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Petitioner ,
G. R. No. 119500

August 28, 1998






In dismissing the Petition, this Court reiterates the following doctrines: [1] the
"boundary system" used in taxi [and jeepney] operations presupposes an
employer-employee relation; [2] the employer must prove just [or authorized]
cause and due process to justify dismissal of an employee; [3] strained relations
must be demonstrated as a fact; and [4] back wages and reinstatement are
necessary consequences of illegal dismissal.

The Case

Before Us is a Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition with Preliminary Injunction

assailing the December 16, 1994 Decision of the National Labor Relations
Commission [1] in NLRC NCR Case No. 00-02-01564-94 entitled "Wilfredo Melchor
vs. Paguio Transport Corporation/Serafin Paguio." The dispositive portion of the
challenged Decision reads:

"WHEREFORE, premises considered, the appeal insofar as it seeks reversal of the

finding on illegal dismissal is denied for lack of merit. The decision declaring that
complainant was illegally dismissed is affirmed. The decision is however partially
modified insofar as liability therefor is concerned. The liability shall inure against
Paguio Transport Corporation, subject to the provision of the Corporation Code and
the Rules of Court on matters taken herein. The backwages as computed in the
assailed decision is set aside, and a new one is hereby provided in the amount of
P86,400.00 as computed in the immediately preceding paragraph."

Petitioner also impugns the February 21, 1995 NLRC Resolution [2] denying the
motion for reconsideration.

The June 28, 1994 Decision of the Labor Arbiter [3] which the NLRC modified as to
the amount of back wages, disposed as follows:

"WHEREFORE, the respondents are hereby ordered to reinstate the complainant

with full backwages from the time his salaries were withheld from him until his
actual reinstatement.

"The respondents are further ordered to pay him his 13th month pay in the amount
of P5,600.00.
"Complainant's backwages up to the date of this Decision as computed by LEILANI
E. CALALANG of the Commission's NLRC NCR Branch is:

"11/28/93 - 6/28/94 = 7 mos.

P800.00 x 3 days x 4 weeks = P9,600.00
P9,600.00 x 7 mos. = P67.200.00

"The aspect of reinstatement either in the job or payroll at the option of the
employers being immediately executory pursuant to Article 223 of the Labor Code,
the respondents are hereby directed to so reinstate him when he reports for work
by virtue of this Decision.

"Other claims are hereby dismissed for lack of evidence."

The Facts

The facts as summarized in the challenged Decision, are as follows:

"Complainant Wilfredo Melchor was hired by respondent company as a taxi driver

on 25 December 1992 under the 'boundary system.' He was engaged to drive the
taxi unit assigned to him on a 24-hour schedule per trip every two [2] days, for
which he used to earn an average income from P500 to P700 per trip, exclusive of
the P650.00 boundary and other deductions imposed on him. On 24 [sic] November
1993, complainant allegedly met a vehicular accident along Quirino Avenue near
the PNR Station and Plaza Dilao when he accidentally bumped a car which stopped
at the intersection even when the traffic light was green and go. After he submitted
the traffic accident report to the office of respondents, he was allegedly advised to
stop working and have a rest. After several days, he allegedly reported for work
only to be told that his service was no longer needed. Hence, the complaint for
illegal dismissal, among others.

"Respondents, for their part, maintained that complainant was not illegally
dismissed, there being in the first place no employer-employee relationship
between them. In amplification, it was argued that the element of control which
was a paramount test to determine the existence of such a relationship [was]
lacking. So too, it argued the element of the payment of compensation. Considering
that in lieu of the latter, payment of boundary is instead made allegedly makes the
relationship between them of a 'wase-agreement' [sic]. Respondents then argued
that even if an employer-employee relationship were to be presumed as present,
still complainant's termination arose out of a valid cause and after he refused to
articulate his stand on the investigation being conducted on him. Respondents then
harped on the supposed three occasions when complainant figured in a vehicular
accident involving the taxi unit he was driving, viz: On August 3, which resulted in
damages to the respondent in the amount of P150.00; On August 4 which again
resulted in the damages to the respondent in the amount of P615.00; and again on
4 November 1993, the mishap costing the respondents this time P25,370.00 in
damages. As a result of the alleged compounded damages which the respondents
had to shoulder on account of the supposed reckless driving of the complainant, the
former was allegedly left with no alternative but to ask complainant's explanation
why he should still be allowed to drive. Complainant, despite several chances,
allegedly failed to do so." [4]

Ruling of the NLRC

The NLRC held that private respondent was an illegally dismissed employee of
petitioner. Upholding the existence of an employer-employee relationship, it cited
Doce v. WCC, [5] in which the Supreme Court ruled that "the relationship created
between the parties operating under a 'boundary system' is one of an employer and
employee, and not of a lessor and a lessee." [6]

The NLRC sustained the ruling of the Labor Arbiter that the private respondent was
illegally dismissed for he "was not afforded the twin requirements of due
process." [7] It rejected petitioner's claim that private respondent had figured in
three vehicular incidents because of his reckless driving. It found that "except for
petitioner's bare statements, no proof was presented to establish with particularity
the circumstances being claimed. The guilt and culpability of [private respondent]
which would give [petitioner] valid ground to effect his dismissal cannot be
established by a mere allegation of his reckless driving." [8]

Public Respondent NLRC found petitioner liable for backwages in the amount of
P86,400, and not P67,200 as computed by the labor arbiter. It found, however,
that this liability should be imposed on Petitioner Corporation only, and not on its
president who was also impleaded by private respondent.

Hence, this Petition. [9]


Petitioner raises the following issues:

"[a] Whether or not public respondent Commission acted in excess of jurisdiction

and/or with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction in ordering
the reinstatement of private respondent with full backwages, despite its strained
relations with the petitioner and the reinstatement would, in effect, be inimical to
the interest of the latter in particular, and to the riding public in general;

"[b] Whether or not public respondent acted in excess of jurisdiction and/or with
grave abuse of discretion in refusing to reconsider its decision and resolution
complained of despite the facts prevailing to support the reconsideration." [10]

In resolving the Petition, We shall address the following points: [1] employer-
employee relation; [2] presence of just cause; [3] due process; [4] strained
relationship; and [5] propriety of reinstatement and backwages.

The Court's Ruling

The petition is not meritorious.

First Issue:

Employer-Employee Relation

Under the "boundary system," private respondent was engaged to drive petitioner's
taxi unit on a 24-hour schedule every two days. On each such trip, private
respondent remitted to petitioner a "boundary" of P650. Whatever he earned in
excess of that amount was considered his income.

Petitioner argues that under said arrangement, he had no control over the number
of hours private respondent had to work and the routes he had to take. Therefore,
he concludes that the employer-employee relationship cannot be deemed to exist.

Petitioner's contention is not novel. In Martinez v. National Labor Relations

Commission, [11] this Court already ruled that the relationship of taxi owners and
taxi drivers is the same as that between jeepney owners and jeepney drivers under
the "boundary system." In both cases, the employer-employee relationship was
deemed to exist, viz:

"The relationship between jeepney owners/operators on one hand and jeepney

drivers on the other under the boundary system is that of employer-employee and
not of lessor-lessee. In the lease of chattels, the lessor loses complete control over
the chattel leased. In the case of jeepney owners/operators and jeepney drivers,
the former exercise supervision and control over the latter. The fact that the drivers
do not receive fixed wages but get only the excess of that so-called boundary they
pay to the owner/operator is not sufficient to withdraw the relationship between
them from that of employer and employee. The doctrine is applicable in the present
case. Thus, private respondents were employees.because they had been engaged
to perform activities which were usually necessary or desirable in the usual trade or
business of the employer."[12]

Second Issue:

Just Cause

Petitioner also asserts that private respondent's involvement in three vehicular

accidents within a span of several months constitutes just cause for his dismissal. It
alleges that, according to the police report concerning the most recent and serious
vehicular mishap, it was private respondent who was at fault and that the "city
prosecutor of Quezon City recommended that an Information for reckless
imprudence resulting in damage to property be filed against him."[13]

Petitioner, however, did not submit any proof to support these allegations. Well-
settled is the rule that the employer has the burden of proving that the dismissal of
an employee is for a just cause. The failure of the employer to discharge this
burden means that the dismissal is not justified and that the employee is entitled to
reinstatement and backwages. [14] In this case, petitioner failed to prove any just
or authorized cause for his dismissal. Private respondent, therefore, must be
deemed illegally dismissed. [15]

Petitioner contends that he "submitted and presented material and competent

documentary evidence consisting of police reports of vehicular accidents of taxicab
units owned by petitioner and driven by private respondent, the repairs and
expenses suffered by the petitioner as a result thereof and the resolution of the City
Prosecutor of Quezon City finding private respondent at fault for the November 4,
1993 vehicular accident caused by the latter." [16] Adding that the submission of
these documents only on appeal does not diminish their probative value, petitioner
cites Article 221 of the Labor Code which reads:
"Article 221. Technical rules not binding and prior resort to amicable settlement. -
In any proceeding before the Commission or any of the Labor Arbiters, the rules of
procedure prevailing in courts of law and equity shall not be controlling and it is the
spirit and intention of the Code that the Commission and its members and the
Labor Arbiters shall use every and all reasonable means to ascertain the facts in
each case speedily and objectively without regard to technicalities of law and
procedure, all in the interest of due process. In any proceeding before the
Commission or any Labor Arbiter, the parties may be represented by legal counsel
but it shall be the duty of the Chairman, any Presiding Commissioner or
Commissioner or any Labor Arbiter to exercise complete control of the proceedings
at all stages.

"Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, the Labor Arbiter shall exert
all efforts towards [t]he amicable settlement of a labor dispute within his
jurisdiction on or before the first hearing. The same rule shall apply to the
Commission in the exercise of its original jurisdiction."

However, a careful examination of both the original Complaint and the Petitioner's
Memorandum of Appeal from the Labor Arbiter's Decision reveals that said pieces of
documentary evidence were not mentioned or included therein, [17] but were
submitted by petitioner only when he filed his present petition with this Court.
These pieces of evidence were attached and referred to as Annexes "G", "H", "I",
"J", "K" and "L" of the said petition. Such factual issues cannot be resolved in a
Petition for Certiorari like the present case, because the Court's review of NLRC
Decisions is limited to questions of jurisdiction and grave abuse of discretion. In
PMI Colleges v. NLRC, [18] the Court held:

"This Court is definitely not the proper venue to consider this matter for it is not a
trier of factsCertiorari is a remedy narrow in its scope and inflexible in character. It
is not a general utility tool in the legal workshop. Factual issues are not a proper
subject for certiorari, as the power of the Supreme Court to review labor cases is
limited to the issue of jurisdiction and grave abuse of discretion.

"Of the same tenor was our disquisition in Ilocos Sur Electric Cooperative, Inc. v.
NLRC where we made plain that:

'In certiorari proceedings under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, judicial review by this
Court does not go so far as to evaluate the sufficiency of evidence upon which the
Labor Arbiter and the NLRC based their determinations, the inquiry being limited
essentially to whether or not said public respondents had acted without or in excess
of [their] jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion.'

"Our deference to the expertise acquired by quasi-judicial agencies and the limited
scope granted Us in the exercise of certiorari jurisdiction restrain us from going so
far as to probe into the correctness of a tribunal's evaluation of evidence, unless
there is a palpable mistake and complete disregard thereof in which case certiorari
would be proper. In plain terms, in certiorari proceedings, we are concerned with
mere errors of jurisdiction and not errors of judgment."

Equally devoid of correctness is petitioner's claim that the documents should be

considered pursuant to Article 221 of the Labor Code which states that technical
rules are not binding in proceedings before the Labor Arbiters and the NLRC. The
Supreme Court is not a trier of facts; as earlier stated, its jurisdiction in a Petition
for Certiorari, like the present case, is confined to questions of jurisdiction and
grave abuse of discretion. The unexplained failure of petitioner to present its
evidence before the labor arbiter and the NLRC cannot compel this Court to expand
the scope of its review. Indeed, petitioner has not proffered a sufficient reason for
this Court to do so.

Petitioner's reliance on Canete v. National Labor Relations Commission [19] is

misplaced. In that case, the documents were submitted to the NLRC before they
were tackled by the Supreme Court.

Private respondent's admission that he was involved in the November 4, 1993

accident did not give petitioner a just cause to dismiss him. Mere involvement in an
accident, absent any showing of fault or recklessness on the part of an employee, is
not a valid ground for dismissal.

Third Issue:

No Due Process

Petitioner insists that private respondent was accorded due process, because he
was allowed to explain his side and to show cause why he should still be allowed to
act as one of petitioner's drivers.

This does not persuade. The Court has consistently held that in the dismissal of
employees, the twin requirements of notice and hearing are essential elements of
due process. The employer must furnish the worker two written notices: [1] one to
apprise him of the particular acts or omissions for which his dismissal is sought;
and [2] the other to inform him of his employer's decision to dismiss him. As to the
requirement of a hearing, the essence of due process lies simply in an opportunity
to be heard, and not always and indispensably in an actual hearing. [20]

In the present case, petitioner failed to present proof, other than its bare
allegations, that it had complied with these requirements. [21] We reiterate: the
burden of proof rests on the employer. Private respondent, in fact, was not given
notice that he was being dismissed. When ordered to explain the vehicular accident
that happened on November 4, 1993, he was not informed that petitioner was
contemplating his dismissal and that his involvement in said vehicular accident was
the cause thereof. Private respondent was merely asked to explain the vehicular
accident per se, not his defense against a charge of dismissal arising from the
vehicular accident. He became aware of his employer's intention to dismiss him
only when he was actually told not to report for work anymore.

Fourth Issue:

Strained Relations

Notwithstanding its failure to prove just cause and due process in the dismissal of
private respondent, petitioner seeks to bar his reinstatement by invoking the
doctrine of strained relations. It contends that as a result of private respondent's
"reckless and incompetent manner of driving, compounded by the damages
suffered by petitioner in terms of repairs, related expenses, and the institution of
the instant case, the relationship between the parties are so strained as to preclude
a harmonious working atmosphere to the prejudice of the petitioner as well as
private respondent." [22]

We are not persuaded. Strained relations must be demonstrated as a fact.

Petitioner failed to do so. Its allegation that private respondent was incompetent
and reckless in his manner of driving, which led to his involvement in three
vehicular accidents, is not supported by the records. As earlier noted, no evidence
was properly submitted by petitioner to prove or give credence to his assertions.
Thus, Respondent NLRC ruled:

"Despite allegation on the matter, not an iota of proof was presented to establish
the claim. This observation equally applies to the allegation that complainants, in
three [3] occasions had figured in [a] vehicular accident due to his reckless
driving." [23]

Because the claim of petitioner has no factual basis, the doctrine on strained
relations cannot be applied in this case. Moreover, the filing of the Complaint for
illegal dismissal does not by itself justify the invocation of this doctrine. As the
Court held in Capili vs. NLRC: [24]

"The doctrine on 'strained relations' cannot be applied indiscriminately since every

labor dispute almost invariably results in 'strained relations'; otherwise,
reinstatement can never be possible simply because some hostility is engendered
between the parties as a result of their disagreement. That is human nature."
Fifth Issue:

Reinstatement and Back Wages

Because he was illegally dismissed, private respondent is entitled to reinstatement

and back wages pursuant to Section 279 of the Labor Code which reads:

"Art. 279. Security of Tenure. - In cases of regular employment, the employer shall
not terminate the services of an employee except for a just cause or when
authorized by this Title. An employee who is unjustly dismissed from work shall be
entitled to reinstatement without loss of seniority rights and other privileges and to
his full backwages, inclusive of allowances, and to his other benefits or their
monetary equivalent computed from the time his compensation was withheld from
him up to the time of his actual reinstatement."

Interpreting this provision, the Court held in Bustamante v. NLRC [25] that illegally
dismissed employees are entitled to full back wages without conditions or
limitations, viz.:

"A closer adherence to the legislative policy behind Rep. Act No. 6715 points to 'full
backwages' as meaning exactly that, i.e., without deducting from backwages the
earnings derived elsewhere by the concerned employee during the period of his
illegal dismissal. In other words, the provision calling for 'full backwages' to illegally
dismissed employees is clear, plain and free from ambiguity and, therefore, must
be applied without attempted or strained interpretation."

The Labor Arbiter awarded backwages in the sum of P67,200 based on the following

"11/28/93 - 6/28/94 = 7 mos.

P800.00 x 3 days x 4 weeks = P9,600.00
P9,600 x 7 mos. = P67,200.00" [26]

In modifying the foregoing award, the NLRC relied on this other formula:

"11/28/93 - 11/28/94 = 12 months

P600.00 x 3 days x 4 weeks = P7,200.00
P7,200 x 12 months = P86,400.00." [27]
Although the NLRC adjusted the amount of private respondent's monthly income
and the period during which backwages may be awarded, neither the petitioner nor
the private respondent questioned the new computation. Accordingly, We sustain
the award but stress that the backwages ought to be computed from the time of
the illegal dismissal to the time of reinstatement, either actual or in the payroll,
without any deduction or qualification.

WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby dismissed for utter lack of merit, and the
assailed Decision and Resolution are hereby affirmed. Costs against petitioners.


Davide, Jr., J ., Vitug and Quisumbing, JJ ., concur.

Bellosillo, JJ., took no part; did not participate in deliberations.

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