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Differential Linear Matrix Inequalities Optimization: Tiago R. Gonçalves, Gabriela W. Gabriel, and José C. Geromel

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2, APRIL 2019

Differential Linear Matrix Inequalities

Tiago R. Gonçalves , Gabriela W. Gabriel , and José C. Geromel

Abstract—This letter proposes a new method to solve main interest is to determine a solution (if any) that satis-
convex programming problems with constraints expressed fies the boundary condition (X0 , Xh ) ∈  where X(0) = X0 ,
by differential linear matrix inequalities (DLMIs). Initially, X(h) = Xh and  is a convex set. To ease the notation, a
feasible solutions of interest are characterized and a gen-
eral numerical method, based on the well known outer lin- feasible matrix trajectory X(t) that satisfies the DLMI (1) for
earization technique, is proposed and discussed from the- all t ∈ [0, h), under the boundary condition (X0 , Xh ) ∈ ,
oretical and numerical viewpoints. Feasible solutions are is denoted simply as X ∈ X . Hence, our main concern is to
written as a truncated series of a given set of time valued find the optimal solution to the following convex programming
continuous functions with symmetric matrix coefficients problem
to be determined. The numerical method encompasses
the piecewise linear solution usually adopted in the lit-
erature with lower computational burden. In the sequel, f ∗ = min f (X0 , Xh ) (2)
several sampled-data control design problems whose opti-
mality conditions can be expressed in this mathematical The importance of solving this problem for the class
framework are provided. They are solved in order to put of matrix functions X(t) to be specified later is enormous
in evidence the most important aspects of the proposed
method as well as to evaluate and compare numerical effi- mainly because several optimal control design problems can
ciency and limitations. Moreover, it is shown that DLMIs are be expressed of the form (2). Indeed, this is certainly the case
particularly well adapted to cope with this class of optimal of reference [12] where the usefulness of DLMIs in the frame-
control design problems. work of robust control design has been successfully pointed
Index Terms—Differential linear matrix inequalities out for the first time many years ago. More recently, the results
(DLMI), optimal control, sampled-data control. of [6], and [7] among others, by the same author, brought to
light once again the importance of DLMIs and consequently
the necessity to give more attention to the development of
I. I NTRODUCTION numerical methods. The situation is even more critical when-
ever we have to handle a large number of coupled DLMIs
IFFERENTIAL linear matrix inequality (DLMI) is a
mathematical entity expressed in the following general
as (1), which often occur in many situations. As for instance,
the sampled-data optimal control design of Markov jump lin-
  ear systems reported in [8], where a large number of coupled
L Ẋ(t), X(t) < 0 (1) DLMIs must be solved. Since the number of DLMIs equals
the number of modes of the Markov process, the development
for all t ∈ [0, h) with h > 0 being a given scalar that defines of efficient numerical methods to deal with DLMIs appears to
the time interval of interest. In (1), X(t) : [0, h) → Rn×n is be highly justified.
a symmetric matrix function and the symbol L(·, ·) denotes a The importance to treat control design problems expressed
linear matrix-valued function. Observe that convex differential by DLMIs is shown in several recent papers as a consequence
constraints can also be expressed as (1) from the calcula- of the efforts to solve time-varying systems and finite-time
tion of appropriate Schur Complements, [5]. Moreover, our horizon control problems, as in [3] and [13], respectively. In
Manuscript received August 13, 2018; revised October 21, 2018; addition, in [2], a sufficient condition involving DLMIs has
accepted November 12, 2018. Date of publication November 29, 2018; been given in order to characterize finite-time stability of lin-
date of current version December 14, 2018. This work was supported in ear time-varying systems with jumps. Specially, in [13], an
part by FAPESP/CAPES, Brazil, under Grant 2016/06343-5 (FAPESP)
and Grant 2016/08043-9 (FAPESP), and in part by CNPq, Brazil, under important contribution was made where a DLMI was solved
Grant 303887/2014-1. Recommended by Senior Editor J. Daafouz. by splitting the time interval of interest into equally spaced
(Corresponding author: Gabriela W. Gabriel.) time instants which enabled the determination of approximate
T. R. Gonçalves and J. C. Geromel are with the School of Electrical
and Computer Engineering, UNICAMP, Campinas 13083-852, Brazil solutions to H∞ control problems with parameter uncertainty,
(e-mail: tiagorg@dca.fee.unicamp.br; geromel@dsce.fee.unicamp.br). see also [9]. Recently, the same strategy has been discussed
G. W. Gabriel is with the Division of Electronic Engineering, Instituto in [6].
Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, São José dos Campos 12228-900, Brazil
(e-mail: ggabriel@ita.br). This letter concerns the numerical solution of (2). A general
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LCSYS.2018.2884016 iterative algorithm based on the classical outer linearization
2475-1456 c 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

technique is proposed and its convergence is proven. It domain [0, h). Moreover such DLMI, whenever admits a solu-
depends on a given set of time-valued continuous functions tion, is not unique in general. Hence, we search for feasible
whose main impact on optimality will be illustrated by means solutions of the form (3) where the continuous scalar valued
of several examples. The proposed algorithm guarantees that functions {φi (·)}i∈Nφ define a basis for continuous scalar val-
the differential inequality (1) is strictly satisfied in the whole ued functions in the time interval t ∈ [0, h). This means that
time interval [0, h), and optimality of the final solution within any DLMI solution P(t) can be approximated by X(t) given
a desired precision level is attained by properly increasing the in (3), provided that Xi , i ∈ Nφ with nφ possibly large enough,
number of matrix variables to cope with. More precisely, the are properly determined. Several different sets of functions
main contribution of this letter is the proposition of a new exhibiting this property can be adopted, among them, the
interactive algorithm able to determine a near-optimal solu- simpler ones are as follows:
tion to the convex programming problem (2) by adopting the • Piecewise linear - The time interval [0, h) is split into
following parametrization nφ subintervals of length η = h/nφ . The scalar valued
 continuous function defined for all t ∈ [0, h)
X(t) = Xi φi (t) (3) 
i∈Nφ 1 − |t|
η , |t| ≤ η
φ(t) = (5)
where φi (t) : [0, h) → R for all i ∈ Nφ = {0, 1, . . . , nφ }, 0, |t| > η
with nφ ≥ 1, constitute a set of given time-valued continuous
is used to construct the set of piecewise continuous lin-
functions and Xi ∈ Rn×n , i ∈ Nφ are symmetric matrices to
ear functions φi (t) = φ(t − iη) defined in the whole
be determined. In this sense, the piecewise solution proposed
time interval [0, h), for all i ∈ Nφ . Summing up all
in [1] and more recently in [8], and polynomial solutions
contributions we obtain
of finite degree emerging from sum of squares optimization,  
see [6], can be viewed as particular cases of our method that Xi+1 − Xi
X(t) = Xi + (t − iη) (6)
follow from adequate choices of the functions {φi (·)}i∈Nφ . η
Hence, this letter proposes a new and alternative method to valid in the time segment t ∈ [iη, (i + 1)η) for each
cope with convex programming problems of the form (2). i = 0, 1, . . . , nφ − 1. Continuity is preserved but differ-
However, it is important to stress that for the special case entiability, in general, does not hold at the border points
of polynomial functions the results of [10] for polynomials on of each time subinterval.
convex domains and [11] for semidefinite programming are • Taylor series - In the time interval [0, h) consider the set
relevant and deserve more attention and research effort for of polynomial normalized functions φi (t) = (t/h)i for all
comparison as far as numerical efficiency is concerned. Here, i ∈ Nφ . Hence, (3) rewritten as
our main purpose is to provide an algorithm able to handle
  t i
the convex problem (2) by adopting the approximation (3) X(t) = Xi (7)
where the functions φi (·) for all i ∈ Nφ are not necessarily i∈Nφ
polynomials. Of course, the determination of the best set of
functions (in some sense) is an open problem to be addressed is the Taylor’s expansion of a continuously differentiable
in the future. DLMI solution P(t) at t = 0 with successive matrix
The notation used throughout is standard. For real vectors coefficients Xi (i!/hi ), for all i ∈ Nφ .
or matrices, ( ) refers to their transpose. The symbols R, R+ • Fourier series - In the time interval [0, h), setting T > h,
and N denote the set of real, real nonnegative and natural the equation (3) has the form
numbers, respectively. For symmetric matrices, (•) denotes the πi T −h
symmetric block. For any real symmetric matrix or symmetric X(t) = Xi cos t+ (8)
T 2
matrix function the notation Z(·) > 0 (Z(·) ≥ 0) indicates that i∈Nφ

it is positive (semi)definite. For a symmetric matrix σmax (·) which has been obtained from the following mathematical
indicates its maximum eigenvalue. manipulations. Let PT (t) : R → Rn×n be a periodic even
function with period 2T. Extracting P(t) from P(t) =
II. P ROBLEM S TATEMENT AND P RELIMINARIES PT (t + (T − h)/2) for all t ∈ [0, h), the development of
Our main purpose is to provide a solution of (1), if any, for PT (t) in Fourier series provides X(t) given by (8). This
a class of real matrix functions that are useful in the context solution avoids the evaluation of the Fourier series at the
of optimal control systems design. To this end, the following border points of the time interval under consideration. We
definition is relevant to characterize the solutions of interest. always have adopted T = 2h.
Definition 1 (DLMI Solution): The symmetric matrix func- It is important to remark that the first choice (5) repro-
tion P(t) : [0, h) → Rn×n is a solution of (1) if P(t) is duces the piecewise linear solutions considered in [1] and [8].
continuous and satisfies Moreover, as we have mentioned before, many different sets of
  functions can be adopted. For instance, a set that combine the
L Ṗ(t), P(t) < 0 (4)
first and second or the first and third are other possibilities. The
almost everywhere in the time interval [0, h). determination of the best set of functions that furnishes a near
This definition preserves continuity but allows solutions X(t) optimal solution to (2) with the smallest computational burden
that fail to be differentiable in some isolated points of the time (represented by nφ ) is still an open problem to be addressed

in the future. Actually, denoting X ∈ Xφ a symmetric matrix framework of semidefinite programming that can be handled
function X(t) of the form (3) that satisfies the DLMI (1) for by any LMI solver. The following globally convergent algo-
all t ∈ [0, h) under the boundary condition (X0 , Xh ) ∈ , we rithm based on outer linearization is proposed. Indeed, it will
want to find the optimal solution to the convex programming be proven hereafter that, whenever it exists and is bounded, the
problem proposed algorithm always converges to the optimal solution
of problem (9).
f ∗ ≤ fφ∗ = min f (X0 , Xh ) (9)
X∈Xφ • Step 1: Let the set of functions φi (·), i ∈ Nφ be given.
Set m = 2 and τm = {0, h}.
For a given set of functions φi (·), i ∈ Nφ , the corresponding ∗ and the
• Step 2: Solve problem (13) to determine fm
suboptimal solution is such that f ∗ ← fφ∗ whenever, putting
symmetric matrices X0 , . . . , Xnφ .
aside isolated points, P(t) ← X(t) in the time interval t ∈
• Step 3: For the matrix function (3), calculate by line
[0, h). Clearly, the three possibilities considered before, among
search the optimal solution (θm+1 , tm+1 ) of
others, exhibit this important and necessary property whenever   
nφ is chosen (possibly) sufficiently large. θm+1 = max σmax L Ẋ(t), X(t) (14)

III. O UTER L INEARIZATION If θm+1 < 0 Stop. Otherwise, update τm+1 = τm {tm+1 },
This section is devoted to the development of a global set m ← m + 1 and go back to Step 2.
convergent algorithm able to solve the convex programming This algorithm is surprisingly simple and can be numeri-
problem stated in the right hand side of (9). The set of scalar cally implemented in a very efficient way by using standard
valuated functions φi (·), i ∈ Nφ , is supposed to be known. The LMI techniques, see [5], to handle problem (13) in step 2 and a
main idea is to use the notion of outer linearization, see [4], line search procedure to determine the parameters (θm+1 , tm+1 )
in order to decompose the original problem in a simpler con- in step 3. More details about numerical implementation and
vex problem expressed by linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). performance evaluation are given in the next section. For the
To this end, let us introduce the set of m ≥ 2 ordered and moment, the next theorem shows that this is a globally con-
different time samples vergent algorithm able to determine the optimal solution of
the problem under consideration.
τm = {tr ∈ [0, h] : r = 1, 2, . . . , m} (10) Theorem 1: Assume that the set Xφ is non empty and fφ∗ is
where t1 = 0 and tm = h and the real scalars finite. The previous algorithm generates a sequence such that
dφi fm∗ ≤ fm+1

≤ fφ∗ (15)
dir = (tr ), cir = φi (tr ) (11)
for all m ≥ 2. Moreover, it converges to the global optimal
for all r = 1, 2, . . . , m and all i ∈ Nφ . Associated to τm , it is solution of (9).
convenient to define the convex set
⎧ ⎛ ⎞ ⎫ Proof: The inequalities in (15) follow from the result of
⎨   ⎬ Lemma 1 which states that Xφ ⊆ Xm , for all m ≥ 2. Moreover,
Xm = X0 , . . . , Xnφ : L⎝ Xi dir , Xi cir ⎠ < 0 (12) it is also true that Xm+1 ⊂ Xm for all m ≥ 2. This last property
⎩ ⎭
i∈Nφ i∈Nφ follows from the fact that τm ⊂ τm+1 and the optimal solution
for all r = 1, . . . , m. It is clear that it has been obtained by of problem solved in step 2 is unfeasible on the subsequent
imposing the inequality constraint (4) for each time instant interaction, whenever the convergence condition in step 3 is
t ∈ τm , so being a convex set expressed in terms of m LMIs. not satisfied. As a consequence, the algorithm proceeds until a
The next lemma states a useful property, that is, the set Xφ is feasible solution is generated in step 3. The sequence {fm∗ }m≥2
a subset of Xm . converges because it is nondecreasing and bounded. Moreover,
Lemma 1: For any m ≥ 2 then Xφ ⊆ Xm . it converges to the optimal solution since it is feasible and its
Proof: It follows immediately from the fact that Xφ = objective function is such that limm→∞ fm∗ ≤ fφ∗ .
limm→∞ Xm whenever the samples in the interior of the time The rationale behind this algorithm stems from the fact that
segment are such that τ∞ = limm→∞ τm = [0, h]. Hence, the test in step 3, namely, θm+1 < 0 is used to detect if the
since τm ⊆ [0, h] for any given m ≥ 2, the claim follows. current solution is feasible, that is, X ∈ Xφ . If not, the time
The set Xm for m ≥ 2 is a result of an outer linearization tm+1 ∈ [0, h] corresponding to the largest constraint violation
procedure applied to the convex set Xφ in the sense that the is included in the set τm+1 which makes the current solu-
constraints of Xm are expressed through linear matrix inequal- tion unfeasible and forces the next solution to be feasible as
ities and the subset relation Xφ ⊆ Xm holds for all m ≥ 2. far as all points belonging to τm+1 are concerned. In general,
Hence, it is natural to take advantage of this property by this has a positive impact on the reduction of the number of
introducing the auxiliary convex programming problem iterations needed for convergence. The numerical behavior of
the proposed algorithm will be illustrated by means of several
fm∗ = min f (X0 , Xh ) (13) examples reported in the next section.
X0 ,...Xnφ ∈Xm
Remark 1: The determination of θm+1 in step 3 must be
which can be solved with no big difficulty since it can be done with care. In order to be sure that θm+1 < 0 implies
expressed, after linearizing the objective function by calcu- σmax (L(Ẋ(t), X(t))) < 0 for all t ∈ [0, h], the line search used
lating Schur Complements if necessary, as a problem in the in problem (14) must be implemented with a small step size δt,

typically satisfying δt h. In the numerical experiments consists on the minimization of the H∞ norm from the exoge-
reported in the next section, we have successfully considered nous input w to the controlled output z of a closed-loop linear
δt/h = 0.001. As usual, a post-optimization feasibility test is system governed by a state feedback sampled-data control
recommended. given by
Remark 2: The complexity of the algorithm at interaction
ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t) + Ew(t) (19)
m ≥ 2 can be measured by the number of LMIs which is equal
to m + 2 and the number of scalar variables (nφ + 1)(n + 1)n/2 z(t) = Cx(t) + Du(t) (20)
where nφ is the number of time subintervals for the piecewise u(t) = Lx(tk ), ∀t ∈ [tk , tk+1 ) (21)
linear solution, the degree of the truncated Taylor series expan-
sion or the number of terms, excluding the constant one, of the where t0 = 0 and tk+1 − tk = h are evenly spaced sam-
Fourier series. In the next section, the impact of this impor- pling instants for all k ∈ N with sampling period h > 0.
tant aspect on numerical performance will be analyzed for the The time-valued functions x(t) : R+ → Rn , u(t) : R+ → R,
three approximations previously discussed. w(t) : R+ → R, and z(t) : R+ → Rn+1 are the state, the
For the sake of comparison we now observe that the piece- control, the exogenous input, and the controlled output, respec-
wise liner function (6) is continuous and can be imposed tively. The sampled-data state feedback gain matrix L ∈ R1×n
as a feasible solution to the problem under consideration. is the design variable to be determined.
Indeed, denote Xpw the set Xφ for the special case the func- Following [8], where numerical issues have not been
tions φi (t) = φ(t − iη) for all i ∈ Nφ are given by (5). The developed, defining the augmented matrices of compatible
next lemma summarizes an important property of this class of dimensions
functions in the context of this letter. A B  C E
F= , G = , J= (22)
Lemma 2: Let nφ ≥ 1 be given. The condition X ∈ Xpw 0 0 D 0
holds if and only if for each i = 0, 1, . . . , nφ − 1, the LMIs the problem to be solved can be expressed as (2) where the
Xi+1 − Xi objective function is given by f (X0 , Xh ) = μ and the set of
L , Xi < 0 (16) feasible solutions X is defined by the DLMI
  ⎡ ⎤
Xi+1 − Xi −Ẋ + XF  + FX XG J
L , Xi+1 < 0 (17)
η L(Ẋ, X) = ⎣ • −I 0 ⎦ < 0 (23)
together with the boundary conditions (X0 , Xnφ ) ∈ , are • • −μI
feasible. subject to the boundary condition (X0 , Xh ) ∈  defined by two
Proof: First of all notice that, by construction of the coupled LMIs. One involving the initial condition X(0) = X0 ,
piecewise function, X(0) = X0 and X(h) = Xnφ mean- of the form
ing that the boundary conditions are satisfied. The proof   
follows from the simple observation that the piecewise solu- >0 (24)
• X0
tion (6) valid in the time interval t ∈ [iη, (i + 1)η) for
i = 0, 1, . . . , nφ −1 can be rewritten as the convex combination and one involving the final condition X(h) = Xh , that is
X(t) = (1 − αi (t))Xi + αi (t)Xi+1 where ⎡  ⎤
t − iη X
⎣ h X
αi (t) = ∈ [0, 1] (18)
0 ⎦>0 (25)
η • V
Hence, multiplying inequality (16) by 1−αi (t), inequality (17) both related to the DLMI (23). It is to be noticed the presence
by αi (t), summing up the results and taking into account that of the scalar variable μ > 0, the symmetric matrix variable
L(·, ·) is linear it is seen that X ∈ Xpw which proves the V ∈ Rn×n and the matrix variable Y ∈ R1×n which provide
sufficiency. Necessity is immediate since the inequalities (16) the minimum H∞ cost and the associated sampled-data state
and (17) are equal to L(Ẋ(t), X(t)) < 0 evaluated at t = iη feedback gain matrix L = YV −1 . For the numerical experience
and t = (i + 1)η, respectively. The proof is concluded. to be presented in the sequel, we have considered the following
Two aspects should be remarked. First, whenever the 2nφ open-loop unstable system data whose complexity depends on
LMIs indicated in Lemma 2 are feasible then the correspond- the dimension n, that is, h = 1 [s] and
ing piecewise solution X(t) solves the DLMI whatever the    
value of nφ ≥ 1. Second, this kind of solution, proposed in [1] 0n−1 In−1 0n−1
A= , B= , E = 1n (26)
and more recently in [8], is directly calculated by any LMI 0 0n−1 1
solver without the need of an interactive process. For this Qn 0
C= , D= n (27)
reason, in our opinion, it establishes an adequate numerical 0n 1
efficiency measure to compare the three previously discussed where In , 0n and 1n denote the identity n × n matrix, the null
approximations as presented in the next section. n×1 vector and the one n×1 vector, respectively. Several H∞
state feedback sampled-data optimal control problems with
IV. E XAMPLES AND N UMERICAL I MPLEMENTATION nφ ∈ {1, 2, 4, 8, 16} for the piecewise linear approximation and
In this section the previous algorithm is used to solve a nφ ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} for the Taylor and Fourier series approxi-
series of optimal control problems of increasing difficulty. It mations have been solved with different matrices Qn ∈ Rn×n .


Fig. 1. Number of iterations for piecewise linear. M INIMUM H∞ C OST - (TAYLOR S ERIES )

Fig. 1 shows that the algorithm converges for m = 2nφ

independently of n, the order of the open-loop system.
This means that both procedures have to handle problems
with the same number of variables and the same number
Fig. 2. Number of iterations for Taylor series. of LMIs.
• Roughly speaking, for the Taylor series approximation,
Fig. 2 shows that convergence is attained for m ≈ 3nφ ,
independently of the order n considered. Notice the solid
lines corresponding to m = 2nφ , m = 5nφ , and the dashed
line corresponding to m = 3nφ . In general, the same
numerical behavior is verified in Fig. 3 for the Fourier
series approximation. Hence, at a first glance, as far as
the computational effort is concerned this could lead to
the conclusion that the three approximations are equiv-
alent. However, this is not true as the next numerical
experiments indicate.
Fig. 3. Number of iterations for Fourier series. Tables I, II, and III give the value of the minimum H∞
cost obtained with piecewise linear, Taylor series and Fourier
The examples were solved using MATLAB LMI toolbox with series approximations for Qn = In , respectively. As before,
default parameters in a computer with the following speci- observe that n ∈ {2, 3, 4, 5}, and in all tables the parameter
fications: MacBook Pro (Mid 2012), 2.9 GHz Intel Core i7 nφ has the same meaning, that is, nφ + 1 is the number of
processor and 8GB 1600 MHz DDR3 running the MATLAB free matrix variables of each approximation. Comparing the
R2016b version. values in the three tables it is simple to notice that the Taylor
Figures 1, 2, and 3 show the number of iterations m needed and Fourier series approximations with nφ = 4 provide better
for convergence of the proposed algorithm for piecewise linear, results (in terms of the minimum H∞ performance level) than
Taylor series and Fourier series approximations against nφ , the piecewise linear solution with nφ = 16. Since the computa-
respectively. In Fig. 1, nφ is the number of time subintervals, tional burden depends on m = 3nφ and m = 2nφ , respectively,
in Fig. 2 it is the degree of the polynomial and in Fig. 3 it is the conclusion is that Taylor and Fourier series approxima-
the number of terms excluding the constant one. In all figures, tions are between two and three times better performing than
accordingly to (3), the quantity nφ + 1 equals the number of the piecewise linear approximation calculated by the proposed
terms or which is the same, the number of free matrix variables algorithm or from the LMI conditions provided in Lemma 2.
of each approximation. We have considered n ∈ {2, 3, 4, 5} It can be viewed that the Taylor approximation performs a lit-
and for each pair (n, nφ ) we have solved 20 different problems tle bit better than the Fourier series approximation. It is clear
with Qn being a square matrix with elements generated from that the dimension n determines the number of variables to
a standard normal distribution. This gives the total number of be handled and, as a consequence, the computational burden.
1,200 runs performed by the algorithm. Based on these figures, Moreover, in all tables, the symbol ∞ indicates that the cor-
the following conclusions can be drawn: responding minimum cost is very large so as the associated
• For the piecewise linear approximation the computational problem has been declared unfeasible by the algorithm, run-
effort of the proposed algorithm and the solution provided ning with the stopping condition and convergence parameters
by Lemma 2, solved in only one shot, are similar. Indeed, as indicated before.

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The authors would like to thank the Associated Editor and Ed. London, U.K.: Springer, 1995.
[13] U. Shaked and V. Suplin, “A new bounded real lemma representation for
the anonymous Reviewers for comments and suggestions that the continuous-time case,” IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, vol. 46, no. 9,
have been important to improve this letter. pp. 1420–1426, Sep. 2001.

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