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Lamda Syllabus Performance Finpages v2 2

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With effect from 1 September 2014


About LAMDA 6
LAMDA Qualifications 8
Qualification Framework 8
About this Syllabus Specification 8
Structure of the Qualifications 8
LAMDA Qualification Titles Covered in this Syllabus Specification 9
Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations 10
Assessment and Grading 10
Assessment Requirements 10
Invalidation Policy 11
A Note on Language 11
Essential Resources 12
Glossary of Terms 12
Support Material 12
Attainment Band Descriptors 12

LAMDA Graded Examinations in Performance:

Purpose of the Qualification 16
Broad Objectives of the Qualification 16
Structure 17
Examination Regulations 18

6 Entry Level
Level Description 20
Learning Outcomes 20
Total Time Allowance 20
Examination Content 21
Marking Scheme 21
Assessment and Grading Criteria 22

6 Level 1
Level Description 24
Learning Outcomes 24
Total Time Allowance for Each Grade 25
Examination Content 25
Marking Scheme 30
Assessment and Grading Criteria 32

6 Level 2
Level Description 38
Learning Outcomes 38
Total Time Allowance for Each Grade 39
Examination Content 39
Marking Scheme 43
Assessment and Grading Criteria 44
6 Level 3
Level Description 48
Learning Outcomes 48
Total Time Allowance for Each Grade 49
Examination Content 49
Marking Scheme 53
Assessment and Grading Criteria 56

LAMDA Graded Examinations in Performance:

Devising Drama
Purpose of the Qualification 64
Broad Objectives of the Qualification 64
Structure 65
Examination Regulations 66

6 Entry Level
Level Description 68
Learning Outcomes 68
Total Time Allowance 68
Examination Content 69
Marking Scheme 69
Assessment and Grading Criteria 70

6 Level 1
Level Description 72
Learning Outcomes 72
Total Time Allowance for Each Grade 73
Examination Content 73
Marking Scheme 76
Assessment and Grading Criteria 78

Contents continued

6 Level 2
Level Description 84
Learning Outcomes 84
Total Time Allowance for Each Grade 84
Examination Content 85
Marking Scheme 87
Assessment and Grading Criteria 88
6 Level 3
Level Description 92
Learning Outcomes 92
Total Time Allowance for Each Grade 93
Examination Content 93
Marking Scheme 96
Assessment and Grading Criteria 98

LAMDA Graded Examinations in Performance:

Purpose of the Qualification 110
Broad Objectives of the Qualification 110
Structure 111
Examination Regulations 112

6 Entry Level
Level Description 114
Learning Outcomes 114
Total Time Allowance 114
Examination Content 115
Marking Scheme 115
Assessment and Grading Criteria 116
6 Level 1
Level Description 118
Learning Outcomes 118
Total Time Allowance for Each Grade 118
Examination Content 119
Marking Scheme 122
Assessment and Grading Criteria 124

6 Level 2
Level Description 130
Learning Outcomes 130
Total Time Allowance for Each Grade 131
Examination Content 131
Marking Scheme 133
Assessment and Grading Criteria 134
6 Level 3
Level Description 142
Learning Outcomes 142
Total Time Allowance for Each Grade 143
Examination Content 143
Marking Scheme 147
Assessment and Grading Criteria 148

Glossary of Terms: Syllabus Terminology 156

Glossary of Terms: Syllabus Content 157


Founded in 1861, LAMDA is the oldest drama school in the UK. We

started to offer examinations in speech and drama to the public over 130
years ago. Since then, we have developed an enviable reputation for
delivering excellence in the provision of Communication and Performance
examinations in the UK and are rapidly extending our reach internationally.

The process of preparing for and succeeding in a LAMDA examination

essentially helps learners, whatever their ages or aspirations, to develop a
broad range of skills that will serve them throughout life. Across the range,
our examinations develop a learner’s ability to:
• read easily, fluently and with good understanding
• expand vocabulary to improve powers of self-expression
• improve confidence in speaking and listening
• memorise and recall information
• research and create persuasive formal presentations
• create and defend arguments
• engage in constructive informal conversation
• work both on his/her own and participate as a member of a team.

No matter what direction learners may choose to follow in the future, our
examinations provide the opportunity to nurture their natural abilities. These
critical skills will enhance their self-confidence to engage and contribute
fully, whether at school, in further education, in work, or in the community: in
other words, to fulfil their potential.

All our examinations are rooted in encouraging participants to develop

a love of literature, poetry and drama and thus improve standards of
communication through the spoken word. This syllabus provides a wide
range of opportunities to do so.

Ultimately, it is the sense of achievement that empowers the individual. We

believe that succeeding in a LAMDA examination demonstrates not only
that learners have met rigorous assessment criteria in a particular discipline,
but also that they have grown as individuals through participating in a
worthwhile activity that is respected as a global standard.

Guy Norris
Head of Examinations

LAMDA Qualifications
LAMDA is recognised as an awarding organisation by Ofqual, the
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation in England and the

corresponding regulatory authorities in Wales and Northern Ireland.

LAMDA graded examinations are recognised by Ofqual and the

corresponding regulatory authorities.

6 Qualification Framework

The LAMDA Graded Examinations in Performance reside on the Regulated

Qualifications Framework (RQF). They are credit-bearing qualifications that
allow learners to build qualifications in a unit-based approach. This enables
learners to gain qualifications at their own pace along flexible routes.

The RQF permits direct comparison between academic qualifications (i.e.

GCSEs / A Levels) and vocational qualifications (i.e. LAMDA qualifications
and others).

The LAMDA Graded Examinations in Performance also reside on

Qualifications Wales’ educational framework, the Credit and Qualifications
Framework for Wales (CQFW).

6 About this Syllabus Specification

This syllabus specification outlines the specifications for LAMDA Graded

Examinations in Performance. It is designed for use by centres, teachers,
learners and parents.

6 Structure of the Qualifications

LAMDA Graded Examinations in Performance are available in the following

• Acting
• Devising Drama
• Miming.

LAMDA Graded Examinations in Performance are open to all. There are no

minimum age restrictions and the choice of repertoire is intended to appeal
to learners of all ages.

The qualifications are available at four levels on the RQF and each
examination subject is available from Entry Grade to Grade 8.

RQF Level Grade

Entry Level (E3) Entry Level
Level 1 Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Level 2 Grade 4
Grade 5
Level 3 Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8

6 LAMDA Qualification Titles Covered in this Syllabus

601/1737/0 LAMDA Entry Level Award in Performance (Entry 3)

601/1734/5 LAMDA Level 1 Award in Performance (Grade 1)

601/1740/0 LAMDA Level 1 Award in Performance (Grade 2)

601/1741/2 LAMDA Level 1 Award in Performance (Grade 3)

601/1744/8 LAMDA Level 2 Award in Performance (Grade 4)

601/1745/X LAMDA Level 2 Award in Performance (Grade 5)

601/1870/2 LAMDA Level 3 Certificate in Performance (Grade 6)

601/1871/4 LAMDA Level 3 Certificate in Performance (Grade 7)

601/1736/9 LAMDA Level 3 Certificate in Performance (Grade 8)

These qualifications have been recognised and are eligible for public
funding as determined by the Department for Education (DfE) under Section
96 of the Learning and Skills Act 2000.

The Qualification Number (QN) is a unique identifier provided by Ofqual.

The qualification titles listed above feature in the funding lists published
annually by the DfE and the regularly updated website www.education.gov.uk

The Qualification Number (QN) should be used by centres when they wish
to seek public funding for their learners.

The appropriate qualification title and Qualification Number (QN) will appear
on learners’ final certification documentation.

6 Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations

Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations are designed

to facilitate access to qualifications for learners who have particular
requirements. Further information can be obtained from LAMDA
examinations’ published Reasonable Adjustments and Special
Considerations Policy, which is available to download from the LAMDA
website: www.lamda.org.uk/examinations

6 Assessment and Grading

The purpose of assessment is to ensure that effective learning has taken

place to give learners the opportunity to meet all the assessment criteria and
achieve the learning outcomes within a qualification and/or unit.

All LAMDA graded qualifications require external assessment. External

assessment is a form of independent assessment where assessment
criteria for each qualification are set by LAMDA and marked by a LAMDA
examinations examiner.

LAMDA Graded Examinations in Performance use practical assessment as

the method for external assessment.

6 Assessment Requirements

All assessment for LAMDA regulated qualifications is criterion-referenced,

based on the achievement of specified learning outcomes and assessment
criteria. Each qualification and/or unit within the qualification has specified
assessment criteria which are used for grading purposes. A qualification
grade can be awarded at Pass, Merit or Distinction.

A Pass, Merit or Distinction is awarded respectively for the achievement

of all outcomes against the specified assessment criteria for each grading
criteria detailed in the syllabus specification.

Learners who complete the external assessment but who either do not
meet the minimum pass criteria mark for a Pass or fail to satisfy one or

more of the stated assessment criteria (irrespective of the total marks they
accumulate) will be graded as a Fail.

In these circumstances the examiner will identify the assessment criteria/

criterion not met in the examination report.

6 Invalidation Policy

LAMDA operates an Invalidation Policy for all its qualifications.

All learners must perform to the exact requirements as detailed in the

relevant syllabus specifications. Learners who do not conform to these
requirements will be referred by the examiner to LAMDA.

The referral will be reviewed by the appropriate personnel at LAMDA who

will determine whether an Invalidation exists.

For all confirmed Invalidation decisions, a letter detailing the reasons for the
Invalidation along with the learner’s examination report (marked Invalid) will
be sent directly to the centre coordinator or the named accountable person
detailed at the time of examination entry.

6 A Note on Language

English is used and explicitly expressed in all LAMDA syllabus specifications

and assessment materials for the examinations. Examinations are conducted
solely in English. The language used in all syllabus specifications,
assessment materials and during practical assessment is explicit, plain and
free from bias.

Whilst LAMDA offers examinations in Ireland and Wales, it does not offer
examinations using Welsh (Cymraeg) or Irish (Gaeilge) languages.

There is no requirement for learners to conform linguistically to all features

of British Standard English or Received Pronunciation. However, learners’
oral communication must be at a level that will not impose any difficulty of
comprehension or strain on the examiner during the assessment.

6 Essential Resources

The LAMDA Acting Anthology – Volume 3 is a collection of solo and

duologue scenes and is a required publication for learners taking LAMDA
graded examinations in Acting from Grade 1 to Grade 5.

Details of all LAMDA publications for the examinations are available on the
LAMDA website: www.lamda.org.uk/examinations

6 Glossary of Terms

A glossary of the terminology used in this syllabus specification is available

at the back of this syllabus.

6 Support Material

LAMDA has provided additional support material to aid centres, teachers

and learners when preparing for the LAMDA Graded Examinations in
Performance. This document is entitled Teacher Support Material: Graded
Examinations in Performance. It is available for free on the LAMDA website
at www.lamda.org.uk/examinations or upon request from LAMDA.

6 Attainment Band Descriptors

LAMDA examinations are awarded at four attainment bands. Depending

on the level of mastery demonstrated during an examination, a learner may
be awarded a Pass, a Merit, a Distinction or a Fail. The attainment band
descriptors detailed on the opposite page broadly describe the level of
achievement a learner is required to show to obtain a specific attainment
band. The attainment band descriptors are generic and are relevant to every
grade and discipline within this syllabus specification.

The attainment band descriptors correlate specifically to the set learning

outcomes, assessment criteria and prescribed marking scheme at each
grade and for each discipline in this syllabus specification.

Distinction (80–100)

A learner who achieves a Distinction will have:

• presented a highly accurate and fluent response in all of the
• demonstrated the ability to perform accurately and from memory (where
applicable), with very good physical and vocal technique and will have
shown evidence of excellent interpretative skills
• demonstrated wide-ranging contextual knowledge in relation to the
repertoire performed
• communicated, through the performance, a sense of real engagement
with complete understanding of the repertoire
• communicated perceptively on their performance and interpretation.

Merit (65–79)

A learner who achieves a Merit will have:

• presented an accurate and fluent response in most of the components
• demonstrated the ability to perform accurately and from memory (where
applicable), with secure physical and vocal technique and will have
shown evidence of good interpretative skills
• demonstrated secure contextual knowledge in relation to the repertoire
• communicated, through the performance, some sense of engagement
with an assured understanding of the repertoire
• responded positively and easily to questions from the examiner.

Pass (50–64)

A learner who achieves a Pass will have:

• presented an accurate and fluent response in some of the components
• demonstrated the ability to perform from memory (where applicable),
with reasonable accuracy and an acceptable level of physical and vocal
technique, showing some evidence of interpretative skills
• demonstrated some contextual knowledge in relation to the repertoire
• communicated, through the performance, a basic understanding of the
• provided basic factual answers to some of the questions asked by the

Fail (0–49)

A learner who achieves a Fail will have:

• demonstrated inaccuracy and lack of fluency in one, most or all of the
• demonstrated an unacceptable standard of physical and vocal
technique; there will have been lapses in memory (if applicable) and they
will have shown little or no evidence of interpretative skills
• been assessed as inadequate in their contextual knowledge in relation
to the repertoire performed
• provided incorrect or incoherent answers to questions asked by the
• failed to communicate, through the performance, any significant degree
of understanding of the repertoire.

Performance Examinations

From 1 September 2014

Purpose of the Qualification

LAMDA Graded Examinations in Performance: Acting are designed to

develop the skills necessary to communicate dramatic text to an audience.

Learners who prepare themselves appropriately will develop:

1 Interpretative skills
2 Technical skills
3 Knowledge of the performance process.

Broad Objectives of the Qualification

Devising Drama

1 Interpretative skills

The learner(s) will be required to:

• explore style, form, character, subtext and context in order to realise the
specific demands of the text
• engage with character and situation in order to create a sense of reality.

2 Technical skills

The learner(s) will be required to:

• develop skills in voice, diction and movement.

3 Knowledge of the performance process

The learner(s) will be required to:

• know and understand the chosen selections

• know and understand the key principles and influences in the process
of acting for one of the following practitioners: Constantin Stanislavski,
Bertolt Brecht or Jerzy Grotowski (Grade 8 only).



The qualification is available at four levels, in line with the Regulated

Qualifications Framework:

Entry Level (Entry 3) Entry Level

Level 1 Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3

Level 2 Grade 4
Grade 5

Level 3 Grade 6 – Bronze Medal

Grade 7 – Silver Medal
Grade 8 – Gold Medal

Learners may enter for an Acting examination at any grade. Each grade
is independently assessed. Learning outcomes are set at each level and
cover a range of grades (for example, Level 1 covers Grades 1, 2 and 3).

Devising Drama
Assessment criteria are set at each grade. There is a qualitative difference in
outcome between individual grades within each level. This is because:
• the repertoire chosen by the learner increases in technical difficulty as
the grades progress
• the knowledge required increases as the grades progress.

LAMDA examinations in Acting are offered in the following formats:

• Solo (one learner) where the learner performs alone
• Duologue (two learners) where the learners perform all scenes together
• Combined (two learners, available at Level 1 and Level 2 only) where
the learners perform one solo scene each and one duologue scene

LAMDA PERFORMANCE Examinations: Acting

Examination Regulations

1 The set acting scenes for Grade 1 to Grade 5 are printed in full in the
LAMDA Acting Anthology – Volume 3.
2 The learner(s) will perform the chosen set scenes as they are presented
in the LAMDA Acting Anthology – Volume 3.

3 Full costume must not be worn. Long practice skirts, which allow
freedom of movement, may be used together with small items such as
scarves, hats, shawls, gloves or canes. Nudity is not permitted. Hand
props are permitted but must be kept to a minimum. Real knives or other
weapons are not permitted.
4 The learner(s) must play only one character in their selected scenes.
5 No unauthorised person will be allowed to be present during the
6 Electronic devices, such as mobile phones, Kindles, iPads, e-readers
and laptops, are not permitted in the examination room unless they are
required as a prop. If an electronic device is required as a prop this
must be approved by the examiner at the beginning of the examination.
Devising Drama

Electronic devices used as props must be switched off for use in the
7 Live animals are not permitted in the examination room.
8 The selected repertoire must be performed in English.


Miming Devising Drama Acting
Performance Examinations: Acting

Entry Level
Acting (Solo/Duologue)

From Level: 2014
1 September Entry Level (Entry 3)
4 Credit Value: 4
4 Guided Learning Hours: 20
4 Total Qualification Time: 40

6 Level Description

The LAMDA Entry Level Award in Performance: Acting is designed to

introduce learners to basic acting skills. Learners will perform one scene
from memory, audibly and clearly. They will be able to show that they
understand the meaning of what they are speaking. Their use of space will
complement their performance.
Devising Drama

6 Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit the learner(s) will be able to:

LO1: perform one scene from memory, demonstrating an
understanding of the material.

LO2: use vocal skills in response to the text
LO3: use the performance space in response to the text.

LO4: know and understand the character in the chosen scene.

6 Total Time Allowance

Solo – 10 minutes

Duologue – 15 minutes

Acting: Entry Level

6 Examination Content

Scene (Own Choice): Interpretation and Technique

Acting (Solo/Duologue)
Solo/Duologue learners will perform from memory one solo/duologue scene
of their own choice.

The scene must be selected from a published play or screenplay or a

published collection of solo or duologue scenes or be adapted from the
dialogue of a published novel. The scene must not be set in the LAMDA
Acting Anthology – Volume 3.

The scene must be a minimum of two minutes and no more than three
minutes in performance time. The learner(s) must announce the title, author
and character prior to the performance. A legible copy of the scene should
be provided for the examiner.


The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:

• the appearance of the character

Devising Drama
• how the character is feeling in the scene.

6 Entry Level Marking Scheme

Assessment Task Marks Total Marks

Scene Interpretation 40
(Own Choice) Technique 40
Knowledge 20
Total Marks 100

6 Attainment Bands

Award Total Marks


Pass 50–64
Merit 65–79
Distinction 80+

Assessment and Grading Criteria: Acting (Solo/Duologue)


In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
Acting (Solo/Duologue)

assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Perform one scene from 1.1 Communicate the sense of the written word
memory, demonstrating an some of the time
understanding of the material 1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the
character some of the time
1.3 Perform from memory with fluency and
focus some of the time

LO2 Use vocal skills in response 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
to the text some of the time
Devising Drama

LO3 Use the performance space 3.1 Perform with movement appropriate to the
in response to the text character some of the time

LO4 Know and understand the 4.1 Give a brief description of the appearance
character in the chosen scene of the character in the chosen scene
4.2 Give a brief description of the feelings of the
character in the chosen scene

Acting (Solo/Duologue)
Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Communicate the sense of the written 1.1 Communicate the sense of the written
word most of the time word all of the time
1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the 1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the
character most of the time character all of the time
1.3 Perform from memory with fluency and 1.3 Perform from memory with fluency and
focus most of the time focus all of the time

2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
most of the time all of the time

Devising Drama
3.1 Perform with movement appropriate to the 3.1 Perform with movement appropriate to the
character most of the time character all of the time

4.1 Give a secure description of the appearance 4.1 Give a detailed description of the appearance
of the character in the chosen scene of the character in the chosen scene
4.2 Give a secure description of the feelings of 4.2 Give a detailed description of the feelings of
the character in the chosen scene the character in the chosen scene


Performance Examinations: Acting

Level 1
Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)

From Level: 1 2014
1 September
4 Grade 1 Credit Value: 6 Guided Learning Hours: 20
Total Qualification Time: 60
4 Grade 2 Credit Value: 7 Guided Learning Hours: 25
Total Qualification Time: 70
4 Grade 3 Credit Value: 8 Guided Learning Hours: 30
Total Qualification Time: 80

6 Level Description

The LAMDA Level 1 Award in Performance: Acting is designed to enable

learners to develop basic acting skills. Learners will perform two scenes
from memory, audibly and clearly. They will be able to apply their knowledge,
Devising Drama

understanding and skills to produce a thoughtful interpretation, based on

creative engagement with the material and careful preparation. Through
variations in volume, pace and pause they will be able to create and convey
mood. Their use of body and space will complement their performance.

6 Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit the learner(s) will be able to:

LO1: perform two scenes from memory, demonstrating an
understanding of the material.

LO2: use vocal skills in response to the text

LO3: use the performance space in response to the text.

LO4: know and understand the characters and situations in the
chosen scenes.

Acting: Level 1

6 Total Time Allowance for Each Grade

Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)
Solo – 15 minutes

Duologue – 20 minutes

Combined – 25 minutes

6 Examination Content


Scene 1 (Set Scene): Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform from memory one set solo/duologue

scene from the list provided below.

Combined learners will perform from memory either two set solo
scenes (one for each learner) or one set duologue scene from the
list provided below.

Solo Scenes

Devising Drama
Alice in Wonderland Lewis Carroll, adapted by LAMDA
The Necklace of Fingers Jill O’Hare
Molly Ruth Mae Roddy
The Wizard of Oz L Frank Baum, adapted from the
Warner Bros film by LAMDA
Crush Ann Cartwright
All I Want Is Scruffy Back Jeffrey Grenfell-Hill
Gingerbread Traditional, adapted by LAMDA
The Wind in the Willows Kenneth Grahame, adapted by
Vivien Heilbron
Sheer Genius Mark Twain, adapted by LAMDA
Lorna Doone R D Blackmore, adapted by LAMDA

Duologue Scenes
The Hare and the Tortoise Traditional, adapted by LAMDA
The Graveyard Book Neil Gaiman, adapted by LAMDA
Squeak and Maiow! L E McCullough
Emily of New Moon L M Montgomery, adapted by LAMDA
Apple Scramble Clare Price

LAMDA PERFORMANCE Examinations: Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)

Duologue Scenes (continued)

Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)

The Twits Roald Dahl, adapted by LAMDA

Never the Bridesmaid Heather Stephens
Extinct Jacqueline Emery
Robots-r-us dot com Andrea Inglis
Waiting Jeffrey Grenfell-Hill

The set scenes are printed in full in the LAMDA Acting Anthology –
Volume 3. The learner(s) must announce the title, author and character
prior to the performance. A legible copy of the scene should be provided
for the examiner.

Scene 2 (Own Choice): Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform from memory one solo/duologue scene

of their own choice.

Combined learners will perform from memory either one duologue scene of
their own choice (if two set solo scenes were selected for Scene 1) or two
solo scenes of their own choice (if one set duologue scene was selected for
Devising Drama

Scene 1).

The own choice scene(s) must be selected from a published play or

screenplay or a published collection of solo or duologue scenes or be
adapted from the dialogue of a published novel. They must not be set in the
LAMDA Acting Anthology – Volume 3.

The scene(s) must be a minimum of two minutes and no more than three
minutes in performance time. The learner(s) must announce the title, author
and character prior to the performance. A legible copy of the scene should
be provided for the examiner.


The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:


• the appearance of the characters

• how the characters are feeling in each scene
• the location of each scene.

Acting: Level 1


Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)
Scene 1 (Set Scene): Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform from memory one set solo/duologue

scene from the list provided below.

Combined learners will perform from memory either two set solo scenes
(one for each learner) or one set duologue scene from the list provided below.

Solo Scenes
Jane Eyre Charlotte Brontë, adapted by
The Stepsister Speaks Out Peg Kehret
Evil Cat Christina Kosaki
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Traditional, adapted by LAMDA
Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevenson, adapted
Where My Wellies Take Me Clare and Michael Morpurgo,

Devising Drama
adapted by LAMDA
The Hundred and One Dalmatians Dodie Smith, adapted by LAMDA
Evacuee Jenny Thornton
A Touch of Gold Traditional, adapted by LAMDA
A Terrible Tomboy Angela Brazil, adapted by LAMDA

Duologue Scenes
The Amazing Maurice and His Terry Pratchett, adapted
Educated Rodents by Stephen Briggs
Penalty! Clifford Jury
Unicorns and Alley Cats D M Larson
Pollyanna Eleanor H Porter, adapted by

Best Friends Jacqueline Wilson, adapted by

David Lawson Lean
Errol and the Ghost Pansy Griffith, adapted by LAMDA
There’s Nothing To It Phil Jamieson
The Daring Game Kit Pearson, adapted by LAMDA
You Can’t Do That! Kenneth Pickering
The Fossil Hunters Jeffrey Grenfell-Hill

LAMDA PERFORMANCE Examinations: Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)

The set scenes are printed in full in the LAMDA Acting Anthology –
Volume 3. The learner(s) must announce the title, author and character
Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)

prior to the performance. A legible copy of the scene should be provided

for the examiner.

Scene 2 (Own Choice): Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform from memory one solo/duologue scene

of their own choice.

Combined learners will perform from memory either one duologue scene of
their own choice (if two set solo scenes were selected for Scene 1) or two
solo scenes of their own choice (if one set duologue scene was selected for
Scene 1).

The own choice scene(s) must be selected from a published play or

screenplay or a published collection of solo or duologue scenes or be
adapted from the dialogue of a published novel. They must not be set in the
LAMDA Acting Anthology – Volume 3.

The scene(s) must be a minimum of two minutes and no more than three
Devising Drama

minutes in performance time. The learner(s) must announce the title, author
and character prior to the performance. A legible copy of the scene should
be provided for the examiner.


The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:

• how the characters are feeling in each scene
• the location of each scene
• what the characters are doing in each scene.


Scene 1 (Set Scene): Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform from memory one set solo/duologue


scene from the list provided opposite.

Combined learners will perform from memory either two set solo scenes
(one for each learner) or one set duologue scene from the list provided

Acting: Level 1

Solo Scenes

Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)
Howl’s Moving Castle Diana Wynne Jones, adapted by
Black Beauty Anna Sewell, adapted by LAMDA
In Portia’s Kitchen Jeffrey Grenfell-Hill
The Train Jacqueline Emery
The Wild Animal Song Contest Adrian Mitchell
Good Impressions Emma-Louise Tinniswood
Never Could Say Goodbye Nick Teed
A Maple Leaf Wonder Clare Price
The Phoenix and the Carpet E Nesbit, adapted by LAMDA
The Brothers Lionheart Astrid Lindgren, adapted by

Duologue Scenes
Dolphin Summer Monica Edwards, adapted by

Devising Drama
Stowaways Jacqueline Emery
Come On! Kenneth Pickering
The Merlin Conspiracy Diana Wynne Jones, adapted by
The Final Snore Clare Price
Below Stairs Shaun McKenna
The Ice Dragon E Nesbit, adapted by LAMDA
The Children of the New Forest Frederick Marryatt, adapted by
The Ride of Your Life Mick Gordon
Believe It Or Not Phil Jamieson

The set scenes are printed in full in the LAMDA Acting Anthology –

Volume 3. The learner(s) must announce the title, author and character
prior to the performance. A legible copy of the scene should be provided
for the examiner.

Scene 2 (Own Choice): Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform from memory one solo/duologue scene

of their own choice.

LAMDA PERFORMANCE Examinations: Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)

Combined learners will perform from memory either one duologue scene of
their own choice (if two set solo scenes were selected for Scene 1) or two
Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)

solo scenes of their own choice (if one set duologue scene was selected for
Scene 1).

The own choice scene(s) must be selected from a published play or

screenplay or a published collection of solo or duologue scenes or be
adapted from the dialogue of a published novel. They must not be set in the
LAMDA Acting Anthology – Volume 3.

The scene(s) must be a minimum of two minutes and no more than three
minutes in performance time. The learner(s) must announce the title, author
and character prior to the performance. A legible copy of the scene should
be provided for the examiner.


The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:

• the location of each scene
• what the characters are doing in each scene
Devising Drama

• how the characters are feeling in each scene

• the mood of each scene.

6 Level 1 Marking Scheme

Assessment Task Marks Total Marks

Scene 1 Interpretation 20
(Set Scene) Technique 20
Scene 2 Interpretation 20
(Own Choice) Technique 20
Knowledge 20
Total Marks 100

6 Attainment Bands

Award Total Marks

Pass 50–64
Merit 65–79
Distinction 80+

Acting: Level 1

Miming Devising Drama Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)
Assessment and Grading Criteria: Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)

Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)

In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Perform two scenes from 1.1 Communicate the sense of the written
memory, demonstrating an word some of the time
understanding of the material 1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the
character and situation some of the time
1.3 Perform from memory with fluency and
focus some of the time

LO2 Use vocal skills in response 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
to the text some of the time
2.2 Use pace and pause appropriate to the text
Devising Drama

some of the time

LO3 Use the performance space 3.1 Perform with movement appropriate to
in response to the text character and situation some of the time

LO4 Know and understand the 4.1 Give a brief description of the
characters and situations in the appearance of the characters in the
chosen scenes chosen scenes
4.2 Give a brief description of the feelings
of the characters in the chosen scenes
4.3 Give a brief description of the location
of the chosen scenes

Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)
Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Communicate the sense of the written 1.1 Communicate the sense of the written
word most of the time word all of the time
1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the 1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the
character and situation most of the time character and situation all of the time
1.3 Perform from memory with fluency and 1.3 Perform from memory with fluency and
focus most of the time focus all of the time

2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
most of the time all of the time
2.2 Use pace and pause appropriate to the 2.2 Use pace and pause appropriate to the

Devising Drama
text most of the time text all of the time

3.1 Perform with movement appropriate to 3.1 Perform with movement appropriate to
character and situation most of the time character and situation all of the time

4.1 Give a secure description of the 4.1 Give a detailed description of the
appearance of the characters in the appearance of the characters in the
chosen scenes chosen scenes
4.2 Give a secure description of the feelings 4.2 Give a detailed description of the feelings
of the characters in the chosen scenes of the characters in the chosen scenes
4.3 Give a secure description of the location 4.3 Give a detailed description of the location
of the chosen scenes of the chosen scenes Miming

Assessment and Grading Criteria: Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)

Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)

In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Perform two scenes from 1.1 Communicate the sense of the written
memory, demonstrating an word some of the time
understanding of the material 1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the
character and situation some of the time
1.3 Perform from memory with fluency and
focus some of the time

LO2 Use vocal skills in response 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
to the text some of the time
2.2 Use pace and pause appropriate to the
Devising Drama

text some of the time

LO3 Use the performance space 3.1 Perform with movement appropriate to
in response to the text character and situation some of the time

LO4 Know and understand the 4.1 Give a brief description of the feelings of
characters and situations in the the characters in the chosen scenes
chosen scenes
4.2 Give a brief description of the location of
the chosen scenes
4.3 Give a brief description of what the
characters are doing in the chosen scenes

Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)
Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Communicate the sense of the written 1.1 Communicate the sense of the written
word most of the time word all of the time
1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the 1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the
character and situation most of the time character and situation all of the time
1.3 Perform from memory with fluency and 1.3 Perform from memory with fluency and
focus most of the time focus all of the time

2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
most of the time all of the time
2.2 Use pace and pause appropriate to the 2.2 Use pace and pause appropriate to the

Devising Drama
text most of the time text all of the time

3.1 Perform with movement appropriate to 3.1 Perform with movement appropriate to
character and situation most of the time character and situation all of the time

4.1 Give a secure description of the feelings 4.1 Give a detailed description of the feelings
of the characters in the chosen scenes of the characters in the chosen scenes
4.2 Give a secure description of the location 4.2 Give a detailed description of the location
of the chosen scenes of the chosen scenes
4.3 Give a secure description of what the 4.3 Give a detailed description of what the
characters are doing in the chosen scenes characters are doing in the chosen scenes

Assessment and Grading Criteria: Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)

Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)

In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Perform two scenes from 1.1 Communicate the sense of the written
memory, demonstrating an word some of the time
understanding of the material 1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the
character and situation some of the time
1.3 Perform from memory with fluency and
focus some of the time

LO2 Use vocal skills in response 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
to the text some of the time
2.2 Use pace and pause appropriate to the
Devising Drama

text some of the time

LO3 Use the performance space 3.1 Perform with movement appropriate to
in response to the text character and situation some of the time

LO4 Know and understand the 4.1 Give a brief description of the location of the
characters and situations in the chosen scenes
chosen scenes 4.2 Give a brief description of what the
characters are doing in the chosen scenes
4.3 Give a brief description of the feelings of the
characters in the chosen scenes and the
mood of each scene

Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)
Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Communicate the sense of the written 1.1 Communicate the sense of the written
word most of the time word all of the time
1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the 1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the
character and situation most of the time character and situation all of the time
1.3 Perform from memory with fluency and 1.3 Perform from memory with fluency and
focus most of the time focus all of the time

2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
most of the time all of the time
2.2 Use pace and pause appropriate to the 2.2 Use pace and pause appropriate to the

Devising Drama
text most of the time text all of the time

3.1 Perform with movement appropriate to 3.1 Perform with movement appropriate to
character and situation most of the time character and situation all of the time

4.1 Give a secure description of the location 4.1 Give a detailed description of the location
of the chosen scenes of the chosen scenes
4.2 Give a secure description of what the 4.2 Give a detailed description of what the
characters are doing in the chosen scenes characters are doing in the chosen scenes
4.3 Give a secure description of the feelings 4.3 Give a detailed description of the feelings
of the characters in the chosen scenes of the characters in the chosen scenes and
and the mood of each scene the mood of each scene Miming

Performance Examinations: Acting

Level 2
Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)

From Level: 2 2014
1 September
4 Grade 4 Credit Value: 10 Guided Learning Hours: 40
Total Qualification Time: 100
4 Grade 5 Credit Value: 12 Guided Learning Hours: 50
Total Qualification Time: 120

6 Level Description

The LAMDA Level 2 Award in Performance: Acting is designed to enable

learners to develop a range of acting skills. Learners will perform two scenes
from memory. The performance will be audible and intelligible with vocal
contrast through which mood and meaning are communicated. Learners
will be able to demonstrate a sound understanding of the material, leading
to an imaginative interpretation in which there is application of appropriate
Devising Drama

technical skills. Effective preparation and study will be evident, leading to

a secure performance. Use of voice, body and space will be effectively
combined to communicate the text and engage the audience.

6 Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit the learner(s) will be able to:

LO1: perform two scenes from memory, demonstrating an
understanding of the material.

LO2: use vocal skills in response to the text

LO3: create a physical response to the text.

LO4: know and understand the characters, situations and staging in
the chosen scenes.

Acting: Level 2

6 Total Time Allowance for Each Grade

Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)
Solo – 20 minutes

Duologue – 30 minutes

Combined – 35 minutes

6 Examination Content


Scene 1 (Set Scene): Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform from memory one set solo/duologue

scene from the list provided below.

Combined learners will perform from memory either two set solo
scenes (one for each learner) or one set duologue scene from the list
provided below.

Solo Scenes

Devising Drama
Son of Interflux Gordon Korman, adapted by
Ernie’s Incredible Illucinations Alan Ayckbourn
In Control Clifford Jury
Child of the Divide Sudha Bhuchar
Dogface Kellie Powell
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Eleanor McLeod
Beowulf David Calcutt
Under Hypnosis Jacqueline Stoker
Vanity Fair William Makepeace Thackeray,
adapted by LAMDA
Running Clarissa Aykroyd

Duologue Scenes
Ruckus In the Garden David Farr
Ostrich Boys Keith Gray, adapted by LAMDA
The Mirror Joseph McNair Stover
The Haunting of Ebenezer Scrooge Charles Dickens, adapted by
Maureen Blythe

LAMDA PERFORMANCE Examinations: Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)

Duologue Scenes (continued)

Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)

The Maze Jacqueline Emery

All Stops Out Michael Gow
Acting Class Clifford Jury
Followers Harold Brighouse
Cloud Busting Malorie Blackman, adapted by
Helen Blakeman
The Railway Children E Nesbit, adapted by LAMDA

The set scenes are printed in full in the LAMDA Acting Anthology –
Volume 3. The learner(s) must announce the title, author and character
prior to the performance. A legible copy of the scene should be provided
for the examiner.

Scene 2 (Own Choice): Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform from memory one solo/duologue scene

of their own choice.
Devising Drama

Combined learners will perform from memory either one duologue scene of
their own choice (if two set solo scenes were selected for Scene 1) or two
solo scenes of their own choice (if one set duologue scene was selected for
Scene 1).

The own choice scene(s) must be selected from a published play or

screenplay or a published collection of solo or duologue scenes or be
adapted from the dialogue of a published novel. They must not be set in the
LAMDA Acting Anthology – Volume 3.

The scene(s) must be a minimum of two minutes and no more than four
minutes in performance time. The learner(s) must announce the title, author
and character prior to the performance. A legible copy of the scene should
be provided for the examiner.


The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:

• how the characters are feeling in each scene and how they react to the
• why the characters move as they do in the scenes
• the reasons for the chosen staging.

Acting: Level 2


Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)
Scene 1 (Set Scene): Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform from memory one set solo/duologue

scene from the list provided below.

Combined learners will perform from memory either two set solo scenes (one
for each learner) or one set duologue scene from the list provided below.

Solo Scenes
Androcles and the Lion George Bernard Shaw
The Terrible Fate of Humpty Dumpty David Calcutt
The Merchant of Venice William Shakespeare
Vicious Circle Nick Teed
Sherlock Holmes – The Boscombe Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,
Valley Mystery adapted by LAMDA
Hamlet William Shakespeare
Madame Doubtfire Anne Fine, adapted by LAMDA

Devising Drama
Confessions of a Shopaholic Sophie Kinsella, adapted by
Wuthering Heights Emily Brontë, adapted by
The Date Anne Odden

Duologue Scenes
Victims Nick Teed
Time Jenny Thornton
Blue Stockings Jessica Swale
A Midsummer Night’s Dream William Shakespeare
Teen Angel D M Larson
The Player Shaun McKenna

The Midwich Cuckoos John Wyndham, adapted by

Fragile Land Tanika Gupta
A Matchmaker Caught Off-Guard Jane Austen, adapted by
Maureen Blythe
Slob School Robert Mauro

LAMDA PERFORMANCE Examinations: Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)

The set scenes are printed in full in the LAMDA Acting Anthology –
Volume 3. The learner(s) must announce the title, author and character
Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)

prior to the performance. A legible copy of the scene should be provided

for the examiner.

Scene 2 (Own Choice): Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform from memory one solo/duologue scene

of their own choice.

Combined learners will perform from memory either one duologue scene of
their own choice (if two set solo scenes were selected for Scene 1) or two
solo scenes of their own choice (if one set duologue scene was selected for
Scene 1).

The own choice scene(s) must be selected from a published play or

screenplay or a published collection of solo or duologue scenes or be
adapted from the dialogue of a published novel. They must not be set in the
LAMDA Acting Anthology – Volume 3.

The scene(s) must be a minimum of two minutes and no more than four
Devising Drama

minutes in performance time. The learner(s) must announce the title, author
and character prior to the performance. A legible copy of the scene should
be provided for the examiner.


The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:

• how the characters are feeling in each scene and how they react to the
• why the characters move as they do in the scenes
• the reasons for the chosen staging
• the working stage areas.

The learner(s) must demonstrate four working stage areas selected by the
examiner at the time of the examination from the following list: centre stage,

stage left, stage right, upstage, downstage, upstage left/right, downstage

left/right and wings.

The learner(s) must be able to demonstrate all the working stage areas
listed above in preparation for the examination.

Acting: Level 2

6 Level 2 Marking Scheme

Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)
Assessment Task Marks Total Marks
Scene 1 Interpretation 20
(Set Scene) Technique 20
Scene 2 Interpretation 20
(Own Choice) Technique 20
Knowledge 20
Total Marks 100

6 Attainment Bands

Award Total Marks

Pass 50–64
Merit 65–79
Distinction 80+

Devising Drama

Assessment and Grading Criteria: Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)

Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)

In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Perform two scenes from 1.1 Demonstrate a basic understanding of the
memory, demonstrating an place and period in which the characters live
understanding of the material
1.2 Demonstrate a basic understanding of the
characters’ moods and thoughts
1.3 Perform from memory with fluency and
focus some of the time

LO2 Use vocal skills in response 2.1 Sustain vocal control through to the end of
to the text some phrases
Devising Drama

2.2 Use adequate modulation some of the time

2.3 Speak with clarity of diction some of the

LO3 Create a physical response 3.1 Communicate the personal characteristics of

to the text both characters through appropriate stance,
movement, gesture(s) and facial expression
some of the time
3.2 Make effective use of the performance
space some of the time

LO4 Know and understand the 4.1 Give a brief description of how the
characters, situations and staging characters are feeling in the chosen scenes
in the chosen scenes and how they react to their situations
4.2 Give a brief description of the characters’
movements in the chosen scenes and the

rationale behind them

4.3 Give a brief description of the reasons for
the choice of staging in the chosen scenes

Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)
Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Demonstrate a secure understanding of 1.1 Demonstrate a total understanding of the

the place and period in which the place and period in which the characters
characters live live
1.2 Demonstrate a secure understanding of the 1.2 Demonstrate a total understanding of the
characters’ moods and thoughts characters’ moods and thoughts
1.3 Perform from memory with fluency and 1.3 Perform from memory with fluency and
focus most of the time focus all of the time

2.1 Sustain vocal control through to the end of 2.1 Sustain vocal control through to the end of
most phrases all phrases

Devising Drama
2.2 Use adequate modulation most of the time 2.2 Sustain adequate modulation all of the time
2.3 Speak with clarity of diction most of the 2.3 Sustain clarity of diction all of the time

3.1 Communicate the personal characteristics 3.1 Communicate the personal characteristics
of both characters through appropriate of both characters through appropriate
stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial
expression most of the time expression all of the time
3.2 Make effective use of the performance 3.2 Sustain effective use of the performance
space most of the time space all of the time

4.1 Give a secure description of how the 4.1 Give a detailed description of how the
characters are feeling in the chosen scenes characters are feeling in the chosen scenes
and how they react to their situations and how they react to their situations
4.2 Give a secure description of the characters’ 4.2 Give a detailed description of the characters’
movements in the chosen scenes and the movements in the chosen scenes and the

rationale behind them rationale behind them

4.3 Give a secure description of the reasons for 4.3 Give a detailed description of the reasons for
the choice of staging in the chosen scenes the choice of staging in the chosen scenes

Assessment and Grading Criteria: Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)

Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)

In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Perform two scenes from 1.1 Demonstrate a basic understanding of the
memory, demonstrating an place and period in which the characters live
understanding of the material
1.2 Demonstrate a basic understanding of the
characters’ moods and thoughts
1.3 Perform from memory with fluency and
focus some of the time

LO2 Use vocal skills in response 2.1 Sustain vocal control through to the end of
to the text some phrases
Devising Drama

2.2 Use adequate modulation some of the time

2.3 Speak with clarity of diction some of the

LO3 Create a physical response 3.1 Communicate the personal characteristics

to the text of both characters through appropriate
stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial
expression some of the time
3.2 Make effective use of the performance
space some of the time

LO4 Know and understand the 4.1 Give a brief description of how the
characters, situations and characters are feeling in the chosen scenes
staging in the chosen scenes and how they react to their situations
4.2 Give a brief description of the characters’
movements in the chosen scenes and the

rationale behind them

4.3 Give a brief description of the reasons for
the choice of staging in the chosen scenes
4.4 Demonstrate the positions for two out of
four working stage areas

Acting (Solo/Duologue/Combined)
Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Demonstrate a secure understanding of 1.1 Demonstrate a total understanding of the

the place and period in which the place and period in which the characters
characters live live
1.2 Demonstrate a secure understanding of the 1.2 Demonstrate a total understanding of the
characters’ moods and thoughts characters’ moods and thoughts
1.3 Perform from memory with fluency and 1.3 Perform from memory with fluency and
focus most of the time focus all of the time

2.1 Sustain vocal control through to the end of 2.1 Sustain vocal control through to the end of
most phrases all phrases

Devising Drama
2.2 Use adequate modulation most of the time 2.2 Sustain adequate modulation all of the time
2.3 Speak with clarity of diction most of the 2.3 Sustain clarity of diction all of the time

3.1 Communicate the personal characteristics 3.1 Communicate the personal characteristics
of both characters through appropriate of both characters through appropriate
stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial
expression most of the time expression all of the time
3.2 Make effective use of the performance 3.2 Sustain effective use of the performance
space most of the time space all of the time

4.1 Give a secure description of how the 4.1 Give a detailed description of how the
characters are feeling in the chosen scenes characters are feeling in the chosen scenes
and how they react to their situations and how they react to their situations
4.2 Give a secure description of the characters’ 4.2 Give a detailed description of the characters’
movements in the chosen scenes and the movements in the chosen scenes and the

rationale behind them rationale behind them

4.3 Give a secure description of the reasons for 4.3 Give a detailed description of the reasons for
the choice of staging in the chosen scenes the choice of staging in the chosen scenes
4.4 Demonstrate the positions for three out of 4.4 Demonstrate the positions for four working
four working stage areas stage areas

Performance Examinations: Acting

Level 3
Acting (Solo/Duologue)

From Level: 3 2014
1 September
4 Grade 6 Credit Value: 14 Guided Learning Hours: 60
Total Qualification Time: 140
4 Grade 7 Credit Value: 18 Guided Learning Hours: 80
Total Qualification Time: 180
4 Grade 8 Credit Value: 24 Guided Learning Hours: 90
Total Qualification Time: 240

6 Level Description

The LAMDA Level 3 Certificate in Performance: Acting is designed to

enable learners to develop a wide range of acting skills. Learners will
perform their chosen scenes from memory, integrating their knowledge and
Devising Drama

skills to demonstrate a mature understanding of the material. There will be

a sense of ownership and self-awareness. Presentation will be grounded in
thorough and relevant preparation. Learners will combine physical and vocal
flexibility to support and inform characterisation and engage the audience.

6 Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit the learner(s) will be able to:

LO1: perform the chosen scenes from memory, demonstrating an
understanding of the material.

LO2: use vocal skills in response to the text

LO3: create a physical response to the text.

LO4: know and understand the content and context of the chosen
Continued 4

Acting: Level 3

LO5: know and understand the key principles and influences in

the process of acting for one of the following practitioners:
Constantin Stanislavski, Bertolt Brecht or Jerzy Grotowski

Acting (Solo/Duologue)
(Grade 8 only).

6 Total Time Allowance for Each Grade

Grade 6 – Bronze Medal

Solo – 25 minutes
Duologue – 35 minutes

Grade 7 – Silver Medal

Solo – 30 minutes
Duologue – 40 minutes

Grade 8 – Gold Medal

Devising Drama
Solo – 30 minutes
Duologue – 40 minutes

6 Examination Content


Scene 1 (Own Choice): Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform from memory one solo/duologue scene
of their own choice which has been selected from a play written during one
of the following periods:
• Ancient Greek and Roman
• Elizabethan and Jacobean

• Restoration and Post-Restoration

• 1800 to 1980.

If the Ancient Greek and Roman/Elizabethan and Jacobean/Restoration

and Post-Restoration period is selected and the learner(s) have chosen
a non-English language text, translations of the original play into English
must be used – adaptations are not allowed. The scene must not be set in

LAMDA PERFORMANCE Examinations: Acting (Solo/Duologue)

the LAMDA Acting Anthology – Volume 3. It must be a minimum of three

minutes and no more than five minutes in performance time.

The learner(s) will present a brief introduction prior to the performance of no

Acting (Solo/Duologue)

more than 30 seconds, announcing the play title, author and character and
outlining the context of the extract. A legible copy of the scene should be
provided for the examiner.

Scene 2 (Own Choice): Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform from memory one solo/duologue scene
of their own choice which has been selected from a play, television or film
screenplay published post-1980.

The scene must not be set in the LAMDA Acting Anthology – Volume 3.
It must be a minimum of three minutes and no more than five minutes in
performance time.

The learner(s) will present a brief introduction prior to the performance of

no more than 30 seconds, announcing the play title, author, character and
publication date and outlining the context of the extract. A legible copy of
Devising Drama

the scene should be provided for the examiner.


The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:

• the character’s objective in each scene performed
• the character’s role within the context of each play as a whole.


Scene 1 (Own Choice): Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform from memory one solo/duologue scene
of their own choice which has been selected from a play written during one
of the following periods:
• Ancient Greek and Roman

• Elizabethan and Jacobean

• Restoration and Post-Restoration.

If a non-English language text is selected, translations of the original play into

English must be used – adaptations are not allowed. The scene must not be
set in the LAMDA Acting Anthology – Volume 3. It must be a minimum of
three minutes and no more than five minutes in performance time.

Acting: Level 3

The learner(s) will present a brief introduction prior to the performance of no

more than 30 seconds, announcing the play title, author and character and
outlining the context of the extract. A legible copy of the scene should be
provided for the examiner.

Acting (Solo/Duologue)
Scene 2 (Own Choice): Interpretation and Technique
Solo/Duologue learners will perform from memory one solo/duologue scene
of their own choice which has been selected from a play written during the
period 1800 to 1980.

The scene must not be set in the LAMDA Acting Anthology – Volume 3.
It must be a minimum of three minutes and no more than five minutes in
performance time.

The learner(s) will present a brief introduction prior to the performance of no

more than 30 seconds, announcing the play title, author and character and
outlining the context of the extract. A legible copy of the scene should be
provided for the examiner.

Scene 3 (Own Choice): Interpretation and Technique

Devising Drama
Solo/Duologue learners will perform from memory one solo/duologue scene
of their own choice which has been selected from a play, television or film
screenplay published post-1980.

The scene must not be set in the LAMDA Acting Anthology – Volume 3.
It must be a minimum of three minutes and no more than five minutes in
performance time.

The learner(s) will present a brief introduction prior to the performance of

no more than 30 seconds, announcing the play title, author, character and
publication date and outlining the context of the extract. A legible copy of
the scene should be provided for the examiner.

The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:

• the character’s objective in each scene performed

• the character’s role within the context of the play as a whole (one
character from the three performed will be selected by the examiner at
the time of the examination)
• how the writer’s style and period of writing influenced the performance
of one of the chosen scenes (one scene will be selected by the
examiner at the time of the examination).

LAMDA PERFORMANCE Examinations: Acting (Solo/Duologue)


Scene 1 (Own Choice): Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform from memory one solo/duologue scene
Acting (Solo/Duologue)

of their own choice which has been selected from a play written during one
of the following periods:
• Ancient Greek and Roman
• Elizabethan and Jacobean
• Restoration and Post-Restoration.

If a non-English language text is selected, translations of the original play into

English must be used – adaptations are not allowed. The scene must not be
set in the LAMDA Acting Anthology – Volume 3. It must be a minimum of
three minutes and no more than five minutes in performance time.

The learner(s) will present a brief introduction prior to the performance of no

more than 30 seconds, announcing the play title, author and character and
outlining the context of the extract. A legible copy of the scene should be
provided for the examiner.
Devising Drama

Scene 2 (Own Choice): Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform from memory one solo/duologue scene
of their own choice which has been selected from a play written during the
period 1800 to 1980.

The scene must not be set in the LAMDA Acting Anthology – Volume 3.
It must be a minimum of three minutes and no more than five minutes in
performance time.

The learner(s) will present a brief introduction prior to the performance of no

more than 30 seconds, announcing the play title, author and character and
outlining the context of the extract. A legible copy of the scene should be
provided for the examiner.

Scene 3 (Own Choice): Interpretation and Technique


Solo/Duologue learners will perform from memory one solo/duologue scene

of their own choice which has been selected from a play, television or film
screenplay published post-1980.

The scene must not be set in the LAMDA Acting Anthology – Volume 3.
It must be a minimum of three minutes and no more than five minutes in
performance time.

Acting: Level 3

The learner(s) will present a brief introduction prior to the performance of

no more than 30 seconds, announcing the play title, author, character and
publication date and outlining the context of the extract. A legible copy of
the scene should be provided for the examiner.

Acting (Solo/Duologue)

The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:

• the processes involved in developing the three characters for
• the character’s role within the context of the play as a whole (one
character from the three performed will be selected by the examiner at
the time of the examination)
• the key principles and influences in the process of acting for one of the
following practitioners (chosen by the learner): Constantin Stanislavski,
Bertolt Brecht or Jerzy Grotowski.

6 Level 3 Marking Scheme

Grade 6 – Bronze Medal

Devising Drama
Assessment Task Marks Total Marks
Scene 1 Interpretation 20
(Own Choice) Technique 20
Scene 2 Interpretation 20
(Own Choice) Technique 20
Knowledge 20
Total Marks 100


LAMDA PERFORMANCE Examinations: Acting (Solo/Duologue)

Grade 7 – Silver Medal/Grade 8 – Gold Medal

Assessment Task Marks Total Marks

Acting (Solo/Duologue)

Scene 1 Interpretation 15
(Own Choice) Technique 10
Scene 2 Interpretation 15
(Own Choice) Technique 10
Scene 3 Interpretation 15
(Own Choice) Technique 10
Knowledge 25
Total Marks 100

6 Attainment Bands

Award Total Marks

Pass 50–64
Devising Drama

Merit 65–79
Distinction 80+

Acting: Level 3

Miming Devising Drama Acting (Solo/Duologue)
Assessment and Grading Criteria: Acting (Solo/Duologue)


In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
Acting (Solo/Duologue)

assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Perform the chosen scenes 1.1 Demonstrate a basic understanding of text
from memory, demonstrating an and subtext
understanding of the material 1.2 Communicate some understanding of the
intentions and objectives of the characters
1.3 Perform from memory with fluency, focus
and spontaneity some of the time

LO2 Use vocal skills in response 2.1 Sustain vocal control through to the end of
to the text some phrases
Devising Drama

2.2 Use adequate modulation some of the time

2.3 Speak with clarity of diction some of the
2.4 Respond vocally to some of the demands of
the two characterisations

LO3 Create a physical response 3.1 Communicate a basic understanding of the

to the text movement, posture, stance and gesture(s)
required to portray the periods in which the
chosen scenes are set
3.2 Make effective use of the performance
space some of the time

LO4 Know and understand the 4.1 Give a brief summary of the character’s
content and context of the objective in each of the chosen scenes
chosen scenes

4.2 Give a brief explanation of the role of each

character portrayed, within the context of
the play as a whole

Acting (Solo/Duologue)
Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Demonstrate a secure understanding of 1.1 Demonstrate a total understanding of text

text and subtext and subtext
1.2 Communicate a secure understanding of 1.2 Communicate a total understanding of the
the intentions and objectives of the intentions and objectives of the characters
characters portrayed portrayed
1.3 Perform from memory with fluency, focus 1.3 Perform from memory with fluency, focus
and spontaneity most of the time and spontaneity all of the time

2.1 Sustain vocal control through to the end of 2.1 Sustain vocal control through to the end of
most phrases all phrases

Devising Drama
2.2 Use adequate modulation most of the time 2.2 Sustain adequate modulation all of the time
2.3 Speak with clarity of diction most of the 2.3 Sustain clarity of diction all of the time
2.4 Respond vocally to most of the demands 2.4 Respond vocally to all of the demands of
of the two characterisations the two characterisations

3.1 Communicate a secure understanding of 3.1 Communicate a total understanding of the

the movement, posture, stance and movement, posture, stance and gesture(s)
gesture(s) required to portray the periods required to portray the periods in which the
in which the chosen scenes are set chosen scenes are set
3.2 Make effective use of the performance 3.2 Sustain effective use of the performance
space most of the time space all of the time

4.1 Give an accurate summary of the 4.1 Give an accurate and detailed summary of
character’s objective in each of the chosen the character’s objective in each of the
scenes chosen scenes

4.2 Give a secure explanation of the role of 4.2 Give a detailed explanation of the role of
each character portrayed, within the each character portrayed, within the
context of the play as a whole context of the play as a whole

Assessment and Grading Criteria: Acting (Solo/Duologue)


In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
Acting (Solo/Duologue)

assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Perform the chosen scenes 1.1 Demonstrate a basic understanding of text
from memory, demonstrating an and subtext
understanding of the material 1.2 Communicate some understanding of the
intentions and objectives of the characters
1.3 Perform from memory with fluency, focus
and spontaneity some of the time

LO2 Use vocal skills in response 2.1 Sustain vocal control through to the end of
to the text some phrases
Devising Drama

2.2 Use adequate modulation some of the time

2.3 Speak with clarity of diction some of the
2.4 Respond vocally to some of the demands of
the three characterisations

LO3 Create a physical response 3.1 Communicate a basic understanding of the

to the text movement, posture, stance and gesture(s)
required to portray the periods in which the
chosen scenes are set
3.2 Make effective use of the performance
space some of the time

LO4 Know and understand the 4.1 Give a brief summary of the character’s
content and context of the objective in each of the chosen scenes
chosen scenes

4.2 Give a brief explanation of the role of one

of the characters portrayed, within the
context of the play as a whole
4.3 Give a brief explanation of how the writer’s
style and period of writing influenced the
performance of one of the chosen scenes

Acting (Solo/Duologue)
Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Demonstrate a secure understanding of 1.1 Demonstrate a total understanding of text

text and subtext and subtext
1.2 Communicate a secure understanding of 1.2 Communicate a total understanding of the
the intentions and objectives of the intentions and objectives of the characters
characters portrayed portrayed
1.3 Perform from memory with fluency, focus 1.3 Perform from memory with fluency, focus
and spontaneity most of the time and spontaneity all of the time

2.1 Sustain vocal control through to the end 2.1 Sustain vocal control through to the end
of most phrases of all phrases

Devising Drama
2.2 Use adequate modulation most of the time 2.2 Sustain adequate modulation all of the time
2.3 Speak with clarity of diction most of the 2.3 Sustain clarity of diction all of the time
2.4 Respond vocally to most of the demands 2.4 Respond vocally to all of the demands of
of the three characterisations the three characterisations

3.1 Communicate a secure understanding of 3.1 Communicate a total understanding of the

the movement, posture, stance and movement, posture, stance and gesture(s)
gesture(s) required to portray the periods required to portray the periods in which the
in which the chosen scenes are set chosen scenes are set
3.2 Make effective use of the performance 3.2 Sustain effective use of the performance
space most of the time space all of the time

4.1 Give an accurate summary of the character’s 4.1 Give an accurate and detailed summary of
objective in each of the chosen scenes the character’s objective in each of the
chosen scenes

4.2 Give a secure explanation of the role of one 4.2 Give a detailed explanation of the role of one
of the characters portrayed, within the of the characters portrayed, within the
context of the play as a whole context of the play as a whole
4.3 Give a secure explanation of how the writer’s 4.3 Give a detailed explanation of how the
style and period of writing influenced the writer’s style and period of writing influenced
performance of one of the chosen scenes the performance of one of the chosen scenes

Assessment and Grading Criteria: Acting (Solo/Duologue)


In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
Acting (Solo/Duologue)

assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Perform the chosen scenes 1.1 Demonstrate a basic understanding of text
from memory, demonstrating an and subtext
understanding of the material 1.2 Communicate some understanding of the
intentions and objectives of the characters
1.3 Perform from memory with fluency, focus
and spontaneity some of the time

LO2 Use vocal skills in response 2.1 Sustain vocal control through to the end of
to the text some phrases
Devising Drama

2.2 Use adequate modulation some of the time

2.3 Speak with clarity of diction some of the
2.4 Respond vocally to some of the demands of
the three characterisations

LO3 Create a physical response 3.1 Communicate a basic understanding of the

to the text movement, posture, stance and gesture(s)
required to portray the periods in which the
chosen scenes are set
3.2 Make effective use of the performance
space some of the time

LO4 Know and understand the 4.1 Give a brief explanation of the processes
content and context of the chosen involved in developing the three characters
scenes for performance

4.2 Give a brief explanation of the role of one of

the characters portrayed, within the context
of the play as a whole

Acting (Solo/Duologue)
Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Demonstrate a secure understanding of 1.1 Demonstrate a total understanding of text

text and subtext and subtext
1.2 Communicate a secure understanding of 1.2 Communicate a total understanding of the
the intentions and objectives of the intentions and objectives of the characters
characters portrayed portrayed
1.3 Perform from memory with fluency, focus 1.3 Perform from memory with fluency, focus
and spontaneity most of the time and spontaneity all of the time

2.1 Sustain vocal control through to the end of 2.1 Sustain vocal control through to the end of
most phrases all phrases

Devising Drama
2.2 Use adequate modulation most of the time 2.2 Sustain adequate modulation all of the time
2.3 Speak with clarity of diction most of the 2.3 Sustain clarity of diction all of the time
2.4 Respond vocally to most of the demands 2.4 Respond vocally to all of the demands of the
of the three characterisations three characterisations

3.1 Communicate a secure understanding of 3.1 Communicate a total understanding of the

the movement, posture, stance and movement, posture, stance and gesture(s)
gesture(s) required to portray the periods required to portray the periods in which the
in which the chosen scenes are set chosen scenes are set
3.2 Make effective use of the performance 3.2 Sustain effective use of the performance
space most of the time space all of the time

4.1 Give a secure explanation of the processes 4.1 Give a detailed explanation of the processes
involved in developing the three characters involved in developing the three characters
for performance for performance

4.2 Give a secure explanation of the role of one 4.2 Give a detailed explanation of the role of one
of the characters portrayed, within the of the characters portrayed, within the
context of the play as a whole context of the play as a whole

Continued 4

Assessment and Grading Criteria: Acting (Solo/Duologue)

LEVEL 3: GRADE 8 – GOLD MEDAL (continued)

Acting (Solo/Duologue)

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO5 Know and understand the 5.1 Give a brief summary of the selected
key principles and influences in practitioner’s key principles in the
the process of acting for one of process of acting
the following practitioners: 5.2 Give a brief summary of the selected
Constantin Stanislavski, practitioner’s influence on the process
Bertolt Brecht or Jerzy Grotowski of acting
Devising Drama

Acting (Solo/Duologue)
Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

5.1 Give an accurate summary of the selected 5.1 Give an accurate and detailed summary
practitioner’s key principles in the process of the selected practitioner’s key principles
of acting in the process of acting
5.2 Give an accurate summary of the selected 5.2 Give an accurate and detailed summary
practitioner’s influence on the process of of the selected practitioner’s influence
acting on the process of acting

Devising Drama

Performance Examinations

Devising Drama
From 1 September 2014

Purpose of the Qualification

LAMDA Graded Examinations in Devising Drama are designed to develop

the skills necessary to devise a dramatic performance and present it to an

Learners who prepare themselves appropriately will develop:

1 Interpretative skills
2 Technical skills
3 Knowledge of the devising process.
Devising Drama

Broad Objectives of the Qualification

1 Interpretative skills

The learner(s) will be required to:

• devise a character and situation within a dramatic structure
• engage with character and situation in order to create a sense of reality.

2 Technical skills

The learner(s) will be required to:

• develop skills in voice, diction and movement.

3 Knowledge of the devising process

The learner(s) will be required to:

• know and understand how to devise scenes for performance.

Devising Drama


The qualification is available at four levels, in line with the Regulated

Qualifications Framework:

Entry Level (Entry 3) Entry Level

Level 1 Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3

Level 2 Grade 4
Grade 5

Level 3 Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8

Learners may enter for a Devising Drama examination at any grade. Each
grade is independently assessed. Learning outcomes are set at each level

Devising Drama
and cover a range of grades (for example, Level 1 covers Grades 1, 2
and 3). Assessment criteria are set at each grade. There is a qualitative
difference in outcome between individual grades within each level. This is
• the set requirements and/or topics for scenes increase in technical
difficulty as the grades progress
• the knowledge required increases as the grades progress.

LAMDA examinations in Devising Drama are offered in the following

• Solo (one learner) where the learner performs alone
• Duologue (two learners) where the learners perform all scenes together.


LAMDA PERFORMANCE Examinations: Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

Examination Regulations

1 Full costume must not be worn. Long practice skirts, which allow
freedom of movement, may be used together with small items such as
scarves, hats, shawls, gloves or canes. Nudity is not permitted. Hand
props are permitted but must be kept to a minimum. Real knives or other
weapons are not permitted.

2 No unauthorised person will be allowed to be present during the

3 Electronic devices, such as mobile phones, Kindles, iPads, e-readers
and laptops, are not permitted in the examination room unless they are
required for the use of music and/or sound effects or as a prop. If an
electronic device is required for the use of music and/or sound effects
or as a prop this must be approved by the examiner at the beginning of
the examination. Electronic devices used as props must be switched off
for use in the examination.
4 Live animals are not permitted in the examination room.
5 Devised scenes must be performed in English.
Devising Drama

Devising Drama

Miming Devising Drama Acting
Performance Examinations: Devising Drama

Entry Level
4 RQF Level: Entry Level (Entry 3)
4 Credit Value: 4

4 Guided Learning Hours: 20

4 Total Qualification Time: 40

6 Level Description

The LAMDA Entry Level Award in Performance: Devising Drama is

designed to introduce learners to basic devising skills. Learners will be able
to devise and perform one scene that clarifies place and situation. They
Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

will perform audibly and clearly. Their use of space will complement their

6 Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit the learner(s) will be able to:

LO1: devise and perform one scene.

LO2: use vocal skills in response to the devised text
LO3: use the performance space in response to the devised text.

LO4: know and understand the content of the devised scene.

6 Total Time Allowance

Solo – 10 minutes

Duologue – 15 minutes

Devising Drama: Entry Level

6 Examination Content

Devised Scene: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform a prepared scene of their own devising

set in one of the following places:
• a zoo

• a playground
• on the beach.

The scene must be a minimum of two minutes and no more than three
minutes in performance time. The learner(s) must announce the title prior to
the performance.


The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:

Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

• the reasons for the choice of place
• what the chosen place looks like
• the situation in the devised scene.

6 Entry Level Marking Scheme

Assessment Task Marks Total Marks

Interpretation 40
Devised Scene 80
Technique 40
Knowledge 20
Total Marks 100

6 Attainment Bands

Award Total Marks

Pass 50–64

Merit 65–79
Distinction 80+

Assessment and Grading Criteria: Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)


In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Devise and perform one 1.1 Devise and perform a scene with a basic
scene structure that indicates place and situation

1.2 Demonstrate involvement with the place and
situation some of the time
1.3 Perform with fluency and focus some of the
Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)


LO2 Use vocal skills in response 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
to the devised text some of the time

LO3 Use the performance space 3.1 Perform with movement appropriate to the
in response to the devised text place and situation some of the time

LO4 Know and understand the 4.1 Give a brief explanation of the reasons for
content of the devised scene the choice of place
4.2 Give a brief description of what the place
looks like
4.3 Outline the situation in the devised scene


Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Devise and perform a scene with a secure 1.1 Devise and perform a scene with a clear
structure that indicates place and situation and defined structure that indicates place
and situation
1.2 Demonstrate involvement with the place 1.2 Demonstrate involvement with the place
and situation most of the time and situation all of the time
1.3 Perform with fluency and focus most of 1.3 Perform with fluency and focus all of the

Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

the time time

2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
most of the time all of the time

3.1 Perform with movement appropriate to the 3.1 Perform with movement appropriate to the
place and situation most of the time place and situation all of the time

4.1 Give a secure explanation of the reasons 4.1 Give a detailed explanation of the reasons
for the choice of place for the choice of place
4.2 Give a secure description of what the place 4.2 Give a detailed description of what the
looks like place looks like
4.3 Give a secure description of the situation 4.3 Give a detailed description of the situation
in the devised scene in the devised scene


Performance Examinations: Devising Drama

Level 1
4 RQF Level: 1
4 Grade 1 Credit Value: 6 Guided Learning Hours: 20

Total Qualification Time: 60

4 Grade 2 Credit Value: 7 Guided Learning Hours: 25
Total Qualification Time: 70
4 Grade 3 Credit Value: 8 Guided Learning Hours: 30
Total Qualification Time: 80

6 Level Description
Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

The LAMDA Level 1 Award in Performance: Devising Drama is designed

to enable learners to develop basic devising skills. Learners will be able
to apply their knowledge, understanding and skills to devise and perform
two scenes based on creative engagement with the stimulus and careful
preparation. Scenes will possess a clear dramatic structure which will shape
the performance. Learners will speak audibly and clearly. Their use of body
and space will complement their performance.

6 Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit the learner(s) will be able to:

LO1: devise and perform two scenes.

LO2: use vocal skills in response to the devised text
LO3: use the performance space in response to the devised text.

LO4: know and understand the content and structure of the devised

Devising Drama: Level 1

6 Total Time Allowance for Each Grade

Solo – 15 minutes

Duologue – 20 minutes

6 Examination Content


Devised Scene 1: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform a prepared scene of their own devising

based on one of the following events:
• the holiday
• the sports day
• the barbecue.

Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

The scene must be a minimum of two minutes and no more than three
minutes in performance time. The learner(s) must announce the title prior to
the performance.

Devised Scene 2: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform a prepared scene of their own devising

using one of the following objects as a stimulus:
• a diary
• a suitcase
• a coin.

The learner(s) must bring the object into the examination room and use it
in the performance. The scene must be a minimum of two minutes and no
more than three minutes in performance time. The learner(s) must announce
the title prior to the performance.


The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:

• the reasons for the choice of event for Scene 1 and object for Scene 2
• the beginning, middle and end of each devised scene.

LAMDA PERFORMANCE Examinations: Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)


Devised Scene 1: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform a prepared scene of their own devising

based on one of the following events:
• the surprise

• the news report

• the flood.

The scene must be a minimum of two minutes and no more than three
minutes in performance time. The learner(s) must announce the title prior to
the performance.

Devised Scene 2: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform a prepared scene of their own devising

Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

using one of the following items of clothing or accessories as a stimulus:

• a shoe
• a scarf
• a necklace.

The learner(s) must bring the item into the examination room and use it in
the performance. The scene must be a minimum of two minutes and no
more than three minutes in performance time. The learner(s) must announce
the title prior to the performance.


The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:

• the reasons for the choice of event for Scene 1 and item of clothing/
accessory for Scene 2
• the beginning, middle and end of each devised scene
• the changes of mood in each devised scene.

Devising Drama: Level 1


Devised Scene 1: Interpretation and Technique

Solo learners will perform a prepared scene of their own devising based on
one of the occupations from List A and one of the characteristics from List B.

Duologue learners will perform a prepared scene of their own devising; each

learner must choose one occupation from List A and one characteristic
from List B. The learners may select the same occupation and characteristic
from each list or different occupations and characteristics from each list.

List A List B

the dancer lazy

the schoolboy/schoolgirl confused
the doctor excited

Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

The scene must be a minimum of two minutes and no more than three
minutes in performance time. The learner(s) must announce the title prior to
the performance.

Devised Scene 2: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform a prepared scene of their own devising

using one of the following titles as a stimulus:
• the painting
• the will
• the puppy.

The scene must be a minimum of two minutes and no more than three
minutes in performance time. The learner(s) must announce the title prior to
the performance.


The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:


• the reasons for the choice of occupation and characteristic for Scene 1
• the reasons for the choice of title for Scene 2
• the beginning, middle and end of each devised scene
• the changes of mood in each devised scene.

LAMDA PERFORMANCE Examinations: Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

6 Level 1 Marking Scheme

Assessment Task Marks Total Marks

Interpretation 20
Devised Scene 1 40
Technique 20
Interpretation 20
Devised Scene 2 40

Technique 20
Knowledge 20
Total Marks 100

6 Attainment Bands

Award Total Marks

Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

Pass 50–64
Merit 65–79
Distinction 80+

Devising Drama: Level 1

Miming Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue) Acting
Assessment and Grading Criteria: Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)


In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Devise and perform two 1.1 Devise and perform two scenes with a basic
scenes structure that clarify character and situation
some of the time
1.2 Demonstrate involvement with the character
and situation some of the time
1.3 Perform with fluency and focus some of the
Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)


LO2 Use vocal skills in response 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
to the devised text some of the time

LO3 Use the performance space 3.1 Perform with movement appropriate to
in response to the devised text character and situation some of the time

LO4 Know and understand the 4.1 Give a brief explanation of the reasons for
content and structure of the the choice of event for Scene 1 and object
devised scenes for Scene 2
4.2 Give a brief description of the beginning,
middle and end of both devised scenes

Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Devise and perform two scenes with a 1.1 Devise and perform two scenes with a
secure structure that clarify character and clear and defined structure that clarify
situation most of the time character and situation all of the time
1.2 Demonstrate involvement with the 1.2 Demonstrate involvement with the
character and situation most of the time character and situation all of the time
1.3 Perform with fluency and focus most of 1.3 Perform with fluency and focus all of the

Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

the time time

2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
most of the time all of the time

3.1 Perform with movement appropriate to 3.1 Perform with movement appropriate to
character and situation most of the time character and situation all of the time

4.1 Give a secure explanation of the reasons 4.1 Give a detailed explanation of the reasons
for the choice of event for Scene 1 and for the choice of event for Scene 1 and
object for Scene 2 object for Scene 2
4.2 Give a secure description of the beginning, 4.2 Give a detailed description of the beginning,
middle and end of both devised scenes middle and end of both devised scenes


Assessment and Grading Criteria: Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)


In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Devise and perform two 1.1 Devise and perform two scenes with a basic
scenes structure that clarify character and
situation some of the time
1.2 Demonstrate involvement with the character
and situation some of the time
1.3 Perform with fluency and focus some of the
Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)


LO2 Use vocal skills in response 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
to the devised text some of the time

LO3 Use the performance space 3.1 Perform with movement appropriate to
in response to the devised text character and situation some of the time

LO4 Know and understand the 4.1 Give a brief explanation of the reasons for
content and structure of the the choice of event for Scene 1 and item of
devised scenes clothing or accessory for Scene 2
4.2 Give a brief description of the beginning,
middle and end of each devised scene
4.3 Give a brief description of the changes of
mood in each devised scene

Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Devise and perform two scenes with a 1.1 Devise and perform two scenes with a clear
secure structure that clarify character and defined structure that clarify character
and situation most of the time and situation all of the time
1.2 Demonstrate involvement with the 1.2 Demonstrate involvement with the character
character and situation most of the time and situation all of the time
1.3 Perform with fluency and focus most of 1.3 Perform with fluency and focus all of the

Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

the time time

2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
most of the time all of the time

3.1 Perform with movement appropriate to 3.1 Perform with movement appropriate to
character and situation most of the time character and situation all of the time

4.1 Give a secure explanation of the reasons for 4.1 Give a detailed explanation of the reasons
the choice of event for Scene 1 and item of for the choice of event for Scene 1 and item
clothing or accessory for Scene 2 of clothing or accessory for Scene 2
4.2 Give a secure description of the beginning, 4.2 Give a detailed description of the beginning,
middle and end of each devised scene middle and end of each devised scene
4.3 Give a secure description of the changes of 4.3 Give a detailed description of the changes
mood in each devised scene of mood in each devised scene

Assessment and Grading Criteria: Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)


In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Devise and perform two 1.1 Devise and perform two scenes with a basic
scenes structure that clarify character and situation
some of the time
1.2 Demonstrate involvement with the character
and situation some of the time
1.3 Perform with fluency and focus some of the
Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)


LO2 Use vocal skills in response 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
to the devised text some of the time

LO3 Use the performance space 3.1 Perform with movement appropriate to
in response to the devised text character and situation some of the time

LO4 Know and understand the 4.1 Give a brief explanation of the reasons for
content and structure of the the choice of occupation and characteristic
devised scenes for Scene 1 and title for Scene 2

4.2 Give a brief description of the beginning,
middle and end of each devised scene
4.3 Give a brief description of the changes of
mood in each devised scene

Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Devise and perform two scenes with a 1.1 Devise and perform two scenes with a
secure structure that clarify character and clear and defined structure that clarify
situation most of the time character and situation all of the time
1.2 Demonstrate involvement with the 1.2 Demonstrate involvement with the
character and situation most of the time character and situation all of the time
1.3 Perform with fluency and focus most of 1.3 Perform with fluency and focus all of the

Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

the time time

2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
most of the time all of the time

3.1 Perform with movement appropriate to 3.1 Perform with movement appropriate to
character and situation most of the time character and situation all of the time

4.1 Give a secure explanation of the reasons for 4.1 Give a detailed explanation of the reasons
the choice of occupation and characteristic for the choice of occupation and
for Scene 1 and title for Scene 2 characteristic for Scene 1 and title for
Scene 2
4.2 Give a secure description of the beginning, 4.2 Give a detailed description of the beginning,
middle and end of each devised scene middle and end of each devised scene
4.3 Give a secure description of the changes 4.3 Give a detailed description of the changes
of mood in each devised scene of mood in each devised scene

Performance Examinations: Devising Drama

Level 2
4 RQF Level: 2
4 Grade 4 Credit Value: 10 Guided Learning Hours: 40

Total Qualification Time: 100

4 Grade 5 Credit Value: 12 Guided Learning Hours: 50
Total Qualification Time: 120

6 Level Description

The LAMDA Level 2 Award in Performance: Devising Drama is designed

to enable learners to develop a range of devising skills. Learners will be
Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

able to demonstrate a sound understanding of how to plan and prepare two

devised scenes. Effective preparation will be evident, leading to a secure
performance. Use of voice, body and space will be effectively combined to
communicate the scenes and engage the audience. The performance will
be imaginative with consistent application of developing technical skills.

6 Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit the learner(s) will be able to:

LO1: devise and perform two scenes.

LO2: use vocal skills in response to the devised text
LO3: create a physical response to the devised text.


LO4: know and understand the preparation and content of the

devised scenes.

Devising Drama: Level 2

6 Total Time Allowance for Each Grade

Solo – 20 minutes

Duologue – 25 minutes

6 Examination Content


Devised Scene 1: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform a prepared scene of their own devising

based on one of the following phrases:
• the trip of a lifetime
• X marks the spot
• don’t turn around!

Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

The scene must be a minimum of three minutes and no more than four
minutes in performance time. The learner(s) must announce the title prior to
the performance.

Devised Scene 2: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform a prepared scene of their own devising

based on the title ‘an extraordinary occurrence’.

The scene must be a minimum of three minutes and no more than four
minutes in performance time. The learner(s) must announce the title prior to
the performance.


The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:

• the reasons for the choice of phrase for Scene 1
• the planning and preparation of each devised scene
• the reasons for the choice of staging in each devised scene.


Devised Scene 1: Interpretation and Technique

Solo learners will perform a prepared scene of their own devising based on
one of the characters from List A and one of the situations from List B.

LAMDA PERFORMANCE Examinations: Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

Duologue learners will perform a prepared scene of their own devising; each
learner must choose one character from List A and one situation from List B.
The learners may select the same character and situation from each list or
different characters and situations from each list.

List A List B

the musician at a talent show

the time traveller at the museum
the professor at a lecture

The scene must be a minimum of three minutes and no more than four
minutes in performance time. The learner(s) must announce the title prior to
the performance.

Devised Scene 2: Interpretation and Technique

Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

Solo/Duologue learners will perform a prepared scene of their own devising

using some music and/or sound effects (live or recorded) as a stimulus.

The music and/or sound effects must be included in the performance. The
scene must be a minimum of three minutes and no more than four minutes
in performance time. The learner(s) must announce the title prior to the

The learner(s) must provide their own sound equipment for use in the
examination room. This may be operated by a technician. If a technician is
used, they will only remain in the room for the portion of the examination for
which s/he is required.


The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:

• the reasons for the choice of character and situation for Scene 1
• the reasons for the choice of music and/or sound effects for Scene 2
• the reasons for the choice of staging in each devised scene

• the working stage areas.

The learner(s) must demonstrate four working stage areas selected by the
examiner at the time of the examination from the following list: centre stage,
stage left, stage right, upstage, downstage, upstage left/right, downstage
left/right and wings.

Devising Drama: Level 2

The learner(s) must be able to demonstrate all the working stage areas
listed above in preparation for the examination.

6 Level 2 Marking Scheme

Assessment Task Marks Total Marks

Interpretation 20
Devised Scene 1 40
Technique 20
Interpretation 20
Devised Scene 2 40
Technique 20
Knowledge 20
Total Marks 100

6 Attainment Bands

Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

Award Total Marks
Pass 50–64
Merit 65–79
Distinction 80+


Assessment and Grading Criteria: Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)


In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Devise and perform two 1.1 Devise and perform two scenes with a basic
scenes structure
1.2 Demonstrate a basic understanding of the
place and period in which the characters live

1.3 Demonstrate a basic understanding of the
Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

characters’ moods and thoughts

1.4 Perform with fluency, focus and spontaneity
some of the time

LO2 Use vocal skills in response 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
to the devised text some of the time

LO3 Create a physical response 3.1 Communicate the personal characteristics

to the devised text of both characters through appropriate
stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial
expression some of the time
3.2 Make effective use of the performance
space some of the time

LO4 Know and understand the 4.1 Give a brief explanation of the reasons for
preparation and content of the the choice of phrase for Scene 1
devised scenes 4.2 Give a brief description of the planning and
preparation of each devised scene
4.3 Give a brief description of the reasons for
the choice of staging in each devised scene

Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Devise and perform two scenes with a 1.1 Devise and perform two scenes with a
secure structure clear and defined structure
1.2 Demonstrate a secure understanding of 1.2 Demonstrate a total understanding of the
the place and period in which the place and period in which the characters
characters live live
1.3 Demonstrate a secure understanding of 1.3 Demonstrate a total understanding of the

Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

the characters’ moods and thoughts characters’ moods and thoughts
1.4 Perform with fluency, focus and 1.4 Perform with fluency, focus and spontaneity
spontaneity most of the time all of the time

2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
most of the time all of the time

3.1 Communicate the personal characteristics 3.1 Communicate the personal characteristics
of both characters through appropriate of both characters through appropriate
stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial
expression most of the time expression all of the time
3.2 Make effective use of the performance 3.2 Sustain effective use of the performance
space most of the time space all of the time

4.1 Give a secure explanation of the reasons 4.1 Give a detailed explanation of the reasons
for the choice of phrase for Scene 1 for the choice of phrase for Scene 1
4.2 Give a secure description of the planning 4.2 Give a detailed description of the planning
and preparation of each devised scene and preparation of each devised scene
4.3 Give a secure description of the reasons for 4.3 Give a detailed description of the reasons
the choice of staging in each devised scene for the choice of staging in each devised


Assessment and Grading Criteria: Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)


In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Devise and perform two 1.1 Devise and perform two scenes with a basic
scenes structure
1.2 Demonstrate a basic understanding of the
place and period in which the characters live

1.3 Demonstrate a basic understanding of the
Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

characters’ moods and thoughts

1.4 Perform with fluency, focus and spontaneity
some of the time

LO2 Use vocal skills in response 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
to the devised text some of the time

LO3 Create a physical response 3.1 Communicate the personal characteristics

to the devised text of both characters through appropriate
stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial
expression some of the time
3.2 Make effective use of the performance
space some of the time

LO4 Know and understand the 4.1 Give a brief explanation of the reasons for
preparation and content of the the choice of character and situation for
devised scenes Scene 1
4.2 Give a brief explanation of the reasons for
the choice of music and/or sound effects
for Scene 2

4.3 Give a brief description of the reasons for

the choice of staging in each devised scene

4.4 Demonstrate the positions for two out of
four working stage areas

Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Devise and perform two scenes with a 1.1 Devise and perform two scenes with a
secure structure clear and defined structure
1.2 Demonstrate a secure understanding of 1.2 Demonstrate a total understanding of the
the place and period in which the place and period in which the characters
characters live live
1.3 Demonstrate a secure understanding of 1.3 Demonstrate a total understanding of the

Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

the characters’ moods and thoughts characters’ moods and thoughts
1.4 Perform with fluency, focus and 1.4 Perform with fluency, focus and spontaneity
spontaneity most of the time all of the time

2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
most of the time all of the time

3.1 Communicate the personal characteristics 3.1 Communicate the personal characteristics
of both characters through appropriate of both characters through appropriate
stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial
expression most of the time expression all of the time
3.2 Make effective use of the performance 3.2 Sustain effective use of the performance
space most of the time space all of the time

4.1 Give a secure explanation of the reasons 4.1 Give a detailed explanation of the reasons
for the choice of character and situation for the choice of character and situation
for Scene 1 for Scene 1
4.2 Give a secure explanation of the reasons 4.2 Give a detailed explanation of the reasons
for the choice of music and/or sound for the choice of music and/or sound
effects for Scene 2 effects for Scene 2

4.3 Give a secure description of the reasons 4.3 Give a detailed description of the reasons
for the choice of staging in each devised for the choice of staging in each devised
scene scene
4.4 Demonstrate the positions for three out of 4.4 Demonstrate the positions for four working
four working stage areas stage areas

Performance Examinations: Devising Drama

Level 3
From Level: 3 2014
1 September
4 Grade 6 Credit Value: 14 Guided Learning Hours: 60

Total Qualification Time: 140

4 Grade 7 Credit Value: 18 Guided Learning Hours: 80
Total Qualification Time: 180
4 Grade 8 Credit Value: 24 Guided Learning Hours: 90
Total Qualification Time: 240

6 Level Description
Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

The LAMDA Level 3 Certificate in Performance: Devising Drama is designed

to enable learners to develop a wide range of devising skills. Learners will
be able to devise and perform two scenes, integrating their knowledge and
skills. There will be a sense of ownership and self-awareness. Presentation
will be grounded in thorough and relevant preparation. Learners will engage
imaginatively with the devised material. They will combine physical and vocal
flexibility to support and inform characterisation and engage the audience.
Learners will also be able to perform an improvised scene built around a
stimulus provided at the time of the examination.

6 Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit the learner(s) will be able to:

LO1: devise and perform two scenes.


LO2: use vocal skills in response to the devised text

LO3: create a physical response to the devised text.

LO4: perform an improvised scene.
Continued 4

Devising Drama: Level 3

LO5: know and understand the content of the devised scenes
LO6: know and understand the devising process.

6 Total Time Allowance for Each Grade

Grade 6 and Grade 7

Solo – 25 minutes
Duologue – 30 minutes

Grade 8

Solo – 30 minutes

Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

Duologue – 35 minutes

6 Examination Content


Devised Scene 1: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform a prepared scene of their own devising

based around one of the following senses:
• sight
• touch
• hearing
• taste
• smell.

The scene must be a minimum of three minutes and no more than four
minutes in performance time. The learner(s) must announce the title prior to

the performance.

Devised Scene 2: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform a prepared scene of their own devising

based on the title ‘persuasion’.

LAMDA PERFORMANCE Examinations: Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

The scene must be a minimum of three minutes and no more than four
minutes in performance time. The learner(s) must announce the title prior to
the performance.


Solo/Duologue learners will perform an improvised scene based on a


stimulus provided by the examiner at the time of the examination.

One minute may be taken to prepare the scene prior to the performance.
The scene must be a minimum of one minute and no more than two minutes
in performance time.


The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:

• the character(s) portrayed in each devised scene (including character
Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

objectives, mood and reactions to other characters and/or events)

• the steps undertaken in the preparation of each devised scene
• the difference between improvisation and devising drama.


Devised Scene 1: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform a prepared scene of their own devising

based around one of the following elements:
• earth
• air
• fire
• water.

The scene must be a minimum of three minutes and no more than four
minutes in performance time. The learner(s) must announce the title prior to
the performance.

Devised Scene 2: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform a prepared scene of their own devising

based on a topical issue of their own choice.

The scene must be a minimum of three minutes and no more than four
minutes in performance time. The learner(s) must announce the title prior to
the performance.

Devising Drama: Level 3


Solo/Duologue learners will perform an improvised scene based on a

stimulus provided by the examiner at the time of the examination.

One minute may be taken to prepare the scene prior to the performance.
The scene must be a minimum of one minute and no more than two minutes
in performance time.


The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:

• the reasons for the choice of ending in each devised scene
• the characters portrayed in Scene 2 (including character objectives,
mood and reactions to other characters and/or events)
• the steps undertaken in the preparation of each devised scene
• the difference between improvisation and devising drama.

Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)


Devised Scene 1: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform a prepared scene of their own devising

based on one of the following:
• a myth
• a legend
• a historical event.

The scene must be a minimum of four minutes and no more than five
minutes in performance time. The learner(s) must announce the title prior to
the performance.

Devised Scene 2: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duologue learners will perform a prepared scene of their own devising

based on a controversial issue of their own choice.

The scene must be a minimum of four minutes and no more than five
minutes in performance time. The learner(s) must announce the title prior to
the performance.

LAMDA PERFORMANCE Examinations: Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)


Solo/Duologue learners will perform an improvised scene based on a

stimulus provided by the examiner at the time of the examination.

One minute may be taken to prepare the scene prior to the performance.
The scene must be a minimum of one minute and no more than two minutes
in performance time.


The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:

• the reasons behind the choice of myth, legend or historical event for
Scene 1
• how style and period were conveyed in Scene 1
• the character(s) portrayed in Scene 2 (including character objectives,
mood and reactions to other characters and/or events)
Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

• the steps undertaken in the preparation of each devised scene

• the difference between improvisation and devising drama.

6 Level 3 Marking Scheme

Assessment Task Marks Total Marks

Interpretation 15
Devised Scene 1 30
Technique 15
Interpretation 15
Devised Scene 2 30
Technique 15
Improvisation 20
Knowledge 20
Total Marks 100

6 Attainment Bands

Award Total Marks

Pass 50–64
Merit 65–79
Distinction 80+

Devising Drama: Level 3

Miming Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue) Acting
Assessment and Grading Criteria: Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)


In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Devise and perform two 1.1 Devise and perform two scenes with a basic
scenes structure
1.2 Demonstrate a basic understanding of the
place and period in which the characters live

1.3 Communicate a basic understanding of the
Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

intentions and objectives of the characters

1.4 Perform with fluency, focus and spontaneity
some of the time

LO2 Use vocal skills in response 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
to the devised text some of the time
2.2 Respond vocally to some of the demands of
the two devised characterisations

LO3 Create a physical response 3.1 Communicate the personal characteristics

to the devised text of both characters through appropriate
stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial
expression some of the time
3.2 Make effective use of the performance
space some of the time

LO4 Perform an improvised 4.1 Perform an improvised scene with a basic

scene structure from a given stimulus

LO5 Know and understand the 5.1 Give a brief summary of the character’s

content of the devised scenes objective and mood in each devised scene
and his/her reactions to other characters
and/or events

Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Devise and perform two scenes with a 1.1 Devise and perform two scenes with a
secure structure clear and defined structure
1.2 Demonstrate a secure understanding of the 1.2 Demonstrate a total understanding of the
place and period in which the characters place and period in which the characters
live live
1.3 Communicate a secure understanding of the 1.3 Communicate a total understanding of the

Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

intentions and objectives of the characters intentions and objectives of the characters
1.4 Perform with fluency, focus and 1.4 Perform with fluency, focus and
spontaneity most of the time spontaneity all of the time

2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
most of the time all of the time
2.2 Respond vocally to most of the demands 2.2 Respond vocally to all of the demands of
of the two devised characterisations the two devised characterisations

3.1 Communicate the personal characteristics 3.1 Communicate the personal characteristics
of both characters through appropriate of both characters through appropriate
stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial
expression most of the time expression all of the time
3.2 Make effective use of the performance 3.2 Sustain effective use of the performance
space most of the time space all of the time

4.1 Perform an improvised scene with a secure 4.1 Perform an improvised scene with a clear
structure from a given stimulus and defined structure from a given stimulus

5.1 Give an accurate summary of the 5.1 Give an accurate and detailed summary of

character’s objective and mood in each the character’s objective and mood in each
devised scene and his/her reactions to devised scene and his/her reactions to
other characters and/or events other characters and/or events

Continued 4

Assessment and Grading Criteria: Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

LEVEL 3: GRADE 6 (continued)

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO6 Know and understand the 6.1 Give a brief explanation of the steps
devising process undertaken in the preparation of each

devised scene
6.2 Give a brief explanation of the difference
between improvisation and devising drama
Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

6.1 Give a secure explanation of the steps 6.1 Give a detailed explanation of the steps
undertaken in the preparation of each undertaken in the preparation of each

devised scene devised scene
6.2 Give a secure explanation of the difference 6.2 Give a detailed explanation of the difference
between improvisation and devising drama between improvisation and devising drama

Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)


Assessment and Grading Criteria: Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)


In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Devise and perform two 1.1 Devise and perform two scenes with a basic
scenes structure
1.2 Demonstrate a basic understanding of the
place and period in which the characters live

1.3 Communicate a basic understanding of the
Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

intentions and objectives of the characters

1.4 Perform with fluency, focus and spontaneity
some of the time

LO2 Use vocal skills in response 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
to the devised text some of the time
2.2 Respond vocally to some of the demands of
the two devised characterisations

LO3 Create a physical response 3.1 Communicate the personal characteristics

to the devised text of both characters through appropriate
stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial
expression some of the time
3.2 Make effective use of the performance
space some of the time

LO4 Perform an improvised scene 4.1 Perform an improvised scene with a basic
structure from a given stimulus

LO5 Know and understand the 5.1 Give a brief explanation of the reasons for
content of the devised scenes the choice of ending in each devised scene
5.2 Give a brief summary of the character’s
objective and mood in Scene 2 and his/her
reactions to other characters and/or events

Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Devise and perform two scenes with a 1.1 Devise and perform two scenes with a
secure structure clear and defined structure
1.2 Demonstrate a secure understanding of the 1.2 Demonstrate a total understanding of the
place and period in which the characters place and period in which the characters
live live
1.3 Communicate a secure understanding of 1.3 Communicate a total understanding of the

Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

the intentions and objectives of the intentions and objectives of the characters
1.4 Perform with fluency, focus and 1.4 Perform with fluency, focus and
spontaneity most of the time spontaneity all of the time

2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
most of the time all of the time
2.2 Respond vocally to most of the demands 2.2 Respond vocally to all of the demands of
of the two devised characterisations the two devised characterisations

3.1 Communicate the personal characteristics 3.1 Communicate the personal characteristics
of both characters through appropriate of both characters through appropriate
stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial
expression most of the time expression all of the time
3.2 Make effective use of the performance 3.2 Sustain effective use of the performance
space most of the time space all of the time

4.1 Perform an improvised scene with a secure 4.1 Perform an improvised scene with a clear
structure from a given stimulus and defined structure from a given stimulus

5.1 Give a secure explanation of the reasons for 5.1 Give a detailed explanation of the reasons for
the choice of ending in each devised scene the choice of ending in each devised scene
5.2 Give an accurate summary of the 5.2 Give an accurate and detailed summary of
character’s objective and mood in Scene 2 the character’s objective and mood in
and his/her reactions to other characters Scene 2 and his/her reactions to other
and/or events characters and/or events
Continued 4

Assessment and Grading Criteria: Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

LEVEL 3: GRADE 7 (continued)

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO6 Know and understand the 6.1 Give a brief explanation of the steps
devising process undertaken in the preparation of each

devised scene
6.2 Give a brief explanation of the difference
between improvisation and devising drama
Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

6.1 Give a secure explanation of the steps 6.1 Give a detailed explanation of the steps
undertaken in the preparation of each undertaken in the preparation of each

devised scene devised scene
6.2 Give a secure explanation of the difference 6.2 Give a detailed explanation of the difference
between improvisation and devising drama between improvisation and devising drama

Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)


Assessment and Grading Criteria: Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)


In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Devise and perform two 1.1 Devise and perform two scenes with a basic
scenes structure
1.2 Demonstrate a basic understanding of the
place and period in which the characters live

1.3 Communicate a basic understanding of the
Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

intentions and objectives of the characters

1.4 Perform with fluency, focus and
spontaneity some of the time

LO2 Use vocal skills in response 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
to the devised text some of the time
2.2 Respond vocally to some of the demands of
the two devised characterisations

LO3 Create a physical response 3.1 Communicate the personal characteristics

to the devised text of both characters through appropriate
stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial
expression some of the time
3.2 Make effective use of the performance
space some of the time

LO4 Perform an improvised scene 4.1 Perform an improvised scene with a basic
structure from a given stimulus

Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Devise and perform two scenes with a 1.1 Devise and perform two scenes with a
secure structure clear and defined structure
1.2 Demonstrate a secure understanding of 1.2 Demonstrate a total understanding of the
the place and period in which the place and period in which the characters
characters live live
1.3 Communicate a secure understanding of 1.3 Communicate a total understanding of the

Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

the intentions and objectives of the intentions and objectives of the characters
1.4 Perform with fluency, focus and 1.4 Perform with fluency, focus and
spontaneity most of the time spontaneity all of the time

2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction 2.1 Speak with audibility and clarity of diction
most of the time all of the time
2.2 Respond vocally to most of the demands 2.2 Respond vocally to all of the demands of
of the two devised characterisations the two devised characterisations

3.1 Communicate the personal characteristics 3.1 Communicate the personal characteristics
of both characters through appropriate of both characters through appropriate
stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial
expression most of the time expression all of the time
3.2 Make effective use of the performance 3.2 Sustain effective use of the performance
space most of the time space all of the time

4.1 Perform an improvised scene with a secure 4.1 Perform an improvised scene with a clear
structure from a given stimulus and defined structure from a given stimulus

Continued 4

Assessment and Grading Criteria: Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

LEVEL 3: GRADE 8 (continued)

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO5 Know and understand the 5.1 Give a brief explanation of the reasons for
content of the devised scenes the choice of myth, legend or historical

event for Scene 1

5.2 Give a brief explanation of how style and
period were conveyed in Scene 1
5.3 Give a brief summary of the character’s
objective and mood in Scene 2 and his/her
reactions to other characters and/or events

LO6 Know and understand the 6.1 Give a brief explanation of the steps
devising process undertaken in the preparation of each
Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

devised scene
6.2 Give a brief explanation of the difference
between improvisation and devising drama

Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

5.1 Give a secure explanation of the reasons 5.1 Give a detailed explanation of the reasons
for the choice of myth, legend or historical for the choice of myth, legend or historical

event for Scene 1 event for Scene 1
5.2 Give a secure explanation of how style 5.2 Give a detailed explanation of how style
and period were conveyed in Scene 1 and period were conveyed in Scene 1
5.3 Give an accurate summary of the 5.3 Give an accurate and detailed summary of
character’s objective and mood in Scene the character’s objective and mood in
2 and his/her reactions to other characters Scene 2 and his/her reactions to other
and/or events characters and/or events

6.1 Give a secure explanation of the steps 6.1 Give a detailed explanation of the steps
undertaken in the preparation of each undertaken in the preparation of each

Devising Drama (Solo/Duologue)

devised scene devised scene
6.2 Give a secure explanation of the difference 6.2 Give a detailed explanation of the difference
between improvisation and devising drama between improvisation and devising drama


Performance Examinations

From 1 September 2014

Purpose of the Qualification

LAMDA Graded Examinations in Miming are designed to develop the skills

necessary to create a performance using mime.

Learners who prepare themselves appropriately will develop:

• Interpretative skills
• Technical skills
• Knowledge of the performance process.

Broad Objectives of the Qualification

Devising Drama

1 Interpretative skills

The learner(s) will be required to:

• communicate an activity, situation and/or character through mime
• engage with an activity, situation and/or character in order to create a
sense of reality.

2 Technical skills

The learner(s) will be required to:

• develop skills in physical awareness, control, precision and coordination.

3 Knowledge of the performance process

The learner(s) will be required to:

• know and understand how to create and structure mimes and mime

scenes for performance

• know and understand the influences on the development and
presentation of mime for one of the following practitioners: Charlie
Chaplin, Marcel Marceau, Etienne Decroux or Jacques Lecoq
(Grade 8 only).



The qualification is available at four levels, in line with the Regulated

Qualifications Framework:

Entry Level (Entry 3) Entry Level

Level 1 Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3

Level 2 Grade 4
Grade 5

Level 3 Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8

Learners may enter for a Miming examination at any grade. Each grade
is independently assessed. Learning outcomes are set at each level and
cover a range of grades (for example, Level 1 covers Grades 1, 2 and 3).

Devising Drama
Assessment criteria are set at each grade. There is a qualitative difference in
outcome between individual grades within each level. This is because:
• the set requirements and/or topics for mimes increase in technical
difficulty as the grades progress
• the knowledge required increases as the grades progress.

LAMDA examinations in Miming are offered in the following formats:

• Solo (one learner) where the learner performs alone
• Duo (two learners) where the learners perform mimes individually and
mime scenes together.

LAMDA PERFORMANCE Examinations: Miming (Solo/Duo)

Examination Regulations

1 Words must not be mouthed by the learner(s) in their mimes/mime

2 Nudity is not permitted.
3 No unauthorised person will be allowed to be present during the

4 Electronic devices, such as mobile phones, Kindles, iPads, e-readers
and laptops, are not permitted in the examination room unless they
are required for the use of music and/or sound effects. If an electronic
device is required for the use of music and/or sound effects, this must
be approved by the examiner at the beginning of the examination.
5 Props are not permitted for use in Miming examinations. Table(s) and
chair(s) are permitted in the examination room for the purposes of
staging a mime or mime scene.
6 Live animals are not permitted in the examination room.
Devising Drama


Miming Devising Drama Acting
Performance Examinations: Miming

Entry Level
4 RQF Level: Entry Level (Entry 3)
4 Credit Value: 4

4 Guided Learning Hours: 20

4 Total Qualification Time: 40

6 Level Description

The LAMDA Entry Level Award in Performance: Miming is designed to

introduce learners to basic miming skills. Learners will be able to create
and perform a mime scene that consists of a sequence of activities.
Movement will be clear and confident. The use of space will complement
the performance.
Devising Drama

6 Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit the learner(s) will be able to:

LO1: create and perform one mime scene.

LO2: know and apply the techniques required to perform a mime

LO3: know and understand the content of the mime scene.
Miming (Solo/Duo)

6 Total Time Allowance

Solo – 10 minutes

Duo – 15 minutes

Miming: Entry Level

6 Examination Content

Mime Scene: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duo learners will perform a prepared mime scene that consists of a

sequence of activities. The learner(s) must use one of the following titles:
• a party

• a pet shop
• a circus.

Duo learners must perform the mime scene together. The scene must
be a minimum of two minutes and no more than three minutes in
performance time.

The learner(s) may include music and/or sound effects (live or recorded) but
they must provide and operate their own sound equipment. The learner(s)
must announce the title prior to the performance.


The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:

Devising Drama
• the reasons for the choice of title
• the sequence of activities within the mime scene.

6 Entry Level Marking Scheme

Assessment Task Marks Total Marks

Interpretation 40
Mime Scene 80
Technique 40
Knowledge 20
Total Marks 100 Miming (Solo/Duo)

6 Attainment Bands

Award Total Marks

Pass 50–64
Merit 65–79
Distinction 80+

Assessment and Grading Criteria: Miming (Solo/Duo)


In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Create and perform one 1.1 Create and perform a mime scene with a
mime scene basic structure that includes a sequence of
1.2 Demonstrate involvement with the content
some of the time

LO2 Know and apply the 2.1 Communicate the sequence of activities
techniques required to perform with clarity some of the time
a mime scene 2.2 Perform with movement appropriate to the
performance space some of the time
Devising Drama

LO3 Know and understand the 3.1 Give a brief explanation of the reasons for
content of the mime scene the choice of title for the mime scene
3.2 Give a brief description of the sequence of
activities in the mime scene
Miming (Solo/Duo)

Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Create and perform a mime scene with a 1.1 Create and perform a mime scene with a
secure structure that includes a sequence clear and defined structure that includes a
of activities sequence of activities
1.2 Demonstrate involvement with the content 1.2 Demonstrate involvement with the content
most of the time all of the time

2.1 Communicate the sequence of activities 2.1 Communicate the sequence of activities
with clarity most of the time with clarity all of the time
2.2 Perform with movement appropriate to the 2.2 Perform with movement appropriate to the
performance space most of the time performance space all of the time

Devising Drama
3.1 Give a secure explanation of the reasons 3.1 Give a detailed explanation of the reasons
for the choice of title for the mime scene for the choice of title for the mime scene
3.2 Give a secure description of the sequence 3.2 Give a detailed description of the sequence
of activities in the mime scene of activities in the mime scene

Miming (Solo/Duo)

Performance Examinations: Miming

Level 1
4 RQF Level: 1
4 Grade 1 Credit Value: 6 Guided Learning Hours: 20

Total Qualification Time: 60

4 Grade 2 Credit Value: 7 Guided Learning Hours: 25
Total Qualification Time: 70
4 Grade 3 Credit Value: 8 Guided Learning Hours: 30
Total Qualification Time: 80

6 Level Description

The LAMDA Level 1 Award in Performance: Miming is designed to enable

learners to develop basic miming skills. Learners will be able to apply their
knowledge, understanding and skills to create and perform one mime and
Devising Drama

one mime scene. Movement of the hands, feet and face will be precise.
Mime scenes will possess a clear and organised dramatic structure. The
use of the space will complement the performance.

6 Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit the learner(s) will be able to:

LO1: create and perform one mime and one mime scene.

Miming (Solo/Duo)

LO2: know and apply the techniques required to perform a mime and
a mime scene.

LO3: know and understand the content of the mime and the mime

Miming: Level 1

6 Total Time Allowance for Each Grade

Solo – 10 minutes

Duo – 15 minutes

6 Examination Content


Mime: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duo learners will perform a prepared mime focusing on the use of the
hands and face. The learner(s) must use one of the following titles:
• opening a can of drink
• using a mobile phone
• eating chocolate cake.

Duo learners must perform their mimes individually. The mime must be a
minimum of 30 seconds and no more than one minute in performance time.
The learner(s) must announce the title prior to the performance.

Devising Drama
Mime Scene: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duo learners will perform a prepared mime scene using one of the
following titles:
• at the supermarket
• at a campsite
• in the music lesson.

Duo learners must perform the mime scene together. The scene must
be a minimum of two minutes and no more than three minutes in
performance time. Miming (Solo/Duo)
The learner(s) may include music and/or sound effects (live or recorded) but
they must provide and operate their own sound equipment. The learner(s)
must announce the title prior to the performance.


The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:

• the reasons for the choice of title for the mime and mime scene
• the sequence of events in the mime scene.

LAMDA PERFORMANCE Examinations: Miming (Solo/Duo)


Mime: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duo learners will perform a prepared mime focusing on the use of the
feet and face. The learner(s) must use one of the following titles:
• walking through dry leaves

• walking on hot sand

• walking on an icy street.

Duo learners must perform their mimes individually. The mime must be a
minimum of 30 seconds and no more than one minute in performance time.
The learner(s) must announce the title prior to the performance.

Mime Scene: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duo learners will perform a prepared mime scene using one of the
following titles:
• in an airport
• in a kitchen
Devising Drama

• in an art gallery.

Duo learners must perform the mime scene together. The scene must
be a minimum of two minutes and no more than three minutes in
performance time.

The learner(s) may include music and/or sound effects (live or recorded) but
they must provide and operate their own sound equipment. The learner(s)
must announce the title prior to the performance.


The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:

• the reasons for the choice of title for the mime and mime scene
Miming (Solo/Duo)

• the use of movement and facial expression in the mime

• the sequence of events in the mime scene.

Miming: Level 1


Mime: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duo learners will perform a prepared mime focusing on the use of the
hands, feet and face. The learner(s) must use one of the following titles:
• moving a heavy object

• tying up shoelaces
• stuck in quicksand.

Duo learners must perform their mimes individually. The mime must be a
minimum of 30 seconds and no more than one minute in performance time.
The learner(s) must announce the title prior to the performance.

Mime Scene: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duo learners will perform a prepared mime scene using one of the
following titles:
• the house move
• the robbery

Devising Drama
• the fire.

Duo learners must perform the mime scene together. The scene must
be a minimum of two minutes and no more than three minutes in
performance time.

The learner(s) may include music and/or sound effects (live or recorded) but
they must provide and operate their own sound equipment. The learner(s)
must announce the title prior to the performance.


The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:

• the reasons for the choice of title for the mime and mime scene
Miming (Solo/Duo)

• the use of movement and facial expression in the mime

• the place and situation in the mime scene.

LAMDA PERFORMANCE Examinations: Miming (Solo/Duo)

6 Level 1 Marking Scheme

Assessment Task Marks Total Marks

Interpretation 15
Mime 30
Technique 15
Interpretation 25
Mime Scene 50

Technique 25
Knowledge 20
Total Marks 100

6 Attainment Bands

Award Total Marks

Pass 50–64
Merit 65–79
Distinction 80+
Devising Drama
Miming (Solo/Duo)

Miming: Level 1

Miming (Solo/Duo) Devising Drama Acting
Assessment and Grading Criteria: Miming (Solo/Duo)


In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Create and perform one 1.1 Create and perform a mime with a basic
mime and one mime scene sequence of actions and reactions that
focuses on the use of the hands and face

1.2 Create and perform a mime scene with a
basic structure
1.3 Demonstrate involvement with the content
of the mime scene some of the time
1.4 Perform with concentration and focus some
of the time
Devising Drama

LO2 Know and apply the 2.1 Perform the mime with clear and accurate
techniques required to perform hand movements some of the time
a mime and a mime scene 2.2 Perform the mime with expressive facial
reaction some of the time
2.3 Perform the mime scene with movement
appropriate to the performance space some
of the time

LO3 Know and understand the 3.1 Give a brief explanation of the reasons for
content of the mime and the the choice of title for the mime and mime
mime scene scene
3.2 Give a brief description of the sequence of
Miming (Solo/Duo)

events in the mime scene

Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Create and perform a mime with a secure 1.1 Create and perform a mime with a clear
sequence of actions and reactions that and defined sequence of actions and
focuses on the use of the hands and face reactions that focuses on the use of the
hands and face
1.2 Create and perform a mime scene with a 1.2 Create and perform a mime scene with a
secure structure clear and defined structure
1.3 Demonstrate involvement with the content 1.3 Demonstrate involvement with the content
of the mime scene most of the time of the mime scene all of the time
1.4 Perform with concentration and focus 1.4 Perform with concentration and focus all of
most of the time the time

Devising Drama
2.1 Perform the mime with clear and accurate 2.1 Perform the mime with clear and accurate
hand movements most of the time hand movements all of the time
2.2 Perform the mime with expressive facial 2.2 Perform the mime with expressive facial
reaction most of the time reaction all of the time
2.3 Perform the mime scene with movement 2.3 Perform the mime scene with movement
appropriate to the performance space most appropriate to the performance space all
of the time of the time

3.1 Give a secure explanation of the reasons for 3.1 Give a detailed explanation of the reasons
the choice of title for the mime and mime for the choice of title for the mime and
scene mime scene
3.2 Give a secure description of the sequence of 3.2 Give a detailed description of the sequence
Miming (Solo/Duo)

events in the mime scene of events in the mime scene

Assessment and Grading Criteria: Miming (Solo/Duo)


In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Create and perform one 1.1 Create and perform a mime with a basic
mime and one mime scene sequence of actions and reactions that
focuses on the use of the feet and face

1.2 Create and perform a mime scene with a
basic structure
1.3 Demonstrate involvement with the content
of the mime scene some of the time
1.4 Perform with concentration and focus some
of the time
Devising Drama

LO2 Know and apply the 2.1 Perform the mime with clear and accurate
techniques required to perform foot movements some of the time
a mime and a mime scene 2.2 Perform the mime with expressive facial
reaction some of the time
2.3 Perform the mime scene with movement
appropriate to the performance space some
of the time

LO3 Know and understand the 3.1 Give a brief explanation of the reasons for
content of the mime and the the choice of title for the mime and mime
mime scene scene
3.2 Give a brief description of the movement
Miming (Solo/Duo)

and facial expression used in the mime

3.3 Give a brief description of the sequence
of events in the mime scene

Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Create and perform a mime with a secure 1.1 Create and perform a mime with a clear
sequence of actions and reactions that and defined sequence of actions and
focuses on the use of the feet and face reactions that focuses on the use of the
feet and face
1.2 Create and perform a mime scene with 1.2 Create and perform a mime scene with a
a secure structure clear and defined structure
1.3 Demonstrate involvement with the content 1.3 Demonstrate involvement with the content
of the mime scene most of the time of the mime scene all of the time
1.4 Perform with concentration and focus 1.4 Perform with concentration and focus all
most of the time of the time

Devising Drama
2.1 Perform the mime with clear and accurate 2.1 Perform the mime with clear and accurate
foot movements most of the time foot movements all of the time
2.2 Perform the mime with expressive facial 2.2 Perform the mime with expressive facial
reaction most of the time reaction all of the time
2.3 Perform the mime scene with movement 2.3 Perform the mime scene with movement
appropriate to the performance space most appropriate to the performance space all
of the time of the time

3.1 Give a secure explanation of the reasons 3.1 Give a detailed explanation of the reasons
for the choice of title for the mime and for the choice of title for the mime and
mime scene mime scene
3.2 Give a secure description of the movement 3.2 Give a detailed description of the movement
Miming (Solo/Duo)

and facial expression used in the mime and facial expression used in the mime
3.3 Give a secure description of the sequence 3.3 Give a detailed description of the sequence
of events in the mime scene of events in the mime scene

Assessment and Grading Criteria: Miming (Solo/Duo)


In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Create and perform one 1.1 Create and perform a mime with a basic
mime and one mime scene sequence of actions and reactions that
focuses on the use of the hands, feet and
1.2 Create and perform a mime scene with a
basic structure
1.3 Demonstrate involvement with the content
of the mime scene some of the time
1.4 Perform with concentration and focus
some of the time
Devising Drama

LO2 Know and apply the 2.1 Perform the mime with clear and accurate
techniques required to perform hand and foot movements some of the time
a mime and a mime scene 2.2 Perform the mime with expressive facial
reaction some of the time
2.3 Perform the mime scene with movement
appropriate to the performance space
some of the time

LO3 Know and understand the 3.1 Give a brief explanation of the reasons for
content of the mime and the the choice of title for the mime and mime
mime scene scene
3.2 Give a brief description of the movement
Miming (Solo/Duo)

and facial expression used in the mime

3.3 Give a brief description of the place and
situation in the mime scene

Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Create and perform a mime with a secure 1.1 Create and perform a mime with a clear
sequence of actions and reactions that and defined sequence of actions and
focuses on the use of the hands, feet reactions that focuses on the use of the
and face hands, feet and face
1.2 Create and perform a mime scene with 1.2 Create and perform a mime scene with a
a secure structure clear and defined structure
1.3 Demonstrate involvement with the content 1.3 Demonstrate involvement with the content
of the mime scene most of the time of the mime scene all of the time
1.4 Perform with concentration and focus 1.4 Perform with concentration and focus all
most of the time of the time

Devising Drama
2.1 Perform the mime with clear and accurate 2.1 Perform the mime with clear and accurate
hand and foot movements most of the time hand and foot movements all of the time
2.2 Perform the mime with expressive facial 2.2 Perform the mime with expressive facial
reaction most of the time reaction all of the time
2.3 Perform the mime scene with movement 2.3 Perform the mime scene with movement
appropriate to the performance space most appropriate to the performance space all
of the time of the time

3.1 Give a secure explanation of the reasons 3.1 Give a detailed explanation of the reasons
for the choice of title for the mime and for the choice of title for the mime and
mime scene mime scene
3.2 Give a secure description of the movement 3.2 Give a detailed description of the movement
Miming (Solo/Duo)

and facial expression used in the mime and facial expression used in the mime
3.3 Give a secure description of the place and 3.3 Give a detailed description of the place
situation in the mime scene and situation in the mime scene

Performance Examinations: Miming

Level 2
4 RQF Level: 2
4 Grade 4 Credit Value: 10 Guided Learning Hours: 40

Total Qualification Time: 100

4 Grade 5 Credit Value: 12 Guided Learning Hours: 50
Total Qualification Time: 120

6 Level Description

The LAMDA Level 2 Award in Performance: Miming is designed to

enable learners to develop a range of miming skills. Learners will be able
to demonstrate a sound understanding of how to create and perform one
mime and one mime scene. Effective preparation will be evident, leading to
a secure performance. The performance will be imaginative with consistent
application of developing technical skills. Movement will be clear and
Devising Drama

coordinated to communicate the mime and mime scene and to engage

the audience.

6 Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit the learner(s) will be able to:

LO1: create and perform one mime and one mime scene.

Miming (Solo/Duo)

LO2: know and apply the techniques required to perform a mime and
a mime scene.

LO3: know and understand the content of the mime and the mime

Miming: Level 2

6 Total Time Allowance for Each Grade

Solo – 20 minutes

Duo – 25 minutes

6 Examination Content


Mime: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duo learners will perform a prepared mime depicting a character

involved in a specific occupation.

Duo learners must perform their mimes individually. The mime must be a
minimum of one minute and no more than two minutes in performance time.
The learner(s) must announce the title prior to the performance.

Mime Scene: Interpretation and Technique

Solo learners will perform a prepared mime scene depicting a character and

Devising Drama
situation from the story of a book, film or play.

Duo learners will perform a prepared mime scene depicting a situation

involving two characters from the story of a book, film or play.

Duo learners must perform the mime scene together. The scene must be a
minimum of three minutes and no more than four minutes in performance time.

The learner(s) may include music and/or sound effects (live or recorded) but
they must provide and operate their own sound equipment. The learner(s)
must announce the title prior to the performance.

Knowledge Miming (Solo/Duo)

The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:

• the movements required to depict the character and occupation
presented in the mime
• the reasons behind the choice of character and situation in the mime
• how the mime scene was developed
• the feelings of the character in the mime scene and how they react to
the situation
• the use of the performance space in the mime and mime scene.

LAMDA PERFORMANCE Examinations: Miming (Solo/Duo)


Mime: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duo learners will perform a prepared mime depicting a mammal, bird

or reptile.

Duo learners must perform their mimes individually. The mime must be a

minimum of one minute but no longer than two minutes in performance time.
The learner(s) must announce the title prior to the performance.

Mime Scene: Interpretation and Technique

Solo learners will perform a prepared mime scene depicting a character of

their own choice who interacts with one or more imagined character(s).

Duo learners will perform a prepared mime scene; each learner will
depict a character of his/her own choice who interacts with one or more
imagined character(s).

Duo learners must perform the mime scene together. The scene must
be a minimum of three minutes but no more than four minutes in
Devising Drama

performance time.

The learner(s) may include music and/or sound effects (live or recorded) but
they must provide and operate their own sound equipment. The learner(s)
must announce the title prior to the performance.


The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:

• the physical characteristics of the mammal, bird or reptile in the mime
and how these affected their movement
• the behaviour of the imagined character(s) in the mime scene and the
reaction of the mimed character(s) to this behaviour
Miming (Solo/Duo)

• how the interaction was created and developed between the characters
in the mime scene
• the use of the performance space in the mime and mime scene.

Miming: Level 2

6 Level 2 Marking Scheme

Assessment Task Marks Total Marks

Interpretation 15
Mime 30
Technique 15
Interpretation 25
Mime Scene 50

Technique 25
Knowledge 20
Total Marks 100

6 Attainment Bands

Award Total Marks

Pass 50–64
Merit 65–79
Distinction 80+

Devising Drama
Miming (Solo/Duo)

Assessment and Grading Criteria: Miming (Solo/Duo)


In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Create and perform one 1.1 Create and perform a mime with a basic
mime and one mime scene sequence of actions and reactions,
depicting a character involved in a
specific occupation
1.2 Create and perform a mime scene with a
basic structure
1.3 Demonstrate involvement with the
character and situation in the mime scene
some of the time
1.4 Perform with concentration and focus
Devising Drama

some of the time

LO2 Know and apply the 2.1 Communicate the personal characteristics
techniques required to perform of both characters through appropriate
a mime and a mime scene stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial
expression some of the time
2.2 Demonstrate controlled and coordinated
movement some of the time
2.3 Perform the mime scene with movement
appropriate to the performance space
some of the time

LO3 Know and understand the 3.1 Give a brief description of the movements
Miming (Solo/Duo)

content of the mime and the required to depict the character and
mime scene occupation presented in the mime

Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Create and perform a mime with a secure 1.1 Create and perform a mime with a clear
sequence of actions and reactions, and defined sequence of actions and
depicting a character involved in a specific reactions, depicting a character involved in
occupation a specific occupation
1.2 Create and perform a mime scene with a 1.2 Create and perform a mime scene with
secure structure a clear and defined structure
1.3 Demonstrate involvement with the 1.3 Demonstrate involvement with the
character and situation in the mime scene character and situation in the mime scene
most of the time all of the time
1.4 Perform with concentration and focus 1.4 Perform with concentration and focus all

Devising Drama
most of the time of the time

2.1 Communicate the personal characteristics 2.1 Communicate the personal characteristics
of both characters through appropriate of both characters through appropriate
stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial
expression most of the time expression all of the time
2.2 Demonstrate controlled and coordinated 2.2 Demonstrate controlled and coordinated
movement most of the time movement all of the time
2.3 Perform the mime scene with movement 2.3 Perform the mime scene with movement
appropriate to the performance space appropriate to the performance space all
most of the time of the time

3.1 Give a secure description of the 3.1 Give a detailed description of the
Miming (Solo/Duo)
movements required to depict the movements required to depict the
character and occupation presented in character and occupation presented in
the mime the mime

Continued 4

Assessment and Grading Criteria: Miming (Solo/Duo)

LEVEL 2: GRADE 4 (continued)

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO3 Know and understand the 3.2 Give a brief explanation of the reasons for
content of the mime and the the choice of character and situation in the

mime scene mime scene and how the scene was

3.3 Give a brief description of how the
character is feeling in the mime scene
and how he/she reacts to the situation
3.4 Give a brief explanation of the use of the
performance space in the mime and mime
Devising Drama
Miming (Solo/Duo)

Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

3.2 Give a secure explanation of the reasons 3.2 Give a detailed explanation of the reasons
for the choice of character and situation in for the choice of character and situation in

the mime scene and how the scene was the mime scene and how the scene was
developed developed
3.3 Give a secure description of how the 3.3 Give a detailed description of how the
character is feeling in the mime scene character is feeling in the mime scene
and how he/she reacts to the situation and how he/she reacts to the situation
3.4 Give a secure explanation of the use of the 3.4 Give a detailed explanation of the use of the
performance space in the mime and mime performance space in the mime and mime
scene scene

Devising Drama
Miming (Solo/Duo)

Assessment and Grading Criteria: Miming (Solo/Duo)


In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Create and perform one 1.1 Create and perform a mime with a basic
mime and one mime scene sequence of actions and reactions,
depicting a mammal, bird or reptile

1.2 Create and perform a mime scene with
a basic structure
1.3 Demonstrate involvement with the
character and situation in the mime scene
some of the time
1.4 Perform with concentration and focus
Devising Drama

some of the time

LO2 Know and apply the 2.1 Communicate the personal characteristics
techniques required to perform of the mammal, bird or reptile in the mime
a mime and a mime scene and the character in the mime scene
through appropriate stance, movement,
gesture(s) and facial expression some of
the time
2.2 Demonstrate controlled and coordinated
movement some of the time
2.3 Perform the mime scene with movement
appropriate to the performance space
some of the time
Miming (Solo/Duo)

LO3 Know and understand the 3.1 Give a brief description of the physical
content of the mime and the characteristics of the mammal, bird or
mime scene reptile in the mime and how these affected

Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Create and perform a mime with a secure 1.1 Create and perform a mime with a clear
sequence of actions and reactions, and defined sequence of actions and
depicting a mammal, bird or reptile reactions, depicting a mammal, bird or
1.2 Create and perform a mime scene with 1.2 Create and perform a mime scene with a
a secure structure clear and defined structure
1.3 Demonstrate involvement with the 1.3 Demonstrate involvement with the
character and situation in the mime scene character and situation in the mime scene
most of the time all of the time
1.4 Perform with concentration and focus 1.4 Perform with concentration and focus all

Devising Drama
most of the time of the time

2.1 Communicate the personal characteristics 2.1 Communicate the personal characteristics
of the mammal, bird or reptile in the mime of the mammal, bird or reptile in the mime
and the character in the mime scene and the character in the mime scene
through appropriate stance, movement, through appropriate stance, movement,
gesture(s) and facial expression most of gesture(s) and facial expression all of
the time the time
2.2 Demonstrate controlled and coordinated 2.2 Demonstrate controlled and coordinated
movement most of the time movement all of the time
2.3 Perform the mime scene with movement 2.3 Perform the mime scene with movement
appropriate to the performance space appropriate to the performance space
most of the time all of the time
Miming (Solo/Duo)

3.1 Give a secure description of the physical 3.1 Give a detailed description of the physical
characteristics of the mammal, bird or characteristics of the mammal, bird or
reptile in the mime and how these affected reptile in the mime and how these affected
movement movement

Continued 4

Assessment and Grading Criteria: Miming (Solo/Duo)

LEVEL 2: GRADE 5 (continued)

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

3.2 Give a brief description of the behaviour

of the imagined character in the mime

scene and the reaction of the mimed

character to this behaviour
3.3 Give a brief description of how the
interaction between the characters in the
mime scene was created and developed
3.4 Give a brief explanation of the use of the
performance space in the mime and
mime scene
Devising Drama
Miming (Solo/Duo)

Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

3.2 Give a secure description of the 3.2 Give a detailed description of the
behaviour of the imagined character in behaviour of the imagined character in

the mime scene and the reaction of the the mime scene and the reaction of the
mimed character to this behaviour mimed character to this behaviour
3.3 Give a secure description of how the 3.3 Give a detailed description of how the
interaction between the characters in the interaction between the characters in the
mime scene was created and developed mime scene was created and developed
3.4 Give a secure explanation of the use of 3.4 Give a detailed explanation of the use of
the performance space in the mime and the performance space in the mime and
mime scene mime scene

Devising Drama
Miming (Solo/Duo)

Performance Examinations: Miming

Level 3
4 RQF Level: 3
4 Grade 6 Credit Value: 14 Guided Learning Hours: 60

Total Qualification Time: 140

4 Grade 7 Credit Value: 18 Guided Learning Hours: 80
Total Qualification Time: 180
4 Grade 8 Credit Value: 24 Guided Learning Hours: 90
Total Qualification Time: 240

6 Level Description

The LAMDA Level 3 Certificate in Performance: Miming is designed to

enable learners to develop a wide range of miming skills. Learners will be
able to create and perform two mime scenes (at Grades 6 and 7) and three
mime scenes (at Grade 8), integrating their knowledge and skills. There will
Devising Drama

be a sense of ownership and self-awareness. Presentation will be grounded

in thorough and relevant preparation. Learners will demonstrate imaginative
engagement and physical control, precision and coordination in order to
engage the audience.

6 Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit the learner(s) will be able to:

LO1: create and perform two mime scenes (at Grades 6 and 7) and
Miming (Solo/Duo)

three mime scenes (at Grade 8).

LO2: know and apply the techniques required to perform mime

LO3: know and understand the content and context of the mime scenes

Continued 4

Miming: Level 3

LO4: know and understand the influences on the development and

presentation of mime for one of the following practitioners:
Charlie Chaplin, Marcel Marceau, Etienne Decroux or Jacques
Lecoq (Grade 8 only).

6 Total Time Allowance for Each Grade

Grade 6 and Grade 7

Solo – 25 minutes
Duo – 35 minutes

Grade 8

Solo – 30 minutes
Duo – 40 minutes

6 Examination Content

Devising Drama

Mime Scene 1: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duo learners will perform a prepared mime scene of their own choice
which incorporates the use of slow motion for at least 30 seconds.

Duo learners must perform the mime scene together. The scene must be a
minimum of three minutes and no more than four minutes in performance time.

The learner(s) may include music and/or sound effects (live or recorded) but
they must provide and operate their own sound equipment. The learner(s)
must announce the title prior to the performance.
Miming (Solo/Duo)

Mime Scene 2: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duo learners will perform a prepared mime scene of their own choice
using a cultural or historical context.

Duo learners must perform the mime scene together. The scene must
be a minimum of three minutes and no more than four minutes in
performance time.

LAMDA PERFORMANCE Examinations: Miming (Solo/Duo)

The learner(s) may include music and/or sound effects (live or recorded) but
they must provide and operate their own sound equipment. The learner(s)
must announce the title prior to the performance.


The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:


• the techniques required to move in slow motion

• where the slow motion sequence was used in Mime Scene 1 and why it
was incorporated at this particular point
• the changes of mood in Mime Scene 2
• how the cultural or historical context of Mime Scene 2 affected the way
the character(s) moved.


Mime Scene 1: Interpretation and Technique

Solo learners will perform a prepared mime scene based on one commedia
dell’arte mime character selected from the list below.
Devising Drama

Duo learners will perform a prepared mime scene based on two commedia
dell’arte mime characters selected from the list below. Duo learners may
select the same character or different characters from the list.
• Harlequin
• Columbine
• Pantaloon
• Pierrot
• Pulcinella.

Duo learners must perform the mime scene together. The scene must be a
minimum of three minutes and no more than four minutes in performance time.
Miming (Solo/Duo)

The learner(s) may include music and/or sound effects (live or recorded) but
they must provide and operate their own sound equipment. The learner(s)
must announce the title prior to the performance.

Mime Scene 2: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duo learners will perform a prepared mime scene using one of the
following words as a stimulus:
• blue
• stuck

Miming: Level 3

• greed
• strength
• peace
• pride.

Duo learners must perform the mime scene together. The scene must be a
minimum of three minutes and no more than four minutes in performance time.

The learner(s) may include music and/or sound effects (live or recorded) but
they must provide and operate their own sound equipment. The learner(s)
must announce the title prior to the performance.


The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:

• commedia dell’arte and the reasons for the choice of character in Mime
Scene 1
• the character’s feelings and actions in Mime Scene 1
• the interpretation of the chosen word stimulus in Mime Scene 2
• how Mime Scene 2 was developed from the chosen word stimulus

Devising Drama
• the changes of mood in Mime Scene 2.


Mime Scene 1: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duo learners will perform a prepared mime scene of their own choice
using a full face mask. The learner(s) must keep the mask on for the duration
of the scene.

Duo learners must perform the mime scene together. The scene must be a
minimum of three minutes and no more than four minutes in performance time.

The learner(s) may include music and/or sound effects (live or recorded) but
Miming (Solo/Duo)

they must provide and operate their own sound equipment. The learner(s)
must announce the title prior to the performance.

Mime Scene 2: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duo learners will perform a prepared mime scene exploring a

humorous situation.

Duo learners must perform the mime scene together. The scene must be a
minimum of three minutes and no more than four minutes in performance time.

LAMDA PERFORMANCE Examinations: Miming (Solo/Duo)

The learner(s) may include music and/or sound effects (live or recorded) but
they must provide and operate their own sound equipment. The learner(s)
must announce the title prior to the performance.

Mime Scene 3: Interpretation and Technique

Solo/Duo learners will perform a prepared mime scene using a photograph,


newspaper article or poem as a stimulus. The learner(s) must bring the

stimulus into the examination room with them.

Duo learners must perform the mime scene together. The scene must
be a minimum of three minutes and no more than four minutes in
performance time.

The learner(s) may include music and/or sound effects (live or recorded) but
they must provide and operate their own sound equipment. The learner(s)
must announce the title prior to the performance.


The learner(s) will answer questions on the following:

Devising Drama

• the techniques required to mime in a full face mask

• the processes involved in developing the three mime characters for
• how technique was balanced with emotional truth in the three mime
scenes presented
• the influences on the development and presentation of mime for one
of the following practitioners (chosen by the learner): Charlie Chaplin,
Marcel Marceau, Etienne Decroux or Jacques Lecoq.
Miming (Solo/Duo)

Miming: Level 3

6 Level 3 Marking Scheme

Grade 6/Grade 7

Assessment Task Marks Total Marks

Interpretation 20
Mime Scene 1 40
Technique 20

Interpretation 20
Mime Scene 2 40
Technique 20
Knowledge 20
Total Marks 100

Grade 8

Assessment Task Marks Total Marks

Interpretation 15
Mime Scene 1 25
Technique 10
Interpretation 15

Devising Drama
Mime Scene 2 25
Technique 10
Interpretation 15
Mime Scene 3 25
Technique 10
Knowledge 25
Total Marks 100

6 Attainment Bands

Award Total Marks

Pass 50–64
Miming (Solo/Duo)

Merit 65–79
Distinction 80+

Assessment and Grading Criteria: Miming (Solo/Duo)


In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Create and perform two 1.1 Create and perform two mime scenes
mime scenes with a basic structure
1.2 Demonstrate a basic understanding of
place, period and situation
1.3 Communicate a basic understanding of
the intentions and objectives of the
characters portrayed
1.4 Perform with concentration, focus and
spontaneity some of the time
Devising Drama

LO2 Know and apply the 2.1 Communicate the personal characteristics
techniques required to of both characters through appropriate
perform mime scenes stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial
expression some of the time
2.2 Demonstrate precise, controlled and
coordinated movement some of the time
2.3 Perform with movement appropriate to the
performance space some of the time

LO3 Know and understand the 3.1 Give a brief explanation of the techniques
content and context of the mime required to move in slow motion
scenes 3.2 Give a brief explanation of where the slow
Miming (Solo/Duo)

motion sequence was used in Mime Scene 1

and why it was incorporated at this
particular point
3.3 Give a brief description of any changes of
mood in Mime Scene 2
3.4 Give a brief explanation of how the cultural
or historical context of Mime Scene 2
affected the way the character(s) moved

Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Create and perform two mime scenes 1.1 Create and perform two mime scenes with
with a secure structure a clear and defined structure
1.2 Demonstrate a secure understanding of 1.2 Demonstrate a total understanding of
place, period and situation place, period and situation
1.3 Communicate a secure understanding 1.3 Communicate a total understanding of
of the intentions and objectives of the the intentions and objectives of the
characters portrayed characters portrayed
1.4 Perform with concentration, focus and 1.4 Perform with concentration, focus and
spontaneity most of the time spontaneity all of the time

Devising Drama
2.1 Communicate the personal characteristics 2.1 Communicate the personal characteristics
of both characters through appropriate of both characters through appropriate
stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial
expression most of the time expression all of the time
2.2 Demonstrate precise, controlled and 2.2 Demonstrate precise, controlled and
coordinated movement most of the time coordinated movement all of the time
2.3 Perform with movement appropriate to 2.3 Perform with movement appropriate to
the performance space most of the time the performance space all of the time

3.1 Give a secure explanation of the techniques 3.1 Give a detailed explanation of the techniques
required to move in slow motion required to move in slow motion
3.2 Give a secure explanation of where the 3.2 Give a detailed explanation of where the
Miming (Solo/Duo)

slow motion sequence was used in Mime slow motion sequence was used in Mime
Scene 1 and why it was incorporated at Scene 1 and why it was incorporated at
this particular point this particular point
3.3 Give a secure description of any changes 3.3 Give a detailed description of any changes
of mood in Mime Scene 2 of mood in Mime Scene 2
3.4 Give a secure explanation of how the 3.4 Give a detailed explanation of how the
cultural or historical context of Mime cultural or historical context of Mime
Scene 2 affected the way the character(s) Scene 2 affected the way the character(s)
moved moved

Assessment and Grading Criteria: Miming (Solo/Duo)


In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Create and perform two 1.1 Create and perform two mime scenes with
mime scenes a basic structure
1.2 Demonstrate a basic understanding of
place, period and situation
1.3 Communicate a basic understanding of
the intentions and objectives of the
characters portrayed
1.4 Perform with concentration, focus and
spontaneity some of the time
Devising Drama

LO2 Know and apply the 2.1 Communicate the personal characteristics
techniques required to of both characters through appropriate
perform mime scenes stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial
expression some of the time
2.2 Demonstrate precise, controlled and
coordinated movement some of the time
2.3 Perform with movement appropriate to the
performance space some of the time

LO3 Know and understand the 3.1 Give a brief explanation of what is meant
content and context of the by commedia dell’arte and give brief
mime scenes reasons for the choice of character in
Mime Scene 1
Miming (Solo/Duo)

3.2 Give a brief description of the feelings and

actions of the chosen character in Mime
Scene 1
3.3 Give a brief explanation of the interpretation
of the chosen word stimulus in Mime Scene
2 and how the scene was developed from
this stimulus
3.4 Give a brief description of any changes of
mood in Mime Scene 2

Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Create and perform two mime scenes 1.1 Create and perform two mime scenes
with a secure structure with a clear and defined structure
1.2 Demonstrate a secure understanding of 1.2 Demonstrate a total understanding of
place, period and situation place, period and situation
1.3 Communicate a secure understanding of 1.3 Communicate a total understanding of the
the intentions and objectives of the intentions and objectives of the characters
characters portrayed portrayed
1.4 Perform with concentration, focus and 1.4 Perform with concentration, focus and
spontaneity most of the time spontaneity all of the time

Devising Drama
2.1 Communicate the personal characteristics 2.1 Communicate the personal characteristics
of both characters through appropriate of both characters through appropriate
stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial stance, movement, gesture(s) and facial
expression most of the time expression all of the time
2.2 Demonstrate precise, controlled and 2.2 Demonstrate precise, controlled and
coordinated movement most of the time coordinated movement all of the time
2.3 Perform with movement appropriate to 2.3 Perform with movement appropriate to
the performance space most of the time the performance space all of the time

3.1 Give a secure explanation of what is meant 3.1 Give a comprehensive explanation of what
by commedia dell’arte and give reasons is meant by commedia dell’arte and give
for the choice of character in Mime detailed reasons for the choice of
Scene 1 character in Mime Scene 1
Miming (Solo/Duo)

3.2 Give a secure description of the feelings 3.2 Give a detailed description of the feelings
and actions of the chosen character in and actions of the chosen character in
Mime Scene 1 Mime Scene 1
3.3 Give a secure explanation of the 3.3 Give a detailed explanation of the
interpretation of the chosen word stimulus interpretation of the chosen word stimulus
in Mime Scene 2 and how the scene was in Mime Scene 2 and how the scene was
developed from this stimulus developed from this stimulus
3.4 Give a secure description of any changes 3.4 Give a detailed description of any changes
of mood in Mime Scene 2 of mood in Mime Scene 2

Assessment and Grading Criteria: Miming (Solo/Duo)


In order to pass this unit the evidence that the learner presents for
assessment needs to demonstrate that s/he can meet all the learning
outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a Pass grade describe
the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO1 Create and perform three 1.1 Create and perform three mime scenes
mime scenes with a basic structure
1.2 Demonstrate a basic understanding of
place, period and situation
1.3 Communicate a basic understanding of
the intentions and objectives of the
characters portrayed
1.4 Perform with concentration, focus and
spontaneity some of the time
Devising Drama

LO2 Know and apply the 2.1 Communicate the personal characteristics
techniques required to of each character through appropriate
perform mime scenes stance, movement and gesture(s) some
of the time
2.2 Communicate the personal characteristics
of each character through appropriate
facial expression in Mime Scenes 2 and 3
some of the time
2.3 Demonstrate precise, controlled and
coordinated movement some of the time
2.4 Perform with movement appropriate to
the performance space some of the time
Miming (Solo/Duo)

LO3 Know and understand the 3.1 Give a brief description of the techniques
content and context of the required to mime in a full face mask
mime scenes 3.2 Give a brief explanation of the processes
involved in developing the three mime
characters for performance
3.3 Give a brief description of how technique
was balanced with emotional truth in the
three mime scenes presented

Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

1.1 Create and perform three mime scenes 1.1 Create and perform three mime scenes
with a secure structure with a clear and defined structure
1.2 Demonstrate a secure understanding of 1.2 Demonstrate a total understanding of
place, period and situation place, period and situation
1.3 Communicate a secure understanding of 1.3 Communicate a total understanding of
the intentions and objectives of the the intentions and objectives of the
characters portrayed characters portrayed
1.4 Perform with concentration, focus and 1.4 Perform with concentration, focus and
spontaneity most of the time spontaneity all of the time

Devising Drama
2.1 Communicate the personal characteristics 2.1 Communicate the personal characteristics
of each character through appropriate of each character through appropriate
stance, movement and gesture(s) most stance, movement and gesture(s) all of
of the time the time
2.2 Communicate the personal characteristics 2.2 Communicate the personal characteristics
of each character through appropriate of each character through appropriate
facial expression in Mime Scenes 2 and 3 facial expression in Mime Scenes 2 and 3
most of the time all of the time
2.3 Demonstrate precise, controlled and 2.3 Demonstrate precise, controlled and
coordinated movement most of the time coordinated movement all of the time
2.4 Perform with movement appropriate to 2.4 Perform with movement appropriate to
the performance space most of the time the performance space all of the time Miming (Solo/Duo)

3.1 Give a secure description of the techniques 3.1 Give a detailed description of the techniques
required to mime in a full face mask required to mime in a full face mask
3.2 Give a secure explanation of the processes 3.2 Give a detailed explanation of the processes
involved in developing the three mime involved in developing the three mime
characters for performance characters for performance
3.3 Give a secure description of how technique 3.3 Give a detailed description of how technique
was balanced with emotional truth in the was balanced with emotional truth in the
three mime scenes presented three mime scenes presented
Continued 4

Assessment and Grading Criteria: Miming (Solo/Duo)

LEVEL 3: GRADE 8 (continued)

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria: Pass

LO4 Know and understand the 4.1 Give a brief summary of the selected
influences on the development practitioner’s influences on the
and presentation of mime for one development and presentation of mime

of the following practitioners:

Charlie Chaplin, Marcel Marceau,
Etienne Decroux or Jacques Lecoq
Devising Drama
Miming (Solo/Duo)

Assessment Criteria: Merit Assessment Criteria: Distinction

4.1 Give an accurate summary of the selected 4.1 Give an accurate and detailed summary
practitioner’s influences on the of the selected practitioner’s influences
development and presentation of mime on the development and presentation

of mime

Devising Drama
Miming (Solo/Duo)


Glossary of Terms: Syllabus Terminology

assessment – the process of making judgements about the extent to
which a learner’s work meets the assessment criteria of a unit, or any
additional assessment requirements of a qualification
assessment criteria – descriptions of the requirements a learner is expected
to meet to demonstrate that a learning outcome has been achieved
Award – a qualification with a credit value between 1 and 12
Certificate – a qualification with a credit value between 13 and 36
certificate (for a unit or qualification) – a record of attainment of credit
or a qualification issued by an awarding organisation
credit – an award made to a learner in recognition of the achievement of
the designated learning outcomes/assessment criteria of a unit
guided learning hours (GLH) – the number of hours of teacher-supervised
or directed study time required to teach a qualification or the unit of a
learning outcome (LO) – a statement of what a learner can be expected
to know, understand or do as a result of a process of learning
level – an indication of the relative demand, complexity and/or depth of
achievement, and/or the autonomy of the learner in demonstrating that
qualification – an award made to a learner for the achievement of the
specified combination of credits, or credits and exemptions, required for
that award
qualification syllabus specification – a detailed statement defining
the purpose, content, structure and assessment arrangements for a
qualification title – a short description of the level, size and content of a
total qualification time (TQT) – total qualification time is split into
three components: guided learning, directed study and dedicated
assessment. It includes learner initiated study.
unit – a coherent and explicit set of learning outcomes and assessment
criteria, with a title, credit value and level

Glossary of Terms: Syllabus Content
adaptation (Level 3 Acting) – a play, television or film screenplay that
has been based on or devised from an earlier or pre-existing text, usually
retaining some element of the original (for example, Jean Anouilh’s
version of Antigone)

audibility – using sufficient breath and resonance appropriate to the size of

the performance space and for the needs of the character

body language – communicating the thought and feeling of a text non-


character intentions and objectives – clarifying what the character

wants, desires or needs through each action, spoken line and the
spaces between the words

clarity of diction – articulating sufficiently, without losing the sense or flow

of the text, in order to be understood by the examiner

clarity (in Miming) – making movements sufficiently clear so that they can
be understood by the examiner

commedia dell’arte – a form of Italian theatre containing stock characters,

masks, farcical action and scenes full of beatings, acrobatics and comic
stage business. Commedia dell’arte characters include Harlequin,
Columbine, Pantaloon, Pierrot and Pulcinella. For more information on
commedia dell’arte please refer to Mime Matters (an online LAMDA

context – the situation and world of the play

controlled and coordinated movement – clear and accurate movement

that is well-balanced throughout the body and communicates the activity
or scene effectively

creating and inhabiting character – transforming into another person;

creating the illusion of spontaneity as if the character’s thoughts and
emotions are being expressed for the very first time

devising drama – planning and preparing an original scene for

performance based on a given stimulus

LAMDA PERFORMANCE Examinations: Glossary

emotional truth – the learner’s complete engagement and involvement

with the scene they are performing which they share with their imagined

engaging with the imaginary – involvement with the character, situation

and world of the scene, focusing on each moment

facial expression – using the face to express the character’s emotions

focus – maintaining concentration and involvement with the character being


full face mask – a mask which covers the whole face. Masks either
provide a fixed facial expression or neutrality so that the performer’s
emotions do not influence the mime. For more information on full face
masks please refer to Mime Matters (an online LAMDA resource)

gesture – movement of the hands, arms and/or head to convey an idea or


improvisation/improvised scene – the performance of an original scene

developed in the moment from a given stimulus without prior planning or

meaning – clarifying what the character is thinking and the sense behind
their words and/or actions

mime – performing actions/reactions non-verbally using mime, without a

context. For more information on the definition of mime please refer to
Mime Matters (an online LAMDA resource)

mime scene – performing a scene non-verbally using mime, with a line

of development from beginning to end. For more information on the
definition of mime scene please refer to Mime Matters (an online
LAMDA resource)

modulation – variations in pitch, intonation, pace, volume, tone colour, use

of pause and stress

mood – conveying what the character is feeling and the emotion behind
their words and/or actions

performance space – the area in which the learner performs

period – the time or style in which the scene is set. This will affect the
learner’s use of accent, movement, posture, stance, gesture, etc.


personal/physical characteristics – what a character looks like,

noting any distinguishing features. This will affect the learner’s use of
movement, stance, posture, gesture, facial expression etc.

physical flexibility – transforming physically according to the period, style

and form of the scene

physical response – responding to the imagery of the scene non-verbally

place – the physical aspects of where the scene takes place

place and period – creating a sense of the world in which the character

precise – clear and accurate

process of acting – the steps undertaken to develop a character or text for


published – a text which is available to the public either in a printed book,

e-book, or online

reactions to other characters and/or events – responding to another

character’s words or actions, whether real or imaginary

sequence of actions – a series of individual actions linked together by a

place and/or situation

sequence of activities – a series of individual activities linked together by

a place and/or situation

sequence of reactions – a series of individual reactions linked together by

a place and/or situation

situation – what is happening in the scene

slow motion – performing a sequence of well-balanced and controlled

actions in no more than half the normal rate of speed. For more
information on slow motion please refer to Mime Matters (an online
LAMDA resource)

spontaneity – as if the scene is being performed for the very first time

staging – positioning a performance within the space provided

stance – the manner and position in which a character stands

LAMDA PERFORMANCE Examinations: Glossary

stimulus – an object, word, title, piece of music or text from which a

devised or improvised scene is developed

structure – using a beginning, a middle and an end

style – how thoughts are expressed in literary composition; the specific

characteristics of the scene, including choice of words, syntax and

subtext – the hidden meaning or underlying message behind the scene

translation – the original text of a non-English language play that has been
translated into English

understanding of character – revealing what the character is thinking,

how the character is feeling and any changes in the character’s mood
throughout the scene

understanding of situation – revealing the world in which the character

lives and the physical aspects of where the scene takes place

vocal contrast – varying pitch, intonation, pace, volume, tone colour and

vocal control – keeping sound and thought focused until the end of the
phrase so that the voice does not fade away

vocal flexibility – transforming vocally according to the period, style and

form of the text

vocal power – producing and controlling sound until the end of the phrase
so that the voice does not fade away

working stage areas – the different areas of the stage used in rehearsal
and performance. These include centre stage, stage left, stage right,
upstage, downstage, upstage left/right, downstage left/right, the wings



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