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Projektarbeit Livia Pian2016-17 Ingles

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Chromatography of Pfeiffer: Principles,

method and use in perception of soils

Livia Bischof Pian

Annual project 2016/2017

Landbauschule Dottenfelderhof
Fachschule für Biologisch-Dynamische Landwirtschaft
Introduction................................................. ..........................................................................2
The impulses and principles of chromatography ……….…….............................................3
Chromatography as 'indicator of soil quality' ........................................................................5
The chromatography method besides chemical reactions......................................................6
Forms, colours and patterns of chromatography ........................................... .....................12
Life and Rhythm ..................................................................................................................15
Rhythm of soil and plants throughout the year .................................................................. 16
Formation, classification and soil morphological characteristics ........................... 17
General soils rhythm along the seasons .................................................................. 19
Development of plants and soil throughout the year………………………………22
Analyzes of soil pH, nitrogen and moisture ............................................................29
The perception of rhythm and areas in chromatographic images…………........................30
Kalikompostdünger Versuch……………………................................................................39
Some perceptions and new questions ..................................................................................42
Thanks................................................. ................................................................................43

My awakening to chromatography and even more, my awakening to what is

beyond the material world, happened in an afternoon in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. I had
joined the doctorate six months ago and was, with my advisor, in a discussing process
about the direction of my research with sustainability indicators in productive systems.
Especially those soil quality indicators. On this particular day, we have been discussing
what would be the best methods to indicate soil biological life. We knew Pfeiffer's
chromatography, but we also knew the limitations in its academic use.
After this long day sitting in a meeting room, I went running late in afternoon as a
way to dispel thinking. In the middle of the way, I watched a bird scratch the soil in search
of something and finally find a small worm. I thought, "Now the worm has been stolen, it
is no longer part of soil life”. Immediately I corrected myself "what bullshit think so
mechanically". I continued running, it did not take long and a strong thought came to my
mind: "Soil life is much more than counting organisms and laboratory analyzes, academy
will never be able to perceive the true essence of life. Because life is interconnected, the
soil is connected with more than lives there; soil is connected with everything, birds,
plants, animals, with the whole universe”. And an image of Pfeiffer’s chromatography
arose and stay in my mind, the first chroma that I observed in my life, an image that I can
revive at any moment. I recalled a friend's phrase about chromatography: "an image that
shows universal connections that exist in soil". ‘Click’.
Universal connections didn’t make much sense to me, but in this 'click', this
inspiration moment, made perfect sense. It was then that I decided to work with Pfeiffer's
chromatography. In making this decision and beginning to search for the origin of the
method and the creator‘s life, Ehrenfried Pfeiffer, I noticed a strong connection with
Rudolf Steiner. So my eyes and curiosity turned to anthroposophy. As universe moves and
apparently not by chance, 6 months after this decision, came the opportunity to come to
Germany, thanks to my partner Pedro. Study biodynamic agriculture and anthroposophy in
Landbauschule Dottenfeldehof. Even without knowing what awaited me, I knew that the
chromatography would be part of that.


The present work arose from the desire to evolve in interpretation and to
experience the Pfeiffer’s chromatography. This method was a door that opened in my life,
and when I crossed it, I came across biodynamic agriculture and anthroposophy. Before
that, I was immersed in academic studies and organic farming practices. The opportunity to
participate in Landbauschule Dottenfelderhof was a turning point, presenting a new way of
thinking and seeing the world around us. So, because my life is currently situated between
these two thoughts, this work will seek to present aspects of natural science (academic) and
of spiritual science about chromatography.
During this year, some works and people pass in my way, providing other points
of view about what is and especially the purpose of chromatography. Turning my look for
what is beyond the material aspect, to formative forces and the perception of these forces.
Creating in me an image of Rudolf Steiner’s intentions and Ehrenfreied Pfeiffer questions
that motivated the creation of ‘Image forming methods’ (Bildschfften-methoden). On this
path were important: the works of E. Pfeiffer, the couple Kolisko, Rudolf Hauschka and
Gunter Waschmuth; Conversations with Roland Ulrich, Bruno Follador, Gunter Gebhard,
Ansgar Vortmann and Pedro Paçó; In addition to many classes, joint studies, conversations
and questions answered (and sometimes unanswered). Bringing the shape to this work.
The first part will address aspects regarding objectives, uses, methodology and
interpretation of chromatography, from a material and spiritual point of view. It is an
important part for a deeper understanding of the method. The second part will cover the
practical activities carried out during this year.
The motivation for the practical activities arose from this first question: How can I
perceive the soil rhythm and life throughout the year? A question regarding my rhythm
change when I come from Rio de Janeiro to Germany. It was proposed to monitor 4 areas
of the Dottenfelderhof throughout the year, with observations of the development of plants
and soil, performing chromatography, simple laboratory analyzes and field observations.
As a result of this question, others emerged: Can I perceive small differences in the same
soil? And can I understand the evolution of a soil over the years? So, I started follow the
experiment with compost and potassium fertilizing (Kalikompostdunger-versuch) during
the year 2017 and to perform chromas from stored soils since 2014.
In parallel, to these questions about soil and rhythm perception, other questions
derived from the natural sciences (and required by my academic studies) have been made:
Can I use chromatography as an indicator of soil quality? Can I validate the use of
chromatography comparing its patterns with laboratory analyzes? Thus, quantitative
assessments, creation and comparison of patterns have been initiated.
More important is to note that the words formulated and the results presented are
far from the truth. I did not intend to find definitive answers. It is the beginning of a study
that I intend to continue during my life. In a year divided among many readings, lessons
and other activities could not be possible to a deep perception of soils of the farm. As the
popular saying "Only the farmer can know what is right for his Earth". Good reading.

The impulses and principles of chromatography

“Harmony… all work of my life is about find the harmony” E. Pfeiffer

As everything on Earth has two sides, material and spiritual, the method of
chromatography developed by E. Pfeiffer as well. These two sides are apparently polar.
However, when one walks th thru the path of material world or the path of spiritual world
realizes that one path finds the other
other. A concordance occurs, what appears to be polar is
actually complementary, harmonious. These paths can be traversed through discipline,
study and/or evolution of thinking
thinking,, from spiritual or material point of view.
view From these two
polarities or complementarities, opens range of other complementary qualities or forces
that fill our modern life and concepts (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Complementary qualities present in our life.

Finding balance, symmetry, between these qualities is one of the goals of many
human lives. And is a recurring theme in Anthroposophy, a spiritual science that, as its
name indicates, seeks "the he knowledge of the human being being". The founder of this science,
the philosopher Rudolf Steiner, devoted much of his ti time
me to talk about opposing forces that
act att all times in earthly life. That influence from our physical form until our thinking,
attitudes and decisions. Understanding these forces, and making them conscious in us, is
one of the proposed ways, to arrive a balance in our actions in this earthly life.
rrive at this balance, in this point of forces culmination,
ulmination, would result in the purest
harmony, possible in this earthly life. The search for this harmony was constant in E.
Pfeiffer’s life, he said "since
since the first time I experienced the pure harmony, when I was
young, I never stopped looking for it it". For most people this experience is something that
occurs a few times in life, often unconscious. For Pfeiffer it is ""a a sense of resonance with
universe, of connection
ction and agreement, in which perfection and truth are present
present". This
harmony can be found in musical compositions
compositions, ex. when
hen a musician transports you to
another world. Music is the best door to harmony. Be Beyond
yond that, harmony can be found and
cultivated in nature, in forms, in meditation, in dreams, in all area of work, including in

social relations. The latter is especially difficult to cultivate, but "anyone who has ever
experienced a true resonance between two people knows how special the harmony can be
and how wonderful can be the result of this relationship" (R. Ulrich's words).
All work of E. Pfeiffer (1989-1961), including the development of chromatography
has this mark, somehow involves this search for harmony. As a young man (aged 19 to 25)
Pfeiffer lived with Steiner. During this period he worked intensively in Goetheanum,
studied all the important works of anthroposophy and in parallel he study chemistry at the
University of Basel. Pfeiffer was aware of these forces that surround us, for him the
impulses for creation the ‘Image forming methods’ were: "to understand and study the
formative forces and, above all, to development the perceptive judgment power".
The assumption of these methods is that "formative forces contained in the samples
can be revealed in a physical form, that is, the forces become visible to our senses." This
revelation occurs by formation of crystals, in sensitive crystallization, and formation of an
image with forms and colours, in the capillary dynamolysis and chromatography. Making
possible to study and understanding these forces, through the development of our
perception and cognition (imaginative, inspirative and intuitive). Since the development of
Image forming methods, a demand arose for these methods become 'proofs' of the
existence of etheric forces."Through this 'providing of proof' was necessitated, that is from
a method started to develop the perceptive judgment, an analytical, scientific method
resulted. It was estranged from its original spirit (...) demanded that the path of 'proof' be
followed instead of training the imagination cognition", said Pfeiffer.
After almost 100 years since the creation of methods, it is noted that its use as an
analytical, scientific tool, with creation of standards and comparisons has advanced a lot.
The easy way. The deep intent, which could bring the development of our perception and
cognition, has been forgotten. This development is not easy, requires discipline, patience
and perseverance. But it becomes more and more necessary as we face the degeneracy
generated by materialism. For Steiner "the substitution of materialistic cognition for the
imaginative cognition is the only way to take the planet to another evolutionary level."
At a first moment, it is difficult to establish a connection between chromatography
method and what anthroposophy describes about the development of imaginative
cognition. Pfeiffer said "the force of imaginative perception (bildhafte Urteilskraft) in
those persons who came into contact with it would be developed”, in reference to
crystallisation method. However, it seems apply to all imaging forming methods. The
development of this 'force of perception' goes through the development of ‘active
thinking’. This active thinking can be practiced in chroma interpretation, observing forms
and colours and seek to develop a relationship with the chroma, create a dialogue between
me and the image. Formative forces come to me indirectly, through forms and colours,
unconsciously. In chroma interpretation, it would be possible to establish a connection
between force and form, to turning what is unconscious into consciousness.
"Consciousness has a spiritual nature, incarnating on earth becomes thinking" (G.
Gebhard). The interpretation of chroma, as well as the development of imaginative
cognition, requires discipline, patience, and perseverance. Nevertheless, we must not forget
this intent of the method. For Pfeiffer the development of thinking and imaginative
cognition leads to encounter of truth, of pure harmony.

Chromatography as 'soil quality indicator'

"How to perceive life? A question about life or about human perception? "

Far from these themes about cognition, perception, formative forces and harmony
are the current inquiries of natural sciences. The question of the academic community
(Brazilian, at least) for Pfeiffer's chromatography can be summarized as: Can this method
be used as an indicator of soil quality? Or, can you create patterns and use chroma to
compare soil quality, proving the efficiency of this method compared to other traditional
methods? These questions lead us a primordial inquiry, what is soil quality?.
An example of a definition, widely accepted by academic community, was
elaborated by Doram and Parkin (1994): "Soil quality is the ability of a specific soil type to
function, within the limits of the managed or natural ecosystem, as sustaining the
productivity of plants and animals or increasing the quality of water and air and
promoting human health ... indicators must follow the following criteria: 1) involve
processes that occur in the ecosystem; 2) integrate physical, Chemical and biological
properties and processes; (3) be accessible and applicable in field; (4) be sensitive to
variations in management and climate; and (5) be a soil database component whenever
possible”. This concept arouse curiosity, because authors sought to encompass various
functions of the soil, effects on nature, plants, animals and even human beings, specificities
and complexities, in the same sentence. It is a difficult definition, but was largely accepted.
Since its publication, almost all publications related to the topic use this definition. Since I
starting to work with quality indicators I have used this concept repeatedly, to
contextualize my studies with some logic (if everyone uses this concept I must also use it).
According to this definition Pfeiffer’s chromatography can be used as an indicator
of soil quality, it meets the criteria. In the way of using chromatography as an indicator,
along with other laboratory analyzes, some academic papers were developed. Highlight for
Perumal et al. (2016) in India, who developed the "Alternative Analytical Technology
(AAT)", software for rapid interpretation of chroma, based on a wide database that
correlates the images with soil nutrient values. Other works such as de Haßold-Piezunka
(2003), Kokornaczyk et al. (2016) and Maseda (2016) have created patterns in chroma,
comparing with other analyzes, for composting, different types of soils and detection of
heavy metals in contaminated soils, respectively. The creation of standards and validation
of the method is also proposed in my doctoral work.
In this sense, chromatography could be used as an indicator of chemical, physical
and biological soil characteristics. Aggregating in the same analysis several indicators,
which would give to farmers a completely report of his soil conditions. If we consider that
chromatography can be performed anywhere, not requiring complex laboratory equipment
or reagents, being a quick and inexpensive methodology. It becomes an instrument of
farmers' independence. A small independence from laboratories of chemical and physical
soil analysis and technical staff. People who always carry recommendations of chemical
fertilizers together with the results of analyze. Sad reality of Brazil.
The validation of the method by academy allows the popularization and use by
more farmers, what already happens nowadays in India. This motivation is valid and I will
not question it. After all is an important evolution of the use and interpretation of chroma
from a material point of view. But the relation of farmers with the chromatography
continues to be through numbers. In the end an image becomes numbers, and all the
potential that an image has is lost. The thinking of people who are doing or having contact
with the method does not change, it remains a materialistic thinking. All the capacity that
an image has to touch another level of the human being, to show the balance of nature and
forces presents in soil or food, is forgotten. Chromatography worked from a material point
of view is no longer related to the complete intentions of Pfeiffer and Steiner. The academy
is right in validating the use of chroma, bringing countless benefits. But stop in this point,
not proposing a deeper change, a change in the way of human thinking. Bringing
understand and perception to life process.
In the way to develop the perception, one can argue: “Chromatography is also an
indirect analysis process, we take samples lead to laboratory and perform chroma, are not
realizing a direct perception of life”. This is true. The difference is that the result will not
be a number, to be compared, it will be an image. As the poet said "An image says more
than ten thousand words". Numbers invite us to a closed dialogue, to seek a conclusion,
after obtaining the answers the questions are closed. An image invites us to an open
dialogue, without a conclusion, where one question arises after another.
For some persons this perception process is developed naturally, but for many this
perception is something to be developed. Especially for most people who were born and
created on materialistic assumptions, who received normal education based on natural
sciences, where it is taught, from a very early age, that perception is something subjective
and must be replaced by logic and numerical rationality. "The path of the development of
perception goes through a process of making objective what is subjective" (G. Gebhard). In
this way to bring subjective to objective, a first step can be taken by understanding the
methodology from a point of view of the natural and spiritual sciences.

The chromatography method besides chemical reactions

The chromatography developed by E. Pfeiffer consists, in simple words, in sample

(soil, compost, food, juices and etc.) collection, drying if necessary, fine maceration and
weighing. This volume will be mixed with an extractive substance, sodium hydroxide, and
will rest for decantation of the coarse particles. After the resting time, the supernatant will
run through the circular filter paper, previously impregnated by a developing substance,
silver nitrate. By capillarity phenomenon the substances are retained in the filter paper. In
contact with light the reaction between the developing substance and the sample finish,
revealing characteristic forms and colours. Figure 2 briefly shows this process.
Thus described, the method is summarized to chemical reactions that result in an
image development, which through interpretation, creation of standards and comparisons,
leads to a diagnosis of the sample. According to spiritual science look all matter carries a
spiritual entity. So, every chemical substance integrates in itself a spiritual characteristic
that defines and influence the reactions effects. These spiritual characteristics are decisive
in the chromatographic process. Pfeiffer was aware of this in the creation of method.

Figure 2. Chromatography process for soil: a) collection in field; B) drying, maceration
and sieving; C) mixing 5 g of soil with NaOH and stirring; D) rest for 6 hours; E)
impregnation of circular filter paper with AgNO3; F) running the soil solution on
impregnated paper; G) drying in indirect light; H) final image.

For example, between 1920 and 1925, Pfeiffer studied chemistry in Basel with
direct contact with Steiner in Dornach. Pfeiffer followed his recommendations for which
subjects taken at university and combined academic studies with anthroposophical studies.
Steiner once recommended to Pfeiffer "Every study and new knowledge should be written
on a page of your diary, on the opposite page write down what anthroposophy has to say
about it ... To maintain, so to speak, the eyes on both sides whenever you need to consult
this knowledge". For Pfeiffer it was clear and intrinsic in image forming methods the two
sides of chemical substances. In the process of creation the method he studied the
substances and their characteristics, actions and reactions. He tested different acids, bases,
metals, combinations and concentrations until found the perfect reagents. Reagents to
obtain what he sought “reveal formative forces in physical forms”.
However, all this information was not described by him in the published articles
about the method (compiled in the book "Chromatography applied to quality tests").
Pfeiffer only describes the method from a material point of view. Just searching for more
materials, other texts from Pfeiffer and his biography, it is possible to note the other side of
image forming methods. It is understood that behind the apparent chemical reactions, there
is a spiritual motive to these substances be present. Understanding these chemicals
reactions is an important step in understanding what is revealed in the end of process.
The first chemical reaction is the mixing of the sample (soil, compost, food and
etc.) with the extractive substance, sodium hydroxide - NaOH. This is used at
concentrations of 1% or 0.1% and extraction time from 1 to 12 hours, depending on the
sample characteristic. For example, soils and mineral materials need to be mixed with 1%
NaOH and an extraction time of 6 hours. Fresh milk and foods are mixed with 0.1% NaOH
and extraction for 1 hour. Sodium hydroxide, better known as caustic soda, is a strong
base, widely used in domestic and industrial cleaning, because the ability to dissolve
organic molecules, fats and others ‘dirties’. The same principle is applied in
chromatography, where the result of reaction is the sample dissolution. NaOH reacts
actively, breaking down rigid, solid substances, long and complex molecules, making them
smaller and more mobile molecules. Bringing mobility to the sample, so, the substances
can run through the filter paper. So, solid samples, such as soil and compost, need to react
with more concentrated NaOH and for longer time than fresh liquids and foods.
Sodium is an alkali metal with high internal energy and reducing ability. In its
metallic form it is very reactive, oxidizes with air, reacts violently with water and is very
corrosive in contact with skin. This characteristic can be observed, for example, in cutting
a small piece of metallic sodium and put in contact with the water. The result is an
explosion, with intense release of light, heat and smoke. In the human and animal body is
present, being vital for the functioning of the organism. It acts on our neurological, sensory
processes and osmotic balance responsible for transmission of nerve impulses. In plants the
concentration is small, being toxic for plants in large quantities in soil.
From anthroposophy point of view, sodium is known for its great ability to dissolve
and, moreover, as a centralizing substance. When it dissolves bring substances to a center,
it forms a core. It has a great importance to humans and animals, which need their own
center. A center of our own that makes us more independent of earthly forces. Allowing
our locomotion with freedom on earth and bringing Individuality. Since plants do not

contain a center in itself, its center is the soil itself,, did not need sodium. In the
chromatography this ability to dissolve associated with this ability to center, is very
important, because
ecause centralization is in principle a structuring process. The
T solid sample is
dissolved, brought into a liquid state to run through the filter paper, but at the same timeti
retain a structuring characteristic, so that forms emerge at the end of the process.
Reflecting on the forces present in samples, NaOH could release these forces from
a solid to a mobile form, allowing their development. The formative forces that bring the
form to the sample are brought
ought to a liquid state, run on filter paper and then
the return to act
bringing the forms that we see in the chroma
chroma. So, wee can say that the chroma forms are
result of the act of formative forces that previously acted in the sample.
One negative point of using sodium is its great internal energy, which could be
dissolving the sample, breaking and destroying the substances and forces present
therein. Therefore a special care must be taken with its concentration and extract
extraction time.
Another negative point is your chemically active in the reaction, being able to react with
the forces and substances, altering them and generating a false image.
Another option proposed by Pfeiffer as extractive reagent would be potassium
chloride - KCl. Potassium is also a substance with great internal energy and dissolving
power, greater than sodium. However, unlike sodium, it dissolves the substances and does
not back to a center, it dissolves and dissipates the substances. It could react with the
sample, dissolving it and making the substances and forces more fluid and mobile, with
greater ability to run through the filter. Chlorine would be present as a counterpoint,
because has a strong structuring ability, to bring form and structure to liquid
liqu substances, it
would contribute to form formation. Figure 3 shows chromas of the same compost that
reacted with NaOH (right) and KCl (left), made at same concentration and same day.

Figure 3. Chromas of the same compost that reacted with NaOH (right) and KCl (left),.

The second reaction, which occurs in parallel with the first, is the impregnation or
sensitization of the circular filter paper with a solution of silver nitrate - AgNO3. This
impregnation happens by capillarity phenomenon, which occurs when a liquid solution
travels through the pores of a solid material,, in this case the filter paper. The 0.5% AgNO3
will impregnate the filter from the center until a mark at 4 cm radius.. Upon reaching this

mark the filter is removed from contact with the AgNO3 solution and placed in box to
drying for 3 hours, without contact with the light. After this time, the sample reacted with
NaOH will run thru this sensitized filter paper, from the center of filter until a mark at 6 cm
radius. The reaction ends in 5 to 7 days, when the chroma stays in contact with indirect
light, revealing its colors and forms.
Silver is a metallic element, with the greatest ability to conduct heat and electricity
in metals. Because it is very malleable is used to manufacture jewellery and musical
instruments, for its ability to make sound repertoire in pure form. Its most striking feature
is noticed in mirror, silver creates the most perfect mirrors, which reflects the most faithful
image. In living things is toxic at low concentrations. But its salts are absorbed by human
body and deposited in skin, mucous membranes and especially in our sense organs and
brain. Hauschka said "the silver process works on a higher plane in the brain, the organ
that enables us to reproduce thoughts and mirror the word in our conceptual life".
Another notable quality of silver is its relation to light. Silver salts are extremely
sensitive to light, which provided the photograph creation. The principle of photography
was described by L. Kolisko "The slides are covered with a thin film of silver salt and
exposed to the light. The chemical reaction takes place, the silver returns to its metallic
state. This only becomes apparent after the developing process. The exposed slide contains
the effects of light on the silver salt. We develop these light influences in the dark room
with special developing and fixing solutions. The silver returns easily to its metallic state,
it is easily "reduced," speaking in terms of chemistry".
In all uses and processes involving silver the characteristics of mirroring and light
sensitivity are present, as well as in the chromatography. When we impregnate the filter
paper with the AgNO3 solution and leave it in a dark box for drying, we are creating a thin
silver film on the paper, as in photograph slide. When the sample runs on this silver film
there is immediate formation of silver hydroxide (AgOH), a relatively unstable substance,
which quickly forms a precipitate of silver oxide (Ag2O) (Pfeiffer, 1984). This silver oxide
reacts with light revealing dark coloration. The minerals, organic molecules, proteins,
vitamins and humic substances contained in the sample react with silver, forming
complexes that result in different colours, forms and secondary structures such as arrows,
zones and circles. For example, samples with higher concentration of nitrogen solubilize
silver oxide, forming the Amin silver complex [Ag(NH3)2]+ which results in a white
coloration in the central zone of chroma.
Kolisko studied the relation between metals, earth, cosmos and human being,
demonstrated that "silver is a metal which has in itself a hidden power of formative force
which we do not find in any of the other metals in the same strength". By containing this
great power of reflection and formation, silver could bring into visible form the hidden
forces from the sample. The formative forces that acted in sample formation and
characteristics would be reflected and revealed by the silver in the forms and colours of the
chroma. In Figure 4, the effect of AgNO3 can be observed. The same compost sample run
on a paper sensitized with AgNO3 and another paper not sensitized. Without AgNO3
presence there would be no revelation of the forms and colours, the process would not be

Figure 4. AgNO3 effect on chromatography. The same compost sample reacted with NaOH
and run on AgNO3-sensitized
sensitized filter paper (left) and non
sensitized filter paper (right).

The silver in this proce

process don’tt act alone the nitrate contributes, bringing the
formative forces near to silver, so that they can be revealed. As quoted in the third
conference of the agricultural course: ""Nitrogen
Nitrogen is the great tug of living towards spiritual
... he is truly the bearer of sensibility
After studying all these characteristics and forces present iin n sodium, silver and
nitrogen, you can think that they are responsible for the forms and colours colo revealed in
chroma. After the he observation of Figure 5, it is noted that this is not possible.

Figure 5. Chroma of pure solution of AgNO3 (left) and chroma of NaOH solution that ran
on filter paper impregnated with AgNO3 (right).

The colours and forms of chroma are the mark of sample substances and forces.forces ,
each chroma is unique as it reveals unique shapes and colo
rs of the sample. Despite these
unique patterns, thee chrome presents repeatability. It is an important
mportant prerequisite
pre for the
use of chroma in academic studies
studies. In this work, all the chromas presented have 3
simultaneous replicates, that is, for each NaOH mixture with soil 3 chroma
chromas were made.

I need to comment that, for anthroposophy silver has a great relation with the moon.
"The moon itself has the strange quality that it continually reflects the light which comes
from the sun and all the other planets." This ability to reflect the light and others moon’s
characteristics is closely related to silver qualities. L. Kolisko in 'Silver and the Moon'
presents a vast study of this relation. In experiments with capillary dynamolysis made with
pure silver salts, without samples for more than 10 years, she showed that depending on
the moon phase, month and time of year the revealed images had different characteristics.
The silver salts would be the mirror of cosmos, in their relation to the moon, silver would
be reflect the influence of cosmos. It is understood that ‘cosmos’ is composed of stars and
planets with movement, forces and light that act on earth, and that is spiritual entities and
consciousness behind these movements and forces. The visible planets and stars are only
the physical body of these spiritual forces. So in using the expression 'cosmos' it refers to
the physical and spiritual that reside there and act on earth.
After read these work a question arises: could this relation with silver and cosmos
interfere in the images of chromatography? Can one compare chrome made on different
month or even different days? It can be affirmed that no, because of capillary dynamolysis
process is performed in vertical form, much more sensitive to cosmos effects than the
horizontal capillary method in chromatography. And no because in chromatography
reactions occur with NaOH, revealing only the sample characteristics. Or it can be said yes,
silver would reveal in chroma always a mark of cosmos. The concrete answer to this
question requires full and long-term studies, which have not been developed until now. So
for these doubts do not interfere in the interpretation process, all chromas that we compare
here were always done in the same day. To guarantee that just unique characteristics of
samples can be identified.
Besides the chromas being unique, representing unique forms and colours from
samples, there are general characteristic patterns for each substance group. For example,
soil chromas are similar to each other, with similar general characteristics, but very
different from chroma of milk or compost. Over time these general characteristics become
clearer and the specificities more apparent. By observing, describing and re-experimenting
the forms and colours of chroma it is possible to perceive specificities of each chroma and
relate with forces that originated the sample. Re-experiencing or reliving the forms can be
done through drawings, sculptures, gestures or even by creating symbols, “art create a
non-rational bridge up forces”.

Forms, colours and patterns of chromatography

When a person looks for the first time a chroma, he asks the person who does the
chroma: what is it? After briefly explaining about the process, the next question is always:
what is it made? In general, it responds quickly: it is soil, compost, potato and so on. The
moment that this last answer arrives, all thinking and curiosity about what that would be
ends. The door to the 'thinking' that a question opens closes very quickly. The person got
the answer and no longer needs to think about it. But what would happen if you visualized
3 chromas without knowing what they are, as in the pictures below, and someone asked
What are made theses
eses chromas

Figure 6. Chromass 1, 2 and 3.

Providing 5 options may be easier. In the image above the options are chromas c
made from compost,, soil, apple, potato or milk. Soon thinking is activated. “everyone
knows an apple, a potato and the soil, but this image shows something I've never noticednoticed”.
It is possible to advance in the thinking, reflecting on milk characteristics,
characteristics its constituents,
function and importance for nutrition. Would be possible to associate these the characteristics
with the chroma? Associate forms and colours with functions and nd uses of materials?
In theory, yes. Characteristics, functions, uses and components present presents in the
material that created the chroma are closely related to the forces of thiss material. When we
reflect on these functions and characteristics or try to revive the forces that this material
contains, it would be possible to find this connection between material and forms of
chroma.. Let me give you an example.
Milk has a very speci
special role for mothers and children, "milk milk is iron-free
iron blood"
Steiner said. A food generated by the mother to feed your child body,, the first food brought
from outside into the newborn organism. It contains fewer minerals when compared to the
soil, but a lot of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and enzymes, in a liquid form. The soil
in contraposition is solid, it contains a big mineral part and humic substances. Its I proteic
and enzymatic part comes from the organ organisms that grow there.. The soil also has a very
special function, as described in the second lecture of the agricultural course ""a living
organ in the agricultural individuality
individuality" and "the center of the plants, the earth diaphragm".
The intermediary between cosmic forces and life on earth, feeding the earth and plants
with the forces that comes from the cosmos. It radiating
adiating out these forces.
We can say that the function or mission of milk and soil are almost opposite. The
soil radiates forces from itself to outside,, feeding plants and soil. Already the milk radiates
forces from outside to inside, feeding the animal and human organism. These two ways of
irradiation can be observed in the chrom
chroma,, by the direction that the channels radiate (Figure
7). In the soil the channels (which look like arrows) grow from the center to the border, in
the milk the channels grow from the border towards the center. This general form of
chroma, or tendency of irradiation, reflects the mission of the material or the macro-cosmic
relationship with earth, cosmos and other living beings. In the example, both have the
mission of feed and nourish, but milk feeds the body with materiality and vitality, while
the soil nourishes the earth with cosmic forces.

Figure 7. Trend of irradia
tion of the soil chrome (left) and milk (right).

The specific relation of the sam

sample with the landscape, with the growth conditions
or with specific forces of the time of the year can be micro-cosmic
cosmic influence.
influence This micro-
cosmic relationship can be observ
observed in chroma in more specific patterns, such as in the
presence and forms of channels, spines and concentric rings in the middle of the chroma.
This specific patterns contributing to understand and differentiate chrom chromas made of the
same group of materials. For example, in the differentiation of different soil types or soils
collected at different times in the year, as will be presented later in this work.
The chroma interpretation involves the image description, to standardize this
description we use names for the typical forms observed (Figure 8).. First we separate the
chroma into 3 zones: central zone (a), inner zone (b) and outer zone (c). The forms found
in the inner zone are called ‘channels’ and ‘concentric rings’ and the form represent the
channel thatt advances throw outer zone is called ‘spike’.

Figure 8. Zones and forms of soil chroma:: central zone (a), inner zone (b) and outer zone
(c), channels, concentric rings and spi

For each zone and shape found in chroma, general characteristics and ffunctions of
soil can be related. By the central zone pass all the substances and are distributed in the

chroma, the first reactions with the silver occur here and the formation of silver oxides is
more intense. This zone is also called ‘aeration zone’, because reflects the aeration
conditions and the presence of nitrogen. Soils with little aeration and tendency to anaerobic
metabolism would have dark zone, and aerobic soils present a yellow coloration and
cream. In soils with a high presence of soluble nitrogen this zone assumes white coloration.
The inner zone, called the ‘mineral and organic matter zone’, concentrates the
reactions with minerals and humus of the soil. The concentric rings present in this zone
indicate the presence of soluble minerals, if they are detached and without integration with
other rings, may be indicative an excess of soluble minerals. Already when rings are
integrated and the colours evolve continuously, it indicates that the minerals are in
equilibrium and present in the form of humus-clay complexes. The humus accumulates at
the end of this zone, giving brown colours, if the brown colour evolves from beginning to
end of the zone in continuous way indicates that the humus is integrated with the minerals
and available for the plants. If the brown coloration is disconnected from the more inner
zone indicates that humus is immobilized.
The outer zone is the expression of complex substances of high molecular weight,
such as proteins, enzymes and vitamins (Pfeiffer, 1984). Substances created by metabolism
of microorganisms present in soils, therefore indicate the biodiversity of the soil. This zone
is very connected with the presence and distribution of canals and spikes. The number and
the rhythmic form and distribution of channels represent the balance of soil
microorganisms. In addition, the channels are a pattern of the integration between all
zones. Soils with a balance and integration between mineral, humus and microorganisms
fractions present channels that start in the central zone and go to the external zone.

Life and rhythm

“Rhythmus trägt Leben” R. Steiner

Rhythm is the mark of life. Every living process has its own rhythm like birth and
dying, winter and summer, sleeping and waking, rains and droughts, butterfly and
chrysalis, germinating and maturing, as well as many others nature phenomena. "Life
respects the harmony that rhythm brings, only with harmony can life exist on earth". This
rhythm exists due to earth characteristics and has an intense relation with the cosmos that
circulates us. The soil as an organ that makes the connection between cosmos and earthly
life present an annual rhythm. This soil rhythm varies according to the soil type,
meteorological changes that occur throughout the year and human work. Varies according
to the region that this soil is in the world, soils of Rio de Janeiro present a very different
rhythm from soils of Bad Vilbel.
But then what would be life? We usually relate life to living things on earth, plants,
animals, humans, insects, micro-organisms and so on. Spiritual science tells us that the life
of living beings is brought by the etheric body or vital body, present in plants, animals and
man. Point of differentiation between mineral and plants. But could this life be present in
minerals? For example, minerals in the earth's mantle in liquid form, in constant motion,
potential to form new rocks, are active, basic characteristic of living beings. This vital
body is related to the ether or the ‘etheric’ that is present on earth and in universe, always
around us. This ether can be divided, for better understanding and study, into four ethers
according to specific characteristics and effects. They are warmth ether, the light ether, the
chemical or sound ether and the life ether. These ethers act on matter in a number of ways.
For example, in living beings, which contains a vital body, the ether acts from inside
thought etheric body, wherever in minerals these ethers are acting from the outside. The
ethers that surround us are not visible to sensory vision, but we perceive its existence
through its activity and effects on physical and sensible world.
What, then, would be these effects of ether? We know that every activity and effect
happen because performance of forces, in physical and spiritual spheres. Steiner said "the
etheric body is the architect and builder of the physical body", indicating another
performance of the etheric. In addition to bringing life, it brings the forms into the physical
world. These forms arise in the physical world through the action of the etheric forces,
called formative or shaping forces. These forces are generated by the action of the cosmos
on the ether. When we see the effect of these forces on the physical world, we cannot
differentiate what is formative force from what is ether, so we say that it is the action of
ether and forces together. It is only by supra-sensible vision that it is possible to
differentiate them. The most important thing is not to forget that in every physical form we
observe there is the performance of formative forces together with ethers and cosmos. We
could then deduce that the ether is the creator of all forms. But it was a mistake. For the
ether is the builder and architect, the force that generates form, but the idea behind the
design, the reason that the physical has the form it has today does not come from the ether.
This idea or consciousness for the forms of the physical comes from the cosmos, from the
spiritual entities that inhabit the cosmos.
Returning to the central theme, what would be the relationship between
chromatography and soil life? According to the definitions given above, life is a character
of the etheric body and it cannot be perceived by my sensory organs. But the effect of the
etheric can be observed in physical forms that arise from the formative forces. Thus we can
say that life perception can occur in form perception. By all the explanations given about
the principles, methodology and uses of chromatography it would be possible to say that it
contributes to form perception and, consequently, of formative forces of life and soil.

Rhythm of soil and plants throughout the year

The soil rhythm is perceived in the change of its characteristics and forms that
change according to climate, landscape, type of soil, culture that develop there, human
work use, among other factors. In order to work this perception, we propose the creation of
‘own images’, through the detailed description of the observations of nature, its
characteristics and forms, from different points of view. Like a process of dialogue
between me and what I am studying. Dialogue that aims to make the perception process
active. From these images, developed sequentially throughout the year, one seeks the
understanding of the context, of a whole. When these images are placed side by side it is
possible to have more than pictures or photographs of moments, it is also possible to
contemplate a film of the development of soil and plant throughout the year.

Four groups of images were developed about soil and plants rhythm throughout the
year. The first group regarding formation, classification and physical characteristics of
soils. The second general rhythm of soils throughout the seasons. The third with images are
the development of plants and soil for each area. The four group show the results of the pH
analysis, nitrogen soil moisture. Four cultivation areas of Dottenfelderhof farm were
chosen, according to different soil types, location in the landscape and crops implanted
according to crop rotation:
1 - Heide: eroded Ultisol, originating from Loess; Planting of winter wheat.
2 - Himmel acker Strasse: Ultisol originating from silty-silty sediment; Planting of
legumes, grasses and herbs for animal feed.
3 - Hölle II: Ultisol originated from clay-sandy sediment; Planting with of rye.
4 - Nidda acker: Gleysol near the River Nidda; Planting of beet for animal feed.

Formation, classification and soil morphological characteristics

A first step in understanding soils is understand their physical part, related to their
geology and formation processes, which resulted in the soil type and characteristics that we
observe today. The location in the landscape or topography of each area on the farm, as
shown in figure 9, indicates a dynamic between the areas, important in the formation of
these soils.

Figure 9. Schematic distribution of the four areas in topography and heights relative to the
Nidda river level in Dottenfelderhof farm. *River is 100 m above sea level.

The original rock of the region is loess (in German Lößlehm), which corresponds to
a continental deposit accumulated by wind, during the last interglacial periods of the
Quaternary. This loess has undergone different processes of weathering, erosion and
consequent soil formation, since its first deposition. To understand the most recent
formation of the farm soils, a brief history must be told, as did Martim von Mackensen at
the beginning of the Landbauschule class:
"Let's turn our imagination to 2000 years ago, when the first great civilization
dominated the region and caused an intense change in the landscape. The Roman empire
was responsible for the creation of the first cities and the famous thermal baths popular in
this region of crystalline water sources, but they needed a lot of firewood. This resulted in
the cutting of original forest that dominated the landscape and mountains of the region.
This large deforestation gave rise to an incredible wind erosion process, generating the
accumulation of almost 2 meters of sediment on the original soil. A huge volume of soil

and sediment accumulated in just 2000 years, incredible thing". This story is backed by
studies and facts, including an event at the Dottenfelderhof farm itself. During the
construction of the subsoil of present cheesery at 2 meters depth, below the current soil and
red-yellow sediments was found a layer of almost 30 cm of black soil, rich in calcium and
with remains of Roman objects. It portrays the sediments deposition located in the lower
parts of farm, such as Hölle, Feldgarten, PfafferWald, Nidda, pastures and the whole site.
The area Hölle received clay-sandy sediments, a colluvial erosion of several
surrounding hills, including from areas Heide and Himmel acker. The Heide area, which is
located in the highest part of the landscape, lost its source material that was deposited in
the Himmel acker, clay-silt sediments. The Nidda area received colluvial and fluvial
sediments, due to its proximity to the Nidda River. The result of this sediments dynamic is
the formation of very different soils, that change completely in a few meters.
The soils of Nidda acker are classified as Gleysols, with appearance of mottles at
40 cm depth and Gley horizon at 50 cm. Clay-textured, with 60% clay, 15% silt and 25%
sand. With almost 3% organic matter and nutrient level good to high and in this year
excess soluble nitrogen. The 5-30 cm layer presents structure in large angular blocks and
coloration. Due to the high concentration of clay, sub-surface water and proximity to the
river, they maintain humidity for a long period, but when is dry became very hard. In times
with excessive rains can raise the water level to surface. The management of the soil is
done with care to avoid formation of compacted layers and losses in structure. Organic
waste decomposition and mineralization rate is slower in this area.
The soils of Heide, Himmel acker and Hölle are classified as Ultisols or Argisols
(in the German Parabraunerde), because they have a Bt horizon, with clay accumulation
about 40 cm depth. Although they have the same classification, they have very different
characteristics, which give to each soil a different relationship with plants, organisms,
microorganisms, organic matter and with the 4 elements, warm, air, water and earth.
Heide soils presents 50% clay fraction, 20% silt and 30% sand, classified as clayey
texture, about 2.90% organic matter and nutrient level at a good or high level. In the layer
of 5-30 cm presents structure of angular blocks, medium, red-yellow color. With these
characteristics it is a soil with good capacity to form stable aggregates and maintain the
organic matter, but special care is taken in the soil work to not cause compactation and
formation of sub-surface compacted layers. In recent years, the soil work has been reduced
in depth, only every 6 years a deep plowing is done to keep aggregates and humus stable.
Himmel acker Strasse presents 40% of clay, 30% of silt and 30% of sand, being
clay-silty texture, with about 2.70% organic matter and good nutrient level, with slight
potassium deficiency. Have a granular or cracked structure, yellowish-gray colour. Due to
the high silt content it is difficult to form aggregates and permanent structure, as well as to
create complexes with humus. Is a soil with high activity where you can see the rapid
decomposition of humus and vegetable remains. The soil work has special attention,
because if done in non-favourable times don’t have results, the soil loses its aeration and
structure easily.
Hölle presents 40% clay, 20% silt and 40% sand, being loamy clay, about 2.20%
organic matter and nutrient level good to medium. In the layer of 5-30 cm presents
granular structure or small angular blocks, yellow-red coloration. For being a more sandy

soil the formation of stable aggregates and humus is difficult. Soil preparation is apparently
easier, but if left unattended, it causes aggregate destruction, rapid mineralization of
organic matter and clay leaching to deep soil layers.

General soils rhythm throughout the seasons

For central Europe conditions intensive cultivated soils (in German ackerbau)
present a similar annual rhythm, as approached by Manfred Klett in the lectures of
JanuarKurs from Landbauschule Dottenfelderhof. This annual rhythm can be more or less
intensive according to the region and soil type. It is variable according atmospheric
physical factors such as temperature, humidity and precipitation and cosmic factors such as
solar incidence and influence of the moon, planets and other stars.
Observing the atmospheric and soil temperature (Graph 2), during the period from
September 2016 to August 2017, the variation between the seasons is clearly. In winter,
from end of November, minimum atmospheric and soil temperatures were negative,
indicating the beginning of the frost period and the crystallization of water and soil
minerals. It was during the months of December and January that the cold intensified, the
soil was frozen for 24 days continuously in the turn of the year. And other freezing and
thawing cycles occurred in these 2 months. With the arrival of spring, in end February and
March, there was a constant temperature rise and few rains. Already the month of April
surprised everyone, bringing late frost. In May temperatures reached their peak, above 30
degrees, with few rains. The summer, from June to August, can be characterized as mild,
by the constant oscillation of temperatures and rains.
Another physical factor is soil moisture (Graph 1). The beginning of winter is
marked by an increase in humidity, the field capacity reaches 100%. This humidity
remains high until the spring arrival when begins to decrease and present variations as a
result of rains. August showed an increase in humidity due to heavy rains at the beginning
of the month.

Graph 1. Soil moisture of 0-60 cm depth from September 2016 to August 2017.

*nFC: Soil Capacity above grass; Fonte: Wetterfax für die Landwirtschaft, reference Frankfurt am Main.

The curve that soil moisture presents throughout the year follows the inverse trend
of the temperature curve and duration of day. In decrease of day duration, solar incidence
and temperatures, the rate of water losses in soil decreases and the water begins to
accumulate in soil. In winter the solar incidence is in average 3 hours per day. As the
relationship between water and air on soil pores is direct, so a soil saturated by water does
not present air. When reaching sufficient low temperatures all the soil, including water,
humus and minerals froze, become crystals. This crystallization force transforms every
liquid form into solid, densifying matter, concentrating it and bringing into a center. This
concentration is also an individualization process, when matter closes in itself and does not
relate to those around it, characteristic of every solid element. The earthly lives as plants,
microorganisms and animals, cannot grow and feed in crystals, need water. We can say
that soil reaches in winter your great individualization point in relation to the Earth. It is
gathered inside of itself. But it is not static all frozen and thawing cycles during winter
(crystal formation and solubilisation) bring movement to the minerals. The process of soil
and structures formation is occurring actively. All these physical process underlie what
spiritual science has to say about winter forces.
In this soil formation process, the formative forces are acting on the minerals,
formative forces are always together to ether, life carrier. We can say that minerals are
alive. "The Earth is most inwardly alive in winter-time", said Steiner in the agriculture
course. While the life of the earth above the ground is dormant, emancipated from the
minerals "the plants at this time are most left to themselves within the Earth". This
vivification of soil in winter is very important for the horn-manure prepation. And more,
"the mineral substances must emancipate themselves from what is working immediately
above the surface of the Earth, if they wish to be exposed to the most distant cosmic forces
... This is the season when the strongest formative-forces of crystallization, The strongest
forces of form, can be developed for the mineral substances within the Earth. It is in the
middle of the winter. The interior of the Earth then has the property of being least
dependent on itself - on its own mineral masses; It comes under the influence of the
crystal-forming forces that are there in the wide spaces of the Cosmos", Steiner said. The
cosmos flow trough soil minerals in winter, its forces accumulate to be then radiated
throughout spring and summer.
Spring represents the unfolding of forms in nature, the awakening of living beings
in and on the ground. In soil, the crystals formed in winter dissolves, the water returns to
the liquid state and begins to give space to the air. In these soil colloids bacteria and other
microorganisms alive become active, initiating a process of humus formation. On the soil
surface, buds begin to bloom, animals and insects become more active, and in few weeks
the green spreads through nature. Formative forces act both on and off the ground, a
balance of vitality.
The summer characteristics are opposed to winter. Temperatures are high, the days
long, the speed of soil water loss is high and soil humidity varies with precipitation. The
soil formation that was intense in the winter, here can occur the destructuring and loss of
soil. The soil pores present air and water in balance. Conditions for develop of life and
forms of nature. Plants, animals, insects, microorganisms and living things that we observe
are active. In soil, macro-fauna and microorganisms accelerate decomposition and

mineralization of humus and materials, releasing nutrients in the soil solution, feeding
plants and other beings. The dynamics between minerals, humus, plants and animals is
intense. Soil and plant are united in growth. Earth life is concentrated in what grows above
soil surface. The activity of soil is concentred in feeding earth life. The soil gives its
vitality to what grows in itself. Formative forces are acting intensively on all these forms of
life, not so much on the soil minerals.
Autumn is marked by falling temperatures, increasing soil moisture. There is again
a vitality balance, between what is above and below ground. Plants begin to lose their
forms, walk to death after the maturation of summer, the trees lose their leaves and move
their energies to roots. Soil prepares for winter. The microbial life lost its activity in
function of temperature and soil moisture. Therefore, soil preparation is recommended, as
it does not generate losses of humus by mineralization. The preparation breaks the soil
structure, generates the chaos, a new beginning. Trough this chaos forces of crystallization
and of cosmos can act, initiating a new annual cycle.

Development of plants and soil throughout the year

The monitoring process in each area was done on a constant basis. It started in
October 2016, after harvesting the crops or soil preparing. And it ended in early August
2017, when the grain harvest was over and a new cycle was about to begin.

1 - Heide
In the year 2015 and 2016 the area was implanted with a mix of alfalfa, grasses and
herbs for animal feed, current moment of crop rotation of area Himmel acker Strasse. In
September 2016 the soil was prepared with elimination and incorporation of the plant mix
and in October it was surface plowed at 12 cm depth (Figure 10). In November the winter
wheat was sown, but followed by a period without rain. After almost two weeks and a few
rains, the wheat began to absorb water and to throw its first root into the soil and the first
leaf into the air (Figure 10). After this first leaf was released, in some plants until the
second leaf, the winter arrived with intensity, bringing frost and the soil crystallisation. The
small plants stopped their development. The wheat entered a state of dormancy, detaching
itself from the soil that went through a freezing and thawing cycle.
Reindeers and rabbits wandered through the area and fed on these small leaves, but
without killing the plants. In mid-February the soil thawed and the plants took a new boost
for growth. They threw the third and fourth leaves and cast their tiller. In less than 2 weeks
they reached the rosette state in mid-March. As the leaves developed above the ground,
below the roots grew and formed a mass reaching 20 cm deep. The soil structure changed
after winter, in superficial layer small angular blocks appeared interspersed by roots, and
until the 30 cm of depth average angular blocks were observed. At this time an impulse to
soil life arose and many earthworms and other fauna insects dominated the open profiles.
The heat at the beginning of April stimulated the stretching of the tillers, and the
frost in the middle of the month slowed down this growth. The roots formed a mass that
dominated the soil and grew deeper than soil profiles. May was marked by an intense
growth of wheat. The end of elongation and the rise of the ear, bringing to surface between
the ‘flag leaf’ the green ear of wheat in full bloom.

Figure 10. Heide area in September (a), December (b), end February (c), April (d),
beginning June (e), end of July (f) and development of wheat germination in December (g),
1 leaf stage in January and February (h), tillering in April (i), ear development in June (j)
and maturation in July (k).
uly witnessed the filling of wheat grains, which fattened the ear that stood erect,
always pointing toward the sky. The soil under
went periods of drying and wetness.
wetness Many
insects of macro and micro fauna were observed in soil. In June the already formed and
large grains began maturation process,, the plant translocated its forces to these grains and
the drying of leaves began from the bottom up, the senescence or death began. Over the
earth the roots mass that dominated the soil, which were the bridges between the soil food
and plant, detached themselves from the upper plant part.. They also entered a death
process, delivering their ene
energy and structure to soil microorganisms, for a new beginning
of life. Death always brings more life
life. Root gave itself to soil, feeding it.
it Plants give itself
to its seeds.. Within 2 weeks the wheat was dry, the earlobe that once indicated the sky
turned downward, as sayinging "I am ready to deliver my grains to earth"". Harvest moment,
which occurred at end of July.

2 - Himmel acker Strasse

In the year 2015 was planted the mix of red clover, grasses and herbs for animal
feed. In 2016 the area was cut 3 times for hay and fresh feed of animals. In 2017 it was in
its second year of use. Figure 11 shows the general view of the area during the year
yea 2017,
in periods between cuts.

Figure 11.. View of the Himmel acker Strasse area in April (a), June (b), August (c) and
treble ground cutting in April (d).

In November 2016 clover plants were well established, but few grasses and other
plants were observed.
bserved. The last cut of the year had been made at 5 cm high, and the plants
had grown little since then. But it
its roots dominated the initial 15 cm of soil, in smaller

volume they extended to a greater depth. In the months of December, January and
February the plants and their roots developed little, they entered a dormancy, accumulating
their energies while the soil crystallized. The end of February brought permanent soil
thawing and earthworms dominated this soil, feeding on soil and compost that had been
applied in the previous year. Despite the great formative strength of winter, the soil
structure did not change much, there was no formation of block structure, soil remained as
a uniform layer with granular structure, related to the silt content. The clover plants began
to shed more leafs and grows; the first new leaves of grasses were noticed. March and
April were marked by an incredible development of plants above ground, which closed its
surface, forming a green and juicy carpet. The same occurred in the soil, clover roots in the
upper part of soil formed a mass and the active nodules of biological nitrogen fixation were
observed. In greater depth the grass roots and herbs developed.
In April and May, when the leaves were 40 cm, the first cut was started. The
highest proportion of green mass cut off was red clover, new leaves of grasses and grasses
were observed in lesser quantity. Half of the area was cut for fresh feed the other part was
cut for hay or intended for composting. After cutting a new growth boost was observed in
clover plants and also in grasses and herbs that need light to develop. The green mass of
plants that developed in this new impulse presented a more balanced proportion of clover,
grasses and herbs. The heat, humidity and long days of May and June contributed to this
impulse. In July another cut was carried out amidst the flowering of clover plants. The
image of August shows half of the cut area and the other half with clover in full bloom
(Figure 11). Due to this intense movement of machinery for the cut, lines were formed
where the wheels of the tractor passed continuously. In these lines, cracked structures were
formed in the soil, indicative of the compacting process. In the areas outside these lines the
soil was maintained with the characteristic granular structure, without any indication of
compaction. A final cut will be made and the soil will be prepared and plant mix
incorporated into the soil. Feeding the life and the crops that will arise in the crop rotation.

3 - Hölle II
In the year of 2016 the area was cultivated with winter wheat, current moment of
crop rotation at the area Heide. The wheat harvest was in July and in August the soil was
prepared with surface plowing at 10 cm depth. In October the area was sown with rye,
followed by a rain that brought moisture to soil and stimulated seeds germination. They
threw their roots and the first leaf in less than a week. In November rye plants already had
3 to 4 open leaves and in average 10 roots, that occupied the initial 5 cm of soil. Although
the temperatures and the hours of sunshine diminished, the small plants continued to
develop. In mid-December, when the frost arrived and ice crystals covered the soil (Figure
12), the first tiller began to appear.
With winter intensification, the plant development speed slowed but did not stop
completely. During periods when the soil thawed, the plants took advantage of it and threw
a few more tillers, patiently, slowly one after another during December, January and
February (Figure 12. Thus, at the end of February the plants were with the tassels formed,
opened in rosette, covering the soil with green. The roots reached 30 cm deep and the life
of the soil organisms intensified around these roots.

Figure 12. View of Hölle II area in December (a), May (b), rye falling in June (c) and July
(d) and growth of rye on 3-leaf stage in December (e), tillering in February (f), flowering
in May (g), ear development in June (h) and maturation in July (i).

In March and April, with increasing hours of sunshine and temperature, the plants
began to along the tillers. It was an explosion in vertical growth, a less than 2 weeks the
plants reached 1 meter in height, after another 3 weeks they were already 2 meters. The ear
was on its way among the curled stem leaves, in early May the first ears sprang out of the
flag leaf, received by the strong sun of this month, blooming.
In May the roots also exploded in growth, a mass dominated the initial soil layers
and may have reached 2 meters deep. Still in May due to heavy rains, winds, the size of the
plants, brittle stem structure and factors linked to soil and cultivation method almost the
entire area falling over early. The stems did not crack, they doubled, the fibers remained
united and the roots continued to bridge soil and plant, feeding the development of the ear.
After the falling a layer accumulated cereal, contributing to maintenance of soil moisture,
more insects, earthworms and microorganisms were noticed in this layer and in soil. Still at
the end of May and June, the grains began to grow, swelling, accumulating water and
minerals, milky. By mid-June the plant appeared to translocate nutrients from its leaves to
the grains, the characteristic bluish-green colour of rye began to give way to yellow. New
roots were no longer produced, and in observing the soil, instead of white, new and active
roots, there were only yellowish, older roots.
At the beginning of July the rye was already dry, its leaves yellow, maturation had
brought energies from plant to the seeds, grain. The plant died to form the grains a last
impulse to these seeds generated new plants and could feed other live beings. By mid-July
were harvest despite the falling of almost entire area, and straw was rolled up and stored.

4 - Nidda Acker
In 2016 was cultivated rye, current moment of crop rotation that is the Hölle II. The
rye was harvested in July and in the middle of August fertilization was carried out with the
bed of the cow stall (Stiffstall), in the order of 300 kg Nitrogen/ha. This bed of cows
consists in a mixture of manure and straw accumulated during the cold 6 months in which
the cows are inside stall, this mixture undergoing a composting process during the warm
months, to be then applied in field. After fertilization the soil was plow at a depth of 15
cm. A mixture of green manures (serracene wheat, mustard, grasses, sunflower and others)
was raised and sown. Due to a dry period after sowing of this mixture, germination was
poor and the plants did not develop to cover soil before the first frost. Thus, the view of the
area in December, January and February (Figure 13) was of a light soil cover from rye.
As in Hölle II rye developed rapidly, covering the soil in March. The lives of
microorganisms and fauna, especially the earthworms, awoke among the rye roots, feeding
on the last manure and straw that were still visible in soil. But as the goal was not the
cultivation of rye, in the end of March soil was continuously prepared until it could receive
the new crops. The entire plants and roots mass was broken and incorporated into the soil,
a rich material that was quickly digested by soil organisms. In the first week of April the
first plantings of root crops were made, carrots for seed production and early potatoes. But
most of the area remained at rest, waiting the ideal planting season. The area in which
profiles and soil collections were made, remained in rest throughout April.

Figure 13. View of Nidda area in December (a), March (b), April (c), May (d), June (e) and
August (f); development
evelopment of roots and plants consortium in March (a) and April (b) and beet
for cows feed in June (c), July (d) and August (e).

The plants were not fully incorporated and grew again, covering the soil and
creating new roots. The soil at this time presented a really beautiful structure (Figure 13),
small angular blocks enveloped by white roots in the first 10 cm, followed by large angular
blocks formed up to 30 cm, with the presence of many roots and no evidence of compacted
layer. The roots grew through the rests of manure and straw, dominated earthworms
channels, as if these channels were roads to the roots. Many earthworms were seen.
In May the soil was re-prepared continuously, the plants and roots were
incorporated, and uncovered soil strips took the view, of what was once a green mass of
plants. The plants green juicy and their roots quickly disappeared in middle of so much soil
life. Irrigation was permanently set up so that beet planting for cows feed could be made.
At the end of May, the beet seedlings were transplanted thanks to a great joint work
('mutirão' as we say in Brazil) among us students of Landbauschule and Walford school of
Kassel. It took 2 weeks of intense work to plant the 2.5 ha of beet. These seedlings were
received in a clean soil, prepared in such a way that the soil structure was not thin, with
small blocks on the ground. Irrigation was performed whenever necessary, so that small
plants did not suffer due to lack of water. After 2 weeks the seedlings had already released
new roots and new leaves appeared among the old ones. The constantly moist and full
active soil and nutrients provided to these small plants all the food they needed.
By mid-June, one month after planting, the plants were in full growth, with a height
of 30 cm above the ground full of large, vital green leaves. Its main pivotal root was deep
more than 20 cm and secondary roots, white and active, were launched in several
directions. By July the plants had closed the soil surface, with large, broad leaves leaning
against each other. The main root started the secondary growth, fattening and accumulating
substances and water in the region near the soil surface. This secondary growth was rapid,
at 1 month some plants already had roots with 20 cm of height and 15 cm of width. An
explosion of growth so great that the soil could not hold them inside, the roots needed
space and the plants were pushed up from the ground. The soil with its structure formed
over 1 year was transformed and opened by the fat roots. In August this lateral root growth
continued, but not as intense as July. Some plants fell as they were pushed out of the
ground, waiting for the harvest time, which is expected to occur in October.

Analysis of pH, nitrogen and soil moisture

In order to carry out these analyzes, soil samples were collected in 6 periods:
November and December 2016, February, April, May and July, 2017. At depth of 0-10 cm,
10-20 cm and 20-30 cm. Samples were taken to laboratory for moisture and nitrate
determination. Subsequent drying on the bench, maceration, sifting in 0.053 mm sieve and
storage. Then, pH was determined in H2O. The results of these quantitative laboratory
analyzes are presented in Table 1.
The results are closely related to temperature and humidity presented above. Soil
Moisture and pH values show the same trends in all areas, rising in winter and decreasing
in summer. The variation was small, so it would be not much commented. Nitrogen
apparently does not follow a trend. It can be associated to the fertilization and rotation
moments and the differed plants in each area.

Table 1. Soil Humidity, pH in H2O, Nitrogen from 4 areas collected from November 2016
to July 2017.
November Dezember February April Mai July
Heide Moisture (%) 16,65 17,02 19,5 16,2 15,22 15,0
pH H2O 6,67 7,1 7,10 6,67 6,55 6,4
N (kg/ha) 81
Himmel Moisture (%) 14,0 14,08 16,53 15,65 14,10 13,23
pH H2O 7,03 7,11 7,25 7,35 7,15 7,05
N (kg/ha) 72 71 69 77 79 77
Holle II Moisture (%) 16,85 17,6 18,55 17,2 12,1 11,98
pH H2O 6,95 7,05 7,15 6,66 6,4 6,66
N (kg/ha) 73
Nidda Moisture (%) 20,56 21,66 23,20 20,4 17,8 15,33
pH H2O 7,19 7,39 7,45 7,39 7,19 7,15
N (kg/ha) 95 89 80 90 89 70

For example, in the Himmel strasse area, where crops were implanted, N increased
when spring started in April and kept increasing until July. It can be related with the more
activity of biological nitrogen fixation and the fertilization with compost at end of May.

The perception of rhythm and areas in chromatography images

All these descriptions of formation, classification, morphological characteristics,

temperature, humidity and the annual rhythm of soil and the development of plants and soil
sought to create images from each area. These images will be the basis for the
interpretation and perception of the shapes and forces of the chrome. The same samples
collected for the quantitative analyzes were used to chromatography. The soil chromas of
all areas are presented in a compact form in Table 2. But presented so small, compressed
into a table, the images and their details become difficult to observe. For this reason,
Figure 14 shows cuts of chromas of area Heide, distributed in a circular way throughout
the months. At a first look these cuts are very similar to each other, but in a closer
observation details and differences arise. First I will try to describe common characteristics
of all chrome.
The central zone is small, approximately 0.5 cm in radius, light yellow or cream
colour. The intermediate zone or mineral zone then starts with a light brown coloration.
This coloration evolves into darker shades continuously until the end of the zone. A
concentric circle stands out, approximately 3 cm from the center. With light brown
coloration in contrast to the final part of the zone that has dark brown coloration. But in
spite of the circle the zones present integration, mainly because of the channels.

Table 2. Chromas of soil from 4 areas collected from November 2016 to July 2017.
July Heide Himmel Hölle II Nidda

These channels appear fine at the beginning of inner zone, with the same light
brown coloration of this beginning. As the brown of the inner zone goes dark the channels
remain clear and progressively widen. After the concentric circle, other secondary channels
arise from the
he main channel, like arrows cutting air. These channels bring integration and
dynamics to the chroma, especially to the inner zone. They are distributed rhythmically
along the circle, that is, with each constant space appear a channel, constant
onstant and rhythmic
like the heart beat. The canal results in spikes formation that characterize the outer zone.
By observing the canals, spikes and outer zone is possible perceive differences
between the seasons of the year. In November the canals end in short spi spikes, they appear to
be cut in the half and don’tt show their tips.

Fine and wide channels alternate in the rhythm in which they are distributed in
chroma. In December spikes es are shorter and cut, the channels are wide and the secondary
channels are not well identified, they seem like channels that take a lot of water. February
no longer presents spikes es or any outer zone, remembering this zone represents the
microbial activity.
y. The inner zone dominates the entire chroma, concentrating on border.
But channels are thinner and homogeneous, at a more constant space than the previous.
In April the spikes
es are very similar to November, they seem cut, but the canals are
finer and rhythmic
thmic as in February. In May the spines appear complete, extending
throughout the outer zone until their end at the border off chroma. The channels are fine and
perfectly rhythmic, even the secondary channels emerge at equal times, like perfect arrows

carrying light beyond chroma. July shows the same full spines, an irradiation that comes
from the center to the border. The channels are rhythmic, with alternating thin and wide
channels, not perfectly fine as May, but bring to the chroma a greater dynamic, the chroma
seems to be in motion in the summer.
Now look at Figure 15, where the cuts of cromas from Himmel acker Strasse are
organized. There are many similarities to Heide’s chromas. Mainly in relation to colours
with degrade from light to dark brown. The general shape of zones and channels is also
similar, with a small cream coloured central zone, followed by the broad inner zone. But
when observing this inner zone, we see that its colours do not evolve rhythmically, from a
light tone to dark. The circle is wide and clearly divides the inner zone into two parts. One
part is central with light brown coloration and the other part is dark brown contrasting.

This circle divides the part that indicates minerals from the part that indicates
humus in chroma, demonstrating a space between these two soil fractions. The integration
between these two parts does not occur rhythmically as in Heide’s chromas area. The
channels that contribute to this integration are present, starting at the most central part of
inner zone, but not having the same coloration as this part. They are lightly coloured, but
not exactly the light brown of the central inner zone, have the coloration of the concentric
circle. So they seem to appear in the circle in direction of border, they do not seem to
integrate the inside with the outside, fortifying a division of chroma in two parts. The
distribution of the channels is rhythmic, always appearing at similar intervals. The
channels are thinner than those in Heide, and the secondary channels emerging from the
main channel are thin and rhythmic, giving a delicate aspect to the channels irradiation.

This thickness of channels changes depending on the time of year, November,
February and July stand out for the finest and rhythmic channels. But even in the other
months the main channels remain thin the secondary ones intensify and appear with greater
force. The difference over the months is mainly noticed in the pattern of the external zone
and the spikes, in November and December the spikes appear cut, in February there are no
spikes or external zone, only the inner zone dominating chroma, reaching to the border and
accumulating substances. As if there were a force to run and spread in the chroma, needing
so much space that the outer zone does not appear.
In April the spikes reappear, partly cut and partly not. Short and long spines
distribute without homogeneity or order. In May and July, the spines returned to

homogeneity, being still cut, but more rhythmic.

Considering the shape of the outer zone the February and July chrome are almost
opposite. Observing the triangles of chromas of Hölle II in Figure 16, it is note also that
they are similar to cromas from Heide and Himmel areas, mainly due to the colours and
distribution of zones. The concentric circle is present, but not as wide or prominent as in
Himmel area, there seems to be greater integration in the inner zone, as in Heide. These
integration appear because of the continuation of colours from beginning to the end of this
zone and because the channel passing through the circle taking the colour of the center in
itself. The specific characteristics of the chroma, channels and spikes, are markedly
different from the chromas presented above. The channels do not have homogeneous size,
there are wider interspersed by thinner channels. These wide channels dominate the vision.
Both, main and secondary channels, arising giving a bulky appearance to them. There are
fewer channels in each triangle, but the volume of each is larger. The ch chroma seems to be
dominated by the channels, which gives another characteristic to chroma irradiation.
Irradiation does not seem to radiate just light colours and light, as in other areas, but it
seems that radiate something liquid with the light. As if something
ething bulky spreads along the
path, like a cut through the chroma.
The spikeses are also characteristic of this area, they do not arise rhythmically, the
spaces between the spikes es are not the same. As in a song in which the intervals between
notes determine the rhythm, in these chro
me the interval between the spikes
spik determines its
rhythm. The distribution of large and small spines is also not rhythmic, sometimes wide

es appear and then thin or double or small spines, without order.
The difference
ce between months is alsalso
o marked in the outer zone and in the spikes.
Highlight for February that has no spi spikes
es or external zone, again with a strong internal
zone that dominates and reaches the border of chroma. July presents opposing features,
with large and uncut spines in general, presenting a well well-formed
formed outer zone. In other
months the spikes appear, but they are cut in middle as if representing intermediate states
between winter and summer.
Now looking at the chromas of Nidda area in Figure 17, we see similarities with the
other areas in colourr and distribution of zones. The concentric circle is present and is wide
yellow, but at the same time is integrated with the colo colours
rs of the inner zone. This
integration appears through the channels, the
they begin at the central inner
ner zone, already wide
and bulky. They pass through every internal zone increasing in volume and at same time
releasing wide secondary channels along the way. Larger that channels in chromas from
Hölle II. These secondary channels emerge from the main channel in points, as if there
were impulse points along the main line were emergence secondary lines. The appearance
of secondary channels does not follow a rhythm, these impulse points arise at different
distances. The result is wide and bulky channels, but with different shapes and patterns,
gives an impression of disorder. The channels dominate the inner zone and the chroma
view, are strong and striking. The general form of the canals seems bulky and liquid, as if
they radiate something liquid, taking water from the center of chroma to border, leaving a
trail of water along the way. Liquid is a more dense form of matter than air or light, to
carry a liquid requires more force than to carry light. So I have the impression that the
Nidda channels are stronger than the channels of other areas.
In the same way the inner zone seems to be stronger, dominating the chroma and
reaching to the border in November, February, May. More intensely in February, it
accumulates on border indicating the strength of inner zone. But in the other months the
outer zone is small and subtle. July can be considered the month with greater outer zone
and spikes, in contrast with February, but still appear there are cut off and without a
rhythm. The space between each spine and their size is not rhythmic. We can say that in
general the chrome of Nidda does not present rhythms, either in channels forms, in
distribution of secondary channels, in the form of outer zone and in distribution and size of
spikes or even in the accumulation of substances on the border.
Putting together all these individual observations from each area, one can see a
pattern that is repeated in all areas. The chromas collected in winter (February) are almost
polar to those collected in the summer (July). In winter the outer zone is not visible and the
inner zone extends to the end of the chroma. This zone, which represents the minerals and
the organic matter fraction of soil, dominates the whole chroma. Just in the winter where
the vitality is concentrated in the soil and when the crystallizing and formative forces are
acting more intensely in the minerals. The outer zone that represents the microbial activity
disappears, is dormant in the winter.
My feeling about these winter chrome is that I made a mistake in the methodology,
as if chroma needed more filter paper to reveal the outer zone. As if they were saying "I
have a strong impulse and I need more paper to reveal myself completely". But at the
moment that we are doing chromas the methodology is the same for all, all the samples run
up to the 6 cm radius mark, we cannot let the sample run beyond that point. Only when the
colours and forms are revealed in contact with the light we notice this strong impulse.
In summer, the outer zone, which indicates the microbial activity, appears and
dominates the edge of the image, bringing spikes and channels, to a greater or lesser extent
depending on the area. The formative forces at this time of year are not only concentrated
in the mineral part of the soil, but mainly in microbiological life and plants that develop in
it. The chroma of later spring and summer present more dynamic forms, irradiation, as if
they radiate more force from itself. Relation to soil function at this time of the year, to feed
the life that develops in it without concentrating anything in itself, radiating vitality out.
Throughout the description of the chrome of each area, some comparisons between
the areas were made to facilitate the characterization of each one. To make clear the

individualities of each area and its characteristics, Figure 18 presents chromas triangles
from November of the 4 areas organized in circle.

Figure 18. Chromas triangles of the 4 areas from soil collected in November 2016.

Note that channels and Spike forms the most specific characteristic of each area. As
was said this are forms with great relation with micro-cosmic aspects, as the landscape, soil
type, nutrients and humidity. On extreme sides are the chromas from Heide and Nidda,
their forms are clearly opposite. The Heide chromas show thin channels in larger numbers,
but not voluminous, appear to radiate light and lines, which run through the chroma
releasing non-stop secondary channels. These channels end in complete spikes, as if the
light were brought from chroma center and carried to the border, ending in the outer zone,
like a clear yellow cloud. The channels and spikes are distributed and present in rhythmic
and uniform way, without surprises. The forces of this chroma is related to light,
expansion, rhythm and clean forms. This forces can be denominate ‘masculines’ and
related to warmth and light ethers.
Already chromas from Hölle II seem to be in a halfway between Heide and Nidda.
Himmel's chroma seems similar to Heide's, but with slightly thicker channels and stronger
concentric circle. The chromas from Nidda area have large and voluminous channels, as if
carrying liquids within them. They radiate circular shapes. The channels cross the chroma
releasing secondary channels at impulse points. The channels froms are not homogeneous;
each channel has a unique form and the distribution of the secondary channels does not
follow a pattern. The chroma doesn’t show much rhythm in channels form and distribution.
The channels reach the border with force, carrying substances that accumulate in the end.
The spikes and external zone don’t appear, they are inhibited before such force of channels
and inner zone. The chroma force is related to water, concentration, thickening of
substances, circular, square and heavy forms. This forces can be denominate ‘feminine’
and related to life and chemical ethers.
When remembering the position of each soil in the topography it is noticed a
similarity between the characteristics of chromas. Heide is located high on the landscape
with a light and characteristic lightness. The soils are lightweight, with block structure,
aeration and easy to be worked in relation to the Nidda area. The Nidda area is located in
the lower part of landscape, next to the river, in constant relation with the underground
groundwater. The area is shrouded by trees and shrubs, as if enclosed in itself,
concentrating. The ground is heavy, with structures in hard blocks and without much
aeration, difficult to be worked on.
These forces present in the landscape and chroma are related to sensations that we
feel when we are working or walking through the areas. The feeling of getting to Nidda
area is heavy, as if the ground pulls me into it and as if humidity suffocates and
concentrates me. Very different from the sensation when arriving at Heide area, which is
light, as if I walked in the air and the light, without connection with the ground, always
made me want to sing. The Holle area provides a sensation similar to Nidda, but not so
intense. There is heat and a connection to the soil and water, but not the whole body seems
to be in the ground. The Himmel area, however, has a Heide-like feel, but the light is not
so intense, there seems to be a balance between light and ground, a line between these two
forces. These observations of the sensation in each area were practiced in a class with
Martim Hollerbach about 'Formative forces Methode' (Bildkrafte Methoden in German).
The works of Tristan Spalt and Martin Haas of the Landbauschule present deep
observations from the areas of Dottenfelderhof.
Another observation that could be made is about the relation betwween chroma
characteristics and the development of plants and in each area. Could we say which plant
would grow best in each area? What would be the area most suited to cereals or which
would be the best area to grow beets with vitality? For example, wheat and rye are cereals
and were grown in very different areas this year, Heide and Hölle. By observation made
throughout the year we could say that in Heide the wheat developed better than the rye in
Hölle. Other example, is the planting of beet in two different areas Holle and Nidda, maybe
gardens can say that in Nidda the beets appear to be more vigorous. However, it is not
possible attribute these success just because specific forces of each area, many other
factors are related.
We could not come to a conclusion of which plant is best for each area, just lucking
for chromas and forces. After all, the purpose here is not to provide the ‘ideal’ plant for
each area, recommended a miracle plant for the area. In agriculture, one can difficultly
work in ideal conditions, but can seek to make conditions most ideal as possible. So that
plants can develop all its nutritional potential, in more harmony with nature.
What I can say is that is a relationship between the forces of the area and chroma
forms and patterns. Working the perception of these forms in chromas can lead to an

understanding of the forces that acting on the areas. The same forces that generate
sensations in me, which act in soil formation and characteristics, that influence in plants
growth, quality, vitality and potential of nutrition animal, human and all beings of nature.

Kalikompostdünger Versuch

Among the experiments located on Dottenfelderhof have the so-called

"Kalikompostdünger Versuch", translated to "Potassium and compost fertilization
experiment". It was implemented in 1997 to evaluate the application of biodynamic
composting and association with Potassium sources in a 6-year crop rotation traditionally
performed on the farm (Table 3). The treatments are: 1) no fertilization; 2) fertilization
with potassium sulphate; 3) fertilization with biodynamic compost; and 4) fertilization with
potassium sulfate and compost. The experimental design is completely randomized blocks,
with 4 blocks and 4 replicates per treatment, adding 16 experimental plots.

Table 3. Crops rotation and fertilization of the last 10 years on the experiment, highlighted
the year 2017.
Potássium + compost
Year Crop rotation Stall bed Potassium
Compost Potassium via Potassium
compost Sulphate
compost Sulphate
2005 Oats 400 kg/ha K
2006 Alfalfa
2007 Alfalfa
2008 Winter wheat
2009 Rye
2010 English potato 350 dt/ha 300 dt/ha 400 kg/ha K 127 kg/ha K 273 kg/ha K
2011 Oats 150 dt/ha 400 kg/ha K 62 kg/ha K 348 kg/ha K
2012 White Clover
2013 White Clover 300 dt/ha
2014 Winter wheat
2015 Rye 300 dt/ha 300 kg/ha K 310 kg/ha K 150 kg/ha K
2016 Beet 350 dt/ha 300 dt/ha 200 kg/ha K 180 kg/ha K 50 kg/ha K
2017 Summer wheat 150 dt/ha 400 kg/ha K - kg/ha K - kg/ha K
2018 Alfalfa
2019 Alfalfa 300 dt/ha

After some conversations with Christopher Mattes in the beginning of the year, are
proposed to perform some tests with chromatography in soils of experiment. The idea was
to observe some effect of treatments in chromas, establishing a relation with quantitative
results. In addition, the idea of observing the evolution of soil over the years arose, because
there were soils stored in laboratory of years 2014, 2015 and 2016.
The experiment in located in the Himmel acker area, in the side of Himmel acker
Strasse that was present earlier in these work. Soil formation and characteristics are similar
between the areas. The monitoring of experimental area was started in mid-February, in
occasions of the planting of summer wheat. Soil preparation had been done in December
2016 with plowing at 15 cm depth. Three weeks after sowing, the soil was scratched to

break superficial and compact layer of soil and controlling invasive plants. At the
beginning of April the plots were fertilized with the amounts indicated in Table 3, at time
that wheat was in rosette stage. After some rains and late frost, at the end of April the
wheat began to lengthen its tillers and in May to bloom. In June the grains were filled and
in July was the beginning of maturation and plants senescence. The harvest happened in
the first August week. During this cycle 4 soil samples were taken: at end February after
planting the wheat, in April after fertilization, in May and August after harvest.
In March and April, on different days, the chromas of the 16 plots of each year
2014, 2015 and 2016 were made. In May the chromas from February and April of 2017
collections were made. At end of May, all the chromas made were distributed on the
laboratory table in order to observe them. There was an extreme difficulty in establishing
some differentiation between treatments, the difference between blocks was clearer than
between the repetitions of each treatment.
In addition, the most striking difference was the effect of the day that we made the
chromatography. For example, the patterns of chromas of 2015 made in March were
completely different from the patterns of chromas made in April. But observing the
chromas made in the same day was difficult to find differences. It was then that the doubt
about the effect of cosmic influences in the day of the chromatography could be
influencing the images. We decided that to compare chromas it would be necessary to
perform all chromatography on the same day. Thus the chrome previously made was left
aside. On August 11, the final test was done for all soils stored in 2014, 2015, 2016 and the
collections 2017. For the large number of samples it was decided to make chromas only
from the first experimental block, as presented in Table 4. But in a table is difficult to
differentiate something. So, Figure 19 presents cut chomas and organized in a circular way
over the years.

Figura 19. Chromas from Potassium and compost fertilization experiment, of the treatment
with no fertilization, over the years 2014 until 2017.

Table 4. Soil chromas of the 4 treatments from Potassium
otassium and compost fertilization
experiment, from 2014 to 2017.
1 – no fertilization 2 – K Sulfat 3 – Compost 4 – K + Compost

Arranging the chromas amplified it is notice that they look very much like the
chromas from the himmel acker strasse area presented before. With the presence of a
concentric circle that separates the central from the external part of the inner zone. This
circle generates a break in the evolution of chroma channels and colours. The channels are
fine and rhythmic giving an impression of radiating light and strength out of the chroma.
The distribution of spikes and canals does not seem to follow some pattern between period
of collect and the years 2014, 2015 and 2016. The chromas collected in 2017 present a
slight variation in spines and canals patterns between February and August.
Regarding the less difference between treatments, I preferred to omit the amplified
images of the treatments. The differences between treatments varied greatly over the years.
It was not possible until now to find a pattern in the distribution of spikes and canals that
repeated over the years.

Some perceptions and new questions

During this year some meetings and reading of works provided a change in my way
to work observe the chromatography, changing the perception that I have about the chroma
images. By describing the method in detail, considering spiritual and material knowledge, I
experienced the quality of each chemical present in the chromatography reactions. This
experience brought me closer to the process, made him more alive in me. Bringing effects
on how I interpret and look chromas.
By observing and describing the soil characteristics of each area, landscape, plants
that developed there and the variations of the year, we sought to create an image for each
area. Seeking a dialogue with what was observed and studied in order to perceive qualities
and forces of each area. On the other hand, by the observation and description of the
chromas it was possible to perceive a pattern of specific forms and colors of each area.
With the addition of images and patterns some relationships between the characteristics
present in the area with the characteristics present in the chroma were found.
Characteristics that come from forces effects. A possible bridge between the perception
made in nature and the perception of chroma forms.
Some patterns in the chroma should be highlighted. The macro-cosmic
characteristics of the sample are perceived in the irradiation patterns of zones, for example
in the difference between milk and soil. The microcosmic characteristics of the samples
were observed in the patterns of the spikes, channels and circles, for example, in the
differentiation between the soils. Even clearer was the perception of the rhythm of the year.
Winter chromas have characteristic patterns and were noticed in all areas, even though the
specific patterns of each area. In winter the mineral and organic parts of soil were strong,
whereas in summer the microbial activity was strong in balance with the mineral. Already
the specific differences between treatments of the experiment and over the years were
difficult to be noticed. Because of the lack of dedication, studies, patience and time.
For me, the experience that I accumulated in this process of creating images of the
areas and soil was a fundamental point. After a year of frequent observations, walks, some
work, opening profiles, discussion with colleagues, I created a relationship with each area

and there soil. It would not be worth developing the interpretation and perception from
forms, colours and forces of chromatography, being far from the reality and the forms,
colours and forces of nature.
In the same way after a year practicing chromatography, repeating tests, searching
for the best methodology, standardization, discussing its aspects with teachers and
colleagues, created a relation with the methodology. More than that, I created a personal
relation with the chromas, so close that when I close my eyes and bring to my mind
specific images of chrome of each area and time of year. These images are alive in me and
relate to the areas. So I feel that my general perception about nature and life evolves.
One may ask: what is the validity of working the perception about the forces of
each area? Could you use these perceptions to improve soil management? choice best plant
for each area? Or in the creation of crop rotation more adapted to each region of the farm?
Only those who work on the farm can get to these answers, those who give hours
and hours of their lives to work with agriculture can understand their land, soil and plants.
Only with time can you arrive to any of these answers. What this work presented were
experiences carried out in a year from specific observations, classes and work in
laboratory, very little practical work with the earth. Were far to understand all the
dynamics and characteristics of the areas and the farm.
What I can say is that specific forces are acting at all times on the nodes, soil, plants
and landscape. Perceiving, understanding and working together with these forces can
facilitate farmer's mission and contribute to creating a decent farming. Agriculture that can
create vital food for us humans in evolution and respect all other kingdoms of nature.


To my partner Pedro, for having pursued studies in biodynamic agriculture and

putting me together in his plans and dreams. To my family for all support to these turning
point.To Dottenfelderhof farm for having opened its doors and received us to work and
study German language even before Landbaushcule, especially Mathias Konig. To Ansgar
Vortmann, Martim Von Mackensen and Christopher Mattes for the conversations that
generated this work. Roland Ulrich, Bruno Follador, Gunter Gebhard for the inspiring
ideas, points of view and conversations. And to the companions of Landbauschule and
farm that shared this year of their lives with me.


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