Chapter II
Chapter II
Chapter II
words, the students must be able to use English for either interactional or
transactional purposes. Therefore, the students must be taught about the
acceptable expression of language functions and formulaic expressions when
opening, responding, and terminating a conversation. For this reason, the English
teacher needs to use teaching method which the students can be involved in the
active communication.
and meaningful tasks that promote oral language. It can occur when students
collaborate in group to achieve a goal or to complete a task.
Both role play and simulation are commonly used in foreign language
classes to facilitate communicative competence. Whereas mime seems more
appropriate as a language game. It is performing actions without using words. For
instance, if someone mimes and action, the others try to guess what it is.
Functional language for a multitude of scenarios can be activated and
practiced through role play in imaginary situations. 'At the restaurant', 'Checking
in at the airport', 'Looking for lost property' are all possible role play.
From those explanation above, the writer views that role play is a
technique which involves fantasy or imagination to be someone else or to be
ourselves in a specific situation for a while, improve dialogue and create a real
world in scenario. It aims at the students to encourage thinking and creativity,
students develop and practice new language and behavioral skills in a relatively
non-threatening setting, and can create the motivation and involvement necessary
for learning to occur.
4) Call out a few other pairs of students in turn, and ask them to have other
conversation based on the prompts.
Based on these procedures, the writer views that the ways of organizing
this dialogue can be carried out into pairs of students who would improvise a
conversation in front of class, in turns. The teacher can also ask the students to
practice the conversation privately with their partners before they act it out in
front of the class.
c. Let students act out their role play, not just say them but students should read
it loudly.
d. Walk around correcting and checking.
e. Students swap roles and repeat, those whose finish first can be asked to make
up their own role play, using different words to fill the gaps.
The above procedures do not mean an exact to be used. It is flexible;
teacher can create or develop procedures which is appropriate and suitable with
his/her own class.
2.5.1 Pronunciation
Pronunciation, according to Manser (2000:3) is individual, local, or
national way of speaking. In addition, Hughes (1996:111) explains that in the
pronunciation criteria the speaker also included in accent. It means that
pronunciation is one of the most important criteria to be evaluated. In this
research, the accent refers to the ability of students in pronouncing words.
2.5.2 Grammar
According to Thornburry, grammar is partly the study of what forms (or
structures) are possible in a language (1999:1). Grammar is also one of the
elements of speech. It is essential in speaking as Lado states that speaking ability
2.5.3 Vocabulary
Vocabulary is the total number of words which (with rules for combining
them) make up the language Hornby (1978:859). Furthermore, Bygate (in
Budiharso, 2006:14) states that is obvious that in order to be able to speak a
foreign language, it is necessary to know a certain amount of grammar and
vocabulary. In this case, the researcher is going to evaluate and observe the
students speaking activity whether the students use appropriate vocabulary or not
based on the topic given.
2.5.4 Fluency
Fluency is the students ability in speaking in a well form. In the line with
this idea, Brown (2001:269) states that fluency is best achieved by allowing the
stream of speech to flow. To speak fluently does not mean speak fast. Thornbury
(2005: 6) states some features of fluency as follows:
a. Pauses may be long but not frequent.
b. Pauses are usually filled.
c. Pauses occur at meaningful transition points.
d. There are long runs of syllables and words between pauses.
In this research, fluency refers to the ability of students in speaking by
fulfilling some indicators they are production strategies, pause fillers, vagueness,
and repeats.