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Correlations for Convective Heat Transfer

1.) Forced Convection Flow Inside a Circular Tube

All properties at fluid bulk mean temperature (arithmetic mean of inlet and outlet

Nusselt numbers Nu0 from sections 1-1 to 1-3 have to be corrected for temperature-
dependent fluid properties according to section 1-4.

1-1 Thermally developing, hydrodynamically developed laminar flow (Re <


Constant wall temperature:


Constant wall heat flux:


1-2 Simultaneously developing laminar flow (Re < 2300)

Constant wall temperature:


Constant wall heat flux:

which is valid over the range 0.7 < Pr < 7 or if Re Pr D/L < 33 also for Pr > 7.

1-3 Fully developed turbulent and transition flow (Re > 2300)

Constant wall heat flux:

(Petukhov, Gnielinski)


Constant wall temperature:

For fluids with Pr > 0.7 correlation for constant wall heat flux can be used with
negligible error.

1-4 Effects of property variation with temperature

Liquids, laminar and turbulent flow:

Subscript w: at wall temperature, without subscript: at mean fluid temperature

Gases, laminar flow:

Nu = Nu0

Gases, turbulent flow:

Temperatures in Kelvin

2.) Forced Convection Flow Inside Concentric Annular Ducts,
Turbulent (Re>2300)

Dh = Do - Di

All properties at fluid bulk

mean temperature (arithmetic
mean of inlet and outlet

Heat transfer at the inner wall, outer wall insulated:

(Petukhov and Roizen)

Heat transfer at the outer wall, inner wall insulated:

(Petukhov and Roizen)

Heat transfer at both walls, same wall temperatures:


3.) Forced Convection Flow Inside Non-Circular Ducts, Turbulent
(Re > 2300)

Equations for circular tube with hydraulic diameter

4.) Forced Convection Flow Across Single Circular Cylinders and

Tube Bundles

D = cylinder diameter, um = free-stream velocity, all properties at fluid bulk mean

temperature. Correction for temperature dependent fluid properties see section 4-4.

4-1 Smooth circular cylinder



Valid over the ranges 10 < Rel < 107 and 0.6 < Pr < 1000

4-2 Tube bundle

Transverse pitch ratio

Longitudinal pitch ratio

Void ratio for b > 1

for b < 1

Nu0,bundle = fANul,0 (Gnielinski)

Nul,0 according to section 4-1 with instead of Rel.

Arrangement factor fA depends on tube bundle arrangement.

In-line arrangement:

Staggered arrangement:

4-3 Finned tube bundle

In-line tube bundle arrangement:


Staggered tube bundle arrangement:


4-4 Effects of property variation with temperature


Subscript w: at wall temperature, without subscript: at mean fluid temperature.


Temperatures in Kelvin.

5.) Forced Convection Flow over a Flat Plate

All properties at mean film temperature

Laminar boundary layer, constant wall temperature:


valid for ReL < 2·105, 0.6 < Pr < 10

Turbulent boundary layer along the whole plate, constant wall temperature:


Boundary layer with laminar-turbulent transition:


6.) Natural Convection

All properties at

L = characteristic length (see below)

Nu0 "Length" L
Vertical wall 0.67 H
Horizontal cylinder 0.36 D
Sphere 2.00 D

For ideal gases: (temperature in K)

(Churchill, Thelen)

valid for 10-4 < Gr Pr < 4·1014,

0.022 < Pr < 7640, and constant wall temperature

7.) Film Condensation

All properties without subscript are for condensate at the mean temperature

Exception: = vapor density at saturation temperature Ts

7-1 Laminar film condensation

Vertical wall or tube:


Tw = mean wall temperature

Horizontal cylinder:


Tw = const.

7-2 Turbulent film condensation

For vertical wall

Re = C Am

Recrit = 350

turbulent film: (Grigull)

8.) Nucleate Pool Boiling

Tw = temperature of heating surface

Ts = saturation temperature

Heat transfer at ambient pressure:

(Stephan and Preu‫ك‬er)

' saturated liquid

'' saturated vapor

Bubble departure diameter

Angle = rad for water

= 0.0175 rad for low-boiling liquids
= 0.611 rad for other liquids

For water in the range of 0.5 bar < p < 20 bar and 104 W/m2 < < 106 W/m2
the following equation may be applied:


List of Symbols

cp specific heat capacity at constant pressure

D, d diameter
g gravitational acceleration
h mean heat transfer coefficient
enthalpy of evaporation
H height
k thermal conductivity
L length
heat flux
T temperature
u flow velocity
thermal diffusivity
coefficient of thermal expansion
dynamic viscosity
kinematic viscosity

surface tension


h hydraulic
i inside
m mean
o outside
s saturation
w wall

Dimensionless numbers

Gr Grashof number
Nu mean Nusselt number
Pr Prandtl number
Re Reynolds number


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