11 Reasons Why Quo Warranto Decision On Sereno Was Correct
11 Reasons Why Quo Warranto Decision On Sereno Was Correct
11 Reasons Why Quo Warranto Decision On Sereno Was Correct
Legislations signed by President Rodrigo Duterte during his second year in office.
R.A. 10928 or the Philippine Passport 10-Year Validity
An act extending the validity of Philippine passports from 5 years to 10 years signed August 2,
2017. It is an amendment to Section 10 of R.A. 8239 or the Philippine Passport Act of 1996.
R.A. 10929 or the Free Internet Access In Public Places Act Of 2017
An act that provides free internet access in public areas nationwide across the country. Signed
August 2, 2017, the measure provides the public free access to internet in “national and local
government offices; public basic education institutions; state universities and colleges, and
technology institutions; public hospitals, health centers, and rural health units; public parks,
plazas, libraries and barangay reading centers; public airports and seaports; and public
transport terminals.”
The law also provides that no fees shall be collected from users to connect to the public
Internet access points.
R.A. 10930 or Extending the validity period of drivers’ licenses from 3 years to
5 years
An act rationalizing and strengthening the policy regarding driver’s licenses. It amends Section
23 of RA 4136 or the Land Transportation and Traffic Code. Signed in August 2, 2017, the
amended law mandates the Land Transportation Office (LTO) to extend the validity period of
drivers’ licenses to five years, except for student permits. It charges P20,000 fine to applicant for
a driver’s license who has willfully misrepresented his application; connived with the officer in
the irregular conduct of examinations or issuance of license; falsified documents; and cheated
during examinations.
R.A. 10932 of the Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act of 2017
The law covers the tuition and fees of students enrolled in 112 state universities and colleges
(SUCs), 78 local universities and colleges (LUCs), and all technical-vocation education and
training (TVET) programs registered under the Technical Education and Skills Development
Authority (TESDA) beginning school year 2018 to 2019.
Signed on August 3, 2017, the measure also specifically provides free miscellaneous and other
school fees; affirmative action programs for minorities such as the Lumads, the Muslims, the
indigenous peoples (IP), persons with disabilities (PWD), and students from public high schools
and depressed areas. It also allows students who have financial capacity to volunteer to opt out
of the free higher education provision or avail of the free tuition but also contribute a specific
amount to the higher education institution (HEI). It provides tertiary education subsidy and
student loan programs for tertiary students. The law also specifies no increase in tuition fees in
the next 5 years.
R.A. 10932 or the Anti-Hospital Deposit Law
An amendment to Batasan Pambansa 702, the law prohibits demand of deposits or advance
payments for the confinement or treatment of patients in hospitals and medical cases.
Signed on August 3, 2017, the law allows the attending physician to transfer the patient to a
facility providing appropriate care in case of “inadequacy” of medical capabilities of the hospital
or medical clinic. It also mandates local government units where the hospital or medical clinic is
located to allow the free use of its emergency vehicle if there is no ambulance available for use
for the emergency transfer of the patient.
It provides stiffer penalties to any hospitals and medical clinics that will refuse to administer
appropriate initial medical treatment and support in emergency serious cases. Violators will
face imprisonment of six months to not more than two years and will also face a fine of not less
than P100,000 but not more than P300,000.