STAT2901 Content
STAT2901 Content
STAT2901 Content
The purpose of this course is to develop knowledge of the fundamental tools in probability and statistics for
quantitatively assessing risk. Applications of these tools to actuarial science problems will be emphasized. Students will
have a thorough command of probability topics and the supporting calculations.
Demonstrate thorough mastery at an advanced level of extensive knowledge and skills required for attaining
A all the course learning outcomes. Show strong analytical and critical abilities and logical thinking, with
evidence of original thought, and ability to apply knowledge to a wide range of complex, familiar and
unfamiliar situations. Apply highly effective organizational and presentational skills.
Demonstrate substantial command of a broad range of knowledge and skills required for attaining at least
most of the course learning outcomes. Show evidence of analytical and critical abilities and logical thinking,
B and ability to apply knowledge to familiar and some unfamiliar situations. Apply effective organizational and
presentational skills.
Demonstrate general but incomplete command of knowledge and skills required for attaining most of the
C course learning outcomes. Show evidence of some analytical and critical abilities and logical thinking, and
ability to apply knowledge to most familiar situations. Apply moderately effective organizational and
presentational skills.
Demonstrate partial but limited command of knowledge and skills required for attaining some of the course
learning outcomes. Show evidence of some coherent and logical thinking, but with limited analytical and
D critical abilities. Show limited ability to apply knowledge to solve problems. Apply limited or barely effective
organizational and presentational skills.
Demonstrate little or no evidence of command of knowledge and skills required for attaining the course
F learning outcomes. Lack of analytical and critical abilities, logical and coherent thinking. Show very little or no
ability to apply knowledge to solve problems. Organization and presentational skills are minimally effective or
1. General probability
- Basic elements of probability in set notation
- Mutually exclusive events
- Addition and multiplication rules
- Independence of events
- Combinatorial probability
- Conditional probability and expectations
- Bayes theorem / Law of total probability
- Random variables
2. Univariate probability distributions (including binomial, negative binomial, geometric, hypergeometric, Poisson, uniform,
exponential, chi-square, beta, Pareto, lognormal, gamma, Weibull and normal) and bivariate normal distribution
- Probability functions and probability density functions
- Cumulative distribution functions
- Mode, median, percentiles and moments
- Variance and measures of dispersion
- Central limit theorem
3. Sampling distributions and introduction of estimation
On successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
1. understand the mathematical theory underlying the modern practice of statistics;
2. develop skills in probabilistic analysis for problems involving randomness;
3. apply techniques in probability and statistics to solve actuarial science problems.
1. Lectures 1, 2, 3
2. Assignments 1, 2, 3
3. Class Tests 1, 2, 3
4. Written Examination 1, 2, 3
The SETL questionnaire is one of the ways HKU courses and teaching are evaluated. HKU places significant importance on
student learning and on the continuous enhancement of teaching and learning outcomes.
Students are asked to complete this evaluation of their learning experiences at the conclusion of each course in which they
enroll. Questionnaire items relate to the overall evaluation of the course as well as an evaluation of teaching.
Regular feedback on the course is requested from students through email and the moodle forum.
Unless otherwise stated, the normal course administration policies and rules of the Faculty of Science apply. For the policy,
The University Regulations on academic misconduct will be strictly enforced. Please refer to
http://www.hku/hk/student/plagiarism/ for further details. In addition, students should familiarise themselves with