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Advance Data Analyses (PBP 10203) Test For Sem 2 Session 2017/2018

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NAME: _________________
NO. MATRICS : __________

S1 Identify the following scale of measurement, whether is nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio.
(10 marks)
a. My CPA during first degree is 3.78
b. My marks in Statistics is the 3rd higher score among my classmate
c. I score “A” for my Data Analyses Test
d. Heat produces by measure in Celsius.
e. Three critical Issues facing by the country

S2 Below are the scores obtained by students in two classes on a mathematic test:
Class A marks: 15, 25, 20, 20, 18, 22, 16, 24, 28, 12
Class B marks: 10, 30, 13, 27, 16, 24, 5, 35, 28, 12

The SPSS output is shown as below:

Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation

marks section 1 20.00 4.922

marks section 2 20.00 10.044

a. Explain the implication of differences in standard deviations. (8 marks)

b. Do you think that mean and standard deviation are best describe the students’
mathematic score? Why? (10 marks)

S3 Choose the appropriate STATISTICAL WORD for each of the following statement. (12
a. The generalized concept of the "average" value of a distribution.
b. Two random variables are independent if their joint probability density is the product of
their individual (marginal) probability densities.
c. The anomalous values in the data.
d. The probability of observing a test statistic at least as extreme as the value actually
observed, assuming that the null hypothesis is true.
e. The preselected probability of (incorrectly) rejecting the null hypothesis when it is in fact
f. A lack of symmetry in a distribution.

(JAWAPAN PILIHAN : Central tendency, independent, outliers, p-value, significant level,


S4 A researcher wanted to find out if the critical thinking skills of students can be improved
using the inquiry method when teaching science. A sample of 30 students were selected
and divided into the following groups: 13 high ability subjects, 8 average ability subjects and
13 low ability subjects. A ten item critical thinking test was developed by the researcher and
administered before the intervention and after the intervention. The researcher was
analysed the collected data using ANCOVA by including PRETEST in the model as a
covariate. If the output of the analyses is shown as below, help the researcher to make a
conclusion. (10 marks)

Table S4(1): Dependent Variable: Critical Thinking

Source Sum III Sum of df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 31.920 3 10.640 3.500 0.030
Intercept 76.069 1 76.069 25.020 0.000
Pretest 15.076 1 15.076 4.959 0.035
Between Group 25.185 1 12.593 4.142 0.037
Within Groups 79.047 26 3.040
Total 683.000 30
Corrected Total 110.967 29
a. R Squared – 1.52 (Adjusted R Square = 0.89)

S5 How to lose weight effectively? Do diets really work and what about exercise? In order to
find out, 180 participants were assigned to one of 3 diets and one of 3 exercise levels. After
two months, participants were asked how many kilos they had lost. These data -partly
shown above- are in S5_weightloss.sav. Based on the provided data, you need to help
the researcher to identify whether there is any effect of diet and exercise towards weight
losses. Please select the appropriate statistical test to analyses the collected data and make
a conclusion according to the obtained results. (20 marks)
Link: S5_weightloss.sav

S6 A company held an employee satisfaction survey which included overall employee

satisfaction. Employees also rated some main job quality aspects namely supervisor,
conditions, colleagues, workplace, and tasks, resulting in S6_work.sav. Based on the given
data, you need to assist the researcher to select the suitable statistical test in order to
identify which variables contribute more towards predicting the employee satisfaction. (20
Link: S6_work.sav

S7 A researcher randomly assigns 33 subjects to one of three groups. The first group receives
technical dietary information interactively from an on-line website. Group 2 receives the same
information from a nurse practitioner, while group 3 receives the information from a video tape
made by the same nurse practitioner. Each subject then made three ratings: difficulty, usefulness,
and importance of the information in the presentation. The researcher looks at three different
ratings of the presentation (difficulty, usefulness and importance) to determine if there is a
difference in the modes of presentation. In particular, the researcher is interested in whether the
interactive website is superior because that is the most cost-effective way of delivering the
information. In the dataset, the ratings are presented in the variables useful, difficulty and
importance. The variable group indicates the group to which a subject was assigned. The
researcher is interested in how the variability in the three ratings can be explained by a subject’s
group. Group is a categorical variable with three possible values: 1, 2 or 3. The researcher has
been analyses using statistical test X and the findings is showed in Figure S7. State the
statistical test used by the researcher and help the researcher to interpreted the analyses output
in Figure S7. (10 marks)
Figure S7

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