Case Based Anes
Case Based Anes
Case Based Anes
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Professor of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine
Department of Anaesthesia
University College of Cork
Consultant Anaesthetist
Department of Anaesthesia
Cork University Hospital
Cork, Ireland
Professor and Vice Chairman
Department of Anesthesia
Indiana University School of Medicine
Indianapolis, Indiana
Professor of Anesthesiology
Rush University Medical Center
Chicago, Illinois
Printed in China.
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15259_FM.qxd 3/18/09 12:07 PM Page v
The discovery and application of anesthesia is the most im- So in this setting, where does Case-Based Anesthesia: Clinical
portant contribution of American medicine to mankind. Its Learning Guides edited by Drs. Shorten, Dierdorf, O’Connor,
impact exceeds even the elucidation of the human genome. Iohom, and Hogue fit in? In other words, do we need yet an-
Without visionary discoveries by pioneers in anesthesiology, other anesthesiology text? The answer, in this case, is a re-
the explosive growth in type, complexity, and safety of surgi- sounding yes! Why? First starting with the title, Clinical
cal procedures would not have occurred. More importantly, Learning Guides, the editors have chosen to emphasize learn-
anesthesiology is considered to be the lead specialty in patient ing in the broader sense, not just Board exam preparation and
safety. re-certification, but acquisition of knowledge as part of the
The core principle that drives these advances is training process of responsibility and accountability for one’s education
and continuing education. It is interesting to note that, in the and lifelong learning. By viewing education through this lens,
19th century, anesthesiology was considered a “technique” the practioner can apply information gained from this text
with little scientific merit. It was not until 100 years later into a variety of clinical and examination settings. The Editors
that the specialty developed a rigorous scientific foundation accomplish their goal through the innovative approach of
with postgraduate training programs. Even more astound- using two formats for case-based learning: “Step-by Step” or
ing is the fact that, into the late 20th century, there was a “Reflection.” This is a unique approach for a textbook.
paucity of books authored by North Americans. Textbooks Importantly, it recognizes different learning styles to help re-
supporting resident education, preparation for board exam- inforce important clinical concepts. This is the first time such
inations, and reference for clinical care were predominantly diverse information has been organized on these educationally
British in origin. sound principles in a clinical textbook. The editors have cou-
In the 1980s the educational scene changed dramatically. pled this with the use of “hot topics” where new evidence can
Residents and fellows were recruited from the upper tier of be applied to clinical conundrums as well as to responses to ex-
medical school graduates. In addition to publication of core amination questions. This is accomplished by a list of all-star
and specialty textbooks and journals, application of electronic contributors, each an authority in his/her own area of expert-
media, such as the Internet, has revolutionized the specialty ise. It is as if the reader is being taken through a clinically chal-
of anesthesiology. The American Board of Anesthesiology lenge case with an expert at their side.
has stated, “The ability to independently acquire and process As Thomas L. Friedman implies in his best-selling book
information in a timely manner is central to assure individual The World is Flat (Picador 2007), anesthesiologists worldwide
responsibility for all aspects of patient care.” Although use of are truly interconnected, as globalization brings us into wide-
the Internet and other electronic media assist in rapidly an- reaching contact with our peers and new opportunities arise.
swering questions related to patient care, most residents, fel- Thus, Case-Based Anesthesia: Clinical Learning Guides is tar-
lows, and experienced clinicians still use the printed word to geted at an international array of inquisitive trainees and clini-
comprehensively learn about a new topic, prepare for board cians whose basic goal is safe and unsurpassed clinical care of
examination and recertification, and even organize a clinical our patients.
management plan for the patient with a complex array of co-
existing diseases. Paul G. Barash, MD
Professor, Department of Anesthesiology
Yale University School of Medicine
Attending Anesthesiologist
Yale-New Haven Hospital
New Haven, Connecticut
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Foreword vii
List of Contributors ix
2. Perioperative -Blockade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
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Index 227
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mortality after cardiac (1.9% vs. 3.1%; p ⫽ 0.0001) and cantly decreased incidence of adverse cardiovascular events.16
vascular (1.7% vs. 6.1%; p ⫽ 0.0001) surgery, respectively.7 If statin therapy was discontinued after the MI occurred, how-
Additionally, a retrospective, case-control study of more than ever, the incidence of 30-day death and nonfatal MI was
2600 primary, elective CABG surgery patients found that pre- significantly increased compared with patients receiving con-
operative statin therapy was independently associated with a tinuous statin therapy (OR, 2.93; 95% CI, 1.64–6.27).16 This
reduced risk of in-hospital cardiovascular death (adjusted finding may explain in part why studies of the benefits of pre-
odds ratio [OR], 0.25; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.07–0.87) operative statin therapy have reported mixed results regarding
but not nonfatal postoperative MI.8 Thus, perioperative statin postoperative nonfatal MI outcomes, as many of these surgical
therapy has been shown to be associated with a reduced inci- studies did not assess whether statins were continued in the
dence of acute, in-hospital adverse outcomes. postoperative period. Supporting this hypothesis is a recent
However, the benefits of perioperative statin therapy extend multicenter study of 2666 CABG surgical patients in which
beyond the acute perioperative period. For example, a study of preoperative statin therapy was independently associated with
post-CABG surgery patients with moderately elevated LDL a significant reduction (adjusted OR, 0.25; 95% CI, 0.07–0.87)
cholesterol levels who were placed on aggressive, long-term lo- in the risk of cardiac death within the first 3 days following
vastatin therapy (goal LDL concentration ⬍100 mg/dL) primary, elective CABG surgery (0.3 vs. 1.4%; p ⬍0.03) but
showed that during the 4-year follow-up period after starting was not associated with a reduced risk of postoperative nonfa-
statin therapy, patients on aggressive therapy experienced sig- tal, in-hospital MI (7.9% vs. 6.2%; p ⫽ NS). In this same study,
nificantly reduced saphenous vein graft occlusion and need for however, discontinuation of statin therapy after surgery was
revascularization as compared with patients on lower-dose independently associated with a significant increase in late
statin therapy.9 This clinical observation is also supported by in (postoperative day 4 though hospital discharge) all-cause mor-
vitro evidence that statins prolong arterial bypass graft pa- tality (adjusted OR, 2.64; 95% CI, 1.32–5.26) as compared with
tency.10 Finally, at least one retrospective study suggests that patients in whom statin therapy was continued (2.64 vs. 0.60%;
statin therapy may slow the progression of bioprosthetic aortic p ⬍0.01). This was true even after controlling for the postop-
valve degeneration after surgical implantation.11 erative discontinuation of aspirin, -blockers, or angiotensin-
Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality after vascular sur- converting enzyme inhibitor therapy. Discontinuation of
gery is also relatively frequent, with mortality and nonfatal MI statin therapy after surgery was also independently associated
occurring in up to 5% to 6% and 30% of patients, respectively.1 with a significant increase in late, in-hospital cardiac mortality
Retrospective studies of preoperative statin therapy in patients (adjusted OR, 2.95; 95% CI, 1.31–6.66) compared with patients
undergoing major vascular surgery have shown that statins are in whom statin therapy was continued (1.91% vs. 0.45%;
associated with a reduced risk in both in-hospital and long- p ⬍0.01).8
term, all-cause cardiovascular mortality.12,13 Additionally, a re- Despite guidelines by the American College of Cardiology
cent prospective randomized study of vascular surgery patients and American Heart Association recommending statin therapy
found that preoperative atorvastatin therapy significantly re- for CABG patients with LDL concentrations ⬎100 mg/dL,17
duced adverse cardiovascular events up to 6 months after sur- two thirds of such patients may not be receiving statin therapy
gery.14 Based on these data, it seems reasonable that the patient when discharged from the hospital after their CABG surger-
who underwent combined major cardiac and vascular surgery ies.18 Reasons for not initiating or reinitiating statin therapy
in the case presentation might have benefited from statin ther- after CABG surgery may include patients’ decreased tolerance
apy initiated preoperatively. of oral medications secondary to postoperative nausea and
vomiting, transient renal dysfunction, concerns pertaining to
Perioperative Statins: The Evidence hepatic toxicity or myositis, or failure of the responsible physi-
in Noncardiovascular Surgery cian to reimplement preoperative medications. Thus, it may be
warranted to educate physicians about the potential benefits of
Although the present case involves both major cardiac and
perioperative statin therapy that continue in the postoperative
vascular surgery, cardiovascular complications after noncar-
period. In the present case, although the patient was discharged
diac surgery are also an important cause of morbidity and
on rosuvastatin, not only was she not receiving preoperative
mortality. A recent retrospective cohort study investigated the
statin therapy, but there was also failure to initiate a statin in
association between perioperative statin therapy and in-
the immediate preoperative period. Both are measures that
hospital postoperative mortality in 780,591 patients undergo-
might have decreased her risk for both in-hospital and long-
ing major noncardiac surgery at 329 hospitals in the United
term adverse cardiovascular outcomes.
States. Moreover, this study only assessed patients whose pre-
operative statin therapy was reinitiated within 2 days after sur-
gery, and it found that perioperative statin therapy was associ- 2007 American College of
ated with a significant reduction in all-cause mortality Cardiology and American Heart
(adjusted OR, 0.62; 95% CI, 0.58–0.67).15 Not only do these Association Guidelines on
data further suggest the usefulness of preoperative statin ther-
apy, but they also suggest the importance of continuing statins
Perioperative Cardiovascular
throughout the postoperative period. Evaluation and Care for
Noncardiac Surgery
Effect of Statin Withdrawal In light of the previously mentioned evidence, the American
In a study of ambulatory patients, statin therapy initiated be- College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association
fore the occurrence of acute MI was associated with a signifi- recently published perioperative guidelines that for the first
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time specifically address the role of perioperative statin phosphokinase concentrations in a large group of major vas-
therapy.19 Specifically, these new guidelines state that: cular surgical patients.23 After correcting for cardiac risk fac-
tors and clinical risk factors for myopathy, length of surgery
1. For patients currently taking statins and scheduled for remained the only independent predictor for myopathy.23
noncardiac surgery, statins should be continued.19 No case of rhabdomyolysis was observed, and there was no
2. For patients undergoing vascular surgery with or without difference in creatine phosphokinase levels between patients
clinical risk factors, statin use is reasonable.19 on long-term preoperative statin therapy and patients who
3. For patients with at least one clinical risk factor who are started statin therapy shortly before surgery.23
undergoing intermediate-risk procedures, statins may be
Need for Future Studies
Thus, based on these guidelines, it would have been Presently available data and guidelines suggest that perioper-
reasonable to initiate and maintain statin therapy through- ative statin therapy is both appropriate and beneficial, but fur-
out the perioperative period for the patient in the case ther studies are needed to determine optimal statin duration
presentation. and dosage. For example, although a recent meta-analysis of
more than 300,000 patients with an acute MI suggests that ini-
Safety of Statin Therapy tiating statin therapy within 24 hours of MI onset reduces
Severe hepatotoxicity or myopathy associated with statin use mortality, it is not clear if this holds true for cardiovascular
has been reported but is rare.20 This is true for all available surgical patients with acute coronary syndromes, if they re-
statins, although the risk profile for atorvastatin might be the quire longer periods of statin administration.24 There thus
most favorable.20 Although mild, dose-related elevations in remains a need for further randomized controlled trials con-
serum aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotrans- ducted in specific cardiac and noncardiac surgical populations
ferase occur in about 1% of patients on statins, and acute liver to identify patients who will benefit most from perioperative
injury has been isolated to a few cases.21 Although statins are statin therapy and to determine the optimal duration of peri-
considered contraindicated in patients with chronic liver operative statin therapy.
disease, a recent multicenter, randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled trial of pravastatin therapy in hyperlipi-
demic patients with chronic, compensated liver disease KEY MESSAGES
showed no increase in statin-associated hepatotoxicity in these
patients.21 Caution should be exercised in initiating statin 1. Statin administration is associated with decreased
therapy in patients with chronic liver disease, however, and atherosclerotic plaque formation and may contribute
should probably only be done in conference with such pa- to prevention of atherosclerotic plaque rupture.
tients’ gastroenterologists. 2. A recent meta-analysis demonstrated that preoperative
The most serious potential statin side effect is rhabdomy- statin therapy was associated with a 38% and 59%
olysis. Across a spectrum of ambulatory trials, rhabdomy- reduction in the risk of 30-day mortality after cardiac
olysis was reported to occur in ⱕ0.7% of patients receiving (1.9% vs. 3.1%; p ⫽ 0.0001) and vascular (1.7% vs.
a broad range of statins and doses.22 Cerivastatin, which is 6.1%; p ⫽ 0.0001) surgery, respectively.
no longer on the market, is known to have the greatest
associated rhabdomyolysis risk (3.16 per million prescrip- 3. Perioperative statin therapy is associated with a
tions).20 In contrast, the risk of statin-related rhabdomy- reduced incidence of acute, in-hospital adverse
olysis is only in the range of 0 to 0.19 per million prescrip- outcomes.
tions for other commonly used statins.20 The risk for
4. Preoperative atorvastatin therapy significantly reduces
rhabdomyolysis is associated with factors that increase serum
adverse cardiovascular events up to 6 months after
statin concentrations, such as small body size, advanced age,
vascular surgery.
renal or hepatic dysfunction, diabetes, hypothyroidism, and
drugs that interfere with statin metabolism, such as cy- 5. Following noncardiac surgery, perioperative statin
closporin, antifungal agents, calcium-channel blockers, and therapy is associated with a significant reduction in
amiodarone.20 Because these characteristics are prevalent all-cause mortality.
in surgical populations, it is advisable to monitor for
6. American College of Cardiology/American Heart
statin side effects in patients on perioperative statin therapy,
Association guidelines state:
particularly in those with muscle disease, or hepatic or renal
dysfunction. The present case involving a small, elderly a. For patients currently taking statins and scheduled
patient with renal insufficiency should have been closely for noncardiac surgery, statins should be
monitored in the acute perioperative period for evidence of continued.
acidosis, muscle pain or weakness, or a rise in creatinine ki-
nase level. b. For patients undergoing vascular surgery with or
Although statin-related rhabdomyolysis is extremely rare, without clinical risk factors, statin use is reasonable.
early recognition and treatment are important to avoid seri- c. For patients with at least one clinical risk factor who
ous morbidity. In a recent study by Schouten et al., perioper- are undergoing intermediate-risk procedures, statins
ative statin use was not associated with an increased risk of may be considered.
perioperative myopathy or increased postoperative creatine
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Perioperative -Blockade
Stephen F. Dierdorf
CASE FORMAT: STEP BY STEP and allows more time for coronary artery filling. -Blockers
also act at the cellular level to improve the balance between
A 67-year-old male was scheduled for an exploratory oxygen supply and demand by protecting myocardial mito-
laparotomy and probable colectomy for colon cancer. chondria by means of antioxidation. All of these effects can
The patient had first noticed blood in his stool 4 months reduce the incidence of perioperative myocardial ischemia
before the scheduled surgery, but he had only sought and cardiac dysrhythmias.
medical attention 2 weeks prior to surgery. Colonoscopy Although the initial report of the efficacy of -blockers
performed at that time revealed a mass in the descending to reduce perioperative cardiac events was published in
colon, and a biopsy result was positive for adenocarci- 1987, two studies from the 1990s sparked widespread in-
noma. He was scheduled for surgery at the first avail- terest in perioperative -blockers.1–3 By 2002, the indica-
able date. The patient had a 24-year history of hyper- tions for the administration of perioperative -blockers had
tension treated with lisinopril and a 12-year history of been expanded.4,5
non–insulin-dependent diabetes treated with diet and an The patient’s internist recommended the oral adminis-
oral hypoglycemic agent. He denied chest pain or exer- tration of long-acting metoprolol for 72 hours before sur-
tional dyspnea. The patient, a retired accountant with a gery. Intravenous metoprolol was to be administered if the
sedentary lifestyle, underwent a lumbar laminectomy and patient’s heart rate was greater than 65 beats per minute
spinal fusion at age 53. immediately before surgery. In the preoperative holding
The patient’s vital signs were as follows: heart rate, area, the patient’s heart rate was 76 beats per minute, and
86 beats per minute; blood pressure, 152/95 mm Hg; and his blood pressure was 138/80 mm Hg. After intravenous
respiratory rate, 16 breaths per minute. His height was metoprolol (5 mg), his heart rate was 63 beats per minute,
70 inches (1.8 meters), and his weight was 225 pounds and his blood pressure was 124/68 mm Hg.
(102 kg). Laboratory studies indicated that his resting elec-
trocardiogram reading was normal; hematocrit level, 41%;
sodium, 137 mmol/L; potassium, 4.1 mmol/L; creatinine,
1.2 mg/dL; blood urea nitrogen, 13 mg/dL; and glucose, Are there differences in the pharmacologic
130 mg/dL. effects of different -blockers?
The patient’s internist recommended perioperative Although differences in the effects of different -blockers
metoprolol. Would this reduce the patient’s perioperative have been demonstrated in basic research and animal studies,
risk of an adverse cardiac event? there have been no compelling reports of clinically significant
Ischemic heart disease is the major cause of morbidity differences. -1 and -2 receptors are found in cardiac muscle;
and mortality in developed countries throughout the world. however, -1 receptors are dominant. -2 Receptors are the
Approximately 100 million adults undergo noncardiac sur- primary -receptors in bronchi.
gery per year, and 500,000 to 1 million will suffer a peri- Propranolol, a first-generation -blocker, is a nonselective
operative cardiac complication. The efficacy of -blockers antagonist with equal antagonistic effects on -1 and -2
for the treatment of ischemic heart disease is well docu- receptors. Second-generation -blockers such as atenolol,
mented, and it is only logical that -blocker therapy should metoprolol, and bisoprolol have much greater selectivity for
be applied to patients with coronary artery disease under- blockade of -1 receptors. Third-generation -blockers such
going noncardiac surgery. as labetalol, carvedilol, and nebivolol have varying - adrener-
Surgery produces an increase in stress hormones and gic blocking effects (-1 and -2) and vasodilating capabilities.
catecholamine levels and a hypercoagulable state. Effects Labetalol is a nonselective -blocker with strong -1 receptor
of these increases include tachycardia, hypertension, en- blocking effects thereby causing vasodilation. Carvedilol
hanced myocardial contractility, and increased myocardial blocks -1 and -2 receptors. Nebivolol is a highly selective
oxygen demand. In susceptible patients, adverse cardiac antagonist of -1 receptors and causes vasodilation by activa-
events such as myocardial ischemia and dysrhythmias can tion of L-arginine and nitric oxide (Table 2.1). For diabetic
occur. -Adrenergic blockers reduce myocardial oxygen patients, carvedilol increases insulin sensitivity, whereas
demand by reducing heart rate, cardiac contractility, and atenolol and metoprolol decrease insulin sensitivity.6 The lack
blood pressure. Slowing of the heart rate increases diastole of -selectivity of propranolol and labetalol explains the in-
creased incidence of bronchoconstriction with both drugs.
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Kelly Grogan
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Recommended Action
Glucose (mg/dL) Intravenous Loading Bolus Infusion Rate
⬎300 12 units 8–10 U/h
261–300 9 units 7–8 U/h
231–260 7 units 6–7 U/h
201–230 3 units 5–6 U/h
171–200 2 units 3–5 U/h
141–170 0 units 2–3 U/h
120–140 0 units 1–2 U/h
100–119 0 units 0.5 U/h
appears to inhibit proinflammatory cytokines, adhesion mole- significant correlation between average postoperative glucose
cules, and chemokines, in addition to acute-phase proteins.15 level and mortality with the lowest mortality rates found in
patients with postoperative glucose levels ⬍150 mg/dL. In
patients undergoing general surgery, a single blood glucose
Is in-hospital hyperglycemia associated with level ⬎220 mg/dL is associated with a nearly threefold
adverse patient outcomes? greater risk for infection compared with blood glucose levels
Data from observational studies have linked hyperglycemia ⬍220 mg/dL.20 Multiple other retrospective studies have
with poor outcome in acutely ill patients. In cardiac surgical linked hyperglycemia with worse outcomes in patients with
patients, hyperglycemia is associated with a greater risk for acute myocardial infarction.21,22 Hyperglycemia is further
sternal wound infections.16,17 More aggressive treatment of associated with more severe brain damage and mortality after
hyperglycemia with intravenous insulin targeting serum ischemic but not hemorrhagic stroke.23,24
glucose levels of 100 to 150 mg/dL reduced the risk of deep Until recently, data linking hyperglycemia with poor
sternal wound infections by 57% compared with historical outcomes in hospitalized patients were retrospective. In a
controls in which the goal was to maintain glucose levels landmark series of prospectively randomized, double-
between 150 to 200 mg/dL.18,19 In those analyses, there was a blinded studies, Van den Berghe et al.25 reported that criti-
cally ill patients in a mixed medical surgical intensive care What are the principles of perioperative
unit (ICU) had improved outcomes with intensive insulin management of the diabetic patient?
therapy targeted to serum glucose levels of 80 to 110 mg/dL Insulin resistance and insulin secretory capacity in hospi-
compared with standard treatment. Patients in the intensive talized patients is influenced by numerous factors, including
insulin treatment group had a 34% reduction in mortality, a severity of illness, medications (e.g., glucocorticoids and cate-
46% lower incidence of sepsis, a 41% reduction in the rate of cholamines), procedures, and diet that is often interrupted.
renal failure requiring dialysis, a 50% reduction in the fre- The ability to control glucose in diabetic patients will, in part,
quency of blood transfusion, and a 44% reduction in the rate depend on the quality of their control before admission. This
of critical illness polyneuropathy compared with the control can be assessed by measuring hemoglobin A1C value (a value
group. These benefits, however, were restricted to patients ⬎6% indicates poor control).
hospitalized in the ICU for 3 to 5 days. When the data were Hospitalized patients are usually not managed with oral
limited to medical ICU patients, intensive insulin treatment hypoglycemic agents because of their long half-life, potential
was associated with worse outcomes, in fact, for patients for side effects caused by an acute illness, and the inability to
with a shorter duration of ICU admission. A meta-analysis rapidly titrate the dose. Nonetheless, continuing oral hypo-
of 35 clinical trials evaluating the effect of insulin therapy on glycemic agents taken before hospitalization is considered for
mortality rates in hospitalized patients with critical illness non–critically ill patients who had good pre-hospital glucose
found that insulin therapy decreased short-term mortality control and who are expected to eat a normal diet. Important
by 15% in a variety of clinical settings.26 These studies, how- considerations for the use of oral hypoglycemic agents in hos-
ever, did not investigate the risk versus benefits of intraoper- pitalized patients include:
ative intensive insulin management. In fact, Gandhi et al.27
found a higher mortality rate for patients randomized to • Sulfonylureas have a long duration of action (that varies
receiving intensive insulin therapy (targeted glucose levels from patient to patient) predisposing to hypoglycemia espe-
of 80 to 110 mg/dL) during cardiac surgery compared with cially in patients who are not eating (nothing by mouth
controls. [NPO]). These agents do not allow rapid dose adjustment
to meet the changing needs of acutely ill patients. Further,
sulfonylureas block ATP-sensitive potassium channels that
What glucose level should be targeted?
mediate in part myocardial ischemic preconditioning.
Based on the available data, recommendations have been Patients at risk for myocardial ischemia, thus, might expe-
advanced as to what serum glucose level to target with in- rience greater myocardial damage if given sulfonylureas
sulin therapy for patients in critical care settings. The targets (e.g., during cardiac surgery or when a perioperative
for non–intensive care patients including those during myocardial infarction occurs).
surgery are less well defined and are somewhat controver- • Metformin may lead to potentially fatal lactic acidosis par-
sial. Regardless, guidelines from the American Diabetes ticularly during the stress associated with surgery or acute
Association and the American College of Endocrinology illness. Risk factors for this side effect include cardiac
recommend intensive insulin management for both ICU and disease, heart failure, hypoperfusion, renal insufficiency,
non-ICU patients (Table 3.2).15,28 Guidelines for the man- old age, and chronic pulmonary disease. Nonetheless, pre-
agement of patients with acute stroke from the American dicting individual susceptibility is limited, and most data
Heart Association, however, acknowledge that the exact regarding this condition are from case series in which other
glucose level that should be targeted with insulin therapy factors might have confounded the findings. Regardless,
for patients with stroke are not known and are probably metformin is typically stopped the morning of surgery or at
⬍140 mg/dL.29 least 8 hours before surgery.
• Thiazolidinediones have few side effects, but these drugs do
increase intravascular volume that might predispose to con-
T A B L E 3 . 2 Recommended Targets for Serum gestive heart failure. Their use is associated with abnormal
liver function tests, and they should not be given to patients
Glucose Levels in Hospitalized
with liver dysfunction.
Patients from the ADA and the ACE
Previously diagnosed and newly diagnosed diabetics will
ADA (28) ACE (15) likely require insulin management perioperatively or during
Intensive care As close to 110 ⬍110 mg/dL an acute illness. The commonly used “sliding scale insulin
unit mg/dL as possible therapy” with regular insulin is generally inappropriate as a
sole insulin management strategy. A key component to pro-
Non–critical As close to 90–130 ⬍110 mg/dL
viding effective insulin therapy is determining whether a
care units mg/dL as possible; preprandial; patient has the ability to produce endogenous insulin.
maximal ⬍180 mg/dL maximal Patients with type 1 diabetes are by definition insulin defi-
⬍180 mg/dL cient. Patients with prior pancreatectomy or with pancreatic
To convert mg/dL of glucose to mmol/L, divide by 18 or multiply by dysfunction, those who have received insulin for greater than
0.055. 5 years, and patients with wide fluctuations in serum glucose
ACE, American College of Endocrinology; ADA, American Diabetes levels may all have a significant degree of insulin deficiency.
Association. Patients determined to be insulin deficient require basal in-
sulin replacement at all times to prevent iatrogenic diabetic
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5. Kersten J, Toller W, Tessmer J, et al. Hyperglycemia reduces 18. Furnary AP, Zerr K, Grunkemeier G, Starr A. Continuous in-
coronary collateral blood flow through a nitric oxide-mediated travenous insulin infusion reduces the incidence of deep sternal
mechanism. Am J Physiol 2001;281:H2097–2104. would infection in diabetic patients after cardiac surgical proce-
6. Ceriello A, Quagliaro L, D’Amico M, et al. Acute hyperglycemia dures. Ann Thorac Surg 1999;67:352–362.
induces nitrotyrosine formation and apoptosis in perfused heart 19. Furnary AP, Gao G, Grunkemeier GL, et al. Continuous insulin
from rat. Diabetes 2002;51:1076–1082. infusion reduces mortality in patients with diabetes undergoing
7. Verma S, Mailand A, Weisel R, et al. Hyperglycemia exaggerates coronary artery bypass grafting. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2003;
ischemia-reperfusion-induces cardiomyocyte injury: reversal 125:1007–1021.
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and platelet function in type II diabetes mellitus. N Engl J Med 21. Kasiobrod M, Rathore SS, Inzucchi S, et al. Admission glucose
1990;322:1769–1774. and mortality in elderly patients hospitalized with acute myocar-
9. Knobler H, Sanion N, Shenkman B, et al. Shear-induced platelet dial infarction: implications for patients with and without recog-
adhesion and aggregation on subendothelium are increased in nized diabetes. Circulation 2005;111:3078.
diabetic patients. Throm Res 1998;80:181–190. 22. Capes SE, Hunt D, Malmberg K, Gerstein HC. Stress hyper-
10. Prado R, Ginsberg MD, Dietrich WD, et al. Hyperglycemia in- glycemia and increased risk of death after myocardial infarction
creases infarct size in collaterally perfused but not end-arterial in patients with and without diabetes: a systematic overview.
vascular territories. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 1988;8:186–192. Lancet 2000;355:773–778.
11. Ginsberg MD, Prado R, Dietrich WD, et al. Hyperglycemia re- 23. Capes S, Hunt D, Malmberg K, et al. Stress hyperglycemia and
duces the extent of cerebral infarction in rats. Stroke 1987;18: prognosis of stroke in nondiabetic and diabetic patients: a sys-
570–574. tematic overview. Stroke 2001;32:2426–2432.
12. Venables GS, Miller SA, Gibson G, et al. The effects of hyper- 24. Kiers I, Davis SM, Larkins R, et al. Stroke topography and out-
glycemia on changes during reperfusion following focal cerebral come in relation to hyperglycemia and diabetes. J Neurol
ischemia in the cat. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1985;48: Neurosurg Psychiatry 1992;55:263–270.
663–669. 25. Van den Berghe G, Wouters P, Weekers F, et al. Intensive in-
13. Anderson RE, Tan WK, Martin HS, Meyer FB. Effects of glu- sulin therapy in critically ill patients. N Engl J Med 2001;345:
cose and PaO2 modulation on cortical intracellular acidosis, 1359–1367.
NADH redox state, and infarction in the ischemic penumbra. 26. Pittas AG, Siegel RD, Lau J. Insulin therapy for critically ill hos-
Stroke 1999;30:160–170. pitalized patients: a meta-analysis of randomized, control trial.
14. Petito CK, Kraig RP, Pulsinelli WA. Light and electron micro- Arch Inter Med 2004;164:2005–2011.
scopic evaluation of hydrogen ion-induced brain necrosis. 27. Gandhi GY, Nuttall GA, Adel MD, et al. Intensive intraopera-
J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 1987;7:625–632. tive insulin therapy versus conventional glucose management
15. Garber AJ, Moghissi ES, Bransome ED, et al. American college during cardiac surgery. Ann Intern Med 2007;146:233–243.
of endocrinology position statement on inpatient diabetes and 28. American Diabetes Association. Standards of medical care in
metabolic control. Endocr Pract 2004:10:77–82. diabetes. Diabetes Care 2005;28:S4–36.
16. Golden S, Peart-Vigilence C, Kao W, Brancati F. Perioperative 29. Adams HP, del Zoppo G, Alberts MJ, et al. Guidelines for the early
glycemic control and the risk of infectious complications in a co- management of adults with ischemic stroke. A guideline from the
hort of adults with diabetes. Diabetes Care 1999;22:1408–1414. American Heart Association/American Stroke Association Stroke
17. Latham R, Lancaster AD, Covington JF, et al. The association of Council, Clinical Cardiology Council, Cardiovascular Radiology
diabetes and glucose control with surgical site infection among and Intervention Council, and the Atherosclerotic Peripheral
cardiothoracic surgery patients. Infec Control Hosp Epidemiol Vascular Disease and Quality of Care Outcomes in Research
2001;22:607–612. Interdisciplinary Working Groups. Stroke 2007;38:1655–1711.
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discontinued 4 hours before epidural placement, and the inter- Are there any other regional techniques
val between epidural placement and complete anti-coagulation that can favorably influence the
for bypass should exceed 60 minutes. Also, epidural catheters postoperative course?
should be removed only when normal coagulation has been Parasternal block entails the surgeon injecting local anes-
restored; if a heparin infusion is required in the postoperative thetic along the sternal border to anesthetize the intercostal
period, the infusion should be discontinued 2 to 4 hours prior nerves and their branches. Using this technique has been
to catheter removal. In general, epidurals should be avoided in shown to significantly decrease the dose of morphine re-
patients with known coagulopathy. It is unclear whether a quired in the immediate postoperative period and was
traumatic epidural placement necessitates canceling cardiac associated with better oxygenation at the time of tracheal
surgery, but the consensus is to delay the operation for at least extubation (although not an earlier time of extubation).
24 hours, should a “bloody tap” occur.5 Nonetheless, it is a relatively safe and easy procedure that
can provide excellent analgesia.3
Can intrathecal opioids be used
for cardiac surgery?
It has been shown that inadequate analgesia in the postopera- KEY MESSAGES
tive period leads to increased likelihood of myocardial is-
chemia associated with the stress response to pain. Adverse 1. Epidural analgesia and anesthesia is an option in
changes in hemodynamics, metabolic activity, immune func- cardiac surgery and has the potential for earlier
tion, and hemostasis can be attenuated with better pain control. extubation and improved pain control in the
Several studies have evaluated the potential benefit of immediate postoperative period.
intrathecal opioids as a method of providing postoperative 2. The complete systemic anticoagulation associated with
analgesia. Most investigations have studied the use of intrathe- cardiopulmonary bypass is a concern with placement
cal morphine and its effect on time to tracheal extubation, use of epidural catheters, particularly the risk of
of additional intravenous opioids, and duration of hospital developing an epidural hematoma.
stay. Generally, the long-acting effect of intrathecal morphine
provided better analgesia compared to placebo. No clear ben- 3. A combination of local anesthetics and opioids can be
efit has been demonstrated regarding tracheal extubation and administered via epidural, and there are several
overall outcomes, however, in part because of the adverse res- potential effects related to the attenuated stress
piratory effects. The combined use of intrathecal morphine response that may be beneficial to cardiac surgical
and intrathecal clonidine provides better postoperative analge- patients.
sia and facilitates earlier tracheal extubation.1
4. Lee TW, Grocott HP, Schwinn D, et al. Winnipeg High-Spinal and length of hospital stay. Anesth Analg 2002;94:275–282, table
Anesthesia Group. High spinal anesthesia for cardiac surgery: of contents.
effects on beta-adrenergic receptor function, stress response, and 8. Fillinger MP, Yeager MP, Dodds TM, et al. Epidural anes-
hemodynamics. Anesthesiology 2003;98:499–510. thesia and analgesia: effects on recovery from cardiac surgery.
5. Horlocker TT, Wedel DJ, Benzon H, et al. Regional Anesthesia J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2002;16:15–20.
in the Anticoagulated Patient: Defining the Risks (The Second 9. Hansdottir V, Philip J, Olsen MF, et al. Thoracic epidural versus
ASRA Consensus Conference on Neuraxial Anesthesia and intravenous patient-controlled analgesia after cardiac surgery: a
Anticoagulation) Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, Vol randomized controlled trial on length of hospital stay and
28, No. 3 (May–June), 2003: 172–197. patient-perceived quality of recovery. Anesthesiology 2006;104:
6. Karagoz HY, Kurtoglu M, Bakkaloglu B, et al. Coronary artery 142–151.
bypass grafting in the awake patient: three years’ experience in 10. Barrington MJ, Kluger R, Watson R, et al. Epidural anesthesia
137 patients. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2003;125:1401–1404. for coronary artery bypass surgery compared with general anes-
7. Priestley MC, Cope L, Halliwell R, et al. Thoracic epidural anes- thesia alone does not reduce biochemical markers of myocardial
thesia for cardiac surgery: the effects on tracheal intubation time damage. Anesth Analg 2005;100:921–928.
15259_Ch05.qxd 3/14/09 5:07 PM Page 17
Incision Sternotomy Sternotomy or Thoracotomy
Heparinization Full: ACT ⬎480 s Partial: ACT ⬃250–300 s
Cannulation Aortic, venous Neither
Aortic cross clamp Yes No
Cardioplegia Yes No
Partial aortic cross clamp for construction Yes Yes, if ⬎ two vessels No, if all arterial grafts
of proximal anastomosis on a “Y” or “T” anastomosis to LITA
ACT, activated clotting time; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; LIMA, left internal mammary artery; OPCAB, off-pump coronary artery bypass
graft surgery.
exposure of the heart is necessary for internal defibrillation or suture and then allowing the myocardium to be reperfused.
when cardioversion is limited.1 For this particular patient, intra- This step is believed to induce ischemic preconditioning, in
operative transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) would which the myocardium may build up a tolerance to subsequent
allow not only monitoring of volume status and evaluation of ischemia. Additionally, the use of volatile anesthetic agents 30
cardiac performance, but also examination of the aorta for the minutes before vessel occlusion may protect the myocardium
presence of atheromas. When interpreting hemodynamic data, against ischemia via anesthetic preconditioning. Early clinical
the position of the heart must be taken into account. Surgical data in patients undergoing CABG surgery, however, suggest
manipulation of the heart changes its relationship to the ECG that high concentrations (2 MAC) of volatile anesthetics are
electrodes, making it difficult to interpret the ST segments. needed to significantly reduce troponin I release.4 While the
Similarly, surgical maneuvers affect pulmonary artery catheter coronary artery is occluded, a favorable myocardial oxygen
readings. Distortion of the heart, particularly verticalization, balance is essential. -Blockers and calcium-channel antago-
causes elevations in right atrial and pulmonary wedge pres- nists are used to decrease heart rate and myocardial contractil-
sures8. The vertical position of the heart, along with the interpo- ity, thereby decreasing myocardial oxygen consumption.
sition of air between the heart and esophagus, reduces the qual- Vasopressors, such as phenylephrine and norepinephrine, are
ity of TEE images during OPCAB procedures. However, most used to maintain oxygen supply by increasing coronary perfu-
TEE images remain interpretable and are extremely valuable in sion pressure. In most patients, a mean arterial pressure of 70
the diagnosis of new regional wall motion abnormalities, ven- mm Hg or higher is adequate to preserve coronary flow. It is
tricular function, and volume status. important to remember that, once the target vessel is opened,
the surgical anastomosis must be completed despite any hemo-
dynamic derangements. The surgeon might consider placing a
What is the best anesthetic plan for this temporary coronary artery shunt.
Most commonly, a conventional general anesthetic technique is What hemodynamic changes should the
used during OPCAB procedures.1 Because the postoperative
course is accelerated in the majority of OPCAB patients, the anesthesiologist be prepared to treat/prevent?
anesthetic technique should be tailored to facilitate early tra- During coronary artery bypass graft anastomosis, the anes-
cheal extubation. The agents’ duration of action should be con- thesiologist must manage the hemodynamic changes caused
sidered when choosing opioids, neuromuscular blockers, and by distortion of the heart. During vertical displacement, the
hypnotics. Additionally, every effort should be made to avoid ventricles become positioned above the atria; TEE may reveal
hypothermia. Room temperature should be maintained around an increase in atrial size and a decrease in ventricular size
24°C, fluids should be warmed, and a heat-moisture exchanger (Fig. 5.4). Because blood must now flow against gravity and
should be included in the ventilator circuit. New generations of resistance, atrial filling pressures must be maintained at a
circulating water warming mattresses might minimize heat higher level to preserve ventricular filling. In addition, the
loss. Forced air warmers can be used when saphenous vein har-
vest is not performed (or after completion). In some centers,
thoracic epidural anesthesia/analgesia is used as an adjunct to
general anesthesia. Epidural anesthesia reduces myocardial
oxygen demand and increases supply by dilating epicardial ves-
sels and improving collateral blood flow. The routine use of an-
tifibrinolytics is not recommended during OPCAB, because of
the potential trend toward a hypercoagulable state. “Full he-
parinization,” with an activated clotting time (ACT) above 400
seconds, is not required during OPCAB procedures because pa-
tients are not exposed to the foreign surface of the bypass circuit.
However, the patient’s coagulation system will be activated by
local vascular endothelial injury.6 Therefore, some degree of an-
ticoagulation is required. Heparin in a dose of 100 to 200 units
per kilogram is given before dissection of the LIMA targeting
an ACT of 250 to 300 seconds.
heart may be compressed within the chest during vertical and after OPCAB might increase the risk for early bypass graft
lateral displacement. The right ventricle may become wedged thrombosis. Most centers, however, use protamine to reduce
between the left ventricle and the right pericardium, and com- the risk of postoperative bleeding and transfusions.
plete right ventricular outflow obstruction may occur. Volume
loading and Trendelenburg positioning serve to increase pre-
load. The surgeon may release the right pericardium to allow Are patient outcomes affected by undergoing
adequate space for the right ventricle during this maneuver. OPCAB versus on-pump CABG procedures?
Manipulating the heart’s position may cause mitral regurgita- In the immediate postoperative period, OPCAB patients expe-
tion. Rotation and verticalization of the heart distorts the mi- rience a slightly accelerated recovery. They generally have less
tral valve annulus, causing it to twist and fold over on itself .3 postoperative bleeding and receive fewer blood transfusions.10
TEE evaluation may reveal new (or more severe) regurgita- Preserving pulsatile blood flow, as well as avoiding hypother-
tion. Large “V” waves may appear on the pulmonary artery mia during OPCAB procedures might further contribute to
catheter tracing. Abnormal mitral valves are more prone to accelerated recovery. The duration of hospitalization in the in-
distortion and are more likely to become functionally stenotic tensive care unit, as well as the overall hospital length of stay,
during cardiac manipulations for OPCAB. This phenomenon is shortened with OPCAB surgery compared with traditional
is also seen with distortion of the tricuspid valve and less often CABG surgery.9,11 Hospital costs are therefore lower in the
with the aortic valve. Stabilizing the epicardium during coro- OPCAB patients. At 1 year, coronary angiography has
nary artery anastomosis causes local distortion of the ventricle. demonstrated similar graft patency rates in OPCAB and on-
The immobilizing device pushes on the myocardium and re- pump CABG patients when experienced surgeons perform
stricts wall motion. Because the anterior and lateral walls sup- the surgery.9,11 Five years postoperatively, rates of myocardial
ply a major portion of stroke volume, their compression causes infarction, repeat coronary revascularization, stroke, and mor-
more severe reduction in cardiac output than when other por- tality are similar in both groups.13 In low-risk patients, rates of
tions of the ventricle are compressed. The most extreme he- neurocognitive dysfunction are similar in both OPCAB and
modynamic compromise occurs during CX anastomosis, in on-pump patients. However, patients at high risk for poor
which the heart is significantly elevated and perfusion of the neurologic outcome may benefit from OPCAB procedures.7
lateral wall is compromised. Bradycardia is common during
surgical manipulation, particularly during RCA anastomosis.
Complete atrioventricular block can occur. The surgeon
should consider placing temporary pacemaker wires before oc- KEY MESSAGES
cluding the RCA. Additionally, a defibrillator/cardioverter
should be available for the treatment of malignant arrhythmias. 1. Patients with severe atherosclerosis of the ascending
aorta benefit from OPCAB because aortic cross
clamping is not necessary.
What are the indications for conversion to CPB? 2. During OPCAB, “full” heparinization (ACT ⬎400
Even with aggressive management, up to 5% of patients can- seconds) is not required because patients are not
not tolerate the hemodynamic alterations caused by OPCAB. exposed to the foreign surface of the CPB circuit.
A cardiac index ⬍1.5 liters/minute per m2, mean arterial pres- However, the patient’s coagulation system will be
sure ⬍50 mm Hg, or a mixed venous saturation ⬍60% may activated by local vascular endothelial injury.
not be tolerated for more than 15 minutes. Persistent ST ele- Therefore, some degree of anticoagulation is
vations ⬎2 mm or malignant ventricular arrhythmias also in- required. Heparin in a dose of 100 to 200 units
dicate the need for conversion from an OPCAB to surgery per kilogram is given before dissecting the LIMA
using CPB.12 A “dry” CPB machine, as well as a perfusion targeting an ACT of 250 to 300 seconds.
team, should be available during all OPCAB procedures.
3. Following OPCAB, persistent regional wall motion
abnormalities are predictive of poor postoperative
What hemodynamic abnormalities occur after outcome.
reperfusion of the bypassed vessel? 4. Five years postoperatively, rates of myocardial
Reperfusion injury may produce significant ECG changes, infarction, repeat coronary revascularization, stroke,
such as T-wave inversions or arrhythmias, during the first 30 and mortality are similar among patients who
minutes after coronary revascularization. Ventricular function undergo CABG on or off bypass.
should be evaluated after reperfusion with TEE. Persistent re-
gional wall motion abnormalities predict poor postoperative
outcome. Signs of continuing regional ischemia or poor flow
through the bypass graft should prompt surgical intervention. QUESTIONS
1. What surgical approaches are used to perform
Should heparin be reversed at the end of the OPCAB?
case? Answer: There are two: (a) the MIDCAB approach in-
Because patients are not fully heparinized during OPCAB volves a small left thoracotomy incision, through which
procedures, protamine reversal is not always required. Some the LIMA is anastomosed to the target vessel (usually the
institutions believe that the risk of a hypercoagulable state LAD) and (b) the typical OPCAB in which multiple
15259_Ch05.qxd 3/14/09 5:07 PM Page 21
CABGs are constructed is performed via a median placebo-controlled, multicenter study. Anesthesiology 2003;98:
sternotomy. 1415–1427.
5. Koh TW, Carr-White GS, DeSouza C, et al. Effect of coronary
2. What is the role of antifibrinolytic therapy in OPCAB? occlusion on left ventricular function with and without collateral
supply during beating heart coronary artery surgery. Heart
Answer: The routine use of antifibrinolytics is not rec-
ommended during OPCAB, because of the potential 6. Mariani MA, Gu J, Boonstra PW, et al. Procoagulant activity
trend toward a hypercoagulable state. after off-pump coronary operation: is the current anticoagulation
adequate? Ann Thorac Surg 1999;67:1370–1375.
3. How does OPCAB compare with CABG with CPB in 7. Mark DB, Newman MF. Protecting the brain in coronary artery
terms of graft patency? bypass graft surgery. JAMA 2002;287:1448–1450.
Answer: At 1 year, coronary angiography has demon- 8. Mishra M, Malhotra R, Mishra A, et al. Hemodynamic changes
strated similar graft patency rates in OPCAB and during displacement of the beating heart using epicardial stabi-
on-pump CABG patients when surgery is performed lization for off-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery. J
by experienced surgeons. Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2002;16:685–690.
9. Nathoe HM, van Dijk D, Jansen EWL, et al. A comparison of
on-pump and off-pump coronary bypass surgery in low-risk pa-
tients. NEJM 2003;348:394–402.
References 10. Nuttall GA, Erchul DT, Haight TJ, et al. A comparison of
1. Chassot PG, van der Linden P, Zaugg M, et al. Off-pump coro- bleeding and transfusion in patients who undergo coronary ar-
nary artery bypass surgery: physiology and anaesthetic manage- tery bypass grafting via sternotomy with and without cardiopul-
ment. Br J Anaesth 2004; 92:400–413. monary bypass. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2003;17:447–451.
2. Gayes JM. The minimally invasive cardiac surgery voyage. J 11. Puskas JD, Williams WH, Duke PG, et al. Off-pump vs con-
Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 1999;13:119–122. ventional coronary artery bypass grafting: early and 1-year graft
3. George SJ, Al-Ruzzeh S, Amrani M, et al. Mitral annulus patency, cost and quality-of-life outcomes. JAMA 2004;291:
distortion during beating heart surgery: a potential cause for 1841–1849.
hemodynamic disturbance—a three-dimensional echocardio- 12. Raja SG, Dreyfus GD. Off-pump coronary artery bypass sur-
graphy reconstruction study. Ann Thorac Surg 2002;73: gery: to do or not to do? Current best available evidence. J
1424–1430. Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2004;18:486–505.
4. Julier K, da Silva R, Garcia C, et al. Preconditioning by sevoflurane 13. Van Dijk D, Spoor M Hijman R, et al. Cognitive and cardiac
decreases biochemical markers for myocardial and renal dysfunc- outcomes 5 years after off-pump vs on-pump coronary artery
tion in coronary artery bypass graft surgery: a double-blinded, bypass graft surgery. JAMA 2007;297:701–708.
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The surgical team has discussed blood conservation was associated with a relative 35% reduction in the need for al-
strategies for this patient, including the use of antifibri- logeneic blood transfusion. The use of EACA resulted in a blood
nolytic agents. loss reduction of approximately 230 mL (intraoperatively) and
200 mL (postoperatively). Studies directly comparing EACA to
TXA showed little difference between the two agents in terms
What pharmacologic approaches can be of volume of blood transfused or reoperation for bleeding.
employed to reduce bleeding and transfusion
The cardiac anesthesiologist expressed concern about
requirements? the safety of antifibrinolytics but agreed that the benefits in
Fibrinolysis is an important contributor to nonsurgical bleed- this high-risk patient likely outweighed the risks.
ing after cardiac surgery leading to not only breakdown of
thrombus but also further consumption of hemostatic factors. What are the risks associated with
The main pharmacologic treatment for preventing excessive
antifibrinolytics in cardiac surgery?
bleeding during cardiac surgery is antifibrinolytic drugs such
as tranexamic acid (TXA), epsilon-aminocaproic acid Although the efficacy of aprotinin and the lysine analogs have
(EACA), and aprotinin. EACA and TXA are synthetic deriv- been established, the safety of these agents in high-risk patients
atives of the amino acid lysine. Lysine analogs inhibit the is more controversial. The safety of aprotinin, in particular, has
process of fibrinolysis by adhering to the lysine-binding site on been the focus of debate. Prospectively randomized, placebo-
plasminogen. Binding by lysine is required for the conversion controlled studies have supported this agent’s safety. These data,
of plasminogen to plasmin. Therefore, binding by these lysine in fact, suggest aprotinin use was associated with a lowered risk
analogs inhibits the formation of plasmin. Normally, plasmin for perioperative stroke compared with placebo. Aprotinin use
causes fibrinolysis (lysis of clot) by degrading fibrin and is associated with a transient increase in serum creatinine that
fibrinogen. Not only is less plasmin generated, but existing might reflect its effect on the proximal renal tubules. Because it
plasmin is also inactivated. In contrast, aprotinin is a serione is a bovine protein, allergic reactions to aprotinin are an estab-
protease inhibitor which inhibits several important enzymes lished risk including fatal anaphylactic reactions. This risk has
including plasmin and kallikrein. The exact mechanisms of led to the use of a test dose, which can also trigger a severe re-
aprotinin’s action, however, are not completely understood. sponse. Recent exposure (less than 1 year) is known to increase
the likelihood of suffering from hypersensitivity reactions. For
this reason, it is recommended that aprotinin should be used in
What is the evidence for the efficacy of settings where CPB can be established quickly.
antifibrinolytic drugs? Considering the mechanism of action of antifibrinolytic
Several prospectively randomized, double-blind, placebo- agents, it seems logical to expect they may increase the risk of
controlled trials have been performed evaluating the efficacy thrombotic complications of surgery. The meta-analysis by the
of antifibrinolytics in cardiac surgery to reduce bleeding and Cochrane Collaboration (which analyzed 211 randomized
blood transfusion. Many studies have been small, particularly controlled trials) did not show increased risk of mortality,
those evaluating lysine analogs and those performing head- stroke, myocardial infarction, or deep vein thrombosis with
to-head comparisons of all three agents. Aprotinin has been aprotinin, TXA, or EACA. There was an increased trend to-
the most well-studied agent. Several adequately powered, ward renal dysfunction in the group receiving aprotinin, but
multicenter studies have established the efficacy of aprotinin this was not statistically significant.
to reduce bleeding, blood transfusion, and mediastinal re- The use of drugs during the well-controlled setting of a
exploration for bleeding after cardiac surgery compared with clinical trial might not adequately represent their safety profile
placebo, particularly for complex cardiac surgeries or reoper- compared with their widespread clinical use after approval. Of
ations. These studies supported approval of aprotinin by the particular concern is attention to anticoagulation. Aprotinin
U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the indication of prolongs the celite activated clotting time (ACT) regardless of
reducing bleeding during cardiac surgery. the appropriate heparinization level. The use of a kaolin-based
Similar robust data are not present for TXA or EACA. ACT, thus, is necessary when aprotinin is used and/or target-
Nonetheless, multiple studies have reported the efficacy of these ing higher levels of the ACT during surgery (⬎750 s).
agents to reduce bleeding complications of cardiac surgery. Moreover, in the “real world,” other hemostatic agents might
These data have been subjected to meta-analysis to enhance the be coadministered with aprotinin in bleeding patients. The
power of the multiple small studies. A recent Cochrane review combined use of lysine analogs with aprotinin can result in in-
of antifibrinolytic drugs evaluated 51 trials showing that apro- tense inhibition of fibrinolysis. Further, the use of recombinant
tinin use led to less chest tube drainage, fewer blood transfu- factor VIIa with aprotinin might promote prothrombotic com-
sions, and less need for reoperation for bleeding compared with plications. The safety of aprotinin was recently questioned in a
placebo. Studies comparing TXA with placebo have also shown recent retrospective analysis of data obtained in a multicenter
decreased requirement for blood product administration and study. This analysis suggested that patients receiving aprotinin
mediastinal drainage but not mediastinal reexploration for during cardiac surgery had a higher risk for myocardial infarc-
bleeding. These results suggest that TXA results in savings of tion, stroke, renal dysfunction, and death compared with lysine
approximately one unit of allogeneic blood from being trans- analog antifibrinolytics. The retrospective study design cannot
fused compared with placebo. The amount of blood loss was exclude treatment bias whereby patients given aprotinin were
reduced by approximately 300 mL with TXA use. Risk for re- at a higher risk for adverse outcomes regardless of antifibri-
operation was not affected by TXA. The small number of stud- nolytic treatment. Further, analysis of other large mostly
ies examining EACA in cardiac surgery has shown that its use single-center databases has not confirmed these findings.
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Postoperative Neuropathy
After Cardiac Surgery
Ioanna Apostolidou and Jason S. Johnson
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BRACHIAL PLEXUS Figure 8.1 • (A) Normal course of the brachial plexus as it
The frequency of brachial plexus injury is estimated at 2% to passes over the first rib. (B) Opening the sternum widely causes
18%. It is usually caused by stretching or trauma of the lower superior rotation of the first rib that pushes the clavicles into the
roots (C8-T1) resulting in ulnar neuropathy.9 Excessive sternal retroclavicular space leading to stretching of the brachial plexus.
opening and cephalad placement of the sternal retractor during (Reproduced with permission from Graham JG, Pye IF,
sternotomy as well as asymmetric retraction during internal McQueen IN. Brachial plexus injury after median sternotomy.
mammary artery dissection along with first rib fracture can Ann Thorac Surg 1971;4:315–319.)
cause compression and stretching of the brachial plexus (Fig. 8.1).
More commonly, the plexus becomes stretched between a fixed
position within its fascial plane and proximally fixed origins.
Prolonged stretching of the plexus interferes with axonal trans- patients unable to be weaned from mechanical ventilation
port and leads to transient neuropraxia. Somatosensory-evoked after cardiac surgery. Similarly, recurrent laryngeal nerve in-
potential studies of the plexus demonstrated greater than 50% jury may result in postoperative respiratory failure from vocal
amplitude reduction after placement of sternal retractors.10 Risk cord dysfunction. Radiography, ultrasonography, and EMG
factors that may worsen the injury or lead to permanent symp- are currently used diagnostic techniques.
toms include pre-existing neurologic injury such as cubital or
carpal tunnel entrapment and advanced age. This scenario was SAPHENOUS NERVE
described as the “double-crush” phenomenon in which two in- Saphenous neuralgia can result from harvesting the saphenous
juries to any single nerve will present with significant symptoms, vein.13 Endoscopic vein harvesting techniques may reduce
whereas either injury by itself would be asymptomatic. Smoking, incisional pain, but the benefits on saphenous neuralgia need
diabetes mellitus, height, and weight do not correlate well with to be further explored.
risk. Male patients seem to be at a slightly greater risk than fe-
males to have permanent symptoms.7,8 Symptoms vary with the OPTIC NERVE
location and severity of injury. Ischemia of the optic nerve resulting in visual deficits is an
infrequent but serious complication of cardiac surgery.
PHRENIC NERVE AND RECURRENT Prolonged hypotension, emboli, hemorrhage, and anemia can
LARYNGEAL NERVE decrease perfusion to any component of the optical pathway
Injury of the phrenic nerve and recurrent laryngeal nerve, res- from the retina to the occipital lobe.2
pectively, are two well-known potential complications of car- Central Venous Catheterization
diac surgery.11,12 Topical hypothermia with ice slush and/or
cardioplegia has been implicated as the principal cause. Sternal and Nerve Injury
retraction, internal mammary artery harvesting, and central Nerve injury is an infrequent complication of central venous
venous catheterization have been also related to nerve dys- cannulation (⬍1%). It is caused by direct nerve puncture or
function. Unsuccessful attempts of transesophageal echo- compression by a hematoma. Several cases of brachial plexus
cardiography probe placement have also been implicated in palsy, phrenic nerve, and recurrent laryngeal nerve injury
recurrent laryngeal nerve dysfunction. Phrenic neuropathy have been reported after multiple attempts of internal jugular
causing diaphragmatic dysfunction should be considered in vein or subclavian vein catheterization. The use of ultrasound
15259_Ch08.qxd 3/14/09 5:10 PM Page 29
Ulnar neuropathy (UN) is the most frequent nerve injury 4. EMG can identify pre-existing neuropathies if performed
reported in the ASA Closed Claims Database.1 Compression early in the evaluation of a perioperative injury.
injuries of the ulnar nerve result in immediate symptomatol-
ogy; however, delayed onset of UN, usually 24 hours after
surgery, supports a mechanism other than direct nerve com-
pression as a primary cause in these cases.5,15 The most com- QUESTIONS
mon sites of injury are either at the elbow or higher in the
brachial plexus course. UN can occur despite careful padding 1. Which neuropathies are most commonly encountered
of the upper extremity. Risk factors associated with UN are during the perioperative period?
male gender, body mass index extremes, and hospital stay Answer: UN is the most frequently encountered nerve
duration. Symptoms of UN include sensory deficits in the injury (28%) followed by brachial plexus (20%),
ulnar and palmar aspect of the fifth and the medial half of the lumbosacral (16%), and spinal cord (13%) neuropathies.1,2
fourth digit, handgrip weakness, and fourth and fifth finger
clawing from hand muscle imbalance. Pre-existing latent neu- 2. Which PNIs are associated with cardiac surgery?
ropathy conditions may predispose patients to a perioperative Answer: Brachial plexus neuropathies, phrenic nerve
UN. This finding is supported by abnormal nerve conduction injuries, saphenous neuropathy, recurrent laryngeal
studies not only of the affected site but also of the contralateral nerve injuries, sympathetic chain disturbance with
site in a significant proportion of patients. resultant Horner’s syndrome, and optic neuropathy have
been described following cardiac surgery.
Prognosis of Peripheral
Neuropathies After Cardiac Surgery 3. Which peripheral neuropathies are associated with
central venous catheterization?
The outcome of peripheral neuropathies depends on the type
and severity of injury. Most common deficits are transient Answer: Cases of brachial plexus palsy, phrenic nerve,
with complete recovery within 6 to 8 weeks. Rarely, symptoms and recurrent laryngeal nerve injury have been reported
persist for more than 4 months with slow improvement over after multiple attempts at internal jugular vein or
time.7,8,16 subclavian vein catheterization.
10. Hickey C, Gugino LD, Aglio LS, et al. Intraoperative somato- 14. Randolph AG, Cook DJ, Gonzales CA. Ultrasound guidance for
sensory evoked potential monitoring predicts peripheral nerve placement of central venous catheters: a meta-analysis of the lit-
injury during cardiac surgery. Anesthesiology 1993;78:29–35. erature. Crit Care Med 1996;24:2053–2058.
11. DeVita MA, Robinson LR, Rehder J, et al. Incidence and natural 15. Prielipp RC, Morell RC, Butterworth J. Ulnar nerve injury and
history of phrenic neuropathy occurring during open heart sur- perioperative arm positioning. Anesthesiol Clin North Am
gery. Chest 1993;103:850–856. 2002;20:589–603.
12. Dimopoulou I, Daganou M, Dafni U, et al. Phrenic nerve dys- 16. Ben-David B, Stahl S. Prognosis of intraoperative brachial plexus
function after cardiac operations: electrophysiologic evaluation injury: a review of 22 cases. Br J Anaesth 1997;79:440–445.
of risk factors. Chest 1998;113:8–14. 17. Practice advisory for the prevention of perioperative periph-
13. Mountney J, Wilkinson GA. Saphenous neuralgia after coro- eral neuropathies: a report by the American Society of
nary artery bypass grafting. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 1999; Anesthesiologists Task Force on Prevention of Perioperative
16:440–443. Peripheral Neuropathies. Anesthesiology 2000;92:1168–1182.
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Laurel E. Moore
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In terms of mechanism, CRAO can be embolic or effec- increased venous pressure (prone position) or potentially
tively produced by increased intraocular pressure limiting per- large-volume crystalloid infusion causing tissue edema. This
fusion pressure to the retina. Intraocular pressure has been then causes the nerve to be compressed within its sheath or as
shown to increase in patients in the prone position.9,10 it enters the orbital fossa or the eye itself.
Perfusion pressure may be further reduced if the patient’s Limited evidence indicates an association between sildenafil
orbit is compressed against a head holder (classically a horse- and ION, most commonly in males13 but also in children.14 One
shoe head holder) or some other object, the so-called head rest reference recommends the cessation of sildenafil at least 1 week
syndrome. Patients may present with marked orbital edema preoperatively.15
and limited extraocular movements (to complete ophthalmo-
plegia), as perfusion to the entire orbit including surrounding Risk Factors for POVL
tissues and extraocular muscles may be compromised. Although risk factors for atherosclerotic disease such as hyper-
In the ASA visual loss registry,1 10 of 93 POVL patients tension, diabetes, and smoking have been put forth as risk factors
undergoing spine surgery were determined to have CRAO. In for POVL (and this certainly seems intuitive), the evidence is less
contrast to the 83 patients with ION, the patients with CRAO clear. As stated previously, there are clearly certain individuals
were less likely to have been pinned using a Mayfield head who for whatever reason are at risk for POVL, but preoperative
holder (all were on head rests), procedures were shorter, and identification of these individuals is currently not possible.
there was less blood loss. Furthermore, no patients with Although intraoperative hypotension and anemia would also
CRAO had bilateral injuries unlike 66% of ION patients. appear to place patients at risk for POVL, and these two factors
Whereas visual loss from CRAO is generally felt to have a bet- are reported in multiple case reports, they are not necessarily
ter chance of visual recovery than ION, in the ASA registry, supported by larger samplings. There are reports, however, of
there was no difference in outcome between patients with POVL improving postoperatively with blood transfusion in the
CRAO and ION. case of anemia16 and with increased blood pressure.17
The two factors that are consistently supported as risk fac-
ION tors for POVL in spine-injured patients include prolonged
Of the 131 reported cases of visual loss in the ASA POVL reg- surgical procedures and large blood loss. In the ASA registry,
istry between 1999 and 2004, 93 (72%) were associated with these are defined as procedures lasting greater than 6 hours
spine surgery, and 83 (89% of all spine cases) were caused by and a predicted blood loss of greater than 1 liter.1 Of the 93
ION.1 Clearly, this number is increasing, but whether this is spine-injured patients with POVL, 94% of the procedures
related to more complex surgical procedures, patient factors, lasted 6 hours or longer. Similarly, 82% of POVL patients had
or better recognition of POVL is unclear. In any case, ION is an estimated blood loss of 1 liter or greater. It is interesting
a devastating complication without clear etiology, making that despite the fact that women undergo more spinal proce-
prevention a challenge for surgeons and anesthesiologists. dures than men, 72% of cases in the registry were men.
Patients with ION present with painless binocular or
monocular visual loss, and the severity can range from a field Avoidance of POVL
cut to complete loss of light perception. The problem is gener- As the etiologies of POVL are poorly understood, it is impos-
ally recognized upon emergence from anesthesia but may be sible to avoid this complication. However, there are a few clear
delayed for hours. Like CRAO, patients have a reduced or ab- preventive measures that may be taken. First, check the eyes of
sent pupillary light reflex. External evidence of eye injury is prone patients on a regular basis, at least every 15 minutes, to
generally absent. In patients with AION, the initial fundo- ensure that they are clear of pressure of any kind. Particularly
scopic examination reveals an edematous disc, whereas with for patients on head rests (as opposed to pins), proper initial
PION, the initial fundoscopic examination findings are gener- positioning does not guarantee against subsequent head move-
ally normal. Over time, patients with both AION and PION ment during surgery, causing the orbit to come into contact
will develop fundoscopic evidence of disc degeneration, and with the head holder. Furthermore, to optimize retinal or
the likelihood of significant visual recovery is poor. optic nerve perfusion pressure, whenever possible, the head
Although it appears easy to explain ION on the basis of position should be neutral and at or slightly above the level of
vascular disease and reduced oxygen delivery to the optic the heart. In some patients with severe kyphoscoliosis, this op-
nerve, the etiology is more complicated. There are reports of timal positioning may be impossible because of the fixed posi-
ION occurring in patients with normal intraoperative hemat- tion of the head on the thorax.
ocrit levels and perfusion pressures.11 There are also rare re- The ASA practice advisory3 was developed by a small task
ports of children developing ION,12 which would imply that force of anesthesiologists, spine surgeons (both orthopedic and
there is a population of patients who may be at increased risk neurosurgical), and neuro-ophthalmologists who evaluated cur-
for ION based on the anatomy of the blood supply to the optic rent data and surveyed practicing anesthesiologists and spine
nerve or lack of autoregulation for this blood supply. In the surgeons. The advisory was published to aid in clinical decision
ASA registry,1 66% of patients with ION had bilateral symp- making and was not intended to be a formal guideline or stan-
toms suggesting that the defect, whatever it is, is global in na- dard of practice. Despite this, their review of the subject was
ture. Certainly, patients have suffered ION without evidence comprehensive, and suggestions for care of spine-injured pa-
of ischemic injury to other vascular beds (kidney, heart), im- tients were thoughtful. A summary of their suggestions is as
plying that the visual system may be particularly sensitive to follows:
changes in oxygen delivery.
A possible mechanism of ION is an orbital compartment 1. Although there are preoperative medical conditions such
syndrome in which the optic nerve is swollen as a result of as anemia, atherosclerotic disease, and obesity, which may
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be associated with POVL, at present, these cannot be con- incidence of CRAO may be reduced with close attention to the
sidered predisposing conditions. orbit intraoperatively, but ION is more sinister in its etiology
2. Factors that place patients as high risk for POVL include and thus more difficult to prevent. Information available to us
prolonged procedures (greater than 6.5 hours) and proce- is limited because of the very rare incidence of this complica-
dures involving large blood loss (average 45% of esti- tion, and single-institution prospective studies are essentially
mated blood volume). impossible. Furthermore, there is currently no animal model
3. Although there was agreement among consultants and for POVL. Until more data on the mechanisms of POVL are
subspecialty physicians that deliberate hypotension available, staged procedures, obsessive attention to the eyes of
should be avoided in high-risk patients (with or without prone patients, and frequent consideration of oxygen delivery
well-controlled hypertension), there was a split opinion to the optic nerve and retina are the best preventive measures
whether induced hypotension should be used in patients available.
without chronic hypertension. In the end, there were in-
adequate data to recommend against the use of deliberate
hypotension. The advisory does recommend continuous
blood pressure measurement in high-risk patients. KEY MESSAGES
4. Regarding minimal acceptable hemoglobin levels, again,
there was significant variation in the opinions of consult- 1. The most common causes of POVL are ischemic in-
ants and subspecialty physicians. The average minimal juries to the visual tracts, which fall into two primary
acceptable hemoglobin level as stated by those surveyed categories: CRAO and ION.
was 9.4 g/dL. The task force could determine no lower 2. In patients undergoing spine surgery, prolonged surgi-
limit for hemoglobin concentration that has clearly been cal procedures and large blood loss are risk factors
associated with the development of POVL. for POVL.
5. In patients with significant blood loss, it was advised that
colloids should be used in conjunction with crystalloids. 3. Although the incidence of CRAO can be decreased with
6. Although there was a consensus among neuroanesthesiol- close attention to the orbit intraoperatively, ION is more
ogists that the prolonged use of ␣-agonists may reduce sinister in its etiology and thus more difficult to prevent.
perfusion pressure to the optic nerve, there were inade-
quate data to formulate an advisory on this topic.
7. Staged surgical procedures should be considered in high-
risk patients.
8. With regard to postoperative management of the patient
with POVL, although all groups agree that there is no
proven treatment for ION, they also agree that anemia 1. What is the incidence of POVL in patients who have
should be treated, blood pressure increased, and oxygen undergone spine surgery?
administered. In patients suspected of having POVL, ur- Answer: True POVL in spine-injured patients has an in-
gent ophthalmologic consultation should be obtained, and cidence of 0.1% to 0.2%.
magnetic resonance imaging should be considered to rule
out intracranial causes of blindness. 2. What are the anatomic segments of the optic nerve?
9. Preoperative discussion of POVL should be considered Answer:
for patients at high risk (prolonged procedure, anticipated a. The intracranial segment (optic chiasm to the optic
large blood loss). canal within the lesser sphenoid wing)
b. The intracanalicular segment (within the optic canal)
Management of POVL c. The posterior or intraorbital segment (optic foramen to
The patient presented in this case had at least two risk factors the lamina cribrosa)
for POVL: he underwent an 8-hour procedure in the prone d. The anterior or intraocular segment (from the lamina
position and lost approximately 50% of his blood volume. cribrosa to the optic disc)
Whether his history of hypertension or diabetes contributed to
3. What are the likely mechanisms underlying POVL?
his risk is unclear. There were also episodes of reduced blood
pressure intraoperatively, but this association with POVL is Answer: These include cerebral cortical infarction, pitu-
unclear. itary apoplexy, direct injuries to the eye and visual tracts,
There is no proven treatment for POVL. However, several and ischemic injuries to the optic nerve and/or retina.
steps should be taken urgently for this patient including rap-
idly increasing his blood pressure to at least his baseline value References
and ensuring that his hemoglobin level is within a reasonable
range (9.0 g/dL or greater). Ophthalmologic consultation 1. Lee L, Roth S, Posner K, et al. The American Society of
Anesthesiologists Postoperative Visual Loss Registry.
should be obtained immediately, and a fundoscopic examina-
Anesthesiology 2006;105:652–659.
tion should be performed in an effort to evaluate what type of 2. Myers MA, Hamilton SR, Bogosian AJ, et al. Visual loss as a
injury may be present. Magnetic resonance imaging scans complication of spine surgery: a review of 37 cases. Spine 1997;22:
should be obtained. 1325–1329.
In conclusion, POVL is a devastating complication follow- 3. Practice Advisory for Perioperative Visual Loss Associated
ing spine surgery with an outcome that is generally poor. The with Spine Surgery: a Report by the American Society of
15259_Ch09.qxd 3/14/09 5:11 PM Page 34
Anesthesiologists Task Force on Perioperative Blindness. 11. Ho VT, Newman N, Song S, et al. Ischemic optic neuropathy
Anesthesiology 2006;104:1319–1328. following spine surgery. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol 2005;17:38–44.
4. Hyman C. The concept of end arteries and flow diversion. Invest 12. Chutorian AM, Winterkorn JM, Geffner M. Anterior ischemic
Ophthalmol 1965;4:1000–1003. optic neuropathy in children: case reports and review of the liter-
5. Williams EL, Hart WM, Tempelhoff R. Postoperative ischemic ature. Pediatr Neurol 2002;26:358–364.
optic neuropathy. Anesth Analg 1995;80:1018–1029. 13. Danish-Meyer HV, Levin LA. Erectile dysfunction drugs and
6. Steele EJ, Blunt MJ. The blood supply of the optic nerve and chi- risk of anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy: casual or causal asso-
asma in man. JANA 1956;90:486–493. ciation? Br J Opthalmol 2007;91:1551–1555.
7. Pillunat LE, Anderson DR, Knighton RW, et al. Autoregulation 14. Sivaswamy L, Vanstavern GP. Ischemic optic neuropathy in a
of human optic nerve head circulation in response to increased child. Pediatr Neurol 2007;37:371–372.
intraocular pressure. Exp Eye Res 1997;64:737–744. 15. Fodale V, DiPietro R, Santamaria S. Viagra, surgery and anes-
8. Shaw PJ, Bates D, Cartlidge NE, et al. Neuro-ophthalmological thesia: a dangerous cocktail with a risk of blindness. Medical
complications of coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Acta Hypotheses 2007;68:880–882.
Neurol Scand 1987;76:1–7. 16. Kawasaki A, Purvin V. Recovery of postoperative visual loss fol-
9. Walick KS, Kragh J, Ward J, Crawford J. Changes in intraocular lowing treatment of severe anemia. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol
pressure due to surgical positioning. Spine 2007;32:2591–2595. 2006;34:497–499.
10. Cheng MA, Todorov A, Tempelhoff R, et al. The effect of prone 17. Connolly SE, Gordon KB, Horton JC. Salvage of vision after hy-
positioning on intraocular pressure in anesthetized patients. potension-induced ischemic optic neuropathy. Am J Opthalmol
Anesthesiology 2001;95;1351–1355. 1994;117:235–242.
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Charles W. Hogue
15259_Ch10.qxd 3/14/09 5:11 PM Page 36
CPB circuit, particulate material arising from the operative surgery such that they are incapable of further decrements of a
field, microthrombus, and lipid emboli. The latter are believed magnitude necessary to show a standard deviation decline.
to arise from pericardial fat that is aspirated with cardiotomy This “basement effect” might overlook cognitive decrements
suction during CABG surgery and then returned to the CPB that have profound importance to an elderly patient already
reservoir unfiltered. Some centers advocate first processing shed functioning at a low cognitive level. At the same time, factors
pericardial blood with a cell saver before returning the blood to other than brain injury per se might lead to a false-positive di-
the CPB reservoir. The latter method was found to reduce the agnosis of neurocognitive dysfunction. Depression, pain, and
frequency of postoperative neurocognitive dysfunction in one chronic illness might all lead to low psychometric test results in
study but not confirmed in another. the absence of cerebral injury during surgery.7
Joshua D. Stearns
amount of blood loss, it was likely that the patient would need
a transfusion of packed red blood cells. If these initial measures
did not lead to an increase in blood pressure, a reduction in
A 74-year-old female presented for a right femoral-
heart rate, and resolution of the ST-segment changes, the pa-
popliteal arterial bypass. Her medical history was signifi-
tient may have been experiencing left ventricular dysfunction
cant for hypertension, peripheral vascular disease, an 80
or cardiogenic shock secondary to myocardial ischemia.
pack-year history of tobacco use, and recently diagnosed
diabetes mellitus. The patient had undergone a cholecys-
tectomy 20 years previously under general anesthesia with- What mechanism of myocardial ischemia was
out incident. Her current medications included lisinopril, most likely in this patient?
glyburide, oxycodone and acetaminophen, and daily as- The etiology of perioperative myocardial ischemia is often mul-
pirin. Preoperative electrocardiogram (ECG) readings re- tifactorial. In this patient’s situation, the presence of tachycardia,
vealed normal sinus rhythm at 72 beats per minute and left blood loss, and likely reduced hemoglobin concentration, sug-
ventricular hypertrophy by voltage criteria. The patient’s gests that the underlying mechanism for myocardial ischemia
preoperative hemoglobin level was 12.5 mg/dL, and her was myocardial O2 supply/demand mismatch. Hypovolemia
serum creatinine level was 1.3 mg/dL. The planned anes- leads to reflex tachycardia increasing myocardial O2 demand.
thetic technique was general endotracheal anesthesia with At the same time, lessened blood O2 carrying capacity from re-
propofol induction and maintenance with fentanyl, nitrous duced hemoglobin compromises myocardial O2 supply. Hypo-
oxide, and isoflurane along with vecuronium for muscle re- tension in this case might have resulted from reduced cardiac
laxation. Invasive arterial monitoring was utilized. preload or reduced stroke volume from myocardial ischemia.
Initially, the patient tolerated the procedure well with-
out evidence of myocardial ischemia by ECG monitoring What other mechanisms are implicated in
(leads II and V5 and ST-segment analysis). An hour and a perioperative myocardial ischemia/infarction?
half into the procedure, however, and following approxi-
mately 800 mL of blood loss, the patient’s heart rate in- Many episodes of myocardial ischemia occur despite a normal
creased to 110 beats per minute and there was evidence heart rate and blood pressure. The latter episodes result from
of ST-segment elevation in ECG lead II. Multiple lead reduced coronary artery blood flow often caused by a ruptured
analysis showed ST-segment elevation in leads II, III, and atherosclerotic plaque leading to platelet activation and release
aVF. The patient’s blood pressure slowly decreased from of vasoactive substances, thrombus formation, and partial or
135/85 mm Hg to 90/60 mm Hg over several minutes. complete arterial obstruction. Atherosclerotic plaque disrup-
tion can occur in patients with only modest angiographic
evidence for coronary artery stenosis. Furthermore, a stable
What measures should be have been taken coronary artery plaque can acutely transform to a plaque that
at this point to limit myocardial ischemia? is vulnerable to fissuring or frank rupture caused by localized
inflammation or shear stresses resulting from sympathetic ac-
The treatment of myocardial ischemia is aimed at improving
tivation or rheologic factors. Patients with extant coronary
the balance between myocardial oxygen (O2) supply versus de-
plaque may be at additional risk for acute coronary syndromes
mand. Nitrous oxide should have been discontinued, and the
as a result of the multiple stresses associated with surgery.1
patient should have been administered 100% O2. Her blood
pressure should have been increased by intravascular volume
replacement and by administering a vasoconstricting agent What is the definition of myocardial infarction?
such as phenylephrine. Avoiding drugs with -adrenergic ef- The World Health Organization uses the following criteria for
fects (e.g., ephedrine, epinephrine, or norepinephrine) is advis- diagnosis of a myocardial infarction (MI). Two of the following
able to prevent further tachycardia and increased myocardial must be present: (a) typical ischemic chest pain; (b) elevated
O2 demand. A short-acting -blocker (e.g., esmolol) should serum creatine kinase (CK-MB enzyme); and/or (c) typical
have been considered to lessen the patient’s heart rate. The tar- ECG findings including the development or presence of patho-
get heart rate should be close to the patient’s baseline or the low- logic Q waves.1
est rate that is hemodynamically tolerated. The patient’s arterial In 2000, however, the European Society of Cardiology and
blood gas, hemoglobin, and electrolytes should have been meas- the American College of Cardiology (ACC) revised the formal
ured. In light of the preoperative hemoglobin level and the definition of an MI incorporating the use of increasingly
15259_Ch11.qxd 3/14/09 6:37 PM Page 39
sensitive biochemical assays such as troponin I and T for the chemia that does not necessarily lead to actual myocyte necrosis.
diagnosis (information to follow).2 There is much debate, therefore, as to the specific cut-off values
that can be used to define an MI in the perioperative setting.
Several studies suggest that even small elevations of cardiac tro-
Do perioperative MIs present in a fashion ponins in the perioperative period identify some myocardial
consistent with the World Health injury.4 These elevations and the accompanying myocardial
Organization’s definition of MI? injury may be implications for both short- and long-term
Most often, perioperative MI is not accompanied by typical mortality. Over time, the threshold values have decreased sug-
chest pain caused by residual anesthetics, analgesic drugs, or gesting that there is an association between small troponin ele-
sedation, especially in the setting of patients who remain in- vations and cardiac outcome. Laboratory cut-offs for diagnoses
tubated postoperatively. In addition, perioperative MI often differ from institution to institution. An increase in CK-MB
manifests few of the classic ECG findings such as ST-segment ⬎10% (upper limit of normal ⫽ 170 IU), cTn-I ⬎1.5 ng/mL,
elevation or Q waves.1 As a result, the use of biochemical mark- or cTn-T ⬎0.1 ng/mL have been shown to be independent pre-
ers of myocardial injury often provides the most definitive di- dictors of mortality from cardiac events at 1-year and 5-year
agnosis of perioperative MI. According to one study, 12% of follow-up for patients undergoing vascular surgery.4
patients developed elevated cardiac troponin T (cTnT) levels,
while only 3% exhibited characteristics that confirmed periop-
erative MI by the World Health Organization definition.3 What are the pharmacologic treatment options
for patients diagnosed with a perioperative MI?
Medical therapy for perioperative MI is directed based toward
Which biochemical markers are commonly used rectifying myocardial O2 demand/supply mismatch. Myocar-
in the diagnosis of perioperative MI? dial O2 demand is reduced by the judicious use of -blockers
Biochemical markers for detecting myocardial injury include while ensuring myocardial perfusion pressure. Certainly, the
serum creatine kinase (CK-MB) and cTnT or troponin I (cTnI) most well-studied and used pharmacologic preventive treat-
assays. Cardiac troponins are both specific and sensitive for ment for perioperative myocardial ischemia or perioperative
detecting myocardial injury and appear to provide improved MI is -blocker therapy. Several studies have shown reduced
detection of MI as compared to CK-MB levels. adverse cardiac events for patients in the perioperative setting,
especially in patients considered at high risk for coronary heart
disease. Patients considered high risk include those with risk
What threshold levels of CK-MB and cardiac factors such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension as well as
troponins are diagnostic of perioperative MI? patients who have been shown to exhibit “inducible” myocar-
CK-MB is not specific for cardiac tissue; thus, interpreting dial ischemia by exercise or pharmacologic stress testing.
elevations in this isoenzyme is confounded perioperatively by (Table 11.1). Furthermore, the initiation of -blockers days or
other sources (e.g., muscle injury). Cardiac troponins are specific weeks in advance of surgery appears to provide greater bene-
for the heart, but they are also released because of myocardial is- fit (a target heart rate of ⬍65 beats per minute is optimal).
Previous PCI
<365 days
Time since PCI <14 days >14 days >30-45 days <30-45 days >365 days
Delay for elective or Proceed to the Delay for elective or Proceed to the
nonurgent surgery operation room nonurgent surgery operating room
with aspirin with aspirin
Figure 11.1 • ACC/AHA Proposed Guidelines, Based on Expert Opinion, for Management of
Patients with Recent Percutaneous Coronary Interventions Requiring Noncardiac Surgery.
(Reproduced with permission from Fleisher LA, Beckman JA, Brown KA, et al. ACC/AHA 2007 guidelines on
perioperative cardiovascular evaluation and care for noncardiac surgery: a report of the American College of
Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines [Writing Committee to Revise the
2002 Guidelines on Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation for Noncardiac Surgery]. Circulation
1. Perioperative MI leads to significant morbidity and 1. Which biochemical markers are commonly used in the
mortality and costs the health care system billions of diagnosis of perioperative MI?
dollars each year. Answer: Biochemical markers for detecting myocardial
2. Perioperative MI is proposed to have two basic yet
injury include CK-MBand cTnT or troponin I (cTnI)
often overlapping mechanisms: (a) myocardial O2
assays. Cardiac troponins are both specific and sensitive
supply/demand mismatch and (b) ruptured coronary
for detecting myocardial injury and appear to provide
plaque or associated thrombus leading to coronary
improved detection of MI as compared to CK-MB levels.
occlusion. 2. What limitations apply to interpreting elevations in bio-
3. Perioperative MI is most commonly diagnosed by the markers of myocardial injury?
presence of elevated cardiac enzymes because the Answer: CK-MB is not specific for cardiac tissue;
usual cardiac symptoms are typically masked by anes- thus, interpreting elevations in this isoenzyme is con-
thetic and analgesic drugs and also because it fre- founded perioperatively by other sources (e.g., muscle
quently occurs with few or none of the classic ECG injury). Cardiac troponins are specific for the heart,
findings. but they are also released because of myocardial ischemia
that does not necessarily lead to actual myocyte necrosis.
4. Perioperative -blocker use has been shown to be the
most effective medical therapy for reducing periopera- 3. Why is aspirin administration indicated in the setting of
tive MI—especially in high-risk patients, including acute MI?
those undergoing vascular surgery.
Answer: Both its anti-inflammatory effects and
5. Perioperative use of aspirin and statin drugs may also antiplatelet aggregation effects appear to play a role in
reduce the risk of PMI. the reduction of thrombotic activity characteristic of the
plaque rupture mechanism for MI.
15259_Ch11.qxd 3/14/09 6:37 PM Page 43
References 8. Fleisher LA, Beckman JA, Brown KA, et al. ACC/AHA 2007
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2. Alpert JS, Thygesen K, Antman E, Bassand JP. Myocardial infarc- Guidelines (Writing Committee to Revise the 2002 Guidelines
tion redefined—a consensus document of The Joint European on Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation for Noncardiac
Society of Cardiology/American College of Cardiology Committee Surgery). Circulation 2007;116:e418–499.
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Circulation 2002;106:2366–2371. larization before abdominal aortic aneurysmorrhaphy: effect of
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5. Robless P, Mikhailidis DP, Stansby G. Systematic review of angioplasty. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 1998;12:501.
antiplatelet therapy for the prevention of myocardial infarction, 12. Howard-Alpe GM, de Bono J, Hudsmith L, et al. Coronary ar-
stroke or vascular death in patients with peripheral vascular tery stents and non-cardiac surgery. Br J Anaesthesia 2007;98:
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patients with acute coronary syndromes. Am J Cardiovasc Drugs cularization before elective major vascular surgery. N Engl J
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Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia
Roy Kan
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settings, such as acute coronary syndromes, hemodialysis, and 2. Arterial thrombosis (15% to 30%)
cardiovascular or orthopedic surgery. a. Limb artery thrombosis
Both unfractionated and low-molecular-weight heparin b. Stroke
can cause type II HIT, but the risk is higher with the former, c. Myocardial infarction
particularly when given intravenously or in high doses. The 3. Skin lesions at heparin injection site (10%)
use of both porcine and bovine can result in type II HIT, but a. Skin necrosis
the risk is higher with the latter. b. Erythematous plaques
High-risk groups for type II HIT include orthopedic pa- 4. Acute reaction after IV bolus of heparin (10%)
tients given postoperative heparin as well as cardiac transplant 5. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (10%)
and neurosurgery patients (11% and 15%, respectively). Other
risk factors for HIT include high-titer, IgG HIT antibodies
How is HIT diagnosed?
and female gender.
HIT should be suspected whenever the platelet count decreases
by 50%, or when new thrombosis occurs 5 to 14 days after the
What are the clinical manifestations start of heparin therapy. Routine platelet count monitoring,
and complications of type II HIT? including a pre-heparin value, is recommended for most he-
Type II HIT has three clinical presentations: (a) latent phase parin-treated patients. For patients with suspected HIT, labora-
in which antibodies are present without thrombocytopenia, tory testing is recommended, but because of its high thrombotic
(b) HIT whereby antibodies are present with thrombocytope- risk, treatment for such patients should not be withheld while
nia, and (c) heparin-induced thrombocytopenia-thrombosis waiting for laboratory results. Clinical scoring systems may be
(HITT) in which antibodies are present with thrombocytope- used to estimate the probability of HIT. An example of such a
nia and thrombosis. scoring system is the “Four Ts” (for timing, thrombocytopenia,
Of the patients who develop latent type II HIT with thrombosis, and oTher sequelae). A score of 0, 1, or 2 is assigned
IgG seroconversion, 30% to 50% will develop thrombocy- depending on the onset time and severity of thrombocytopenia,
topenia. Of these patients, 30% to 80% will demonstrate the presence of thrombotic manifestations, as well as the absence
isolated thrombotic events, of which 0.01% to 0.1% will ex- of other causes of thrombocytopenia. An overall score greater
perience multiple thromboses or white clot syndrome. than 6 is highly suggestive for HIT.
Bleeding is rare despite the severity of the thrombocytopenia. Laboratory testing for HIT antibodies may be divided into
Approximately 10% of patients with HIT and thrombosis antigenic and functional testing. Antigenic tests include
require a limb amputation. The mortality rate is approxi- enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and rapid particle gel
mately 20% to 30%. immunoassay that detect antibodies to heparin-PF4 complexes
Platelet counts of 20,000 to 150,000/L are seen typically or complexes of PF4 and other polyanions. Commercial en-
5 to 10 days after exposure to heparin. A fall in platelet count zyme-linked immunosorbent assay, which detect IgG, IgM,
of more than 50% is considered to be diagnostic. In patients and IgA, are sensitive for detecting antibodies but are not spe-
with elevated baseline platelet counts, a 50% or greater de- cific for HIT. Measurement of only IgG antibodies enhances
crease without falling below a normal platelet level may be clinical specificity, whereas antibody titer based on the optical
observed. The platelet counts usually return to normal levels density can be more informative. Higher-titer antibodies are as-
in 5 to 10 days after heparin is stopped. sociated with increased thrombotic risk. Antibody titers by gel
Rapid-onset HIT leads to reduced platelet counts within particle immunoassay correlate with clinical likelihood scores in
minutes to hours of heparin exposure. This tends to occur in pa- suspected HIT.
tients with preformed heparin-PF4 antibodies from a previous Functional tests include the 14C-serotonin release assay and
heparin exposure within the prior 3 months. The platelet count the platelet aggregation test. The platelet aggregation test
should be determined immediately for comparison with a pre- measures platelet aggregation resulting from IgG in the serum
bolus count. or plasma of an HIT patient given heparin. It has a high spe-
HIT can sometimes present days to weeks after heparin has cificity of 90%, is simple to perform, and is widely available.
been stopped. This scenario, known as delayed-onset HIT, is However, the sensitivity of this test is poor, although this can
less common than the more rapid presentations of HIT but be improved by using washed platelets. The serotonin release
should be considered if a recently hospitalized, heparin- assay measures serotonin released from aggregated platelets
treated patient presents with thrombosis. from HIT. Although this test has high sensitivity and speci-
Up to 50% of patients with isolated HIT (thrombocytope- ficity, it requires the use of radioactive reagents and is techni-
nia with no evidence of thrombosis) develop clinical evidence cally demanding and time consuming to perform.
of thrombosis despite cessation of heparin within the first
week if no alternative anticoagulant is started. Clinical throm- What is the treatment for HIT?
bosis may manifest as:
When HIT is suspected, all forms of heparins should be imme-
1. Venous thrombosis (30% to 70%) diately stopped while awaiting laboratory confirmation of the
a. Deep vein thrombosis diagnosis. Avoid using “flush” solutions containing heparin in-
b. Pulmonary embolism cluding dialysate fluid and central venous or pulmonary
c. Adrenal vein thrombosis, leading to adrenal necrosis catheters with heparin coatings. Low-molecular-weight he-
d. Cerebral sinus venous thrombosis parins should be avoided because of possible cross-reaction with
e. Venous limb gangrene heparin-PF4 antibodies to exacerbate HIT.
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Serial monitoring of platelet counts is mandatory as is that has been used safely and effectively in critically ill pa-
vigilant monitoring for thrombotic manifestations of HIT. tients with HIT. Fondaparinux is a novel anticoagulant that
Prophylactic platelet transfusion is not recommended, as it is modeled after the antithrombin-binding pentasaccharide
may increase the risk of thrombosis. region of heparin. It has anti-Xa and anti-IXa activity that
Heparin should be avoided, if possible, for as long as he- does not cross-react with HIT antibodies. Although it is
parin-PF4 antibody testing is positive, although a longer he- approved in the United States and elsewhere for prophylaxis
parin-free period is often preferred because of the availability and treatment of venous thromboembolism, the usefulness of
of safe, effective alternative anticoagulants and uncertainty re- fondaparinux for the treatment of type II HIT has not been
garding the risk of recurrence on heparin re-exposure. The established.
British Committee for Standards in Hematology recommends The usefulness of antiplatelet agents has not been estab-
the use of nonheparin anticoagulation for most patients lished. Aspirin has only marginal therapeutic benefit because
requiring anticoagulation with previous HIT. of its variable inhibition of platelet activation by HIT anti-
Alternative anticoagulant coverage is used to prevent throm- bodies. Although the prostacyclin analog, iloprost, has been
botic complications. However, warfarin should not be used as used to treat patients with type II HIT undergoing CPB
the initial, sole anticoagulant therapy because of its slow onset of surgery in combination with heparin, its use has been limited
action. In addition, the protein C and protein S deficiency by severe hypotension. The role of ADP inhibitors such as
induced by warfarin can cause microvascular thrombosis result- ticlopidine and clopidogrel in the treatment of HIT has not
ing in coumarin-induced venous limb gangrene. If warfarin has been evaluated.
already been started when HIT is recognized, vitamin K should
be given to reverse the effects of warfarin and to minimize the
risk of warfarin-induced limb gangrene or skin necrosis. An emergency heart transplant was arranged
Warfarin may be introduced at a later stage when platelet levels for this patient. What are the drugs available
have normalized and when overlapping alternative anticoagu- for anticoagulation during cardiac transplant?
lants are at therapeutic levels. Parenteral and oral anticoagulants For patients with current or previous HIT who require
should overlap for at least 5 days, with a therapeutic interna- cardiac surgery, the surgery should be delayed, if possible,
tional normalized ratio achieved for at least 2 days before the until heparin-PF4 antibodies are negative. In patients with
parenteral anticoagulant is stopped. acute HIT undergoing cardiac surgery, direct thrombin inhi-
Given the time course for thrombotic risk in HIT, non- bition is preferred over heparin or danaparoid. Of the direct
heparin anticoagulation should be maintained for at least thrombin inhibitors available, bivalirudin is preferred over
1 month with a longer duration warranted if HIT-associated lepirudin, as the former is least organ dependent for its
thrombosis occurred. Available agents include direct throm- metabolism and is not associated with anaphylaxis from
bin inhibitors such as lepirudin, bivalirudin, or argatroban. lepirudin re-exposure. Appropriate dosing of the direct
Consideration is given to the pharmacokinetic profile and thrombin inhibitors during cardiac surgery has not been
route of elimination of each agent (Table 12.1). There are no established, however, and no direct thrombin inhibitor is
agents currently available to reverse the anticoagulant effects approved for use in this setting.
of direct thrombin inhibitors. The most appropriate method for anticoagulation monitor-
An alternative to the direct thrombin inhibitors is dana- ing during CPB when direct thrombin inhibitors are used is not
paroid, a glycosaminoglycan derived from porcine intestine clear. The activated clotting time is affected by many variables
David M. Rothenberg
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T A B L E 1 3 . 1 HTS Characteristics
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ALT/ AST and abnormal INR hepatobiliary dysfunction delay surgery for
formal assessment
Alkaline Phosphatase
Figure 14.1 • Asymptomatic Patient with Abnormal Liver Test Results for Surgery. (From O’Connor CJ,
Rothenberg D, Tumank KJ. Anesthesia and the hepatobiliary system. In Miller’s Anesthesia, 6th Ed. New York: Elsevier, 2005.)
elevated LFTs. A suggested approach to such patients is delin- surgery in cirrhotic patients with an elevated INR, hypoalbu-
eated in Figure 14.1. minemia, or preoperative infection or encephalopathy.
The preponderance of medical literature regarding periop- The actual surgical procedure itself, however, may be the
erative morbidity and mortality in patients with acute hepati- most important risk factor for the development of postopera-
tis of any etiology suggests that elective surgery should be tive hepatic dysfunction.6 Abdominal surgery per se appears to
delayed until resolution of hepatic dysfunction. Patients with significantly decrease total hepatic blood flow, particularly in
steatosis or steatohepatitis should also probably be considered patients with cirrhosis undergoing hepatic resection for hepa-
to be at risk for developing postoperative liver failure, espe- tocellular carcinoma.7,8 Cardiothoracic surgery is also associ-
cially if they are to undergo major abdominal surgery. ated with a high mortality rate in patients with pre-existing
Additionally, patients with chronic hepatitis should be evalu- liver dysfunction.9 Cardiopulmonary bypass may exacerbate
ated before elective surgery for any evidence of hepatic syn- pre-existing hepatic dysfunction by a multitude of mechanisms,
thetic dysfunction. When surgery cannot be delayed or including hepatic artery and portal venous hypoperfusion, low
avoided, care must be taken during all phases of surgery to cardiac output syndrome, micro- or macroembolism, cytokine
maintain hepatic vascular perfusion and to avoid factors that or oxygen free radical formation, and the influence of vasoac-
may precipitate liver failure, hepatic encephalopathy, or both. tive and anesthetic drugs.
Finally, patients with abnormal LFTs and a clinical con- In assessing the patient described in this case, it is important
stellation that is consistent with cirrhosis may be at particular to recognize that the peripheral nature of anterior cruciate liga-
risk for developing postoperative hepatic failure depending on ment surgery imparts a minimal risk for this patient to develop
the stage of cirrhosis as well as the type of surgery. postoperative liver failure, despite the slight elevation in this pa-
Preoperative risk in patients with cirrhosis is often assessed by tient’s LFTs. The magnitude of LFT elevation also indicates
using the Child-Turcotte-Pugh scoring system (Table 14.1) minimal risk of developing postoperative liver dysfunction and
and occasionally in conjunction with the model for end-stage most likely represents either an effect of alcohol use or, less
liver disease scores (Table 14.2). Elective surgery should be likely, that this is related to a cholestatic effect of hydrochloroth-
considered contraindicated in patients with Child-Turcotte- iazide. Repeating the LFTs is indicated primarily to rule out
Pugh classification C. Additionally, it is best to avoid elective further increases indicative of ongoing or progressive pathology.
15259_Ch14.qxd 3/14/09 6:39 PM Page 53
1. Asymptomatic elevation in LFTs may or may not pose 1. Which of the following serum levels may be associated
a significant perioperative risk for the patient undergo- with increased perioperative morbidity?
ing anesthesia. A. ALT 55 IU/L
2. Specific LFT abnormalities can indicate the influence of B. Bilirubin 3.6 mg%
preoperative medications, alcohol use, or active in- C. INR 1.6
flammatory disease. D. AST 90 IU/L
3. Preoperative LFTs should only be considered on pa- E. Alkaline phosphatase 42 mg%
tients who present with a history or physical evidence Answer: D
of hepatic dysfunction.
4. The decision to perform surgery and administer anes-
2. A patient presenting for total hip replacement is noted
thesia to patients with abnormal LFTs should be predi-
to have clinical stigmata of cirrhosis including mild
cated on the nature of the surgery and the magnitude
ascites. Preoperative laboratory values include a serum
of changes on the LFTs.
albumin level of 2.7 gm%, INR of 2.8, and a serum
bilirubin level of 4 mg%. The most appropriate next
step in this patient’s care should be:
A. Therapeutic paracentesis
B. Preoperative plasma transfusion
T A B L E 1 4 . 2 MELD Score Calculation C. Delay of surgery
D. Administration of 5% albumin
MELD ⫽ 3.78 [Ln serum bilirubin (mg/dL)] ⫹
E. Avoidance of inhalational general anesthesia
11.2 [Ln INR] ⫹ 9.57 [Ln serum creatinine
(mg/dL)] ⫹ 6.43 Answer: C
In addition, the following are modifications of the 3. Which of the following surgeries is associated with an
MELD score: increase in postoperative hepatic dysfunction in a
• The maximum score given is 40. All values higher patient with a preoperative history of chronic active
than 40 are given a score of 40.
A. Pneumonectomy
• If the patient has been dialyzed twice within the last
7 days, the serum creatinine level used should be 4. B. Partial colectomy
C. Bilateral total knee replacement
• Any value less than 1 is given a value of 1.
D. Carotid endarterectomy
INR, internationalized normalized ratio; MELD, end-stage liver
disease. E. Total thyroidectomy
Answer: B
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W. Christopher Croley
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Solution Osmolarity (mOsm/L) Na⫹ (mmol/L) Cl⫺ (mmol/L) K⫹ (mmol/L) Ca⫹⫹ (mmol/L)
0.9% Sodium chloride 308 154 154 -0- -0-
Lactated Ringer’s solution 309 147 156 4.0 2.2
Normasol 280 140 98 5 0
as a preferred resuscitation fluid. It is proposed that large vol- and has a weak radial pulse. The patient has one
umes of crystalloid dilute plasma proteins, as well as plasma on- 22-gauge IV in her left forearm, and four units of blood
cotic pressure, resulting in tissue and pulmonary edema. are on hold in the blood bank. The most appropriate
Clinically, the decrease in oncotic pressure and increase in tissue initial fluid given the following options would be:
edema has not been proven to be detrimental in terms of patient
mortality (Fig. 15.1). A. 250 mL of 0.9 normal saline
For patients with limited IV access, albumin or other col- B. 500 mL of dextran
loid fluids will expand plasma volume more rapidly than crys- C. 250 mL of 5% human albumin
talloid and at a lower volume of total fluid infused. Outside of
this particular indication, albumin should not be routinely D. 100 mL of 3% hypertonic saline
used as a preferred resuscitation fluid because of lack of evi- Answer: C. This patient has one small-bore IV line and
dence of improved mortality, increased cost, and possible ad- will need rapid volume expansion while blood is or-
verse events associated with administration. Future studies dered from the blood bank and additional IV access is
should aim to compare crystalloid versus colloid in terms of established; 5% albumin will provide greater plasma
meaningful patient outcomes other than mortality. It will re- volume expansion in a shorter period of time than crys-
quire careful systematic evaluation to identify specific clinical talloid. Dextran may have deleterious effects on platelets
scenarios in which one or another type of fluid resuscitation and worsen bleeding. Hypertonic saline is not indicated
will benefit the patient. for rapid volume expansion during hypovolemic shock.
1. You are preparing to transport a 69-year-old female to
the endoscopy suite from the intensive care unit for an
upper endoscopy when she begins to vomit bright red
blood, becomes tachycardic to 140 beats per minute,
CASE FORMAT: REFLECTION ing resolved immediately, and within 15 minutes, the pa-
tient was once more responsive and oriented. Sensory and
A 55-year-old, 90-kg man with a history of hypertension, motor testing of the right arm and shoulder revealed dense
non–insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, and shoulder anesthesia.
pain presented for right total shoulder arthroplasty. He The patient underwent uncomplicated total shoulder
had previously undergone inguinal hernia repair and an arthroplasty and recovery. Five days later, however, he re-
appendectomy without anesthetic complications. His ported a sensory paresthesiae in the median nerve distribu-
regular medications included metoprolol, valsartan, met- tion of his right arm. Nerve conduction studies demon-
formin, and naproxen. The preoperative evaluation strated mild conduction disturbance of his right median
identified left ventricular hypertrophy on his electrocardio- nerve that resolved completely over 3 weeks. His recovery
gram, his nonfasting serum glucose level was 170 was otherwise uneventful.
mg/dL, and hemoglobin concentration was 12.9 mg/dL.
Initially, the patient’s vital signs were as follows: blood
pressure, 136/80 mm Hg; heart rate, 65 beats per
minute; arterial oxygen saturation, 98%; and respiratory
rate, 18 breaths per minute. Neurologic function of the DISCUSSION
operative arm was normal.
The anesthetic plan comprised an interscalene block Central Nervous System Toxicity
(to be inserted preoperatively) and a continuous intersca-
lene catheter for postoperative analgesia, in conjunction Central nervous system (CNS) toxicity follows vascular ab-
with general anesthesia and tracheal intubation. sorption or intravascular injection of LA and manifests as a
An intravenous catheter was placed in the contralat- change in the patient’s sensorium or mental status, the pa-
eral arm, and standard monitors were applied. Oxygen tient’s perception of a metallic taste, tinnitus, or as an overt
was administered at 3 L per minute by nasal cannulae, grand mal seizure. CNS toxicity tends to precede cardiovascu-
and incremental doses of midazolam (0.5 mg) and fen- lar toxicity and is typically short lived. Appropriate manage-
tanyl (25 mcg) were administered according to the anes- ment entails administration of small doses of midazolam or
thesiologist’s clinical judgment. A nerve stimulator was pre- sodium thiopental and support of ventilation and oxygenation
pared by attaching the grounding lead to a surface during the (usually) brief duration of the seizure or altered
electrode, the patient’s chest, and a 17-gauge insulated mental status. If the patient’s mental status returns to baseline
Tuohy needle was primed with local anesthetic. The right promptly, and if no injuries are sustained during the event, it
side of the patient’s neck was prepared using sterile pre- is reasonable to proceed with surgery.
cautions. Local anesthetic (LA) (lidocaine 2%, 2 mL) was in-
jected subcutaneously at the interscalene groove, and the
Peripheral Nerve Injury
Tuohy needle was advanced until the characteristic muscu- Nerve injury following peripheral nerve blockade (PNB) is
locutaneous nerve response (biceps muscle contraction) gratifyingly uncommon. Published investigations of the inci-
was achieved. Following negative aspiration of the needle dence of this complication are limited by study design and in-
for blood, 35 mL of 0.5% ropivacaine with epinephrine consistent neurodiagnostic follow-up. Moreover, it is often
(1/10,000) was incrementally injected with serial aspira- difficult to determine the precise etiology of postoperative
tions after each 3-mL injection. No change in heart rate or neurologic deficits (PNB-related vs. surgical). Despite these
sensorium was noted. Following completion of the LA injec- limitations, certain conclusions can be drawn. The mechanism
tion and as the interscalene catheter was inserted through of nerve injury after surgery accompanied by PNB can be
the Tuohy needle, the patient’s left hand and arm began to related to several factors, including block-related events
twitch, and he became unresponsive to verbal command. (e.g., needle trauma, intraneural injection [INI],1,2 and LA
The needle was immediately withdrawn, and midazolam neurotoxicity), surgical factors (e.g., surgical trauma, stretch
(3 mg) was administered, while oxygen (100%) was given injuries, and the impact of tourniquets, hematomata, compres-
using positive-pressure bag/mask ventilation. The twitch- sive dressings, and positioning), and the impact of pre-existing
conditions (e.g., bony deformities and peripheral neuropathy).
15259_Ch16.qxd 3/14/09 6:40 PM Page 59
Needle trauma is probably uncommon, whereas INI appears knee arthroplasty, are additional mechanisms that can result
to be the likely mechanism of block-related nerve injury in in postoperative neurologic deficit unrelated to PNB. In fact,
most patients. High injection pressures2 and severe pain on Horlocker et al.7 noted that 89% of neurologic deficits after
injection indicate INI and subsequent fascicle disruption. The 1614 axillary blocks were related to the surgical procedure it-
peripheral nerve is a complex structure bounded by the self, a finding consistent with other clinical reports. In addi-
epineurium that encases multiple nerve fascicles surrounded tion, 4% of patients undergoing shoulder arthroplasty sustain
by a perineural layer. Each fascicle contains myelinated neu- brachial plexus injuries in the absence of PNB, again suggest-
rons that can be damaged by intrafascicular injection of LA. ing surgical nerve injury.8 Candido et al. observed that of the
This appears to produce neurologic injury by inducing 4.4% of 684 patients experiencing paresthesia after intersca-
swelling and edema of the fascicle with subsequent neurovas- lene block for shoulder surgery, 45% were located at the site of
cular compromise and possibly by direct LA toxicity.3,4 the block, and 23% were in the distribution of the greater au-
Interestingly, Bigeleisen demonstrated that 81% of patients ricular nerve; more serious distal sensorimotor neuropathies
undergoing ultrasound (US)-guided axillary block had evi- were thus infrequent.9 Finally, although preoperative neu-
dence of INI in at least one nerve, with no subsequent evi- ropathy and nerve localization techniques can be associated
dence of neurologic injury,3 suggesting that small-volume INI with postoperative nerve injury, well-designed prospective
does not produce clinical nerve injury and occurs commonly studies have failed to show any consistent relationship be-
without a clinically detectable adverse outcome. This finding tween diabetes, pre-existing neuropathy, or the use of nerve
is borne out by clinicians experienced with US-guided PNB. localization techniques and the incidence of neurologic deficit
Although US may facilitate accurate LA deposition around after PNB.
rather than within the nerve, there are no clinical data to vali- Most postoperative neurologic complaints manifest within
date that assumption. Bigeleisen’s findings also imply that in- the first 48 hours after surgery. They are typically sensory
jection beneath the perineurium is the probable site of injury deficits and usually resolve within 2 to 4 weeks, although
from INI. rarely, deficits can require up to 9 months for complete recov-
In addition to block-related injury, surgical factors appear ery. Nerve conduction studies (NCS) and electromyography
to be especially important in producing neurologic deficits. (EMG) typically reveal conduction delays consistent with
Experimental data, as well as electrophysiologic studies in pa- neuropraxia, a temporary injury pattern associated with func-
tients have shown the compressive and neuronal ischemic ef- tional recovery. Assessment of neurologic deficits should in-
fects of excessive tourniquet duration and inflation pressure clude a careful neurologic examination, and, in most cases,
on peripheral nerves. Horlocker et al.5 and Fanelli et al.6 NCS and EMG. Repeat studies are commonly performed at 4
demonstrated that duration of tourniquet inflation and pres- to 6 weeks, after which clinical assessment appears to suffice in
sures ⬎400 mm Hg, respectively, were associated with an in- the absence of severe motor deficits.
creased incidence of postoperative neurologic deficit after limb Determining the incidence of block-related nerve injury is
surgery. Retractor injury to the femoral nerve during hip difficult (Tables 16.1 to 16.3). However, prospective analyses
arthroplasty, stretch injury of the brachial plexus during of more than 70,000 patients have indicated an incidence of
shoulder arthroplasty, and peroneal nerve injury related to 0.02%. This is likely to be an underestimate caused by self-
preoperative valgus deformities and flexion contractures after reporting. Other prospective and retrospective analyses have
T A B L E 1 6 . 1 Incidence of Neurologic Injury After Peripheral Nerve Blockade: Single-Injection Nerve Block
shown greater complication rates of 0% to 8% after single- It may result from INI, a complication that can be minimized
injection upper extremity blockade and rates ⬍0.5% for lower by discontinuing injection when either high injection pres-
extremity blocks. Studies of continuous catheter (CC) tech- sures or pain are encountered, and it appears unrelated to the
niques have similarly revealed low neurologic injury rates. type of nerve localization technique employed. Whether US
Capdevilla et al.10 demonstrated a 0.21% incidence of nerve in- guidance will decrease the already low incidence of these com-
juries after 1416 upper and lower extremity CC techniques as plications has yet to be determined. It certainly holds promise
did Swenson et al.11 in a similar analysis of 620 CC techniques. for visual, real-time assessment of needle placement and LA
In conclusion, nerve injury can occur after PNB but is in- deposition. Ultimately, as long as needles, nerves, and local
frequent, is typically a transient sensory neuropraxia, and may anesthetics are in close proximity, the potential for nerve in-
be related to surgical (rather than block-related) mechanisms. jury will exist.
Block Type
Author Injury Pattern/Nerve Involvement UE LE Anesthesia vs Surgery Cause
Auroy, 2002 Per neuropathy All All Not specified
Auroy, 1997 Not specified All All Not specified
Fanelli, 1999 Not specified ISB, Ax F-SB Not specified
Stan, 1995 1 ulnar/MC paresthesia Ax — 0.2% because of block
Klein, 2002 ISB-RN injury All, ISB F-SB 50% clearly surgical
SCB-UN Injury
Horlocker, 1999 Pain/numbness: UN (4), RN, MN Ax — 88% because of surgery
Candido, 2006 Paresthesia: ISB Site, aur ner, thumb ISB — 54% because of block
Bishop, 2005 Sensory neuropathy ulnar 5/10 ISB — Not specified
Schroeder, 1996 Not specified All — 72% because of surgery
aur ner, auricular nerve; Ax, axillary; blk, block; F-SB, femoral-sciatic block; ISB, interscalene block; LE, lower extremity; MC, musculocutaneous;
MN, median nerve; Per, peripheral; RN, radial nerve; UE, upper extremity; UN, ulnar nerve.
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Drug and Intraoperative Postoperative
Acetaminophen 1000 mg 500–1000 mg three times daily
COX-2 inhibitor: celecoxib 400 mg 2 hours before surgery 200 mg twice per day
Ketamine 20–70 mg IV
Gabapentin or pregabalin 600 mg or 100 mg respectively 300 or 75 twice per day
Clonidine 100 g PNB
Clonidine 10 g via epidural
IV, intravenous; PNB, peripheral nerve blockade.
The epidural catheter can be removed on the third postopera- cluded that the analgesic efficacy of epidural and PNB tech-
tive day or earlier depending on his achievement of discharge niques was similar but that the incidence of adverse effects
criteria set by the physiotherapist. The subject of deep vein (hypotension, urinary retention, and nerve injury) was less for
thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis for joint arthroplasty is contro- PNB.5 Nerve injuries associated with PNB present much less
versial with some authorities advocating aspirin alone, espe- patient morbidity than a neuraxial injury. The review also
cially for patients undergoing minimally invasive joint evaluated the potential benefit of combining a sciatic block
replacement. with a femoral block and concluded that there was no addi-
The risk of developing a hematoma in the epidural space is tional benefit.5 Although the lumbar plexus block has greater
greater in patients who receive low-molecular-weight heparin consistency with regard to blocking the obturator nerve com-
(LMWH) postoperatively for DVT prophylaxis, especially pared to the infrainguinal femoral block (three-in-one), it is
after surgery involving the lower limbs.9,10 The dramatic in- unclear as to whether there is any benefit in adding the obtu-
crease in the use of LMWH in the early 2000s for DVT pro- rator block.6 The incidence of quadriceps weakness with
phylaxis influenced the movement toward peripheral nerve PNBs is greater and can therefore interfere with early mobi-
blockade (PNB) (and use of continuous catheter techniques) lization of the patient, but there appears to be no difference in
for pain after orthopaedic procedures. Thus, the use of rehabilitative outcomes for the two groups at the time of dis-
LMWH and other anticoagulants has been an important de- charge.6 Only limited evidence exists on whether continuous
terminant of how postoperative analgesia is provided after femoral nerve block is more effective than a single-shot
total joint replacement. femoral block. In one randomized trial by Salinas et al., con-
tinuous femoral block (vs. single shot) lessened pain scores and
PNB increased opioid consumption significantly; however, the du-
PNB of the major nerves supplying the lower extremities has ration of hospital stay and functional outcome did not differ
emerged as a good alternative technique to an epidural for between the two groups.7 Although the mechanism is not
providing postoperative analgesia following procedures on the clear,8 the addition of clonidine 100 g to PNB leads to pro-
lower limb, especially in view of the current anticoagulation longation of analgesic effect.
guidelines. PNB can be achieved by “single-shot” blockade or In the case presented herein, a reasonable alternative ap-
by continuous infusion. For lower limb surgeries, a femoral proach would be to insert femoral nerve and sciatic nerve
nerve block, a sciatic nerve block, an obturator nerve block, or catheters preoperatively. This combination could be used to
a “three-in-one” block can be performed. Femoral nerve provide adequate anesthesia for TKA either alone or with a
blocks are most commonly used for knee arthroplasties, either mini-dose single-dose of spinal anesthetic. The local anes-
alone or in combination with a sciatic nerve block. After com- thetic concentration in the two peripheral catheters should
pletion of the femoral nerve block, the patient is turned later- be low so that patients can participate actively in their phys-
ally for placement of a sciatic perineural catheter using a iotherapy. It is also important to administer neuronal block-
gluteal approach. Anatomically, an obturator nerve block in ade as one element of a multimodal regimen that is adjusted
combination with a femoral nerve block provides superior in response to patient recovery throughout the perioperative
analgesia compared with femoral plus sciatic nerve block. period.
Performing an effective obturator nerve block is challenging. Opioids and Obstructive
A “three-in-one” block is intended to block the lateral femoral
cutaneous, the femoral, and the obturator nerves using a sin- Sleep Apnea
gle injection. A known or presumptive diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea
Several studies have compared the analgesic efficacy and (OSA) in a patient scheduled for surgery can influence the
incidence of adverse effects of PNBs (femoral alone or femoral choice of anesthetic as well as postoperative analgesic man-
plus sciatic) versus epidural analgesia. In a systematic review agement. In every obese adult patient, preoperative assess-
of studies that compared the two techniques, Fowler et al. con- ment should include questions on nocturnal snoring, and/or
15259_Ch17.qxd 3/14/09 6:41 PM Page 64
2. Pregabalin acts at which receptor? gery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials.
Br J Anaesth 2008;100:154–164.
A. N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor 6. Campbell A, McCormick M, McKinlay K, Scott NB. Epidural
B. Aminobutyric acid receptor vs. lumbar plexus infusions following total knee arthroplasty:
C. ␣2–␦ subunit of calcium channel randomized controlled trial. Eur J Anesthesiol 2008;1–6.
7. Salinas FV, Liu SS, Mulroy MF. The effect of single-injection
D. Inhibits prostaglandins femoral nerve block versus continuous femoral nerve block after
E. Acts at the ␣2 channel total knee arthroplasty on hospital length of stay and long-term
functional recovery within an established clinical pathway.
Answer: C Anesth Analg 2006;102:1234–1239.
8. Kroin JS, Buvanendran A, Beck DR, et al. Clonidine prolonga-
3. Obese patients need to be asked the following
tion of lidocaine analgesia after sciatic nerve block in rats is me-
questions except: diated via the hyperpolarization activated cation current, not by
A. History of snoring alpha-adrenoreceptors. Anesthesiology 2004;101:488–494.
B. History of waking up in the night 9. Checketts MR, Wildsmith JAW. Central nerve block and
thromboprophylaxis—is there a problem? Br J Anaesth 1999;82:
C. History of lethargy early in the morning and falling 164–167.
sleep during the day 10. Horlocker TT, Wedel DJ, Benzon H, et al. Regional anesthesia
D. Do not bring the CPAP machine they use at home to in the anticoagulated patient: defining the risks. Reg Anesth Pain
the hospital Med 2003;28:172–197.
11. Harrison MK, Childs A, Carson PE. Incidence of undiagnosed
Answer: D sleep apnea in patients scheduled for elective total joint arthro-
plasty. J Arthroplast 2003;18:1044–1047.
12. Practice Guidelines for the perioperative management of pa-
References tients with obstructive sleep apnea. Anesthesiology 2006;104:
1. Mahomed NN, Barrett J, Katz JN, et al. Epidemiology of total 1081–1093.
knee replacement in the United States Medicare population. 13. Benumof JL. Obstructive sleep apnea in the adult obese patient:
JBJS 2005;87:1222–1228. implications for airway management. Anesthesiol Clin N Amer
2. National Hospital Discharge Survey, 1991–2004. The U.S. 2002;20:789–811.
Department of Health and Human Services. 14. Buvanendran A, Kroin JS, Berger RA, et al. Up-regulation of
3. Chu CPW, Yap JCCM, Chen PP. Postoperative outcome in prostaglandin E2 and interleukins in the central nervous system
Chinese patients having primary total knee arthroplasty under and peripheral tissue during and after surgery in humans.
general anesthesia/intravenous patient controlled analgesia com- Anesthesiology 2006;104: 403–410.
pared to spinal-epidural anesthesia/analgesia. Hong Kong Med J 15. Buvanendran A, Kroin JS, Tuman KJ, et al. Effects of perioper-
2006;12:442–447. ative administration of a selective cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitor on
4. Choi PT, Bhandari M, Scott J, Douketis J. Epidural analgesia for pain management and recovery of function after knee replace-
pain relief following hip or knee replacement. Cochrane ment: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2003;290:2411–2418.
Database Systematic Review. 2003;(3):CD003071. 16. Reuben SS, Buvanendran A. Preventing the development of
5. Fowler SJ, Symons J, Sabato S, Myles PS. Epidural analgesia chronic pain after orthopedic surgery with preventive multi-
compared with peripheral nerve blockade after major knee sur- modal analgesic techniques. JBJS 2007;89:1343–1358.
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15259_Ch18.qxd 3/14/09 6:42 PM Page 67
Epidural Opioid
Epidural Local Anesthetic + Opioid
Epidural Local Anesthetic
Intercostal Blocks
Paravertebral Blocks
0 20 40 60 80
Percent Preservation
of Lung Function (%)
this recommendation is largely empiric and based on the time the catheter tip advances along the course of an intercostal
required for full return of normal platelet function. nerve root. Test dosing is the same as for thoracic epidural
First described in 1905, PVB remains underutilized. The par- CONCLUSION
avertebral space is defined anterolaterally by the parietal
pleura, posteriorly by the superior costotransverse ligaments,
In summary, postthoracotomy pain is an important and often
medially by the vertebrae, and superiorly and inferiorly by the
difficult problem to manage. TEA and PVB are both useful
heads of the ribs. The paravertebral space, like the epidural
techniques for providing postoperative analgesia. The lesser
space, communicates both superiorly and inferiorly. Local
incidence of hypotension, decreased stress response, unilat-
anesthetic injected here will produce a unilateral somatic and
eral blockade, and potentially better preserved pulmonary
sympathetic block.1,4 Because this block is unilateral, paraver-
function than with TEA, make continuous PVB an attractive
tebral catheters generally produce less hypotension than TEA.
option, especially for patients with abnormal hemostatic
Limited data suggest that PVB is more effective than TEA in
preserving lung function after thoracotomy5 (Fig. 18.2).
Although the absolute contraindications for PVB are similar to
those for TEA, anticoagulation is a relative contraindication.
There are few vessels in the paravertebral space, and a paraver- KEY MESSAGES
tebral hematoma has fewer potential neurologic complications
than a thoracic epidural hematoma. 1. Preoperative respiratory dysfunction may be associ-
ated with significant impairment of postoperative pul-
Technique for PVB monary function after thoracotomy and lung resection.
Paravertebral catheter placement involves a loss-of-resistance 2. The etiology of postthoracotomy pain is multifactorial
technique, similar to that of thoracic epidural catheter place- and involves both nociceptive and neuropathic
ment. With the patient in the sitting position, the desired pathways.
thoracic level is identified. A mark should be made 2.5 cm lat-
eral to the midpoint of the spinous process, and a 17-gauge 3. TEA or PVB can decrease respiratory depression asso-
Tuohy needle is advanced slowly until the transverse process ciated with opioid use and can improve postoperative
is contacted (Fig. 18.3). The needle should then be redirected respiratory function.
in a caudad fashion until a loss of resistance is felt, typically at 4. Paravertebral catheter placement is technically straight-
1 cm beyond the transverse process. The catheter should be forward and produces unilateral anesthesia and anal-
threaded no more than 4 cm into the space for an adult and gesia, compared with the bilateral effects of TEA.
2 to 3 cm for a child. This decreases the likelihood that
15259_Ch18.qxd 3/14/09 6:42 PM Page 68
5.0 Paravertebral
Plasma cortisol
0 10 20 30 40 50
Time after operation (h)
Paravertebral 100 Paravertebral
1.1 Epidural Epidural
0.6 92
0.5 90
12 24 36 48 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
Time after operation (h) Time after operation (h)
Postoperative mean peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) as a fraction Mean oxygen saturation with 95% confidence intervals. The
of preoperative control values. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. paravertebral group had significantly higher saturations after
Pulmonary function in the paravertebral group was significantly better. operation (P=0.0001).
Figure 18.2 • Graph A Shows the Lower Cortisol Levels Seen with Paravertebral Blockade Compared with
Thoracic Epidural Analgesia After Thoracotomy. Graphs B and C show the improvement in spirometric values and oxygen
saturation levels in patients treated with paravertebral blockade. (Reproduced with permission from Richardson J, Sabanathan S,
Jones J, et al. A prospective, randomized comparison of preoperative and continuous balanced epidural or paravertebral bupivacaine
on post-thoracotomy pain, pulmonary function and stress responses. Br J Anaesth 1999;83:387–392.)
15259_Ch18.qxd 3/14/09 6:42 PM Page 69
Figure 18.3 • Technique of Thoracic Paravertebral Blockade. (From Hadzic A, Vloka JD.
Peripheral nerve blocks: principles and practice New York: McGrawHill, 2004.)
Christopher J. O’Connor
CASE FORMAT: REFLECTION of ⬍3% for asymptomatic patients, ⬍5% for symptomatic pa-
tients, and ⬍7% for those with a prior stroke. CAS and trans-
An 82-year-old woman presented for carotid artery stenting luminal balloon angioplasty of the carotid artery was intro-
(CAS) because of several recent transient ischemic attacks duced as a minimally invasive approach to carotid stenosis
and a 70% restenosis of the left internal carotid artery. She that would avoid the risks associated with surgery and gen-
had undergone a left carotid endarterectomy (CEA) 4 years eral anesthesia in high-risk patients. CAS avoids a neck inci-
previously. Her history was remarkable for hypertension, sion that can lead to cranial nerve injuries or postoperative
hypercholesterolemia, and coronary artery disease with wound infections. However, the efficacy of CAS versus CEA
prior stenting of her left anterior descending and circumflex in decreasing subsequent neurologic morbidity had not been
coronary arteries 2 years ago. Her medications included determined when CAS was introduced. Several recent stud-
metoprolol, lisinopril, simvastatin, clopidogrel, and aspirin. ies and meta-analyses4–7 indicate that CEA can be performed
Her previous CEA had been performed under general anes- safely with a lesser risk (compared with CAS) of stroke or
thesia maintained using a remifentanil infusion, nitrous death at 3 and 6 months postoperatively. Many surgeons con-
oxide, and low concentrations of sevoflurane. She had re- sider CEA to be the “gold standard” for the treatment of
cently presented with several episodes of amaurosis fugax. carotid stenosis in both low- and high-risk patients.
Carotid ultrasound and digital subtraction angiography
studies confirmed a 70% restenosis of her left carotid ar- CEA
tery. CAS was selected as the operative procedure to dilate
CEA entails a longitudinal arteriotomy of the involved vessel
and stent the stenotic vessel. Using intravenous (IV) sedation
after cross clamping of the internal carotid artery. The plaque
and infiltration with local anesthetic to expose her right
is removed by cephalad extension of the endarterectomy plane
femoral artery, carotid angioplasty and stenting were per-
until all of the plaque has been removed. To decrease the inci-
formed using a cerebral protection device to minimize dis-
dence of restenosis, many surgeons perform CEA (and several
tal embolization of atherosclerotic debris. After successful
have shown superior results) with patch angioplasty. Either a
completion of CAS, the patient was transferred to the inten-
piece of autologous vein or synthetic material is used to close
sive care unit for monitoring with stable vital signs. Two
the arteriotomy. Patch angioplasty significantly decreases the
hours after the procedure, she abruptly developed right-
risk of perioperative stroke or death, the risk of perioperative
sided leg and arm weakness. A heparin infusion was
restenosis, and the long-term risk of restenosis.
started and continued for 48 hours; oral aspirin and clopi-
Anesthetic goals during CEA are to prevent stroke and pe-
dogrel therapy was maintained. Three days postopera-
rioperative myocardial infarction (MI) by optimizing intraop-
tively, she underwent right groin exploration for drainage of
erative cerebral and myocardial perfusion. Although adequate
a femoral hematoma and also required transfusion of two
cerebral perfusion can be maintained during the period of
units of packed red blood cells. The patient was eventually
carotid clamping from the contralateral carotid artery via the
discharged from the hospital to a nursing facility 10 days
Circle of Willis, 10% to 15% of the time, clamping will lead to
after CAS.
symptomatic hemispheric ischemia.
The optimal anesthetic for CEA has yet to be determined
(Table 19.1). The use of regional anesthesia—comprising deep
or superficial cervical plexus block, local anesthetic infiltration,
CASE DISCUSSION or a combination of these—has been advocated to decrease the
incidence of perioperative MI, maintain intraoperative hemo-
CEA is a well-validated procedure for managing sympto- dynamic stability, reduce the duration of hospitalization, and
matic and asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis. Several stud- reduce costs. However, none of these contentions has ever been
ies have shown that CEA is superior to medical treatment for firmly established in large-scale, randomized trials. It has been
symptomatic patients with a stenosis of ⬎60%, provided that suggested that the response of the awake patient during
centers performing CEA do so with a low rate of morbidity carotid clamping represents the “gold standard” for neurologic
and mortality.1–3 The Joint Committee of the Society for monitoring in that patients can reliably display signs of cere-
Vascular Surgery has determined that institutions perform- bral ischemia during the period of carotid clamping. Although
ing this surgery should have a combined stroke mortality rate this may be true, it has yet to be borne out by any evidence base
15259_Ch19.qxd 3/14/09 6:43 PM Page 71
the risks of surgery and general anesthesia in high-risk pa- stenting should only be performed in high-volume, specialized
tients. CAS is currently approved only for patients in clinical centers with experience in CAS, where stenting and angio-
trials evaluating the efficacy of CAS. It was advocated for the plasty can be used in selected individuals with specific lesions
high-risk patient with clinically significant cardiac (severe is- amenable only to nonoperative treatment. One advantage of
chemic disease or significant congestive heart failure) or pul- CAS compared with CEA is the lesser incidence of cranial
monary disease, very advanced patient age (⬎80 years), or nerve injuries (although local complications such as groin
those with certain anatomic factors that make CEA more dif- hematomas are more common with CAS).
ficult. However, current evidence indicates that CAS has a Anesthesia for CAS is usually performed with local anes-
greater 30-day death or stroke rate and greater 1-year stroke thetic infiltration, with or without monitored anesthesia care
and death rates compared with CEA (Fig. 19.2). In addition, and sedation. Bradycardia can occur at balloon dilation of the
CAS appears superior only in the setting of conditions that carotid artery; this can typically be managed with balloon de-
render surgery technically difficult, such as restenosis after flation and administration of IV anticholinergic agents. The
prior CEA (as in the patient in this case), prior radical neck use of cerebral protection devices—either umbrellas or bal-
surgery, previous neck radiation, and in selected patients with loon devices to trap embolic material—has lessened the inci-
severe concurrent cardiopulmonary disease. Currently, carotid dence of procedural-related cerebral ischemic events.
25 *
20 *
Patient #
10 *
Stroke Stroke/Death MI Brady/Hypotension CN Injury
Figure 19.2 • Data Comparing Outcomes Between CAS and CEA. It is apparent that the incidence of stroke or combined
stroke and death are lower in patients undergoing CEA compared with CAS. It is also clear that the incidence of myocardial infarc-
tion—expected to be lower with the less-invasive approach of CAS—was no different between the two groups. In contrast, hypotension
and bradycardia were higher in the CAS group. Cranial nerve injuries were higher in the CEA group, as expected. CAS, carotid artery
stenting; CEA, carotid endarterectomy; CN, cranial nerve; MI, myocardial infarction. * p ⬍0.05. (Data from Mas JL, Chatellier G,
Beyssen B, et al. Endarterectomy versus stenting in patients with symptomatic severe carotid stenosis. N Engl J Med 2006;355:
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Nanhi Mitter
CASE FORMAT: STEP BY STEP What is the appropriate initial response to the
decrease in SpO2?
A 72-year-old, 5⬘8⬙, 60-kg man with a history of hyper- Possible etiologies of hypoxemia during OLV include malpo-
tension, benign prostatic hypertrophy, and hyperlipi- sition of the DLT, bronchospasm, low FiO2, dependent lung
demia presented with progressive dyspnea, cough, and atelectasis, and secretions. The anesthesiologist should con-
recent (2-month) weight loss of 7 kg. Bronchoscopy and firm the patient is receiving an FiO2 of 1.0 and establish that
mediastinoscopy confirmed the diagnosis of non-small the DLT is correctly positioned. It would be reasonable to
cell carcinoma, and he was scheduled to undergo a right apply suction to the ventilated lung and administer a bron-
pneumonectomy. chodilator such as albuterol. CPAD to the non-ventilated lung
The patient was currently smoking two packs of ciga- would be the next step to improve oxygenation.
rettes per day and had an 80-pack year smoking history. Following these maneuvers, the patient’s SpO2 increased to
His pulmonary function tests revealed a decreased forced 96%. Surgery proceeded, and while the surgeon was dissecting
expiratory volume/forced vital capacity (60% predicted) the pulmonary artery, severe hemorrhage ensued, and an acute
and a reversible component to his bronchospasm. His blood loss of 2 liters (over 5 minutes) was observed. Two units
medications included fluticasone/salmeterol, aspirin, sim- of packed red blood cells were administered, and the arterial
vastatin, metoprolol, and amlodipine. He was not using blood gas revealed a metabolic acidosis (pH ⫽ 7.30) with a he-
home oxygen therapy. moglobin level of 7 g/dL. The patient’s central venous pressure
On preoperative evaluation, the patient seemed com- was 5 mm Hg, blood pressure was 100/50 mm Hg, and his
fortable with a normal airway examination and dimin- heart rate measured 110 beats per minute.
ished breath sounds over the right lung field. His vital
signs were as follows: blood pressure, 150/84 mm Hg;
heart rate, 70 beats per minute; respiratory rate, 20 Are patients undergoing pneumonectomy at
breaths per minute; and SpO2, 90% to 94% on room air. risk of “fluid overload”?
His room air blood gas revealed pH, 7.34; pCO2, 56 Excess intraoperative fluids may play a role in the develop-
mm Hg, and pO2, 98 mm Hg. The patient’s preoperative ment of post-pneumonectomy pulmonary edema. In the face
cardiac evaluation revealed left ventricular hypertrophy of global hypoperfusion, however, as evidenced by metabolic
on electrocardiogram and normal left ventricular ejection acidosis and the observed hemodynamic instability, fluid re-
fraction on echocardiography. He had not experienced suscitation takes priority.
chest pain but described fatigue and shortness of breath The anesthesiologist administered another two units of
on minimal exertion, which he attributed to his lung dis- packed red blood cells. The surgeon controlled the bleeding,
ease. Preoperative investigations revealed a hemoglobin and 2 hours later, the right lung was resected, and the patient’s
concentration of 17 g/dL (all other parameters were chest was closed. The total blood loss was estimated to be 3 liters
normal). and the results of the patient’s blood gas analysis and hemoglo-
After a 16-gauge intravenous and an arterial bin concentration had normalized. He had received a total of 4
catheter were inserted, the patient was taken to the oper- units of packed red blood cells and 1 liter of crystalloid; his vital
ating room where an epidural catheter was introduced signs were also normal. Upon auscultation of his left lung, mild
at the T8 level. After a test dose was administered via expiratory wheeze was audible.
the epidural catheter, two 5-mL increments of 2% lido- After complete reversal of neuromuscular blockade and
caine with epinephrine (1:200,000) were administered. administration of albuterol (by metered dose inhaler with ex-
An infusion of bupivacaine (0.125%) and fentanyl tension), the patient’s trachea was extubated, and 40% oxygen
(10 mcg/mL) was commenced and continued throughout was administered by Venturi face mask. The patient was ad-
the case. The patient’s trachea was intubated using a left- mitted to the ICU postoperatively; his chest radiograph
sided 37 F double-lumen tube (DLT). A central venous (CXR) upon arrival revealed mild pulmonary congestion in
catheter was inserted into the right internal jugular vein. his left lung field and an absent right lung.
Upon institution of one-lung ventilation (OLV), the patient’s The patient’s ICU course was uneventful. On the second
oxygen saturation decreased from 99% to 92% over postoperative day, he was transferred to the ward but experi-
15 minutes. enced mild dyspnea 1 day later. He continued to complain of
progressive dyspnea, and his SpO2 gradually decreased from
15259_Ch20.qxd 3/14/09 6:44 PM Page 75
97% on a 50% oxygen face mask to 90% over the course of his
third postoperative day. A CXR revealed pulmonary edema in
the left lung field (Fig. 20.1). Blood gas analysis revealed PaO2
1. Which of the following statements are true?
to be 60 mm Hg.
A. Patients undergoing a right pneumonectomy have no
added risk for postoperative pulmonary edema.
What are the risk factors for postoperative B. All patients undergoing a pneumonectomy should
pulmonary edema? have pulmonary function tests completed
The risk factors for postpneumonectomy pulmonary edema preoperatively.
are listed in Table 20.1.1–6 C. Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction should be maxi-
mized in the dependent lung.
What are the options for ventilatory D. All patients should be ventilated with high lung vol-
management of this patient? umes (10–12 mL/kg). This is the only way to ensure
that atelectasis will not develop.
At this point, the options for ventilatory management in-
clude noninvasive ventilation, transfer to the ICU for closer E. None of the above
monitoring, or immediate tracheal intubation and transfer to Answer: B
the ICU. 2. Which of the following statements is false regarding
In light of the pneumonectomy, fluid administration, CXR, management of hypoxemia during OLV?
and arterial blood gas results, it was decided to reintubate the
A. The bronchial cuff of the DLT when visualized with a
patient’s trachea and transfer him to the ICU. This decision
fiberoptic bronchoscope should be about 1 cm
was made to avoid further hypoxemia given that the clinical
above the carina.
picture was consistent with hydrostatic pulmonary edema or
acute lung injury. Over the next few hours, the patient’s oxy- B. During OLV, positive end-expiratory pressure to the
genation improved, and he was successfully weaned from the dependent, ventilated lung may worsen the shunt.
ventilator on postoperative day 5. The remainder of his postop- C. During OLV, constant positive airway pressure to
erative course was uneventful. the nondependent, nonventilated lung may improve
D. High tidal volumes may injure alveoli in the venti-
T A B L E 2 0 . 1 Predictors of Postpneumonectomy lated lung.
Pulmonary Complications E. An FiO2 of 1.0 should be used.
Answer: A
1. Right pneumonectomy
3. Which of the following are risk factors for the develop-
2. Excessive perioperative fluid administration ment of postpneumonectomy pulmonary edema?
3. Increased intraoperative ventilation pressures A. Right pneumonectomy
4. Preoperative alcohol abuse B. A history of breast cancer
5. Decreased postoperative predicted DLCO C. Large volumes of intraoperative fluid
(diffusing capacity of the lung) D. A and C
6. Radiation therapy E. None of the above
Answer: D
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Nanhi Mitter
CASE FORMAT: REFLECTION packed red blood cells and 50 mL of 8.4% sodium bicarbon-
ate were administered rapidly, and hyperventilation was in-
A 62-year-old female with a history of coronary artery dis- stituted. Despite aggressive fluid resuscitation, the patient re-
ease, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension presented with mained hypotensive (mean arterial pressure 40–45 mm Hg)
vaginal bleeding and was scheduled for a total abdomi- with a CVP of 3 mm Hg. A transesophageal echocardio-
nal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. graphic probe was inserted and revealed no regional wall
Unfortunately, 3 days before she was due to undergo this motion abnormalities. After transfusion of two further units of
operation, she experienced substernal chest pain radiat- packed red blood cells, the patient’s hemodynamic parame-
ing to her jaw. She was taken to the emergency depart- ters normalized. The surgery continued without further inci-
ment where her electrocardiogram readings (Fig. 21.1) dent. At the end of the procedure, her CVP was 11 mm Hg.
and cardiac enzymes were consistent with an ST-segment A repeat arterial blood gas analysis revealed a normal pH
elevation myocardial infarction (MI). She underwent emer- and a hemoglobin level of 11g/dL. The patient’s trachea
gency coronary angiography, which revealed 99% oc- was extubated, and she was transferred to the ICU where a
clusion of the left circumflex artery. An angioplasty was cardiac evaluation was normal.
performed, a bare metal stent (BMS) was placed across
the lesion, and normal flow was re-established. She was
admitted to the coronary care unit, and after an unevent-
ful recovery was discharged home 5 days later. CASE DISCUSSION
The patient’s total abdominal hysterectomy and bilat-
eral salpingo-oophorectomy had been canceled and was Percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) generally should not
rescheduled for 4 weeks after her ST-segment elevation MI. be performed as a preoperative step to prevent adverse cardio-
On preoperative evaluation for the re-scheduled procedure, vascular events for patients undergoing noncardiac surgery un-
she was noted to be taking metoprolol, hydrochlorothiazide, less they present with an acute coronary syndrome. Patients
simvastatin, and aspirin. She had stopped taking clopido- who present with an acute coronary syndrome and who require
grel 7 days previously but had continued to take aspirin. subsequent noncardiac surgery require special evaluation and
She had stopped smoking 3 years previously, and her alco- manipulation of their medical therapy.1 The type of interven-
hol consumption was minimal. With the exception of hemo- tion—percutaneous transcoronary angioplasty versus coronary
globin concentration 8.9 g/dL, all of her laboratory values artery stenting—should be planned considering the choice of
were within normal limits. Since her ST-segment elevation dual-antiplatelet therapy (DAT), risk of bleeding, and the na-
MI, she had been asymptomatic and had been able to walk ture and timing of surgery.
on a treadmill without difficulty. She appeared nervous but Using the guidelines outlined in Table 21.1 will help with
otherwise healthy. The patient’s vital signs were as follows: planning for surgery.
temperature, 37.0°C; blood pressure, 120/71 mm Hg; Current recommendations regarding DAT include the
heart rate, 62 beats per minute; respiratory rate, 18 beats use of aspirin and a thienopyridine agent. DAT is initiated
per minute; and room air oxygen saturation, 99%. Her phys- because upon balloon inflation or stent deployment, the en-
ical examination was unremarkable, and the upper airway dothelium of the coronary artery is denuded. Normally, the
was evaluated as normal. endothelium functions to inhibit platelet aggregation along
After standard ASA monitors were applied and the ar- the vessel wall. Without the endothelium present, pharmaco-
terial and venous cannulae were inserted, anesthesia was in- logic agents such as aspirin and a thienopyridine agent must
duced, and the patient’s trachea was intubated uneventfully. provide for the platelet inhibitory function until the endothe-
A triple-lumen catheter was inserted in her right internal jugu- lium resumes this role.
lar vein, and her central venous pressure (CVP) was moni- In the setting of balloon angioplasty (BA) and BMS, the
tored continuously. Two hours into the procedure, blood loss endothelium develops after 4 to 6 weeks; hence DAT is no
was estimated to be 1 liter, the patient became tachycardic longer necessary and is subsequently discontinued.2 After a
and hypotensive, and her CVP was 3 mm Hg. Arterial blood period of time, however, late stent restenosis of the BMS can
gas analysis revealed metabolic acidosis, and the patient’s lead to MI or even death, and therefore, drug-eluting stents
hemoglobin concentration was 6.6 g/dL. Two units of (DES) have become widely used. There are two types of
DES—the sirolimus-eluting stent and the paclitaxel-eluting
15259_Ch21.qxd 3/14/09 6:45 PM Page 78
CASE FORMAT: REFLECTION was discharged home on the third postoperative day, at
which time her hemoglobin concentration was 9 g/dL. The
A 14-year-old, 50-kg female presented for spine surgery. patient and her family were very happy that she did not re-
She was an otherwise healthy teenager who had undergone quire allogeneic blood during her hospitalization.
previous back surgery for scoliosis. She reported taking
ibuprofen “occasionally” for back pain. Physical examina-
tion was unremarkable except for severe thoracic scoliosis.
Her preoperative hemoglobin concentration was 13 g/dL, Infectious risks, immunosuppression, limited availability, and
and all other laboratory values were within normal limits. acquisition costs are legitimate concerns of clinicians responsible
The patient was scheduled to undergo an estimated for transfusion of blood products. These concerns cause those re-
6-hour procedure in the prone position. Her parents were sponsible for perioperative care to continually evaluate and im-
present in the preoperative holding area and expressed plement therapies to reduce perioperative blood loss and thereby
their concern with her preoperative hemoglobin concentra- minimize the need for allogeneic blood transfusion. Numerous
tion and the possible need for a blood transfusion periop- mechanical, pharmacologic, and physiologic strategies have
eratively. Several strategies were discussed with the patient been identified to decrease blood transfusion.1–5 Several of these
and her parents. strategies can be used in combination in a single case.
A decision was made jointly to use acute normo- Preoperative autologous blood donation (ABD) is one tech-
volemic hemodilution before starting the case, cell saver nique that can be used.6,7 This procedure entails patients do-
intraoperatively, and blood transfusion only if signs of de- nating their own blood, which is then stored for transfusion at
creased oxygen carrying capacity were demonstrated. a later date. This process must be initiated several weeks in
Two 16-gauge peripheral intravenous catheters were advance of anticipated need to allow time for restoration of
inserted while the patient was in the holding area. In the op- intravascular volume as well as preparation of the donated
erating room, standard ASA monitors were placed, and blood. Patients can donate every 72 hours, and the last dona-
general anesthesia was induced with sufentanil (1 mcg/kg), tion should be at least 72 hours before a scheduled procedure.
propofol (2 mg/kg), and rocuronium (0.6 mg/kg). After in- ABD is contraindicated in patients with anemia (hemoglobin
duction of general anesthesia, tracheal intubation was read- ⬍11 g/dL or hematocrit levels ⬍33% before each donation).
ily accomplished with a 7.0-mm oral endotracheal tube. An Problems associated with this technique include mislabeling
18-gauge right radial arterial line was inserted for blood blood products, bacterial contamination of stored units, and
pressure monitoring, blood sampling, and to facilitate nor- the costs associated with collection and administration. Costs
movolemic hemodilution. Anesthesia was maintained with a associated with preoperative ABD can be 50% to 70% greater
sufentanil infusion at 0.3 mcg/kg per hour, sevoflurane than similar techniques of acute normovolemic hemodilution
(inspired concentration 1.5%–2%), and a 50:50 mixture of and cell salvage (Table 22.1).
nitrous oxide/oxygen. Motor-evoked potentials were moni- Acute normovolemic hemodilution (ANH) is the process of
tored; therefore, no additional neuromuscular blocking removing whole blood while simultaneously infusing crystalloid
agent was used. or colloid fluid to maintain intravascular volume. This is an
Utilizing strict aseptic technique, 500 mL of blood was effective, low-cost means of intraoperative blood conservation
collected using the arterial cannula in a citrate-phosphate- that is underutilized. Blood is collected in citrate-phosphate-
dextrose containing bag. Simultaneously, 500 mL of 6% dextrose-containing bags at the beginning of the procedure and
hetastarch was administered intravenously. The patient stored in the operating room, at room temperature, for up to
was hemodynamically stable throughout the procedure. 8 hours. Collection bags are numbered by the order in which
Approximately 4.5 hours into the surgery, the estimated they were collected and are then transfused in the reverse order.
blood loss was 900 mL, and the surgeon was starting to This means the first bag collected, which (theoretically at least)
close. Using the products of cell salvage collected intra- has a greater red blood cell mass and greater concentration of
operatively, 300 mL was administered. The patient’s trachea clotting factors, is transfused last. Because this product is not
was extubated at the end of the procedure, and she was collected and stored off-site, risks of clerical errors and process-
transferred to the recovery room with stable vital signs. Her ing of the blood are greatly reduced. ANH is also a more
postoperative hemoglobin concentration was 10 g/dL. She cost-effective method of decreasing perioperative blood trans-
fusion requirements. Platelets and clotting factors are usually
15259_Ch22.qxd 3/14/09 6:46 PM Page 81
⎢ allowable Hb) ⎥ ⫻ (weight in kg) of the coagulation screen were telephoned to the operating
⎣ initial Hb ⎦ room: the international normalized ratio was 1.7, and the
activated partial thromboplastin time was 41 seconds.
⫻ (mL of blood per kg body weight). Two units of fresh frozen plasma were transfused. The
⎛ 12.1 ⫺ 8.0 ⎞ femoral shaft required bone graft before insertion of the
⎝ 12.1 ⎠ ⫻ 70 ⫻ 72 ⫽ MABL of 1708 mL. femoral prosthesis, which was eventually accomplished after
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management of the patient described in this case. It is difficult 2. Fresh frozen plasma should be administered when the
to define the point at which O2 consumption/extraction by international normalized ratio or activated partial throm-
myocardial tissue is maximal and can only be improved by boplastin time is elevated.
augmenting the O2 carrying capacity. 3. Cryoprecipitate should be administered when fibrinogen
The best evidence currently available supports the following: concentrations are ⬍80 mg/dL (2.3 umol/L).
• Hb ⬎10 g/dL: Transfusion is unlikely to be useful. These guidelines also indicate that recombinant activated
• Hb ⬍7 g/dL: Transfusion is likely to be useful. factor VII is an appropriate rescue drug when traditional,
well-tested options have been exhausted.20
Between these levels, the decision to transfuse should be
Development of coagulopathy in the case described herein
based on the rate of blood loss and ongoing loss supported
was multifactorial. Observation of the surgical field and com-
by laboratory and clinical evidence of inadequate tissue
munication with the surgical team would have led to earlier
awareness of the need for intervention.
Maximal allowable blood loss and Hb thresholds are very
useful for guidance at the outset but are difficult to apply sat-
isfactorily in patients with ongoing substantial hemorrhage. KEY MESSAGES
The rate of early blood loss, the identified risk of periopera-
tive acute coronary syndrome, and the known complexity and 1. Anemia requires investigation and treatment before
duration of this surgery should have prompted an earlier major elective surgery.
intervention to optimize O2 carrying capacity.
2. Estimates of transfusion thresholds, maximum allow-
Intraoperative Hypothermia able blood loss, and rates of ongoing blood loss
Mild perioperative hypothermia (⬍1°C) increases blood loss should be used to guide transfusion.
by approximately 16% (4%–26%) and increases the relative 3. Intraoperative red cell salvage can reduce allogenic
risk for transfusion by approximately 22% (3%–37%).16 transfusion.
Maintaining perioperative normothermia decreases blood loss
and transfusion requirement by clinically important 4. Preoperative consideration should be given to aggres-
amounts.16 Shivering will increase O2 consumption contribut- sive maintenance of intraoperative normothermia.
ing further to tissue hypoxia and critical organ ischemia. 5. In the operative setting, abnormal excessive bleeding or
Aggressive intraoperative warming reduces blood loss during “ooze” can provide early evidence of coagulopathy.
hip arthroplasty.17 Perioperative hypothermia also adversely
affects wound healing.18 In the case discussed, development of
intraoperative hypothermia was the most preventable factor
that contributed to the adverse patient outcome.
Perioperative Coagulopathy
Coagulopathy can develop in patients with substantial hemor- 1. What is the result of choosing “initial Hg” as the
rhage as a result of hemodilution, hypothermia, administration denominator when calculating MABL?
of fractionated blood products, and disseminated intravascular Answer: A conservative (small) estimate of MABL
coagulation. results.
The decision when and if to discontinue antiplatelet med-
ication or other anticoagulants is important and difficult. This 2. At what level of anticipated blood loss in intraoperative
case highlights these difficulties, as discontinuing antiplatelet cell salvage viable?
medication increases the risk of postoperative myocardial in- Answer: 1500 mL
farction by a factor of three, and continuation will increase
hemorrhage volume by a factor of 1.5. In the elective setting, 3. What is the effect of mild intraoperative hypothermia
multidisciplinary assessment of the risk/benefit ratio for each (⬍1°C) on blood loss?
individual patient will be necessary to optimize outcome and Answer: It substantially increases intraoperative blood
minimize risk in the perioperative period.19 loss (approximately 16%).
Intraoperative and postoperative management of potential
or actual coagulopathy includes (a) visual assessment of the sur- References
gical field for microvascular bleeding and laboratory monitor- 1. Blackley HR, Davis AM, Hutchison CR, et al. Proximal femoral
ing for coagulopathy, (b) transfusion of platelets, (c) transfusion allografts for reconstruction of bone stock in revision arthro-
of fresh frozen plasma, (d) transfusion of cryoprecipitate, plasty of the hip. JBJS Am 2001;83:346–54.
(e) administration of drugs to treat excessive bleeding (e.g., 2. DeMaeyer E, Adiels-Yagman M. The prevalence of anaemia in
desmopressin, topical hemostatics), and (f) recombinant acti- the world. World Health Stat Q 1985;38:302–316.
vated factor VII. 3. Wu WC, Schifftner TL, Henderson WG, et al. Preoperative
The American Society of Anesthesiologists guidelines state hematocrit levels and postoperative outcomes in older patients
that, in a patient with ongoing bleeding: undergoing noncardiac surgery. JAMA 2007;297: 2481–2488.
4. Lee PC, Kini AS, Ahsan C, et al. Anemia is an independent pre-
1. Platelets should be administered when the count is dictor of mortality after percutaneous coronary intervention. J
⬍50,000 cells/mm3. Am Coll Cardiol 2004;44:541–546.
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5. Goodnough LT, Shander A, Spivak JL, et al. Detection, evalua- Available at: Accessed
tion and management of anemia in the elective surgical patient. March 5, 2009.
Anesth Analg 2005;101:1858–1861. 13. Gross JB. Estimating allowable blood loss: corrected for dilution.
6. Feagan BG, Wong CJ, Kirkley A, et al. Erythropoietin with iron Anesthesiology. 1983;58:277–280.
supplementation to prevent allogeneic blood transfusion in total 14. Waters JH, Lee JS, Karafa MT. A mathematical model of cell
hip joint arthroplasty: a randomized controlled trial. Ann Intern salvage efficiency. Anesth Analg 2002;95:1312–1317.
Med 2000;133:845–854. 15. Hébert PC, Wells G, Blajchman MA, et al. A multicenter, ran-
7. Forgie MA, Wells PS, Laupacis A, et al. Preoperative autologous domized, controlled clinical trial of transfusion requirements in
donation decreases allogeneic transfusion but increases exposure critical care. N Engl J Med 1999;340:409–417.
to all red blood cell transfusion: results of a meta-analysis. 16. Rajagopalan S, Mascha E, Na J, et al. The effects of mild periop-
International Study of Perioperative Transfusion (ISPOT) erative hypothermia on blood loss and transfusion requirement.
Investigators. Arch Intern Med 1998;158:610–616. Anesthesiology 2008;108:71–77.
8. Murkin JM, Shannon NA, Bourne RB, et al. Aprotinin decreases 17. Winkler M, Akça O, Birkenberg B, et al. Aggressive warming
blood loss in patients undergoing revision or bilateral total hip reduces blood loss during hip arthroplasty. Anesth Analg 2000;9:
arthroplasty. Anesth Analg 1995;80:343–348. 978–984.
9. Mangano DT, Tudor IC, Dietzel C, et al. The risk associated 18. Kurz A, Sessler DI, Lenhardt R, et al. Perioperative normother-
with aprotinin in cardiac surgery. N Engl J Med 2006;354: mia to reduce the incidence of surgical-wound infection and
353–365. shorten hospitalization. N Engl J Med 1996;334:1209–1215.
10. Fergusson DA, Hebert PC, Mazer CD, et al. A comparison of 19. Chassot PG, Delabays A, Spahn DR. Perioperative antiplatelet
aprotinin and lysine analogues in high-risk cardiac surgery. N therapy: the case for continuing therapy in patients at risk of
Engl J Med 2008;358:2319–2331. myocardial infarction Br J Anaesth 2007;99:316–328.
11. Jansen AJ, Andreica S, Claeys M, et al. Use of tranexamic acid 20. Practice Guidelines for Perioperative Blood Transfusion and
for an effective blood conservation strategy after total knee Adjuvant Therapies: An Updated Report by the American
arthroplasty. Br J Anaesth 1999;83:596–601. Society of Anaesthesiologists Task Force on Perioperative Blood
12. Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. Perioperative Transfusion and Adjuvant Therapies. October 2005. Available
blood transfusion for elective surgery. Blood sparing strategies. at: Accessed March 5, 2009.
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Christopher J. O’Connor
CASE FORMAT: REFLECTION unit with a non-rebreather oxygen face mask in place. He
remained in the surgical intensive care unit for 24 hours for
A 44-year-old, 5⬘ 11⬙, 170-kg man (body mass index cardiopulmonary monitoring, glycemic control, and to facil-
[BMI], 52) with a history of hypertension, obstructive sleep itate the use of CPAP. The patient was discharged home
apnea (OSA), and non–insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus after 5 days but returned after 2 weeks with a suspected pul-
presented for laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery. His monary embolus. This was treated with intravenous heparin
medications included metoprolol, pioglitazone, and hy- and subsequently with subcutaneous low-molecular-weight
drochlorothiazide. He had a continuous positive airway heparin before being discharged home for the second time.
pressure (CPAP) machine at home but rarely used it. His
preoperative assessment was remarkable for a serum glu-
cose level of 200 mg/dL, an electrocardiogram showing
left ventricular hypertrophy and right heart strain, and an CASE DISCUSSION
echocardiogram revealing moderate tricuspid regurgita-
tion, right ventricular hypertrophy, and estimated peak sys- Bariatric surgery has been shown to be more efficacious than
tolic pulmonary artery pressure of 45 mm Hg. The patient’s any other method of weight reduction, and several studies
left ventricular function was normal. Physical examination have shown consistent reductions in weight and the incidence
revealed a morbidly obese man with clear lungs, normal of related comorbidities, as well as overall mortality.1,9,11,13
heart tones, and a Mallampati grade III airway with a There is a significant reduction in the incidence of hyperlipi-
“thick neck” and limited cervical extension. It was noted demia, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and OSA accompanying
that venous access would be difficult to secure. Baseline the weight loss induced by bariatric surgery.3 Classification of
room air arterial oxygen saturation was 94%. obesity is shown in Table 24.1.
The patient was scheduled to undergo a laparoscopic Bariatric surgery encompasses several types of procedures,
gastric bypass procedure. A 22 guage intravenous line was broadly classified as either restrictive (gastric banding, vertical-
placed with difficulty, and famotidine 20 mg and metoclo- banded gastroplasty, malabsorptive [biliopancreatic diver-
pramide 20 mg were administered intravenously, with 30 mL sion]), or combined procedures (gastric bypass) (Fig. 24.1).
of sodium citrate. Midazolam 2 mg was administered in- Restrictive procedures cause weight loss by limiting the stom-
travenously before insertion of a radial arterial catheter. In ach’s capacity to accommodate food, whereas malabsorptive
the operating room, standard monitoring was commenced, surgery involves bypass or resection of the stomach and bypass
and topical anesthesia was applied to the patient’s of long segments of the small intestine to reduce the area for
oropharynx. A transtracheal injection of 4% lidocaine was nutrient absorption. Gastric bypass is a combined procedure
performed, as was an awake fiberoptic intubation. A pul- that involves dividing the stomach into a small, proximal
monary artery catheter was inserted via the right internal pouch and a separate, large, distal nonfunctional remnant.
jugular vein using ultrasound guidance. After anesthesia in- The upper pouch is then attached to the jejunum through a
duction, intermittent positive pressure was instituted using a small gastrojejunal anastomosis. The proximally divided je-
tidal volume of 8 mL/kg, respiratory rate of 14 breaths per junum is then reattached to the jejunum 75 to 150 cm below
minutes, 60% inspired oxygen, and 7 cm H2O positive the gastrojejunal anastomosis, thus creating a Roux-en-Y
end-expiratory pressure. Peak airway pressures of 36 cm limb.5 Malabsorptive surgery is effective but causes more se-
H2O were observed. The patient’s anesthetic consisted of a vere postoperative metabolic complications, whereas purely
neuromuscular blockade with vecuronium, a remifentanil in- restrictive procedures produce less durable weight loss than
fusion at 0.5 mcg/kg per minute, and 1% to 1.5% inspired gastric bypass. Laparoscopic gastric bypass appears to be the
sevoflurane. The procedure was completed in 3 hours, with most efficacious of all bariatric procedures.
blood loss of 250 mL, and 4.2 liters of Lactated Ringer’s so-
lution was used as a fluid replacement. An insulin infusion
Airway Management
was used to maintain normoglycemia. At the end of sur- Morbid obesity and OSA, a common comorbid condition, can
gery, 60 mg of ketorolac and 4 mg of ondansetron were make mask ventilation difficult. Proper positioning of the
administered. The patient’s trachea was successfully extu- obese patient with blankets to elevate the head and shoulders
bated, and he was transferred to the surgical intensive care (“ramped” position) has been shown to improve laryngeal
exposure. Although some evidence suggests more difficult
15259_Ch24.qxd 3/14/09 6:48 PM Page 88
A Esophagus B C Resected
Gastric pouch stomach
and jejunum
Ascending colon
Figure 24.1 • (A) Adjustable gastric banding. An inflatable silicone band around the upper stomach partitions it into a
⬃30-mL proximal pouch and a large, distal remnant, connected through a narrow, nondistensible adjustable constriction.
(B) Gastric bypass divides the stomach into a small, proximal pouch measuring ⬃30 mL and a separate, large, distal defunc-
tionalized remnant. The upper pouch is joined to the jejunum through a narrow distensible gastrojejunal anastomosis. The
proximally divided jejunum is reattached to the jejunum 75 to 150 cm below the gastrojejunal anastomosis creating a Roux-
en-Y limb. (C) Biliopancreatic diversion, with or without a pylorus-sparing “duodenal switch” causes malabsorption as
pancreatic and biliary secretions are diverted to the distal small intestine approximately 50 cm from the ileocecal valve.
Absorption is thus limited to the distal ileum. A “sleeve” gastrectomy is depicted. (From Kral JG, Näslund E. Surgical treat-
ment of obesity. Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology & Metabolism 2007;3:574–583.)
15259_Ch24.qxd 3/14/09 6:48 PM Page 89
1. Adfams TD, Gress RE, Smith SC, et. Al. Long-term mortality
after gastric bypass surgery. NEJM 2007;357:753–761.
1. Morbidly obese patients have a high incidence of co-
2. Bakhamees HS, El-Halafawy YM, El-Kerdawy HM, et al.
morbidities, including diabetes mellitus, hypertension, Effects of dexmedetomidine in morbidly obese patients undergo-
OSA, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and pul- ing laparoscopic gastric bypass. Middle East J Anesthesiol 2007;
monary hypertension/right heart dysfunction. 19:537–551.
3. Dixon JB, O’Brien PE, Playfair J, et al. Adjustable gastric band-
2. Important anesthetic considerations include selective
ing and conventional therapy for type II diabetes. JAMA
use of special monitors (often intra-arterial and central 2008;299:316–323.
venous catheters), conservative airway management, 4. Hofer RE, Sprung J, Sarr MG, et al. Anesthesia for a patient with
insulin therapy to maintain normoglycemia, and the morbid obesity using dexmedetomidine without narcotics. Can J
use of short-acting anesthetic agents. Anesth 2005;52:176–180.
5. Kral JG, Näslund E. Surgical treatment of obesity. Nature
3. Intraoperative ventilatory management should employ Clinical Practice Endocrinology & Metabolism 2007;3:574–583.
high-inspired oxygen concentrations and 5 to 10 cm 6. Kurubsa R, Koche LS, and Murr MM. Preoperative assessment
H2O-positive end-expiratory pressure. Postoperative and perioperative care of patients undergoing bariatric surgery.
care should include aggressive cardiopulmonary moni- Med Clin N Am 2007;90:339–351.
toring for select patients with significant comorbidities 7. Levi D, Goodman ER, Patel M, et al. Critical care of the obese
and the use of CPAP for patients with OSA. and bariatric surgical patient. Crit Care Clin 2003;19:11–31.
8. Leykin Y, Pellis T, Del Mestro E, et al. Anesthetic management
4. Perioperative management and postoperative morbidity of morbidly obese and super-morbidly obese patients undergoing
and mortality are related to several risk factors, as well bariatric operations: hospital course and outcomes. Obesity
as the preoperative BMI, and super-obese patients Surgery 2006;16:1563–1569.
(BMI ⬎60) have the greatest incidence of complications. 9. Livingston EH. Obesity, mortality, and bariatric surgery rates.
JAMA 2007;298:2406–2408.
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10. Passannante A, Rock P. Anesthetic management of patients with 12. Schumann R, Shikora S, Weiss JM, et al. A comparison of mul-
obesity and sleep apnea. Anesthesiol Clin North Am 2005;23: timodal perioperative analgesia to epidural pain management
479–491. after gastric bypass surgery. Anesth Analg 2003;96:469–474.
11. Omalu BI, Ives DG, Buhari AM, et al. Death rates and causes of 13. Sjöström L, Narbro K, Sjöström CD, et al. Effects of bariatric
death after bariatric surgery for Pennsylvania residents, 1995 to surgery on mortality in Swedish obese subjects. NEJM
2004. JAMA 2007;142:923–928. 2007;357:741–752.
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Stephen F. Dierdorf
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9. Hazinski MF, Nadkarni VM, Hickey RO, et al. Major changes liver trauma model with uncontrolled and otherwise lethal hem-
in the 2005 AHA guidelines for CPR and ECC: reaching the orrhagic shock in pigs. Anesthesiology 2003;98:699–704.
tipping point for change. Circulation 2005;112:IV206–211. 13. Wheeler AD, Turchiano K, Tobias JD. A case of refractory in-
10. Dellinger RP, Levy MM, Carlet JM, et al. Surviving sepsis traoperative hypotension treated with vasopressin infusion. J
campaign: international guidelines for management of severe sep- Clin Anesth 2008;20:139–142.
sis and septic shock: 2008. Crit Care Med 2008;36:296–227. 14. Bellomo R, Wan L, May C. Vasoactive drugs and acute liver
11. Levy JH, Adkinson NF. Anaphylaxis during cardiac surgery: injury. Crit Care Med 2008;36(Suppl):S179–S186.
implications for clinicians. Anesth Analg 2008;106:392–403. 15. Patel BM, Chittock DR, Russell JA, Walley KR. Beneficial
12. Stadlbauer KH, Wagner-Berger HG, Raedler C, et al. effects of short-term vasopressin infusion during severe septic
Vasopressin, but not fluid resuscitation, enhances survival in a shock. Anesthesiology 2002;96:576–582.
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Stephen F. Dierdorf
15259_Ch26.qxd 3/14/09 6:54 PM Page 96
patient to precisely define those altered autoregulatory re- decreased to 135/85 mm Hg. A thoracic epidural catheter was
sponses. As anesthetics typically reduce blood pressure, the placed without difficulty at T5.
concern in hypertensive patients is whether the decrease in
blood pressure reduces vital organ perfusion.
Studies performed in the 1960s and 1970s indicated that What are the goals for perioperative
there was a significant perioperative risk of cardiac dysrhyth- management of the patient with hypertension?
mias and myocardial ischemia in hypertensive patients. Many An accurate assessment of preoperative blood pressure is re-
of these patients, however, were not receiving any antihyper- quired so that perioperative blood pressure targets can be estab-
tensive therapy. Most hypertensive patients today are receiving lished. Anxiety (white coat hypertension) causes an elevation in
treatment, and the perioperative risks may not be as prevalent. blood pressure that does not accurately reflect the patient’s
The addition of many parenteral antihypertensive drugs for steady state blood pressure. A review of serial blood pressure
perioperative use has increased the anesthesiologist’s ability to measurements from the medical records of the patient’s pri-
control blood pressure intraoperatively. mary care physician will provide a better blood pressure base-
Current guidelines state that elective surgery in a patient line. Blood pressure can be reduced with preoperative sedation
with a blood pressure of 180/110 mm Hg or greater should and alleviation of anxiety. After the patient’s “normal” blood
have surgery postponed until better blood pressure control has pressure has been established, the goal during the perioperative
been instituted. If urgent or emergent surgery is required, period is to maintain blood pressure within 20% of normal.
control can be instituted with rapid-acting antihypertensives.6 Postoperative analgesia with regional anesthesia may improve
These recommendations are based on the review of a number outcome after major surgery in hypertensive patients.8 For the
of studies that could not show a significant correlation be- patient described in this case, a continuous thoracic epidural
tween hypertension and adverse perioperative cardiac events. was selected as the technique of choice for postoperative anal-
Despite liberalization of blood pressure values for surgery, gesia. After establishing that the patient’s normal blood pres-
patients with hypertension-induced end-organ damage such sure was 135/85 mm Hg (mean, 100 mm Hg), a target goal with
as ischemic heart disease, heart failure, renal disease, and a mean blood pressure of 80 to 100 mm Hg would be desirable.
cerebrovascular disease have an increased risk of adverse peri- Anesthesia was induced with propofol 1.5 mg/kg and
operative events.7 Appropriate preoperative evaluation and rocuronium 0.8 mg/kg followed by positive pressure ventila-
perioperative management of these disorders is subsequently tion by mask with oxygen in sevoflurane followed by tracheal
required. intubation with a 41-F left-sided double-lumen tube. After
As the patient’s blood pressure was less than 180/110 laryngoscopy and intubation, the patient’s blood pressure was
mm Hg, and the evidence of end-organ damage was mild (di- 210/120 mm Hg, and his heart rate was 94 beats per minute.
astolic dysfunction, left ventricular hypertrophy), it was de-
cided to proceed with the surgery. The fact that the lung mass
was most likely malignant conveyed some urgency for the sur- Do patients with hypertension have
gery. The patient agreed to the insertion of a thoracic epidural intraoperative cardiovascular lability?
catheter before induction for postoperative pain management. Hypertensive patients have a more active response to laryn-
Sedation for epidural catheter insertion was achieved with goscopy and frequently demonstrate marked increases in blood
the intravenous administration of 2 mg of midazolam and pressure. The hypertensive response is more pronounced with
50 mcg of fentanyl. After sedation, the patient’s blood pressure prolonged laryngoscopy times. This response may be attenuated
15259_Ch26.qxd 3/14/09 6:54 PM Page 97
with a number of different drugs such as -blockers, opioids, patients with ISH, however, can be challenging and must be
dexmedetomidine, and vasodilators. Aggressive treatment may, done with caution. An aggressive reduction of blood pressure
however, result in hypotension. Whether blood pressure and can cause myocardial ischemia or cerebrovascular insufficiency.
heart rate lability influence outcome and whether outcome is Younger patients may exhibit systolic hypertension and an
worse in hypertensive patients is a complex issue. There is some increased pulse pressure that has been termed pulse pressure
evidence that tachycardia and hypertension are associated with hypertension (PPH). Although the causative mechanisms for
adverse outcomes in patients undergoing prolonged surgery.9 PPH may be different from ISH, there is an increased risk of
Whether better intraoperative control would have improved adverse postoperative cerebral and renal outcomes in patients
outcome is unknown. Today’s anesthesiologist is much better with PPH.13 Whether elective surgery should be postponed in
equipped with a variety of drugs to control intraoperative he- patients with PPH or ISH remains to be determined.14
modynamics than the anesthesiologist of 30 years ago.
Intravenous metoprolol was administered in incremental
dosages of 1 mg (total dosage, 3 mg) to reduce the patient’s KEY MESSAGES
heart rate, which declined to 71 beats per minute. His blood
pressure decreased to 180/100 mm Hg. Intravenous nicardip- 1. Elective surgery in a patient with a blood pressure
ine was administered in 1-mg increments (total dosage, 2 mg), of 180/110 mm Hg or greater should have surgery
and his blood pressure decreased to 125/75 mm Hg. Fifteen postponed.
minutes after induction, the patient’s blood pressure decreased
to 80/50 mm Hg, and he did not respond well to ephedrine 2. Intraoperative control of hemodynamics in hypertensive
and phenylephrine. patients may be challenging.15
3. Postinduction hypotension is more likely to occur in
Does treatment of hypertension with ACE hypertensive patients treated with angiotensin receptor
inhibitors and ARBs increase the likelihood blockers compared with hypertensive patients treated
of intraoperative hypotension? with -adrenergic blockers or calcium channel blockers.
Postinduction hypotension is more likely to occur in hyperten- 4. Aggressive treatment of post-laryngoscopy hyperten-
sive patients treated with angiotensin receptor blockers as sion may result in hypotension once the stimulant effect
compared with hypertensive patients treated with -adrener- of laryngoscopy has dissipated.
gic blockers or calcium channel blockers. Hypotension in this
group of patients typically responds poorly to ephedrine and
phenylephrine and is more responsive to vasopressin or terli-
pressin.10 Whether angiotensin II antagonists and ACE in-
hibitors should be discontinued 24 hours before surgery is QUESTIONS
controversial.11 This choice may be impractical and may lead
to other unanticipated side effects. Such a recommendation is 1. What are the risks of anesthesia and surgery for
reminiscent of the recommendation for the discontinuation of patients with poorly controlled hypertension?
-adrenergic blockers preoperatively in the 1970s. A more ra- Answer: Risks include myocardial infarction, stroke,
tional approach may be to administer vasopressin initially or as cardiac dysrhythmias, renal dysfunction, and periopera-
soon as ephedrine and phenylephrine have proved ineffective. tive blood pressure lability.
A typical scenario in patients with hypertension is a signifi-
cant increase in blood pressure with laryngoscopy that is treated 2. Why are -adrenergic blockers no longer considered
with -adrenergic blockers, vasodilators, or an increased in- to be first line anti-hypertensive drugs?
haled concentration of volatile anesthetic. Aggressive treatment Answer: Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) have been
of post-laryngoscopy hypertension may result in hypotension shown to be effective anti-hypertensives without the side
once the stimulant effect of laryngoscopy has dissipated. The effects of -blockers, such as bradycardia, exercise and
risk of hypotension may be reduced by the use of short-acting cold intolerance, and peripheral vasoconstriction.
antihypertensives and somewhat less aggressive treatment.
3. What is the most effective treatment of intraoperative
refractory hypotension in patients receiving preopera-
Although this patient did not exhibit tive angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) and/or
isolated systolic hypertension, do elderly angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors?
patients with this condition have an increased Answer: Some patients receiving ARBs or ACE
perioperative risk? inhibitors can develop significant intraoperative hypoten-
The aging process produces changes in the walls of large arter- sion. Vasopressin is more effective than ephedrine and/or
ies that increase the stiffness and rigidity of the blood vessels. phenyephrine.
The loss of elasticity in the aorta causes an increase in systolic
pressure, a decrease in diastolic pressure, and a subsequent in-
crease in pulse pressure. Although the treatment of isolated sys- References
tolic hypertension (ISH) was controversial, it is now accepted 1. Johnson RJ, Feig DI, Nakagawa T, et al. Pathogenesis of essen-
that there is an increased risk of morbidity and mortality from tial hypertension: historical paradigms and modern insights.
ISH and that treatment is indicated.12 Treatment of elderly J Hypertens 2008;26:381–391.
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2. Rosendorff C, Black HR, Cannon CP, et al. Treatment of hyper- 9. Reich DL, Bennett-Guerrero E, Bodian CA, et al. Intraoperative
tension in the prevention and management of ischemic heart tachycardia and hypertension are independently associated with
disease. Circulation 2007;115:2761–2788. adverse outcome in noncardiac surgery of long duration. Anesth
3. Higgins B, Williams B. Pharmacological management of hyper- Analg 2002;95:273–277.
tension. Clin Med 2007:7:612–616. 10. Brabant SM, Bertrand M, Eyraud D, et al. The hemodynamic
4. Trewet CLB, Ernst ME. Resistant hypertension: identifying effects of anesthetic induction in vascular surgical patients chron-
causes and optimizing treatment regimens: South Med J 2008; ically treated with angiotensin II receptor antagonists. Anesth
101:166–173. Analg 1999;1388–1392.
5. Davila DF, Donis JH, Odreman R, et al. Patterns of left ventric- 11. Bertrand M, Godet G, Meersschaert K, et al. Should angiotensin
ular hypertrophy in essential hypertension: should echocardiog- II antagonists be discontinued before surgery? Anesth Analg
raphy guide the pharmacological treatment? Int J Cardiol 2008; 2001;92:26–30.
124:134–138. 12. Duprez DA. Systolic hypertension in the elderly: addressing an
6. Eagle KA, Berger PB, Calkins H, et al. ACC/AHA guideline unmet need. Am J Med 2008;121:179–184.
update for perioperative cardiovascular evaluation for noncar- 13. Aronson S, Fontes ML. Hypertension: a new look at an old prob-
diac surgery—executive summary. Anesth Analg 2002;94: lem. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 2006;19:59–64.
1052–1064. 14. Prys-Roberts C. Isolated systolic hypertension: pressure on the
7. Hanada S, Kawakami H, Goto T, Morita S. Hypertension and anaesthetist? (editorial) Anaesthesia 2001;56:505–510.
anesthesia. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 2006;19:315–319. 15. Howell SJ, Sear JW, Foex P. Hypertension, hypertensive heart
8. Tziavrangos E, Schug SA. Regional anaesthesia and periopera- disease and perioperative cardiac risk. Br J Anaesth 2004;92:
tive outcome. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 2006;19:521–525. 570–583.
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John Vullo
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standard intraoperative monitors used included a five-lead develop and lasts for 3 to 4 days. The late phase has the unique
continuous electrocardiogram, capnography, and pulse oxime- property of reducing myocardial stunning following reperfu-
try. An indwelling radial artery catheter, central venous sion as well as reducing infarct size. Preconditioning leads to
catheter, and a transesophageal echocardiograph (TEE) were the release of cellular substances including adenosine,
also used. A pulmonary artery catheter was not inserted, as the bradykinin, and endorphins, which activate G protein-
TEE would provide more information about ventricular func- coupled receptors. Multistep processes activate signaling ki-
tion, segmental wall motion, and ventricular filling. nases, which maintain mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate
(ATP) generation and inhibit apoptosis.7
Patients who have had anginal episodes preceding an in-
What induction drugs should be selected for farct have better outcomes than those without antecedent
this patient? angina. Repeated coronary occlusions during cardiac catheter-
The goals of anesthesia for this patient are to reduce myocar- ization can decrease subsequent ischemic events for as long as
dial oxygen demand, provide adequate coronary filling pres- 1 year. Intermittent cross-clamping of the aorta during cardiac
sure, and preserve left ventricular function. Concerns during surgery before cardiopulmonary bypass seems to provide some
induction include the potential for hypotension in a patient cardioprotection.
with mildly depressed left ventricular function and probable
hypovolemia from chronic diuretic therapy. Induction of anes-
thesia should be performed in a slow, controlled manner by
slow intravenous (IV) bolus injection or IV infusion. A BIS- Can anesthetics precondition the heart?
guided IV infusion of propofol would accomplish those goals. Many in vitro studies have shown the cardioprotective effects
Etomidate is a suitable alternative to propofol, although adre- of volatile, inhaled anesthetics including halothane, enflurane,
nal suppression continues to cause concern about the use of isoflurane, desflurane, and sevoflurane. Isoflurane and
etomidate. Perhaps more important than the actual induction sevoflurane have been shown to reduce infarct size even when
drug is the rapidity with which induction is performed. the volatile agent is discontinued prior to coronary artery oc-
Upon arrival in the operating room, a noninvasive blood clusion. Proposed mechanisms for anesthetic-induced IPC in-
pressure cuff, electrocardiogram, pulse oximeter, and BIS clude preservation of ATP, attenuation of inflammation, and
monitors were applied. Prior to the induction of anesthesia, IV reduced calcium loading. At the intracellular level, volatile
sedation with midazolam (30 g/kg) and fentanyl (1 g/kg) anesthetics open mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K⫹ (KATP)
was performed. A right radial arterial catheter was inserted channels and in turn, decrease mitochondrial energy con-
with local anesthesia. Induction of anesthesia commenced sumption during ischemia (Table 27.1). Volatile anesthetics
with a propofol infusion at 600 g/kg per minute and have also been shown to inhibit platelet aggregation, reduce
remifentanil 025 g/kg per minute until loss of consciousness myocardial damage, and decrease the likelihood of apoptosis
was confirmed with loss of eyelash reflex and the BIS was 46. during reperfusion after ischemia. The release of reactive oxy-
Rocuronium (0.8 mg/kg) was administered, and positive gen species (ROS) during reperfusion depresses myocardial
pressure was ventilation provided. The patient’s trachea was contractility. Volatile anesthetics reduce the release of ROS
intubated without difficulty with a 7.0-mm inner diameter and attenuate or abolish neutrophil-induced myocardial de-
orotracheal tube. After the tracheal intubation, her blood pres- pression.8 Opioid agonists such as morphine and remifentanil
sure was 115/75 mm Hg, and her heart rate was 68 beats seem to enhance the protection of the myocardium achieved
per minute. The propofol infusion rate was decreased to by anesthetic preconditioning. Studies of propofol and keta-
100 g/kg per minute, and the remifentanil infusion rate was mine have produced conflicting results regarding myocardial
decreased to 0.15 g/kg per minute. preconditioning. Midazolam and etomidate do not affect
KATP channels and do not produce anesthetic preconditioning
(APC) (Table 27.2). 1. The PeriOperative ISchemic Evaluation trial demon-
Hyperglycemia and diabetes may block the effects of IPC strated a decrease in the perioperative myocardial
and APC. Sulfonylureas may also reduce the effectiveness of infarction rate but an increased risk of death and
IPC and APC. stroke in patients receiving metoprolol in the
perioperative period.
3. Are there drugs that inhibit or reduce myocardial IPC? 8. Tanaka K, Ludwig LM, Kersten JR, et al. Mechanisms of cardio-
protection by volatile anesthetics. Anesthesiology 2004;100:
Answer: Anti-diabetic drugs such as sulfonylureas and 707–721.
glitazones inhibit myocardial IPC. 9. DeHert SG, Turani F, Mathur S, et al. Cardioprotection with
volatile anesthetics: mechanisms and clinical implications.
Anesth Analg 2005;100:1584–1593.
References 10. Bienengraeber MW, Weihrauch D, Kersten JR, et al. Cardio-
1. Daemen J, Serruys PW. Optimal revascularization strategies for protection by volatile anesthetics. Vasc Pharmacol 2005;42:
multivessel coronary artery disease. Curr Opin Cardiol 2006;21: 243–252.
595–601. 11. Bein B, Renner J, Caliebe D, et al. Sevoflurane but not propofol
2. Banerjee P, Card D. Preserving left ventricular function during preserves myocardial function during minimally invasive direct
percutaneous coronary intervention. J Invasive Cardiol 2007;19: coronary artery bypass surgery. Anesth Analg 2005;100:610–616.
440–443. 12. Cromheecke S, Pepermans V, Hendrickx E, et al. Cardio-
3. Chambers TA, Bagai A, Ivascu N. Current trends in coronary protective properties of sevoflurane in patients undergoing aortic
artery disease in women. Curr Opin Anaesth 2007;20:75–82. valve replacement with cardiopulmonary bypass. Anesth Analg
4. Feringa HHH, Bax JJ, Poldermans D. Perioperative medical 2006;103:289–296.
management of ischemic heart disease in patients undergoing 13. De Hert SG, Van den Linden PJ, Cromheecke S, et al.
noncardiac surgery. Curr Opin Anaesth 2007;20:254–260. Cardioprotective properties of sevoflurane in patients undergo-
5. POISE Study group. Effects of extended-release metoprolol suc- ing coronary artery surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass are
cinate in patients undergoing non-cardiac-surgery (POISE trial): related to the modalities of its administration. Anesthesiology
a randomized controlled trial. Lancet 2008;371: 1839–1847. 2004;101:299–310.
6. Murry CE, Jennings RB, Reimer KA. Preconditioning with is- 14. Drenger B, Gilon D, Chevion M, et al. Myocardial metabolism al-
chemia: a delay of lethal cell injury in ischemic myocardium. tered by ischemic preconditioning and enflurane in off-pump coro-
Circulation 1986;74:1124–1136. nary artery surgery. J Cardiothor Vasc Anesth 2008;22:369–376.
7. Shim YH, Kersten JR. Preconditioning, anesthetics, and peri- 15. Gregoratos G, Brett AS. Are the current perioperative risk man-
operative medication. Best Pract Res Clin Anaesth 2008;22: agement strategies for myocardial infarction flawed? Circulation
151–165. 2008;117:3134–3151.
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Stephen F. Dierdorf
CASE FORMAT: REFLECTION exhaled carbon dioxide was detected. Oxygen saturation
increased to 99%. After 5 minutes of assisted ventilation,
A 71-year-old, 5⬘ 10⬙, 106-kg male presented for a left the patient awakened, and the LMA was removed.
carotid endarterectomy for carotid stenosis. Fifteen years
before this procedure, he underwent successful coronary
artery bypass surgery and has been free of cardiac symp- DISCUSSION
toms since. He had a history of snoring at night and had
intermittently used a continuous positive airway pressure This case illustrates several important features of airway man-
machine. He had smoked one pack of cigarettes per day agement. The preoperative airway examination must evaluate
for 52 years. The patient’s medications included meto- several variables, as no single airway examination technique is
prolol 50 mg daily and aspirin. His preoperative electro- reliable. Based on the findings for this patient, some difficulty in
cardiogram reading showed nonspecific ST-T waves mask ventilation should have been anticipated. After induction
changes and sinus rhythm. The patient’s blood pressure of anesthesia, mask ventilation was difficult, but insertion of an
was 152/84 mm Hg, and his heart rate was 55 beats oropharyngeal airway allowed satisfactory mask ventilation.
per minute. His airway examination showed Mallampati Direct laryngoscopy proved to be difficult, and an alternative
grade II, slightly decreased cervical extension, full beard intubation technique using flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy was
present, and thyromental distance, 5 cm. required. The rapidity and ease with which the anesthesiologist
Monitors applied prior to induction included an elec- changes from the primary technique to an alternative technique
trocardiogram, a pulse oximeter, noninvasive blood pres- reduces the likelihood of an adverse airway event. At the con-
sure, and a 12-lead electroencephalogram. Anesthesia clusion of the case, extubation was premature, and mask venti-
induction was achieved with midazolam 2 mg, fentanyl lation was impossible until an intubating LMA was inserted.
100 g, and propofol 100 mg. Rocuronium 70 mg was The importance of the airway during the emergence phase of
administered for muscle relaxation to facilitate tracheal anesthesia is often overlooked even in patients with known air-
intubation. After induction, mask ventilation was difficult but way difficulty. There is often a desire to extubate patients at
improved considerably after insertion of an oropharyngeal a deeper plane of anesthesia after head and neck surgery to
airway. Rigid direct laryngoscopy was attempted with a no. avoid bleeding and excessive coughing. Depth of anesthesia is
3.5 Macintosh blade; only the tip of the epiglottis could be difficult to predict, and deep extubation requires careful plan-
visualized. The oropharyngeal airway was replaced and ning to avoid serious consequences. If extubation is performed
mask ventilation continued. Two more attempts at rigid di- when the patient is not fully awake, there is a risk of laryn-
rect laryngoscopy were unsuccessful. Tracheal intubation gospasm and upper airway obstruction, especially in patients
was successful with a flexible fiberoptic scope and a 7.5- with sleep apnea.
mm inner diameter tracheal tube. The surgical procedure Airway management is the single most important task for
was uneventful. At the conclusion of surgery, neuromuscular the anesthesiologist. It is also the greatest source of adverse
blockade was reversed with neostigmine 4 mg and 0.6 mg outcomes in the practice of anesthesia.1 Considerable research
glycopyrrolate. Sustained tetanus was demonstrated with a and development of new airway devices and techniques has
peripheral nerve stimulator. The patient began to cough occurred in the past 15 years. Difficult airway management
during emergence, and his trachea was extubated to avoid is usually equated to tracheal intubation. Three notable pub-
further increases in blood pressure. Arterial oxygen satura- lications that focused on the broad area of the difficult air-
tion at the time of extubation was 100%. The patient did not way reported the incidence of difficult mask ventilation to be
resume spontaneous ventilation after extubation, and posi- 0.07% to 1.4%.2–4 Research specifically related to difficult
tive pressure ventilation was not possible. An oropharyn- mask ventilation, however, has been sparse. The importance
geal airway was inserted, but there was no appreciable of mask ventilation cannot be overemphasized, as it is the
ventilation as evidenced by the lack of exhaled carbon first technique used for ventilation after induction of anes-
dioxide and no chest movement. Arterial oxygen saturation thesia; it is a technique that has changed little in the past
decreased to 92%. An intubating laryngeal mask airway decades. A careful analysis of difficult airway management
(LMA) was inserted, chest excursion was observed, and should separate mask ventilation and tracheal intubation, as
the alternative techniques used for each are different.
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The anesthesiologist must be skilled with several alternative 3. What is the most appropriate procedure for impossible
techniques and should be able to smoothly and quickly move mask ventilation of a morbidly obese patient?
from one technique to another when the clinical situation Answer: Insertion of a supraglottic airway (e.g., LMA)
arises. Unless there is a specific contraindication, extubation would be the most appropriate method for ventilation
with the patient fully awake can avoid several potential airway of a morbidly obese patient should mask ventilation
problems in patients with a history of obstructive sleep apnea.10 fail.
1. The airway examination is a multivariate exercise with 1. Cheney FW, Posner KL, Lee LA, et al. Trends in anesthesia-
poor predictive power. related death and brain damage. Anesthesiology 2006;105:
2. Difficult mask ventilation and difficult intubation are 1081–1086.
2. Rose DK, Cohen MM. The airway: problems and predictions in
different entities.
18,500 patients. Can J Anaesth 1994;41:372–383.
3. The anesthesiologist must be skilled in alternative air- 3. El-Ganzouri AR, McCarthy RJ, Tuman KJ, et al. Preoperative
way techniques. risk assessment: predictive value of a multivariate risk index.
Anesth Analg 1996;82:1197–1204.
4. Tracheal extubation has risks similar to those associ- 4. Asai T, Koga K, Vaughan RS. Respiratory complications associ-
ated with intubation. ated with tracheal intubation and extubation. Br J Anaesth 1998;
5. Langeron O, Masso E, Huraux C, et al. Prediction of difficult
mask ventilation. Anesthesiology 2000;92:1229–1236.
QUESTIONS 6. Kheterpal S, Han R, Tremper KK, et al. Incidence and predic-
tors of difficult and impossible mask ventilation. Anesthesiology
1. Complications with what organ system contribute to the 2006;105:885–891.
7. Task Force on Guidelines for Management of the Difficult
greatest likelihood of adverse outcomes related to the
Airway. Practice guidelines for management of the difficult air-
practice of anesthesia? way. Anesthesiology 1993;78:597–602.
Answer: Respiratory system complications produce the 8. Henderson JJ, Popat MT, Latto IP, Pearce AC. Difficult Airway
highest incidence of adverse outcomes during the course Society guidelines for management of the unanticipated difficult
of anesthesia. intubation. Anaesthesia 2004;59:675–694.
9. Han R, Tremper KK, Kheterpal S, O’Reilly M. Grading scale
2. What are the predictive factors for difficult mask for mask ventilation. Anesthesiology 2004;101:267.
ventilation? 10. American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on
Perioperative Management of Patients with Obstructive Sleep
Answer: Predictive factors for difficult mask ventilation Apnea: practice guidelines for the perioperative management of
include a history of snoring, presence of a beard, body patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Anesthesiology 2006;104:
mass index of ⬎30, and age greater than 55 years. 1081–1093.
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that constructs an image on a monitor. Videoscopes provide Does the availability of supraglottic airways
high-resolution, wide-angle images that are superior to the eliminate the need for awake, tracheal
images of an optical fiberscope. Videoscopes are preferred for intubation?
use in patients with upper airway tumors or when there is There is little doubt that the invention and development of
blood in the airway. The wide-angle field of view displays the supraglottic airways has reduced the need for awake, tracheal
laryngeal tumor in relationship to the entire hypopharynx. intubation.8,9 This is especially true for situations in which
Proper fiberscope selection to meet the requirements of the external abnormalities (e.g., cervical spine abnormalities) limit
clinical situation improves the efficiency and success rate for airway access or in children with congenital airway abnormal-
awake, tracheal intubation. ities (e.g., Pierre-Robin, Treacher-Collins, Klippel-Feil syn-
If the endoscopist is patient and recognizes anatomical dromes). For patients with immediate supralaryngeal or
landmarks before advancing the fiberscope, this will permit intralaryngeal pathology (e.g., tumors, direct trauma), direct
methodic manipulation of the scope and navigation through visualization of the lesion provides important information
the airway. Instillation of local anesthetic through the work- concerning airway management. The need for awake, tra-
ing channel of the fiberscope at the levels of the epiglottis, cheal intubation is still present for the anesthesiologist, as there
laryngeal inlet, subglottis, and midtrachea enhances patient are still situations in which awake, tracheal intubation may
comfort and cooperation. If the local anesthetic provokes prevent significant morbidity and mortality.10,11
coughing, the scope should not be advanced until the local
anesthetic has taken effect and the coughing has ceased.
Oxygen insufflated through the working channel blows secre-
tions away from the end of the fiberscope and reduces lens KEY MESSAGES
fogging. Direct observation of the airway pathology provides
important diagnostic information that may alter the plan for 1. Patient preparation for awake, tracheal intubation
airway management. begins with a thorough explanation of the importance
and need for the procedure.
What are the potential complications from 2. Regional nerve blocks performed to facilitate awake,
awake, fiberoptic tracheal intubation? fiberoptic intubation may be technically challenging
and less reliable in patients with distorted anatomy
The complication rate for awake, fiberoptic tracheal intuba- secondary to tumor growth and tissue infiltration.
tion is extremely low.7 There are sporadic case reports of
infrequent complications that may be a result of the endo- 3. For a patient with a laryngeal mass, it is valuable to
scopist’s inexperience or lack of patient cooperation. Care inspect the relationship of the mass to the laryngeal
must be taken to avoid oversedation and apnea that can lead to inlet without causing undue trauma.
urgent airway management in a patient with a difficult air- 4. Compared with (older) optical fiberscopes, flexible
way. Local anesthetic toxicity rarely occurs in adult patients, videoscopes are preferred for patients with upper
but the local anesthetic dosage must be carefully controlled for airway tumors or when there is blood in the airway.
young children. Passage of the fiberscope or tracheal tube can
provoke laryngospasm and/or bronchoconstriction. Adequate
airway anesthesia usually prevents such airway responses. The
fiberscope should be gently passed, as forceful insertion may
traumatize the airway. QUESTIONS
Oxygen insufflation through the working channel of the
fiberscope has been reported to cause gastric distention. This is 1. Why does administration of an antisialagogue (e.g.
an extremely rare event, although the patient’s abdomen glycopyrrolate) improve the quality of topical airway
should be observed periodically for any evidence of distention anesthesia for awake, tracheal intubation?
(Table 29.2). Answer: Pharyngeal secretions impede the diffusion of
topical anesthetics across mucous membranes. Drying of
secretions enhances the quality of topical anesthesia.
T A B L E 2 9 . 2 Potential Complications of 2. What cranial nerves provide sensation to the upper
Awake, Tracheal Intubation airway?
Answer: Sensory input to the upper airway is supplied by
Oversedation the trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves.
Local anesthetic toxicity
3. Why do videoendoscopes produce a higher resolution
Gastric distention image than optical endoscopes?
Airway obstruction Answer: Resolution and field of view of an image pro-
Laryngospasm vided by an optical endoscope are determined by the
number of fibers in the imaging bundle. A bundle with
more fibers produces an image of higher resolution. A
Airway trauma videoendoscope uses a CCD chip instead of an optical
imaging bundle.
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Stephen F. Dierdorf
CASE FORMAT: REFLECTION the site of the tracheal tube cuff. The patient was extubated
36 hours after bronchoscopy. Three months after surgery,
A 7-year-old, 35-kg girl presented for repair of an aortic she presented with dyspnea. Bronchoscopy performed with
coarctation and ventricular septal defect. Although she was general anesthesia showed a stenotic area at the midtra-
asymptomatic, a systolic heart murmur was detected dur- chea (Fig. 31.1).
ing a routine physical examination. She is quite active
physically while playing competitive soccer and gymnas-
tics. Previous surgery included bilateral myringotomies at
2 years of age as well as a tonsillectomy and adenoidec-
tomy at 4 years of age. The parents reported no complica-
tions from previous anesthesia other than nausea and
What are the advantages of a cuffed tracheal
vomiting. The patient’s preoperative vital signs were as
follows: temperature, 37.0°C; right arm blood pressure,
145/85 mm Hg; right leg blood pressure, 80/50 mm Cuffed tracheal tubes permit an air seal between the tracheal
Hg; heart rate, 92 beats per minute; and respiratory rate, tube and the tracheal wall. The seal permits controlled positive
18 breaths per minute. A grade II/VI systolic heart murmur pressure ventilation without a leak and loss of inspired vol-
was present. Satisfactory preoperative sedation was ume. The leak around an uncuffed tracheal tube is hard to
achieved with oral midazolam 0.5 mg/kg administered control, and as pulmonary or chest wall compliance decreases,
30 minutes before induction. Anesthesia was induced with effective ventilation diminishes, and the risk of aspiration of
sevoflurane in oxygen. After induction, an intravenous gastric and pharyngeal contents around the tracheal tube in-
catheter was inserted into a vein in the patient’s right fore- creases. Leakage of exhaled carbon dioxide will give a falsely
arm, and a cannula was inserted into the right radial ar- low end-tidal carbon dioxide reading. Other advantages of
tery. Muscle relaxation was achieved with 0.5 mg/kg of cuffed tracheal tubes include more reliable low-flow anesthe-
rocuronium, and the trachea was intubated with a 6.0-mm sia, less need for tracheal tube replacement, and reduced oper-
uncuffed orotracheal tube. Positive pressure ventilation ating room pollution with trace anesthetic gases.
demonstrated a large leak around the tracheal tube (12 cm
water [H2O]). The tracheal tube was replaced with a 6.0-
Are children more vulnerable to postintubation
cuffed orotracheal tube; 3 mL of air injected into the pilot
balloon produced an air seal. Anesthesia maintenance was
performed with nitrous oxide (N2O) and sevoflurane in oxy- The controversy surrounding the use of cuffed tracheal tubes
gen and a continuous infusion of remifentanil 0.3 μg/kg in pediatric patients has persisted for decades.1 Many pediatric
per minute. The surgical procedure and separation from anesthesiologists recommend that cuffed tracheal tubes should
cardiopulmonary bypass were uneventful. The patient was not be used in children younger than 8 years of age. This rec-
transferred directly to the intensive care unit. She was ommendation is based on the anatomy of the child’s larynx and
weaned from mechanical ventilation and extubated 4 hours trachea. The infant larynx is vertically compact, the epiglottis is
after admission to the intensive care unit. Thirty minutes short, and the aryepiglottic folds are thick. The glottis is 7 mm
after extubation, she developed inspiratory stridor that was in the anteroposterior axis and 4 mm in the lateral axis. The
not relieved by inhaled racemic epinephrine and intra- narrowest dimension of the neonatal airway is 4 to 5 mm at the
venous dexamethasone. She was reintubated with a 5.5-mm subglottis. The cricoid ring has a thick submucosa with abun-
inner diameter uncuffed tracheal tube. There was no audible dant mucus-producing glands. From birth to 3 years of age,
leak around the 5.5-mm tracheal tube. Tracheal extubation there is rapid proportional growth of the larynx. The anatomic
was attempted 12 hours later with similar results, and the relationships of the laryngeal structures are therefore, con-
patient was reintubated. An ear, nose, and throat surgeon stant.2 Tracheal mucosal edema produces a proportionately
recommended that microlaryngoscopy and bronchoscopy larger decrease in the cross-sectional area of the child’s trachea
should be performed under general anesthesia in the oper- compared with the adult. Tracheal wall pressure exceeding
ating room. Laryngoscopy and bronchoscopy revealed 30 cm H2O in adults may compromise perfusion of the tracheal
tracheal wall edema, erythema, and mucosal ulceration at wall causing ischemia and permanent tracheal damage.
Tracheal perfusion pressure in young children is undoubtedly
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malignant hyperthermia (MH) led to the suggestion that DMD operating room, routine monitors were applied. Anesthesia in-
patients are susceptible to MH. Studies in mdx mice have failed duction was performed with 8% sevoflurane in oxygen. A 22-
to establish any link between DMD and MH. The term ap- gauge IV catheter was inserted into a vein on the dorsum of the
plied to the aforementioned clinical complex in patients with child’s right hand. Rocuronium 0.3 mg/kg was administered,
DMD is anesthesia-induced rhabdomyolysis (AIR). The develop- and positive pressure ventilation with 3% sevoflurane in oxygen
ment of AIR is unpredictable, and many patients with DMD was performed without difficulty. The patient’s trachea was
have received volatile anesthetics and succinylcholine without intubated with a 5-mm inner diameter orotracheal tube and
apparent ill effects. The unpredictability of AIR may be related surgery commenced. Ten minutes after the start of surgery, the
to the timing of the anesthetic exposure relative to the ongoing T waves on the electrocardiogram began to peak. The peaked
disease process. Patients who have had a previous uneventful T waves were quickly followed by an increased duration of the
anesthetic may develop AIR during subsequent exposures. QRS complex and ventricular tachycardia. An arterial blood gas
AIR can occur during the anesthetic, during early recovery, or sample revealed FiO2, 1.0; PaO2, 412; PaCO2, 54; pH, 7.20; BE,
during late recovery from anesthesia.6 -6; and potassium, 9.0 mEq/L. The patient’s temperature was
The parents reported that their child is extremely fearful of 38.2°C. IV lidocaine (1 mg/kg) and bicarbonate (0.5 mEq/kg)
needles and becomes hysterical when receiving injections. They were administered without effect, and cardiopulmonary resus-
insisted on an inhalation induction before an intravenous line citation was initiated. Calcium gluconate, 20 mg/kg was ad-
(IV) is placed. ministered, and the ventricular tachycardia converted to a sinus
Twenty-five minutes before the planned induction, 0.5 mg/kg tachycardia of 140 beats per minute. A Foley catheter was
of midazolam in 5 mL of acetaminophen elixir was admin-
istered orally for preoperative sedation. After transfer to the
inserted, and the patient’s urine was noted to be dark red. adverse effects. The response to nondepolarizers may, however,
Another blood gas sample obtained 30 minutes after the first re- be abnormal. Studies with rocuronium indicate that the onset
vealed PaO2, 402; PaCO2, 45; pH, 7.37; BE, 0; potassium, 4.5 of peak neuromuscular blockade is delayed and that recovery
mEq/L; and CK level, 21,500. Tetanic stimulation of the ulnar is prolonged.11,12 Reversal with anticholinesterase inhibitors
nerve showed moderate fade. Neostigmine (70 g/kg) and gly- (neostigmine, pyridostigmine) can generally be achieved, but
copyrrolate (10 g/kg) were administered for reversal of neuro- careful monitoring of neuromuscular function is necessary.
muscular blockade. Twenty minutes after the administration of
neostigmine, tetanus was sustained, and the trachea was extu-
bated after the child was fully awake. He was transferred to the KEY MESSAGES
intensive care unit for close observation. The postoperative
course was uneventful, and the patient was discharged to home 1. DMD is an insidious disease with subclinical abnor-
after 36 hours. malities that cause changes in skeletal, cardiac, and
A muscle biopsy performed 1 month after the initial anes- smooth muscle.
thetic was diagnostic for DMD. Anesthesia for the muscle biopsy
was performed with IV ketamine, propofol, and remifentanil. 2. Volatile anesthetics can produce life-threatening rhab-
domyolysis with acute hyperkalemia, myoglobinuria,
and fever that may mimic MH.
What is the best treatment for AIR? 3. The best initial therapy of acute hyperkalemia is the
The most immediate threat to the patient with AIR is acute administration of IV calcium.
hyperkalemia, and the plasma potassium level may exceed 12
mEq/L. The characteristic electrocardiogram changes from
acute hyperkalemia progress rapidly from peaked T waves to
a prolonged QRS complex, to a severely prolonged QRS com-
plex, to ventricular tachycardia, to ventricular fibrillation. The
best initial treatment of acute hyperkalemia is IV calcium (20
mg/kg). For the patient with acute transient hyperkalemia 1. What is the best immediate therapy for succinylcholine-
seen with AIR, one dose of calcium is generally sufficient. If induced hyperkalemia with cardiac dysrhythmias?
hyperkalemia persists, another dose of calcium can be admin-
istered and an infusion of insulin and glucose begun. The risk Answer: The best immediate therapy for succinylcholine-
of renal dysfunction from deposition of myoglobin in the renal induced hyperkalemia is the intravenous administration
tubules can be reduced with hydration and the administration of calcium. At the cardiac cell level, calcium is a direct
of mannitol. Serial arterial blood gas measurements are valu- antagonist to potassium. Since the hyperkalemia is tran-
able for treatment of acidosis and electrolyte abnormalities. sient, one dose of calcium is generally sufficient.
2. What is anesthesia-induced rhabdomyolysis (AIR)?
Are volatile anesthetics contraindicated in Answer: AIR is a clinical complex that occurs in patients
patients with DMD? with primary myopathies (Duchenne muscular
dystrophy) characterized by rhabdomyolysis, acidosis,
Whether volatile, inhaled anesthetics are contraindicated in pa-
hyperkalemia, and hyperthermia. AIR can be triggered
tients with DMD is controversial. The unpredictability of AIR
by succinylcholine and inhaled, volatile anesthetics.
prevents scientifically based recommendations, but the severity
Although AIR resembles malignant hyperthermia, AIR
of AIR suggests avoidance of volatile anesthetics.7–9 It can be
is probably a different entity.
speculated that younger patients with DMD may be more likely
to develop AIR because muscle tissues are undergoing both 3. Why is the muscle membrane of patients with Duchenne
necrosis and regeneration. Later in life (adolescence) when mus- muscular dystrophy (DMD) fragile and easily damaged?
cle becomes fibrotic, there may be less likelihood of AIR. The
Answer: The cytoskeleton of the muscle membrane is a
presence of cardiomyopathy, which is more likely in adolescents
complex of large proteins that protect and maintain the
with DMD, increases the possibility of severe myocardial de-
integrity of the muscle cell. Patients with DMD lack
pression from volatile anesthetics.
dystrophin a major component of the cytoskeleton.
The predictability of AIR is unlikely until there is a better
The muscle membrane consequently lacks the strength
understanding of how the pathophysiology of DMD can pro-
of normal membranes and can be damaged by excessive
duce adverse effects from anesthetics. Volatile anesthetics are
best avoided but if needed, should be used judiciously, for as
short a time as possible, and with alertness for the develop-
ment of AIR. References
1. Beynon RP, Ray SG. Cardiac involvement in muscular dystro-
Are muscle relaxants contraindicated for phies. QJM 2008; 101:337–344.
2. Mori K, Hayabushi Y, Inoue M, et al. Myocardial strain imag-
patients with DMD?
ing for early detection of cardiac involvement in patients with
Succinylcholine is contraindicated for patients with DMD.10 Duchenne’s progressive muscular dystrophy. Echocardiography
Nondepolarizing muscle relaxants have been used without 2007;24:598–608.
15259_Ch33.qxd 3/14/09 7:22 PM Page 122
3. Deconinck N, Dan B. Pathophysiology of Duchenne muscular 8. Hayes J, Veyckemans F, Bissonnette B. Duchenne muscular dys-
dystrophy: current hypotheses. Pediatr Neurol 2007;36:1–7. trophy: an old anesthesia problem revisited. Pediatr Anesth 2008;
4. Buschby K, Straub V. Nonmolecular treatment for muscular 18:100–106.
dystrophies. Curr Opin Neurol 2005;18:511–518. 9. Lerman J. Inhalation agents in pediatric anesthesia—an update.
5. Girshin M, Mukherjee Clowney R, Singer LP, et al. The post- Curr Opin Anesthesiol 2007;20:221–226.
operative arrest of a 5 year-old male: an initial presentation 10. Birnkrant DJ, Panitch HB, Benditt JO, et al. American College of
of Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy. Pediatr Anes 2006;16: Chest Physicians consensus statement on the respiratory and re-
170–173. lated management of patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
6. Phadke A, Broadman LM, Brandom, et al. Postoperative hyper- undergoing anesthesia or sedation. Chest 2007;132:1977–1986.
thermia, rhabdomyolysis, critical temperature, and death in a 11. Wick S, Muenster T, Schmidt J, et al. Onset and duration of
former premature infant after his ninth anesthetic. Anesth Analg rocuronium-induced neuromuscular blockade in patients with
2007;105:977–980. Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Anesthesiology 2005;102:915–919.
7. Yemen TA, McClain C. Muscular dystrophy, anesthesia and the 12. Muenster T, Forst J, Goerlitz P, et al. Reversal of rocuronium-
safety of inhalational agents revisited, again. Pediatr Anesth 2006; induced neuromuscular blockade in patients with Duchenne
16:105–108. muscular dystrophy. Pediatr Anesth 2008;18:252–255.
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Is my baby at risk from the contrast agent? cardiopulmonary complications. Sedation with oral hypnotics
The patient’s mother had heard about the potential risks from requires fewer invasive procedures but has a greater likeli-
MRI contrast agents and asked about her infant. Nephrogenic hood of unacceptable patient movement.8 After a discussion
systemic fibrosis (NSF), initially called nephrogenic fibrosing with the mother, the anesthesiologist decided to sedate the in-
dermopathy has been associated with gadolinium-containing fant with oral chloral hydrate.
MRI contrast agents. NSF is characterized by tissue fibrosis that Sedation and/or anesthesia for children undergoing diag-
causes skin thickening and joint contractures. Collagen dep- nostic procedures requires a system that ensures proper pre-
osition can also occur in the lung, skeletal muscle, heart, anesthesia evaluation, technique selection, airway management,
diaphragm, and esophagus. Gadolinium is similar to calcium monitoring, and the presence of a health care provider who
regarding molecular size and bonding and can displace calcium can promptly and effectively manage sedation failure and car-
in a variety of human tissues. Free gadolinium ions interfere diorespiratory complications.9,10 Because there is a greater risk
with macrophage function and cause premature cell death. of adverse outcomes from procedures performed outside the
Noncomplexed gadolinium is unsuitable for use in humans. operating room, careful regard for potential complications is
Contrast agents complex gadolinium with other molecules that important.11
are generally safe for humans with a half-life of 1.3 hours in pa-
tients with normal renal function. Patients with chronic renal
failure have a gadolinium half-life of 30 to 120 hours. Chronic
T A B L E 3 4 . 2 Techniques for Sedation for
renal failure with accompanying metabolic acidosis favors dis-
sociation of gadolinium complexes with release of free gadolin- Neuroimaging
ium and deposition of gadolinium salts in muscle, skin, liver, Sedation
and bone. Patients with chronic renal failure appear to be at
increased risk for NSF because of decreased gadolinium excre- Oral sedatives
tion. Current clinical recommendations are to use alternative Chloral hydrate
contrast agents in patients with chronic renal failure. If gadolin-
ium is absolutely necessary, dialysis can markedly enhance the
clearance of gadolinium.6,7 The risk of NSF is negligible in Midazolam
patients with normal renal function. Opioids
Intravenous sedatives
What are the options for sedation and Propofol
It was explained to the infant’s mother that there are several
options (Table 34.2). There is no clear advantage to any hyp- General anesthesia
notic, and the selection of a particular technique depends on Inhalation anesthesia
the patient’s condition and anticipated length of the proce- Pharyngeal airway
dure. Sedation with an oral hypnotic such as chloral hydrate or
pentobarbital may provide satisfactory sedation for comple- Supraglottic airway
tion of the MRI. If an intravenous line can be inserted, propo- Tracheal intubation
fol may be used. An inhalation induction with sevoflurane can
Total intravenous anesthesia
be performed followed by intravenous cannulation and laryn-
geal mask airway insertion or tracheal intubation. The pri- Supraglottic airway
mary goals of sedation or anesthesia for children during an Tracheal intubation
MRI examination are a quiescent infant and minimal risk of
15259_Ch34.qxd 3/14/09 7:23 PM Page 125
Thirty minutes after the oral administration of 50 mg/kg of adenotonsillar hyperplasia have an increased risk of airway
chloral hydrate, the infant was not adequately sedated, and an obstruction during sedation. General anesthesia with a laryn-
additional 50 mg/kg was given. The patient was ready for the geal mask airway or tracheal tube would be preferred for
MRI scan 15 minutes after the second dose. The child was patients with those conditions.
sleeping comfortably but could be aroused. The scan, how- The infant has been stable with respect to cardiovascular
ever, had to be stopped after 10 minutes because of excessive function and should tolerate sedation or general anesthesia.
patient movement. Inhaled sevoflurane is well tolerated if ventricular function is
good (preanesthetic echocardiogram). During an inhalation
induction with sevoflurane, the inspired concentration should
What is the plan for failed sedation? be slowly increased and must be decreased once controlled
The options for managing the patient when sedation alone ventilation is initiated. Controlled ventilation increases the
fails to produce a satisfactory condition for the MRI scan uptake of inhaled anesthetics and may produce undesired de-
depend on what system has been developed at the particular creases in blood pressure and heart rate.
institution. At some institutions, the radiologists assume re- A recovery area in the immediate vicinity of the MRI suite
sponsibility for sedation protocols and implementation. If improves patient flow and operational efficiency. The recov-
sedation fails, the patient is rescheduled for a day when an ery area can be staffed with recovery room nurses or nurses
anesthesiologist is available. If the anesthesiology depart- trained and oriented by the recovery room staff.
ment operates the system, an anesthesiologist is usually im-
mediately available to provide general anesthesia. There has
been no attempt to standardize sedation/anesthesia protocols
for MRI examinations. There has been a trend toward in-
stitutional development of dedicated sedation teams led KEY MESSAGES
by critical care physicians, emergency room physicians, or
anesthesiologists.12 1. In the vicinity of an MRI scanner, patients with
The infant was removed from the MRI room into an induc- implanted ferromagnetic objects may be at risk for
tion room in a zone II area. Because he was still well sedated, injury or damage to the device from the strong mag-
a 24-gauge intravenous catheter was inserted into a vein in the netic field.
dorsum of his right hand. Anesthesia was induced with keta- 2. Sedation and/or anesthesia for children undergoing
mine 1 mg/kg followed by rocuronium 0.6 mg/kg and positive diagnostic procedures requires a system that ensures
pressure ventilation provided with 1% sevoflurane in an proper preanesthetic evaluation, technique selection,
oxygen-air mixture. The patient’s trachea was intubated with airway management, monitoring, and the presence of
a 3.5-mm inner diameter tracheal tube. The monitors were re- a health care provider that can promptly and effec-
moved, and the infant was transferred to the MRI room that tively manage sedation failure and cardiorespiratory
was equipped with an MRI-compatible anesthesia machine. complications.
After completion of the scan, the infant was transferred to the
induction room for emergence and extubation. Recovery from 3. There has been a trend toward institutional develop-
anesthesia was performed in a recovery area of the MRI suite ment of dedicated sedation teams led by critical
(zone II). care physicians, emergency room physicians, or
Considerations for this particular patient include the his- anesthesiologists.
tory of prematurity and the potential effect of sedatives and
anesthesia on postanesthesia ventilation and the history of
cyanotic heart disease. The effects of sedatives and inhaled
anesthetics on postanesthesia respiratory control are variable
and difficult to predict in the individual patient. A primary
concern is the effect of such drugs on airway patency and res-
piratory control. Airway patency during the normal awake 1. What is the mechanism by which nephrogenic systemic
state occurs because of a complex interaction between the cen- fibrosis (NSF) occurs after exposure to MRI contrast
tral nervous system and the muscles of the upper airway. Deep agents?
sedation interferes with that system and causes airway ob-
struction at the base of the tongue and the glottic inlet.13 Answer: Gadolinium, the primary MRI contract agent,
Standard maneuvers to alleviate airway obstruction, such as is similar to calcium with respect to molecular size and
chin lift and jaw thrust, do not always alleviate the obstruc- bonding and can displace calcium in human tissues and
tion, and positive pressure ventilation may be required.14 Lack cause fibrosis. Patients with renal failure are more
of patient accessibility in the MRI unit can delay recognition of susceptible to NSF because the elimination time for
obstruction and timely intervention. Capnography permits a gadolinium is prolonged.
rapid diagnosis of hypoventilation. After completion of the
study, close monitoring for several hours would be required 2. What mechanism causes MRI-induced interference with
and overnight observation indicated if there is any concern re- the electrocardiograph (ECG)?
garding the risk of apnea. Recovery from a general anesthetic Answer: The radiofrequency field generated by a strong
may be faster than recovery from high doses of long-acting magnetic field can produce small voltage changes in the
sedatives. Children with a history of obesity, sleep apnea, or blood that cause ST-T wave changes in the ECG.
15259_Ch34.qxd 3/14/09 7:23 PM Page 126
3. In what zones of the magnetic resonance imaging suite 7. Kuo PH, Kanal E, Abu-Alfa AK, Cowper SE. Gadolinium-based
is injury to patients or personnel most likely to occur? MR contrast agents and nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. Radiology
Answer: Injury to patients and personnel can occur in 8. Dalal PG, Murray D, Cox T, et al. Sedation and anesthesia pro-
zones III and IV if noncompatible ferromagnetic objects tocols used for magnetic resonance imaging studies in infants:
are present. Movement in these areas must be restricted provider and pharmacologic considerations. Anesth Analg 2006;
and any objects screened for magnet compatibility. 103:863–868.
9. Cote CJ, Wilson S. Guidelines for monitoring and manage-
ment of pediatric patients during and after sedation for diagnos-
tic and therapeutic procedures: an update. Pediatrics 2006;118:
References 2587–2602.
1. Kanal E, Barkovich AJ, Bell C, et al. ACR guidance document 10. Cote CJ, Notterman DA, Karl HW, et al. Adverse sedation
for safe MR practices: 2007. AJR 2007;188:1447–1474. events in pediatrics: a critical incident analysis of contributing
2. Levine GN, Gomes AS, Arai AE, et al. Safety of magnetic reso- factors. Pediatrics 2000;105:805–814.
nance imaging in patients with cardiovascular devices. Circulation 11. Robbertze R, Posner KL, Domino KB. Closed claims review of
2007;116:2878–2891. anesthesia for procedures outside the operating room. Curr Opin
3. Gooden CK, Dilos B. Anesthesia for magnetic resonance imag- Anesthesiol 2006;19:436–442.
ing. Int Anesthesiol Clin 2003;42:29–37. 12. Cutler KO, Bush AJ, Godambe SA, Gilmore B. The use of a
4. Cravero JP, Bilke GT, Beach M, et al. Incidence and nature of pediatric emergency-staffed sedation service during imaging: a
adverse events during pediatric sedation/anesthesia for proce- retrospective analysis. Am J Emerg Med 2007;25:654–661.
dures outside the operating room: report from the pediatric 13. Eastwood PR, Platt PR, Shepherd K, et al. Collapsibility of
sedation research consortium. Pediatrics 2006;118:1087–1096. the upper airway at different concentrations of propofol.
5. Reeves ST, Havidich JE, Tobin DP. Conscious sedation of chil- Anesthesiology 2005;103:470–477.
dren with propofol is anything but conscious. Pediatrics 2004; 14. Meier S, Geiduschek J, Paganoni R, et al. The effect of chin
114:e74–e76. lift, jaw thrust, and continuous positive airway pressure on the size
6. Grobner T, Prischl FC. Gadolinium and nephrogenic systemic of the glottic opening and on stridor score in anesthetized, sponta-
fibrosis. Kidney International 2007;72:260–264. neously breathing children. Anesth Analg 2002;94: 494–449.
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motion sickness. This placed the patient’s risk at 61%. The A transdermal scopolamine patch applied the night before
use of preoperative IV opioids, low American Society of surgery or 4 hours before the end of surgery can significantly
Anesthesiologists classification, anxiety, and relative hypov- reduce the incidence of PONV.8 The slow onset of effect and
olemia increased that risk. side effects such as dry mouth and dizziness, however, may di-
minish the utility of scopolamine.
Although droperidol is an effective antiemetic, its use has
Do the risks of PONV in children differ from been effectively reduced or discontinued in the United States
those in adults? because of the “black box” warning from the Food and Drug
Eberhart et al. applied a multivariate analysis to determine the Administration concerning the potential risks of cardiac dys-
potential for PONV in children.5 Risk factors for PONV in rhythmias.9
children included (a) duration of surgery greater than 30 min- The NK1 receptor antagonists, such as aprepitant, com-
utes, (b) age 3 years or older, (c) strabismus surgery, and (4) a prise the newest class of drugs purported to decrease PONV.
history of PONV in the patient, a sibling, or parent. When 0, NK1 receptors are found in the areas of the brain that control
1, 2, 3, or 4 risk factors are present, the risk of PONV for the the vomiting reflex, and NK1 receptor antagonists may be es-
patient was 9%, 10%, 30%, 55%, or 70%, respectively. pecially effective in patients with centrally mediated PONV.10
The patient requested some form of premedicant that Other drugs that have been reported to reduce the inci-
would decrease the likelihood of her developing PONV. dence of PONV, but have not been rigorously studied as yet
are haloperidol, dexmedetomidine, naloxone, and nalmefene.
Are there any premedicants that reduce the
risk of PONV?
There are at least four receptor systems that influence T A B L E 3 5 . 2 Antiemetic Drugs
PONV. Conventional wisdom in the management of pa-
5-HT3 Receptor Antagonists Anticholinergics
tients at risk for PONV advocates the use of a technique that
targets different receptor sites (Table 35.2). Multiple studies Ondansetron Scopolamine
have shown the efficacy of combination versus single-agent Dolasetron Antihistamines
antiemetic prophylaxis.6,7 Agents used in clinical practice in-
clude 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT3) receptor antagonists Tropisetron Dimenhydrinate
(ondansetron, dolasetron, granisetron, and tropisetron), dex- Granisetron NK1 Receptor
amethasone, and transdermal scopolamine. antagonists
The 5-HT3 receptor antagonists are most effective when Corticosteroids Aprepitant
administered near the conclusion of surgery. These agents are
equally effective in reducing the incidence of PONV and are Dexamethasone Phenothiazines
all safe at recommended doses. Butyrophenones Promethazine
The corticosteroid dexamethasone has been shown to be ef-
fective as an antiemetic when given at the induction of anes-
thesia in doses of 4 to 5 mg. The efficacy of dexamethasone is Haloperidol
similar to that of the 5-HT3 receptor antagonists.
15259_Ch35.qxd 3/14/09 7:24 PM Page 129
A prophylactic regimen is recommended for patients at tion in rescue trials. Evidence suggests that in patients who have
moderate to high risk for PONV. Prophylaxis is not generally failed to respond to ondansetron prophylaxis, more ondansetron
recommended for low-risk PONV patients; however, because is no more effective than placebo. Logically, a drug that acts at a
PONV is one of the largest and most costly complications after different receptor site would be a better choice.13
anesthesia, the anesthesiologist should consider whether the Several days after an otherwise uneventful recovery, the
risks and cost of prophylaxis are justified for every patient. It patient asked her anesthesiologist about future treatment op-
has been shown that patients are willing to pay up to $100 of tions regarding PONV.
their own money for completely effective antiemetics. An
anesthesiology resident consulted with a senior colleague re-
garding the best anesthetic technique to prevent PONV in the In the future, are there nonpharmacological
patient described in this case. options that might be effective for this patient
in the treatment of PONV?
Some nonpharmacologic treatments for PONV may be effec-
What is the best anesthetic technique to tive. Techniques such as acupuncture, acupoint stimulation, and
prevent PONV in this patient? transcutaneous nerve stimulation may have antiemetic efficacy
Anesthesia-related risk factors for PONV include the use of comparable to standard treatments. There may be some resist-
volatile inhaled anesthetics, N2O, intraoperative or postopera- ance in clinical practice to utilization of nontraditional thera-
tive IV opioids, and reversal of nondepolarizing muscle relax- pies; however, some patients are familiar with the techniques
ants with neostigmine at doses greater than 2.5 mg. The use of and will insist on their use. If patients request such therapy, it
regional anesthesia provides a ninefold decrease in the inci- would be best to consult a clinician familiar with the techniques.
dence of PONV in all populations.11 If general anesthesia is re- Although the patient’s nausea resolved fully before discharge,
quired, using propofol for induction and during maintenance she was concerned that the symptoms would return later.
phases of anesthesia decreases the incidence of PONV by 19%
during the first 6 postoperative hours. Propofol used in a total
IV anesthesia technique reduces the risk of PONV by 25%. What can the patient expect on discharge from
Volatile inhaled anesthetics have been identified as the pri- the surgical unit?
mary cause of PONV within the first 2 hours after surgery. Nausea and vomiting occurs in one third of ambulatory surgi-
The incidence of PONV when both volatile anesthetics and cal patients after discharge from surgery centers. Prophylactic
N2O are used may be as high as 59%.12 Avoidance of N2O de- therapy should be administered to patients susceptible to late
creases the risk of PONV by 12%. PONV. The use of longer-acting agents in combination seems
Whether to use IV narcotics during the perioperative period to offer the best outcome.14,15
remains a quandary for anesthesiologists. On one hand, opioids
reduce postoperative pain while smoothing intraoperative he-
modynamic changes. On the other hand, narcotics increase the KEY MESSAGES
risk of PONV. Nonnarcotic analgesics such as nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs and cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitors may 1. Anesthesia-related risk factors for PONV include the
have a role in reducing the need for opioids and reducing the in- use of volatile inhaled anesthetics, N2O, IV opioids,
cidence of PONV. A technique using regional anesthesia or and reversal of nondepolarizing muscle relaxants with
local infiltration anesthesia in conjunction with nonnarcotic neostigmine at doses greater than 2.5 mg.
analgesics may eliminate the need for perioperative opioids.
Other preventive modalities such as supplemental oxygen 2. When 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 risk factors were present, the
or prophylactic orogastric suctioning have not been proven to incidence of PONV in adults undergoing general anes-
reduce PONV. thesia is 10%, 21%, 39%, 61%, or 79%,
The anesthesiologists agreed that the lowest-risk technique respectively.4
for this patient would be a regional technique such as a brachial 3. A prophylactic regimen is recommended for patients
plexus block and sedation with propofol with minimal or no at moderate to high risk for PONV.
opioids. Because the patient expressed a strong preference for
general anesthesia, a scopolamine patch was applied at the con-
clusion of the preoperative interview. Dexamethasone (5 mg)
was administered intravenously with the induction of anesthe- QUESTIONS
sia and ondansetron (4 mg) administered just before emergence
from anesthesia. 1. What are major patient risk factors for postoperative
Despite this aggressive prophylactic regimen, the patient nausea and vomiting?
experienced severe nausea on waking in the postoperative Answer: Major risk factors for postoperative nausea
care unit. include female gender, young age, and a history of
motion sickness.
Is ondansetron the drug of choice in this case? 2. What receptors influence postoperative nausea and
There have been very few studies regarding the treatment of pa- vomiting?
tients who have failed antiemetic prophylaxis. The 5-HT3 re- Answer: Dopamine, opioid, serotonin, cholinergic, and
ceptor antagonists have been the most frequently tested medica- neurokinin-1 receptors influence nausea and emesis.
15259_Ch35.qxd 3/14/09 7:24 PM Page 130
These receptors are concentrated in the central nervous 6. Henzi I, Walder B, Tramer MR. Dexamethasone for the preven-
system in the areas of the area postrema, the nucleus tion of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anesth Analg 2000;
tractussolitarius, and the motor nucleus of the vagus 90:186–194.
nerve. 7. Tramer MR. A rational approach to the control of postoperative
nausea and vomiting: evidence from systematic reviews. Part II.
3. What anesthetic factors increase the likelihood of post- Recommendations for prevention and treatment, and research
operative nausea? agenda. Acta Anaesth Scand 2001;45:14–19.
8. Kranke P, Morin AM, Roewer N, et al. The efficacy and safety
Answer: Anesthetic factors that may increase the of transdermal scopolamine for the prevention of postoperative
likelihood of postoperative nausea include the use of nausea and vomiting. Anesth Analg 2002;95:133–143.
volatile, inhaled anesthetics and nitrous oxide, 9. Habib AS, Gan TJ. The use of droperidol before and after the
administration of postoperative opioids, and possibly Food and Drug Administration black box warning: a survey of
the use of neostigmine to reverse neuromuscular the members of the Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia. J Clin
blockade. Anes 2008;20:35–39.
10. Gan TJ, Apfel CC, Kovac A, et al. A randomized, double-blind
comparison of the NK1 antagonist, aprepitant, versus ondansetron
for the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anesth
References Analg 2007;104:1082–1089.
1. Stadler M, Bardiau F, Seidel L, et al. Difference in risk factors 11. Khalil SN, Farag A, Hanna E, et al. Regional anesthesia com-
for postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anesthesiology 2003;98: bined with avoidance of narcotics may reduce the incidence of
46–52. postoperative vomiting in children. Middle East J Anesthesiol
2. Van den Bosch JE, Moons KG, Bonsel GJ, et al. Does measure- 2005;18:123–132.
ment of preoperative anxiety have added value for predicting 12. Apfel CC, Korttila K, Abdalla M, et al. A factorial trial of six in-
postoperative nausea and vomiting? Anesth Analg 2005;100: terventions for the prevention of postoperative nausea and vom-
1525–1532. iting. N Engl J Med 2004;350:2441–2451.
3. Apfel CC, Kranke P, Katz MH, et al. Volatile anesthetics may be 13. Gan TJ, Meyer T, Apfel CC, et al. Consensus guidelines for man-
the main cause of early but not delayed postoperative vomiting: a aging postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anesth Analg 2003;97:
randomized controlled trial of factorial design. Br J Anaesth 62–71.
2002;88:659–668. 14. Gupta A, Wu CL, Elkassabany N, et al. Does the routine pro-
4. Apfel CC, Laara E, Koivuranta M, et al. A simplified risk score for phylactic use of antiemetics affect the incidence of post discharge
predicting postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anesthesiology nausea and vomiting following ambulatory surgery? A system-
1999;91:693–700. atic review of randomized controlled trials. Anesthesiology 2003;
5. Eberhart LH, Geldner G, Krnake P, et al. The development and 99:488–495.
validation of a risk score to predict the probability of postopera- 15. Gan TJ, Meyer T, Apfel CC, et al. Society for Ambulatory
tive vomiting in pediatric patients. Anesth Analg 2004;99: Anesthesia guidelines for the management of postoperative nausea
1630–1637. and vomiting. Anesth Analg 2007;105:1615–1628.
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1. Position the patient’s head with ultrasound guidance. The head should be rotated to maximize the distance from the
carotid artery to the internal jugular vein and maximize the right internal jugular vein’s diameter.
2. The cannulation site is prepped and draped in sterile fashion.
3. The ultrasound probe is inserted into a sterile sheath.
4. The internal jugular vein is identified. The jugular vein is easily compressed and should be lateral to the carotid artery,
which is round and pulsatile.
5. The internal jugular vein is centered on the ultrasound screen.
6. The puncture needle is inserted at a 45-degree angle along the intercept path with the vein.
7. The accuracy of vessel puncture is determined by ultrasound, blood color, or pressure transduction.
8. The guidewire is threaded into the vein, the vein is dilated, and a catheter is threaded into the vessel.
sound probe. The operator identifies and centers the vein on an echogenic line as it passes through tissue planes. The short
the ultrasound probe. An indelible mark is placed on the skin axis is generally used to localize the vein and avoid the carotid
to identify the needle insertion point, and a second mark is artery. It may be beneficial to rotate the transducer 90° to the
made distal to the first along the course of the vein. The line longitudinal plane to better identify the tip of the needle as it
determined by the two points guides the operator as to the approaches the vessel lumen. The dynamic technique is more
course of the vein. The probe is removed, and the patient is cumbersome than the static technique and requires practice
prepped and draped for cannulation. for a lone operator. An assistant who can hold and manipulate
The dynamic method requires placing the probe in a ster- the probe while the operator is inserting the needle can be
ile sheath after the patient has been prepped and draped quite helpful.
(Table 36.2). The operator uses the probe to locate the vein, The ultrasound probe can be useful for positioning the pa-
which is usually lateral to the carotid artery and is easily com- tient’s head. Head rotation can alter the relationship of the in-
pressed with pressure on the probe (Figs. 36.1 and 36.2). Once ternal jugular vein to the carotid artery. Ultrasound imaging
identified, the vein is centered on the ultrasound screen, and can help determine optimal rotation to maximize the distance
the needle is inserted at a 45-degree angle toward the vein between the carotid artery and jugular vein and can maximize
along the anticipated intercept path. The needle can be seen as the vein’s diameter.
Figure 36.1 • Axial Ultrasound Image of the Left Figure 36.2 • Axial Ultrasound Image of the Left
Anterior Neck. The internal jugular vein can be seen lateral to Anterior Neck. Application of pressure to the ultrasound
the carotid artery and appears patent when minimal pressure is ap- transducer compresses the internal jugular vein, making identifi-
plied to the ultrasound transducer. CA, carotid artery; IJV, internal cation and cannulation difficult. CA, carotid artery; IJV, internal
jugular vein; Thy, thyroid gland; TP C6, transverse process of sixth jugular vein; Thy, thyroid gland; TP C6, transverse process of
cervical vertebra. sixth cervical vertebra.
15259_Ch36.qxd 3/15/09 7:11 AM Page 134
randomized comparison with landmark-guided puncture in 11. Chapman GA, Johnson D, Bodenham AR. Visualisation of needle
ventilated patients. J Cardiothor Vasc Anesth 2002;16:572–575. position using ultrasonography. Anaesthesia 2006;61:148–158.
10. Feller-Kopman D. Ultrasound-guided internal jugular access. A 12. Calvert N, Hind D, McWilliams R, et al. Ultrasound for central
proposed standardized approach and implications for training venous cannulation: economic evaluation of cost-effectiveness.
and practice. Chest 2007;132:302–309. Anaesthesia 2004;59:1116–1120.
15259_Ch37.qxd 3/15/09 6:25 AM Page 136
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The anesthetic plan for this man included the following: been associated with improved cardiac outcomes in this pa-
tient group.1 Nitrates may assist in afterload and blood pres-
• Invasive monitoring of cardiovascular parameters
sure control following placement of the intraoperative aortic
• Nitrous oxide-free general anesthesia with endobrachial in-
tubation and positive pressure ventilation
Invasive blood pressure monitoring is best used during
• Epidural catheter placement at the T8 level for intra- and
major vascular surgery, facilitating detection of beat-to-beat
postoperative analgesia using a combination of local anes-
variation, thus allowing rapid intervention when necessary.6
thetic agent (bupivacaine) and strong opiate (fentanyl)
The use of central venous cannulae is also recommended in this
• High-dependency unit or intensive care unit admission fol-
case to facilitate the administration of vasoactive medications
lowing surgery
and examine trends in central venous pressure. Pulmonary ar-
tery catheters are not routinely recommended and may con-
What is the rationale for this anesthetic plan? tribute to patient morbidity.7
Monitoring Noninvasive monitoring with an electrocardio-
gram, SpO2, and noninvasive blood pressure should be em- Anesthesia Technique General anesthesia is the preferred
ployed as routine. The use of online ST-segment monitoring anesthesia modality for open repair of aortic aneurysms. There
with electrocardiogram leads placed in either V5 and V4 con- are no data describing definite benefits regarding the use of
figuration may facilitate the detection of intraoperative and specific general anesthetic techniques or agents. Balanced anes-
postoperative myocardial ischemia and infarction.5 Detecting thesia with muscle relaxation and multimodal analgesia is
intraoperative coronary ischemia may facilitate the early ad- advocated. Of particular importance is the maintenance of nor-
ministration of coronary vasodilators (nitrates). However, rou- mal cardiovascular parameters, especially heart rate and blood
tine use of either ST-segment monitoring or nitrates has not pressure. Titration of the patient’s heart rate to 65 beats per
minute or less with -blockers has been shown to reduce the
likelihood of developing cardiovascular complications in the
T A B L E 3 7 . 1 Preoperative Blood Results
postoperative period.3
Nitrous oxide (N2O) should be avoided in this case for a
Parameter Result number of reasons. Myles et al reported an increase in major
morbidity in patients undergoing laparotomy using N2O-based
Hemoglobin 16.2 g/dL anesthesia. Complications such as postoperative confusion and
Platelet count 425 ⫻ 103 per mm3 postoperative nausea and vomiting were also significantly in-
White cell count 8.7 ⫻ 103 per mm3 creased after exposure to N2O.19 N2O may also lead to gaseous
expansion of intestinal lumen, making access to the retroperi-
Prothrombin time 12 seconds toneum difficult for the surgeon.
Activated partial 28 seconds
thromboplastin time Analgesia Effective analgesia is an essential component to
Sodium 148 mEq/L balanced anesthesia. It has been described as a fundamental
human right.8 Pain contributes significantly to negative out-
Potassium 4.3 mEq/L comes following surgery. Poor postoperative analgesia has
Urea 8.4 mmol/L been associated with higher rates of respiratory tract infection9
and myocardial ischemia,10,11 prolonged hospital stay, un-
Creatinine 219 mmol/L
planned hospital admission, and increased usage of opiate
Glucose 5.1 mmol/L analgesia.12 Poor postoperative pain control has also been im-
plicated in increased procedural cost.13
15259_Ch37.qxd 3/15/09 6:25 AM Page 138
At the physiologic level, pain results in alterations to neu- of fentanyl. Adjuvants, such as paracetamol should be given
roendocrine responses referred to as the surgical stress response. around the clock (intravenously every 6 hours during the high-
The surgical stress results in increased sympathetic activity, dependency unit stay and orally afterward). Nonsteroidal anti-
which in turn increases heart rate, contractility, and peripheral inflammatory drugs should be avoided because of this patient’s
vascular resistance. This may lead to a reduction in myocardial impaired renal function.
oxygen supply, thereby precipitating ischemia. Pain was measured on a verbal rating scale (0–10) at rest
Epidural analgesia provides superior analgesia compared and on movement. Zero corresponded to no pain, and 10 cor-
to conventional opiate-based systemic regimens.9,14,15 responded to the worst imaginable pain. Measurement oc-
Epidural analgesia blunts the surgical stress response and re- curred hourly for the first 24 hours and every 4 hours. The
sultant sympathetic stimulation, which may confer a cardio- epidural infusion was titrated to keep the dynamic pain score
protective effect. It may also produce vasodilation of epicardial at 3 or less at all times. The epidural catheter was removed
blood vessels, improving myocardial blood flow and prevent- on the third postoperative day. Removal was timed to be
ing myocardial ischemia.16,17 An epidural catheter placed at a minimum of 12 hours after and 4 hours before subcu-
the level corresponding to the most proximal dermatome of taneous low-molecular-weight heparin (deep venous throm-
the surgical incision ensures reliable and predictable analgesia. bosis prophylaxis) as per American Society of Regional
Appropriate thoracic epidural catheter placement is recom- Anesthesia/European Society of Regional Anesthesia con-
mended for major abdominal surgery.18 sensus guideline.20
In summary, balanced anesthesia with effective epidural In summary, a 68-year-old man with significant comorbidi-
analgesia contributes significantly to improving patient outcome. ties underwent major aortic surgery to repair an abdominal
A 14-gauge intravenous cannula was placed in the patient’s aortic aneurysm. Continuation of long-standing medication
right forearm, and 1 L of Hartmann’s solution was adminis- pre-operatively and the use of thoracic epidural analgesia facil-
tered over 45 minutes. An epidural catheter was placed before itated the safe conduct of anesthesia, blunting the adverse ef-
induction of general anesthesia at the level of T8. After a nega- fects of major vascular surgery on the myocardium.
tive aspiration test for blood and cerebrospinal fluid, a test dose
of 2 mL 0.25% bupivacaine was administered. This dose failed
to produce signs consistent with an intrathecal block at 10 min-
utes. Invasive arterial blood pressure was next established. KEY MESSAGES
General anesthesia was induced using fentanyl (2 g/kg),
propofol (1.5 mg/kg), and vecuronium (0.1 mg/kg). The pa- 1. Pain contributes to negative postoperative outcomes
tient’s airway was intubated with an 8.5-mm internal diame- following major abdominal surgery such as myocar-
ter cuffed endotracheal tube, and his lungs were ventilated dial ischemia.
with 50% oxygen in air to achieve normocarbia. Anesthesia 2. Epidural analgesia is superior to opiate-based systemic
was maintained with sevoflurane titrated to effect. analgesia and attenuates the surgical stress response.
Hemodynamic parameters (heart rate and blood pressure)
were kept within 10% of the starting values. Central venous 3. Thoracic epidural analgesia, particularly when main-
access was established after anesthesia induction. An addi- tained postoperatively, may help to prevent periopera-
tional 10 mL of 0.25% bupivacaine was administered into the tive myocardial ischemia and infarction.
epidural catheter at this stage.
The intraoperative course was uneventful with an aortic
cross-clamp time of 40 minutes. Intravenous glyceryl trini-
trate was used to control the patient’s blood pressure during QUESTIONS
the cross-clamp period. Phenylephrine 100-g bolus doses
were used to control blood pressure when the aortic cross- 1. What is the role of thoracic epidural analgesia in the
clamp was released. The total estimated blood loss was 750 prevention of myocardial ischemia in abdominal aortic
mL, resulting in a hemoglobin level of 11.2 g/dL at the end aneurysm repair?
of the case. No blood products were administered. Answer: Pain contributes to negative postoperative out-
Intraoperative analgesia consisted of an epidural infusion of comes following major abdominal surgery such as myocar-
0.1% bupivacaine with 2 g/mL of fentanyl at a rate of 8 mL dial ischemia. Neuroendocrine responses and sympathetic
per hour. Intravenous paracetamol 2 g was also adminis- activation increase myocardial oxygen demand and reduce
tered. Immediately following surgery, the sevoflurane was supply. Extradural analgesia provides superior pain relief
discontinued, neostigmine and glycopyrrolate neuromuscu- to opiate-based analgesia and attenuates the surgical neu-
lar block reversal were given, and the trachea was extubated. roendocrine stress response. Thoracic epidural analgesia
The patient was transferred to the high-dependency unit also dilates epicardial blood vessels improving myocardial
where he made an uneventful recovery over the following blood flow. Thus, epidural analgesia may help prevent
48 hours. complications such as postoperative myocardial ischemia
and infarction.
How should this man’s pain be managed after 2. What are the considerations for removing an epidural
surgery? catheter in a patient receiving deep vein thrombosis
Epidural analgesia should be continued and titrated to effect prophylaxis using subcutaneous low-molecular-weight
with a continuous infusion of 0.1% bupivacaine with 2 g/mL heparin?
15259_Ch37.qxd 3/15/09 6:25 AM Page 139
Answer: Neuraxial instrumentation in patients receiving electrocardiogram with online ST-segment monitoring.
low-molecular-weight heparin may increase the risk of Anesthesiology 2002;96:264–270.
extradural hematoma and resultant neurological injury. 6. The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland.
Neuraxial instrumentation (catheter removal or inser- Standards of Monitoring During Anaesthesia and Recovery 4th Ed.
Available at:
tion) should be timed to be a minimum of 12 hours after
standardsofmonitoring07.pdf. Accessed May 19, 2008.
and 4 hours before administering subcutaneous low- 7. Practice guidelines for pulmonary artery catheterization: an up-
molecular-weight heparin. Published American Society date report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task
of Regional Anesthesia /European Society of Regional Force on Pulmonary Artery Catheterization. Anesthesiology
Anesthesia consensus guidelines exist. 2003;99:988–1014.
8. Brennan F, Carr DB, Cousins M. Pain management: a funda-
3. Why do traditional outcome measures show no differ- mental human right. Anesth Analg 2007;105: 205–221.
ence following regional anesthesia compared with 9. Rodgers A, Walker N, Schug S, et al. Reduction of postoperative
general anesthesia? mortality and morbidity with epidural or spinal anaesthesia:
Answer: Traditional outcome measures (mortality and results from overview of randomised trials. BMJ 2000;321:1493.
major morbidity) show no difference when studied 10. Beattie WS, Badner NH, Choi P. Epidural analgesia reduces
across large patient populations. Although pain has not postoperative myocardial infarction: a meta-analysis. Anesth
Analg 2001;93:853–858.
been considered a traditional outcome, the superiority of 11. Meissner A, Rolf N, Van Aken H. Thoracic epidural anesthesia
regional anesthesia techniques over systemic opioids has and the patient with heart disease: benefits, risks, and controver-
been consistently shown. There are proven benefits in sies. Anesth Analg 1997;85:517–528.
certain situations and certain subgroups. The use of neu- 12. Pavlin DJ, Chen C, Penaloza DA, et al. Pain as a factor compli-
raxial anesthesia in patients with coronary artery disease cating recovery and discharge after ambulatory surgery. Anesth
undergoing major cardiac or vascular surgery appears Analg 2002;95:627–634.
beneficial and is more pronounced for thoracic than 13. Williams BA, Kentor ML, Vogt MT, et al. Economics of nerve
lumber epidurals and when epidurals are used in the block pain management after anterior cruciate ligament recon-
postoperative period. struction: potential hospital cost savings via associated postanaes-
thesia care unit bypass and same-day discharge. Anesthesiology
14. Liu SS, Block BM, Wu CL. Effects of perioperative central neu-
References raxial analgesia on outcome after coronary artery bypass surgery:
1. Feisher LA, Beckman JA, Brown KA, et al. ACC/AHA 2007 a meta-analysis. Anesthesiology 2004;101:153–161.
Guidelines on Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation and 15. Rigg JR, Jamrozik K, Myles PS, et al. Epidural anaesthesia and
Care for Noncardiac Surgery: a Report of the American College analgesia and outcome of major surgery: a randomised trial.
of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Lancet 2002;359:1276–1282.
Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Revise the 2002 16. Liu SS, Wu CL. Effect of postoperative analgesia on major post-
Guidelines on Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation for operative complications: a systematic update of the evidence.
Noncardiac Surgery). Anesth Analg 2008;106:685–712. Anesth Analg 2007;104:689–702.
2. McFadden EP, Stabile E, Regar E, et al. Late thrombosis in 17. Nygard E, Kofoed KF, Freiberg J, et al. Effects of high thoracic
drug-eluting coronary stents after discontinuation of antiplatelet epidural analgesia on myocardial blood flow in patients with is-
therapy. Lancet 2004;364:1519–1521. chemic heart disease. Circulation 2005;111:2165–2170.
3. Polldermans D, Bax JJ, Schouten O, et al. Should major vascular 18. Procedure Specific Postoperative Pain Management Working
surgery be delayed because of preoperative cardiac testing in in- Group. Available at:
termediate-risk patients receiving beta-blocker therapy with Accessed May 19, 2008.
tight heart rate control? J Am Coll Cardiol 2006;48:964–969. 19. Myles PS, Leslie K, Chan MT. Avoidance of nitrous oxide for
4. La Manach Y, Godet G, Coriat P, et al. The impact of postoper- patients undergoing major surgery: a randomized controlled
ative discontinuation or continuation of chronic statin therapy on trial. Anesthesiology 2007;107:221–231.
cardiac outcome after major vascular surgery. Anesth Analg 20. Horlocker TT, Wedel DJ, Benzon H, et al. Regional anesthesia
2007;104:1326–1333. in the anticoagulated patient: defining the risks (the second
5. Landesberg G, Mosseri M, Wolf, Y et al. Perioperative myocar- ASRA Consensus Conference in Neuraxial Anesthesia and
dial ischemia and infarction: identification by continuous 12-lead Anticoagulation). Reg Anesth Pain Med 2003;28:172–197.
15259_Ch38.qxd 3/18/09 12:11 PM Page 140
CASE FORMAT: REFLECTION cilitate nerve localization. A sterile transparent cover was
placed over the transducer, and sterile ultrasound gel was
A 95-year-old, 63-kg woman fell down a flight of stairs. used as an acoustic couplant. The nerve block solution
She sustained a comminuted midhumeral fracture to her consisted of equal parts 2% (20 mg/mL) lidocaine with
right arm and a Lisfranc fracture-dislocation of her right 1:200,000 adrenaline mixed with 0.5% (5 mg/mL) bupi-
foot. Both fractures required operative management. vacaine. Clonidine was added to this solution. The final
Other than mild ecchymosis around her right eye and block solution contained 10 mg/mL lidocaine, 2.5 mg/mL
some tenderness in her right flank, she had suffered no bupivacaine, and 7.5 g/mL clonidine. In total, 20 mL of
other injuries. block solution was used (200 mg lidocaine, 50 mg bupi-
The patient had a history of falls and sustained a hip vacaine, and 150 g clonidine).
fracture 3 years earlier, which required a hemiarthro- Anesthesia for the open reduction internal fixation of
plasty, performed under general anesthesia. At that time, the foot fracture was performed using combined sciatic
she was discovered to have aortic stenosis with a gradient and femoral blocks. With the patient in a supine position,
of 85 mm Hg across the aortic valve. No cardiothoracic the right groin was prepared aseptically and was
surgical intervention was planned. Before her fall, she was scanned to reveal the femoral vessels and femoral nerve.
independently mobile and self-caring, living in sheltered Once the femoral nerve was identified and centered in
accommodation. Her medication consisted of aspirin the scanning field, a Stimuplex A50 needle (B. Braun
75 mg daily and metoprolol 10 mg daily. She had no Medical, Melsungen, Germany) was introduced at the lat-
known drug allergies. eral edge of the scanning probe. The needle was ad-
On examination, the patient’s vital signs were as vanced under direct vision, in long axis, toward the
follows: temperature, 36.5 oC; blood pressure, 155/75 femoral nerve. On reaching the nerve, a test dose of 0.5
mm Hg; heart rate, 52 beats per minute; and respiratory mL of block solution was injected and observed to sur-
rate, 16 breaths per minute. The patient’s breath sounds round the nerve, and an additional 4.5 mL of block solu-
were vesicular. Auscultation of her precordium revealed a tion was injected (Fig. 38.2).
loud pansystolic murmur loudest at the left sternal border, ra- Next, the patient’s sciatic nerve was blocked at a level
diating to the carotids. There was a palpable thrill on the an- just proximal to the popliteal fossa. With the patient still in
terior chest wall. Her physical examination was otherwise the supine position, the lateral thigh was prepared asepti-
unremarkable. cally. Flexing the knee slightly, the ultrasound transducer
The patient’s electrocardiograph reading revealed was placed transversely in the popliteal fossa. The
sinus rhythm with left axis deviation and left ventricular hy- popliteal vessels, tibial, and peroneal nerves were identi-
pertrophy (Fig. 38.1). A transthoracic echocardiogram fied. The tibial nerve was centered in the scanning field
was performed and showed concentric left ventricular hy- and traced proximally to visualize the site at which the sci-
pertrophy, severe aortic stenosis, and mild mitral regurgita- atic nerve bifurcated. At this level, a Stimuplex A100 nee-
tion. The gradient across the aortic valve was estimated to dle (B. Braun Medical) was inserted in the lateral thigh at
be 105 mm Hg with an estimated valve surface area of the level of the scanning probe. The needle was advanced
less than 0.5 cm2. under direct vision, in long axis toward the sciatic nerve.
Following discussion with the patient, it was decided On reaching the nerve, a test dose of 0.5 mL of block so-
to proceed with both surgeries consecutively under re- lution was injected and observed to surround the nerve. An
gional anesthesia. An 18-gauge intravenous cannula was additional 7.5 mL of block solution was injected, which fa-
placed on the dorsum of the patient’s left hand, and 1 L of cilitated complete bathing of the nerve in local anesthetic
Hartmann’s solution was slowly administered. Routine elec- solution (Fig. 38.3).
trocardiograph, pulse oximetry (SaO2), and noninvasive Finally, the brachial plexus on the patient’s right side
blood pressure were attached and used for hemodynamic was blocked using a supraclavicular approach. With the
monitoring throughout the case. A 35% oxygen mask was patient in a supine position, the right supraclavicular fossa
used to deliver supplemental oxygen. was prepared aseptically. The ultrasound probe was
A SonoSite Titan unit (SonoSite, Titan, Bothwell, WA) placed in an anteroposterior orientation, and the area was
with a 7- to 10-MHz Linear 38 mm probe was used to fa- scanned to reveal the supraclavicular artery, the first rib,
15259_Ch38.qxd 3/18/09 12:11 PM Page 141
T A B L E 3 8 . 1 Physicochemical Properties of
Local Anesthetics
Protein Lipid
pKa Binding (%) Solubility
Lidocaine 7.8 65 366
Bupivacaine 8.1 96 3460
ITS period. Clonidine has been shown to prolong brachial plexus
blocks when administered into the perineural space.11,12
the optimal dose of local anesthetic agent for brachial plexus demonstrating an improvement in patient safety with the
and sciatic blocks has not yet been defined. use of ultrasound guidance for regional anesthesia. In ex-
In summary, ultrasound guidance permitted the safe and pert hands, ultrasound guidance reduces local anesthetic
effective conduct of regional anesthesia in a patient with upper dose, speeds block onset and facilitates avoidance of im-
and lower limb fractures, for whom general anesthesia carried portant related structures (arteries and veins). It may ap-
significant risks. Improved block success rates and reduced pear logical that these conditions confer a greater level of
onset times as seen with ultrasound guidance provided the safety than blind techniques. This has not been borne out
confidence to proceed using regional anesthesia alone. In this by prospective data as of yet.
case, ultrasound guidance permitted same-day treatment of
both upper and lower limb fractures, which may not have
been possible with other nerve localization techniques because References
of dose limitations. 1. Liu SS Wu C. Effect of postoperative analgesia on major postop-
erative complications: a systematic update of the evidence.
Anesth Analg 2007;104:689–702.
KEY MESSAGES 2. Richman JM, Liu SS, Courpas G, et al. Does continuous periph-
eral nerve block provide superior pain control to opioids? A
In experienced hands, ultrasound guidance meta-analysis. Anesth Analg 2006;102:248–257.
3. Liu SS, Strodtbeck WM, Richman JM, Wu CL. A comparison of
1. Permits precise nerve localization and perineural local regional versus general anesthesia for ambulatory anesthesia: a
anesthetic deposition. meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Anesth Analg
2. Facilitates a reduction in local anesthetic dose. 4. Hadzic A, Williams BA, Karaca PE, et al. For outpatient rotator
cuff surgery, nerve block anesthesia provides superior same-day
3. Improves the success rates of nerve block techniques. recovery over general anesthesia. Anesthesiology. 2005;102:
4. Speeds the onset time of peripheral nerve block. 1001–1007.
5. Singelyn FJ, Lhotel L, Fabre B. Pain relief after arthroscopic
shoulder surgery: a comparison of intraarticular analgesia,
suprascapular nerve block, and interscalene brachial plexus
QUESTIONS block. Anesth Analg 2004;99:589–592.
6. Hadzic A, Arliss J, Kerimoglu B, et al. A comparison
of infraclavicular nerve block versus general anesthesia for
1. Does ultrasound guidance facilitate reducing the dose hand and wrist day-case surgeries. Anesthesiology 2004;101:
of local anesthetic agent needed to perform successful 127–132.
neural blockade. 7. Akata T. General anesthetics and vascular smooth muscle: direct
Answer: Yes. Ultrasound guidance permits precise actions of general anesthetics on cellular mechanisms regulating
perineural needle and injectate placement. Visualization vascular tone. Anesthesiology 2007;106:365–391.
8. Magnusson L, Spahn DR. New concepts of atelectasis during
of circumferential perineural spread is accepted as the general anaesthesia Br J Anaesth 2003;91:61–72.
end point for ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve block. 9. The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain & Ireland.
This permits neural blockade with very small volumes of Recommendations for Standards of Monitoring During
local anesthetic agent (Riazi S, Carmichael N, Awad I, Anaesthesia and Recovery, 4th Ed.
et al. Effect of local anaesthetic volume (20 vs 5 ml) on publications/guidelines/docs/standardsofmonitoring07.pdf.
the efficacy and respiratory consequences of ultrasound- Accessed March 6, 2009.
guided interscalene brachial plexus block. Br J Anaesth 10. Strichartz GR, Sanchez V, Arthur GR, et al. Fundamental prop-
2008;101:549–556). erties of local anesthetics. II. Measured octanol:buffer partition
coefficients and pKa values of clinically used drugs. Anesth
2. Does ultrasound guidance make the practice of Analg 1990;71:158–170.
regional anesthesia under deep sedation or general 11. Iohom G, Machmachi A, Diarra DP, et al. The effects of
anesthesia safe? clonidine added to mepivacaine for paronychia surgery
under axillary brachial plexus block. Anesth Analg 2005;100:
Answer: No, occult intraneural injection or intraneural 1179–1183.
catheter placement resulting in nerve injury is still 12. Hutschala D, Mascher H, Schmetterer L, et al. Clonidine added
possible. Conscious patients may report pain or to bupivacaine enhances and prolongs analgesia after brachial
dysesthesia should this occur. Deep sedation and general plexus block via a local mechanism in healthy volunteers. Eur J
anesthesia will abolish this feedback. Real-time ultra- Anaesthesiol 2004;21:198–204.
sound guidance may detect needle tip position, but it may 13. Marhofer P, Schrogendorfer K, Koinig H, et al. Ultrasonographic
not prevent an operator-dependent phenomenon such as guidance improves sensory block and onset time of three-in-one
intraneural injection. It is best practice to perform blocks. Anesth Analg 1997;85:854–857.
14. Marhofer P, Schrogendorfer K, Wallner T, et al. Ultrasonographic
regional anesthesia in conscious patients. guidance reduces the amount of local anesthetic for 3-in-1 blocks.
3. Does ultrasound guidance improve the safety of Reg Anesth Pain Med 1998;23:584–588.
15. Casati A, Danelli G, Baciarello M, et al. A prospective, random-
regional anesthetic techniques? ized comparison between ultrasound and nerve stimulation
Answer: The term safety implies clinical efficacy without guidance for multiple injection axillary brachial plexus block.
adverse event or harm. There is no conclusive evidence Anesthesiology. 2007;106:992–996.
15259_Ch38.qxd 3/18/09 12:11 PM Page 144
16. Liu SS, Strodtbeck WM, Richman JM, Wu CL. A comparison of 18. Casati A, Baciarello M, Di Cianni S, et al. Effects of ultrasound
regional versus general anesthesia for ambulatory anesthesia: a guidance on the minimum effective anaesthetic volume required
meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Anesth Analg. to block the femoral nerve. Br J Anaesth 2007;98:823–827.
2005;101:1634–1642. 19. Willschke H, Bösenberg A, Marhofer P, et al. Ultrasonographic-
17. Williams SR, Chouinard P, Arcand G, et al. Ultrasound guid- guided ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric nerve block in pediatric anes-
ance speeds execution and improves the quality of supraclavicu- thesia: what is the optimal volume? Anesth Analg. 2006;102:
lar block. Anesth Analg 2003;97:1518–1523. 1680–1684.
15259_Ch39.qxd 3/15/09 6:29 AM Page 145
CASE FORMAT: REFLECTION during the preoperative clinic were reiterated to both the pa-
tient and her husband. These instructions were reinforced
A 56-year-old woman was scheduled for an elective arthro- with a patient information leaflet. The leaflet explained how
scopic shoulder rotater cuff repair and subacranial decom- to use the catheter, cautioned the patient to care for the in-
pression. She was a well-controlled asthmatic, on regular sensate arm, and described the possible drainage that could
budesonide 200 g through a metered dose inhaler who occur. In addition, the sheet mentioned side effects including
had never required hospital admission for her asthma. a sagging eyelid, smaller pupil, slight redness of the eye,
In the preoperative assessment clinic, a continuous and a possible decrease in deep breathing especially while
ambulatory regional anesthetic technique was recom- lying down. The day and time when the catheter should be
mended to the patient for optimal pain management. removed were written on the sheet. The patient was dis-
Specific informed consent was obtained for perineural in- charged home that evening, in care of her husband, with the
terscalene catheter placement prior to general anaesthe- contact numbers of the orthopaedic admissions ward, the
sia after discussing the risks, benefits, alternatives, and district nurse team, and a letter for her general practitioner.
management of potential complications. Motor and sen- The patient awoke at home at 3:00 AM with pain in
sory examination of her shoulder was performed at this the lateral deltoid only. Her husband telephoned the
clinic appointment. ward, and an immediate admission was initiated. On ar-
On the day of surgery, the catheter was placed in the rival, the patient’s pain scores were found to be 7/10,
anesthetic room with standard monitoring and intravenous and rescue pain relief ( intramuscular morphine) was pre-
(IV) access. Real-time ultrasound was used for guidance scribed as required. The perineural infusion was main-
throughout the procedure, which was conducted under stan- tained for an additional 48 hours, as it continued to pro-
dard aseptic conditions consisting of sterile skin preparation vide excellent pain relief to all other aspects of her
and draping of both patient and equipment. shoulder. The patient was discharged home on minor
After infiltration of skin and subcutaneous tissue with a analgesics thereafter, and her outpatient rehabilitation
local anesthetic, an 18-gauge thin-walled needle was in- and recovery continued uneventfully.
serted into the interscalene space between the anterior and
the middle scalene muscle. Preservative-free bupivacaine
(0.5% 20 mL) with 1:200,000 epinephrine was injected. A
20-gauge polyamide catheter was inserted through the nee- CASE DISCUSSION
dle to a depth of 3 cm beyond the needle tip. The catheter
was secured with a clear adhesive dressing. The patient Although greatly improving patients’ long-term quality of
was noted to have both a dense motor and sensory block life, shoulder procedures can be extremely painful. Immediate
30 minutes later. postoperative pain is costly, particularly in terms of length of
General anesthesia was then induced with fentanyl hospital stay and rehabilitation time. With the number of pro-
100 g and propofol 150 mg. Anesthesia maintenance cedures predicted to increase as the population ages, novel ap-
was achieved with sevoflurane and a 50:50 oxygen:air mix proaches to pain management are constantly being sought.
through a laryngeal mask airway. An uneventful 2-hour pro-
cedure followed under general anesthesia without catheter Anesthetic and Analgesic Options
infusion. Paracetamol 1g was administered intravenously
Pain is greatly exacerbated in the rehabilitation phase of treat-
during the procedure.
ment, particularly during physiotherapy. This pain has been
The patient was pain free in the postanesthesia re-
shown to have a direct bearing on the functional outcome of
covery area. Having confirmed the correct position of the
the procedure.1 Current postoperative analgesic regimens
perineural catheter with a thoracic inlet radiograph, a
should ideally include a multimodal prescription of oral minor
disposable elastomeric infusion pump was attached and
analgesics combined with rescue opioids.
set to infuse plain preservative-free 0.25% bupivacaine at
In this particular patient, it is unclear whether this avenue
5 mL per hour.
has been fully explored prior to her initial discharge home. It
On conclusion of the day’s operating list, the anesthetist
appears that she had a single dose of IV paracetamol intraop-
visited the patient on the ward. Instructions initially given
eratively, and no nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
15259_Ch39.qxd 3/15/09 6:29 AM Page 146
(NSAIDs) were given, possibly because of exaggerated anxi- when using a dilute local anesthetic solution. If a long-acting
ety that this may worsen her asthma. Aspirin and NSAIDs local anesthetic agent is used to establish the block, as in the
may cause bronchoconstriction in approximately 10% of case presented (Table 39.1), at about 16 hours postinsertion,
asthmatic patients, although they also relieve it in approxi- gaps may become evident as patchy pain. These gaps may
mately 0.3% of patients.10 As the primary mechanism is be- occur in the early hours of the morning, when staffing levels
lieved to be inhibition of the cyclooxygenase 1 (COX-1) en- are low or when an ambulatory patient is at home. It is there-
zyme, patients with aspirin sensitivity often display fore preferable to establish blocks with a short-to-medium act-
cross-reactions to nonselective NSAIDs that inhibit the ing agent such as 1% prilocaine, lidocaine, or mepivacaine. If
COX-1 enzyme.11 Because acetaminophen is a weak in- there is an area not covered by the infusion, this will become
hibitor of the COX-1 enzyme, patients with aspirin-induced evident a few hours post procedure, thus facilitating an early
asthma should not take more than 1000 mg in a single dose, alternative analgesic strategy.9
but COX-2 selective NSAIDs appear to be safe in this patient
population.11 Patient Selection Weighed Against
Regional anesthesia is the cornerstone of multimodal anal-
gesic regimens. Single-shot plexus blocks were first used to Potential Complications
reduce the amount of systemic opioids administered periopera- Shoulder arthroscopy and arthroplasty are performed in
tively. The interscalene brachial plexus block provides analgesia many centers as ambulatory procedures using continuous
that is superior to morphine in shoulder arthroplasty.2 The ad- ambulatory regional anesthesia techniques to control postop-
vantages of a single-shot nerve block may be extended using erative pain.5 Patient satisfaction is high,6 the technique has
perineural local anesthetic infusions. They have the additional reduced oral opioid requirements and sleep disturbances
benefit of expediting and improving functional recovery. The while improving range of motion.
safety and efficacy of various continuous regional anesthesia Although regional anesthetic techniques provide site-specific
techniques using portable infusions or patient-controlled bo- analgesia with minor, if any, systemic side effects,7 it is impor-
luses of local anesthetic agents through indwelling perineural tant to remember that whereas the technique itself does not al-
catheters has been demonstrated.3 ways require inpatient supervision, the patients’ premorbid con-
Interscalene brachial plexus blockade may be combined dition may. Patients must be able to manage at home with the
with a general anesthetic or used as the primary anesthetic risks posed by an insensate limb. Appropriate patient selection
technique for shoulder arthroscopy. Regional anesthesia for weighed against potential complication risks, education, and
shoulder arthroscopy has been shown to require significantly follow-up are crucial when prescribing outpatient infusions.
less nonsurgical intraoperative time (53 ⫾ 12 vs. 62 ⫾ 13 min- Regional anesthesia is not associated with a greater inci-
utes, p ⫽ .0001) and also decreased post-anesthesia care unit dence of neurologic complications than general anesthesia. The
stay (72 ⫾ 24 vs. 102 ⫾ 40 minutes, p ⫽ .0001) compared with American Society of Anesthesiologists closed-claims studies
general anesthesia.4 Administration of regional anesthesia re- suggest that the majority of reported neurological complica-
sulted in significantly fewer unplanned admissions for severe tions are actually associated with general anesthesia and incor-
pain management, sedation, or nausea/vomiting than general rect patient positioning.
anesthesia and was accompanied by a failure rate of 8.7%. The Complications such as hematoma formation, hoarseness,
increasing use of ultrasound to guide perineural catheter and Horner’s syndrome have been reported. These issues are
placement may lead to improved success rates. attributed to needle misplacement or local anesthetic either
Pain management during the transition from a dense sur- spreading to upper cervical nerve roots (C3, C4) or anteriorly to
gical block to an analgesic block is a challenge. This may occur block the phrenic nerve in front of the anterior scalene muscle.
15259_Ch39.qxd 3/15/09 6:29 AM Page 147
8. Singelyn F, Seguy S, Gouverneur J. Interscalene brachial plexus 10. Babu KS, Salvi SS. Aspirin and asthma. Chest 2000; 118:
analgesia after open shoulder surgery: continuous versus patient- 1470–1476.
controlled infusion. Anesth Analg 1999;89:1216–1220. 11. Knowles SR, Drucker AM, Weber EA, Shear NH.
9. Russon K, Sardesai A, Ridgway S, et al. Postoperative shoulder Management options for patients with aspirin and nonsteroidal
surgery initiative (POSSI): an interim report of major shoulder anti-inflammatory drug sensitivity. Ann of Pharmacother 2007;
surgery as a day case procedure. BJA 2006;97:869–873. 41:1191–1200.
15259_Ch40.qxd 3/15/09 6:30 AM Page 149
Postoperative Analgesia in a
Trauma Patient With Opioid
Brian D. O’Donnell
15259_Ch40.qxd 3/15/09 6:30 AM Page 150
The patient’s right groin was fully prepared aseptically KEY MESSAGES
under sterile conditions. A hernia towel covered the groin
and facilitated access to the expected puncture site. The ul- 1. Heroin use and subsequent opioid tolerance reduce
trasound probe was covered with a sterile sheath, and sterile the efficacy of opioid analgesics necessitating an alter-
ultrasound jelly was used both inside and outside the sheath nate approach to acute pain management.
as an acoustic couplant. An 18-gauge Tuohy needle and
epidural catheter set were used (Fig. 40.3). The groin was 2. A mechanistic approach to pain management identi-
scanned to reveal the femoral vessels. The Tuohy needle was fied femoral nerve block as an appropriate component
inserted in long axis toward the femoral nerve. On contact of an analgesic regimen for femur fracture.
with the nerve, 0.5 mL 2% lidocaine with 1:200,000 adrena- 3. Femoral nerve block formed a component of the multi-
line was injected and observed to be just outside the per- modal analgesic regimen used in this case, which also
ineural space. Minor adjustments were made to the needle consisted of NSAIDs and paracetamol.
tip position, and another 0.5 mL injectate confirmed satisfac-
tory needle tip placement. An additional 9 mL of 2% lido- 4. Ultrasound guidance facilitated the precise placement
caine with 1:200,000 adrenaline was injected to dilate the of needle, injectate, and catheter adjacent to the
space to accommodate the perineural catheter. The catheter femoral nerve.
was placed through the needle approximately 2 cm beyond
5. Regional anesthesia should ideally be performed only
the needle tip. Correct catheter placement was confirmed by
when patients are able to report symptoms of neural
observing the location of injectate administered through the
catheter. Next, the catheter was tunneled to a site lateral and
distal to the insertion site and secured with Steri-Strips (3M,
St. Paul, Minnesota, USA) and a transparent dressing. An in-
fusion of 0.25% bupivacaine at a rate of 5 mL per hour was
commenced and continued for 3 days post-operatively. The
catheter was removed on the third postoperative day.
1. What is meant by the terms opiate tolerance and
The patient made an uneventful recovery from anesthesia addiction?
and surgery and had excellent analgesia provided by a combi-
nation of femoral nerve catheter, diclofenac sodium 75 mg Answer:
twice daily, and 1g paracetamol four times per day. On the • Opioid tolerance is a predictable pharmacological
first postoperative day, the patient received counseling on adaptation to continued opioid exposure resulting in a
heroin cessation and agreed to be placed in a methadone treat- rightward shift in the dose-response curve. Patients
ment program. require increasing amounts of the drug to maintain the
same pharmacological effects.
• Addiction:
° Psychological dependence: Need for a specific
psychoactive substance either for its positive effects
or to avoid negative effects associated with its
° Physical dependence: State of adaptation to a
substance characterized by the emergence of a
withdrawal syndrome during abstinence
2. Why was the femoral nerve catheter placed only when
the initial block had worn off?
Answer: Inadvertent intraneural injection or catheter
placement may result in serious nerve injury. Patients
will usually report pain or dysesthesia should these occur
during catheter placement (patient feedback). A nerve,
which has already been blocked with local anesthetic
solution, loses patient feedback and therefore, the poten-
tial exists to inflict serious nerve injury. It is best practice
to allow the initial block to wear off before placing the
Figure 40.3 • Image Showing the Equipment used to perineural catheter.
Place an Ultrasound-Guided Perineural Catheter.
Note the standard aseptic preparation pack with sterile fenes- 3. Does ultrasound guidance make the practice of
trated drape, an 18-gauge Tuohy needle, catheter, and attach- regional anesthesia under deep sedation or general
ments (standard epidural kit from B. Braun Medical, Melsungen, anesthesia safe?
Germany). Also note sterile ultrasound gel and a sterile sheath Answer: No, occult intraneural injection or intraneural
with which to cover the ultrasound probe, providing a sterile in- catheter placement resulting in nerve injury is still
terface between patient and ultrasound probe. possible. Conscious patients may report pain or
15259_Ch40.qxd 3/15/09 6:30 AM Page 152
dysesthesia should this occur. Deep sedation and general 7. Ashburn MA, Caplan RA, Carr DB, et al. Practice guidelines
anesthesia will abolish this feedback. Real-time ultra- for acute pain management in the perioperative setting: an up-
sound guidance may detect needle tip position, but it may dated report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task
not prevent an operator-dependent phenomenon such as Force on Acute Pain Management. Anesthesiology 2004;100:
intraneural injection. It is best practice to perform
8. Elia N, Lysakowski C, Trame‘ r MR, et al. Does multimodal
regional anesthesia in conscious patients. analgesia with acetaminophen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs, or selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors and patient-
controlled analgesia morphine offer advantages over morphine
References alone? Anesthesiology 2005;103:1296–1304.
1. Fink WA. The pathophysiology of acute pain. Emerg Med Clin 9. Cepeda MS, Carr DB, Miranda N, et al. Comparison of morphine,
N Am 2005;23:277–284. ketorolac, and their combination for postoperative pain: results
2. Enneking FK, Chan VW, Greger J, et al. Lower-extremity pe- from a large, randomized, double-blind trial. Anesthesiology.
ripheral nerve blockade: essentials of our current understanding. 2005;103:1225–1232.
Reg Anesth Pain Med 2005;30:4–35. 10. Mutty CE, Jensen EJ, Manka MA, et al. Femoral nerve block for
3. Mitra S, Sinatra RS. Perioperative management of acute pain in diaphyseal and distal femoral fractures in the emergency depart-
the opioid-dependent patient. Anesthesiology 2004;101: 212–227. ment. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2007;89:2599–2603.
4. Carroll IR, Angst MS, Clark JD. Management of perioperative 11. Stewart B, Tudur Smith C, Teebay L, et al. Emergency de-
pain in patients chronically consuming opioids. Reg Anesth Pain partment use of a continuous femoral nerve block for pain relief
Med 2004;29:576–591. for fractured femur in children. Emerg Med J. 2007;24:113–114.
5. Murphy DB, Sutton JA, Prescott LF, et al. Opioid-induced delay 12. Hu P, Harmon D, Frizelle H. Patient comfort during regional
in gastric emptying: a peripheral mechanism in humans. anesthesia. J Clin Anesth 2007;19:67–74.
Anesthesiology 1997;87:765–770. 13. Bigeleisen P. Nerve puncture and apparent intraneural in-
6. Kehlet H, Dahl JB. The value of “multimodal” or “balanced jection during ultrasound-guided axillary block does not
analgesia” in postoperative pain treatment. Anesth Analg invariably result in neurologic injury. Anesthesiology 2006;105:
1993;77:1048–1056. 779–783.
15259_Ch41.qxd 3/15/09 6:31 AM Page 153
Alzheimer’s Disease
and Anesthesia
Owen O’Sullivan
CASE FORMAT: REFLECTION dia (32 beats per minute) was effectively treated with gly-
copyrrolate 200 mg, and six boluses of phenylephrine
An 81-year-old, 50-kg woman presented to the emergency 50 g were required to maintain a mean arterial pressure
department following a fall at home. She was accompa- of ⱖ65 mm Hg. Oropharyngeal temperature was moni-
nied by her daughter, who witnessed her mother tripping tored, and a warming blanket as well as warmed intra-
and falling awkwardly on her right side. The patient was venous fluids were used.
in obvious distress when her right hip was moved and ap- After the patient’s blood pressure was stabilized, a
peared to have a swollen and bruised right thigh. She was right-sided femoral nerve block was performed, asepti-
agitated, and staff had difficulty obtaining a relevant his- cally, under ultrasound guidance. A total of 20 mL of
tory from her. The patient’s vital signs were as follows: 0.25% levobupivicaine with 100 mg of clonidine was
blood pressure, 170/80 mm Hg; heart rate, 104 beats per administered. The surgical procedure was well tolerated.
minute; temperature, 36.2oC; and respiratory rate, 20 Intraoperatively, proparacetamol 1g was administered
breaths per minute. intravenously.
A collateral history from the patient’s daughter reveals On completion of the procedure, residual neuromus-
a recent diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) following a cular block was reversed with neostigmine (plus glycopy-
steady decline in cognitive function over the last 3 years. rronium). The patient was extubated at an appropriate
The patient was also being treated for hypothyroidism and point and transferred to the recovery room. The recovery
depression. She had an uneventful cholecystectomy 5 years staff felt she was grimacing and bringing her hand to her
ago. The patient was taking the following medications once right thigh. She remained drowsy and disorientated when
daily: donepezil 5 mg, thyroxine 50 g, and omeprazole engaged, not responding to direct questioning about
40 mg. pain. Morphine 2 mg was given intravenously, and after
Clinical examination of respiratory and cardiovascular about 50 minutes in recovery, the patient appeared settled
systems was noncontributory, and on neurological assess- and was transferred to the surgical ward. Postoperative
ment, no sensory-motor deficits were found. Intravenous analgesia was prescribed as paracetamol 1 g orally/
access was established, and samples were taken for full rectally every 6 hours and morphine 5 mg (0.1 mg/kg)
blood count, coagulation profile, urea and electrolytes, intramuscularly as required.
thyroid function, and glucose. IV morphine sulphate 5 mg Over the next few days, the patient was more agitated
was administered before transferring the patient to the radi- than normal, and the nursing staff found it difficult to assess
ology department. Radiology revealed a fractured neck of the patient’s pain intensity. After 5 days, the agitation had
the femur on the right. A computed tomography brain scan settled, and the patient was transferred to a rehabilitation
was also performed, which showed no acute changes. The unit. She made a good recovery, however, her daughter
results of the laboratory investigations are summarized in felt she was more confused and less independent 3 weeks
Table 41.1. The patient consented for a bipolar hemi- after surgery.
At the preoperative assessment, the anesthetist felt that
the risks of performing a regional block outweighed the
benefits, particularly as it appeared that the patient would
be very uncooperative and was unlikely to reliably report CASE DISCUSSION
symptoms (e.g., paraesthesia). The anesthetist elected to
perform the procedure under general anesthetic, supple- AD is the most common form of dementia, affecting an esti-
mented with regional anesthesia. Standard monitoring was mated 5.1 million Americans. In the United States, an estimated
applied preoperatively, consisting of pulse oximetry, elec- $148 million is spent annually on AD and other dementias; 1 in
trocardiogram, and noninvasive blood pressure monitor- 8 individuals over 65 years of age has this neurodegenerative
ing. Anesthesia was induced with fentanyl 50 g, propo- disease, rising to almost half aged 85 or older.1 With life ex-
fol 80 mg, and vecuronium 6 mg and was maintained with pectancy ever increasing and no cure at hand, the impact of AD
sevoflurane in a mixture of oxygen and air. An orotracheal in day-to-day medical practice increases each year. The German
tube was inserted. After induction, an episode of bradycar- physician Alois Alzheimer first described the disease in 1906.
He noted microscopic changes at autopsy in the brain of a
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There is no cure yet for AD. The mainstay of symptomatic however, they allow minimal disturbance of mental capacities.
treatment at present is the use of cholinesterase inhibitors Sedative premedications may worsen confusion and agitation.
(donepezil in this case), which increase the amount of acetyl- Monitoring should take into account potential of poor func-
choline available in the depleted cholinergic nerves. In terms of tional reserve. General considerations of anesthesia in the eld-
anesthetic considerations, these drugs have systemic cholinergic erly should be taken into account (Table 41.3).
features. This can translate into reduced heart rate variability Pain management may be challenging and is often under-
and increased susceptibility for bradycardia, as we saw in this treated in elderly patients with cognitive impairment. One
patient. Extreme bradycardia should be treated with an anti- study of elderly patients posthip fracture showed that cogni-
cholinergic drug, which does not cross the blood-brain barrier tively impaired patients received only one-third the amount of
(e.g., glycopyrrolate). Cholinesterase inhibitors also appear to opioid analgesia compared with cognitively intact individuals.12
antagonize the effects of neuromuscular blocking agents.11 Possible reasons for this include poor pain assessment in pa-
Preoperative assessment should involve the patient’s family tients with communication difficulties and concern for using
or caregivers, as the patient’s ability to understand, communi- analgesics, which may deteriorate cognitive function or other
cate, and cooperate may be significantly impaired. Explanations comorbidities. This is despite the fact that inadequate analgesia
and questions should be simple and stated in a clear fashion. can lead to poorer clinical outcomes, cognitive dysfunction, de-
Multiple comorbidities are common in this age group, and time pression, longer hospital stays, and compromised pulmonary
may be required to establish these as well as to ascertain the pa- function.13
tient’s regular medications. In a trauma patient with poor com- Appropriate pain assessment tools should be utilized, using
munication, efforts should be made to rule out concealed injury self-reporting (preferable) or nonverbal cues as appropriate to
(e.g., rib fractures, intracranial trauma). If agitation is a major patient’s degree of understanding and communication. Facial
feature, small amounts of judiciously administered benzodi- expression may be affected in late dementia adding further
azepine may be required. complication to assessment. Once an appropriate tool has been
Acquiring consent for patients with AD can prove difficult. selected, it should be used consistently with regular reassess-
It is up to the doctor to establish the patient’s capacity to under- ment. Assessment should include duration of pain relief, abil-
stand information and make an informed decision or seek con- ity to ambulate and adequately cough, side effects, and patient
sent from a relevant other. There is no clear standard or formal satisfaction. Analgesia using an epidural route, local anesthetic
guideline available at present. Wishes of relatives and any ad- infiltration, or peripheral nerve blockade can reduce opioid
vance directives should be taken into consideration. Legal as- requirement. If opioids are required, an appropriate route of
pects relating to consent also vary in different jurisdictions. A administration should be chosen. Patient-controlled analgesia
diagnosis of dementia does not automatically assume incompe- may be beyond the cognitive or physical ability of the patient.
tence. AD is progressive; therefore, in early stages, patients will Intramuscular injection results in slower absorption and pos-
retain enough cognitive capacity to consent themselves. The sible toxicity with repeated dosing and should therefore be
difficult task is to establish at what point a patient be protected avoided. The use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is
from making a “bad decision.” It is not clear whether the pa- often restricted in the elderly population because of altered
tient in this case retained sufficient cognitive function to make metabolism and excretion leading to drug accumulation.
an informed decision or whether an effort to establish compe- Although regional anesthesia techniques were welcome in
tence was made. This was certainly a deficiency in her manage- this case scenario, performing them in an uncooperative pa-
ment. It would seem unlikely that the otherwise uncooperative, tient or under general anaesthesia is questionable. Ultrasound
agitated patient was able to give a meaningful consent. guidance does not protect from intraneural (or intravascular)
In preparing for anesthesia, each patient should be evalu- injection. A better option in this patient would have been an il-
ated on an individual basis taking into consideration comorbid iacus block. Spread of local anesthetic beneath the iliacus fas-
conditions and the procedure itself. Regional techniques can cia produces a high success rate of anesthesia of both the
be challenging because of poor cooperation and agitation, femoral and lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh (which inner-
15259_Ch41.qxd 3/15/09 6:31 AM Page 156
vates the anterolateral thigh, the incision area).14 As this is a Answer: Appropriate and consistent pain assessment
compartment block, it can be performed safely in anesthetized tools should be employed in managing analgesia in pa-
patients. The needle insertion point is high at the patient’s tients with AD. Self-reporting is still preferable, how-
thigh in the gutter between the sartorius and quadriceps mus- ever, nonverbal cues may need to be utilized as the dis-
cle. A blunt needle is inserted perpendicular to the skin. An ease and communicative abilities deteriorate. Keep in
initial loss of resistance is identified on penetrating the fascia mind that the commonly used nonverbal cue of facial ex-
lata. A second loss of resistance indicates penetration of the pression will also be affected later in the disease. When
fascia iliaca. Performed preoperatively in this case, it would an appropriate tool is established, it should be applied
have avoided the need for systemic opioids with associated regularly, especially during movement and coughing.
side effects. To extend the duration of the block, a continuous Side effects attributable to analgesics should also be
iliacus block could have been subsequently administered noted. Opioid- sparing measures such as the use of
under general anesthesia, leaving an epidural catheter in place epidural or peripheral nerve blocks should decrease the
and using a standard infusion of local anesthetic solution (e.g., likelihood of such side effects. If opioids are required, the
levobupivacaine 0.2% titrated to effect). most appropriate means of administering them should be
chosen. Patient-controlled analgesia devices require an
adequate level of cognitive function and physical dexter-
KEY MESSAGES ity to operate. Pharmacologic alterations that occur in the
elderly should also be considered.
1. AD is increasing in prevalence with increasing life
2. Cholinesterase inhibitors, the mainstay of treatment, 1. Alzheimer’s Association. Every 72 seconds someone in America
have anesthetic implications. develops Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures
2007. Available at Accessed May 17, 2008.
3. Anesthesia should be tailored on an individual basis
2. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical
taking into consideration the degree of patient Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. Arlington, VA: American
cooperation as well as comorbid conditions. Patient Psychiatric Association, 1994.
consent and pain management may be particularly 3. Coyle JT, Price DL, DeLong MR. Alzheimer’s disease: a disorder
challenging. of cortical cholinergic innervation. Science 1983;219:1184–1190.
4. Farrer LA, Cupples LA, Haines JL, et al. Effects of age, sex, and
ethnicity on the association between apolipoprotein E genotype
and Alzheimer disease. A meta-analysis. APOE and Alzheimer
QUESTIONS disease meta-analysis consortium. JAMA 1997;278:1349–1356.
5. Eckenhoff RG, Johansson JS, Wei H, et al. Inhaled anesthetic en-
1. Has anesthesia been shown to cause AD? hancement of amyloid-beta oligomerization and cytotoxicity.
Anesthesiology 2004;101:703–709.
Answer: Despite significant interest into the possibility of 6. Xie Z, Dong Y, Maeda U, et al. The inhalation anesthetic isoflu-
anesthesia causing AD, to date, there is no evidence of rane induces a vicious cycle of apoptosis and amyloid beta-
such a link in humans. However, even if there were a protein accumulation. J Neurosci 2007;27:1247–1254.
link between the two, this would be very hard to demon- 7. Bianchi SL, Tran T, Liu C, et al. Brain and behavior changes in 12-
strate because it is difficult to isolate anesthetic factors month-old Tg2576 and nontransgenic mice exposed to anesthetics.
from other factors surrounding surgery (e.g., pain, surgi- Neurobiol Aging 2008;29:1002–1010.
cal stress responses). In vitro studies using halothane and 8. Gasparini M, Vanacore N, Schiaffini C, et al. A case-control
study on Alzheimer’s disease and exposure to anesthesia. Neurol
isoflurane have resulted in cellular processes (amyloid Sci 2002;23:11–14.
oligomerization) that are similar to those thought to 9. Bohnen NI, Warner M, Kokmen E, et al. Alzheimer’s disease
cause AD. and cumulative exposure to anesthesia: a case-control study. J
Am Geriatr Soc 1994;42:198–201.
2. Can patients with AD consent to surgical procedures? 10. Livingston G, Katona C. How useful are cholinesterase in-
Answer: Keep in mind that a diagnosis of dementia does hibitors in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease? A number
not automatically assume incompetence. AD is progres- needed to treat analysis. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2000;
sive, and early in the disease, patients may retain enough 15:203–207.
cognitive capacity to consent themselves. It is the respon- 11. Sánchez Morillo J, Demartini Ferrari A, Roca de Togores López
sibility of the treating doctor to establish whether this ca- A. Interaction of donepezil and muscular blockers in
Alzheimer’s disease. Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim 2003;50:97–100.
pacity has been retained or if consent should be sought 12. Morrison RS, Siu AL. A comparison of pain and its treatment in
from a relevant other. There are no guidelines available advanced dementia and cognitively intact patients with hip frac-
at present to aid this process, and importantly, legal as- ture. J Pain Symptom Manage 2000;19:240–248.
pects of consent vary across different jurisdictions. The 13. Karani R, Meier DE. Systemic pharmacologic postoperative pain
wishes of family members and advance directives should management in the geriatric orthopaedic patient. Clin Orthop
also be considered. Relat Res 2004;:26–34.
14. Barrett J, Harmon D, Loughnane F, et al. Peripheral nerve
3. What elements are important in the postoperative pain blocks and peri-operative pain relief. 1st ed. Philadelphia:
management of a patient with AD? Saunders; 2004.
15259_Ch42.qxd 3/15/09 6:31 AM Page 157
Siun Burke
CASE FORMAT: REFLECTION The patient’s inspired oxygen concentration was in-
creased to 70%, he was volume resuscitated with crystalloid
A 4-year-old boy was scheduled on the emergency trauma and red cell concentrate, actively rewarmed, and the sur-
list for a right hand nerve and tendon repair. The boy was gery was expedited.
of West African origin and had only recently arrived in the In the recovery room, the child complained of severe
country. He sustained a right hand laceration 6 hours pre- pain and continued to have a low oxygen saturation of
viously when he ran into a glass door. On preoperative as- 91% and PO2 was 65 mm Hg.
sessment, the child was pale and irritable; he was com- Hemoglobin analysis confirmed that the child had
plaining of thirst, as he had been kept fasting since arrival sickle cell disease (SCD). He was transferred to the high-
to the hospital in preparation for surgery. At 15 kg, he was dependency unit, managed with supplemental oxygen, fluid
in the 40th percentile for weight. His mother said he lost and blood resuscitation, and judicious opioid analgesia.
about “a cup full” of blood earlier. Two days later, the patient developed shortness of
There were multiple venipuncture marks on the child’s breath, a wheeze, and a high temperature of 39.4°C. His
left arm; the pediatrician had difficulty with venipuncture chest radiograph showed a new right upper lobe pulmonary
and decided that as the child’s operation was imminent, he infiltrate (Fig. 42.1). This finding was diagnosed as acute
should have a cannula inserted and blood taken under chest syndrome (ACS), and the child was started on ceftriax-
general anesthesia instead. one, clarithromycin, and regular paracetamol.
Finally, the anesthetist asked the child’s mother if there On postoperative day 5, the patient was discharged
was any family history of blood diseases or problems with to the general ward. His family was counseled regarding
general anesthesia. She had limited English and was anx- his sickle cell status, its implications for other family mem-
iously trying to calm her son. The child’s mother said he bers, and for any future illnesses and general anesthetics
was from a healthy family, although he seemed to get the child may have.
coughs and colds more frequently than her other children.
He never had a general anesthetic, but other family mem-
bers had undergone uneventful anesthesia.
Two hours later, after 8 hours of fasting, the ope- CASE DISCUSSION
rating room finally became available. With routine moni-
tors in place, the child had an uneventful inhalational in- Discussion points:
duction, and a 20-gauge cannula was inserted in his left
forearm. A laryngeal mask airway was placed, and the 1. Pathophysiology of SCD
child resumed spontaneous respiration of an oxygen, ni- 2. Preoperative screening for sickle cell status
trous oxide, and sevoflurane mixture. The fraction of in- 3. Optimal perioperative management SCD
spired oxygen was 0.3. Maintenance fluids were com- 4. Acute chest syndrome
menced at 50 mL per hour. A tourniquet was inflated to
100 mm Hg above the patient’s systolic blood pressure,
and the surgeon proceeded to repair the tendons and PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF SCD
nerves. On closer inspection, the surgeon discovered
more extensive injuries than expected and informed the SCD is an autosomal recessive disease that results from the sub-
anesthetist that he would require at least 2 more hours of stitution of valine for glutamic acid at position 6 of the -globin
operating time. gene, leading to production of a defective form of hemoglobin,
An hour later, the child started to become hypotensive. hemoglobin S (HbS). Patients who are homozygous for the HbS
His blood pressure was 70/34 mm Hg and he was tachy- gene have sickle cell disease. Patients who are heterozygous for
cardic with a heart rate of 139 beats per minute. His oxy- the HbS gene are carriers of the condition (sickle cell trait).
gen saturation read 92%, and his temperature was Under stressful conditions, carriers may display some clinical
33.2°C. Information for the patient’s arterial blood analy- manifestations. If both members of a couple are carriers, they
sis is shown in Table 42.1. have a 25% risk of producing a child who is homozygous for the
HbS gene.
15259_Ch42.qxd 3/15/09 6:31 AM Page 158
6. Tobin JR, Butterworth J. Sickle cell disease: dogma, science, and 9. Credit Valley Hospital, Clinical practice guideline: Management
clinical care. Anesth Analg 2004;98:283–284. of Sickle Cell Disease in Children. 2004.
7. Buck J, Casbard A, Llewelyn C, et al. Preoperative transfusion in 10. Stuart MJ, Nagel RL. Sickle cell disease. Lancet 2004;364:
sickle cell disease: a survey of practice in England. Eur J Haematol 1343–1360.
2005;75:14–21(8). 11. Charache S, Barton FB, Moore RD, et al. Hydroxyurea and
8. Transfusion guidelines for neonates and older children. Br J sickle cell anemia. Clinical utility of a myelosuppressive “switch-
Haema 2004;124(4):433–453. ing” agent. The Multicenter Study of Hydroxyurea in Sickle Cell
Anemia. Medicine (Baltimore) 1996;75:300–326.
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Mansoor A. Siddiqui
15259_Ch43.qxd 3/15/09 6:32 AM Page 163
uniphasic course, that is, they respond rapidly to treatment 2. Corticosteroids (100 to 500 mg hydrocortisone IV slowly)
and do not recur. In some patients, symptoms may fail to im- 3. Bronchodilators may be required for persistent bron-
prove or may worsen as the effect of adrenaline wears off (pro- chospasm
tracted anaphylaxis); however, 20% will be biphasic in nature.7
The patient was immediately commenced on 100% oxygen.
The second phase usually occurs after an asymptomatic period
With help on the way, the adrenaline ([1:10,000], 50–100 g
of 1 to 8 hours, but there may be a delay of up to 24 hours.
over 1 minute) was administered, followed by two additional
Prolonged observation in these cases is needed.8
increments. A rapid infusion of 0.9% sodium chloride was
started. The patient was positioned supine with the legs
How would this case be managed slightly elevated. At this point, his blood pressure increased to
intraoperatively? 100/50 mm Hg. His airway pressure normalized, and ven-
tilation of his lungs was once again easy. The surgery was
Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency that requires immediate
restarted, and the patient was stabilized, chlorpheniramine
treatment. Even a severe anaphylactic reaction is associated
10 mg was administered by slow IV infusion. Hydrocortisone
with a prompt and successful response to appropriate treat-
100 mg was administered intravenously. At this point, the pa-
ment in most patients. This patient should be managed ag-
tient was hemodynamically stable with a heart rate of 90 beats
gressively according to the existing Association of
per minute, blood pressure of 110/70 mm Hg, and clear chest
Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland guidelines:3
on auscultation. His skin looked normal. Surgery proceeded to
1. Stop administration of all agents likely to have caused laparotomy because of peritonitis. The surgeon requested
anaphylaxis. muscle relaxation.
2. Call for help.
3. Maintain airway, give 100% oxygen, and lay patient flat
with legs elevated. What would be the additional management of
4. Give epinephrine (adrenaline). This may be given intra- choice?
muscularly in a dose of 0.5 mg to 1.0 mg (0.5 to 1 mL of In terms of anaphylactic risk, neuromuscular blocking agents
1:1,000) and may be repeated every 10 minutes accord- (NMBAs) could be classified into three groups: high risk
ing to the arterial pressure and pulse until improvement (succinylcholine and rocuronium), intermediate risk (vecuro-
occurs. Alternatively, 50 to 100 g intravenously (0.5 to nium, pancuronium), and low risk (mivacurium, atracurium,
1 mL of 1:10,000) over 1 minute has been recommended cisatracurium).2
for hypotension with titration of further doses as As cross-reactivity between NMBAs occurs in up to 60% of
required. patients, no other agent should be used without prior testing.2
5. Start rapid IV infusion with colloids or crystalloids. Adult Thus, the best additional prophylactic strategy would be to
patients may require 2 to 4 liters of crystalloids. avoid using NMBAs, which implies an attempt to deepen
anesthesia, taking advantage of muscle relaxation produced by
Secondary therapy consists of: inhalational agents. If this step fails to provide adequate relax-
1. Antihistamines (chlorpheniramine 10 to 20 mg by slow ation, and bearing in mind that succinylcholine is the most
IV infusion) likely culprit in this scenario, a short-acting low-anaphylactic-
15259_Ch43.qxd 3/15/09 6:32 AM Page 164
risk NMBA such as mivacurium may be used. This drug may • The primary and attending team, if different, are also in-
have the extra advantage of not requiring reversal, thus mini- formed about the incident and are given a copy of case
mizing further histamine release. Pretreatment with antihist- notes.
amines and corticosteroids in this case may limit the severity of • The National Medicines Board or appropriate body should
potential reactions, although there is currently little evidence be informed regarding the incident. A national database may
to support their routine use for this sole purpose. allow physicians to determine the precise incidence of allergic
Following administration of mivacurium 8 mg, surgery reactions to various substances relative to their market share,
was finished quickly, and the patient’s trachea was extubated thus making comparisons between countries possible.
uneventfully. • The case is discussed at a departmental mortality and mor-
A blood sample (5–10 mL) was taken in three plain bottles bidity meeting. Ideally, a departmental policy regarding
for mast cell tryptase measurement. The first sample was taken follow-up and a standard checklist of actions should be de-
about 15 minutes after the event, the second after 1 hour, and signed and implemented.
the third after 6 hours. The samples were spun, separated, and
refrigerated at 4°C for testing within 48 hours (can be stored at KEY MESSAGES
⫺20°C for longer).
1. Anaphylaxis is a severe, potentially fatal systemic
How would this patient be managed allergic reaction with a variable clinical picture. There
postoperatively? is no valid predictor of anaphylaxis, and previous
Posttreatment observation of these patients is required, be- exposure is not necessary.
cause of the potential for the second phase of reactivity. The
2. Epinephrine in incremental doses is the mainstay of
anesthetist should take responsibility in investigating the pa-
early treatment.
tient for the cause of anaphylaxis.
This patient was admitted to the high-dependency unit 3. Further evaluation, diagnostics, and reporting are
overnight. The serum concentration of mast cell tryptase taken highly desirable in the interest of the patient and the
1 hour after the reaction was 27 ng/mL (normal ⬍1 ng/mL). anesthetist when faced with subsequent surgery.
This abnormal result confirms that the patient had an ana- Diagnosis is made with intraoperative tests (mast cell
phylactic reaction, but it does not identify the cause. Serum tryptase) and postoperative tests (radioallergosorbent
mast cell tryptase measurement has a positive predictive value tests for specific IgE antibodies and skin tests).
for the diagnosis of anaphylaxis of 95.3% and a negative pre-
dictive value of 49%.6 Thus, a negative test does not rule out
anaphylaxis completely. Also, tryptase levels are unlikely to be
elevated in mild systemic reactions. QUESTIONS
The patient should be advised about the importance of fur-
ther testing before discharge. For these tests, the patient is 1. What is anaphylaxis and what is its incidence during
sent to an allergologist in a regional allergy center. The radio- anesthesia?
allergosorbent test is a technique for measuring antigen-
Answer: Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction to any
specific antibodies in serum. If a fast result is needed, this is the
stimulus, usually having sudden onset and usually lasting
test of choice based on the fact that the concentration of spe-
less than 24 hours, involving one or more body systems
cific IgE antibodies is the same during the reaction as after 4
and producing one or more symptoms such as hives,
to 6 weeks.16
flushing, itching, angioedema, stridor, wheezing, short-
Skin tests (which may take the form of skin prick or intra-
ness of breath, vomiting, diarrhea, and shock. The inci-
dermal tests) should be done 6 weeks after the reaction.
dence of anaphylaxis is estimated to be between 1 in
Before 4 weeks, the intracellular stocks of histamine and
10,000 and 1 in 20,000 anesthesia cases.
other mediators are still lower than normal, therefore in-
creasing the probability of a false-negative result. For the 2. Which substance is most often associated with anaphy-
same reason, drugs that could modify the skin’s response lactic reactions during anesthesia?
have to be avoided (e.g., antihistamines, angiotensin-convert-
Answer: Any substance or drug administered in the peri-
ing enzyme inhibitors, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
operative period can potentially produce life-threatening
drugs, vasoconstrictors, neuroleptics). Because of the risk of
immune-mediated hypersensitivity reactions.
life-threatening reactions, challenge tests are not done except
Neuromuscular blocking agents (55%), latex (22.3%), and
for local anesthetics.15
antibiotics (14.7%) are the substances most frequently
A copy of the entire patient’s records (i.e., copies of anes-
associated with anaphylactic reactions.
thetic chart, drug charts, full details of reaction, and reports of
tests done) is sent to both the allergologist and the general 3. What are the principles of intra- and postoperative
practitioner. In addition: management of anaphylaxis?
• Patients and their family members are to be informed about Answer: Anaphylactic reactions cannot be clinically
the incident. A full account of the events, a written record distinguished from non–immune-mediated reactions
of the reaction, and advice regarding future anesthetics (which account for 30%–40% of hypersensitivity
should be given. The patient is encouraged to carry an anes- reactions). Therefore, any suspected anaphylactic reac-
thetic card or medic alert bracelet. tion must be extensively investigated using combined
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CASE FORMAT: REFLECTION and 10 represented the worst possible pain. The patient
was prescribed paracetamol 1000 mg and diclofenac
A 64-year-old woman presented to her general practitioner sodium 75 mg as required. The paravertebral block
with a lump in the left upper quadrant of her left breast. On catheter was removed before she was transferred to the
examination, a hard nodule was detected, and she was re- ward.
ferred to a general surgeon for further investigation. On the first postoperative day, the patient com-
Mammography and breast biopsy confirmed the presence plained of mild pain while at rest and moderate-to-severe
of a 3-cm invasive adenocarcinoma. Computed axial to- pain during physiotherapy and while mobilizing. The
mography showed no evidence of metastatic disease. The paracetamol was discontinued, and the patient com-
patient was scheduled for a left mastectomy and axillary menced on co-codamol (codeine phosphate 15 mg/
node clearance. paracetamol 500 mg). The patient reported some relief
The patient had previously undergone a total abdomi- from pain at rest and was discharged on the fourth post-
nal hysterectomy under general anesthesia. She was taking operative day.
pravastatin 20 mg daily for dyslipidemia but was otherwise Three months later, after an outpatient consultation,
fit and healthy. She was anxious at the postoperative inter- the surgical team reported that the patient complained of
view and was particularly apprehensive about pain after moderate pain in the left axilla for which she took parac-
her operation, as she had experienced considerable pain etamol and ibuprofen. She was referred to a pain special-
following her hysterectomy. ist for further treatment.
Physical examination of the patient was unremarkable
apart from the lump in her left breast, and the results of
a full blood picture, urea, and electrolytes were all normal.
Her electrocardiogram and chest radiograph were
Before surgery, and with standard monitoring in
progress, a paravertebral block was performed on the pa-
Persistent postsurgical pain (PPSP) is defined as pain that de-
tient. The third thoracic vertebral body was identified with
veloped after a surgical procedure, is of at least 3 months’ du-
the patient in a sitting position, and, under aseptic condi-
ration in which other causes for the pain have been excluded,
tions, following local infiltration, a 22-gauge Tuohy needle
and whereby the possibility that the pain is continuing from a
was inserted 3 cm lateral to the most cephalad aspect of
preexisting problem has been explored and excluded.1
the spinous process. The needle was advanced to 3.5 cm
Women who undergo breast surgery experience chest wall,
to make contact with the transverse process. The needle
breast, or scar pain (11%–57%), phantom breast pain
was then “walked” above the transverse process until a
(13%–24%), and arm and shoulder pain (12%–51%). The
loss of resistance to air confirmed the correct location.
incidence of pain in one or more of these sites is close to 50%
A catheter was inserted into the paravertebral space,
1 year after breast surgery for cancer.2
and following a test dose, bupivacaine 0.5% 20 mL was Risk Factors for PPSP
Anesthesia was induced using propofol 180 mg, and There are several risk factors for PPSP3 (Table 44.1).
muscle relaxation was achieved with atracurium 35 mg.
Following tracheal intubation, anesthesia was maintained Demographic and Psychosocial Factors Age is a risk factor
with inhaled sevoflurane in an air/oxygen mixture. for the development of PPSP. The incidence of PPSP after
Paracetamol 1000 mg and diclofenac 75 mg were mastectomy is 26% in patients older than 70 years, 40% in
administered intravenously during surgery. Surgery was those 50 to 69 years, and 65% in those 30 to 49 years.4
completed within 1 hour, and the patient’s trachea was Preoperative anxiety, although a predictor of clinically mean-
extubated following reversal with glycopyrrolate and ingful acute pain,5 is not an independent contributor to the
neostigmine. prediction of either the presence or the intensity of PPSP after
In the postanesthesia care unit, the patient reported a breast surgery.6 Prescribing an anxiolytic in this case could
pain score of 4, in which a score of 0 represented no pain, have relieved the patient’s anxiety and decreased acute postop-
erative pain.
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Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia
James O’Driscoll
CASE FORMAT: REFLECTION boluses of 5 mg morphine and noted that the pain seemed
out of proportion for the procedure given the multimodal ap-
A 29-year-old, ASA II (American Society of proach taken, particularly the local infiltration. The patient’s
Anesthesiologists), 80-kg male admitted to the plastic sur- Verbal Rating Score at this stage remained at 8, his heart
gery department sustained significant injuries to his right rate was100 beats per minute, and noninvasive blood pres-
hand while as a passenger in a car involved in a road traf- sure was 140/94 mm Hg. As soon as the patient had set-
fic accident. He had extensive lacerations to both the pal- tled, he was discharged from the PACU to the general ward
mar and dorsal aspects of his right, dominant hand and on oral paracetamol and diclofenac around the clock as
had clinical evidence of tendon and nerve damage. He well as oxycodone as required for breakthrough pain.
also had fractures of the first and second phalanges of his Two hours later, the anesthetist was called to review
third finger. It was therefore proposed to explore and re- the patient’s pain on the ward. The patient reported in-
pair the wound under anesthesia. creased pain scores (Verbal Rating Score, 7) and had not
The patient had a history of intravenous (IV) drug responded to oral analgesia in the form of oxycodone. His
abuse (heroin) but was not currently using and had been heart rate was 110 beats per minute and noninvasive
abstinent for 2 months. He also had a history of long-term, blood pressure was 150/88 mm Hg. Morphine-based pa-
well-controlled asthma and was using salbutamol and tient- controlled analgesia was prescribed in addition to
beclamethasone metered-dose inhalers. His examination regular paracetamol as well as nonsteroidal anti-inflamma-
was unremarkable. tory drugs, and the patient seemed to have improved when
The various options for anesthesia including general, reviewed 1 hour later.
regional, and combined techniques were discussed with In the morning, the acute pain team reviewed the pa-
the patient. He requested a general anesthetic and refused tient, and he reported moderate pain control. Examination
all offers of regional/nerve blockade despite explanation of the patient-controlled analgesia delivery system showed a
of these techniques and reassurance regarding efficacy total consumption of 120 mg of morphine over 16 hours
and safety. and a bolus demand/delivery ratio of 4:1. It was felt that his
On arrival in the operating room, appropriate monitor- pain control was suboptimal despite all the appropriate
ing was established, and after preoxygenation with 100% measures.
oxygen, anesthesia was induced with 2 g midazolam, The patient subsequently made a full recovery and
250 mcg fentanyl, and 300 mg propofol. A size 4 laryn- never demonstrated any evidence of a return to IV drug
geal mask airway was placed, and the position was con- abuse. In the weeks following surgery, the patient reported
firmed by auscultation and capnography. Anesthesia was that pain control was excellent.
maintained uneventfully with sevoflurane in an oxygen/air
mixture and assisted ventilation in a pressure support mode
until return of spontaneous ventilation. Analgesia adminis-
tered consisted of 2 g paracetamol IV, 75 mg diclofenac
IV, 15 mg morphine IV, and wound infiltration by a surgeon
at end of the procedure with 10 mL 0.25% bupivacaine. The finding of increased postoperative pain and postopera-
The total anesthesia time was 3 hours, and the patient’s tive opioid consumption in a patient receiving a high rather
vital signs were stable throughout. than a low intraoperative opioid dose indicates the possibility
After the procedure, the patient was transferred to the of opioid-induced hyperalgesia (OIH) in this patient.
postanesthesia care unit (PACU), and 10 minutes later, he Alternatively, this patient may have experienced acute toler-
began to complain of pain. His Verbal Rating Scale score ance to analgesic opioid effects. No firm conclusions can be
was 8 out of 10 (scale, 0–10), his pulse was 110 beats per drawn. Differentiation between OIH and tolerance requires
minute, and noninvasive blood pressure was 140/88 mm a method directly assessing pain sensitivity, and implement-
Hg. Further bolus doses of morphine were administered to a ing such a method into clinical practice is difficult.
total of 10 mg in accordance with PACU protocol. Twenty OIH
minutes later the patient complained again of pain and was
reviewed by the anesthetist. He gave the patient two further OIH is a phenomenon whereby opioid drugs prescribed to al-
leviate pain may paradoxically make the patient more sensitive
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Transurethral Resection of
Prostate Syndrome
John Dowling
15259_Ch46.qxd 3/15/09 12:59 PM Page 172
hypoxemic (PO2 of 9), indicating respiratory compromise and A diagnosis of pulmonary edema was made on the basis of
probable pulmonary edema. A dilutional anemia is also seen clinical and radiology findings (Fig. 46.2). The patient was in-
(hemoglobin level of 12.6), reflecting the large intravascular tubated, and transfer to the intensive care unit was arranged.
fluid load. He was ventilated using a synchronized intermittent manda-
tory ventilatory mode. He was also started on a hypertonic
saline infusion to slowly correct his hyponatremia (at a rate of
What would be the emergency management in approximately 1 mmol/L per hour). When hemodynamically
this case? stable, the patient was started on a bolus of intravenous
Treating TURP syndrome depends on early recognition, and frusemide to treat his fluid overload and consequent pul-
therefore, the anesthetist should maintain a high degree of clin- monary edema. Twenty-four hours later, the pulmonary
ical vigilance. Initial management should follow the airway edema and hyponatremia had resolved, the patient was extu-
breathing and circulation guidelines (ABC). The operating bated, and he made an uneventful recovery.
surgeon should be informed, and the procedure should be dis-
continued as soon as sites of bleeding have been controlled.5
Cardiovascular compromise including bradycardia and hy- What are the current controversies regarding
potension may require treatment with anticholinergic and/or treatment of TURP syndrome?
adrenergic agents, particularly in this case, in which the patient In the past, fluid restriction was suggested as a potential ther-
has been on -blocker therapy. apy to improve hyponatremia, yet this method did not address
Subsequently, the surgery was rapidly terminated, and the the hypovolemia and low cardiac output that frequently fol-
patient was monitored in the recovery room. His SpO2 was lowed the discontinuation of irrigating solution. Several stud-
between 92% and 95% on a Venturi face mask delivering 60% ies support the use of hypertonic saline in the correction of the
O2. A 12-lead ECG was performed, which showed widening existing hyponatremia.2,3 Treatment is recommended when
of the QRS complex on the ECG trace (Fig. 46.1). measured serum sodium is below 120 mEq/L or when there
are obvious signs and symptoms of hyponatremia. In addition,
studies have shown a higher frequency of neurological dis-
What arrhythmias and other cardiac ability and death among individuals who either did not re-
manifestations may be seen in a patient ceive or when there was a delay in instituting hypertonic
with TURP syndrome? saline therapy.6 As a general rule, a correction of serum
When serum sodium levels fall to less than 120 mEq/L, signs of sodium by 1 mmol/L per hour may be considered as a safe rate
cardiovascular depression can occur; less than 115 mEq/L may but should be guided by improvements in the patient’s neuro-
cause bradycardia, widening of the QRS complex, ST-segment logical status. Hypertonic saline 3% is suggested as an initial
elevation, ventricular ectopic beats, and T-wave inversion.3 A fluid therapy, which can be adjusted in relation to serial
serum sodium level of less than 110 mEq/L may cause respira- serum sodium measurements and clinical improvement of
tory and cardiac arrest. the patient. Hypertonic saline has been shown to counteract
The patient subsequently developed severe respiratory dis-
tress and was unable to maintain adequate O2 saturations on
high-flow O2.
cerebral edema and expand plasma volume; the theoretical 2. What is the main advantage of performing the proce-
risk of causing pulmonary edema has not been seen in clinical dure under neuraxial blockade rather than general
usage.7 anesthesia?
Although the risk of pontine myelinolysis is more imme- Answer: With the patient awake, it is possible to keep
diate in the setting of chronic hyponatremia, the literature in constant verbal contact with him and thus detect any
still advocates a gradual sodium correction even in the acute early signs of confusion or restlessness, which may indi-
phase.6 cate an evolving TURP syndrome. This aspect of patient
Intravenous frusemide may be used to counteract the acute monitoring is lost with general anesthesia.
pulmonary edema and promote diuresis. No studies advocate
its routine use in the treatment of fluid absorption, and in fact, 3. What are the attributes of an ideal irrigation fluid for
it may exacerbate a preexisting hyponatremic hypovolemic TURP? How are these similar to those that are currently
picture. In situations when pulmonary edema is not estab- available?
lished, the best practice is probably to withhold frusemide Answer: The ideal irrigation fluid should be optically
until the patient is hemodynamically stable and a hypertonic clear, nonelectrolytic (and therefore nonconductive of the
saline infusion has been started.8 electrosurgical current) and isotonic. Numerous noncon-
Preventive measures, such as low-pressure irrigation, ductive fluids are available, such as glycine 1.5%, sorbitol
might reduce the extent of fluid absorption but do not elimi- 3%, mannitol 5%, and sterile water. The most commonly
nate this complication. Alternative surgical techniques, such as used irrigation fluid, glycine 1.5% solution is optically clear
the use of bipolar resectoscopes and prostate vaporization may and non-electrolytic but hypo-osmolar (200 mOsm/L);
influence fluid absorption and its consequences. therefore, large amounts may be absorbed systemically
through the vascular prostate bed. Direct toxicity and me-
tabolism of glycine can account for some of the neurologic
symptoms of TURP syndrome. The 6-carbon alcohols,
mannitol and sorbitol, both act as osmotic diuretics, in
slightly varying concentrations. Solutions approximating
3% of either of the 6-carbon alcohols are most often used.
1. Absorption of small amounts of fluid occurs in 5% to These solutions are purposely prepared moderately hypo-
10% of patients undergoing TURP and results in an tonic to maintain their transparency. Sterile water offers
easily overlooked mild TURP syndrome. a very clear view of the operating field (and is therefore
2. Most symptoms appear 30 to 45 minutes after surgery often used for cystoscopy), but it is highly hypotonic and
is completed, at which time hyponatremia is explained may result in hemolysis of erythrocytes and possible renal
by natriuresis and not by dilution. However, symptoms failure when absorbed in large amounts through vascular
related to fluid absorption develop in 3% to 5% of openings.
3. Furosemide should be used cautiously. In the absence
of pulmonary edema, its use should be best delayed References
until the patient is hemodynamically stable and hyper- 1. Gravenstein D. Transurethral resection of the prostate syndrome:
tonic fluid therapy has been instituted. a review of the pathophysiology and management. Anesth Analg
Judicious correction of hyponatremia with hypertonic 1997;84:438–446.
saline has been shown to improve patient outcome. 2. Hahn RG. Fluid absorption in endoscopic surgery. Br J Anaesth
2006; 96:8–20.
3. Porter M, McCormick B. Anaesthesia for transurethral resection
of the prostate. Update in Anaesthesia 2003;16.Article 8.
4. Scheingraber S, Heitmann L, Werner W, et al. Are there acid
base changes during transurethral resection of the prostate?
QUESTIONS Anesth Analg 2000;90:946–950.
5. Ghanem AN, Ward JP. Osmotic and metabolic sequelae of vol-
umetric overload in relation to the TURP syndrome. Br J Urol
1. What key precautions can surgeons and anesthetists
take to prevent the occurrence of TURP syndrome? 6. Ayus JC, Krothapalli RK, Arieff AI. Treatment of symptomatic
Answer: The likelihood of developing TURP syndrome hyponatremia and its relation to brain damage. N Engl J Med
can be lessened by limiting the surgical procedure’s 1987;317:1190–1195.
duration, by reducing the height and thus pressure of 7. Beal JL, Freysz M, Berthelon G, et al. Consequences of fluid
the irrigating solution, by attempting to preserve the absorption during transurethral resection of the prostate using
prostatic capsule during the resection, by ensuring the distilled water or glycine 1.5 per cent. Can J Anaesth 1989;36:
patient is optimally hydrated preoperatively, and com- 8. Crowley K, Clarkson K, Hannon V, et al. Diuretics after
pensating for intraoperative blood loss (often difficult to transurethral prostatectomy: a double-blind controlled trial com-
appreciate). As continuous absorption of irrigating fluid paring frusemide and mannitol. Br J Anaesth 1990;65:337–341.
may be assumed, only minimal volumes of Na contain- 9. Hahn RG. Smoking increases the risk of large-scale fluid ab-
ing maintenance intravenous fluids should be infused sorption during transurethral prostatic resection. J Urol 2001;
during the procedure. 166:162–165.
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15259_Ch47.qxd 3/15/09 6:34 AM Page 176
performed. The patient was very anxious and requested pre- the airway, an orotracheal tube 8.5 was inserted with
medication. Diazepam 10 mg was prescribed orally. fiberoptic assistance. Anesthesia was induced with propofol
and maintained with sevoflurane delivered in a mixture of
50:50 oxygen:nitrous oxide. Vecuronium 8 mg was given
Assuming that the patient is likely to suffer for muscle relaxation. Following prone positioning, the sur-
from OSA, what would be the advantages of gery proceeded uneventfully and was finished 2 hours later.
using an asleep technique for instrumenting the Throughout the course of the surgery, the patient received
airway? paracetamol 2 g, diclofenac sodium 75 mg, and morphine
Provided that spontaneous ventilation is maintained, or the 8 mg intravenously.
ability to ventilate the patient is confirmed before a long-acting
muscle relaxant is given, advantages include: (a) eliminating
the need for sedation (awake technique) and (b) the ability to What are the important safety considerations
better gauge the potential for or the degree of obstruction and when extubating this patient’s trachea?
the likelihood of requiring devices to improve airway patency • Full reversal of neuromuscular blockade should be ensured
postoperatively (e.g., nasal airway, continuous positive airway and neuromuscular recovery should be ascertained (prefer-
pressure machine). ably with a nerve stimulator) before extubation.
• Extubation should occur with an oral or nasopharyngeal
airway in place and only after spontaneous ventilation is
What are the main considerations regarding established and the patient is conscious (rousable).
the choice of drugs used for anesthesia and • The preferred recovery position for the patient is the lat-
analgesia in this patient in the perioperative eral posture.1 Placing his head in the sniffing position and
period? displacing the mandible forward will further reduce the
• Premedication with sedatives or opioids should ideally be tendency for airway collapse.2
avoided. • Continuous positive airway pressure therapy should be ap-
• Drugs used during general anesthesia should be chosen and plied if obstruction occurs despite the simple measures men-
dosed in such a way to minimize the extent and duration of tioned in this list (and in all cases of diagnosed OSA whereby
any inhibitory effect on this patient’s ability to maintain the therapy has been prescribed or used preoperatively).
normal airway patency and ventilation postoperatively.
After reversal of neuromuscular blockade, the patient was
• The provision of adequate postoperative analgesia should
extubated awake in the supine position. In the recovery area,
be accomplished in a multimodal fashion to reduce the need
he complained of pain and was given a further 4 mg of mor-
for opioids. This includes the use of paracetamol, nons-
phine in incremental doses. He desaturated a number of
teroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and local anesthetics for
times to as low as 92%, and the anesthesiologist decided that
incision infiltration. This patient would have conceivably
supplemental oxygen should be continued on the ward.
benefited from wound infiltration with a long-acting local
After a stable period of around 45 minutes, the patient was
sent back to the ward. Approximately 6 hours after admis-
In the anesthetic induction room on the morning of sur- sion to the ward, the patient was found by a nurse to be
gery, a 14-g cannula was inserted. Midazolam 4 mg and fen- unarousable, with minimal breathing efforts and a SpO2 of
tanyl 100 mg were given intravenously in incremental doses, 70%. His radial pulse was palpable, and his blood pressure
as well as glycopyrrolate 200 g. Following topicalization of was 85/55 mm Hg.
15259_Ch47.qxd 3/15/09 6:34 AM Page 177
References 10. Ballieres Clin Endocrinol Metab 1994; 8: 601–28. Flemons WW.
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5. Phillips B. Sleep apnoea: underdiagnosed and undertreated. disordered breathing: are we ready for the heat? Am J Respir
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7. Grunstein RR, Wilcox I. Sleep-disordered breathing and obesity. 16. Gross JB, Bachenberg KL, Benumof JL, et al. Practice guidelines
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8. Davies RJ, Stradling JR. The relationship between neck tive sleep apnea: a report by the American Society of
circumference, radiographic pharyngeal anatomy, and the Anesthesiologists Task Force on Perioperative Management of
obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome. Eur Respir J 1990;3: patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Anesthesiology 2006;104:
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3. Does St. John’s Wort decrease the efficacy of digoxin? 8. Harkey MR, Henderson GL, Gershwin ME, et al. Variability in
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hepatic cytochrome P450 microsomal enzymes, thus 9. Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency. Safety
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herbal medicines and other dietary supplements. 2003. Available ucts should be discontinued before surgery? Crit Care Nurse
at Accessed: May 2008. 2003;23:116–124.
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CASE FORMAT: REFLECTION 6 mcg/kg followed by an infusion of 0.2 g/kg per minute
was administered. Six hours later, the patient developed
A 47-year-old female presented to the emergency depart- rapid atrial fibrillation at 130 beats per minute. Her blood
ment with increasing shortness of breath. In the preceding pressure remained stable, and she was treated with amio-
week, she had woken several times during the night unable darone. She also received potassium supplementation, as
to breathe or lie flat. The patient had no history of chest pain her plasma potassium concentration had decreased to
or palpitations, was well known to the cardiology service, 3.0 mmol/L. Over the next 24 hours, the patient’s dyspnea
and had a history of ischemic cardiomyopathy. Six years improved significantly, but her renal function continued to
previously, she had undergone coronary artery bypass graft deteriorate (Table 49.2).
surgery; she also had a pacemaker in situ. Her medications
were frusemide 20 mg twice per day, bisoprolol 10 mg
once per day, and enalapril 5 mg once per day. On exam-
ination, the patient was alert but cyanosed and in marked REVIEW
respiratory distress. Her respiratory rate was 35 beats per
minute; pulse,105 beats per minute, regular; and blood This patient presented with an episode of severe acute on
pressure, 130/75 mm Hg. On auscultation, crepitations chronic heart failure. Despite the frequency with which this
were audible at both lung bases. Examination of the car- clinical situation occurs, therapeutic options are limited, and as
diovascular system revealed an elevated jugular venous many as 25% of patients die within 6 months of presentation.1
pressure, displaced apex, and a third heart sound. The This patient was initially treated with oxygen, diuretics, and a
emergency physician administered 60% oxygen by face peripheral vasodilator. Current guidelines emphasize these
mask and 60 mg of frusemide intravenously. The following treatments as the cornerstones of therapy.2,3 Loop diuretics are
tests were ordered: arterial blood gases (Table 49.1), full by far the most common agents used in this setting despite the
blood count, urea, electrolytes, glucose, creatinine, liver lack of data from large clinical trials on their use.4 The absence
function tests, troponin level (Table 49.2), and an electro- of hypotension in this case facilitated the use of a vasodilator
cardiogram. The patient’s chest radiograph is shown in (glyceryl trinitrate). CPAP was well tolerated and alleviated
Figure 49.1. There was some clinical improvement, but the patient’s initial hypoxemia (Table 49.1).
oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry was 89%. It The onset of renal dysfunction is of concern. Inadequate
was decided to notify the intensive care team. Continuous renal blood flow caused by poor cardiac output and hypov-
positive airway pressure (CPAP) via face mask (positive olemia resulting from aggressive diuresis contributed in this
end-expiratory pressure, 10 cm water; 60% oxygen) and instance (Table 49.2). Short-term inotropic support is said to be
an intravenous infusion of glyceryl trinitrate were com- indicated when there is evidence of hypoperfusion (i.e., the
menced. In the intensive care unit, an echocardiograph was onset of renal dysfunction in this case). Dobutamine was the ini-
performed, and left ventricular ejection-fraction was tial agent chosen for this purpose. However, the evidence to
estimated at 20%. This was a notable reduction from previ- support the use of inotropes in this setting is not clear.5,6 -
ous estimates. Troponin levels were not elevated, and there Agonists (e.g., dobutamine) and phosphodiesterase inhibitors
were no new changes on the electrocardiogram. Six hours (e.g., milrinone) are typically chosen for their ability to inodilate.
after admission, the patient was found to be tolerating CPAP More recently, levosimendan has received attention as a novel
well but desaturated rapidly if the mask was removed even inotrope for this purpose. Levosimendan enhances myocardial
for brief periods. In addition, her renal function had started sensitivity to calcium by binding to cardiac troponin C and does
to deteriorate. The intensivist reviewed her and commenced so in a calcium-dependent manner. Thus, the effect is greatest
dobutamine 5 g/kg per minute. The following day, the pa- at times of high intracellular calcium concentration (i.e., during
tient still required face mask CPAP, glyceryl trinitrate, and systole) and least at times of low intracellular calcium concentra-
regular intravenous frusemide 60 mg three times daily. A tion (i.e., during diastole). Unlike other agents, levosimendan is
different intensivist was now on duty and found the situation capable of improving contractility without increasing myocar-
unchanged except that the patient’s renal parameters had dial oxygen demand. In addition, it activates adenosine triphos-
continued to deteriorate (Table 49.2). He decided to admin- phate-dependent potassium channels in vascular smooth muscle
ister levosimendan in place of dobutamine. A bolus dose of producing peripheral and coronary vasodilation. In theory,
these properties make levosimendan an ideal agent for use in
15259_Ch49.qxd 3/15/09 6:39 AM Page 183
this patient. The deteriorating renal function prompted the sec- ventricular impairment similar to this case (ejection fraction
ond intensivist to change from dobutamine to levosimendan in ⱕ 35%). Patients in the levosimendan group had better symp-
the patient discussed in this case. tomatic improvement, greater decreases in plasma B-type
In the setting of acute heart failure, levosimendan is the natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels, and shorter duration of hos-
most widely studied inotrope to date. Encouraging results pital stay when compared with those who received placebo.12
from initial studies have fueled enthusiasm for the drug. The Patients taking levosimendan showed a trend toward a
RUSSLAN investigators explored the safety and efficacy of greater mortality at 90 days (35 deaths in the placebo group
levosimendan versus placebo in patients with left ventricular vs. 45 in the levosimendan group). Mortality was not a pri-
failure following myocardial infarction. Five hundred patients mary end point of REVIVE-11, but the outcome data seem
were randomized to receive either placebo or levosimendan in at odds with earlier smaller studies. Atrial fibrillation devel-
one of four different dosing regimens.7 Levosimendan oped in the patient described in this case following levosi-
administered at 0.1 to 0.2 g/kg per minute had equivalent mendan administration. In REVIVE 11, atrial fibrillation,
incidences of hypotension and ischemia when compared with hypotension, and ventricular tachycardia occurred more fre-
placebo. Although not a primary end point, mortality was quently with levosimendan than with placebo.
lower in the levosimendan group at 14 days (11.7% vs. 19.6%) This patient had symptomatic improvement and a decrease
and 180 days (22.6% vs. 31.4%). in BNP levels when switched to levosimendan. To determine if
The LIDO trial examined 203 patients similar to the this result translates into improved survival, the evidence from
present case (low output heart failure and documented left larger outcome studies is needed.
ventricular ejection fraction ⬍0.35).8 Patients were randomly SURVIVE represents the largest outcome study to date of
assigned to receive either levosimendan (24 g/kg bolus fol- levosimendan use in patients with acute decompensated heart
lowed by an infusion of 0.1 g/kg per minute) or dobutamine failure.13 In this recently published randomized, double-blind,
(5–10 g/kg per minute) each for 24 hours. The primary end international trial, 1327 patients were assigned to receive a
point of the trial was the proportion of patients showing he- 24-hour infusion of either dobutamine (5–40 g/kg per
modynamic improvement as measured by ⱖ30% increase in minute) or levosimendan (bolus, 12 g/kg followed by an in-
cardiac output and a ⱕ 25% reduction in pulmonary capillary fusion 0.1–0.2 g/kg per minute). Despite a decrease in plasma
wedge pressure. A significantly greater proportion of patients BNP levels, there was no difference in mortality at 31 days
in the levosimendan group compared with the dobutamine (12% in the levosimendan group vs. 14% in the dobutamine
group (28% vs. 15%) reached this endpoint. Analysis of mor- group) or at 180 days (26% in the levosimendan group vs. 28%
tality data revealed a significantly greater mortality rate in the in the dobutamine group). It has been observed that the failure
dobutamine group at both 31 days (8% vs. 17%) and 180 days to demonstrate survival benefit in the SURVIVE study could
(26% vs. 38%). in part be attributed to the fact that some patients had low
Subgroup analysis in the LIDO trial showed that the use systolic pressure and may have been in cardiogenic shock, ren-
of -blockers, as in the case described, enhanced the hemody- dering them unsuitable for treatment with levosimendan.10
namic effects of levosimendan but diminished those of dobu- The patient described in this case presented with severe acute
tamine. Furthermore, decreases in mean potassium levels on chronic heart failure. Subgroup analysis of the SURVIVE
were observed in the levosimendan group over the 24 hours data has shown that a trend toward a lower 31-day mortality
of the study. Despite initial supplementation, the patient’s rate was observed in those with a prior history of heart failure.
potassium levels fell with the administration of levosimendan Is levosimendan a better choice than dobutamine for the
in this case (Table 49.2). patient described here? Given the available evidence to date,
This study and others led to the inclusion of levosimendan no clear case can be made for a better outcome with the use of
for use in patients with symptomatic low-output cardiac fail- one agent over another. Proponents of levosimendan can be
ure without hypotension in the 2004 European heart failure reassured by the amount of data that exists when compared
guidelines.2 The durations of action of levosimendan and with other agents currently in use for acute heart failure.2,10
dobutamine differ. Levosimendan has an active metabolite Future trials should focus on subgroups that may benefit most
OR-1896 that has a long half-life. The clinical hemodynamic from levosimendan. Patients such as the woman described in
effects of levosimendan can persist for up to 7 to 9 days after this case (on -blocker therapy, with acute on chronic heart
discontinuation of the drug. In this respect, the validity failure, and normotensive) represent a potential target popula-
of comparing a 24- hour infusion of levosimendan with a 24- tion for such further study.
hour infusion of dobutamine has been questioned.9
The CASINO study was designed to enroll 600 patients
with acute decompensated heart failure. Patients were ran- KEY MESSAGES
domized to receive a 24-hour infusion of levosimendan,
dobutamine, or placebo.5,10,11 The trial was terminated after 1. Levosimendan is a novel inodilator, and its mode of ac-
299 patients were enrolled because of improved outcome in tion is mediated via myocardial sensitization to calcium.
the levosimendan group. Mortality at 6 months was 18% for
the levosimendan group, 28.3% for the placebo group, and a 2. Smaller studies point to the safety and efficacy of lev-
remarkable 42% in the dobutamine group. osimendan in relieving symptoms, reducing BNP levels,
Two larger clinical trials have been designed to confirm and improving hemodynamic profile.
these initial positive findings regarding the use of levosimen- 3. The largest clinical trial to date failed to show a long-
dan. REVIVE-11 compared levosimendan with placebo in term mortality benefit when compared with dobutamine.
600 patients with acute decompensated heart failure and left
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Antiplatelet Agents,
Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin,
and Neuraxial Blockade
Leon Serfontein
15259_Ch50.qxd 3/15/09 6:41 AM Page 187
The provision of safe neuraxial anesthesia/analgesia concur- An indwelling epidural catheter should not be removed
rent with anticoagulation requires education of the entire pa- while the patient is therapeutically anticoagulated.
tient care team. Patients at increased risk should be identified by • Avoiding combinations of drugs (perioperatively) that
and to the responsible clinicians and nurses. One option in this independently alter coagulation.
case would have been to avoid greater concentrations (⬎1.25%)
2. What are the symptoms of cord compression from an
of bupivacaine for “top-ups,” thus allowing better assessment
epidural hematoma?
and earlier detection of neurologic dysfunction. Magnetic reso-
nance imaging is the diagnostic tool of choice for detecting Answer: Symptoms include severe back pain, new-onset,
epidural hematoma. Emergency decompressive laminectomy is or persisting sensory or motor deficit outlasting the
the treatment of choice.13,14 Overall, a less severe preoperative expected duration of the neuraxial block and bowel or
neurological deficit and early hematoma evacuation (within bladder dysfunction within the postoperative period.
6 hours) are associated with better neurological recovery.15,16 3. Following removal of an indwelling epidural catheter,
Newer and more effective anticoagulants are continuously how long is the wait before the next dose of prophylac-
being developed. Examples include the new synthetic pentasac- tic heparin could be safely administered?
charide fondaparinux, and razaxaban, each of which has potent
antifactor Xa activity and is intended for thromboprophylactic Answer: A minimum of 2 hours.
use. Because of their efficacy and longer elimination half-
lives, these drugs pose additional problems for the anesthetist. References
Alternative anesthetic and analgesic techniques should be con- 1. Burger W, Chemnitius JM, Kneissl GD, Rücker G. Low-dose
sidered for patients considered to be at unacceptably high risk aspirin for secondary cardiovascular prevention—cardiovascular
of epidural hematoma. Safer neuraxial alternatives such as risks after its preoperative withdrawal versus bleeding risks with
spinal (cf. epidural) anesthesia or peripheral nerve blockade are its continuation—review and meta-analysis. J Int Med 2005;257:
among these options. In general, superficial limb blocks, the 399–414.
anatomical landmarks for which are well defined or easily 2. Bergqvist D, Wu CL, Neal JM. Anticoagulation and neuraxial re-
visualized with ultrasound imaging and performed where a gional anesthesia: perspectives. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2003;28:163.
3. Rodgers A, Walker N, Schug S, et al. Reduction of postoperative
developing hematoma can be easily accessed and compressed,
mortality and morbidity with epidural or spinal anaesthesia: re-
are not contraindicated in patients receiving anticoagulation.7 sults from overview of randomised trials. Br Med J 2000;321:1.
4. ACC/AHA/SCAI Guideline update for percutaneous coronary
intervention. Executive summary. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006;47:
5. AHA/ACC Guidelines for secondary prevention for patients
1. Neuraxial blockade is contraindicated in a patient with coronary and other atherosclerotic vascular disease: 2006
who has taken clopidogrel within 7 days. update. Circulation 2006;113:2363–2372.
6. Second Consensus Conference on Neuraxial Anesthesia and
2. Epidural needle insertion as well as epidural catheter Anticoagulation. April 25–28, 2002.
removal should be performed at least 10 to 12 hours 7. Horlocker TT, Wedel DJ, Benson H. Regional anesthesia in an-
after the preceding dose (prophylactic regimen) of ticoagulated patients: defining the risks. Reg Anesth Pain Med
LMWH. 2003;28:172–198.
8. Weber AA, Braun M, Hohlfeld T, et al. Recovery of platelet
3. Magnetic resonance imaging is the diagnostic tool of function after discontinuation of clopidogrel treatment in
choice for detecting epidural hematoma, and emergency healthy volunteers. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2001; 52:333–336.
decompressive laminectomy is the treatment of choice. 9. Anonymous. Practice parameters for the prevention of venous
thromboembolism. The Standards Task Force of The American
4. A less severe preoperative neurological deficit and Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons. Dis Colon Rectum 2000;
early hematoma evacuation (within 6 hours) are associ- 43:1037–1047.
ated with better neurological recovery. 10. Horlocker TT, Wedel DJ, Schroeder DR, et al. Preoperative an-
tiplatelet therapy does not increase the risk of spinal hematoma
with regional anesthesia. Anesth Analg 1995;80:303–309.
11. Horlocker TT, Wedel DJ. Neuraxial block and low molecular-
QUESTIONS weight heparin: balancing perioperative analgesia and thrombo-
prophylaxis. Reg Anesth Pain Med 1998;23:164.
12. Horlocker TT, Wedel DJ. Anticoagulation and neuraxial block:
1. How could the risk of epidural hematoma associated historical perspective, anesthetic implications, and risk manage-
with neuraxial anesthesia be minimized? ment. Reg Anesth Pain Med 1998;23:129–134.
Answer: 13. Binder DK, Sonne DC, Lawton MT. Spinal epidural hematoma.
• Identifying patients at unacceptably high risk and Neurosurg Q 2004;14:51–59.
considering alternative anesthetic/analgesic techniques 14. Vandermeulen EP, Van Aken H, Vermylen J. Anticoagulants
and spinal–epidural anesthesia Anesth Analg 1994;79:1165–1177.
such as peripheral nerve blocks when feasible.
15. Kreppel D, Antoniadis G, Seeling W. Spinal hematoma: a liter-
• Performing spinal anesthesia in preference to epidural ature survey with meta- analysis of 613 patients. Neurosurg Rev
anesthesia when possible. 2003;26:1–49.
• Timing needle insertion and epidural catheter removal 16. Lawton MT, Porter RW, Heiserman JE, et al. Surgical manage-
appropriately in the presence of perioperative anticoag- ment of spinal epidural hematoma: relationship between surgical
ulation (to occur at the nadir of anticoagulant activity). timing and neurological outcome. J Neurosurg 1995;83:1–7.
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CASE DISCUSSION accumulation of lactic acid and decrease in pH. The buffering
capacity of the brain is exceeded, and reactive oxygen species
Cerebral aneurysms have a prevalence of 0.2% to 9.9% in the are generated leading to cell membrane rupture and neuronal
general population.1 The incidence of SAH resulting from necrosis. The hyperglycemia noted in this patient should have
ruptured cerebral aneurysms ranges from 6 to 16 per 100,000, been corrected.
depending on the population under study.2,3 In the United In clinical practice, it is advisable to avoid glucose-containing
States, this figure accounts for 25,000 to 30,000 cases of SAH solutions and to correct hyperglycemia aggressively (target
per year.4 concentration, 5–9 mmol/L⫺1) in patients with focal cerebral
The application of temporary clips to a cerebral artery dur- ischemia.
ing surgical exploration and repair of an intracranial Temperature
aneurysm is performed when the risk of rupture is high.
Temporary clipping causes a period of focal cerebral ischemia Hypothermia can offer some degree of neuroprotection in
and the anesthetist should institute measures for neuroprotec- focal and global ischemia. Early studies have shown that
tion in this situation. hypothermia decreases cerebral metabolic rate (CMR) in a
temperature-dependent fashion, with the greatest effect at
Neuroprotection very low temperatures (18°C–22°C) achievable only with car-
diopulmonary bypass. The effects of mild hypothermia (cool-
Neuroprotective strategies are intended to modify intra-
ing to 32°C–35°C) were found to be negligible. Reduction in
ischemic cellular and vascular biological responses to depriva-
brain temperature by 2°C to 4°C has been shown to be neuro-
tion of the cellular energy supply to increase tissue tolerance to
protective in rats. The protective effects of hypothermia are
ischemia and/or reperfusion resulting in improved outcome.5
more likely to be dependent on changes at several steps in the
Uncontrolled release of glutamate during ischemia and the
ischemic cascade than on change in CMR alone. Possible
consequent excessive stimulation of postsynaptic receptors are
mechanisms include suppression of glutamate release and de-
implicated in the initiation of neuronal injury, a process
crease in nitric oxide production leading to a reduction in free
known as excitotoxicity. Neuronal apoptosis occurs early dur-
radical-triggered lipid peroxidation. Disappointingly, a
ing ischemia and is responsible for some of the continued neu-
prospective trial has shown that short-duration intraoperative
ronal loss that is seen following the insult.
hypothermia (33°C) did not improve 3-month neurologic out-
Blood Pressure come after craniotomy for good-grade patients with aneurys-
mal subarachnoid hemorrhage.6
Maintaining a high normal cerebral perfusion pressure Hypothermia causes shivering with increased oxygen de-
(CPP) can augment collateral blood flow to the ischemic mand, is associated with arrhythmias and cardiac ischemia,
penumbra, minimize secondary injury, and result in im- decreased platelet activity, disordered coagulation, and in-
proved neurological outcome. This is particularly germane creased infection rate.
when a temporary clip has been applied, and collateral per- The conflicting nature of such study results as well as the
fusion to affected areas can occur through Willisian chan- paucity of prospective trials in the area leave many anesthetists
nels, pial-to-pial collaterals, or leptomeningeal pathways. unsure of hypothermia’s role in neuroprotection. The mild hy-
CPP should be maintained at a greater level in patients who pothermia achieved in the patient discussed in this case would
are chronically hypertensive and whose autoregulatory have provided little neuroprotection and may have contributed
curves are shifted to the right. It may be best to maintain the to the delay in emergence. A timely emergence is important so
blood pressure of such individuals close to their pre-SAH that prompt neurologic examination can be performed.
measurements. In this case, the anesthetist maintained the Without doubt, hyperthermia has adverse effects on the
mean arterial pressure between 70 to 80 mm Hg; in the postischemic brain. Spontaneous hyperthermia, common in
absence of accurate data on the patient’s baseline blood pres- the postischemic brain, is associated with poor outcome in
sure, this is acceptable management. humans and should be treated aggressively.7
Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide IV Anesthetic Agents
During periods of focal cerebral ischemia, ventilation should The protective effect of barbiturates in focal cerebral ischemia
be altered to ensure normocapnia. Hypercapnia can cause has been shown in one human trial and in numerous animal
intracerebral “steal” by preferentially vasodilating vessels trials.
in the noninjured area and decreasing intracellular pH. This effect is thought to be caused by suppression of the
Hypocapnia does not cause the putative inverse-steal phe- CMR, which produces a progressive decrease in electroen-
nomenon and can increase the size of the region at risk of cephalographic activity and a reduction in the rate of adeno-
ischemic damage. The hypercapnia seen in the arterial blood sine 5-triphosphate depletion. It may also result from cerebral
gas analysis in this case (pCO2, 6.3 kPa) should have been blood flow (CBF) redistribution to peri-ischemic areas, free
corrected promptly. radical scavenging, and potentiation of ␥-aminobutyric acid
Blood Glucose The potential for barbiturates to confer long-term neuro-
Hyperglycemia increases damage in focal ischemia and is an protection has not been investigated.
independent predictor of poor outcome in patients who have Propofol may have beneficial effects on cerebral physiol-
focal ischemic injury. During incomplete ischemia, glucose ogy. It decreases CMR and CBF. It can also protect the brain
is metabolized anaerobically by glycolysis, with a resultant against ischemic injury in rats. Neuroprotection by propofol
15259_Ch51.qxd 3/15/09 6:41 AM Page 191
might result from a direct scavenging effect on reactive oxy- “Triple-H” Therapy
gen species generated during ischemia and reperfusion.8
Propofol, compared with nitrous oxide and fentanyl, decreases Vasospasm after surgery is a major cause of morbidity and
neuronal injury and favorably modulates apoptosis-regulating mortality following SAH. Constriction of the cerebral arterial
proteins for at least 28 days. This suggests that propofol could vasculature occurs as free subarachnoid blood under high
be neuroprotective over a long postischemic period, particu- pressure comes into contact with the surfaces of vessels, partic-
larly if the insult is mild.9 Because propofol has negative in- ularly in the basal cisterns. The mainstay of medical treatment
otropic and vasodilatory properties, it may decrease CPP if a of cerebral vasospasm, in addition to calcium channel block-
large dose is administered rapidly. ade with nimodipine, is “triple-H” therapy: hypervolemia
Ketamine increases intracranial pressure, CMR, and CBF. (an increase in the volume of circulating plasma), induced
However, it also inhibits glutamatergic neurotransmission at arterial hypertension, and hemodilution. Postoperative
the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor, which is highly activated “triple-H” therapy has been used in many centers, on the basis
by the excitatory transmitter release that occurs during is- that it augments CBF, prevents delayed ischemia, and im-
chemia. There are no human data supporting the use of keta- proves clinical outcome. However, the efficacy of “triple-H”
mine in brain protection. therapy has not been proven by prospective study.13 Although
Lidocaine blocks apoptotic cell death in vitro, and, in an- induced hypertension results in a significant increase in
tiarrhythmic doses, it decreases infarct size and improves neu- regional CBF and brain tissue oxygenation, hypervolemia/
rologic outcome in a rat model of transient ischemia.10 Opioids hemodilution induce only a slight increase in regional CBF,
(such as fentanyl, used in this case) are useful adjuncts as they while brain tissue oxygenation does not improve14 (Table 51.1).
limit the need for higher-dose volatile anesthetics with atten-
dant cerebral vasodilation and increased CBF. Evidence as to
whether opioids produce neuroprotection is lacking. The KEY MESSAGES
short half-life of fentanyl in moderate doses allows timely
postsurgical neurological evaluation. 1. Maintaining a high normal CPP can augment collat-
The use of thiopentone in this patient was appropriate. eral blood flow to the ischemic penumbra, minimize
Propofol can also be used as a neuroprotective agent and can secondary injury, and result in improved neurological
circumvent the delayed emergence seen with large doses of outcome.
barbiturates. 2. Hyperglycemia increases damage in focal neurologic
Inhalational Anesthetic Agents ischemia and is an independent predictor of poor out-
come in patients who have focal ischemic injury.
Inhalational anesthetic agents can decrease ischemic cerebral 3. Hyperthermia has adverse effects on the postischemic
injury. Both halothane and sevoflurane reduce the volume of brain.
infarction after focal ischemia.11 This occurs because these 4. The efficacy of “triple-H” therapy (hypervolemia ⫺[an
agents attenuate excitotoxicity by inhibiting glutamate release increase in the volume of circulating plasma], induced
and postsynaptic glutamate receptor-mediated responses. The arterial hypertension, and hemodilution) has not been
neuroprotection offered by isoflurane, and possibly other in- proven by prospective study.
halational agents, appears to be short-lived; a reduction in
neurologic injury is seen when evaluated at 2 days but not
14 days after ischemic injury.12
Like the barbiturates, most inhalational anesthetic agents
produce progressive electroencephalographic depression in a QUESTIONS
dose-dependent manner, with a similar reduction in CMR.
Halothane is a potent cerebral vasodilator that can produce 1. What is neuroprotection?
a marked increase in intracranial pressure. Hyperventilation Answer: Neuroprotection is modification of intraischemic
can be used to prevent this increase but must be instituted be- cellular and vascular biological responses to deprivation of
fore introducing the halothane, as the vasodilatory effects the cellular energy supply to increase tissue tolerance to is-
occur faster than the onset of metabolic suppression. chemia and/or reperfusion resulting in improved outcome.
Enflurane is a less potent cerebral vasodilator and more potent
depressant of CMR. Greater doses of enflurane produce cere- 2. What is the best ventilatory strategy to use during
bral seizure activity when combined with hypocarbia. general anesthesia for cerebral aneurysm repair?
Isoflurane is the least potent cerebral vasodilator and most ef- Answer: Ventilation should be carried out to achieve
fectively decreases CMR. Greater intracranial pressure in- normocapnia. Hypercapnia can cause intracerebral “steal”
creases with its use, hyperventilation minimizes the effect and by preferentially vasodilating vessels in the noninjured
can be safely instituted after introduction of the agent. area and decrease intracellular pH. Hypocapnia can
Desflurane and sevoflurane have similar properties to isoflu- increase the size of the region at risk of ischemic damage.
rane. The lower blood-gas solubility of desflurane and
sevoflurane allow more prompt awakening. 3. What inhalational agents are suitable for use in a case
Interestingly, sevoflurane has been shown to provide in which neuroprotection is desirable?
longer-term protection in an experimental model of focal cere- Answer: Desflurane and sevoflurane are suitable for use
bral ischemia. The use of sevoflurane in the patient presented in a case in which neuroprotection is desirable. Both of
in this case was appropriate. these agents offer some neuroprotection with easy control
15259_Ch51.qxd 3/15/09 6:41 AM Page 192
of vasodilation. The low blood-gas solubility of these 8. Sitar SM, Hanifi-Moghaddam P, Gelb A, et al. Propofol prevents
agents allows prompt awakening. peroxide-induced inhibition of glutamate transport in cultured
astrocytes. Anesthesiology 1999;90:1446–1453.
9. Engelhard K, Werner C, Eberspacher E, et al. Influence of
propofol on neuronal damage and apoptotic factors after incom-
References plete cerebral ischaemia and reperfusion in rats: a long-term
1. Rinkel GJ, Djibuti M, Algra A, et al. Prevalence and risk of rup- observation. Anesthesiology 2004;101:912–917.
ture of intracranial aneurysms: a systematic review. Stroke 1998; 10. Lei B, Cottrell JE, Kass IS. Neuroprotective effect of low-dose li-
29:251–256. docaine in a rat model of transient focal cerebral ischemia.
2. Linn FH, Rinkel GJ, van Gijn J. Incidence of subarachnoid hem- Anesthesiology 2001;95:445–451.
orrhage: role of region, year, and rate of computed tomography: 11. Warner DS, McFarlane C, Todd M, et al. Sevoflurane and
a meta-analysis. Stroke 1996;27:625–629 halothane reduce focal ischaemic brain damage in the rat.
3. Broderick JP, Brott T, Tomsick T, et al. The risk of subarach- Possible influences on thermoregulation. Anesthesiology 1993;
noid hemorrhage in blacks as compared to whites. N Engl J Med 79:985–992.
1992;326:733–736. 12. Kawaguchi M, Kimbro JR, Drummond JC, et al. Effects of
4. van Gijn J, Rinkel GJE. Subarachnoid hemorrhage: diagnosis, isoflurane on neuronal apoptosis in rats subjected to focal
causes and management. Brain 2001;124:249–278. ischaemia. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol 2000;12:385.
5. Fukuda S, Warner DS. Cerebral protection. Br J Anaesth 2007; 13. Treggiari MM, Walder B, Suter PM, et al. Systematic review of
99:10–17. the prevention of delayed ischemic neurological deficits with
6. Todd MM, Hindman BJ, Clarke WR, et al. Mild intraoperative hypertension, hypervolemia, and hemodilution therapy follow-
hypothermia during surgery for intracranial aneurysm. N Engl J ing subarachnoid hemorrhage. J Neurosurg 2003;98:978.
Med 2005;352:135–145. 14. Muench E, Horn P, Bauhuf C, et al. Effects of hypervolaemia
7. Kammersgaard LP, Jorgensen HS, Rungby JA, et al. Admission and hypertension on regional cerebral blood flow, intracranial
body temperature predicts long-term mortality after acute stroke: pressure, and brain tissue oxygenation after subarachnoid haem-
the Copenhagen Stroke Study. Stroke 2002; 33:1759–1762. orrhage. Critical Care Med 2007;35:1844–1851.
15259_Ch52.qxd 3/15/09 6:42 AM Page 193
CASE FORMAT: REFLECTION blood pressure) were applied. One 16-gauge cannula
was inserted on the dorsum of the patient’s left hand after
A 65-year-old, 75-kg male was admitted to the emergency 1% lignocaine infiltration at the site. A 20-gauge arterial
department with a severe headache and decreased level cannula was inserted in the left radial artery for invasive
of consciousness. His Glasgow Coma Scale score was 14. monitoring of blood pressure also after local infiltration with
A computed tomographic scan showed subarachnoid hem- 1% lignocaine. After 3 minutes of preoxygenation with
orrhage (SAH). An angiogram demonstrated (Fig. 52.1) 100% oxygen, anesthesia was induced using intravenous
that the source of the SAH was an 8-mm posterior commu- propofol 200 mg and fentanyl 150. Muscle relaxation was
nicating artery aneurysm. achieved with intravenous atracurium 40 mg. Anesthesia
The patient had smoked 3 to 5 cigarettes per day for was maintained using an infusion of propofol (target con-
the previous 30 years. He walked 2 kilometers each day on trol infusion targeted plasma concentration was 4 ng/L)
level ground and denied chest pain or dyspnea on exertion. and remifentanil (target control infusion, 6–9 ng/L).
He had undergone an appendectomy at 16 years of age Bispectral index monitoring was commenced and main-
for which the anesthetic had been uneventful. tained ⬍60 by titrating the propofol infusion. Convected
The patient’s neurologic examination revealed a warm air was circulated on the patient’s body (Bair
Glasgow Coma scale of 14 (Table 52.1); he opened his Hugger; Arizant Inc, Eden Prairie, MN), for which the tem-
eyes in response to voice (3), was oriented and convers- perature was set at 38°C. Once the right femoral artery
ing (5), and obeyed commands (6). He was judged to be was successfully cannulated, 100 IU/kg of heparin was ad-
Hunt and Hess grade II (Table 52.2) and also grade II by ministered. Three minutes later, the activated clotting time
World Federation of Neurological Surgeons Grading was 345 seconds. Using a microcatheter, the neuroradiol-
(Table 52.3). His pupils were 6 to 7 mm in diameter, were ogist catheterized the aneurysm and then successfully de-
equal, and reacted normally to light. He had no neuro- posited platinum coils within the aneurysm sac until it was
logic deficit. Electrocardiogram (ECG) and chest radi- occluded. Propofol and remifentanil infusion were discontin-
ograph readings were unremarkable. The patient’s serum ued. Reversal of neuromuscular block was achieved by ad-
urea was 6.5 mmol/L; creatinine, 85 mmol/L; sodium, ministering 2.5 mg neostigmine and 500 g glycopyrro-
130 mmol/L; and glucose, 8.5 mmol/L. His hemoglobin late. During the procedure, 1 L of 0.9% sodium chloride
concentration was 14.6 g/dL, and his white blood cell had been administered. Within 12 minutes of discontinuing
count was 12 ⫻ 109/L. the anesthetic agents, the patient was able to obey com-
The patient had been fasting for 6 hours and had mands, and his trachea was extubated without coughing.
received 60 mg of oral nimodipine (additional doses had He was transferred to the postanesthesia care unit, and
been prescribed every 4 hours thereafter). A prophylactic after 30 minutes, he was oriented, alert, awake, and com-
dose of phenytoin 1.125 g (15 mg/kg) had been admin- fortable. His vital signs were normal and he was dis-
istered intravenously on admission over 30 minutes in the charged to the neurosurgical observation ward. Regular ni-
emergency department. modipine and phenytoin were prescribed for 3 weeks, and
In view of the hyponatremia, the patient’s estimated the patient was scheduled for a repeat cerebral angiogram
fluid losses were replaced with 0.9% sodium chloride. As in 6 months.
part of the multidisciplinary approach to managing a cere-
bral aneurysm, the neurosurgeon and neuroradiologist dis-
cussed definitive treatment options such as clipping and CASE DISCUSSION
coiling of the aneurysm. On the basis of findings of the
International Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial (ISAT)1 trial,
they decided to proceed to coiling of the aneurysm on the
following day. The ISAT is the only large-scale, multicenter, prospective,
On the next morning, the patient received the pre- randomized control trial that has compared endovascular
scribed dose of nimodipine. He received no premedicant, as coiling and neurosurgical clipping for ruptured intra-cerebral
he volunteered that it was not necessary. In the neuroradiol- aneurysm. A total of 2143 patients were randomly allocated,
ogy suite, standard monitors (ECG, SpO2, and noninvasive 1073 to the endovascular and 1070 to the neurosurgical arms.
The trial included patients with ruptured aneurysms that
15259_Ch52.qxd 3/15/09 6:42 AM Page 194
Score 6 5 4 3 2 1
Eyes N/A N/A Opens eyes Opens eyes in Opens eyes in Does not
spontaneously response to voice response to open eyes
painful stimuli
Verbal N/A Oriented, converses Confused, Utters inappropriate Incomprehensible Makes no
normally disoriented words sounds sounds
Motor Obeys Localizes painful Flexion / Abnormal flexion Extension to Makes no
commands stimuli withdrawal to to painful stimuli painful stimuli movements
painful stimuli
N/A, not applicable.
were amenable to treatment with clipping or coiling. Patients What is the role of nimodipine?
randomly allocated to coiling experienced a 23.7% incidence Nimodipine, a calcium channel blocker, improves outcome
of neurological dependency or death compared with a 30.6% after SAH.3 Nimodipine therapy (60 mg orally or by naso-
incidence in patients randomized to clipping. These results gastric tube every 4 hours; maximal daily dose 360 mg)
showed that the absolute benefit of coiling over clipping should be started in all patients at admission and continued
was 7.4%. This figure equates to a number needed to treat of for 21 days. Nimodipine administered as a continuous infu-
14 patients, for one to avoid death or dependency at 1 year sion is no more effective than when administered orally, but
after rupture. it is associated with a greater incidence of hypotension.
Several aspects of this study need to be emphasized to place Intravenous nimodipine should be administered via a central
the findings into proper clinical perspective. Only 22.4% of the venous catheter. In addition, the infusion system must be
initially screened 9559 patients with ruptured aneurysms un- protected from light. If an adequate and stable blood pres-
derwent randomization; ⬍10% of the patients were at high sure (systolic blood pressure 130–150 mm Hg) cannot be
clinical risk, and approximately 95% of them had aneurysms maintained, hemodynamic management takes priority over
in the anterior cerebral circulation with a size of ⬍10 mm. nimodipine administration. In general, nimodipine renders
Complete occlusion of the aneurysm was achieved more often patients prone to hypotension, especially when they are in-
in the surgically treated group compared with the endovascu- travascularly depleted and during anesthesia induction. As
larly treated group (82 vs. 66%). Late aneurysm rebleeding nimodipine does not reliably relieve angiographically docu-
was more common in the coiled group (0.2% per year) than in mented vasospasm, its beneficial effect may be caused by a
the open surgical group (0.06% per year); however, rebleeding general brain protective mechanism.2
was uncommon in both treatment groups and did not reverse
the benefit of endovascular treatment at 7-year follow-up.2
How is grading and neurologic
What is coiling of a cerebral aneurysm? assessment used?
Coiling is a procedure in which a microcatheter is inserted Clinical grading scales such as that of Hunt and Hess 4 or the
through the femoral artery, navigated into the aneurysm sac World Federation of Neurological Surgeons 3 are used to stan-
allowing detachable coils to be advanced into the sac until the dardize clinical assessment and to estimate patients’ prognosis.
aneurysm is occluded. The original coils are named Guglielmi Focal neurologic deficits and change in mental status are the
Detachable Coils after Dr. Guido Guglielmi, the developer of basis of the Hunt and Hess grading scale, which has been used
the technique. as a predictor of outcome. A frequently overlooked part in this
classification is that, if patients have medical comorbidities,
such as hypertension, severe atherosclerotic disease, chronic
What are the advantages of coiling? pulmonary disease, diabetes mellitus, and severe vasospasm,
Coiling is a minimally invasive procedure. It also avoids the the grade should be the next less favorable one. The World
complications associated with craniotomy. Recovery time is Federation of Neurosurgical Societies has introduced a new
shorter than after clipping. Within the setting described of grading system that has more accurate prognostic value and
the ISAT trial, coiling was associated with a better outcome is partially based on the Glasgow Coma Scale of patients on
(in terms of neurologic dependency or death) than surgical arrival.5 Knowledge and understanding of the grading scales
clipping. are required for effective communication among physicians,
assessment of the severity of the patient’s underlying patho-
physiologic abnormalities, and rational planning of the peri-
How is the decision made to coil a cerebral operative anesthetic management.2
Several factors are important in deciding if an aneurysm is
What type of electrolyte abnormalities
suitable for coiling. The following factors favor coiling: small
may occur?
aneurysm sac size (but not too small, ⬎3 mm), favorable neck
size (not wide), no branches coming out of the dome of the Common electrolyte abnormalities include hyponatremia,
aneurysm, certain locations where surgical access is difficult hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, and hypocalcemia. Hypo-
(basilar artery, parophthalmic artery), advanced age, and se- magnesemia occurs in more than 50% of patients with SAH
vere systemic disease. Approximately 7 out of 10 ruptured and is associated with delayed cerebral ischemia and poor out-
aneurysms are suitable for coiling. In many cases, aneurysms come.6,7 If hyponatremia is caused by the syndrome of inap-
can be secured using either technique. propriate anti-diuretic hormone secretion, normovolemia
should be maintained with isotonic saline.8
What types of premedication are used? What type of complications are possible?
If the patient is alert and very anxious, an anxiolytic can be Non-central nervous system complications include contrast
prescribed.8 A small dose of benzodiazepine is usually suffi- allergic reactions, contrast nephropathy, and groin or
cient. On the other hand, in cases of altered consciousness, retroperitoneal hematomata. Central nervous system compli-
sedative premedication should be avoided. Opiates are best cations can be categorized based on the timing of the proce-
avoided, as they can cause respiratory depression. The patient dure: intraprocedural, early, and late postprocedural.
might already be taking a calcium channel antagonist such as Intraprocedural complications include rebleed from aneurysm
nimodipine as a neuroprotective agent or for decreasing the rupture or ischemic stroke caused by vessel occlusion (from
incidence of vasospasm. Anticonvulsants, corticosteroids, and thrombosis, embolization, branch occlusion, or dissection).
antibiotics might be used as premedicants depending on the Early postprocedural complications include rebleeding and
patient’s status and requirements. In patients with obesity or delayed thromboembolism. The main late postprocedural
gastroesophageal reflux, H2- receptor antagonists such as ran- complication is aneurysm regrowth (from coil compaction or
itidine or metoclopramide are used to decrease the risk of pul- aneurysm growth).
monary aspiration of gastric contents.9
What type of electrocardiographic changes
take place? Anesthesia for coiling of cerebral aneurysms requires a
SAH can be associated with marked systemic and pulmonary thorough understanding of the pathophysiology of SAH.
hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial dysfunction Anesthesia is provided in a setting with which the anesthetist
and injury, and neurogenic pulmonary edema. ECG abnor- may not be familiar; often, trained assistance is not readily
malities (e.g., QTc prolongation, repolarization abnormalities) available, and there is the potential for catastrophic complica-
have been reported in 25% to 100% of cases, along with an tions such as re-bleeding or perforation.
increase in serum concentration of cardiac troponin in 17% to
28%, of creatine kinase- MB isoenzyme in 37%, and of left ven-
tricular dysfunction in 8% to 30% of cases. In most cases, my-
ocardial dysfunction seems to correlate more with the degree of KEY MESSAGES
neurologic deficit than with the severity of ECG abnormali-
ties.2 Cardiac injury and dysfunction usually resolve over time With respect to the anesthetic care of patients undergoing
and do not seem to directly affect morbidity and mortality.10 coiling of cerebral aneurysms:
1. It is necessary for the anesthetist to familiarize
What type of monitoring is used? him/herself with the neuroradiology suite before
undertaking care of such patients.
Monitoring standards in a neuroradiology interventional
suite should be equivalent to those available in the operating 2. Thorough neurologic assessment of the patient is
room. Invasive blood pressure monitoring and urine output required pre- and postoperatively.
measurement are required. A central venous catheter is not
3. Maintaining hemodynamic stability throughout the
regularly inserted, as large fluid shifts are not expected.
procedure is important to avoid the risk of secondary
Neurophysiologic monitoring is used in some hospitals but is
injury caused by hypoperfusion or aneurysm rupture.
not a common practice.
4. Communication between the anesthetist and the
interventional team is important.
What are the principles of anesthetic
The goal during anesthesia induction for repair of cerebral
aneurysms is to minimize the risk of aneurysm rupture. The
incidence of aneurysm rupture during induction is approxi- QUESTIONS
mately 2%.11 As there is no skull decompression during the pro-
cedure, the risk of aneurysm rupture is present until it is coiled 1. What is the principal finding of the ISAT trial?
successfully. Anesthesia is maintained by total intravenous anes- Answer: The principal finding of the ISAT trial is that
thesia or a combination of low-dose propofol and remifentanil patients randomly allocated to coiling experienced a
in conjunction with small dose of a volatile agent. Cannulation 23.7% incidence of neurologic dependency or death com-
of the femoral artery is associated with greatest stimulation. pared with a 30.6% incidence in patients randomized to
Overall, the anesthetic requirement is not great. Systemic hy- clipping.
potension should be avoided, and “low-normocapnia” should
be maintained. During emergence, if the aneurysm is secured, 2. What nimodipine regimen is indicated in patients
a systolic blood pressure of 160 mm Hg has been reported to with SAH?
result in a favorable outcome. The safe upper limit for an Answer: Nimodipine (60 mg orally or by nasogastric tube
unsecured aneurysm is not clear.7 every 4 hours; maximal daily dose, 360 mg) should be
15259_Ch52.qxd 3/15/09 6:42 AM Page 197
administered to all SAH patients at admission and 4. Hunt WE, Hess RM. Surgical risk as related to time of inter-
continued for 21 days. vention in the repair of intracranial aneurysms. J Neurosurg
3. What electrolyte abnormalities are most commonly 5. Avitsian R, Schubert A. Anaesthetic considerations for intraop-
associated with SAH? erative management of cerebrovascular disease in neurovascular
surgical procedures. Anesthesiol Clin 2007;25:Issue 3.
Answer: Common electrolyte abnormalities associated 6. Van den Bergh WM, Algra A., van der sprenkel JW, et al.
with SAH include hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypo- Hypomagnesemia after SAH. Neurosurgery 2003;52:276–282.
magnesemia, and hypocalcemia. 7. Lakhani S, Guha A, Nahser SC. Anaesthesia for endovascular
management of cerebral aneurysm. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2006;23:
References 8. Rosas AL. Anaesthesia for INR: part II: preoperative assessment,
1. Molyneux A, Kerr R, Yu L, et al. International Subarachnoid premedication. Internet J Anesthesiol 1997;1. Available at: www.
Aneurysm Trial (ISAT) of neurosurgical clipping and endovas-
cular coiling in 2413 patients with intracranial aneurysm: a ran- neuroan2.xml. Accessed February 27, 2009.
domised comparison of effects on survival, dependency, seizures, 9. Ahmed A. Anaesthesia for interventional neuroradiology. J
rebleeding, subgroups and aneurysm occlusion. Lancet 2005;366: Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2007;19:80–84.
809–817. 10. Diebert E, Barzilai B, Braverman A, et al. The clinical signifi-
2. Priebe HJ. Aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage and the cance of elevated troponin I in patients with non traumatic
anaesthetist. Br J Anaesth 2007;99:102–118. subarachnoid haemorrhage. J Neurosurg 2003;98:741–746.
3. Drake CG, Hunt WE, Sano K, et al. Report of World Federation 11. Tsementzis SA, Hitchcock ER. Outcome from ‘rescue clipping’
of Neurological Surgeons Committee on a universal subarach- of ruptured intracranial aneurysm during induction of anaesthe-
noid haemorrhage grading scale. J Neurosurg 1988;68:985–986. sia and endotracheal intubation. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiat
15259_Ch53.qxd 3/15/09 6:43 AM Page 198
Emergency Reversal of
Rocuronium-Induced Neuromuscular
Blockade Using Sugammadex
Mohan Mugawar
CASE FORMAT: REFLECTION a breath (100% oxygen) to the patient’s lungs via face
mask and Guedel airway. Shortly afterward, the patient
A 38-year-old female (American Society of Anesthesio- resumed spontaneous ventilation and regained conscious-
logists physical status I) presented with radicular low back ness. SpO2 rapidly returned to 97% to 99%. Reassessment
pain of 3 months’ duration. After appropriate investiga- of the patient revealed a TOF ratio of 0.9, 115 seconds
tions and discussion of the treatment options with her, after sugammadex administration (Fig. 53.1).
she was scheduled for elective lumbar laminectomy. The The patient was fully conscious, alert, well oriented,
patient’s medical history was unremarkable. She had un- neurologically intact, hemodynamically stable, and there-
dergone uneventful general endotracheal anesthesia for a after maintained oxygen saturation of 100% on room air.
tonsillectomy at 5 years of age and spinal anesthesia for She was observed for 2 hours in a postanesthetic care unit
an elective caesarean section 2 years previously. and was stable without any signs of recurarization. After
The preoperative evaluation revealed a moderately complete recovery from anesthesia, a full explanation of
obese woman who was 165 cm in height and weighed the events was made to the patient, and the events were
85 kg. Cardiorespiratory assessment was normal. Pre- recorded in detail in her medical record. The patient was
operative laboratory data were within the normal ranges. provided with written information regarding her airway
The airway assessment revealed prominent upper incisors, management and was asked to relay this to any future
interincisor gap ⬎3 cm, thyromental distance 8 cm, and anesthetist and to her primary care physician. She was
Mallampati grade II. The patient’s neck appeared short; the also advised about the option of obtaining a Medic Alert
cervical spine mobility was normal. In the operating room, bracelet. Her surgery was rescheduled, and awake
an intravenous (IV) cannula was inserted, and an infusion of fiberoptic intubation was planned.
compound sodium lactate commenced. Routine standard
monitoring was applied including neuromuscular monitor-
ing using train-of-four stimulation (TOF watch).
After 3 minutes of preoxygenation, anesthesia was in- CASE DISCUSSION
duced by an experienced anesthesiologist with fentanyl
100 g and propofol 200 mg. With some difficulty, posi- Sugammadex (Org 25969) is the first selective muscle relaxant
tive pressure was applied via face mask, and some chest binding agent, designed to reverse the steroidal neuromuscular
expansion was noted; rocuronium IV 1.2 mg/kg was ad- blocking agents (NMBAs), particularly rocuronium.1 It is a
ministered. Mask ventilation became progressively more modified ␥-cyclodextrin, forms inactive tight 1:1 complexes
difficult after the administration of rocuronium despite vigor- with, and functions as an irreversible chelating agent for
ous jaw thrust and placement of an appropriately sized oral aminosteroidal NMBAs. The administration of sugammadex
airway. Three attempts at rigid laryngoscopy were made— results in a rapid decrease in the concentration of free rocuro-
the first two by the initial anesthetist and the third by an- nium in the plasma and subsequently in the synaptic cleft at the
other senior colleague who was called to assist. Having neuromuscular junction, resulting in rapid normalization of
optimized head and neck position, Macintosh 3, 4 and neuromuscular function. Sugammadex has no effect on
McCoy blades were used without acquiring a view even of acetylcholinesterase or any receptor system in the body.
the arytenoids. Between laryngoscopy attempts, manual Therefore, the need for administering anticholinesterases
ventilation was attempted using a two- operator technique; and anticholinergic (-muscarinic) agents and the associated
these attempts, however, were unsuccessful. Insertion of a adverse effects are avoided. Sugammadex-rocuronium com-
laryngeal mask airway did not enable effective manual ven- plexes are highly hydrophilic and are therefore excreted rapidly
tilation. These attempts at securing a patent airway had and in a dose-dependent manner. Sugammadex is biologically
taken approximately 4 minutes. The patient became pro- inactive and appears to be safe and well tolerated by patients.2
foundly hypoxic with SpO2 ⬍80%. While urgent prepara- Sugammadex reverses profound NMB induced by aminos-
tion was made for cricothyrotomy, sugammadex 16 mg/kg teroidal nondepolarizing NMB agents rapidly and effectively in
was administered by rapid IV bolus (the drug was available a dose-dependent manner.3–5 The optimal dose required to re-
because trials of sugammadex were underway at the insti- verse profound blockade has not yet been fully elucidated.
tution). Ninety seconds later, it became possible to deliver However, sugammadex administration in doses of 4, 8, 12, and
16 mg/kg resulted in reversal of profound rocuronium-induced
15259_Ch53.qxd 3/15/09 6:43 AM Page 199
Rocuronium 1.2
Sugammadex 16
12:02:03 PM 12:06:23 PM 12:10:38 PM 12:14:53 PM 12:19:08 PM 12:23:23 PM 12:27:38 PM 12:31:53 PM 12:36:08 PM 12:40:23 PM
Figure 53.1 • TOF-Watch SX trace (Bluestar Enterprises, Inc, Chanhassen, MN) of the twitch height and T4/T1
ratio after IV administration of rocuronium and sugammadex. Recovery of twitch height (T1) of 90% and TOF ratio of
0.9 returned approximately 115 seconds after sugammadex administration.
NMB to a TOF ratio of 0.9 in (mean values) of 15.8, 2.8, 1.4 an irreversible chelating agent for aminosteroidal
and 1.9 minutes, respectively.3 (The TOF ratio taken to indi- NMBAs.
cate adequate reversal of/recovery from NMB is 0.9, as this
level is required for normal function of vital muscle groups, 2. What is the TOF ratio normally accepted to indicate
including those of the pharynx, to avoid postoperative respira- adequate reversal of /recovery from NMB?
tory complications.6,7) Answer: 0.9
Administering sugammadex in clinical practice could de-
crease the incidence of postoperative residual curarization. Use 3. What hemodynamic adverse effects are associated with
of sugammadex could also facilitate the use of rocuronium for sugammadex administration?
rapid sequence induction by providing a faster onset/offset of Answer: None of clinical importance. Sugammadex is bi-
NMB profile compared with succinylcholine. As in the patient ologically inactive and appears to be safe and well toler-
described in this case, sugammadex offers the potential to rap- ated by patients.2
idly terminate profound NMB if the anesthetist is confronted
with a “cannot intubate, cannot ventilate” situation.
1. Bom A, Bradley M, Cameron K, et al. A novel concept of revers-
ing neuromuscular block: chemical encapsulation of rocuronium
KEY MESSAGES bromide by a cyclodextrin-based synthetic host. Angew Chem
Int Ed Engl 2002;41:266–270.
1. Sugammadex is a selective, novel reversal agent of 2. Naguib M. Sugammadex: another milestone in clinical
neuromuscular pharmacology. Anesth Analg 2007;104: 575–581.
NMB induced by aminosteroid nondepolarizing NMB
3. de Boer HD, Driessen JJ, Marcus MAE, et al. Reversal of
agents. rocuronium-induced (1.2 mg/kg) profound neuromuscular
2. Administration of sugammadex 8 mg/kg can reverse block by sugammadex. Anesthesiology 2007;107:239–244.
profound rocuronium-induced NMB in approximately 4. Sparr HJ, Vermeyaen KM, Beaufort AM, Rietbergen H, et al.
90 seconds. Early reversal of profound rocuronium induced neuromuscular
3. A TOF ratio of 0.9 or greater is the threshold that blockade by sugammadex in a randomised multicenter study.
corresponds to adequacy of reversal of/recovery Anesthesiology 2007;106:935–943.
from NMB. 5. Suy K, Morias K, Cammu G, et al. Effective reversal of moderate
rocuronium-or vecuronium-induced neuromuscular block with
sugammadex, a selective relaxant binding agent. Anesthesiology
6. Eriksson LI, Sundman E, Olsson R, Nilsson L, et al. Functional
QUESTIONS assessment of the pharynx at rest and during swallowing in
partially paralysed humans: simultaneous videomanometry and
1. What is the mechanism of action of sugammadex? mechanomyography of awake human volunteers. Anesthesiology
Answer: Sugammadex is a modified ␥-cyclodextrin, 7. Kopman AF. Surrogate endpoints and neuromuscular recovery
forms inactive tight 1:1 complexes with, and functions as (editorial). Anesthesiology 1997;87:1029–1031.
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Justin Lane
CASE FORMAT: STEP BY STEP What factors relevant to this case influence the
risk of intraoperative awareness?
A 36-year-old primigravida presented for emergency ovar- Pregnancy is associated with as great as 30% decrease in min-
ian cystectomy. At 30 weeks’ gestation, she had been in imum alveolar concentration value.2 Analysis of the
the hospital for 2 days with severe abdominal pain, nau- American Society of Anesthesiologists closed claims data-
sea, and vomiting. Intramuscular pethidine (meper-idine) base4 has identified five factors that increase the risk of recall
50 mg and prochlorperazine 12.5 mg were administered under general anesthesia: (a) female gender, (b) gynecological/
to control the symptoms. The patient, a nurse, had no his- obstetrical procedures, (c) use of opioids, (d) use of muscle re-
tory of anesthesia-related problems. laxants, (e) and lack of use of a volatile anesthetic agent. At
On assessment the patient, was found to be nor- least four of these factors apply to the patient in this case. It
motensive (blood pressure, 115/75 mm Hg), with a pulse is likely that the emergency nature of the procedure also
rate of 92 beats per minute. Her blood glucose was nor- increases the risk.
mal, and in her laboratory workup, it was noted that she Following an uneventful surgical procedure, the patient’s
had an increased white blood cell count 17 ⫻ 10 9/L trachea was extubated, and she was transferred to the postanes-
and serum urea 11 mg/dL. An ultrasound of the patient’s thesia care unit. Routine postanesthesia monitoring was carried
abdomen and pelvis confirmed the diagnosis of ovarian out in the postanesthesia care unit. A combination of regular
cyst torsion. Assessment of her upper airway revealed intravenous paracetamol every 6 hours and intramuscular
Mallampati grade II and thyromental distance of 7 cm. pethidine (meper-idine) 50 mg every 4 hours was prescribed as
Her incisor separation and mandibular mobility were were antiemetics and supplemental oxygen. The transverse ab-
normal. In view of her history and abnormal serum urea, dominis plane (TA) block performed intraoperatively appeared
she was commenced on Hartmann’s solution at 200 mL to be effective, as no analgesics were administered in the
per hour to improve her hydration status before surgery. postanesthesia care unit. Hartmann’s solution 125 mL per hour
The anesthetic plan was discussed with the patient. was administered until the patient could tolerate fluids orally.
A general anesthetic was described, using a “rapid se- On the second postoperative day, the patient informed
quence induction” technique, and a transversus abdo- the surgeon that she thought she recalled hearing alarms
minis plane block1 was to be performed intraoperatively and people discussing her case while the operation was in
for analgesia. progress.
Following application of standard monitors, a rapid se-
quence induction of anesthesia and tracheal intubation were
What is awareness under anesthesia?
performed using sodium thiopentone (5 mg/kg) and suxam-
ethonium (1.5 mg/kg) after denitrogenation2 (preoxygena- Awareness is a rare complication of general anesthesia, which
tion with 100% oxygen for 5 minutes). A wedge was placed can have serious psychological sequelae for the patient and se-
under the patient’s right buttock to decrease the likelihood of rious financial implications for the hospital in which it occurs.
supine hypotension. Sevoflurane End tidel (ET) 0.5% to It can be classified as: (a) awareness with explicit memory—
0.8% in nitrous oxide/oxygen (50:50 mixture), vecuronium, the patient has conscious recollection of intraoperative events
and fentanyl were administered according to the anes- or (b) awareness with implicit memory—the patient has no
thetist’s clinical judgment. Although BIS monitoring3 (Aspect recollection of intraoperative events.5
Medical Systems, Norwood, MA) was applied (and BIS was One to two people per thousand may describe some degree
⬍60 throughout the surgery), the anesthetist titrated sevoflu- of awareness during their anesthetic; of these, 33% describe
rane administration according to the patient’s heart rate and pain as part of their experience.6 More than 50% of “aware”
blood pressure rather than to the BIS value. The difficult air- patients describe hearing conversations and sounds within the
way cart was kept in the operating room. A fetal monitor operating room. About 25% of such patients have experiences
was applied before induction and was monitored by the relating to endotracheal tube insertion.
attending obstetrician. Any suggestion of a case of awareness under anesthesia
must be followed up (Table 54.1). A review of the anesthetic
15259_Ch54.qxd 3/15/09 6:45 AM Page 201
2. What is the initial appropriate step in responding to a 2. Ni Mhuireachtaigh R, O’Gorman DA. Anesthesia in pregnant
patient’s account of awareness? patients for nonobstetric surgery. J Clin Anesth 2006;18:60–66.
3. Punjasawadong Y, Boonjeungmonkol N, Phongchiewboon
Answer: The responsible anesthetist should visit the A. Bispectral index for improving anaesthetic delivery and post-
patient as soon as possible after the event. operative recovery. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
2007. Issue 4. Art No. CD003843. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.
3. What proportion of patients who describe an aware- CD003843.pub2
ness experience report pain as a dominant element of 4. The ASA Closed Claims Project. Available at: www.asa
their recollection? Accessed October 31, 2007.
5. Anaesthesia UK. Available at:
Answer: Only 33% of patients who describe an awareness Accessed October 31, 2007.
experience report pain as a dominant element of their 6. The Royal College of Anaesthetists. Information for patients.
recollection. Section 8: Awareness “ risks associated with your anaesthetic.”
Available at: Accessed
November 23, 2008.
References 7. Osborne GA, Bacon AK, Runciman WB, et al. Crisis manage-
1. McDonnell JG, O’Donnell B, Curley G, et al. The analgesic ment during anaesthesia: awareness and anaesthesia. Quality and
efficacy of transversus abdominis plane block after abdominal Safety in Health Care 2005;14;16–25.
surgery: a prospective randomised controlled trial. Anesth Analg 8. Avidan MS, Zhang L, Burnside BA, et al. Anesthesia awareness
2007;104:193–197. and the bispectral index. N Engl J Med 2008;358: 1097–1108.
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Acronym/Name Features
KSS (Kearns-Sayre syndrome) Ophthalmoplegia, cardiac conduction block, deafness,
retinitis pigmentosa, and skeletal muscle weakness
MELAS Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and
stroke-like episodes
MERRF Myoclonic epilepsy and ragged red fibers on muscle biopsy
NARP Neuropathy, ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa, and ptosis
MNGIE Mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalopathy
LHON Leber hereditary optic neuropathy. Also Wolff-Parkinson-
White syndrome and neuropathy
Leigh’s syndrome Subacute sclerosing encephalopathy
What type of premedication should be given? Was this the most suitable anesthetic technique
Any form of sedative as a premedication was omitted in in this case?
this case. Patients with mitochondrial disease are extraordi- In reality, the safest anesthetic technique for patients with mito-
narily sensitive to sedatives and hypnotics. Respiratory chondrial disease is not known. Although many patients have
failure and alterations in conscious level can occur even at undergone anesthesia safely, there have been case reports descri-
low doses. bing worsening of underlying neurologic deficit, respiratory
Fasting can precipitate hypoglycemia and a metabolic cri- failure, high- degree atrioventricular block conduction block,
sis. The fasting period should be kept as short as possible. If malignant hyperthermia, and death following anesthesia.6–8
necessary, dextrose infusions can be used to supplement this Because of the limited information available in relation to
period. Lactate-containing intravenous fluids should be mitochondrial disease and anesthesia, there are no absolute
avoided. recommendations. Each anesthetic has to be tailored to the in-
The previous anesthetic record in this instance showed that dividual patient. Malignant hyperthermia has been reported
the patient had previously safely undergone a nontriggering in the setting of mitochondrial cytopathy.6,7 There are con-
anesthetic. The patient’s mother accompanied her to the oper- flicting opinions, however, as to whether a nontriggering tech-
ating room. Intravenous access was obtained and standard nique is required in mitochondrial disease. The use of inhaled
monitoring instituted. anesthetic agents has been widely described.9 As with other
Anesthesia was induced using 10-mg increments of propo- anesthetic drugs, there appears to be enhanced sensitivity to
fol. Once it was established that the patient’s airway could be these agents.10 In patients with KSS who are at risk of serious
maintained by manual ventilation, 25 mg of atracurium was arrhythmia, isoflurane and sevoflurane are the preferred
administered to facilitate tracheal intubation. Analgesia was agents. On the basis of the patient’s previous anesthetic his-
achieved using paracetamol 1 g and fentanyl 20 g. Anesthesia tory, inhaled agents were not used in this case. Obtaining pre-
was maintained thereafter via propofol infusion and an vious anesthetic records is vital, as so little is known about
air/oxygen mixture. safety of anesthesia in patients with these disorders.
Patients with myopathy as a predominant feature of their
disease are at risk of suxamethonium-induced hyperkalemia.
Notwithstanding the additional risk of malignant hyperther-
mia, it therefore seems prudent to avoid using this agent.
T A B L E 5 5 . 2 Spirometry Results Propofol has been used safely in many patients with mito-
chondrial disease despite the fact that it can directly impair
mitochondrial function. Caution is required with dosages of
Predicted Measured (%)
all hypnotic agents because of extreme sensitivity. A case of
FVC (L) 2.16 1.60 74% induction of anesthesia after as little as 75 mg of thiopentone
FEV1 (L) 2.14 1.56 73% in an adult has been described.11
Metabolic homeostasis during anesthesia for these patients
FEV1/FVC 99% 98% 99% is an important consideration. Ensuring that the patient does
(%) not experience hypothermia and shivering is imperative. A
Both the FEV1 and FVC are reduced, but the ratio of FEV1/FVC is normal glucose and acid-base status should also be maintained.
preserved. These findings are typical of a restrictive lung disease. In this The presence of left bundle branch block is of concern be-
case, it is caused by a respiratory muscle dysfunction. A reduction of cause patients with KSS undergoing anesthesia are at risk of
FEV1 and FVC in the range 65% to 85% of predicted values signifies sudden high-grade atrioventricular block.12 An isoprenaline
that the impairment is mild. infusion and access to external/temporary pacing should be
available during anesthesia.
15259_Ch55.qxd 3/15/09 6:48 AM Page 205
T A B L E 5 5 . 3 Full Blood Count, Blood Glucose, Arterial Blood Gases, and Renal
and Liver Function
Sodium (135–145 mmol/L) 143 Hemoglobin (11–15 g/dL) 12.5
Potassium (3.5–5.5 mmol/L) 3.7 White blood cells (4–11 ⫻ 109/L) 11
Urea (3.0–8.0 mmol/L) 6.2 Red blood cells (3.8–5 ⫻ 1012/L) 4.6
Creatinine (0.07–0.1 mmol/L) 0.07 Platelet count (150–440 ⫻ 109/L) 300
Magnesium (0.7–1.0 mmol/L) 0.89 Hematocrit 34%–47% 38
Bilirubin (mol/L) 6 Glucose (4.0–7.5 mmol/L) 6.2
GGT (0–50 U/L) 79 Lactate (0.3–2.0 mEq/L) 1.0
ALP (32–110 U/L) 109 pH (7.35–7.45) 7.38
LDH (110–250 U/L) 298 PaCO2 (7.35–7.45) 39
AST (0–40 U/L) 256 PaO2 (85–100 mm Hg) 89
ALT (0–40 U/L) 240 Bicarbonate (22–26 mEq/L) 24
ALP, alkaline phosphatase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase.
Full blood count, glucose, electrolytes, lactate and renal parameters are all within normal limits. Hepatic dysfunction indi-
cates liver involvement in this case. Reassuringly, there is no evidence of hypercapnic respiratory failure. This finding would
be consistent with the spirometry findings of only mild restrictive lung disease.
in mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Anesthesiology 12. Kitoh T, Mizuno K, Otagi T, et al. Anesthetic management for
1997;87:420–425. a patient with Kearns-Sayre syndrome. Anesth Analg 1995;
9. Shipton EA, Prosser DO. Mitochondrial myopathies and anaes- 80:1240–1242.
thesia. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2004;21:173–178. 13. Wisely NA, Cook PR. General anaesthesia in a man with mito-
10. Morgan PG, Hoppel CL, Sedensky MM, et al. Mitochondrial chondrial myopathy undergoing eye surgery. Eur J Anaesthesiol
defects and anesthetic sensitivity. Anesthesiology 2002;96: 2001;18:333–335.
1268–1270. 14. Edmonds JL. Surgical and anesthetic management of patients
11. James RH. Thiopentone and opthalmoplegia plus. Anaesthesia with mitochondrial dysfunction. Mitochondrion 2004;4:
1985;40;88. 543–548.
15259_Ch56.qxd 3/15/09 6:48 AM Page 207
Emergence Agitation in
Pediatric Patients
Mansoor A. Siddiqui
CASE FORMAT: REFLECTION During this period of agitation, the patient’s heart
rate was 140 beats per minute, his blood pressure was
A 5-year-old boy was scheduled for inpatient surgery for 120/70 mm Hg, and his respiratory rate was 35 breaths
elective bilateral myringotomy and ventilator tube inser- per minute. He was reassured by the nurse, administered
tion. He had been fit and healthy and was not taking any O2 40% via face mask, and his mother was invited into
medication. He had not undergone anesthesia in the past. the recovery room. His mother’s presence helped to calm
The boy’s mother told him that “he is going to the hospital the child to some extent. Fentanyl 0.5⫺1 was ad-
to have his ears fixed, and he is going to be asleep for ministered intravenously. Over 5 to 10 minutes, his agi-
that.” On examination in the day ward, the boy appeared tated behavior resolved, his heart rate decreased to 95
anxious. He was offered toys but, unlike the other children beats per minute, his blood pressure to 100/50 mm Hg,
in the ward at that time, he did not play with them. Both of and his respiratory rate decreased to 25 breaths per
his parents were present, and they also looked anxious. minute. The child appeared content and comfortable sit-
The boy tended to hold onto to his mother and seemed ting in his mother’s lap.
afraid when the nurses or doctors approached. After the boy was observed and monitored for 30 min-
The patient’s heart rate was 120 beats per minute, his utes in the recovery room, he was transferred to the inpa-
blood pressure was 100/50 mm Hg, and his respiratory tient ward where he remained for another 3 hours until he
rate was 25 breaths per minute. He had not taken food or had eaten, drank, passed urine, and his vitals signs were
drink for 6 hours before his early morning admission. His at preoperative levels. He was reviewed in the inpatient
upper airway was evaluated as Mallampati grade I with ward by the anesthetist before discharge, whose note in
normal dentition (no loose teeth). Informed consent was the medical record described him as “comfortable and
obtained from his parents for rectal administration of anal- calm.” The patient was discharged home with a prescrip-
gesic suppositories. The boy was premedicated with mida- tion for oral analgesics (paracetamol and ibuprofen) “as
zolam 0.5 mg/kg orally 30 minutes before his scheduled required” for 5 days.
procedure. Two days after discharge, the boy’s parents reported
The child’s mother accompanied him into the ope- to their family doctor that he was reluctant to eat and was
rating room. With standard monitors (electrocardio- sleeping for only 1 to 2 hours at a time. They also noted
gram, noninvasive blood pressure, and SpO2) in place, that, despite receiving the maximum prescribed doses of
anesthesia was induced with oxygen (O2)/nitrous oxide paracetamol and ibuprofen, he continued to complain of
(N2O) and sevoflurane as he sat in his mother’s lap. He discomfort. They were reassured and advised to continue
was then gently positioned on the operating table. to administer oral analgesics as required. Three days later,
Intravenous (IV) access was obtained with a 22-gauge IV the parents reported that the abnormal eating and sleeping
cannula, and a size 2 laryngeal mask airway was in- pattern appeared to have resolved.
serted. Anesthesia was maintained with sevoflurane
(1%–3% inspired) in O2/N2O (1:2). Diclofenac and parac-
etamol suppositories were administered before the proce-
dure began.
The procedure was carried out uneventfully in approxi- CASE DISCUSSION
mately 10 minutes. While the patient was breathing sponta-
neously, sevoflurane and N2O were discontinued (replaced Emergence agitation can manifest as a number of behavioral
by 100% O2), and the laryngeal mask airway was removed patterns that children display during recovery from anesthe-
while he was still deeply anesthetized. The patient’s mouth sia. Two scales that have been used to categorize and grade
and oropharynx were gently suctioned. Three minutes later, postoperative behavior in children are the Post Anesthetic
he started to move his arms and legs and pushed the face Behavior Scale (Table 56.1)1) and the Pediatric Anesthesia
mask away. At this stage, he was transferred to the recov- Emergence Delirium scale (Table 56.2).2
ery room where he quickly became extremely agitated. He The Pediatric Anesthesia Emergence Delirium scale score
started crying, calling for his “mama.” He persistently demonstrates negative correlation with a child’s age and time
reached for his ears and vomited once. to awakening and is significantly greater in children who
receive sevoflurane than in those who receive halothane.2
15259_Ch56.qxd 3/15/09 6:48 AM Page 208
QUESTIONS 9. Paul AT, Tonya MP, Susan T, et al. Assessment of risk factors
for emergence distress and postoperative behavioural changes in
children following general anaesthesia. Pediatric Anesth 2004;14:
1. What is emergence delirium and emergence agitation? 235–240.
Answer: Emergence delirium can be defined as “a distur- 10. Buss AH, Plomin R. Theory and measurement of EAS tem-
bance in a child’s awareness of and attention to his or perament: early developing personality traits. Hillsdale, NJ: L.
her environment with disorientation and perceptual Erlbaum Associates, 1984:98–130.
alterations including hypersensitivity to stimuli and hy- 11. Kain N, Caldwell-Andrews, Mayes LC, et al. Preoperative anx-
iety and emergence delirium and postoperative maladaptive be-
peractive motor behavior in the immediate postoperative
haviours. Anesth Analg 2004;99:1648–1654.
period.” Emergence agitation can be defined as “a state of 12. Arai YC, Ito H, Kandatsu N, et al. Parental presence during in-
mild restlessness and mental distress that does not always duction enhances the effect of oral midazolam on emergence
suggest a significant change in behavior.” behaviour of children undergoing general anesthesia. Acta
Anaesth Scand 2007:51:858–861.
2. What are the possible etiological factors contributing to 13. Astuto M, Rosano G, Rizzo G, et al. Preoperative parental infor-
the development of emergence agitation in children? mation and parents’ presence at induction of anaesthesia.
Answer: In children, preoperative anxiety, age, tempera- Minerva Anestesiol 2006;72:461–465.
ment, parents’ anxiety, type of surgery, type of anesthetic, 14. Finkel JC, Cohen IT, Hannallah RS, et al. The effect of in-
and adjunct medications all influence the likelihood of tranasal fentanyl on the emergence characteristics after sevoflu-
rane anesthesia in children undergoing surgery for bilateral
emergence agitation occurring. It is more commonly seen
myringotomy tube placement. Anesth Analg 2001;92:1164–1168.
in preschool children, with a history of temper tantrums 15. Anono J, Ueda W, Mamiya K, et al. Greater incidence of delir-
and those with separation anxiety undergoing ear, nose, ium during recovery from sevoflurane anaesthesia in pre school
and throat surgery under inhalation anesthetic (sevoflu- boys. Anesthesiology 1997:87:1298–1300.
rane, in particular). Pain is an important etiological factor. 16. Muto R, Miyasaka K, Takata M, et al. Initial experience of com-
plete switch over to sevoflurane in 1550 children. Pediatr Anesth
3. How can emergence agitation be prevented? 1993;3:229–233.
Answer: In children, methods to decrease preoperative 17. Welborn LG, Hannallah RS, Norden JM, et al. Comparison of
anxiety include careful explanation (written, verbal, emergence and recovery characteristics of sevoflurane, desflu-
pictorial) to the child of what to expect, psychological rane, and halothane in pediatric ambulatory patients. Anesth
Analg 1996;83:917–920.
preparation, parental presence during anesthesia induc-
18. Wells LT, Rasch DK. Emergence delirium after sevoflurane
tion, use of distraction techniques such as clowns or anaesthesia: a paranoid delusion? Anesth Analg 1999;88:
handheld video games, premedication (e.g., clonidine), 1308–1310.
and effective perioperative analgesia. Other methods 19. Naito Y, Tamai S, Shingu K, et al. Comparison between sevoflu-
include avoidance of inhalational anesthetic agents, rane and halothane for paediatric ambulatory anaesthesia. Br J
administering an IV bolus of propofol before waking the Anaesth 1991;67:387–389.
child, the use of regional anesthetic techniques such as 20. Eger EI. New inhaled anaesthetics. Anesthesiology 1994;80:
caudal block, and perioperative administration of 906–922.
fentanyl, clonidine, dexmedetomidine, or ketorolac. 21. Adachi M, Ikemoto Y, Kubo K, et al. Seizure-like movements
during induction of anaesthesia with sevoflurane. Br J Anaesth
22. Sarner J, Levine M, Davis P, et al. Clinical characteristics of
References sevoflurane in children Anesthesiology 1995:82:38–46.
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not explain agitation following sevoflurane anaesthesia in infants the prevention of emergence agitation in young children: efficacy
and children: a comparison with propofol. Pediatric Anesth and recovery profile. Pediatr Anesth 2006;16:554–559.
2003; 13:63–67. 46. Kararmaz A, Kaya S, Turhanoglu S, et al. Oral ketamine pre-
38. Aouad MT, Kanazi GE, Siddik-Sayyed SM, et al. Preoperative medication can prevent emergence agitation in children after
caudal block prevents emergence agitation in children follow- desflurane anaesthesia. Pediatr Anesth 2004; 14:477–482.
ing sevoflurane anesthesia. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2005;49: 47. Galinkin JL, Fazil LM, Cuy RM, et al. Use of intranasal fentanyl
300–304. in children undergoing myringotomy and tube placement dur-
39. Aouad MT, Yazbeck-Karam VG, Nasr VG, et al. A single dose ing halothane and sevoflurane anaesthesia. Anesthesiology 2000;
of propofol at the end of surgery for the prevention of emergence 93:1378–1383.
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The Acute Pain Team Role in
Management of a Patient With
Traumatic Upper Limb Amputation
Owen O’Sullivan
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Institutional policies and procedures • Education and training for health care providers
for providing perioperative pain • Monitoring of patient outcomes
management • 24-hour availability of anesthetist providing perioperative pain management
• Use of a dedicated acute pain service
• Standardized, validated instruments to facilitate the regular evaluation and
documentation of pain intensity, the effects of pain therapy, and side effects
caused by the therapy
Preoperative evaluation of the patient • Evaluate patient factors
• Type of surgery, expected severity of postoperative pain, underlying medical
conditions, the risk-benefit ratio for the available techniques, patient’s pref-
erences, or previous experience with pain
• A directed pain history, a directed physical examination, and a pain control plan
Preoperative preparation of the patient • Adjust or continue medications that when suddenly stopped may provoke a
withdrawal syndrome
• Treatment(s) to reduce preexisting pain and anxiety
• Premedication(s) before surgery as part of a multimodal analgesic pain man-
agement program
• Patient and family education
• Include misconceptions that overestimate the risk of adverse effects and ad-
Perioperative techniques for pain • Use therapeutic options such as epidural, intrathecal opioids, systemic opioid
management patient-controlled analgesia, and regional techniques after thoughtfully con-
sidering the risks and benefits for the individual patient
• Used in preference to intramuscular opioids ordered “as needed”
• Special caution should be taken when continuous infusion modalities are
used, as drug accumulation may contribute to adverse events
• Therapy selected should reflect the individual anesthetist’s expertise, as well
as the capacity for safe application of the modality in each practice setting
(including the ability to recognize and treat adverse effects)
Multimodal techniques for pain • Unless contraindicated, all patients should receive an around-the-clock
management regimen of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, COX-2 selective in-
hibitors, or acetaminophen.
• Consider regional blockade with local anesthetics.
• Dosing regimens should be administered to optimize efficacy while mini-
mizing the risk of adverse events. The choice of medication, dose, route, and
duration of therapy should be individualized.
Adapted from Practice guidelines for acute pain management in the perioperative setting: an updated report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists
Task Force on Acute Pain Management. Anesthesiology. 2004;100:1573–1581.
phantom limb pain (PLP), he also prescribed gabapentin Dutch study of upper limb amputees showed that the preva-
300 mg orally starting on the first postoperative day (300 mg lence of PLP was 51% (95% confidence level, 36%–63%);
every 12 hours on day 2 and 300 mg every 8 hours on day 3). phantom sensation, 76%; and stump pain, 48.6%.4 Although
A written referral was sent to the APT to facilitate follow-up most of the patients with PLP reported having “moderate”
of the patient’s pain management. to “very much” pain, only 4 of 99 respondents received
medical treatment for phantom pain. In 77% of cases, the in-
dication for surgery was trauma. The use of N-methyl-D-
Can phantom symptoms be prevented after aspartate receptors has been implicated in the development
traumatic amputation? of PLP, and the use of memantine (an N-methyl-D-aspartate
Pain perceived at the site previously occupied by an ampu- receptor antagonist) in a brachial plexus blockade post-
tated limb is common and can be very difficult to treat. A operatively in traumatic upper limb amputations has been
15259_Ch57.qxd 3/15/09 6:49 AM Page 214
7. Nikolajsen L, Finnerup NB, Kramp S, et al. A randomized 11. Werner MU, Søholm L, Rotbøll-Nielsen P, et al. Does an acute
study of the effects of gabapentin on postamputation pain. pain service improve postoperative outcome? Anesth Analg 2002;
Anesthesiology. 2006;105:1008–1015. 95:1361–1372.
8. Working Party of the Commission on the Provision of Surgical 12. Lee A, Chan S, Chen PP, et al. Economic evaluations of
Services. Pain after surgery. London: Royal College of Surgeons acute pain service programs: a systematic review. Clin J Pain.
of England, College of Anaesthetists, 1990. 2007;23:726–733.
9. Rawal N. Organization, function, and implementation of acute 13. Smith G, Power I, Cousins MJ. Acute pain: is there scientific ev-
pain service. Anesthesiol Clin North Am 2005;23:211–225. idence on which to base treatment [editorial]? Br J Anaesth 1999;
10. Powell AE, Davies HT, Bannister J, et al. Rhetoric and reality on 82:817–819.
acute pain services in the UK: a national postal questionnaire 14. Kehlet H. Acute pain control and accelerated postoperative
survey. Br J Anaesth 2004;92:689–693. surgical recovery. Surg Clin North Am 1999;79:431–443.
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Occupational Exposure to
Anesthetic Agents
15259_Ch58.qxd 3/15/09 6:50 AM Page 217
agent levels may not be uniform throughout the room. By chromatography-mass spectrometry for determination of
placing the sampling device at the shoulder of a staff mem- N2O and sevoflurane in urine and environmental samples is
ber, that is, sampling directly from their personal breathing accurate and sufficient for this purpose.
zone, a more accurate “personal exposure level” may be The unscavenged use of on-demand N2O:O2 in poorly
measured. Inhalational induction with sevoflurane and N2O ventilated labor rooms is widespread. There is a strong posi-
in pediatric practice was found to violate NIOSH-recom- tive correlation between environmental concentrations and
mended personal exposure levels approximately 50% of the midwives’ biological uptake of N2O. N2O in biological tis-
time based on the personal samples but not in the room sam- sues is poorly soluble and therefore should be eliminated
ples.33 This personal exposure risk appears to strongly corre- rapidly between shifts. Interestingly, 50% of midwives stud-
late with anesthetic technique and training. ied had non-zero baseline values of N2O in their urine on
During maintenance of pediatric anesthesia, the use of un- arrival to the workplace and these 50% showed very high
cuffed endotracheal tubes and the Ayres T-Piece can lead to levels.36
greater monitored environmental levels of anesthetic agents.34 It is unlikely that staff working in postanesthesia care
OELs are, however, rarely violated provided efficient pres- units are exposed to important amounts of volatile agents
sure/exhaust ventilation, above 12 air exchanges per hour, and from the low concentrations expired by recovering patients.
efficient active scavenging systems are in place. When compared with their colleagues on surgical wards, bi-
Personal exposure risk monitoring reveals that during ological concentrations of N2O for recovery room personnel
maintenance of anesthesia with laryngeal mask airways in were 3.1 ppm versus 1.17 ppm.37
adults, sevoflurane concentrations frequently exceed 2 ppm Following this risk assessment, a number of simple strate-
and 50 ppm for N2O. Alarmingly, these findings occurred de- gies were investigated to reduce staff exposure.
spite the use of low-flow circle circuits, gas scavenging, and
correct laryngeal mask airway insertion technique and sizing.35
What means are available to minimize
To address increasing staff concerns, the hospital manage-
occupational exposure of health care workers
ment instituted a thorough review of the areas of the hospital
to anesthetic agents?
where anesthetic agents were administered or where patients
recovering from anesthesia were monitored. Scavenging When Mapleson D circuits were equipped with
an airway pressure-limiting valve allowing direct connection
to an anesthetic gas extractor, the ambient levels of sevoflurane
Do areas other than operating rooms pose a and N2O measured in the breathing area around the anesthe-
risk of occupational exposure to anesthetic siologist decreased from 7 (26) to 1.1 (1) ppm (p 0.001).38
The monitoring for environmental pollutants by direct reading Ventilation When surgeons and scrub nurses were asked
instrumentation such as photoacoustic infrared spectrometry is about symptoms related to occupational exposure, a greater
expensive and restricts normal staff movements, potentially incidence of noticing a “smell of gas” was registered for the
leading to spurious results. group without an extractor (87% vs. 11% in the extractor group,
Personal environmental sampling using passive diffusion p 0.003). Higher rates were also found for general discomfort
tubes or by urine collection is cost-effective and a method that (62% vs. 11%, p 0.05), nausea (62% vs. 0%, p 0.009), and
staff find both acceptable and convenient. The use of gas headache (62% vs. 0%, p 0.009) in the absence of the extractor.
15259_Ch58.qxd 3/15/09 6:50 AM Page 218
Anesthetic Practice The practice of anesthesiology is not con- 7. Cohen EN, Brown BW, Bruce DL, et al. Occupational disease
fined to the operating room. Investigations examining the ef- among operating room personnel: a national study. Anesthesiology
fects of sevoflurane and N2O exposure on gene mutation,39 1974;41:321–340.
specifically, the incidence of sister chromatid exchanges in pe- 8. Corbett TH, Cornell RG, Endres JL, et al. Birth defects among
children of nurse-anesthetists. Anesthesiology 1974;41:341–344.
ripheral lymphocytes, concluded that a 2-month rotation out of
9. Knill-Jones RP, Newman BJ, Spence AA. Anaesthetic practice
the operating room environment returned the incidence of gene and pregnancy: controlled survey of male anesthetists in the
mutation to that of the general population. United Kingdom. Lancet 1975;2:807–809.
10. Cohen EN, Brown BW, Bruce DL, et al. A survey of anesthetic
health hazards among dentists. J Am Dent Assoc 1975;90:
KEY MESSAGES 11. Cohen EN, Gift HC, Brown BW, et al. Occupational disease in
dentistry and chronic exposure to trace anesthetic gases. J Am
1. Definitive (level 1) evidence regarding the risk of Dent Assoc 1980;101:21–31.
occupational exposure to anesthetic agents is lacking. 12. Tomlin PJ. Health problems of anesthetists and their families in
the west midlands. Br Med J 1979;1:779–784.
2. Personal environmental monitoring provides the best 13. Ericson A, Kallen B. Survey of infants born in 1973 or 1975 to
measure of occupational exposure to anesthetic Swedish women working in operating rooms during their preg-
agents. nancies. Anesth Analg 1979;58:302–305.
14. Pharoah POD, Alberman E, Doyle P, et al. Outcome of preg-
3. Exposure can be decreased through training, technical nancy among women in anaesthetic practice. Lancet 1977;1:34–36.
innovation, and optimizing working practices. 15. Rosenberg PH, Vanttinen H. Occupational hazards to repro-
duction and health in anesthetists and pediatricians. Acta
Anaesthesiol Scand 1978;22:202–207.
16. Axelsson G, Rylander R. Exposure to anaesthetic gases and spon-
taneous abortion: response bias in a postal questionnaire study.
QUESTIONS Int J Epidemiol 1982;11:250–256.
17. Heidam LZ. Spontaneous abortions among dental assistants, fac-
1. Which adverse health outcomes may be associated tory workers, painters, and gardening workers: a follow-up
study. J Epidemiol Community Health 1984;38:149–155.
with occupational exposure to N2O?
18. Lauwerys R, Siddons H, Misson CB. Anaesthetic health hazards
Answer: The adverse health effects associated with among Belgian nurses and physicians. Int Arch Occup Environ
N2O exposure alone include spontaneous abortion Health 1981;48:195–203.
(relative risk ⬵ 1.3 to 1.9) and infertility. 19. Hemminki K, Kyyronen P, Lindbohm M. Spontaneous abor-
tions and malformations in the offspring of nurses exposed
2. What means are available to minimize occupational to anaesthetic gases, cytostatic drugs, and other potential haz-
exposure of health care workers to anesthetic agents? ards in hospitals, based on registered information of outcome.
J Epidemiol Community Health 1985;39:141–147.
Answer: Optimizing scavenging, environmental ventila- 20. Martínez-Frías ML, Bermejo E, Rodríguez-Pinilla E, Prieto L.
tion, anesthetic practice, and regular personal monitor- Case-control study on occupational exposure to anesthetic gases
ing can minimize occupational exposure of health care during pregnancy. Int J Risk Safety Med 1998;11:225–231.
workers to anesthetic agents. 21. Vessey MP, Nunn JF. Occupational hazards of anaesthesia. BMJ
3. What is NIOSH? 22. Cook TL, Smith M, Starkweather JA, et al. Behavioral effects of
Answer: NIOSH stands for the National Institute of trace and subanesthetic halothane and nitrous oxide in man.
Occupational Safety and Health (in the United States). Anesthesiology 1978;49:419–424.
23. Levin ED, Bowman RE. Behavioral effects of chronic exposure
to low concentrations of halothane during development in rats.
Anesth Analg 1986;65:653–659.
References 24. Zacny JP, Sparacino G, Hoffmann PM, et al. The subjective,
1. Buring JE, Hennekens CH, Mayrent SL, et al. Health experi- behavioral and cognitive effects of subanesthetic concentrations
ences of operating room personnel. Anesthesiology 1985;62: of isoflurane and nitrous oxide in healthy volunteers.
325–330. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 1994;114:409–416.
2. Tannenbaum TN, Goldberg RJ. Exposure to anesthetic gases 25. Zacny JP, Yajnik S, Lichtor JL, et al. The acute and residual ef-
and reproductive outcome: a review of the epidemiologic litera- fects of subanesthetic concentrations of isoflurane/nitrous oxide
ture. J Occup Med 1985;27:659–668. combinations on cognitive and psychomotor performance in
3. Boivin J. Risk of spontaneous abortion in women occupationally healthy volunteers. Anesth Analg 1996;82:153–157.
exposed to anaesthetic gases: a meta-analysis. Occup Environ 26. Tannenbaum TN, Goldberg RJ. Exposure to anesthetic gases
Med 1997;54:541–548. and reproductive outcome: a review of the epidemiologic litera-
4. Cohen EN, Bellville JW, Brown BW. Anesthesia, pregnancy, ture. J Occup Med 1985;27:659–668.
and miscarriage: a study of operating room nurses and anes- 27. Boivin J. Risk of spontaneous abortion in women occupationally
thetists. Anesthesiology 1971;35:343–347. exposed to anaesthetic gases: a meta-analysis. Occup Environ
5. Knill-Jones RP, Rodrigues LV, Moir DD, et al. Anaesthetic Med 1997;54:541–548.
practice and pregnancy: controlled survey of women in the 28. Schiewe-Langgartner F. [Exposure of hospital personnel to
United Kingdom. Lancet 1972;1:1326–1328. sevoflurane]. [Article in German]. Anaesthesist. 2005;54:667–672.
6. Rosenberg P, Kirves A. Miscarriages among operating theatre 29. Ozer M, Baris S, Karakaya D, et al. Behavioural effects of
staff. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 1973;53(Suppl):37–42. chronic exposure to subanesthetic concentrations of halothane,
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sevoflurane and desflurane in rats. Can J Anesth 2006;53: level in operating rooms. Int J Hyg Environ Health2007;210:
7653–658. 133–138.
30. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. Criteria 35. Hoerauf K, Koller C, Jakob W, et al. Isoflurane waste gas expo-
for a recommended standard: occupational exposure to anesthetic sure during general anaesthesia: the laryngeal mask compared
gases and vapors. Cincinnati: US Dept of Health, Education, and with tracheal intubation. Br J Anaesth 1996;77:189–193.
Welfare (DHEW), 1977. 36. Henderson KA, Matthews IP, Adisesh A, Hutchings, AD.
31. Hoerauf KH, Wallner T, Akca O, et al. Exposure To sevoflu- Occupational exposure of midwives to nitrous oxide on delivery
rane and N2O. Anesth Analg 1999;88:925–929. suites. Occup Environ Med 2003;60;958–961.
32. Wiesner G, Hoerauf K, Schroegendorfer K, et al. High-level, 37. Nayebzadeh A. Exposure to exhaled nitrous oxide in hospitals
but not low-level, occupational exposure to inhaled anesthetics is post-anesthesia care units. Ind Health 2007;45:334–337.
associated with genotoxicity in the micronucleus assay. Anesth 38. Sanabria Carretero P. [Occupational exposure to nitrous oxide
Analg 2001;92:118–122. and sevoflurane during pediatric anesthesia: evaluation of an
33. Hoerauf K, Wallner T, Akc O, et. al. Exposure to sevoflurane anesthetic gas extractor]. [Article in Spanish]. Rev Esp Anestesiol
and nitrous oxide during four different methods of anesthetic in- Reanim 2006;53: 618–625.
duction. Anesth Analg 1999;88:925–929. 39. Eroglu A. A comparison of sister chromatid exchanges in lym-
34. Krajewski W. Occupational exposure to nitrous oxide—the role phocytes of anesthesiologists to non anesthesiologists in the same
of scavenging and ventilation systems in reducing the exposure hospital. Anesth Analg 2006;102:1573–1577.
15259_Ch59.qxd 3/15/09 7:22 AM Page 220
CASE FORMAT: STEP BY STEP tocaval compression, use of vasopressors, and fluid loading.1 A
recent Cochrane review concluded that there was no evidence
A 28-year-old, 100-kg, term primigravida presented in to show that regional anesthesia was superior to general anes-
labor requesting epidural analgesia. thesia in terms of major maternal or neonatal outcomes.2 It
must be remembered that the absolute risk of maternal mortal-
ity associated with general anesthesia for caesarean section is 32
per million, which is 17-fold greater than that with regional
What are the risks associated with epidural anesthesia.3 The incidence of failed tracheal intubation in the
analgesia in labor? obstetric population, 1 in 250,4 is as many as 10 times greater
See Table 59.1. than that in the general population. Recognizing the risks to the
mother associated with general anesthesia has led to an in-
The epidural was inserted on the second attempt, and a creased use of regional anesthesia for caesarean deliveries.
bolus dose of 10 mL 0.25% bupivacain--e with 50 g of fentanyl The anesthetist reassured the patient that there was no
was administered followed by an epidural infusion of levobupi- major difference in neonatal outcome between general, spinal,
vacaine 0.125% at 12 mL per hour. The patient, however, con- or epidural anesthesia. In view of her elevated body mass
tinued to complain of discomfort with each contraction. Four index and potentially difficult airway, he felt regional anesthe-
hours later, a vaginal examination revealed minimal progress, sia was preferable to general anesthesia.
and the patient was scheduled for an emergency lower-seg- The patient was prescribed antacid prophylaxis, and a
ment caesarean section. 16-gauge intravenous cannula was inserted. In the operating
room, with routine monitors in place, the anesthetist pro-
ceeded with spinal anesthesia. Following dural puncture with
How should the anesthetist proceed?
a 25-gauge pencil-point spinal needle and aspiration of clear
A detailed preoperative assessment will enable early identifi- cerebrospinal fluid, the anesthetist administered 12.5 mg of
cation of a poorly functioning epidural and any potential prob- hyperbaric bupivacaine intrathecally.
lems if spinal or general anesthesia is deemed necessary.
On preoperative assessment, the patient’s past medical his-
tory was unremarkable. However, she had a short stature and What are the risks of administering spinal
was morbidly obese with a body mass index of 46 kg/m2. anesthesia following inadequate epidural for
Examination revealed a Mallampati grade III airway. lower-segment caesarean section?
The patient’s vital signs were normal; her blood pressure
was 120/64 mm Hg, and her heart rate was 92 beats per Spinal anesthesia after epidural analgesia may result in an
minute. The epidural block was assessed, and despite augmen- unpredictable final block height. One retrospective review es-
tation with 20 mL of bupivacaine 0.5%, only extended to T10 timated the incidence of high spinal anesthesia to be 11% in
and was patchy. The anesthetist explained to the patient that patients after prior failed epidural blockade versus fewer than
the epidural was ineffective and that the operation would pro- 1% in patients undergoing spinal anesthesia alone.5 This may
ceed under spinal anesthesia. The patient asked whether any be explained by the volume of the dural sac being restricted by
form of anesthesia was superior in terms of neonatal outcome. fluid in the epidural space. There is controversy regarding the
optimal dose of hyperbaric bupivacaine in this setting; some
investigators advocate reducing the dose by 20% to 30%,6
How should the anesthetist respond to whereas others believe this increases the risk of a second unsat-
this query? isfactory block.7
A meta-analysis comparing different methods of anesthesia Whichever approach is used, early recognition of an inade-
for caesarean section and neonatal acid base status analyzed quate epidural block is important to avoid persisting with fur-
27 studies and concluded that spinal anesthesia could not be ther doses of epidural local anesthetic. An assessment of the
considered safer than general anesthesia or epidural anesthe- urgency of the situation will help guide further anesthetic
sia for the fetus.1 management.
Adverse maternal circulatory changes associated with spinal Spinal anesthesia should be followed by careful position-
anesthesia may result from excessive sympathetic blockade, aor- ing and frequent block assessment. The parturient should be
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T A B L E 6 0 . 1 Vital Signs
1. Is prophylactic administration of a vasoconstrictor(s) 1. Mercier FJ, Bonnet MP, De la Dorie A, et al. Spinal anaesthesia
effective in preventing hypotension during a caesarean for caesarean section: fluid loading, vasoconstrictors and hypoten-
section? sion. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim 2007;26:688–693.
2. Cyna AM, Andrew M, Emmett RS, et al. Techniques for pre-
Answer: Administering a vasoconstrictor(s) prophylac- venting hypotension during spinal anaesthesia for Caesarean
tically can decrease the frequency and magnitude of section. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006;(4):CD002251.
hypotension after spinal anesthesia for caesarean section 3. Kaya S, Karaman H, Erdogan H, et al. Combined use of low-dose
but does not reliably do so. No one agent has been shown bupivacaine, colloid preload and wrapping of the legs for prevent-
to be superior to another in terms of prophylaxis. ing hypotension in spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section. J Int
Med Res 2007;35:615–625.
2. Does fluid preloading decrease the incidence or 4. Lee A, Ngan Kee WD, Gin T. A dose-response meta-analysis
severity of hypotension during caesarean section under of prophylactic intravenous ephedrine for the prevention of
spinal anesthesia? hypotension during spinal anaesthesia for elective caesarean
delivery. Anesth Analg 2004;98:483–490.
Answer: Fluid loading is inconsistent in preventing 5. Cooper DW, Gibb SC, Meek T, et al. Effect of intravenous
hypotension in this setting. Preloading seems to be no vasopressor on spread of spinal anaesthesia and fetal acid-base
more effective than what is often called: co- (at the time equilibrium. Br J Anaesth 2007;98:649–656.
of block) or post- (immediately after block) loading. 6. Ngan Kee WD, Khaw KS. Vasopressors in obstetrics: what
Colloids have been shown to be superior to crystalloids should we be using? Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 2006;19:238–243.
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Bronchodilators, for anaphylaxis, 163 postoperative visual loss in, 31 Chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ), in
B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP), in heart statins and, 1–4 nausea and vomiting, 127
failure, 183t, 184 Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) Chest syndrome, acute. See Acute chest
Bupivacaine bleeding in, prevention of, 22–24 syndrome
for peripheral nerve block, 140, 142 conversion to, in off-pump bypass, 20 Childbirth. See Caesarean section
physiochemical properties of, 142, 142t vs. off-pump coronary artery bypass, 17 Children
for shoulder arthroplasty, 146t Carotid artery stenosis, 70–73 emergence agitation in, 207–211
for total knee arthroplasty, 62 Carotid artery stenting (CAS), 70–73 adjunct medications and, 209, 209t
Burn injury, hypertonic saline resuscitation anesthesia for, 72 age and, 209
in, 48–50 vs. carotid endarterectomy, 70, 72, 72f anesthetic factors in, 209, 209t
technique of, 71–72, 71f anxiety and, 208
Carotid endarterectomy (CEA), 70–71, 73 etiological factors in, 208t
C anesthetic goals in, 70 grading scales for, 207, 208t
CABG. See Coronary artery bypass surgery vs. carotid artery stenting, 70, 72, 72f long-term consequences of, 209
Caesarean section cerebral perfusion in, 71 parental presence during induction and,
appropriate monitoring in, 224, 225t regional vs. general anesthesia in, 70–71, 71f 208–209
fetal oxygen saturation in, 220–223 CAS. See Carotid artery stenting strategies to decrease, 208–209
hypotension in, vasoconstrictors for, CBF. See Cerebral blood flow temperament and, 208
224–225 CEA. See Carotid endarterectomy magnetic resonance imaging in, anesthesia
spinal anesthesia in, 220–225 Cell salvage/reinfusion, 81, 84–85 for, 123–126, 124t
supplemental oxygen during, 222 Central pontine myelinolysis, hypertonic postoperative nausea and vomiting in,
total spinal anesthesia in, 222, 223 saline and, 50 128
Calcium Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO), rapid sequence induction in, 111
for anesthesia-induced rhabdomyolysis, 121 31–33 tracheal intubation in
in subarachnoid hemorrhage, 195 Central venous cannulation anatomic considerations in, 113
Calcium channel blockers anatomic landmarks for, 132 complications of, vulnerability to,
for cerebral aneurysm/hemorrhage, 191, complications of, 131–132, 132t 113–114
193, 195, 196 indications for, 131 cuffed tracheal tubes for, 112–115
for hypertension, 95, 96t and nerve injury, 28–29 edema and cross-sectional area in,
and myocardial oxygen supply/demand, 99 ultrasound guidance for, 131–135 113–114, 114t
for neuroprotection, 191, 196 anesthesiologist experience with, 134 injury in, levels vulnerable to, 114
Carbon dioxide, partial pressure of, in cere- dynamic, 132–133, 133f, 133t N2O diffusion in, 114
bral aneurysm surgery, 190 key messages on, 134 specifically designed tubes for, 114
Cardiac resuscitation as standard of care, 133–134 Child-Turcotte-Pugh scoring system,
vasopressin for, 91–94 static, 132–133 52, 53t
vasopressors vs. volume expansion for, Cerebral aneurysm Chinese medicine, and anesthesia, 179–181
91–94 angiography of, 193, 194f Chloral hydrate, for MRI sedation/anesthe-
Cardiac risks coiling of sia, 124–125
evaluating surgical patients with, 40, 40t advantages of, 195 Cholinesterase inhibitors, anesthetic consid-
and perioperative use of -adrenergic anesthesia for, 193–197 erations with, 155
antagonists, 7, 7t management of, 196 Cirrhosis
and preoperative PCI, 40–41 technique for, 195 Child-Turcotte-Pugh scoring system in,
stratification of, 40, 41t vs. clipping, 193–195 52, 53t
Cardiac surgery complications of, 196 MELD score in, 52, 53t
-adrenergic antagonists and, 5–8 decision-making on, 195 preoperative abnormal liver function tests
bleeding in definition of, 195 in, 51–54
causes of, 22 key messages on, 196 Cisatracurium
postoperative management of, 25 monitoring in, 196 as alternative to succinylcholine, 111, 112
prevention of optimal timing of, 195 and anaphylaxis, 163
antifibrinolytics and aprotinin for, premedication for, 196 in mitochondrial disease, 205
22–24 electrocardiographic changes in, 196 CK-MB. See Creatine kinase
importance of, 22 electrolyte abnormalities with, 196 Clonidine
pharmacological approaches for, 23 excitotoxicity with, 190 for preventing opioid-induced hyperalge-
recombinant factor VIIa for, 25–26 prevalence of, 190 sia, 170
reoperation for, incidence and risks of, surgery for for total knee arthroplasty, 63t
22–23 blood glucose in, 190 Clopidogrel
risk factors for, 22 blood pressure in, 190 and neuraxial blockade, 187
cerebral complications of, 35 neuroprotection during, 189–192 for percutaneous coronary intervention,
heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and, partial pressure of carbon dioxide in, 190 77–78
46–47 Cerebral blood flow (CBF), neuroprotection for perioperative myocardial infarction, 40
intrathecal opioids for, 15 and, 190–191 CMR. See Cerebral metabolic rate
neuraxial analgesic techniques for, 14–16 Cerebral metabolic rate (CMR), neuroprotec- Coagulopathy, intraoperative, 83–86
off-pump bypass, 17–21 tion and, 190–191 Cognitive dysfunction, postoperative
parasternal block for, 15 Cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP), in in cardiac surgery, 35–37
postoperative cognitive dysfunction in, aneurysm surgery, 190 mechanisms of, 35–36
35–37 Cerebral State Monitor, 116 outcomes associated with, 36
postoperative neuropathy in, 27–30 Cerebral vasospasm, triple-H therapy for, 191 risk factors for, 36
15259_Index.qxd 3/15/09 6:52 AM Page 230
in total knee arthroplasty, 62, 63 Gag reflex, in awake, tracheal intubation, 106 classification of, 44
treatment of, 188 Garlic, and anesthesia, 180 delayed-onset, 45
Epinephrine Gastric banding, 87, 88f diagnosis of, 45
for anaphylaxis, 163 Gastric bypass, 87, 88f Iceberg Model of, 44
for cardiac resuscitation, 91–93 Ginger, and anesthesia, 180 rapid-onset, 45
for peripheral nerve block, 140, 142 Ginkgo, and anesthesia, 180 scoring systems for, 45
Epsilon-aminocaproic acid (EACA) Ginseng, and anesthesia, 180 thrombosis with, 45
in cardiac surgery, 23–24 Glasgow Coma Scale, in subarachnoid hem- treatment of, 45–46
for minimizing need for blood orrhage, 193, 194t, 195 type I, 44
transfusion, 81 Glossopharyngeal nerve, in awake, tracheal type II, 44–45
Erythropoietin, for minimizing need for intubation, 106 clinical presentations of, 45
blood transfusion, 81, 84 Glucose level. See also Hyperglycemia complications of, 45
European Society of Cardiology, definition of in cerebral aneurysm surgery, 190 pathophysiology of, 44–45
myocardial infarction, 38–39 perioperative targets for, 11, 11t risk factors for, 45
Excitotoxicity, with cerebral aneurysm, 190 Glycemic control, perioperative, 9–13 Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia-
Glycine toxicity, in transurethral resection of thrombosis (HITT), 45
prostate syndrome, 172 Hepatitis, preoperative abnormal liver
F Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors, for perioper- function tests in, 51–54
Femoral nerve block ative myocardial infarction, 40 Herbal medicine
for opioid-addicted trauma patient, Glycopyrrolate, in awake, tracheal intuba- and anesthesia, 179–181
149–151, 150f, 151f tion, 106–107 ASA information on, 180
for total knee arthroplasty, 63 Grapefruit juice, and anesthesia, 180 natural vs. safe, 179
ultrasound guidance for, 140–143, 141f, Guglielmi, Guido, 195 Hip arthroplasty, revision, blood loss and
149–151, 150f, 151f Guglielmi Detachable Coils, 195 conservation in, 83–86
Femoral vein, central venous cannulation HIT. See Heparin-induced
via, 132 thrombocytopenia
Fentanyl H HITT. See Heparin-induced
in awake, tracheal intubation, 107 Haloperidol, for nausea/vomiting preven- thrombocytopenia-thrombosis
in obese patients, 88 tion, 128 Horner’s syndrome
in total knee arthroplasty, 62 Halothane cardiac surgery and, 28
Fetal oxygenation and Alzheimer’s disease, 154 continuous ambulatory regional anesthesia
in caesarean section, 220–223 and emergence agitation in children, 207 and, 146
determinants of, 221–222, 221t and myocardial preconditioning, 100 HTS. See Hypertonic saline
Fetal oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve, and neuroprotection, 191 Hunt and Hess grading scale, 193, 194t, 195
221–222, 222f Heart failure, acute 5-Hydroxytrytamine receptor antagonists,
Fiberscopes, for awake, tracheal intubation, arterial blood gases in, 183, 183t for nausea/vomiting preven-
107–108 biochemistry results in, 183, 183t tion, 128, 129
Flexible fiberscopes, for awake, tracheal levosimendan for, 182–185 Hydroxyurea, for sickle cell disease, 160
intubation, 107–108 radiographic findings in, 183, 183f Hyperalgesia, opioid-induced, 169–170
Fluid overload Hematoma, epidural Hyperglycemia
in pneumonectomy, 74–75 in anticoagulated patients, 14–15 in cerebral aneurysm surgery, 190
in transurethral resection of prostate antiplatelet agents/anticoagulants and, perioperative prevention of, 9–13
syndrome, 172–174 186–188 poor patient outcome with
Fluid preloading, for spinal anesthesia, 224 herbal medicine and, 179, 180f mechanisms of, 9
Fluid resuscitation incidence of, 187 studies of, 10–11
albumin for, 55–57 magnetic resonance imaging of, 179, 180f, Hyperkalemia
hypertonic saline for, 48–50 188 in anesthesia-induced rhabdomyolysis, 121
vasopressin for, 91–94 managing patients at high risk for, 187–188 in mitochondrial disease, 204
Fondaparinux risk factors for, 187, 187t Hypertension
in heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, in total knee arthroplasty, 62, 63 anesthesia and, 95–98
46, 46t treatment of, 188 classification of, 96t
and neuraxial blockade, 188 Hemodilution, for cerebral vasospasm, 191 definition of, 95
Four Ts scoring system, 45 Hemoglobin dilution, in sickle cell disease, induced arterial, for cerebral vasospasm,
Furosemide, for transurethral resection of 159 191
prostate syndrome, 174 Hemoglobin S, in sickle cell disease, 157–158 intraoperative cardiovascular lability in,
Hemorrhagic shock, vasopressin for, 92 96–97
Heparin pathogenesis of, 95
G and bleeding in cardiac surgery, 22 perioperative management in, 96
Gabapentin epidural anesthesia/analgesia with, 14–15 postponing surgery in, 95–96
for obstructive sleep apnea patients, 177 low-molecular-weight, and neuraxial treatment of, 95, 96t
for phantom limb pain, 212–213, 214 blockade, 186–188 white coat, 96
for preventing opioid-induced in off-pump coronary artery bypass, 19–20 Hyperthermia
hyperalgesia, 170 for perioperative myocardial infarction, 40 and cerebral injury, 190
for preventing persistent postsurgical Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), malignant
pain, 167 44–47 in Duchenne muscular dystrophy,
for total knee arthroplasty, 63t anticoagulation alternatives in, 46, 46t 119–120
Gadolinium, risks of, 124 cardiac surgery in patient with, 46–47 in mitochondrial disease, 204
15259_Index.qxd 3/15/09 6:52 AM Page 232
Hypertonic saline (HTS) International Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial LHON. See Leber hereditary optic
for acute lung injury, 48–49 (ISAT), 193–195 neuropathy
administration of, 49 Intraneural injection (INI), 58, 60, 150, 155 Lidocaine
characteristics of, 49t Intrathecal opioids in neuroprotection, 191
complications of, 49–50 for cardiac surgery, 15 for peripheral nerve block, 140, 142
for prevention of abdominal compartment for total knee arthroplasty, 62 physiochemical properties of, 142, 142t
syndrome, 49 Intubation, tracheal. See Tracheal intubation for shoulder arthroplasty, 146, 146t
for resuscitation, 48–50 ION. See Ischemic optic neuropathy Liver function test, preoperative abnormali-
for transurethral resection of prostate IPC. See Ischemic preconditioning ties in, 51–54, 52f
syndrome, 173–174 ISAT. See International Subarachnoid Liver transplantation, vasopressin use in,
types of, 49 Aneurysm Trial 92–93
Hypervolemia, for cerebral vasospasm, 191 Ischemic optic neuropathy (ION), 31–33 LMA. See Laryngeal mask airway
Hypocalcemia, in subarachnoid hemorrhage, anterior, 31 LMWH. See Low-molecular-weight heparin
195 posterior, 31 Local anesthesia. See Regional anesthesia;
Hypoglycemia, prevention and management Ischemic preconditioning (IPC), 100–101 specific types
of, 12 ISH. See Isolated systolic hypertension Low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH),
Hypoglycemic agents, oral, in hospitalized Isoflurane and neuraxial blockade,
patients, 11 and Alzheimer’s disease, 154 186–188
Hypokalemia, in subarachnoid hemorrhage, in mitochondrial disease, 204 Lumbosacral nerve injury, in cardiac
195 and myocardial preconditioning, 100 surgery, 27
Hypomagnesemia, in subarachnoid hemor- Isolated systolic hypertension (ISH), 96t, 97 Lung injury, acute, hypertonic saline resusci-
rhage, 195 Isoprenaline, in mitochondrial disease, 204 tation in, 48–49
Hyponatremia Lysine analogs, in cardiac surgery, 23–24
hypertonic saline and, 50
in subarachnoid hemorrhage, 195 J
in transurethral resection of prostate Joint replacement M
syndrome, 172–174 knee, peripheral nerve blockade vs. MABL. See Maximal allowable blood loss
Hypotension epidural analgesia for, 62–65 Magnesium levels, in subarachnoid hemor-
in caesarean section, vasoconstrictors for, revision hip, blood loss and conservation rhage, 195
224–225 in, 83–86 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
induced, for blood conservation, 81 shoulder, continuous ambulatory regional bioeffects of, 123
during induction, BIS monitoring and, 116 anesthesia for, 145–148 contrast agent risks in, 124
intraoperative dedicated sedation teams for, 125
antihypertensive agents and, 97 of epidural hematoma, 179, 180f, 188
vasopressin for, 93 K in infants and children, anesthesia for,
Hypothermia Kava, and anesthesia, 180 123–126, 124t
intraoperative, and blood loss, 85 Kearns-Sayre syndrome (KSS) physical setup for, 123, 124f
for neuroprotection, 190 anesthesia in, 203–206 Ma-huang, and anesthesia, 180
in sickle cell disease, 159 clinical features of, 204t Malabsorptive procedures, for obesity, 87
Hypovolemia. See Fluid resuscitation Ketamine Malignant hyperthermia (MH)
in neuroprotection, 191 in Duchenne muscular dystrophy,
for preventing opioid-induced 119–120
I hyperalgesia, 170 in mitochondrial disease, 204
Iceberg Model, of heparin-induced thrombo- for preventing persistent postsurgical pain, Mask ventilation, difficult
cytopenia, 44 167 vs. difficult tracheal intubation, 103
Iliacus block, in Alzheimer patients, 155 for total knee arthroplasty, 63t grading scale for, 104, 104t
Iloprost, in heparin-induced thrombocytope- Knee arthroplasty, total. See Total knee prediction of, 103–105
nia, 46 arthroplasty Mastectomy, persistent pain after, 166–168
Imaging, in infants and children, anesthesia KSS. See Kearns-Sayre syndrome Maximal allowable blood loss (MABL), 84–85
for, 123–126 MELAS. See Mitochondrial encephalomy-
Immunomodulation, hypertonic saline opathy, lactic acidosis, and
resuscitation in, 48–49 L stroke-like episodes
INI. See Intraneural injection Labor. See Caesarean section Memantine, for preventing phantom limb
Inotropes, for heart failure, 182–185 Laryngeal mask airway (LMA), 103, 104 pain, 213–214
Insulin Laryngeal nerve injury, in cardiac surgery, Mepivacaine, for shoulder arthroplasty, 146
basal, 12 28 MERFF. See Myoclonic epilepsy and ragged
correction-dose or supplemental, 12 Laryngoscopy, hypertension and, 96–97 red fibers on muscle biopsy
dose for infusion titration, based on hourly Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON), Metformin, for hospitalized patients, 11
glucose checks, 10t 204t MH. See Malignant hyperthermia
loading dose and initial infusion rate, 10t Left ventricular hypertrophy, 140, 141f Microcuff Paediatric Tracheal Tube, 114
metabolic effects of, 9–10 Leigh’s syndrome, 204t Midazolam, in awake, tracheal intubation,
perioperative use of, 9–13 Lepirudin, in heparin-induced thrombocy- 107
prandial, 12 topenia, 46, 46t MIDCAB. See Minimally invasive direct
sliding scale therapy, 11–12 Levobupivacaine, for shoulder arthroplasty, access coronary bypass
subcutaneous regimen, 12 146t Minimally invasive direct access coronary
Internal jugular vein, central venous cannu- Levosimendan, for acute heart failure, bypass (MIDCAB), 17
lation via, 132–134, 133f 182–185 Mitochondrial cytopathies, 203
15259_Index.qxd 3/15/09 6:52 AM Page 233
Pregnancy. See also Caesarean section in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, optimal perioperative management in, 159
intraoperative awareness in, 200 119–121 pathophysiology of, 157–158
occupational exposure to anesthetic agents treatment of, 121 preoperative screening for status, 158–159,
in, 216 grapefruit juice and, 180 158t
Prilocaine, for shoulder arthroplasty, 146 statins and, 3 Sleep apnea
Propofol Right internal jugular vein (RIJV), central obstructive
in mitochondrial disease, 204 venous cannulation via, anesthesia and, 175–178
for MRI sedation/anesthesia, 124 132–134, 133f ASA recommendations on, 175
and myocardial preconditioning, 100–101 Rocuronium and bariatric surgery, 87–88
in neuroprotection, 190–191 as alternative to succinylcholine, 111 benzodiazepine alternatives in, 177
in obese patients, 88 and anaphylaxis, 163 definition of, 177
and postoperative nausea/vomiting, 129 in obese patients, 88 difficult intubation in, 175
Prostate, transurethral resection of. See sugammadex for emergency reversal of, extubation safety in, 176–177
Transurethral resection of 198–199 intubation in, 175–176
prostate Ropivacaine, for shoulder arthroplasty, 146t key messages on, 177
Protamine, for heparin reversal, in off- Royal College of Anaesthetists, 214 management without formal diagnosis,
pump coronary artery RSI. See Rapid sequence induction 175–176
bypass, 20 opioids and, 63–64
Pulmonary edema patient positioning in, 176–177
postpneumonectomy, 74–76 S perioperative analgesia and anesthesia
chest x-ray of, 74–75, 75f SAH. See Subarachnoid hemorrhage in, 176
key messages on, 75 St. John’s wort, and anesthesia, 180–181 postoperative monitoring in, 177
risk factors for, 75, 75t Saline risk factors for, 175
ventilatory management of, 75 for fluid resuscitation, 48–50, 55–56 severity of, 175, 176t
in transurethral resection of prostate for transurethral resection of prostate signs and symptoms of, 175, 176t
syndrome, 172–174, 173f syndrome, 173–174 screening questions for, 64, 64t
Pulse pressure hypertension (PPH), 96t, 97 Saphenous nerve injury, in cardiac surgery, 28 Sliding scale insulin therapy, 11–12
Scavenging, and occupation exposure, 217 Sodium channel blockers, and myocardial
Sciatic nerve block oxygen supply/demand, 99
R in total knee arthroplasty, 63 Sodium levels
Ranolazine, and myocardial oxygen ultrasound guidance for, 140–143, 141f hypertonic saline and, 50
supply/demand, 99 Scopolamine, transdermal, for nausea/vomit- in subarachnoid hemorrhage, 196
Rapid sequence induction (RSI) ing prevention, 128, 129 in transurethral resection of prostate
classic, 110–111 SEDline monitor, 116 syndrome, 172–173
pediatric modification of, 111 Seizures, peripheral nerve blockade and, 58–61 Spinal anesthesia
succinylcholine for, 110–111 Sensitization for caesarean section, 220–225
Razaxaban, and neuraxial blockade, 188 in opioid-induced hyperalgesia, 170 after inadequate epidural, 220–221
Recombinant factor VIIa in persistent postsurgical pain, 167 appropriate monitoring in, 224, 225t
in cardiac surgery, 25–26 Septic shock, vasopressin for, 92 and fetal heart rate, 221, 221f
indications for, 25 Serotonin receptor antagonists, for fluid preloading for, 224
off-label administration of, 25–26 nausea/vomiting prevention, hypotension with, 224–225
risk of thromboembolic events with, 26 128, 129 risks of, 220–221
Recurrent laryngeal nerve injury, in cardiac Sevoflurane total
surgery, 28 and emergence agitation in children, 207, clinical presentation of, 223
Regional anesthesia. See also specific types 209 management of, 222
for Alzheimer patients, 155–156 in mitochondrial disease, 204 for cardiac surgery, total, 15
for awake, tracheal intubation, 106 for MRI sedation/anesthesia, 124–125 Spine surgery, postoperative visual loss in,
continuous ambulatory, 145–148 and myocardial preconditioning, 100–101 31–33
for patients with coronary artery disease, and neuroprotection, 191 Spirometry, in mitochondrial disease, 203,
136–139 in obese patients, 88 204t
for transurethral resection of prostate, occupational exposure to, 216–218 Spontaneous abortion, occupational exposure
171 Shock, vasopressin for, 92–93 and, 216
Remifentanil Shoulder arthroplasty Stabilizer device, in OPCAB, 17, 18f
and myocardial preconditioning, 100–101 anesthetic and analgesic options in, Statins
in obese patients, 88 145–146, 146t and myocardial oxygen supply/demand, 99
in obstructive sleep apnea patients, 177 continuous ambulatory regional anesthesia for perioperative myocardial infarction, 40
Renal dysfunction, in heart failure, 182–184 for, 145–148 and perioperative risk, 1–4
Resuscitation. See Fluid resuscitation Sickle cell crisis, 157–158 ACC/AMA guidelines on, 2–3
Retina Sickle cell disease, 157–161 in cardiac and vascular surgery, 1–2
anatomy of, 31 acute chest syndrome in, 157, 158f, 159, key messages on, 3
injury to, and postoperative visual loss, 160t need for future studies, 3
31–33 arterial blood analysis in, 157, 158t in noncardiovascular surgery, 2
Revision hip arthroplasty, blood loss and blood transfusion (sickle cell dilution) in, pharmacologic mechanisms of, 1
conservation in, 83–86 159, 159t safety of, 3
rFVIIa. See Recombinant factor VIIa hemoglobin dilution in, 159 withdrawal of, effect of, 2
Rhabdomyolysis hydroxyurea treatment in, 160 Stroke, cardiac surgery and, 35–37
anesthesia-induced hypothermia in, 159 Subarachnoid block, for transurethral resec-
clinical features of, 120t key messages on, 160 tion of prostate, 171
15259_Index.qxd 3/15/09 6:52 AM Page 236
Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) paravertebral nerve blockade for, 66–69, cardiac manifestations of, 173, 173f
coiling for, 193–197 67f, 68f classic triad of symptoms in, 172
advantages of, 195 thoracic epidural analgesia for, 66–67, differential diagnosis of, 171
anesthesia for, 193–197 67f, 68f, 69f emergency management of, 173
management of, 196 respiratory changes in, 66 intravascular absorption of solution in,
technique for, 195 Three-in-one block, in total knee 172
vs. clipping, 193–195 arthroplasty, 63 pulmonary edema in, 172–174, 173f
complications of, 196 Thrombocytopenia rapid diagnosis of, 171–172
decision-making on, 195 etiology of, 44 signs and symptoms of, 172
definition of, 195 heparin-induced. See Heparin-induced treatment of, current controversies over,
key messages on, 196 thrombocytopenia 173–174
monitoring in, 196 TKA. See Total knee arthroplasty Trauma. See also specific types
optimal timing of, 195 TOF ratio. See Train-of-four ratio pain management in
premedication for, 196 Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) in opioid-addicted patient, 149–152
electrocardiographic changes in, 196 multimodal analgesia for, 15, 63t, 64 options for, 212–213, 213t
electrolyte abnormalities with, 196 opioids and sleep apnea in, 63–64 purpose of, 212
grading and assessment of, 193, 194t, 195 peripheral nerve blockade vs. epidural Traumatic brain injury, hypertonic saline
incidence of, 190 analgesia for, 62–65 resuscitation in, 48–50
neuroprotection in surgery for, 189–192, 196 utilization rate for, 62 Tricyclic antidepressants, for preventing
triple-H therapy for, 191 Total spinal anesthesia persistent postsurgical
Subclavian vein, central venous cannulation in caesarean section pain, 167
via, 132 clinical presentation of, 223 Trigeminal nerve, in awake, tracheal
Succinylcholine management of, 222 intubation, 106
alternatives to, 111 in cardiac surgery, 15 Triple-H therapy, for cerebral vasospasm,
and anaphylaxis, 163–164 Tracheal intubation 191
contraindications to, 111, 121 air leak test in, 114 Troponins
drugs attenuating effects of, 111, 112t awake, 106–109 in heart failure, 183, 183t
in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, 120, 121 complications of, 108 in myocardial preconditioning, 101
indications for, 111 device or technique for, 107–108 in perioperative myocardial infarction,
introduction of, 110 patient preparation for, 106–107, 107t 39–40
side effects of, 111, 111t, 112t supraglottic airways vs., 108 TURP. See Transurethral resection of
for tracheal intubation, future for use of, difficult, vs. difficult mask ventilation, prostate
110–112 103 TXA. See Tranexamic acid
Sufentanil, in obese patients, 88 obstructive sleep apnea and, 175–176
Sugammadex pediatric
as alternative to succinylcholine, 111 anatomic considerations in, 113 U
for emergency reversal of neuromuscular complications of, vulnerability to, Ulnar neuropathy, postoperative, 27, 29
blockade, 198–199 113–114 Ultrasound guidance
Sulfonylureas, for hospitalized patients, 11 cuffed tracheal tubes for, 112–115 for central venous cannulation, 131–135
Superior laryngeal block, in awake, tracheal edema and cross-sectional area in, anesthesiologist experience with, 134
intubation, 106 113–114, 114t dynamic, 132–133, 133f, 133t
Supraglottic airways, vs. awake, tracheal injury in, levels vulnerable to, 114 key messages on, 134
intubation, 108 N2O diffusion in, 114 as standard of care, 133–134
Supralaryngeal airways, 104 specifically designed tubes for, 114 static, 132–133
Surgical stress response, 138 succinylcholine use in, future of, 110–112 for peripheral nerve blockade, 140–144,
Suxamethonium, in mitochondrial disease, 204 Train-of-four (TOF) ratio, in reversal of 141f, 142f
neuromuscular blockade, and block success rate, 142
198–199, 199f and dose reduction, 142–143
T Tranexamic acid (TXA) key messages on, 143
TEA. See Thoracic epidural analgesia in cardiac surgery, 23–24 and onset time, 142
TEE. See Transesophageal echocardiography for minimizing need for blood transfu- in opioid-addicted patient, 149–151,
Temperature. See Hyperthermia; sion, 81, 84 150f, 151f
Hypothermia Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) Umbilical cord blood gas analysis, 222–223,
Terlipressin, 92, 97 in coronary disease patients, 100, 101 222t
Thiazide diuretics, for hypertension, 95, 96t in off-pump coronary artery bypass,
Thiazolidinediones, for hospitalized 19–20
patients, 11 Transfusion. See Blood transfusion V
Thiopental, in obese patients, 88 Transfusion Requirement in Critical Care Vagus nerve, in awake, tracheal intubation,
Thiopentone trial, 84 106
in mitochondrial disease, 204 Transtracheal block, in awake, tracheal intu- Valerian root, and anesthesia, 180
in neuroprotection, 191 bation, 106 Vasoconstrictors, for hypotension, in
Thoracic epidural analgesia (TEA), for Transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) caesarean section, 224–225
postthoracotomy pain, 66–67, anesthetic considerations in, 171 Vasopressin
67f, 68f preoperative blood results in, 171, 172t for anaphylactic shock, 92
Thoracotomy Transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) for cardiac arrest, 92
postoperative pain in syndrome, 171–174 for cardiac resuscitation, 91–94
mechanisms of, 66 arterial blood gas analysis in, 172–173, 172t doses of, 92, 92t
15259_Index.qxd 3/15/09 6:52 AM Page 237
for hemorrhagic shock, 92 Visual loss, postoperative (POVL), 31–34 Vomiting. See Nausea and vomiting,
for intraoperative hypotension, 93 anatomical considerations in, 31 postoperative
for liver transplant patients, 92–93 ASA practice advisory on, 31, 32–33
metabolic effects of, 91–92, 92t key messages on, 33
receptors for, 91, 92t management of, 33 W
for septic shock, 92 mechanism of injury, 31 Warfarin, in heparin-induced thrombocy-
Vasospasm, cerebral, triple-H therapy for, 191 prevention of, 32–33 topenia, 46
Vecuronium risk factors for, 32 White coat hypertension, 96
and anaphylaxis, 163 Volatile anesthetics World Federation of Neurological Surgeons
in obese patients, 88 in Duchenne muscular dystrophy, grading scale, 193, 194t, 195
Ventilation, and occupational exposure, 217 119–122 World Health Organization
Videoscope, for awake, tracheal intubation, and myocardial preconditioning, 100–101 anemia definition of, 84
107–108 and postoperative nausea/vomiting, 127 myocardial infarction definition of, 38–39