String manipulation. 2) Given a no, you have to tell whether the binary digits
generated are palindrome or not. Array cannot be used. 3) Pattern generator if no
given are evenI/p-4 O/p-
Sum is 33. Zoho Corp Interview Experience (On-Campus) Round 1 (Written Test): Pen
and Paper test on C & C++ Language and Logical questions (Quantitative Aptitude and
Reasoning). C & C++ Language questions based on pointer, recursion (Duration-2 hrs)
C & C++ Language : C & C++ and 10 questions (1 mark each) Advanced C & C++ Language
: C & C++ and 10 questions(2 marks each)
Logical Questions : Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning(1 mark each) *Note: It was
not a MCQ Test we have to write the Answers for every questions for C & C++
Language we have to write the output there was no negative marking for wrong
Round 2 (Competitive coding): It was a offline test on our campus lab . it consists
5 questions. Even if you solve 3 you will get into next round. They want Clarity,
Quality, Boundary Condition, Efficiency (Any Language you can use its on you).
(Duration-3 hrs) 1 : https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/jobsequencing-problem-set-1-
greedy-algorithm/ 2 : https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/longestincreasing-subsequence-
3 : https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/search-a-wordin-a-2d-grid-of-characters/\ 4 : ATM
Machine Problem given notes of 1000, 500, 100, 50, 20, 10(Number of notes given at
the starting point and we have to N transactions if amount present return the
amount present in ATM decrease count of notes and if not present then display �no
sufficient amount�)
number of players are odd then the last one gets bonus point 1 we have to display
the winner of each match with both player at every round we have to display score
of every player, and we have to assign match according to there score and once two
player played a match they are not allowed to play match in the same pair we have
to display the winner of the �Chess Tournament� and also the cumulative score
(bonus points are not allowed to add).(Duration-3 hrs) A Technical team Member is
there you can discuss if you have any problem they can explain problem to you if
5 : Given the Text and we have to find the Pattern They can ask anything from your
code so prepared with all your concepts .�
? ->means one characters are missing * -> means multiple characters are missing
Example: Text Output
baaabab TRUE
baaabab TRUE
baaabab TRUE
baaabab FALSE