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Proposed Wellness Program For Teachers

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Table of contents
Myla Naria Conejar Content Page
Wellness Definition 1
Physical Wellness 2
Spiritual Wellness 4
Intellectual Wellness 5
Emotional Wellness 6 Wellness encompasses a balance of the multidimensional
Social Wellness 7 journey that each of the teachers’ takes at one time or another.
Proposed Wellness Program 9
Each journey is unique and different. Wellness is an active
Emotional Intelligence 12
process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a
Personal Resiliency 14
Sense of Well-being 16 healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free
On-site Fitness Program 19 from illness; it is a dynamic process of change and growth. "...a
On the Hour Flash Walk Services 21 state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and
Living Spiritual Teachers Program & Services 24
not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."Everyone strive
The Culprit and Cure Program 30
Positive Self Talk 37 to succeed as teachers who create their path in life. Five
Self Help Center 48 dimensions of wellness are important to everyday living and
Self Care Program 56 have a great impact in the teachers’ lives:
Make Connections Program 61
Coping Skills Services 63
Take it Out, Journal or Post Program 69 Spiritual
References 76
Matrix 77 Intellectual



This proposed wellness program addresses the five

- WELLNESS– aspects of life and how they relate in staying well, develop
insight in the teacher’s recovery journey and provide guidance
“You have to understand that healthy employees are
on how to incorporate wellness in every aspect of life.
more productive employees and employees are
tremendous role models for our students”.
Maintaining an optimal level of wellness is absolutely
-Mark Doody
crucial to live a higher quality life. Wellness matters. Wellness
matters because everything we do and every emotion we feel Physical Wellness encourages us to care for our bodies
relates to our well-being. In turn, our well-being directly affects through physical activity, proper nutrition, and a strong mind.
our actions and emotions. It’s an ongoing circle. Therefore, it is
important for everyone to achieve optimal wellness in order to Being physically active is crucial to keeping your body in
subdue stress, reduce the risk of illness and ensure positive its top condition. A few proven benefits of physical activity are
interactions. strengthened bones and muscles, reduced risk of disease and
stroke, and more energy. Learn more about physical activity. It
is important to nurture your body by eating a well-balanced
diet. Filling yourself with a variety of nutrients and vitamins will
not only help prevent illness, but will also keep your body
functioning at its best. Find healthy eating resources on

Physical wellness promotes proper care of our bodies for Having optimal levels of physical activity and maintaining
optimal health and functioning. There are many elements of proper nutrition is key to improving your overall emotional
physical wellness that all must be cared for together. Overall wellness. Not only will you sharpen your thinking and learning
physical wellness encourages the balance of physical activity, abilities, you will also enhance your sense of self-esteem and
nutrition and mental well-being to keep your body in top self-control.
condition. Obtaining an optimal level of physical wellness allows
Physical Wellness Checklist:
you to nurture personal responsibility for your own health. As
 Do I get enough Sleep?
you become conscious of your physical health, you are able to
identify elements you are successful in as well as elements you  Do I drink enough Water?
would like to improve.  Am I eating well?
 Do I exercise?
 Do I share my physical health concerns with Food Portion Tips

my doctor about my physical health? 1. 3 ounces of meat = deck of cards

 Do I smoke? If so, am I trying to quit or reduce? 2. 1 teaspoon of oil = the size of a quarter in diameter

 Do I take vitamins or herbal supplements? If 3. 1 cup raw vegetables = light bulb

so, do I discuss these with my doctors? 4. 1 medium fresh fruit = one tennis ball
1 bagel or roll = 6oz. can of tuna
 Am I drinking too much coffee or soda?
Do I consider myself healthy?

Quick Top Ten Healthy Food Guide

1. Drink water instead of soda and sugary drinks.
2. Eat small portions throughout the day
instead of big meals
3. Limit processed carbohydrates such as
Spiritual wellness allows us to be in tune with our
white bread, pasta, white rice, and cereal
spiritual selves. This realm of wellness lets us find meaning in
4. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits for snacks
life events and define our individual purpose. Spiritual wellness
5. Eat yogurt instead of ice cream
can be defined through various factors including religious faith,
6. Stop eating before you feel full values, ethics and morals. Regardless of whether you believe in
7. Do not eat fast food a particular religious faith, there is always something to be
8. Eat more chicken and fish learned about how you see yourself in the world.
9. Do not eat 2-3 hours prior to bed time What is Inner Peace?
10. If eating out, eat half of the meal and save Inner peace can be described as
the rest for lunch the next day. being one with your mind and body.
Inner peace is a spiritual inner thoughts in order to give meaning to experience. It is also
connection of your mind, body, and important to know that spiritual wellness does not mandate you
soul with the universe. to pick up a religious practice. However, religion may be one
route you may take to boost your spiritual wellness.
Spiritual growth can be finding inner peace with

the world, people, and things that you can discover on

your own, in time.

Everyone has a different way

of perceiving and achieving inner peace.

It may come
naturally to some
and others may Intellectual wellness encourages us to engage in creative

have to work onit. and mentally-stimulating activities. These activities should

expand your knowledge and skills while allowing you to share
your knowledge and skills with others. Intellectual wellness can
Spiritual wellness not only allows you to seek meaning
be developed through academics, cultural involvement,
and purpose in human existence, but it also allows you to
community involvement and personal hobbies. As intellectual
appreciate your life experiences for what they are. When you
wellness develops, you are able to develop personal resources
find meaning in your life experiences, you will be able to
that work together with the other realms of wellness in order to
develop a harmony with your inner self and the outside world.
be achieved a more balanced life.
In simpler terms, spiritual wellness grants you balance.
Question yourself on Intellectual wellness
The route to spiritual wellness is something you must
 What kinds of things interest me?
learn to master on your own. Spiritual wellness strongly
 Do I read often (including
emphasizes the importance of building inner resources and
Newspapers, on-line resources, events, books, newspapers and some may
books, magazines)? even host township meetings where people

 Do I enjoy writing? discuss some issues of their community.

 Do I do any drawing or other arts or crafts?

 Local community colleges sometimes offer
classes and trainings that are free to the
 Do I keep a journal to express myself?
community for learning new skills, hobbies,
 Am I continuing my education? GED? College and informational sessions.
degree? Attending free trainings and
 Museums are a great resource for learning
about art of the past and present as well as
 Do I attend the local library? opening new concepts about one’s own

 Do I embrace change and new experiences? culture.

 Do I stimulate my mind by  Radio programs such as talk radio or podcasts

doing puzzles or crosswords? can provide audio information rather than

reading. Many programs are easily accessible
Intellectual wellness encourages learning. It is important in your car or on a radio at home, and allow
to explore new ideas and understandings in order to become you to use your listening skills to promote
more mindful and better-rounded. Having an optimal level of learning through hearing.
intellectual wellness inspires exploration. Intellectual wellness
also stimulates curiosity. Curiosity is important because it
motivates you to try new things and develop an understanding
of how you see the relationship between yourself, others and
the environment.

What resources can I use to build my Intellect?

 Libraries are great for exploring current

Emotional wellness inspires self-care, relaxation, stress 3. Alter the situations you can change by
reduction and the development of inner strength. It is important communicating more effectively
to be attentive to both positive and negative feelings and be 4. Adapt to the situation with an open mind and
able to understand how to handle these emotions. Emotional focus on the positive
wellness also includes the ability to learn and grow from
experiences. Emotional well-being encourages autonomy and Emotional wellness allows you to accept how you are
proper decision making skills. It is an important part of overall feeling. Once you accept your feelings, you can begin to
wellness. understand why you are feeling that way, and decide how you

Stress is the way would like to act in response to those feelings. Being

one’s body responds to new situations. emotionally well grants you the power to express feelings
without any constraints. In turn, you will be able to enjoy
emotional expression and be capable of forming supportive and
There are good types of stress that make you
interdependent relationships with others.
feel energized, and there are bad types of
stress that can have a negative impact on us—
In order to begin the route to emotional wellness you
not only emotionally but physically as well.
must always remember to be optimistic. Optimism allows you to
Learning ways to cope with stress can help us in our
greet all emotions—both positive and negative—with a
everyday lives.
confident attitude that allows you to learn from your mistakes.
Once you have mastered emotional wellness, you will
Dealing with situations that cause bad
experience life a little differently. Your life will be more balanced
stress: The FOUR A’s
and you will develop a deep sense of awareness. Below are
1. Accept situations that you can not change.
some strategies for you to practice in order to boost your
2. Avoid things and people who cause you
emotional wellness.
stress. Some things we cannot avoid and
E- Express how you feel
others we can
M- Motivate yourself and others
O- Organize yourself Maintaining an optimal level of social wellness allows you
T- Time management to build healthy relationships with others. Having a supportive
I- Improvise with the things you have social network allows you to develop assertive skills and become
O- Overcome obstacles that can be in your way comfortable with who you are in social situations. Surrounding
N- Nature is beautiful and can help us feel well yourself with a positive social network increases your self-
A- Actions mean the most esteem. Social wellness enables you to create boundaries that
L- Listen to your heart encourage communication, trust and conflict management.
Having good social wellness is critical to building emotional

Importance of Social Wellness

 Being able to create and

maintain relationships with
friends, family, co- workers, and
Social wellness refers to the relationships we have and
how we interact with others. Our relationships can offer support  Having these supports through good

during difficult times. Social wellness involves building healthy, times and bad.

nurturing and supportive relationships as well as fostering a  Networking can be an outcome through
genuine connection with those around you. Conscious actions having positive relationships. One can
are important in learning how to balance your social life with gain more opportunities occupationally,
your academic and professional lives. Social wellness also educationally, as well as socially.
includes balancing the unique needs of romantic relationships  Interactions with different cultures and
with other parts of your life. religions can offer more experience to
people which is important to social wellness.
 Exposure to different lifestyles can help cat

one become well rounded as well as more  Pets can reduce bad stress
educated about different belief systems.
 Volunteering in an animal shelter can
 Social wellness also encourages show your care and commitment to
communication. One can benefit from this animals
by being able to work through conflicts

Social Wellness Networking Websites

“He who has health, has hope. And he who has
Check out some social networking sites that can
help you reconnect with people from the past,
hope, has everything”
make new friends, and create other networking -Thomas Carlyle
I. Title:
www.myspace.com Proposed Wellness Program for
Teachers of Iloilo Science and
www.linkedin.com Technology University
www.twitter.com II. Rationale:
Animal and Pets
The findings of the study on Emotional Intelligence,

 One may have a social connection with animals Personal Resiliency and Sense of Well-being: Basis for the
and pets
Development of the Wellness Program for Teachers revealed
 Pets can provide a social connection
that the respondents’ level of emotional intelligence is moderate
through love and affection

 People often have find comfort in or “need some development”. However, when the respondents

having a companion such as a dog or a

were classified to the different categories it showed that the improve or develop the respondents’ emotional intelligence and

female, old, single, with 21 years and above of teaching personal resiliency as well as to enrich their sense of well-being.

experience, associate professor/professor and with an average The researcher proposed activities that are intended to

wage of income showed a higher level of emotional intelligence boost the emotional intelligence and personal resiliency of the

For the extent of the respondents’ personal resiliency, it respondents. The following schemes are proposed for the Iloilo

was rated as great extent personal resiliency, similarly, as they Science and Technology University faculty members that they

were classified according to categories, female faculty may have better health, quality life and over-all well-being.

members, young, married or widow, with10 years and below The Wellness programs can create a culture of health

teaching experience, Instructor/Assistant Professor, with a low and deliver a wide range of benefits to teachers including: A

monthly wage showed higher extent of personal resiliency safer, more supportive work environment. Improved health,

however, it also revealed that the higher the age, years of increased well-being, self-image, and self-esteem. Improved

teaching, academic rank, and monthly income, the lower is its coping skills with stress or other factors affecting health and

personal resiliency. improved job satisfaction.

For the sense of well-being of the respondents when Furthermore, teachers are role models for students.

taken as a whole and when classified according to categories Teachers who are interested in their own health are more likely

they were practicing high well-being habits. to promote healthy behaviors and practices to students, who

On the basis of the aforementioned findings of the study, are then more likely to engage in health-promoting activities

a development wellness program should be implemented to themselves. It is then essential for establishing, implementing,

and sustaining effective teachers’ wellness program.

The Wellness program is designed based from the results

of the study on the level of emotional intelligence, extent of

personal resiliency and sense of well-being of teachers. The

area with lower mean scores and the variables that can greatly

affect the well-being of teachers are the factors that were given

due consideration in designing the program. The lower areas

are as follows:

 For Emotional Intelligence

Negative feelings help to address the need to change


Can easily shake off negative feelings

Do not recycle and dwell on negative emotions

Viewed as effective coach for other’s emotions

Calm under pressure

Being a sore loser

 For Personal Resiliency

Being easily frustrated

Fate has been unkind
Warm up and cool down by stretching before and
Often worry over mistakes made in the past after vigorous exercise;

Ruin an evening due to bad day at work Engage in vigorous exercises such as brisk walking

 For Sense of Well-being

Exercises designed to strengthen muscles and joints A chronic worrier

Get 7-8 hours of sleep each night

Nevertheless, these areas will be improved through a

wellness program to help develop teachers’ efficiency and job

satisfaction. Effective teachers’ initiatives can reduce stress,

boost morale, productivity, and effectiveness in the workplace,

IV. Implementation Plan
reduce turnover, burnout and the costs associated with
1. Physical Wellness
teachers’ healthcare.
-Good for the mind, body, and soul
III. Objectives:

1. To develop a wellness program which creates a work

environment supportive of

positive health behaviors and help prevent pressures and

traumas thus, promote improved well-being for teachers.

2. To provide a healthy workplace that leads teachers to

be more satisfied with their

teaching life and are able to be higher performing.

3. To provide support and help with recruitment and

retention in the University.

On-Site Fitness Program
To incorporate in the calendar of activities of the
university to hold various programs and activities intended for
the teachers’ physical fitness.

To provide teachers of the on-site fitness center to
achieve a balance, joy, longevity, health, and work productivity
that make them feel better and perform better.

Establish the on-site fitness center for teachers as one of
the projects of the ISAT U Federated Faculty & Employees Time Frame:
Conduct Yoga Classes or Zumba after the dismissal Year Round
period in the afternoon.
Persons Involved:
Wellness Coordinator External Affairs
Committee Teachers Departments
Campus Administrator GAD
Deans FEA Officers

P 80,000.00
On-The-Hour Flash Walk Services

A "flash walk" generates collective positive energy

moving forward, to combat the strain of sitting or standing for
extending periods of time.


To implement an "on-the-hour flash walk" in the

university is a fabulous way to stimulate creativity through
movement. It provides both physical and psychological benefits
to all who participate and may decrease healthcare costs in the
long run for the university.

To encourage teachers to do some vigorous exercises o Walk while talking on a cell phone or portable
every morning in going to school or after dismissal period in the
afternoon o Have a schedule for exercise each week or join
the University Fun Run
o Take the stairs instead of the elevator

o Challenge yourself by walking just one more block

than you are used to
o Walk with a friend for enjoyment
Living Spiritual Teachers Program and
Acknowledges that beneath the diversity of teacher’s
faith and life experiences lies a deeper unity of spirituality.

To encourage the teachers to perceive the world
and existence in their ideas of values and beliefs.

o Lift things at home, like cans of vegetables

or soup. Try 15-20 times per arm To develop the ability to identify that spirituality
goes beyond religion and into the depths of their
Time Frame:
awareness and understanding of being connected within
Year Round
themselves and the universe.

Persons Involved:
o To conduct Inner Peace Activity in coordination with
the University Light of Peace Organization, to find a
spiritual connection of teachers’ mind, body, and soul
with the universe.

2. Spiritual Wellness

-Searching for the meaning and purpose in the

teachers’ lives can be a major part of wellness.
Time Frame:
Year Round

Persons Involved:
Time Frame:
July and February
Wellness Coordinator

Persons Involved: Committee

Teachers Budget:
Wellness Coordinator & Committee 20,000.00
Multi-Faith Services Coordinator
Light of Peace Adviser o Retreat

Budget: o Religious Talk

10,000.00 o Community Service

o Impose various religious activities for the teachers’ o Gift-giving Activity

spiritual growth like:

o Recollection
o Prayer

o Meditation

Time Frame:
Year Round

Persons Involved:
Wellness Coordinator


o Deep breathing Massage Acceptance Forgiving

o Conduct Relaxation Techniques: 3. Intellectual Wellness

Using creativity, experiencing new ideas, and

learning new concepts about skills, hobbies, the
community, and culture.

The Culprit and Cure Program

Apply science-based healthy lifestyle principles

o Close your eyes and pay attention one to your
To motivate teachers to continue learning and
o Go to a park, ocean or lake for a relaxing
educating themselves about concepts that help them grow
o Listen to relaxing music such as rain, ocean or waves

To encourage teachers to monitor their Personal

Health Assessment to maintain good mental health.


o Conduct weekly tasks that include the following: reading

and quizzes, watching brief videos, reviewing personal
assessment results, setting change goals, teaching
friends or family key principles, and sharing the book
with someone else at the end of the campaign.
Time Frame:
Year Round

Persons Involved:
Wellness Coordinator
FEA Officers

o Relaxing can be engaging in activities such as sight-
seeing, driving, fishing, sports, crochet, knitting,
photography, arts and crafts, travel, and reading.
o Puzzles, crosswords, and board games are also apart of
leisure activities that engage the mind and promote
Time Frame:
Year Round o Lecture-Forum on the value of Family, Love and
Persons Involved:
Wellness Coordinator
FEA Officers


4. Emotional wellness
Emotions are a part of who we are and how we Time Frame:
are perceived by others. Year Round

Persons Involved:
Positive Self Talk
-helps deal with stress and it is a good way of Psychometric an
working issues out amongst teachers Guidance
To conduct a positive self-talk to help deal with
stress and pressures and a good way of working issues Budget:

out to oneself. 5,000.00

Conduct Positive Self Talk with activities:

To help creates awareness of one’s thoughts and To give value in the importance of power of
self-esteem as well as boost motivation in creating thought to perceive oneself.
positive self-image and attitude.
o Conduct a Book Week for the faculty and provide
o Administered a psychological test about self- a self-help book that is of interest to everyone
esteem with interpretation and counseling

Time Frame:
Time Frame:
Persons Involved:
Persons Involved:
Education Council
Education Council
To practice positive self-talk as an important skill To develop understanding of self and others, give
in everyday life as well as in stressful situations importance of the essence of emotional well-being.

o Seminar-workshop on time management and

o Conduct a Lecture-Forum on Emotional Wellness
stress management skills

Time Frame:
Year Round
Time Frame:
July Persons Involved:
Wellness Coordinator
Persons Involved:
Guidance Counselors
Committee on Wellness FEA Officers
Administration Budget:
Guidance Counselors
FEA Officers
To provide information materials to inspire and To help develop a skill to control emotions and to
uphold the importance of positive attitude. demonstrate a great deal of awareness of the
individuality of teachers and colleagues.
o Information dissemination in the Bulletin board
and flyers in the importance of positive attitude
o Self-reflection: Ex. marking work, preparing for
lessons and the actual teaching and learning

Time Frame:
October and March
Persons Involved:
Dean Time Frame:
Campus Administrators June and November
Teachers Persons Involved:
Dept. Heads Teachers
OSAS Committee on Wellness
Budget: Guidance Counselors
5,000.00 Budget:
To exercise self-analysis and performance by o Provide an Individual Plan – schedule tasks,
identifying strengths and limitations. maintain a weekly planner, set goals, prioritize
goals before to take on act on them.
o Self-evaluation questionnaire

Time Frame:
Time Frame:
October and March
Year Round

Persons Involved:
Persons Involved:
Campus Administrators
Committee on Wellness
Committee on Wellness
Budget: Guidance Counselors
To promote good leadership and managerial 5. Socio- Environmental Wellness
teaching skills by being emotionally aware and mindful at
work. Being able to create and maintain relationships
with friends, family, co-workers and peers
o Develop strong connections at home or in the
workplace. “Lecture-Forum on Family and Work Self- Help Center
-Peer support is great for socialization, getting to
know new people and share their experiences and to
help the teachers understand the emotions of others
from the way they respond into it.

To provide a Self- Help Centers for the teachers as

big part of relaxation and leisure in teacher’s lives.

o School Paper/ Faculty Journal derived inspiration

to observe successful colleagues at work, read
Time Frame:
about eminent personalities and try to learn
something from their success stories.
Persons Involved:
Campus Administrators
Committee on Wellness
Guidance Counselors
FEA Officers
To increase the ability of the teachers’
understanding what others say, why they behave the
way they do, what they be facing and the nonverbal cues
like body language and facial expressions

o Self-help centers take members on outings for

shopping and recreation. Some recreation
activities include camping, day trips to museums,
movies, parks, zoo, aquarium and beach trips.
The self-help center also provides weekly meals

Time Frame: that bring teachers together.

Year Round

Persons Involved:
Wellness Coordinator and Committee

Time Frame:
Year Round

Persons Involved:
Wellness Coordinator
Teachers Committee on Wellness
Campus Administrator
FEA Officers


To coordinate with the GAD programs and services

implementation through the development of a sex-
disaggregated database of faculty members.

o Active participation of teachers in competitive and

non-competitive sports. This can affect the way
teachers feel about themselves, where they live,
work and on how they feel.
To give time to leisure as an important factor to
keep healthy and to avoid overload stress.

o GAD & Health Services conduct the following:

 Medical & Physical Laboratory Check-up
 Symposium on Health& Daily Lifestyle “Eat
less, Live longer”

Time Frame:
Year Round
Persons Involved:
Wellness Committee
Sports Officers

Self-care Program
- Create an environment with random acts
of kindness like a thank you note, a little help to offer, or
an open heart-to-heart conversation.

To encourage teachers to learn the basic self-care.

o Conduct a talk show in the workplace that

concerns about emotional and social intelligence,
thereby strengthening interpersonal bonds.
Time Frame:
Year Round

Persons Involved:
Wellness Committee
Medical & Dental

To encourage teachers to accept help and support
from those who care about them and will listen to them
to strengthen their resilience.

o Counseling (listening to a colleague without

judging, or accepting harsh words from someone
undergoing stress).

Time Frame:
Year Round

Persons Involved:
Wellness Committee

Time Frame:
Year Round

Persons Involved:
Wellness Committee
Guidance Counselors


To help teachers realized that no one has the

ability to change the fact that highly stressful events
happen, but can change how it is interpreted and to
respond to these events.

o Being active in civic groups, faith-based

organizations or other local groups, provides social
support and can help with reclaiming hope.
Assisting others in their time of need
Time Frame:
Year Round

Persons Involved:
Wellness Committee
Campus Administrators


Make connections Program

To encourage teachers to associate with their Time Frame:

colleagues and those persons in their environment to Year Round
establish rapport and good relationships.

Persons Involved:
o Team Building to create good relationships with Wellness Committee
close family members, friends or colleagues. Teachers
Guidance Counselors

Coping skills Services

To encourage teachers to do something regularly

even if it seems like a small accomplishment that
enables to move toward a goal.

o Provide a daily life activities note or notebook

and take time to list down what has been
accomplished for the day and what are the
things that turns to negative result before going
to bed.

Time Frame:
Year Round

Persons Involved:

To encourage teachers to focus on the task that Time Frame:
is achievable and reflects as to what has been Year Round
accomplished for the day leading to a desired direction.
Persons Involved:
o Then turn into the positive action for the next Teachers
day. Guidance Counselors
o Reflect in looking beyond the present to how
future circumstances may be a little better. Budget:

To encourage teachers provide a coping skills

worksheets to be filled up at the end of the day for
reflection and to cope with daily circumstances.

o Accepting circumstances that cannot be changed can

help focus on circumstances that can alter like spending
a little time talking to the family members during or after

o Watch favorite movies on TV or YouTube or turn into

something interesting
Time Frame:
Year Round

Persons Involved:


To be able to learn how to accept unavoidable

circumstances and to learn to spend time to the family
members for comfort.

o Avoid seeing crises as insurmountable

problems. Any subtle ways in which it might already
feel somewhat better as to deal with difficult situations.
Talk it Out, Journal or Post Program

To find time to leisure and entertainment in order

to recharge strength and to divert awareness to positive

o Talk to a colleague, friend or spouse about what’s

really bothers a person and think of the options to
solve a dilemma or just talk about feelings or

Time Frame:
Year Round

Persons Involved:
Family Members

To think positive about self and situations with a
hopeful thought that every problem has solution and
nothing is impossible in believing to oneself and to God
for protection and guidance.

o If an introvert, then write in a journal instead of

engaging with another person.

o You can even express yourself on social media

(within reason). I often use my ‘teacher’ Facebook
page to vent, or joke about ‘teacher problems’.

Time Frame:
Year Round

Persons Involved:

Weekly tasks include watching brief video
vignettes, assessing pre-sleep behaviors, setting sleep
goals and schedules, modifying sleep environment, and

o To provide teachers of the on-site fitness center to

achieve a balance, joy, longevity, health, and work
productivity that make them feel better and
perform better.

To learn to spend time of expressing themselves

to their colleagues and friends.

o Find time to unwind, either in a form of verbal

expressions or in writing.





Time Frame:
Year Round https://www.google.com/searchcrossword&oq=cross&gs_l=im

Persons Involved: https://www.google.com/search?biw=1SPBDA

None https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=IcW7XKY






https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=S827XKaa matrix








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