NMC 2013-002
NMC 2013-002
NMC 2013-002
WHEREAS, the PNP is the primary agency tasked to enforce all 134vs and
ordinances relative to the protection of lives and properties, maintain peace a;c1 order
and ensure public safety, investigate and prevent crimes, effect the arrest of :riminal
offenders, bring offenders to justice and assist in their prosecution, among other-;
WHEREAS, in the course of carrying out of its functions, the PNP perfcrms one
of the core police functions which is to investigate crimes;
WHEREAS, after review of the said proposal, the Commission finds the same to
be in order;
e. First Responder — refers to a PNP personnel who is the first person to arrive
at an emergency or crime scene by virtue of his/her designation as a
member of the beat patrol, bike patrol, motorcycle patrol and mobile patrol.
He/she has been in the police service for five (5) years or less.
a. Only police personnel who are criminology graduates and with valid
license issued by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) shall be
eligible for certification under this program.
The Program of Instructions (P01) for the training, which forms part of this
Memorandum Circular, should be subject to review and approval by the
Commission which may revise it based on future developments to
maintain responsiveness to the existing standards of training.
Education BS Degree
Training Must undergo/taken Criminal Investigation Course
(CIC)/Have taken Criminal Investigation and
Detective Develo.ment Course CIDDC)
Experience Minimum of 2 Minimum of 5 years as Investigator/Filed at ieast 30
years as First cases (minimum) with status
Communication Must pass the initial screening and evaluation o f
Skills his/her Chief of Police/Superior
Page 4 of 6 of NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular No. 2 n 1-0 o 9
Education Earned at least 18 units MS Criminology/LLB
Training Must undergo/taken Police Detective Course (PDC)
Experience Minimum of at Hashndlet60cs(minu).Ha
least 10 years filed at least 10 cases which eventually led to the
as Investigator, arrest of a suspect by virtue of Warrant of Arrest.
and assigned in At least one (1) case filed which resulted to a
the Investigation conviction with punishment of at least 6 years and 1
Office/Unit day imprisonment. Has solved at least 3
major/sensational cases and caused the
preparation of at least 5 Search Warrants. Must
made at least one (it) Cold casejcapital offense).
Eligibility Board Passer Licensed Criminologist
Education BS Degree/LLB Gra duate
Training Must undergo/takes Investigation Officer's Basic
Course (IOBC)
Experience Minimum of at Filed at least 60 cases (minimum) with status
least 7.5 years (sensitive cases). I- as conducted at least eight (8)
as Investigator hours of lecture on investigation (Instructor's Duty
and assigned in on Investigation -1 raining). Has caused the
the Investigation preparation of at le ist 5 Search Warrants. Has at
Office/Unit least conducted an utopsy report .
Education MS in Criminology/LLB Graduate
Training Must undergo/taken Investigation Officer
Management Course (IOMC)
Experience Minimum of at At least 3 years as Case Manager. Has managed
least 10-15 and filed cases that led to the solution of at least 25
years as cases. Has conducted at least 5 case studies of a
Investigator major case.
(residency and
actual Must made at least 5 cold cases (capital offense).
management Has conducted at least eight (8) hours of lecture on
and supervision investigation (Instructor's Duty on Investigation
of cases filed) Training).
Eligibility Board Passer Licensed Criminologist or at least Bar Passer
The following shall compose the Certification Board under this program.
The Deputy Director for Investigation
and Detective Management
Vice Chairman Executive Director, DIDM
Member Chief, SIDD, DIDM
Member Chief, RAD, DIDM
Member DDO, CIDG
Secretariat Research and Analysis Division, DIDM
Legal Officer Legal Officer of DIDM
This Circular shall take effect after fifteen (15) days from the filing of a copy
hereof at the University of the Philippines Law Center in consonance with Sections 3
and 4 of Chapter 2, Book VII of Executive Order No. 292, otherwise known as "The
Revised Administrative Code of 1987", as amended.
MARK( s 111111111111111111111111
Secretary, D LG and DIIG OSEC OUTGOING 1300959
Chairman, NAPOLCOM
\ .
Vice Chairman and Executive Officer
Attested by:
hief, Secretari