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1.zoho Corporation

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Date of 18.07.

Knowledge Institute of technology Interview
Department of Placement & Training On / Off ON
Zoho Corporation Student Feedback
Venue KIOT
Form Consolidation
Rounds ✔ Written test
✔ Programming level - 1
✔ Programming level - 2
✔ Technical Interview
✔ HR Interview

Written test ✔ 20 Questions(10 from C apps and 10 from general Apps)

(1.15 hrs)
✔ Loops & increment operators
✔ A electric post half is covered by land and other 1/3 is covered
by water and 2/3 is a feet. Find the total length?
✔ Cost of 1 chocolate is Rs.1. A man has Rs.15. if a man can return 3
covers he can get 1 chocolate. how many chocolate he can buy? ✔
The average age of 3 men is 40. If the age of 1 man is 36 then what
is the average of remaining two person together?
✔ Pole is fixed in lake. 1/2 part is inside the land, 1/3 part is in
the water. 9 feet is above water level. What is the total height? ✔
Square steel frame is to be fixed to a wooden box. Each side
requires 30 nails. For covering the box. Calculate the total no. of
✔ A can do a work in 4 days, B can do a work in 5 days. A, B, C
can together do in 2 days. In how many days c alone
complete the work?
✔ At midnight 12.00 ‘o’ clock, the clock delayed by 1 min/hr, at
13.46 the clock was stopped for half an hour. Calculate the
correct time?
✔ A can do a work in 15 day and B can do a work in 30 day.
They joint together and also C can also joint and do in 6
days. How many day can C alone done the work?
✔ Looping statement program
✔ Comparison of strings
Programming L1 ✔ 3 questions on Programming. 3 hrs duration.
✔ Input: Program, Basic Output:
✔ Make a array ascending in odd position and descending in
even position
✔ Input: 1,8,9,10,5,2,3 Output: 10,1,9,2,8,3,5
✔ Top 3 repeated numbers, Input:
34,3,6,9,4,15,3,4,5,15,3,2,4. Output: 3,4,15

✔ Find the top 3 repeating numbers in a array.

✔ Complex multiplication
✔ Check diagonal element in a matrix
✔ Check upper or lower triangular matrix
✔ 90˚ rotation of a matrix
✔ Loop, recursive function, pointers ,string
✔ Spiral matrix
✔ Sin series
✔ Transpose matrix
✔ Fourier series
✔ Dynamic program, sum of two numbers nearer to zero in an
array ✔ Common elements in all rows of matrix
✔ Complex number addition, multiplication
✔ Mathematical operation of a string(135*+)((1*3)+5)
Programming L2 ✔ Only one program – 3 hrs
✔ In a array of elements find which two element is summed will
be zero. No. of element 5. Elements {1,-3,4,7,-6} output: [1,-3] ✔
Program to mirror the matrix without using an additional array.
✔ Programs based on matrix, pointer, array.
✔ To find: no. of child and grand child.(do not use loops for, while,
do while) Eg. Ronaldo. 1. No. of child: 2 2. No. of grand child: 3
(Child) (Father)
<shaw, rooney>
<rooney, Ronaldo>
<raman, Ronaldo>
<dhasarathan, shaw>
<lakshman, raman>
<Vicky, raman>
✔ Sum of 2 no’s which is nearest to zero: input:
41,38,-35,- 42,6,0,81,-65. Output: [41,-42]
✔ Input : duplicate row: 1 0 1 duplicate column: 1 0 1
✔ Input: repeated element in every row: 2
✔ a +b2 = c2: input: 3,4,6,8,5,8. Output: [3,4,5] =

>32+42=52 ✔ input:
✔ output:

upper lower diagonal

✔ Spiral matrix
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
Output: 1,2,3,4,8,12,16,15,14,13,9,5,6,7,11,10
✔ Find the sum of largest sub matrix.

Technical ✔ Basics of OOPs

✔ Puzzles
Interview ✔ Basics of DBMS
✔ Explain the logic of sin(x) series
✔ Given 8 matchstick arranged in square shape and additionally 3
match stick were given divide the square into two equal part
using 3 match stick.

HR Interview ✔ Why you choose this company?

✔ Tell briefly about the company?
✔ Why you not go for other company?

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