Sa 450/sa 450M
Sa 450/sa 450M
Sa 450/sa 450M
1. Scope ASTM
Title of Specification DesignationA
1.1 This specification covers a group of requirements Electric-Resistance-Welded Ferritic Alloy- A 250/A 250M
which, with the exceptions of 4.3 and Sections 5, 6, 17, Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23, are mandatory requirements to Seamless and Welded Ferritic and Marten- A 268/A 268M
the following ASTM tubular product specifications: sitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General
Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless A 269
Steel Tubing for General Service
Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless A 270
Title of Specification DesignationA
Steel Sanitary Tubing
Seamless Low-Carbon and Carbon-Molyb- A 161 Seamless Austenitic Chromium-Nickel A 271
denum Steel Still Tubes for Refinery Steel Still Tubes for Refinery Service
Service Seamless and Welded Carbon and Alloy- A 334/A 334M
Electric-Resistance-Welded Carbon Steel A 178/A 178M Steel Tubes for Low-Temperature
and Carbon-Manganese Steel Boiler Service
Seamless and Electric-Welded Low-Alloy A 423/A 423M
Seamless Cold-Drawn Low-Carbon Steel A 179/A 179M
Steel Tubes
Heat-Exchanger and Condenser Tubes
Electric-Resistance-Welded Coiled Steel A 539
Seamless Carbon Steel Boiler Tubes for A 192/A 192M
Tubing for Gas and Fuel Oil Lines
High-Pressure Service
Seamless Cold-Drawn Carbon Steel Feed- A 556/A 556M
Seamless Cold-Drawn Intermediate Alloy- A 199/A 199M
water Heater Tubes
Steel Heat-Exchanger and Condenser
Tubes Electric-Resistance-Welded Carbon Steel A 557/A 557M
Seamless Intermediate Alloy-Steel Still A 200 Feedwater Heater Tubes
Tubes for Refinery Service Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Feedwa- A 688/A 688M
Seamless Carbon-Molybdenum Alloy-Steel A 209/A 209M ter Heater Tubes
Boiler and Superheater Tubes Seamless Medium-Strength Carbon-Molyb- A 692
Seamless Medium-Carbon Steel Boiler and A 210/A 210M denum Alloy-Steel Boiler and Super-
Superheater Tubes heater Tubes
Seamless Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy- A 213/A 213M Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for A 771
Steel Boiler, Superheater, and Heat-Ex- Breeder Reactor Core Components
changer Tubes Seamless and Welded Ferritic/Austenitic A 789/A 789M
Electric-Resistance-Welded Carbon Steel A 214/A 214M Stainless Steel Tubing for General
Heat-Exchanger and Condenser Tubes Service
Electric-Resistance-Welded Carbon Steel A 226/A 226M Welded Unannealed Ferritic Stainless Steel A 791/A 791M
Boiler and Superheater Tubes for High- Tubing
Pressure Service Welded Ferritic Stainless Steel Feedwater A 803/A 803M
Welded Austenitic Steel Boiler, Super- A 249/A 249M Heater Tubes
heater, Heat-Exchanger, and Condenser Seamless, Cold-Drawn Carbon Steel Tub- A 822
Tubes ing for Hydraulic System Service
turer, shall conform to the requirements specified in 7. Permissible Variations in Wall Thickness
the product specification.
7.1 Variations from the specified minimum wall
4.2.1 For stainless steels ordered under product thickness shall not exceed the amounts prescribed in
specifications referencing this specification of general Table 2.
requirements, the steel shall not contain an unspecified
element, other than nitrogen, for the ordered grade to 7.2 For tubes 2 in. [50.8 mm] and over in outside
the extent that the steel conforms to the requirements diameter and 0.220 in. [5.6 mm] and over in thickness,
of another grade for which that element is a specified the variation in wall thickness in any one cross section
element having a required minimum content. For this of any one tube shall not exceed the following percent-
requirement, a grade is defined as an alloy described age of the actual mean wall at the section. The actual
individually and identified by its own UNS designation mean wall is defined as the average of the thickest
in a table of chemical requirements within any specifica- and thinnest wall in that section.
tion listed within the scope as being covered by this
specification. Seamless tubes ±10%
Welded tubes ±5%
4.3 Product Analysis—Product analysis requirements
and options, if any, are contained in the product specifi-
cation. 7.3 When cold-finished tubes as ordered require wall
thicknesses 3⁄4 in. [19.1 mm] or over, or an inside
diameter 60% or less of the outside diameter, the
permissible variations in wall thickness for hot-finished
5. Tensile Properties
tubes shall apply.
5.1 The material shall conform to the requirements
as to tensile properties prescribed in the individual
8. Permissible Variations in Outside Diameter
5.2 The yield strength corresponding to a permanent
offset of 0.2% of the gage length or to a total extension 8.1 Except as provided in 8.2.1 and 8.3, variations
of 0.5% of the gage length under load shall be deter- from the specified outside diameter shall not exceed
mined. the amounts prescribed in Table 3.
5.3 If the percentage of elongation of any test speci- 8.2 Thin-wall tubes usually develop significant ovality
men is less than that specified and any part of the (out of roundness) during final annealing, or straight-
fracture is more than 3⁄4 in. [19.0 mm] from the center ening, or both. Thin-wall tubes are defined as those
of the gage length, as indicated by scribe marks on meeting the specified outside diameters and specified
the specimen before testing, a retest shall be allowed. wall thicknesses set forth as follows:
Specified Outside
6. Standard Weights
Diameter Specified Wall Thickness
6.1 The calculated weight per foot, based upon a 2 in. [50.8 mm] and 2% or less of specified outside
specified minimum wall thickness, shall be determined less diameter
by the following equation: Greater than 2 in. 3% or less of specified outside
[50.8 mm] diameter
All diameters 0.020 in. [0.5 mm] or less
W p C(D − t)t (1)
16. Method of Mechanical Testing the flattening test, shall be judged in accordance with
the finish requirements.
16.1 The specimens and mechanical tests required
shall be made in accordance with Annex A2 of Test 17.3 Superficial ruptures resulting from surface imper-
Methods and Definitions A 370. fections shall not be cause for rejection.
16.2 Specimens shall be tested at room temperature. 17.4 When low D-to-t ratio tubular products are
tested, because the strain imposed due to geometry is
16.3 Small or subsize specimens as described in Test unreasonably high on the inside surface at the six and
Methods and Definitions A 370 may be used only twelve o’clock locations, cracks at these locations shall
when there is insufficient material to prepare one of not be cause for rejection if the D to t ratio is less
the standard specimens. When using small or subsize than 10.
specimens, the largest one possible shall be used.
5 mm ball with 750 kg load may be used, at the the nearest 100 psi [1 MPa] for pressures 1000 psi [7
option of the manufacturer. MPa] and above. The hydrostatic test may be performed
prior to cutting to final length, or prior to upsetting,
21.2 For tubes less than 0.200 in. [5.1 mm] to and
swaging, expanding, bending, or other forming opera-
including 0.065 in. [1.7 mm] in wall thickness, the
tions, or both.
Rockwell hardness test shall be used.
21.3 For tubes less than 0.065 in. [1.7 mm] in wall 22.2 Regardless of the determination made by Eq.
thickness, the hardness test shall not be required. (3), the minimum hydrostatic test pressure required to
satisfy these requirements need not exceed the values
21.4 The Brinell hardness test may be made on the given in Table 7. This does not prohibit testing at
outside of the tube near the end, on the outside of a higher pressures at manufacturer’s option or as provided
specimen cut from the tube, or on the wall cross section in 22.3.
of a specimen cut from the tube at the option of the
manufacturer. This test shall be made so that the 22.3 With concurrence of the manufacturer, a mini-
distance from the center of the impression to the edge mum hydrostatic test pressure in excess of the require-
of the specimen is at least 2.5 times the diameter of ments of 22.2 or 22.1, or both, may be stated on the
the impression. order. The tube wall stress shall be determined by the
following equation:
21.5 The Rockwell hardness test may be made on
the inside surface, on the wall cross section, or on
S p PD/2t (4)
a flat on the outside surface at the option of the
21.6 For tubes furnished with upset, swaged, or where:
otherwise formed ends, the hardness test shall be made S p tube wall stress, psi or MPa, and all other sym-
as prescribed in 21.1 and 21.2 on the outside of the bols as defined in 22.1.
tube near the end after the forming operation and heat
treatment. 22.4 The test pressure shall be held for a minimum
of 5 s.
21.7 For welded or brazed tubes, the hardness test
shall be made away from the joints. 22.5 If any tube shows leaks during the hydrostatic
test, it shall be rejected.
21.8 When the product specification provides for
Vickers hardness, such testing shall be in accordance 22.6 The hydrostatic test may not be capable of
with Test Method E 92. testing the end portion of the pipe. The lengths of
pipe that cannot be tested shall be determined by the
manufacturer and, when specified in the purchase order,
22. Hydrostatic Test reported to the purchaser.
22.1 Except as provided in 22.2 and 22.3, each tube
shall be tested by the manufacturer to a minimum
hydrostatic test pressure determined by the following 23. Air Underwater Pressure Test
23.1 When this test is employed, each tube, with
Inch-Pound Units: P p 32000 t/D (3)
internal surface clean and dry, shall be internally pressur-
ized to 150 psi [1000 kPa] minimum with clean and
dry compressed air while being submerged in clear
SI Units: P p 220.6 t/D
water. The tube shall be well-lighted, preferably by
underwater illumination. Any evidence of air leakage
of the pneumatic couplings shall be corrected prior to
P p hydrostatic test pressure, psi or MPa,
testing. Inspection shall be made of the entire external
t p specified wall thickness, in. or mm, and
surface of the tube after holding the pressure for not
D p specified outside diameter, in. or mm.
less than 5 s after the surface of the water has become
22.1.1 The hydrostatic test pressure determined by calm. If any tube shows leakage during the air under-
Eq. (3) shall be rounded to the nearest 50 psi [0.5 water test, it shall be rejected. Any leaking areas may
MPa] for pressure below 1000 psi [7 MPa], and to be cut out and the tube retested.
24. Nondestructive Electric Test specifications. This test has the capability of finding
defects of a size permitting the test fluid to leak through
24.1 When nondestructive examination is specified
the tube wall and may be either visually seen or
by the purchaser or the product specification, each tube
detected by a loss of pressure. This test may not
shall be examined by a nondestructive examination
detect very tight, through-the-wall defects or defects
method in accordance with Practice E 213, Practice E
that extend an appreciable distance into the wall without
309 (for ferromagnetic materials), Practice E 426 (for
complete penetration.
non-magnetic materials), or Practice E 570. Upon
agreement, Practice E 273 shall be employed in addition 24.2.6 A purchaser interested in ascertaining the
to one of the full periphery tests. The range of tube nature (type, size, location, and orientation) of disconti-
sizes that may be examined by each method shall be nuities that can be detected in the specific application
subject to the limitations in the scope of that practice. of these examinations should discuss this with the
In case of conflict between these methods and practices manufacturer of the tubular products.
and this specification, the requirements of this specifica-
tion shall prevail. 24.3 Time of Examination — Nondestructive exami-
nation for specification acceptance shall be performed
24.2 The following information is for the benefit of after all deformation processing, heat treating, welding,
the user of this specification: and straightening operations. This requirement does
not preclude additional testing at earlier stages in the
24.2.1 Calibration standards for the nondestructive
electric test are convenient standards for calibration
of nondestructive testing equipment only. For several 24.4 Surface Condition:
reasons, including shape, orientation, width, etc., the
correlation between the signal produced in the electric 24.4.1 All surfaces shall be free of scale, dirt,
test from an imperfection and from calibration standards grease, paint, or other foreign material that could inter-
is only approximate. A purchaser interested in ascertain- fere with interpretation of test results. The methods
ing the nature (type, size, location, and orientation) of used for cleaning and preparing the surfaces for exami-
discontinuities that can be detected in the specific nation shall not be detrimental to the base metal or
application of these examinations should discuss this the surface finish.
with the manufacturer of the tubular product. 24.4.2 Excessive surface roughness or deep
24.2.2 The ultrasonic examination referred to in scratches can produce signals that interfere with the test.
this specification is intended to detect longitudinal 24.5 Extent of Examination:
discontinuities having a reflective area similar to or
larger than the calibration reference notches specified in 24.5.1 The relative motion of the tube and the
23.4. The examination may not detect circumferentially transducer(s), coil(s), or sensor(s) shall be such that
oriented imperfections or short, deep defects. the entire tube surface is scanned, except for end effects
as noted in 24.5.2.
24.2.3 The eddy current examination referenced
in this specification has the capability of detecting 24.5.2 The existence of end effects is recognized,
significant discontinuities, especially of the short abrupt and the extent of such effects shall be determined by
type. Practices E 309 and E 426 contain additional the manufacturer, and, if requested, shall be reported
information regarding the capabilities and limitations to the purchaser. Other nondestructive tests may be
of eddy-current examination. applied to the end areas, subject to agreement between
the purchaser and the manufacturer.
24.2.4 The flux leakage examination referred to
in this specification is capable of detecting the presence 24.6 Operator Qualifications:
and location of significant longitudinally or transversely 24.6.1 The test unit operator shall be certified
oriented discontinuities. The provisions of this specifi- in accordance with SNT TC-1-A, or an equivalent
cation only provide for longitudinal calibration for flux documented standard agreeable to both purchaser and
leakage. It should be recognized that different techniques manufacturer.
should be employed to detect differently oriented imper-
fections. 24.7 Test Conditions:
24.2.5 The hydrostatic test referred to in Section 24.7.1 For examination by the ultrasonic method,
22 is a test method provided for in many product the minimum nominal transducer frequency shall be
2.0 MHz, and the maximum transducer size shall be 0.004 in. [0.1 mm], whichever is greater. The length
1.5 in. (38 mm). of the notch shall be compatible with the testing method.
24.7.2 For eddy current testing, the excitation 24.8.3 For ultrasonic testing, the reference ID and
coil frequency shall be chosen to ensure adequate OD notches shall be any one of the three common
penetration, yet provide good signal-to-noise ratio. notch shapes shown in Practice E 213, at the option The maximum coil frequency shall be: of the manufacturer. The depth of notches shall not
exceed 121⁄2% of the specified wall thickness of the
tube or 0.004 in. [0.1 mm], whichever is greater. The
Specified Wall Thickness Maximum Frequency
width of the notch shall not exceed two times the
<0.050 in. 100 KHz
0.050 to 0.150 50 depth. For welded tubing, the notch shall be placed in
>0.150 10 the weld, if the weld is visible.
24.8.4 For flux leakage testing, the longitudinal
24.8 References Standards: reference notches shall be straight-sided notches ma-
24.8.1 Reference standards of convenient length chined in a radial plane parallel to the tube axis on
shall be prepared from a length of tube of the same the inside and outside surfaces of the tube. Notch depth
grade, specified size (outside diameter and wall thick- shall not exceed 121⁄2% of the specified wall thickness,
ness), surface finish and heat treatment condition as or 0.004 in. [0.1 mm], whichever is greater. Notch
the tubing to be examined. length shall not exceed 1 in. [25 mm], and the width
shall not exceed the depth. Outside diameter and inside
24.8.2 For eddy current testing, the reference diameter notches shall have sufficient separation to
standard shall contain, at the option of the manufacturer, allow distinct identification of the signal from each
any one of the following discontinuities: notch. Drilled Hole — The reference standard 24.8.5 More or smaller reference discontinuities,
shall contain three or more holes, equally spaced circum- or both, may be used by agreement between the pur-
ferentially around the tube and longitudinally separated chaser and the manufacturer.
by a sufficient distance to allow distinct identification
of the signal from each hole. The holes shall be drilled 24.9 Standardization Procedure:
radially and completely through the tube wall, with
24.9.1 The test apparatus shall be standardized at
care being taken to avoid distortion of the tube while
the beginning and end of each series of tubes of the
drilling. The holes shall not be larger than 0.031 in.
same specified size (diameter and wall thickness), grade
(0.8 mm) in diameter. As an alternative, the producer
and heat treatment condition, and at intervals not ex-
may choose to drill one hole and run the calibration
ceeding 4 h during the examination of such tubing.
standard through the test coil three times, rotating the
More frequent standardizations may be performed at
tube approximately 120° each time. More passes with
the manufacturer’s option or may be required upon
smaller angular increments may be used, provided
agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
testing of the full 360° of the coil is obtained. For
welded tubing, if the weld is visible, one of the multiple 24.9.2 The test apparatus shall also be standardized
holes or the single hole shall be drilled in the weld. after any change in test system settings, change of
operator, equipment repair, or interruption due to power Transverse Tangential Notch — Using
loss or shutdown.
a round tool or file with a 1⁄4 in. [6.4 mm] diameter,
a notch shall be milled or filed tangential to the surface 24.9.3 The reference standard shall be passed
and transverse to the longitudinal axis of the tube. Said through the test apparatus at the same speed and test
notch shall have a depth not exceeding 121⁄2% of the system settings as the tube to be tested, except that,
specified wall thickness of the tube or 0.004 in. [0.1 at the manufacturer’s discretion, the tubes may be tested
mm], whichever is greater. at a higher sensitivity. Longitudinal Notch — A notch 0.031 24.9.4 The signal-to-noise ratio for the reference
in. [0.8 mm] or less in width shall be machined in a standard shall be 2.5:1 or greater, and the reference
radial plane parallel to the tube axis on the outside signal amplitude for each discontinuity shall be at least
surface of the tube, to have a depth not exceeding 50% of full scale of the display. In establishing the
121⁄2% of the specified wall thickness of the tube or noise level, extraneous signals from identifiable surface
27.2 In addition, the Certified Test Report shall such as zinc, lead, or copper, which cause corrosive
include the following information and test results, when attack on heating.
28.3 When it is specified that certain requirements
27.2.1 Heat Number, of a specification adopted by the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Committee are to be completed by the
27.2.2 Heat Analysis,
purchaser upon receipt of the material, the manufacturer
27.2.3 Product Analysis, when specified, shall indicate that all requirements of the specification
have not been completed by a letter such as X, Y, or
27.2.4 Tensile Properties, Z, immediately following the specification number.
27.2.5 Width of the gage length, when longitudinal This letter may be removed after completion of all
strip tension test specimens are used, requirements in accordance with the specification. An
explanation of specification requirements to be com-
27.2.6 Flattening Test acceptable, pleted is provided in Section 27.
27.2.7 Reverse Flattening Test acceptable, 28.4 Bar Coding — In addition to the requirements
27.2.8 Flaring Test acceptable, in 28.1, 28.2, and 28.3, bar coding is acceptable as a
supplementary identification method. Bar coding should
27.2.9 Flange Test acceptable, be consistent with the Automotive Industry Action
27.2.10 Hardness Test values, Group (AIAG) standard prepared by the Primary Metals
Subcommittee of the AIAG Bar Code Project Team.
27.2.11 Hydrostatic Test pressure,
27.2.12 Non-destructive Electric Test method,
29. Packaging, Marking, and Loading
27.2.13 Impact Test results, and
29.1 When specified on the purchase order, packaging,
27.2.14 Other test results or information required marking, and loading for shipment shall be in accord-
to be reported by the product specification. ance with the procedures of Practices A 700.
27.3 Test results or information required to be re-
ported by supplementary requirements, or other require-
ments designated in the purchase order or contract shall 30. Government Procurement
be reported, but may be reported in a separate document.
30.1 Scale Free Pipe:
27.4 The Certified Test Report shall include a state- 30.1.1 When specified in the contract or order,
ment of explanation for the letter added to the specifica- the following requirements shall be considered in the
tion number marked on the tubes (see 28.3), when all inquiry contract or order, for agencies of the U.S.
of the requirements of the specification have not been Government where scale free tube is required. These
completed. The purchaser must certify that all require- requirements shall take precedence if there is a conflict
ments of the specification have been completed before between these requirements and the product specifi-
removal of the letter (that is, X, Y, or Z). cation.
30.1.2 Tube shall be ordered to outside diameter
(OD) and wall thickness.
28. Product Marking
30.1.3 Responsibility for Inspection — Unless
28.1 Each length of tube shall be legibly stenciled
otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order,
with the manufacturer’s name or brand, the specification
the manufacturer is responsible for the performance of
number, and grade. The marking need not include the
all inspection and test requirements specified. The ab-
year date of the specification. For tubes less than 11⁄4
sence of any inspection requirements in the specification
in. [31.8 mm] in diameter and tubes under 3 ft [1 m]
shall not relieve the contractor of the responsibility for
in length, the required information may be marked on
ensuring that all products or supplies submitted to the
a tag securely attached to the bundle or box in which
Government for acceptance comply with all require-
the tubes are shipped.
ments of the contract. Sampling inspection, as part of
28.2 For austenitic tubes, the marking paint or ink the manufacturing operations, is an acceptable practice
shall not contain any harmful metal, or metal salts, to ascertain conformance to requirements, however,
this does not authorize submission of known defective 30.1.7 Hydrostatic and Ultrasonic Tests — Each
material, either indicated or actual, nor does it commit tube shall be tested by the ultrasonic (when specified)
the Government to accept the material. Except as and hydrostatic tests.
otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order,
30.1.8 Tube shall be free from heavy oxide or
the manufacturer may use his own or any other suitable
scale. The internal surface of hot finished ferritic steel
facilities for the performance of the inspection and test
tube shall be pickled or blast cleaned to a free of scale
requirements unless disapproved by the purchaser at
condition equivalent to the CSa2 visual standard listed
the time the order is placed. The purchaser shall have
in SSPC-SP6. Cleaning shall be performed in accordance
the right to perform any of the inspections and tests
with a written procedure that has been shown to be
set forth when such inspections and tests are deemed
effective. This procedure shall be available for audit.
necessary to ensure that the material conforms to the
prescribed requirements. 30.1.9 In addition to the marking in Specification
A 530/A 530M, each length of tube 1⁄4 in. outside
30.1.4 Sampling for Flattening and Flaring Tests
diameter and larger shall be marked with the following
and for Visual and Dimensional Examination — Mini-
listed information. Marking shall be in accordance with
mum sampling for flattening and flaring tests and visual
FED-STD-183 and MIL-STD-792. (a) Outside diameter,
and dimensional examination shall be as follows:
wall thickness, and length (b) Heat or lot identification
Lot Size (pieces per lot) Sample Size number.
2 to 8 Entire lot 30.1.10 Tube shall be straight to within the toler-
ances specified in Table 8.
9 to 90 8
30.1.11 When specified, each tube shall be ultrason-
91 to 150 12 ically examined in accordance with MIL-STD-271,
151 to 280 19 except that the notch depth in the calibration standard
shall be 5% of the wall thickness or 0.005 in., whichever
281 to 500 21 is greater. Any tube which produces an indication equal
501 to 1200 27 to or greater than 100% of the indication from the
calibration standard shall be rejected.
1201 to 3200 35
30.1.12 The tube shall be free from repair welds,
3201 to 10 000 38 welded joints, laps, laminations, seams, visible cracks,
10 001 to 35 000 46 tears, grooves, slivers, pits, and other imperfections
detrimental to the tube as determined by visual and
ultrasonic examination, or alternate tests, as specified.
In all cases, the acceptance number is zero and the 30.1.13 Tube shall be uniform in quality and
rejection number is one. Rejected lots may be screened condition and have a finish conforming to the best
and resubmitted for visual and dimensional examination. practice for standard quality tubing. Surface imperfec-
All defective items shall be replaced with acceptable tions such as handling marks, straightening marks, light
items prior to lot acceptance. mandrel and die marks, shallow pits, and scale pattern
will not be considered injurious if the imperfections
30.1.5 Sampling for Chemical Analysis — One
are removable within the tolerances specified for wall
sample for chemical analysis shall be selected from
thickness or 0.005 in., whichever is greater. The bottom
each of two tubes chosen from each lot. A lot shall
of imperfections shall be visible and the profile shall
be all material poured from one heat.
be rounded and faired-in.
30.1.6 Sampling for Tension and Bend Test —
30.1.14 No weld repair by the manufacturer is
One sample shall be taken from each lot. A lot shall
consist of all tube of the same outside diameter and
wall thickness manufactured during an 8-h shift from 30.1.15 Preservation shall be level A or commer-
the same heat of steel, and heat treated under the same cial, and packing shall be level A, B, or commercial,
conditions of temperature and time in a single charge as specified. Level A preservation and level A or B
in a batch type furnace, or heat treated under the same packing shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-163
condition in a continuous furnace, and presented for and commercial preservation and packing shall be in
inspection at the same time. accordance with Practices A 700 or Practice D 3951.
31. Keywords
31.1 alloy steel tube; austenitic stainless steel; carbon
steel tube; general delivery; stainless steel tube; steel
Permissible Permissible Variations, in.
Variation in Weight [mm]
per Foot, % Outside Diameter,
in. [mm] Over Under
Method of Manufacture Over Under
Hot-Finished Seamless Tubes
Seamless, hot-finished 16 0 1 1
Seamless, cold-finished: 4 [101.6] and under ⁄64 [0.4] ⁄32 [0.8]
11⁄2 in. [38.1 mm] and under OD 12 0 Over 4 to 71⁄2 [101.6 to 190.5], incl 1
⁄64 [0.4] 3
⁄64 [1.2]
Over 11⁄2 in. [38.1 mm] OD 13 0 Over 71⁄2 to 9 [190.5 to 228.6], incl 1
⁄64 [0.4] 1
⁄16 [1.6]
Welded 10 0 Welded Tubes and Cold-Finished Seamless Tubes
These permissible variations in weight apply to lots of 50 tubes Under 1 [25.4] 0.004 [0.1] 0.004 [0.1]
or more in sizes 4 in. [101.6 mm] and under in outside diameter, 1 to 11⁄2 [25.4 to 38.1], incl 0.006 [0.15] 0.006 [0.15]
and to lots of 20 tubes or more in sizes over 4 in. [101.6 mm] in Over 11⁄2 to 2 [38.1 to 50.8], excl 0.008 [0.2] 0.008 [0.2]
outside diameter.
2 to 21⁄2 [50.8 to 63.5], excl 0.010 [0.25] 0.010 [0.25]
21⁄2 to 3 [63.5 to 76.2], excl 0.012 [0.3] 0.012 [0.3]
3 to 4 [76.2 to 101.6], incl 0.015 [0.38] 0.015 [0.38]
Over 4 to 71⁄2 [101.6 to 190.5], incl 0.015 [0.38] 0.025 [0.64]
Over 71⁄2 to 9 [190.5 to 228.6], incl 0.015 [0.38] 0.045 [1.14]
Except as provided in 8.2 and 8.3, these permissible variations
TABLE 2 include out-of-roundness. These permissible variations in outside di-
PERMISSIBLE VARIATIONS IN WALL THICKNESSA ameter apply to hot-finished seamless, welded and cold-finished seam-
less tubes before other fabricating operations such as upsetting, swag-
Wall Thickness, %
ing, expanding, bending, or polishing.
Over 0.095 Over 0.150
Outside to 0.150 to 0.180
Diameter, 0.095 [2.4] [2.4 to [3.8 to Over 0.180,
in. [mm] and Under 3.8], incl 4.6], incl [4.6]
Minimum Expansion of Inside Outside Diameter of Tube, in. Hydrostatic Test
Diameter, % [mm] Pressure, psi [MPa]
Ratio of Inside Carbon, Carbon- Under 1 [25.4] 1000 [7]
Diameter to Outside Molybdenum, and Other Ferritic 1 to 11⁄2 [25.4 to 38.1], excl 1500 [10]
DiameterA Austenitic Steels Alloy Steels 11⁄2 to 2 [38.1 to 50.8], excl 2000 [14]
2 to 3 [50.8 to 76.2], excl 2500 [17]
0.9 21 15 3 to 5 [76.2 to 127], excl 3500 [24]
0.8 22 17 5 [127] and over 4500 [31]
0.7 25 19
0.6 30 23
0.5 39 28
0.4 51 38
0.3 68 50
In determining the ratio of inside diameter to specified outside
diameter, the inside diameter shall be defined as the actual mean
inside diameter of the material tested.
Specified Maximum
wall Maximum curvature in
Specified thickness curvature in total length
OD (in.) (in.) any 3 ft (in.) (in.)
Up to 5.0, Over 3% OD 0.030 0.010 ×
incl. to 0.5, length, ft
TABLE 6 incl.
FLANGE REQUIREMENTS Over 5.0 to Over 4% OD 0.045 0.015 ×
8.0, incl. to 0.75, length, ft
Outside Diameter of Tube, in. [mm] Width of Flange
To 21⁄2 [63.5], incl 15% of OD Over 8.0 to Over 4% OD 0.060 0.020 ×
Over 21⁄2 to 33⁄4 [63.5 to 95.2], incl 121⁄2% of OD 12.75, to 1.0, length, ft
Over 33⁄4 to 8 [95.2 to 203.2], incl 10% of OD incl. incl.