Course Outline
Course Outline
Course Outline
Course Title Current Topics in Stem Cell and Developmental Biology
Course Code BS3010
Offered Study Year 3, Semester 2
Course Coordinator Karjalainen, Klaus (Prof) 6514 1033
Pre-requisites BS1005, BS1006, BS1007
No of AUs 3
Contact hours Lectures: 26, Tutorials: 13
Last revised 1 Mar 2018, 08:03
Course Aims
This course aims to develop in students some critical knowledge about stem cell biology. The
status of stem cell research, utilization and future potential is discussed. You are expected to
be able to cut through media hype and develop a deeper understanding of the ethical
considerations in this important field.
Course Content
Pluripotency - basic molecular mechanisms for stem cells
Assessment 9/28/2018
BS3010 SBS Outcomes-based Teaching and Learning Document (OBTL) Page 2 of 4
Continuous Assessment
Assignment 1, 2, 3, 4 1. a, b, c, d 10 individual See Appendix for
2. a rubric
Mid-semester Quiz
Multiple Choice 1, 2, 3 1. a, b, c, d 12 individual
Questions 2. a
Short Answer 1, 2, 3 1. a, b, c, d 18 individual See Appendix for
Questions 2. a rubric
1. Recognize the relationship and complexity between structure and function of all forms of
life, resulting from an academically rigorous in-depth understanding of biological
a. Possess a conceptual framework that identifies the relationships between the major domains in the field of biology.
b. Explain the relationship between structure and function of all forms of life at the molecular level
c. Explain the relationship between structure and function of all forms of life at the cellular level
d. Explain the relationship between structure and function of all forms of life at the organism level
2. Critically evaluate and analyze biological information by applying the knowledge, scientific
methods and technical skills associated with the discipline
a. Identify the assumptions behind scientific problems and issues
Formative Feedback
After each assignment is marked, tutors discuss the responses and give advice on what can be
improved. This helps you to achieve earning outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4.
At the end of the semester, a summary of the mid-semester quiz results is discussed with the
whole class, so that it will help with final examination preparation. This helps you to achieve
earning outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4.
After the final examination, an examiner's report will be published on NTULearn, giving a
summary of the semester's learning achievements and points for improvement. This helps you
to achieve earning outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4. 9/28/2018
BS3010 SBS Outcomes-based Teaching and Learning Document (OBTL) Page 3 of 4
Academic Integrity
Good academic work depends on honesty and ethical behaviour. The quality of your work as a
student relies on adhering to the principles of academic integrity and to the NTU Honour Code,
a set of values shared by the whole university community. Truth, Trust and Justice are at the
core of NTU’s shared values.
Course Instructors
Instructor Office Location Phone Email
Karjalainen, Klaus (Prof) 04n-23 6514 1033 9/28/2018
BS3010 SBS Outcomes-based Teaching and Learning Document (OBTL) Page 4 of 4
Criteria Mark
Clear descriptions of the objectives of the experiments. 5
Punctuation, grammar, and spelling are appropriate. 5
The summary shows clear understanding of the principles involved. 5
The critique shows insights into the issues and problems involved 5
Overall score 20
Marks 0 to 2 3 to 4 5 to 6 7 to 8 9 to 10
The question Answers are partial Answers are Answers are Answers are
is not or show ambiguity in mostly accurate, accurate and comprehensive,
attempted or the understanding of but show some complete. Key accurate and
Criteria the answer is concept and errors. Key points are stated complete. Key ideas
totally principle; Key points points are and explained, are clearly stated,
irrelevant are not clear. included, but not but show minor explained, and well
well explained. errors supported.
Be able to use concepts learned to consider best outcomes for society regarding stem cells 9/28/2018