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Development of Periodontium

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Development Of Periodontium


Dr.P.V Sunil Reddy (Professor & H.O.D) Palak Sharma

Dr.Shailendra S.Chaturvedi (Reader) PG Student

Dr.Pramod V.(Reader)

Dr.Hiroj Bagde (Reader)

Dr.Abhilasha Singh(Senior lecturer)


















After fertilization of the ovum, a series of cell divisions gives rise to an egg cell mass known as
the morula in mammals.In most vertebrates, including humans, the major portion of the egg cell
mass forms the extra embryonic membranes and other supportive structures, such as the
placenta. The inner cell mass separates into two layers,the epiblast and hypoblast. Cell marking
studies in chick and mouse embryos have shown that only the epiblast forms the embryo, with
the hypoblast and other cells forming supporting tissues, such as the placenta. The anterior
(rostral) end of the primitive streak forms the lower germ layer, the endoderm, in which are
embedded the midline notochordal (and prechordal) plates. Prospective mesodermal cells
migrate from the epiblast through the primitive streak to form the middle germ layer, the
mesoderm.cells remaining in the epiblast form the ectoderm, completing formation of the three
germ layers. Thus, at this stage, three distinct populations of embryonic cells have arisen largely
through division and migration. They follow distinctly separate courses during later
The primitive oral cavity, or stomodeum, is lined by stratified squamous epithelium called the
oral ectoderm or primitive oral epithelium. The oral ectoderm contacts the endoderm of the
foregut to form the buccopharyngeal membrane. At about the twenty-seventh day of gestation
this membrane ruptures and the primitive oral cavity establishes a connection with the foregut.

Most of the connective tissue cells underlying the oral ectoderm are of neural crest or
ectomesenchyme in origin. These cells are thought to instruct or induce the overlying ectoderm
to start tooth development, which begins in the anterior portion of what will be the future maxilla
and mandible and proceeds posteriorly.


Two or 3 weeks after the rupture of the buccopharyngeal membrane, when the embryo is about 6
weeks old, certain areas of basal cells of the oral ectoderm proliferate more rapidly than do the
cells of the adjacent areas. This leads to the formation of the Primary epithelial band which is a
band of epithelium that has invaded the underlying ectomesenchyme along each of the
horseshoe-shaped future dental arches. At about 7th week the primary epithelial band divides
into an inner (lingual) process called Dental lamina and an outer (buccal) process called
Vestibular lamina. The dental laminae serve as the primordium for the ectodermal portion of the
deciduous teeth. Later, during the development of the jaws, the permanent molars arise directly
from a distal extension of the dental lamina. The development of the first permanent molar is
initiated at the fourth month in utero. The second molar is initiated at about the first year after
birth, the third molar at the fourth or fifth years The distal proliferation of the dental lamina is
responsible for the location of the germs of the permanent molars in the ramus of the mandible
and the tuberosity of the maxilla. The successors of the deciduous teeth develop from a lingual
extension of the free end of the dental lamina opposite to the enamel organ of each deciduous
tooth . The lingual extension of the dental lamina is named the successional lamina and develops
from the fifth month in utero (permanent central incisor) to the tenth month of age (second

Fate of dental lamina

It is evident that the total activity of the dental lamina extends over a period of at least 5 years.
Any particular portion of the dental lamina functions for a much briefer period since only a
relatively short time elapses after initiation of tooth development before the dental lamina begins
to degenerate at that particular location. However, the dental lamina may still be active in the
third molar region after it has disappeared elsewhere, except for occasional epithelial remnants.
As the teeth continue to develop, they lose their connection with the dental lamina. They later
break up by mesenchymal invasion, which is at first incomplete and does not perforate the total
thickness of the lamina. Remnants of the dental lamina persist as epithelial pearls or islands
within the jaw as well as in the gingiva. These are referred to as cell rest of Serres.

Vestibular lamina

Labial and buccal to the dental lamina in each dental arch, another epithelial thickening develops
independently and somewhat later. It is the vestibular lamina, also termed the lip furrow band. It
subsequently hollows and forms the oral vestibule between the alveolar portion of the jaws and
the lips and cheeks.


At certain points along the dental lamina, each representing the location of one of the 10
mandibular and 10 maxillary deciduous teeth, the ectodermal cells multiply still more rapidly
and form little knobs that grow into the underlying mesenchyme . Each of these little
downgrowths from the dental lamina represents the beginning of the enamel organ of the tooth
bud of a deciduous tooth. Not all of these enamel organs start to develop at the same time, and
the first to appear are those of the anterior mandibular region.

As cell proliferation continues, each enamel organ increases in size, sinks deeper into the
ectomesenchyme and due to differential growth changes its shape. As it develops, it takes on a
shape that resembles a cap, with an outer convex surface facing the oral cavity and an inner
concavity. On the inside of the cap (i.e., inside the depression of the enamel organ), the
ectomesenchymal cells increase in number. The tissue appears more dense than the surrounding
mesenchyme and represents the beginning of the dental papilla. Surrounding the combined
enamel organ and dental papilla, the third part of the tooth bud forms. It is the dental sac or
dental follicle, and it consists of ectomesenchymal cells and fibers that surround the dental
papilla and the enamel organ. Thus the tooth germ consists of the ectodermal component—the
enamel organ and the ectomesenchymal components—the dental papilla and the dental follicle.
The tooth and its supporting structures are formed from the tooth germ. The enamel is formed
from the enamel organ, the dentin and pulp from the dental papilla and the supporting tissues
namely the cementum, periodontal ligament and the alveolar bone from the dental follicle.
During and after these developments the shape of the enamel organ continues to change. The
depression occupied by the dental papilla deepens until the enamel organ assumes a shape
resembling a bell. As this development takes place, the dental lamina, which had thus far
connected the enamel organ to the oral epithelium, becomes longer and thinner and finally
breaks up and the tooth bud loses its connection with the epithelium of the primitive oral cavity.
Development of tooth results from interaction of the epithelium derived from the first arch and
ectomesenchymal cells derived from the neural crest cells.


Although tooth development is a continuous process, the developmental history of a tooth is

divided into several morphologic “stages” for descriptive purposes. While the size and shape of
individual teeth are different, they pass through similar stages of development. They are named
after the shape of the enamel organ (epithelial part of the tooth germ), and are called the bud,
cap, and bell stages.

Bud stage

The epithelium of the dental laminae is separated from the underlying ectomesenchyme by a
basement membrane. Simultaneous with the differentiation of each dental lamina, round or ovoid
swellings arise from the basement membrane at 10 different points, corresponding to the future
positions of the deciduous teeth. These are the primordia of the enamel organs, the tooth buds.
Thus the development of tooth germs is initiated, and the cells continue to proliferate faster than
adjacent cells. The dental lamina is shallow, and microscopic sections often show tooth buds
close the oral epithelium. Since the main function of certain epithelial cells of the tooth bud is to
form the tooth enamel, these cells constitute the enamel organ, which is critical to normal tooth
development. In the bud stage, the enamel organ consists of peripherally located low columnar
cells and centrally located polygonal cells. Many cells of the tooth bud and the surrounding
mesenchyme undergo mitosis . As a result of the increased mitotic activity and the migration of
neural crest cells into the area the ectomesenchymal cells surrounding the tooth bud condense.
The area of ectomesenchymal condensation immediately subjacent to the enamel organ is the
dental papilla. The condensed ectomesenchyme that surrounds the tooth bud and the dental
papilla is the dental sac. Both the dental papilla and the dental sac become more well defined as
the enamel organ grows into the cap and bell shapes .

Cap stage

As the tooth bud continues to proliferate, it does not expand uniformly into a larger sphere.
Instead, unequal growth in different parts of the tooth bud leads to the cap stage, which is
characterized by a shallow invagination on the deep surface of the bud.

Outer and inner enamel epithelium

The peripheral cells of the cap stage are cuboidal, cover the convexity of the “cap,” and are
called the outer enamel (dental) epithelium. The cells in the concavity of the “cap” become tall,
columnar cells and represent the inner enamel (dental) epithelium . The outer enamel epithelium
is separated from the dental sac, and the inner enamel epithelium from the dental papilla, by a
delicate basement membrane. Hemidesmosomes anchor the cells to the basal lamina. The enamel
organ may be seen to have a double attachment of dental lamina to the overlying oral epithelium
enclosing ectomesenchyme called enamel niche between them. This appearance is due to a
funnel-shaped depression of the dental lamina.

Polygonal cells located in the center of the epithelial enamel organ, between the outer and inner
enamel epithelia, begin to separate due to water being drawn into the enamel organ from the
surrounding dental papilla as a result of osmotic force exerted by glycosaminoglycans contained
in the ground substance. As a result the polygonal cells become star shaped but maintain contact
with each other by their cytoplasmic process. As these starshaped cells form a cellular network,
they are called the stellate reticulum . This gives the stellate reticulum a cushion like consistency
and acts as a shock absorber that may support and protect the delicate enamel-forming cells. The
cells in the center of the enamel organ are densely packed and form the enamel knot . This knot
projects in part toward the underlying dental papilla, so that the center of the epithelial
invagination shows a slightly knob like enlargement that is bordered by the labial and lingual
enamel grooves. At the same time a vertical extension of the enamel knot, called the enamel cord
occurs . When the enamel cord extends to meet the outer enamel epithelium it is termed as
enamel septum, for it would divide the stellate reticulum into two parts. The outer enamel
epithelium at the point of meeting shows a small depression and this is termed enamel navel as it
resembles the umbilicus. These are temporary structures (transitory structures) that disappear
before enamel formation begins. The function of the enamel knot and cord may act as a reservoir
of dividing cells for the growing enamel organ. Recent studies have shown that enamel knot acts
as a signaling center as many important growth factors are expressed by the cells of the enamel
knot and thus they play an important part in determining the shape of the tooth. These are
discussed in detail in the section on molecular insights in tooth morphogenesis.

Dental papilla

Under the organizing influence of the proliferating epithelium of the enamel organ, the
ectomesenchyme (neural crest cells) that is partially enclosed by the invaginated portion of the
inner enamel epithelium proliferates. It condenses to form the dental papilla, which is the
formative organ of the dentin and the primordium of the pulp . The changes in the dental papilla
occur concomitantly with the development of the epithelial enamel organ. Although the
epithelium exerts a dominating influence over the adjacent connective tissue, the condensation of
the latter is not a passive crowding by the proliferating epithelium. The dental papilla shows
active budding of capillaries and mitotic figures, and its peripheral cells adjacent to the inner
enamel epithelium enlarge and later differentiate into the odontoblasts.

Dental sac (dental follicle)

Concomitant with the development of the enamel organ and the dental papilla, there is a
marginal condensation in the ectomesenchyme surrounding the enamel organ and dental papilla.

Gradually, in this zone, a denser and more fibrous layer develops, which is the primitive dental
Bell stage

As the invagination of the epithelium deepens and its margins continue to grow, the enamel
organ assumes a bell shape. In the bell stage crown shape is determined. It was thought that the
shape of the crown is due to the pressure exerted by the growing dental papilla cells on the inner
enamel epithelium. This pressure however was shown to be opposed equally by the pressure
exerted by the fluid present in the stellate reticulum. The folding of enamel organ to cause
different crown shapes is shown to be due to differential rates of mitosis and differences in cell
differentiation time. Cells begin to differentiate only when cells cease to divide. The inner
enamel epithelial cells which lie in the future cusp tip or incisor region stop dividing earlier and
begin to differentiate first. The pressure exerted by the continuous cell division on these
differentiating cells from other areas of the enamel organ cause these cells to be pushed out into
the enamel organ in the form of a cusp tip. The cells in another future cusp area begin to
differentiate, and by a similar process results in a cusp tip form. The area between two cusp tips,
i.e. the cuspal slopes extent and therefore of cusp height are due to cell proliferation and
differentiation occurring gradually from cusp tips to the depth of the sulcus. Cell differentiation
also proceeds gradually cervically, those at the cervix are last to differentiate. The determination
of crown shape (tooth morphogenesis) is under the control of genes and their signaling molecules
and growth factors. These have been dealt in detail in the section on molecular insights in tooth
morphogenesis. Four different types of epithelial cells can be distinguished on light microscopic
examination of the bell stage of the enamel organ. The cells form the inner enamel epithelium,
the stratum intermedium, the stellate reticulum, and the outer enamel epithelium. The junction
between inner and outer enamel epithelium is called cervical loop and it is an area of intense
mitotic .The inner enamel epithelium consists of a single layer of cells that differentiate prior to
amelogenesis into tall columnar cells called ameloblasts . These cells are 4 to 5 micrometers
(μm) in diameter and about 40 μm high. These elongated cells are attached to one another by
junctional complexes laterally and to cells in the stratum intermedium by desmosomes . The fine
structure of inner enamel epithelium and ameloblasts. The cells of the inner enamel epithelium
exert an organizing influence on the underlying mesenchymal cells in the dental papilla, which
later differentiate into odontoblasts. Stratum intermedium between cells of stratum intermedium,
stellate reticulum and inner enamel epithelium. The well-developed cytoplasmic organelles, acid
mucopolysaccharides, and glycogen deposits indicate a high degree of metabolic activity.

This layer seems to be essential to enamel formation. It is absent in the part of the tooth germ
that outlines the root portions of the tooth which does not form enamel.

Stellate reticulum

The stellate reticulum expands further, mainly by an increase in the amount of intercellular fluid.
The cells are star shaped, with long processes that anastomose with those of adjacent cells.
Desmosomal junctions are observed between cells of stellate reticulum, stratum intermedium and
outer enamel epithelium. Before enamel formation begins, the stellate reticulum collapses,
reducing the distance between the centrally situated ameloblasts and the nutrient capillaries near
the outer enamel epithelium. Its cells then are hardly distinguishable from those of the stratum
intermedium. This change begins at the height of the cusp or the incisal edge and progresses

Outer enamel epithelium

The cells of the outer enamel epithelium flatten to a low cuboidal form. At the end of the bell
stage, preparatory to and during the formation of enamel, the formerly smooth surface of the
outer enamel epithelium is laid in folds. Between the folds the adjacent mesenchyme of the
dental sac forms papillae that contain capillary loops and thus provide a rich nutritional supply
for the intense metabolic activity of the avascular enamel organ. This would adequately
compensate the loss of nutritional supply from dental papilla owing to the formation of
mineralized dentin.

Dental lamina

The dental lamina is seen to extend lingually and is termed successional dental lamina as it gives
rise to enamel organs of permanent successors of deciduous teeth (permanent incisors, canines
and premolars). The enamel organs of deciduous teeth in the bell stage show successional lamina
and their permanent successor teeth in the bud stage.

Dental papilla

The dental papilla is enclosed in the invaginated portion of the enamel organ. Before the inner
enamel epithelium begins to produce enamel, the peripheral cells of the mesenchymal dental
papilla differentiate into odontoblasts under the organizing influence of the epithelium. First,
they assume a cuboidal form; later they assume a columnar form and acquire the specific
potential to produce dentin. The basement membrane that separates the enamel organ and the
dental papilla just prior to dentin formation is called the membrana preformativa.

A few layers of squamous cells form the stratum intermedium, between the inner enamel
epithelium and the stellate reticulum. These cells are closely attached by desmosomes and gap
junctions. Desmosomal junctions are also observed Figc activity. Dental sac

Before formation of dental tissues begins, the dental sac shows a circular arrangement of its
fibers and resembles a capsular structure. With the development of the root, the fibers of the
dental sac differentiate into the periodontal fibers that become embedded in the developing
cementum and alveolar bone.

Advanced bell stage

This stage is characterized by the commencement of mineralization and root formation. During
the advanced bell stage, the boundary between inner enamel epithelium and odontoblasts
outlines the future dentinoenamel junction . The formation of dentin occurs first as a layer along
the future dentinoenamel junction in the region of future cusps and proceeds pulpally and
apically. After the first layer of dentin is formed, the ameloblast which has already differentiated
from inner enamel epithelial cells lay down enamel over the dentin in the future incisal and
cuspal areas. The enamel formation then proceeds coronally and cervically, in all regions from
the dentinoenamel junction (DEJ) towards the surface. In addition, the cervical portion of the
enamel organ gives rise to the epithelial root sheath of Hertwig. The Hertwig’s epithelial root
sheath (HERS) outlines the future root and is thus responsible for the shape, length, size, and
number of roots

Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath and root formation

The development of the roots begins after enamel and dentin formation has reached the future
cementoenamel junction. The enamel organ plays an important part in root development by
forming HERS, which molds the shape of the roots and initiates radicular dentin formation.
Hertwig’s root sheath consists of the outer and inner enamel epithelia only, and therefore it does
not include the stratum intermedium and stellate reticulum. The cells of the inner layer remain
short and normally do not produce enamel. When these cells have induced the differentiation of
radicular dental papilla cells into odontoblasts and the first layer of dentin has been laid down,
the epithelial root sheath loses its structural continuity and its close relation to the surface of the
root. Its remnants persist as an epithelial network of strands or clumps near the external surface
of the root. These epithelial remnants are found in the periodontal ligament of erupted teeth and
are called rests of Malassez. There is a pronounced difference in the development of HERS in
teeth with one root and in those with two or more roots. Prior to the beginning of root formation,
the root sheath forms the epithelial diaphragm. The outer and inner enamel epithelia bend at the
future cementoenamel junction into a horizontal plane, narrowing the wide cervical opening of
the tooth germ. The plane of the diaphragm remains relatively fixed during the development and
growth of the root . The proliferation of the cells of the epithelial diaphragm is accompanied by
proliferation of the cells of the connective tissue of the pulp, which occurs in the area adjacent to
the diaphragm. The free end of the diaphragm does not grow into the connective tissue, but the
epithelium proliferates coronal to the epithelial diaphrag. The differentiation of odontoblasts and
the formation of dentin follow the lengthening of the root sheath. At the same time the
connective tissue of the dental sac surrounding the root sheath proliferates and invades the
continuous double epithelial layer dividing it into a network of epithelial strands . The epithelium
is moved away from the surface of the dentin so that connective tissue cells come into contact
with the outer surface of the dentin and differentiate into cementoblasts that deposit a layer of
cementum onto the surface of the dentin. The rapid sequence of proliferation and destruction of
Hertwig’s root sheath explains the fact that it cannot be seen as a continuous layer on the surface
of the developing root. In the last stages of root development, the proliferation of the epithelium
in the diaphragm lags behind that of the pulpal connective tissue. The wide apical foramen is
reduced first to the width of the diaphragmatic opening itself and later is further narrowed by
apposition of dentin and cementum to the apex of the root. Differential growth of the epithelial
diaphragm in multirooted teeth causes the division of the root trunk into two or three roots.
During the general growth of the enamel organ the expansion of its cervical opening occurs in
such a way that long tongue like extensions of the horizontal diaphragm develop . Two such
extensions are found in the germs of lower molars and three in the germs of upper molars. Before
division of the root trunk occurs, the free ends of these horizontal epithelial flaps grow toward
each other and fuse. The single cervical opening of the coronal enamel organ is then divided into
two or three openings. On the pulpal surface of the dividing epithelial bridges, dentin formation
starts , and on the periphery of each opening, root development follows in the same way as
described for single-rooted teeth . If cells of the epithelial root sheath remain adherent to the
dentin surface, they may differentiate into fully functioning ameloblasts and produce enamel.
Such droplets of enamel, called enamel pearls, are sometimes found in the area of furcation of
the roots of permanent molars. If the continuity of HERS is broken or is not established prior to
dentin formation, a defect in the dentinal wall of the pulp ensues. Such defects are found in the
pulpal floor corresponding to the furcation or on any point of the root itself if the fusion of the
horizontal extensions of the diaphragm remains incomplete.


Enhanced proliferative activity ensues at the points of initiation and results successively in the
bud, cap, and bell stages of the odontogenic organ. Proliferative growth causes regular changes
in the size and proportions of the growing tooth germ . Even during the stage of proliferation, the
tooth germ already has the potential to become more highly developed. This is illustrated by the
fact that explants of these early stages continue to develop in tissue culture through the
subsequent stages of histodifferentiation and appositional growth. A disturbance or experimental
interference has entirely different effects, according to the time of occurrence and the stage of
development that it affects.


Histodifferentiation succeeds the proliferative stage. The formative cells of the tooth germs
developing during the proliferative stage undergo definite morphologic as well as functional
changes and acquire their functional assignment (the appositional growth potential). The cells
become restricted in their functions. They differentiate and give up their capacity to multiply as
they assume their new function; this law governs all differentiating cells. This phase reaches its
highest development in the bell stage of the enamel organ, just preceding the beginning of
formation and apposition of dentin and enamel . The organizing influence of the inner enamel
epithelium on the mesenchyme is evident in the bell stage and causes the differentiation of the
adjacent cells of the dental papilla into odontoblasts. With the formation of dentin, the cells of
the inner enamel epithelium differentiate into ameloblasts and enamel matrix is formed opposite
the dentin. Enamel does not form in the absence of dentin, as demonstrated by the failure of
transplanted ameloblasts to form enamel when dentin is not present. Dentin formation therefore
precedes and is essential to enamel formation. The differentiation of the epithelial cells precedes
and is essential to the differentiation of the odontoblasts and the initiation of dentin formation. In
vitro studies on tooth development have provided vital information concerning the interaction of
dermal–epidermal components of tooth tissues on differentiation of odontoblasts and
ameloblasts. The importance of the basement membrane of this interface has been recognized.
However, the criteria for the development of this complex organ system will have to await the
delineation of the precise roles of the stellate reticulum, the stratum intermedium, and the outer
enamel epithelial components. One of the models that has been suggested for the interactions
that may occur between tissues during the development of a tooth.


The morphologic pattern, or basic form and relative size of the future tooth, is established by
morphodifferentiation, that is, by differential growth. Morphodifferentiation therefore is
impossible without proliferation. The advanced bell stage marks not only active
histodifferentiation but also an important stage of morphodifferentiation in the crown, outlining
the future dentinoenamel junction . The dentinoenamel and dentinocemental junctions, which are
different and characteristic for each type of tooth, act as a blueprint pattern. In conformity with
this pattern the ameloblasts, odontoblasts, and cementoblasts deposit enamel, dentin, and
cementum, respectively, and thus give the completed tooth its characteristic form and size. For
example, the size and form of the cuspal portion of the crown of the first permanent molar are
established at birth long before the formation of hard tissues begin.


Apposition is the deposition of the matrix of the hard dental structures. It will be described in
separate chapters on enamel, dentin, and cementum. This chapter deals with certain aspects of
apposition in order to complete the discussion of the physiologic processes concerned in the
growth of teeth. Appositional growth of enamel and dentin is a layer like deposition of an
extracellular matrix. This type of growth is therefore additive. It is the fulfillment of the plans
outlined at the stages of histodifferentiation and morphodifferentiation. Appositional growth is
characterized by regular and rhythmic deposition of the extracellular matrix, which is of itself
incapable of further growth. Periods of activity and rest alternate at definite intervals during
tooth formation.

Development of the periodontal ligament

The development of the periodontal ligament begins with root formation prior to tooth eruption.
The continuous proliferation of the inner and external enamel epithelium forms the cervical loop
of the tooth bud. This sheath of epithelial cells grows apically, in the form of Hertwig’s epithelial
root sheath, between the dental papilla and the dental follicle. At this stage, the sheath forms a
circumferential structure encompassing dental papilla separating it externally from dental follicle
cells. The dental follicle cells, located between the alveolar bone and the epithelial root sheath,
are composed of two subpopulations with distinct morphological characteristics and locations;
mesenchymal cells of the dental follicle proper and the perifollicular mesenchyme perifollicular
mesenchyme . The morphological features and their differentiation into cementoblasts during
acellular extrinsic fiber cementum formation were discussed earlier. The mesenchymal cells of
the perifollicular mesenchyme bounded by the dental follicle proper and the developing alveolar
bone are stellate-shaped, small, and randomly oriented. In contrast to the dental follicle proper,
the cells of the perifollicular mesenchyme are rather widely separated. Ultrastructural study of
these cells indicates that they contain an euchromatic nucleus and small cytoplasm that contains
a small number of short cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, free ribosomes,
and an inactive Golgi area. These cells also have several long and thin cytoplasmic processes that
connect with those from neighboring cells. A small number of short collagen fibrils are located
close to the cell surface . As the root formation continues, cells in the perifollicular area gain
their polarity, increased cellular volume and synthetic activity. These cells become elongated and
contain increased numbers of rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria and an active
Golgi complex. As a result, they actively synthesize and deposit collagen fibrils and
glycoproteins in the developing periodontal ligament . The developing periodontal ligament, as
well as the mature periodontal ligament, contains undifferentiated stem cells that retain the
potential to differentiate into osteoblasts, cementoblasts and fibroblasts . Experimental studies
suggest that stem cells occupy perivascular sites in the periodontal ligament and in adjacent
endosteal spaces . Stem cell progeny undergo further maturation during migration to the bone
and cemental surfaces . Whether or not osteoblasts, cementoblasts and fibroblasts originate from
a common ancestor or from a specific line of progenitor cells remains to be clarified.
Development of the principal fibers

Development of the major collagen bundles, the principal fibers of the periodontal ligament, is
closely correlated to root formation. Fiber bundles originate at the surface of the newly formed
root dentin in close relation to elongated and highly polarized fibroblasts. These nascent fiber
bundles (fringe fibers) are tightly packed (bundled) by the action of cementoblasts during the
initial development of acellular extrinsic fiber cementum. During tooth eruption, as the
periodontal ligament matures, the fringe fibers merge across the width of the ligament to form
the principal fiber bundles. In the middle of the periodontal ligament the collagen fiber bundles
are less tightly packed. In general, the majority of the principal fibers course in a coronal
direction from cementum to bone, forming the oblique fiber group. During the development of
the fringe fibers, fibroblasts exhibit cytoplasmic polarity toward the root and alveolar bone
surfaces respectively. The ultrastructural appearance of these cells is consistent with directed cell
migration toward each of these surfaces, concurrent with the deposition of a collagen and
proteoglycan-rich extracellular matrix . A specific cementum attachment protein may favor
periodontal ligament fibroblast attachment to the cementum surface . With continued
development of the root, major collagen bundles, the principal fibers, are established as
continuous structures embedded as Sharpey’s fibers in bone and cementum. Sloan & Carter have
reviewed the subject of the structural organization. tion of the fibers of the ligament (128). In
histological sections the following distinct groups of principal fibers are noted: dentogingival,
alveolar crest, transseptal, interradicular, horizontal, oblique and apical fiber bundles. The
oblique fibers, occupying nearly two thirds of the ligament, are inserted into bone coronal to their
insertion into cementum. This geometric arrangement of the oblique fibers is ideally suited to
absorb intrusive forces generated during mastication. In order to attach the tooth in its alveolus,
the fibers must be embedded in mineralized bone and cementum. A nonfibrillar matrix that stains
with ruthenium red appears to ‘‘cement’’ the terminus of the fringe fibers (Sharpey’s fibers) at
their insertion in newly formed acellular extrinsic fiber cementum and bone, and in the case of
fully developed specimens on a reversal line deep within cementum or bone.
Immunocytochemical studies have shown that osteopontin is a significant component of the
matrix of the reversal line. The mature periodontal ligament can be subdivided into three regions
: a) a bone-related region, rich in cells and blood vessels, b) a cementum-related region
characterized by dense well-ordered collagen bundles, and c) a middle zone containing fewer
cells and thinner collagen fibrils.

Cellular components

Fibroblasts are the most abundant cells in the periodontal ligament, and are responsible for
metabolism of extracellular matrix components. The periodontal ligament is known to have
heterogeneous population of fibroblasts. A subpopulation of osteoblast-like fibroblasts, rich in
alkaline phosphatase, has been identified in the periodontal ligament. These cells have the
capacity to give rise to bone cells and cementoblasts. They are also responsible for the
production of acellular extrinsic fiber cementum in the mature periodontal ligament . Periodontal
ligament fibroblasts are also needed to maintain the normal width of the periodontal ligament by
preventing the encroachment of bone and cementum into the periodontal ligament space . The
factors responsible for this activity have yet to be identified.

Morphology of periodontal ligament fibroblasts

Mechanical strain applied to periodontal ligament fibroblasts appears to determine their shape,
synthetic activity and adhesive interaction with the surrounding extracellular matrix. Most
periodontal ligament fibroblasts are highly active cells, exhibiting an elongated well-polarized
cytoplasm with extensive areas of contact to collagen fibers . These fibroblasts contain large
amounts of rough endoplasmic reticulum and well-developed Golgi complexes, indicative of a
high rate of protein synthesis. The Golgi complex of the periodontal ligament fibroblast contains
several Golgi stacks comprised of cisternae and terminal saccules. Each Golgi stack is made up
of five cisternae, about 2 mm in length, terminating at each end in an expanded saccule.
Immature cisternae at the cis surface of the Golgi complex are slightly dilated and in routine
preparations devoid of any stainable content. The saccules associated to these cisternae contain
fine, loosely arranged filaments. The cisternae of the trans surface contain dense material and
their associated saccules contain rod-like structures with globular terminal elements, resembling
segment-long-spacing collagen aggregates. These saccules are released to form presecretory
granules that quickly associate to microtubules . Autoradiographic and biochemical studies have
confirmed a high rate of protein secretion in the periodontal ligament .

The gingiva, comprised of gingival epithelium and connective tissue, is a portion of the oral
mucosa that covers the tooth-bearing part of the alveolar bone and the cervical neck of the tooth.
The epithelial component of gingiva shows regional morphological variations that are a
reflection of tissue adaptation to the tooth and alveolar bone . These include the oral gingival
epithelium, oral sulcular epithelium and junctional epithelium. The gingiva evolves as the crown
enters the oral cavity by breaking through the oral epithelium. As the development of gingiva
prior to tooth eruption into the oral cavity has not been studied , our description on the formation
of gingival structural components in association with the tooth is limited to the stage of mucosal
penetration of the crown and subsequent differentiation.

Development of gingival epithelium

As an erupting tooth approaches the oral epithelium, the enamel epithelium rapidly proliferates,
forming the thick reduced enamel epithelium. As the crown erupts further, the reduced enamel
epithelium overlying the enamel fuses with the oral epithelium, undergoes transformation, and
establishes the dentogingival junction forming the junctional epithelial cells. The junctional
epithelium maintains a direct attachment to the tooth surface. During eruption, contact is
established between the reduced enamel epithelium and the oral gingival epithelium. Since
epithelial cells of the junctional epithelium contact with the tooth surface, they produce an
internal basal lamina and are anchored to this basal lamina by numerous hemidesmosomes. The
basal cells of the junctional epithelium, however, are separated from the connective tissue by the
external basal lamina. The interface between the junctional epithelium and the underlying
connectivetissue is relatively smooth, unlike the condition found in the oral gingival epithelium.
Although junctional epithelium does not exhibit true phenotypic stratification, the outermost cells
tend to be elongated and to lie with their long axis parallel to the tooth surface. Suprabasal cells
of the junctional epithelium express markers typically found in basal cells and simple epithelia.
The junctional epithelium tapers from its coronal end, which may be 10 to 20 cells wide, to 1 or
2 cells at its apical termination, located at the cementoenamel junction in healthy tissue. Of
interest is the observation that keratin tonofilaments are not inserted into the hemidesmosomes
along the internal basal lamina. The internal basal lamina is approximately three times thicker
than the external basal lamina. It contains laminin and proteoglycans. Cells in contact with the
internal basal lamina express the a6b4 integrin, a laminin receptor. The cells in contact with the
internal basal lamina contain a relatively well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum, and
numerous Golgi components. Several investigators indicate that the cells of the junctional
epithelium have an endocytotic capacity equal to that of macrophages and neutrophils and that
this activity might be protective in nature. Cells leave the external basal lamina and migrate to
the free surface of the junctional epithelium located at the base of the gingival sulcus, where they
are exfoliated. As measured in nonhuman primates, the rate of cell turnover in the junctional
epithelium (4–6 days) is significantly faster than in the oral sulcular epithelim. The oral gingival
epithelium has the slowest rate of proliferation of all three regions, with a turnover time of 9 to
12 days. It appears that differences in cell proliferation among the three regions of gingival
epithelium may be due to their responsiveness to the growth inhibitory effect of transforming
growth factor-b and stimulatory effect of epidermal growth factor. In healthy teeth, the junctional
epithelium (epithelial attachment) ends at the cementoenamel junction. Densely packed collagen
bundles are anchored to the acellular extrinsic fiber cementum just below the terminal point of
the junctional epithelium. These collagen bundles form the connective tissue attachment. The
stability of this connective tissue attachment is a key factor in limiting the migration of the
junctional epithelium.

Development of gingival connective tissue

Prior to emergence of the crown, the connective tissue in the future eruption pathway shows
alterations including the degeneration of collagen fibers, cells and blood vessels. Formation of
this eruption pathway accelerates the rate of tooth eruption. Gingival connective tissue
fibroblasts originate from perifollicular mesenchyme, a derivative of the stomodeal mesoderm.
During normal development of the periodontium, gingival fibroblasts do not come into contact
with the tooth surface. In contrast, the fibroblasts of the periodontal ligament become juxtaposed
to the tooth surface soon after the disruption of the root sheath. New fibroblasts are derived from
the proliferation of undifferentiated perivascular cells. Gingival collagen turns over more rapidly
than that of skin and bone, but slower than that of the periodontal ligament. Gingival fibroblasts
show considerable variation in morphology. In general they contain an abundance of rough
endoplasmic reticulum, well developed Golgi complexes and mitochondria. Other fibroblasts
may show signs of swelling and degeneration depending on site-to-site microenvironmental
variations in cytokines and other biological mediators of inflammation.

The maxilla and mandible of the adult human can be subdivided into two portions: (a) the
alveolar process that involves in housing the roots of erupted teeth and (b) the basal body that
does not involve in housing the roots . The alveolar processes consist of the thin alveolar bone
proper that forms the alveolar wall of the tooth socket, the inner and outer cortical plates, and
spongy bone between the alveolar bone proper the cortical plates. Since the alveolar processes
develop and undergo remodeling with the tooth formation and eruption, they are tooth-dependent
bony structures . Therefore, the size, shape and location and function of the teeth determine their
morphology. The alveolar bone proper is 0.1 to 0.4 mm thick and is consisted of a Harversian
system and lamellated and bundle bone . The coronal and apical regions of the alveolar bone
proper have a sieve-like structure. These openings connect the periodontal ligament to the bone
marrow spaces and correspond to Volkmann’s canals through which blood vessels, lymphatic
vessels and nerve fibers pass.

Development of the alveolar bone proper

Since the development of the alveolar bone proper has not been systemically studied in animals
and humans, the information on this subject is very much fragmented. Tooth germs develop
within bony structures. At the late bell stage, bony septa and bony bridge start to form, and
separate the individual tooth germs from another, keeping individual tooth germs in clearly
outlined bony compartment . At this stage, the dental follicle surrounds each tooth germ, which
is located between a tooth germ and its bony compartment. Even prior to root formation, the
tooth germs within bony compartments show continued bodily movement in various directions to
adjust to the growing jaws. This movement causes minor remodeling of bony compartment
through bone resorption and deposition of new bone. The major changes in the alveolar
processes begin to occur with the development of the roots of teeth and tooth eruption. As the
roots of teeth develop, the alveolar processes increase in height. Also, cells in the dental follicle
start to differentiate into periodontal ligament fibroblasts and cementoblasts responsible for the
formation of the periodontal ligament and cementum, respectively. At the same time, some cells
in the dental follicle also differentiate into osteoblasts and form the alveolar bone proper . The
formation of the alveolar bone proper is closely related to the formation of the periodontal
ligament and cementum during root formation and tooth eruption . Thus, the size and shape of
the individual developing tooth roots determine the overall structure of the alveolar bone proper.
On the other hand, the rest of bony structures in the alveolar process are achieved by periosteal
bone formation.

Remodeling of the alveolar processes during tooth eruption

The tooth germs develop within the alveolar processes, and when the root formation begins, the
alveolar processes have already grown over the occlusal plane of the developing tooth. Thus, for
successful tooth eruption, there must be bone remodeling. In order for the developing tooth to
escape from the alveolar bone,agubernacular can almost b ewidened by osteoclastic bone
resorption . At the same time, new bone formation at the base of the bony crypt is believed to be
important in producing an outward eruption force directed against the erupting tooth.
Morphological studies and experimental surgical interventions have provided evidence that the
post-secretory enamelorgan and the highly vascularized dental follicle connective tissue
coordinate the eruption of teeth of limited eruption . The presence of the dental follicle was
found to be essential for bone resorption during the formation of the eruptive pathway as well as
for new bone formation apical to the erupting tooth . Supporters of the concept that the dental
follicle is the key structural component responsible for regulating eruption of teeth point to the
fact that proteinase activity in the follicular connective tissue peaks at initiation of tooth eruption
. The observation that rootless teeth undergo eruption is further convincing proof for the
integrated activity of bone resorption and bone formation under the control of the dental follicle
during eruption. Monocytes containing tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase, an indicator of
lysosomal activity, invade the connective tissue of the dental follicle early in tooth development
and during tooth eruption. These cells are believed to be osteoclast precursors that play an
important role in alveolar bone resorption during tooth eruption. Recent evidence shows that
colony-stimulating factor-1 and epidermal growth factor are involved in tooth eruption . Isolated
cells of the dental follicle secrete colony-stimulating factor-1, a substance involved in the
recruitment and differentiation of preosteoclasts. Epidermal growth factor upregulates the
production of colony-stimulating factor-1 via its ability to stimulate the cells of the reduced
enamel organ to make interleukin-1a .
Functions of the alveolar processes

The general functions of the alveolar bone processes are to house the roots of teeth and to absorb
and distribute occlusal pressures generated during tooth contacts. Their most important and
unique function is to anchor the roots of teeth to the alveoli, which is achieved by the insertion of
Sharpey’s fibers into the alveolar bone proper


Not long ago knowledge of the development and general structure of the periodontium was
limited to morphological information. Over the years, extensive use has been made of
transmission electron microscopy, histochemistry, cytochemistry and radioautography to
document the cell and tissue structure of the periodontium. We have attempted a brief review of
this topic. During the last decade, rapid progress has been made in understanding of the
molecular and cellular biology of periodontal tissue development. However, there remain many
intriguing aspects of this story that remain to be fully explored at the tissue, cell and molecular
level. This subject is of special importance, for we now know that periodontal tissue healing and
regeneration share many, if not all, of the events that take place during normal development.
Further studies of how cells interact with their neighbors and with the extracellular matrix, in
vivo as well as in vitro, during development, will help to create a firmer foundation upon which
periodontal regeneration techniques can be developed and implemented clinically.











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