Chapter 17
Chapter 17
Chapter 17
Notes 17
People have always aspired for a long, dignified and meaningful life. However, the
stresses in contemporary life are increasing in such a way that it is becoming difficult
to cope with them. The hectic pace of life, environmental factors, and increasing
greed are making people’s lives more and more stressful. These factors influence
our life style and combine to create serious health hazards. Keeping this in view
efforts are being made to achieve health and well-being for all. The study of this area
involves many subjects such as psychology, medicine, sociology, anthropology etc.
Much concern is shown nowadays for the study of the factors influencing health,
well-being, quality of life, healthy life style, and happiness. In this lesson you will
learn about the concepts of health and well-being and how important they are for
good life and for happiness. Awareness, adoption and practice of healthy lifestyle
are the keys to our well being.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to:
• explain the concepts of happiness and well-being;
• distinguish between happiness and satisfaction;
• understand the concepts of self-actualization and mature personality;
• identify the strengths of self-actualized individuals; and
• discuss the ways for developing positive emotions.
The term ‘well-being’ includes many aspects such as, happiness, energy, leisure,
peace with oneself, contentment and sensitivity to environment. Well-being involves
not only happiness and pleasure but also experiencing/feeling satisfaction in life, Notes
presence of positive feeling or affect (e g. interest, love, surprise, pleasure) and the
absence of negative feelings (e.g. anxiety, depression, stress). A very rich person
may be unhappy and a poor person may be happy. Well-being is a matter of how one
experiences and interprets one’s life conditions. Money, property, power and prestige
provide us with limited sense of well-being. It has been found that material prosperity
is positively related to life satisfaction to some extent. But indefinite increase in
material prosperity does not lead to significant life satisfaction. You may attempt
Activity 1 to understand the meaning of well-being.
Activity 1
Ask some people to choose any one life style - (a) either a life of 70 years in a
village with basic amenities and few material comforts or (b) a life of 50 years
in a rich country with high living standards. Ask them to provide reasons for
their choice. You could answer this question yourself and also ask your parents
and/or friends to do the same. Compare the answers given.
Activity 2
Prepare a list of priorities/main concerns in life, that is, those things that are
needed in life. You could answer this question yourself and also ask your parents
and/or friends to do the same. Compare the lists and note how many material
and non-material aspects are listed by the younger and older generation.
Nutrition: Do you remember when you were unable to eat for a long period of
time? You must have felt weak, irritable and hungry. Sufficient calorie intake is
necessary for good health. Since we need energy through out the day we should not
skip meals or go on diets or under eat. We should eat a balanced diet of carbohydrates,
proteins, fats and vitamins. The reverse is also true as some people consume too
many calories and became overweight. Such people are also likely to have a lower
self-esteem particularly if the culture approves a slim body.
Activity 3
Healthy Pleasures
Make a list of various things that you do every day which give you happiness
and make you feel ‘good’. A 15 year old boy wrote the following list: my
early morning run, aloo paranthas made by my mother, playing with my dog,
listening to music undisturbed, talking to my friends, time spent with my father
on Sunday evening, and, watching football matches.
It is the little pleasures we create ourselves that give us delight and a ‘good
feel’ factor.
Routine: Routines help establish healthy habits that bring structure to our lives. A
daily routine provides us with a framework and orders our life world. We know what
is expected from us; otherwise we get alarmed when we are unclear about the
What is happiness? All of us know what we feel when we are happy but it is often
very difficult to define it and express in words. Happiness can be a pleasant feeling
for a brief time or for a long duration. When you help a needy person or your friend
it may make you feel happy. When you are in need of help and your neighbour helps
you, that condition may also give you happiness. Happiness is not only an emotion
but refers to living a good life, experiencing well-being and enjoying good quality of
life. Happiness and well-being can be attained through many ways.
1. Material resources: Money, clothing and housing, provide us with the possibility
to satisfy our basic needs. Different needs and their nature were discussed in an
earlier lesson. We must satisfy both our primary and secondary needs to be happy.
2. Cognitive competence: The ability to search and find what we need is also
important. Thus we must be knowledgeable, intelligent, and open to learning.
3. Subjective competence: When we believe in our problem solving capacity we
have faith in our self and our abilities to achieve our goals.
Do you know?
Happiness in Bhutan
Bhutan is a small country in the Himalayan ranges. In the 1970’s Bhutan gave
the world its first Happiness formula. Countries across the world calculate
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as the measure for happiness, well-being and
development of the country. Bhutan has happiness at the heart of its government
policy. They calculate “Gross National Happiness” (GNH) stating that wealth
cannot be the only factor in determining overall development. Growth and
development must be considered by a balance between the inner (self) and
outer life worlds. Thus, wealth must go hand in hand with cultural values,
connection with the environment (nature) as well as the community (people).
Research has also shown that being rich does not make people happy. Are the
Bhutanese people giving an important message to the world? Countries like
UK and France have also adopted this as a part of their government policies to
evaluate well-being of its people. You can read more details about GNH at: or watch a video about
“Happiness – Bhutan” at
Self-actualization refers to the development of the individual upto his or her full
potential. We must understand that self actualization does not mean the end of growth;
it is not the path to maturity rather it is the path of maturity. You may feel that only
grown ups or elderly people achieve self actualization. You must start learning about
the process as early as possible. As we are nurtured in our social world we come to
learn social and moral values. Values help us to give direction and help us evaluate
the world to make effective decisions and successful adjustments. Love and respect
for self, others and nature, being problem centered and not self-centered, openness
to learning, having a purpose in life are some significant aspects to imbibe in life.
In addition we have to continually work for our personal growth. Just having values
is insufficient, for we must be motivated to translate our values into action. Self-
actualization provides us with the motivation to grow and expand.
Mahatma Gandhi not only advocated but also personally followed the principles of
ahimsa and disciplined life. Mother Teresa served the poor and down trodden with
love, devotion and compassion. Such people recognize and identify their potential
and put it to productive use. Self-actualization helps define the person, thus when
we say Mahatam Gandhi or Mother Teresa the words ‘ahimsa’ and ‘devotion’
immediately come to our mind.
A. Positive emotions affect us in two important ways- they ‘broaden’ our thinking,
physical and social resources, and help ‘building’ reserves to draw upon at times of
stress and strain. Over time the influence of positive emotions helps because -
Activity 5
List the positive emotions you have felt in the last few days and state how they
have helped you in evaluating the situation. Also make a list of possible positive
emotions. Some examples are: accepting, admirable, beautiful, cheerful,
cherish, jovial, sharing, patient, self-reliant, good natured and active.
Activity 6
Positive Emotions - The above mentioned effects of positive emotions are
important for our health and well being, but can we make them a part of our
life? Yes, we can if we develop a positive outlook towards our life. Recall any
incident where you failed to achieve your goal. Now read the following
statements and try to review negative incidents in a positive light:
1. Define happiness and well-being. Explain the significance of leading a balanced
life style to achieve happiness and well being.
2. With examples explain the characteristics of self actualized persons.
3. Discuss the ways of developing positive emotions.
1. The development of the individual upto his/her full potential. Mother Teresa,
Mahatma Gandhi
2. Self monitoring, self acceptance, effective communication skills, positive
attitudes, etc. (any two)
3. Broaden our thinking, physical and social resources, help build reserves to draw
upon at stresful and strenuous times.
Quiz 1
1. True 2. True 3. False
4. True 5. False
Quiz 2
1. material resources, cognitive competence, subjective competence
2. situational, personal
3. esteem, personal, optimistic
4. self actualization
5. health, well being
6. broaden, build
Web Sites
1. There are various tests of happiness available on the Internet. One important
site is ‘Authentic Happiness’ of Positive Psychology Center, University of
Pennsylvania, and connected with Seligman’s ongoing research activities. The
site also lists various exercises that you can undertake to remain happy. http://
2. The website of Tal Ben Shahar contains articles on happiness and provides tips
on how to maintain happiness. He tells us how we can keep a balance between
work and life.
3. This web site presents the rankings of the worlds happiest countries: