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THOUGHTWORKS PAPER MIET PUNE- Thought works paper on 28th July at Pune

This company is MNC It was giving package of 5.8 lacks per annum. They have very different and tough aptitude pattern. The
company is completely soft.

ThoughtWorks selection process consists 1.Written Test, 2.Programming Round, 3.Technical Round -2, 4.Hr Round
The test pattern consist of 1.Basics of c,c++ in aptitude followed by 2.Coding test 3.Technical 4.Hr Interview.
In aptitude questions were like 1.They give 11 q in 60 min. ,q3 is having 2 subq,q10,11 having 3 sub questions. if in q3 you lost 1 then
no marks for both subq.
In questions
-They give you ,on the upper side a long box array containing some digits
-below that a flowchart with different steps ,& instr in those steps ,u have to follow them ans the q below ,
-whichever ans you found, search the same in boxes n write the box no. on the front ans sheet
3Questions on finding ans of given q a/c instr given in flowchart
3 Questions on finding missing no. in the box to get the ,last
2 Questions on finding the ans a/c to given treen eg-there r 4 no. is 1greter follow this
else other path .
2 Question on finding the missing step in the algo.
1Question for fingering the correction in wrong step in algorithm
dont know about coding of luck 2 all.bye

The hiring procedure of Thought works include 5 rounds.

1) Written Test-Flow chart Test
2) Pair Programming Round
3) Technical Interview Round 1
4) Technical Interview Round 2
5) HR Round.

Thought works Written Test: Flow chart Test

Written Test will not a aptitude test. it wouldn't contain any quantitative or reasoning question. It will a flow chart round which would
be difficult to crack. Appox. only around 10% clear this round but again practice make the man perfect but still it will not easy to crack
because you don't know the correct answers and even your answers are correct but you cant remember the answer and it would become
difficult to solve the paper again in such strict time limit. Keep in mind that you are not alone who have paper everyone have paper in
there hands prior So practice very hard.
Around 400 student participated but only 31 was able to crack this round so practice hard.
Pair Programming Round:
In this round they will give you 1 problem and you have to break down the logic and code that problem with the help of your
programming partner(a person from the side of TW) in your favorite language. Main thing is that you have to take deep care of coding
scenario and naming conventions and if your are coding in object oriented language then you have to follow all the rules of OOPS.
Look at the naming convention adopted in this code. don't go for logic in deep and keep talking with your partner during this round tell
him each & everything what you are going to do. Your logic, the Name conventions, why you adopted for particular programming
language, everything share with him/her.
Only 8 students left after this round.
Technical Round 1: please be prepared. The interview is not like a other companies interview they will ask you simple question.
Pattern is very much different.
This is 2-to-1 round, you will interviewed by 2 person. The interview will start with OPPS design question in UML.
Like: Design Regulator of FAN
Design Chess Game.
Design Model for university.
And many more......
for cracking this round read OOPS book by Rambaugh.
After reading this book practice your hand on live Problems.
After oops design question they might go for a puzzles. some Algorithm design question and some question on Data Structure.
Only 1 student left after this round.
Technical Round 2 and HR In this round they will ask you some new problem from the same domain like oops, DS, ADA. Keep in
mind that keep talking with interviewer tell him/her everything.
“Why Thoughtworks, What are you expectations from Thoughtworks”,“What you can contribute to Thoughtworks, what your vision is
and what you bring to the table”


1.Written Test, 2.Programming Round, 3.Technical Round -2, 4.Hr Round

1.ThoughtWorks written test

The written test is not a technical one and not like logical reasoning on, it was little different.
They will give just 10 questions – 1 mark for each [totally 10 marks].
The questions are flow chart
The question is to just to do manipulations with the values in the box based on the flow instructions given at each level. , but they will
ask with lot of loops and lot conditions and they will would iterate for say 5 times and ask for a particular value.
Just 10 questions, no step mark , so if all 10 correct then you are sure to go for next round. Just concentrate on speed and don’t make
simple mistakes because this could reflect at various levels of iterations.
Usually they bring 5 to 6 sets of question paper! Maximum filtration will be in this round.
ThouhgtWorks Programming Round
2.Programming Round
They will ask you to do a simple problem in any languages of your choice(C,C++,Java etc..)
The problem will like you have a robot facing east initially if it has to move 3 steps north it has to satisfy some , and if it has to move
south then some other condition …this goes on. At the end they will ask where will be the robot facing at the end of some “N”
[The catch here is if you understand the problem then you will easily make through of it. So read many a times the question.]
ThoughtWorks Technical Round -1
3.Technical Round -1
This purely technical, they will drill you out with Data Structures, puzzles and mainly they will concentrate on key technologies like
Java , .Net and all languages like C# , C++, C, Java, Asp.net etc etc..
So a person strong in some key technologies and knows little basic of all possible programming languages will be a crucial factor.
ThoughtWorks Technical Round -2
3.Technical Round -2
Another round of technical interview, now they will drill you out with all sorts of questions from your resume. They will ask about your
Here too a few are eliminated. If they have a tie in selecting you and another person, then they may again call (any number of times)
you for a technical interview. They will select their right people in this round, others are eliminated.
Round-5 [HR]
Just for a formality. All who enter this stage will be a thought worker at the end of the day. Good Company. Try your best to crack it !


In this paper a number of problems are stated in the form of flow charts.
A flow chart is simply a “road map” by which you must find your way from one “town” to the next and obey every instruction you
come to.
Always follow the” road” downward or to the right, unless an arrow indicates a different direction or unless an instruction requires you
to do otherwise
When you come to a “fork” in the “road” there will be a question for you to answer. Match your answer with you “sign posts” on the
branches leading out of the fork, and you will know which way to go
When you are told to put a number into a box it is understood that whatever number was previously in that box has just been erased
All numbers used to be in the test are to be integers ( no fraction)

Problems 4-7 are slightly different from those questions just completed
In these problems, you will be told exactly what each flow chart is intended to accomplish.
You must decide what number must be in a specified box to enable someone following the flow chart to accomplish the required
No more and No less


In the following problem you are told something about the result, and you must determine what the content of the boxes must have been
, in order to obtain the result.
In these problems ,the expressions (number in box x) is abbreviated as (x)
In each of the following problem no two boxes contain the same number
The largest number_____________(a)
The smallest number ______________(b)

The largest number_____________(a)

The smallest number ______________(b)

The largest number_____________(a)

The smallest number ______________(b)

Read these Directions

In the following programme you must grasp the significance of the individual steps in the flow chart and correct an error which has
been deliberately placed there
In the following problem no two boxes contain the same number
In order to correct this flow chart we must change instruction no. ______(a)
So that the first box number mentioned in it is box number ___________(b)
And the second box number mentioned in it is box number ____________(c)

1.ThoughtWorks written test

The written test is not a technical one and not like logical reasoning on, it was little different.
They will give just 10 questions – 1 mark for each [totally 10 marks].
The questions are flow chart
The question is to just to do manipulations with the values in the box based on the flow instructions given at each level. , but
they will ask with lot of loops and lot conditions and they will would iterate for say 5 times and ask for a particular value.
Just 10 questions, no step mark , so if all 10 correct then you are sure to go for next round. Just concentrate on speed and don’t
make simple mistakes because this could reflect at various levels of iterations.
Usually they bring 5 to 6 sets of question paper! Maximum filtration will be in this round.
ThouhgtWorks Programming Round
2.Programming Round
They will ask you to do a simple problem in any languages of your choice(C,C++,Java etc..)
The problem will like you have a robot facing east initially if it has to move 3 steps north it has to satisfy some , and if it has to
move south then some other condition …this goes on. At the end they will ask where will be the robot facing at the end of some
“N” movements
[The catch here is if you understand the problem then you will easily make through of it. So read many a times the question.]
ThoughtWorks Technical Round -1
3.Technical Round -1
This purely technical, they will drill you out with Data Structures, puzzles and mainly they will concentrate on key technologies
like Java , .Net and all languages like C# , C++, C, Java, Asp.net etc etc..
So a person strong in some key technologies and knows little basic of all possible programming languages will be a crucial
ThoughtWorks Technical Round -1
3.Technical Round -2
Another round of technical interview, now they will drill you out with all sorts of questions from your resume. They will ask
about your projects
Here too a few are eliminated. If they have a tie in selecting you and another person, then they may again call (any number of
times) you for a technical interview. They will select their right people in this round, others are eliminated.
Round-5 [HR]
Just for a formality. All who enter this stage will be a thought worker at the end of the day. Good Company.

ThoughtWorks Interview Experience | Set 5 (On-Campus)

The ThoughtWorks campus drive was held and it continued for 3 days. No CGPA restrictions were imposed on students. Around 350-
400 students appeared for the campus drive.
The selection process had 6 rounds in total.
1. Short Coding round
2. Long coding round
3. Technical Interview 1
4. Technical Interview 2
5. Skype Interview
6. Phone Interview
For the coding rounds we used our laptops and a few of them used the college lab systems.Also all the rounds are elimination
rounds.You don’t get a second chance. Ruthless, right?
The rounds(as it happened) are described below.
Short Coding
In this round, a small coding question was given to solve. Time limit was 20 minutes.The question was – ” Given an even list of
integers fold it in such a way that the new list consists of the elements that have been obtained after adding the first and last element,
second and second last element , third and third last element and so on”. Here, list is not a linked list. Its a normal array.
Pretty basic stuff. Only the correct output was required to make it to the next round.
Long Coding Round
110 people made it to this round. This is the round where your object modelling skills come into play. We were expecting an OOP
problem with a time limit of 1.5 hours(which is the generic TW style) but TW decided to surprise us. They handed us a paper with a
coding problem on it. We had to show them the output within 30 minutes. It was a simple program where the scores of one round of a
tennis game was fed to us(as input from console,obviously) and we had to display the player’s name that wins. It was not difficult to
implement but they wanted us to pass all the test cases and also take care of the edge cases.
Many students could not solve this problem and were eliminated instantly. The people who solved the problem were now asked to redo
the same problem but this time they had to use object modeling (should have seen it coming, haha, because its TW). They wanted us to
take good care while declaring variable names and methods and also wanted proper classes that relate to each other. The time limit was
surprisingly 40 mins.
One important thing to understand here is that when TW gives you an OOP problem to solve, you don’t need to emphasize on finding
the solution. Instead, work on making your class model right. That is what they look for.
22 people made it to the next round.
Technical Interview 1
This was held the very next day. All 22 people were interviewed by 2 ThoughtWorkers. This is where you are drilled on almost
everything , especially object modelling.
I was probably the last one to go in for the interview.
They started with :
1. Tell me about yourself
2. The next question was a database design question. The question was :
When a flight finishes a trip , it is moved into a hangar or an open space where it is properly serviced, example, cleaning, filling fuel,
etc. before it is assigned on another trip. Suppose TW is assigned this duty of servicing the airplane. How would you design a database
that would help TW take care of this entire operation and also generate revenue by keeping track of the amount of time an airplane
spends on TW services and charge the airlines for the services.
Handle ambiguity for this problem. For example
“Are we talking about multiple airports or a single airport?”
“Are open spaces and hangars essentially the same ? ”
“Are there multiple levels? ”
“What kind of services are we talking about here? ”
“Can the same services be provided to the planes in open spaces and hangars? ”
“Size of the hangar/open space”
Then they moved to data structures and algorithms.
3. Find peak elements in an array. Given an array , reorder the array in alternate positions of peaks and valleys.
4. Give a data structure that would give us a peak element in O(1) time.
5. Some tree questions.
6. How would you find the nonveg restaurants in Siliguri? (No, the answer is not Zomato :p). Since I gave a graph solution with BFS ,
he asked me what would be a better option if the search was made from Chennai.
7. Difference between BFS abd DFS.
8. The 25 horse puzzle(standard Google question).
Technical Interview 2
Only 9 people made it to this round.
They asked me to introduce myself again.
The questions were:
1. Discussions on multithreading : Java’s multithreading mechanism, shared resource, monitor.
2. How does Java give threads access to a shared resource. Discussions on synchronization.
3. One of the interviewer gave me a small code snippet and asked me to explain the process of synchronisation. Was synchronisation
even necessary in that particular code?
4. Questions on different collection classes in JAVA
5. Search an element in a sorted rotated array. Do it in O(log n) time.(code on paper)
6. The candle puzzle
The technical interviews are extremely thorough and exhausting but if you know your stuff properly then you’ll enjoy it. The
interviewers are extremely friendly and help you if you’re stuck somewhere. Interviews are basically discussion alike, they want to test
your capability more than your knowledge. Handling ambiguity is extremely important, they want you to clarify your doubts. Before
jumping to a solution, think it through. Both of my technical interviews were around one and a half hours each.
Some interesting technical questions asked to the other interviewees were:
1. Design class model for our galaxy.
2. How does Youtube work?
3. Design an Icecream parlour.
4. Code up solutions to LinkedLists like folding, find intersection,detect cycle, find kth to last element using only 1 traversal.
5. Philosophers dining problem.
Thoughtworks Interview Experience | Set 4 (On-Campus)
Thoughtworks Technologies India Private limited, visited our college July 2015, we had tremendous experience at recruitment process
(pretty Long Article, plz bare with me till end, at the end you will find it useful)
Round one: Rapid Programming:
(Hands On Programming not Online, you can Use your Laptop) In this round they will ask to solve 5 programs in 30 min.
This round is for testing your speed of programming and this is major elimination round.You should able to solve at least 3 programs
out of 5. in this round they ask simple questions like prime no,String manipulation, anagram etc minimum sum, maximum sum etc. If
you have good practice of programming then it is easy to crack this round.
In Our college we 210 people participated and out of that we 52 people shortlisted.
Round Two:Object Oriented Programming Round:
(Hands On Programming not Online , you can Use your Laptop)
This round is to test your Object Oriented programming skills. In this round they asked to solve one program in 90 min. You should be
able to make use of abstraction, polymorphism and inheritance in in your design.
Thoughtworks is a company which gives emphasis to good design skills. In this round they will see your programming
approach/design. Some thoughtwokers also help during solving problem , they seat with us look how we approach towards solution.
In This round they will not see only Output of program but will emphasize on how good your code is, how much extensible is, how
much language constructs we have used.
In my case my program was giving Exception, Still i have shortlisted for next round.
Among 52 people we 21 get shortlisted for next round.
Some Problem Statements i found on Internet when i was studying for it.
1) Mars Rover Problem Statement:
2) IPod Inventory:
3) Hotel management:
Problem Statement :
A well renowned hotel has three branches in miami. Namely x,y and z (Actually they gave names). Each has two types of customers.
Regular and Rewardee. Also each branch has its own ratings x is given a 3 star rating while y has 5 star rating and z has 4 star rating.
Each hotel has specific rates for weekend and weekdays. x charges $100 for regular customers on weekdays and $120 on weekends
While it is $90 for rewardee on weekdays
and $60 on weekends. Similarly y charges $130 for regular customers on weekdays and $150
on weekends. While its $100 for rewardee on weekdays and $95 on weekends. While z charges $195 for regular customers on
weekdays and $150 on weekends. While its $120 for rewardee on weekdays and $90 on weekends.
Now when the customer requests for a particular detail you need to find which hotel would yield the customer profit.
In case of tie between hotels compare the ratings and provide the result.
Input format: regular:16Mar2010(sun),19Mar2010(wed),21Mar2010(Fri)
(This is the format of the question but not sure about the values).
4) Sales Tax:
Basic sales tax is applicable at a rate of 10% on all goods, except books, food, and medical products that are exempt. Import duty is an
additional sales tax applicable on all imported goods at a rate of 5%, with no exemptions.
When I purchase items I receive a receipt which lists the name of all the items and their price (including tax), finishing with the total
cost of the items, and the total amounts
of sales taxes paid. The rounding rules for sales tax are that for a tax rate of n%,
a shelf price of p contains (np/100 rounded up to the nearest 0.05) amount of sales tax.
Write an application that prints out the receipt details for these shopping baskets?
Input 1:
1 book at 12.49
1 music CD at 14.99
1 chocolate bar at 0.85
Input 2:
1 imported box of chocolates at 10.00
1 imported bottle of perfume at 47.50
This are some problem statements i provided , you surf on net to have more.
To crack this round you have to have sound knowledge of Object oriented Principle. This is also a major elimination round.
I programmed Sales tax problem in this round got shortlisted for Next round.
Out of 52 we 21 got shortlisted.
Round Three: Technical Interview 1:
This round started very next day of first two rounds so to crack this round i prepared whole night as my revision was remaining.The
Interview panel was of two peoples.Interview started with as usual introduce yourself question? In answer i given emphasis as my
favorite subjects and what project i did till that time. So interview started with project. I explained my project idea and how i given
They directly went to database design of project and asked me to give database design. I drown ER diagram and explained well but my
design was not so normalized so they asked me to convert the same design to normalized form. So i converted to well normalized form
then they asked me some nested and complex queries on same design.Then interview moved to Data structure as i already said that my
favorite Subject is DS. The first was on array and asked me to write code or algorithm. you have given array, find magic number(it is
number in array which have same index as number). After giving solution they asked me to find complexity of same code.(When you
write code in front of them they will observe your coding style) Then next question was general problem and you have to give solution
as algorithm which was again same as above bit difficult. the pattern i observed here is complexity of questions goes on increasing as u
move further in interview. Then they went to Tree and asked some question, and one of them was find weather tree is complete or
not?give solution and find complexity, i given recursive solution but unable to find complexity.
Then they asked me that do you like “OOP” i said “YES”, then again they asked to design tree Data structure using OOP principle. I
tried my best to solve same.
My interview was not so good still they liked my design so got shortlisted for next round. Out of 21 we 11 people got shortlisted.
Round Four :Technical Interview 2
Before starting of interview they collected our resume and depending upon that assigned special panel:
The interview Started with OOP problem solution: They given me the problem of card game asked to give programming solution. I
started giving solution they also helped me lot to solve the same problem. The same discussion went around 40 min. To solve problem ,
after getting satisfied they ended up discussion.
After that, as i was working as president of Walchand Linux Users’ group in my college and it was mentioned on resume so interview
went to linux. Some of questions on linux they asked:
Which OS you use on your laptop?
Why you like linux rather than Windows?
What is apt-get in linux?
What happen in background when you install package or application on linux?
Which command is used to list out all files in directory explain with some option?
What are permissions to file in linux and command to assign it?
Which command is used to see all running all program?
Which command is used to get process id of process, and how to end that process?
How to kill process if we are not able to kill using normal >kill pid command?
What is piplining in linux?
How to make use of piplining and give some example command making use of piplining?
and so on..
With this questions my interview ended from linux, they they asked some HR questions like Why you want to join Thoughtworks? Etc.
As thoughtworks doesn’t work much on Linux platform still they asked on linux that means “they will not see totally what they want
but also what you have unique with you”
Some Of Observation and Suggestions of Interview Questions:
Be loyal in interview give them respect.
If you didn’t get question properly, then ask multiple time.
Be confident, they are very friendly.
If you are not comfortable then take your time to be.
Don’t answer the questions directly, first analyse that what they expect from you and then answer.
If you don’t know at all they frankly say,”Sir/mam i didn’t gone through this concept but i will study this afterwords” rather than saying
“Don’t know”
If you know some part of answer but unable to remind then you can take time and also ask from hint sometime.
Don’t give fake answer, they can reject you on same time. And don’t try to make them fool.
This round was so good and i got shortlisted!!!!!, among 11 we 6 get shortlisted for next round;
Round 5: Logical Reasoning Test:
In This round they gave us booklet of questions, the questions were on flowchart and we have to find the answer.
Search for flowchart on Internet Practice them they are so easy.
At WCE we 6 people got shortlisted and all cracked round.
Round 6: HR Interview :
This round was on Skype and on General social discussion. My interview started at 11 pm and ended at 1 am.
In this interview they asked me opinion on some social issues, like BJP, Madarsa issue, India Bangladesh agreement, casteism in india
etc. It was general discussion.
They will observe your attitude, and also check how social you are.
After This whole process of Thoughtworks we 6 people were waiting for result and at second day we got result as all 6 people got
selected !!!!!!!
Thoughtworks is very good company and called as india’s google. Prepare well for it,,,,
Best Of Luck!!!!!
I got Offer for joining in May 2016 after finishing my college. now working in TW, The Best place to work, Best peoples to work with.
Thoughtworks Interview Experience | Set 3 (On-Campus)
Thoughtworks visited our campus there were three rounds.

Round 1: It is divided into two parts:

a).Short Coding Round
b).Long Coding Round
a).Short Coding Round:-
In short coding round they concern only about output. Time limit of short coding round is 20 min.
Problem Statement: – You are given a dictionary (a set of words). They will enter a set of characters you have to print all the words that
can be formed using these characters.
dict:- { “Rat”, “mat” ,”bat”, “chat”,
“cat”, “tab”, “fab”, “batt” }
chars:- t a b c

output:- bat, cat, tab

Out of 140 only 14 students qualified for next round.
b). Long Coding Round:-
In this round they also concern about approach, how u name the variables, function, oops approach.
Time limit of this part is 90 min.
Problem Statement: – In a movie theatre 2 shows are running. You are given available seat of both show. There are some groups who
want to book the tickets so first ask the show no. and then check whether seats are available or not if available then book their seats else
ask them to enter seats again.
After each successful booking print total available seats and total booked seats.
Show 1:
Available seat:- A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A9

Show 2:
Available seat:- A1,A2,A4,A5,A6,B1,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7

Group1: -
Enter show no:- 1
Enter seats:- A1, A4
Print:- “Successfully booked”
Available seat:- A2,A3,A5,A6,A9
Booked Seat:- A1,A4
Enter show no:- 1
Enter seats:- A1, A3
Print : - seat A1 not available please try again.
Out of 14 students only 7 are qualified for next round.
Round 2:-
Technical Interview :-
After introduction they asked about projects. I did my final year project in android so they asked me why you use Json , what is json,
how you store your databse.
Then they asked about favourite subject i told them DSA.
They asked me my fav. Data structure I told them linked list. Then they asked few questions i.e
Insert a node in linked list.
How you implement stack using linked list.
Delete nth node in linked list.
Delete second last node in linked list
Delete second last node in doubly linked list.
Which language do you prefer for coding.
Difference between C and C++.
Are you comfortable with SQL, Oracle database?
Any project on OOPS?
Out of 7, only 1 student selected for HR round.
Round 3:-
HR round:-
Thoughtworks Interview Experience | Set 2 (Off-Campus)
Geeksforgeeks has helped me a lot. In order to help other students I would like to share my experience.
Step 1:
I applied through a “ThoughtWorks women hiring challenge” contest organized by Hackerearth. In contest there were 10 mcqs on oops
concept and computer fundamentals and 2 normal coding questions out of which we were supposed to solve only one.
Step 2:
After I got selected in the Contest I got an assignment consisting of two standard questions of thoughtworks and I was supposed to
submit code of any one of them.
My questions were:
1. Merchant’s Guide to the Galaxy
2. Conference Track Management
If you google for Thoughtworks standard questions, You will get the list of all the question along with their solutions.
After I submitted my code, I got a call to come to their office to proceed for further rounds.
Round 1: Code pair Round
One Thoughtworks’s developer sat with me and asked me to modify the code (which I had submitted in assignment) as per her
Round 2: Logical Test
It was a 75 min test consisting of 11 flow chart problem. Problems were a little confusing and time taking so if you do it with patience,
they are easy to solve.
Round 3: Accuracy Test
This round was for testing the speed and accuracy. There were 50 very simple questions and time given was 12 min. Solving 30
uestions was sufficient as the accuracy was more important. There was negative marking for both wrong answer and for skipping any
Round 4: Technical interview 1
1. Brief Discussion on project
2. Discussion on linked list and array
3. How you can achieve fast access in linked list.
4. Question on binary search tree.
5. How will you balance a binary search tree?
6. Find the height of a tree.
7. Check for duplicate elements in binary tree.
8. Design a file system for OS.
9. One puzzle
Round 5: Technical interview 2
1. Detailed discussion on project
2. Few questions from electronics subjects to test my knowledge
in my field.
3. Question on database design and SQL query.
4. How the friend’s list are maintained in Facebook.
5. Few questions from extracurricular activities which were
mentioned in my Resume.
Round 6: P3 round (Three pillars of Thoughtworks)
General discussion on some social issues like Farmer’s Suicide and Uber Cab rape case. (In this round you need to express your views
but you need to show some empathy as well)
Round 7: Leadership Round
Started with the introduction and then she gave me some situations that how will you handle in that case.
Thoughtworks Interview Experience | Set 1 (On-Campus)
Last week thoughtworks visited our campus there were three rounds.
Q1) Draw following pattern.

Sol.) https://ide.geeksforgeeks.org/7bdUSi
Q2) Draw following pattern.

Sol.) https://ide.geeksforgeeks.org/tF6llx
(Graphics doesn’t matter the code should be right. Languages : C, C++, JAVA)
Q1) Make a snake game.

Q2) Make a snake and ladder game.

Basic HR questions.
ThoughtWorks Interview Questions
Posted on :27-04-2016
Q1. What is Normalization?
Q2. Print prime palindromes in a given range of number.
eg. 101
Q3. How to create and host a site in internet with your pc as sever for hosting?
Q4. What is destructor?
Q5. How to create and host a site in internet?
Q6. Difference between C++ and Java?
Q7. Write a program to explain purpose of destructor?
Q8. What type of language is JAVASCRIPT?
Q9. What all things are done inside a destructor?
Q10. How destructor is called?
Q11. What is composite primary key?
Q12. What is the difference between free and delete function (C & C++)?
Q13. State any three normal forms.
Q14. How will you design a visitor entry management system?
Q15. What is a knapsack problem?
Q16. Design a minesweeper game of N*N grid.
Q17. How does a web chat work?
Q18. Using recursion, print numbers of an array.
Q19. What is Extreme Programming (XP)?
Q20. Why we use normalization? Is it necessary to have normalized tables?

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