Conceptual Frame Work Based On - Roy'S Adaptation Model: Mrs. Saraswathi, Age 30 Years
Conceptual Frame Work Based On - Roy'S Adaptation Model: Mrs. Saraswathi, Age 30 Years
Conceptual Frame Work Based On - Roy'S Adaptation Model: Mrs. Saraswathi, Age 30 Years
Internal Stimuli:
Stressors and Relieved from
Pain in stress: back pain and
the back Physical leg pain getting
and the effect: help from family
leg Pain in the members to
Risk for back and the meet daily
constipati leg activities use of
on Emotional positive coping
Knowledg Effect: mechanism.
e deficit Anxious about
External Social Effect:
Stimuli: Restricted
Dependent social activities
cooperation seeks helps for
from family AD2
members Spiritual Effect:
good. Lack of
Nothing facilities to
significant of render prayer
Regulator and Cognator
Hopes that she will be better after taking treatment
Developing self confidence
o Positive thinking / about her condition
o Optimistic think
Different ways to handling the situation through
Health Education
Active passive exercise
Practice relaxation technique
Name: Mrs. Saraswathi, Age: 30 years
Explains the To relieve the back Explained the mother Mother relieved
mother the pain and the leg pain the importance of from back pain
importance of mother needs to take taking rest and sleep and leg pain.
rest and sleep. rest. to relieve from back
and leg pain.
Explains the Mother needs to take Explained the mother Mother looked
mother about the every – day warm bath the importance of clean and healthy.
importance of to relieve the pain. taking warm bath
oral hygiene. every day.
Explains the Prevent the mother Explained the mother Mother took well
mother the from infection. about well balanced balanced diet for
importance of diet during pregnancy. the health of her
proper nutrition or To have good health body as well as for
well balanced during pregnancy for Explained the mother the growth of the
diet. the proper growth and about the rich in foetus.
Explains the development of the protein, calcium, iron
mother about the foetus. resources of food and
total calorie diet the functions of the
every day in her To have healthy and each food substance.
life. alive baby.
Explains the Motivated the mother
mother about the to take every day well
rich in protein, balanced diet.
calcium, and iron
present in the
Name: Mrs. Saraswathi, Age: 30 years
Explains the Regular check up help Explained the mother Mother will have
mother about the the mother to identifies about the importance regular check up
importance of the complication of regular check up. until her delivery.
regular check up. during pregnancy.
Explained the mother Mother will
Explains the Regular check up help about the complication prevented by
mother about the the mother for the of pregnancy if not had further
complication of proper treatment of the regular check up. complication.
pregnancy if not mother as well as the
had regular check foetus in the womb. Explained the mother
up. how the regular check
Explains the up help her for the
mother how the bring out healthy alive
regular check up baby.
help her for the
bring out healthy
alive baby.
Name: Mrs. Saraswathi, Age: 30 years
Explains the To help the mother Explained the mother Mother will take
mother about the how to take care of the about the importance care of the child
importance of baby of taking care of the from infection.
taking care of the baby after delivery.
baby after Make the mother
delivery. understand the Explained the mother
Explains the prevention of child how to prevent the
mother how to from infection. child from infection.
prevent the child
from infection. Explained the mother
Explains the about how to maintain
mother about the health of the child.
how to maintain
the health of the
Name: Mrs. Saraswathi, Age: 30 years