Madu 2002
Madu 2002
Madu 2002
This paper presents a hierarchic framework for environmentally conscious design. The framework integrates both
product designers and stakeholders to evaluate not only the product features but also its environmental burden. In
evaluating the product’s burden, a life cycle assessment of the product is conducted through input-output analysis
so that a comprehensive inventory of the product’s actions and reactions to the environment could be documented.
The analytic hierarchy procedure (AHP) is used to develop priority indices for customer requirements to highlight key
features that must be present in the product. Subsequently, the quality function deployment is used to match design
requirements to customer requirements. A cost-effective design plan is then finally developed. This framework adopts
a systemic approach and ensures that environmentally conscious products are designed and manufactured.
2002 Elsevier Science Ltd.
in another industry. Traditionally, the focus (2) Evaluation of their product life cycles.
This implies has been on building equipment design This also will
interdependence quality products that and material revolutionize the
between industries are reliable and cost selection for traditional accounting
where one industry’s effective. But the environmentability. practices of evaluating
output could become shift towards ‘green (3) Environmental direct costs of
another’s input. This manufacturing’ has impact assessment manufacturing designs
cycle of depen- dence introduced new of manufac- turing since some aspects of
or reuse of material dimensions in product processes and environmental
is generally referred and process design. As product designs. management systems
to as recycling and manufacturers focus (4) Effectiveness may not be easily
its goal is to on ways to effectively of waste quantified in terms of
eliminate or reduce disassemble, recover, collection cost.
waste. Unfortunately, and reuse materials, systems. There is a growing
sometimes, it may not management of a (5) Ease of number of research
be technologically product’s life cycle has disassembly and projects in ‘green
efficient to recycle all become increasingly reclamation of scraps. manufacturing’ but
pos- sible wastes; important (Dillion and (6) Economics of many of these tend to
therefore, some form of Baram, 1991; Roy and recycling. focus on the
wastes may still be Whelan, 1992; Dillion, (7) Safe disposal of technical aspects of
incurred. 1994). The hazardous wastes and product life cycle
This notion of management of a compo- assessment
minimizing waste product through its nents. (Navinchandra, 1991;
and, thereby, life cycle is known as These issues pose Scott Mathews and
prolonging the life of product stewardship new challenges in Lave, 1995) and fail
raw materials is in the (Dillion and Baram, designing for to integrate societal
heart of the United 1991). This concept is environment, as and consumer
Nations Brundtland a ‘systematic company manufacturers now influence in design for
Report of 1987. This efforts to reduce have to take a ‘cradle environmentability.
report notes that ‘the product risks to health to grave’ approach in This is akin to the
challenge faced by all and the environment managing era of quality control
is to achieve a over all the significant when engineers
sustainable world segments of a designed what they
economy where the product life cycle’ and believed to be suitable
needs of all the world’s focus on the following products and pushed
people are met without aspects of them into the market
compromising the environmentally without getting
ability of future conscious customers’
generations to meet manufacturing: involvement.
their needs’. This Ultimately, these
report calls for products failed
sustainable because they failed to
development. Duncan capture what the
(1992) defines consumers perceived to
sustainable be of quality to them.
development as an Manufacturers then
‘economic policy, which recognized through
teaches that society the application of
can make the total quality
appropriate allocation o
management that
of resources between customers are their
environmental most important assets
maintenance, r and must be part of
consumption, and e any design strategy to
investment’. c ensure the
To effectively design y acceptability of their
environmentally c
conscious products, In this paper,
there must be a shift therefore, we present
from the traditional a frame- work that
design paradigm. shows how customers
8 C. N. Madu et al.
issues, there is a greater need for effective partner- delivery process. Most literature on environmen-
ship between the manufacturer and its stakehold- tal quality management systems start by noting
ers. These stakeholders greatly impact business that there has been a growing interest in making
success and environmental performance and may products and providing services that are envi-
often derail fundamental organizational focus on ronmentally friendly. This increased interest in
its primary business if environmental issues are environmentally friendly products and services is,
not adequately addressed. Thus, environmental to a large extent, due to growing concerns about
processes are recommended to be front-end inte- environmental pollution and disturbances by the
grated rather than ‘end-of-pipe reactive’ in the general public. People are worried about the qual-
strategic planning and decision making of the firm ity of the air they breathe, the lack of quality
(Business Environment Roadmap, 2000). This can open space in their communities, pollution of the
only be achieved if businesses include the impor- groundwater supply, the greenhouse effect and the
tant stakeholders at the product design stage. destruction of ozone layer, and the ineffectiveness
Only then will businesses be able to understand in the management and disposal of solid and toxic
the concerns of stakeholders and include key envi- wastes. They understand that the inability to
ronmental factors of interests to them in product man- age these environmental problems will,
and/or process designs. This concept challenges the ultimately, degrade the quality of life on earth.
traditional role of engineers or technicians as that As a result of these concerns, many nations and
of simply designing products and considering envi- international agencies have embarked on
ronmental factors as they see fit without resort to developing new guide- lines and legislatures that
the stakeholders that the manufacturer serves. can help manufacturers as well as consumers to
The present paper proposes a method to integrate be more environmen- tally conscious. For
stakeholders in environmentally conscious manu- example, many nations now have the equivalent
facturing decision making process and in develop- of the United States Envi- ronmental Protection
ing an environmentally conscious-based design for Agency, which as the name shows, operates by
products and/or processes. A hierarchic framework developing and guiding poli- cies to protect the
that systematically analyzes ‘customer’ or environment. Also, international bodies such as
the United Nations and the Inter- national
‘stake- holder’ requirements with the active
Organization for Standards (ISO) have been
participation of the stakeholders in the product
very active in developing guidelines and
design stage is introduced. All the
procedures to effectively manage environmental
environmental factors and product features
pollution. Understanding the role of consumers
identified are prioritized based on their
will help manufacturers and service providers to
importance to the stakeholders. Manu- facturers
design products that meet consumers’ expecta-
design requirements are then matched with
tions and will, in turn, give them a competitive
stakeholder requirements. Through this pro- cess, edge.
the key customer requirements are identified and It is important that manufacturers start their
a design strategy can be developed. The paper uses design from the viewpoint of the consumer or
two popular techniques – the analytic hierar- chy major environmental stakeholders. For example,
process – a multicriteria decision making model for the framework shown in Figure 1 starts with a
prioritizing customer requirements for prod- uct particular objective. In the paper-recycling prob-
features; and quality function deployment for lem, the customer needs to select a recycled paper
matching customer requirements to design require- that meets certain standard needs. The quality or
ments. Finally, a design strategy is developed the grade of paper selected depends on the specifi-
using Taguchi Experimental Design. An cations of the print job the customer will
illustration of the proposed framework is shown undertake. For example, for jobs that demand
for a paper- recycling problem. high quality, recycled white waste paper may
be of utmost importance; low quality recycled
papers such as old newspapers may be sufficient
Green design framework for other jobs. Consumers can rate their
application orientation by basing quality in the
following order:
White waste paper. (1) The customer is the essence of any business. Busi-
Packaging waste paper or brown paper. (2) nesses must design and manufacture products and
Households or ‘mixed’ waste paper. (3) provide services that meet customers’ needs and
Coated paper. (4) expectations. It is, therefore, important that the
Old newspaper. (5) customer is part of the products and services
Select recycled paper
to meet desired needs
requirements List of design requirements in the QFD matrix
Design plan Develop design plan based on the key parameters for each grade
Direct cost
(manufacturing Environmental Input-output
cost) and social cost analysis
Once the decision is made a determination of very important. Conversely, the cost will be higher
customer requirements or attributes are deter- for a white waste paper than for old newspaper. To
mined. These customer attributes generally improve optical brightness for example, the
consist of the weight of the paper, optical process of de-inking to remove contaminants will
brightness, envi- ronmental friendliness, be more extensive in white waste paper. This will
performance, dimensional stiffness, and cost. consume more time, energy and labor and may
However, in considering the environmental also require the addition of bleaching and other
friendliness of the product, the focus should be on optical bright- ness agents to remove
product life cycle assessment. Alter- native contaminants. These efforts may create additional
products or substitutes are considered to environmental burdens that must be investigated
determine which will create less environmental and perhaps, possible sub- stitutes evaluated.
burden. The use of bleaching agents to clean recy- Similarly, when dimensional stiffness is very
cled paper, conservation of forestry by using important, it may become neces- sary to combine
recycle paper, and other environmental a higher percentage of virgin pulp with the
components of the product are investigated. As recycled fiber, thereby, making this paper less
shown in Figure 1, any of these attributes may be environmentally friendly. Taking a product life
present in any of the grades of paper selected by cycle assessment view, it is seen here that the use
the customer. However, they may have different of white paper may create more environmental
priorities depending on the grade. For example, bur- den. For example, it may require high
when a consumer is interested in white waste percentage of virgin pulp, use bleaching and de-
paper as opposed to old newspaper, it will be inking chemicals that may potentially, become
expected that attributes such as opti- cal contaminants to the environment, create more
brightness and dimensional stiffness will be waste disposal problem,
and consume more energy resources such as water part of the life-cycle assessment. This analysis will
and fossil fuels. It is therefore, not sufficient to consider the impact of the product in the different
stop at this point. The ‘environmental friendliness’ industrial sectors it passes through over its life
requirement for this product could be slated for cycle and by so doing; we can capture all the costs
further discussion. A separate framework such as that may be related to the product. Of course,
the House of Quality may be created just for this product life cycle assessment is often difficult to
criterion and alternatives or substitutes to the use accomplish but it is a necessity in reducing a
of white paper looked at to determine the different product’s environmental burden.
options for white paper that could be integrated Sometimes more than one grade of paper may
in the framework. Some of the options may be able to accomplish the desired needs of the
include determining the minimum level of virgin customer. In such instances the final choice will
fiber that could be present to achieve acceptable be based on the grade that has the minimum
quality white paper. Thus, there are costs and total cost. Note again, that cost here includes the
benefits associated to whatever grade of paper the cost of environmental burden.
consumer needs. We shall illustrate this framework by the appli-
Once a particular group of paper type (i.e. Grade cation of known models at each stage of the
A) is selected and customer requirements are iden- frame- work. The steps for conducting the green
tified and prioritized, the next phase is to develop design are given in Figure 2.
the design requirements. This involves designing
for ease of manufacture. The manufacturer has
to identify the design strategies that will enable
it to satisfy customer requirements. Each of the Prioritize customer
attributes identified by the consumer can be bro-
ken down into a list of design requirements. For
example, dimensional stiffness can be broken down
to include the addition of virgin pulp, starch, Match requirements
with design needs QFD
stronger coating, and the use of less filler con-
tent, while optical brightness many include factors
such as the use of an optical brightness agent and
coating, longevity, bleaching, and de-inking pro- Develop
design plan Taguchi method
cesses. To produce environmentally friendly paper,
we may look at issues such as the percentage of
total recycled paper, percentage of post-consumer
fiber, and the levels of chlorine-free or tree-free Evaluate costs Taguchi loss function
fiber present.
Once the key design requirements are identified
by matching them with customer requirements,
an optimal design plan is identified and the Select grade
specific level for each design requirement is found.
Sensitivity analysis also may be conducted on this Figure 2. Steps for green design.
design plan. The final phase is to evaluate the
cost that may be involved and this should include
Table 1. Using AHP to prioritize customer require-
both the direct and indirect costs. The direct cost
ments – grade a paper
should include known costs such as those that
constitute the production cost, while the indirect C D P E O W
cost should include environmental and social cost.
It is necessary in evaluating the environmental 1/5 1/6 1/8 1/4 1/2 1 W
1/4 1/5 1/8 1/2 1 2 O
and social cost to adopt a more systemic view of 1/2 1/4 1/5 1 2 4 E
cost. This will involve the use of life-cycle 5 4 1 5 8 8 P
assessment models. For example, the cost of the 2 1 1/4 4 5 6 D
product should be traced through its life by 1 1/2 1/5 2 4 5 C
tracing its pollution
discharges and resources utilization as the product W: Weight.
changes hands from producers to consumers. Since O: Optical brightness.
in recycling, we extend the life of the product by E: Environmental friendliness.
P: Performance.
extending its usage and application, it is D: Dimensional stiffness.
important that an economic input-output C: Cost effectiveness.
analysis becomes
Determining stakeholders and consideration of the (3) It allows a team
design requirements to prob- lem by of stakeholders to
priorities for
meet such demands. identifying all the reach a consensus
customer important factors
The manufacturer is on the different
requirement also in a better position that may influence priorities while
s to estimate the costs a particular maintaining
that may be involved decision consistency in their
In the discussion and the influence of alternative. judgment.
above, we noted the such costs on the (2) It allows for the use (4) It allows the
importance of finding desirabil- ity of the of important consideration of
what customers’ product. Some of this stakeholders in the both quantitative
requirements are. This information may not decision-making and qualitative
could be done through be available or known process. factors in the
the currently popular to the customer or the decision-making
use of market surveys. stakeholder. process.
The data collected is It is important that (5) It helps to break
then sta- tistically down a complex
the needs of the
analyzed to identify problem into
customers or
which factors or subproblems by
stakeholders are
requirements systematically
prioritized. It is
customers consider to analyzing the
preferable to use a subproblems.
be of signifi- cance. For structured approach in
the sake of illustration, (6) Its application may
prioritizing such facilitate the
we assume that the six needs. This will
factors or customer acceptance of the
ensure the consistency final outcome by
requirements given in of the priorities and members of the
Table 1 have been decisions that are group.
found to be made. We recommend
statistically significant that the analytic Since the AHP has
in meeting the hierarchy process been widely discussed
customers’ needs in a (AHP) be used in this in the literature, we
recycled paper. These step. The AHP has shall not elaborate
six factors need to be much on it. However,
been applied in many
ranked in terms of we must note that it
decision and policy-
priorities. We is based on a pairwise
oriented problems and
recommend that a comparison of factors
is the subject of much
focus group be formed by using a Likert- type
discussion in academic
for each grade of paper scale such as the 9-
literature and point scale to assign
and then that the textbooks. Saaty (1980)
appropriate focus group the decision-makers
developed the AHP. He judgment. The
works jointly with the defines it as a ‘multi-
manufacturer to definition of these
criteria decision weights will range
determine the priority method that uses from a scale of 1
of these factors. The hierarchic or network (equal importance) to a
role of the focus group structures to represent scale of 9 (absolute
will be to discuss the a decision problem importance) with
importance of each and then develops intermediary points.
factor in light of the priorities for the An inverse is used for
stake- holder’s needs. alternatives based on reciprocals. As we
The manufacturer the decision makers’ noted above, the AHP
plays a role as a judgments throughout measures the
facilitator in these the system’ (p. 157). consistency in the
discussions, but, more The AHP’s role in decision-makers
impor- tantly, can decision making can be judgment. This is
provide valuable broken down as important in noting
information such as follows: the rationality of the
the technical feasibility decision-maker. All
of some of the (1) It allows a quality decisions are
proposals from systematic rational but not all
rational decisions lead stiffness D 0Ð218, and
to quality outcomes. Cost
As we have seen in effectivenessD0Ð141.
this discussion, a Clearly, from this
group of decision- example, we see that
makers or a single the most important
decision- maker can factor to the customer
be used in applying for Grade B paper is
the AHP. With a performance, followed
single decision-maker, by dimensional
it is easy to stiffness,
implement. However,
with a group, the
problem becomes more
complicated since there
is the possibility for
wide divergence in
the opinions of the
decision or policy
makers. So, the
priorities evaluated by
group cannot simply
be taken at face
value but needs to be
further assessed.
Madu (1994)
developed a method
to improve the
quality of these
priorities through the
application of quality
confidence procedures
and Madu and Kuei
(1995) later showed
how stability in the
priorities can be
achieved when AHP is
used in group decision
making. We
recommend that these
techniques be applied
jointly with the AHP.
Table 1 shows a
simulated weight
assignment for
customer requirements
assuming that the
customer is interested
in a Grade B paper.
Based on these
assignments and the
application of the AHP,
we calculated the
priorities as follows:
Envi- ronmental
friendliness D 0Ð089,
Performance D
0Ð472, Dimensional
and cost effectiveness. Other factors do not seem In this phase, the customers’ requirements
to be of high importance. These weights need to be devel- oped from the AHP stage are aligned
taken into consideration in determining the design with the manufacturer’s design. A correlation
requirements. matrix is developed to show the interrelationships
between the customer and design requirements.
Again, in this phase, it is important to use focused
groups or teams. Symbols are used to denote
Designing for ease of manufacture relationships, which could be either positive or
negative in each cell of the matrix. Table 2 shows
The next phase is to address how the customers’
the QFD matrix. Negative correlation may
design requirements can be satisfied through indicate conflicts since potential trade-off
design. Customers have identified and ranked decisions may be required. Such conflicts need to
their requirements and it is important that the be resolved at an early planning stage. The
man- ufacturer meets these requirements to symbols used in this matrix can be con- verted to
maintain customer loyalty. A popular method to numbers as shown in Table 2 where @ D 9,
address the # D 3, and CD 1. These symbols are standard
‘hows’ in order to meet the ‘wants’ of the cus- sym- bols used in designing the ‘House of
tomers is known as quality function deployment Quality’ or quality function deployment that is
(QFD). The American Supplier Institute, 1989, derived from quality management literature.
defines QFD as ‘a system of translating consumer These assignments in the table are then
requirements into appropriate company require- normalized by weighting them with the priority
ments at each stage from research and product indices generated from the AHP for each
development to engineering and manufacturing to customer requirement. Based on this, the column
marketing/sales and distribution.’ QFD is a way of total is determined. The higher the col- umn
listening to the voice of the customer and articu- total, the more important the design factor.
lating it in the product design and development. Generally, the final output of a QFD matrix is the
It helps the manufacturer to better allocate and design requirement of the final product. The
manage its resources so that the wants of the cus- Ameri- can Supplier Institute, 1989, recommends
tomer can be satisfied. Although QFD has had a selecting the significant few from this matrix in
lot of application in the quality management lit- order to maximize the efficiency and the
erature, as Vonderembse and Raghunathan (1997) effectiveness of meeting the customer’s needs.
noted, QFD is not just a quality tool but can also Without such a con- sideration, the manufacturer
be an important planning tool for developing new will be overwhelmed with several factors that may
products and enhancing existing ones. not significantly help to meet the customers’
needs. Consequently, we established a score of
5 or above for a design
0Ð033 C C C C W
# 0Ð044 C # @ # @ C C C C @ @ @ @ O
# 0Ð089 # C # # C # # # @ @ # @ @ E
@ 0Ð472 C C C C C C C C # @ @ @ @ P
# 0Ð218 C C C C C C @ @ @ @ D
# 0Ð141 C C C C C C C @ # # # # C
Column total 7Ð83 7Ð83 7Ð33 7Ð83 3Ð75 1Ð18 1Ð14 1Ð18 1Ð14 1Ð01 1Ð28 1Ð06 1Ð00 5Ð72
@: 9 #: 3 C: 1
Pi is the AHP rating. Rij is the numerical score assigned between customer requirement i and functional characteristic j.
requirement to be consumption fiber, and the performance factors, each at two
considered important. level of contaminant measure for the paper. levels, the number of
None that in Table 2, have the strong Notice that this factor factor combinations is
while we considered 14 influence on customer was identified as the 25 . Thus, a total of 32
design factors, only five requirements. This most important design points will be
met this requirement. tentative conclusion is customer attribute. required for the
Thus, to satisfy the based solely on experts’ Performance is experiment. However,
customer requirements opinions. A follow-up expressed as a function the number of design
laid out for Grade B empirical study is of the other five points needed can be
paper by this team of needed to determine at functional significantly reduced if
customers, the design what levels these characteristics listed all the higher-order
requirement should functional charac- above. Since we have interactions, such as
focus on F1: Use of teristics should be five the three-factor
virgin fiber, F2: considered in the interactions, can be
Number of times paper design stage and, also, neglected. To design
has been recycled, F3: to statistically assess our experiment
Strength of the fiber, their significance. This efficiently, we consider
F4: Level of is done using the only the main factor
contaminant in the Taguchi experimental effects and their two-
paper, and F14: Use of meth- ods. The five factor interaction
post-consumption fiber. factors and their effects. The reason
corresponding levels being that more than
(i.e. options) are stated a two-factor
Developing a as follows: interaction is very
Taguchi difficult to explain and
experimental ADLevel of may not have any
design plan practical relevance
virgin fiber (70%
(Hicks, 1973). As a
The next phase is to or 30%) result, five hypotheses
develop a design plan for main factor effects
BDFrequency of
based on the five on Y can be stated as
design requirements. recycled paper follows:
In previous sec- tions, used (1 or 4)
AHP was used to Hi DFactor
identify the priority CDStrength of
i has
weights for each fiber (High or
customer requirement
item. Through that Low) impact
exercise, the DDUse post- on the
‘performance’ of the
paper seems to be the consumption fiber perfor
most important (Pre- or Post-) mance
customer requirement
with a rating of EDLevel of of the
0Ð472. Furthermore, contaminant paper
QFD was also used to
(Weak or Strong) produc
investigate the
relationship between t,
cus- tomer Levels 1 and 2 for
requirements and each factor w
functional correspond to the h
characteristics. It order of presentation in e
turned out that five our definitions above. r
functional For example, for e
characteristics, factor A, Level 1
namely, level of implies 70 percent i
virgin fiber, frequency virgin fiber while Level D
of recy- cled paper 2 implies 30 percent A
used, strength of fiber, virgin fiber. The ,
use of post- dependent variable is
denoted as Y and it is
B graph) is
, available and
easier to interpret,
C thus making it
, useful for practical
D (4) The statistical
, procedure is easy
to follow.
a (5) Significant and/or
n robust controllable
d factors can easily
be identified.
E Because of these
. advantages, Taguchi’s
Another hypothesis approach has found
can be stated for the widespread
two- factor interaction applications. To
effects Y, as follows: accommo- date five v
factors with two levels,
Hj and all the possi- ble
DInter two-factor interaction
effects, an
action experimental design
j has plan with only sixteen
experimental trials can
be established. This is
impact also known as a25–1
on the frac- tional factorial
design. With resolution
perfor V, the main factor
mance effects confound with
four-factor interaction
of the
effects, while two-
paper factor interaction
produc effects con- found with
three-factor interaction
t, effects. Since both the
three- and four-factor
where j D AB, AC, BC, interaction effects are
DE, AD, BD, CE, CD, not our concern, we do
BE, or AE. not bother with these
Taguchi experimental confounding patterns.
design approach is With only 16 design
chosen points, we are still able
for the current to estimate both the
study for the main factor
following reasons:
(1) It allows for the
use of a fractional
factorial design.
(2) Main effects and all
the possible
of the two-factor
interactions of
controllable factors
may be included.
(3) A graphical
technique (e.g. linear
r E
effects and two-factor at different levels of :
interaction effects. One this particular factor, i
of the unique features one will have n L
of the Taguchi significantly different e
approach is the use of characteristics about f e
linear graphs. For a 22 the performance of the i l
experimental design, a paper. For those e o
corresponding linear factors not found to be r f
graph looks like this: significant, they could .
B: c
still be included in the Fr
3 o
design but at a level e n
1 ž ž q
2 that is deemed to cost t
u a
effective. e m
where a dot and its n i
assigned number T c n
indicate a main factor a y a
of n
effect and a connecting b re t
branch between two l c .
dots indicates two- e y
factor interaction e
effects. For our 25–1 d
. p
design, corresponding
linear graphs are also p
available (Ross, 1988). e
With the aid of the u
s s
linear graph, i e
practitioners who have g d.
only a limited n C
knowledge of statistics St
and experimental p re
designs can easily l n
a gt
implement fractional h
factorial designs. of
Table 3 shows a th
Y E D e
design plan based on fi
Taguchi’s methods. The 0Ð999 Weak Pre- b
0Ð899 Strong Post- er
last column of Table
0Ð837 Strong Pre- .
3 shows the 0Ð801 Weak Post- D
performance rating of 0Ð901 Strong Pre- :
each design point. 0Ð987 Weak Post-
0Ð795 Weak Pre- U
This is done through s
expert evaluation. 0Ð831 Strong Post-
0Ð923 Strong Pre-
Next, we can carry out 0Ð975 Weak Post- p
additional analysis 0Ð799 Weak Pre- o
using the following 0Ð825 Strong Post- s
ANOVA procedure 0Ð960 Weak Pre- t
0Ð891 Strong Post- -
suggested by Taguchi. c
0Ð832 Strong Pre-
Table 4 shows the 0Ð751 Weak Post- o
final results obtained n
A s
from the ANOVA u
procedure. Factor C, m
or the strength of fiber, p
L t
is identified as the most e i
significant factor. As a v o
matter of fact, the e n
average rating of f
factor C’s first level is i
o b
0Ð94 while the average f e
rating of factor C’s r
second level is 0Ð81. It v .
is therefore, clear that i
T B E .
b 0 0
l :
e 0 0 F
0 1
4 0 4
. 2 7
7 6 3
2 2
T ,
e 1 1 Ð
A C 9
C D 5
2 3
O 4
5 6 6
A E E 7
- - .
t 0 0 Ł
a 5 5 Ł
l 1 1 :
e B B F
Factor S.S. 1
1 0 1
D.F E Ð 3
- 0 ,
0 0 0
6 0 Ð
FA 9
1 9
0Ð000552 1 6
D 9 D
1 E 9
B 1
4 0
E A 7
- E .
Ð 0
0 Ð
1 0
0 0 o
7 0
D s
6 2 t
C 0Ð070756 0 o
0 1 p
2 P t
51Ð296ŁŁ o
D 1
l m
Ð e
0 D r z
0 r a
0 5
r t
4 Ð
6 6 : i
2 3 o
E 0
- Ð n
1 0
E 0Ð001024 0
5 0 Further cost analysis
1 1
0Ð001024 3 can be conducted to
0Ð74237 1 7 evaluate factor C’s
A C 9 two options: high
strength and low e
strength fiber paper.
An assumption can be k
made that the direct D
manufacturing costs c
for the high strength l
fiber paper are
$50/per unit, while
the low strength fiber .
paper costs only The variable c is
$30/per unit. Thus, defined as the loss
high strength fiber (determined by the
paper seems to be a accounting
more expensive department) caused by
alternative. Suppose falling below the lower
that management also tolerance limit, and l
knows the hidden cost is defined as the lower
(or social cost) for those tolerance limit
two different options. (determined by the
Social cost is defined as management team or
the cost caused by not the quality
manufacturing a improvement team).
product to meet The variable y is the
customers’ ultimate output value (or the
requirements. For this performance rating).
purpose, Taguchi’s Loss Suppose that c is US$
Function is selected 100 for our example; l
for this investigation. is determined as 0Ð9;
Since the larger the and two average
value of performance, ratings at two
the better it is, we different levels of
therefore choose factor C are 0Ð94, and
Taguchi’s ‘larger the 0Ð81, respectively, we
better’ loss function. can then
The loss function L is
defined as follows:
compute the can obtain the total customers can be (1) It addresses a key
constant k and costs for grade A and integrated in the initial problem facing
loss L as follows: grade C paper phase of product designers today.
products. design to prioritize While there are
K their needs. These increasing concern
needs are then about integrating
D C matched with stakeholders
U manufacturing and
S o design capabilities
perceptions on
envi- ronmental
$ n through the use of issues in product
c QFD and AHP. The
design, designers
1 significant factors
0 l identified are fur- ther
need to be offered a
0 u systematic
analyzed from a
. framework that will
s design perspective
enable them to do
through the
Ð i application of so.
9 o experimental design (2) The approach we
/ techniques. Further adopted showed
2 n that proven
analysis may be
possible when techniques could
D This paper presented different options be applied in this
U a hierarchic emerge. A good context. Further,
S framework to consider example would be cost we could prioritize
$ environmental issues analysis, which takes a the requirements of
in environmentally systemic perspective the stakeholder and
8 conscious about cost by looking match those
1 manufacturing. As at both direct costs requirements to
L.High Strength more and more man- such as man- design
Fiber/DUS$ ufacturers are ufacturing and requirements.
shifting their focus to production costs and (3) This process will
81.1/.0Ð94/2 /
the man- ufacture of indirect costs such as lead to the design
D an environmentally the social cost to of products that are
U friendly product, they society. To make the environmentally
S need to continue to framework more conscious and meet
$ address the ever- practicable, we have the aspirations of
9 changing needs of their presented an example
1Ð the stakeholders.
constituents. using a paper-recycling
7 (4) The approach of
Customers are increas- problem. How- ever, this paper by
L.Low Strength ingly aware of their the framework laid out
needs and want to including
Fiber/DUS$ here can be applied to
take part in designing stakeholders and
81.1/.0Ð81/2 / any environmentally
products that meet thereby,
D these needs. Man- considering
manufacturing project.
U ufacturers must In summary, our different
S integrate them in the study is innovative in worldviews will
$ decision- making several ways: help to develop a
1 process and, at the more compre-
2 same time, be able to hensive life cycle
3Ð design products that assessment of the
5 are technically particular product
feasible and cost or process by
If management takes effective. The evaluating the
into account the social hierarchic framework interde- pendence
cost, the resulting total presented here helps or links of the
cost for the high manufacturers to
strength fiber paper is production process
accomplish such goals. to other
US$ 141Ð7, while the It shows how
total cost for the low environmental
important burdens. This will
strength fiber paper is stakeholders or
US$ 153Ð5. Using our enable the effective
interest groups or
hierarchic model, one use of alternatives
or substitute informed about the
products that may problem. The
create less problem with
environmental subjective esti-
burdens. mates is that
(5) A more subtle they are difficult
contribution of the to replicate. This is
paper is the fact often encountered
that stakeholders when human
are active decision making
participants in process is involved.
decisions regarding However, there are
product design. ways to reduce the
That builds a effect of subjectivity
partnership in group decision
between the making process.
manufacturer and The AHP as intro-
its stakeholders. duced by Saaty
Stakeholders and can measure the
the manufacturer consistency of the
are better able to decision making
understand each process. Further,
other’s worldviews Madu
and work in
harmony to
accomplish the
same goals. Such
partnership could
help the
manufacturer to
become more
Finally, no model is
without some limits.
There are some
potential problems or
limitations that the
reader should be
aware of in using the
framework of this
paper. These
limitations and their
possible solutions are
identified below: