Rosicrucian Digest, February 1931
Rosicrucian Digest, February 1931
Rosicrucian Digest, February 1931
Members desiring Rosicrucian emblems may obtain them from Headquart
ers. They are made of gold, beautifully inlaid with enamel, neat in size, and
consist of the triangle surmounted by the Egyptian cross. M en’s style emblem
with screw back. $2.00. W om en’s style, with patent safety catch pin, $2.25
Rosicrucian C andlesticks: Beautifully designed to represent Egyptian col
umns like those in Egypt and in the Supreme Temple at San Jose, finished in
dark red mahogany, mounted on double triangle base. Each will hold regular
size candle. Price $2.50 per pair; postage prepaid.
Sanctum Cross: Design of this cross is like the famous Egyptian Crux
Ansata (the looped cross), mounted on double triangle and finished to match
the candlesticks, with red stone in the center of the cross. A very beautiful and
symbolical ornament. Price $2.50; postage prepaid.
Student’s M em bership A pron: For those members who wish to wear the
typical Rosicrucian triangle lodge apron while performing ceremonies at home,
this symbolical device made in the ancient manner and easily tied around the
body and containing the Cross and Rose within the triangle, will be found
very appropriate. Price $1.50 each: postage prepaid.
Rosicrucian Incense: A very delicate perfumed incense, carrying with it
the odor and vibrations of the Oriental flowers. Made especially for us in con
densed form, so that a very small amount is necessary at one burning. Far
superior to any high priced incense on the market. Price $1.00 for a box con
sisting of twelve large cubes sufficient for many months’ use, postage prepaid
by us.
C om plete Sanctum Set: Includes two candlesticks, the cross, box of in
cense, and the ritualistic apron, all described above. Special price if complete
set is ordered at one time, $6.50; postage prepaid.
Boxes of twenty-four sheets of beautiful blue stationery, broadcloth linen
finish, with envelopes to match, club size. Each sheet bears a symbolic Rosi
crucian emblem. This is fine stationery to use in writing to a friend or acquaint
ance to show your affiliation with the Order. Price per box $1.25; postage
Made especially for your automobile, but can be used anywhere. Made
of metal, finished in gold and red in duco enamel. Emblem is identical with the
smaller emblem worn on lapels. Easily attached to radiator. Five and one-
quarter inches high. Price $1.50; postage prepaid.
Beautifully printed and embossed gum seals about the size of a twenty-five
cent piece in red and gold to be used in sealing envelopes or on stationery.
Contains the emblem and name of the Order. Price 50c per hundred, postpaid.
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The Thought of the Month By The Imperator
Superstition................................. By The Supreme Secretary
An Important Announcement................... By The Imperator
The Duality of Jesus the Christ By Frater Paul Beckett
Lodge Masters..................................... By Raymund Andrea
Raising Tour Vibrations........................... By Frater Gamui
W hat is Real?.............................................. By Frater P. B.
Creating Tour Future By H. Spencer Lewis, F. R. C.
Thin\ing and Living By Frater John R. Carter, M. D.
W hat is the Cosmic?................................................
Cathedral FJotes........................................................
Subscription to the Rosicrucian Digest, Three Dollars per year. Single copies,
twenty-five cents each.
Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at San Jose, California, under
Act of August 24th, 1912.
Changes of address must reach us by the tenth of the month preceding date
of issue.
E S U S c o n s ta n tly re human experience. Heaven cannot be
minded His disciples a place of continuous joy for there must
and those who listened be sorrow and sadness as a result of
attentively to Him that the sins and errors, the griefs and pains,
the kingdom of Heaven of the multitudes who live either in
was not only close at darkness or sin or who are slowly
hand and m ight be evolving to spiritual perfection.
contacted sooner than It is true that the key-note of
the m u ltitu d e had mystical life is joy and that this joy is
expected but that the hidden from those who do not enter
real entrance-way to this kingdom was into the mystical life and is therefore
deep and pure. But this joy does not
However, we may view the preach preclude a sensitiveness to all of the
ments of Jesus in .this regard and laying sorrows and grief of mankind.
aside all of the symbolism that He may
have used, the outstanding fact is that It is said that Jesus was a man of
He made Heaven eminent and a king great sorrow and He was often seen to
dom which those here upon the earth weep and to express in His countenance
might enjoy. Certainly He was not the as well as in His words and attitude,
father of .the idea that the greatest or the suffering He felt from those around
most intimate joys of Heaven were to Him. Y et Jesus often rejoiced and His
be realized only after transition. joy was profound on many occasions.
Those who have been inclined toward No great master can be wholly happy
the spiritual life are often under the all the time nor is he always sorrowful.
impression that with the coming of The way of the spiritual life and of the
spiritual attunement and the consequent mystical life is the way of abundant
contact with the kingdom of Heaven living, a certain fullness of living that
brings naught but spiritual joy having brings to the consciousness of each
its reflex in earthly joy. Such persons individual a keen appreciation of the
become disappointed and discouraged heartaches as well as the joys and
in their journey on the path toward ambitions, the d isa p p o in tm en ts and
spiritual heights by the sorrows and sorrows of all living creatures.
griefs they continue to experience and W hile the mystical life is filled with
especially by the great sadness that these impressions of sorrow and grief
seems to be a part of the spiritual light the sadness is not like unto that of the
that gradually illumines their conscious sadness of one who is steeped in sin.
The ness. The key-note of the sinful life is sadness
Rosicrucian T o the mystic this is easily under and not joy. But the sadness of the
stood and the kingdom of Heaven sinner is different from the sadness and
means to him a contact with all of the sorrow of the mystic or the spiritual
February hearts and minds of the universe and being. The sadness of the sinner is a
1931 with all of the joys and sorrows of secret sadness which is constantly eat
ing its way relentlessly into the core of cup of life as represented in the heart
a sinner’s heart, as the mystics tell us. of the sinful. The mystic becomes
He is ever conscious of the fact that he conscious of the fact that the sinner may
is out of harmony not only with the be redeemed and may be saved, and
higher nature of himself but with the through grace and spiritual light he
higher principles of the entire universe. may be saved from himself and from
Most of his sins must remain secret in the torments of the evil within him and
order that he may enjoy life and liberty yet because he refuses the W a y to
and the association of men. salvation he w ilfu lly p ro lo n g s his
The sinner is a coward at heart in suffering.
most instances, inasmuch as he fears The Father of us all is saddened by
above everything else the possible fac this wilful attitude and the host of
ing of his own sin and the consequent angels and the holy assembly of masters
results. He not only fears to face his in the Cosmic bow their heads in grief
fellow beings and admit to them the as they realize that sinful man holds
sins he has committed but he fears to himself enslaved in grief and pain
face his own reflection in the mirror because he refuses to see the Light or
and to admit unto himself the evil of to venture upon the W a y to salvation.
his ways. How could it be otherwise The mystic, ever attuned to the con
with one who has wilfully chosen to be sciousness of God and the Heavenly
an enemy of mankind and a disobedient hosts, senses what they sense and
child of his Father? The sinner is shares to some degree in their sorrow
always an enemy of civilization, an and grief. Thus the mystic passes his
enemy of righteousness and an enemy time in moving from great joy to great
of better instincts in the human race; sorrow and he feels the pulse of the
therefore, his sins torment him and universe, the heart of man, and the
enslave him and in their bitter mockery spirit of God working in all things and
force him to suffer as no other sorrows moving in all beings.
in life can cause him to suffer. It is this complete attunement with
It is fortunate also for the human all of the constructive and operative
race th a t sin a d m in isters its own forces of the universe and with the
chastizement and if there is any ven combined consciousness of all beings
geance resulting from sin it is the that makes the mystic's life an abund
automatic action of its own discord. ant life, a life of fullness and supreme
God the Father of all beings is merci effulgence. It makes life not only
ful and even the average human is more complex but more complete and
merciful to the sinner but sin is more interesting. It robs the idle hours
unmerciful in its own condemnation and of the shadows and it takes from our
in the punishment it constantly wreaks earthly existence all sense of isolation
upon the individual. There is no sadder and separateness from our kith and kin
heart, no heart more heavy with grief and from our Heavenly Father. It
and pain than the heart of the conscious makes the horizon of sunrise tinted with
sinner. It causes mental as well as the most magnificent colors of human
moral and physical anguish and disorder experience and paints the sky of mid
and is the cause of disease and destruc day with a splendour of life that can
tion. Truly the sinner is in sorrow only come through living life in all its
constantly and eternally until he finds fullness. It makes the golden sunset at
salvation. the close of day a panorama of human
The mystic, on the other hand, is contact and an expression of spiritual
sensitive not only ,to the joys and and worldly interests com bin ed to
blessings, the gladness and the songs manifest God and His magnificent
of merriment that are in the hearts of powers.
the good and righteous but to the grief, The mystic sees in every human
remorse, regret, and heartaches of the being a real brother and sister, a close
sinful. For this reason the mystic kin through every human and spiritual
finds his hours of thoughtfulness divided association. The interests of his human
between the ecstasy of sublime spiritual relatives are h i s interests, for the
joy and the bitterness of the earthly interests of mankind are united and
constitute one grand experience for the avoid the fearful Light of condemna
evolution of the soul. The mystical life tion. He refuses to listen to the voice
opens wide the portals of human under of mercy and he hesitates to accept the
standing, human sympathy, and human Grace of God and save himself from
attunement, and through this comes a the sorrow of his own making. He does
closer attunement with the spiritual not know or else he wills not to under
consciousness that pervades all beings. stand that the grace of forgiveness and
This is the key-note of the power that the mercy of God’s love can cleanse
comes into the very being of every him and wipe away his sins and purify
mystic and enables him to wield an his heart and bring joy and peace in
influence for good in the lives of others. the twinkling of an eye. He convicts
Through his attunement and contact himself and chastizes his flesh while
with the soul in each individual around tormenting his heart and destroying his
him he becomes closer attuned with God mind in the evil of his ways. No real
and God’s view-point and in t h i s joy can come to him since the joy that
manner the mystic becomes a channel the sinner experiences is spurious and
of divine comprehension, is not only a in every sense fictitious and unreal.
servant unto God but a servant unto Eternal life is withheld from him for he
man and one of God’s chosen workers. separates himself from all contact with
The sinner or the one who chooses it.
to dwell in darkness and who refrains The mystic, on the other hand, has
from stepping on the narrow path that placed himself in communion with the
leads to spiritual power is constantly eternally constructive forces and is
separated from the human heart of all enjoying the influx of new life and new
beings and like unto a prisoner held in power every moment that he lives. It
his own prison by his own choosing is a joyous living, with all of the sorrows
and through his own commandment. and griefs, for the end is always a
He does not ostracize society but he beautiful one and the spiritual goal at
ostracizes himself. He does not push the end of the journey is ever a
his human kin from him but tears himself magnificent picture, inspiring and filled
away from them so that in his sin and with love and mercy begetting a new
remorse he may abide in secrecy and life and a life eternal.
“S E V E N M IN U T E S IN E T E R N IT Y ’’
It is our pleasure to again announce that we have, at a nominal price,
the wonderful articles entitled, “Seven Minutes in Eternity,’’ with their
Aftermath, in book form. This article appeared in the American Magazine,
and caused unusual comment among the occult and metaphysical students
and persons of every trend of mind. It deals with the actual experience
which the author had, and which he terms as his “Seven Minutes in
The author, William Dudley Pelley, has been well known in the
literary and editorial world, having written many articles for leading
publications. His experience substantiates many of the profound principles
which Rosicrucian students receive in their studies. It is a book which you
will be proud to have in your library; when the article appeared in the
The American Magazine it brought comments from every part of the world.
Rosicrucian Mr. Pelley is an experienced writer, and writes in an interesting and
fascinating way. This book may be secured from the A M O R C Supply
Digest Bureau, postage paid, at the very nominal price of 35c.
B y T h e S u prem e Secreta ry
Every Wednesday a radio program by the AM ORC will be broadcast over station
KN X, between 7:30 and 8:00 p. m., Pacific Coast Time. You will enjoy the high
quality musical program, as well as the interesting talk. Invite your friends to listen with
you, or those who might be interested. The wave length is 337 meters, and the station
itself is located at Hollywood, California.
An Imporant Announcement
B y T h e Im peka to r
B y F rater P a u l B eckett
W e welcome articles for the "Rosicrucian Digest” from members and readers of
this magazine. Some are under the impression that they cannot contribute articles for
The this publication, but anyone who has a theme along occult, metaphysical, Rosicrucian,
Rosicrucian or psychology lines may prepare such an article, and submit it, and if it is acceptable it
will be published with full credit to the author. If you would like to know more
Digest details about contributing articles to this magazine, address a letter to Editor of
February "Rosicrucian Digest,” care of Rosicrucian Brotherhood, AMORC, San Jose, California.
Lodge Masters and Activities
By R a y m u n d A n d r e a
Grand Master, Great Britain
What Is Real?
By F r a t e r P. B.
abdominal cavities, until all of the use W hen Scotch people get set in their
less God-given contents are sawed, ways things usually turn out the way
chiseled, or cut out and the man-given ■they want them, for brother is a Presby
genius is installed. terian minister and I am a physician. )Lz
Nothwithstanding my indifference, a and grunts with perfect precision. That
University conferred the Degree of child passed away soon afterward and
Medicine and Master of Surgery upon that m oth er was g r ie fs tr ic k e n and
me and several States have granted me broken. Many years have passed since
a License to practice, hundreds of peo I visited that home, but I have not
ple have em ployed me as th e ir forgotten that scene for it has been the
p h y sicia n , large co m p an ies have subject for much thought and medita
employed me, State and N a tio n a l tion. True, it was a physical defect
organizations have employed me, and in and a mental defect combined, but the
spite of all I could do some unseen question has come to me over and over
force has kept me on the firing line of again “W here did the Law of Com
practice for thirty years. In recent pensation apply in that case”? I have
years, however, through the good offices answered my own question for myself,
of the Imperator, and my own deter but to you who read I will ask you to
mination to solve this problem I have think well and live well lest you bring
become convinced that I am in the such a product of wrong thinking and
correct vocation and since settling this wrong living into this world to be a
argument with myself it seems that I constant reminder that thinking will
have made wonderful strides in personal create and living will develop what the
adaptation and research work as com thinking created. W ell may we read,
pared to the tempestuous years previous “Be not deceived, God is not mocked,
to that time, wherein wrong thinking for that which a man or a woman
and wrong living brought about really soweth so also shall they reap.” And
serious problems of health and peace of that does not describe the details of the
mind that seemed as though they would innocent ones who happen to be caught
wipe me out of existence, even as an in the net of the guilty and share in
avalanche wipes out the tender, inno their reward.
cent vegetation that happens to be in Since that time I have seen hundreds
its path. of such human products of wrong
I have touched upon the personal thinking and wrong living, and each
problems of a physician and now I am State in the Nation is burdened almost
going to talk about some of the prob to the limit with such charges, but
lems of human beings who have come nobly and affectionately giving to them
to me as patients in order that you may all the care and consideration t h a t
have some concrete examples of the might be expected of foster parents.
products of wrong living and wrong And I have thought much and studied
thinking, if there can be such a thing as hard to evolve a plan to prevent such
separating those two words “thinking” sad results which directly or indirectly
and “living.” come from wrong thinking and wrong
Several years ago I was called to a living. Too, I have given much thought
farmer’s home, to see a child that was and study to the alleviation of such
sick, and while in the home my atten deplorable conditions, and while they
tion was called to a human form whose may seem hopeless, yet I do believe
head was so large and its body so that with right thinking and right liv
withered and useless that I could only ing much may be done, yea almost the
gaze upon th e hum an form with impossible may be obtained if we will
exasperating helplessness. The mother refuse to accept the condition and apply
of that twenty-year-old specimen of ourselves to evolving a remedy that is
human monstrocity, while being the in keeping with the very certain laws
of nature.
mother of five other children who were W h at a burden for parents, com
excellent specimens of health and in munities, states and nations, but on the
telligence, seemed to be devoted to that other hand what a problem for the
The unfortunate child and seemed too, to physician who just won’t acknowledge
Rosicrucian have established an uncanny method of defeat? But after all haven't all of the
Digest communication with it, whereby the Great Masters arrived at their goal of
February child seemed to understand her words Peace and R e st by w alkin g right
1931 and she interpreted the child's groans through the impenetrable mist because
they slowly became illumined to see Another problem of the people of
that the mist did not exist save as it this day is a repetition of the age old
existed in their own minds and the folly of believing that birth control and
impenetrable part was a fabrication of race suicide can be accomplished by
fancy which vanished before the force physical means without injury. Any
of their living as they became imbued honest accomplished student of mental
with that power which only the organ and nervous disorders will frankly
ized Cosmically connected mind c a n deliver his ultimatum to such folly of
know. In other words he is a great thought and act, and if you don’t
physician who can through obedience believe him all you need to do is to
to and application of the infallible laws spend a little time in the State and
of Nature pierce the mists of pessimism National institutions to get a thorough
and doubt, shed the fear of failure, and convincing. No practice that contra-
create a mighty fortress of contact with cepts n a tu ra l law s or destructive
the Infinite for the strong minded, the procedure that destroys can do anything
feebleminded, the physically perfect less than tear down the mental function
and the mentally sound and the mental ing and the natural physical processes.
ly defective, for in so doing he or she And yet, physicians are in the midst of
becomes a channel of blessing which no this horrible tornado of human reckless
earthly, purely physical education or ness in thinking and living.
training can imitate. But after all it is sweet to think that
Again, the progressive physician en “Behind the clouds the sun is shining
counters a formidable obstacle to the still” and as we go on and on as Long
progress of his or her work in the fellow expressed it “Still achieving, still
thinking and the living of the people. pursuing, learning to l a b o r and to
For eons of time the people have been wait” we see the unfoldment of the
slowly building up a vicious circle people drawing closer and closer to
within themselves in the belief that knowledge and u n d ersta n d in g , and
germs and evil spirits cause disease, through proper thinking and living
pain, sickness, and suffering. T o add growing better and better as the days
insult to injury they h a v e slowly and weeks, months and years roll on,
developed a host of fictitious preventa- because all is G O O D and sooner or
tives and cures that are nothing less later in the Divine plan, man will choose
than a mockery of the fundamental Good rather than evil.
laws of Nature. For instance, to have One of the most exalting experiences
a mother bring her children to the I have ever known was the change in
office from a home life where sun the attitude, thinking and living that
shine is obstructed, the air is pol came to an old man of seventy years.
luted with smoke and gases, the water This good man had never learned to
contaminated or drugged, the food read or write, he said that he under
lifeless and adulterated, the rest dis stood but little about science or religion,
turbed with discord and unbearable sociology or anthropology, but he did
noise, the sanitation and ventilation, sense the human touch. After a care
suicidal or homicidal, as the case may ful examination and a discussion of his
be, the personal hygiene repulsive to condition, he went away and for a time
the nth degree, and then ask what the his mental and physical condition im
physician thinks of immunization? Or, proved rapidly and he bragged about
ask to have her children immunized the professional service he was receiv
against a particular name that repre ing. Then, he relapsed little by little
sents the pyramiding of such e v i l into his former condition and I called
destructive conditions, is to say the at his home again. His difficulty lay
least representative of the h ig h est in the fact that he was depending upon
degree of ignorance and folly. For a the purely physical and very naturally
physician to acquiese in such a request had returned to his former state of
is either unforgivable ignorance or a melancholy and discouragement. Per
deplorable greed for dollars. Right ceiving the main cause and effect I
thinking and right living will exclude proceeded to explain to him and con
the possibility of disease and insure the vince him that the little I could do for
race a physical and mental perfection. him was but the stepping stone to his
reaching that higher source from which separable part of the great whole and
cometh all knowledge and power, and the great whole is an inseparable part
that he didn’t even need to have an of me. W hen my connection is per
education to contact that source of fected I am in the light and when
knowledge and power. He said, “Doctor, I am disconnected I am in darkness,
I have lived seventy years in this place whether I am a physician or a farmer,
and have never before in all these years a lawyer or a stone-mason, my thinking
heard of any available help except the and my living will reflect the light or
help that money will buy. Yes! Yes! darkness that exists within me.
I see it now,” and almost like a flash B r o th e r s and S is te r s , ours is a
he seemed to become electrified, and wondrous calling and it is my earnest
make a contact that had been dor prayer that no cloud may ever darken
mant for long. He said, “D o cto r------ the illumination which we have been so
where did you get your power to know privileged as to receive, but that our
and understand,” and I told him that it lives will more and more become the
came the moment that I knew and veritable lighthouses in the midst of the
understood that “It is not me but the seething masses of human, animal, and
Father who worketh in me.”
So the key to right thinking and plant life that the Glory of God may
right living comes with the knowledge become manifest in all things. So
and understanding that I am an in Mote it Be.
What Is The
Many of our members find it difficult that is back of all of the cosmological
to explain to others what we mean when manifestations. In other words, we
we use the word “Cosmic.” Einstein deal with the Cosmic forces and laws,
and other scientists have been using the while the scientists deal only with the
word “Cosmic” very freely of late, and outer objective manifestations of these
we often find it in newspaper and powers and laws.
magazine articles in connection with The scientists are dealing with the
scientific statements. W hen the word material aspects of the expression of the
“Cosmic” is used by these other persons, power and laws, while we are dealing
it is intended to have a slightly different with the Cosmic Essence and funda
meaning than when we use it. Let us, mental principles back of all such
therefore, make this distinction. e x p re s sio n s . Cosmic pow er passes
W hen science refers to the Cosmic, through and causes many manifestations
it is referring to Cosmology and the in man and his consciousness, as well as
heavenly phenomena. They mean par in the planets and heavenly bodies.
ticularly the p la n ets and h ea v en ly The C o sm ic pow er is a Divine
bodies, the stars, comets, and other Essence and the Cosmic laws are Divine
The visible things, and those certain mani laws operating in and controlling not
Rosicrucian festations of Cosmic principles such as only the outer, objective things of the
the so-called law of gravitation, light,
Digest heat, deflected waves of light, etc. heavens, but all things that exist in the
February W hen we refer to the Cosmic we universe and on the surface of the
1931 refer to the universal law and power earth.
Cathedral Notes
H E work of the Cathed bers in connection with the Cathedral
ral is progressing very work is greatly appreciated, and the
wonderfully indeed. Our letters we receive from those who are
greatest efforts, outside being helped bring tears to our eyes,
of the help that is given and a deep sense of thankfulness that
to our members in the we have these opportunities to serve.
various periods, consti A m ong our m em bers and their
tute the work of helping friends, the Cathedral periods are being
those who are in prisons, utilized to the utmost advantage. Those
asylums, and sanitariums. who are ill or in need of help should
I wonder whether our members real utilize the Cathedral periods instead of
ize how many truly worthy persons are writing to us or others for help, which
often confined in prisons or peniten th ey m ight re ce iv e m ore directly
tiaries, because they have committed through the Cathedral contacts. Let
some crime against the laws of the your friends know about the Cathedral
country in some moment of fury or and its work, and tell them that they
forgetfulness, and who are otherwise are entitled to all of its benefits like
clean of record, and more than anxious unto any member of the organization.
to pay the penalty of their acts, and be The Cathedral of the Soul knows no
redeemed in the sight of man. Thou creed, no race, no sect, no discrimin
sands of such persons are anxious to ation of any kind.
devote much of their time to studies The next special periods of contact
that will lead to self-improvement and at the Cathedral when the Imperator
a better understanding of the universal will direct certain definite healing and
principles. Because of their situation, helpful vibrations will be at the last
they are limited in funds and cannot periods of each Thursday night during
buy the things they would like to read, February and March. These special
nor are they able to join our organiz sessions are for our members only.
The sending of our books and much All new members of the Order re
other interesting matter to these per ceive a book explaining the work of
sons has become one of the great the Cathedral of the Soul with their
activities of the Cathedral W elfare seventh lecture, or shortly thereafter.
League, and we are already reaping the If any member of the Order is beyond
benefits of this work through the good the seventh lecture of the First Grade
deeds being done by some who have studies and has not received a copy of
been released from prison and who this Cathedral book, he should write to
have lost no time in trying to show the Supreme Secretary and ask for a
their appreciation by helping others and free copy of Liber 777.
entering into good and constructive From all parts of the world we are
work in behalf of humanity. W e have receiving letters of appreciation and
a number of representatives who are thankfulness regarding the work of the
spending most of their time in visiting Cathedral and it has become truly an
such institutions and working with the international, universal, Cosmic insti
unfortunate ones. tution in which all of us can rejoice
Others are helping those who are and to which all of us can send our
in sanitariums and hospitals, or who appreciation and helpful vibrations, and
are otherwise unfortunately shut in. from which each one of us can receive
The assistance on the part of our mem Cosmic benediction and blessings.
This is the book that our members and friends have been waiting for. It has been
in preparation for a number of years and required a visit to Palestine and Egypt to
secure verification of the strange facts contained in the ancient Rosicrucian and Essene
It is not an attack on Christianity, nor a criticism of the life of the Great Redeemer
of Men. It is a full account of the birth, youth, early manhood, and later periods of
Jesus’ life containing the story of His activities in the times not mentioned in the Gospel
The facts relating to the Immaculate Conception, the Birth, Crucifixion, Resurrec
tion, and Ascension will astound and inspire you.
The book contains many mystical symbols, fully explained, original photographs,
and a new portrait of Jesus. There are over three hundred pages, with seventeen large
chapters, beautifully printed, bound in purple silk, and stamped in gold.
Here is a book that will inspire, instruct, and guide every student of mysticism and
religion. It will be the most talked about book of the year, and will make a fine gift
Read it and be prepared for the discussion of it that you will hear among men and
women of learning.
Those who are interested in studying the complete instructions contained in the
entire Rosicrucian system and who cannot find it convenient to attend a lodge or study
group of the organization in their own district, or who live where there is no estab
lished branch of the organization, may have the benefit of these instructions and all of
the personal service of the organization in the privacy of their own homes.
After many years of development of a special system for home study and after
the organization of many departments of special personal help, thousands of men and
women in every walk of life in all parts of the world, are finding peace and happiness,
fulfillment of their desires and powers, through the special private help offered by the
organization to every sincere seeker. If you would like to know more about this personal
The service and its benefits and the wonderful instruction that is offered to those who are
Rosicrucian seeking for it, write a letter addressed to: “Librarian S. P. C., care of AM ORC Temple,
San Jose, California,” and an interesting free book and other literature will be gladly sent
Digest to you by mail.
February (T h o se who are Rosicrucian students are now receiving these instructions)
The Rosicrucian Order, having existed in all civilized lands for many centuries, is a non
sectarian, fraternal body of men and women devoted to the investigation, study, and practical
application of natural and spiritual laws. The purpose of the organization is to enable all to live
in harmony with the creative, constructive, Cosmic forces for the attainment of health, happi
ness, and Peace.
The Order is internationally known as AM ORC (an abbreviation), and the AM ORC in
America, and all other lands, constitutes the only form of Rosicrucian activities united in one
body having representation in the international Rosicrucian congresses. The AM ORC does not sell
its teachings, but gives them freely to all affiliated members, together with many other benefits.
Inquirers seeking to know the history, purposes, and practical benefits of Rosicrucian asso
ciation, are invited to send for the free book, “The Light of Egypt.” Address, Librarian, S. P. C.,
care of
In addition to the very complete and interesting history, there is a second
part of the book in which scores of important questions are indexed and an
swered in detail. T o the seeker and member alike, these questions and answers
form an encyclopaedia of great value and unlike any similar book of mystical
and occult information ever published.
The book was written by Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, F. R. C., Imperator of the
Rosicrucian Order for North America, is well printed on antique book paper,
with over three hundred pages, bound in green silk cloth, and stamped in gold.
It makes a valuable addition to the Rosicrucian library. Price per copy, $2.50
Rosicrucian Park San Jose, California
P R I N T E D IN U . S . A .
The following books are recommended because of the special knowledge they contain, not to
be found in our teachings and not available elsewhere.
Volume I. Rosicrucian Questions and Answers and C om plete H istory o f the O rder.
The story of the Rosicrucian ideals, traditions, activities, and accomplishments is told interestingly in this book,and the
scores of questions form a small encyclopaedia of knowledge. O ver 300 pages, printed on fine book paper, bound in
green silk, and stamped in gold. Price $2.50 per copy, postpaid.
Volume II. Rosicrucian Principles for the H om e and Business.
A very practical book dealing with the solution of health, financial, and business problems in the home and office. W ell
printed and bound in red silk, stamped with gold. Price $2.25 per copy, postpaid.
Volume V II. S elf M astery and F ate. W ith the C ycles o f Life.
A new and astounding system of determining your fortunate and unfortunate hours, weeks, months, and years
throughout your life. N o mathematics required. Better than any system of numerology or astrology. Bound in silk,
stamped with gold, Price $2.50 per copy, postpaid.
Send all orders for books, with remittances, direct to A M O R C S U P P L Y B U R E A U . Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, Calif.