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Industrial Ecology 1

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Industrial interactions Environment

metabolism metabolism

Examines flow of Matter & energy in

Local, regional & global industrial sectors
and economies
Framing industrial ecology
Industrial ecology is the study
of the flows of materials and energy Mapping of
Evaluation of
scarcity and
material and
in industrial and consumer activities, energy stocks &
effects of resource
use and flows
of the effect of these flows on the CONTEXT
and of the influence of economic,
political, regulatory and social Transforming
processes -
factors on the flow, use and Actors and
transformation of resources.

The objective of industrial ecology is to understand better how we can

integrate environmental concerns into our economic activities.
This integration, an ongoing process, is necessary if we are to address
current and future environmental concerns. (Robert White 1994)
Industrial ecology a systems view

To air Local scale

Materials Products Resource efficiency
Industrial Energy efficiency
facility Emissions efficiency
Energy Byproducts
Economic efficiency
To water Env. & resource impacts?
Global scale Actors, barriers, drivers?
Techn. & org. solutions?

Materials Products
Energy Byproducts

Recycled materials
Benyus Nine Principles of Biomimicry:

1. Nature runs on sunlight

2. Nature uses only the energy it needs
3. Nature fits form to function
4. Nature recycles everything
5. Nature rewards cooperation
6. Nature banks on diversity
7. Nature demands local expertise
8. Nature curbs excesses from within
9. Nature taps the power of limits
1. Biological similarity

Resource & energy flows

Linear model

unlimited Ecosystem unlimited

Resource & energy flows
Semi-cyclical model

limited limited
resources Ecosystem
and energy component
Resource & energy flows
Cyclical model


Source: Graedel, T.E., On the concept of industrial ecology,

Annual Review of Energy and Environment, no. 21, 1996, p. 77.
Closing the loop at any level.

Industrial plant
Unit operation
What is Industrial Ecology?

How does it work?

Why is it important?
Where did the idea Industrial Ecology, come from?

The term Industrial Ecology was first introduced by Harry Zvi Evan at a
seminar of the Economic Commission of Europe in Warsaw in 1973.

Fiodor Davitaya, a Georgian scientist, in 1977 stated an analogy relating

industrial systems to natural systems .

Nature operates without any waste products. What is rejected by some

organisms provides food for others. The organization of industry on this
principlewith the waste products of some branches of industry providing
raw material for othersmeans in effect using natural processes as a
model, for in them the resolution of all arising contradictions is the motive
force of progress.
"Changes in the atmosphere and some problems of its protection
F. Davitaya (1977) Pp. 99-110 in Society and the Environment, Progress Publishers.
Where did the idea Industrial Ecology, come from?

Why would not our industrial system behave like an ecosystem, where
the wastes of a species may be resource to another species? Why would
not the outputs of an industry be the inputs of another, thus reducing use
of raw materials, pollution, and saving on waste treatment?
Frosch, R.A.; Gallopoulos, N.E. (1989) "Strategies for Manufacturing"
Scientific American 261:3, pp 144-152.

Industrial Ecology: An Environmental Agenda for Industry by Hardin Tibbs

Industrial Ecology A book by T.E. Graedel 2003
Phasing in Industrial ecology
Analysis of current situation in light of following ultimate systemic goals:

1. Every molecule that enters a specific manufacturing process should leave that
process as part of a saleable product.
2. Every unit of energy used in manufacture should produce a desired material
3. Industries should make minimum use of materials and energy in products, and
4. Industries should choose abundant, nontoxic materials when designing products.
5. Industries should get most of the needed materials through recycling streams
(theirs or those of others) rather than through raw material extraction, even in the
case of common materials.

p.297 Allenby/Gredel (1995)

Analysis of current situation in light of following ultimate systemic goals:

6. Every process and product should be designed to preserve the embedded utility of
the material used. An efficient way to accomplish this is goal is by designing
modular equipment and by remanufacturing.

7. Every product should be designed so that it can be used to create other useful
products at the end of its life.

8. Every industrial landholding or facility should be developed, constructed, or

modified with attention to maintaining or improving local habitats and species
diversity, and to minimizing impacts on local or regional resources.

9. Close interactions should be developed with materials suppliers, customers, and

representatives of other industries, with the aim of developing cooperative ways
of minimizing packaging and of recycling and reusing materials.
p.297 Allenby/Gredel (1995)
The Industrial Ecology Model
Some of the systemic problems

Dealing with regulated waste is a direct cost to the business.

Un-regulated waste is an indirect cost to your employees, your customers,

and you.
At best, waste is an inefficiency, a missed opportunity.
On our planet, resources are finite if not replenished via cycles.
An effect of waste and the effect of toxins there-in, is to systemically drive up
the cost of feedstock, labor, and energy over time.
The resulting scarcity, or perception of scarcity, increases conflict.
Systemic Benefits

Does not externalize costs to society, your employees, you or your

Increased efficiency
Decreased, or eliminated costs of dealing with regulation
Decreased site acquisition problem due to NIMBYs
Preserves resources and can reduce conflict
Increases innovation in businesses
May give rise to new product lines or services
Reduces costs
Increases revenues
Carnegie-Mellon http://telstar.ote.cmu.edu/environ/m3/s4/matdecmak.shtml
On average, only 6% of resources
taken from the environment end as
Other 94% is waste.
Highlights of a Linear Production

Primary Processing
Secondary Processing

Tertiary Processing




Problems with a Linear Production
1. At each step in the production process there are wastes being
generated over 95% of the materials extracted for use in
manufacturing durable products becomes waste BEFORE the
product reaches the consumer (32 tons of waste for every 1 ton
of product!).
2. At each step in the production process (and in transporting raw
materials and partially finished products), significant quantities
of fossil fuels are consumed.
3. On the left we have to keep going back to the well to extract
more and more raw material.
4. On the right we have to keep finding new places to dump
regular solid waste and the hazardous wastes generated by
many production practices.
Results of Our Linear Production System
On an average Americans generate three times
their body weight in solid, liquid and hazardous
industrial wastes EVERY DAY.
Over 17 billion catalogs are mailed to Americans
every year 59 for every man, woman and child.
Only 6 out of 42 catalog makers use any
significant recycled content. J. Crew, Eddie
Bauer and L.L. Bean are among companies
whose catalog has NO recycled content.
Every year we throw away 30 MILLION cell
phones, 18 MILLION computers, and 8 MILLION
television sets.
We throw away enough carpet every year to
more than cover the state of Delaware.
Material Flows
In cyclical natural systems, waste does not exist. Waste = Food.

Linear Industrial Processes: Waste is created faster than it can be reconstituted to quality
resources. Take-make-waste.

6% Product 80% of products

Raw Manufacturing discarded after
Materials Process
94% Waste single use

It is estimated that 99% of the original materials used in the production of, or contained in, the
goods made in the US become waste within 6 weeks of sale.
The Flow of Materials
















Resource Materials Product Product Collection & Waste
Extraction Processing Manufacture Use Processing Disposal

Recycle Re-manufacture Re-use

Environment & Sustainable Development

- Cleaner energy Systems, including renewable

Making energy generation cleaner and more efficient will

require both

- The development of renewable sources and

- Improved use of fossil fuels

Conversion technologies for renewable Sources

Development, demonstration and deployment

Conversion technologies for established and new renewable energy

sources (such as fuel cells)

De-centralised generation

Biomass for integrated energy generation systems, on-shore and

off-shore wind energy, photovoltaic and solar thermal technologies,
other renewable energy options.
Environment & Sustainable Development

Integration of new energy sources

Integration of renewable into established grids

Power Production

Cost-effective reduction of pollution from power

production, emission abatement technologies for
power stations
Environment & Sustainable Development
Challenges of Renewable Energy

Low Energy Density

Hydrogen and methanol alternate fuels
Increased understanding of alternative fuel production and ultimate
use is necessary.
Renewable based systems in developed countries are a matter of add-
on and luxury.
In developing countries renewable based systems are a need and
every equipment has to reliably operate during its life time.

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