Spatial Analysis OF Land USE IN Bumiaji Subdistrict, Batu City, East Java, Indonesia
Spatial Analysis OF Land USE IN Bumiaji Subdistrict, Batu City, East Java, Indonesia
Spatial Analysis OF Land USE IN Bumiaji Subdistrict, Batu City, East Java, Indonesia
Geotec., Const. Mat. & Env., DOI:
ISSN: 2186-2982 (Print), 2186-2990 (Online), Japan
*Corresponding Author. Received: 21 June 2017, Revised: 5 Dec. 2017, Accepted: 20 Jan 2018
ABSTRACT: The Bumiaji area is an upstream river basin that has undergone land changes from an
undeveloped to a developed area, which may cause a disturbance in the river basin. This research investigates
the river basin using secondary data covering land use, land slope, rainfall, and soil types. The quality
indicator of a river basin is measured from the quantity of surface runoff. The bigger the scale of the surface
runoff is, the lower the quality of the river basin. This research aims to examine the effect of land use
changes on the river basin condition, using surface runoff as the indicator. The result shows that the change
of land use at Bumiaji affects the surface runoff coefficient and river discharge increment in the Bumiaji river
basin. It is concluded that the runoff coefficient (C) increased in sub-river basins one to four, while it
decreased in sub-river basin five.
International Journal of GEOMATE, July, 2018 Vol.15, Issue 47, pp.139-144
stated that settlement development causes a formed by grey alluvial, brown andosol and gle
decrease in vegetation area (forest and agricultural) humus, and lithosol. Lastly, the overall area of
of 54% and an increase in the developed area of Bumiaji is approximately 12,798 Ha.
223% [19]. In addition, the increase of the runoff
coefficient (C) from 0.3 to 0.55 indicates the
damage to the river basin. Another matter that is
connected with the land changes from undeveloped
land to settlements, is that it has been found that
most groundwater there contains E. coli bacteria
and relatively high calcium levels. These changes
had a negative impact on the quality of
groundwater, which cannot be consumed [20]. The
functional changes of the land from agricultural
areas, gardens, and savanna into settlements may
reduce the catchment area of the river basin by Fig. 1a. Location of Batu City
9.95%, which then became impermeable surface.
This decrease of catchment area causes the
increase in river discharge in the river basin of
Gatak, with the runoff coefficient (C) changing
over five years from C = 0.287 in 2001 to C =
0.307 in 2007 [21]. It is assumed that flooding in
the river basin is caused by the functional changes,
and it can be predicted that the affected urban area
will be greater. Moreover, it was found that the
functional change of irrigated field to settlement
area is the greatest change today [22].
Based on the background issues found in the
Bumiaji sub-district, Batu city, the relevant
research problems are formulated as follows:
1. What are the characteristics of the land use in
Bumiaji sub-district?
2. How great is the impact of the land use change Fig. 1b Location of Bumiaji sub-district.
on the river basin’s condition in Bumiaji sub-
district? 2.2. Data Collection
Identifying the characteristics and role of land
This research uses field observations and
use change in the river basin in the research area is
secondary data, which consist of the land slope,
important to find water runoff phenomenon in the
type of soil, rainfall, and land use data. The
off-stream area. Therefore, this research is
research was conducted in Bumiaji sub-district,
intended to examine the water runoff amount
Batu, Malang. The primary data used in this
affected by land use change. The general aim is to
research is land use data obtained from field
investigate the type of land use change in the
observations. Meanwhile, the secondary data
research area. Meanwhile, the specific aim is to
consist of administration maps, topographic maps,
investigate the amount of surface water runoff and
soil-type maps, slope maps, base maps, aerial
its debit.
photos, and rainfall rate data.
2.1. Study Area
3.1 Analysis of Runoff Coefficient (C)
Figure 1 shows that the study area includes
The analysis of the runoff coefficient began
Bumiaji sub-district, Batu City, East Java Province,
with the analysis of the land use map for 2004,
2010, and 2012. The land use map was generated
Bumiaji sub-district is located at an altitude of
from those of the Bumiaji sub-district, Batu city.
1,000 to 2,000 meters above sea level, with a slope
The land use map was analyzed using ArcGIS 9.3
of 0% to >40%, dominated by hills. In terms of the
by inserting a runoff coefficient (C) value based on
climatological conditions, the air temperature of
the value of the land use. After obtaining the land
Bumiaji is 15°C to 25°C, the average relative
use map with the right runoff coefficient (C), the
humidity is 86%, and the wind speed is 10.73
slope analysis was conducted by inserting the C
km/hour. Meanwhile, the rainfall rates are quite
value into every slope condition in ArcGIS 9.3.
high, at 2,000–2,500 mm/year. The area’s soil is
The analysis results of the land use and slope data
International Journal of GEOMATE, July, 2018 Vol.15, Issue 47, pp.139-144
were combined and overlaid using ArcGIS 9.3 to basins obtained from the analysis results. The
obtain runoff a coefficient value for every land use width of each river basin is known and is shown
area (width). This research used maps at a scale of below.
1:25,000. The process of making the river basin
map was carried out using ArcGIS 9.3 and Table 1. The analysis of sub-river basin
ArcView 3.3. Meanwhile, the land use map was distribution in the Bumiaji sub district
created based on aerial photos and field No
River Basin
Width A (Ha) %
observation data. Distribution
1 sub-river basin 1 1,773.51 14
3.2. Run Off Analysis (QRo)
2 sub-river basin 2 3,131.35 24
Run off (QRo) data was analyzed based on a 48
3 sub-river basin 3 6,310.25
runoff/flow coefficient distribution map which was
overlaid with rainfall intensity distribution by 4 sub-river basin 4 1,473.47 11
focusing on the surface runoff discharge during 5 sub-river basin 5 95.07 1
rain events on every land use area (width). The 2
6 outside river basin 253.14
QRo analysis of the land use of Bumiaji was
calculated using the following formula: Source: The process of making the river basin map
is done by using ArcGIS 9.3 and ArcView GIS 3.3.
QRo = 0.00277. C. I. A
in which: Table 1 shows that the Bumiaji sub district is
divided into five sub-river basins. The widest sub-
C = runoff coefficient river basin is sub-river basin 3, which is about
I = rainfall intensity (mm/hour) 6,310.25 Ha, and the smallest river basin is 95 Ha.
A = land use width (Ha) The outside area of the river basin is 253.14 Ha.
QRo = runoff discharge (m3/hour) Figure 3, 4, and 5 show the variety of land
use in the Bumiaji sub-district covering, including
The analysis of design rainfall was based on protected forest, production forest, agriculture,
rainfall intensity recorded at six stations in Batu gardens, dryland, bushes, settlement areas, service
City, using Thiessen polygons to understand the areas, etc. In the Bumiaji region, the majority of
effect at each rainfall station. Then, the rainfall land use change occurred in 2004, 2010, and 2012.
data from each station were analyzed to obtain Urban solid use increased, and there was also land
design rainfall. function change during this time. The land
function changed from non-urban solid to urban
4. DISCUSSION solid, decreasing the water absorption capacity of
Figure 2 shows the analysis results based on the land and increasing surface runoff at the same
topography and watercourse data administered by time.
the Bumiaji sub-district government, which is split
into five river basins.
International Journal of GEOMATE, July, 2018 Vol.15, Issue 47, pp.139-144
Table 2. The analysis of land use change in the Bumiaji sub-district in the river basin area (2010)
Land Use 2010
Drainage Basin Protected Production Public Industry Trade and Green River Forest
No Area Forest Forest Facilities and Tourism Services Agriculture Housing Open Border Part
Warehousing Space
sub-drainage basin
1 1 2,114,986.24 5,620,441.14 3,594.67 129,062 - 1,937.24 1,366,573.06 643,664.03 27,388.07 249,495.95 7,706,880.19
sub-drainage basin
2 2 2,600,290.46 6,712,454.86 205,485.25 32,919.60 32,759.32 57,246.45 13,084,861.74 3,432,959.54 50,783.13 1,767,702.30 3,336,059.12
sub-drainage basin
3 3 11,212,583.21 13,729,622.61 52,509.68 71,687.60 88,770.13 205,800.40 9,765,902.52 2,627,507.76 53,061.75 242,850.90 25,052,222.13
sub-drainage basin
4 4 - 114,242.77 - 4,450.00 - 3,939.00 616,581.21 558.38 - - 13,994,929.90
sub-drainage basin
5 5 753,995.00 - - - - - - - - - 196,672.00
outside drainage
6 basin 597,801.90 527,121.75 44,059.19 1,106.00 17,343.00 19,999.19 319,705.91 239,378.75 18,206.00 5,273.20 741,372.61
Total (m2) 17,279,656.81 26,703,883.13 305,648.79 110,292.26 138,872.45 288,922.27 25,153,624.43 6,944,068.45 149,438.95 2,265,322.35 51,028,135.95
Total (Ha) 1,727.97 2,670.39 30,565 11,029 13,887 28,892 2,515.36 694,407 14,944 226,532 5,102.81
Table 3. The analysis of land use change in the Bumiaji sub-district in the river basin area (2012)
Land Use 2012
Protected Production
Drainage Basin rade and
No Area Public Facilities Tourism service Agriculture Housing reen Open Spa River Border Forest Part
Forest Forest
sub-drainage basin
1 1 2,115,045.35 5,621,535.62 3,594.67 129,062 - 1,937.24 1,367,182.83 645,647.84 27,388.07 249,703.59 7,711,122.53
sub-drainage basin
2 2 2,613,274.48 6,720,369.66 205,479.48 32,918.95 32,762.96 57,246.62 13,094,580.44 3,440,332.87 50,779.41 1,766,127.14 3,341,083.61
sub-drainage basin
3 3 11,275,108.00 13,739,187.94 52,542.45 71,696.38 89,431.17 205,856.18 9,804,330.48 2,626,739.38 53,055.11 242,940.18 25,051,824.04
sub-drainage basin
4 4 - 115,507.50 - 4,450.30 - 3,939.59 619,778.63 558,388 - - 14,005,765.33
sub-drainage basin
5 5 755,264.24 - - - - - - - - - 196,678.73
outside sub-drainage
6 basin 575,366.67 525,696.95 44,221.57 1,105.86 17,431.09 20,087.03 284,252.86 243,347.86 18,209.65 3,629.52 741,561.49
Total (m2) 17,334,058.74 26,722,297.66 305,838.17 110,300.55 139,625.22 289,066.66 25,170,125.24 6,956,626.33 149,432.24 2,262,400.43 51,048,035.73
Total (Ha) 1,733.41 2,672.23 30,584 11.03 13,963 28,907 2,517.01 695,663 14,943 226.24 5,104.80
International Journal of GEOMATE, July, 2018 Vol.15, Issue 47, pp.139-144
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