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A Distant Mirror:: My Joint Paper With Aad After 35 Years

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A distant mirror:

my joint paper with Aad after 35 years

Tom Koornwinder

Korteweg-de Vries Institute, University of Amsterdam

lecture on 24 February 2006

during the Dijksma Conference, Groningen,
23–24 February 2006

A distant mirror: – p.1/27

my 1971 paper with Aad
A. Dijksma & T. H. Koornwinder,
Spherical harmonics and the product of two Jacobi
Proc. KNAW, Series A, 74 = Indag. Math. 33
(1971), 191–196
(communicated by prof. A. C. Zaanen)

A distant mirror: – p.2/27

Adriaan Zaanen, 1913–2003

A distant mirror: – p.3/27

Jacobi polynomials
Jacobi polynomials Pn (x) are orthogonal polynomials
on [−1, 1] with respect to the measure
(1 − x)α (1 + x)β dx (α, β > −1),
and with normalization
(α,β) (α + 1)n
Pn (1) = ,
where (a)k := a(a + 1) . . . (a + k − 1).

A distant mirror: – p.4/27

Jacobi polynomials
Jacobi polynomials Pn (x) are orthogonal polynomials
on [−1, 1] with respect to the measure
(1 − x)α (1 + x)β dx (α, β > −1),
and with normalization
(α,β) (α + 1)n
Pn (1) = ,
where (a)k := a(a + 1) . . . (a + k − 1).
Gegenbauer polynomials are special Jacobi polynomials
(2λ)n (λ− 21 ,λ− 12 )
Cnλ (x) := 1 Pn (x).
(λ + 2 )n

A distant mirror: – p.4/27

Dijksma-Koornwinder product formula

(α,β) (α,β)
Pn (1 − 2x ) Pn (1 − 2y 2 )
Z 1 Z 1  p 
= const. C2n xyu + 1 − x2 1 − y2 v
−1 −1
2 α− 21 2 β− 21
× (1 − u ) (1 − v ) du dv (α, β > − 12 ).

A distant mirror: – p.5/27

Dijksma-Koornwinder product formula

(α,β) (α,β)
Pn (1 − 2x ) Pn (1 − 2y 2 )
Z 1 Z 1  p 
= const. C2n xyu + 1 − x2 1 − y2 v
−1 −1
2 α− 21 2 β− 21
× (1 − u ) (1 − v ) du dv (α, β > − 12 ).

For α, β = 0, 12 , 1, 32 , . . . interpretation on spherical harmonics.

A distant mirror: – p.5/27

Spherical harmonics
Unit sphere S d−1 in Rd .
O(d) is group of orthogonal transformations of Rd .
O(d) acts on functions on S d−1 : (T f )(x) := f (T −1 x).

A distant mirror: – p.6/27

Spherical harmonics
Unit sphere S d−1 in Rd .
O(d) is group of orthogonal transformations of Rd .
O(d) acts on functions on S d−1 : (T f )(x) := f (T −1 x).
Spherical harmonic of degree n on S d−1 is restriction to S d−1
of harmonic homogeneous polynomial of degree n on Rd .
Hn is the space of spherical harmonics of degree n on S d−1 .

A distant mirror: – p.6/27

Spherical harmonics
Unit sphere S d−1 in Rd .
O(d) is group of orthogonal transformations of Rd .
O(d) acts on functions on S d−1 : (T f )(x) := f (T −1 x).
Spherical harmonic of degree n on S d−1 is restriction to S d−1
of harmonic homogeneous polynomial of degree n on Rd .
Hn is the space of spherical harmonics of degree n on S d−1 .
f ∈ Hn =⇒ T f ∈ Hn .
The representation of O(d) on Hn is irreducible.

A distant mirror: – p.6/27

Spherical harmonics
Unit sphere S d−1 in Rd .
O(d) is group of orthogonal transformations of Rd .
O(d) acts on functions on S d−1 : (T f )(x) := f (T −1 x).
Spherical harmonic of degree n on S d−1 is restriction to S d−1
of harmonic homogeneous polynomial of degree n on Rd .
Hn is the space of spherical harmonics of degree n on S d−1 .
f ∈ Hn =⇒ T f ∈ Hn .
The representation of O(d) on Hn is irreducible.
O(d − 1) is the subgroup of O(d) which leaves
e1 = (1, 0, . . . , 0) fixed.
S d−1 = O(d)/O(d − 1).

A distant mirror: – p.6/27

Zonal spherical harmonics
Theorem f ∈ Hn and O(d − 1)-invariant
iff f (x) = const. Cn
(hx, e1 i).

A distant mirror: – p.7/27

Zonal spherical harmonics
Theorem f ∈ Hn and O(d − 1)-invariant
iff f (x) = const. Cn
(hx, e1 i).
Lemma If g ∈ Hn and f (x) := g(T x) dT
then f ∈ Hn and O(d − 1)-invariant.

A distant mirror: – p.7/27

Zonal spherical harmonics
Theorem f ∈ Hn and O(d − 1)-invariant
iff f (x) = const. Cn
(hx, e1 i).
Lemma If g ∈ Hn and f (x) := g(T x) dT
Haar measure
then f ∈ Hn and O(d − 1)-invariant.

A distant mirror: – p.7/27

Zonal spherical harmonics
Theorem f ∈ Hn and O(d − 1)-invariant
iff f (x) = const. Cn
(hx, e1 i).
Lemma If g ∈ Hn and f (x) := g(T x) dT
then f ∈ Hn and O(d − 1)-invariant.

Corollary 1 Take g(x) := (x1 + ix2 )n .

Cn2 (cos θ) = const. (cos θ e1 + i sin θ (T e2 )2 )n dT
Z 1
n 2 2 d−2
= const. (cos θ + i sin θ v) (1 − v ) dv.

A distant mirror: – p.7/27

Zonal spherical harmonic: product formula
Corollary 2 Take g(x) := Cn 2
(hx, yi) (y ∈ S d−1 ).
1 1
Z 1
d−1 d−1 d−1
(hx, e1 i) Cn
(hy, e1 i) = const. Cn
(hT x, yi) dT,
1 1
d−1 d−1
(cos θ1 ) Cn 2
(cos θ2 ) = const.
Z 1 1
d−1 1
× Cn2 (cos θ1 cos θ2 + sin θ1 sin θ2 v) (1 − v ) 2 d−2 dv.

A distant mirror: – p.8/27

Zonal spherical harmonic: product formula
Corollary 2 Take g(x) := Cn 2
(hx, yi) (y ∈ S d−1 ).
1 1
Z 1
d−1 d−1 d−1
(hx, e1 i) Cn
(hy, e1 i) = const. Cn
(hT x, yi) dT,
1 1
d−1 d−1
(cos θ1 ) Cn 2
(cos θ2 ) = const.
Z 1 1
d−1 1
× Cn2 (cos θ1 cos θ2 + sin θ1 sin θ2 v) (1 − v ) 2 d−2 dv.

Analytic continuation w.r.t. d by Carlson’s theorem.

For λ > 0:
Z 1 p p
λ λ
Cn (x) Cn (y) = const. Cn (xy+ 1 − x2 1 − y 2 v) (1−v 2 )λ−1 dv.

A distant mirror: – p.8/27

Mathematisch Centrum

2e Boerhaavestraat, Amsterdam

A distant mirror: – p.9/27

O(d′ ) × O(d′′ )-invariant spherical harmonics

A distant mirror: – p.10/27

O(d′ ) × O(d′′ )-invariant spherical harmonics
′ ′′
d= d′ + d′′ , Rd = Rd d
×R , x = (x′ , x′′ ).
T′ 0
(T ′ , T ′′ ) = ∈ O(d′ ) × O(d′′ ) ⊂ O(d).
0 T ′′

A distant mirror: – p.10/27

O(d′ ) × O(d′′ )-invariant spherical harmonics
′ ′′
d= d′ + d′′ , Rd = Rd d
×R , x = (x′ , x′′ ).
T′ 0
(T ′ , T ′′ ) = ∈ O(d′ ) × O(d′′ ) ⊂ O(d).
0 T ′′

Theorem (Braaksma & Meulenbeld, 1968)

f ∈ H2n and O(d′ ) × O(d′′ )-invariant
( 21 d′′ −1, 21 d′ −1)
iff f (x) = const. Pn (2|x′ |2 − 1).

A distant mirror: – p.10/27

O(d′ ) × O(d′′ )-invariant spherical harmonics
′ ′′
d= d′ + d′′ , Rd = Rd d
×R , x = (x′ , x′′ ).
T′ 0
(T ′ , T ′′ ) = ∈ O(d′ ) × O(d′′ ) ⊂ O(d).
0 T ′′

Theorem (Braaksma & Meulenbeld, 1968)

f ∈ H2n and O(d′ ) × O(d′′ )-invariant
( 21 d′′ −1, 21 d′ −1)
iff f (x) = const. Pn (2|x′ |2 − 1).
Lemma If g ∈ H2n and f (x) := g(T x) dT
O(d′ )×O(d′′ )
then f ∈ H2n and O(d′ ) × O(d′′ )-invariant.

A distant mirror: – p.10/27

O(d′ ) × O(d′′ )-invariant spherical harmonics: integral representation

Corollary 1 (Braaksma & Meulenbeld, 1968)

Take g(x) := (x1 + ixd )2n .
( 21 d′′ −1, 21 d′ −1)
Pn (2|x′ |2 − 1)
′ ′ ′′ ′′
= const. (T x )1 + i(T x )d dT ′ dT ′′ ,
O(d′ ) O(d′′ )

A distant mirror: – p.11/27

O(d′ ) × O(d′′ )-invariant spherical harmonics: integral representation

Corollary 1 (Braaksma & Meulenbeld, 1968)

Take g(x) := (x1 + ixd )2n .
( 21 d′′ −1, 21 d′ −1)
Pn (2|x′ |2 − 1)
′ ′ ′′ ′′
= const. (T x )1 + i(T x )d dT ′ dT ′′ ,
O(d′ ) O(d′′ )

( 12 d′′ −1, 21 d′ −1)

Pn (cos 2θ)
Z 1 Z 1
= const. (cos θ u + i sin θ v)2n
−1 −1
1 1
2 2 d′ − 23 2 2 d′′ − 23
× (1 − u ) (1 − v ) du dv.

A distant mirror: – p.11/27

O(d′ ) × O(d′′ )-invariant spherical harmonics: product formula

Corollary 2 (Dijksma & K, 1971)

Take g(x) := C2n 2
(hx, yi) (y ∈ S d−1 ).
( 12 d′′ −1, 21 d′ −1) ( 21 d′′ −1, 21 d′ −1)
Pn (2|x′ |2 − 1)Pn (2|y ′ |2 − 1)
Z Z 1
= const. C2n
(hT ′ x′ , y ′ i + hT ′′ x′′ , y ′′ i) dT ′ dT ′′ ,
O(d′ ) O(d′′ )

A distant mirror: – p.12/27

O(d′ ) × O(d′′ )-invariant spherical harmonics: product formula

Corollary 2 (Dijksma & K, 1971)

Take g(x) := C2n 2
(hx, yi) (y ∈ S d−1 ).
( 12 d′′ −1, 21 d′ −1) ( 21 d′′ −1, 21 d′ −1)
Pn (2|x′ |2 − 1)Pn (2|y ′ |2 − 1)
Z Z 1
= const. C2n
(hT ′ x′ , y ′ i + hT ′′ x′′ , y ′′ i) dT ′ dT ′′ ,
O(d′ ) O(d′′ )

( 12 d′′ −1, 21 d′ −1) ( 21 d′′ −1, 21 d′ −1)

Pn (cos 2θ1 )Pn (cos 2θ2 )
Z 1 Z 1 1
= const. C2n
(cos θ1 cos θ2 u + sin θ1 sin θ2 v)
−1 −1
1 1
2 2 d′ − 23 2 2 d′′ − 23
× (1 − u ) (1 − v ) du dv.

A distant mirror: – p.12/27

O(d′ ) × O(d′′ )-invariant spherical harmonics: product formula

Corollary 2 (Dijksma & K, 1971)

Take g(x) := C2n 2
(hx, yi) (y ∈ S d−1 ).
( 12 d′′ −1, 21 d′ −1) ( 21 d′′ −1, 21 d′ −1)
Pn (2|x′ |2 − 1)Pn (2|y ′ |2 − 1)
Z Z 1
= const. C2n
(hT ′ x′ , y ′ i + hT ′′ x′′ , y ′′ i) dT ′ dT ′′ ,
O(d′ ) O(d′′ )

( 12 d′′ −1, 21 d′ −1) ( 21 d′′ −1, 21 d′ −1)

Pn (cos 2θ1 )Pn (cos 2θ2 )
Z 1 Z 1 1
= const. C2n
(cos θ1 cos θ2 u + sin θ1 sin θ2 v)
−1 −1
1 1
2 2 d′ − 23 2 2 d′′ − 23
× (1 − u ) (1 − v ) du dv.

Analytic continuation w.r.t. d′ , d′′ by Carlson’s theorem.

A distant mirror: – p.12/27
Gasper’s product formula (1971)

(α,β) (α,β) 1 (α,β)

Pn (x) Pn (y) Pn (z)
(α,β) (α,β)
= (α,β)
Kα,β (x, y, z) dz
Pn (1) Pn (1) −1 Pn (1)

for an explicit kernel Kα,β (x, y, z) ≥ 0 on [−1, 1]3 if

α ≥ β ≥ − 21 .

A distant mirror: – p.13/27

Gasper’s product formula (1971)

(α,β) (α,β) 1 (α,β)

Pn (x) Pn (y) Pn (z)
(α,β) (α,β)
= (α,β)
Kα,β (x, y, z) dz
Pn (1) Pn (1) −1 Pn (1)

for an explicit kernel Kα,β (x, y, z) ≥ 0 on [−1, 1]3 if

α ≥ β ≥ − 21 .
For α = β this can be rewritten as the original product
formula for Gegenbauer polynomials.

Question by Richard Askey

Is a similar rewriting of Gasper’s product formula possible if
α 6= β ?

A distant mirror: – p.13/27

Dick Askey

A distant mirror: – p.14/27

Complex spherical harmonics
Answer to Askey’s question is yes.
One way is by using analogues of spherical harmonics on
U (d)/U (d − 1) (K, 1972, independently from earlier work by
Vilenkin and Šapiro).

A distant mirror: – p.15/27

Complex spherical harmonics
Answer to Askey’s question is yes.
One way is by using analogues of spherical harmonics on
U (d)/U (d − 1) (K, 1972, independently from earlier work by
Vilenkin and Šapiro).

Definition A harmonic of type (m, n) on S 2d−1 ⊂ Cd is

the restriction to S 2d−1 of a polynomial homogeneous of
degree m in z1 , . . . , zd and homogeneous of degree n in
∂2 ∂2
z1 , . . . , zd which is annihilated by ∂z1 ∂z1 + · · · + ∂zd ∂zd .
Let Hm,n be the space of all such harmonics.

A distant mirror: – p.15/27

Complex spherical harmonics
Answer to Askey’s question is yes.
One way is by using analogues of spherical harmonics on
U (d)/U (d − 1) (K, 1972, independently from earlier work by
Vilenkin and Šapiro).

Definition A harmonic of type (m, n) on S 2d−1 ⊂ Cd is

the restriction to S 2d−1 of a polynomial homogeneous of
degree m in z1 , . . . , zd and homogeneous of degree n in
∂2 ∂2
z1 , . . . , zd which is annihilated by ∂z1 ∂z1 + · · · + ∂zd ∂zd .
Let Hm,n be the space of all such harmonics.
U (d) is the group of unitary d × d matrices. U (d − 1) is the
subgroup which leaves the vector e1 = (1, 0, . . . , 0) in Cd
fixed. Then S 2d−1 = U (d)/U (d − 1).
U (d) acts irreducibly on Hm,n .
A distant mirror: – p.15/27
Zonal complex spherical harmonics
Theorem f ∈ Hm,n and U (d − 1)-invariant iff
|m−n| (d−2,|m−n|)
f (reiθ , z2 , . . . , zd ) = r e i(m−n)θ Pm∧n (cos 2θ).

A distant mirror: – p.16/27

Zonal complex spherical harmonics
Theorem f ∈ Hm,n and U (d − 1)-invariant iff
|m−n| (d−2,|m−n|)
f (reiθ , z2 , . . . , zd ) = r e i(m−n)θ Pm∧n (cos 2θ).

Disk polynomials:
(α) (α,|m−n|)
Rm,n (reiθ ) := const. r|m−n| ei(m−n)θ Pm∧n (cos 2θ).
The polynomials Rm,n (z) are orthogonal on the unit disk in C
with respect to the weight function (1 − x2 − y 2 )α
(z = x + iy ).

A distant mirror: – p.16/27

Zonal complex spherical harmonics
Theorem f ∈ Hm,n and U (d − 1)-invariant iff
|m−n| (d−2,|m−n|)
f (reiθ , z2 , . . . , zd ) = r e i(m−n)θ Pm∧n (cos 2θ).

Disk polynomials:
(α) (α,|m−n|)
Rm,n (reiθ ) := const. r|m−n| ei(m−n)θ Pm∧n (cos 2θ).
The polynomials Rm,n (z) are orthogonal on the unit disk in C
with respect to the weight function (1 − x2 − y 2 )α
(z = x + iy ).

Essentially Zernike polynomials.

A distant mirror: – p.16/27

Frits Zernike (1888–1966)

A distant mirror: – p.17/27

Zernike polynomials

A distant mirror: – p.18/27
Product formula for Jacobi polynomials
From interpretation on U (d)/U (d − 1) a product and addition
formula for disk polynomials.
Hence a product and addition formula for Jacobi polynomials
Pn (x).
Hence by differentiation and analytic continuation an addition
formula for Jacobi polynomials Pn (x).

A distant mirror: – p.19/27

Product formula for Jacobi polynomials
From interpretation on U (d)/U (d − 1) a product and addition
formula for disk polynomials.
Hence a product and addition formula for Jacobi polynomials
Pn (x).
Hence by differentiation and analytic continuation an addition
formula for Jacobi polynomials Pn (x).
Hence product formula for Jacobi polynomials Pn (x)
(α > β > − 12 ):

(α,β) (α,β)
Pn (cos 2θ1 ) Pn (cos 2θ2 ) = const.
Z 1 Z π  
× Pn 2| cos θ1 cos θ2 + sin θ1 sin θ2 reiφ |2 − 1
r=0 φ=0

× (1 − r2 )α−β−1 r2β+1 (sin φ)2β dr dφ.

A distant mirror: – p.19/27
General theory: spherical functions
G compact group, K closed subgroup.
π irreducible unitary representation of G on Hilbert space H
of finite dimension dπ .

A distant mirror: – p.20/27

General theory: spherical functions
G compact group, K closed subgroup.
π irreducible unitary representation of G on Hilbert space H
of finite dimension dπ .
Suppose there is a K -fixed unit vector eK in H, unique up to
a constant factor.
Then φ(x) := hπ(x)eK , eK i is called a spherical function.

A distant mirror: – p.20/27

General theory: spherical functions
G compact group, K closed subgroup.
π irreducible unitary representation of G on Hilbert space H
of finite dimension dπ .
Suppose there is a K -fixed unit vector eK in H, unique up to
a constant factor.
Then φ(x) := hπ(x)eK , eK i is called a spherical function.
φ(k1 xk2 ) = φ(x) (k1 , k2 ∈ K ), φ(e) = 1, |φ(x)| ≤ 1.
Theorem (Gelfand)
Let φ be continuous, not identically zero. Then φ is a
spherical function for some irreducible representation iff
φ(x)φ(y) = φ(xky) dk (x, y ∈ G).
A distant mirror: – p.20/27
General theory: intertwining functions
G compact group with closed subgroups K and H .
π irreducible unitary representation of G on H.
K -fixed resp. H -fixed unit vectors eK , eH in H, unique up to
constant factors.

φKK (x) := hπ(x)eK , eK i,

φHH (x) := hπ(x)eH , eH i,
φHK (x) := hπ(x)eK , eH i.

φHK is called an intertwining function.

φHK (e) = heK , eH i, |φHK (x)| ≤ 1, |φHK (e)| ≤ 1.

φKH (x) = φHK (x−1 ).

A distant mirror: – p.21/27

Intertwining property of φHK

fv,K (x) := hπ(x)eK , vi,

fv,H (x) := hπ(x)eH , vi.

Then Z
fv,H (y) φHK (y −1 x) dy = d−1
π fv,K (x),
fv,H ∗ φHK = d−1
π fv,K .

φH,K is a convolution kernel which maps the representation

space of π in L2 (G/H) onto the representation space of π in
L2 (G/K), and which intertwines with the G-action.
A distant mirror: – p.22/27
Projection and product formulas
π(h)eK dh = heK , eH i eH ,
φKK (h) dh = |heK , eH i|2 ,
φKK (xh) dh = φHK (e) φKH (x),
φKK (xhy) dh = φKH (x) φHK (y)
= φHK (x−1 ) φHK (y).

A distant mirror: – p.23/27

The case of the Dijksma-K product formula
G = O(d), K = O(d − 1), H = O(d′ ) × O(d′′ ) (d = d′ + d′′ ).
Assume d′ ≤ d′′ . Let A be the one-parameter subgroup of G
consisting of:
 
cos θ Id′ − sin θ Id′ 0
aθ :=  sin θ Id′ cos θ Id′ 0  . Then G = KAH .
 
0 0 Id′′ −d′

A distant mirror: – p.24/27

The case of the Dijksma-K product formula
G = O(d), K = O(d − 1), H = O(d′ ) × O(d′′ ) (d = d′ + d′′ ).
Assume d′ ≤ d′′ . Let A be the one-parameter subgroup of G
consisting of:
 
cos θ Id′ − sin θ Id′ 0
aθ :=  sin θ Id′ cos θ Id′ 0  . Then G = KAH .
 
0 0 Id′′ −d′

( 21 d′′ −1, 21 d′ −1)

Pn (cos 2θ)
φHK (Kaθ H) = heK , eH i .
( 12 d′′ −1, 21 d′ −1)
Pn (1)
Hence |φHK (x)| ≤ |φHK (e)|.
( 21 d′′ )n ( 12 )n
|heK , eH i|2 = .
( 12 d′ )n ( 21 (d − 1))n
A distant mirror: – p.24/27
The Flensted-Jensen condition (1973)
G = O(d), K = O(d − 1), H = O(d′ ) × O(d′′ ), d′ ≤ d′′ ,
 
cos θ Id′ − sin θ Id′ 0
aθ =  sin θ Id′ cos θ Id′ 0  ∈ A.
 
0 0 Id′′ −d′

A distant mirror: – p.25/27

The Flensted-Jensen condition (1973)
G = O(d), K = O(d − 1), H = O(d′ ) × O(d′′ ), d′ ≤ d′′ ,
 
cos θ Id′ − sin θ Id′ 0
aθ =  sin θ Id′ cos θ Id′ 0  ∈ A.
 
0 0 Id′′ −d′
Let (T ′ , T ′′ ) ∈ H . Observe:
 
! T ′ 0 0
T ′ 0
aθ ⊂ aθ  0 T
 ′ 0 K

0 T ′′
0 0 Id′′ −d′
 

T 0 0
=0 T
 ′ 0  aθ K ⊂ Haθ K.

0 0 Id′′ −d′

Hence aH ⊂ HaK for all a ∈ A

A distant mirror: – p.25/27
Flensted-Jensen condition: product formula
Theorem (Flensted-Jensen, 1973) If aH ⊂ HaK then

φHK (ahy) φHK (a) φHK (y)

dh = (y ∈ G).
H φHK (e) φHK (e) φHK (e)

A distant mirror: – p.26/27

Flensted-Jensen condition: product formula
Theorem (Flensted-Jensen, 1973) If aH ⊂ HaK then

φHK (ahy) φHK (a) φHK (y)

dh = (y ∈ G).
H φHK (e) φHK (e) φHK (e)

Corollary (K, 1973)

An alternative derivation of the product formula for Jacobi

A distant mirror: – p.26/27

Citations of the Dijksma-K paper
1. Yuan Xu, Orthogonal polynomials for a family of product
weight functions on the spheres, Canad. J. Math. 49
(1997), 175–192.
2. Yuan Xu, A product formula for Jacobi polynomials, in:
Special functions (Hong Kong, 1999), World Scientific,
2000, pp. 423–430.
3. Yuan Xu, Constructing cubature formulae by the method
of reproducing kernel, Numer. Math. 85 (2000),
4. Boris Rubin, Weighted spherical harmonics and
generalized spherical convolutions, preprint, The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, 1999.

A distant mirror: – p.27/27

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