labor-saving expedients. At long. interyals, durlng the extended life
of the nation, some useful_ invention has appeared,— su.ch...as...thSLt.-Pf
the art of p ri.ntlngrr^Ye t for muclr nróFS' than a thousand years this art
AMORC - Roslcrucian Order -A-
Lecture Number One Hundred and Four Page Four
has remained in nearly its original stage, while in Europe, during a
considerabiy shorter period, it has made an almost miraculous advance.
Among the few illustrations of non-practical labor in China are its
pagodas,-Trhich seem like the playthings of & rüdimehtary imagination
when comparecí wiTO''TEé architectural monuments of Europe.

If now we review the producís of the American aborigines, whose closest

affinities are certainiy~ wtth the‘“Mongolians, we arrive at a similar
conclúsidn. There is evidence of an immense ability for labor, but of
no superior powers of thought. The quantlty 'óf sheer muscular exer-
t'lon expended on the huge architectural s truc tures and the great roads
of Perú, the immense pyramlds of México. and~~the great buildings of~~
r&QróMi8L£y.. Tfig~hugh uiound^^erected by the^anci.exit
aweliers in the Mississippi valley are equally extraordinary, when we
consider the barbarían condition of their builders. There is here no
lack of muscular energy. No people of natlve indolence could have
erected these monuments, or have even conceived the Idea of them.
There is abundant a b ility to work displayed, but no great ability
to think,iv THe"great roads of Perú are producís of a practical mind.
IrT regard to the remaining works, they were largely lncited by re-
ligious thought. They yield us in masslve walls and crude o m a m e n ta-
tlon the record of the highest imaginative out-rea_ch a n d a r t i s t i c
pnwpr" of the American mind. When we come to examine them we find thát
their m a m expression is that of hugeness. Their art is rudlmentary,
except in some few striking instances in the Maya arcHftecture^ahcT^
statuary of Yucatán. There are indlcations of intellectual ability,
but it remains in its undeveloped stage. Energy is not l a cking, but
lt is mainly confined to the musel es, and buT" srigfttiy"VItaTT2Ps the
mind. ““

We have evidences of similar. .CQ.n.dltlons in the works of architecture

remaining from the pre-^Aryan age of Europe. The huge. monolitiis of
Stonehenge, Avébury, and Carnac, and the Cyclopean walls of Greece
and Italy (the latter possibly'of Aryan formatiorü, indícate a race
or' 'arPera 'when íiíüsclé 'was in the as Cendant and thought in embryo.
The idea was the same as that indicated in the structures of Asia
and America,— to astound future man wlth edifices that seem the work
of giant builders. No indicatlon of the loftiest conception of
architectural art appears,— thát of the simple combinatíoh df the
ornamental with thé pf^TTcai7~ añd ’the restriction of slze. JoJkhe.
d em&ñds of-heces a ify.,^d^lh£L,jceqü'1remen t&— of-gxac.efiLL^rop PXt lon .
To astonish by mere hugeness is a conception of the undeveloped
mind. Blind forcé can ralse a mountain mass; only highly developed
intellect can e r e c t a G-reek temple.

o o o 0 o o o
The subject matter of this monograph must be understood by the reader or student oí
same, not to be the official Rosicrucian teachings. These monographs constitute a series of
supplementary studies provided by the Rosicrucian Brotherhood, AMORC, both to mem-
bers and non-members, because they are not the secret, prívate teachings of the Order.
The object of these supplementary monographs is to broaden the mind of the student by
presenting him with the writings, opinions, and dissertationsof authorities in various flelds
of human enterprise and endeavor. Therefore, itis quite probable that the reader will note
at times in these supplementary monographs statements made which are inconsistent with
the Rosicrucian teachings or view-point. But with the realization that they are merely
supplem entary and that the Rosicrucian Organizaron isnot endorsing or condoning them,
one must take them merely for their prima facie valué. Throughout the supplementary series
the authors or translators of the subject will be given due creditwhenever we have knowl-
edge of their identity.
AMORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture One Hundred and Six ?age One

Other Aryan Characteristics (Cont.)

Any review of the subsequent history of Science in the Aryan world is

beyond our purpose. It is far too vast a subject to be even named at
the conclusión of a chapter. It will suffice to say that the Greek
mind seized with avidity upon the new field of labor thus opened to
it. It was native soil to Greek thought, although it yet lay faliow.
The tendency of the Hellenic race to critical obsérvation had for
centuries been fitting them for the work of research into the facts of
Nature; and had the Greek lntellect reraained in the ascendant there
is no doubt that the schools of Alexanaria would have been the focus
of a great scientific developraent during the ancient era. As it was
they performed a large amount of good work, and built a broad founda-
tion for the future growth of this new product of the human understand-

The Arabian empire served as the connecting-link between the thought

of the ancient and modern world. We cannot exactly say the Arabians,
for this broad empire clasped the thinkers of nearly all of civilized
mankind within its mighty grasp* It handed down Greek philosophy and
Science to modern Europe,— the former with raany additions but no im-
provements, the latter considerably advanced. The Arabian fancy play-
ed with Greek philosophy, but was incapable of developing it, or even
of fully comprehending it. But obsérvation and experiment needed no
vigorous powers of the intellect, and in this direction raany important
discoveries were added by the Arabians to the Science of the G-reeks.
As to the vast results of scientific obsérvation of the modern Aryan
world, nothing need here be said. The coffers of Science are filled
to bursting with their wealth of facts.

But Science has by no means been confined to obsérvation. The Aryan

imagination has worked upon its store of facts as actively as of oíd
it worked upon its store of fancies, and has yielded as abundant and
far more valuable results. Nature is being rebuilt in the mind of
man. One by one her laws and principies are being deduced from her
observed conditions, and man is gaining an ever-widenlng and deepen-
ing knowledge of the realities of the universe in which he lives. And
he is beginning to !,know himself” in a far wider sense than v,ras in the
mind of the Grecian sage when he uttered this celebrated aphorism.
The imagination of the past dealt largely with legena, with miscon-
ceptions of the universe, with half observations, and devised a long
series of interesting but valueless fictions. The imagination of the
present is dealing more and more with critically observed facts, and
deducing from them the true philosophy of the universe, that of
natural law, and of the unseen as logically demonstrable from the
seen. This great field of intellectual labor belongs to the Aryans
alone. The other races of mankind have not yet penetrated beyond its
AMORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture One Hundred and Six Page Two
Modera Aryan civilization is made up of many more elemente than those
whose development we have hastily revlewed. One of the most marked
of these is that of labor-saving machinery. This is somewhat strictly
confined to modera times and to the Aryan nations. Beyond this limit
it has never existed in other than its embryo state. Tools to aid
hand-work have been devi sed, but the employment of other powers than
the muscles of man to do the labor of the world is almost a new idea,
scarcely a trace of it being discoverable beyond the borders of what
we may denominate modera Arya. The immense progrese made in the
development of this idea is comparable with the unfoldment of science,
and together they form the back-bone of modera civilization. Knowl-
edge of nature, and industrial application of this knowledge, have
given man a most vigorous hold upon the universe he inhabits; and in
place of the slow, haltlng, and uncertain steps of progress in the
past, he is now moving forward with a sure and solid tread,and down
broad paths of development as firm and direct as were the great high-
roads that led straight outward from Rome to every quarter of the
civilized world.

The progress of coramerce, of finance, and of inquiry into the under-

lying laws of social aggregation and political econoray, has been no
less great. Here, too, we must confine ourselves to the limita of
the Aryan race,so far as modera activity is concerned. Commerce,
however, had its origin at a very remóte period of human history, and
attained a marked development in Semitic lands before the Aryans had
yet entered the circle of civilization. There is every reason to be-
lieve that the ancient Babylonians had a somewhat extensive sea and
river commerce at a very remóte epoch. They were succeeded by the
Phoenicians, who displayed a boldness in daring the dangers of un-
known seas that was never emulated by their successors, the G-reeks.
The overland commerce of the Phoenicians was also very extensive.
Since the origin of G-reek commerce, however, little activity has been
shown in this direction by non-Aryan peoples, with the one exception
of the Arabians, who carried on an extensive ocean commerce in their
imperial era, and who to-day penétrate nearly every región of Africa
in commercial enterprises. In this respect, also, modera China
manifests some minor activity. Yet the Aryans are, and have been,
the great commercial people of the earth, and have developed mercan-
tile enterprise to an extraordinary degree. Commercial activity has
been handed down in an interesting sequence from branch to branch of
the Aryan race, the G-reeks, the Venetians, the Italians, the Portu-
guese, the Spanish, and the Dutch each flourishing for a period, and
then giving way to a successor. To-day, however, commercial activity
is becoming a common Aryan characterlstic, and though England now
holds the ascendency, her position is no longer one of assured
supremacy. A century or two more will probably find every Aryan com-
munity aroused to active commercial enterprise, and no single nation
will be able to claim dominión over the empire of trade. That any
non-Aryan nation will at an early period enter actively into com-
petition in this struggle for the control of commerce, is question-
able. The Japanese is the only one that now shows a strong disposi-
tion to avail itself of the advantages of Aryan progress, China yet
hugging herself too closely in the cloak of her satisfied self-con-
ceit to perceive that a new world has been created during her long
A M O R C - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture One Hundred and Six Page Three
There ls one further particular in which coraparison may be raade be-
tween the Aryan and the non-Aryan races of mankind,— that of moral
development. In this direction, al so, it can readily be shown that
the Aryans have progressed beyond all their competitors. This, how-
ever, cannot be said in regard to the promulgation of the lav/s of
morality, the great body of rules of conduct which have been developed
for the private government of mankind. It is singular to find that
no important code of moráis can be traced to Aryan authorship, v/ith
the single exception of the Indian branch of the race. There we find
the Buddhistic code, which is certainly one of remarkable character,
but which has in very great measure lost its influence upon the Aryan
race. Alike the morality and the philosophy of Buadhism have almost
vanished from the land of their birth, and this religious system is
now nearly confined to the Mongolian race, while its lofty code of
moral observance has lost its valué as a ruling forcé in the modern
Buddhistic world.

A second great code of moráis is that of Confucius, and constitutes

essentially the whole of Confucianism. This religión of educated China
consists simply of a series of moral rules, of a character capable of
maklng a highly elevated race of the Chínese, had they any declded
influence. They are studied abundantly, but only as a literary exer-
cise. The moral condition of modern China indicates very clearly that
the Confucian code is one of lip-service only. It has raade but little
Impression upon the hearts of the people,

The third and hlghest of the three great codes of moráis is of Semitic
authorship, being the lofty doctrine of human conduct promulaged by
Christ. So far as the mere rules of conduct embraced in it are con­
cerned, it differs in no essential features from those already named.
Its superior merit lies in its lack of appeal to the selfish instincts,
and its broaa human sympathy. Buddhism warns man to be virtuous if
he would escape from earthly misery. Confucianism advises him to be
virtuous if he would attain earthly happiness. Do good, that you may
attain Nirvana. Do good to others if you wish others to do &ood to
you. These are the dogmas of the two great non-Christian codes.
Do good because it is your duty, ls the- Christ dogma. Sin defiles,
virtue purifies, the soul. All men are brothers, and should regard
one another with brotherly affection. "Love one another.” This is
the basic command of the code of Christ. And in this command we have
the highest principie of human conduct,--a law of duty that is ham-
pered by no conditions, and weakened by no promises.

It is singular that the creed of Christ has become the creed of the
Aryan race alone. The Semites, even the Hebrews, of whose nation
Christ was a scion, ignore his mission and his teachings. But through-
out nearly the whole of the Aryan world it is the prevailing creed,
and its code of moráis is to-day observed in a higher degree than we
AMORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture One Hundred and Six Fage Four
we find in the moral observance of the remainaer of mankind. Else-
where, indeed, there is abundance of private and local virtue and
rigidly strict observance of some laws of conduct, though others of
equal valué are greatly neglected. But nowhere else has human charity
and the sense of human brotherhood attained the breadththey display
in the Aryan v/orld, and nowhere else can the feeling of sympathy with
all mankind be said to exist. There is abundance of evil in the
Aryan nations, but there is also abundance of good; and the minor
sense of human duty which is elsewhere manifested is replaced here
with a broad and lofty view that fairly stamps the Aryan as the great
moral, as it is the great intellectual, race of mankind.

o o o 0 o o o
The subject matter of this monograph must be understood by the reader or student of
same, not to be the official Rosicrucian teachings. These monographs constitute a series of
supplementary studies provided by the Rosicrucian Brotherhood, AMORC, both to mem-
bers and non-members, because they are not the secret, prívate teachings of the Order.
The object of these supplementary monographs is to broaden the mind of the student by
presenting him with the writings, opinions, and dissertationsof authorities in various fields
of human enterprise and endeavor. Therefore, itisquite probable that the reader will note
at times in these supplementary monographs statements made which are inconsistent with
the Rosicrucian teachings or view-point. But with the realization that they are merely
supplem entary and that the Rosicrucian Organization isnot endorsing or condoning them,
one must take them merely for their prima facie valué. Throughout the supplementary series
the authors or translators of the subject will be given due creditwhenever we have knowl-
edge of their identity.
AMORC - Rosicruoian Order
Lecture One Hundred and Seven Page One


Historical Migrations

When history opene, it reveáis to us the Aryan race in possesslojxj2 f

a vast reglón o T the eastfirn hemisphers, XndU£Hig~''Sdme pf 1 ts fa ire s t
and fficraTfruítful portlons. How long it had been engaged in attaining
this- éxpáñsió'ñ“from its primitlve contracted locality; what battles
it had fought and what blood shed; what victories it had won and what
defeats experienced,— on all this human annals are silent. But we may
rest assured that many centuries of outrage, slaughl^r,.misery, and
brutality lie hiddeñ in this prehistorlc abyss. Millions of men were
swept from the face of the earth, millions more deprived of their
possessions, and even of their religions and languages, millions in-
corporated into the Aryan tribes, during this expansión of primltive
Arya. The relations of human races, which had perhaps remained
practically OTidlsTGrbed J or many thousands of years, wer£„largely
changed by this vlgórous Irruptión of the most energetlo famiiy of
mgnklnd. IF^was as if an earthqnake-*hHd"TenT~the soil of human society,
^broken up all its ancient strata, and thrown mankind into new and con-
fused relations, burying the oíd U n e s of demarcation too deeply to be
ever discovered.

T h e A jr y a n ml g r a t l a n d i s p l a y s t h e m a r k s o f a h i g h v i g o r f o r s o b a r b a r i e
an a g e , an o ^w as p r o b a b ly th e m o st e n e r g e t ic o f a l l th e p r e h i s t o r i c
m o v e m e n ts o f níaTnklnd^ I f m e f “ w It H ' h ó ^ c fte c k ’ i n E ü r o p é e x c e p t i n th e
f r ^ z é n r g jg io jis o f t h e e x tr e m e N o r t h , u r i d t h e r E ' I T W á S " N a tü r e , n o t m an,
t h a t b r o u g h t i t t.o r e s t , S u c h a l so" w a s p r o b g b l y t h e c a s e i n n o r f h e r n
A s ia . ^The d e s e r t s a n d t h e m o u n t a i n - r a n g e s t h e r e b e c a m e i t s b o u n d a r i e s .
C h i n a l a y s a fe ~ ~ h e h i n d h e r a l m o s t i m p a s s a b l e d e s e r t a n d m o u n t a i n b o r d e r s .
T u t l i e "5ü "ut l T~ g T A s i a * o n l y t h e S e m i t e s í i e l d t h e i r o w n . They o ffe r e d as
pu lp o s ts th e w a r lik e t r i b e s and n a tio n s o f B y r ia and A ss y r l a . P o s s ib ly
a iT e r a ü f h o s L i l i ' t y ~ n r a L T ^ a v e h e r s ~ e x T s t e d ; b u t i f s o i t h a s l e f t n o
r e c o r d , a n d t h e r e i s n o t h in g to show t h a t th e A r y a n s e v e r b r o k e th r o u g h
th is w a ll o f d e fe n c e . B u t th e r e m a in d e r o f S o u th e r n A s ia f e l l in to ^
t h e i r h a n d s i,_w i_th t h e e x c e p t i o n o f S o u t h e r n I n d i a w i t h i t s d e n s e m i l -
l i o n s o f a b o r i g i n e s , a n d t h e d i s t a n t r e g i ó n o f I n d o - C h i n a , o n ‘w fto s ’e
b o p & e re th e A ry a n m ig r a t io n s p e n t i t s f o r c é .

Such is the extensión of the Aryan world with which history opens. It
embraced all Europe, with the exception of some minor outiying portions
ana probably a considerable región in northern Russia. In Asia it iñ-
clttd-ed Aeia Minor and the .GaueaSii¿3v Armenia^ pe^ia, “Persia, and India,
with the Intermedia té"'TJactrian Reglón. Tírese forméfl~'tHe llmíts of the
p rirfrrmrg"Aryan outpúsh, and it is remarkable that it failed to pass
beyond these borders, with the exception of a temporary southward ex­
pansión, for two or three thpu.sand years. It made some external con-
qxrests; but they were all lost again, and at the op.e.ning. the six-
teenth century the Aryan race was in possession of no lands that it
had not occupied at the beginning of the historical perlod.
AMORC - Rosicrucian Order
Lecture One Hundred and Seven Page Two
This is a striking clrcumstance, and calis for some inqulry as to its
cause. What was the influence that placed this long check upon the
A r y a i t - T h e acting influences, ín fací, were several, which
may be briefly named. A chief one was the almost insuperable obsta-
ele to further expansión. Many of the boundaries of the new Aryan
world were oceanic, and the art of navigation was as y et almost un-
known. Beyond other boundaries "lay désért ~plalns that offered no at-
traction to an agricultural people. ~Tne pureiy pastoral and nomadic
aáys'bf the race were long since past. I n T H e East the Isóuñdary was
formed by the vast multitudes of India aboriglnes, wha'fle'rcely fought
for their' hornee .and made the Hindú advanee a very gradual process. In
the South warlike Assyria formed the boundary, and the Semitic wcrld""*'
s te rnly^he-id-••4-ts.^ow n .

As Aryan civilization progres.se.d-* the great prizes of ambitlon were

máTñly rñclúded within the borders of the Aryan world. There is no
evidence of a loss of the original mlgratory energy; yet it was. no
longer an energy of general expansión, but of the expansión of the
sepárate brahche's of the race. The Aryan peoples made each other
thMF'prey, and the outside world was safe from their incursions. The
oñly alluring región of this non-Aryan world was that of the gemític
nations and-Jif. Egypt_. This fell at length before Aryan vigor, and be-
cáme successively the prey of Persia, G-reecej and Rome. And the thriv-
ing settlement which the Phoehlcians had established in northern Africa
fell before the arms of Rome. SUch was the only extensión of the
á " ó f 'the Aryan world which hlstory reveáis, and this extensión
was but a temporary one. After a thousand years of occupancy the hold
of the Aryans upon the Semitic and Hámltic regions was broken, and the
invading race was once more confined within its oíd domain.

It is not necessary to repeat in detall the historie movements of the

Ajcy&ns_Qf ancient times. These are too well known to rieed éxtended
descriptlon. They began wlth the rgbellion of the Medes against As-
syrian rule, and wlth the subsequent hápid growth of the PersTarT
empire, which overran Agsyriá, ’Syria, and Egypt. At a later date the
G-reeks made their great historlcal expansión, and under Alexander
gaíned lordship over the civilized Aryan world. Stiil later thje^Ro-
mans established a yet wider emplre, and Tihe World of civlllzatioñ
was divided between Rome and Persia. The flnale of these movements
was the irruption of the Teutons upon the Román empire, which buried
all the hlgh-er c 1vHirget-tdrorr undgr a flood of barbarlsm.

Thus for abput-a. thousand years the great battle-field of the world
had been confined mainly within A r y a n 'llmits, and the other races of
mankind'had' remalned cowed spectators", 'ó'r’to some extent helpless
vTctlms, of this bull-dog strife for empire. The contest ended with
a marked decline in clvilization and a temporary loss of that indus­
trial and: 'polltlcaX development which had resulted from many centuries
of physical and mental labor. The Aryan race had completed its first
eyele, a M SWung down again into comparative barbarism, under the on-
slaught of its most barbarous section, and as a natural result of its
devastating and unceasing wars.

And now a remarkable phase in the hlstory of human eventa appeared.

The energy of the ancient Aryan world seemed to have spent its forcé.
AMORC - Rosicrucian Oreler
Lecture One Hundred and Seven Page Three
That of the non-Aryan world suddenly rose Into an extraordinary dis-
play of vigor*- The Aryan expansión not only ceased, but a reverse
movement to..ok .pJL&Gfi. Evérywhere we firid-its borders contracting under
a fierce and vigorous onslaught from the Mongolian and Semitic tribes.
Thls p h a s e ‘bf the migrátory cycle,we may run over as rapidly as we did
that of the expanding phase.

The first marked historical movement ln thls migrátory serles was that
of the Huns, who overran Slavonic and pushed far into Teutonic Europe,
and under tne f ierc'e 'Attila threatened to place a Hunnish dynasty on
the throne of imperial Rome. The next striking movement was the Ara-
b i a n r which drove back the wave of Aryan conquest from the Semitic
r eglón, from Egypt, ánd from northern Africa,- and brought Persia'and
Spaln under Arabian domination.. The third was that of the^JTurks, who
replaced the Arabian rulers of P e r s i a ^ conquered Asia Minor, and
finally captured Constantinople and .Jtxüe. íai t¿rñ Empire, éxtending thelr
dominión far into Europe and over the Mediterranean islands. The
f ourth was 'that of t.h « Mongo] sL jn nder G-enghiz Khan and Timur, which
placed a Mongol dynasty on the throne of India and made the greater
part of Russia a Mongol reálm. We need not mentlon thg mintrn invnslonSj
of temporary effect, which broke like fierce billows on the shores of
the Aryan world ^nd flo w e d back, 'Iéavlng ruin and dlsorder behind them.
It will suffice to describe the contraction of the borders of the
Aryan región which succeeded thls fierce outbreak of the desert hordes
upon the civilized world.

Aii the historical acquisitions of the Aryans were torn from the.lr
hands. The Semitic región became divided between the Turks and the
Arabians. Eg ypt and~7ltrrthern■africa were rent from the Aryan world.
T n the" East, Persia, India, and the intermediare provinces, though
with no decreasé ln theIh'Aryan populations, lay under Mongol rule.
In the West, Spaln had become an Arabian kingdom. A Hungarian ñation
in'céft'tral Europe was left to make the onslaught of tile'Hunnish tribes.
In eastern Europe, the Tartars bccupied Russia in forcé, and held
dominión over the greater párt of that empire. “ Tárther south, the
Turks were in full possesslon of Asia Minor and Armenia, held the
réglo'n of anclent Greece and Mace.dQ.nia, and extended their barbarie
rule far toward the centre of Europe. The contraction of the ancient
Aryan región had been extreme- As a dominant race íhey held s c a rc e
half their oíd dominions, while in many regions they had been driven
out or destroyed, and replaced by peoples of alien blood,

Such was the condition of Europe at the cióse of the Middle Ages. The
first eyele of human history had become completed, the expanalorL.°f
the Aryans had been succeeded by a severe contraction, the growth of
ancient civilizatlon had been followed by a partial relapse into bar-
barlsm., human progress had moved through a grand curve, and returned
far back toward its starting-point. Such was the stage from which
the more recent history of mankind took its rise.

It may be said that of the qnergy of the Aryans and the non-Aryans the
former has proved persistentp^hé~latter spasmodic. No sooner was the
condition of affairs above mentioned established than the unceasing
pressure of Aryan energy again began to tell, and a new procSTSy uf •
AMORC - Roslcrucian Order
Lecture Number One Hundred'and Seven Page Four
Aryan expansión to set in. And this process has been continued with
unceasing vigor till the present day. ~ TThe Aryans__of .Spainllegan, from
a moúntalh córner, to exert a waríike pressure upon the Arablan.'con­
que For s of their land. Step by step the Arabs were driven back,. until
ttiey“were í'lhal'Iy'éxpelled to the African shores: SIffiulfariebusly a
vigorous effort was made to wrest Syria from its Arab lorcls.. All
Europ'5'”broké into a migratory fever, and the Crusades threw their
mtllio’ns upon that revered land^ But all in vain. The grasp of the
Moslem was as yet too firm to be loosened by all the crusading strength
of Surépé.

At a later date the Mongol hold was slowly broken in Russia, and the
Slavonia _Aryans regained control of their ancient realm, whil'e the
invasión" of the Turks was checked, and a reverse movement begun which
has continued to the present day. As for the Magyars of Hungary,
their realm has been partly reconquered by Aryan cólonis.ts, its
civilization and government are strictly Aryan,, and the^Mqngplian
characteristlcs of the predominant race have been to a considerable
extent lost, Europe has been reoccupied by the Aryans, with the ex-
ception of a few Tufks'Whb are left upon its borders by sufferance,
and the Mongoloids of the Frozen North. In Asia the Aryan spirit has
declares itself less vigorously; yet Persia, Afghanistan, and India
have declined little if at all in the percentage of their Aryan popu­
la tions, while Aryan dominance has replaced the Mongol rule in India.
As for the Aryan physical type, it seems to be killlng out the~_"fype"'‘
of the Mongolian in all regions exposed to its influence. Thús the
Osmanli Turks have gained in great measure the European physical or-
ganizatlon, this applying even to the peasantry, whose religious and
race prejudices must have prevented much intermarriage with the Aryans.
It looks, in this instance, like an effect of climate, physical sur-
roundings, and life-^habits similar to that w h ich, as we have conjec-
tured, caused the original evolution of the Aryanrace. THe same
influencés may have had much to do with the lóss Z f Mongolian chara-
cteristics in the Magyars of Hungary.

But the A ryans have been by no means contented with this slow and^as
yet but partialTy completéd recovery of their ancient realm. OhTy the
mutual Jéalóusy of the nations of Europe permits aliens y e f to occupy
any pórtiQji_pf this aiQ.il, and it is plainly apparent that the complete
restoration of Aryan government over all its ancient dominions is a
mere question_of time. But the slow steps of this intérnal movement
have been accompanied by an external one of vast magnitude. After
its long rest the Aryan race has again become actively migratory, an"
expansive movement of great energy has set in, and the promise is that
ere~~irjrTñls^ héárly the whole of the habitable earth will be under
Aryan rule, infused with Aryan civilization, and largely peopled with
Ary ah Inhab i tán ts .

It is the control of the empire of the ocean that has been the moving
forcé in this new migration. The former one was checked, as we have
sáld“,'^úpbñ~tKe "oceáñ borCTer. Navigation had not yet become an Aryan
arf— • But the rise of ocean commerce gave opportunity for a new out-
push of no less vigor than that of oíd. When once the European naviga-
tors dared to break loose from sight of land and brave the dangers of
AMORC - Rosicrucian Order
Leeture One Hundred and Seven Page Five
unknown seas, a new chapter in the hlstory of mankind began. The shlps
of Europe touched the American shores, and with phenomenal rapldlty '
the inyadera. took poesessldn of this new-diáco vereda cont^aeat . jjo-t
four centurles have passed, and yet Americaj from its northern to its
Southern extremltlesT is crowded with men of Aryan blood, and the
aborigines ha ve ln grSfct measujre vanished before the ruthless foot-

In the East the activity of Aryan migration has had more dlfj^iculjy.es
to contend wjLth* yet its energy has b s w n o l.ess. daclarad. The lsland
continent'of Australia has become an outlying section of the Aryan
dominiács'*’ and in many of the fertile i si anda of the Paclf afr-
origines a££~Eapidly vanishing beforg the fatal Y^Llpn o f 'the_gurO£ean
Tne nqa-Aryan~ rui p-ra of India have been driven out,~and England
has succeeded. tQ. the dominión _of_J3lls anclefít realnj. And f lnally„thfi,
ndark ~contlnent*¡^of~Africa 1s being penetrated ¿ V a hundred polnts by
the f oot of_the. In.vad ¿r^ and Tá altead y the seat of several Aryan

o o o 0 o o o
The subject matter of this monograph must be understood by the reader or student of
same, not to be the official Rosicrucían teachings. These monographs constitute a series of
supplementary studies provided by the Rosicrucian Brotherhood, AMORC, both to mem-
bers and non-inembers, because they are not the secret, prívate teachings of the Order,
The object of these supplementary monographs is to broaden the mind of the student by
presenting him with the writings, opinions, and dissertations of authorities in various fields
of human enterprise and endeavor. Therefore, itis quite probable that the reader will note
at times in these supplementary monographs statements made which are inconsistent with
the Rosicrucian teachings or view-point. But with the realization that they are merely
supplem entary and that the Rosicrucian Organizaron isnot endorsing or condoning them,
one must take them merely for their prima facie valué. Throughout the supplementary series
the authors or translators of the subject will be given due creditwhenever we have knowl-
edge of their identity.
AIwORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Leeture One Hundred and Eleven Page One


Future Status of Human Races (Cont’d. )

The Aryan principie of government is that of decentralization. And

as no Aryan political ruler has ever succeeded in becoming the ac-
knowledged religious head of his people, every effort at despotic
centralization has falled or must fail. Local self-government was
the principie of rule in ancient Arya, and it is the principie in
modern America. There the family was the unit of the government.
With its domestic relations no official dared interfere • The vil-
lag.e had its governmental organization for the control of the
external relations of its families, under the rule of the people.
The later institution of the tribe had to do merely with the exter­
nal relations of the villages; it could not meddle with their in­
ternal affairs.

As we have sald, this principie has been remarkably persistent. It

unfolded with hardly a check in Greece. In the Aryan village two
relations of organization exlsted,— the family and the territorial.
In Greece the former of these first declared itself, and Greek poll-
tlcal society became divided into the family, the gens, the tribe,
and the State. The family idea was the ruling principie of organiza­
tion. It proved, however, in the development of civilization, to be
unsuited to the needs of an advanced government, and it was replaced
by the territorial idea. This gave rise to the rigidly democratic
government of later Attica. It was composed of successive self-govern-
ing units, ranging downward through State, tribe, township, and family,
while the people held absolute control alike of their prívate and
their public interests. At a later date the growth of political wls-
dom carried this principie one step farther forward, and a league or
confederacy of Crecían States was formed. Unfortunately this early
out-growth of the Aryan principie was possible in city life alone.
Country life and country thought moved more slowly, and the world
has to await, during two thousand years of anarchy and misgovernment,
the establishment of popular government over city and country alike.

In the United States of America the Crecían commonwealth has come

again to life, and the vital Aryan principie has risen to supremacy.
We have here, in a great nation, almost an exact counterpart of the
small Grecian confederacy. The family stlll exists as the unit ele-
ment, though no longer as a despotism. Then come successively the
ward or the borough, the city or the township, and the county. Over
these extends the State, and over all, the confederacy or United
States. In each and all of these the volee of the people is the
governing element. And in each, self-control of all its internal
interests is, or is in steady process of becoming, the admitted prin­
cipie. It is the law of decentralization carried to its ultímate,
each of the successively large units of the government having con­
trol of the interests whlch affect it as a whole, but having no right
to meddle with interests that affect scilely the population of any of
the minor units.
AMORC - Roslcrucian Order -A-
Lecture One Hundred and Eleven Page Two
Such ls the hlghest condition of political organizatlon yet reached
by mankind. It ls in the direct line of natural political evolution.
And this evolution has certainly not reached its ultímate. It must
In the future go on to the formation of yet larger unlts, confederacles
of confederacles, untll finally the whole of mankind shall become one
great republic, all general affalrs being controlled by a parliament
of the nations, and popular self-government being everywhere the rule.

This may seem somewhat vislonary. Yet Nature ls not vislonary, and
Nature has declared, ln a contlnuous course of events, reaching over
thousands of years, that there ls but one true U n e of political
evolution. Natural law may be temporarily set aside, but it cannot
be permanently abrogated. It may be hundreds, but can hardly be thou­
sands of years before the fInale is reached; yet however long it may
take, but one end can come,— that of the confederacy of mankind. The
type of government that naturally aróse in the village of ancient Arya
must be the final type of government of the world.

One highly important result must attend this ultímate condition,—

namely, the abolition of war; for the baslc principie of republican
government is that of the yielding of prívate ln favor of general
interests, and the submission of all hostile questions to the arbitra-
ment of courts and parliaments. Abundant questions rise in America
which might result in war, were not this more rational method for
the settlement of disputes in satisfactory operation. In several
minor and in one great instance ln American history an appeal has
been made from the decisión of the people to that of the sword. But
with every such effort the principie of rule by law and by the ballot
has become more firmly established, and admlssion of this principie
is becoming more and more general as time goes on.

Unfortunately, in the world at large no such method exists for ar-

ranging the relations of States, and many wars have arisen over dis­
putes which could satisfactorily have been settled by a congress.
This is being more and more clearly recognized in Europe, and a
partial and unacknowledged confederacy of the European States may be
sald to exist already. But the only distinct and declared avoldance
of war by parliamentary actlon was that of the Alabama Commission,
which satisfactorily settled a dispute which otherwise might have re-
sulted in a ruinous war between America and England. This principie
of confederacy and parliamentary action for the decisión of Interna­
tional questions is young as yet but it is growing. One final result
alone can come from it,— a general confederacy of the nations, becoming
continually closer, must arise, and war must die out. For the time
will inevltably come when the great body of confederated nations will
take the dragón of war by the throat and crush the last remains of
life out of its detestable body. We can dimly see in the far future
a period when war will not be permitted, when the great compound of
civillzed nations will sternly forbid this irratlonal, ruinous, and
terrible method of settling national disputes, and will not look
quietly on at the destruction of human life and of the results of
human industry, or the wasteful diversión of industry to the manu­
facture of Instruments of devastation. When that age comes, all
hostile disputants will be forced to submit their questions to parlia-
AMORC - Roslerucian Order -A-
Lecture One Hundred and Eleven Page Three
mentary arbitration, and to ablde by the result as individuáis submit
today to the decisión of courts of law. All civilized men and nations
of the far future will doubtless deem it utter madness to seek to set-
tle a dispute or reach the solution of an argument by killing one
another, and will be more likely to shut up the warrior in an insane
asylum than to put a sword in his hand and suffer him to run amuck like
a frantic Malay swordsman through the swarming hosts of industry. Such
we may with some assurance look forward to as the fInale of Aryan
political development.

Religiously the antique Aryan principie has similarly declare! itself.

Religious decentrallzation was the condition of worship in ancient
Arya, and this condition has reappeared in modern America. The right
of prívate thought and prívate opinión has become fully established
after a hard battle with the principie of religious autocracy, and
to-day every man in America is privileged to be his own priest, and
to think and worship as he will, irrespective of any volee of author-

In moral development the Aryan nations are steadily progressing. The

code of Christ is the accepted code in nearly all Aryan lands. It is
not only the highest code ever promulgated, but it is impossible to
concelve of a superior rule of moral conduct. At its basis lies the
principie of universal human sympathy,— that of interest in and
activity for the good of others, without thought of self-advantage,
Nowhere else does so elevated a code of moráis exist, for in every
other code the hope of reward is held out as an inducement to the per­
formance of good acts. The idea is a low one, and it has yielded low
results. The idea of unselfish benevolence, and of a practical ac-
ceptance of the dogma of the universal brotherhood of manklnd, is a
high one, and it is yieldlng steadily higher results. Aryan bene­
volence is loftier in its grade and far less contracted in its out-
reach than that of any other race of mankind; and Aryan moral belief
and actlon reach far above those displayed by the Confuclan, Buddhistlc
and Mohammedan sectaries.

Industrially the Aryans have made a progress almost infinitely beyond

that of other races. The development of the fruitfulness of the soul;
the empkyment of the energies of Nature to perform the labors of man;
the extensive lnvention of labor-saving machinery;the unfoldment of
the scientific principies that underlie industrial operations, and of
the laws of political economy and finance,— are doing and must con­
tinué to do much for the amelioration of man. It is not with the sword
that the Aryans will yet conquer the earth, but with the plough and the
tool of the artisan. The Aryan may go out to conquer and possess;
but it will be with peace, plenty, and prosperity in his hand, and
under his awakening touch the whole earth shall yet "bud and blossom
as the rose."

There is but one more matter at which we need glance in conclusión.

In original Arya the industrial organization was communistic. Yet
we must look upon this as but a transítional State, a necessary stage
in the evolution of human institutlons. In the savage period private
property had no exlstence beyond that of mere personal weapons, cloth-
AMORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture One Hundred and Eleven Page Four
ing,and ornaments. In the pastoral perlod lt has little more, slnce
the herds, which formed the wealth of the people, were héLd for the
good of all; there was no personal property in lands, and household
possessions were of small valué. In the village perlod, though the
bulk of the land was still common property, yet the house-lot, the
dwelling, and its contents were family possessions. The idea of and
the claim to private property has ever since been growlng, and has
formed one of the most important instigating elements in the de-
velopment of mankind. This idea has to-day become supreme; the only
general communism remaining is in government property, and the prin­
cipie of individualism is dominant alike in politics, religión, and
industry. Such a Progressive development of individualism seems the
natural process of human evolution. The most stagnant institution
yet existing on the earth is the communistic Aryan village. The pro-
gress of mankind has yielded and been largely due to the establishment
of the right to prívate property. Ñor can we believe that this right
will ever be abrogated, and the stream of human events turn and flow
backward toward its source. The final solution of the problem of pro-
perty-holding cannot yet be predlcted, but lt can scarcely be that
of complete communism or socialism. The wheels of the world will
cease to turn if ever individual enterprise becomes useless to man­

Yet that individualism has attained too great a dominance through the
subversión of natural law by forcé, fraud, and the power of positlon,
may safely be declared. Individualism has become autocratic over the
kingdom of industry, and Aryan blood will always revolt against au-
tocracy. In the world of the future some more equitable distribution
of the products of industry must and will be made. The methods of
this distribution no one can yet decalre; but the revolt against the
present inequitable condition of affairs is general and threatening.
This condition is not the result of a natural evolution, but of that
prevalence of war which long permitted forcé to triumph over right,
and which has transmitted to the present time, as governing ideas of
the world, many of the lessons learned during the reign of the sword.
The beginning of the empire of peace seems now at hand, and the masses
of mankind are everywhere rising in rebellion against these force-in-
augurated ideas. When the people rise in earnest, false conditions
must give way. But it is a peaceful revolution that is in progress,
and the revolutions of peace are much slower, though not less sure,
than those of war. The final result will in all proability be some
condition intermedíate between the two extremes. On the one hand,
inordinate power and inordinate wealth must cease to exist and oppress
the masses of mankind. On the other hand, absolute equality in station
and possessions is incompatible with a high State of civilization and
progress. It belongs, in the story of human development, to the
savage stage of existence, and has been steadily grown away from as
man has advanced in civilization. The inequalities of man in physical
and mental powers are of natural origin, and must inevitably find some
expression in the natural organization of society. They cannot fail
to yield a certain inequality in wealth, position, and social rela-
tions. We can no more suppress this outcome of natural conditions than
we can forcé the seeds of the oak, pine, and other forest trees alike
to produce blades of grass. Enforced equality is unnatural, in that is
AMORC - Rosicrucian Order -A-
Lecture One Hundred and Eleven Page Five
is opposed to the natural inequallties of the body and mind of man,
and it could not be maintained, though a hundred times enacted. And
the inevitable tendency of even its temporary prevalence would be to
check progrese and endeavor, and to forcé human society back toward
that primitive stage In which alone absolute comraunism is natural and
possible. To find complete equality in animal relations we must go
to those low forms of animal U f e in which there is no discoverable
difference in powers and properties. The moment differences in natural
powers appear, differences in condition arise; and the whole tendency
of animal evolutlon has been toward a steadily increasing diversity of
powers and faculties, until to-day there exist greater differences in
this respect in the human race than at any previous period in history.
These mental and physical differences cannot fail to yield social,
political, and industrial diversities, though laws by the score or
by the thousand should be enacted to suppress their natural influence
upon human institutions.

But the existing and growing inequality in health and position is

equally out of consonance with the lessons of Nature, slnce it is much
in excess of that which exists in human minds and bodies, and is in
numerous cases not the result of ability, but of fraud, of special
advantages in the accumulation of wealth, or of an excessive develop-
ment of the principie of inheritance. This evil must be cured. How,
or by what medicine, it is not easy to declare. No man has a natural
right to a position in society which his own powers have not enabled
him to win, ñor to the possesion of wealth, authority, or influence
which is excessively beyond that due to his native superiorlty of
intellect. That a greater equality in the distribution of wealth
than now exists will prevail in the future can scarcely be questioned,
in view of the growing determination of the masses of mankind to bring
to an end the present State of affairs. That the existing degree of
communlsm will develop until the great products of human thought, in-
dustry, and art shall cease to be prívate property, and become free
to the public in librarles, museums, and lecture-halls, is equally
araong the things to be desired and expected. But that superior intel­
lect shall cease to win superior prizes in the "natural selection" of
society, is a theory too averse to the teachings of Nature and the
evident principies and methods of social evolutlon over to come into
practical realization in the history of mankind.

o o o 0 o o o
Stanton C. Phelps
Stanton C. Phelps

303 E. University Pkway

Baltimore, Md.

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