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MC 2020 008 Bar

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Republic of the Philippines


Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City

February 12, 2020

NO.: 2020-008



a. Executive Order No. 546 Directing the PNP to Undertake Active
Support to the AFP in Internal Security Operations (ISO) for the
Suppression of Insurgency and Other Serious Threats to National

b. Dl Implementing Plan on the New PNP Internal Security Operations

(ISO) Campaign Plan;

c. Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2006-021 titled: Guidelines in the

Recall and Reissuance of Firearms for Internal Security Operations;

d. PNP MC No. 2018-033 titled: Policy in the Permanent Issuance of



This Memorandum Circular (MC) prescribes the guidelines and

procedures in the issuance and management of Basic Assault Rifle (BAR) in order to
strengthen the operational readiness and capability of all PNP personnel in
combating all forms of lawlessness and violence towards the attainment of a safer
place to live, work, and do business.


During the past years, the Filipino people suffered loss of lives and
properties due to violence, insurgency, terrorist activities and other related atrocities.
Similarly, the PNP encountered problems wherein police stations/units were attacked
and overrun by the New People’s Army which can be attributed to poor security
preparations of the unit, failure of the unit commanders to appreciate intelligence
information, and shortage of firepower capability.

With the prevailing situation and in anticipation of possible worst

scenarios, there is a need to further enhance the PNP’s firepower capability to
address the growing threats in our communities. As such, the PNP endeavors to

Guidelines and Procedures in the Issuance of BAR

Page 79
equip its uniformed personnel and police stations/units with adequate Basic Assault
Rifle aiming for a 100 % fill-up or a ratio of 1 BAR:1 uniformed personnel in order to
ensure the protection of lives and properties. Hence, this policy is crafted for the


This MC shall serve the following purposes:

a. To define the responsibilities and accountabilities of all concerned PNP

personnel pertaining to the issuance and management of BAR in
accordance with PD No. 1445, RA No. 10591, and other applicable
laws, rules, and regulations; and

b. To provide guidelines and procedures in the issuance, proper care and

maintenance of BAR to individual PNP uniformed personnel.


a. Armory – refers to a secured place where firearms, ammunition, and

other related ordnance items are stored.

b. Basic Assault Rifle (BAR) – refers to PNP issued 5.56mm standard


c. Duty Sentinel – refers to a PNP uniformed personnel performing guard

duties for a specific period.

d. End-User – refers to the Individual PNP Uniformed Personnel or PNP

office/unit to which the BAR is issued.

e. Field Training Program (FTP) – refers to the training required to make

the temporary appointment of a new PNP member permanent.

f. Firearm- refers to any handheld or portable weapon whether a small

arm or light weapon, that expels or is designed to expel a bullet, shot,
slug, missile or any projectile, which is designed to discharge by means
of an expansive force of gasses from burning gun powder or other form
of combustion or any similar instrument or implement. The barrel,
frame or receiver shall be considered a complete firearm.

g. Logistics Officer - refers to a PNP personnel designated as Chief,

Regional Logistics and Research Development Division (RLRDD);
Chief, Logistics Division and Chief, Logistics Section/Logistics
Management Section of NSUs and other heads of logistics offices/units
of the PNP responsible for the care, maintenance, and safeguard of all
police equipment and properties in his/her custody.

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h. National Support Unit Supply Accountable Officers (NSAOs) – refer to
all Supply Accountable Officers of all PNP national administrative and
operational support units.
i. Operational Needs Assessment (ONA) – refers to the careful evaluation
of the existing capabilities of the PNP offices/units to determine/identify
appropriate equipment needed for its operation.

j. PNP Logistics Data Information and Management System (PNP

LDIMS) - refers to a customized web-based application purposely
designed to establish a reliable and unified inventory of all PNP assets
thru purchases, donations or loans and provide real-time monitoring of
actual status on procurement, storage, issuances, dispositions,
preventive and corrective maintenance works to its eventual disposal.

k. PNP Personnel – refer to the Uniformed and Non-Uniformed members

of the PNP.

l. PNP Uniformed Personnel – refer to the Police Commissioned Officers

(PCOs) and Police Non-Commissioned Officers (PNCOs) of the PNP.

m. PNP Units – refer to the Police Regional Offices (PROs), National

Support Units (NSUs), Provincial/City Police Offices (PPOs/CPOs),
District Offices of the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO),
City and Municipal Police Stations (CPS/MPS), Task Forces or any
PNP Group organized by competent authority in charge with the
administration, use, occupancy or actual possession of any PNP Real

n. Primary Accountability - refers to the obligation imposed by law and

regulations on the PNP personnel (End-User) with issued supply,
equipment and other property entrusted to him.

o. Property Acknowledgment Receipt (PAR) - formerly called

Memorandum Receipt (MR) and Acknowledgment Receipt of
Equipment (ARE), is a proof of issuance of the Supply Accountable
Officer (SAO). The PAR shall be used by the Supply and/or Property
Divisions of units/offices to record the issuance of Property, Plant, and
Equipment (PPE) and the acknowledgment of the end-user. It shall be
renewed every three years or every time there is change in the
custodianship/user of property.

p. Property Transfer Report (PTR) - formerly called Invoice Receipt of

Property (IRP), used when there are transfer of properties from one
Accountable Officer/Agency/Fund Cluster to another Accountable
Officer/Agency/Fund Cluster.

q. Property Turn-in Slip (PTIS) - formerly called Turn-in Certificate, a

form/receipt used by Supply Accountable Officers/RSPCOs/RSPNCOs

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and issued to PNP personnel upon turn-in of their issued PNP

r. Renewal – refers to the replacement of expired PAR.

s. Responsible Supply Police Non-Commissioned Officer (RSPNCO) -

refers to the designation of any eligible PNCO, as approved by the unit
head who assists the Supply Accountable Officer in performing
functions for property custodianship.

t. Secondary Responsibility - refers to an obligation imposed by laws and

regulations on the property custodian (SAO/RSPNCO) to keep and
maintain records of issued supply, equipment, and other property
entrusted to him/her.

u. Stencil – refers to the process of applying by rubbing or tracing the

serial number or any other markings (kind, make, calibre) of a firearm
to a surface consisting of a thin sheet of plastic tape or paper which is
then attached to the serial number portion of the PAR.

v. Supply Accountable Officer (SAO) – refers to the designation of any

eligible Non-Uniformed Personnel (NUP) with Administrative Officer
position (AO I to V with salary grade (SG) 10-24 respectively) approved
and bonded by the Head of the Agency whose duties permit to require
the possession or custody of government property and who is required
by the law to render account to the Commission on Audit.

w. Supply Directive – refers to the authority from the Directorate for

Logistics (DL) to issue newly acquired (Procured/Donated) or
Captured, Confiscated, Surrendered, Deposited, Abandoned and
Forfeited (CCSDAF) firearms to designated PNP units or individual
PNP uniformed personnel.


a. General Guidelines:

1) The Directorate for Logistics (DL) shall program the distribution of

newly procured BAR for a 100% fill-up (1 BAR:1 uniformed
personnel). However, while the PNP is working to attain the said
ratio, the following order of priority on percentage fill-up shall be
a) First Priority:
(1) Special Action Force (SAF) and Mobile Forces such as
Regional Mobile Force Battalions (RMFBs), NCRPO
District Mobile Force Battalions (DMFB), Provincial
Mobile Force Companies (PMFCs), Provincial Mobile
Force Platoons (PMFPs), City Mobile Force Companies
(CMFCs) and City Mobile Force Platoons (CMFPs);

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(2) High Risk City/Municipal Police Stations (CPSs/MPSs)
as determined by the Directorate for Intelligence;
(3) SWAT Teams of PPOs/CPOs/CPSs/MPSs;

(4) Base Police rendering Camp Security;

(5) National Operational Support Units (NOSUs) and

Special Operating Units of PROs and PPOs/CPOs; and

(6) PNP Uniformed Personnel manning vital installations.

b) Second Priority:
(1) Non-high risk CPSs/MPSs; and

(2) Uniformed personnel assigned in the NHQ/RHQ/PHQ

and NASUs performing administrative functions.

2) The Director for Logistics (TDL) shall have the sole authority to
issue Supply Directive for newly procured BAR for distribution to
concerned offices/units/stations for subsequent issuance to end-

3) Issuance of BAR to units must be properly documented with the

use of PTR and issuance to end-users with PAR;

4) All identifying information (serial number, make, type, and kind) of

the long firearm and acquisition cost must be provided/included in
the PAR for proper identification;

5) The re-issuance of BAR to new end-users shall require a new

PAR. The serial number of the lower receiver, barrel, bolt
assembly, the manufacturers marking of the lower assembly as
indicated in the PAR should be stenciled therein;

6) Renewal of PAR shall be done every three (3) years from the date
of issuance. End-user shall bring issued BAR for stencil. Failure of
the individual PNP uniformed personnel to renew their PAR is a
ground for disciplinary action and recall of the issued BAR;

7) BAR issuance shall be made on temporary basis in the

performance of official duties/functions;

8) The BAR shall remain as organic property. A PNP uniformed

personnel who is reassigned to other offices/units must turn in the
issued BAR to their respective SAO/Supply Officer/RSPNCO.
Likewise, RSAO/PSAO shall be prohibited from issuing BAR
directly to individual PNP uniformed personnel who is assigned to
offices/units with RSPNCOs;

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9) The SAO/Supply Officer/RSPNCO have the authority to recall the
issued BAR of any PNP uniformed personnel who is reassigned
outside their AOR;

10) All PNP uniformed personnel shall ensure the maximum functional
condition and security of their issued BAR;

11) Heads of Offices/Units shall ensure the availability of a structurally

secured or fortified armory with arm rack/s in their respective
offices as depository for BAR issued to PNP uniformed personnel
performing administrative functions;

12) RD, PROs and Director, NSUs, with the concurrence of TDO, may
recommend to TDL the realignment of BAR based on their current
ONA; and

13) In case of untimely death of the PNP uniformed personnel with

issued BAR, the Survivor Officer shall immediately coordinate with
the beneficiary for the recall of his issued BAR.

b. Specific Guidelines:

1) The Chief, RLRDD of PROs and Logistics Officers of NSUs shall

supervise and monitor their respective SAOs in the implementation
of this MC. Further, they shall supervise the conduct of monthly
inspection of BAR.

2) All SAOs shall ensure that the BAR will be issued based on the
order of priority and undertakes the following:
a) Maintain records of unit PTR of the Provincial/District/City SAOs
and Supply PNCOs of CPS/MPS and PAR issued to individual
PNP uniformed personnel;

b) Maintain and regularly update the records of inventory of all

issued BAR in their jurisdiction and include list of all damaged
and lost BAR;

c) Facilitate the conduct of Board of Survey within their AOR for

any lost BAR; and

d) Submit quarterly inventory report of issued BAR and all

damaged and lost BAR to TDL (Attn: C, SMD) and D, LSS (Attn:
SAO, PNP Wide).

3) Unit Commanders (Mobile Forces, PPOs/CPOs, CPSs/MPSs) shall

facilitate the conduct of monthly inspection of BAR with their
subordinates to account losses. Likewise, submit quarterly
inventory report of issued BAR and all damaged and lost BAR to
the next higher headquarters.

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4) RSPNCOs shall ensure that all issued BAR are supported with
PAR. Further, they shall also accept and record BARs from
outgoing duty and release and record BARs to incoming duty and
conducts routine and physical inspection of all BARs inside the
armory to ensure security.

5) Armory Duty Sentinel shall accept and record BARs from outgoing
duty and release and record BARs to incoming duty. It is also their
responsibility to conduct routine and physical inspection of all
BARs inside the armory to ensure security as they are accountable
for any loss or damage during their tour of duty. Likewise, they shall
prepare the After Accounting and Inspection Report and observe
the proper turnover of duties and responsibilities to the incoming
armory duty sentinel.

6) All End-Users are responsible for the renewal of their respective

PAR upon expiration.

c. Responsibilities:

1) Directorate for Logistics

a) Formulate plans, policies, and guidelines in the management of

b) Supervise and monitor the implementation of this MC;

c) Program the Distribution List and issue Supply Directives;

d) Consolidate and evaluate the Quarterly Inventory Reports of

BAR and copy furnish DC-Accounting of the same;

e) Conduct nationwide periodic audit/inspection of BAR; and

f) Perform other tasks as directed.

2) Director, LSS
a) Assist the Directorate for Logistics in the monitoring and
implementation of this MC; and

b) Perform other tasks as directed.


a) Implement the transfer of BAR to NSUs, PROs, to include those
intended for NHQ personnel based on the Supply Directive from

b) Maintain the files of PTRs nationwide;

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c) Keep an updated record of all BAR in the inventory and monitor
the records of different SAOs of PROs and NSUs; and

e) Perform other tasks as directed.

4) Director, Health Service (HS)

a) Provide the Directorate for Logistics (Attn: C, FAS, SMD) a
monthly list of PNP uniformed personnel who suffered and
recovered from any psychiatric disorders, those with serious
chronic diseases, and life threatening medical conditions as
basis for verification of their records on issued BAR; and

b) Perform other tasks as directed.

5) Director, NSUs/RDs, PROs

a) Ensure the proper implementation of this MC; and

b) Perform other tasks as directed.


a. Issuance of Basic Assault Rifle (BAR) (See Annex – “A” for the Flow
Chart in the Issuance of BAR):
1) The Directorate for Logistics shall issue Supply Directive (SD) to the
Director, Logistics Support Service (Attn: SAO PNP Wide). SAO
PNP Wide shall prepare the Property Transfer Report (PTR) to
concerned NSAOs/RSAOs based on the Supply Directive prior to
issuance of the organic BAR. The PTR shall include details of
accurate cost as basis of acquisition cost to be provided in the PAR;

2) All processes such as issuance of SD, PTR, PAR and other related
logistics activities shall be thru the Logistics Data Information
Management System (LDIMS);

3) Upon receipt of the BARs from SAO PNP Wide, the NSAOs/RSAOs
shall inform their respective Directors for its issuance;

4) For PROs, RSAO shall issue PTR to DSAO/CSAO/PSAO or

RSPNCO in the case of the Regional Headquarters Support
Service (RHSG) and Mobile Forces or PAR to PNP uniformed
personnel assigned in offices/units without RSPNCOs;

5) For NSUs, NSAO shall issue PTR to RSPNCOs of line units or PAR
to PNP uniformed personnel assigned in offices/units without

6) DSAO/CSAO/PSAO shall issue PTR to concerned RSPNCOs of

City/Municipal Police Stations or PAR to PNP uniformed personnel
assigned in offices/units without RSPNCOs;

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7) RSPNCOs shall issue the PAR covering the issuance of BAR duly
signed by the Head of Office/Chief of Police, RSPNCO and the
individual PNP uniformed personnel; and

8) RSPNCOs submit reports duly endorsed by the Head of

Office/Chief of Police to the next higher headquarters and any
updates thereafter for monitoring purposes.

b. Recording, Reporting and Accounting of Issued BAR:

1) All BAR issued to PNP uniformed personnel must be reflected in the
inventory/property book maintained by NSAO, RSAO, DSAO,

2) Monthly physical accounting or inventory of BAR shall be done by

the PROs, PPOs, CPOs, MPS and NSUs and shall submit
inventory/status report to the:
a) Directorate for Logistics and SAO, PNP Wide to include report on
losses and damages; and

b) Respective PNP Accounting Units of PROs and NSUs.

c. Carrying/Turn-in of BAR:
1) BAR issued to individual PNP uniformed personnel shall be carried
while on duty except those performing administrative functions;

2) All PNP uniformed personnel are not authorized to bring their

issued BAR to their residence. However, PNP uniformed personnel
may bring their issued BAR in their residence after tour of duty
provided that the following situations exist:
a) The residence is within 3 km radius from unit assignment;

b) The unit assignment is classified as active insurgency province

based on the level of communist insurgency from the Directorate
for Intelligence;

3) They shall properly log in and turn in their BAR to their unit’s

4) Outgoing and incoming personnel shall log in/log out and sign in the
logbook upon turning in their BAR in the presence of the duty
sentinel who shall sign in the logbook as witness;

5) Aside from the logbook, a log in/log out slip shall be issued to the
individual PNP uniformed personnel upon turn in/taking out of the

6) All PNP units shall maintain an Official Logbook for Log-in and
Log-out of BAR. Said Official Logbook shall be treated with utmost
confidentiality and only authorized sentinels shall have access to it.

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The Supply PNCO shall conduct a daily inventory to ensure that all
logged in BAR are in the storage;

d. Proper Care and Maintenance:

Aside from strict adherence to the provision of PNP LOI 65/2010
(Proper care and Maintenance of Issued Firearms) dated January 6,
2011 and any of its revision, if any, the following shall be implemented:
1) Proper care and maintenance of BAR shall be conducted by all PNP
units primarily to maintain or improve the functionality and capability
of the BAR;

2) Alteration of any part of the issued BAR that would decrease its
functionality and performance is prohibited; and

3) Cannibalization of BAR is strictly prohibited.

e. Qualifications of PNP Uniformed Personnel for Issuance of BAR:

1) Appointment must be in permanent status. However, those PNP
uniformed personnel on Field Training Program (FTP) shall be
issued BAR on loan basis, or as the need arises; and

2) With no pending administrative and/or criminal case.

f. PNP Uniformed Personnel not Qualified for the Issuance of BAR:

1) Those who suffered and recovered from any psychiatric disorders
pursuant to PNP MC 2000-010 (Separation from the Police Service
of Active PNP Uniformed Personnel due to Physical Disability)
dated January 6, 2011 and its subsequent revision;

2) Those with serious chronic diseases and life threatening medical

conditions as identified by the Health Service;

3) Under Restrictive Custody;

4) With pending administrative and/or criminal case;

5) With unsettled property accountability/ies;

6) Retiring from the service within the next three months; and

7) Other circumstances analogous to the foregoing.

g. Recall of Issued BAR:

1) PNP uniformed personnel who will undergo schooling or leave to
include leave outside the country for a period exceeding 30 days
and those who will be deployed to United Nations (UN) Mission
shall turn in the issued BAR together with the PAR to the
office/unit/station SAO or RSPNCO. A new PAR and BAR may be
issued upon their return to the unit;

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2) PNP uniformed personnel who is about to retire with an issued BAR
must immediately turn in the issued BAR with PAR to the SAO
three months prior to retirement to relieve him from accountability.
The issued PAR to the retiring personnel must be stamped
“CANCELLED” once the proper turn in was made;

3) PNP uniformed personnel reassigned to other office/unit/station

must turn in their issued BAR to the losing unit and must execute a
notarized sworn affidavit upon reporting to duty to the gaining unit
that they have no issued BAR nor carries with them their issued
BAR from their former office/unit/station and must acknowledge that
they will be held both criminally and administratively liable in case
their sworn statement is untrue (Annex – “B”);

4) The recall of Issued BAR shall be the responsibility of the

immediate supervisor in case the end-user is in any of the following
a) Suffers from any psychiatric disorder (diagnosed by the licensed
psychiatrist of the PNP);

b) Under restrictive custody;

c) Failure to present the BAR for no valid reason during

inventory/physical inspection;

d) Suspended, terminated, dismissed, separated, resigned, and

AWOL from the service;

e) With serious chronic diseases and life threatening medical

conditions as identified by the Health Service; and

f) Involved in drug-related cases and other illegal activities and

other criminal cases.

h. Accountability for Losses, Stolen, Damaged or Destroyed BAR

(Annex – “C”):
Aside from strict adherence to the provision of PNP MC No. 002-02
titled “Procedures to be followed in Requesting for Relief from Property
Accountability” dated February 14, 2002 and its subsequent revision or
other pertinent rules and regulations, the following shall be
1) The PNP uniformed personnel shall be deemed primarily
accountable for the care, maintenance, and safeguarding of the
BAR issued to their custody and shall be primarily liable for its
money value based on the latest/updated cost valuation thereof;

2) The loss or failure to return or account the BAR shall be cleared

with the SAO having jurisdiction of the end-user’s assignment; copy

Guidelines and Procedures in the Issuance of BAR

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furnished SAO, PNP WIDE, LSS under the generally accepted
clearing procedures. In addition, the end-user shall report the lost,
stolen, damaged or destroyed property using the form Report of
Lost, Stolen, Damaged, or Destroyed Property supported by Notice
of Loss and must be duly received by COA;

3) Request for relief from property accountability for losses shall be

governed by the provisions of Section 73 (1) PD No. 1445 or other
similar provisions of law;

4) The request for Relief of Accountability for losses governed by the

provisions of PD No. 1445, PNP Circular No. 2002-02, and other
similar provisions of law and rules are separate and distinct from
criminal and/or administrative proceedings. Thus, loss of BAR by
any PNP uniformed personnel, thru their fault or negligence shall be
a ground for criminal and/or administrative liability. Complaints shall
be initiated against erring PNP uniformed personnel independent of
the said request for relief of accountability; and

5) The immediate superiors of the PNP uniformed personnel whose

BAR was lost intentionally or negligently, or those having
accountability over the BAR who was either dismissed or separated
from the service shall vigorously pursue the return of the said BAR
to their respective office/unit/station SAO. Should it be apparent that
the efforts will be futile, appropriate criminal case/s shall be
immediately initiated against the personnel. C, RLRDD shall work
closely with C, RIDMD or equivalent offices to initiate the complaint
if evidence warrants.


Accountable PNP personnel, who, through their fault or negligence,

appropriated, taken or misappropriated, or has consented to the taking by another
person of his issued BAR shall be criminally charged with the crime of Malversation
of Public Property under Article 217 of the Revised Penal Code as amended by RA
No. 1060.

Likewise, administrative charge of Grave Misconduct shall be filed against

erring accountable personnel, pursuant to Rule 21, Section 2, C para 3(n) of
NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular No. 2016-002 and Rule 10, Sec 50A(3) of 2017
Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service (RACCS).

Further, violation of this MC shall be dealt with administratively.


Provisions of existing PNP issuances which are inconsistent with this MC,
in whole or in part, are deemed repealed, set aside, amended or modified

Guidelines and Procedures in the Issuance of BAR

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This MC shall take effect after 15 days from filing a copy thereof at the
UP Law Center in consonance with Section 3, Chapter 2, Book VII of Executive
Order No. 292 otherwise known as the “Revised Administrative Code of 1987,” as


Police General
Chief, PNP
Command Group

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Republic of the Philippines )

Camp Crame, Quezon City) S.S.


I,__________________________________ of legal age, married/single,

bonafide member of the Philippine National Police, presently assigned
at________________________________, and a resident of
_________________________________, after having been sworn to in accordance
with law, do hereby depose and state:

That, I was formerly assigned at ______________________________

designated as ___________________________ .

That, I have no issued Basic Assault Rifle (BAR) as of this period for I have
turned in my issue at my former Office/Unit on ___________________________.

That, I vouch for the veracity of my above declaration, and if in the future,
said declaration will be found fraudulent, I acknowledge that I may be both
administratively (Dishonesty) and criminally (Perjury) held liable; and

That, to attest to the truthfulness of the above statements, I hereby affix my

signatures this ________day of ___________2020, here at
_______________________________, Philippines.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this ______th day of __________

at ___________________ Philippines by _______________ who presented her
__________ Identification Card No. _________, valid until ______________, issued
in Manila, Philippines.

Doc No._____
Pages No.___
Book No.____
Series of ____

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